'use strict'; pandora.ui.textPanel = function(text, $toolbar) { var textElement, textEmbed, embedURLs = getEmbedURLs(text.text), that = Ox.SplitPanel({ elements: [ { element: textElement = pandora.$ui.textElement = pandora.ui.textHTML(text) }, { element: textEmbed = pandora.ui.textEmbed(textElement), collapsed: !embedURLs.length, size: pandora.user.ui.embedSize, resizable: true, resize: [192, 256, 320, 384, 448, 512] } ], orientation: 'horizontal' }), selected = -1, selectedURL, $find, $nextButton, $currentButton, $previousButton; textElement.panel = that; if ($toolbar) { /* $find = Ox.Input({ clear: true, placeholder: Ox._('Find in Texts'), value: pandora.user.ui.textFind, width: 188 }) .css({ float: 'right', }) .bindEvent({ submit: function(data) { Ox.print('SUBMIT', data); } }) .appendTo($toolbar); */ $nextButton = Ox.Button({ disabled: embedURLs.length < 2, title: 'arrowRight', tooltip: Ox._('Next Reference'), type: 'image' }) .css({ 'margin-right': (pandora.user.ui.embedSize + Ox.SCROLLBAR_SIZE) + 'px', float: 'right', }) .bindEvent({ click: function() { that.selectEmbed( selected < embedURLs.length - 1 ? selected + 1 : 0, true ); } }) .appendTo($toolbar); $currentButton = Ox.Button({ disabled: embedURLs.length < 1, title: 'center', tooltip: Ox._('Current Reference'), type: 'image' }) .css({ float: 'right', }) .bindEvent({ click: scrollToSelectedEmbed }) .appendTo($toolbar); $previousButton = Ox.Button({ disabled: embedURLs.length < 2, title: 'arrowLeft', tooltip: Ox._('Previous Reference'), type: 'image' }) .css({ float: 'right', }) .bindEvent({ click: function() { that.selectEmbed( selected ? selected - 1 : embedURLs.length - 1, true ); } }) .appendTo($toolbar); } function getEmbedURLs(text) { var matches = text ? text.match(/]*?href="(.+?)".*?>/gi) : [], urls = []; if (matches) { matches.forEach(function(match) { var url = match.match(/"(.+?)"/)[1]; if (pandora.isEmbedURL(url)) { urls.push(url); } }); } return urls; } function scrollToSelectedEmbed() { var scrollTop = Math.max( textElement[0].scrollTop + $('#embed' + selected).offset().top - ( pandora.user.ui.showBrowser ? pandora.$ui.documentContentPanel.options().elements[0].size : 0 ) - 48, 0), position = 100 * scrollTop / Math.max(1, textElement[0].scrollHeight); textElement.scrollTo(position); window.text = textElement; } that.selectEmbed = function(index, scroll) { if (index != selected) { selected = index; selectedURL = embedURLs[selected] $('.OxSpecialLink').removeClass('OxActive'); selected > -1 && $('#embed' + selected).addClass('OxActive'); textEmbed.update(selectedURL); scroll && scrollToSelectedEmbed(); } }; that.scrollTextTop = function() { textElement && textElement.animate({scrollTop:0}, 250); return that; }; that.update = function(text) { var index; embedURLs = getEmbedURLs(text); index = embedURLs.indexOf(selectedURL); if (embedURLs.length && (index == -1 || index >= embedURLs.length)) { index = 0; } selected = -1; that.selectEmbed(index); $nextButton && $nextButton.css({ 'margin-right': (pandora.user.ui.embedSize + Ox.SCROLLBAR_SIZE) + 'px', }); }; embedURLs.length && that.selectEmbed(0); return that; } pandora.ui.textHTML = function(text) { var height = getHeight(), width = getWidth(), that = Ox.Element() .css({ 'overflow-y': 'auto' }) .bind({ scroll: function(event) { var position = Math.round(100 * that[0]. scrollTop / Math.max(1, that[0].scrollHeight - that.height())), settings, key; if (pandora.user.ui.part.document) { settings = pandora.user.ui.documents[pandora.user.ui.part.document] || {}; key = 'documents.' + pandora.user.ui.part.document; } else { settings = pandora.user.ui.documents[pandora.user.ui.document] || {}; key = 'documents.' + pandora.user.ui.document; } position = position - position % 10; if (!scrolling && settings && (settings.name || (position != settings.position))) { pandora.UI.set(key, { position: position ? position : 0 }); } scrolling = false; }, }) .bindEvent({ pandora_showsidebar: function(data) { that.update(); }, }) .bindEvent('pandora_documents.' + pandora.user.ui.document.toLowerCase(), function(data) { data.value && data.value.name && scrollToPosition(); }) .bindEvent('pandora_texts.' + text.id.toLowerCase(), function(data) { data.value && data.value.name && scrollToPosition(); }), scrolling = false, $content = Ox.Element() .css({margin: '16px'}) .appendTo(that), $title = Ox.EditableContent({ editable: text.title ? text.editable : false, placeholder: text.editable ? Ox._('Doubleclick to edit title') : Ox._('Untitled'), tooltip: text.editable ? pandora.getEditTooltip('title') : '', value: text.title || Ox._('{0} Texts', [pandora.site.site.name]), width: width }) .css({ //position: 'absolute', //width: width + 'px', height: '32px', fontSize: '18px', }) .bindEvent({ submit: function(data) { if (pandora.user.ui.section == 'documents') { pandora.api.editDocument({ id: pandora.user.ui.document, title: data.value }, function(result) { if (result.data.name != data.value) { Ox.Request.clearCache(); $title.options({ value: result.data.title }) } }); } else { Ox.Request.clearCache('getText'); pandora.api.editText({ id: pandora.user.ui.text, name: data.value }, function(result) { if (result.data.id != pandora.user.ui.text) { Ox.Request.clearCache(); pandora.renameList(pandora.user.ui.text, result.data.id, result.data.name); pandora.$ui.info.updateListInfo(); } }); } } }) .appendTo($content), $spaceTop = Ox.Element() .css({height: '16px'}) .appendTo($content), $text = Ox.EditableContent({ clickLink: clickLink, collapseToEnd: false, editable: text.editable, format: function(text) { /* var $text = $('
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') .css({marginTop: '16px', textAlign: 'center'}) .html(Ox._('No Embeds')) .hide() .appendTo(that), $iframe = Ox.Element('