// vim: et:ts=4:sw=4:sts=4:ft=javascript 'use strict'; pandora.addItem = function(title, callback) { // unused pandora.api.add({title: title || 'Untitled'}, function(result) { Ox.Request.clearCache('find'); pandora.UI.set({ item: result.data.id, itemView: 'info' }); callback && callback(); }); }; pandora.addEdit = function() { // addEdit(isSmart, isFrom) or addEdit(edit) [=duplicate] pandora.addFolderItem.apply(null, ['edits'].concat(Ox.slice(arguments))); }; pandora.addFolderItem = function(section) { // addFolderItem(section, isSmart, isFrom) // or addFolderItem(section, list) [=duplicate] var $folderList = pandora.$ui.folderList.personal, isDuplicate = arguments.length == 2, isItems = section == 'items', isSmart, isFrom, list, listData, data, ui = pandora.user.ui; pandora.UI.set({showSidebar: true}); if (!isDuplicate) { isSmart = arguments[1]; isFrom = arguments[2]; data = { name: Ox._('Untitled'), status: 'private', type: !isSmart ? 'static' : 'smart' }; if (isFrom) { if (!isSmart) { if (isItems) { data.items = ui.listSelection; } else if (section == 'documents') { //fixme data.items = ui.collectionSelection; } else { data.clips = pandora.getClipData( ui.section == 'items' ? pandora.$ui.clipList.options('selected') // FIXME: still wrong, could be annotation or in-to-out : pandora.$ui.editPanel.getSelectedClips() ); } } else { data.query = ui.find; } } if (ui.section == 'items' && section == 'edits') { pandora.UI.set({section: 'edits'}); } addList(); } else { list = arguments[1]; listData = pandora.getListData(); data = { name: listData.name, status: listData.status == 'featured' ? 'public' : listData.status, type: listData.type }; if (data.type == 'smart') { data.query = listData.query; } pandora.api[{ items: 'findLists', documents: 'findCollections', edits: 'findEdits', }[section]]({ query: {conditions: [{ key: 'id', operator: '==', value: list }]}, keys: ['description'] }, function(result) { data.description = result.data.items[0].description; if (data.type == 'static') { var query; if (isItems) { query = { conditions: [{ key: 'list', operator: '==', value: list }], operator: '&' }; pandora.api.find({query: query}, function(result) { if (result.data.items) { pandora.api.find({ query: query, keys: ['id'], sort: [{key: 'id', operator: ''}], range: [0, result.data.items] }, function(result) { data.items = result.data.items.map(function(item) { return item.id; }); addList(); }); } else { addList(); } }); } else if(section == 'documents') { //fixme addList(); } else { pandora.api.getEdit({ id: list, keys: ['clips'] }, function(result) { data.clips = result.data.clips.map(function(clip) { return Ox.extend({ item: clip.item }, clip.annotation ? { annotation: clip.annotation } : { 'in': clip['in'], out: clip.out }); }); addList(); }); } } else { addList(); } }); } function addList() { pandora.api[{ items: 'addList', documents: 'addCollection', edits: 'addEdit' }[section]](data, function(result) { getPosterFrames(result.data.id); }); } function getPosterFrames(newList) { var query, sortKey = Ox.getObjectById(pandora.site.itemKeys, 'votes') ? 'votes' : 'timesaccessed'; if (!isDuplicate) { ({ items: Ox.noop, documents: Ox.noop, edits: pandora.api.getEdit }[section])({ id: newList, keys: ['clips'] }, function(result) { if (Ox.contains(pandora.site.listSections, section)) { query = { conditions: [{ key: section == 'documents' ? 'collection' : 'list', value: newList, operator: '==' }], operator: '&' }; } else{ query = { conditions: Ox.unique(result.data.clips.map(function(clip) { return {key: 'id', value: clip.item, operator: '=='}; })), operator: '|' }; } ({ items: pandora.api.find, documents: pandora.api.findDocuments, edits: Ox.noop }[section])({ query: { conditions: [ { key: section == 'documents' ? 'collection' : 'list', value: newList, operator: '==' } ], operator: '&' }, keys: ['id', 'posterFrame'], sort: [{key: sortKey, operator: ''}], range: [0, 4] }, function(result) { var posterFrames = result ? result.data.items.map(function(item) { return {item: item.id, position: item.posterFrame}; }) : []; posterFrames = posterFrames.length == 1 ? Ox.repeat([posterFrames[0]], 4) : posterFrames.length == 2 ? [ posterFrames[0], posterFrames[1], posterFrames[1], posterFrames[0] ] : posterFrames.length == 3 ? [ posterFrames[0], posterFrames[1], posterFrames[2], posterFrames[0] ] : posterFrames; setPosterFrames(newList, posterFrames); }); }); } else { pandora.api[{ items: 'findLists', documents: 'findCollections', edits: 'findEdits' }[section]]({ query: { conditions: [{key: 'id', value: list, operator: '=='}], operator: '&' }, keys: ['posterFrames'] }, function(result) { setPosterFrames(newList, result.data.items[0].posterFrames); }); } } function setPosterFrames(newList, posterFrames) { pandora.api[{ items: 'editList', documents: 'editCollection', edits: 'editEdit' }[section]]({ id: newList, posterFrames: posterFrames }, function() { reloadFolder(newList); }); } function reloadFolder(newList) { // FIXME: collapsing sets ui showFolder, // but should work the other way around // (same applies to addText, below) $folderList = pandora.$ui.folderList.personal; pandora.$ui.folder[0].options({collapsed: false}); Ox.Request.clearCache({ items: 'findLists', documents: 'findCollections', edits: 'findEdits' }[section]); $folderList.bindEventOnce({ load: function() { $folderList.gainFocus() .options({selected: [newList]}) .editCell(newList, 'name', true); pandora.UI.set({ items: { find: { conditions: [ {key: 'list', value: newList, operator: '=='} ], operator: '&' } }, documents: { findDocuments: { conditions: [ {key: 'collection', value: newList, operator: '=='} ], operator: '&' } }, edits: { edit: newList } }[section]); } }).reloadList(); } }; pandora.addList = function() { // addList(isSmart, isFrom) or addList(list) [=duplicate] pandora.addFolderItem.apply(null, [pandora.user.ui.section].concat(Ox.slice(arguments))); }; pandora.addText = function(options) { var $folderList = pandora.$ui.folderList.personal; options = options || {}; pandora.api.addText(options, function(result) { reloadFolder(result.data.id); }); function reloadFolder(newId) { pandora.$ui.folder[0].options({collapsed: false}); Ox.Request.clearCache('findTexts'); $folderList.bindEventOnce({ load: function(data) { $folderList.gainFocus() .options({selected: [newId]}) .editCell(newId, 'name', true); pandora.UI.set(pandora.user.ui.section.slice(0, -1), newId); } }).reloadList(); } } pandora.beforeUnloadWindow = function() { if (pandora.firefogg) { return Ox._( 'Encoding is currently running. ' + 'Are you sure that you want to leave this page?' ); } if (pandora.uploadQueue.uploading) { return Ox._( 'You still have active uploads. ' + 'Are you sure that you want to leave this page?' ); } // Prevent error dialogs on unload pandora.isUnloading = true; }; pandora.changeFolderItemStatus = function(id, status, callback) { var ui = pandora.user.ui, folderItems = pandora.getFolderItems(ui.section), folderItem = folderItems.slice(0, -1); if (status == 'private') { pandora.api['find' + folderItems]({ query: {conditions: [{key: 'id', value: id, operator: '=='}]}, keys: ['name', 'subscribers'] }, function(result) { var name = result.data.items[0].name, subscribers = result.data.items[0].subscribers; if (subscribers) { pandora.ui.makeListPrivateDialog(name, subscribers, function(makePrivate) { if (makePrivate) { changeFolderItemStatus(); } else { callback({data: { id: id, status: 'public' }}); } }).open(); } else { changeFolderItemStatus(); } }); } else { changeFolderItemStatus(); } function changeFolderItemStatus() { pandora.api['edit' + folderItem]({ id: id, status: status }, function(result) { Ox.Request.clearCache('find' + folderItem); callback(result); }); } }; pandora.clickLink = function(e, selectEmbed) { var match = e.target.id.match(/^embed(\d+)$/); if (match) { (selectEmbed || pandora.$ui.textPanel.selectEmbed)(parseInt(match[1])); } else { pandora.openURL(e.target.href); } }; pandora.createLinks = function($element) { function isExternalLink(target) { return target.hostname != document.location.hostname || Ox.startsWith(target.pathname, '/static'); } $element.on({ click: function(e) { var $target = $(e.target); while (true) { if ($target.is('a') || $target[0] == $element[0]) { break; } $target = $($target.parent()); } if ( $target.is('a') && !$($target.parent()).is('.OxEditable') && !$($target.parent()).is('.OxEditableContent') ) { e.preventDefault(); if (isExternalLink($target[0])) { pandora.openLink($target[0].href); } else { pandora.clickLink({target: $target[0]}); } } return false; } }); }; (function() { pandora.doHistory = function(action, items, targets, index, callback) { items = Ox.makeArray(items); targets = Ox.makeArray(targets); callback = Ox.last(arguments); if (action == 'copy' || action == 'paste') { addItems(items, targets[0], addToHistory); } else if (action == 'cut' || action == 'delete') { removeItems(items, targets[0], addToHistory); } else if (action == 'edit') { editItem(items[1], addToHistory); } else if (action == 'join' || action == 'split') { removeItems(items[0], targets[0], function() { addItems(items[1], targets[0], index, addToHistory); }); } else if (action == 'move') { removeItems(items, targets[0], function() { addItems(items, targets[1], addToHistory); }); } function addToHistory(result, addedItems) { var actions = { copy: 'Copying', cut: 'Cutting', 'delete': 'Deleting', edit: 'Editing', join: 'Joining', move: 'Moving', paste: 'Pasting', split: 'Splitting' }, length = action == 'edit' ? 1 : action == 'join' || action == 'split' ? items[0].length : items.length, type = getType(items), text = Ox._(actions[action]) + ' ' + ( length == 1 ? Ox._( type == 'item' ? pandora.site.itemName.singular : 'Clip' ) : length + ' ' + Ox._( type == 'item' ? pandora.site.itemName.plural : 'Clips' ) ); pandora.history.add({ action: action, items: action == 'cut' || action == 'delete' ? [items] : action == 'copy' || action == 'paste' ? [addedItems] : action == 'edit' ? items : action == 'join' || action == 'split' ? [items[0], addedItems] : [items, addedItems], // move positions: [], targets: targets, text: text }); callback(result); } }; pandora.redoHistory = function(callback) { var object = pandora.history.redo(); if (object) { if (object.action == 'copy' || object.action == 'paste') { addItems(object.items[0], object.targets[0], done); } else if (object.action == 'cut' || object.action == 'delete') { removeItems(object.items[0], object.targets[0], done); } else if (object.action == 'edit') { editItem(object.items[1], done); } else if (object.action == 'join' || object.action == 'split') { removeItems(object.items[0], object.targets[0], function() { addItems(object.items[1], object.targets[0], done); }); } else if (object.action == 'move') { removeItems(object.items[0], object.targets[0], function() { addItems(object.items[1], object.targets[1], done); }); } } function done() { doneHistory(object, callback); } }; pandora.undoHistory = function(callback) { var object = pandora.history.undo(); if (object) { if (object.action == 'copy' || object.action == 'paste') { removeItems(object.items[0], object.targets[0], done); } else if (object.action == 'cut' || object.action == 'delete') { addItems(object.items[0], object.targets[0], done); } else if (object.action == 'edit') { editItem(object.items[0], done); } else if (object.action == 'join' || object.action == 'split') { removeItems(object.items[1], object.targets[0], function() { addItems(object.items[0], object.targets[0], done); }); } else if (object.action == 'move') { removeItems(object.items[1], object.targets[1], function() { addItems(object.items[0], object.targets[0], done); }); } } function done() { doneHistory(object, callback); } }; function addItems(items, target, index, callback) { var clips, type = getType(items); if (Ox.isUndefined(callback)) { callback = index; index = pandora.$ui.editPanel ? pandora.$ui.editPanel.getPasteIndex() : void 0; } if (type == 'item') { pandora.api.find({ query: { conditions: [{key: 'list', operator: '==', value: target}], operator: '&' }, positions: items }, function(result) { var existingItems = Object.keys(result.data.positions), addedItems = items.filter(function(item) { return !Ox.contains(existingItems, item); }); if (addedItems.length) { pandora.api.addListItems({ items: addedItems, list: target }, function(result) { callback(result, addedItems); }); } else { callback(null, []); } }); } else if (type == 'documents') { //fixme pandora.api.findDocuments({ query: { conditions: [{key: 'collection', operator: '==', value: target}], operator: '&' }, positions: items }, function(result) { var existingItems = Object.keys(result.data.positions), addedItems = items.filter(function(item) { return !Ox.contains(existingItems, item); }); if (addedItems.length) { pandora.api.addCollectionItems({ items: addedItems, collection: target }, function(result) { callback(result, addedItems); }); } else { callback(null, []); } }); } else { pandora.api.addClips({ clips: pandora.getClipData(items), edit: target, index: index }, function(result) { // adding clips creates new ids, so mutate items in history items.splice.apply(items, [0, items.length].concat( pandora.getClipItems(result.data.clips) )); callback(result, items); }); } } function doneHistory(object, callback) { var list, listData, type = getType(object.items), ui = pandora.user.ui; if (type == 'item' && ui.section == 'items') { Ox.Request.clearCache('find'); object.targets.filter(function(list) { return list != ui._list; }).forEach(function(list) { listData = pandora.getListData(list); pandora.api.find({ query: { conditions: [{ key: 'list', operator: '==', value: list }], operator: '&' } }, function(result) { pandora.$ui.folderList[listData.folder].value( list, 'items', result.data.items ); }); }); if (Ox.contains(object.targets, ui._list)) { // FIXME: Why is this timeout needed? setTimeout(pandora.reloadList, 250); } } else if (type == 'document' && ui.section == 'documents') { Ox.Request.clearCache('findDocuments'); object.targets.filter(function(list) { return list != ui._list; }).forEach(function(list) { listData = pandora.getListData(list); pandora.api.findDocuments({ query: { conditions: [{ key: 'collection', operator: '==', value: list }], operator: '&' } }, function(result) { pandora.$ui.folderList[listData.folder].value( list, 'items', result.data.items ); }); }); if (Ox.contains(object.targets, ui._list)) { // FIXME: Why is this timeout needed? setTimeout(pandora.reloadList, 250); } } else if (type == 'clip' && ui.section == 'edits') { // FIXME: update edit list (once it has item count) if (Ox.contains(object.targets, ui.edit)) { pandora.$ui.editPanel && pandora.$ui.editPanel.updatePanel(); } } callback && callback(); } function editItem(item, callback) { var clip = pandora.getClipData([item])[0], id = getClipIds([item])[0]; pandora.api.editClip({ id: id, 'in': clip['in'], out: clip.out }, callback); } function getClipIds(items) { return items.map(function(clip) { return clip.split('/').pop(); }); } function getType(items) { return Ox.contains(items[0], '/') || Ox.contains(items[0][0], '/') ? 'clip' : 'item'; } function removeItems(items, target, callback) { var type = getType(items); if (type == 'item') { pandora.api.removeListItems({ items: items, list: target }, callback); } else { pandora.api.removeClips({ ids: getClipIds(items), edit: target }, callback); } } }()); pandora.enableDragAndDrop = function($list, canMove, section, getItems) { section = section || pandora.user.ui.section; var $tooltip = Ox.Tooltip({animate: false}), drag = {}, scrollInterval; $list.bindEvent({ draganddropstart: function(data) { var ui = pandora.user.ui; if (section != ui.section) { pandora.$ui.mainPanel.replaceElement(0, pandora.$ui.leftPanel = pandora.ui.leftPanel(section) ); } drag.action = 'copy'; drag.ids = getItems ? getItems($list) : $list.options('selected'); drag.item = drag.ids.length == 1 ? $list.value(drag.ids[0], 'title') || 1 : drag.ids.length; drag.source = pandora.getListData(); drag.targets = {}; //fixme instead of a fixed timeout, //bind to lists and update if they get new items setTimeout(function() { Ox.forEach(pandora.$ui.folderList, function($list) { $list.addClass('OxDroppable').find('.OxItem').each(function() { var $item = $(this), id = $item.data('id'), data = $list.value(id); if (drag.targets) { drag.targets[id] = Ox.extend({ editable: data.user == pandora.user.username && data.type == 'static', selected: $item.is('.OxSelected') }, data); if ( !drag.targets[id].selected && drag.targets[id].editable ) { $item.addClass('OxDroppable'); } } }); }); }, section != ui.section ? 2000 : 0); $tooltip.options({title: getTitle()}).show(data.event); canMove && Ox.$window.on({ keydown: keydown, keyup: keyup }); }, draganddrop: function(data) { var event = data.event; $tooltip.options({ title: getTitle(event) }).show(event); if ( scrollInterval && !isAtListsTop(event) && !isAtListsBottom(event) ) { clearInterval(scrollInterval); scrollInterval = 0; } }, draganddroppause: function(data) { var event = data.event, scroll, $parent, $grandparent, $panel, title; if (!pandora.user.ui.showSidebar) { if (event.clientX < 16 && event.clientY >= 44 && event.clientY < window.innerHeight - 16 ) { pandora.$ui.mainPanel.toggleElement(0); } } else { $parent = $(event.target).parent(); $grandparent = $parent.parent(); $panel = $parent.is('.OxCollapsePanel') ? $parent : $grandparent.is('.OxCollapsePanel') ? $grandparent : null; if ($panel) { title = $panel.children('.OxBar').children('.OxTitle') .html().split(' ')[0].toLowerCase(); if (!pandora.user.ui.showFolder.items[title]) { Ox.$elements[$panel.data('oxid')].options({ collapsed: false }); } } if (!scrollInterval) { scroll = isAtListsTop(event) ? -16 : isAtListsBottom(event) ? 16 : 0 if (scroll) { scrollInterval = setInterval(function() { pandora.$ui.folders.scrollTop( pandora.$ui.folders.scrollTop() + scroll ); }, 100); } } } }, draganddropenter: function(data) { var $parent = $(data.event.target).parent(), $item = $parent.is('.OxItem') ? $parent : $parent.parent(), $list = $item.parent().parent().parent().parent(); if ($list.is('.OxDroppable')) { $item.addClass('OxDrop'); drag.target = drag.targets[$item.data('id')]; } else { drag.target = null; } }, draganddropleave: function(data) { var $parent = $(data.event.target).parent(), $item = $parent.is('.OxItem') ? $parent : $parent.parent(); if ($item.is('.OxDroppable')) { $item.removeClass('OxDrop'); drag.target = null; } }, draganddropend: function(data) { canMove && Ox.$window.off({ keydown: keydown, keyup: keyup }); if (drag.target && drag.target.editable && !drag.target.selected) { if (drag.action == 'copy' || ( drag.action == 'move' && drag.source.editable )) { if (section == 'items') { var targets = drag.action == 'copy' ? drag.target.id : [pandora.user.ui._list, drag.target.id]; pandora.doHistory(drag.action, drag.ids, targets, function() { Ox.Request.clearCache('find'); pandora.api.find({ query: { conditions: [{ key: 'list', operator: '==', value: drag.target.id }], operator: '&' } }, function(result) { var folder = drag.target.status != 'featured' ? 'personal' : 'featured'; pandora.$ui.folderList[folder].value( drag.target.id, 'items', result.data.items ); cleanup(250); }); drag.action == 'move' && pandora.reloadList(); }); } else if (section == 'documents') { var targets = drag.action == 'copy' ? drag.target.id : [pandora.user.ui._collection, drag.target.id]; //fixme use history //pandora.doHistory(drag.action, drag.ids, targets, function() { pandora.api.addCollectionItems({ collection: drag.target.id, items: drag.ids }, function() { Ox.Request.clearCache('find'); pandora.api.findDocuments({ query: { conditions: [{ key: 'collection', operator: '==', value: drag.target.id }], operator: '&' } }, function(result) { var folder = drag.target.status != 'featured' ? 'personal' : 'featured'; pandora.$ui.folderList[folder].value( drag.target.id, 'items', result.data.items ); cleanup(250); }); drag.action == 'move' && pandora.reloadList(); }); } else if (section == 'edits') { var targets = drag.action == 'copy' ? drag.target.id : [pandora.user.ui.edit, drag.target.id]; pandora.doHistory(drag.action, drag.ids, targets, function() { Ox.print('FIXME, reload clipslist on drag', drag.ids); pandora.$ui.editPanel && pandora.$ui.editPanel.updatePanel(); cleanup(250); }); } else { Ox.print('no drop support for', section); cleanup(250); } } } else { cleanup(0); } function cleanup(ms) { drag = {}; clearInterval(scrollInterval); scrollInterval = 0; setTimeout(function() { $('.OxDroppable').removeClass('OxDroppable'); $('.OxDrop').removeClass('OxDrop'); $tooltip.hide(); if (section != pandora.user.ui.section) { setTimeout(function() { pandora.$ui.mainPanel.replaceElement(0, pandora.$ui.leftPanel = pandora.ui.leftPanel() ); }, 500); } }, ms); } } }); function getTitle() { var image, text, itemName = section == 'items' ? { plural: Ox._(pandora.site.itemName.plural.toLowerCase()), singular: Ox._(pandora.site.itemName.singular.toLowerCase()) } : section == 'documents' ? { plural: Ox._('Documents'), singular: Ox._('Document') } :{ plural: Ox._('clips'), singular: Ox._('clip') }, targetName = section == 'items' ? { plural: Ox._('lists'), singular: Ox._('list') } : section == 'documents' ? { plural: Ox._('collections'), singular: Ox._('collection') } : { plural: Ox._('edits'), singular: Ox._('edit') }; if ( drag.action == 'move' && section == 'edits' && pandora.user.ui.section == 'items' ) { image = 'symbolClose'; text = Ox._( 'You can only remove {0}
from {1}.', [itemName.plural, targetName.plural] ); } else if ( drag.action == 'move' && drag.source.user != pandora.user.username ) { image = 'symbolClose'; text = Ox._( 'You can only remove {0}
from your own {1}.', [itemName.plural, targetName.plural] ); } else if (drag.action == 'move' && drag.source.type == 'smart') { image = 'symbolClose'; text = Ox._( 'You can\'t remove {0}
from smart {1}.', [itemName.plural, targetName.plural] ); } else if (drag.target && drag.target.user != pandora.user.username) { image = 'symbolClose'; text = Ox._( 'You can only {0} {1}
to your own {2}', [drag.action, itemName.plural, targetName.plural] ); } else if (drag.target && drag.target.type == 'smart') { image = 'symbolClose'; text = Ox._( 'You can\'t {0} {1}
to smart {2}', [drag.action, itemName.plural, targetName.plural] ); } else { image = drag.action == 'copy' ? 'symbolAdd' : 'symbolRemove'; text = Ox._(Ox.toTitleCase(drag.action)) + ' ' + ( Ox.isString(drag.item) ? '"' + drag.item + '"' : drag.item + ' ' + itemName[drag.item == 1 ? 'singular' : 'plural'] ) + '
' + ( drag.target && !drag.target.selected ? Ox._( 'to the {0} "{1}"', [targetName.singular, Ox.encodeHTMLEntities(drag.target.name)] ) : Ox._( 'to ' + ( (section == 'items' && pandora.user.ui._list) || (section == 'edits' && pandora.user.ui.section == 'edits') ? 'another' : (section == 'items' ? 'a' : 'an') ) + ' {0}', [targetName.singular] ) ); } return $('
') .append( $('
') .css({ float: 'left', width: '16px', height: '16px', padding: '2px', border: '2px solid rgb(' + Ox.Theme.getThemeData().symbolDefaultColor.join(', ') + ')', borderRadius: '12px', margin: '3px 2px 2px 2px' }) .append( $('') .attr({src: Ox.UI.getImageURL(image)}) .css({width: '16px', height: '16px'}) ) ) .append( $('
') .css({ float: 'left', margin: '1px 2px 2px 2px', fontSize: '11px', whiteSpace: 'nowrap' }) .html(text) ); } function isAtListsTop(e) { return pandora.user.ui.showSidebar && e.clientX < pandora.user.ui.sidebarSize && e.clientY >= 44 && e.clientY < 60; } function isAtListsBottom(e) { var listsBottom = window.innerHeight - pandora.getInfoHeight(); return pandora.user.ui.showSidebar && e.clientX < pandora.user.ui.sidebarSize && e.clientY >= listsBottom - 16 && e.clientY < listsBottom; } function keydown(e) { if (e.metaKey) { drag.action = 'move'; $tooltip.options({title: getTitle()}).show(); } } function keyup(e) { if (drag.action == 'move') { drag.action = 'copy'; $tooltip.options({title: getTitle()}).show(); } } }; pandora.enterFullscreen = function() { pandora.$ui.appPanel.size(0, 0); if (pandora.user.ui.showSidebar) { pandora.$ui.mainPanel.size(0, 0); } pandora.$ui.rightPanel.size(0, 0).size(2, 0); if (pandora.user.ui.showBrowser) { pandora.$ui.contentPanel.size(0, 0); } else { pandora.$ui.contentPanel.css({ top: (-112 - Ox.UI.SCROLLBAR_SIZE) + 'px' // fixme: rightPanel.size(0, 0) doesn't preserve negative top of browser }); } pandora.$ui.player.options({ height: pandora.$document.height() - 2, width: pandora.$document.width() - 2 }); }; pandora.exitFullscreen = function() { pandora.$ui.appPanel.size(0, 20); if (pandora.user.ui.showSidebar) { pandora.$ui.mainPanel.size(0, pandora.user.ui.sidebarSize); } pandora.$ui.rightPanel.size(0, 24).size(2, 16); if (pandora.user.ui.showBrowser) { pandora.$ui.contentPanel.size(0, 112 + Ox.UI.SCROLLBAR_SIZE); } else { pandora.$ui.contentPanel.css({ top: 24 + (-112 - Ox.UI.SCROLLBAR_SIZE) + 'px' // fixme: rightPanel.size(0, 0) doesn't preserve negative top of browser }); } }; pandora.formatDocumentKey = function(key, data, size) { var value; if (key.format) { value = ( /^color/.test(key.format.type.toLowerCase()) ? Ox.Theme : Ox )['format' + Ox.toTitleCase(key.format.type)].apply( this, [data[key.id]].concat(key.format.args || []) ); if (key.id == 'rightslevel') { value.css({width: size * 0.75 + 'px'}); } } else { value = data[key.id]; if (key.id == 'extension') { value = value.toUpperCase(); } else if (key.id == 'dimensions') { value = Ox.isArray(value) ? Ox.formatDimensions(value, 'px') : Ox.formatCount(value, data.extension == 'html' ? 'word' : 'page'); } } return value; } pandora.getAllItemsTitle = function(section) { section = section || pandora.user.ui.section; return { items: Ox._('All {0}', [Ox._(pandora.site.itemName.plural)]), documents: Ox._('All {0}', [Ox._('Documents')]) }[section] || Ox._('{0} ' + Ox.toTitleCase(section), [pandora.site.site.name]); }; pandora.getClipData = function(items) { return items.map(function(clip) { var split = clip.split('/'), item = split[0], points = split[1].split('-'); return Ox.extend({ item: item }, points.length == 1 ? { annotation: item + '/' + points[0] } : { 'in': parseFloat(points[0]), out: parseFloat(points[1]) }); }); }; pandora.getClipItems = function(data) { return data.map(function(clip) { return ( clip.annotation || clip.item + '/' + clip['in'] + '-' + clip.out ) + '/' + (clip.id || ''); }); }; // FIXME: naming hazard, above and below pandora.getClipsItems = function(width) { width = width || window.innerWidth - pandora.user.ui.showSidebar * pandora.user.ui.sidebarSize - 1 - Ox.UI.SCROLLBAR_SIZE; return Math.floor((width - 8) / (128 + 8)) - 1; }; pandora.getClipsQuery = function(callback) { // fixme: nice, but not needed function addClipsConditions(conditions) { conditions.forEach(function(condition) { if (condition.conditions) { addClipsConditions(condition.conditions); } else if ( (condition.key == 'annotations' ||Ox.getIndexById(pandora.site.layers, condition.key) > -1) && condition.operator == '=' ) { clipsQuery.conditions.push(condition); } }); } var clipsQuery = { conditions: [] }; addClipsConditions(pandora.user.ui.find.conditions); clipsQuery.operator = clipsQuery.conditions.length ? '|' : '&'; if (callback) { if (pandora.user.ui._list) { pandora.api.getList({id: pandora.user.ui._list}, function(result) { if (result.data.type == 'smart') { addClipsConditions(result.data.query.conditions); } callback(clipsQuery); }); } else { callback(clipsQuery); } } else { return clipsQuery; } }; pandora.getClipVideos = function(clip, resolution) { var currentTime = 0, start = clip['in'] || 0, end = clip.out; resolution = resolution || pandora.user.ui.videoResolution; return Ox.flatten(Ox.range(clip.parts).map(function(i) { var item = { src: pandora.getVideoURL(clip.item, resolution, i + 1, null, clip.streams[i]), resolution: resolution }; if (currentTime + clip.durations[i] <= start || currentTime > end) { item = null; } else { if (clip.id) { item.id = clip.id; } if (Ox.isNumber(clip.volume)) { item.volume = clip.volume; } if ( currentTime <= start && currentTime + clip.durations[i] > start ) { item['in'] = start - currentTime; } if (currentTime + clip.durations[i] >= end) { item.out = end - currentTime; } if (item['in'] && item.out) { item.duration = item.out - item['in'] } else if (item.out) { item.duration = item.out; } else if (!Ox.isUndefined(item['in'])) { item.duration = clip.durations[i] - item['in']; item.out = clip.durations[i]; } else { item.duration = clip.durations[i]; item['in'] = 0; item.out = item.duration; } } currentTime += clip.durations[i]; return item; }).filter(function(c) { return !!c; })); }; (function() { var itemTitles = {}, documentTitles = {}; pandora.getWindowTitle = function(itemData) { var parts = []; if (itemData) { if (pandora.user.ui.section == 'documents') { documentTitles[pandora.user.ui.document] = Ox.decodeHTMLEntities( pandora.getDocumentTitle(itemData) ); } else { itemTitles[pandora.user.ui.item] = Ox.decodeHTMLEntities( pandora.getItemTitle(itemData) ); } } if (pandora.user.ui.section == 'items') { if (!pandora.user.ui.item) { parts.push( pandora.user.ui._list ? pandora.user.ui._list.split(':').slice(1).join(':') : pandora.getAllItemsTitle('items') ); parts.push(Ox._('{0} View', [ Ox._(Ox.toTitleCase(pandora.user.ui.listView)) ])); } else { parts.push( itemTitles[pandora.user.ui.item] || pandora.user.ui.item ); parts.push(Ox._('{0} View', [ Ox._(Ox.toTitleCase(pandora.user.ui.itemView)) ])); } } else if (pandora.user.ui.section == 'documents') { if (!pandora.user.ui.document) { parts.push( pandora.user.ui._collection ? pandora.user.ui._collection.split(':').slice(1).join(':') : pandora.getAllItemsTitle('documents') ); parts.push(Ox._('{0} View', [ Ox._(Ox.toTitleCase(pandora.user.ui.collectionView)) ])); parts.push(Ox._('Documents')); } else { parts.push( documentTitles[pandora.user.ui.document] || pandora.user.ui.document ); /* parts.push(Ox._('{0} View', [ Ox._(Ox.toTitleCase(pandora.user.ui.documentView)) ])); */ parts.push(Ox._('Document')); } } else if (pandora.user.ui.section == 'edits') { if (pandora.user.ui.edit) { parts.push(pandora.user.ui.edit.split(':').slice(1).join(':')); } parts.push(Ox._('Edits')); } parts.push(pandora.site.site.name); return parts.join(' – '); }; }()); pandora.getDownloadLink = function(item, rightslevel) { var torrent = pandora.site.video.torrent; if (arguments.length == 2 && torrent && pandora.hasCapability('canSeeItem', 'guest') < rightslevel) { torrent = false; } url = '/' + item + (torrent ? '/torrent/' : '/download/'); if (!torrent && pandora.site.video.downloadFormat) { url += Ox.max(pandora.site.video.resolutions) + 'p.' + pandora.site.video.downloadFormat; } return url; }; pandora.getEditTooltip = function(title) { return function(e) { var $target = $(e.target); return ( $target.is('a') || $target.parents('a').length ? Ox._('Shift+doubleclick to edit') : Ox._('Doubleclick to edit') ) + (title ? ' ' + Ox._(title) : ''); } }; pandora.getFilterSizes = function() { return Ox.splitInt( window.innerWidth - pandora.user.ui.showSidebar * pandora.user.ui.sidebarSize - 1, 5 ); }; pandora.getFolderItems = function(section) { return section == 'items' ? 'Lists' : section == 'documents' ? 'Collections' : Ox.toTitleCase(section); } pandora.getFoldersHeight = function(section) { section = section || pandora.user.ui.section; var height = 0; pandora.site.sectionFolders[section].forEach(function(folder, i) { height += 16 + pandora.user.ui.showFolder[section][folder.id] * ( !!(folder.showBrowser && folder.hasItems) * 40 + (folder.items || 1) * 16 ); }); return height; }; pandora.getFoldersWidth = function(section) { section = section || pandora.user.ui.section; var width = pandora.user.ui.sidebarSize; if ( pandora.$ui.appPanel && pandora.getFoldersHeight(section) > window.innerHeight - 20 - 24 - 16 - 1 - pandora.getInfoHeight(section) ) { width -= Ox.UI.SCROLLBAR_SIZE; } return width; }; pandora.getHash = function(state, callback) { var embedKeys = [ 'annotationsRange', 'annotationsSort', 'embed', 'ignoreRights', 'invertHighlight', 'matchRatio', 'paused', 'playInToOut', 'showAnnotations', 'showCloseButton', 'showLayers', 'showTimeline', 'timeline', 'title' ], isEmbed = state.hash && state.hash.anchor == 'embed', isPrint = state.hash && state.hash.anchor == 'print', printKeys = [], removeKeys = []; if (state.hash && state.hash.anchor && !isEmbed && !isPrint) { delete state.hash.anchor; } if (state.hash && state.hash.query) { if (isEmbed) { state.hash.query.forEach(function(condition) { if (!Ox.contains(embedKeys, condition.key)) { removeKeys.push(condition.key); } }); } else if (isPrint) { state.hash.query.forEach(function(condition) { if (!Ox.contains(printKeys, condition.key)) { removeKeys.push(condition.key); } }); } else { state.hash.query.forEach(function(condition) { var key = condition.key.split('.')[0]; if (pandora.site.user.ui[key] === void 0) { removeKeys.push(condition.key); } }); } state.hash.query = state.hash.query.filter(function(condition) { return !Ox.contains(removeKeys, condition.key); }); if (Ox.isEmpty(state.hash.query)) { delete state.hash.query; } } if (Ox.isEmpty(state.hash)) { delete state.hash; } callback(); }; pandora.getInfoHeight = function(section, includeHidden) { // Note: Either argument can be ommitted // fixme: new, check if it can be used more section = section || pandora.user.ui.section; if (arguments.length == 1 && Ox.isBoolean(arguments[0])) { section = pandora.user.ui.section; includeHidden = arguments[0]; } var height = 0, isVideoPreview; if (pandora.user.ui.showInfo || includeHidden) { isVideoPreview = section == 'items' && ( pandora.user.ui.item || ( pandora.user.ui.listSelection.length && !pandora.isClipView() ) ); height = Math.min( isVideoPreview ? Math.round(pandora.user.ui.sidebarSize / pandora.site.video.previewRatio) + 16 : pandora.user.ui.sidebarSize, window.innerHeight - 109 // 20 menu + 24 bar + 64 (4 closed folders) + 1 resizebar ); } return height; }; pandora.getItem = function(state, str, callback) { if (state.type == pandora.site.itemName.plural.toLowerCase()) { var secondaryId = pandora.site.itemKeys.filter(function(key) { return key.secondaryId; }).map(function(key) { return key.id; })[0], sortKey = Ox.getObjectById(pandora.site.itemKeys, 'votes') ? 'votes' : 'timesaccessed'; Ox.getObjectById(pandora.site.itemKeys, 'alt') pandora.api.get({id: str, keys: ['id']}, function(result) { if (result.status.code == 200) { state.item = result.data.id; callback(); } else { (secondaryId ? pandora.api.find : Ox.noop)({ query: { conditions: [{key: secondaryId, value: str, operator: '=='}], operator: '&' }, sort: [{key: sortKey, operator: '-'}], range: [0, 1], keys: ['id'] }, function(result) { if (result && result.data.items.length) { state.item = result.data.items[0].id; callback(); } else { pandora.api.find({ query: { conditions: [{key: 'title', value: str, operator: '=='}], operator: '&' }, sort: [{key: sortKey, operator: '-'}], range: [0, 100], keys: ['id', 'title', sortKey] }, function(result) { if (result.data.items.length) { var regexp = new RegExp('^' + Ox.escapeRegExp(str) + '$', 'i'), items = result.data.items.map(function(item) { return { id: item.id, // prefer title match over originalTitle match sort: (item.title == str ? 1000000 : 0) + (parseInt(item[sortKey]) || 0) // fixme: remove the (...|| 0) check // once the backend sends correct data }; }); state.item = items.sort(function(a, b) { return b.sort - a.sort; })[0].id; } callback(); }); } }); } }); } else if (state.type == 'documents') { pandora.api.getDocument({ id: str, // send keys so that subsequent request when parsing // page number etc. is already in the cache keys: ['dimensions', 'extension'] }, function(result) { if (result.status.code == 200) { state.item = str; callback(); } else { state.item = ''; callback(); } }); } else if (state.type == 'edits') { pandora.api.getEdit({id: str, keys: ['id']}, function(result) { if (result.status.code == 200) { state.item = result.data.id; callback(); } else { state.item = ''; callback(); } }); } else if (state.type == 'texts') { pandora.api.findDocuments({ query: { conditions: [ {key: 'user', value: str.split(':')[0]}, {key: 'title', value: str.split(':').slice(1).join(':')} ], operator: '&'}, keys: ['id', 'extension'], range: [0, 2] }, function(result) { state.type = 'documents'; if (result.data.items.length == 1) { state.item = result.data.items[0].id; } else { state.item = ''; } callback(); }); } else { callback(); } }; pandora.getItemFind = function(find) { var itemFind = ''; Ox.forEach(find.conditions, function(condition) { if ( ( condition.key == '*' || condition.key == 'annotations' || Ox.getIndexById(pandora.site.layers, condition.key) > -1 ) && condition.value.length && ['=', '=='].indexOf(condition.operator) > -1 ) { itemFind = condition.value; return false; } }) return itemFind; }; pandora.getItemIdAndPosition = function() { var selected, ret, ui = pandora.user.ui; function getIdAndPositionByClipId(clipId) { var split = clipId.replace('-', '/').split('/'); return { id: split[0], position: parseFloat(split[1]) }; } function getIdAndPositionByItemId(itemId) { return { id: itemId, position: ui.videoPoints[itemId] ? ui.videoPoints[itemId].position : 0 }; } if (ui.section == 'items') { if (!ui.item) { if ( ui.listView == 'timelines' && (selected = ui.listSelection).length == 1 ) { ret = getIdAndPositionByItemId(selected[0]); } else if ( ['clip', 'map', 'calendar'].indexOf(ui.listView) > -1 && pandora.$ui.clipList && (selected = pandora.$ui.clipList.options('selected')).length == 1 ) { ret = getIdAndPositionByClipId(selected[0]); } } else { if (pandora.isVideoView()) { ret = getIdAndPositionByItemId(ui.item); } else if ( ['clips', 'map', 'calendar'].indexOf(ui.itemView) > -1 && pandora.$ui.clipList && (selected = pandora.$ui.clipList.options('selected')).length == 1 ) { ret = getIdAndPositionByClipId(selected[0]); } } } else if (ui.section == 'edits') { if (ui.edit) { // TODO } } return ret; } pandora.getLargeClipTimelineURL = function(item, inPoint, outPoint, type, callback) { var fps = 25, width = Math.ceil((outPoint - inPoint) * fps), height = 64, canvas = Ox.$('').attr({width: width, height: height})[0], context = canvas.getContext('2d'), inIndex = Math.floor(inPoint / 60), outIndex = Math.floor(outPoint / 60), offset = inPoint % 60 * -fps; Ox.parallelForEach(Ox.range(inIndex, outIndex + 1), function(index, i) { var callback = Ox.last(arguments), image = Ox.$('') .on({ load: function() { context.drawImage(image, offset + i * 1500, 0); callback(); } }) .attr({ src: '/' + item + '/timeline' + type + '64p' + index + '.jpg' })[0]; }, function() { callback(canvas.toDataURL()); }); }; pandora.getLargeEditTimelineURL = function(edit, type, i, callback) { var clips = [], timelineIn = i * 60, timelineOut = Math.min((i + 1) * 60, edit.duration), fps = 25, width = (timelineOut - timelineIn) * fps, height = 64, canvas = Ox.$('').attr({width: width, height: height})[0], context = canvas.getContext('2d'); Ox.forEach(edit.clips, function(clip) { var clipIn = clip.position, clipOut = clip.position + clip.duration; if (clipIn >= timelineOut) { return false; // break } if ( (timelineIn <= clipIn && clipIn <= timelineOut) || (timelineIn <= clipOut && clipOut <= timelineOut) || (clipIn <= timelineIn && timelineOut <= clipOut) ) { clips.push({ 'in': clip['in'] + (clipIn < timelineIn ? timelineIn - clipIn : 0), item: clip.item, offset: Math.floor(Math.max(clipIn - timelineIn, 0) * fps), out: clip.out - (clipOut > timelineOut ? clipOut - timelineOut : 0) }); } }); Ox.parallelForEach(clips, function(clip) { var callback = Ox.last(arguments); pandora.getLargeClipTimelineURL(clip.item, clip['in'], clip.out, type, function(url) { var image = Ox.$('') .on({ load: function() { context.drawImage(image, clip.offset, 0); callback(); } }) .attr({ src: url })[0]; }); }, function() { callback(canvas.toDataURL()); }); }; pandora.getListData = function(list) { var data = {}, folder, _list = pandora.user.ui._list; if (Ox.isUndefined(list)) { if (pandora.user.ui.section == 'items') { list = pandora.user.ui._list; } else if (pandora.user.ui.section == 'documents') { list = pandora.user.ui._collection; _list = pandora.user.ui._collection; } else { list = pandora.user.ui[pandora.user.ui.section.slice(0, -1)]; } } if (pandora.user.ui.section == 'documents') { _list = pandora.user.ui._collection; } if (list && pandora.$ui.folderList) { Ox.forEach(pandora.$ui.folderList, function($list, id) { var ret = true; // for the current list, we have to check in which // folder it is selected, since for example, a personal // list may appear again in the featured lists browser if ( (list == _list && $list.options('selected').length) || !Ox.isEmpty($list.value(list)) ) { folder = id; ret = false; } return ret; }); if (folder) { data = pandora.$ui.folderList[folder].value(list); if (pandora.user.ui.section == 'item') { data.editable = data.user == pandora.user.username && data.type == 'static'; } else { data.editable = data.user == pandora.user.username; } data.folder = folder; } } return data; }; pandora.getListIcon = function(section, id, size, modified) { var folderItems = pandora.getFolderItems(section), folderItem = folderItems.slice(0, -1); size = size || ''; modified = modified || Ox.uid(); return pandora.getMediaURL('/' + folderItem.toLowerCase() + '/' + encodeURIComponent(id) + '/icon' + size + '.jpg?' + modified); }; pandora.getPageTitle = function(stateOrURL) { var pages = [ {id: '', title: ''}, {id: 'api', title: Ox._('API Documentation')}, {id: 'help', title: Ox._('Help')}, {id: 'home', title: ''}, {id: 'preferences', title: Ox._('Preferences')}, {id: 'signin', title: Ox._('Sign In')}, {id: 'signout', title: Ox._('Sign Out')}, {id: 'signup', title: Ox._('Sign Up')}, {id: 'software', title: Ox._('Software')}, {id: 'tv', title: Ox._('TV')} ].concat(pandora.site.sitePages), page = Ox.getObjectById( pages, Ox.isObject(stateOrURL) ? stateOrURL.page : stateOrURL.slice(1) ); return page ? (page.title ? page.title + ' – ' : '') + pandora.site.site.name : null; }; pandora.getPart = function(state, str, callback) { Ox.Log('URL', 'getPart', state, str); if (state.page == 'api') { pandora.api.api(function(result) { if (Ox.contains(Object.keys(result.data.actions), str)) { state.part = str; } callback(); }) } else if (state.page == 'faq') { // ... callback(); } else if (state.page == 'help') { if (Ox.getObjectById(pandora.site.help, str)) { state.part = str; } callback(); } else if (state.page == 'news') { pandora.api.getNews(function(result) { if (Ox.getObjectById(result.data.items, str)) { state.part = str; } else if (result.data.items.length) { state.part = result.data.items[0].id; } callback(); }); } else if (state.page == 'preferences') { if (Ox.contains(['account', 'appearance', 'advanced'], str)) { state.part = str; } callback(); } else if (state.page == 'tv') { var split = str.split(':'), user, name; if (split.length >= 2) { user = split.shift(); name = split.join(':'); pandora.api.findLists({ keys: ['name', 'user'], query: { conditions: [ {key: 'user', operator: '==', value: user}, {key: 'name', operator: '==', value: name} ], operator: '&' } }, function(result) { if (result.data.items.length) { state.part = str; } callback(); }); } else { callback(); } } else if (state.page == 'document') { var id = str.split('/')[0]; if (id) { pandora.api.getDocument({ id: id, // send keys so that subsequent request when parsing // page number etc. is already in the cache keys: ['dimensions', 'extension'] }, function(result) { if (result.status.code == 200) { state.part = str; } else { state.page = ''; } callback(); }); } else { state.page = ''; callback(); } } else if (state.page == 'entities') { var id = str; if (id) { pandora.api.findEntities({ query: { conditions: [{key: 'id', value: id, operator: '=='}], operator: '&' } }, function(result) { if (result.data.items) { state.part = str; } else { state.page = ''; } callback(); }); } else { state.page = ''; callback(); } } else { callback(); } }; pandora.getSmallClipTimelineURL = function(item, inPoint, outPoint, type, callback) { var width = Math.ceil(outPoint - inPoint), height = 16, canvas = Ox.$('').attr({width: width, height: height})[0], context = canvas.getContext('2d'), inIndex = Math.floor(inPoint / 3600), outIndex = Math.floor(outPoint / 3600), offset = inPoint % 3600 * -1; Ox.parallelForEach(Ox.range(inIndex, outIndex + 1), function(index, i) { var callback = Ox.last(arguments), image = Ox.$('') .on({ load: function() { context.drawImage(image, offset + i * 3600, 0); callback(); } }) .attr({ src: '/' + item + '/timeline' + type + '16p' + index + '.jpg' })[0]; }, function() { callback(canvas.toDataURL()); }); }; pandora.getSort = function(state, val, callback) { if (state.type == pandora.site.itemName.plural.toLowerCase()) { // TODO in the future: If str is index, fall back if list is smart // (but this can only be tested after find has been parsed) callback(); } else if (state.type == 'documents') { callback(); } else if (state.type == 'edits') { if (val[0].key == 'index') { pandora.api.getEdit({id: state.item, keys: ['id', 'type']}, function(result) { if (result.data.type == 'smart') { if (state.sort.length > 1) { state.sort = [state.sort[1]]; } else { state.sort = [ pandora.site.user.ui.editSort.filter(function(sort) { return sort.key != 'index'; })[0] ]; } } callback(); }); } else { callback(); } } }; pandora.getSortKeyData = function(key) { return Ox.getObjectById(pandora.site.itemKeys, key) || Ox.getObjectById(pandora.site.clipKeys, key); }; pandora.getSortKeys = function() { return pandora.site.itemKeys.filter(function(key) { return key.sort && ( !key.capability || pandora.hasCapability(key.capability) ); }).map(function(key) { return Ox.extend(key, { operator: pandora.getSortOperator(key.id) }); }); }; pandora.getSortOperator = function(key) { var data = pandora.getSortKeyData(key); return data.sortOperator || ['string', 'text'].indexOf( Ox.isArray(data.type) ? data.type[0] : data.type ) > -1 ? '+' : '-'; }; pandora.getDocumentSortKeys = function() { return pandora.site.documentKeys.filter(function(key) { return key.sort && ( !key.capability || pandora.hasCapability(key.capability) ); }).map(function(key) { return Ox.extend(key, { operator: pandora.getDocumentSortOperator(key.id) }); }); }; pandora.getDocumentSortOperator = function(key) { var data = Ox.getObjectById(pandora.site.documentKeys, key); return data.sortOperator || ['string', 'text'].indexOf( Ox.isArray(data.type) ? data.type[0] : data.type ) > -1 ? '+' : '-'; }; pandora.getDocumentTitle = function(data) { return data.title || Ox._('Untitled'); }; pandora.getSpan = function(state, val, callback) { // For a given item, or none (state.item), and a given view, or any // (state.view), this takes a value (array of numbers or string) and checks // if it is a valid video position (numbers) or annotation/event/place id or // event/place name (string), and in that case sets state.span, and may // modify state.view. // fixme: "subtitles:23" is still missing Ox.Log('URL', 'getSpan', state, val); if (state.page == 'document' || // document dialog state.type == 'documents' // document section ) { if (state.page == 'document' || state.item) { pandora.api.getDocument({ id: state.page == 'document' ? state.part : state.item, keys: ['dimensions', 'extension'] }, function(result) { var dimensions = result.data.dimensions, extension = result.data.extension, values; if (Ox.contains(['epub', 'pdf', 'txt'], extension)) { state.span = Ox.limit(parseInt(val), 1, dimensions); } else if (Ox.contains(['html'], extension)) { state.span = Ox.limit(parseInt(val), 0, 100); } else if (Ox.contains(['gif', 'jpg', 'png'], extension)) { values = val.split(','); if (values.length == 4) { state.span = values.map(function(number, index) { return Ox.limit(number, 0, dimensions[index % 2]); }); state.span = [ Math.min(state.span[0], state.span[2]), Math.min(state.span[1], state.span[3]), Math.max(state.span[0], state.span[2]), Math.max(state.span[1], state.span[3]), ]; } else { state.span = ''; } } Ox.Log('URL', 'getSpan result', state); callback(); }); } else { callback(); } } else if (state.type == pandora.site.itemName.plural.toLowerCase()) { var isArray = Ox.isArray(val), isName, isVideoView, canBeAnnotation, canBeEvent, canBePlace; if (isArray) { pandora.api.get({ id: state.item, keys: ['duration'] }, function(result) { state.span = val.map(function(number) { return Math.min(number, result.data.duration); }); callback(); }); } else { isName = val[0] == '@'; isVideoView = pandora.isVideoView(state.view, state.item); canBeAnnotation = state.item && (!state.view || isVideoView) && !isName; canBeEvent = !state.view || state.view == 'calendar'; canBePlace = !state.view || state.view == 'map'; val = isName ? val.slice(1) : val; getId(canBeAnnotation ? 'annotation' : '', function(id) { if (id) { Ox.Log('URL', 'id?', id) state.span = id; state.view = state.view || pandora.user.ui.videoView; callback(); } else { getId(canBePlace ? 'place' : '', function(id) { if (id) { Ox.Log('URL', 'found place id', id) state.span = id; state.view = 'map'; callback(); } else { getId(canBeEvent ? 'event' : '', function(id) { if (id) { Ox.Log('URL', 'found event id', id) state.span = id; state.view = 'calendar'; } else if (canBePlace && isName) { Ox.Log('URL', 'setting place id', '@' + val) state.span = '@' + val; state.view = 'map'; } callback(); }); } }); } }); } } else if (state.type == 'edits') { if (isArray) { pandora.api.getEdit({ id: state.item, keys: ['duration'] }, function(result) { state.span = val.map(function(number) { return Math.min(number, result.data.duration); }); callback(); }); } else { pandora.api.getEdit({ id: state.item, keys: ['clips'] }, function(result) { if ( result.data.clips && Ox.getObjectById(result.data.clips, val) ) { state.span = val; } callback(); }); } } function getId(type, callback) { if (type) { pandora.api['find' + Ox.toTitleCase(type + 's')](Ox.extend({ query: { conditions: [{ key: isName ? 'name' : 'id', value: type != 'annotation' ? val : state.item + '/' + val, operator: '==' }], operator: '&' }, keys: type != 'annotation' ? ['id'] : ['id', 'in', 'out'], range: [0, 1] }, state.item && type != 'annotation' ? { itemQuery: { conditions: [{ key: 'id', value: state.item, operator: '==' }], operator: '&' } } : {}), function(result) { var annotation, span; if (result.data.items.length) { span = result.data.items[0]; annotation = span.id.split('/')[1]; // This is an optimization to make sure the video view // immediately loads at the correct position if (type == 'annotation') { pandora.user.ui.videoPoints[state.item] = { 'in': span['in'], out: span.out, position: span['in'] }; } } callback( !span ? '' : type != 'annotation' ? span.id : annotation ); }); } else { callback(); } } }; pandora.getStatusText = function(data) { var ui = pandora.user.ui, canSeeMedia = pandora.hasCapability('canSeeMedia'), canSeeSize = pandora.hasCapability('canSeeSize'), itemName = ['clip', 'video'].indexOf(ui.listView) > -1 ? (data.items == 1 ? Ox._('Clip') : Ox._('Clips')) : Ox._(pandora.site.itemName[ data.items == 1 ? 'singular' : 'plural' ]), parts = []; if (ui.section == 'documents') { itemName = Ox._(Ox.toTitleCase(data.items == 1 ? ui.section.slice(0, -1) : ui.section)); } parts.push(Ox.formatNumber(data.items) + ' '+ itemName); if (data.runtime) { parts.push(Ox.formatDuration(data.runtime, 'short')); } else if (data.duration) { parts.push(Ox.formatDuration(data.duration, 'short')); } if (canSeeMedia) { data.files && parts.push( Ox.toTitleCase(Ox.formatCount(data.files, 'file')) ); data.duration && parts.push(Ox.formatDuration(data.duration)); } if (canSeeSize) { data.size && parts.push(Ox.formatValue(data.size, 'B')); } if (canSeeMedia) { data.pixels && parts.push(Ox.formatValue(data.pixels, 'px')); } return parts.join(', '); }; pandora.getSubtitles = function(video) { return video.subtitlesLayer ? video.annotations.filter(function(layer) { return layer.id == video.subtitlesLayer; })[0].items.map(function(subtitle) { return { id: subtitle.id, 'in': subtitle['in'], out: subtitle.out, text: subtitle.value.replace(/\n/g, ' ').replace(//g, '\n'), tracks: subtitle.languages || [Ox.getLanguageNameByCode(pandora.site.language)] }; }) : []; }; pandora.getSubtitlesLayer = function() { return pandora.site.layers.filter(function(layer) { return layer.isSubtitles; }).map(function(layer) { return layer.id; })[0]; }; pandora.getMediaURL = function(url) { return pandora.site.site.mediaprefix + url; }; pandora.getVideoURLName = function(id, resolution, part, track, streamId) { return id + '/' + resolution + 'p' + part + (track ? '.' + track : '') + '.' + pandora.user.videoFormat + (streamId ? '?' + streamId : ''); }; pandora.getVideoURL = function(id, resolution, part, track, streamId) { var uid = Ox.uid(), prefix = pandora.site.site.videoprefix .replace('{id}', id) .replace('{part}', part) .replace('{resolution}', resolution) .replace('{uid}', uid) .replace('{uid42}', uid % 42), local = pandora.fs && pandora.fs.getVideoURL(id, resolution, part, track); return local || prefix + '/' + pandora.getVideoURLName(id, resolution, part, track, streamId); }; pandora.getCensoredClips = function(data) { var annotations = [], clips = [], last; pandora.site.layers.filter(function(layer) { return layer.canPlayClips; }).forEach(function(layer) { data.layers[layer.id] && data.layers[layer.id].forEach(function(annotation, i) { annotations.push(annotation) }); }); if (annotations.length) { Ox.sort(annotations, function(clip) { return clip['in']; }).forEach(function(clip) { if (last && last['out'] >= clip['in']) { last['out'] = Math.max(last['out'], clip['out']); } else { last = { 'in': clip['in'], out: clip.out }; clips.push(last); } }); } return clips.length ? clips.map(function(clip, i) { return { 'in': i == 0 ? 0 : clips[i - 1].out, out: clip['in'] }; }).concat([{ 'in': Ox.last(clips).out, out: data.duration }]).filter(function(censored) { // don't include gaps shorter than one second return censored.out - censored['in'] >= 1; }) : Ox.range(0, data.duration - 5, 60).map(function(position) { return { 'in': position + 5, out: Math.min(position + 60, data.duration) }; }); }; pandora.VIDEO_OPTIONS_KEYS = [ 'audioTracks', 'cuts', 'duration', 'durations', 'editable', 'layers', 'modified', 'parts', 'posterFrame', 'rendered', 'rightslevel', 'size', 'streams', 'title', 'videoRatio' ]; pandora.getVideoOptions = function(data) { var canPlayClips = data.editable || pandora.hasCapability('canPlayClips') >= data.rightslevel, canPlayVideo = data.editable || pandora.hasCapability('canPlayVideo') >= data.rightslevel, options = {}; options.subtitlesLayer = pandora.getSubtitlesLayer(); options.censored = canPlayVideo ? [] : canPlayClips ? pandora.getCensoredClips(data) : [{'in': 0, out: data.duration}]; options.video = []; pandora.site.video.resolutions.forEach(function(resolution) { if (data.audioTracks) { data.audioTracks.forEach(function(track) { Ox.range(data.parts).forEach(function(i) { options.video.push({ duration: data.durations[i], index: i, track: Ox.getLanguageNameByCode(track), resolution: resolution, src: pandora.getVideoURL( data.item || pandora.user.ui.item, resolution, i + 1, track, data.streams[i] ) }); }); }); } else { Ox.range(data.parts).forEach(function(i) { options.video.push({ duration: data.durations[i], index: i, resolution: resolution, src: pandora.getVideoURL( data.item || pandora.user.ui.item, resolution, i + 1, null, data.streams[i] ) }); }); } }); options.audioTrack = data.audioTracks ? Ox.getLanguageNameByCode( Ox.contains(data.audioTracks, pandora.site.language) ? pandora.site.language : data.audioTracks[0] ) : void 0; options.annotations = []; pandora.site.layers.forEach(function(layer, i) { options.annotations[i] = Ox.extend({}, layer, { title: Ox._(layer.title), item: Ox._(layer.item), items: data.layers[layer.id] ? data.layers[layer.id].map(function(annotation) { annotation.duration = Math.abs(annotation.out - annotation['in']); annotation.editable = annotation.editable || annotation.user == pandora.user.username || pandora.hasCapability('canEditAnnotations'); annotation.languages = ( annotation.languages || [pandora.site.language] ).map(function(language) { return Ox.getLanguageNameByCode(language); }); return annotation; }) : [] }); }); data.videoRatio = data.videoRatio || pandora.site.video.previewRatio; return options; }; pandora.getVideoPartsAndPoints = function(durations, points) { var parts = durations.length, offsets = Ox.range(parts).map(function(i) { return Ox.sum(durations.slice(0, i)); }), ret = { parts: [], points: [] }; points.forEach(function(point, i) { Ox.loop(parts - 1, -1, -1, function(i) { if (offsets[i] <= point) { ret.parts[i] = i; return false; } }); }); ret.parts = Ox.unique(ret.parts); ret.points = points.map(function(point) { return point - offsets[ret.parts[0]]; }); return ret; }; pandora.hasCapability = function(capability, level) { level = level || pandora.user.level; return pandora.site.capabilities[capability] && pandora.site.capabilities[capability][level]; } pandora.hasDialogOrScreen = function() { return !!$('.OxDialog:visible').length || !!$('.OxFullscreen').length || !!$('.OxScreen').length; }; pandora.hasEventsLayer = function() { return pandora.site.layers.some(function(layer) { return layer.type == 'event'; }); }; pandora.hasPlacesLayer = function() { return pandora.site.layers.some(function(layer) { return layer.type == 'place'; }); }; pandora.isClipView = function(view, item) { if (pandora.user.ui.section == 'items') { if (arguments.length == 0) { item = pandora.user.ui.item; view = !item ? pandora.user.ui.listView : pandora.user.ui.itemView; } else if (arguments.length == 1) { item = pandora.user.ui.item; } } return ( !item ? ['calendar', 'clip', 'map'] : ['calendar', 'clips', 'map'] ).indexOf(view) > -1; }; pandora.isCompleteHomeItem = function(data) { return data.image && data.title && data.text && data.link; }; pandora.isEmbeddableView = function(url) { // FIXME: actually return true for embeddable views return false; }; pandora.isEmbedURL = function(url) { url = url || document.location.href; var hash = Ox.parseURL(url).hash; return /^#embed(\?.*?)?$/.test(hash); }; pandora.isLicensed = function() { return !pandora.site.license || pandora.site.license > +new Date(); }; pandora.isPrintURL = function(url) { url = url || document.location.href; var hash = Ox.parseURL(url).hash; return /^#print(\?.*?)?$/.test(hash); }; pandora.isVideoView = function(view, item) { if (pandora.user.ui.section == 'items') { if (arguments.length == 0) { item = pandora.user.ui.item; view = !item ? pandora.user.ui.listView : pandora.user.ui.itemView; } else if (arguments.length == 1) { item = pandora.user.ui.item; } } return ( !item ? ['video'] : ['player', 'editor', 'timeline'] ).indexOf(view) > -1; }; pandora.loadUserScript = function() { if (pandora.user.script) { try { eval(pandora.user.script); } catch(e) { Ox.print('user onload script error', e); } } }; pandora.logEvent = function(data, event, element) { var element = this, handlers = self.eventHandlers ? self.eventHandlers[event] : []; if (!Ox.contains([ 'mousedown', 'mouserepeat', 'anyclick', 'singleclick', 'doubleclick', 'mousewheel', 'dragstart', 'drag', 'dragenter', 'dragleave', 'dragpause', 'dragend', 'draganddropstart', 'draganddrop', 'draganddropenter', 'draganddropleave', 'draganddroppause', 'draganddropend', 'playing', 'position', 'progress', 'request' ], event) && !Ox.startsWith(event, 'pandora_')) { try { data = JSON.stringify(data); } catch(e) {} Ox.print( 'EVENT', element.oxid, '"' + element[0].className.split(' ').filter(function(className) { return /^Ox/.test(className); }).map(function(className) { return className.replace(/^Ox/, ''); }).join(' ') + '"', event, data, handlers.length, handlers.map(function(handler) { return handler.toString().split('\n').shift(); }) ); } }; pandora.openLicenseDialog = function() { if (!Ox.Focus.focusedElementIsInput() && !pandora.hasDialogOrScreen()) { pandora.ui.licenseDialog().open().bindEvent({ close: function() { setTimeout(function() { !pandora.isLicensed() && pandora.openLicenseDialog(); }, 60000); } }); } else { setTimeout(function() { !pandora.isLicensed() && pandora.openLicenseDialog(); }, 60000); } }; pandora.openLink = function(url) { if (Ox.startsWith(url, 'mailto:')) { window.open(url); } else { window.open('/url=' + encodeURIComponent(url), '_blank'); } }; pandora.openURL = function(url) { var a = document.createElement('a'); a.href = url; if ( a.hostname == document.location.hostname && !Ox.startsWith(a.pathname, '/static') && ( window.self == window.top || pandora.isEmbeddableView(a.href) ) ) { pandora.URL.push(a.pathname, true); if (pandora.$ui.home && a.pathname != '/home') { pandora.$ui.home.fadeOutScreen(); } } else { pandora.openLink(a.href); } }; pandora.signin = function(data) { // fixme: this is still voodoo pandora.user = Ox.extend(data.user, { sectionElement: 'buttons', videoFormat: Ox.getVideoFormat(pandora.site.video.formats) }); pandora.user.ui._list = pandora.getListState(pandora.user.ui.find); pandora.user.ui._filterState = pandora.getFilterState(pandora.user.ui.find); pandora.user.ui._findState = pandora.getFindState(pandora.user.ui.find); pandora.user.ui._collection = pandora.getCollectionState(pandora.user.ui.findDocuments); pandora.user.ui._findDocumentsState = pandora.getFindDocumentsState(pandora.user.ui.findDocuments); pandora.site.sortKeys = pandora.getSortKeys(); pandora.URL.init(); pandora.URL.update(); Ox.Theme(pandora.user.ui.theme); pandora.$ui.appPanel.reload(); pandora.loadUserScript(); }; pandora.signout = function(data) { // fixme: this is still voodoo pandora.user = data.user; pandora.user.ui._list = pandora.getListState(pandora.user.ui.find); pandora.user.ui._filterState = pandora.getFilterState(pandora.user.ui.find); pandora.user.ui._findState = pandora.getFindState(pandora.user.ui.find); pandora.user.ui._collection = pandora.getCollectionState(pandora.user.ui.findDocuments); pandora.user.ui._findDocumentsState = pandora.getFindDocumentsState(pandora.user.ui.findDocuments); pandora.site.sortKeys = pandora.getSortKeys(); pandora.URL.init(); pandora.URL.update(); Ox.Theme(pandora.user.ui.theme); pandora.$ui.appPanel.reload(); }; pandora.reloadList = function() { Ox.Log('', 'reloadList') var listData = pandora.getListData(); Ox.Request.clearCache(); // fixme: remove if (pandora.$ui.filters) { pandora.$ui.filters.forEach(function($filter) { $filter.reloadList(); }); } pandora.$ui.list .bindEvent({ init: function(data) { // fixme: this will not work for lists in the favorites folder // (but then it's also unlikely they'll have to be reloaded) var folder = listData.status != 'featured' ? 'personal' : 'featured'; if (!Ox.isEmpty(listData)) { pandora.$ui.folderList[folder].value( listData.id, 'items', data.items ); } } }) .bindEventOnce({ load: function(data) { pandora.$ui.list.gainFocus(); // fixme: what is this? // if (data) pandora.$ui.list.options({selected: [data.items]}); } }) .reloadList(); }; pandora.renameList = function(oldId, newId, newName, folder) { folder = folder || pandora.getListData(oldId).folder; pandora.$ui.folderList[folder].value(oldId, 'name', newName); pandora.$ui.folderList[folder].value(oldId, 'id', newId); if (pandora.user.ui.section == 'items') { pandora.$ui.toolbar.updateListName(newId); // fixme: ugly // ... does this always coincide with triggerEvents = false, as below? pandora.replaceURL = true; pandora.UI.set( 'lists.' + pandora.UI.encode(newId), pandora.user.ui.lists[oldId], false ); pandora.UI.set({ find: { conditions: [{key: 'list', value: newId, operator: '=='}], operator: '&' } }, false); pandora.UI.set('lists.' + pandora.UI.encode(oldId), null, false); } else if (pandora.user.ui.section == 'documents') { pandora.replaceURL = true; pandora.UI.set( 'collections.' + pandora.UI.encode(newId), pandora.user.ui.lists[oldId], false ); pandora.UI.set({ findDocuments: { conditions: [{key: 'collection', value: newId, operator: '=='}], operator: '&' } }, false); pandora.UI.set('collections.' + pandora.UI.encode(oldId), null, false); } else { pandora.replaceURL = true; pandora.UI.set( pandora.user.ui.section + '.' + pandora.UI.encode(newId), pandora.user.ui[pandora.user.ui.section][oldId], false ); pandora.UI.set(pandora.user.ui.section.slice(0, -1), newId); pandora.UI.set( pandora.user.ui.section + '.' + pandora.UI.encode(oldId), null, false ); } }; pandora.renderHomeItem = function(options) { var data = options.data, editItem = options.editItem, isEditable = editItem && data.type == 'custom'; var $item = Ox.Element().addClass('OxTextPage').css({ clear: 'both' }); var $title, $text; if (!data) { return $item; } if (data.image && data.image.length) { var $image = Ox.Element({ element: '', tooltip: Ox._('View {0}', [data.title]), }).attr({ src: data.image }).css({ borderRadius: '32px', float: 'left', height: '128px', marginBottom: '16px', width: '128px', cursor: 'pointer' }).on({ click: function() { pandora.openURL(data.link); } }).appendTo($item) } else { var $placeholder = $('
').css({ border: 'dotted 1px rgb(0, 0, 0)', // FIXME: make themes borderRadius: '32px', float: 'left', height: '128px', marginBottom: '16px', width: '128px', }).appendTo($item); } var $container = $('
').css({ marginLeft: '144px' }).appendTo($item); var title = data.title ? ( ( data.type == 'custom' ? '' : Ox._(Ox.toTitleCase(data.type) + ': ') ) + data.title ) : ''; $title = Ox.EditableContent({ editable: isEditable, placeholder: '' + Ox._('Title') + '', value: title }).css({ cursor: 'pointer', fontSize: '13px', fontWeight: 'bold' }).bindEvent({ anyclick: function() { if (!isEditable) { pandora.openURL(data.link); } }, submit: function(data_) { editItem(data.id, 'title', data_.value); } }).appendTo($container); $text = Ox.EditableContent({ clickLink: pandora.clickLink, editable: isEditable, placeholder: '' + Ox._('Text') + '', type: 'textarea', value: data.text || '' }).css({ marginTop: '6px', paddingBottom: '16px', textAlign: 'justify' }).bindEvent({ submit: function(data_) { editItem(data.id, 'text', data_.value); } }).appendTo($container); return $item; }; pandora.resizeFilters = function(width) { pandora.user.ui.filterSizes = pandora.getFilterSizes(); pandora.$ui.browser && pandora.$ui.browser .size(0, pandora.user.ui.filterSizes[0]) .size(2, pandora.user.ui.filterSizes[4]); pandora.$ui.filtersInnerPanel && pandora.$ui.filtersInnerPanel .size(0, pandora.user.ui.filterSizes[1]) .size(2, pandora.user.ui.filterSizes[3]); pandora.$ui.filters && pandora.$ui.filters.forEach(function($list, i) { $list.resizeColumn( 'name', pandora.user.ui.filterSizes[i] - 44 - Ox.UI.SCROLLBAR_SIZE ); if (pandora.site.flags) { $list.find('.flagname').css({ width: pandora.user.ui.filterSizes[i] - 68 - Ox.UI.SCROLLBAR_SIZE }); } }); }; pandora.resizeFolders = function(section) { section = section || pandora.user.ui.section; var width = pandora.getFoldersWidth(section), columnWidth = width - (section != 'texts' ? 96 : 48), userColumnWidth = Math.round(columnWidth * 0.4), nameColumnWidth = columnWidth - userColumnWidth; pandora.$ui.allItems && pandora.$ui.allItems.resizeElement(( Ox.contains(pandora.site.listSections, section) ? columnWidth : section == 'edits' ? width - 16 : width - 48 ) - 8); Ox.forEach(pandora.$ui.folderList, function($list, id) { var pos = Ox.getIndexById(pandora.site.sectionFolders[section], id); pandora.$ui.folder[pos] && pandora.$ui.folder[pos].css({ width: width + 'px' }); $list.css({width: width + 'px'}); if ( pandora.site.sectionFolders[section][pos] && pandora.site.sectionFolders[section][pos].showBrowser ) { pandora.$ui.findListsInput[id] && pandora.$ui.findListsInput[id].options({ width: width - 24 }); $list.resizeColumn('user', userColumnWidth) .resizeColumn('name', nameColumnWidth); } else { $list.resizeColumn(id == 'favorite' ? 'id' : 'name', columnWidth); } if ( pandora.$ui.folder[pos] && !pandora.user.ui.showFolder[section][id] ) { pandora.$ui.folder[pos].updatePanel(); } }); }; pandora.resizeWindow = function() { if (pandora.$ui.embedPanel && pandora.$ui.embedPanel.resizePanel) { pandora.$ui.embedPanel.resizePanel(); } if (pandora.$ui.embedPanel || pandora.$ui.printView) { return; } // FIXME: a lot of this throws errors on load pandora.$ui.leftPanel && pandora.$ui.leftPanel.size( 2, pandora.getInfoHeight(true) ); pandora.resizeFolders(); if (pandora.user.ui.section == 'items') { if (!pandora.user.ui.item) { pandora.resizeFilters(pandora.$ui.rightPanel.width()); if (pandora.user.ui.listView == 'clips') { var clipsItems = pandora.getClipsItems(), previousClipsItems = pandora.getClipsItems( pandora.$ui.list.options('width') ); pandora.$ui.list.options({ width: window.innerWidth - pandora.user.ui.showSidebar * pandora.user.ui.sidebarSize - 1 - Ox.UI.SCROLLBAR_SIZE }); if (clipsItems != previousClipsItems) { Ox.Request.clearCache(); // fixme pandora.$ui.list.reloadList(true); } } else if (pandora.user.ui.listView == 'timelines') { pandora.$ui.list.options({ width: window.innerWidth - pandora.user.ui.showSidebar * pandora.user.ui.sidebarSize - 1 - Ox.UI.SCROLLBAR_SIZE }); } else if (pandora.user.ui.listView == 'map') { pandora.$ui.map && pandora.$ui.map.resizeMap(); } else if (pandora.user.ui.listView == 'calendar') { pandora.$ui.calendar && pandora.$ui.calendar.resizeCalendar(); } else { pandora.$ui.list && pandora.$ui.list.size(); } } else { pandora.$ui.browser.scrollToSelection(); if (pandora.user.ui.itemView == 'info') { pandora.$ui.item.resizeElement && pandora.$ui.item.resizeElement(); } else if (pandora.user.ui.itemView == 'clips') { pandora.$ui.clipList.size(); } else if (pandora.user.ui.itemView == 'timeline') { pandora.$ui.timeline && pandora.$ui.timeline.options({ // fixme: duplicated height: pandora.$ui.contentPanel.size(1), width: Ox.$document.width() - pandora.$ui.mainPanel.size(0) - 1 }); } else if (pandora.user.ui.itemView == 'player') { pandora.$ui.player && pandora.$ui.player.options({ // fixme: duplicated height: pandora.$ui.contentPanel.size(1), width: Ox.$document.width() - pandora.$ui.mainPanel.size(0) - 1 }); } else if (pandora.user.ui.itemView == 'editor') { pandora.$ui.editor && pandora.$ui.editor.options({ // fixme: duplicated height: pandora.$ui.contentPanel.size(1), width: Ox.$document.width() - pandora.$ui.mainPanel.size(0) - 1 }); } else if (pandora.user.ui.itemView == 'map') { pandora.$ui.map.resizeMap(); } else if (pandora.user.ui.itemView == 'calendar') { pandora.$ui.calendar.resizeCalendar(); } } } else if (pandora.user.ui.section == 'documents') { if (pandora.user.ui.document) { pandora.$ui.document && pandora.$ui.document.update(); } else { pandora.$ui.list && pandora.$ui.list.size(); } } else if (pandora.user.ui.section == 'edits') { if (!pandora.user.ui.edit) { // ... } else { pandora.$ui.editPanel && pandora.$ui.editPanel.options({ height: pandora.$ui.appPanel.size(1), width: Ox.$document.width() - pandora.$ui.mainPanel.size(0) - 1 }); } } }; pandora.selectList = function() { if (pandora.user.ui.section == 'items') { if (pandora.user.ui._list) { pandora.api.findLists({ keys: ['status', 'user'], query: { conditions: [{ key: 'id', operator: '==', value: pandora.user.ui._list }], operator: '' }, range: [0, 1] }, function(result) { var folder, list; if (result.data.items.length) { list = result.data.items[0]; folder = list.status == 'featured' ? 'featured' : ( list.user == pandora.user.username ? 'personal' : 'favorite' ); pandora.$ui.folderList[folder] .options({selected: [pandora.user.ui._list]}); if ( !pandora.hasDialogOrScreen() && !Ox.Focus.focusedElementIsInput() ) { pandora.$ui.folderList[folder].gainFocus(); } } }); } } else if (pandora.user.ui.section == 'documents') { if (pandora.user.ui._collection) { pandora.api.findCollections({ keys: ['status', 'user'], query: { conditions: [{ key: 'id', operator: '==', value: pandora.user.ui._collection }], operator: '' }, range: [0, 1] }, function(result) { var folder, list; if (result.data.items.length) { list = result.data.items[0]; folder = list.status == 'featured' ? 'featured' : ( list.user == pandora.user.username ? 'personal' : 'favorite' ); pandora.$ui.folderList[folder] .options({selected: [pandora.user.ui._collection]}); if ( !pandora.hasDialogOrScreen() && !Ox.Focus.focusedElementIsInput() ) { pandora.$ui.folderList[folder].gainFocus(); } } }); } } else { var id = pandora.user.ui[pandora.user.ui.section.slice(0,-1)], section = Ox.toTitleCase(pandora.user.ui.section.slice(0, -1)); if (id) { pandora.api['get' + section]({ id: id, keys: ['id', 'status', 'user'] }, function(result) { var folder; if (result.data.id) { folder = result.data.status == 'featured' ? 'featured' : ( result.data.user == pandora.user.username ? 'personal' : 'favorite' ); pandora.$ui.folderList[folder].options({selected: [id]}); } }); } } }; pandora.setLocale = function(locale, callback) { var url; // language from http header might not be supported, // fall back to site default if (pandora.site.languages.indexOf(locale) == -1) { locale = pandora.site.user.ui.locale; } if (locale != 'en') { if (pandora.localStorage('enableDebugMode')) { url = [ '/static/json/locale.pandora.' + locale + '.json', '/static/json/locale.' + pandora.site.site.id + '.' + locale + '.json', ]; } else { url = '/static/json/locale.' + locale + '.json'; } } Ox.setLocale(locale, url, callback); }; pandora.setTheme = function(theme) { var iframe, src; Ox.Theme(theme); iframe = Ox.$elements[$('#embed').data('oxid')]; if (iframe) { src = iframe.attr('src'); if (src && Ox.parseURL(src).hostname == document.location.hostname) { iframe.postMessage('settheme', {theme: theme}); } } }; pandora.unloadWindow = function() { /* // fixme: ajax request has to have async set to false for this to work pandora.user.ui.section == 'items' && pandora.user.ui.item && ['video', 'timeline'].indexOf(pandora.user.ui.itemView) > -1 && pandora.UI.set( 'videoPosition.' + pandora.user.ui.item, pandora.$ui[ pandora.user.ui.itemView == 'video' ? 'player' : 'editor' ].options('position') ); */ }; pandora.updateItemContext = function() { Ox.Request.clearCache('find'); if (!Ox.isEqual(pandora.user.ui.find, pandora.site.user.ui.find)) { pandora.api.find({ query: pandora.user.ui.find, positions: [pandora.user.ui.item], sort: pandora.user.ui.sort }, function(result) { if (result.data.positions[pandora.user.ui.item] === void 0) { pandora.stayInItemView = true; pandora.UI.set({find: pandora.site.user.ui.find}); pandora.$ui.contentPanel.replaceElement( 0, pandora.$ui.browser = pandora.ui.browser() ); } else { pandora.$ui.browser.reloadList(); } }); } else { pandora.$ui.browser.reloadList(); } }; pandora.updateStatus = function(item) { var ui = pandora.user.ui; item = item || ui.item; if (pandora.$ui.updateStatus && pandora.$ui.updateStatus[item]) { return; } pandora.$ui.updateStatus = pandora.$ui.updateStatus || {}; pandora.$ui.updateStatus[item] = setTimeout(function() { if(isActive()) { Ox.Request.clearCache(); pandora.api.get({ id: item, keys: ['rendered'] }, function(result) { delete pandora.$ui.updateStatus[item]; if (isActive()) { if (result.data.rendered) { Ox.Request.clearCache(); if (pandora.isVideoView()) { pandora.$ui.mainPanel.replaceElement( 1, pandora.$ui.rightPanel = pandora.ui.rightPanel() ); } else if(pandora.$ui.item) { pandora.updateItemContext(); pandora.$ui.item.reload(); } } else { pandora.updateStatus(item); } } }); } else { delete pandora.$ui.updateStatus[item]; } }, 10000); function isActive() { return ui.item == item && [ 'info', 'player', 'editor', 'timeline' ].indexOf(ui.itemView) > -1 && !( // fixme: still wrong pandora.$ui.uploadVideoDialog && pandora.$ui.uploadVideoDialog.is('::visible') ); } }; pandora.uploadQueue = (function() { var that = { uploading: false }; var queue = []; var index = -1; var uploader; function upload() { if (index == queue.length - 1) { that.uploading = false; pandora.$ui.uploadButton && pandora.$ui.uploadButton.update(); return; } index++; if (queue[index].data.status == 'canceled') { upload(); return; } that.uploading = true; queue[index].data.status = 'uploading'; pandora.$ui.uploadButton && pandora.$ui.uploadButton.update(); pandora.api.addMedia({ filename: queue[index].file.name, id: queue[index].oshash, item: queue[index].item.id }, function(result) { uploader = pandora.chunkupload({ data: {id: queue[index].oshash}, file: queue[index].file, url: '/api/upload/direct/' }).bindEvent({ done: function(data) { queue[index].data.ended = +new Date(); queue[index].data.status = data.progress == 1 ? 'queued' : 'failed'; queue[index].data.progress = data.progress; queue[index].file = null; upload(); }, progress: function(data) { queue[index].data.progress = data.progress; } }); that.uploading = queue[index].item.id; }); } that.add = function(items) { items = Ox.isArray(items) ? items : [items]; queue = queue.concat(items.map(function(item) { return Ox.extend(item, { data: { progress: 0, started: +new Date(), status: 'pending' } }); })); !that.uploading && upload(); }; that.get = function() { return queue; }; that.remove = function(id) { queue.forEach(function(item, index) { if (item.item.id == id) { queue[index].data.status = 'canceled'; } }); if (that.uploading == id) { uploader.abort(); upload(); } }; return that; }()); pandora.wait = function(id, callback, timeout) { var task = {}; timeout = timeout || 5000; task.timeout = setTimeout(function() { pandora.api.getTaskStatus({id: id}, function(result) { var t; if (result.data.status == 'PENDING') { t = pandora.wait(id, callback); task.timeout = t.timeout; } else { callback(result); } }); }, 5000); return task; }; (function() { // Note: getFindState has to run after getListState and getFilterState function everyCondition(conditions, key, operator) { // If every condition has the given key and operator // (excluding conditions where all subconditions match) // returns true, otherwise false return Ox.every(conditions, function(condition) { return condition.key == key && condition.operator == operator; }); } function oneCondition(conditions, key, operator, includeSubconditions) { // If exactly one condition has the given key and operator // (including or excluding conditions where all subconditions match) // returns the corresponding index, otherwise returns -1 var indices = Ox.indicesOf(conditions, function(condition) { return ( condition.conditions ? includeSubconditions && everyCondition( condition.conditions, key, operator ) : condition.key == key && condition.operator == operator ); }); return indices.length == 1 ? indices[0] : -1; } pandora.getFilterState = function(find) { // A filter is selected if exactly one condition in an & query or every // condition in an | query has the filter id as key and "==" as operator return pandora.user.ui.filters.map(function(filter) { // FIXME: cant index be an empty array, instead of -1? var key = filter.id, state = {index: -1, find: Ox.clone(find, true), selected: []}; if (find.operator == '&') { // include conditions where all subconditions match state.index = oneCondition(find.conditions, key, '==', true); if (state.index > -1) { state.selected = find.conditions[state.index].conditions ? find.conditions[state.index].conditions.map(function(condition) { return condition.value; }) : [find.conditions[state.index].value]; } } else { if (everyCondition(find.conditions, key, '==')) { state.index = Ox.range(find.conditions.length); state.selected = find.conditions.map(function(condition) { return condition.value; }); } } if (state.selected.length) { if (Ox.isArray(state.index)) { // every condition in an | query matches this filter state.find = {conditions: [], operator: ''}; } else { // one condition in an & query matches this filter state.find.conditions.splice(state.index, 1); if ( state.find.conditions.length == 1 && state.find.conditions[0].conditions ) { // unwrap single remaining bracketed query state.find = { conditions: state.find.conditions[0].conditions, operator: state.find.conditions[0].operator }; } } } return state; }); }; pandora.getFindState = function(find) { // The find element is populated if exactly one condition in an & query // has a findKey as key and "=" as operator (and all other conditions // are either list or filters), or if all conditions in an | query have // the same filter id as key and "==" as operator Ox.Log('Find', 'getFindState', find) // FIXME: this is still incorrect when you select a lot of filter items // and reload the page (will be advanced) var conditions, indices, state = {index: -1, key: '*', value: ''}; if (find.operator == '&') { // number of conditions that are not list or filters conditions = find.conditions.length - !!pandora.user.ui._list - pandora.user.ui._filterState.filter(function(filter) { return filter.index > -1; }).length; // indices of non-advanced find queries indices = pandora.site.findKeys.map(function(findKey) { return oneCondition(find.conditions, findKey.id, '='); }).filter(function(index) { return index > -1; }); state = conditions == 1 && indices.length == 1 ? { index: indices[0], key: find.conditions[indices[0]].key, value: Ox.decodeURIComponent(find.conditions[indices[0]].value) } : { index: -1, key: conditions == 0 && indices.length == 0 ? '*' : 'advanced', value: '' }; } else { state = { index: -1, key: 'advanced', value: '' }; Ox.forEach(pandora.user.ui.filters, function(key) { if (everyCondition(find.conditions, key, '==')) { state.key = '*'; return false; } }); } return state; }; function getState(find, key) { var index, state = ''; if (find.operator == '&') { index = oneCondition(find.conditions, key, '=='); if (index > -1) { state = find.conditions[index].value; } } return state; } pandora.getCollectionState = function(find) { // A collection is selected if exactly one condition in an & query has "collection" // as key and "==" as operator return getState(find, 'collection'); }; pandora.getListState = function(find) { // A list is selected if exactly one condition in an & query has "list" // as key and "==" as operator return getState(find, 'list'); }; pandora.getFindDocumentsState = function(find) { // The find element is populated if exactly one condition in an & query // has a findKey as key and "=" as operator (and all other conditions // are either list or filters), or if all conditions in an | query have // the same filter id as key and "==" as operator Ox.Log('Find', 'getFindDocumentsState', find) var conditions, indices, state = {index: -1, key: '*', value: ''}; if (find.operator == '&') { // number of conditions that are not list or filters conditions = find.conditions.length - !!pandora.user.ui._collection; /* - pandora.user.ui._filterState.filter(function(filter) { return filter.index > -1; }).length; */ // indices of non-advanced find queries indices = pandora.site.documentKeys.map(function(findKey) { return oneCondition(find.conditions, findKey.id, '='); }).filter(function(index) { return index > -1; }); state = conditions == 1 && indices.length == 1 ? { index: indices[0], key: find.conditions[indices[0]].key, value: Ox.decodeURIComponent(find.conditions[indices[0]].value) } : { index: -1, key: conditions == 0 && indices.length == 0 ? '*' : 'advanced', value: '' }; } else { state = { index: -1, key: 'advanced', value: '' }; /* Ox.forEach(pandora.user.ui.documentFilters, function(key) { if (everyCondition(find.conditions, key, '==')) { state.key = '*'; return false; } }); */ } return state; }; }());