'use strict'; pandora.ui.infoView = function(data) { var ui = pandora.user.ui, descriptions = [], canEdit = pandora.site.capabilities.canEditMetadata[pandora.user.level] || data.editable, css = { marginTop: '4px', textAlign: 'justify', MozUserSelect: 'text', WebkitUserSelect: 'text' }, html, iconRatio = ui.icons == 'posters' ? data.posterRatio : 1, iconSize = ui.infoIconSize, iconWidth = iconRatio > 1 ? iconSize : Math.round(iconSize * iconRatio), iconHeight = iconRatio < 1 ? iconSize : Math.round(iconSize / iconRatio), iconLeft = iconSize == 256 ? Math.floor((iconSize - iconWidth) / 2) : 0, borderRadius = ui.icons == 'posters' ? 0 : iconSize / 8, margin = 16, statisticsWidth = 128, uid = Ox.uid(), that = Ox.Element(), $div, $list, $info = Ox.Element() .css({ position: 'absolute', left: 0, top: 0, right: 0, bottom: 0, overflowY: 'auto' }) .appendTo(that), $left = Ox.Element() .appendTo($info), $icon = Ox.Element({ element: '', }) .attr({ src: '/' + data.id + '/' + ( ui.icons == 'posters' ? 'poster' : 'icon' ) + '512.jpg?' + uid }) .css({ position: 'absolute', left: margin + iconLeft + 'px', top: margin + 'px', width: iconWidth + 'px', height: iconHeight + 'px', borderRadius: borderRadius + 'px', cursor: 'pointer' }) .bindEvent({ singleclick: toggleIconSize }) .appendTo($left), $reflection = $('
') .addClass('OxReflection') .css({ position: 'absolute', left: margin + 'px', top: margin + iconHeight + 'px', width: iconSize + 'px', height: iconSize / 2 + 'px', overflow: 'hidden' }) .appendTo($left), $reflectionIcon = $('') .attr({ src: '/' + data.id + '/' + ( ui.icons == 'posters' ? 'poster' : 'icon' ) + '512.jpg?' + uid }) .css({ position: 'absolute', left: iconLeft + 'px', width: iconWidth + 'px', height: iconHeight + 'px', borderRadius: borderRadius + 'px' }) .appendTo($reflection), $reflectionGradient = $('
') .css({ position: 'absolute', width: iconSize + 'px', height: iconSize / 2 + 'px' }) .appendTo($reflection), $data = $('
') .css({ position: 'absolute', left: margin + 'px', top: margin + iconHeight + margin + 'px', width: iconSize + 'px', }) .appendTo($left), $center = Ox.Element({ }) .css({ position: 'absolute', left: margin + (iconSize == 256 ? 256 : iconWidth) + margin + 'px', top: margin + 'px', right: margin + statisticsWidth + margin + 'px', }) .appendTo($info), $right = $('
') .css({ position: 'absolute', width: statisticsWidth + 'px', top: margin + 'px', right: margin + 'px' }) .appendTo($info), $capabilities; if (!canEdit) { pandora.createLinks($info); } var listKeys = [ 'language', 'topic', 'director', 'cinematographer', 'featuring', 'groups', 'license' ]; // Source & Project -------------------------------------------------------- var count = 0; ['source', 'project'].forEach(function(key) { $div = $('
').appendTo($data); if (canEdit || data[key]) { count && $('
').appendTo($div); $('
') .css({float: 'left'}) .html( formatKey({ category: 'categories', }[key] || key).replace('', ' ') ) .appendTo($div); Ox.Editable({ clickLink: pandora.clickLink, format: function(value) { return listKeys.indexOf(key) >= 0 ? formatValue(value.split(', '), { 'director': 'name', 'cinematographer': 'name', 'features': 'name', }[key] || key) : value; }, placeholder: formatLight('unknown'), editable: canEdit, tooltip: canEdit ? 'Doubleclick to edit' : '', value: listKeys.indexOf(key) >= 0 ? (data[key] || []).join(', ') : data[key] || '' }) .css({float: 'left'}) .bindEvent({ submit: function(event) { editMetadata(key, event.value); } }) .appendTo($div); if (canEdit || data[key + 'description']) { $('
').css({'clear': 'both'}).appendTo($div); $('
') .append( descriptions[key] = Ox.Editable({ clickLink: pandora.clickLink, placeholder: formatLight('No ' + Ox.toTitleCase(key) + ' Description'), editable: canEdit, tooltip: canEdit ? 'Doubleclick to edit' : '', type: 'textarea', value: data[key + 'description'] || '' }) .bindEvent({ submit: function(event) { editMetadata(key + 'description', event.value); } }) .css(css) ).css({ 'margin-top': '8px', }) .appendTo($div); } count++; } }); // Title ------------------------------------------------------------------- $('
') .css({ marginTop: '-2px', }) .append( Ox.Editable({ editable: canEdit, tooltip: canEdit ? 'Doubleclick to edit' : '', value: data.title }) .css({ display: 'inline-block', marginBottom: '-3px', fontWeight: 'bold', fontSize: '13px', MozUserSelect: 'text', WebkitUserSelect: 'text' }) .bindEvent({ submit: function(event) { editMetadata('title', event.value); } }) ) .appendTo($center); // Location, Date, Language and Duration ----------------------------------- if (canEdit) { $div = $('
').css(css).css({marginTop: '12px'}).appendTo($center); ['location', 'date', 'language', 'duration'].forEach(function(key, i) { i && $('
').css({float: 'left'}).html('; ').appendTo($div); $('
') .css({float: 'left'}) .html(formatKey(key).replace('', ' ')) .appendTo($div); Ox.Editable({ clickLink: pandora.clickLink, editable: key != 'duration', format: function(value) { return key != 'duration' ? formatValue(value.split(', '), key) : value < 60 ? Math.round(value) + ' sec' : Math.round(value / 60) + ' min'; }, placeholder: formatLight('unknown'), tooltip: 'Doubleclick to edit', value: listKeys.indexOf(key) >= 0 ? (data[key] || []).join(', ') : data[key] || '' }) .css({float: 'left'}) .bindEvent({ submit: function(event) { editMetadata(key, event.value); } }) .appendTo($div); }); $('
').appendTo($center); } else { html = []; ['location', 'date', 'language', 'duration'].forEach(function(key) { if (data[key]) { html.push( formatKey(key) + ( key != 'duration' ? formatValue(data[key], key) : data[key] < 60 ? Math.round(data[key]) + ' sec' : Math.round(data[key] / 60) + ' min' ) ); } }); $('
').css(css).html(html.join('; ')).appendTo($center); } // Director, Cinematographer and Featuring --------------------------------- if (canEdit) { $div = $('
').css(css).css('clear', 'both').appendTo($center); ['director', 'cinematographer', 'featuring'].forEach(function(key, i) { i && $('
').css({float: 'left'}).html('; ').appendTo($div); $('
') .css({float: 'left'}) .html(formatKey(key).replace('', ' ')) .appendTo($div); Ox.Editable({ clickLink: pandora.clickLink, format: function(value) { return formatValue(value.split(', '), 'name'); }, placeholder: formatLight('unknown'), tooltip: 'Doubleclick to edit', value: listKeys.indexOf(key) >= 0 ? (data[key] || []).join(', ') : data[key] || '' }) .css({float: 'left'}) .bindEvent({ submit: function(event) { editMetadata(key, event.value); } }) .appendTo($div); }); $('
').appendTo($center); } else if (data.director || data.cinematographer || data.featuring) { html = []; ['director', 'cinematographer', 'featuring'].forEach(function(key) { if (data[key] && data[key].length) { html.push( formatKey(key) + formatValue(data[key], key) ); } }); $('
').css(css).html(html.join('; ')).appendTo($center); } // Topic ------------------------------------------------------------------- if (canEdit) { var key = 'topic'; $div = $('
').css(css).css('clear', 'both').appendTo($center); $('
') .css({float: 'left'}) .html(formatKey('Topics').replace('', ' ')) .appendTo($div); Ox.Editable({ clickLink: pandora.clickLink, format: function(value) { return formatValue(value.split(', '), key); }, placeholder: formatLight('unknown'), tooltip: 'Doubleclick to edit', value: listKeys.indexOf(key) >= 0 ? (data[key] || []).join(', ') : data[key] || '' }) .css({float: 'left'}) .bindEvent({ submit: function(event) { editMetadata(key, event.value); } }) .appendTo($div); $('
').appendTo($center); } else if (data.topic) { html = formatKey('topics') + formatValue(data.topic, 'topic'); $('
').css(css).html(html).appendTo($center); } // Summary ------------------------------------------------------------- if (canEdit) { $('
') .css({marginTop: '16px'}) .append( Ox.Editable({ clickLink: pandora.clickLink, editable: canEdit, maxHeight: Infinity, placeholder: formatLight('No Summary'), tooltip: canEdit ? 'Doubleclick to edit' : '', type: 'textarea', value: data.summary || '', //width: 300 }) .bindEvent({ submit: function(event) { editMetadata('summary', event.value); } }) .css(css) ) .appendTo($center); } else if(data.summary) { $('
').css(css).html(data.summary).appendTo($center); } // License ----------------------------------------------------------------- $div = $('
').css(css).css({marginTop: '16px'}).appendTo($center); if (canEdit) { $('
') .css({float: 'left'}) .html(formatKey('license').replace('', ' ')) .appendTo($div); Ox.Editable({ placeholder: formatLight('No License'), tooltip: 'Doubleclick to edit', value: (data.license || []).join(', ') }) .bindEvent({ submit: function(event) { editMetadata('license', event.value); } }) .appendTo($div); } else if(data.license) { $div.html( formatKey('License') + (data.license || []).join(', ') ); } // Hue, Saturation, Lightness, Volume -------------------------------------- ['hue', 'saturation', 'lightness', 'volume'].forEach(function(key) { $('
') .css({marginBottom: '4px'}) .append(formatKey(key, true)) .append( Ox.Theme.formatColor( data[key] || 0, key == 'volume' ? 'lightness' : key ).css({textAlign: 'right'}) ) .appendTo($right); }); // User and Groups --------------------------------------------------------- ['user', 'groups'].forEach(function(key) { $('
') .css({marginBottom: '4px'}) .append(formatKey(key, true)) .append( $('
') .css({margin: '2px 0 0 -1px'}) // fixme: weird .append( Ox.Editable({ placeholder: key == 'groups' ? formatLight('No Groups') : '', editable: canEdit, tooltip: canEdit ? 'Doubleclick to edit' : '', value: key == 'user' ? data[key] : data[key].join(', ') }) .bindEvent({ submit: function(event) { editMetadata(key, event.value); } }) ) ) .appendTo($right); }); // Created and Modified ---------------------------------------------------- ['created', 'modified'].forEach(function(key) { $('
') .css({marginBottom: '4px'}) .append(formatKey(key, true)) .append( $('
').html(Ox.formatDate(data[key], '%B %e, %Y')) ) .appendTo($right); }); // Rights Level ------------------------------------------------------------ if (canEdit) { var $rightsLevel = $('
'); $('
') .css({marginBottom: '4px'}) .append(formatKey('Rights Level', true)) .append($rightsLevel) .appendTo($right); renderRightsLevel(); } // Notes -------------------------------------------------------------------- if (canEdit) { $('
') .css({marginBottom: '4px'}) .append(formatKey('Notes', true)) .append( Ox.Editable({ height: 128, placeholder: formatLight('No notes'), tooltip: 'Doubleclick to edit', type: 'textarea', value: data.notes, width: 128 }) .bindEvent({ submit: function(event) { editMetadata('notes', event.value); } }) ) .appendTo($right); } $('
').css({height: '16px'}).appendTo($right); function editMetadata(key, value) { if (value != data[key]) { var edit = {id: data.id}; if (key == 'title') { edit[key] = value; } else if (listKeys.indexOf(key) > -1) { edit[key] = value ? value.split(', ') : []; } else { edit[key] = value ? value : null; } pandora.api.edit(edit, function(result) { data[key] = value; descriptions[key] && descriptions[key].options({ value: result.data[key + 'description'] }); Ox.Request.clearCache(); // fixme: too much? can change filter/list etc if (result.data.id != data.id) { pandora.UI.set({item: result.data.id}); pandora.$ui.browser.value(data.id, 'id', result.data.id); } // FIXME: value function should accept {k: v, ...} pandora.$ui.browser.value(result.data.id, 'title', result.data.title); pandora.$ui.browser.value(result.data.id, 'director', result.data.director); pandora.$ui.browser.value(result.data.id, 'country', result.data.country); pandora.$ui.browser.value(result.data.id, 'year', result.data.year); pandora.$ui.itemTitle .options({ title: '' + result.data.title + (Ox.len(result.data.director) ? ' (' + result.data.director.join(', ') + ')' : '') + (result.data.year ? ' ' + result.data.year : '') + '' }); //pandora.$ui.contentPanel.replaceElement(0, pandora.$ui.browser = pandora.ui.browser()); }); } } function formatKey(key, isStatistics) { return isStatistics ? $('
').css({marginBottom: '4px', fontWeight: 'bold'}).html(Ox.toTitleCase(key)) : '' + Ox.toTitleCase(key) + ': '; } function formatLight(str) { return '' + str + ''; } function formatValue(value, key) { return (Ox.isArray(value) ? value : [value]).map(function(value) { return key ? '' + value + '' : value; }).join(', '); } function getRightsLevelElement(rightsLevel) { return Ox.Theme.formatColorLevel( rightsLevel, pandora.site.rightsLevels.map(function(rightsLevel) { return rightsLevel.name; }) ); } function renderCapabilities(rightsLevel) { var capabilities = Ox.merge( canEdit ? [{name: 'canSeeItem', symbol: 'Find'}] : [], [ {name: 'canPlayClips', symbol: 'PlayInToOut'}, {name: 'canPlayVideo', symbol: 'Play'}, {name: 'canDownloadVideo', symbol: 'Download'} ] ), userLevels = canEdit ? pandora.site.userLevels : [pandora.user.level]; $capabilities.empty(); userLevels.forEach(function(userLevel, i) { var $element, $line = $('
') .css({ height: '16px', marginBottom: '4px' }) .appendTo($capabilities); if (canEdit) { $element = Ox.Theme.formatColorLevel(i, userLevels.map(function(userLevel) { return Ox.toTitleCase(userLevel); }), [0, 240]); Ox.Label({ textAlign: 'center', title: Ox.toTitleCase(userLevel), width: 60 }) .addClass('OxColor OxColorGradient') .css({ float: 'left', height: '12px', paddingTop: '2px', background: $element.css('background'), fontSize: '8px', color: $element.css('color') }) .data({OxColor: $element.data('OxColor')}) .appendTo($line); } capabilities.forEach(function(capability) { var hasCapability = pandora.site.capabilities[capability.name][userLevel] >= rightsLevel, $element = Ox.Theme.formatColorLevel(hasCapability, ['', '']); Ox.Button({ tooltip: (canEdit ? Ox.toTitleCase(userLevel) : 'You') + ' ' + (hasCapability ? 'can' : 'can\'t') + ' ' + Ox.map(Ox.toSlashes(capability.name).split('/'), function(word, i) { return i == 0 ? null : word.toLowerCase(); }).join(' '), title: capability.symbol, type: 'image' }) .addClass('OxColor OxColorGradient') .css({background: $element.css('background')}) .css('margin' + (canEdit ? 'Left' : 'Right'), '4px') .data({OxColor: $element.data('OxColor')}) .appendTo($line); }); if (!canEdit) { Ox.Button({ title: 'Help', tooltip: 'About Rights', type: 'image' }) .css({marginLeft: '52px'}) .bindEvent({ click: function() { pandora.UI.set({page: 'rights'}); } }) .appendTo($line); } }); } function renderRightsLevel() { var $rightsLevelElement = getRightsLevelElement(data.rightslevel), $rightsLevelSelect; $rightsLevel.empty(); if (canEdit) { $rightsLevelSelect = Ox.Select({ items: pandora.site.rightsLevels.map(function(rightsLevel, i) { return {id: i, title: rightsLevel.name}; }), width: 128, value: data.rightslevel }) .addClass('OxColor OxColorGradient') .css({ marginBottom: '4px', background: $rightsLevelElement.css('background') }) .data({OxColor: $rightsLevelElement.data('OxColor')}) .bindEvent({ change: function(event) { var rightsLevel = event.value; $rightsLevelElement = getRightsLevelElement(rightsLevel); $rightsLevelSelect .css({background: $rightsLevelElement.css('background')}) .data({OxColor: $rightsLevelElement.data('OxColor')}) renderCapabilities(rightsLevel); pandora.api.edit({id: data.id, rightslevel: rightsLevel}, function(result) { // ... }); } }) .appendTo($rightsLevel); } else { $rightsLevelElement .css({ marginBottom: '4px' }) .appendTo($rightsLevel); } $capabilities = $('
').appendTo($rightsLevel); renderCapabilities(data.rightslevel); } function toggleIconSize() { iconSize = iconSize == 256 ? 512 : 256; iconWidth = iconRatio > 1 ? iconSize : Math.round(iconSize * iconRatio); iconHeight = iconRatio < 1 ? iconSize : Math.round(iconSize / iconRatio); iconLeft = iconSize == 256 ? Math.floor((iconSize - iconWidth) / 2) : 0, borderRadius = ui.icons == 'posters' ? 0 : iconSize / 8; $icon.animate({ left: margin + iconLeft + 'px', width: iconWidth + 'px', height: iconHeight + 'px', borderRadius: borderRadius + 'px' }, 250); $reflection.animate({ top: margin + iconHeight + 'px', width: iconSize + 'px', height: iconSize / 2 + 'px' }, 250); $reflectionIcon.animate({ left: iconLeft + 'px', width: iconWidth + 'px', height: iconHeight + 'px', borderRadius: borderRadius + 'px' }, 250); $reflectionGradient.animate({ width: iconSize + 'px', height: iconSize / 2 + 'px' }, 250); $data.animate({ top: margin + iconHeight + margin + 'px', width: iconSize + 'px', }, 250); $center.animate({ left: margin + (iconSize == 256 ? 256 : iconWidth) + margin + 'px', }, 250); pandora.UI.set({infoIconSize: iconSize}); } that.reload = function() { var src = src = '/' + data.id + '/' + ( ui.icons == 'posters' ? 'poster' : 'icon' ) + '512.jpg?' + Ox.uid(); $icon.attr({src: src}); $reflectionIcon.attr({src: src}); iconSize = iconSize == 256 ? 512 : 256; iconRatio = ui.icons == 'posters' ? (ui.showSitePoster ? 5/8 : data.posterRatio) : 1; toggleIconSize(); pandora.user.level == 'admin' && $list.replaceWith($list = renderList()); }; that.resize = function() { }; that.bindEvent({ pandora_icons: that.reload, pandora_showsiteposter: function() { ui.icons == 'posters' && that.reload(); } }); return that; }