#!/usr/bin/python3 import ox import ox.web.auth import json import sys url = '' api = ox.API(url) site = '' try: credentials = ox.web.auth.get(site) except: credentials = {} print('Please provide your username and password for %s:' % site) credentials['username'] = input('Username: ') credentials['password'] = getpass.getpass('Password: ') update = True r = api.signin(**credentials) if 'errors' in r.get('data', {}): for kv in r['data']['errors'].items(): print('%s: %s' % kv) sys.exit(1) if update: ox.web.auth.update(site, credentials) old = [] for annotation in api.findAnnotations({ 'query': { 'conditions': [{ 'key': 'value', 'value': ', ', 'operator': '=' }, { 'key': 'layer', 'value': 'keywords', 'operator': '==' }], 'operator': '&' }, 'keys': ['id', 'in', 'out', 'value', 'user', 'created'], 'range': [0, 50000] })['data']['items']: item = annotation['id'].split('/')[0] for v in annotation['value'].split(', '): v = v.strip() a = { 'in': annotation['in'], 'out': annotation['out'], 'item': item, 'layer': 'keywords', 'value': v, } print(a) r = api.addAnnotation(a) print(r.get('status')) api.removeAnnotation({'id': annotation['id']}) old.append(annotation) with open('old.json', 'w') as fd: json.dump(old, fd, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False)