505 lines
18 KiB
505 lines
18 KiB
// vim: et:ts=4:sw=4:sts=4:ft=javascript
'use strict';
pandora.ui.listDialog = function(section) {
section = section || 'general';
var width = getWidth(section);
var listData = pandora.getListData(),
tabs = [].concat([
{id: 'general', title: 'General'},
{id: 'icon', title: 'Icon'}
], listData.type == 'smart'
? [{id: 'query', title: 'Query'}]
: []
Ox.getObjectById(tabs, section).selected = true;
pandora.$ui.listDialogTabPanel = Ox.TabPanel({
content: function(id) {
if (id == 'general') {
return pandora.ui.listGeneralPanel(listData);
} else if (id == 'icon') {
return pandora.$ui.listIconPanel = pandora.ui.listIconPanel(listData);
} else if (id == 'query') {
return pandora.$ui.filterForm = pandora.ui.filterForm(listData);
tabs: tabs
change: function(data) {
var width = getWidth(data.selected);
maxWidth: width,
minWidth: width
$dialog.setSize(width, 312);
$findElement[data.selected == 'icon' ? 'show' : 'hide']();
pandora.$ui.listDialogTabPanel.find('.OxButtonGroup').css({width: '256px'});
var $findElement = Ox.FormElementGroup({
elements: [
pandora.$ui.findIconItemSelect = Ox.Select({
items: pandora.site.findKeys.map(function(findKey) {
return {id: findKey.id, title: 'Find: ' + findKey.title};
overlap: 'right',
type: 'image'
change: function(data) {
placeholder: data.title
// fixme: this is a bit weird
setTimeout(function() {
}, 250);
pandora.$ui.findIconItemInput = Ox.Input({
changeOnKeypress: true,
clear: true,
placeholder: 'Find: All',
width: 128 + Ox.UI.SCROLLBAR_SIZE
change: function(data) {
.css({float: 'right', margin: '4px', align: 'right'});
if (section != 'icon') {
var $dialog = Ox.Dialog({
buttons: [
id: 'done',
title: 'Done'
click: function() {
closeButton: true,
content: pandora.$ui.listDialogTabPanel,
maxWidth: width,
minHeight: 312,
minWidth: width,
height: 312,
// keys: {enter: 'save', escape: 'cancel'},
removeOnClose: true,
title: 'List — ' + Ox.encodeHTMLEntities(listData.name),
width: width
function getWidth(section) {
return section == 'general' ? 496
: (section == 'icon' ? 696 : 648) + Ox.UI.SCROLLBAR_SIZE;
return $dialog;
pandora.ui.listGeneralPanel = function(listData) {
var that = Ox.Element();
query: {conditions: [{key: 'id', value: listData.id, operator: '=='}]},
keys: ['description', 'subscribers']
}, function(result) {
var description = result.data.items[0].description,
subscribers = result.data.items[0].subscribers,
$icon = Ox.Element({
element: '<img>',
tooltip: 'Doubleclick to edit icon'
src: '/list/' + listData.id + '/icon256.jpg?' + Ox.uid()
position: 'absolute',
left: '16px',
top: '16px',
width: '128px',
height: '128px',
borderRadius: '32px'
doubleclick: function() {
$nameInput = Ox.Input({
label: 'Name',
labelWidth: 80,
value: listData.name,
width: 320
.css({position: 'absolute', left: '160px', top: '16px'})
blur: editName,
submit: editName
$itemsInput = Ox.Input({
disabled: true,
label: 'Items',
labelWidth: 80,
value: listData.items,
width: 320
.css({position: 'absolute', left: '160px', top: '40px'})
$statusSelect = listData.status == 'featured'
? Ox.Input({
disabled: true,
label: 'Status',
labelWidth: 80,
value: 'Featured',
width: 320
.css({position: 'absolute', left: '160px', top: '64px'})
: Ox.Select({
items: [
{id: 'private', title: 'Private'},
{id: 'public', title: 'Public'}
label: 'Status',
labelWidth: 80,
value: listData.status,
width: 320
.css({position: 'absolute', left: '160px', top: '64px'})
change: editStatus
$subscribersInput = Ox.Input({
disabled: true,
label: 'Subscribers',
labelWidth: 80,
value: subscribers,
width: 320
.css({position: 'absolute', left: '160px', top: '88px'})
$descriptionInput = Ox.Input({
height: getDescriptionHeight(),
placeholder: 'Description',
type: 'textarea',
value: description,
width: 320
.css({position: 'absolute', left: '160px', top: getDescriptionTop() + 'px'})
blur: editDescription,
submit: editDescription
function editDescription(data) {
if (data.value != description) {
id: listData.id,
description: data.value
}, function(result) {
description = result.data.description;
function editName(data) {
if (data.value != listData.name) {
id: listData.id,
name: data.value
}, function(result) {
if (result.data.id != listData.id) {
pandora.renameList(listData.id, result.data.id, result.data.name);
listData.id = result.data.id;
listData.name = result.data.name;
title: 'List — ' + Ox.encodeHTMLEntities(listData.name)
function editStatus(data) {
var status = data.value;
$statusSelect.value(status == 'private' ? 'public' : 'private');
pandora.changeListStatus(listData.id, status, function(result) {
listData.status = result.data.status;
if (result.data.status == 'private') {
subscribers = 0;
.options({height: getDescriptionHeight()})
.css({top: getDescriptionTop() + 'px'});
result.data.id, 'status', result.data.status
function getDescriptionHeight() {
return listData.status == 'private' ? 184 : 160;
function getDescriptionTop() {
return listData.status == 'private' ? 88 : 112;
function getSubscribersAction() {
return listData.status == 'private' ? 'hide' : 'show';
return that;
pandora.ui.listIconPanel = function(listData) {
var quarter = 0,
quarters = ['top-left', 'top-right', 'bottom-left', 'bottom-right'],
$iconPanel = Ox.Element(),
$icon = $('<img>')
.attr({src: '/list/' + listData.id + '/icon256.jpg?' + Ox.uid()})
.css({position: 'absolute', borderRadius: '64px', margin: '16px'})
$previewPanel = Ox.Element(),
$list = Ox.Element(),
that = Ox.SplitPanel({
elements: [
element: $iconPanel,
size: 280
element: $previewPanel
element: $list,
size: 144 + Ox.UI.SCROLLBAR_SIZE
orientation: 'horizontal'
query: {
conditions: [{key: 'id', value: listData.id, operator: '=='}],
operator: '&'
keys: ['posterFrames']
}, function(result) {
var posterFrames = result.data.items[0].posterFrames,
posterFrame = posterFrames[quarter],
$interface = Ox.Element({
tooltip: function(e) {
return 'Edit ' + $(e.target).attr('id').replace('-', ' ') + ' image';
position: 'absolute',
width: '256px',
height: '256px',
marginLeft: '16px',
marginTop: '16px',
cursor: 'pointer'
click: function(e) {
dblclick: function(e) {
clickIcon(e, true);
$list = Ox.IconList({
borderRadius: 16,
item: function(data, sort) {
var size = 128;
return {
height: size,
id: data.id,
info: data[['title', 'director'].indexOf(sort[0].key) > -1 ? 'year' : sort[0].key],
title: data.title + (data.director.length ? ' (' + data.director.join(', ') + ')' : ''),
url: '/' + data.id + '/icon' + size + '.jpg',
width: size
items: function(data, callback) {
pandora.api.find(Ox.extend(data, {
query: {
conditions: [{key: 'list', value: listData.id, operator: '=='}],
operator: '&'
}), callback);
keys: ['director', 'duration', 'id', 'posterFrame', 'title', 'videoRatio', 'year'],
max: 1,
min: 1,
//orientation: 'vertical',
selected: posterFrame ? [posterFrame.item] : [],
size: 128,
sort: pandora.user.ui.listSort,
unique: 'id'
//.css({width: '144px'})
open: function(data) {
setPosterFrame(data.ids[0], $list.value(data.ids[0], 'posterFrame'))
select: function(data) {
load: function() {
var itemData;
if (!posterFrame) {
itemData = $list.value(0);
$list.options({selected: [itemData.id]});
} else {
itemData = $list.value(posterFrame.item);
posterFrames.length && renderPreview(itemData);
that.replaceElement(2, $list);
function clickIcon(e, isDoubleClick) {
quarter = quarters.indexOf($(e.target).attr('id'));
if (isDoubleClick && posterFrames.length) {
var item = posterFrames[quarter].item;
$list.options({selected: [item]});
renderPreview($list.value(item), posterFrames[quarter].position);
function renderPreview(itemData, position) {
$preview = pandora.ui.videoPreview({
duration: itemData.duration,
frameRatio: itemData.videoRatio,
height: 256,
id: itemData.id,
position: position,
width: 256
.css({marginLeft: '8px', marginTop: '16px', overflow: 'hidden'})
click: function(data) {
setPosterFrame(itemData.id, data.position);
// fixme: need canvas for this
.css('border-' + quarter + '-radius', '128px');
function renderQuarters() {
quarters.forEach(function(q, i) {
.attr({id: q})
float: 'left',
width: '126px',
height: '126px',
border: '1px solid rgba(255, 255, 255, ' + (i == quarter ? 0.75 : 0) + ')',
background: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, ' + (i == quarter ? 0 : 0.75) + ')'
.css('border-' + q + '-radius', '64px')
function setPosterFrame(item, position) {
var posterFrame = {item: item, position: position};
if (posterFrames.length) {
posterFrames[quarter] = posterFrame;
} else {
posterFrames = Ox.repeat([posterFrame], 4);
id: listData.id,
posterFrames: posterFrames
}, function() {
src: '/list/' + listData.id + '/icon256.jpg?' + Ox.uid()
.find('img[src*="/' + listData.id + '/"]')
src: '/list/' + listData.id + '/icon.jpg?' + Ox.uid()
$preview.options({position: position});
function renderFrame() {
$frame.css({borderRadius: 0});
$frame.css('border-' + quarters[quarter] + '-radius', '128px');
that.updateQuery = function(key, value) {
items: function(data, callback) {
pandora.api.find(Ox.extend(data, {
query: {
conditions: [{key: 'list', value: listData.id, operator: '=='}].concat(
value !== '' ? [{key: key, value: value, operator: '='}] : []
operator: '&'
}), callback);
return that;