'use strict';

pandora.ui.previewDialog = function() {

    var $image,
        $list = pandora.$ui.list,
        item = Ox.last($list.options('selected')),
        posterRatio = pandora.user.ui.showSitePosters
            ? pandora.site.posters.ratio
            : ($list.value(item, 'posterRatio') || pandora.site.posters.ratio),
        size = getSize(posterRatio),
        that = Ox.Dialog({
                closeButton: true,
                content: Ox.Element(),
                fixedRatio: true,
                focus: false,
                height: size.height,
                maximizeButton: true,
                title: Ox._('Loading...'),
                width: size.width
                resize: function(data) {
                    // FIXME: why doesn't that.options('content') work here?
                    // (currently the only reason $image is in the outer scope)
                        width: data.width,
                        height: data.height
                pandora_find: function() {
                pandora_item: function() {
                pandora_page: function() {
                pandora_section: function() {
                pandora_showsiteposters: function() {

    function getSize(posterRatio) {
        var windowWidth = window.innerWidth * 0.8,
            windowHeight = window.innerHeight * 0.8,
            windowRatio = windowWidth / windowHeight;
        return {
            width: Math.round(posterRatio > windowRatio ? windowWidth : windowHeight * posterRatio),
            height: Math.round(posterRatio < windowRatio ? windowHeight : windowWidth / posterRatio)

    that.update = function() {
        pandora.requests.preview && pandora.api.cancel(pandora.requests.preview);
        pandora.requests.preview = pandora.api.find({
            keys: ['id', 'modified', 'posterRatio'].concat(pandora.site.itemTitleKeys),
            query: {
                conditions: [{
                    key: 'id',
                    operator: '==',
                    value: Ox.last($list.options('selected'))
                operator: '&'
        }, function(result) {
            var item = result.data.items[0],
                posterRatio = pandora.user.ui.showSitePosters
                    ? pandora.site.posters.ratio
                    : item.posterRatio,
                size = getSize(posterRatio),
                title = pandora.getItemTitle(item, true);
            $image = $('<img>')
                .attr({src: pandora.getMediaURL('/' + item.id + '/' + (
                    pandora.user.ui.showSitePosters ? 'siteposter' : 'poster'
                ) + '128.jpg?' + item.modified)})
                .css({width: size.width + 'px', height: size.height + 'px'});
                .load(function() {
                    $image.attr({src: $(this).attr('src')});
                .attr({src: pandora.getMediaURL('/' + item.id + '/' + (
                    pandora.user.ui.showSitePosters ? 'siteposter' : 'poster'
                ) + '1024.jpg?' + item.modified)});
                    content: $image,
                    title: title,
                .setSize(size.width, size.height);
        return that;

    return that.update();
