#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # vi:si:et:sw=4:sts=4:ts=4 # GPL 2012-2016 import getpass from glob import glob import importlib.util import json import math import os import socket import sqlite3 import sys import tempfile import time import pkg_resources from urllib.parse import urlparse import ox from . import extract from . import utils DEBUG = False __version__ = pkg_resources.require("pandora_client")[0].version socket.setdefaulttimeout(300) CHUNK_SIZE = 1024*1024*5 default_media_cache = os.environ.get('oxMEDIA', os.path.join(utils.basedir(), 'media')) DOCUMENT_FORMATS = ('jpg', 'pdf', 'png') sync_extensions = () def get_frames(filename, prefix, info, force=False): oshash = info['oshash'] cache = os.path.join(prefix, os.path.join(*utils.hash_prefix(oshash))) frames = [] for pos in utils.video_frame_positions(info['duration']): frame_name = '%s.png' % pos frame_f = os.path.join(cache, frame_name) if force or not os.path.exists(frame_f): print(frame_f) extract.frame(filename, frame_f, pos) frames.append(frame_f) return frames def encode(filename, prefix, profile, info=None, extract_frames=True): if not info: info = utils.avinfo(filename) if 'oshash' not in info: return None oshash = info['oshash'] cache = os.path.join(prefix, os.path.join(*utils.hash_prefix(oshash))) if info.get('video') and extract_frames: frames = get_frames(filename, prefix, info) else: frames = [] if info.get('video') or info.get('audio'): media_f = os.path.join(cache, profile) if not os.path.exists(media_f) or os.stat(media_f).st_size == 0: extract.video(filename, media_f, profile, info) else: print(info) print(filename) return None return { 'info': info, 'oshash': oshash, 'frames': frames, 'media': media_f } def encode_cmd(filename, prefix, profile, info): if not info: info = utils.avinfo(filename) if 'oshash' not in info: return None oshash = info['oshash'] cache = os.path.join(prefix, os.path.join(*utils.hash_prefix(oshash))) media_f = os.path.join(cache, profile) return extract.video_cmd(filename, media_f, profile, info) def parse_path(client, path, prefix=None): ''' args: path - path without volume prefix client - Client instance prefix - volume prefix return: return None if file will not be used, dict with parsed item information otherwise ''' if isinstance(path, bytes): path = path.decode('utf-8') path = path.replace(os.sep, '/') parts = path.split('/') if len(parts) >= client.folderdepth and parts[client.folderdepth-1] == 'Documents': info = ox.movie.parse_path(u'/'.join( parts[:client.folderdepth-1] + [parts[-1]] )) else: if len(parts) != client.folderdepth: return None info = ox.movie.parse_path(path) if client.folderdepth == 3: info['director'] = [] info['directorSort'] = [] return info def example_path(client): return '\t' + (client.folderdepth == 4 and 'L/Last, First/Title (Year)/Title.avi' or 'T/Title/Title.dv') def ignore_file(client, path): filename = os.path.basename(path) if filename.startswith('._') \ or filename in ('.DS_Store', 'Thumbs.db') \ or filename.endswith('~') \ or 'Extras' + os.sep in path \ or 'Versions' + os.sep in path \ or not os.path.exists(path) \ or os.stat(path).st_size == 0: return True return False def is_oshash(oshash): try: int(oshash, 16) except: return False return len(oshash) == 16 def hide_cursor(): sys.stdout.write("\033[?25l") sys.stdout.flush() def show_cursor(): sys.stdout.write("\033[?25h") sys.stdout.flush() class Client(object): _configfile = None def __init__(self, config, offline=False): if isinstance(config, str): self._configfile = os.path.expanduser(config) with open(config) as f: try: self._config = json.load(f) except ValueError: print("Failed to parse config at", config) sys.exit(1) base = self._config.get('plugin.d', os.path.join(utils.basedir(), 'client.d')) self.load_plugins(base) else: self._config = config if not self._config['url'].endswith('/'): self._config['url'] = self._config['url'] + '/' self.resolutions = list(reversed(sorted(self._config.get('resolutions', [480])))) self.format = self._config.get('format', 'webm') self.importFrames = False if not offline: self.online() conn, c = self._conn() c.execute(u'CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS setting (key varchar(1024) unique, value text)') if int(self.get('version', 0)) < 1: self.set('version', 1) db = [ u'''CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS file ( path varchar(1024) unique, oshash varchar(16), atime FLOAT, ctime FLOAT, mtime FLOAT, size INT, info TEXT, created INT, modified INT, deleted INT)''', u'CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS path_idx ON file (path)', u'CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS oshash_idx ON file (oshash)', ] for i in db: c.execute(i) conn.commit() if int(self.get('version', 0)) < 2: self.set('version', 2) db = [ u'''CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS encode ( oshash varchar(16), site varchar(255))''', u'CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS upload_site_idx ON encode (site)', ] for i in db: c.execute(i) conn.commit() if int(self.get('version', 0)) < 3: self.set('version', 3) db = [ u'ALTER TABLE file add sha1 varchar(42)' ] for i in db: c.execute(i) conn.commit() if int(self.get('version', 0)) < 4: self.set('version', 4) db = [ u'ALTER TABLE encode add status varchar(255)', u'CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS encode_status_idx ON encode (status)', u'ALTER TABLE encode ADD modified INT DEFAULT 0', ] for i in db: c.execute(i) conn.commit() conn.close() def load_plugins(self, base=os.path.join(utils.basedir(), 'client.d')): global parse_path, example_path, ignore_file, sync_extensions, encode base = os.path.expanduser(base) if not os.path.exists(base): return for name in sorted(os.listdir(base)): if not name.endswith('.py'): continue path = os.path.join(base, name) module_name = os.path.basename(path).split('.')[0] spec = importlib.util.spec_from_file_location(module_name, path) module = importlib.util.module_from_spec(spec) spec.loader.exec_module(module) if hasattr(module, 'parse_path'): parse_path = module.parse_path if hasattr(module, 'example_path'): example_path = module.example_path if hasattr(module, 'ignore_file'): ignore_file = module.ignore_file if hasattr(module, 'sync_extensions'): sync_extensions = module.sync_extensions if hasattr(module, 'encode'): encode = module.encode def _conn(self): db_conn = self._config['cache'] if isinstance(db_conn, bytes): db_conn = db_conn.decode('utf-8') db_conn = os.path.expanduser(db_conn) if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(db_conn)): os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(db_conn)) conn = sqlite3.connect(db_conn, timeout=10) return conn, conn.cursor() def media_cache(self): path = self._config.get('media-cache', default_media_cache) if path is None: path = '/tmp/pandora_client_media_cache' return os.path.expanduser(path) def get(self, key, default=None): conn, c = self._conn() c.execute(u'SELECT value FROM setting WHERE key = ?', (key, )) value = default for row in c: value = row[0] break conn.close() return value def set(self, key, value): conn, c = self._conn() c.execute(u'INSERT OR REPLACE INTO setting values (?, ?)', (key, str(value))) conn.commit() conn.close() def info(self, oshash): conn, c = self._conn() c.execute(u'SELECT info FROM file WHERE oshash = ?', (oshash, )) info = None for row in c: info = json.loads(row[0]) break conn.close() return info def get_info(self, oshash, prefix=None): if prefix: prefixes = [prefix] else: prefixes = self.active_volumes().values() prefixes = [p.decode('utf-8') if isinstance(prefix, bytes) else p for p in prefixes] _info = self.info(oshash) for path in self.path(oshash): for prefix in prefixes: if path.startswith(prefix) and os.path.exists(path): path = path[len(prefix):] i = parse_path(self, path, prefix) if i: _info.update(i) return _info else: print('failed to parse', path) return def get_info_for_ids(self, ids, prefix=None): info = {} for oshash in ids: i = self.get_info(oshash, prefix) if i: info[oshash] = i return info def path(self, oshash): conn, c = self._conn() c.execute(u'SELECT path FROM file WHERE oshash = ?', (oshash, )) paths = set() for row in c: path = row[0] paths.add(path) conn.close() return list(paths) def online(self): self.api = API(self._config['url'], media_cache=self.media_cache()) self.api.DEBUG = DEBUG if self.signin(): self.resolutions = list(reversed(sorted(self.api.site['video']['resolutions']))) self.format = self.api.site['video']['formats'][0] self.importFrames = self.api.site['media'].get('importFrames') self.folderdepth = self._config.get('folderdepth', self.api.site['site'].get('folderdepth', 3)) def signin(self): if 'username' in self._config: r = self.api.signin(username=self._config['username'], password=self._config['password']) if r['status']['code'] == 200 and 'errors' not in r['data']: self.user = r['data']['user'] else: self.user = False if DEBUG: print(r) print('\nlogin failed! check config\n\n') sys.exit(1) r = self.api.init() if r['status']['code'] == 200: self.api.site = r['data']['site'] else: print("\n init failed.", r['status']) sys.exit(1) return True def set_encodes(self, site, files): conn, c = self._conn() c.execute(u'DELETE FROM encode WHERE site = ?', (site, )) conn.commit() conn.close() self.add_encodes(site, files) def get_encodes(self, site, status=''): conn, c = self._conn() sql = u'SELECT oshash FROM encode WHERE site = ? AND status = ?' args = [site, status] c.execute(sql, tuple(args)) encodes = [row[0] for row in c] conn.close() return encodes def add_encodes(self, site, files): conn, c = self._conn() for oshash in files: c.execute(u'INSERT INTO encode VALUES (?, ?, ?, 0)', (oshash, site, '')) conn.commit() conn.close() def update_encodes(self, add=False): # send empty list to get updated list of requested info/files/data site = self._config['url'] post = {'info': {}} r = self.api.update(post) files = r['data']['data'] if add: conn, c = self._conn() sql = u'SELECT oshash FROM encode WHERE site = ?' c.execute(sql, (site, )) known = [row[0] for row in c] conn.close() files = list(set(files) - set(known)) if files: self.add_encodes(site, files) else: self.set_encodes(site, files) def scan_file(self, path, rescan=False): conn, c = self._conn() update = True modified = time.mktime(time.localtime()) created = modified if isinstance(path, bytes): path = path.decode('utf-8') sql = u'SELECT atime, ctime, mtime, size, created, info FROM file WHERE deleted < 0 AND path=?' c.execute(sql, [path]) stat = os.stat(path) for row in c: if stat.st_atime == row[0] and stat.st_ctime == row[1] and stat.st_mtime == row[2] and stat.st_size == row[3]: created = row[4] info = json.loads(row[5]) update = False break if update or rescan: info = utils.avinfo(path, cached=not rescan) if info['size'] > 0: oshash = info['oshash'] sha1 = None deleted = -1 t = (path, oshash, stat.st_atime, stat.st_ctime, stat.st_mtime, stat.st_size, json.dumps(info), created, modified, deleted, sha1) c.execute(u'INSERT OR REPLACE INTO file values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)', t) conn.commit() conn.close() return 'error' not in info def get_resolution(self, info): height = info['video'][0]['height'] if info.get('video') else None for resolution in sorted(self.resolutions): if height and height <= resolution: return resolution return resolution def profile(self, info): resolution = self.get_resolution(info) profile = '%sp.%s' % (resolution, self.format) return profile def cmd(self, args): filename = args[0] if len(filename) == 16: path = self.path(filename) else: path = [filename] for p in path: if os.path.exists(p): info = utils.avinfo(p) profile = self.profile(info) cmds = encode_cmd(p, self.media_cache(), profile, info) output = [] for cmd in cmds: cmd = [' ' in c and u'"%s"' % c or c for c in cmd] output.append(u' '.join(cmd)) print(' && '.join(output)) def save_config(self): if not self._configfile: raise Exception('Can not save temporary config') with open(self._configfile, 'w') as f: json.dump(self._config, f, indent=2) def config(self, args): print("Current Config:\n User: %s\n URL: %s\n" % (self._config['username'], self._config['url'])) print("Leave empty to keep current value\n") username = input('Username: ') if username: self._config['username'] = username password = getpass.getpass('Password: ') if password: self._config['password'] = password url = input('Pan.do/ra URL (i.e. https://pandora.local/api/): ') if url: self._config['url'] = url self.save_config() print("\nconfiguration updated.") def add_volume(self, args): usage = "Usage: %s add_volume name path" % sys.argv[0] if len(args) != 2: print(usage) sys.exit(1) name = args[0] path = os.path.abspath(args[1]) if not path.endswith(os.sep): path += os.sep if os.path.isdir(path): if name in self._config['volumes']: print("updated %s to %s" % (name, path)) else: print("added %s %s" % (name, path)) self._config['volumes'][name] = path self.save_config() else: print("'%s' does not exist" % path) print(usage) sys.exit(1) def active_volumes(self): volumes = {} for name in sorted(self._config['volumes']): path = self._config['volumes'][name] path = os.path.normpath(path) if not path.endswith(os.sep): path += os.sep if isinstance(path, bytes): path = path.decode('utf-8') if os.path.exists(path): volumes[name] = path return volumes def scan(self, args): rescan = 'rescan' in args print("checking for new files ...") volumes = self.active_volumes() for name in sorted(volumes): path = volumes[name] conn, c = self._conn() c.execute(u'SELECT path FROM file WHERE path LIKE ? AND deleted < 0', [u"%s%%" % path]) known_files = [r[0] for r in c.fetchall()] conn.close() files = [] unknown = [] ignored = [] unsupported = [] for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(path, followlinks=True): if filenames: for filename in sorted(filenames): file_path = os.path.join(dirpath, filename) if not ignore_file(self, file_path): files.append(file_path) else: ignored.append(file_path) for f in files: if not parse_path(self, f[len(path):], path): unknown.append(f) files = sorted(set(files) - set(unknown)) for f in files: if os.path.splitext(f)[-1] not in sync_extensions and not self.scan_file(f, rescan): unsupported.append(f) if unknown: example = example_path(self) print('Files need to be in a folder structure like this:\n%s\n' % example) print('The following files do not fit into the folder structure and will not be synced:') print('\t' + '\n\t'.join([f[len(path):] for f in sorted(unknown)])) print('') if unsupported: files = sorted(set(files) - set(unsupported)) print('The following files are in an unsupported format and will not be synced:') print('\t' + '\n\t'.join([f[len(path):] for f in sorted(unsupported)])) print('') ''' ''' deleted_files = list(filter(lambda f: f not in files, known_files)) new_files = list(filter(lambda f: f not in known_files, files)) conn, c = self._conn() if deleted_files: deleted = time.mktime(time.localtime()) for f in deleted_files: c.execute(u'UPDATE file SET deleted=? WHERE path=?', (deleted, f)) conn.commit() conn.close() ''' print("scanned volume %s: %s files, %s new, %s deleted, %s ignored, %s unsupported" % ( name, len(files), len(new_files), len(deleted_files), len(ignored), len(unsupported))) ''' print("scanned volume %s: %s files, %s new, %s deleted, %s ignored" % ( name, len(files), len(new_files), len(deleted_files), len(ignored))) def extract(self, args): if args: if args[0] == 'offline': files = self.get_encodes(self._config['url']) elif args[0] == 'all': files = [] for name in self._config['volumes']: path = self._config['volumes'][name] path = os.path.normpath(path) if not path.endswith(os.sep): path += os.sep if os.path.exists(path): files += self.files(path)['info'] else: files = [f if len(f) == 16 else ox.oshash(f) for f in args] else: if not self.user: print("you need to login or run pandora_client extract offline") return self.update_encodes() files = self.get_encodes(self._config['url']) for oshash in files: info = self.info(oshash) if 'error' not in info: for path in self.path(oshash): if os.path.exists(path): profile = self.profile(info) i = encode(path, self.media_cache(), profile, info, self.importFrames) break def sync(self, args): if not self.user: print("you need to login") return conn, c = self._conn() volumes = self.active_volumes() if not volumes: print("no active volumes found") return for name in sorted(volumes): prefix = volumes[name] files = self.files(prefix) post = {} post['files'] = files['files'] post['volume'] = name print('sending list of files in %s (%s total)' % (name, len(post['files']))) r = self.api.later('update', post) # send empty list to get updated list of requested info/files/data post = {'info': {}} r = self.api.update(post) if r['data']['info']: r = self.update_info(r['data']['info'], prefix) if 'data' not in r: print(r) return if r['data']['data']: files = [] for f in r['data']['data']: for path in self.path(f): if os.path.exists(path): files.append(path) break if files: print('\ncould encode and upload %s videos:\n' % len(files)) print('\n'.join(files)) if r['data']['file']: files = [] for f in r['data']['file']: for path in self.path(f): if os.path.exists(path): files.append(path) break if files: print('\ncould upload %s subtitles:\n' % len(files)) print('\n'.join(files)) def upload(self, args): if not self.user: print("you need to login") return documents = [] if args: data = [] for arg in args: if os.path.exists(arg): oshash = ox.oshash(arg) self.scan_file(arg) r = self.api.findMedia({'query': { 'conditions': [{'key': 'oshash', 'value': oshash}] }})['data']['items'] if r == 0: info = self.info(oshash) filename = os.path.basename(arg) r = self.api.addMedia({ 'id': oshash, 'info': info, 'filename': filename }) data.append(oshash) elif not is_oshash(arg): print('file not found "%s"' % arg) sys.exit(1) else: data.append(arg) files = [] info = [] else: if not self.active_volumes(): print("no volumes found, mount volumes and run again") return # send empty list to get updated list of requested info/files/data post = {'info': {}} r = self.api.update(post) data = r['data']['data'] files = r['data']['file'] info = r['data']['info'] documents = self._get_documents() if info: r = self.update_info(info) data = r['data']['data'] files = r['data']['file'] if files: print('uploading %s files' % len(files)) for oshash in files: for path in self.path(oshash): if os.path.exists(path): self.api.uploadData(path, oshash) break if documents: _documents = [] for oshash, item in documents: for path in self.path(oshash): if os.path.exists(path): _documents.append([path, item]) break print('uploading %s documents' % len(_documents)) for path, item in _documents: self._add_document(path, item) if data: print('encoding and uploading %s videos' % len(data)) for oshash in data: data = {} info = self.info(oshash) if info and 'error' not in info: for path in self.path(oshash): if os.path.exists(path): if not self.api.uploadVideo(path, data, self.profile(info), info): print('video upload failed, giving up, please try again') return if 'rightsLevel' in self._config: r = self.api.find({'query': { 'conditions': [ {'key': 'oshash', 'value': oshash, 'operator': '=='} ], 'keys': ['id'], 'range': [0, 1] }}) if r['data']['items']: item = r['data']['items'][0]['id'] r = self.api.edit({ 'item': item, 'rightsLevel': self._config['rightsLevel'] }) break def update_info(self, info, prefix=None): if info: print('sending info for %d files' % len(info)) post = {'info': {}, 'upload': True} post['info'] = self.get_info_for_ids(info, prefix) r = self.api.later('update', post) # send empty list to get updated list of requested info/files/data post = {'info': {}} r = self.api.update(post) return r def upload_frames(self, args): if not self.user: print("you need to login") return for oshash in args: info = self.info(oshash) if info and 'error' not in info: for path in self.path(oshash): if os.path.exists(path): frames = get_frames(path, self.api.media_cache, info, True) i = { 'info': info, 'oshash': oshash, 'frames': frames, } r = self.api.uploadFrames(i, {}) if r.get('status', {}).get('code') != 200: print(r) def _get_documents(self): files = [] for volume in self.active_volumes(): query = { 'conditions': [ {'key': 'list', 'value': volume, 'operator': '=='}, { 'conditions': [ {'key': 'filename', 'operator': '', 'value': value} for value in DOCUMENT_FORMATS ], 'operator': '|' } ], 'operator': '&' } n = self.api.findMedia({'query': query})['data']['items'] if n: o = 0 chunk = 5000 while o < n: files += [f for f in self.api.findMedia({ 'query': query, 'keys': ['item', 'id', 'extension'], 'range': [o, o+chunk] })['data']['items'] if f['extension'] in DOCUMENT_FORMATS] o += chunk missing = list(set((f['id'], f['item']) for f in files)) available = set() total = len(missing) ids = [m[0] for m in missing] o = 0 chunk = 1000 while o < len(ids): for d in self.api.findDocuments({ 'query': { 'conditions': [ {'key': 'oshash', 'operator': '==', 'value': id} for id in ids[o:o+chunk] ], 'operator': '|' }, 'keys': ['oshash'], 'range': [0, chunk] })['data']['items']: available.add(d['oshash']) o += chunk missing = [m for m in missing if m[0] not in available] return missing def find_document(self, oshash): r = self.api.findDocuments({ 'keys': ['id'], 'query': { 'conditions': [ {'key': 'oshash', 'value': oshash, 'operator': '=='} ], 'operator': '&' } }) if r['data']['items']: return r['data']['items'][0]['id'] return None def _add_document(self, f, item=None): if f.split('.')[-1].lower() not in DOCUMENT_FORMATS: print('skip, not a document', f) return False oshash = ox.oshash(f) did = self.find_document(oshash) if not did: url = '%supload/document/' % self._config['url'] did = self.api.upload_chunks(url, f, { 'filename': os.path.basename(f) }) if did and item: r = self.api.addDocument({ 'id': did, 'item': item }) return did def upload_document(self, args): if not self.user: print("you need to login") return for f in args: r = self._add_document(f) if not r: print('unsupported format', f) continue def files(self, prefix): if not prefix.endswith('/'): prefix += '/' conn, c = self._conn() files = {} files['info'] = {} files['files'] = [] sql = u'SELECT path, oshash, info, atime, ctime, mtime FROM file WHERE deleted < 0 AND path LIKE ? ORDER BY path' t = [u"%s%%" % prefix] c.execute(sql, t) for row in c: path = row[0] oshash = row[1] info = json.loads(row[2]) if 'error' not in info: for key in ('atime', 'ctime', 'mtime', 'path'): if key in info: del info[key] files['info'][oshash] = info files['files'].append({ 'oshash': oshash, 'path': path[len(prefix):], 'atime': row[3], 'ctime': row[4], 'mtime': row[5], }) conn.close() return files def clean(self, args): if os.path.exists(self.api.media_cache): if args and args[0] == 'all': print("remove all cached videos in", self.api.media_cache) # if os.path.exists(self.api.media_cache): # shutil.rmtree(self.api.media_cache) else: nothing = False for root, folders, files in os.walk(self.api.media_cache): for f in sorted(files): f = os.path.join(root, f) if f.endswith('.webm'): oshash = os.path.dirname(f)[len(self.api.media_cache):].replace('/', '') remove = True for path in self.path(oshash): if os.path.exists(path): remove = False break if remove: nothing = False os.unlink(f) if nothing and folders: print("No unused files found in cache, run \"%s clean all\" to remove the entire cache" % sys.argv[0]) else: utils.cleanup_tree(self.api.media_cache) def import_srt(self, args): ''' import srt as annotations, usage: pandora_client import_srt ITEMID layername /path/to/transcript.srt i.e. pandora_client ipmort_srt ABC transcripts /path/to/transcript.srt ''' if not args: print('Usage: pandora_client import_srt ABC transcripts /path/to/transcript.srt') sys.exit(1) item = args[0] layer = args[1] filename = args[2] layers = [l['id'] for l in self.api.site['layers']] if layer not in layers: print("invalid layer name, choices are: ", ', '.join(layers)) sys.exit(1) if filename.endswith('.vtt'): load = ox.vtt.load else: load = ox.srt.load annotations = [{ 'in': s['in'], 'out': s['out'], 'value': s['value'].replace('\n', '
\n') if layer == 'subtitles' else s['value'], } for s in load(filename)] r = self.api.addAnnotations({ 'item': item, 'layer': layer, 'annotations': annotations }) if r['status']['code'] == 400: print('failed') sys.exit(1) if r['status']['code'] == 403: print('permission deinied') sys.exit(1) elif r['status']['code'] == 404: print('item not found') sys.exit(1) def server(self, args): from . import server server.run(self, args) def client(self, args): threads = [t.split('=')[-1] for t in args if t.startswith('c=')] if threads: threads = int(threads[0]) else: threads = 1 args = [a for a in args if not a.startswith('c=')] urls = [u for u in args if u.startswith('http:')] name = [u for u in args if u not in urls] if not name: name = '%s-%s' % (socket.gethostname(), int(time.time())) else: name = name[0] if not urls: from . import localnode nodes = localnode.LocalNodes() time.sleep(1) found = len(nodes) if not found: print('usage: %s client \n\ti.e. %s client' % (sys.argv[0], sys.argv[0])) sys.exit(1) elif found > 1: print('found multiple servers, please select one, your options are:') for id, url in nodes.items(): print('\t%s client %s' % (sys.argv[0], url)) sys.exit(1) else: for id, url in nodes.items(): break print('connecting to %s (%s)' % (id, url)) else: url = urls[0] from . import client c = client.DistributedClient(url, name, threads) c.run() class API(ox.API): __name__ = 'pandora_client' __version__ = __version__ def __init__(self, url, cj=None, media_cache=None): super(API, self).__init__(url, cj) self.media_cache = media_cache if not self.media_cache: self.media_cache = os.path.expanduser(default_media_cache) netloc = urlparse(self.url).netloc tmp = tempfile.gettempdir() self._resume_file = os.path.join(tmp, 'pandora_client.%s.%s.json' % (os.environ.get('USER'), netloc)) if hasattr(self, 'taskStatus') and not hasattr(self, 'getTaskStatus'): self.getTaskStatus = self.taskStatus def later(self, action, data, interval=5): t = r = getattr(self, action)(data) if r['status']['code'] == 200: # wait for async task to finish if 'taskId' in r['data']: t = self.getTaskStatus(task_id=r['data']['taskId']) print('waiting for server ...') while t['data'].get('status') == 'PENDING': time.sleep(interval) t = self.getTaskStatus(task_id=r['data']['taskId']) return t def uploadFrames(self, i, data): # upload frames if self.site['media'].get('importFrames') and i['frames']: form = ox.MultiPartForm() form.add_field('action', 'upload') form.add_field('id', i['oshash']) for key in data: form.add_field(key, data[key]) for frame in i['frames']: fname = os.path.basename(frame) if os.path.exists(frame): form.add_file('frame', fname, open(frame, 'rb')) r = self._json_request(self.url, form) return r def uploadVideo(self, filename, data, profile, info=None): i = encode(filename, self.media_cache, profile, info, self.site['media'].get('importFrames')) if not i: print("failed") return # upload frames r = self.uploadFrames(i, data) # upload media if os.path.exists(i['media']): size = ox.format_bytes(os.path.getsize(i['media'])) name = os.path.basename(filename) print(u"uploading %s of %s (%s)" % (profile, name, size)) url = self.url + 'upload/?profile=%s&id=%s' % (profile, i['oshash']) if not self.upload_chunks(url, i['media'], data): if DEBUG: print("failed") return False else: print("Failed") return False return True def uploadData(self, filename, oshash): if DEBUG: print('upload', filename) form = ox.MultiPartForm() form.add_field('action', 'upload') form.add_field('id', str(oshash)) fname = os.path.basename(filename) if not isinstance(fname, bytes): fname = fname.encode('utf-8') form.add_file('file', fname, open(filename, 'rb')) r = self._json_request(self.url, form) return r def upload_chunks(self, url, filename, data=None): form = ox.MultiPartForm() resume = None if self._resume_file and os.path.exists(self._resume_file): with open(self._resume_file) as f: try: resume = json.load(f) except: resume = {} if resume.get('chunkUploadUrl') != url: resume = None if resume: data = resume else: for key in data: form.add_field(key, data[key]) data = self._json_request(url, form) print(filename) hide_cursor() def full_url(path): if path.startswith('/'): u = urlparse(url) path = '%s://%s%s' % (u.scheme, u.netloc, path) return path result_url = full_url(data.get('url')) if 'uploadUrl' in data: uploadUrl = full_url(data['uploadUrl']) f = open(filename, 'rb') fsize = os.stat(filename).st_size done = 0 start = time.mktime(time.localtime()) if 'offset' in data and data['offset'] < fsize: done = data['offset'] f.seek(done) resume_offset = done else: resume_offset = 0 chunk = f.read(CHUNK_SIZE) fname = os.path.basename(filename) if not isinstance(fname, bytes): fname = fname.encode('utf-8') while chunk: elapsed = time.mktime(time.localtime()) - start remaining = "" if done: r = math.ceil((elapsed / (done/(fsize-resume_offset)) - elapsed)/60) * 60 * 1000 r = ox.format_duration(r, milliseconds=False, verbosity=2) if r: remaining = ", %s remaining" % r msg = '%0.2f%% %s of %s done%s' % ( 100 * done/fsize, ox.format_bytes(done), ox.format_bytes(fsize), remaining) print(''.join([msg, ' ' * (80-len(msg)), '\r']), end='') sys.stdout.flush() form = ox.MultiPartForm() form.add_file('chunk', fname, chunk) if len(chunk) < CHUNK_SIZE or f.tell() == fsize: form.add_field('done', '1') form.add_field('offset', str(done)) try: data = self._json_request(uploadUrl, form) except KeyboardInterrupt: print("\ninterrupted by user.") sys.exit(1) except: print("uploading chunk failed, will try again in 5 seconds\r", end='') sys.stdout.flush() if DEBUG: print('\n', uploadUrl) import traceback traceback.print_exc() data = {'result': -1} time.sleep(5) if data and 'status' in data: if data['status']['code'] == 403: print("login required") return False if data['status']['code'] != 200: print("request returned error, will try again in 5 seconds") if DEBUG: print(data) time.sleep(5) if data and data.get('result') == 1: done += len(chunk) if data.get('offset') not in (None, done): print('server offset out of sync, continue from', data['offset']) done = data['offset'] f.seek(done) if self._resume_file: with open(self._resume_file, 'w') as r: json.dump({ 'uploadUrl': uploadUrl, 'chunkUploadUrl': url, 'url': result_url, 'offset': done }, r, indent=2) chunk = f.read(CHUNK_SIZE) if self._resume_file and os.path.exists(self._resume_file): os.unlink(self._resume_file) resume = None if result_url: print(result_url + (' ' * (80-len(result_url)))) else: print(' ' * 80) print('') show_cursor() if data and 'result' in data and data.get('result') == 1: return data.get('id', True) else: return False else: if DEBUG: if 'status' in data and data['status']['code'] == 401: print("login required") else: print("failed to upload file to", url) print(data) return False