#!/usr/bin/env python3 from argparse import ArgumentParser import math import json import os import subprocess import sys import ox def run(cmd): #print(' '.join('"%s"' % c for c in cmd)) subprocess.call(cmd) usage = "usage: %(prog)s [options] edit.json" parser = ArgumentParser(usage=usage) parser.add_argument('-r', '--resolution', dest='height', type=int, help="output height, default 480", default=480) parser.add_argument('-a', '--aspect', dest='aspect', type=str, help="aspect ratio, default 16/9 (float or /)", default='16/9') parser.add_argument('-c', '--config', dest='config', help='config.json containing config', default='~/.ox/client.json') parser.add_argument('path', metavar='path', type=str, help='edit.json path') opts = parser.parse_args() edit_json = opts.path edit = json.load(open(edit_json)) render = './cache' output = os.path.splitext(edit_json)[0] + '.mp4' height = opts.height if '/' in opts.aspect: aspect = [int(p) for p in opts.aspect.split('/')] aspect = aspect[0] / aspect[1] else: aspect = float(opts.aspect) width = int(height * aspect) width -= width % 2 if not os.path.exists(render): os.makedirs(render) files = [] edit_duration = 0 subtitles = [] position = 0 for clip in edit: out = render + '/%s_%0.3f-%0.3f.ts' % (clip['oshash'], clip['in'], clip['out']) edit_duration += (clip['out']-clip['in']) if os.path.exists(out): try: duration = ox.avinfo(out)['duration'] except KeyError: os.unlink(out) duration = None if duration: files.append(out) src_duration = clip['out']-clip['in'] if abs(src_duration-duration) > 1: print(clip.get('annotation', clip['item']), 'expected', src_duration, 'got', duration, out) if clip.get('subtitles'): subtitles.append({ 'in': position, 'out': position+duration, 'value': clip['subtitles'] }) position += duration continue src_info = ox.avinfo(clip['path']) clip_aspect = src_info['video'][0]['width'] / src_info['video'][0]['height'] if 'display_aspect_ratio' in src_info['video'][0]: ratio = [int(p) for p in src_info['video'][0]['display_aspect_ratio'].split(':')] clip_aspect = ratio[0] / ratio[1] print(ratio, clip_aspect) if clip_aspect < aspect: x = width y = int(x / clip_aspect) y -= y % 2 else: y = height x = int(y * clip_aspect) x -= x % 2 vf = 'scale=%s:%s' % (x, y) if x != width: vf += ',crop=%s:%s' % (width, height) # crop center elif y != height: offset = int(((y - height) / 3)) vf += ',crop=w=%s:h=%s:x=0:y=%s' % (width, height, offset) options = [ '-map_metadata', '-1', '-vf', vf, '-aspect', str(aspect), '-c:v', 'libx264', '-b:v', '2M', '-preset:v', 'medium', '-profile:v', 'high', '-level:v', '4.0', '-r', '25', '-c:a', 'aac', '-ar', '48000', '-ac', '2', '-b:a', '192k', ] clip_duration = math.ceil((clip['out'] - clip['in']) / (1/25)) * 1/25 if not clip_duration: print('skip empty clip', clip) else: files.append(out) vid = src_info['video'][0]['id'] if not src_info['audio']: audio = ['-f', 'lavfi', '-i', 'anullsrc=channel_layout=stereo:sample_rate=48000'] audio_map = ['-map', '0,0', '-map', '1,1'] else: aid = src_info['audio'][0]['id'] audio = [] audio_map = ['-map', '0:%s,0:0' % aid, '-map', '0:%s,0:1' % vid] if clip.get('volume', 1) != 1: audio_map += [ '-filter:a', 'volume=%s' % clip['volume'] ] cmd = [ 'ffmpeg', '-hide_banner', '-nostats', '-loglevel', 'error', ] + audio + [ '-ss', str(clip['in']), '-i', clip['path'] ] + audio_map + options + [ '-t', str(clip_duration), out ] run(cmd) try: duration = ox.avinfo(out)['duration'] except: print('invalid file:', out) print('try again?:') print(' '.join(cmd).replace('-nostats -loglevel error', '')) sys.exit(1) src_duration = clip['out']-clip['in'] if abs(src_duration-duration) > 1: print(clip.get('annotation', clip['item']), 'expected', src_duration, 'got', duration, out) if clip.get('subtitles'): if isinstance(clip['subtitles'], list): for sub in clip['subtitles']: subtitles.append({ 'in': position + sub['in'], 'out': position + sub['out'], 'value': sub['value'] }) else: subtitles.append({ 'in': position, 'out': position + duration, 'value': clip['subtitles'] }) position += duration txt = output + '.txt' with open(txt, 'w') as fd: fd.write('file ' + '\nfile '.join(files)) cmd = [ 'ffmpeg', '-hide_banner', '-nostats', '-loglevel', 'error', '-y', '-f', 'concat', '-safe', '0', '-i', txt, '-c', 'copy', output ] run(cmd) os.unlink(txt) if subtitles: srt = output.replace('.mp4', '.srt') with open(srt, 'wb') as fd: fd.write(ox.srt.encode(subtitles)) duration = ox.avinfo(output)['duration'] if abs(duration - edit_duration) > 1: print('file duration is %d, edit was expected to be %d' % (duration, edit_duration)) print('created:', output)