654 lines
20 KiB
654 lines
20 KiB
// vim: et:ts=4:sw=4:sts=4:ft=javascript
'use strict';
pandora.ui.documentsPanel = function(options) {
var ui = pandora.user.ui,
hasItemView = false,
isItemView = false,
columns = [
id: 'type',
operator: '+',
title: Ox._('Type'),
visible: true,
width: 128
id: 'name',
operator: '+',
title: Ox._('Name'),
visible: true,
width: 256
format: function(value) {
return value.toUpperCase();
id: 'extension',
operator: '+',
title: Ox._('Extension'),
visible: true,
width: 64
align: 'right',
format: function(value) {
return Ox.isArray(value)
? Ox.formatDimensions(value, 'px')
: Ox.formatCount(value, 'page');
id: 'dimensions',
operator: '-',
title: Ox._('Dimensions'),
visible: true,
width: 128
align: 'right',
format: function(value) {
return Ox.formatValue(value, 'B');
id: 'size',
operator: '-',
title: Ox._('Size'),
visible: true,
width: 64
id: 'description',
operator: '+',
title: Ox._('Description'),
visible: true,
width: 256
align: 'right',
id: 'matches',
operator: '-',
title: Ox._('Matches'),
visible: true,
width: 64
id: 'user',
operator: '+',
title: Ox._('User'),
visible: true,
width: 128
align: 'right',
format: function(value) {
return Ox.formatDate(value, '%F %T');
id: 'created',
operator: '-',
title: Ox._('Created'),
visible: true,
width: 144
align: 'right',
format: function(value) {
return Ox.formatDate(value, '%F %T');
id: 'modified',
operator: '-',
title: Ox._('Modified'),
visible: true,
width: 144
$listbar = Ox.Bar({size: 24}),
$addButton = Ox.Button({
title: isItemView ? 'add' : 'upload',
tooltip: Ox._(isItemView ? 'Add Documents...' : 'Upload Documents...'),
type: 'image'
.css({float: 'left', margin: '4px 2px 4px 4px'})
click: function() {
$viewSelect = Ox.Select({
items: [
{id: 'list', title: Ox._('List')},
{id: 'grid', title: Ox._('Grid')}
width: 192
.css({float: 'left', margin: '4px 2px'})
change: function(data) {
pandora.UI.set({documentsView: data.id});
$sortSelect = Ox.Select({
items: columns.map(function(column) {
return {
id: column.id,
title: Ox._('Sort by ' + column.title)
width: 192
change: function(data) {
var key = data.value;
pandora.UI.set({documentsSort: [{
key: key;
operator: Ox.getObjectById(columns, key).operator
$orderButton = Ox.Button({
overlap: 'left',
title: getOrderButtonTitle(),
tooltip: getOrderButtonTooltip(),
type: 'image'
click: function() {
pandora.UI.set({documentsSort: [{
key: ui.documentsSort[0].key,
operator: ui.documentsSort[0].operator == '+' ? '-' : '+'
$sortElement = Ox.FormElementGroup({
elements: [$sortSelect, $orderButton],
float: 'right'
.css({float: 'left', margin: '4px 2px'})
$findSelect = Ox.Select({
items: isItemView ? [
{id: 'all', title: Ox._('Find: All')},
{id: 'name', title: Ox._('Find: Name')}
] : [
{id: 'all', title: Ox._('Find: All')},
{id: 'name', title: Ox._('Find: Name')},
{id: 'user', title: Ox._('Find: User')}
overlap: 'right',
type: 'image'
change: function(data) {
$findInput = Ox.Input({
changeOnKeypress: true,
clear: true,
placeholder: Ox._('Find: All'),
width: 192
change: updateList
$findElement = Ox.FormElementGroup({
elements: [
.css({float: 'right', margin: '4px 4px 4px 2px'})
$list = renderList(),
$statusbar = Ox.Bar({size: 16}),
$status = Ox.Element()
margin: '2px 4px',
fontSize: '9px',
overflow: 'hidden',
textOverflow: 'ellipsis'
$listPanel = Ox.SplitPanel({
elements: [
{element: $listbar, size: 24},
{element: $list},
{element: $statusbar, size: 16}
orientation: 'vertical'
$itembar = Ox.Bar({size: 24}),
$itemMenu = Ox.MenuButton({
items: isItemView ? [
{id: 'open', title: '', keyboard: 'enter'},
{id: 'edit', title: ''},
{id: 'remove', title: ''}
] : [
{id: 'open', title: '', keyboard: 'enter'},
{id: 'addtoitem', title: ''},
{id: 'addtolist', title: ''},
{id: 'replace', title: Ox._('Replace Document...')},
{id: 'delete', title: '', keyboard: 'delete'}
title: 'set',
tooltip: 'Options'
click: function() {
$selectButton = Ox.ButtonGroup({
buttons: [
{id: 'previous', title: 'left'},
{id: 'next', title: 'right'}
type: 'image'
.css({float: 'right', margin: '4px 2px'})
click: function(data) {
$deselectButton = Ox.Button({
title: 'close',
tooltip: Ox._('Done'),
type: 'image'
.css({float: 'right', margin: '4px 4px 4px 2px'})
click: function() {
'documentsSelection.' + (isItemView ? ui.item : ''),
$item = Ox.Element().css({overflowY: 'scroll'}),
$itemPanel = Ox.SplitPanel({
elements: [
{element: $itembar, size: 24},
{element: $item}
orientation: 'vertical'
resize: function(data) {
ui.sidebarSize = data.size;
resizeend: function(data) {
// set to 0 so that UI.set registers a change of the value
ui.documentSize = 0;
pandora.UI.set({documentSize: data.size});
toggle: function() {
pandora.UI.set({showDocument: !data.collapsed});
that = Ox.SplitPanel({
elements: [
element: $listPanel
collapsible: isItemView,
collapsed: !ui.showDocument,
element: $itemPanel,
size: ui.documentSize
resizable: isItemView,
resize: isItemView ? [192, 256, 320, 384] : []
orientation: 'horizontal'
pandora_documentssort: function(data) {
$list.options({sort: data.value});
'documentsSelection.' + (isItemView ? ui.item : ''),
function addDocuments() {
item: ui.item,
ids: $list.options('selected')
}, function() {
// ...
function deleteDocuments() {
pandora.ui.deleteDocumentDialog($list.options('selected'), function() {
// ...
function getOrderButtonTitle() {
return ui.documentsSort[0].operator == '+' ? 'up' : 'down';
function getOrderButtonTooltip() {
return Ox._(ui.documentsSort[0].operator == '+' ? 'ascending' : 'descending');
function getPreviewSize() {
var ratio = $list.value(selected[0], 'ratio'),
size = ui.documentSize - 16 - Ox.UI.SCROLLBAR_SIZE,
height = ratio > 1 ? size / ratio : size,
width = ratio > 1 ? size : size * ratio,
left = Math.floor((size - width) / 2);
return {
height: height,
// fixme: CSS gets applied twice, to image and enclosing element
margin: [8, 8, 8, 8 + left].map(function(px) {
return Math.round(px / 2) + 'px';
}).join(' '),
width: width
function removeDocuments() {
item: ui.item,
ids: $list.options('selected')
}, function() {
// ...
function renderForm() {
var item = $list.value(selected),
editable = item.user == pandora.user.username
|| pandora.site.capabilities.canEditDocuments[pandora.user.level],
inputWidth = ui.documentSize - 16 - Ox.UI.SCROLLBAR_SIZE,
labelWidth = 80;
return Ox.Form({
items: [
disabled: !editable,
id: 'name',
label: Ox._('Name'),
labelWidth: labelWidth,
value: item.name,
width: inputWidth
disabled: true,
id: 'extension',
label: Ox._('Extension'),
labelWidth: labelWidth,
value: item.extension,
width: inputWidth
disabled: true,
id: 'dimensions',
label: Ox._('Dimensions'),
labelWidth: labelWidth,
value: Ox.isArray(value)
? Ox.formatDimensions(value, 'px')
: Ox.formatCount(value, 'page'),
width: inputWidth
disabled: true,
id: 'size',
label: Ox._('Size'),
labelWidth: labelWidth,
value: Ox.formatValue(item.size, 'B'),
width: inputWidth
disabled: true,
id: 'matches',
label: Ox._('Matches'),
labelWidth: labelWidth,
value: item.matches,
width: inputWidth
disabled: true,
id: 'username',
label: Ox._('Username'),
labelWidth: labelWidth,
value: item.user,
width: inputWidth
disabled: !editable,
id: 'type',
label: Ox._('Type'),
labelWidth: labelWidth,
value: item.type,
width: inputWidth
disabled: !editable,
height: 256,
id: 'description',
placeholder: Ox._('Description'),
type: 'textarea',
value: item.description,
width: inputWidth
width: 240
.css({margin: '12px 8px 8px 8px'})
change: function(event) {
var data = Ox.extend({id: item.id}, event.id, event.data.value);
pandora.api.editDocument(data, function(result) {
$list.value(result.data.id, event.id, result.data[event.id]);
if (event.id == 'name') {
$list.value(item.id, 'id', result.data.id);
function renderList() {
var options = {
items: pandora.api.findDocuments,
keys: ['ratio'],
query: {conditions: [], operator: '&'},
sort: ui.documentsSort.concat([
{key: 'extension', operator: '+'},
{key: 'filename', operator: '+'}
sums: ['size'],
unique: 'id'
return (ui.documentsView == 'list' ? Ox.TableList(Ox.extend(options, {
columns: columns,
columnsVisible: true,
scrollbarVisible: true,
})) : Ox.IconList(Ox.extend(options, {
item: function(data, sort, size) {
var sortKey = sort[0].key,
infoKey = sortKey == 'name' ? 'extension' : sortKey,
info = (
Ox.getObjectById(columns, infoKey).format || Ox.identity
size = size || 128;
return {
height: Math.round(data.ratio > 1 ? size / ratio : size),
id: data.id,
info: info,
title: data.name,
url: '/documents/' + data.id + '/256p.jpg',
width: Math.round(data.ratio > 1 ? size : size * ratio)
size: 128
add: uploadDocuments,
'delete': deleteDocuments,
init: function(data) {
Ox.toTitleCase(Ox.formatCount(data.items, 'document'))
+ ', ' + Ox.formatValue(data.size, 'B')
select: function() {
'documentsSelection.' + (isItemView ? ui.item : ''),
sort: function() {
pandora.UI.set({documentsSort: data.sort});
function renderPreview() {
var size = getPreviewSize(),
src = '/documents/' + selected + '/256p.jpg';
return Ox.ImageElement({
height: size.height,
src: src,
width: size.width
margin: size.margin,
borderRadius: '8px'
click: function() {
var item = $list.value(selected);
'/documents/' + selected + '/' + item.name + '.' + item.extension,
function selectDocuments() {
var items = ui.documentSelection[isItemView ? ui.item : ''],
string = items.length < 2 ? 'Document' : items.length + ' Documents';
['open', 'edit', 'delete'].forEach(function(id) {
$itemMenu[items.length ? 'enableItem' : 'disableItem']
$itemMenu.setItemTitle('open', Ox._('Open ' + string));
if (isItemView) {
'edit', Ox._('Edit ' + string + '...')
.setItemTitle('remove', Ox._(
'Remove ' + string + ' from this '
+ pandora.site.itemName.singular
} else {
$itemMenu.setItemTitle('addtoitem', Ox._(
: 'Add ' + string + ' to Current '
+ pandora.site.itemName.singular
.setItemTitle('addtolist', Ox._(
'Add ' + string + ' to All Items in Current List'
.setItemTitle('delete', Ox._('Delete ' + string + '...'));
$selectButton(items.length ? 'show' : 'hide');
$deselectButton(items.length ? 'show' : 'hide');
if (items.length) {
$preview = renderPreview().appendTo($item);
$form = renderForm().appendTo($item);
function updateList() {
var key = $findSelect.value(),
value = $findInput.value(),
query = {
conditions: value
? [].concat(
key != 'user'
? [{key: 'name', value: value, operator: '='}]
: [],
key == 'all'
? [key: 'description', value: value, operator: '=']
: [],
key != 'name'
? [{key: 'user', value: value, operator: '='}]
: []
: [],
operator: '|'
$list.options({query: query});
function updateSortElement() {
title: getOrderButtonTitle(),
tooltip: getOrderButtonTooltip()
function uploadDocuments(data) {
pandora.ui.uploadDocumentDialog(data.files, function(files) {
if (files) {
load: function() {
$list.options({selected: [files.ids]});
return that;
} |