2010-09-04 15:41:57 +02:00

296 lines
8.7 KiB

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# vi:si:et:sw=4:sts=4:ts=4
from __future__ import division, with_statement
import os
from os.path import abspath, join, dirname, exists
import fractions
import subprocess
import sys
import shutil
import tempfile
import time
import re
import math
from glob import glob
import numpy as np
import Image
import ox
from ox.utils import json
FFMPEG2THEORA = 'ffmpeg2theora'
class AspectRatio(fractions.Fraction):
def __new__(cls, numerator, denominator=None):
if not denominator:
ratio = map(int, numerator.split(':'))
if len(ratio) == 1: ratio.append(1)
numerator = ratio[0]
denominator = ratio[1]
#if its close enough to the common aspect ratios rather use that
if abs(numerator/denominator - 4/3) < 0.03:
numerator = 4
denominator = 3
elif abs(numerator/denominator - 16/9) < 0.02:
numerator = 16
denominator = 9
return super(AspectRatio, cls).__new__(cls, numerator, denominator)
def ratio(self):
return "%d:%d" % (self.numerator, self.denominator)
def stream(video, target, profile, info):
if not os.path.exists(target):
fdir = os.path.dirname(target)
if not os.path.exists(fdir):
dar = AspectRatio(info['video'][0]['display_aspect_ratio'])
WebM look into
level / speedlevel
H264, should bitrates be a bit lower? other stuff possible?
profile, format = profile.split('.')
if profile == '1080p':
height = 1080
audiorate = 48000
audioquality = 6
audiobitrate = None
audiochannels = None
if profile == '720p':
height = 720
audiorate = 48000
audioquality = 5
audiobitrate = None
audiochannels = None
if profile == '480p':
height = 480
audiorate = 44100
audioquality = 2
audiobitrate = None
audiochannels = 2
elif profile == '360p':
height = 360
audiorate = 44100
audioquality = 1
audiobitrate = None
audiochannels = 1
elif profile == '270p':
height = 270
audiorate = 44100
audioquality = 0
audiobitrate = None
audiochannels = 1
height = 96
audiorate = 22050
audioquality = -1
audiobitrate = '22k'
audiochannels = 1
bpp = 0.17
fps = AspectRatio(info['video'][0]['framerate'])
width = int(dar * height)
width += width % 2
bitrate = height*width*fps*bpp/1000
aspect = dar.ratio
#use 1:1 pixel aspect ratio if dar is close to that
if abs(width/height - dar) < 0.02:
aspect = '%s:%s' % (width, height)
if info['audio']:
audio_settings = ['-ar', str(audiorate), '-aq', str(audioquality)]
if audiochannels and 'channels' in info['audio'][0] and info['audio'][0]['channels'] > audiochannels:
audio_settings += ['-ac', str(audiochannels)]
if audiobitrate:
audio_settings += ['-ab', audiobitrate]
if format == 'mp4':
audio_settings += ['-acodec', 'libfaac']
audio_settings += ['-acodec', 'libvorbis']
audio_settings = ['-an']
if info['video']:
video_settings = [
'-vb', '%dk'%bitrate, '-g', '%d' % int(fps*2),
'-s', '%dx%d'%(width, height),
'-aspect', aspect,
if format == 'mp4':
video_settings += [
'-vcodec', 'libx264',
'-flags', '+loop+mv4',
'-cmp', '256',
'-partitions', '+parti4x4+parti8x8+partp4x4+partp8x8+partb8x8',
'-me_method', 'hex',
'-subq', '7',
'-trellis', '1',
'-refs', '5',
'-bf', '3',
'-flags2', '+bpyramid+wpred+mixed_refs+dct8x8',
'-coder', '1',
'-me_range', '16',
'-keyint_min', '25', #FIXME: should this be related to fps?
'-i_qfactor', '0.71',
'-qmin', '10', '-qmax', '51',
'-qdiff', '4'
video_settings = ['-vn']
ffmpeg = FFMPEG2THEORA.replace('2theora', '')
cmd = [ffmpeg, '-y', '-threads', '2', '-i', video] \
+ audio_settings \
+ video_settings
if format == 'mp4':
cmd += ["%s.mp4"%target]
cmd += ['-f','webm', target]
print cmd
p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
if format == 'mp4':
cmd = ['qt-faststart', "%s.mp4"%target, target]
print cmd
p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
def run_command(cmd, timeout=10):
p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
while timeout > 0:
timeout -= 0.2
if p.poll() != None:
return p.returncode
if p.poll() == None:
os.kill(, 9)
killedpid, stat = os.waitpid(, os.WNOHANG)
return p.returncode
def frame(videoFile, position, baseFolder, width=128, redo=False):
position as float in seconds
baseFolder to write frames to
width of frame
redo boolean to extract file even if it exists
def frame_path(size):
return os.path.join(baseFolder, "%s.%s.%s" % (ox.ms2time(position*1000), size, img_extension))
#not using input file, to slow to extract frame right now
base_size = 320
frame = frame_path(base_size)
if exists(videoFile):
if redo or not exists(frame):
if not exists(baseFolder):
cmd = ['oggThumb', '-t', str(position), '-n', frame, '-s', '%dx0'%base_size, videoFile]
if width != base_size:
frame_base = frame
frame = frame_path(width)
if not exists(frame):
resize_image(frame_base, frame, width)
return frame
def resize_image(image_source, image_output, width):
if exists(image_source):
source =
source_width = source.size[0]
source_height = source.size[1]
height = int(width / (float(source_width) / source_height))
height = height - height % 2
if width < source_width:
resize_method = Image.ANTIALIAS
resize_method = Image.BICUBIC
output = source.resize((width, height), resize_method)
def timeline(video, prefix):
cmd = ['oxtimeline', '-i', video, '-o', prefix]
p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
#stats based on timeline images
def average_color(prefix):
height = 64
width = 1500
frames = 0
pixels = []
color = np.asarray([0, 0, 0], dtype=np.float32)
for image in sorted(glob("%s.%d.*.png" % (prefix, height))):
timeline =
frames += timeline.size[0]
p = np.asarray(timeline, dtype=np.float32)
p = np.sum(p, axis=0) / height #average color per frame
for i in range(0, len(pixels)):
p = np.sum(pixels[i], axis=0) / frames
color += p
return list(color)
def get_distance(rgb0, rgb1):
dst = math.sqrt(pow(rgb0[0] - rgb1[0], 2) + pow(rgb0[0] - rgb1[0], 2) + pow(rgb0[0] - rgb1[0], 2))
return dst / math.sqrt(3 * pow(255, 2))
def cuts(prefix):
cuts = []
fps = 25
frames = 0
height = 64
width = 1500
pixels = []
for image in sorted(glob("%s.%d.*.png" % (prefix, height))):
timeline =
frames += timeline.size[0]
for frame in range(0, frames):
x = frame % width
if frame > 0:
dst = 0
image0 = int((frame - 1) / width)
image1 = int(frame / width)
for y in range(0, height):
rgb0 = pixels[image0][(x - 1) % width, y]
rgb1 = pixels[image1][x, y]
dst += get_distance(rgb0, rgb1) / height
#print frame / fps, dst
if dst > 0.1:
cuts.append(frame / fps)
return cuts