    "film": {
        "type (descola)": {
            "analogist": {},
            "animist": {},
            "naturalist": {},
            "totemist": {}
        "info": {
            "title": {},
            "director": {},
            "date": {},
            "production company including country": {},
            "location country": {},
            "1-line summary": {}
        "plot summary": {
            "text": {},
            "audio v/o": {},
            "minimovie": {}
        "genre": {
            "action": {},
            "adventure": {},
            "children's": {},
            "comedy": {},
            "crime": {},
            "drama": {},
            "epic": {},
            "family (3g)": {},
            "historical": {},
            "horror": {},
            "tragedy": {}
        "plot framework": {
            "contest": {},
            "investigation": {},
            "journey": {},
            "revenge": {},
            "romance": {},
            "thriller": {}
        "style": {
            "fantasy": {},
            "hyperrealism": {},
            "musical": {},
            "naturalism": {},
            "neorealism": {},
            "noir": {},
            "realism": {},
            "social realism": {}
        "architecture": {
            "rhythmanalysis": {
                "circadian": {
                    "season": {
                        "autumn": {},
                        "spring": {},
                        "summer": {},
                        "winter": {}
                    "time of day": {
                        "afternoon": {},
                        "evening": {},
                        "midday": {},
                        "morning": {},
                        "night": {},
                        "sunset": {},
                        "twilight": {}
                    "weather": {
                        "broken cloud": {},
                        "cloudy": {},
                        "rain, heavy": {},
                        "rain, light": {},
                        "snow, heavy": {},
                        "snow, light": {},
                        "sunshine": {}
                    "body rhythm": {
                        "blood circulation": {},
                        "excretion": {},
                        "heartbeat": {},
                        "hunger": {},
                        "intellectual activity": {},
                        "pulse": {},
                        "respiration": {}
                "the everyday": {
                    "everydayness": {
                        "everydayness action": {},
                        "everydayness space": {}
                    "environment": {
                        "location": {
                            "agricultural": {},
                            "coastal": {},
                            "forest": {},
                            "island": {},
                            "mountain": {},
                            "pastoral": {},
                            "river valley": {},
                            "rural": {},
                            "suburban": {},
                            "urban": {}
                        "building type": {
                            "apartment": {},
                            "block": {},
                            "cabin": {},
                            "cottage": {},
                            "courtyard dwelling": {},
                            "house, detached": {},
                            "house, semi detached": {},
                            "terrace/row house": {}
                        "occupancy": {
                            "couple": {},
                            "family, extended": {},
                            "family": {},
                            "family, multigenerational": {},
                            "multiple occupancy": {},
                            "owned": {},
                            "rented": {},
                            "single person": {}
                        "architectural atmosphere": {
                            "calm": {},
                            "chaotic": {},
                            "dreamy": {},
                            "futuristic": {},
                            "gloomy": {},
                            "inviting": {},
                            "peaceful": {},
                            "tense": {},
                            "uninviting": {},
                            "warm": {}
                        "architectural element": {
                            "door": {},
                            "doorway": {},
                            "stairs": {},
                            "threshold": {},
                            "window": {}
                        "architectural element state": {
                            "ajar": {},
                            "closed": {},
                            "half open": {},
                            "locked": {},
                            "open": {}
                        "architectural element action": {
                            "barricading": {},
                            "blowing kiss": {},
                            "closing": {},
                            "communicating": {},
                            "forcing": {},
                            "looking through": {},
                            "opening": {},
                            "speaking through": {}
                        "building material": {
                            "bricks": {}
                        "place": {
                            "beijing": {}
                    "living": {
                        "lived space": {
                            "bathroom": {},
                            "bedroom": {},
                            "communal room": {},
                            "corridor": {},
                            "dining room": {},
                            "hallway": {},
                            "kitchen": {}
                        "decor": {
                            "blind": {},
                            "carpet": {},
                            "curtain": {},
                            "flagstones": {},
                            "floor tiles": {},
                            "mat": {},
                            "panelling": {},
                            "screen, foldable": {},
                            "wooden floor": {}
                        "furniture": {
                            "basin": {},
                            "bath": {},
                            "chair": {},
                            "coffee table": {},
                            "cupboard": {},
                            "dresser": {},
                            "piano": {},
                            "sofa": {},
                            "stove, coal": {},
                            "tatami": {}
                        "activity": {
                            "breakfasting": {},
                            "conversing": {},
                            "cooking": {},
                            "dining": {},
                            "dressing": {},
                            "drinking": {},
                            "eating": {},
                            "flirting": {},
                            "lunching": {},
                            "observing": {},
                            "playing": {},
                            "preparing": {}
                        "object": {
                            "homeware": {
                                "bedclothes": {},
                                "blanket": {},
                                "candle": {},
                                "cushion": {},
                                "duvet": {},
                                "lamp, oil": {},
                                "quilt": {},
                                "tablecloth": {},
                                "tablemat": {},
                                "vase": {}
                            "cookware": {
                                "blender": {},
                                "bowl": {},
                                "colander": {},
                                "fish-slice": {},
                                "grater": {},
                                "kettle": {},
                                "pan": {},
                                "pot": {},
                                "spatula": {},
                                "steamer": {}
                            "tableware": {
                                "bowl": {},
                                "coffeepot": {},
                                "chopstick": {},
                                "cup": {},
                                "fork": {},
                                "glass": {},
                                "knife": {},
                                "plate": {},
                                "tray": {},
                                "spoon": {}
                            "food and drink": {
                                "bread": {},
                                "breakfast": {},
                                "coffee": {},
                                "fruit": {},
                                "meat": {},
                                "noodles": {},
                                "potato": {},
                                "rice": {},
                                "soup": {},
                                "tea": {}
                            "tech": {
                            "miscellaneous": {
                                "bicycle": {},
                                "make-up": {},
                                "medicine": {},
                                "letter": {},
                                "needle": {},
                                "package": {},
                                "statue": {},
                                "rubbish": {},
                                "telephone, landline": {}
                            "container": {
                                "bag": {},
                                "basket": {},
                                "bin": {},
                                "box": {},
                                "briefcase": {},
                                "chest": {},
                                "tin": {}
                            "bio": {
                                "bonsai": {},
                                "cactus": {},
                                "flower": {},
                                "houseplant": {},
                                "plant": {},
                                "shrub": {},
                                "tree": {}
                            "clothing": {
                                "boot": {},
                                "casual": {},
                                "formal": {},
                                "hat": {},
                                "headscarf": {},
                                "indoor": {},
                                "outdoor": {},
                                "sandal": {}
                            "element": {
                                "air": {}
                            "body": {
                                "arm": {}
        "cinema": {
            "mise en scene": {
                "dramatic context": {
                    "celebration": {},
                    "confusion": {},
                    "flirtation": {},
                    "frustration": {},
                    "quarrel": {},
                    "seduction": {},
                    "vengeance": {}
                "dramatic mood": {
                    "alienation": {},
                    "affection": {},
                    "apprehension": {},
                    "conviviality": {},
                    "despondency": {},
                    "embarrassment": {},
                    "euphoria": {},
                    "insecurity": {},
                    "love": {}
                "scene tone": {
                    "amusing": {},
                    "depressing": {},
                    "ominous": {},
                    "optimistic": {},
                    "promising": {},
                    "scary": {},
                    "sombre": {},
                    "suspenseful": {},
                    "thrilling": {}
                "character": {
                    "baby": {},
                    "boy": {},
                    "infant": {},
                    "girl": {},
                    "man": {},
                    "man, elderly": {},
                    "woman": {},
                    "woman, elderly": {},
                    "animal": {
                        "bird": {},
                        "cat": {},
                        "dog": {},
                        "fish": {},
                        "moth": {},
                        "hamster": {}
                "type": {
                    "analogist": {},
                    "animist": {},
                    "naturalist": {},
                    "totemist": {}
                "emotion": {
                    "emotion dramatic mood": {},
                    "emotion scene tone": {},
                    "emotion sound": {}
            "mise en cadre": {
                "shoot": {
                    "exterior": {},
                    "interior": {},
                    "location": {},
                    "studio": {}
                "shot type": {
                    "close up": {},
                    "extreme close up": {},
                    "high angle": {},
                    "long shot": {},
                    "low angle": {},
                    "medium close up": {},
                    "medium shot": {},
                    "two shot": {}
                "composition (descola)": {},
                "space": {
                    "deep": {},
                    "flat": {},
                    "limited": {},
                    "ambiguous": {}
                "shape": {
                    "circle": {},
                    "triangle": {},
                    "square": {}
                "line": {
                    "affinity": {},
                    "contrast": {},
                    "curved": {},
                    "diagonal": {},
                    "horizontal": {},
                    "straight": {},
                    "symmetrical": {},
                    "vertical": {}
                "rhythm": {
                    "broken": {},
                    "frenzied": {},
                    "irregular": {},
                    "regular": {}
                "camera height and angle": {
                    "bird's eye view": {}
                "camera movement": {
                    "crane": {}
                "filming direction": {
                    "exterior filming exterior": {}