diff --git a/API.md b/API.md
index 0cbaaaa..47b6950 100644
--- a/API.md
+++ b/API.md
@@ -1,155 +1,148 @@
-## API
-[Documents, pandora*, 0xdb2*)]TOC(heading=Design
-### Documentation
-Each instance of Pan.do/ra comes with its build in API documentation. You find it by navigation to /api/ with a browser.
-I.e. current API can be found at
-### Using the API
-To use the API you can use Ox.App if you use Ox.js, or look at [pandora_client](https://wiki.0x2620.org/browser/pandora_client/pandora_client/*init*.py#L331) for how this can be used from python. Eventually we hope to describe this section in more detail.
-### Examples
-#### PHP
-url = $url;
- }
- public function _request($action, $data) {
- $content = array(
- 'action' => $action,
- 'data' => json_encode($data)
- );
- $options = array(
- 'http' => array(
- 'header' => "Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n",
- 'method' => 'POST',
- 'content' => http_build_query($content),
- ),
- );
- $context = stream_context_create($options);
- $result = json_decode(file_get_contents($this->url, false, $context));
- return $result;
- }
-$api = new API('http://archive.arabdigitalexpression.org/api/');
-$result = $api->_request('find', array(
- "query"=>array(
- "conditions"=>array(array("key"=>"*", "value"=>"paris", "operator"=>'='))
- ),
- "keys"=>array("title", 'id'),
- "range"=> array(0, 10),
- "sort"=>array(array("key"=>"title", "operator"=>"+"))
-#### JavaScript
-Or using OxJS
-#### Python
-Using python-ox (install with **easy_install ox**)
-import ox
-api = ox.API('http://archive.arabdigitalexpression.org/api/')
-item = api.find({'query':{conditions:[{'key': '*', 'value':'test', 'operator':'='}], 'operator':'&'}, 'keys': ['location']})
-Add all items in list 'j:Example' to groups a, b and c
-import ox
-groups = ['a', 'b', 'c']
-list_id = 'j:Example'
-api = ox.API('http://kjc-sv030.kjc.uni-heidelberg.de/api/')
-api.signin(username=username, password=password)
-for i in api.find({'query': {
- 'conditions': [{'key': 'list', 'value': list_id}]},
- 'keys': ['id', 'groups'],
- 'range': [0, 10000]
- if i['groups'] != groups:
- print id
- api.edit({'id': i['id'], 'groups': groups})
+## API
+[Documents, pandora*, 0xdb2*)]TOC(heading=Design
+### Documentation
+Each instance of Pan.do/ra comes with its build in API documentation. You find it by navigation to /api/ with a browser.
+I.e. current API can be found at
+### Using the API
+To use the API you can use Ox.App if you use Ox.js, or look at [pandora_client](https://wiki.0x2620.org/browser/pandora_client/pandora_client/*init*.py#L331) for how this can be used from python. Eventually we hope to describe this section in more detail.
+### Examples
+#### PHP
+url = $url;
+ }
+ public function _request($action, $data) {
+ $content = array(
+ 'action' => $action,
+ 'data' => json_encode($data)
+ );
+ $options = array(
+ 'http' => array(
+ 'header' => "Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n",
+ 'method' => 'POST',
+ 'content' => http_build_query($content),
+ ),
+ );
+ $context = stream_context_create($options);
+ $result = json_decode(file_get_contents($this->url, false, $context));
+ return $result;
+ }
+$api = new API('http://archive.arabdigitalexpression.org/api/');
+$result = $api->_request('find', array(
+ "query"=>array(
+ "conditions"=>array(array("key"=>"*", "value"=>"paris", "operator"=>'='))
+ ),
+ "keys"=>array("title", 'id'),
+ "range"=> array(0, 10),
+ "sort"=>array(array("key"=>"title", "operator"=>"+"))
+#### JavaScript
+Or using OxJS
+#### Python
+Using python-ox (install with **easy_install ox**)
+import ox
+api = ox.API('http://archive.arabdigitalexpression.org/api/')
+item = api.find({'query':{conditions:[{'key': '*', 'value':'test', 'operator':'='}], 'operator':'&'}, 'keys': ['location']})
+Add all items in list 'j:Example' to groups a, b and c
+import ox
+groups = ['a', 'b', 'c']
+list_id = 'j:Example'
+api = ox.API('http://kjc-sv030.kjc.uni-heidelberg.de/api/')
+api.signin(username=username, password=password)
+for i in api.find({'query': {
+ 'conditions': [{'key': 'list', 'value': list_id}]},
+ 'keys': ['id', 'groups'],
+ 'range': [0, 10000]
+ if i['groups'] != groups:
+ print id
+ api.edit({'id': i['id'], 'groups': groups})
\ No newline at end of file