// vim: et:ts=4:sw=4:sts=4:ft=javascript 'use strict'; pandora.ui.home = function() { var that = $('<div>') .addClass('OxScreen') .css({ position: 'absolute', width: '100%', height: '100%', opacity: 0, zIndex: 1001 }), $reflectionImage = $('<img>') .addClass('logo') .attr({src: '/static/png/logo.png'}) .css({ position: 'absolute', left: 0, top: '160px', right: 0, bottom: 0, width: '320px', margin: 'auto', opacity: 0, MozTransform: 'scaleY(-1)', OTransform: 'scaleY(-1)', WebkitTransform: 'scaleY(-1)' }) .appendTo(that), $reflectionGradient = $('<div>') .addClass('OxReflection logo') .css({ position: 'absolute', left: 0, top: '160px', right: 0, bottom: 0, // FIXME: should be 320 and 160 - the values below are temporary fixes for Chrome 26 width: '322px', height: '162px', margin: 'auto', }) .appendTo(that), $logo = $('<img>') .addClass('logo') .attr({ id: 'logo', src: '/static/png/logo.png' }) .css({ position: 'absolute', left: 0, top: 0, right: 0, bottom: '160px', width: window.innerWidth + 'px', margin: 'auto', cursor: 'pointer' }) .on({ click: function() { $browseButton.triggerEvent('click'); } }) .appendTo(that), $findInput = Ox.Input({ width: 156 }) .css({ position: 'absolute', left: 0, top: '48px', right: '164px', bottom: 0, margin: 'auto', opacity: 0 }) .click(function(e) { // fixme: why? e.stopPropagation(); }) .bindEvent({ submit: function(data) { if (data.value) { $findButton.triggerEvent('click'); } else { $browseButton.triggerEvent('click'); } } }) .appendTo(that), $findButton = Ox.Button({ title: Ox._('Find'), width: 74 }) .css({ position: 'absolute', left: '82px', top: '48px', right: 0, bottom: 0, margin: 'auto', opacity: 0 }) .bindEvent({ click: function() { var folder = pandora.getListData().folder, value = $findInput.value(); folder && pandora.$ui.folderList[folder].options({selected: []}); if (pandora.user.ui.section == 'items') { pandora.$ui.findSelect.value('*'); pandora.$ui.findInput.value(value); } that.fadeOutScreen(); pandora.UI.set({ page: '', find: { conditions: value === '' ? [] : [{key: '*', value: value, operator: '='}], operator: '&' }, section: 'items' }); } }) .appendTo(that), $browseButton = Ox.Button({ title: Ox._('Browse'), width: 74 }) .css({ position: 'absolute', left: '246px', top: '48px', right: 0, bottom: 0, margin: 'auto', opacity: 0 }) .bindEvent({ click: function() { pandora.UI.set({ page: pandora.user.ui.page == 'home' ? '' : pandora.user.ui.page, section: 'items' }); that.fadeOutScreen(); } }) .appendTo(that), $signupButton = Ox.Button({ title: Ox._('Sign Up'), width: 74 }) .css({ position: 'absolute', left: 0, top: '112px', right: '246px', bottom: 0, margin: 'auto', opacity: 0 }) .bindEvent({ click: function() { pandora.UI.set({page: 'signup'}); that.fadeOutScreen(); } }), $signinButton = Ox.Button({ title: Ox._('Sign In'), width: 74 }) .css({ position: 'absolute', left: 0, top: '112px', right: '82px', bottom: 0, margin: 'auto', opacity: 0 }) .bindEvent({ click: function() { pandora.UI.set({page :'signin'}); that.fadeOutScreen(); } }), $preferencesButton = Ox.Button({ title: Ox._('Preferences'), width: 156 }) .css({ position: 'absolute', left: 0, top: '112px', right: '164px', bottom: 0, margin: 'auto', opacity: 0 }) .bindEvent({ click: function() { pandora.UI.set({page: 'preferences'}); that.fadeOutScreen(); } }), $aboutButton = Ox.Button({ title: Ox._('About {0}', [pandora.site.site.name]), width: 156 }) .css({ position: 'absolute', left: '164px', top: '112px', right: 0, bottom: 0, margin: 'auto', opacity: 0 }) .bindEvent({ click: function() { pandora.UI.set({page: 'about'}); that.fadeOutScreen(); } }) .appendTo(that), $text = $('<div>') .html(Ox._( 'pan.do/ra. \u2620 2007-{0} 0x2620. All Open Source.', [Ox.formatDate(new Date(), '%Y')] )).css({ position: 'absolute', left: 0, top: '176px', right: 0, bottom: 0, width: '360px', height: '16px', margin: 'auto', opacity: 0, textAlign: 'center' }) .appendTo(that); if (pandora.user.level == 'guest') { $signupButton.appendTo(that); $signinButton.appendTo(that); } else { $preferencesButton.appendTo(that); } that.fadeInScreen = function() { that.appendTo(Ox.UI.$body).animate({opacity: 1}, 500, function() { that.find(':not(#logo)').animate({opacity: 1}, 250, function() { $findInput.focusInput(true); }); }); $logo.animate({width: '320px'}, 500); return that; }; that.fadeOutScreen = function() { that.find(':not(#logo)').hide(); $logo.animate({width: window.innerWidth + 'px'}, 500); that.animate({opacity: 0}, 500, function() { that.remove(); }); pandora.$ui.tv && pandora.$ui.tv.unmute().find('.OxControls.OxVolume').hide(); return that; }; that.hideScreen = function() { that.hide().remove(); that.find(':not(#logo)').css({opacity: 0}); $logo.css({width: window.innerWidth + 'px'}); return that; }; that.showScreen = function(callback) { var $elements = that.find(':not(.logo)'), count = 0; $logo.css({width: '320px'}); that.css({opacity: 1}).appendTo(Ox.UI.$body); that.find(':not(#logo)').css({opacity: 1}); $elements.animate({opacity: 1}, 500, function() { if (callback && ++count == $elements.length) { callback(); } }); $findInput.focusInput(true); return that; }; return that; };