605 lines
26 KiB
605 lines
26 KiB
// vim: et:ts=4:sw=4:sts=4:ft=javascript
'use strict';
pandora.ui.list = function() {
var that,
view = pandora.user.ui.listView,
preview = false;
if (view == 'list') {
that = Ox.TextList({
columns: [].concat([{
align: 'center',
defaultWidth: 16,
format: function(value, data) {
var icon, width, height, margin, marginCSS, borderRadius;
if (pandora.user.ui.icons == 'posters') {
icon = 'poster';
width = value < 1 ? Math.round(14 * value / 2) * 2 : 14;
height = value < 1 ? 14 : Math.round(14 / value / 2) * 2;
margin = value < 1 ? Math.floor(7 - width / 2) - 3 : Math.floor(7 - height / 2);
marginCSS = value < 1 ? '0 0 0 ' + margin + 'px' : margin + 'px 0 0 -3px';
borderRadius = 0;
} else {
icon = 'icon';
width = 14;
height = 14;
marginCSS = '0 0 0 -3px';
borderRadius = '3px';
return $('<img>').css({
width: width - 2 + 'px',
height: height - 2 + 'px',
border: '1px solid rgb(48, 48, 48)',
borderRadius: '2px',
margin: marginCSS,
background: '-webkit-linear-gradient(top, rgb(32, 32, 32), rgb(0, 0, 0))'
}).load(function() {
width: width + 'px',
height: height + 'px',
border: 0,
borderRadius: borderRadius
//background: 'transparent'
src: '/' + data.id + '/' + icon + '14.jpg'
id: 'posterRatio',
resizable: false,
title: 'Icon',
titleImage: pandora.user.ui.icons == 'posters' ? 'SetPoster' : 'Icon',
visible: pandora.user.ui.listColumns.indexOf('posterRatio') > -1,
width: 16
}], pandora.site.sortKeys.filter(function(key) {
return !key.capability
|| pandora.site.capabilities[key.capability][pandora.user.level];
}).map(function(key) {
var position = pandora.user.ui.listColumns.indexOf(key.id);
return {
align: ['string', 'text'].indexOf(
Ox.isArray(key.type) ? key.type[0]: key.type
) > -1 ? 'left' : key.type == 'list' ? 'center' : 'right',
defaultWidth: key.columnWidth,
format: key.format,
id: key.id,
operator: pandora.getSortOperator(key.id),
position: position,
removable: !key.columnRequired,
title: key.title,
type: key.type,
unique: key.id == 'id',
visible: position > -1,
width: pandora.user.ui.listColumnWidth[key.id] || key.columnWidth
columnsMovable: true,
columnsRemovable: true,
columnsResizable: true,
columnsVisible: true,
draggable: true,
id: 'list',
items: function(data, callback) {
//Ox.Log('', 'data, pandora.Query.toObject', data, pandora.Query.toObject())
pandora.api.find(Ox.extend(data, {
query: pandora.user.ui.find
}), callback);
scrollbarVisible: true,
selected: pandora.user.ui.listSelection,
sort: pandora.user.ui.listSort
columnchange: function(data) {
var columnWidth = {};
pandora.UI.set({listColumns: data.ids});
data.ids.forEach(function(id) {
columnWidth[id] =
|| Ox.getObjectById(pandora.site.sortKeys, id).width
pandora.UI.set({listColumnWidth: columnWidth});
columnresize: function(data) {
pandora.UI.set('listColumnWidth.' + data.id, data.width);
resize: function(data) { // this is the resize event of the split panel
sort: function(data) {
Ox.Log('', '---- SORT ----', data)
listSort: [{key: data.key, operator: data.operator}]
} else if (view == 'grid') {
that = Ox.IconList({
borderRadius: pandora.user.ui.icons == 'posters' ? 0 : 16,
defaultRatio: pandora.user.ui.icons == 'posters' ? 5/8 : 1,
draggable: true,
id: 'list',
item: function(data, sort, size) {
var ui = pandora.user.ui,
ratio = ui.icons == 'posters'
? (ui.showSitePosters ? 5/8 : data.posterRatio) : 1,
url = '/' + data.id + '/' + (
ui.icons == 'posters'
? (ui.showSitePosters ? 'siteposter' : 'poster') : 'icon'
) + size + '.jpg',
format, info, sortKey = sort[0].key;
if (['title', 'director', 'random'].indexOf(sortKey) > -1) {
info = data['year'];
} else {
format = pandora.getSortKeyData(sortKey).format;
if (format) {
info = (
/^color/.test(format.type.toLowerCase()) ? Ox.Theme : Ox
)['format' + Ox.toTitleCase(format.type)].apply(
this, [data[sortKey]].concat(format.args || [])
} else {
info = data[sortKey];
size = size || 128;
return {
height: Math.round(ratio <= 1 ? size : size / ratio),
id: data.id,
info: info,
title: data.title + (data.director.length ? ' (' + data.director.join(', ') + ')' : ''),
url: url,
width: Math.round(ratio >= 1 ? size : size * ratio)
items: function(data, callback) {
pandora.api.find(Ox.extend(data, {
query: pandora.user.ui.find
}), callback);
keys: ['director', 'id', 'posterRatio', 'title', 'year'],
selected: pandora.user.ui.listSelection,
size: 128,
sort: pandora.user.ui.listSort,
unique: 'id'
} else if (view == 'info') {
that = Ox.Element().css({margin: '16px'}).html(view + ' results view still missing.');
} else if (view == 'clips') {
that = Ox.InfoList({
borderRadius: pandora.user.ui.icons == 'posters' ? 0 : 16,
defaultRatio: pandora.user.ui.icons == 'posters' ? 5/8 : 1,
draggable: true,
id: 'list',
item: function(data, sort, size) {
size = 128;
var ui = pandora.user.ui,
ratio = ui.icons == 'posters'
? (ui.showSitePosters ? 5/8 : data.posterRatio) : 1,
url = '/' + data.id + '/' + (
ui.icons == 'posters'
? (ui.showSitePosters ? 'siteposter' : 'poster') : 'icon'
) + size + '.jpg',
format, info, sortKey = sort[0].key;
if (['title', 'director'].indexOf(sortKey) > -1) {
info = data['year'];
} else {
format = pandora.getSortKeyData(sortKey).format;
if (format) {
info = (
/^color/.test(format.type.toLowerCase()) ? Ox.Theme : Ox
)['format' + Ox.toTitleCase(format.type)].apply(
this, [data[sortKey]].concat(format.args || [])
} else {
info = data[sortKey];
return {
icon: {
height: Math.round(ratio <= 1 ? size : size / ratio),
id: data.id,
info: info,
title: data.title + (data.director.length ? ' (' + data.director.join(', ') + ')' : ''),
url: url,
width: Math.round(ratio >= 1 ? size : size * ratio)
info: {
element: pandora.ui.itemClips,
id: data.id,
options: {
clips: data.clips,
duration: data.duration,
id: data.id,
ratio: data.videoRatio
items: function(data, callback) {
pandora.api.find(Ox.extend(data, {
query: pandora.user.ui.find,
clips: {
query: pandora.getClipsQuery(),
items: pandora.getClipsItems(),
keys: []
}), callback);
keys: ['clips', 'director', 'duration', 'id', 'posterRatio', 'title', 'videoRatio', 'year'],
selected: pandora.user.ui.listSelection,
size: 192,
sort: pandora.user.ui.listSort,
unique: 'id',
width: window.innerWidth
- pandora.user.ui.showSidebar * pandora.user.ui.sidebarSize - 1
key_left: function() {
// ...
key_right: function() {
// ...
} else if (view == 'timelines') {
that = Ox.InfoList({
borderRadius: pandora.user.ui.icons == 'posters' ? 0 : 16,
defaultRatio: pandora.user.ui.icons == 'posters' ? 5/8 : 1,
draggable: true,
id: 'list',
item: function(data, sort, size) {
size = 128;
var clipsQuery = pandora.getClipsQuery(),
isClipsQuery = !!clipsQuery.conditions.length,
ui = pandora.user.ui,
ratio = ui.icons == 'posters'
? (ui.showSitePosters ? 5/8 : data.posterRatio) : 1,
url = '/' + data.id + '/' + (
ui.icons == 'posters'
? (ui.showSitePosters ? 'siteposter' : 'poster') : 'icon'
) + size + '.jpg',
format, info, sortKey = sort[0].key;
if (['title', 'director'].indexOf(sortKey) > -1) {
info = data['year'];
} else {
format = pandora.getSortKeyData(sortKey).format;
if (format) {
info = (
/^color/.test(format.type.toLowerCase()) ? Ox.Theme : Ox
)['format' + Ox.toTitleCase(format.type)].apply(
this, [data[sortKey]].concat(format.args || [])
} else {
info = data[sortKey];
return {
icon: {
height: Math.round(ratio <= 1 ? size : size / ratio),
id: data.id,
info: info,
title: data.title + (data.director.length ? ' (' + data.director.join(', ') + ')' : ''),
url: url,
width: Math.round(ratio >= 1 ? size : size * ratio)
info: data.rendered ? {
css: {marginTop: '2px'},
element: Ox.BlockVideoTimeline,
events: {
position: function(event) {
if (pandora.user.ui.videoPoints[data.id]) {
pandora.UI.set('videoPoints.' + data.id + '.position', event.position);
} else {
pandora.UI.set('videoPoints.' + data.id, {'in': 0, out: 0, position: event.position});
// FIXME: we need a way to set the position
// once the video preview has loaded
pandora.$ui.videoPreview && pandora.$ui.videoPreview.options({
position: event.position
id: data.id,
options: {
duration: data.duration,
find: isClipsQuery ? clipsQuery.conditions[0].value : '',
getImageURL: function(type, i) {
return '/' + data.id + '/timeline' + type + '16p' + i + '.jpg';
position: pandora.user.ui.videoPoints[data.id]
? pandora.user.ui.videoPoints[data.id].position : 0,
results: isClipsQuery ? data.clips.map(function(clip) {
return {'in': clip['in'], out: clip.out};
}) : [],
subtitles: isClipsQuery ? data.clips.map(function(clip) {
return {'in': clip['in'], out: clip.out, text: clip.annotations[0].value};
}) : [],
type: pandora.user.ui.videoTimeline
} : {
css: {marginTop: '2px'},
element: Ox.Element,
id: data.id,
options: {}
items: function(data, callback) {
var clipsQuery = pandora.getClipsQuery(),
isClipsQuery = !!clipsQuery.conditions.length;
pandora.api.find(Ox.extend(data, Ox.extend({
query: pandora.user.ui.find
}, isClipsQuery ? {clips: {
query: clipsQuery,
items: 1000000,
keys: []
}} : {})), callback);
keys: ['clips', 'director', 'duration', 'id', 'posterRatio', 'rendered', 'title', 'year'],
selected: pandora.user.ui.listSelection,
size: 192,
sort: pandora.user.ui.listSort,
unique: 'id'
key_left: function() {
// ...
key_right: function() {
// ...
} else if (view == 'maps') {
that = Ox.Element().css({margin: '16px'}).html(view + ' results view still missing.');
} else if (view == 'calendars') {
that = Ox.Element().css({margin: '16px'}).html(view + ' results view still missing.');
} else if (view == 'clip') {
that = pandora.$ui.clipList = pandora.ui.clipList();
} else if (view == 'video') {
that = pandora.ui.clipPlayer();
} else if (['map', 'calendar'].indexOf(view) > -1) {
that = pandora.ui.navigationView(view);
if (['list', 'grid', 'clips', 'timelines'].indexOf(view) > -1) {
pandora.enableDragAndDrop(that, true);
closepreview: function(data) {
preview = false;
//delete pandora.$ui.previewDialog;
copy: function(data) {
items: data.ids,
text: data.ids.map(function(id) {
return pandora.$ui.list.value(id, 'title');
'delete': function(data) {
pandora.getListData().editable && pandora.api.removeListItems({
list: pandora.user.ui._list,
items: data.ids
}, function() {
pandora.UI.set({listSelection: []});
init: function(data) {
pandora.$ui.statusbar.set('total', data);
data = [];
pandora.site.totals.forEach(function(v) {
data[v.id] = 0;
pandora.$ui.statusbar.set('selected', data);
open: function(data) {
var set = {item: data.ids[0]};
if (data.isSpecialTarget) {
set.itemView = pandora.user.ui.videoView;
if (['accessed', 'timesaccessed'].indexOf(pandora.user.ui.listSort[0].key) > -1) {
openpreview: function(data) {
if (data.ids.length) {
pandora.requests.preview && pandora.api.cancel(pandora.requests.preview);
pandora.requests.preview = pandora.api.find({
keys: ['director', 'id', 'posterRatio', 'title', 'year'],
query: {
conditions: data.ids.map(function(id) {
return {
key: 'id',
value: id,
operator: '=='
operator: '|'
}, function(result) {
var item = result.data.items[0],
title = item.title + (
item.director ? ' (' + item.director.join(', ') + ')' : ''
) + (
item.year ? ' ' + item.year : ''
ratio = item.posterRatio,
windowWidth = window.innerWidth * 0.8,
windowHeight = window.innerHeight * 0.8,
windowRatio = windowWidth / windowHeight,
width = Math.round(ratio > windowRatio ? windowWidth : windowHeight * ratio),
height = Math.round(ratio < windowRatio ? windowHeight : windowWidth / ratio);
pandora.$ui.previewImage = $('<img>')
.attr({src: '/' + item.id + '/poster128.jpg'})
.css({width: width + 'px', height: height + 'px'})
$('<img>').load(function() {
pandora.$ui.previewImage.attr({src: $(this).attr('src')});
.attr({src: '/' + item.id + '/poster1024.jpg'});
if (!preview) {
if (!pandora.$ui.previewDialog) {
pandora.$ui.previewDialog = Ox.Dialog({
closeButton: true,
content: pandora.$ui.previewImage,
fixedRatio: true,
focus: false,
height: height,
maximizeButton: true,
title: title,
width: width
close: function() {
preview = false;
resize: function(data) {
width: data.width + 'px',
height: data.height + 'px'
} else {
content: pandora.$ui.previewImage,
height: height,
title: title,
width: width
preview = true;
} else {
content: pandora.$ui.previewImage,
title: title
.setSize(width, height);
paste: function(data) {
data.items && pandora.getListData().editable && pandora.api.addListItems({
list: pandora.user.ui._list,
items: data.items
}, pandora.reloadList);
select: function(data) {
var query;
pandora.UI.set('listSelection', data.ids);
if (data.ids.length) {
} else {
pandora.$ui.leftPanel.replaceElement(2, pandora.$ui.info = pandora.ui.info());
if (data.ids.length == 0) {
pandora.$ui.statusbar.set('selected', {items: 0});
} else {
if (Ox.isUndefined(data.rest)) {
query = {
conditions: data.ids.map(function(id) {
return {
key: 'id',
value: id,
operator: '=='
operator: '|'
} else {
query = {
conditions: [pandora.user.ui.find].concat(
data.rest.map(function(id) {
return {
key: 'id',
value: id,
operator: '!='
operator: '&'
query: query
}, function(result) {
pandora.$ui.statusbar.set('selected', result.data);
pandora_listselection: function(data) {
that.options({selected: data.value});
pandora_listsort: function(data) {
that.options({sort: data.value});
if (['list', 'grid', 'timelines'].indexOf(view) > -1) {
pandora_icons: function(data) {
var src, previousSrc;
// fixme: doesn't update title icon, passes useless options
if (hasIcons()) {
if (pandora.user.ui.listView == 'list') {
src = Ox.UI.getImageURL(
data.value == 'posters' ? 'symbolSetPoster' : 'symbolIcon'
previousSrc = Ox.UI.getImageURL(
data.previousValue == 'posters' ? 'symbolSetPoster' : 'symbolIcon'
that.find('img[src="' + previousSrc + '"]').attr({src: src});
} else {
borderRadius: data.value == 'posters' ? 0 : 16,
defaultRatio: data.value == 'posters' ? 5/8 : 1
pandora_showsiteposters: function() {
// fixme: should be disabled if ui.icons != 'posters'
hasIcons() && pandora.user.ui.icons == 'posters' && that.reloadList(true);
if (view == 'timelines') {
pandora_videotimeline: function(data) {
function hasIcons() {
return (
pandora.user.ui.listView == 'list'
&& pandora.user.ui.listColumns.indexOf('posterRatio') > -1
) || ['grid', 'timelines'].indexOf(pandora.user.ui.listView) > -1;
return that;