1401 lines
52 KiB
1401 lines
52 KiB
// vim: et:ts=4:sw=4:sts=4:ft=javascript
'use strict';
pandora.addList = function() {
// addList(isSmart, isFrom) or addList(list) [=duplicate]
var $folderList = pandora.$ui.folderList.personal,
isDuplicate = arguments.length == 1,
isSmart, isFrom, list, listData, data;
if (!isDuplicate) {
isSmart = arguments[0];
isFrom = arguments[1];
data = {
name: 'Untitled',
status: 'private',
type: !isSmart ? 'static' : 'smart'
if (isFrom) {
if (!isSmart) {
data.items = pandora.user.ui.listSelection;
} else {
data.query = pandora.user.ui.find;
} else {
list = arguments[0];
listData = pandora.getListData();
data = {
name: listData.name,
status: listData.status,
type: listData.type
if (data.type == 'smart') {
data.query = listData.query;
query: {conditions: [{key: 'id', value: list, operator: '=='}]},
keys: ['description']
}, function(result) {
data.description = result.data.items[0].description;
if (data.type == 'static') {
var query = {
conditions: [{key: 'list', value: list, operator: '=='}],
operator: '&'
query: query
}, function(result) {
if (result.data.items) {
query: query,
keys: ['id'],
sort: [{key: 'id', operator: ''}],
range: [0, result.data.items]
}, function(result) {
var items = result.data.items.map(function(item) {
return item.id;
} else {
} else {
function addList(items) {
pandora.api.addList(data, function(result) {
var newList = result.data.id;
if (items) {
list: newList,
items: items
}, function() {
} else {
function getPosterFrames(newList) {
var sortKey = Ox.getObjectById(pandora.site.itemKeys, 'votes')
? 'votes'
: 'timesaccessed';
if (!isDuplicate) {
query: {
conditions: [{key: 'list', value: newList, operator: '=='}],
operator: '&'
keys: ['id', 'posterFrame'],
sort: [{key: sortKey, operator: ''}],
range: [0, 4]
}, function(result) {
var posterFrames = result.data.items.map(function(item) {
return {item: item.id, position: item.posterFrame};
posterFrames = posterFrames.length == 1
? Ox.repeat([posterFrames[0]], 4)
: posterFrames.length == 2
? [posterFrames[0], posterFrames[1], posterFrames[1], posterFrames[0]]
: posterFrames.length == 3
? [posterFrames[0], posterFrames[1], posterFrames[2], posterFrames[0]]
: posterFrames;
setPosterFrames(newList, posterFrames);
} else {
query: {
conditions: [{key: 'id', value: list, operator: '=='}],
operator: '&'
keys: ['posterFrames']
}, function(result) {
setPosterFrames(newList, result.data.items[0].posterFrames);
function setPosterFrames(newList, posterFrames) {
id: newList,
posterFrames: posterFrames
}, function() {
function reloadFolder(newList) {
pandora.$ui.folder[0].options({collapsed: false});
load: function(data) {
.options({selected: [newList]})
.editCell(newList, 'name', true);
find: {
conditions: [{key: 'list', value: newList, operator: '=='}],
operator: '&'
pandora.changeListStatus = function(id, status, callback) {
if (status == 'private') {
query: {conditions: [{key: 'id', value: id, operator: '=='}]},
keys: ['name', 'subscribers']
}, function(result) {
var name = result.data.items[0].name,
subscribers = result.data.items[0].subscribers;
if (subscribers) {
pandora.ui.makeListPrivateDialog(name, subscribers, function(makePrivate) {
if (makePrivate) {
} else {
callback({data: {
id: id,
status: 'public'
} else {
} else {
function changeListStatus() {
id: id,
status: status
}, callback);
pandora.clearIconCache = function(item) {
['poster', 'icon'].forEach(function(icon) {
['', 64, 128, 512].forEach(function(size) {
var url = '/' + item + '/' + icon + size + '.jpg',
xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
xhr.open('POST', url);
pandora.clearListIconCache = function(list) {
['', 256].forEach(function(size) {
var url = '/list/' + list + '/icon' + size + '.jpg',
xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
xhr.open('POST', url);
pandora.clickLink = function(e) {
if (
e.target.hostname == document.location.hostname
&& !Ox.startsWith(e.target.pathname, '/static')
) {
if (pandora.$ui.home && e.target.pathname != '/home') {
} else {
window.open('/url=' + encodeURIComponent(e.target.href), '_blank');
pandora.createLinks = function($element) {
function isExternalLink(target) {
return target.hostname != document.location.hostname
|| Ox.startsWith(target.pathname, '/static');
click: function(e) {
if($(e.target).is('a') && isExternalLink(e.target)) {
window.open('/url=' + encodeURIComponent(e.target.href), '_blank');
return false;
singleclick: function(e) {
if($(e.target).is('a') && !isExternalLink(e.target)) {
pandora.enableDragAndDrop = function($list, canMove) {
var $tooltip = Ox.Tooltip({
animate: false
drag = {},
draganddropstart: function(data) {
drag.action = 'copy';
drag.ids = $list.options('selected'),
drag.item = drag.ids.length == 1
? $list.value(drag.ids[0], 'title')
: drag.ids.length;
drag.source = pandora.getListData(),
drag.targets = {};
Ox.forEach(pandora.$ui.folderList, function($list) {
$list.addClass('OxDroppable').find('.OxItem').each(function() {
var $item = $(this),
id = $item.data('id'),
data = $list.value(id);
drag.targets[id] = Ox.extend({
editable: data.user == pandora.user.username
&& data.type == 'static',
selected: $item.is('.OxSelected')
}, data);
if (!drag.targets[id].selected && drag.targets[id].editable) {
$tooltip.options({title: getTitle()}).show(data.event);
canMove && Ox.UI.$window.on({
keydown: keydown,
keyup: keyup
draganddrop: function(data) {
var event = data.event;
title: getTitle(event)
if (scrollInterval && !isAtListsTop(event) && !isAtListsBottom(event)) {
scrollInterval = 0;
draganddroppause: function(data) {
var event = data.event, scroll,
$parent, $grandparent, $panel, title;
// fixme: should be named showLists in the user ui prefs!
if (!pandora.user.ui.showSidebar) {
if (event.clientX < 16 && event.clientY >= 44
&& event.clientY < window.innerHeight - 16
) {
} else {
$parent = $(event.target).parent();
$grandparent = $parent.parent();
$panel = $parent.is('.OxCollapsePanel') ? $parent
: $grandparent.is('.OxCollapsePanel') ? $grandparent : null;
if ($panel) {
title = $panel.children('.OxBar').children('.OxTitle')
.html().split(' ')[0].toLowerCase();
if (!pandora.user.ui.showFolder.items[title]) {
Ox.UI.elements[$panel.data('oxid')].options({collapsed: false});
if (!scrollInterval) {
scroll = isAtListsTop(event) ? -16
: isAtListsBottom(event) ? 16 : 0
if (scroll) {
scrollInterval = setInterval(function() {
pandora.$ui.folders.scrollTop() + scroll
}, 100);
draganddropenter: function(data) {
var $parent = $(data.event.target).parent(),
$item = $parent.is('.OxItem') ? $parent : $parent.parent(),
$list = $item.parent().parent().parent().parent();
if ($list.is('.OxDroppable')) {
drag.target = drag.targets[$item.data('id')];
} else {
drag.target = null;
draganddropleave: function(data) {
var $parent = $(data.event.target).parent(),
$item = $parent.is('.OxItem') ? $parent : $parent.parent();
if ($item.is('.OxDroppable')) {
drag.target = null;
draganddropend: function(data) {
Ox.Log('', data, drag, '------------');
canMove && Ox.UI.$window.off({
keydown: keydown,
keyup: keyup
if (drag.target && drag.target.editable && !drag.target.selected) {
if (drag.action == 'copy' || (
drag.action == 'move' && drag.source.editable
)) {
if (drag.action == 'move') {
list: pandora.user.ui._list,
items: data.ids
}, pandora.reloadList);
list: drag.target.id,
items: data.ids
}, function() {
Ox.Request.clearCache(); // fixme: remove
query: {
conditions: [{key: 'list', value: drag.target.id, operator: '='}],
operator: ''
}, function(result) {
var folder = drag.target.status != 'featured' ? 'personal' : 'featured';
//Ox.Log('', drag.source.status, '//////', drag.target.status)
drag.target.id, 'items',
} else {
function cleanup(ms) {
drag = {};
scrollInterval = 0;
setTimeout(function() {
}, ms);
function getTitle() {
var image, text;
if (drag.action == 'move' && drag.source.user != pandora.user.username) {
image = 'symbolClose'
text = 'You can only remove ' + pandora.site.itemName.plural.toLowerCase()
+ '<br/>from your own lists.';
} else if (drag.action == 'move' && drag.source.type == 'smart') {
image = 'symbolClose';
text = 'You can\'t remove ' + pandora.site.itemName.plural.toLowerCase()
+ '<br/>from smart lists.';
} else if (drag.target && drag.target.user != pandora.user.username) {
image = 'symbolClose'
text = 'You can only ' + drag.action + ' ' + pandora.site.itemName.plural.toLowerCase()
+ '<br/>to your own lists';
} else if (drag.target && drag.target.type == 'smart') {
image = 'symbolClose'
text = 'You can\'t ' + drag.action + ' ' + pandora.site.itemName.plural.toLowerCase()
+ '<br/>to smart lists';
} else {
image = drag.action == 'copy' ? 'symbolAdd' : 'symbolRemove';
text = Ox.toTitleCase(drag.action) + ' ' + (
? '"' + drag.item + '"'
: drag.item + ' ' + pandora.site.itemName[
drag.item == 1 ? 'singular' : 'plural'
) + '</br> to ' + (
drag.target && !drag.target.selected
? 'the list "' + Ox.encodeHTMLEntities(drag.target.name) + '"'
: (pandora.user.ui._list ? 'another' : 'a') + ' list'
return $('<div>')
float: 'left',
width: '16px',
height: '16px',
padding: '2px',
border: '2px solid rgb(' + Ox.Theme.getThemeData().symbolDefaultColor.join(', ') + ')',
borderRadius: '12px',
margin: '3px 2px 2px 2px'
.attr({src: Ox.UI.getImageURL(image)})
.css({width: '16px', height: '16px'})
float: 'left',
margin: '1px 2px 2px 2px',
fontSize: '11px',
whiteSpace: 'nowrap'
function isAtListsTop(e) {
return pandora.user.ui.showSidebar
&& e.clientX < pandora.user.ui.sidebarSize
&& e.clientY >= 44 && e.clientY < 60;
function isAtListsBottom(e) {
var listsBottom = window.innerHeight - pandora.getInfoHeight();
return pandora.user.ui.showSidebar
&& e.clientX < pandora.user.ui.sidebarSize
&& e.clientY >= listsBottom - 16 && e.clientY < listsBottom;
function keydown(e) {
if (e.metaKey) {
drag.action = 'move';
$tooltip.options({title: getTitle()}).show();
function keyup(e) {
if (drag.action == 'move') {
drag.action = 'copy';
$tooltip.options({title: getTitle()}).show();
pandora.enterFullscreen = function() {
pandora.$ui.appPanel.size(0, 0);
pandora.user.ui.showSidebar && pandora.$ui.mainPanel.size(0, 0);
pandora.$ui.rightPanel.size(0, 0).size(2, 0);
!pandora.user.ui.showBrowser && pandora.$ui.contentPanel.css({
top: (-112 - Ox.UI.SCROLLBAR_SIZE) + 'px' // fixme: rightPanel.size(0, 0) doesn't preserve negative top of browser
pandora.user.ui.showBrowser && pandora.$ui.contentPanel.size(0, 0);
height: pandora.$document.height() - 2,
width: pandora.$document.width() - 2
pandora.exitFullscreen = function() {
pandora.$ui.appPanel.size(0, 20);
pandora.user.ui.showSidebar && pandora.$ui.mainPanel.size(0, pandora.user.ui.sidebarSize);
pandora.$ui.rightPanel.size(0, 24).size(2, 16);
!pandora.user.ui.showBrowser && pandora.$ui.contentPanel.css({
top: 24 + (-112 - Ox.UI.SCROLLBAR_SIZE) + 'px' // fixme: rightPanel.size(0, 0) doesn't preserve negative top of browser
pandora.user.ui.showBrowser && pandora.$ui.contentPanel.size(0, 112 + Ox.UI.SCROLLBAR_SIZE);
pandora.getClipsItems = function(width) {
width = width || window.innerWidth
- pandora.user.ui.showSidebar * pandora.user.ui.sidebarSize - 1
return Math.floor((width - 8) / (128 + 8)) - 1;
pandora.getClipsQuery = function() {
// fixme: nice, but not needed
function addClipsConditions(conditions) {
conditions.forEach(function(condition) {
if (condition.conditions) {
} else if (
(condition.key == 'annotations'
||Ox.getIndexById(pandora.site.layers, condition.key) > -1)
&& condition.operator == '='
) {
var clipsQuery = {
conditions: []
clipsQuery.operator = clipsQuery.conditions.length ? '|' : '&';
return clipsQuery;
(function() {
var itemTitles = {};
pandora.getDocumentTitle = function(itemTitle) {
Ox.Log('', 'ITEM TITLES', itemTitles)
if (itemTitle) {
itemTitles[pandora.user.ui.item] = itemTitle
var parts = [pandora.site.site.name];
if (!pandora.user.ui.item) {
pandora.user.ui._list && parts.push('List ' + pandora.user.ui._list);
parts.push(Ox.toTitleCase(pandora.user.ui.listView) + ' View');
} else {
parts.push(itemTitles[pandora.user.ui.item] || pandora.user.ui.item);
parts.push(Ox.toTitleCase(pandora.user.ui.itemView) + ' View');
return parts.join(' - ');
pandora.getFilterSizes = function() {
return Ox.splitInt(
- pandora.user.ui.showSidebar * pandora.user.ui.sidebarSize
- 1,
pandora.getFoldersHeight = function() {
var height = 0;
pandora.site.sectionFolders[pandora.user.ui.section].forEach(function(folder, i) {
height += 16 + pandora.user.ui.showFolder[pandora.user.ui.section][folder.id] * (
!!folder.showBrowser * 40 + folder.items * 16
return height;
pandora.getFoldersWidth = function() {
var width = pandora.user.ui.sidebarSize;
Ox.Log('', 'FOLDERS HEIGHT', pandora.getFoldersHeight(), 'INFO HEIGHT', pandora.getInfoHeight())
if (
&& pandora.getFoldersHeight() > window.innerHeight - 20 - 24 -16 - 1 - pandora.getInfoHeight()
) {
return width;
pandora.getInfoHeight = function(includeHidden) {
// fixme: new, check if it can be used more
var height = 0, isVideoPreview;
if (pandora.user.ui.showInfo || includeHidden) {
isVideoPreview = pandora.user.ui.item || (
pandora.user.ui.listSelection.length && !pandora.isClipView()
height = Math.min(
? Math.round(pandora.user.ui.sidebarSize / pandora.site.video.previewRatio) + 16
: pandora.user.ui.sidebarSize,
window.innerHeight - 109 // 20 menu + 24 bar + 64 (4 closed folders) + 1 resizebar
return height;
pandora.getItemByIdOrTitle = function(str, callback) {
var sortKey = Ox.getObjectById(pandora.site.itemKeys, 'votes')
? 'votes'
: 'timesaccessed';
pandora.api.get({id: str, keys: ['id']}, function(result) {
if (result.status.code == 200) {
} else {
query: {
conditions: [{key: 'title', value: str, operator: '='}],
operator: '&'
sort: [{key: sortKey, operator: ''}],
range: [0, 100],
keys: ['id', 'title', sortKey]
}, function(result) {
var id = '';
if (result.data.items.length) {
var items = Ox.filter(Ox.map(result.data.items, function(item) {
// test if exact match or word match
var sort = new RegExp('^' + str + '$', 'i').test(item.title) ? 2000000
: new RegExp('\\b' + str + '\\b', 'i').test(item.title) ? 1000000 : 0;
return sort ? {id: item.id, sort: sort + (parseInt(item[sortKey]) || 0)} : null;
// fixme: remove the (...|| 0) check once the backend sends correct data
if (items.length) {
id = items.sort(function(a, b) {
return b.sort - a.sort;
pandora.getItemFind = function(find) {
var itemFind = '';
Ox.forEach(find.conditions, function(condition) {
if (
condition.key == '*' || condition.key == 'annotations'
|| Ox.getIndexById(pandora.site.layers, condition.key) > -1
&& condition.value.length
&& ['=', '=='].indexOf(condition.operator) > -1
) {
itemFind = condition.value;
return false;
return itemFind;
pandora.getItemIdAndPosition = function() {
var selected, ret, ui = pandora.user.ui;
function getIdAndPositionByClipId(clipId) {
var split = clipId.replace('-', '/').split('/');
return {
id: split[0],
position: parseFloat(split[1])
function getIdAndPositionByItemId(itemId) {
return {
id: itemId,
position: ui.videoPoints[itemId] ? ui.videoPoints[itemId].position : 0
if (!ui.item) {
if (
ui.listView == 'timelines'
&& (selected = ui.listSelection).length == 1
) {
ret = getIdAndPositionByItemId(selected[0]);
} else if (
['clip', 'map', 'calendar'].indexOf(ui.listView) > -1
&& pandora.$ui.clipList
&& (selected = pandora.$ui.clipList.options('selected')).length == 1
) {
ret = getIdAndPositionByClipId(selected[0]);
} else {
if (['player', 'editor', 'timeline'].indexOf(ui.itemView) > -1) {
ret = getIdAndPositionByItemId(ui.item);
} else if (
['clips', 'map', 'calendar'].indexOf(ui.itemView) > -1
&& pandora.$ui.clipList
&& (selected = pandora.$ui.clipList.options('selected')).length == 1
) {
ret = getIdAndPositionByClipId(selected[0]);
return ret;
pandora.getListData = function(list) {
var data = {}, folder;
list = Ox.isUndefined(list) ? pandora.user.ui._list : list;
if (list) {
Ox.forEach(pandora.$ui.folderList, function($list, id) {
var ret = true;
// for the current list, we have to check in which
// folder it is selected, since for example, a personal
// list may appear again in the featured lists browser
if (
list == pandora.user.ui._list
&& $list.options('selected').length
) {
folder = id;
ret = false;
} else if (!Ox.isEmpty($list.value(list))) {
folder = id
ret = false;
// FIXME: Is there a `return ret` statement missing here?
if (folder) {
data = pandora.$ui.folderList[folder].value(pandora.user.ui._list);
data.editable = data.user == pandora.user.username && data.type == 'static';
data.folder = folder;
return data;
pandora.getMetadataByIdOrName = function(item, view, str, callback) {
// For a given item (or none) and a given view (or any), this takes a string
// and checks if it's an annotation/event/place id or an event/place name,
// and returns the id (or none) and the view (or none)
// fixme: "subtitles:23" is still missing
Ox.Log('URL', 'getMetadataByIdOrName', item, view, str);
var isName = str[0] == '@',
canBeAnnotation = (
!view || view == 'video' || view == 'timeline'
) && item && !isName,
canBeEvent = !view || view == 'calendar',
canBePlace = !view || view == 'map';
str = isName ? str.slice(1) : str;
getId(canBeAnnotation ? 'annotation' : '', function(id) {
if (id) {
Ox.Log('URL', 'id?', id)
callback(id, pandora.user.ui.videoView);
} else {
getId(canBePlace ? 'place' : '', function(id) {
if (id) {
Ox.Log('', 'found place id', id)
callback(id, 'map');
} else {
getId(canBeEvent ? 'event' : '', function(id) {
if (id) {
callback(id, 'calendar');
} else if (canBePlace && isName) {
callback('@' + str, 'map');
} else {
function getId(type, callback) {
if (type) {
pandora.api['find' + Ox.toTitleCase(type + 's')](Ox.extend({
query: {
conditions: [{
key: isName ? 'name' : 'id',
value: type != 'annotation' ? str : item + '/' + str,
operator: '=='
operator: '&'
keys: type != 'annotation' ? ['id'] : ['id', 'in', 'out'],
range: [0, 1]
}, item && type != 'annotation' ? {
itemQuery: {
conditions: [{key: 'id', value: item, operator: '=='}],
operator: '&'
} : {}), function(result) {
var annotation, span;
if (result.data.items.length) {
span = result.data.items[0];
annotation = span.id.split('/')[1];
type == 'annotation' && pandora.UI.set('videoPoints.' + item, {
annotation: annotation,
'in': span['in'],
out: span.out,
position: span['in']
!span ? ''
: type != 'annotation' ? span.id
: annotation
} else {
pandora.getPageTitle = function(stateOrURL) {
var pages = [
{id: '', title: ''},
{id: 'help', title: 'Help'},
{id: 'home', title: ''},
{id: 'preferences', title: 'Preferences'},
{id: 'signin', title: 'Sign In'},
{id: 'signout', title: 'Sign Out'},
{id: 'signup', title: 'Sign Up'},
{id: 'software', title: 'Software'},
{id: 'tv', title: 'TV'}
page = Ox.getObjectById(
Ox.isObject(stateOrURL) ? stateOrURL.page : stateOrURL.slice(1)
return page
? pandora.site.site.name
+ (page.title ? ' - ' + page.title : '')
: null;
pandora.getSortKeyData = function(key) {
return Ox.getObjectById(pandora.site.itemKeys, key)
|| Ox.getObjectById(pandora.site.clipKeys, key);
pandora.getSortKeys = function() {
return pandora.site.itemKeys.filter(function(key) {
return key.sort && (
|| pandora.site.capabilities[key.capability][pandora.user.level]
}).map(function(key) {
return Ox.extend(key, {
operator: pandora.getSortOperator(key.id)
pandora.getSortOperator = function(key) {
var data = pandora.getSortKeyData(key);
return data.sortOperator || ['string', 'text'].indexOf(
Ox.isArray(data.type) ? data.type[0] : data.type
) > -1 ? '+' : '-';
pandora.getVideoUrl = function(id, resolution, part) {
var prefix = pandora.site.site.videoprefix
.replace('{id}', id)
.replace('{part}', part)
.replace('{resolution}', resolution)
.replace('{uid}', Ox.uid());
return prefix + '/' + id + '/' + resolution + 'p' + part + '.' + pandora.user.videoFormat;
pandora.getVideoOptions = function(data) {
var canPlayClips = data.editable || pandora.site.capabilities.canPlayClips[pandora.user.level] >= data.rightslevel,
canPlayVideo = data.editable || pandora.site.capabilities.canPlayVideo[pandora.user.level] >= data.rightslevel,
options = {},
subtitlesLayer = pandora.site.layers.filter(function(layer) {
return layer.isSubtitles;
options.subtitles = subtitlesLayer ? data.layers[subtitlesLayer.id].map(function(subtitle) {
return {
id: subtitle.id,
'in': subtitle['in'],
out: subtitle.out,
text: subtitle.value.replace(/\n/g, ' ').replace(/<br\/?>/g, '\n')
}) : [];
options.censored = canPlayVideo ? []
: canPlayClips ? (
? options.subtitles.map(function(subtitle, i) {
return {
'in': i == 0 ? 0 : options.subtitles[i - 1].out,
out: subtitle['in']
[{'in': Ox.last(options.subtitles).out, out: data.duration}]
).filter(function(censored) {
// don't include gaps shorter than one second
return censored.out - censored['in'] >= 1;
: Ox.range(0, data.duration - 5, 60).map(function(position) {
return {
'in': position + 5,
out: Math.min(position + 60, data.duration)
: [{'in': 0, out: data.duration}];
options.video = {};
pandora.site.video.resolutions.forEach(function(resolution) {
options.video[resolution] = Ox.range(data.parts).map(function(i) {
return pandora.getVideoUrl(data.item || pandora.user.ui.item, resolution, i + 1);
options.annotations = [];
pandora.site.layers.forEach(function(layer, i) {
options.annotations[i] = Ox.extend({}, layer, {
items: data.layers[layer.id].map(function(annotation) {
annotation.duration = Math.abs(annotation.out - annotation['in']);
annotation.editable = annotation.editable
|| annotation.user == pandora.user.username
|| pandora.site.capabilities['canEditAnnotations'][pandora.user.level];
return annotation;
return options;
pandora.getVideoPartsAndPoints = function(durations, points) {
var parts = durations.length,
offsets = Ox.range(parts).map(function(i) {
return Ox.sum(durations.slice(0, i));
ret = {
parts: [],
points: []
points.forEach(function(point, i) {
Ox.loop(parts - 1, -1, -1, function(i) {
if (offsets[i] <= point) {
ret.parts[i] = i;
return false;
ret.parts = Ox.unique(ret.parts);
ret.points = points.map(function(point) {
return point - offsets[ret.parts[0]];
return ret;
pandora.hasDialogOrScreen = function() {
return $('.OxDialog:visible').length
|| $('.OxFullscreen').length
|| $('.OxScreen').length;
pandora.hasEventsLayer = function() {
return pandora.site.layers.some(function(layer) {
return layer.type == 'event';
pandora.hasFocusedInput = function() {
var focused = Ox.Focus.focused();
return focused && Ox.UI.elements[focused].is('.OxInput');
pandora.hasPlacesLayer = function() {
return pandora.site.layers.some(function(layer) {
return layer.type == 'place';
pandora.isClipView = function(view, item) {
if (arguments.length == 0) {
item = pandora.user.ui.item;
view = !item ? pandora.user.ui.listView : pandora.user.ui.itemView;
} else if (arguments.length == 1) {
item = pandora.user.ui.item;
return (
!item ? ['calendar', 'clip', 'map'] : ['calendar', 'clips', 'map']
).indexOf(view) > -1;
pandora.logEvent = function(data, event, element) {
var element = this,
handlers = self.eventHandlers ? self.eventHandlers[event] : [];
if (!Ox.contains([
'mousedown', 'mouserepeat', 'anyclick', 'singleclick', 'doubleclick',
'dragstart', 'drag', 'dragenter', 'dragleave', 'dragpause', 'dragend',
'draganddropstart', 'draganddrop', 'draganddropenter', 'draganddropleave', 'draganddropend',
'playing', 'position', 'progress', 'request'
], event) && !Ox.startsWith(event, 'pandora_')) {
try {
data = JSON.stringify(data)
} catch(e) {}
'"' + element[0].className.split(' ').filter(function(className) {
return /^Ox/.test(className);
}).map(function(className) {
return className.replace(/^Ox/, '');
}).join(' ') + '"',
handlers.map(function(handler) {
return handler.toString().split('\n').shift();
pandora.signin = function(data) {
// fixme: this is still voodoo
pandora.user = Ox.extend(data.user, {
sectionElement: 'buttons',
videoFormat: Ox.UI.getVideoFormat(pandora.site.video.formats)
pandora.user.ui._list = pandora.getListState(pandora.user.ui.find);
pandora.user.ui._filterState = pandora.getFilterState(pandora.user.ui.find);
pandora.user.ui._findState = pandora.getFindState(pandora.user.ui.find);
pandora.site.sortKeys = pandora.getSortKeys();
pandora.signout = function(data) {
// fixme: this is still voodoo
pandora.user = data.user;
pandora.user.ui._list = pandora.getListState(pandora.user.ui.find);
pandora.user.ui._filterState = pandora.getFilterState(pandora.user.ui.find);
pandora.user.ui._findState = pandora.getFindState(pandora.user.ui.find);
pandora.site.sortKeys = pandora.getSortKeys();
pandora.reloadList = function() {
Ox.Log('', 'reloadList')
var listData = pandora.getListData();
Ox.Request.clearCache(); // fixme: remove
pandora.$ui.filters.forEach(function($filter) {
init: function(data) {
// fixme: this will not work for lists in the favorites folder
// (but then it's also unlikely they'll have to be reloaded)
var folder = listData.status != 'featured' ? 'personal' : 'featured';
pandora.$ui.folderList[folder].value(listData.id, 'items', data.items);
load: function(data) {
// fixme: what is this?
// if (data) pandora.$ui.list.options({selected: [data.items]});
pandora.renameList = function(oldId, newId, newName, folder) {
folder = folder || pandora.getListData(oldId).folder;
pandora.$ui.folderList[folder].value(oldId, 'name', newName);
pandora.$ui.folderList[folder].value(oldId, 'id', newId);
find: {
conditions: [{key: 'list', value: newId, operator: '=='}],
operator: '&'
}, false);
pandora.resizeFilters = function(width) {
pandora.user.ui.filterSizes = pandora.getFilterSizes();
.size(0, pandora.user.ui.filterSizes[0])
.size(2, pandora.user.ui.filterSizes[4]);
.size(0, pandora.user.ui.filterSizes[1])
.size(2, pandora.user.ui.filterSizes[3]);
pandora.$ui.filters.forEach(function($list, i) {
$list.resizeColumn('name', pandora.user.ui.filterSizes[i] - 44 - Ox.UI.SCROLLBAR_SIZE);
if (pandora.user.ui.showFlags) {
$list.find('.flagname').css({width: pandora.user.ui.filterSizes[i] - 68 - Ox.UI.SCROLLBAR_SIZE})
pandora.resizeFolders = function() {
var width = pandora.getFoldersWidth(),
columnWidth = {};
if (pandora.user.ui.section == 'items') {
columnWidth = {user: parseInt((width - 96) * 0.4)};
columnWidth.name = (width - 96) - columnWidth.user;
Ox.Log('', 'RESIZE FOLDERS', width);
pandora.$ui.allItems.resizeElement(width - 104);
Ox.forEach(pandora.$ui.folderList, function($list, id) {
var pos = Ox.getIndexById(pandora.site.sectionFolders[pandora.user.ui.section], id);
pandora.$ui.folder[pos].css({width: width + 'px'});
$list.css({width: width + 'px'});
if (pandora.user.ui.section == 'items') {
if (pandora.site.sectionFolders[pandora.user.ui.section][pos].showBrowser) {
width: width - 24
$list.resizeColumn('user', columnWidth.user)
.resizeColumn('name', columnWidth.name);
} else {
$list.resizeColumn(id == 'favorite' ? 'id' : 'name', width - 96);
if (!pandora.user.ui.showFolder[pandora.user.ui.section][id]) {
pandora.resizeWindow = function() {
// FIXME: a lot of this throws errors on load
pandora.$ui.leftPanel && pandora.$ui.leftPanel.size(2, pandora.getInfoHeight(true));
if (!pandora.user.ui.item) {
if (pandora.user.ui.listView == 'clips') {
var clipsItems = pandora.getClipsItems(),
previousClipsItems = pandora.getClipsItems(pandora.$ui.list.options('width'));
width: window.innerWidth
- pandora.user.ui.showSidebar * pandora.user.ui.sidebarSize - 1
if (clipsItems != previousClipsItems) {
Ox.Request.clearCache(); // fixme
} else if (pandora.user.ui.listView == 'timelines') {
width: window.innerWidth
- pandora.user.ui.showSidebar * pandora.user.ui.sidebarSize - 1
} else if (pandora.user.ui.listView == 'map') {
pandora.$ui.map && pandora.$ui.map.resizeMap();
} else if (pandora.user.ui.listView == 'calendar') {
pandora.$ui.calendar && pandora.$ui.calendar.resizeCalendar();
} else {
pandora.$ui.list && pandora.$ui.list.size();
} else {
if (pandora.user.ui.itemView == 'info') {
} else if (pandora.user.ui.itemView == 'clips') {
} else if (pandora.user.ui.itemView == 'timeline') {
pandora.$ui.timeline && pandora.$ui.timeline.options({
// fixme: duplicated
height: pandora.$ui.contentPanel.size(1),
width: pandora.$ui.document.width() - pandora.$ui.mainPanel.size(0) - 1
} else if (pandora.user.ui.itemView == 'player') {
pandora.$ui.player && pandora.$ui.player.options({
// fixme: duplicated
height: pandora.$ui.contentPanel.size(1),
width: pandora.$ui.document.width() - pandora.$ui.mainPanel.size(0) - 1
} else if (pandora.user.ui.itemView == 'editor') {
pandora.$ui.editor && pandora.$ui.editor.options({
// fixme: duplicated
height: pandora.$ui.contentPanel.size(1),
width: pandora.$ui.document.width() - pandora.$ui.mainPanel.size(0) - 1
} else if (pandora.user.ui.itemView == 'map') {
} else if (pandora.user.ui.itemView == 'calendar') {
pandora.selectList = function() {
if (pandora.user.ui._list) {
keys: ['status', 'user'],
query: {
conditions: [{key: 'id', value: pandora.user.ui._list, operator: '=='}],
operator: ''
range: [0, 1]
}, function(result) {
var folder, list;
if (result.data.items.length) {
list = result.data.items[0];
folder = list.status == 'featured' ? 'featured' : (
list.user == pandora.user.username ? 'personal' : 'favorite'
.options({selected: [pandora.user.ui._list]});
if (!pandora.hasDialogOrScreen() && !pandora.hasFocusedInput()) {
pandora.beforeunloadWindow = function() {
if (pandora.firefogg)
return "Encoding is currently running\nDo you want to leave this page?";
//prevent error dialogs on unload
pandora.isUnloading = true;
pandora.unloadWindow = function() {
// fixme: ajax request has to have async set to false for this to work
pandora.user.ui.section == 'items'
&& pandora.user.ui.item
&& ['video', 'timeline'].indexOf(pandora.user.ui.itemView) > -1
&& pandora.UI.set(
'videoPosition.' + pandora.user.ui.item,
pandora.user.ui.itemView == 'video' ? 'player' : 'editor'
pandora.updateItemContext = function() {
if (!Ox.isEqual(pandora.user.ui.find, pandora.site.user.ui.find)) {
query: pandora.user.ui.find,
positions: [pandora.user.ui.item],
sort: pandora.user.ui.sort
}, function(result) {
if (result.data.positions[pandora.user.ui.item] === void 0) {
pandora.stayInItemView = true;
pandora.UI.set({find: pandora.site.user.ui.find});
pandora.$ui.contentPanel.replaceElement(0, pandora.$ui.browser = pandora.ui.browser());
} else {
} else {
(function() {
// Note: getFindState has to run after getListState and getFilterState
function everyCondition(conditions, key, operator) {
// If every condition has the given key and operator
// (excluding conditions where all subconditions match)
// returns true, otherwise false
return Ox.every(conditions, function(condition) {
return condition.key == key && condition.operator == operator;
function oneCondition(conditions, key, operator, includeSubconditions) {
// If exactly one condition has the given key and operator
// (including or excluding conditions where all subconditions match)
// returns the corresponding index, otherwise returns -1
var indices = Ox.indicesOf(conditions, function(condition) {
return (
? includeSubconditions && everyCondition(condition.conditions, key, operator)
: condition.key == key && condition.operator == operator
return indices.length == 1 ? indices[0] : -1;
pandora.getFilterState = function(find) {
// A filter is selected if exactly one condition in an & query or every
// condition in an | query has the filter id as key and "==" as operator
return pandora.user.ui.filters.map(function(filter) {
// FIXME: cant index be an empty array, instead of -1?
var key = filter.id,
state = {index: -1, find: Ox.clone(find, true), selected: []};
if (find.operator == '&') {
// include conditions where all subconditions match
state.index = oneCondition(find.conditions, key, '==', true);
if (state.index > -1) {
state.selected = find.conditions[state.index].conditions
? find.conditions[state.index].conditions.map(function(condition) {
return condition.value;
: [find.conditions[state.index].value];
} else {
if (everyCondition(find.conditions, key, '==')) {
state.index = Ox.range(find.conditions.length);
state.selected = find.conditions.map(function(condition) {
return condition.value;
if (state.selected.length) {
if (Ox.isArray(state.index)) {
// every condition in an | query matches this filter
state.find = {conditions: [], operator: ''};
} else {
// one condition in an & query matches this filter
state.find.conditions.splice(state.index, 1);
if (
state.find.conditions.length == 1
&& state.find.conditions[0].conditions
) {
// unwrap single remaining bracketed query
state.find = {
conditions: state.find.conditions[0].conditions,
operator: state.find.conditions[0].operator
return state;
pandora.getFindState = function(find) {
// The find element is populated if exactly one condition in an & query
// has a findKey as key and "=" as operator (and all other conditions
// are either list or filters), or if all conditions in an | query have
// the same filter id as key and "==" as operator
Ox.Log('Find', 'getFindState', find)
// FIXME: this is still incorrect when you select a lot of filter items
// and reload the page (will be advanced)
var conditions, indices, state = {index: -1, key: '*', value: ''};
if (find.operator == '&') {
// number of conditions that are not list or filters
conditions = find.conditions.length
- !!pandora.user.ui._list
- pandora.user.ui._filterState.filter(function(filter) {
return filter.index > -1;
// indices of non-advanced find queries
indices = pandora.site.findKeys.map(function(findKey) {
return oneCondition(find.conditions, findKey.id, '=');
}).filter(function(index) {
return index > -1;
state = conditions == 1 && indices.length == 1 ? {
index: indices[0],
key: find.conditions[indices[0]].key,
value: decodeURIComponent(find.conditions[indices[0]].value)
} : {
index: -1,
key: conditions == 0 && indices.length == 0 ? '*' : 'advanced',
value: ''
} else {
state = {
index: -1,
key: 'advanced',
value: ''
Ox.forEach(pandora.user.ui.filters, function(key) {
if (everyCondition(find.conditions, key, '==')) {
state.key = '*';
return false;
return state;
pandora.getListState = function(find) {
// A list is selected if exactly one condition in an & query has "list"
// as key and "==" as operator
var index, state = '';
if (find.operator == '&') {
index = oneCondition(find.conditions, 'list', '==');
if (index > -1) {
state = find.conditions[index].value;
return state;