359 lines
11 KiB
Executable file
359 lines
11 KiB
Executable file
import os
import sys
import json
import subprocess
from collections import defaultdict
import string
from glob import glob
from pi import random
from keywords import KEYWORDS
import ox
import ox.web.auth
base_url = 'https://cdosea.0x2620.org'
api = None
def get_api():
global api
if not api:
api = ox.API(base_url + '/api/')
if os.path.exists('PATHS.json'):
PATHS = json.load(open('PATHS.json'))
PATHS = {}
if os.path.exists('CLIPS.json'):
CLIPS = json.load(open('CLIPS.json'))
CLIPS = {}
if not os.path.exists('MUSIC.json'):
MUSIC = defaultdict(list)
for letter in os.listdir('music'):
for d in range(10):
path = os.path.join('music', letter, '%d.mp3' % d)
'path': path,
'duration': ox.avinfo(path)['duration']
with open('MUSIC.json', 'w') as fd:
json.dump(MUSIC, fd, indent=2, sort_keys=True)
MUSIC = json.load(open('MUSIC.json'))
if not os.path.exists('VOCALS.json'):
VOCALS = defaultdict(list)
for letter in os.listdir('vocals'):
for fn in sorted(os.listdir(os.path.join('vocals', letter))):
path = os.path.join('vocals', letter, fn)
'path': path,
'duration': ox.avinfo(path)['duration']
with open('VOCALS.json', 'w') as fd:
json.dump(VOCALS, fd, indent=2, sort_keys=True)
VOCALS = json.load(open('VOCALS.json'))
def get_path(id):
global PATHS
if id not in PATHS:
info = api.findMedia({
'query': {
'conditions': [
{'key': 'id', 'operator': '==', 'value': id}
'keys': ['id', 'extension'],
'range': [0, 1]
path = os.path.join('cache', '%s.%s' % (info['id'], info['extension']))
h = info['id']
source = '/srv/pandora/data/media/%s/%s/%s/%s/data.*' % (
h[:2], h[2:4], h[4:6], h[6:]
source = glob(source)[0]
if not os.path.exists(path):
if not os.path.exists(source):
print('WTF', source)
os.symlink(source, path)
url = '%s/%s/download/source/' % (base_url, id)
print('get video', url)
PATHS[id] = path
with open('PATHS.json', 'w') as fd:
json.dump(PATHS, fd, indent=4, sort_keys=True)
return PATHS[id]
def get_clips(tag):
global CLIPS
if tag not in CLIPS:
clips = api.findAnnotations({
'query': {
'conditions': [
{'key': 'layer', 'operator': '==', 'value': 'keywords'},
{'key': 'value', 'operator': '==', 'value': tag}
'operator': '&'
'keys': ['id', 'in', 'out'],
'range': [0, 10000]})['data']['items']
for clip in clips:
clip['path'] = get_path(clip['id'].split('/')[0])
# or use round?
clip['in'] = int(clip['in'] / FRAME_DURATION) * FRAME_DURATION
clip['out'] = int(clip['out'] / FRAME_DURATION) * FRAME_DURATION
clip['duration'] = clip['out'] - clip['in']
clip['tag'] = tag
CLIPS[tag] = list(sorted(clips, key=lambda c: c['id']))
with open('CLIPS.json', 'w') as fd:
json.dump(CLIPS, fd, indent=4, sort_keys=True)
return CLIPS[tag].copy()
def random_choice(seq, items):
n = n_ = len(items) - 1
#print('len', n)
if n == 0:
return items[0]
r = seq()
base = 10
while n > 10:
n /= 10
r += seq()
base += 10
r = int(n_ * r / base)
#print('result', r, items)
return items[r]
def splitint(number, by):
div = int(number/by)
mod = number % by
return [div + 1 if i > (by - 1 - mod) else div for i in range(by)]
def filter_clips(clips, duration, max_duration=0):
# 1 minute
blur = 0.5
low = 1
high = 10
# 2 minute
blur = 1
low = 2
high = 20
buckets = {}
clips_ = []
for tag in clips:
for clip in clips[tag]:
clip['tag'] = tag
clips_.sort(key=lambda c: c['duration'])
size = splitint(len(clips_), 10)
p = 0
for i in range(10):
buckets[i+1] = clips_[p:+p+size[i]]
p += size[i]
clips_ = {}
for clip in buckets[duration]:
if clip['tag'] not in clips_:
clips_[clip['tag']] = []
return clips_
def sequence(seq, letter):
tags = KEYWORDS[letter]
clips = {tag: get_clips(tag) for tag in tags}
all_clips = clips.copy()
result = {
'clips': [],
'text': [],
'vocals': [],
'music': [],
duration = 0
MAX_DURATION = 60 * 2 + 5
MIN_DURATION = 60 * 2 - 4
while duration < MAX_DURATION and not duration >= MIN_DURATION:
# clip duration: 1-10
n = seq()
if n == 0:
n = 10
max_duration = MAX_DURATION - duration
clips_n = filter_clips(clips, n, max_duration)
tags_n = [tag for tag in tags if tag in clips_n]
if not tags_n:
print('MISSING CLIPS, fall back to all clips!', letter, n)
clips_n = filter_clips(all_clips, n, max_duration)
tags_n = [tag for tag in tags if tag in clips_n]
if not tags_n:
print('NO tags for', letter, n)
tag = random_choice(seq, tags_n)
#if 'tiger' in tags_n:
# tag = 'tiger'
clip = random_choice(seq, clips_n[tag])
duration += clip['duration']
# no reuse
for t in clips:
clips[t] = [c for c in clips[t] if not c['id'] == clip['id']]
for clip in result['clips']:
if seq() == 0:
clip['black'] = True
# text overlay
position = last_text = 0
tags_text = []
while position < duration:
n = seq()
if n == 0:
blank = {'blank': True, 'duration': position - last_text}
n = seq()
if n == 0:
n = 10
n = min(n, duration-position)
if not tags_text:
tags_text = list(sorted(set(tags)))
ttag = random_choice(seq, tags_text)
text = {
'text': ttag,
'duration': n
position += n
last_text = position
position += n
if last_text < duration:
blank = {'blank': True, 'duration': duration - last_text}
def add_blank(track, d):
if track and track[-1].get('blank'):
track[-1]['duration'] += d
blank = {'blank': True, 'duration': d}
return d
position += d
# music
track = 'music'
if letter in MUSIC:
position = 0
while position < duration:
n = seq()
if n < 5:
n = seq()
position += add_blank(result[track], min(n, duration-position))
n = seq()
clip = MUSIC[letter][n]
position += clip['duration']
if result[track] and position > duration \
and result[track][-1].get('blank') \
and result[track][-1]['duration'] > clip['duration']:
result[track][-1]['duration'] -= (position-duration)
position = duration
if position <= duration:
position -= clip['duration']
if position < duration:
position += add_blank(result[track], duration - position)
# vocals
track = 'vocals'
if letter in VOCALS:
position = 0
while position < duration:
n = seq()
if n < 5:
n = seq()
position += add_blank(result[track], min(n, duration-position))
n = seq()
clip = VOCALS[letter][n]
position += clip['duration']
if result[track] and position > duration \
and result[track][-1].get('blank') \
and result[track][-1]['duration'] > clip['duration']:
result[track][-1]['duration'] -= (position-duration)
position = duration
if position <= duration:
position -= clip['duration']
if position < duration:
position += add_blank(result[track], duration - position)
if letter in VOCALS:
n = seq()
clip = VOCALS[letter][n]
n = 1.0 / (seq() + 1) # 0.1 - 1
silence = duration - clip['duration']
silence_start = n * silence
blank = {'blank': True, 'duration': silence_start}
if n != 0:
if n != 1:
blank = {'blank': True, 'duration': silence - silence_start}
for track in result:
if result[track]:
tduration = sum([c['duration'] for c in result[track]])
if not abs(tduration - duration) < 0.000001:
raise Exception('invalid duration %s vs %s %s' % (tduration, duration, result[track]))
return result
if __name__ == '__main__':
for n in range(10):
seq = random(n * 1000)
#for letter in ('T', 'W'):
for letter in string.ascii_uppercase:
r = sequence(seq, letter)
tjson = 'output/%02d/%s.json' % (n, letter)
folder = os.path.dirname(tjson)
if not os.path.exists(folder):
if os.path.exists(tjson):
with open(tjson, 'r') as fd:
old = fd.read()
old = None
current = json.dumps(r, indent=4, sort_keys=True)
#print(sum([c['duration'] for c in r['clips']]))
if current != old:
with open(tjson, 'w') as fd:
subprocess.call(['./render_mlt.py', tjson])
#subprocess.call(['./render_audio.py', tjson])