/*** Pandora embed ***/ Ox.load('UI', { debug: true, hideScreen: false, loadImages: true, showScreen: true, theme: 'modern' }, function() { window.pandora = new Ox.App({url: '/api/'}).bindEvent({ apiURL: '/api/', }).bindEvent('load', function(data) { $.extend(pandora, { ui: {}, info: function(item) { var that = Ox.Element() .append( ui.infoTimeline = Ox.Element('') .css({ position: 'absolute', left: 0, bottom: 0, height: '16px', }) .attr('src', '/' + item + '/timeline16p.png') ) .append( ui.infoStill = new app.flipbook(item) .css({ position: 'absolute', left: 0, width: '100%', height: $(document).height()-16 + 'px', }) ) return that; }, clip: function(item, inPoint, outPoint) { Ox.print('!@#!@#!@#', inPoint, outPoint); var that = Ox.Element(); pandora.api.getItem(item, function(result) { var video = result.data.stream, format = $.support.video.supportedFormat(video.formats); video.height = video.profiles[0]; video.width = parseInt(video.height * video.aspectRatio / 2) * 2; video.url = video.baseUrl + '/' + video.height + 'p.' + format; that.append(pandora.player = Ox.VideoPlayer({ controlsBottom: ['playInToOut', 'space', 'position'], enableFind: false, enableFullscreen: true, enableVolume: true, externalControls: false, height: 192, paused: true, showMarkers: true, showMilliseconds: 2, width: 360, 'in': inPoint, out: outPoint, position: inPoint, poster: '/' + item + '/' + '128p' + inPoint +'.jpg', title: result.data.title, video: video.url }) .bindEvent({ position: function(data) { if(data.positionoutPoint) { if(!pandora.player.options('paused')) pandora.player.togglePaused(); pandora.player.options({ position: inPoint, }); } } }) ); Ox.UI.hideLoadingScreen(); }); return that; }, flipbook: function(item) { var that = Ox.Flipbook({ }).bindEvent('click', function(data) { var item_url = document.location.origin + '/' + item; window.top.location.href = item_url + '/timeline#t=' + data.position; }); pandora.api.getItem(item, function(result) { var duration = result.data.item.duration, posterFrame = result.data.item.posterFrame || parseInt(duration/2), steps = 24, framePrefix = '/' + item + '/' + that.height() + 'p', frames = {}; Ox.range(0, duration, duration/steps).forEach(function(position) { position = parseInt(position); frames[position] = framePrefix + position + '.jpg'; }); that.options({ frames: frames, icon: framePrefix + posterFrame + '.jpg', duration: duration }); }); return that; } }); var item = document.location.pathname.split('/')[1]; function getArgument(key, result) { var args = Ox.map(document.location.hash.substr(1).split('&'), function(a) { a = a.split('='); var key = a[0], value = a[1]; return { 'key': key, 'value': value } }); $.each(args, function(i, a) { Ox.print(i, a); if (a.key == key) { result = a.value; return false; } }); return result; } var t = getArgument('t', '0,10').split(',') pandora.ui.info = pandora.clip(item, parseInt(t[0]), parseInt(t[1])) .appendTo(document.body); }); });