'use strict'; pandora.ui.exportAnnotationsDialog = function(options) { var annotations = pandora.$ui.editor.getCurrentAnnotations(), layers = pandora.site.layers.map(function(layer) { return { disabled: annotations[layer.id].length == 0, id: layer.id, title: layer.title } }), enabledLayers = layers.filter(function(layer) { return layer.disabled == false; }), layer = (enabledLayers.length ? enabledLayers : layers)[0].id, $content = Ox.Element().css({margin: '16px'}), $layerSelect = Ox.Select({ items: layers, label: Ox._('Layer'), labelWidth: 128, value: layer, width: 384 }) .css({ marginTop: '16px' }) .bindEvent({ change: function() { updateStatus(); that.enableButton('export'); !$link ? addLink() : updateLink(); } }) .appendTo($content), $formatSelect = Ox.Select({ items: [ {id: 'json', title: 'JSON'}, {id: 'srt', title: 'SRT'} ], label: Ox._('Format'), labelWidth: 128, value: 'json', width: 384 }) .css({ marginTop: '16px' }) .bindEvent({ change: function() { $link && updateLink(); } }) .appendTo($content), $status = Ox.$('<div>') .css({ marginTop: '16px' }) .appendTo($content), $link, that = Ox.Dialog({ buttons: [ Ox.Button({ id: 'dontExport', title: Ox._('Don\'t Export') }) .bindEvent({ click: function() { that.close(); } }), Ox.Button({ disabled: enabledLayers.length == 0, id: 'export', title: Ox._('Export') }) ], closeButton: true, content: $content, fixedSize: true, height: 112, removeOnClose: true, title: Ox._('Export Annotations'), width: 416 }); updateStatus(); enabledLayers.length && addLink(); function addLink() { var $button = $(Ox.last(that.find('.OxButton'))) $button.wrap($('<a>')); // On wrap, a reference to the link would *not* be the link in the DOM $link = $($button.parent()); updateLink(); } function updateLink() { var layer = $layerSelect.value(), format = $formatSelect.value(), items = annotations[layer].map(function(annotation) { var text = format == 'json' ? annotation.value : annotation.value .replace(/\n/g, ' ') .replace(/\s+/g, ' ') .replace(/<br>\s+?/g, '\n'); return { 'in': annotation['in'], out: annotation.out, text: text }; }), blob = new Blob([Ox.encodeUTF8( format == 'json' ? JSON.stringify(items, null, ' ') : Ox.formatSRT(items) )], {type: 'text/plain'}), url = window.URL.createObjectURL(blob); $link.attr({ download: options.title + ' - ' + Ox.getObjectById(layers, layer).title + '.' + format, href: url, }); } function updateStatus() { $status.html(Ox._('All {0} currently shown will be exported.', [ Ox.getObjectById(layers, $layerSelect.value()).title.toLowerCase() ])); } return that; };