// vim: et:ts=4:sw=4:sts=4:ft=javascript 'use strict'; pandora.ui.filterDialog = function() { var that = Ox.Dialog({ buttons: [ Ox.Button({ id: 'done', title: Ox._('Done') }) .bindEvent({ click: function() { var list = pandora.$ui.filterForm.getList(); if (list.save) { pandora.api.addList({ name: list.name, query: list.query, status: 'private', type: 'smart' }, function(result) { var $list = pandora.$ui.folderList.personal, id = result.data.id; pandora.UI.set({ find: { conditions: [{key: 'list', value: id, operator: '=='}], operator: '&' } }); Ox.Request.clearCache(); // fixme: remove $list.bindEventOnce({ load: function(data) { $list.gainFocus() .options({selected: [id]}); } }) .reloadList(); }); } else if (!pandora.user.ui.updateAdvancedFindResults) { pandora.$ui.filterForm.updateResults(); } that.close(); } }) ], content: pandora.$ui.filterForm = pandora.ui.filterForm({mode: 'find'}), maxWidth: 648 + Ox.UI.SCROLLBAR_SIZE, minHeight: 264, minWidth: 648 + Ox.UI.SCROLLBAR_SIZE, height: 264, // keys: {enter: 'save', escape: 'cancel'}, removeOnClose: true, title: Ox._('Advanced Find'), width: 648 + Ox.UI.SCROLLBAR_SIZE }), $updateCheckbox = Ox.Checkbox({ title: Ox._('Update Results in the Background'), value: pandora.user.ui.updateAdvancedFindResults }) .css({float: 'left', margin: '4px'}) .bindEvent({ change: function(data) { pandora.UI.set({updateAdvancedFindResults: data.value}); data.value && pandora.$ui.filterForm.updateResults(); } }); $($updateCheckbox.find('.OxButton')[0]).css({margin: 0}); $(that.find('.OxBar')[1]).append($updateCheckbox); return that; };