#!/usr/bin/env python3 from argparse import ArgumentParser from glob import glob import getpass import hashlib import json import math import os import subprocess import sys import urllib.parse import urllib.request import ox import ox.web.auth base_url = None prefix = '/mnt' render = './cache' pandora_client_config = {} use_local = False if os.path.exists('files.json'): files = json.load(open('files.json')) else: files = {} def get_volume_prefix(name): path = pandora_client_config.get('volumes', {}).get(name) if path: return path else: return os.path.join(prefix, name) def get_info(api, oshash, item, part): if oshash not in files: r = api.findMedia({ 'query': { 'conditions': [{'key': 'oshash', 'value': oshash}] }, 'keys': ['id', 'instances', 'resolution'] })['data'] if not r['items'][0]['instances']: if use_local: print(r, item, part) raise Exception('item without instance') files[oshash] = { 'resolution': r['items'][0]['resolution'] } if r['items'][0]['instances']: volume_prefix = get_volume_prefix(r['items'][0]['instances'][0]['volume']) files[oshash]['path'] = os.path.join(volume_prefix, r['items'][0]['instances'][0]['path']) return files[oshash] def normalize(name): return name.replace(':', '_').replace('/', '_') def sort_clips(edit, sort): clips = edit['clips'] idx = 0 for clip in clips: clip['index'] = idx idx += 1 reverse = False if sort.startswith('+'): reverse = False sort = sort[1:] elif sort.startswith('-'): reverse = True sort = sort[1:] last = '' if reverse else 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx' if sort == 'manual': s = clips if reverse: s = reversed(s) elif sort in [ 'id', 'index', 'in', 'out', 'duration', 'title', 'director', 'year', 'videoRatio', ]: s = sorted(clips, key=lambda c: (ox.sort_string(str(c.get(sort, last))), c['title'], c['in'], c['out'])) if reverse: s = reversed(s) else: ids = api.sortClips({ 'edit': edit['id'], 'sort': [{'key': sort, 'operator': '-' if reverse else '+'}] })['data']['clips'] #print(set(c['id'] for c in clips) - set(ids)) #print(set(ids) - set(c['id'] for c in clips)) s = sorted(clips, key=lambda c: ids.index(c['id']) if c['id'] in ids else -1) return s def get_pandora_media_path(oshash): h = oshash path = '/srv/pandora/data/media/' + '/'.join([h[:2], h[2:4], h[4:6], h[6:]]) path = glob('%s/data.*' % path) if path: path = path[0] else: path = ox.sorted_strings(glob('%s/*.mp4' % path))[-1] return path def cache_clips(api, videos, use_source=False, use_pandora=False): for clip in videos: if clip.get("titletext"): continue out = '%s/%s.mp4' % (render, clip['oshash']) if 'path' in clip: clip['src'] = clip['path'] clip['path'] = out if not os.path.exists(out): if use_pandora: os.symlink(get_pandora_media_path(clip['oshash']), out) else: url = clip['url'] if use_source: name = url.split('/')[-1].split('.')[0] resolution, part = name.split('p') if part and part.isdigit(): part = int(part) else: part = 1 url = '/'.join(url.split('/')[:-1] + ['download', 'source', str(part)]) print(url, out) api.save_url(url, out) def make_title(title): from PIL import Image, ImageFont, ImageDraw title_mp4 = "cache/title_%s.mp4" % hashlib.sha1(title.encode()).hexdigest() title_png = title_mp4.replace('.mp4', '.png') if not os.path.exists(title_mp4): width = 852 height = 480 image = Image.new("RGB", (width, height), "black") font = ImageFont.truetype("/usr/share/fonts/truetype/roboto/unhinted/RobotoTTF/Roboto-Regular.ttf", size=30) draw = ImageDraw.Draw(image) _, _, font_width, font_height = font.getbbox(title) new_width = (width - font_width) / 2 new_height = (height - font_height) / 2 draw.text((new_width, new_height), title, font=font) image.save(title_png) cmd = [ 'ffmpeg', '-r', '25', '-hide_banner', '-nostats', '-loglevel', 'error', '-y', '-i', title_png, '-t', '5', '-pix_fmt', 'yuv420p', title_mp4 ] subprocess.call(cmd) clip = { "titletext": title, "in": 0, "out": 5, "duration": 5, "volume": 1.0, "path": title_mp4, "oshash": ox.oshash(title_mp4), } return clip if __name__ == '__main__': usage = "usage: %(prog)s [options] edit-url" parser = ArgumentParser(usage=usage) parser.add_argument('-p', '--prefix', dest='prefix', type=str, help="prefix to use instead of pandora_client config", default='') parser.add_argument('-s', '--source', dest='source', type=str, help="source, local or site", default='site') parser.add_argument('-r', '--resolution', dest='stream_resolution', type=int, help="resolution of streams to download i.e. 480, 240, 96 default 480", default=480) parser.add_argument('-t', '--title', dest='title', type=str, help="title", default="") parser.add_argument('-c', '--config', dest='config', help='config.json containing config', default='~/.ox/client.json') parser.add_argument('-o', '--output', dest='output', help='json output', default='') parser.add_argument('url', metavar='url', type=str, help='edit url') opts = parser.parse_args() edit_url = opts.url use_local = opts.source == 'local' use_source = opts.source == 'source' use_pandora = opts.source == 'pandora' prefix = opts.prefix parts = edit_url.split('/') site = parts[2] base_url = '/'.join(parts[:3]) edit_id = urllib.parse.unquote(parts[4]).replace('_', ' ').replace('\t', '_') sort_by = parts[6] if len(parts) >= 7 else 'year' stream_resolution = opts.stream_resolution credentials = None config = os.path.expanduser(opts.config) if config and os.path.exists(config): with open(config) as fd: data = json.load(fd) if data['url'].startswith(base_url): pandora_client_config = data credentials = { 'username': data['username'], 'password': data['password'] } update = False if not credentials: try: credentials = ox.web.auth.get(site) except: credentials = {} print('Please provide your username and password for %s:' % site) credentials['username'] = input('Username: ') credentials['password'] = getpass.getpass('Password: ') update = True api = ox.API(base_url + '/api/') r = api.signin(**credentials) if 'errors' in r.get('data', {}): for kv in r['data']['errors'].items(): print('%s: %s' % kv) sys.exit(1) if update: ox.web.auth.update(site, credentials) print('Edit:', edit_id) print('Sort:', sort_by) r = api.getEdit(id=edit_id) if 'data' not in r: print(r) sys.exit(1) if r.get('status', {}).get('code') == 404: print(r.get('status', {}).get('text')) sys.exit(1) edit = r['data'] videos = [] subtitles = [] position = 0 clips = sort_clips(edit, sort_by) if opts.title: clips.insert(0, make_title(opts.title)) for clip in clips: if clip.get("titletext"): videos.append(clip) position += clip['duration'] position = math.ceil(position / (1/25)) * 1/25 continue clip_out = position + clip['duration'] clip_subtitles = [] for sub in clip['layers'].get('subtitles', []): value = sub['value'].replace('
', '\n').replace('
', '\n').replace('\n\n', '\n') subtitles.append({ 'in': max(position, position + sub['in'] - clip['in']), 'out': min(position + sub['out'] - clip['in'], clip_out), 'value': value, }) clip_subtitles.append({ 'in': max(0, sub['in'] - clip['in']), 'out': min(sub['out'] - clip['in'], clip['out'] - clip['in']), 'value': value, }) part_pos = 0 for i, duration in enumerate(clip['durations']): stream_out = stream_in = None if part_pos + duration < clip['in']: part_pos += duration elif part_pos <= clip['in']: stream_in = clip['in'] - part_pos stream_out = min(clip['out'] - part_pos, duration) elif clip['out'] > part_pos: stream_in = 0 stream_out = min(clip['out'] - part_pos, duration) if stream_in is not None and stream_out is not None: stream_in = math.ceil(stream_in / (1/25)) * 1/25 stream_out = math.ceil(stream_out / (1/25)) * 1/25 info = get_info(api, clip['streams'][i], clip['item'], i+1) clip_duration = stream_out - stream_in if clip_duration > 0: videos.append({ 'oshash': clip['streams'][i], 'url': '%s/%s/%sp%s.mp4' % (base_url, clip['item'], stream_resolution, i + 1), 'item': clip['item'], 'annotation': clip.get('annotation'), 'resolution': info['resolution'], 'in': stream_in, 'out': stream_out, 'volume': clip.get('volume', 1), 'subtitles': clip_subtitles, }) if 'path' in info: videos[-1]['path'] = os.path.join(prefix, info['path']) part_pos += duration position += clip['duration'] position = math.ceil(position / (1/25)) * 1/25 if not use_local: cache_clips(api, videos, use_source, use_pandora) if opts.output: name = opts.output.replace('.json', '') else: name = normalize(edit_id) if sort_by != 'year': name += '_' + sort_by if subtitles: with open('%s.srt' % name, 'wb') as fd: fd.write(ox.srt.encode(subtitles)) with open('%s.json' % name, 'w') as fd: json.dump(videos, fd, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False) with open('files.json', 'w') as fd: json.dump(files, fd, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False) print('created: %s' % '%s.json' % name)