436 lines
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436 lines
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// vim: et:ts=4:sw=4:sts=4:ft=javascript
pandora.ui.mainMenu = function() {
var isAdmin = pandora.user.level == 'admin',
isGuest = pandora.user.level == 'guest',
ui = pandora.user.ui,
that = Ox.MainMenu({
extras: [
$('<div>').html('beta').css({marginRight: '8px', color: 'rgb(128, 128, 128)'}),
pandora.$ui.loadingIcon = Ox.LoadingIcon({
size: 'medium'
id: 'mainMenu',
menus: Ox.merge(
{ id: pandora.site.site.id + 'Menu', title: pandora.site.site.name, items: Ox.merge(
{ id: 'home', title: 'Home' },
{ id: 'software', title: 'Software' }
) },
{ id: 'userMenu', title: 'User', items: [
{ id: 'username', title: 'User: ' + (isGuest ? 'not logged in' : pandora.user.username), disabled: true },
{ id: 'preferences', title: 'Preferences...', disabled: isGuest, keyboard: 'control ,' },
{ id: 'archives', title: 'Archives...', disabled: isGuest },
{ id: 'signup', title: 'Sign Up...', disabled: !isGuest },
isGuest ? { id: 'signin', title: 'Sign In...' }
: { id: 'signout', title: 'Sign Out...'}
] },
{ id: 'editMenu', title: 'Edit', items: [
{ id: 'undo', title: 'Undo', disabled: true, keyboard: 'control z' },
{ id: 'redo', title: 'Redo', disabled: true, keyboard: 'shift control z' },
{ id: 'cut', title: 'Cut', disabled: true, keyboard: 'control x' },
{ id: 'copy', title: 'Copy', disabled: true, keyboard: 'control c' },
{ id: 'paste', title: 'Paste', disabled: true, keyboard: 'control v' },
{ id: 'delete', title: 'Delete', disabled: true, keyboard: 'delete' },
{ id: 'selectall', title: 'Select All', disabled: true, keyboard: 'control a' },
{ id: 'selectnone', title: 'Select None', disabled: true, keyboard: 'shift control a' },
{ id: 'invertselection', title: 'Invert Selection', disabled: true, keyboard: 'alt control a' }
] },
{ id: 'viewMenu', title: 'View', items: [
{ id: 'movies', title: 'View ' + pandora.site.itemName.plural, items: [
{ group: 'viewmovies', min: 1, max: 1, items: pandora.site.listViews.map(function(view) {
return Ox.extend({
checked: ui.listView == view.id,
}, view);
}) },
{ id: 'icons', title: 'Icons', items: [
{ group: 'viewicons', min: 1, max: 1, items: ['posters', 'frames'].map(function(icons) {
return {id: icons, title: Ox.toTitleCase(icons), checked: ui.icons == icons};
}) },
{ id: 'showsiteposter', title: 'Always Show ' + pandora.site.site.name + ' Poster', checked: ui.showSitePoster }
] },
{ id: 'columns', title: 'Columns', items: [
{ id: 'loadcolumns', title: 'Load Layout...' },
{ id: 'savecolumns', title: 'Save Layout...' },
{ id: 'resetcolumns', title: 'Reset Layout' }
{ id: 'openmovie', title: ['Open ' + pandora.site.itemName.singular, 'Open ' + pandora.site.itemName.plural], items: [
{ group: 'itemview', min: 1, max: 1, items: pandora.site.itemViews.map(function(view) {
return Ox.extend({
checked: ui.itemView == view.id,
}, view);
}) },
{ id: 'openvideo', title: 'Open Video Links', items: [
{ group: 'videoview', min: 1, max: 1, items: ['player', 'editor'].map(function(view) {
return {id: view, title: Ox.toTitleCase(view), checked: ui.videoView == view};
}) }
] },
{ id: 'groups', title: 'Groups', items: [
{ group: 'groups', min: 5, max: 5, items: pandora.site.groups.map(function(group) {
return Ox.extend({
checked: Ox.getPositionById(ui.groups, group.id) > -1
}, group);
}) },
{ id: 'resetgroups', title: 'Reset Groups' }
] },
{ id: 'showsidebar', title: (ui.showSidebar ? 'Hide' : 'Show') + ' Sidebar', keyboard: 'shift s' },
{ id: 'showinfo', title: (ui.showInfo ? 'Hide' : 'Show') + ' Info', keyboard: 'shift i' },
{ id: 'showgroups', title: (ui.showGroups ? 'Hide' : 'Show') + ' Groups', disabled: !!ui.item, keyboard: 'shift g' },
{ id: 'showbrowser', title: (ui.showBrowser ? 'Hide' : 'Show') + ' ' + pandora.site.itemName.singular + ' Browser', disabled: !ui.item, keyboard: 'shift b' },
{ id: 'showannotations', title: (ui.showAnnotations ? 'Hide' : 'Show') + ' Annotations', disabled: !ui.item || ['timeline', 'video'].indexOf(ui.itemView) == -1, keyboard: 'shift a' },
{ id: 'theme', title: 'Theme', items: [
{ group: 'settheme', min: 1, max: 1, items: [
{ id: 'classic', title: 'Classic', checked: ui.theme == 'classic'},
{ id: 'modern', title: 'Modern', checked: ui.theme == 'modern' }
] }
{ id: 'findMenu', title: 'Find', items: [
{ id: 'find', title: 'Find', items: [
{ group: 'find', min: 1, max: 1, items: pandora.site.findKeys.map(function(key, i) {
var index = ui._findState.index;
return Ox.extend({
checked: index > -1 && ui.find.conditions[index].key
? ui.find.conditions[index].key == key.id
: key.id == 'all'
}, key);
}) }
] },
{ id: 'advancedfind', title: 'Advanced Find...', keyboard: 'shift control f' }
] },
{ id: 'dataMenu', title: 'Data', items: [
{ id: 'titles', title: 'Manage Titles...', disabled: !isAdmin },
{ id: 'names', title: 'Manage Names...', disabled: !isAdmin },
{ id: 'places', title: 'Manage Places...', disabled: isGuest },
{ id: 'events', title: 'Manage Events...', disabled: isGuest },
{ id: 'users', title: 'Manage Users...', disabled: !isAdmin }/*,
{ id: 'lists', title: 'Manage Lists...', disabled: !isAdmin },
{ id: 'news', title: 'Manage News...', disabled: !isAdmin },
{ id: 'tour', title: 'Manage Tour...', disabled: !isAdmin }*/
] },
{ id: 'helpMenu', title: 'Help', items: [
{ id: 'help', title: pandora.site.site.name + ' Help', keyboard: 'shift ?' }
] }
? [
{ id: 'debugMenu', title: 'Debug', items: [
{ id: 'clearcache', title: 'Clear Cache'},
{ id: 'reloadapplication', title: 'Reload Application'},
{ id: 'resetui', title: 'Reset UI Settings'}
] }
: []
change: function(data) {
var value = data.checked[0] ? data.checked[0].id : null;
if (data.id == 'find') {
pandora.$ui.findSelect.options({value: value});
} else if (data.id == 'itemview') {
pandora.UI.set({itemView: value});
} else if (Ox.startsWith(data.id, 'ordergroup')) {
var groups = Ox.clone(pandora.user.ui.groups),
id = data.id.replace('ordergroup', ''),
position = Ox.getPositionById(groups, id),
key = groups[position].sort[0].key,
operator = value == 'ascending' ? '+' : '-';
sort: [{key: key, operator: operator}]
groups[position].sort[0].operator = operator;
pandora.UI.set({groups: groups});
} else if (data.id == 'ordermovies') {
var key = pandora.user.ui.listSort[0].key,
operator = value == 'ascending' ? '+' : '-';
pandora.UI.set({listSort: [{key: key, operator: operator}]});
} else if (data.id == 'settheme') {
pandora.UI.set('theme', value);
} else if (data.id == 'showsiteposter') {
pandora.UI.set('showSitePoster', data.checked)
} else if (Ox.startsWith(data.id, 'sortgroup')) {
var groups = Ox.clone(ui.groups),
id = data.id.replace('sortgroup', ''),
position = Ox.getPositionById(groups, id),
type = Ox.getObjectById(pandora.site.groups, id).type,
key = value,
operator = key == 'name' && type == 'string' ? '+' : '-';
pandora.$ui.mainMenu.checkItem('sortMenu_ordergroups_ordergroup' + id + '_' + (operator == '+' ? 'ascending' : 'descending'))
sort: [{key: key, operator: operator}]
groups[position].sort[0].key = key;
pandora.UI.set({groups: groups});
} else if (data.id == 'sortmovies') {
pandora.UI.set({listSort: [{key: value, operator: ''}]});
} else if (data.id == 'viewicons') {
pandora.UI.set({icons: value});
} else if (data.id == 'viewmovies') {
var set = {listView: value};
if (
!pandora.isClipView(key, pandora.user.ui.item)
&& ['title', 'position'].indexOf(pandora.user.ui.listSort[0].key) > -1
) {
set.listSort = pandora.site.user.ui.listSort;
} else if (['personallists', 'favoritelists', 'featuredlists'].indexOf(value) > -1) {
pandora.UI.set({list: value.substr(8)});
click: function(data) {
if ([
'home', 'about', 'news', 'tour', 'faq', 'terms', 'rights', 'contact', 'software',
'signup', 'signin', 'signout', 'preferences', 'help'
].indexOf(data.id) > -1) {
pandora.URL.push('/' + data.id);
} else if ([
'newlist', 'newlistfromselection', 'newsmartlist', 'newsmartlistfromresults'
].indexOf(data.id) > -1) {
pandora.addList(data.id.indexOf('smart') > -1, data.id.indexOf('from') > -1);
} else if (data.id == 'duplicatelist') {
} else if (data.id == 'editlist') {
} else if (data.id == 'deletelist') {
} else if (data.id == 'showsidebar') {
pandora.UI.set({showSidebar: !ui.showSidebar});
} else if (data.id == 'showinfo') {
pandora.UI.set({showInfo: !ui.showInfo});
} else if (data.id == 'showgroups') {
pandora.UI.set({showGroups: !ui.showGroups});
} else if (data.id == 'showbrowser') {
pandora.UI.set({showBrowser: !ui.showBrowser});
} else if (data.id == 'showannotations') {
pandora.UI.set({showAnnotations: !ui.showAnnotations});
} else if (data.id == 'names') {
pandora.$ui.namesDialog = pandora.ui.namesDialog().open();
} else if (data.id == 'titles') {
pandora.$ui.titlesDialog = pandora.ui.titlesDialog().open();
} else if (data.id == 'places') {
pandora.$ui.placesDialog = pandora.ui.placesDialog().open();
} else if (data.id == 'events') {
pandora.$ui.eventsDialog = pandora.ui.eventsDialog().open();
} else if (data.id == 'users') {
pandora.$ui.eventsDialog = pandora.ui.usersDialog().open();
} else if (data.id == 'lists') {
pandora.$ui.eventsDialog = pandora.ui.listsDialog().open();
} else if (data.id == 'resetgroups') {
groups: pandora.site.user.ui.groups
pandora.$ui.contentPanel.replaceElement(0, pandora.$ui.browser = pandora.ui.browser());
} else if (data.id == 'clearcache') {
} else if (data.id == 'reloadapplication') {
} else if (data.id == 'resetui') {
pandora.api.resetUI({}, function() {
pandora_find: function() {
var action = ui._list
&& pandora.getListData(ui._list).user == pandora.user.username
? 'enableItem' : 'disableItem';
that[ui.listSelection.length ? 'enableItem' : 'disableItem']('newlistfromselection');
pandora_item: function(data) {
if (!!data.value != !!data.previousValue) {
that[data.value ? 'disableItem' : 'enableItem']('showgroups');
that[data.value ? 'enableItem' : 'disableItem']('showbrowser');
if (!data.value) {
} else if (['video', 'timeline'].indexOf(ui.itemView) > -1) {
pandora_itemview: function(data) {
var isVideoView = ['video', 'timeline'].indexOf(data.value) > -1,
wasVideoView = ['video', 'timeline'].indexOf(data.previousValue) > -1;
if (isVideoView != wasVideoView) {
that[isVideoView ? 'enableItem' : 'disableItem']('showannotations');
pandora_listselection: function(data) {
that[data.value.length ? 'enableItem' : 'disableItem']('newlistfromselection');
pandora_listview: function(data) {
pandora.$ui.mainMenu.checkItem('viewMenu_movies_' + data.value);
if (pandora.isClipView() != pandora.isClipView(data.previousValue)) {
that.replaceMenu('sortMenu', getSortMenu());
pandora_showannotations: function(data) {
that.setItemTitle('showannotations', (data.value ? 'Hide' : 'Show') + ' Annotations');
pandora_showbrowser: function(data) {
that.setItemTitle('showbrowser', (data.value ? 'Hide' : 'Show') + ' ' + pandora.site.itemName.singular + ' Browser');
pandora_showgroups: function(data) {
that.setItemTitle('showgroups', (data.value ? 'Hide' : 'Show') + ' Groups');
pandora_showinfo: function(data) {
that.setItemTitle('showinfo', (data.value ? 'Hide' : 'Show') + ' Info');
pandora_showsidebar: function(data) {
that.setItemTitle('showsidebar', (data.value ? 'Hide' : 'Show') + ' Sidebar');
function getListMenu(lists) {
return { id: 'listMenu', title: 'List', items: Ox.merge(
['personal', 'favorite', 'featured'].map(function(folder) {
return {
id: folder + 'lists',
title: Ox.toTitleCase(folder) + ' Lists',
items: [{
group: folder + 'lists',
min: 0,
max: 1,
items: lists ? lists[folder].map(function(list) {
return {
id: 'viewlist' + list.id,
title: (folder == 'favorite' ? list.user + ': ' : '') + list.name,
checked: list.id == pandora.user.ui._list
}) : [{id: 'loading', title: 'Loading...', disabled: true}]
{ id: 'newlist', title: 'New List', disabled: isGuest, keyboard: 'control n' },
{ id: 'newlistfromselection', title: 'New List from Selection', disabled: isGuest || ui.listSelection.length == 0, keyboard: 'shift control n' },
{ id: 'newsmartlist', title: 'New Smart List', disabled: isGuest, keyboard: 'alt control n' },
{ id: 'newsmartlistfromresults', title: 'New Smart List from Results', disabled: isGuest, keyboard: 'shift alt control n' },
{ id: 'duplicatelist', title: 'Duplicate Selected List', disabled: isGuest || !pandora.user.ui._list, keyboard: 'control d' },
{ id: 'editlist', title: 'Edit Selected List...', disabled: isGuest || !pandora.user.ui._list, keyboard: 'control e' },
{ id: 'deletelist', title: 'Delete Selected List...', disabled: isGuest || !pandora.user.ui._list, keyboard: 'delete' },
function getSortMenu() {
var ui = pandora.user.ui,
isClipView = pandora.isClipView(ui.listView);
return { id: 'sortMenu', title: 'Sort', items: [
{ id: 'sortmovies', title: 'Sort ' + (isClipView ? 'Clips' : pandora.site.itemName.plural) + ' by', items: [
{ group: 'sortmovies', min: 1, max: 1, items: Ox.merge(isClipView ? Ox.merge(pandora.site.clipKeys.map(function(key) {
return Ox.extend(Ox.clone(key), {
checked: ui.listSort[0].key == key.id,
title: 'Clip ' + key.title
}), /*{}*/[]) : [], pandora.site.sortKeys.map(function(key) {
return Ox.extend({
checked: ui.listSort[0].key == key.id
}, key);
})) }
] },
{ id: 'ordermovies', title: 'Order ' + (isClipView ? 'Clips' : pandora.site.itemName.plural), items: [
{ group: 'ordermovies', min: 1, max: 1, items: [
{ id: 'ascending', title: 'Ascending', checked: (ui.listSort[0].operator || pandora.getSortOperator(ui.listSort[0].key)) == '+' },
{ id: 'descending', title: 'Descending', checked: (ui.listSort[0].operator || pandora.getSortOperator(ui.listSort[0].key)) == '-' }
] },
{ id: 'advancedsort', title: 'Advanced Sort...', keyboard: 'shift control s' },
{ id: 'sortgroups', title: 'Sort Groups', items: pandora.user.ui.groups.map(function(group) {
return {
id: 'sortgroup' + group.id,
title: 'Sort ' + Ox.getObjectById(pandora.site.groups, group.id).title + ' Group by',
items: [
{ group: 'sortgroup' + group.id, min: 1, max: 1, items: [
{ id: 'name', title: 'Name', checked: group.sort[0].key == 'name' },
{ id: 'items', title: 'Items', checked: group.sort[0].key == 'items' }
] }
}) },
{ id: 'ordergroups', title: 'Order Groups', items: pandora.user.ui.groups.map(function(group) {
return {
id: 'ordergroup' + group.id,
title: 'Order ' + Ox.getObjectById(pandora.site.groups, group.id).title + ' Group',
items: [
{ group: 'ordergroup' + group.id, min: 1, max: 1, items: [
{ id: 'ascending', title: 'Ascending', checked: group.sort[0].operator == '+' },
{ id: 'descending', title: 'Descending', checked: group.sort[0].operator == '-' }
] }
}) }
] };
// fixme: the sidebar makes the same requests.
// is it ok to make them twice, or should the sidebar trigger the menu replace?
var counter = 0,
lists = {},
queries = {
// fixme: duplicated
personal: {conditions: [
{key: 'user', value: pandora.user.username, operator: '=='},
{key: 'status', value: 'featured', operator: '!='}
], operator: '&'},
favorite: {conditions: [
{key: 'subscribed', value: true, operator: '='},
{key: 'status', value: 'featured', operator: '!='},
], operator: '&'},
featured: {conditions: [
{key: 'status', value: 'featured', operator: '='}
], operator: '&'}
Ox.forEach(queries, function(query, folder) {
query: query,
keys: ['id', 'name', 'user']
}, function(result) {
lists[folder] = result.data.items;
if (++counter == 3) {
Ox.print('--------------------------------------------', lists)
pandora.$ui.mainMenu.replaceMenu('listMenu', getListMenu(lists));
return that;