// vim: et:ts=4:sw=4:sts=4:ft=javascript 'use strict'; pandora.ui.deleteListDialog = function(list) { var ui = pandora.user.ui, folderItems = ui.section == 'items' ? 'Lists' : Ox.toTitleCase(ui.section), folderItem = folderItems.slice(0, -1), listData = pandora.getListData(list), $folderList = pandora.$ui.folderList[listData.folder], that = pandora.ui.iconDialog({ buttons: [ Ox.Button({ id: 'keep', title: Ox._('Keep {0}', [folderItem]) }).bindEvent({ click: function() { that.close(); } }), Ox.Button({ id: 'delete', title: Ox._('Delete {0}', [folderItem]) }).bindEvent({ click: function() { that.close(); pandora.api['remove' + folderItem]({ id: listData.id }, function(result) { Ox.Request.clearCache('find' + folderItems); Ox.Request.clearCache(listData.id); $folderList .options({selected: []}) .bindEventOnce({ load: function() { if (ui.section == 'items') { pandora.UI.set('lists.' + listData.id, null); pandora.UI.set({ find: pandora.site.user.ui.find }); } else { pandora.UI.set(folderItem.toLowerCase(), ''); } } }) .reloadList(); }); } }) ], content: Ox._('Are you sure you want to delete the {0} "{1}"?', [folderItem.toLowerCase(), listData.name]), keys: {enter: 'delete', escape: 'keep'}, title: Ox._('Delete {0}', [folderItem]) }); return that; };