188 lines
6 KiB
188 lines
6 KiB
import logging
import os
import subprocess
import tempfile
from django.conf import settings
logger = logging.getLogger('pandora.' + __name__)
def extract_text(pdf, page=None):
if page is not None:
page = str(page)
cmd = ['pdftotext', '-f', page, '-l', page, pdf, '-']
cmd = ['pdftotext', pdf, '-']
p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
stdout, stderr = p.communicate()
stdout = stdout.decode().strip()
if not stdout:
if page:
# split page from pdf and ocr
fd, page_pdf = tempfile.mkstemp('.pdf')
cmd = ['pdfseparate', '-f', page, '-l', page, pdf, page_pdf]
p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, close_fds=True)
stdout, stderr = p.communicate()
text = ocr_image(page_pdf)
return text
return ocr_image(pdf)
return stdout
def ocr_image(path):
cmd = ['tesseract', path, '-', 'txt']
p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
stdout, stderr = p.communicate()
stdout = stdout.decode()
return stdout.strip()
class FulltextMixin:
_ES_INDEX = "document-index"
def elasticsearch(cls):
from elasticsearch import Elasticsearch
es = Elasticsearch(settings.ELASTICSEARCH_HOST)
return es
def extract_fulltext(self):
if self.file:
if self.extension == 'pdf':
return extract_text(self.file.path)
elif self.extension in ('png', 'jpg'):
return ocr_image(self.file.path)
elif self.extension == 'html':
return self.data.get('text', '')
return ''
def has_fulltext_key(self):
return bool([k for k in settings.CONFIG['documentKeys'] if k.get('fulltext')])
def delete_fulltext(self):
if self.has_fulltext_key():
from elasticsearch.exceptions import NotFoundError
res = self.elasticsearch().delete(index=self._ES_INDEX, id=self.id)
except NotFoundError:
logger.error('failed to delete fulltext document', exc_info=True)
def update_fulltext(self):
if self.has_fulltext_key():
text = self.extract_fulltext()
if text:
doc = {
'text': text.lower()
res = self.elasticsearch().index(index=self._ES_INDEX, id=self.id, body=doc)
def find_fulltext(cls, query):
ids = cls.find_fulltext_ids(query)
return cls.objects.filter(id__in=ids)
def find_fulltext_ids(cls, query):
if not query:
return []
elif query[0] == '"' and query[-1] == '"':
query = {
"match_phrase": {
"text": query.lower()[1:-1]
query = {
"match": {
"text": {
"query": query.lower(),
"operator": "and"
ids = []
res = None
from_ = 0
es = cls.elasticsearch()
while not res or len(ids) < res['hits']['total']['value']:
res = es.search(index=cls._ES_INDEX, body={
"from": from_,
"_source": False,
"query": query
if not res['hits']['hits']:
ids += [int(r['_id']) for r in res['hits']['hits']]
from_ += len(res['hits']['hits'])
return ids
def highlight_page(self, page, query, size):
import pypdfium2 as pdfium
from PIL import Image
from PIL import ImageDraw
pdfpath = self.file.path
pagenumber = int(page) - 1
jpg = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.jpg')
output = jpg.name
TINT_COLOR = (255, 255, 0)
scale = 150/72
pdf = pdfium.PdfDocument(pdfpath)
page = pdf[pagenumber]
bitmap = page.render(scale=scale, rotation=0)
img = bitmap.to_pil().convert('RGBA')
overlay = Image.new('RGBA', img.size, TINT_COLOR+(0,))
draw = ImageDraw.Draw(overlay)
textpage = page.get_textpage()
search = textpage.search(query)
result = search.get_next()
while result:
pos, steps = result
steps += 1
while steps:
box = textpage.get_charbox(pos)
box = [b*scale for b in box]
tl = (box[0], img.size[1] - box[3])
br = (box[2], img.size[1] - box[1])
draw.rectangle((tl, br), fill=TINT_COLOR+(OPACITY,))
pos += 1
steps -= 1
result = search.get_next()
img = Image.alpha_composite(img, overlay)
img = img.convert("RGB")
aspect = img.size[0] / img.size[1]
resize_method = Image.LANCZOS
if img.size[0] >= img.size[1]:
width = size
height = int(size / aspect)
width = int(size / aspect)
height = size
img = img.resize((width, height), resize_method)
img.save(output, quality=72)
return jpg
class FulltextPageMixin(FulltextMixin):
_ES_INDEX = "document-page-index"
def extract_fulltext(self):
if self.document.file:
if self.document.extension == 'pdf':
return extract_text(self.document.file.path, self.page)
elif self.extension in ('png', 'jpg'):
return ocr_image(self.document.file.path)
elif self.extension == 'html':
# FIXME: is there a nice way to split that into pages
return self.data.get('text', '')
return ''