RunScript ============= :synopsis: Runs a script in the django context. Introduction ------------ The runscript command lets you run any arbritrary set of python commands within the django context. It offers the same usability and functionality as running a set of command in shell accessed by:: $ python shell Getting Started --------------- To get started create a scripts directory in your project root, next to $ mkdir scripts $ touch scripts/ Note: The ** file is necessary so that the folder is picked up as a python package. Next, create a python file with the name of the script you want to run within the scripts directory:: $ touch scripts/ This file must implement a *run()* function. This is what gets called when you run the script. You can import any models or other parts of your django project to use in these scripts. For example:: # scripts/ from Polls.models import Poll def run(): # Get all polls all_polls = Poll.objects.all() # Delete polls all_polls.delete() Note: You can put a script inside a *scripts* folder in any of your apps too. Using ----- To run any script you use the command *runscript* with the name of the script that you want to run. For example:: $ python runscript delete_all_polls Note: The command first checks for scripts in your apps i.e. *app_name/scripts* folder and runs them before checking for and running scripts in the *project_root/scripts* folder. You can have multiple scripts with the same name and they will all be run sequentially.