// vim: et:ts=4:sw=4:sts=4:ft=javascript 'use strict'; pandora.ui.annotationDialog = function(layer) { var isEditor = pandora.user.ui.itemView == 'editor', that = pandora.ui.iconDialog({ buttons: [].concat( isEditor ? [ Ox.Button({title: Ox._('Sign Up...')}).bindEvent({ click: function() { that.close(); pandora.$ui.accountDialog = pandora.ui.accountDialog('signup').open(); } }), Ox.Button({title: Ox._('Sign In...')}).bindEvent({ click: function() { that.close(); pandora.$ui.accountDialog = pandora.ui.accountDialog('signin').open(); } }) ] : [ Ox.Button({title: Ox._('Switch to Editor')}).bindEvent({ click: function() { that.close(); pandora.UI.set({itemView: 'editor'}); } }) ], [ {}, Ox.Button({title: Ox._('Not Now')}).bindEvent({ click: function() { that.close(); } }) ] ), content: Ox._('To add or edit {0}, ' + ( isEditor ? 'please sign up or sign in.' : 'just switch to the editor.' ), [layer.toLowerCase()]), title: Ox.toTitleCase(layer) }); return that; };