#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # vi:si:et:sw=4:sts=4:ts=4 from __future__ import division import os root_dir = os.path.normpath(os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..'))) # using virtualenv's activate_this.py to reorder sys.path activate_this = os.path.join(root_dir, 'bin', 'activate_this.py') execfile(activate_this, dict(__file__=activate_this)) import Image import ImageDraw from optparse import OptionParser from ox.image import getRGB, drawText, wrapText import sys static_root = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'data') def render_poster(title, director, year, frame, timeline, poster): poster_width = 640 poster_height = 1024 frame_height = 480 frame_ratio = poster_width / frame_height timeline_height = 64 text_margin = 24 text_width = poster_width - 2 * text_margin poster_image = Image.new('RGB', (poster_width, poster_height)) draw = ImageDraw.Draw(poster_image) font_file = os.path.join(static_root, 'SourceSansProSemibold.ttf') font_size = {'cinema': 107, 'director': 32, 'title': 48, 'year': 387} font_lightness = {'cinema': 0.8 if year else 0.6, 'director': 0.2, 'title': 0.2, 'year': 0.6} poster_lightness = {'image': 0.2, 'text': 0.4} if year: hue = int(year) % 100 / 100 * 360 saturation = 1 else: hue = 0 saturation = 0 # background draw.rectangle( [(0, frame_height), (poster_width, poster_height - timeline_height)], fill=getRGB((hue, saturation, poster_lightness['text'])) ) # year if year: drawText( poster_image, (-84, poster_height - timeline_height - font_size['year'] + 6), year, font_file, font_size['year'], getRGB((hue, saturation, font_lightness['year'])) ) # cinema drawText( poster_image, (-10, poster_height - timeline_height - font_size['cinema'] + 1), 'Indiancine.ma', font_file, font_size['cinema'], getRGB((hue, saturation, font_lightness['cinema'])) ) # director and title offset_top = frame_height + text_margin if not director: title_max_lines = 8 else: title_max_lines = min(len(wrapText( title, text_width, 0, font_file, font_size['title'] )), 7) director_max_lines = 11 - int((title_max_lines * 3 - 1) / 2) # director if director: lines = wrapText( director, text_width, director_max_lines, font_file, font_size['director'] ) for line in lines: size = drawText( poster_image, (text_margin, offset_top), line, font_file, font_size['director'], getRGB((hue, saturation, font_lightness['director'])) ) offset_top += font_size['director'] + 2 offset_top += size[1] - font_size['director'] + 6 # title lines = wrapText( title, text_width, title_max_lines, font_file, font_size['title'] ) for line in lines: drawText( poster_image, (text_margin, offset_top + 4), line, font_file, font_size['title'], getRGB((hue, saturation, font_lightness['title'])) ) offset_top += font_size['title'] + 3 # frame if frame: frame_image = Image.open(frame) frame_image_ratio = frame_image.size[0] / frame_image.size[1] if frame_ratio < frame_image_ratio: frame_image = frame_image.resize( (int(frame_height * frame_image_ratio), frame_height), Image.ANTIALIAS ) left = int((frame_image.size[0] - poster_width) / 2) frame_image = frame_image.crop( (left, 0, left + poster_width, frame_height) ) else: frame_image = frame_image.resize( (poster_width, int(poster_width / frame_image_ratio)), Image.ANTIALIAS ) top = int((frame_image.size[1] - frame_height) / 2) frame_image = frame_image.crop( (0, top, poster_width, top + frame_height) ) poster_image.paste(frame_image, (0, 0)) else: draw.rectangle( [(0, 0), (poster_width, frame_height)], fill=getRGB((hue, saturation, poster_lightness['image'])) ) # timeline if timeline: timeline_image = Image.open(timeline) timeline_image = timeline_image.resize( (poster_width, timeline_height), Image.ANTIALIAS ) poster_image.paste(timeline_image, (0, poster_height - timeline_height)) else: draw.rectangle( [(0, poster_height - timeline_height), (poster_width, poster_height)], fill=getRGB((hue, saturation, poster_lightness['image'])) ) poster_image.save(poster) def main(): parser = OptionParser() parser.add_option('-o', '--oxdbid', dest='oxdb_id', help='0xDB Id') parser.add_option('-i', '--id', dest='id', help='Item Id') parser.add_option('-t', '--title', dest='title', help='Title', default='') parser.add_option('-d', '--director', dest='director', help='Director', default='') parser.add_option('-y', '--year', dest='year', help='Year', default='') parser.add_option('-f', '--frame', dest='frame', help='Poster frame (image file to be read)') parser.add_option('-l', '--timeline', dest='timeline', help='Timeline (image file to be read)') parser.add_option('-p', '--poster', dest='poster', help='Poster (image file to be written)') (options, args) = parser.parse_args() if options.oxdb_id and not options.id: options.id = options.oxdb_id if None in (options.title, options.poster): parser.print_help() sys.exit() opt = {} for key in ('title', 'director', 'year', 'frame', 'timeline', 'poster'): opt[key] = getattr(options, key) opt['title'] = opt['title'].decode('utf-8') opt['director'] = opt['director'].decode('utf-8') render_poster(**opt) if __name__ == "__main__": main()