This commit is contained in:
3 changed files with 2062 additions and 0 deletions
Normal file
Normal file
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load diff
Executable file
Executable file
@ -0,0 +1,164 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import os
from PIL import Image
from PIL import ImageDraw
import json
from optparse import OptionParser
import ox
from ox.image import drawText, wrapText
import sys
root_dir = os.path.normpath(os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..')))
static_root = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'data')
def render_poster(data, poster):
title = ox.decode_html(data.get('title', ''))
director = ox.decode_html(', '.join(data.get('director', [])))
if not director and "type" in data:
director = ", ".join(data["type"])
year = str(data.get('year', ''))
series = data.get('isSeries', False)
oxdb_id = data['oxdbId']
imdb_id = data['id']
frame = data.get('frame')
timeline = data.get('timeline')
def get_oxdb_color(oxdb_id, series=False):
i = int(round((int(oxdb_id[2:10], 16) * 762 / pow(2, 32))))
if data.get('type') == ["Original"]:
i = 0
elif data.get('type') == ["Background"]:
i = 200
elif data.get('type') == ["Forground"]:
i = 400
elif data.get('type') == ["Annimation"]:
i = 600
if i < 127:
color = (127, i, 0)
elif i < 254:
color = (254 - i, 127, 0)
elif i < 381:
color = (0, 127, i - 254)
elif i < 508:
color = (0, 508 - i, 127)
elif i < 635:
color = (i - 508, 0, 127)
color = (127, 0, 762 - i)
if series:
color = tuple(map(lambda x: x + 128, color))
return color
poster_width = 640
poster_height = 1024
poster_ratio = poster_width / poster_height
poster_image = Image.new('RGB', (poster_width, poster_height))
draw = ImageDraw.Draw(poster_image)
font_file = os.path.join(static_root, 'DejaVuSansCondensedBold.ttf')
font_size = {
'small': 28,
'large': 42,
# frame
frame_width = poster_width
frame_ratio = 4 / 3
frame_height = int(round(frame_width / frame_ratio))
if frame:
frame_image = Image.open(frame)
frame_image_ratio = frame_image.size[0] / frame_image.size[1]
if frame_ratio < frame_image_ratio:
frame_image = frame_image.resize((int(frame_height * frame_image_ratio), frame_height), Image.LANCZOS)
left = int((frame_image.size[0] - frame_width) / 2)
frame_image = frame_image.crop((left, 0, left + frame_width, frame_height))
frame_image = frame_image.resize((frame_width, int(frame_width / frame_image_ratio)), Image.LANCZOS)
top = int((frame_image.size[1] - frame_height) / 2)
frame_image = frame_image.crop((0, top, frame_width, top + frame_height))
poster_image.paste(frame_image, (0, 0))
# timeline
timeline_width = poster_width
timeline_height = 64
if timeline:
timeline_image = Image.open(timeline)
timeline_image = timeline_image.resize((timeline_width, timeline_height), Image.LANCZOS)
poster_image.paste(timeline_image, (0, frame_height))
# text
text_width = poster_width
text_height = poster_height - frame_height - timeline_height
text_top = frame_height + timeline_height
text_bottom = text_top + text_height
text_margin = 16
text_color = get_oxdb_color(oxdb_id, series)
font_color = tuple(map(lambda x: x - 128 if series else x + 128, text_color))
draw.rectangle([(0, text_top), (text_width, text_bottom)], fill=text_color)
offset_top = text_top + text_margin
if not director:
title_max_lines = 7
title_max_lines = min(len(wrapText(title, text_width - 2 * text_margin, 0, font_file, font_size['large'])), 6)
director_max_lines = 9 - int((title_max_lines * 3 - 1) / 2)
if director:
lines = wrapText(director, text_width - 2 * text_margin, director_max_lines, font_file, font_size['small'])
for i, line in enumerate(lines):
size = drawText(poster_image, (text_margin, offset_top), line, font_file, font_size['small'], font_color)
offset_top += font_size['small'] + 2
offset_top += size[1] - font_size['small'] + text_margin / 2
lines = wrapText(title, text_width - 2 * text_margin, title_max_lines, font_file, font_size['large'])
for i, line in enumerate(lines):
size = drawText(poster_image, (text_margin, offset_top + 5), line, font_file, font_size['large'], font_color)
offset_top += font_size['large'] + 3
offset_top += size[1] - font_size['small'] + text_margin / 2
if year:
drawText(poster_image, (text_margin, offset_top), year, font_file, font_size['small'], font_color)
item_id = imdb_id or oxdb_id
drawText(poster_image, (text_margin, text_bottom - text_margin - font_size['large'] + 2), item_id, font_file, font_size['large'], font_color)
# logo
logo_height = 32
logo_image = Image.open(os.path.join(static_root, '..', '..', 'static', 'png', 'logo.png'))
logo_width = int(round(logo_height * logo_image.size[0] / logo_image.size[1]))
logo_image = logo_image.resize((logo_width, logo_height), Image.LANCZOS)
logo_left = text_width - text_margin - logo_width
logo_top = text_bottom - text_margin - logo_height
for y in range(logo_height):
for x in range(logo_width):
poster_color = poster_image.getpixel((logo_left + x, logo_top + y))
logo_color = logo_image.getpixel((x, y))[0]
alpha = logo_image.getpixel((x, y))[3]
if series:
poster_color = tuple(map(lambda x: int(x - (logo_color - 16) * alpha / 255), poster_color))
poster_color = tuple(map(lambda x: int(x + (logo_color - 16) * alpha / 255), poster_color))
poster_image.putpixel((logo_left + x, logo_top + y), poster_color)
i '''
def main():
parser = OptionParser()
parser.add_option('-d', '--data', dest='data', help='json file with metadata', default=None)
parser.add_option('-p', '--poster', dest='poster', help='Poster (image file to be written)')
(options, args) = parser.parse_args()
if None in (options.data, options.poster):
if options.data == '-':
data = json.load(sys.stdin)
with open(options.data) as f:
data = json.load(f)
render_poster(data, options.poster)
if __name__ == "__main__":
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,618 @@
'use strict';
pandora.ui.infoView = function(data, isMixed) {
isMixed = isMixed || {};
var ui = pandora.user.ui,
descriptions = [],
isMultiple = arguments.length == 2,
canEdit = pandora.hasCapability('canEditMetadata') || isMultiple || data.editable,
canRemove = pandora.hasCapability('canRemoveItems'),
css = {
marginTop: '4px',
textAlign: 'justify'
iconRatio = ui.icons == 'posters' ? data.posterRatio : 1,
iconSize = isMultiple ? 0 : ui.infoIconSize,
iconWidth = isMultiple ? 0 : iconRatio > 1 ? iconSize : Math.round(iconSize * iconRatio),
iconHeight = iconRatio < 1 ? iconSize : Math.round(iconSize / iconRatio),
iconLeft = isMultiple ? 0 : iconSize == 256 ? Math.floor((iconSize - iconWidth) / 2) : 0,
borderRadius = ui.icons == 'posters' ? 0 : iconSize / 8,
margin = 16,
nameKeys = pandora.site.itemKeys.filter(function(key) {
return key.sortType == 'person';
}).map(function(key) {
return key.id;
listKeys = pandora.site.itemKeys.filter(function(key) {
return Ox.isArray(key.type);
return key.id;
specialListKeys = [].concat(
pandora.site.itemKeys.filter(function(key) {
return key.type[0] == 'date'
}).map(function(key) {
return key.id;
posterKeys = nameKeys.concat(['title', 'year']),
displayedKeys = [ // FIXME: can tis be a flag in the config?
'title', 'notes', 'name', 'summary', 'id',
'hue', 'saturation', 'lightness', 'cutsperminute', 'volume',
'user', 'rightslevel', 'bitrate', 'timesaccessed',
'numberoffiles', 'numberofannotations', 'numberofcuts', 'words', 'wordsperminute',
'duration', 'aspectratio', 'pixels', 'size', 'resolution',
'created', 'modified', 'accessed',
statisticsWidth = 128,
$bar = Ox.Bar({size: 16})
doubleclick: function(e) {
if ($(e.target).is('.OxBar')) {
$info.animate({scrollTop: 0}, 250);
$options = Ox.MenuButton({
items: [
id: 'delete',
title: Ox._('Delete {0}...', [pandora.site.itemName.singular]),
disabled: !canRemove
style: 'square',
title: 'set',
tooltip: Ox._('Options'),
type: 'image',
float: 'left',
borderColor: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)',
background: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)'
click: function(data_) {
if (data_.id == 'delete') {
pandora.$ui.deleteItemsDialog = pandora.ui.deleteItemsDialog({
items: [data]
$edit = Ox.MenuButton({
items: [
id: 'insert',
title: Ox._('Insert HTML...'),
disabled: true
style: 'square',
title: 'edit',
tooltip: Ox._('Edit'),
type: 'image',
float: 'right',
borderColor: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)',
background: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)'
click: function(data) {
// ...
$info = Ox.Element().css({overflowY: 'auto'}),
that = Ox.SplitPanel({
elements: [
{element: $bar, size: isMultiple ? 0 : 16},
{element: $info}
orientation: 'vertical'
if (!isMultiple) {
var $icon = Ox.Element({
element: '<img>',
src: '/' + data.id + '/' + (
ui.icons == 'posters' ? 'poster' : 'icon'
) + '512.jpg?' + data.modified
position: 'absolute',
left: margin + iconLeft + 'px',
top: margin + 'px',
width: iconWidth + 'px',
height: iconHeight + 'px',
borderRadius: borderRadius + 'px',
cursor: 'pointer'
singleclick: toggleIconSize
$reflection = $('<div>')
position: 'absolute',
left: margin + 'px',
top: margin + iconHeight + 'px',
width: iconSize + 'px',
height: iconSize / 2 + 'px',
overflow: 'hidden'
$reflectionIcon = $('<img>')
src: '/' + data.id + '/' + (
ui.icons == 'posters' ? 'poster' : 'icon'
) + '512.jpg?' + data.modified
position: 'absolute',
left: iconLeft + 'px',
width: iconWidth + 'px',
height: iconHeight + 'px',
borderRadius: borderRadius + 'px'
$reflectionGradient = $('<div>')
position: 'absolute',
width: iconSize + 'px',
height: iconSize / 2 + 'px'
var $text = Ox.Element()
position: 'absolute',
left: margin + (iconSize == 256 ? 256 : iconWidth) + margin + 'px',
top: margin + 'px',
right: margin + statisticsWidth + margin + 'px',
$statistics = $('<div>')
position: 'absolute',
width: statisticsWidth + 'px',
top: margin + 'px',
right: margin + 'px'
[$options, $edit].forEach(function($element) {
borderWidth: 0,
borderRadius: 0,
padding: '3px'
listKeys.forEach(function(key) {
if (Ox.isString(data[key])) {
data[key] = [data[key]];
if (!canEdit) {
// Title -------------------------------------------------------------------
marginTop: '-2px',
editable: canEdit,
tooltip: canEdit ? pandora.getEditTooltip() : '',
placeholder: formatLight(Ox._( isMixed.title ? 'Mixed title' : 'Untitled')),
value: data.title || ''
marginBottom: '-3px',
fontWeight: 'bold',
fontSize: '13px'
submit: function(event) {
editMetadata('title', event.value);
// Director, Year and Country, Language --------------------------------
renderGroup(['director', 'year']);
// Render any remaing keys defined in config
// Summary -----------------------------------------------------------------
if (canEdit || data.summary) {
clickLink: pandora.clickLink,
editable: canEdit,
format: function(value) {
return value.replace(
/<img src=/g,
'<img style="float: left; max-width: 256px; max-height: 256px; margin: 0 16px 16px 0" src='
maxHeight: Infinity,
placeholder: formatLight(Ox._( isMixed.summary ? 'Mixed Summary' : 'No Summary')),
tooltip: canEdit ? pandora.getEditTooltip() : '',
type: 'textarea',
value: data.summary || ''
marginTop: '12px',
overflow: 'hidden'
submit: function(event) {
editMetadata('summary', event.value);
// Duration, Aspect Ratio --------------------------------------------------
if (!isMultiple) {
['duration', 'aspectratio'].forEach(function(key) {
var itemKey = Ox.getObjectById(pandora.site.itemKeys, key),
value = data[key] || 0;
.css({marginBottom: '4px'})
.append(formatKey(itemKey.title, 'statistics'))
Ox.Theme.formatColor(null, 'gradient')
.css({textAlign: 'right'})
Ox['format' + Ox.toTitleCase(itemKey.format.type)]
.apply(null, [value].concat(itemKey.format.args))
// Hue, Saturation, Lightness, Volume --------------------------------------
['hue', 'saturation', 'lightness', 'volume'].forEach(function(key) {
.css({marginBottom: '4px'})
.append(formatKey(key, 'statistics'))
data[key] || 0, key == 'volume' ? 'lightness' : key
).css({textAlign: 'right'})
// Cuts per Minute ---------------------------------------------------------
.css({marginBottom: '4px'})
.append(formatKey('cuts per minute', 'statistics'))
Ox.Theme.formatColor(null, 'gradient')
.css({textAlign: 'right'})
.html(Ox.formatNumber(data['cutsperminute'] || 0, 3))
// Rights Level ------------------------------------------------------------
var $rightsLevel = $('<div>');
.css({marginBottom: '4px'})
.append(formatKey('Rights Level', 'statistics'))
pandora.renderRightsLevel(that, $rightsLevel, data, isMixed, isMultiple, canEdit);
// Notes --------------------------------------------------------------------
if (canEdit) {
.css({marginBottom: '4px'})
formatKey('Notes', 'statistics').options({
tooltip: Ox._('Only {0} can see and edit these comments', [
Object.keys(pandora.site.capabilities.canEditMetadata).map(function(level, i) {
return (
i == 0 ? ''
: i < Ox.len(pandora.site.capabilities.canEditMetadata) - 1 ? ', '
: ' ' + Ox._('and') + ' '
) + Ox.toTitleCase(level)
height: 128,
placeholder: formatLight(Ox._(isMixed.notes ? 'Mixed notes' : 'No notes')),
tooltip: pandora.getEditTooltip(),
type: 'textarea',
value: data.notes || '',
width: 128
submit: function(event) {
editMetadata('notes', event.value);
$('<div>').css({height: '16px'}).appendTo($statistics);
function editMetadata(key, value) {
if (value != data[key]) {
var itemKey = Ox.getObjectById(pandora.site.itemKeys, key);
var edit = {id: isMultiple ? ui.listSelection : data.id};
if (key == 'title') {
edit[key] = value;
} else if (listKeys.indexOf(key) >= 0) {
edit[key] = value ? value.split(', ') : [];
} else if (specialListKeys.indexOf(key) > -1) {
edit[key] = value
? Ox.decodeHTMLEntities(value).split('; ').map(Ox.encodeHTMLEntities)
: [];
} else {
edit[key] = value ? value : null;
if (itemKey && itemKey.type && itemKey.type[0] == 'date') {
edit[key] = edit[key].map(pandora.cleanupDate);
pandora.api.edit(edit, function(result) {
if (!isMultiple) {
var src;
data[key] = result.data[key];
descriptions[key] && descriptions[key].options({
value: result.data[key + 'description']
Ox.Request.clearCache(); // fixme: too much? can change filter/list etc
if (result.data.id != data.id) {
pandora.UI.set({item: result.data.id});
pandora.$ui.browser.value(data.id, 'id', result.data.id);
pandora.$ui.browser.value(result.data.id, key, result.data[key]);
if (Ox.contains(posterKeys, key) && ui.icons == 'posters') {
src = pandora.getMediaURL('/' + data.id + '/poster512.jpg?' + Ox.uid());
$icon.attr({src: src});
$reflectionIcon.attr({src: src});
title: '<b>' + result.data.title
+ (Ox.len(result.data.director)
? ' (' + result.data.director.join(', ') + ')'
: '')
+ (result.data.year ? ' ' + result.data.year : '') + '</b>'
that.triggerEvent('change', Ox.extend({}, key, value));
function formatKey(key, mode) {
var item = Ox.getObjectById(pandora.site.itemKeys, key);
key = Ox._(item ? item.title : key);
mode = mode || 'text';
return mode == 'text'
? '<span style="font-weight: bold">' + Ox.toTitleCase(key) + ':</span> '
: mode == 'description'
? Ox.toTitleCase(key)
: Ox.Element()
.css({marginBottom: '4px', fontWeight: 'bold'})
.replace(' Per ', ' per '));
function formatLight(str) {
return '<span class="OxLight">' + str + '</span>';
function formatLink(value, key, linkValue) {
linkValue = linkValue || value
linkValue = Ox.isArray(linkValue) ? linkValue: [linkValue]
return (Ox.isArray(value) ? value : [value]).map(function(value, idx) {
return key
? '<a href="/' + (
key == 'alternativeTitles' ? 'title' : key
) + '=' + pandora.escapeQueryValue(linkValue[idx]) + '">' + value + '</a>'
: value;
}).join(Ox.contains(specialListKeys, key) ? '; ' : ', ');
function formatValue(key, value) {
var ret;
if (nameKeys.indexOf(key) > -1) {
ret = formatLink(value.split(', '), 'name');
} else if (
listKeys.indexOf(key) > -1 && Ox.getObjectById(pandora.site.itemKeys, key).type[0] == 'date'
) {
ret = value.split('; ').map(function(date) {
date = pandora.cleanupDate(date)
return date ? formatLink(Ox.formatDate(date,
['', '%Y', '%B %Y', '%B %e, %Y'][date.split('-').length],
), key, date) : '';
}).join('; ');
} else if (listKeys.indexOf(key) > -1) {
ret = formatLink(value.split(', '), key);
} else if (specialListKeys.indexOf(key) > -1) {
ret = formatLink(
Ox.decodeHTMLEntities(value).split('; ').map(Ox.encodeHTMLEntities),
} else if (['year', 'country'].indexOf(key) > -1) {
ret = formatLink(value, key);
} else {
ret = value;
return ret;
function getValue(key, value) {
return !value ? ''
: Ox.contains(specialListKeys, key) ? value.join('; ')
: Ox.contains(listKeys, key) ? value.join(', ')
: value;
function renderGroup(keys) {
var $element;
keys.forEach(function(key) { displayedKeys.push(key) });
if (canEdit || keys.filter(function(key) {
return data[key];
}).length) {
$element = $('<div>').addClass('OxSelectable').css(css);
keys.forEach(function(key, i) {
if (canEdit || data[key]) {
if ($element.children().length) {
$('<span>').html('; ').appendTo($element);
clickLink: pandora.clickLink,
editable: canEdit,
format: function(value) {
return formatValue(key, value);
placeholder: formatLight(Ox._(isMixed[key] ? 'mixed' : 'unknown')),
tooltip: canEdit ? pandora.getEditTooltip() : '',
value: getValue(key, data[key])
submit: function(data) {
editMetadata(key, data.value);
if (isMixed[key] && Ox.contains(listKeys, key)) {
ids: ui.listSelection,
key: key,
section: ui.section
return $element;
function renderRemainingKeys() {
var keys = pandora.site.itemKeys.filter(function(item) {
return item.id != '*' && item.type != 'layer' && !Ox.contains(displayedKeys, item.id);
}).map(function(item) {
return item.id;
if (keys.length) {
function toggleIconSize() {
iconSize = iconSize == 256 ? 512 : 256;
iconWidth = iconRatio > 1 ? iconSize : Math.round(iconSize * iconRatio);
iconHeight = iconRatio < 1 ? iconSize : Math.round(iconSize / iconRatio);
iconLeft = iconSize == 256 ? Math.floor((iconSize - iconWidth) / 2) : 0,
borderRadius = ui.icons == 'posters' ? 0 : iconSize / 8;
left: margin + iconLeft + 'px',
width: iconWidth + 'px',
height: iconHeight + 'px',
borderRadius: borderRadius + 'px'
}, 250);
top: margin + iconHeight + 'px',
width: iconSize + 'px',
height: iconSize / 2 + 'px'
}, 250);
left: iconLeft + 'px',
width: iconWidth + 'px',
height: iconHeight + 'px',
borderRadius: borderRadius + 'px'
}, 250);
width: iconSize + 'px',
height: iconSize / 2 + 'px'
}, 250);
left: margin + (iconSize == 256 ? 256 : iconWidth) + margin + 'px',
}, 250);
pandora.UI.set({infoIconSize: iconSize});
that.resizeElement = function() {
// overwrite splitpanel resize
that.reload = function() {
var src = src = '/' + data.id + '/' + (
ui.icons == 'posters' ? 'poster' : 'icon'
) + '512.jpg?' + Ox.uid();
$icon.attr({src: src});
$reflectionIcon.attr({src: src});
iconSize = iconSize == 256 ? 512 : 256;
iconRatio = ui.icons == 'posters'
? (ui.showSitePosters ? pandora.site.posters.ratio : data.posterRatio) : 1;
mousedown: function() {
setTimeout(function() {
!Ox.Focus.focusedElementIsInput() && that.gainFocus();
pandora_icons: that.reload,
pandora_showsiteposters: function() {
ui.icons == 'posters' && that.reload();
return that;
Add table
Reference in a new issue