/* -*- Mode: Java; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */ /* vim: set shiftwidth=2 tabstop=2 autoindent cindent expandtab: */ /* Copyright 2012 Mozilla Foundation * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ var PDFJS = {}; PDFJS.version = '0.7.315'; PDFJS.build = '547a8d6'; (function pdfjsWrapper() { // Use strict in our context only - users might not want it 'use strict'; /* -*- Mode: Java; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */ /* vim: set shiftwidth=2 tabstop=2 autoindent cindent expandtab: */ /* Copyright 2012 Mozilla Foundation * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /* globals error */ 'use strict'; var NetworkManager = (function NetworkManagerClosure() { function NetworkManager(url, args) { args = args || {}; this.url = url; this.httpHeaders = args.httpHeaders; this.getXhr = args.getXhr || function NetworkManager_getXhr() { return new XMLHttpRequest(); }; this.currXhrId = 0; this.pendingRequests = {}; this.loadedRequests = {}; } function getArrayBuffer(xhr) { var data = (xhr.mozResponseArrayBuffer || xhr.mozResponse || xhr.responseArrayBuffer || xhr.response); if (typeof data !== 'string') { return data; } var length = data.length; var buffer = new Uint8Array(length); for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) { buffer[i] = data.charCodeAt(i) & 0xFF; } return buffer; } // TODO(mack): support onprogress during range request NetworkManager.prototype = { // Optimized to not to fetch the same chunks again. // e.g. If we already have chunk 3, and we need chunks [2, 5), do not // fetch 2; instead fetch [2, 3) and [4, 5); Realistically though, this // should not happen often w/ PDFs requestRange: function NetworkManager_requestRange(begin, end, callback) { return this.request({ begin: begin, end: end, onDone: callback }); }, requestFull: function NetworkManager_requestRange(args) { return this.request(args); }, request: function NetworkManager_requestRange(args) { var xhr = this.getXhr(); var xhrId = this.currXhrId++; this.pendingRequests[xhrId] = xhr; xhr.open('GET', this.url); if (this.httpHeaders) { for (var property in this.httpHeaders) { var value = this.httpHeaders[property]; if (typeof value === 'undefined') { continue; } xhr.setRequestHeader(property, value); } } if ('begin' in args && 'end' in args) { var rangeStr = args.begin + '-' + (args.end - 1); xhr.setRequestHeader('Range', 'bytes=' + rangeStr); xhr.expectedStatus = 206; } else { xhr.expectedStatus = 200; } xhr.mozResponseType = xhr.responseType = 'arraybuffer'; // TODO(mack): Support onprogress xhr.onprogress = function(evt) { }; // TODO(mack): Support onerror xhr.onerror = function(evt) { error('Received onerror'); }; xhr.onreadystatechange = this.onStateChange.bind(this, xhrId); xhr.onHeadersReceived = args.onHeadersReceived; xhr.onDone = args.onDone; xhr.send(null); return xhrId; }, onStateChange: function NetworkManager_onStateChange(xhrId, evt) { var xhr = this.pendingRequests[xhrId]; if (!xhr) { // Maybe abortRequest was called... return; } if (xhr.readyState >= 2 && xhr.onHeadersReceived) { xhr.onHeadersReceived(); delete xhr.onHeadersReceived; } if (xhr.readyState !== 4) { return; } if (!(xhrId in this.pendingRequests)) { // The XHR request might have been aborted in onHeadersReceived() // callback, in which case we should abort request return; } delete this.pendingRequests[xhrId]; if (xhr.status === 0) { //warn('Received xhr.status of 0'); return; } // TODO(mack): Support error callback // This could be a 200 response to indicate that range requests are not // supported if (xhr.status !== xhr.expectedStatus) { //warn('Received xhr.status of ' + xhr.status); return; } this.loadedRequests[xhrId] = true; var chunk = getArrayBuffer(xhr); if (xhr.expectedStatus === 206) { var rangeHeader = xhr.getResponseHeader('Content-Range'); var matches = /bytes (\d+)-(\d+)\/(\d+)/.exec(rangeHeader); var begin = parseInt(matches[1], 10); var end = parseInt(matches[2], 10) + 1; var totalLength = parseInt(matches[3], 10); xhr.onDone({ begin: begin, end: end, chunk: chunk, totalLength: totalLength }); } else { xhr.onDone({ chunk: chunk, totalLength: chunk.byteLength }); } }, hasPendingRequests: function NetworkManager_hasPendingRequests() { for (var xhrId in this.pendingRequests) { return true; } return false; }, getRequestXhr: function NetworkManager_getXhr(xhrId) { return this.pendingRequests[xhrId]; }, isPendingRequest: function NetworkManager_isPendingRequest(xhrId) { return xhrId in this.pendingRequests; }, isLoadedRequest: function NetworkManager_isLoadedRequest(xhrId) { return xhrId in this.loadedRequests; }, abortXhrs: function NetworkManager_abortXhrs() { for (var xhrId in this.pendingRequests) { xhrId = xhrId | 0; var xhr = this.pendingRequests[xhrId]; delete this.pendingRequests[xhrId]; xhr.abort(); } }, abortRequest: function NetworkManager_abortRequest(xhrId) { var xhr = this.pendingRequests[xhrId]; delete this.pendingRequests[xhrId]; xhr.abort(); } }; return NetworkManager; })(); var globalScope = (typeof window === 'undefined') ? this : window; var isWorker = (typeof window == 'undefined'); var ERRORS = 0, WARNINGS = 1, INFOS = 5; var verbosity = WARNINGS; // The global PDFJS object exposes the API // In production, it will be declared outside a global wrapper // In development, it will be declared here if (!globalScope.PDFJS) { globalScope.PDFJS = {}; } globalScope.PDFJS.pdfBug = false; var Page = (function PageClosure() { function Page(xref, pageIndex, pageDict, ref) { this.pageIndex = pageIndex; this.pageDict = pageDict; this.xref = xref; this.ref = ref; this.displayReadyPromise = null; } Page.prototype = { getPageProp: function Page_getPageProp(key) { return this.pageDict.get(key); }, inheritPageProp: function Page_inheritPageProp(key) { var dict = this.pageDict; var obj = dict.get(key); while (obj === undefined) { dict = dict.get('Parent'); if (!dict) break; obj = dict.get(key); } return obj; }, get content() { return shadow(this, 'content', this.getPageProp('Contents')); }, get resources() { return shadow(this, 'resources', this.inheritPageProp('Resources')); }, get mediaBox() { var obj = this.inheritPageProp('MediaBox'); // Reset invalid media box to letter size. if (!isArray(obj) || obj.length !== 4) obj = [0, 0, 612, 792]; return shadow(this, 'mediaBox', obj); }, get view() { var mediaBox = this.mediaBox; var cropBox = this.inheritPageProp('CropBox'); if (!isArray(cropBox) || cropBox.length !== 4) return shadow(this, 'view', mediaBox); // From the spec, 6th ed., p.963: // "The crop, bleed, trim, and art boxes should not ordinarily // extend beyond the boundaries of the media box. If they do, they are // effectively reduced to their intersection with the media box." cropBox = Util.intersect(cropBox, mediaBox); if (!cropBox) return shadow(this, 'view', mediaBox); return shadow(this, 'view', cropBox); }, get annotations() { return shadow(this, 'annotations', this.inheritPageProp('Annots')); }, get rotate() { var rotate = this.inheritPageProp('Rotate') || 0; // Normalize rotation so it's a multiple of 90 and between 0 and 270 if (rotate % 90 !== 0) { rotate = 0; } else if (rotate >= 360) { rotate = rotate % 360; } else if (rotate < 0) { // The spec doesn't cover negatives, assume its counterclockwise // rotation. The following is the other implementation of modulo. rotate = ((rotate % 360) + 360) % 360; } return shadow(this, 'rotate', rotate); }, getContentStream: function Page_getContentStream() { var content = this.content; if (isArray(content)) { // fetching items var xref = this.xref; var i, n = content.length; var streams = []; for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) streams.push(xref.fetchIfRef(content[i])); content = new StreamsSequenceStream(streams); } else if (isStream(content)) { content.reset(); } else if (!content) { // replacing non-existent page content with empty one content = new NullStream(); } return content; }, getOperatorList: function Page_getOperatorList(handler, dependency) { var xref = this.xref; var contentStream = this.getContentStream(); var resources = this.resources; var pe = this.pe = new PartialEvaluator( xref, handler, this.pageIndex, 'p' + this.pageIndex + '_'); var list = pe.getOperatorList(contentStream, resources, dependency); pe.optimizeQueue(list); return list; }, extractTextContent: function Page_extractTextContent() { var handler = { on: function nullHandlerOn() {}, send: function nullHandlerSend() {} }; var xref = this.xref; var contentStream = this.getContentStream(); var resources = xref.fetchIfRef(this.resources); var pe = new PartialEvaluator( xref, handler, this.pageIndex, 'p' + this.pageIndex + '_'); return pe.getTextContent(contentStream, resources); }, getLinks: function Page_getLinks() { var links = []; var annotations = this.getAnnotations(); var i, n = annotations.length; for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) { if (annotations[i].type != 'Link') continue; links.push(annotations[i]); } return links; }, getAnnotations: function Page_getAnnotations() { var xref = this.xref; function getInheritableProperty(annotation, name) { var item = annotation; while (item && !item.has(name)) { item = item.get('Parent'); } if (!item) return null; return item.get(name); } function isValidUrl(url) { if (!url) return false; var colon = url.indexOf(':'); if (colon < 0) return false; var protocol = url.substr(0, colon); switch (protocol) { case 'http': case 'https': case 'ftp': case 'mailto': return true; default: return false; } } var annotations = this.annotations || []; var i, n = annotations.length; var items = []; for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) { var annotationRef = annotations[i]; var annotation = xref.fetch(annotationRef); if (!isDict(annotation)) continue; var subtype = annotation.get('Subtype'); if (!isName(subtype)) continue; var rect = annotation.get('Rect'); var item = {}; item.type = subtype.name; item.rect = rect; switch (subtype.name) { case 'Link': var a = annotation.get('A'); if (a) { switch (a.get('S').name) { case 'URI': var url = a.get('URI'); // TODO: pdf spec mentions urls can be relative to a Base // entry in the dictionary. if (!isValidUrl(url)) url = ''; item.url = url; break; case 'GoTo': item.dest = a.get('D'); break; case 'GoToR': var url = a.get('F'); if (isDict(url)) { // We assume that the 'url' is a Filspec dictionary // and fetch the url without checking any further url = url.get('F') || ''; } // TODO: pdf reference says that GoToR // can also have 'NewWindow' attribute if (!isValidUrl(url)) url = ''; item.url = url; item.dest = a.get('D'); break; default: TODO('unrecognized link type: ' + a.get('S').name); } } else if (annotation.has('Dest')) { // simple destination link var dest = annotation.get('Dest'); item.dest = isName(dest) ? dest.name : dest; } break; case 'Widget': var fieldType = getInheritableProperty(annotation, 'FT'); if (!isName(fieldType)) break; item.fieldType = fieldType.name; // Building the full field name by collecting the field and // its ancestors 'T' properties and joining them using '.'. var fieldName = []; var namedItem = annotation, ref = annotationRef; while (namedItem) { var parent = namedItem.get('Parent'); var parentRef = namedItem.getRaw('Parent'); var name = namedItem.get('T'); if (name) { fieldName.unshift(stringToPDFString(name)); } else { // The field name is absent, that means more than one field // with the same name may exist. Replacing the empty name // with the '`' plus index in the parent's 'Kids' array. // This is not in the PDF spec but necessary to id the // the input controls. var kids = parent.get('Kids'); var j, jj; for (j = 0, jj = kids.length; j < jj; j++) { var kidRef = kids[j]; if (kidRef.num == ref.num && kidRef.gen == ref.gen) break; } fieldName.unshift('`' + j); } namedItem = parent; ref = parentRef; } item.fullName = fieldName.join('.'); var alternativeText = stringToPDFString(annotation.get('TU') || ''); item.alternativeText = alternativeText; var da = getInheritableProperty(annotation, 'DA') || ''; var m = /([\d\.]+)\sTf/.exec(da); if (m) item.fontSize = parseFloat(m[1]); item.textAlignment = getInheritableProperty(annotation, 'Q'); item.flags = getInheritableProperty(annotation, 'Ff') || 0; break; case 'Text': var content = annotation.get('Contents'); var title = annotation.get('T'); item.content = stringToPDFString(content || ''); item.title = stringToPDFString(title || ''); item.name = !annotation.has('Name') ? 'Note' : annotation.get('Name').name; break; default: TODO('unimplemented annotation type: ' + subtype.name); break; } items.push(item); } return items; } }; return Page; })(); /** * The `PDFDocument` holds all the data of the PDF file. Compared to the * `PDFDoc`, this one doesn't have any job management code. * Right now there exists one PDFDocument on the main thread + one object * for each worker. If there is no worker support enabled, there are two * `PDFDocument` objects on the main thread created. */ var PDFDocument = (function PDFDocumentClosure() { function PDFDocument(arg, password) { if (isStream(arg)) init.call(this, arg, password); else if (isArrayBuffer(arg)) init.call(this, new Stream(arg), password); else error('PDFDocument: Unknown argument type'); } function init(stream, password) { assertWellFormed(stream.length > 0, 'stream must have data'); this.stream = stream; var xref = new XRef(this.stream, password); this.xref = xref; } function find(stream, needle, limit, backwards) { var pos = stream.pos; var end = stream.end; var str = ''; if (pos + limit > end) limit = end - pos; for (var n = 0; n < limit; ++n) str += stream.getChar(); stream.pos = pos; var index = backwards ? str.lastIndexOf(needle) : str.indexOf(needle); if (index == -1) return false; /* not found */ stream.pos += index; return true; /* found */ } var DocumentInfoValidators = { get entries() { // Lazily build this since all the validation functions below are not // defined until after this file loads. return shadow(this, 'entries', { Title: isString, Author: isString, Subject: isString, Keywords: isString, Creator: isString, Producer: isString, CreationDate: isString, ModDate: isString, Trapped: isName }); } }; PDFDocument.prototype = { parse: function(recoveryMode) { this.setup(recoveryMode); this.acroForm = this.catalog.catDict.get('AcroForm'); }, get linearization() { var length = this.stream.length; var linearization = false; if (length) { try { linearization = new Linearization(this.stream); if (linearization.length != length) { linearization = false; } } catch (err) { if (err instanceof MissingDataException) { throw err; } warn('The linearization data is not available ' + 'or unreadable pdf data is found'); linearization = false; } } // shadow the prototype getter with a data property return shadow(this, 'linearization', linearization); }, get startXRef() { var stream = this.stream; var startXRef = 0; var linearization = this.linearization; if (linearization) { // Find end of first obj. stream.reset(); if (find(stream, 'endobj', 1024)) startXRef = stream.pos + 6; } else { // Find startxref by jumping backward from the end of the file. var step = 1024; var found = false, pos = stream.end; while (!found && pos > 0) { pos -= step - 'startxref'.length; if (pos < 0) pos = 0; stream.pos = pos; found = find(stream, 'startxref', step, true); } if (found) { stream.skip(9); var ch; do { ch = stream.getChar(); } while (Lexer.isSpace(ch)); var str = ''; while ((ch - '0') <= 9) { str += ch; ch = stream.getChar(); } startXRef = parseInt(str, 10); if (isNaN(startXRef)) startXRef = 0; } } // shadow the prototype getter with a data property return shadow(this, 'startXRef', startXRef); }, get mainXRefEntriesOffset() { var mainXRefEntriesOffset = 0; var linearization = this.linearization; if (linearization) mainXRefEntriesOffset = linearization.mainXRefEntriesOffset; // shadow the prototype getter with a data property return shadow(this, 'mainXRefEntriesOffset', mainXRefEntriesOffset); }, // Find the header, remove leading garbage and setup the stream // starting from the header. checkHeader: function PDFDocument_checkHeader() { var stream = this.stream; stream.reset(); if (find(stream, '%PDF-', 1024)) { // Found the header, trim off any garbage before it. stream.moveStart(); // Reading file format version var MAX_VERSION_LENGTH = 12; var version = '', ch; while ((ch = stream.getChar()) > ' ') { if (version.length >= MAX_VERSION_LENGTH) { break; } version += ch; } // removing "%PDF-"-prefix this.pdfFormatVersion = version.substring(5); return; } // May not be a PDF file, continue anyway. }, setXrefStart: function PDFDocument_setXrefStart() { var startXRef = this.startXRef; this.xref.startXrefQueue = [startXRef]; }, setup: function PDFDocument_setup(recoveryMode) { this.checkHeader(); this.xref.parse(recoveryMode); this.catalog = new Catalog(this.xref); }, get numPages() { var linearization = this.linearization; var num = linearization ? linearization.numPages : this.catalog.numPages; // shadow the prototype getter return shadow(this, 'numPages', num); }, get documentInfo() { var docInfo = { PDFFormatVersion: this.pdfFormatVersion, IsAcroFormPresent: !!this.acroForm }; if (this.xref.trailer.has('Info')) { var infoDict = this.xref.trailer.get('Info'); var validEntries = DocumentInfoValidators.entries; // Only fill the document info with valid entries from the spec. for (var key in validEntries) { if (infoDict.has(key)) { var value = infoDict.get(key); // Make sure the value conforms to the spec. if (validEntries[key](value)) { docInfo[key] = typeof value !== 'string' ? value : stringToPDFString(value); } else { info('Bad value in document info for "' + key + '"'); } } } } return shadow(this, 'documentInfo', docInfo); }, get fingerprint() { var xref = this.xref, fileID; if (xref.trailer.has('ID')) { fileID = ''; var id = xref.trailer.get('ID')[0]; id.split('').forEach(function(el) { fileID += Number(el.charCodeAt(0)).toString(16); }); } else { // If we got no fileID, then we generate one, // from the first 100 bytes of PDF var data = this.stream.bytes.subarray(0, 100); var hash = calculateMD5(data, 0, data.length); fileID = ''; for (var i = 0, length = hash.length; i < length; i++) { fileID += Number(hash[i]).toString(16); } } return shadow(this, 'fingerprint', fileID); }, // TODO(mack): Return promise traversePages: function PDFDocument_traversePages() { this.catalog.traversePages(); }, getPage: function PDFDocument_getPage(pageIndex) { return this.catalog.getPage(pageIndex); } }; return PDFDocument; })(); // Use only for debugging purposes. This should not be used in any code that is // in mozilla master. var log = (function() { if ('console' in globalScope && 'log' in globalScope['console']) { return globalScope['console']['log'].bind(globalScope['console']); } else { return function nop() { }; } })(); // A notice for devs that will not trigger the fallback UI. These are good // for things that are helpful to devs, such as warning that Workers were // disabled, which is important to devs but not end users. function info(msg) { if (verbosity >= INFOS) { log('Info: ' + msg); PDFJS.LogManager.notify('info', msg); } } // Non-fatal warnings that should trigger the fallback UI. function warn(msg) { if (verbosity >= WARNINGS) { log('Warning: ' + msg); PDFJS.LogManager.notify('warn', msg); } } // Fatal errors that should trigger the fallback UI and halt execution by // throwing an exception. function error(msg) { // If multiple arguments were passed, pass them all to the log function. if (arguments.length > 1) { var logArguments = ['Error:']; logArguments.push.apply(logArguments, arguments); log.apply(null, logArguments); // Join the arguments into a single string for the lines below. msg = [].join.call(arguments, ' '); } else { log('Error: ' + msg); } log(backtrace()); PDFJS.LogManager.notify('error', msg); throw new Error(msg); } // Missing features that should trigger the fallback UI. function TODO(what) { warn('TODO: ' + what); } function backtrace() { try { throw new Error(); } catch (e) { return e.stack ? e.stack.split('\n').slice(2).join('\n') : ''; } } function assert(cond, msg) { if (!cond) error(msg); } // Combines two URLs. The baseUrl shall be absolute URL. If the url is an // absolute URL, it will be returned as is. function combineUrl(baseUrl, url) { if (!url) return baseUrl; if (url.indexOf(':') >= 0) return url; if (url.charAt(0) == '/') { // absolute path var i = baseUrl.indexOf('://'); i = baseUrl.indexOf('/', i + 3); return baseUrl.substring(0, i) + url; } else { // relative path var pathLength = baseUrl.length, i; i = baseUrl.lastIndexOf('#'); pathLength = i >= 0 ? i : pathLength; i = baseUrl.lastIndexOf('?', pathLength); pathLength = i >= 0 ? i : pathLength; var prefixLength = baseUrl.lastIndexOf('/', pathLength); return baseUrl.substring(0, prefixLength + 1) + url; } } // In a well-formed PDF, |cond| holds. If it doesn't, subsequent // behavior is undefined. function assertWellFormed(cond, msg) { if (!cond) error(msg); } var LogManager = PDFJS.LogManager = (function LogManagerClosure() { var loggers = []; return { addLogger: function logManager_addLogger(logger) { loggers.push(logger); }, notify: function(type, message) { for (var i = 0, ii = loggers.length; i < ii; i++) { var logger = loggers[i]; if (logger[type]) logger[type](message); } } }; })(); function shadow(obj, prop, value) { Object.defineProperty(obj, prop, { value: value, enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: false }); return value; } /** * Copy all of the properties to the first object from subsequent objects * and return the first object. It is in-order, so the later objects will * will override properties of the same name in earlier objects */ function extend() { assert(arguments.length >= 2, 'At least 2 objects needed to perform extend'); var obj = arguments[0]; for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; ++i) { var otherObj = arguments[i]; for (var prop in otherObj) { obj[prop] = otherObj[prop]; } } return obj; } var PasswordException = (function PasswordExceptionClosure() { function PasswordException(msg, code) { this.name = 'PasswordException'; this.message = msg; this.code = code; } PasswordException.prototype = new Error(); PasswordException.constructor = PasswordException; return PasswordException; })(); var UnknownErrorException = (function UnknownErrorExceptionClosure() { function UnknownErrorException(msg, details) { this.name = 'UnknownErrorException'; this.message = msg; this.details = details; } UnknownErrorException.prototype = new Error(); UnknownErrorException.constructor = UnknownErrorException; return UnknownErrorException; })(); var InvalidPDFException = (function InvalidPDFExceptionClosure() { function InvalidPDFException(msg) { this.name = 'InvalidPDFException'; this.message = msg; } InvalidPDFException.prototype = new Error(); InvalidPDFException.constructor = InvalidPDFException; return InvalidPDFException; })(); var MissingPDFException = (function MissingPDFExceptionClosure() { function MissingPDFException(msg) { this.name = 'MissingPDFException'; this.message = msg; } MissingPDFException.prototype = new Error(); MissingPDFException.constructor = MissingPDFException; return MissingPDFException; })(); var NotImplementedException = (function NotImplementedExceptionClosure() { function NotImplementedException(msg) { this.message = msg; } NotImplementedException.prototype = new Error(); NotImplementedException.prototype.name = 'NotImplementedException'; NotImplementedException.constructor = NotImplementedException; return NotImplementedException; })(); var MissingDataException = (function MissingDataExceptionClosure() { function MissingDataException(begin, end) { this.begin = begin; this.end = end; this.message = 'Missing data [begin, end)'; } MissingDataException.prototype = new Error(); MissingDataException.prototype.name = 'MissingDataException'; MissingDataException.constructor = MissingDataException; return MissingDataException; })(); var XrefParseException = (function XrefParseExceptionClosure() { function XrefParseException(msg) { this.message = msg; } XrefParseException.prototype = new Error(); XrefParseException.prototype.name = 'XrefParseException'; XrefParseException.constructor = XrefParseException; return XrefParseException; })(); function bytesToString(bytes) { var str = ''; var length = bytes.length; for (var n = 0; n < length; ++n) str += String.fromCharCode(bytes[n]); return str; } function stringToBytes(str) { var length = str.length; var bytes = new Uint8Array(length); for (var n = 0; n < length; ++n) bytes[n] = str.charCodeAt(n) & 0xFF; return bytes; } var IDENTITY_MATRIX = [1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0]; var Util = PDFJS.Util = (function UtilClosure() { function Util() {} Util.makeCssRgb = function Util_makeCssRgb(rgb) { return 'rgb(' + rgb[0] + ',' + rgb[1] + ',' + rgb[2] + ')'; }; Util.makeCssCmyk = function Util_makeCssCmyk(cmyk) { var cs = new DeviceCmykCS(); Util.makeCssCmyk = function makeCssCmyk(cmyk) { var rgb = cs.getRgb(cmyk, 0); return Util.makeCssRgb(rgb); }; return Util.makeCssCmyk(cmyk); }; // For 2d affine transforms Util.applyTransform = function Util_applyTransform(p, m) { var xt = p[0] * m[0] + p[1] * m[2] + m[4]; var yt = p[0] * m[1] + p[1] * m[3] + m[5]; return [xt, yt]; }; Util.applyInverseTransform = function Util_applyInverseTransform(p, m) { var d = m[0] * m[3] - m[1] * m[2]; var xt = (p[0] * m[3] - p[1] * m[2] + m[2] * m[5] - m[4] * m[3]) / d; var yt = (-p[0] * m[1] + p[1] * m[0] + m[4] * m[1] - m[5] * m[0]) / d; return [xt, yt]; }; Util.inverseTransform = function Util_inverseTransform(m) { var d = m[0] * m[3] - m[1] * m[2]; return [m[3] / d, -m[1] / d, -m[2] / d, m[0] / d, (m[2] * m[5] - m[4] * m[3]) / d, (m[4] * m[1] - m[5] * m[0]) / d]; }; // Apply a generic 3d matrix M on a 3-vector v: // | a b c | | X | // | d e f | x | Y | // | g h i | | Z | // M is assumed to be serialized as [a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i], // with v as [X,Y,Z] Util.apply3dTransform = function Util_apply3dTransform(m, v) { return [ m[0] * v[0] + m[1] * v[1] + m[2] * v[2], m[3] * v[0] + m[4] * v[1] + m[5] * v[2], m[6] * v[0] + m[7] * v[1] + m[8] * v[2] ]; }; // Normalize rectangle rect=[x1, y1, x2, y2] so that (x1,y1) < (x2,y2) // For coordinate systems whose origin lies in the bottom-left, this // means normalization to (BL,TR) ordering. For systems with origin in the // top-left, this means (TL,BR) ordering. Util.normalizeRect = function Util_normalizeRect(rect) { var r = rect.slice(0); // clone rect if (rect[0] > rect[2]) { r[0] = rect[2]; r[2] = rect[0]; } if (rect[1] > rect[3]) { r[1] = rect[3]; r[3] = rect[1]; } return r; }; // Returns a rectangle [x1, y1, x2, y2] corresponding to the // intersection of rect1 and rect2. If no intersection, returns 'false' // The rectangle coordinates of rect1, rect2 should be [x1, y1, x2, y2] Util.intersect = function Util_intersect(rect1, rect2) { function compare(a, b) { return a - b; } // Order points along the axes var orderedX = [rect1[0], rect1[2], rect2[0], rect2[2]].sort(compare), orderedY = [rect1[1], rect1[3], rect2[1], rect2[3]].sort(compare), result = []; rect1 = Util.normalizeRect(rect1); rect2 = Util.normalizeRect(rect2); // X: first and second points belong to different rectangles? if ((orderedX[0] === rect1[0] && orderedX[1] === rect2[0]) || (orderedX[0] === rect2[0] && orderedX[1] === rect1[0])) { // Intersection must be between second and third points result[0] = orderedX[1]; result[2] = orderedX[2]; } else { return false; } // Y: first and second points belong to different rectangles? if ((orderedY[0] === rect1[1] && orderedY[1] === rect2[1]) || (orderedY[0] === rect2[1] && orderedY[1] === rect1[1])) { // Intersection must be between second and third points result[1] = orderedY[1]; result[3] = orderedY[2]; } else { return false; } return result; }; Util.sign = function Util_sign(num) { return num < 0 ? -1 : 1; }; return Util; })(); var PageViewport = PDFJS.PageViewport = (function PageViewportClosure() { function PageViewport(viewBox, scale, rotate, offsetX, offsetY) { this.viewBox = viewBox; this.scale = scale; this.rotate = rotate; this.offsetX = offsetX; this.offsetY = offsetY; // creating transform to convert pdf coordinate system to the normal // canvas like coordinates taking in account scale and rotation var centerX = (viewBox[2] + viewBox[0]) / 2; var centerY = (viewBox[3] + viewBox[1]) / 2; var rotateA, rotateB, rotateC, rotateD; switch (rotate % 360) { case -180: case 180: rotateA = -1; rotateB = 0; rotateC = 0; rotateD = 1; break; case -270: case 90: rotateA = 0; rotateB = 1; rotateC = 1; rotateD = 0; break; case -90: case 270: rotateA = 0; rotateB = -1; rotateC = -1; rotateD = 0; break; //case 360: //case 0: default: rotateA = 1; rotateB = 0; rotateC = 0; rotateD = -1; break; } var offsetCanvasX, offsetCanvasY; var width, height; if (rotateA === 0) { offsetCanvasX = Math.abs(centerY - viewBox[1]) * scale + offsetX; offsetCanvasY = Math.abs(centerX - viewBox[0]) * scale + offsetY; width = Math.abs(viewBox[3] - viewBox[1]) * scale; height = Math.abs(viewBox[2] - viewBox[0]) * scale; } else { offsetCanvasX = Math.abs(centerX - viewBox[0]) * scale + offsetX; offsetCanvasY = Math.abs(centerY - viewBox[1]) * scale + offsetY; width = Math.abs(viewBox[2] - viewBox[0]) * scale; height = Math.abs(viewBox[3] - viewBox[1]) * scale; } // creating transform for the following operations: // translate(-centerX, -centerY), rotate and flip vertically, // scale, and translate(offsetCanvasX, offsetCanvasY) this.transform = [ rotateA * scale, rotateB * scale, rotateC * scale, rotateD * scale, offsetCanvasX - rotateA * scale * centerX - rotateC * scale * centerY, offsetCanvasY - rotateB * scale * centerX - rotateD * scale * centerY ]; this.width = width; this.height = height; this.fontScale = scale; } PageViewport.prototype = { clone: function PageViewPort_clone(args) { args = args || {}; var scale = 'scale' in args ? args.scale : this.scale; var rotate = 'rotate' in args ? args.rotate : this.rotate; var viewBoxClone = []; for (var i = 0; i < this.viewBox.length; ++i) { viewBoxClone[i] = this.viewBox[i]; } return new PageViewport(viewBoxClone, scale, rotate, this.offsetX, this.offsetY); }, convertToViewportPoint: function PageViewport_convertToViewportPoint(x, y) { return Util.applyTransform([x, y], this.transform); }, convertToViewportRectangle: function PageViewport_convertToViewportRectangle(rect) { var tl = Util.applyTransform([rect[0], rect[1]], this.transform); var br = Util.applyTransform([rect[2], rect[3]], this.transform); return [tl[0], tl[1], br[0], br[1]]; }, convertToPdfPoint: function PageViewport_convertToPdfPoint(x, y) { return Util.applyInverseTransform([x, y], this.transform); } }; return PageViewport; })(); var PDFStringTranslateTable = [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0x2D8, 0x2C7, 0x2C6, 0x2D9, 0x2DD, 0x2DB, 0x2DA, 0x2DC, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0x2022, 0x2020, 0x2021, 0x2026, 0x2014, 0x2013, 0x192, 0x2044, 0x2039, 0x203A, 0x2212, 0x2030, 0x201E, 0x201C, 0x201D, 0x2018, 0x2019, 0x201A, 0x2122, 0xFB01, 0xFB02, 0x141, 0x152, 0x160, 0x178, 0x17D, 0x131, 0x142, 0x153, 0x161, 0x17E, 0, 0x20AC ]; function stringToPDFString(str) { var i, n = str.length, str2 = ''; if (str[0] === '\xFE' && str[1] === '\xFF') { // UTF16BE BOM for (i = 2; i < n; i += 2) str2 += String.fromCharCode( (str.charCodeAt(i) << 8) | str.charCodeAt(i + 1)); } else { for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) { var code = PDFStringTranslateTable[str.charCodeAt(i)]; str2 += code ? String.fromCharCode(code) : str.charAt(i); } } return str2; } function stringToUTF8String(str) { return decodeURIComponent(escape(str)); } function isEmptyObj(obj) { for (var key in obj) { return false; } return true; } function isBool(v) { return typeof v == 'boolean'; } function isInt(v) { return typeof v == 'number' && ((v | 0) == v); } function isNum(v) { return typeof v == 'number'; } function isString(v) { return typeof v == 'string'; } function isNull(v) { return v === null; } function isName(v) { return v instanceof Name; } function isCmd(v, cmd) { return v instanceof Cmd && (!cmd || v.cmd == cmd); } function isDict(v, type) { if (!(v instanceof Dict)) { return false; } if (!type) { return true; } var dictType = v.get('Type'); return isName(dictType) && dictType.name == type; } function isArray(v) { return v instanceof Array; } function isStream(v) { return typeof v == 'object' && v !== null && v !== undefined && ('getChar' in v); } function isArrayBuffer(v) { return typeof v == 'object' && v !== null && v !== undefined && ('byteLength' in v); } function isRef(v) { return v instanceof Ref; } function isPDFFunction(v) { var fnDict; if (typeof v != 'object') return false; else if (isDict(v)) fnDict = v; else if (isStream(v)) fnDict = v.dict; else return false; return fnDict.has('FunctionType'); } /** * 'Promise' object. * Each object that is stored in PDFObjects is based on a Promise object that * contains the status of the object and the data. There migth be situations, * where a function want to use the value of an object, but it isn't ready at * that time. To get a notification, once the object is ready to be used, s.o. * can add a callback using the `then` method on the promise that then calls * the callback once the object gets resolved. * A promise can get resolved only once and only once the data of the promise * can be set. If any of these happens twice or the data is required before * it was set, an exception is throw. */ var Promise = PDFJS.Promise = (function PromiseClosure() { var EMPTY_PROMISE = {}; /** * If `data` is passed in this constructor, the promise is created resolved. * If there isn't data, it isn't resolved at the beginning. */ function Promise(name, data) { this.name = name; this.isRejected = false; this.error = null; this.exception = null; // If you build a promise and pass in some data it's already resolved. if (data !== null && data !== undefined) { this.isResolved = true; this._data = data; this.hasData = true; } else { this.isResolved = false; this._data = EMPTY_PROMISE; } this.callbacks = []; this.errbacks = []; this.progressbacks = []; } /** * Builds a promise that is resolved when all the passed in promises are * resolved. * @param {Promise[]} promises Array of promises to wait for. * @return {Promise} New dependant promise. */ Promise.all = function Promise_all(promises) { var deferred = new Promise(); var unresolved = promises.length; var results = []; if (unresolved === 0) { deferred.resolve(results); return deferred; } for (var i = 0, ii = promises.length; i < ii; ++i) { var promise = promises[i]; promise.then((function(i) { return function(value) { results[i] = value; unresolved--; if (unresolved === 0) deferred.resolve(results); }; })(i)); } return deferred; }; Promise.prototype = { hasData: false, set data(value) { if (value === undefined) { return; } if (this._data !== EMPTY_PROMISE) { error('Promise ' + this.name + ': Cannot set the data of a promise twice'); } this._data = value; this.hasData = true; if (this.onDataCallback) { this.onDataCallback(value); } }, get data() { if (this._data === EMPTY_PROMISE) { error('Promise ' + this.name + ': Cannot get data that isn\'t set'); } return this._data; }, onData: function Promise_onData(callback) { if (this._data !== EMPTY_PROMISE) { callback(this._data); } else { this.onDataCallback = callback; } }, resolve: function Promise_resolve(data) { if (this.isResolved) { error('A Promise can be resolved only once ' + this.name); } if (this.isRejected) { error('The Promise was already rejected ' + this.name); } this.isResolved = true; this.data = (typeof data !== 'undefined') ? data : null; var callbacks = this.callbacks; for (var i = 0, ii = callbacks.length; i < ii; i++) { callbacks[i].call(null, data); } }, progress: function Promise_progress(data) { var callbacks = this.progressbacks; for (var i = 0, ii = callbacks.length; i < ii; i++) { callbacks[i].call(null, data); } }, reject: function Promise_reject(reason, exception) { if (this.isRejected) { error('A Promise can be rejected only once ' + this.name); } if (this.isResolved) { error('The Promise was already resolved ' + this.name); } this.isRejected = true; this.error = reason || null; this.exception = exception || null; var errbacks = this.errbacks; for (var i = 0, ii = errbacks.length; i < ii; i++) { errbacks[i].call(null, reason, exception); } }, then: function Promise_then(callback, errback, progressback) { if (!callback) { error('Requiring callback' + this.name); } // If the promise is already resolved, call the callback directly. if (this.isResolved) { var data = this.data; callback.call(null, data); } else if (this.isRejected && errback) { var error = this.error; var exception = this.exception; errback.call(null, error, exception); } else { this.callbacks.push(callback); if (errback) this.errbacks.push(errback); } if (progressback) this.progressbacks.push(progressback); } }; return Promise; })(); var StatTimer = (function StatTimerClosure() { function rpad(str, pad, length) { while (str.length < length) str += pad; return str; } function StatTimer() { this.started = {}; this.times = []; this.enabled = true; } StatTimer.prototype = { time: function StatTimer_time(name) { if (!this.enabled) return; if (name in this.started) throw 'Timer is already running for ' + name; this.started[name] = Date.now(); }, timeEnd: function StatTimer_timeEnd(name) { if (!this.enabled) return; if (!(name in this.started)) throw 'Timer has not been started for ' + name; this.times.push({ 'name': name, 'start': this.started[name], 'end': Date.now() }); // Remove timer from started so it can be called again. delete this.started[name]; }, toString: function StatTimer_toString() { var times = this.times; var out = ''; // Find the longest name for padding purposes. var longest = 0; for (var i = 0, ii = times.length; i < ii; ++i) { var name = times[i]['name']; if (name.length > longest) longest = name.length; } for (var i = 0, ii = times.length; i < ii; ++i) { var span = times[i]; var duration = span.end - span.start; out += rpad(span['name'], ' ', longest) + ' ' + duration + 'ms\n'; } return out; } }; return StatTimer; })(); PDFJS.createBlob = function createBlob(data, contentType) { if (typeof Blob === 'function') return new Blob([data], { type: contentType }); // Blob builder is deprecated in FF14 and removed in FF18. var bb = new MozBlobBuilder(); bb.append(data); return bb.getBlob(contentType); }; /** * This is the main entry point for loading a PDF and interacting with it. * NOTE: If a URL is used to fetch the PDF data a standard XMLHttpRequest(XHR) * is used, which means it must follow the same origin rules that any XHR does * e.g. No cross domain requests without CORS. * * @param {string|TypedAray|object} source Can be an url to where a PDF is * located, a typed array (Uint8Array) already populated with data or * and parameter object with the following possible fields: * - url - The URL of the PDF. * - data - A typed array with PDF data. * - httpHeaders - Basic authentication headers. * - password - For decrypting password-protected PDFs. * * @return {Promise} A promise that is resolved with {PDFDocumentProxy} object. */ PDFJS.getDocument = function getDocument(source, pdfDataRangeTransport) { var workerInitializedPromise, workerReadyPromise, transport; if (typeof source === 'string') { source = { url: source }; } else if (isArrayBuffer(source)) { source = { data: source }; } else if (typeof source !== 'object') { error('Invalid parameter in getDocument, need either Uint8Array, ' + 'string or a parameter object'); } if (!source.url && !source.data) error('Invalid parameter array, need either .data or .url'); // copy/use all keys as is except 'url' -- full path is required var params = {}; for (var key in source) { if (key === 'url' && typeof window !== 'undefined') { params[key] = combineUrl(window.location.href, source[key]); continue; } params[key] = source[key]; } workerInitializedPromise = new PDFJS.Promise(); workerReadyPromise = new PDFJS.Promise(); transport = new WorkerTransport(workerInitializedPromise, workerReadyPromise, pdfDataRangeTransport); workerInitializedPromise.then(function transportInitialized() { transport.fetchDocument(params); }); return workerReadyPromise; }; /** * Proxy to a PDFDocument in the worker thread. Also, contains commonly used * properties that can be read synchronously. */ var PDFDocumentProxy = (function PDFDocumentProxyClosure() { function PDFDocumentProxy(pdfInfo, transport) { this.pdfInfo = pdfInfo; this.transport = transport; } PDFDocumentProxy.prototype = { /** * @return {number} Total number of pages the PDF contains. */ get numPages() { return this.pdfInfo.numPages; }, /** * @return {string} A unique ID to identify a PDF. Not guaranteed to be * unique. */ get fingerprint() { return this.pdfInfo.fingerprint; }, /** * @return {boolean} true if embedded document fonts are in use. Will be * set during rendering of the pages. */ get embeddedFontsUsed() { return this.transport.embeddedFontsUsed; }, /** * @param {number} The page number to get. The first page is 1. * @return {Promise} A promise that is resolved with a {PDFPageProxy} * object. */ getPage: function PDFDocumentProxy_getPage(number) { return this.transport.getPage(number); }, /** * @return {Promise} A promise that is resolved with a lookup table for * mapping named destinations to reference numbers. */ getDestinations: function PDFDocumentProxy_getDestinations() { return this.transport.getDestinations(); }, /** * @return {Promise} A promise that is resolved with an {array} that is a * tree outline (if it has one) of the PDF. The tree is in the format of: * [ * { * title: string, * bold: boolean, * italic: boolean, * color: rgb array, * dest: dest obj, * items: array of more items like this * }, * ... * ]. */ getOutline: function PDFDocumentProxy_getOutline() { var promise = new PDFJS.Promise(); var outline = this.pdfInfo.outline; promise.resolve(outline); return promise; }, /** * @return {Promise} A promise that is resolved with an {object} that has * info and metadata properties. Info is an {object} filled with anything * available in the information dictionary and similarly metadata is a * {Metadata} object with information from the metadata section of the PDF. */ getMetadata: function PDFDocumentProxy_getMetadata() { var promise = new PDFJS.Promise(); var info = this.pdfInfo.info; var metadata = this.pdfInfo.metadata; promise.resolve({ info: info, metadata: metadata ? new PDFJS.Metadata(metadata) : null }); return promise; }, isEncrypted: function PDFDocumentProxy_isEncrypted() { var promise = new PDFJS.Promise(); promise.resolve(this.pdfInfo.encrypted); return promise; }, /** * @return {Promise} A promise that is resolved with a TypedArray that has * the raw data from the PDF. */ getData: function PDFDocumentProxy_getData() { var promise = new PDFJS.Promise(); this.transport.getData(promise); return promise; }, destroy: function PDFDocumentProxy_destroy() { this.transport.destroy(); } }; return PDFDocumentProxy; })(); var PDFPageProxy = (function PDFPageProxyClosure() { function PDFPageProxy(pageInfo, transport) { this.pageInfo = pageInfo; this.transport = transport; this.stats = new StatTimer(); this.stats.enabled = !!globalScope.PDFJS.enableStats; this.commonObjs = transport.commonObjs; this.objs = new PDFObjects(); this.renderInProgress = false; this.cleanupAfterRender = false; } PDFPageProxy.prototype = { /** * @return {number} Page number of the page. First page is 1. */ get pageNumber() { return this.pageInfo.pageIndex + 1; }, /** * @return {number} The number of degrees the page is rotated clockwise. */ get rotate() { return this.pageInfo.rotate; }, /** * @return {object} The reference that points to this page. It has 'num' and * 'gen' properties. */ get ref() { return this.pageInfo.ref; }, /** * @return {array} An array of the visible portion of the PDF page in the * user space units - [x1, y1, x2, y2]. */ get view() { return this.pageInfo.view; }, /** * @param {number} scale The desired scale of the viewport. * @param {number} rotate Degrees to rotate the viewport. If omitted this * defaults to the page rotation. * @return {PageViewport} Contains 'width' and 'height' properties along * with transforms required for rendering. */ getViewport: function PDFPageProxy_getViewport(scale, rotate) { if (arguments.length < 2) rotate = this.rotate; return new PDFJS.PageViewport(this.view, scale, rotate, 0, 0); }, /** * @return {Promise} A promise that is resolved with an {array} of the * annotation objects. */ getAnnotations: function PDFPageProxy_getAnnotations() { if (this.annotationsPromise) return this.annotationsPromise; var promise = new PDFJS.Promise(); this.annotationsPromise = promise; this.transport.getAnnotations(this.pageInfo.pageIndex); return promise; }, /** * Begins the process of rendering a page to the desired context. * @param {object} params A parameter object that supports: * { * canvasContext(required): A 2D context of a DOM Canvas object., * textLayer(optional): An object that has beginLayout, endLayout, and * appendText functions., * imageLayer(optional): An object that has beginLayout, endLayout and * appendImage functions., * continueCallback(optional): A function that will be called each time * the rendering is paused. To continue * rendering call the function that is the * first argument to the callback. * }. * @return {Promise} A promise that is resolved when the page finishes * rendering. */ render: function PDFPageProxy_render(params) { this.renderInProgress = true; var promise = new Promise(); var stats = this.stats; stats.time('Overall'); // If there is no displayReadyPromise yet, then the operatorList was never // requested before. Make the request and create the promise. if (!this.displayReadyPromise) { this.displayReadyPromise = new Promise(); this.destroyed = false; this.stats.time('Page Request'); this.transport.messageHandler.send('RenderPageRequest', { pageIndex: this.pageNumber - 1 }); } var self = this; function complete(error) { self.renderInProgress = false; if (self.destroyed || self.cleanupAfterRender) { delete self.displayReadyPromise; delete self.operatorList; self.objs.clear(); } if (error) promise.reject(error); else promise.resolve(); } var continueCallback = params.continueCallback; // Once the operatorList and fonts are loaded, do the actual rendering. this.displayReadyPromise.then( function pageDisplayReadyPromise() { if (self.destroyed) { complete(); return; } var gfx = new CanvasGraphics(params.canvasContext, this.commonObjs, this.objs, !this.pageInfo.disableTextLayer && params.textLayer, params.imageLayer); try { this.display(gfx, params.viewport, complete, continueCallback); } catch (e) { complete(e); } }.bind(this), function pageDisplayReadPromiseError(reason) { complete(reason); } ); return promise; }, /** * For internal use only. */ startRenderingFromOperatorList: function PDFPageProxy_startRenderingFromOperatorList(operatorList, fonts) { var self = this; this.operatorList = operatorList; var displayContinuation = function pageDisplayContinuation() { // Always defer call to display() to work around bug in // Firefox error reporting from XHR callbacks. setTimeout(function pageSetTimeout() { self.displayReadyPromise.resolve(); }); }; this.ensureFonts(fonts, function pageStartRenderingFromOperatorListEnsureFonts() { displayContinuation(); } ); }, /** * For internal use only. */ ensureFonts: function PDFPageProxy_ensureFonts(fonts, callback) { this.stats.time('Font Loading'); // Convert the font names to the corresponding font obj. var fontObjs = []; for (var i = 0, ii = fonts.length; i < ii; i++) { var obj = this.commonObjs.getData(fonts[i]); if (obj.error) { warn('Error during font loading: ' + obj.error); continue; } if (!obj.coded) { this.transport.embeddedFontsUsed = true; } fontObjs.push(obj); } // Load all the fonts FontLoader.bind( fontObjs, function pageEnsureFontsFontObjs(fontObjs) { this.stats.timeEnd('Font Loading'); callback.call(this); }.bind(this) ); }, /** * For internal use only. */ display: function PDFPageProxy_display(gfx, viewport, callback, continueCallback) { var stats = this.stats; stats.time('Rendering'); gfx.beginDrawing(viewport); var startIdx = 0; var length = this.operatorList.fnArray.length; var operatorList = this.operatorList; var stepper = null; if (PDFJS.pdfBug && 'StepperManager' in globalScope && globalScope['StepperManager'].enabled) { stepper = globalScope['StepperManager'].create(this.pageNumber - 1); stepper.init(operatorList); stepper.nextBreakPoint = stepper.getNextBreakPoint(); } var continueWrapper; if (continueCallback) continueWrapper = function() { continueCallback(next); }; else continueWrapper = next; var self = this; function next() { startIdx = gfx.executeOperatorList(operatorList, startIdx, continueWrapper, stepper); if (startIdx == length) { gfx.endDrawing(); stats.timeEnd('Rendering'); stats.timeEnd('Overall'); if (callback) callback(); } } continueWrapper(); }, /** * @return {Promise} That is resolved with the a {string} that is the text * content from the page. */ getTextContent: function PDFPageProxy_getTextContent() { var promise = new PDFJS.Promise(); this.transport.messageHandler.send('GetTextContent', { pageIndex: this.pageNumber - 1 }, function textContentCallback(textContent) { promise.resolve(textContent); } ); return promise; }, /** * Stub for future feature. */ getOperationList: function PDFPageProxy_getOperationList() { var promise = new PDFJS.Promise(); var operationList = { // not implemented dependencyFontsID: null, operatorList: null }; promise.resolve(operationList); return promise; }, /** * Destroys resources allocated by the page. */ destroy: function PDFPageProxy_destroy() { this.destroyed = true; if (!this.renderInProgress) { delete this.operatorList; delete this.displayReadyPromise; this.objs.clear(); } } }; return PDFPageProxy; })(); /** * For internal use only. */ var WorkerTransport = (function WorkerTransportClosure() { function WorkerTransport(workerInitializedPromise, workerReadyPromise, pdfDataRangeTransport) { this.pdfDataRangeTransport = pdfDataRangeTransport; this.workerReadyPromise = workerReadyPromise; this.commonObjs = new PDFObjects(); this.pageCache = []; this.pagePromises = []; this.embeddedFontsUsed = false; // If worker support isn't disabled explicit and the browser has worker // support, create a new web worker and test if it/the browser fullfills // all requirements to run parts of pdf.js in a web worker. // Right now, the requirement is, that an Uint8Array is still an Uint8Array // as it arrives on the worker. Chrome added this with version 15. if (!globalScope.PDFJS.disableWorker && typeof Worker !== 'undefined') { var workerSrc = PDFJS.workerSrc; if (typeof workerSrc === 'undefined') { error('No PDFJS.workerSrc specified'); } try { // Some versions of FF can't create a worker on localhost, see: // https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=683280 var worker = new Worker(workerSrc); var messageHandler = new MessageHandler('main', worker); this.messageHandler = messageHandler; messageHandler.on('test', function transportTest(supportTypedArray) { if (supportTypedArray) { this.worker = worker; this.setupMessageHandler(messageHandler); } else { globalScope.PDFJS.disableWorker = true; this.setupFakeWorker(); } workerInitializedPromise.resolve(); }.bind(this)); var testObj = new Uint8Array(1); // Some versions of Opera throw a DATA_CLONE_ERR on // serializing the typed array. messageHandler.send('test', testObj); return; } catch (e) { info('The worker has been disabled.'); } } // Either workers are disabled, not supported or have thrown an exception. // Thus, we fallback to a faked worker. globalScope.PDFJS.disableWorker = true; this.setupFakeWorker(); workerInitializedPromise.resolve(); } WorkerTransport.prototype = { destroy: function WorkerTransport_destroy() { if (this.worker) this.worker.terminate(); this.pageCache = []; this.pagePromises = []; }, setupFakeWorker: function WorkerTransport_setupFakeWorker() { warn('Setting up fake worker.'); // If we don't use a worker, just post/sendMessage to the main thread. var fakeWorker = { postMessage: function WorkerTransport_postMessage(obj) { fakeWorker.onmessage({data: obj}); }, terminate: function WorkerTransport_terminate() {} }; var messageHandler = new MessageHandler('main', fakeWorker); this.setupMessageHandler(messageHandler); // If the main thread is our worker, setup the handling for the messages // the main thread sends to it self. WorkerMessageHandler.setup(messageHandler); }, setupMessageHandler: function WorkerTransport_setupMessageHandler(messageHandler) { this.messageHandler = messageHandler; var pdfDataRangeTransport = this.pdfDataRangeTransport; if (pdfDataRangeTransport) { pdfDataRangeTransport.addListener(function(args) { messageHandler.send('OnDataRange', args); }); messageHandler.on('RequestDataRange', function transportDataRange(data) { var begin = data.begin; var end = data.end; pdfDataRangeTransport.requestDataRange(begin, end); }, this); } messageHandler.on('GetDoc', function transportDoc(data) { var pdfInfo = data.pdfInfo; var pdfDocument = new PDFDocumentProxy(pdfInfo, this); this.pdfDocument = pdfDocument; this.workerReadyPromise.resolve(pdfDocument); }, this); messageHandler.on('NeedPassword', function transportPassword(data) { this.workerReadyPromise.reject(data.exception.message, data.exception); }, this); messageHandler.on('IncorrectPassword', function transportBadPass(data) { this.workerReadyPromise.reject(data.exception.message, data.exception); }, this); messageHandler.on('InvalidPDF', function transportInvalidPDF(data) { this.workerReadyPromise.reject(data.exception.name, data.exception); }, this); messageHandler.on('MissingPDF', function transportMissingPDF(data) { this.workerReadyPromise.reject(data.exception.message, data.exception); }, this); messageHandler.on('UnknownError', function transportUnknownError(data) { this.workerReadyPromise.reject(data.exception.message, data.exception); }, this); messageHandler.on('GetPage', function transportPage(data) { var pageInfo = data.pageInfo; var page = new PDFPageProxy(pageInfo, this); this.pageCache[pageInfo.pageIndex] = page; var promise = this.pagePromises[pageInfo.pageIndex]; promise.resolve(page); }, this); messageHandler.on('GetDestinations', function transportPage(data) { var destinations = data.destinations; this.destinationsPromise.resolve(destinations); }, this); messageHandler.on('GetAnnotations', function transportAnnotations(data) { var annotations = data.annotations; var promise = this.pageCache[data.pageIndex].annotationsPromise; promise.resolve(annotations); }, this); messageHandler.on('RenderPage', function transportRender(data) { var page = this.pageCache[data.pageIndex]; var depFonts = data.depFonts; page.stats.timeEnd('Page Request'); page.startRenderingFromOperatorList(data.operatorList, depFonts); }, this); messageHandler.on('commonobj', function transportObj(data) { var id = data[0]; var type = data[1]; if (this.commonObjs.hasData(id)) return; switch (type) { case 'Font': var exportedData = data[2]; // At this point, only the font object is created but the font is // not yet attached to the DOM. This is done in `FontLoader.bind`. var font; if ('error' in exportedData) font = new ErrorFont(exportedData.error); else font = new Font(exportedData); this.commonObjs.resolve(id, font); break; default: error('Got unknown common object type ' + type); } }, this); messageHandler.on('obj', function transportObj(data) { var id = data[0]; var pageIndex = data[1]; var type = data[2]; var pageProxy = this.pageCache[pageIndex]; if (pageProxy.objs.hasData(id)) return; switch (type) { case 'JpegStream': var imageData = data[3]; loadJpegStream(id, imageData, pageProxy.objs); break; case 'Image': var imageData = data[3]; pageProxy.objs.resolve(id, imageData); // heuristics that will allow not to store large data var MAX_IMAGE_SIZE_TO_STORE = 8000000; if ('data' in imageData && imageData.data.length > MAX_IMAGE_SIZE_TO_STORE) { pageProxy.cleanupAfterRender = true; } break; default: error('Got unknown object type ' + type); } }, this); messageHandler.on('DocProgress', function transportDocProgress(data) { this.workerReadyPromise.progress({ loaded: data.loaded, total: data.total }); }, this); messageHandler.on('DocError', function transportDocError(data) { this.workerReadyPromise.reject(data); }, this); messageHandler.on('PageError', function transportError(data) { var page = this.pageCache[data.pageNum - 1]; if (page.displayReadyPromise) page.displayReadyPromise.reject(data.error); else error(data.error); }, this); messageHandler.on('JpegDecode', function(data, promise) { var imageData = data[0]; var components = data[1]; if (components != 3 && components != 1) error('Only 3 component or 1 component can be returned'); var img = new Image(); img.onload = (function messageHandler_onloadClosure() { var width = img.width; var height = img.height; var size = width * height; var rgbaLength = size * 4; var buf = new Uint8Array(size * components); var tmpCanvas = createScratchCanvas(width, height); var tmpCtx = tmpCanvas.getContext('2d'); tmpCtx.drawImage(img, 0, 0); var data = tmpCtx.getImageData(0, 0, width, height).data; if (components == 3) { for (var i = 0, j = 0; i < rgbaLength; i += 4, j += 3) { buf[j] = data[i]; buf[j + 1] = data[i + 1]; buf[j + 2] = data[i + 2]; } } else if (components == 1) { for (var i = 0, j = 0; i < rgbaLength; i += 4, j++) { buf[j] = data[i]; } } promise.resolve({ data: buf, width: width, height: height}); }).bind(this); var src = 'data:image/jpeg;base64,' + window.btoa(imageData); img.src = src; }); }, fetchDocument: function WorkerTransport_fetchDocument(source) { extend(source, { chunkedViewerLoading: !!this.pdfDataRangeTransport }); this.messageHandler.send('GetDocRequest', { source: source, rangeSupport: PDFJS.rangeSupport }); }, getData: function WorkerTransport_getData(promise) { this.messageHandler.send('GetData', null, function(data) { promise.resolve(data); }); }, getPage: function WorkerTransport_getPage(pageNumber, promise) { var pageIndex = pageNumber - 1; if (pageIndex in this.pagePromises) return this.pagePromises[pageIndex]; var promise = new PDFJS.Promise('Page ' + pageNumber); this.pagePromises[pageIndex] = promise; this.messageHandler.send('GetPageRequest', { pageIndex: pageIndex }); return promise; }, getAnnotations: function WorkerTransport_getAnnotations(pageIndex) { this.messageHandler.send('GetAnnotationsRequest', { pageIndex: pageIndex }); }, getDestinations: function WorkerTransport_getDestinations() { this.destinationsPromise = new PDFJS.Promise(); this.messageHandler.send('GetDestinationsRequest'); return this.destinationsPromise; } }; return WorkerTransport; })(); // contexts store most of the state we need natively. // However, PDF needs a bit more state, which we store here. var TextRenderingMode = { FILL: 0, STROKE: 1, FILL_STROKE: 2, INVISIBLE: 3, FILL_ADD_TO_PATH: 4, STROKE_ADD_TO_PATH: 5, FILL_STROKE_ADD_TO_PATH: 6, ADD_TO_PATH: 7, ADD_TO_PATH_FLAG: 4 }; // Minimal font size that would be used during canvas fillText operations. var MIN_FONT_SIZE = 1; function createScratchCanvas(width, height) { var canvas = document.createElement('canvas'); canvas.width = width; canvas.height = height; return canvas; } function addContextCurrentTransform(ctx) { // If the context doesn't expose a `mozCurrentTransform`, add a JS based on. if (!ctx.mozCurrentTransform) { // Store the original context ctx._scaleX = ctx._scaleX || 1.0; ctx._scaleY = ctx._scaleY || 1.0; ctx._originalSave = ctx.save; ctx._originalRestore = ctx.restore; ctx._originalRotate = ctx.rotate; ctx._originalScale = ctx.scale; ctx._originalTranslate = ctx.translate; ctx._originalTransform = ctx.transform; ctx._transformMatrix = [ctx._scaleX, 0, 0, ctx._scaleY, 0, 0]; ctx._transformStack = []; Object.defineProperty(ctx, 'mozCurrentTransform', { get: function getCurrentTransform() { return this._transformMatrix; } }); Object.defineProperty(ctx, 'mozCurrentTransformInverse', { get: function getCurrentTransformInverse() { // Calculation done using WolframAlpha: // http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/? // i=Inverse+{{a%2C+c%2C+e}%2C+{b%2C+d%2C+f}%2C+{0%2C+0%2C+1}} var m = this._transformMatrix; var a = m[0], b = m[1], c = m[2], d = m[3], e = m[4], f = m[5]; var ad_bc = a * d - b * c; var bc_ad = b * c - a * d; return [ d / ad_bc, b / bc_ad, c / bc_ad, a / ad_bc, (d * e - c * f) / bc_ad, (b * e - a * f) / ad_bc ]; } }); ctx.save = function ctxSave() { var old = this._transformMatrix; this._transformStack.push(old); this._transformMatrix = old.slice(0, 6); this._originalSave(); }; ctx.restore = function ctxRestore() { var prev = this._transformStack.pop(); if (prev) { this._transformMatrix = prev; this._originalRestore(); } }; ctx.translate = function ctxTranslate(x, y) { var m = this._transformMatrix; m[4] = m[0] * x + m[2] * y + m[4]; m[5] = m[1] * x + m[3] * y + m[5]; this._originalTranslate(x, y); }; ctx.scale = function ctxScale(x, y) { var m = this._transformMatrix; m[0] = m[0] * x; m[1] = m[1] * x; m[2] = m[2] * y; m[3] = m[3] * y; this._originalScale(x, y); }; ctx.transform = function ctxTransform(a, b, c, d, e, f) { var m = this._transformMatrix; this._transformMatrix = [ m[0] * a + m[2] * b, m[1] * a + m[3] * b, m[0] * c + m[2] * d, m[1] * c + m[3] * d, m[0] * e + m[2] * f + m[4], m[1] * e + m[3] * f + m[5] ]; ctx._originalTransform(a, b, c, d, e, f); }; ctx.rotate = function ctxRotate(angle) { var cosValue = Math.cos(angle); var sinValue = Math.sin(angle); var m = this._transformMatrix; this._transformMatrix = [ m[0] * cosValue + m[2] * sinValue, m[1] * cosValue + m[3] * sinValue, m[0] * (-sinValue) + m[2] * cosValue, m[1] * (-sinValue) + m[3] * cosValue, m[4], m[5] ]; this._originalRotate(angle); }; } } var CanvasExtraState = (function CanvasExtraStateClosure() { function CanvasExtraState(old) { // Are soft masks and alpha values shapes or opacities? this.alphaIsShape = false; this.fontSize = 0; this.fontSizeScale = 1; this.textMatrix = IDENTITY_MATRIX; this.fontMatrix = FONT_IDENTITY_MATRIX; this.leading = 0; // Current point (in user coordinates) this.x = 0; this.y = 0; // Start of text line (in text coordinates) this.lineX = 0; this.lineY = 0; // Character and word spacing this.charSpacing = 0; this.wordSpacing = 0; this.textHScale = 1; this.textRenderingMode = TextRenderingMode.FILL; this.textRise = 0; // Color spaces this.fillColorSpace = new DeviceGrayCS(); this.fillColorSpaceObj = null; this.strokeColorSpace = new DeviceGrayCS(); this.strokeColorSpaceObj = null; this.fillColorObj = null; this.strokeColorObj = null; // Default fore and background colors this.fillColor = '#000000'; this.strokeColor = '#000000'; // Note: fill alpha applies to all non-stroking operations this.fillAlpha = 1; this.strokeAlpha = 1; this.lineWidth = 1; this.paintFormXObjectDepth = 0; this.old = old; } CanvasExtraState.prototype = { clone: function CanvasExtraState_clone() { return Object.create(this); }, setCurrentPoint: function CanvasExtraState_setCurrentPoint(x, y) { this.x = x; this.y = y; } }; return CanvasExtraState; })(); var CanvasGraphics = (function CanvasGraphicsClosure() { // Defines the time the executeOperatorList is going to be executing // before it stops and shedules a continue of execution. var EXECUTION_TIME = 15; function CanvasGraphics(canvasCtx, commonObjs, objs, textLayer, imageLayer) { this.ctx = canvasCtx; this.current = new CanvasExtraState(); this.stateStack = []; this.pendingClip = null; this.res = null; this.xobjs = null; this.commonObjs = commonObjs; this.objs = objs; this.textLayer = textLayer; this.imageLayer = imageLayer; if (canvasCtx) { addContextCurrentTransform(canvasCtx); } } function applyStencilMask(imgArray, width, height, inverseDecode, buffer) { var imgArrayPos = 0; var i, j, mask, buf; // removing making non-masked pixels transparent var bufferPos = 3; // alpha component offset for (i = 0; i < height; i++) { mask = 0; for (j = 0; j < width; j++) { if (!mask) { buf = imgArray[imgArrayPos++]; mask = 128; } if (!(buf & mask) === inverseDecode) { buffer[bufferPos] = 0; } bufferPos += 4; mask >>= 1; } } } function putBinaryImageData(ctx, data, w, h) { var tmpImgData = 'createImageData' in ctx ? ctx.createImageData(w, h) : ctx.getImageData(0, 0, w, h); var tmpImgDataPixels = tmpImgData.data; if ('set' in tmpImgDataPixels) tmpImgDataPixels.set(data); else { // Copy over the imageData pixel by pixel. for (var i = 0, ii = tmpImgDataPixels.length; i < ii; i++) tmpImgDataPixels[i] = data[i]; } ctx.putImageData(tmpImgData, 0, 0); } function prescaleImage(pixels, width, height, widthScale, heightScale) { pixels = new Uint8Array(pixels); // creating a copy while (widthScale > 2 || heightScale > 2) { if (heightScale > 2) { // scaling image twice vertically var rowSize = width * 4; var k = 0, l = 0; for (var i = 0; i < height - 1; i += 2) { for (var j = 0; j < width; j++) { var alpha1 = pixels[k + 3], alpha2 = pixels[k + 3 + rowSize]; if (alpha1 === alpha2) { pixels[l] = (pixels[k] + pixels[k + rowSize]) >> 1; pixels[l + 1] = (pixels[k + 1] + pixels[k + 1 + rowSize]) >> 1; pixels[l + 2] = (pixels[k + 2] + pixels[k + 2 + rowSize]) >> 1; pixels[l + 3] = alpha1; } else if (alpha1 < alpha2) { var d = 256 - alpha2 + alpha1; pixels[l] = (pixels[k] * d + (pixels[k + rowSize] << 8)) >> 9; pixels[l + 1] = (pixels[k + 1] * d + (pixels[k + 1 + rowSize] << 8)) >> 9; pixels[l + 2] = (pixels[k + 2] * d + (pixels[k + 2 + rowSize] << 8)) >> 9; pixels[l + 3] = alpha2; } else { var d = 256 - alpha1 + alpha2; pixels[l] = ((pixels[k] << 8) + pixels[k + rowSize] * d) >> 9; pixels[l + 1] = ((pixels[k + 1] << 8) + pixels[k + 1 + rowSize] * d) >> 9; pixels[l + 2] = ((pixels[k + 2] << 8) + pixels[k + 2 + rowSize] * d) >> 9; pixels[l + 3] = alpha1; } k += 4; l += 4; } k += rowSize; } if (height & 1) { for (var i = 0; i < rowSize; i++) { pixels[l++] = pixels[k++]; } } height = (height + 1) >> 1; heightScale /= 2; } if (widthScale > 2) { // scaling image twice horizontally var k = 0, l = 0; for (var i = 0; i < height; i++) { for (var j = 0; j < width - 1; j += 2) { var alpha1 = pixels[k + 3], alpha2 = pixels[k + 7]; if (alpha1 === alpha2) { pixels[l] = (pixels[k] + pixels[k + 4]) >> 1; pixels[l + 1] = (pixels[k + 1] + pixels[k + 5]) >> 1; pixels[l + 2] = (pixels[k + 2] + pixels[k + 6]) >> 1; pixels[l + 3] = alpha1; } else if (alpha1 < alpha2) { var d = 256 - alpha2 + alpha1; pixels[l] = (pixels[k] * d + (pixels[k + 4] << 8)) >> 9; pixels[l + 1] = (pixels[k + 1] * d + (pixels[k + 5] << 8)) >> 9; pixels[l + 2] = (pixels[k + 2] * d + (pixels[k + 6] << 8)) >> 9; pixels[l + 3] = alpha2; } else { var d = 256 - alpha1 + alpha2; pixels[l] = ((pixels[k] << 8) + pixels[k + 4] * d) >> 9; pixels[l + 1] = ((pixels[k + 1] << 8) + pixels[k + 5] * d) >> 9; pixels[l + 2] = ((pixels[k + 2] << 8) + pixels[k + 6] * d) >> 9; pixels[l + 3] = alpha1; } k += 8; l += 4; } if (width & 1) { pixels[l++] = pixels[k++]; pixels[l++] = pixels[k++]; pixels[l++] = pixels[k++]; pixels[l++] = pixels[k++]; } } width = (width + 1) >> 1; widthScale /= 2; } } var tmpCanvas = createScratchCanvas(width, height); var tmpCtx = tmpCanvas.getContext('2d'); putBinaryImageData(tmpCtx, pixels.subarray(0, width * height * 4), width, height); return tmpCanvas; } var LINE_CAP_STYLES = ['butt', 'round', 'square']; var LINE_JOIN_STYLES = ['miter', 'round', 'bevel']; var NORMAL_CLIP = {}; var EO_CLIP = {}; CanvasGraphics.prototype = { slowCommands: { 'stroke': true, 'closeStroke': true, 'fill': true, 'eoFill': true, 'fillStroke': true, 'eoFillStroke': true, 'closeFillStroke': true, 'closeEOFillStroke': true, 'showText': true, 'showSpacedText': true, 'setStrokeColorSpace': true, 'setFillColorSpace': true, 'setStrokeColor': true, 'setStrokeColorN': true, 'setFillColor': true, 'setFillColorN': true, 'setStrokeGray': true, 'setFillGray': true, 'setStrokeRGBColor': true, 'setFillRGBColor': true, 'setStrokeCMYKColor': true, 'setFillCMYKColor': true, 'paintJpegXObject': true, 'paintImageXObject': true, 'paintInlineImageXObject': true, 'paintInlineImageXObjectGroup': true, 'paintImageMaskXObject': true, 'paintImageMaskXObjectGroup': true, 'shadingFill': true }, beginDrawing: function CanvasGraphics_beginDrawing(viewport) { var transform = viewport.transform; this.ctx.save(); this.ctx.transform.apply(this.ctx, transform); if (this.textLayer) { this.textLayer.beginLayout(); } if (this.imageLayer) { this.imageLayer.beginLayout(); } }, executeOperatorList: function CanvasGraphics_executeOperatorList( operatorList, executionStartIdx, continueCallback, stepper) { var argsArray = operatorList.argsArray; var fnArray = operatorList.fnArray; var i = executionStartIdx || 0; var argsArrayLen = argsArray.length; // Sometimes the OperatorList to execute is empty. if (argsArrayLen == i) { return i; } var executionEndIdx; var endTime = Date.now() + EXECUTION_TIME; var commonObjs = this.commonObjs; var objs = this.objs; var fnName; var slowCommands = this.slowCommands; while (true) { if (stepper && i === stepper.nextBreakPoint) { stepper.breakIt(i, continueCallback); return i; } fnName = fnArray[i]; if (fnName !== 'dependency') { this[fnName].apply(this, argsArray[i]); } else { var deps = argsArray[i]; for (var n = 0, nn = deps.length; n < nn; n++) { var depObjId = deps[n]; var common = depObjId.substring(0, 2) == 'g_'; // If the promise isn't resolved yet, add the continueCallback // to the promise and bail out. if (!common && !objs.isResolved(depObjId)) { objs.get(depObjId, continueCallback); return i; } if (common && !commonObjs.isResolved(depObjId)) { commonObjs.get(depObjId, continueCallback); return i; } } } i++; // If the entire operatorList was executed, stop as were done. if (i == argsArrayLen) { return i; } // If the execution took longer then a certain amount of time, shedule // to continue exeution after a short delay. // However, this is only possible if a 'continueCallback' is passed in. if (continueCallback && slowCommands[fnName] && Date.now() > endTime) { setTimeout(continueCallback, 0); return i; } // If the operatorList isn't executed completely yet OR the execution // time was short enough, do another execution round. } }, endDrawing: function CanvasGraphics_endDrawing() { this.ctx.restore(); if (this.textLayer) { this.textLayer.endLayout(); } if (this.imageLayer) { this.imageLayer.endLayout(); } }, // Graphics state setLineWidth: function CanvasGraphics_setLineWidth(width) { this.current.lineWidth = width; this.ctx.lineWidth = width; }, setLineCap: function CanvasGraphics_setLineCap(style) { this.ctx.lineCap = LINE_CAP_STYLES[style]; }, setLineJoin: function CanvasGraphics_setLineJoin(style) { this.ctx.lineJoin = LINE_JOIN_STYLES[style]; }, setMiterLimit: function CanvasGraphics_setMiterLimit(limit) { this.ctx.miterLimit = limit; }, setDash: function CanvasGraphics_setDash(dashArray, dashPhase) { var ctx = this.ctx; if ('setLineDash' in ctx) { ctx.setLineDash(dashArray); ctx.lineDashOffset = dashPhase; } else { ctx.mozDash = dashArray; ctx.mozDashOffset = dashPhase; } }, setRenderingIntent: function CanvasGraphics_setRenderingIntent(intent) { // Maybe if we one day fully support color spaces this will be important // for now we can ignore. // TODO set rendering intent? }, setFlatness: function CanvasGraphics_setFlatness(flatness) { // There's no way to control this with canvas, but we can safely ignore. // TODO set flatness? }, setGState: function CanvasGraphics_setGState(states) { for (var i = 0, ii = states.length; i < ii; i++) { var state = states[i]; var key = state[0]; var value = state[1]; switch (key) { case 'LW': this.setLineWidth(value); break; case 'LC': this.setLineCap(value); break; case 'LJ': this.setLineJoin(value); break; case 'ML': this.setMiterLimit(value); break; case 'D': this.setDash(value[0], value[1]); break; case 'RI': this.setRenderingIntent(value); break; case 'FL': this.setFlatness(value); break; case 'Font': this.setFont(state[1], state[2]); break; case 'CA': this.current.strokeAlpha = state[1]; break; case 'ca': this.current.fillAlpha = state[1]; this.ctx.globalAlpha = state[1]; break; } } }, save: function CanvasGraphics_save() { this.ctx.save(); var old = this.current; this.stateStack.push(old); this.current = old.clone(); }, restore: function CanvasGraphics_restore() { if ('textClipLayers' in this) { this.completeTextClipping(); } var prev = this.stateStack.pop(); if (prev) { this.current = prev; this.ctx.restore(); } }, transform: function CanvasGraphics_transform(a, b, c, d, e, f) { this.ctx.transform(a, b, c, d, e, f); }, // Path moveTo: function CanvasGraphics_moveTo(x, y) { this.ctx.moveTo(x, y); this.current.setCurrentPoint(x, y); }, lineTo: function CanvasGraphics_lineTo(x, y) { this.ctx.lineTo(x, y); this.current.setCurrentPoint(x, y); }, curveTo: function CanvasGraphics_curveTo(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3) { this.ctx.bezierCurveTo(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3); this.current.setCurrentPoint(x3, y3); }, curveTo2: function CanvasGraphics_curveTo2(x2, y2, x3, y3) { var current = this.current; this.ctx.bezierCurveTo(current.x, current.y, x2, y2, x3, y3); current.setCurrentPoint(x3, y3); }, curveTo3: function CanvasGraphics_curveTo3(x1, y1, x3, y3) { this.curveTo(x1, y1, x3, y3, x3, y3); this.current.setCurrentPoint(x3, y3); }, closePath: function CanvasGraphics_closePath() { this.ctx.closePath(); }, rectangle: function CanvasGraphics_rectangle(x, y, width, height) { this.ctx.rect(x, y, width, height); }, stroke: function CanvasGraphics_stroke(consumePath) { consumePath = typeof consumePath !== 'undefined' ? consumePath : true; var ctx = this.ctx; var strokeColor = this.current.strokeColor; if (this.current.lineWidth === 0) ctx.lineWidth = this.getSinglePixelWidth(); // For stroke we want to temporarily change the global alpha to the // stroking alpha. ctx.globalAlpha = this.current.strokeAlpha; if (strokeColor && strokeColor.hasOwnProperty('type') && strokeColor.type === 'Pattern') { // for patterns, we transform to pattern space, calculate // the pattern, call stroke, and restore to user space ctx.save(); ctx.strokeStyle = strokeColor.getPattern(ctx); ctx.stroke(); ctx.restore(); } else { ctx.stroke(); } if (consumePath) this.consumePath(); // Restore the global alpha to the fill alpha ctx.globalAlpha = this.current.fillAlpha; }, closeStroke: function CanvasGraphics_closeStroke() { this.closePath(); this.stroke(); }, fill: function CanvasGraphics_fill(consumePath) { consumePath = typeof consumePath !== 'undefined' ? consumePath : true; var ctx = this.ctx; var fillColor = this.current.fillColor; if (fillColor && fillColor.hasOwnProperty('type') && fillColor.type === 'Pattern') { ctx.save(); ctx.fillStyle = fillColor.getPattern(ctx); ctx.fill(); ctx.restore(); } else { ctx.fill(); } if (consumePath) this.consumePath(); }, eoFill: function CanvasGraphics_eoFill() { var savedFillRule = this.setEOFillRule(); this.fill(); this.restoreFillRule(savedFillRule); }, fillStroke: function CanvasGraphics_fillStroke() { this.fill(false); this.stroke(false); this.consumePath(); }, eoFillStroke: function CanvasGraphics_eoFillStroke() { var savedFillRule = this.setEOFillRule(); this.fillStroke(); this.restoreFillRule(savedFillRule); }, closeFillStroke: function CanvasGraphics_closeFillStroke() { this.closePath(); this.fillStroke(); }, closeEOFillStroke: function CanvasGraphics_closeEOFillStroke() { var savedFillRule = this.setEOFillRule(); this.closePath(); this.fillStroke(); this.restoreFillRule(savedFillRule); }, endPath: function CanvasGraphics_endPath() { this.consumePath(); }, // Clipping clip: function CanvasGraphics_clip() { this.pendingClip = NORMAL_CLIP; }, eoClip: function CanvasGraphics_eoClip() { this.pendingClip = EO_CLIP; }, // Text beginText: function CanvasGraphics_beginText() { this.current.textMatrix = IDENTITY_MATRIX; this.current.x = this.current.lineX = 0; this.current.y = this.current.lineY = 0; }, endText: function CanvasGraphics_endText() { if ('textClipLayers' in this) { this.swapImageForTextClipping(); } }, getCurrentTextClipping: function CanvasGraphics_getCurrentTextClipping() { var ctx = this.ctx; var transform = ctx.mozCurrentTransform; if ('textClipLayers' in this) { // we need to reset only font and transform var maskCtx = this.textClipLayers.maskCtx; maskCtx.setTransform.apply(maskCtx, transform); maskCtx.font = ctx.font; return maskCtx; } var canvasWidth = ctx.canvas.width; var canvasHeight = ctx.canvas.height; // keeping track of the text clipping of the separate canvas var maskCanvas = createScratchCanvas(canvasWidth, canvasHeight); var maskCtx = maskCanvas.getContext('2d'); maskCtx.setTransform.apply(maskCtx, transform); maskCtx.font = ctx.font; var textClipLayers = { maskCanvas: maskCanvas, maskCtx: maskCtx }; this.textClipLayers = textClipLayers; return maskCtx; }, swapImageForTextClipping: function CanvasGraphics_swapImageForTextClipping() { var ctx = this.ctx; var canvasWidth = ctx.canvas.width; var canvasHeight = ctx.canvas.height; // saving current image content and clearing whole canvas ctx.save(); ctx.setTransform(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0); var data = ctx.getImageData(0, 0, canvasWidth, canvasHeight); this.textClipLayers.imageData = data; ctx.clearRect(0, 0, canvasWidth, canvasHeight); ctx.restore(); }, completeTextClipping: function CanvasGraphics_completeTextClipping() { var ctx = this.ctx; // applying mask to the image (result is saved in maskCanvas) var maskCtx = this.textClipLayers.maskCtx; maskCtx.setTransform(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0); maskCtx.globalCompositeOperation = 'source-in'; maskCtx.drawImage(ctx.canvas, 0, 0); // restoring image data and applying the result of masked drawing ctx.save(); ctx.setTransform(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0); ctx.putImageData(this.textClipLayers.imageData, 0, 0); ctx.drawImage(this.textClipLayers.maskCanvas, 0, 0); ctx.restore(); delete this.textClipLayers; }, setCharSpacing: function CanvasGraphics_setCharSpacing(spacing) { this.current.charSpacing = spacing; }, setWordSpacing: function CanvasGraphics_setWordSpacing(spacing) { this.current.wordSpacing = spacing; }, setHScale: function CanvasGraphics_setHScale(scale) { this.current.textHScale = scale / 100; }, setLeading: function CanvasGraphics_setLeading(leading) { this.current.leading = -leading; }, setFont: function CanvasGraphics_setFont(fontRefName, size) { var fontObj = this.commonObjs.get(fontRefName); var current = this.current; if (!fontObj) error('Can\'t find font for ' + fontRefName); current.fontMatrix = fontObj.fontMatrix ? fontObj.fontMatrix : FONT_IDENTITY_MATRIX; // A valid matrix needs all main diagonal elements to be non-zero // This also ensures we bypass FF bugzilla bug #719844. if (current.fontMatrix[0] === 0 || current.fontMatrix[3] === 0) { warn('Invalid font matrix for font ' + fontRefName); } // The spec for Tf (setFont) says that 'size' specifies the font 'scale', // and in some docs this can be negative (inverted x-y axes). if (size < 0) { size = -size; current.fontDirection = -1; } else { current.fontDirection = 1; } this.current.font = fontObj; this.current.fontSize = size; if (fontObj.coded) return; // we don't need ctx.font for Type3 fonts var name = fontObj.loadedName || 'sans-serif'; var bold = fontObj.black ? (fontObj.bold ? 'bolder' : 'bold') : (fontObj.bold ? 'bold' : 'normal'); var italic = fontObj.italic ? 'italic' : 'normal'; var typeface = '"' + name + '", ' + fontObj.fallbackName; // Some font backends cannot handle fonts below certain size. // Keeping the font at minimal size and using the fontSizeScale to change // the current transformation matrix before the fillText/strokeText. // See https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=726227 var browserFontSize = size >= MIN_FONT_SIZE ? size : MIN_FONT_SIZE; this.current.fontSizeScale = browserFontSize != MIN_FONT_SIZE ? 1.0 : size / MIN_FONT_SIZE; var rule = italic + ' ' + bold + ' ' + browserFontSize + 'px ' + typeface; this.ctx.font = rule; }, setTextRenderingMode: function CanvasGraphics_setTextRenderingMode(mode) { this.current.textRenderingMode = mode; }, setTextRise: function CanvasGraphics_setTextRise(rise) { this.current.textRise = rise; }, moveText: function CanvasGraphics_moveText(x, y) { this.current.x = this.current.lineX += x; this.current.y = this.current.lineY += y; }, setLeadingMoveText: function CanvasGraphics_setLeadingMoveText(x, y) { this.setLeading(-y); this.moveText(x, y); }, setTextMatrix: function CanvasGraphics_setTextMatrix(a, b, c, d, e, f) { this.current.textMatrix = [a, b, c, d, e, f]; this.current.x = this.current.lineX = 0; this.current.y = this.current.lineY = 0; }, nextLine: function CanvasGraphics_nextLine() { this.moveText(0, this.current.leading); }, applyTextTransforms: function CanvasGraphics_applyTextTransforms() { var ctx = this.ctx; var current = this.current; ctx.transform.apply(ctx, current.textMatrix); ctx.translate(current.x, current.y + current.textRise); if (current.fontDirection > 0) { ctx.scale(current.textHScale, -1); } else { ctx.scale(-current.textHScale, 1); } }, createTextGeometry: function CanvasGraphics_createTextGeometry() { var geometry = {}; var ctx = this.ctx; var font = this.current.font; var ctxMatrix = ctx.mozCurrentTransform; if (ctxMatrix) { var bl = Util.applyTransform([0, 0], ctxMatrix); var tr = Util.applyTransform([1, 1], ctxMatrix); geometry.x = bl[0]; geometry.y = bl[1]; geometry.hScale = tr[0] - bl[0]; geometry.vScale = tr[1] - bl[1]; } geometry.spaceWidth = font.spaceWidth; geometry.fontName = font.loadedName; geometry.fontFamily = font.fallbackName; geometry.fontSize = this.current.fontSize; return geometry; }, showText: function CanvasGraphics_showText(str, skipTextSelection) { var ctx = this.ctx; var current = this.current; var font = current.font; var glyphs = font.charsToGlyphs(str); var fontSize = current.fontSize; var fontSizeScale = current.fontSizeScale; var charSpacing = current.charSpacing; var wordSpacing = current.wordSpacing; var textHScale = current.textHScale * current.fontDirection; var fontMatrix = current.fontMatrix || FONT_IDENTITY_MATRIX; var glyphsLength = glyphs.length; var textLayer = this.textLayer; var geom; var textSelection = textLayer && !skipTextSelection ? true : false; var textRenderingMode = current.textRenderingMode; var canvasWidth = 0.0; // Type3 fonts - each glyph is a "mini-PDF" if (font.coded) { ctx.save(); ctx.transform.apply(ctx, current.textMatrix); ctx.translate(current.x, current.y); ctx.scale(textHScale, 1); if (textSelection) { this.save(); ctx.scale(1, -1); geom = this.createTextGeometry(); this.restore(); } for (var i = 0; i < glyphsLength; ++i) { var glyph = glyphs[i]; if (glyph === null) { // word break this.ctx.translate(wordSpacing, 0); current.x += wordSpacing * textHScale; continue; } this.save(); ctx.scale(fontSize, fontSize); ctx.transform.apply(ctx, fontMatrix); this.executeOperatorList(glyph.operatorList); this.restore(); var transformed = Util.applyTransform([glyph.width, 0], fontMatrix); var width = (transformed[0] * fontSize + charSpacing) * current.fontDirection; ctx.translate(width, 0); current.x += width * textHScale; canvasWidth += width; } ctx.restore(); } else { ctx.save(); this.applyTextTransforms(); var lineWidth = current.lineWidth; var a1 = current.textMatrix[0], b1 = current.textMatrix[1]; var scale = Math.sqrt(a1 * a1 + b1 * b1); if (scale === 0 || lineWidth === 0) lineWidth = this.getSinglePixelWidth(); else lineWidth /= scale; if (textSelection) geom = this.createTextGeometry(); if (fontSizeScale != 1.0) { ctx.scale(fontSizeScale, fontSizeScale); lineWidth /= fontSizeScale; } ctx.lineWidth = lineWidth; var x = 0; for (var i = 0; i < glyphsLength; ++i) { var glyph = glyphs[i]; if (glyph === null) { // word break x += current.fontDirection * wordSpacing; continue; } var character = glyph.fontChar; var charWidth = glyph.width * fontSize * current.fontMatrix[0] + charSpacing * current.fontDirection; if (!glyph.disabled) { var scaledX = x / fontSizeScale; switch (textRenderingMode) { default: // other unsupported rendering modes case TextRenderingMode.FILL: case TextRenderingMode.FILL_ADD_TO_PATH: ctx.fillText(character, scaledX, 0); break; case TextRenderingMode.STROKE: case TextRenderingMode.STROKE_ADD_TO_PATH: ctx.strokeText(character, scaledX, 0); break; case TextRenderingMode.FILL_STROKE: case TextRenderingMode.FILL_STROKE_ADD_TO_PATH: ctx.fillText(character, scaledX, 0); ctx.strokeText(character, scaledX, 0); break; case TextRenderingMode.INVISIBLE: case TextRenderingMode.ADD_TO_PATH: break; } if (textRenderingMode & TextRenderingMode.ADD_TO_PATH_FLAG) { var clipCtx = this.getCurrentTextClipping(); clipCtx.fillText(character, scaledX, 0); } } x += charWidth; canvasWidth += charWidth; } current.x += x * textHScale; ctx.restore(); } if (textSelection) { geom.canvasWidth = canvasWidth; this.textLayer.appendText(geom); } return canvasWidth; }, showSpacedText: function CanvasGraphics_showSpacedText(arr) { var ctx = this.ctx; var current = this.current; var font = current.font; var fontSize = current.fontSize; var textHScale = current.textHScale * (current.fontMatrix && !font.coded ? current.fontMatrix[0] : FONT_IDENTITY_MATRIX[0]) * current.fontDirection; var arrLength = arr.length; var textLayer = this.textLayer; var geom; var canvasWidth = 0.0; var textSelection = textLayer ? true : false; if (textSelection) { ctx.save(); this.applyTextTransforms(); geom = this.createTextGeometry(); ctx.restore(); } for (var i = 0; i < arrLength; ++i) { var e = arr[i]; if (isNum(e)) { var spacingLength = -e * fontSize * textHScale; current.x += spacingLength; if (textSelection) canvasWidth += spacingLength; } else if (isString(e)) { var shownCanvasWidth = this.showText(e, true); if (textSelection) canvasWidth += shownCanvasWidth; } else { error('TJ array element ' + e + ' is not string or num'); } } if (textSelection) { geom.canvasWidth = canvasWidth; this.textLayer.appendText(geom); } }, nextLineShowText: function CanvasGraphics_nextLineShowText(text) { this.nextLine(); this.showText(text); }, nextLineSetSpacingShowText: function CanvasGraphics_nextLineSetSpacingShowText(wordSpacing, charSpacing, text) { this.setWordSpacing(wordSpacing); this.setCharSpacing(charSpacing); this.nextLineShowText(text); }, // Type3 fonts setCharWidth: function CanvasGraphics_setCharWidth(xWidth, yWidth) { // We can safely ignore this since the width should be the same // as the width in the Widths array. }, setCharWidthAndBounds: function CanvasGraphics_setCharWidthAndBounds(xWidth, yWidth, llx, lly, urx, ury) { // TODO According to the spec we're also suppose to ignore any operators // that set color or include images while processing this type3 font. this.rectangle(llx, lly, urx - llx, ury - lly); this.clip(); this.endPath(); }, // Color setStrokeColorSpace: function CanvasGraphics_setStrokeColorSpace(raw) { this.current.strokeColorSpace = ColorSpace.fromIR(raw); }, setFillColorSpace: function CanvasGraphics_setFillColorSpace(raw) { this.current.fillColorSpace = ColorSpace.fromIR(raw); }, setStrokeColor: function CanvasGraphics_setStrokeColor(/*...*/) { var cs = this.current.strokeColorSpace; var rgbColor = cs.getRgb(arguments, 0); var color = Util.makeCssRgb(rgbColor); this.ctx.strokeStyle = color; this.current.strokeColor = color; }, getColorN_Pattern: function CanvasGraphics_getColorN_Pattern(IR, cs) { if (IR[0] == 'TilingPattern') { var args = IR[1]; var base = cs.base; var color; if (base) { var baseComps = base.numComps; color = base.getRgb(args, 0); } var pattern = new TilingPattern(IR, color, this.ctx, this.objs); } else if (IR[0] == 'RadialAxial' || IR[0] == 'Dummy') { var pattern = Pattern.shadingFromIR(IR); } else { error('Unkown IR type ' + IR[0]); } return pattern; }, setStrokeColorN: function CanvasGraphics_setStrokeColorN(/*...*/) { var cs = this.current.strokeColorSpace; if (cs.name == 'Pattern') { this.current.strokeColor = this.getColorN_Pattern(arguments, cs); } else { this.setStrokeColor.apply(this, arguments); } }, setFillColor: function CanvasGraphics_setFillColor(/*...*/) { var cs = this.current.fillColorSpace; var rgbColor = cs.getRgb(arguments, 0); var color = Util.makeCssRgb(rgbColor); this.ctx.fillStyle = color; this.current.fillColor = color; }, setFillColorN: function CanvasGraphics_setFillColorN(/*...*/) { var cs = this.current.fillColorSpace; if (cs.name == 'Pattern') { this.current.fillColor = this.getColorN_Pattern(arguments, cs); } else { this.setFillColor.apply(this, arguments); } }, setStrokeGray: function CanvasGraphics_setStrokeGray(gray) { if (!(this.current.strokeColorSpace instanceof DeviceGrayCS)) this.current.strokeColorSpace = new DeviceGrayCS(); var rgbColor = this.current.strokeColorSpace.getRgb(arguments, 0); var color = Util.makeCssRgb(rgbColor); this.ctx.strokeStyle = color; this.current.strokeColor = color; }, setFillGray: function CanvasGraphics_setFillGray(gray) { if (!(this.current.fillColorSpace instanceof DeviceGrayCS)) this.current.fillColorSpace = new DeviceGrayCS(); var rgbColor = this.current.fillColorSpace.getRgb(arguments, 0); var color = Util.makeCssRgb(rgbColor); this.ctx.fillStyle = color; this.current.fillColor = color; }, setStrokeRGBColor: function CanvasGraphics_setStrokeRGBColor(r, g, b) { if (!(this.current.strokeColorSpace instanceof DeviceRgbCS)) this.current.strokeColorSpace = new DeviceRgbCS(); var rgbColor = this.current.strokeColorSpace.getRgb(arguments, 0); var color = Util.makeCssRgb(rgbColor); this.ctx.strokeStyle = color; this.current.strokeColor = color; }, setFillRGBColor: function CanvasGraphics_setFillRGBColor(r, g, b) { if (!(this.current.fillColorSpace instanceof DeviceRgbCS)) this.current.fillColorSpace = new DeviceRgbCS(); var rgbColor = this.current.fillColorSpace.getRgb(arguments, 0); var color = Util.makeCssRgb(rgbColor); this.ctx.fillStyle = color; this.current.fillColor = color; }, setStrokeCMYKColor: function CanvasGraphics_setStrokeCMYKColor(c, m, y, k) { if (!(this.current.strokeColorSpace instanceof DeviceCmykCS)) this.current.strokeColorSpace = new DeviceCmykCS(); var color = Util.makeCssCmyk(arguments); this.ctx.strokeStyle = color; this.current.strokeColor = color; }, setFillCMYKColor: function CanvasGraphics_setFillCMYKColor(c, m, y, k) { if (!(this.current.fillColorSpace instanceof DeviceCmykCS)) this.current.fillColorSpace = new DeviceCmykCS(); var color = Util.makeCssCmyk(arguments); this.ctx.fillStyle = color; this.current.fillColor = color; }, shadingFill: function CanvasGraphics_shadingFill(patternIR) { var ctx = this.ctx; this.save(); var pattern = Pattern.shadingFromIR(patternIR); ctx.fillStyle = pattern.getPattern(ctx); var inv = ctx.mozCurrentTransformInverse; if (inv) { var canvas = ctx.canvas; var width = canvas.width; var height = canvas.height; var bl = Util.applyTransform([0, 0], inv); var br = Util.applyTransform([0, height], inv); var ul = Util.applyTransform([width, 0], inv); var ur = Util.applyTransform([width, height], inv); var x0 = Math.min(bl[0], br[0], ul[0], ur[0]); var y0 = Math.min(bl[1], br[1], ul[1], ur[1]); var x1 = Math.max(bl[0], br[0], ul[0], ur[0]); var y1 = Math.max(bl[1], br[1], ul[1], ur[1]); this.ctx.fillRect(x0, y0, x1 - x0, y1 - y0); } else { // HACK to draw the gradient onto an infinite rectangle. // PDF gradients are drawn across the entire image while // Canvas only allows gradients to be drawn in a rectangle // The following bug should allow us to remove this. // https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=664884 this.ctx.fillRect(-1e10, -1e10, 2e10, 2e10); } this.restore(); }, // Images beginInlineImage: function CanvasGraphics_beginInlineImage() { error('Should not call beginInlineImage'); }, beginImageData: function CanvasGraphics_beginImageData() { error('Should not call beginImageData'); }, paintFormXObjectBegin: function CanvasGraphics_paintFormXObjectBegin(matrix, bbox) { this.save(); this.current.paintFormXObjectDepth++; if (matrix && isArray(matrix) && 6 == matrix.length) this.transform.apply(this, matrix); if (bbox && isArray(bbox) && 4 == bbox.length) { var width = bbox[2] - bbox[0]; var height = bbox[3] - bbox[1]; this.rectangle(bbox[0], bbox[1], width, height); this.clip(); this.endPath(); } }, paintFormXObjectEnd: function CanvasGraphics_paintFormXObjectEnd() { var depth = this.current.paintFormXObjectDepth; do { this.restore(); // some pdf don't close all restores inside object // closing those for them } while (this.current.paintFormXObjectDepth >= depth); }, paintJpegXObject: function CanvasGraphics_paintJpegXObject(objId, w, h) { var domImage = this.objs.get(objId); if (!domImage) { error('Dependent image isn\'t ready yet'); } this.save(); var ctx = this.ctx; // scale the image to the unit square ctx.scale(1 / w, -1 / h); ctx.drawImage(domImage, 0, 0, domImage.width, domImage.height, 0, -h, w, h); if (this.imageLayer) { var currentTransform = ctx.mozCurrentTransformInverse; var position = this.getCanvasPosition(0, 0); this.imageLayer.appendImage({ objId: objId, left: position[0], top: position[1], width: w / currentTransform[0], height: h / currentTransform[3] }); } this.restore(); }, paintImageMaskXObject: function CanvasGraphics_paintImageMaskXObject( imgArray, inverseDecode, width, height) { var ctx = this.ctx; var tmpCanvas = createScratchCanvas(width, height); var tmpCtx = tmpCanvas.getContext('2d'); var fillColor = this.current.fillColor; tmpCtx.fillStyle = (fillColor && fillColor.hasOwnProperty('type') && fillColor.type === 'Pattern') ? fillColor.getPattern(tmpCtx) : fillColor; tmpCtx.fillRect(0, 0, width, height); var imgData = tmpCtx.getImageData(0, 0, width, height); var pixels = imgData.data; applyStencilMask(imgArray, width, height, inverseDecode, pixels); this.paintInlineImageXObject(imgData); }, paintImageMaskXObjectGroup: function CanvasGraphics_paintImageMaskXObjectGroup(images) { var ctx = this.ctx; var tmpCanvasWidth = 0, tmpCanvasHeight = 0, tmpCanvas, tmpCtx; for (var i = 0, ii = images.length; i < ii; i++) { var image = images[i]; var w = image.width, h = image.height; if (w > tmpCanvasWidth || h > tmpCanvasHeight) { tmpCanvasWidth = Math.max(w, tmpCanvasWidth); tmpCanvasHeight = Math.max(h, tmpCanvasHeight); tmpCanvas = createScratchCanvas(tmpCanvasWidth, tmpCanvasHeight); tmpCtx = tmpCanvas.getContext('2d'); var fillColor = this.current.fillColor; tmpCtx.fillStyle = (fillColor && fillColor.hasOwnProperty('type') && fillColor.type === 'Pattern') ? fillColor.getPattern(tmpCtx) : fillColor; } tmpCtx.fillRect(0, 0, w, h); var imgData = tmpCtx.getImageData(0, 0, w, h); var pixels = imgData.data; applyStencilMask(image.data, w, h, image.inverseDecode, pixels); tmpCtx.putImageData(imgData, 0, 0); ctx.save(); ctx.transform.apply(ctx, image.transform); ctx.scale(1, -1); ctx.drawImage(tmpCanvas, 0, 0, w, h, 0, -1, 1, 1); ctx.restore(); } }, paintImageXObject: function CanvasGraphics_paintImageXObject(objId) { var imgData = this.objs.get(objId); if (!imgData) error('Dependent image isn\'t ready yet'); this.paintInlineImageXObject(imgData); }, paintInlineImageXObject: function CanvasGraphics_paintInlineImageXObject(imgData) { var width = imgData.width; var height = imgData.height; var ctx = this.ctx; this.save(); // scale the image to the unit square ctx.scale(1 / width, -1 / height); var currentTransform = ctx.mozCurrentTransformInverse; var widthScale = Math.max(Math.abs(currentTransform[0]), 1); var heightScale = Math.max(Math.abs(currentTransform[3]), 1); var tmpCanvas = createScratchCanvas(width, height); var tmpCtx = tmpCanvas.getContext('2d'); if (widthScale > 2 || heightScale > 2) { // canvas does not resize well large images to small -- using simple // algorithm to perform pre-scaling tmpCanvas = prescaleImage(imgData.data, width, height, widthScale, heightScale); ctx.drawImage(tmpCanvas, 0, 0, tmpCanvas.width, tmpCanvas.height, 0, -height, width, height); } else { if (typeof ImageData !== 'undefined' && imgData instanceof ImageData) { tmpCtx.putImageData(imgData, 0, 0); } else { putBinaryImageData(tmpCtx, imgData.data, width, height); } ctx.drawImage(tmpCanvas, 0, -height); } if (this.imageLayer) { var position = this.getCanvasPosition(0, -height); this.imageLayer.appendImage({ imgData: imgData, left: position[0], top: position[1], width: width / currentTransform[0], height: height / currentTransform[3] }); } this.restore(); }, paintInlineImageXObjectGroup: function CanvasGraphics_paintInlineImageXObjectGroup(imgData, map) { var ctx = this.ctx; var w = imgData.width; var h = imgData.height; var tmpCanvas = createScratchCanvas(w, h); var tmpCtx = tmpCanvas.getContext('2d'); putBinaryImageData(tmpCtx, imgData.data, w, h); for (var i = 0, ii = map.length; i < ii; i++) { var entry = map[i]; ctx.save(); ctx.transform.apply(ctx, entry.transform); ctx.scale(1, -1); ctx.drawImage(tmpCanvas, entry.x, entry.y, entry.w, entry.h, 0, -1, 1, 1); if (this.imageLayer) { var position = this.getCanvasPosition(entry.x, entry.y); this.imageLayer.appendImage({ imgData: imgData, left: position[0], top: position[1], width: w, height: h }); } ctx.restore(); } }, // Marked content markPoint: function CanvasGraphics_markPoint(tag) { // TODO Marked content. }, markPointProps: function CanvasGraphics_markPointProps(tag, properties) { // TODO Marked content. }, beginMarkedContent: function CanvasGraphics_beginMarkedContent(tag) { // TODO Marked content. }, beginMarkedContentProps: function CanvasGraphics_beginMarkedContentProps( tag, properties) { // TODO Marked content. }, endMarkedContent: function CanvasGraphics_endMarkedContent() { // TODO Marked content. }, // Compatibility beginCompat: function CanvasGraphics_beginCompat() { TODO('ignore undefined operators (should we do that anyway?)'); }, endCompat: function CanvasGraphics_endCompat() { TODO('stop ignoring undefined operators'); }, // Helper functions consumePath: function CanvasGraphics_consumePath() { if (this.pendingClip) { var savedFillRule = null; if (this.pendingClip == EO_CLIP) savedFillRule = this.setEOFillRule(); this.ctx.clip(); this.pendingClip = null; if (savedFillRule !== null) this.restoreFillRule(savedFillRule); } this.ctx.beginPath(); }, // We generally keep the canvas context set for // nonzero-winding, and just set evenodd for the operations // that need them. setEOFillRule: function CanvasGraphics_setEOFillRule() { var savedFillRule = this.ctx.mozFillRule; this.ctx.mozFillRule = 'evenodd'; return savedFillRule; }, restoreFillRule: function CanvasGraphics_restoreFillRule(rule) { this.ctx.mozFillRule = rule; }, getSinglePixelWidth: function CanvasGraphics_getSinglePixelWidth(scale) { var inverse = this.ctx.mozCurrentTransformInverse; // max of the current horizontal and vertical scale return Math.sqrt(Math.max( (inverse[0] * inverse[0] + inverse[1] * inverse[1]), (inverse[2] * inverse[2] + inverse[3] * inverse[3]))); }, getCanvasPosition: function CanvasGraphics_getCanvasPosition(x, y) { var transform = this.ctx.mozCurrentTransform; return [ transform[0] * x + transform[2] * y + transform[4], transform[1] * x + transform[3] * y + transform[5] ]; } }; return CanvasGraphics; })(); var Name = (function NameClosure() { function Name(name) { this.name = name; } Name.prototype = {}; return Name; })(); var Cmd = (function CmdClosure() { function Cmd(cmd) { this.cmd = cmd; } Cmd.prototype = {}; var cmdCache = {}; Cmd.get = function Cmd_get(cmd) { var cmdValue = cmdCache[cmd]; if (cmdValue) return cmdValue; return cmdCache[cmd] = new Cmd(cmd); }; return Cmd; })(); var Dict = (function DictClosure() { // xref is optional function Dict(xref) { // Map should only be used internally, use functions below to access. var map = Object.create(null); this.assignXref = function Dict_assignXref(newXref) { xref = newXref; }; // automatically dereferences Ref objects this.get = function Dict_get(key1, key2, key3) { var value; if (typeof (value = map[key1]) != 'undefined' || key1 in map || typeof key2 == 'undefined') { return xref ? xref.fetchIfRef(value) : value; } if (typeof (value = map[key2]) != 'undefined' || key2 in map || typeof key3 == 'undefined') { return xref ? xref.fetchIfRef(value) : value; } value = map[key3] || null; return xref ? xref.fetchIfRef(value) : value; }; // no dereferencing this.getRaw = function Dict_getRaw(key) { return map[key]; }; // creates new map and dereferences all Refs this.getAll = function Dict_getAll() { var all = {}; for (var key in map) { var obj = this.get(key); all[key] = obj instanceof Dict ? obj.getAll() : obj; } return all; }; this.set = function Dict_set(key, value) { map[key] = value; }; this.has = function Dict_has(key) { return key in map; }; this.forEach = function Dict_forEach(callback) { for (var key in map) { callback(key, this.get(key)); } }; } return Dict; })(); var Ref = (function RefClosure() { function Ref(num, gen) { this.num = num; this.gen = gen; } Ref.prototype = {}; return Ref; })(); // The reference is identified by number and generation, // this structure stores only one instance of the reference. var RefSet = (function RefSetClosure() { function RefSet() { this.dict = {}; } RefSet.prototype = { has: function RefSet_has(ref) { return !!this.dict['R' + ref.num + '.' + ref.gen]; }, put: function RefSet_put(ref) { this.dict['R' + ref.num + '.' + ref.gen] = ref; } }; return RefSet; })(); var Catalog = (function CatalogClosure() { function Catalog(xref) { this.xref = xref; this.catDict = xref.getCatalogObj(); assertWellFormed(isDict(this.catDict), 'catalog object is not a dictionary'); this.traversePagesQueue = [{ pagesDict: this.toplevelPagesDict, pos: 0 }]; this.pagePromises = []; this.currPageIndex = 0; } Catalog.prototype = { get metadata() { var streamRef = this.catDict.getRaw('Metadata'); if (!isRef(streamRef)) return shadow(this, 'metadata', null); var encryptMetadata = !this.xref.encrypt ? false : this.xref.encrypt.encryptMetadata; var stream = this.xref.fetch(streamRef, !encryptMetadata); var metadata; if (stream && isDict(stream.dict)) { var type = stream.dict.get('Type'); var subtype = stream.dict.get('Subtype'); if (isName(type) && isName(subtype) && type.name === 'Metadata' && subtype.name === 'XML') { // XXX: This should examine the charset the XML document defines, // however since there are currently no real means to decode // arbitrary charsets, let's just hope that the author of the PDF // was reasonable enough to stick with the XML default charset, // which is UTF-8. try { metadata = stringToUTF8String(bytesToString(stream.getBytes())); } catch (e) { info('Skipping invalid metadata.'); } } } return shadow(this, 'metadata', metadata); }, get toplevelPagesDict() { var pagesObj = this.catDict.get('Pages'); assertWellFormed(isDict(pagesObj), 'invalid top-level pages dictionary'); // shadow the prototype getter return shadow(this, 'toplevelPagesDict', pagesObj); }, get documentOutline() { var xref = this.xref; var obj = this.catDict.get('Outlines'); var root = { items: [] }; if (isDict(obj)) { obj = obj.getRaw('First'); var processed = new RefSet(); if (isRef(obj)) { var queue = [{obj: obj, parent: root}]; // to avoid recursion keeping track of the items // in the processed dictionary processed.put(obj); while (queue.length > 0) { var i = queue.shift(); var outlineDict = xref.fetchIfRef(i.obj); if (outlineDict === null) continue; if (!outlineDict.has('Title')) error('Invalid outline item'); var dest = outlineDict.get('A'); if (dest) dest = dest.get('D'); else if (outlineDict.has('Dest')) { dest = outlineDict.getRaw('Dest'); if (isName(dest)) dest = dest.name; } var title = outlineDict.get('Title'); var outlineItem = { dest: dest, title: stringToPDFString(title), color: outlineDict.get('C') || [0, 0, 0], count: outlineDict.get('Count'), bold: !!(outlineDict.get('F') & 2), italic: !!(outlineDict.get('F') & 1), items: [] }; i.parent.items.push(outlineItem); obj = outlineDict.getRaw('First'); if (isRef(obj) && !processed.has(obj)) { queue.push({obj: obj, parent: outlineItem}); processed.put(obj); } obj = outlineDict.getRaw('Next'); if (isRef(obj) && !processed.has(obj)) { queue.push({obj: obj, parent: i.parent}); processed.put(obj); } } } } obj = root.items.length > 0 ? root.items : null; return shadow(this, 'documentOutline', obj); }, get numPages() { var obj = this.toplevelPagesDict.get('Count'); assertWellFormed( isInt(obj), 'page count in top level pages object is not an integer' ); // shadow the prototype getter return shadow(this, 'num', obj); }, get destinations() { function fetchDestination(dest) { return isDict(dest) ? dest.get('D') : dest; } var xref = this.xref; var dests = {}, nameTreeRef, nameDictionaryRef; var obj = this.catDict.get('Names'); if (obj) nameTreeRef = obj.getRaw('Dests'); else if (this.catDict.has('Dests')) nameDictionaryRef = this.catDict.get('Dests'); if (nameDictionaryRef) { // reading simple destination dictionary obj = nameDictionaryRef; // TODO(mack): use stream.ensureRanges() to ensure all ranges at once obj.forEach(function catalogForEach(key, value) { if (!value) return; dests[key] = fetchDestination(value); }); } if (nameTreeRef) { // reading name tree var processed = new RefSet(); processed.put(nameTreeRef); var queue = [nameTreeRef]; while (queue.length > 0) { var i, n; obj = xref.fetch(queue.shift()); if (obj.has('Kids')) { var kids = obj.get('Kids'); for (i = 0, n = kids.length; i < n; i++) { var kid = kids[i]; if (processed.has(kid)) error('invalid destinations'); queue.push(kid); processed.put(kid); } continue; } var names = obj.get('Names'); if (names) { for (i = 0, n = names.length; i < n; i += 2) { dests[names[i]] = fetchDestination(xref.fetchIfRef(names[i + 1])); } } } } return shadow(this, 'destinations', dests); }, getPage: function Catalog_getPage(pageIndex) { if (!(pageIndex in this.pagePromises)) { this.pagePromises[pageIndex] = new PDFJS.Promise(); } return this.pagePromises[pageIndex]; }, traversePages: function Catalog_traversePages() { var queue = this.traversePagesQueue; while (queue.length) { var queueItem = queue[queue.length - 1]; var pagesDict = queueItem.pagesDict; var kids = pagesDict.get('Kids'); assert(isArray(kids), 'page dictionary kids object is not an array'); if (queueItem.pos >= kids.length) { queue.pop(); continue; } var kidRef = kids[queueItem.pos]; assert(isRef(kidRef), 'page dictionary kid is not a reference'); var kid = this.xref.fetch(kidRef); if (isDict(kid, 'Page') || (isDict(kid) && !kid.has('Kids'))) { var pageIndex = this.currPageIndex++; var page = new Page(this.xref, pageIndex, kid, kidRef); if (!(pageIndex in this.pagePromises)) { this.pagePromises[pageIndex] = new PDFJS.Promise(); } this.pagePromises[pageIndex].resolve(page); } else { // must be a child page dictionary assert( isDict(kid), 'page dictionary kid reference points to wrong type of object' ); queue.push({ pagesDict: kid, pos: 0 }); } ++queueItem.pos; } } }; return Catalog; })(); var XRef = (function XRefClosure() { function XRef(stream, password) { this.stream = stream; this.entries = []; this.xrefstms = {}; // prepare the XRef cache this.cache = []; this.password = password; } XRef.prototype = { parse: function(recoveryMode) { var trailerDict; if (!recoveryMode) { trailerDict = this.readXRef(); } else { warn('Indexing all PDF objects'); trailerDict = this.indexObjects(); } trailerDict.assignXref(this); this.trailer = trailerDict; var encrypt = trailerDict.get('Encrypt'); if (encrypt) { var ids = trailerDict.get('ID'); var fileId = (ids && ids.length) ? ids[0] : ''; this.encrypt = new CipherTransformFactory( encrypt, fileId, this.password); } // get the root dictionary (catalog) object if (!(this.root = trailerDict.get('Root'))) { error('Invalid root reference'); } }, processXRefTable: function XRef_processXRefTable(parser) { if (!this.tableState) { this.tableState = { pos: parser.lexer.stream.pos, i: 0, buf1: parser.buf1, buf2: parser.buf2 }; } var obj = this.readXRefTable(parser); // Sanity check if (!isCmd(obj, 'trailer')) error('Invalid XRef table: could not find trailer dictionary'); // Read trailer dictionary, e.g. // trailer // << /Size 22 // /Root 20R // /Info 10R // /ID [ <81b14aafa313db63dbd6f981e49f94f4> ] // >> // The parser goes through the entire stream << ... >> and provides // a getter interface for the key-value table var dict = parser.getObj(); if (!isDict(dict)) error('Invalid XRef table: could not parse trailer dictionary'); delete this.tableState; return dict; }, readXRefTable: function XRef_readXRefTable(parser) { // Example of cross-reference table: // xref // 0 1 <-- subsection header (first obj #, obj count) // 0000000000 65535 f <-- actual object (offset, generation #, f/n) // 23 2 <-- subsection header ... and so on ... // 0000025518 00002 n // 0000025635 00000 n // trailer // ... var stream = parser.lexer.stream; stream.pos = this.tableState.pos; parser.buf1 = this.tableState.buf1; parser.buf2 = this.tableState.buf2; // Outer loop is over subsection headers var obj; while (true) { if (!('first' in this.tableState) || !('count' in this.tableState)) { if (isCmd(obj = parser.getObj(), 'trailer')) { break; } var obj2 = parser.getObj(); this.tableState.first = obj; this.tableState.count = obj2; } var first = this.tableState.first; var count = this.tableState.count; if (!isInt(first) || !isInt(count)) error('Invalid XRef table: wrong types in subsection header'); // Inner loop is over objects themselves for (var i = this.tableState.i; i < count; i++) { this.tableState.pos = stream.pos; this.tableState.i = i; this.tableState.buf1 = parser.buf1; this.tableState.buf2 = parser.buf2; var entry = {}; entry.offset = parser.getObj(); entry.gen = parser.getObj(); var type = parser.getObj(); if (isCmd(type, 'f')) entry.free = true; else if (isCmd(type, 'n')) entry.uncompressed = true; // Validate entry obj if (!isInt(entry.offset) || !isInt(entry.gen) || !(entry.free || entry.uncompressed)) { console.log(entry.offset, entry.gen, entry.free, entry.uncompressed); error('Invalid entry in XRef subsection: ' + first + ', ' + count); } if (!this.entries[i + first]) this.entries[i + first] = entry; } this.tableState.i = 0; this.tableState.pos = stream.pos; this.tableState.buf1 = parser.buf1; this.tableState.buf2 = parser.buf2; delete this.tableState.first; delete this.tableState.count; } // Sanity check: as per spec, first object must be free if (this.entries[0] && !this.entries[0].free) error('Invalid XRef table: unexpected first object'); return obj; }, processXRefStream: function XRef_processXRefStream(stream) { if (!this.streamState) { var streamParameters = stream.parameters; var byteWidths = streamParameters.get('W'); var range = streamParameters.get('Index'); if (!range) { range = [0, streamParameters.get('Size')]; } this.streamState = { range: range, byteWidths: byteWidths, i: 0, pos: stream.pos }; } this.readXRefStream(stream); delete this.streamState; return stream.parameters; }, readXRefStream: function XRef_readXRefStream(stream) { var i, j; stream.pos = this.streamState.pos; while (this.streamState.range.length > 0) { var first = this.streamState.range[0]; var n = this.streamState.range[1]; if (!isInt(first) || !isInt(n)) error('Invalid XRef range fields: ' + first + ', ' + n); var typeFieldWidth = this.streamState.byteWidths[0]; var offsetFieldWidth = this.streamState.byteWidths[1]; var generationFieldWidth = this.streamState.byteWidths[2]; if (!isInt(typeFieldWidth) || !isInt(offsetFieldWidth) || !isInt(generationFieldWidth)) { error('Invalid XRef entry fields length: ' + first + ', ' + n); } for (i = this.streamState.i; i < n; ++i) { this.streamState.i = i; this.streamState.pos = stream.pos; var type = 0, offset = 0, generation = 0; for (j = 0; j < typeFieldWidth; ++j) type = (type << 8) | stream.getByte(); // if type field is absent, its default value = 1 if (typeFieldWidth === 0) type = 1; for (j = 0; j < offsetFieldWidth; ++j) offset = (offset << 8) | stream.getByte(); for (j = 0; j < generationFieldWidth; ++j) generation = (generation << 8) | stream.getByte(); var entry = {}; entry.offset = offset; entry.gen = generation; switch (type) { case 0: entry.free = true; break; case 1: entry.uncompressed = true; break; case 2: break; default: error('Invalid XRef entry type: ' + type); } if (!this.entries[first + i]) this.entries[first + i] = entry; } this.streamState.i = 0; this.streamState.pos = stream.pos; this.streamState.range.splice(0, 2); } }, indexObjects: function XRef_indexObjects() { // Simple scan through the PDF content to find objects, // trailers and XRef streams. function readToken(data, offset) { var token = '', ch = data[offset]; while (ch !== 13 && ch !== 10) { if (++offset >= data.length) break; token += String.fromCharCode(ch); ch = data[offset]; } return token; } function skipUntil(data, offset, what) { var length = what.length, dataLength = data.length; var skipped = 0; // finding byte sequence while (offset < dataLength) { var i = 0; while (i < length && data[offset + i] == what[i]) ++i; if (i >= length) break; // sequence found offset++; skipped++; } return skipped; } var trailerBytes = new Uint8Array([116, 114, 97, 105, 108, 101, 114]); var startxrefBytes = new Uint8Array([115, 116, 97, 114, 116, 120, 114, 101, 102]); var endobjBytes = new Uint8Array([101, 110, 100, 111, 98, 106]); var xrefBytes = new Uint8Array([47, 88, 82, 101, 102]); var stream = this.stream; stream.pos = 0; var buffer = stream.getBytes(); var position = stream.start, length = buffer.length; var trailers = [], xrefStms = []; var state = 0; var currentToken; while (position < length) { var ch = buffer[position]; if (ch === 32 || ch === 9 || ch === 13 || ch === 10) { ++position; continue; } if (ch === 37) { // %-comment do { ++position; ch = buffer[position]; } while (ch !== 13 && ch !== 10); continue; } var token = readToken(buffer, position); var m; if (token === 'xref') { position += skipUntil(buffer, position, trailerBytes); trailers.push(position); position += skipUntil(buffer, position, startxrefBytes); } else if ((m = /^(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+obj\b/.exec(token))) { this.entries[m[1]] = { offset: position, gen: m[2] | 0, uncompressed: true }; var contentLength = skipUntil(buffer, position, endobjBytes) + 7; var content = buffer.subarray(position, position + contentLength); // checking XRef stream suspect // (it shall have '/XRef' and next char is not a letter) var xrefTagOffset = skipUntil(content, 0, xrefBytes); if (xrefTagOffset < contentLength && content[xrefTagOffset + 5] < 64) { xrefStms.push(position); this.xrefstms[position] = 1; // don't read it recursively } position += contentLength; } else position += token.length + 1; } // reading XRef streams for (var i = 0, ii = xrefStms.length; i < ii; ++i) { this.startXrefQueue.push(xrefStms[i]); this.readXRef(/* recoveryMode */ true); } // finding main trailer var dict; for (var i = 0, ii = trailers.length; i < ii; ++i) { stream.pos = trailers[i]; var parser = new Parser(new Lexer(stream), true, null); var obj = parser.getObj(); if (!isCmd(obj, 'trailer')) continue; // read the trailer dictionary if (!isDict(dict = parser.getObj())) continue; // taking the first one with 'ID' if (dict.has('ID')) return dict; } // no tailer with 'ID', taking last one (if exists) if (dict) return dict; // nothing helps // calling error() would reject worker with an UnknownErrorException. throw new InvalidPDFException('Invalid PDF structure'); }, readXRef: function XRef_readXRef(recoveryMode) { var stream = this.stream; try { while (this.startXrefQueue.length) { var startXRef = this.startXrefQueue[0]; stream.pos = startXRef; var parser = new Parser(new Lexer(stream), true, null); var obj = parser.getObj(); var dict; // Get dictionary if (isCmd(obj, 'xref')) { // Parse end-of-file XRef //dict = this.readXRefTable(parser); dict = this.processXRefTable(parser); if (!this.topDict) { this.topDict = dict; } // Recursively get other XRefs 'XRefStm', if any obj = dict.get('XRefStm'); if (isInt(obj)) { var pos = obj; // ignore previously loaded xref streams // (possible infinite recursion) if (!(pos in this.xrefstms)) { this.xrefstms[pos] = 1; this.startXrefQueue.push(pos); } } } else if (isInt(obj)) { // Parse in-stream XRef if (!isInt(parser.getObj()) || !isCmd(parser.getObj(), 'obj') || !isStream(obj = parser.getObj())) { error('Invalid XRef stream'); } //dict = this.readXRefStream(obj); dict = this.processXRefStream(obj); if (!this.topDict) { this.topDict = dict; } if (!dict) error('Failed to read XRef stream'); } // Recursively get previous dictionary, if any obj = dict.get('Prev'); if (isInt(obj)) { this.startXrefQueue.push(obj); } else if (isRef(obj)) { // The spec says Prev must not be a reference, i.e. "/Prev NNN" // This is a fallback for non-compliant PDFs, i.e. "/Prev NNN 0 R" this.startXrefQueue.push(obj.num); } this.startXrefQueue.shift(); } return this.topDict; } catch (e) { if (e instanceof MissingDataException) { throw e; } log('(while reading XRef): ' + e); } if (recoveryMode) return; throw new XrefParseException(); }, getEntry: function XRef_getEntry(i) { var e = this.entries[i]; if (e === null) return null; return e.free || !e.offset ? null : e; // returns null if entry is free }, fetchIfRef: function XRef_fetchIfRef(obj) { if (!isRef(obj)) return obj; return this.fetch(obj); }, fetch: function XRef_fetch(ref, suppressEncryption) { assertWellFormed(isRef(ref), 'ref object is not a reference'); var num = ref.num; if (num in this.cache) return this.cache[num]; var e = this.getEntry(num); // the referenced entry can be free if (e === null) return (this.cache[num] = e); var gen = ref.gen; var stream, parser; if (e.uncompressed) { if (e.gen != gen) error('inconsistent generation in XRef'); stream = this.stream.makeSubStream(e.offset); parser = new Parser(new Lexer(stream), true, this); var obj1 = parser.getObj(); var obj2 = parser.getObj(); var obj3 = parser.getObj(); if (!isInt(obj1) || obj1 != num || !isInt(obj2) || obj2 != gen || !isCmd(obj3)) { error('bad XRef entry'); } if (!isCmd(obj3, 'obj')) { // some bad pdfs use "obj1234" and really mean 1234 if (obj3.cmd.indexOf('obj') === 0) { num = parseInt(obj3.cmd.substring(3), 10); if (!isNaN(num)) return num; } error('bad XRef entry'); } if (this.encrypt && !suppressEncryption) { try { e = parser.getObj(this.encrypt.createCipherTransform(num, gen)); } catch (ex) { // almost all streams must be encrypted, but sometimes // they are not probably due to some broken generators // re-trying without encryption return this.fetch(ref, true); } } else { e = parser.getObj(); } // Don't cache streams since they are mutable (except images). if (!isStream(e) || e instanceof JpegStream) this.cache[num] = e; return e; } // compressed entry var tableOffset = e.offset; stream = this.fetch(new Ref(tableOffset, 0)); if (!isStream(stream)) error('bad ObjStm stream'); var first = stream.parameters.get('First'); var n = stream.parameters.get('N'); if (!isInt(first) || !isInt(n)) { error('invalid first and n parameters for ObjStm stream'); } parser = new Parser(new Lexer(stream), false, this); parser.allowStreams = true; var i, entries = [], nums = []; // read the object numbers to populate cache for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) { num = parser.getObj(); if (!isInt(num)) { error('invalid object number in the ObjStm stream: ' + num); } nums.push(num); var offset = parser.getObj(); if (!isInt(offset)) { error('invalid object offset in the ObjStm stream: ' + offset); } } // read stream objects for cache for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) { entries.push(parser.getObj()); num = nums[i]; var entry = this.entries[num]; if (entry && entry.offset === tableOffset && entry.gen === i) { this.cache[num] = entries[i]; } } e = entries[e.gen]; if (!e) { error('bad XRef entry for compressed object'); } return e; }, getCatalogObj: function XRef_getCatalogObj() { return this.root; } }; return XRef; })(); /** * A PDF document and page is built of many objects. E.g. there are objects * for fonts, images, rendering code and such. These objects might get processed * inside of a worker. The `PDFObjects` implements some basic functions to * manage these objects. */ var PDFObjects = (function PDFObjectsClosure() { function PDFObjects() { this.objs = {}; } PDFObjects.prototype = { /** * Internal function. * Ensures there is an object defined for `objId`. Stores `data` on the * object *if* it is created. */ ensureObj: function PDFObjects_ensureObj(objId, data) { if (this.objs[objId]) return this.objs[objId]; return this.objs[objId] = new Promise(objId, data); }, /** * If called *without* callback, this returns the data of `objId` but the * object needs to be resolved. If it isn't, this function throws. * * If called *with* a callback, the callback is called with the data of the * object once the object is resolved. That means, if you call this * function and the object is already resolved, the callback gets called * right away. */ get: function PDFObjects_get(objId, callback) { // If there is a callback, then the get can be async and the object is // not required to be resolved right now if (callback) { this.ensureObj(objId).then(callback); return null; } // If there isn't a callback, the user expects to get the resolved data // directly. var obj = this.objs[objId]; // If there isn't an object yet or the object isn't resolved, then the // data isn't ready yet! if (!obj || !obj.isResolved) error('Requesting object that isn\'t resolved yet ' + objId); return obj.data; }, /** * Resolves the object `objId` with optional `data`. */ resolve: function PDFObjects_resolve(objId, data) { var objs = this.objs; // In case there is a promise already on this object, just resolve it. if (objs[objId]) { objs[objId].resolve(data); } else { this.ensureObj(objId, data); } }, onData: function PDFObjects_onData(objId, callback) { this.ensureObj(objId).onData(callback); }, isResolved: function PDFObjects_isResolved(objId) { var objs = this.objs; if (!objs[objId]) { return false; } else { return objs[objId].isResolved; } }, hasData: function PDFObjects_hasData(objId) { var objs = this.objs; if (!objs[objId]) { return false; } else { return objs[objId].hasData; } }, /** * Returns the data of `objId` if object exists, null otherwise. */ getData: function PDFObjects_getData(objId) { var objs = this.objs; if (!objs[objId] || !objs[objId].hasData) { return null; } else { return objs[objId].data; } }, /** * Sets the data of an object but *doesn't* resolve it. */ setData: function PDFObjects_setData(objId, data) { // Watchout! If you call `this.ensureObj(objId, data)` you're going to // create a *resolved* promise which shouldn't be the case! this.ensureObj(objId).data = data; }, clear: function PDFObjects_clear() { this.objs = {}; } }; return PDFObjects; })(); var PDFFunction = (function PDFFunctionClosure() { var CONSTRUCT_SAMPLED = 0; var CONSTRUCT_INTERPOLATED = 2; var CONSTRUCT_STICHED = 3; var CONSTRUCT_POSTSCRIPT = 4; return { getSampleArray: function PDFFunction_getSampleArray(size, outputSize, bps, str) { var length = 1; for (var i = 0, ii = size.length; i < ii; i++) length *= size[i]; length *= outputSize; var array = []; var codeSize = 0; var codeBuf = 0; // 32 is a valid bps so shifting won't work var sampleMul = 1.0 / (Math.pow(2.0, bps) - 1); var strBytes = str.getBytes((length * bps + 7) / 8); var strIdx = 0; for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) { while (codeSize < bps) { codeBuf <<= 8; codeBuf |= strBytes[strIdx++]; codeSize += 8; } codeSize -= bps; array.push((codeBuf >> codeSize) * sampleMul); codeBuf &= (1 << codeSize) - 1; } return array; }, getIR: function PDFFunction_getIR(xref, fn) { var dict = fn.dict; if (!dict) dict = fn; var types = [this.constructSampled, null, this.constructInterpolated, this.constructStiched, this.constructPostScript]; var typeNum = dict.get('FunctionType'); var typeFn = types[typeNum]; if (!typeFn) error('Unknown type of function'); return typeFn.call(this, fn, dict, xref); }, fromIR: function PDFFunction_fromIR(IR) { var type = IR[0]; switch (type) { case CONSTRUCT_SAMPLED: return this.constructSampledFromIR(IR); case CONSTRUCT_INTERPOLATED: return this.constructInterpolatedFromIR(IR); case CONSTRUCT_STICHED: return this.constructStichedFromIR(IR); //case CONSTRUCT_POSTSCRIPT: default: return this.constructPostScriptFromIR(IR); } }, parse: function PDFFunction_parse(xref, fn) { var IR = this.getIR(xref, fn); return this.fromIR(IR); }, constructSampled: function PDFFunction_constructSampled(str, dict) { function toMultiArray(arr) { var inputLength = arr.length; var outputLength = arr.length / 2; var out = []; var index = 0; for (var i = 0; i < inputLength; i += 2) { out[index] = [arr[i], arr[i + 1]]; ++index; } return out; } var domain = dict.get('Domain'); var range = dict.get('Range'); if (!domain || !range) error('No domain or range'); var inputSize = domain.length / 2; var outputSize = range.length / 2; domain = toMultiArray(domain); range = toMultiArray(range); var size = dict.get('Size'); var bps = dict.get('BitsPerSample'); var order = dict.get('Order') || 1; if (order !== 1) { // No description how cubic spline interpolation works in PDF32000:2008 // As in poppler, ignoring order, linear interpolation may work as good TODO('No support for cubic spline interpolation: ' + order); } var encode = dict.get('Encode'); if (!encode) { encode = []; for (var i = 0; i < inputSize; ++i) { encode.push(0); encode.push(size[i] - 1); } } encode = toMultiArray(encode); var decode = dict.get('Decode'); if (!decode) decode = range; else decode = toMultiArray(decode); var samples = this.getSampleArray(size, outputSize, bps, str); return [ CONSTRUCT_SAMPLED, inputSize, domain, encode, decode, samples, size, outputSize, Math.pow(2, bps) - 1, range ]; }, constructSampledFromIR: function PDFFunction_constructSampledFromIR(IR) { // See chapter 3, page 109 of the PDF reference function interpolate(x, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax) { return ymin + ((x - xmin) * ((ymax - ymin) / (xmax - xmin))); } return function constructSampledFromIRResult(args) { // See chapter 3, page 110 of the PDF reference. var m = IR[1]; var domain = IR[2]; var encode = IR[3]; var decode = IR[4]; var samples = IR[5]; var size = IR[6]; var n = IR[7]; var mask = IR[8]; var range = IR[9]; if (m != args.length) error('Incorrect number of arguments: ' + m + ' != ' + args.length); var x = args; // Building the cube vertices: its part and sample index // http://rjwagner49.com/Mathematics/Interpolation.pdf var cubeVertices = 1 << m; var cubeN = new Float64Array(cubeVertices); var cubeVertex = new Uint32Array(cubeVertices); for (var j = 0; j < cubeVertices; j++) cubeN[j] = 1; var k = n, pos = 1; // Map x_i to y_j for 0 <= i < m using the sampled function. for (var i = 0; i < m; ++i) { // x_i' = min(max(x_i, Domain_2i), Domain_2i+1) var domain_2i = domain[i][0]; var domain_2i_1 = domain[i][1]; var xi = Math.min(Math.max(x[i], domain_2i), domain_2i_1); // e_i = Interpolate(x_i', Domain_2i, Domain_2i+1, // Encode_2i, Encode_2i+1) var e = interpolate(xi, domain_2i, domain_2i_1, encode[i][0], encode[i][1]); // e_i' = min(max(e_i, 0), Size_i - 1) var size_i = size[i]; e = Math.min(Math.max(e, 0), size_i - 1); // Adjusting the cube: N and vertex sample index var e0 = e < size_i - 1 ? Math.floor(e) : e - 1; // e1 = e0 + 1; var n0 = e0 + 1 - e; // (e1 - e) / (e1 - e0); var n1 = e - e0; // (e - e0) / (e1 - e0); var offset0 = e0 * k; var offset1 = offset0 + k; // e1 * k for (var j = 0; j < cubeVertices; j++) { if (j & pos) { cubeN[j] *= n1; cubeVertex[j] += offset1; } else { cubeN[j] *= n0; cubeVertex[j] += offset0; } } k *= size_i; pos <<= 1; } var y = new Float64Array(n); for (var j = 0; j < n; ++j) { // Sum all cube vertices' samples portions var rj = 0; for (var i = 0; i < cubeVertices; i++) rj += samples[cubeVertex[i] + j] * cubeN[i]; // r_j' = Interpolate(r_j, 0, 2^BitsPerSample - 1, // Decode_2j, Decode_2j+1) rj = interpolate(rj, 0, 1, decode[j][0], decode[j][1]); // y_j = min(max(r_j, range_2j), range_2j+1) y[j] = Math.min(Math.max(rj, range[j][0]), range[j][1]); } return y; }; }, constructInterpolated: function PDFFunction_constructInterpolated(str, dict) { var c0 = dict.get('C0') || [0]; var c1 = dict.get('C1') || [1]; var n = dict.get('N'); if (!isArray(c0) || !isArray(c1)) error('Illegal dictionary for interpolated function'); var length = c0.length; var diff = []; for (var i = 0; i < length; ++i) diff.push(c1[i] - c0[i]); return [CONSTRUCT_INTERPOLATED, c0, diff, n]; }, constructInterpolatedFromIR: function PDFFunction_constructInterpolatedFromIR(IR) { var c0 = IR[1]; var diff = IR[2]; var n = IR[3]; var length = diff.length; return function constructInterpolatedFromIRResult(args) { var x = n == 1 ? args[0] : Math.pow(args[0], n); var out = []; for (var j = 0; j < length; ++j) out.push(c0[j] + (x * diff[j])); return out; }; }, constructStiched: function PDFFunction_constructStiched(fn, dict, xref) { var domain = dict.get('Domain'); if (!domain) error('No domain'); var inputSize = domain.length / 2; if (inputSize != 1) error('Bad domain for stiched function'); var fnRefs = dict.get('Functions'); var fns = []; for (var i = 0, ii = fnRefs.length; i < ii; ++i) fns.push(PDFFunction.getIR(xref, xref.fetchIfRef(fnRefs[i]))); var bounds = dict.get('Bounds'); var encode = dict.get('Encode'); return [CONSTRUCT_STICHED, domain, bounds, encode, fns]; }, constructStichedFromIR: function PDFFunction_constructStichedFromIR(IR) { var domain = IR[1]; var bounds = IR[2]; var encode = IR[3]; var fnsIR = IR[4]; var fns = []; for (var i = 0, ii = fnsIR.length; i < ii; i++) { fns.push(PDFFunction.fromIR(fnsIR[i])); } return function constructStichedFromIRResult(args) { var clip = function constructStichedFromIRClip(v, min, max) { if (v > max) v = max; else if (v < min) v = min; return v; }; // clip to domain var v = clip(args[0], domain[0], domain[1]); // calulate which bound the value is in for (var i = 0, ii = bounds.length; i < ii; ++i) { if (v < bounds[i]) break; } // encode value into domain of function var dmin = domain[0]; if (i > 0) dmin = bounds[i - 1]; var dmax = domain[1]; if (i < bounds.length) dmax = bounds[i]; var rmin = encode[2 * i]; var rmax = encode[2 * i + 1]; var v2 = rmin + (v - dmin) * (rmax - rmin) / (dmax - dmin); // call the appropropriate function return fns[i]([v2]); }; }, constructPostScript: function PDFFunction_constructPostScript(fn, dict, xref) { var domain = dict.get('Domain'); var range = dict.get('Range'); if (!domain) error('No domain.'); if (!range) error('No range.'); var lexer = new PostScriptLexer(fn); var parser = new PostScriptParser(lexer); var code = parser.parse(); return [CONSTRUCT_POSTSCRIPT, domain, range, code]; }, constructPostScriptFromIR: function PDFFunction_constructPostScriptFromIR( IR) { var domain = IR[1]; var range = IR[2]; var code = IR[3]; var numOutputs = range.length / 2; var evaluator = new PostScriptEvaluator(code); // Cache the values for a big speed up, the cache size is limited though // since the number of possible values can be huge from a PS function. var cache = new FunctionCache(); return function constructPostScriptFromIRResult(args) { var initialStack = []; for (var i = 0, ii = (domain.length / 2); i < ii; ++i) { initialStack.push(args[i]); } var key = initialStack.join('_'); if (cache.has(key)) return cache.get(key); var stack = evaluator.execute(initialStack); var transformed = []; for (i = numOutputs - 1; i >= 0; --i) { var out = stack.pop(); var rangeIndex = 2 * i; if (out < range[rangeIndex]) out = range[rangeIndex]; else if (out > range[rangeIndex + 1]) out = range[rangeIndex + 1]; transformed[i] = out; } cache.set(key, transformed); return transformed; }; } }; })(); var FunctionCache = (function FunctionCacheClosure() { // Of 10 PDF's with type4 functions the maxium number of distinct values seen // was 256. This still may need some tweaking in the future though. var MAX_CACHE_SIZE = 1024; function FunctionCache() { this.cache = {}; this.total = 0; } FunctionCache.prototype = { has: function FunctionCache_has(key) { return key in this.cache; }, get: function FunctionCache_get(key) { return this.cache[key]; }, set: function FunctionCache_set(key, value) { if (this.total < MAX_CACHE_SIZE) { this.cache[key] = value; this.total++; } } }; return FunctionCache; })(); var PostScriptStack = (function PostScriptStackClosure() { var MAX_STACK_SIZE = 100; function PostScriptStack(initialStack) { this.stack = initialStack || []; } PostScriptStack.prototype = { push: function PostScriptStack_push(value) { if (this.stack.length >= MAX_STACK_SIZE) error('PostScript function stack overflow.'); this.stack.push(value); }, pop: function PostScriptStack_pop() { if (this.stack.length <= 0) error('PostScript function stack underflow.'); return this.stack.pop(); }, copy: function PostScriptStack_copy(n) { if (this.stack.length + n >= MAX_STACK_SIZE) error('PostScript function stack overflow.'); var stack = this.stack; for (var i = stack.length - n, j = n - 1; j >= 0; j--, i++) stack.push(stack[i]); }, index: function PostScriptStack_index(n) { this.push(this.stack[this.stack.length - n - 1]); }, // rotate the last n stack elements p times roll: function PostScriptStack_roll(n, p) { var stack = this.stack; var l = stack.length - n; var r = stack.length - 1, c = l + (p - Math.floor(p / n) * n), i, j, t; for (i = l, j = r; i < j; i++, j--) { t = stack[i]; stack[i] = stack[j]; stack[j] = t; } for (i = l, j = c - 1; i < j; i++, j--) { t = stack[i]; stack[i] = stack[j]; stack[j] = t; } for (i = c, j = r; i < j; i++, j--) { t = stack[i]; stack[i] = stack[j]; stack[j] = t; } } }; return PostScriptStack; })(); var PostScriptEvaluator = (function PostScriptEvaluatorClosure() { function PostScriptEvaluator(operators, operands) { this.operators = operators; this.operands = operands; } PostScriptEvaluator.prototype = { execute: function PostScriptEvaluator_execute(initialStack) { var stack = new PostScriptStack(initialStack); var counter = 0; var operators = this.operators; var length = operators.length; var operator, a, b; while (counter < length) { operator = operators[counter++]; if (typeof operator == 'number') { // Operator is really an operand and should be pushed to the stack. stack.push(operator); continue; } switch (operator) { // non standard ps operators case 'jz': // jump if false b = stack.pop(); a = stack.pop(); if (!a) counter = b; break; case 'j': // jump a = stack.pop(); counter = a; break; // all ps operators in alphabetical order (excluding if/ifelse) case 'abs': a = stack.pop(); stack.push(Math.abs(a)); break; case 'add': b = stack.pop(); a = stack.pop(); stack.push(a + b); break; case 'and': b = stack.pop(); a = stack.pop(); if (isBool(a) && isBool(b)) stack.push(a && b); else stack.push(a & b); break; case 'atan': a = stack.pop(); stack.push(Math.atan(a)); break; case 'bitshift': b = stack.pop(); a = stack.pop(); if (a > 0) stack.push(a << b); else stack.push(a >> b); break; case 'ceiling': a = stack.pop(); stack.push(Math.ceil(a)); break; case 'copy': a = stack.pop(); stack.copy(a); break; case 'cos': a = stack.pop(); stack.push(Math.cos(a)); break; case 'cvi': a = stack.pop() | 0; stack.push(a); break; case 'cvr': // noop break; case 'div': b = stack.pop(); a = stack.pop(); stack.push(a / b); break; case 'dup': stack.copy(1); break; case 'eq': b = stack.pop(); a = stack.pop(); stack.push(a == b); break; case 'exch': stack.roll(2, 1); break; case 'exp': b = stack.pop(); a = stack.pop(); stack.push(Math.pow(a, b)); break; case 'false': stack.push(false); break; case 'floor': a = stack.pop(); stack.push(Math.floor(a)); break; case 'ge': b = stack.pop(); a = stack.pop(); stack.push(a >= b); break; case 'gt': b = stack.pop(); a = stack.pop(); stack.push(a > b); break; case 'idiv': b = stack.pop(); a = stack.pop(); stack.push((a / b) | 0); break; case 'index': a = stack.pop(); stack.index(a); break; case 'le': b = stack.pop(); a = stack.pop(); stack.push(a <= b); break; case 'ln': a = stack.pop(); stack.push(Math.log(a)); break; case 'log': a = stack.pop(); stack.push(Math.log(a) / Math.LN10); break; case 'lt': b = stack.pop(); a = stack.pop(); stack.push(a < b); break; case 'mod': b = stack.pop(); a = stack.pop(); stack.push(a % b); break; case 'mul': b = stack.pop(); a = stack.pop(); stack.push(a * b); break; case 'ne': b = stack.pop(); a = stack.pop(); stack.push(a != b); break; case 'neg': a = stack.pop(); stack.push(-b); break; case 'not': a = stack.pop(); if (isBool(a) && isBool(b)) stack.push(a && b); else stack.push(a & b); break; case 'or': b = stack.pop(); a = stack.pop(); if (isBool(a) && isBool(b)) stack.push(a || b); else stack.push(a | b); break; case 'pop': stack.pop(); break; case 'roll': b = stack.pop(); a = stack.pop(); stack.roll(a, b); break; case 'round': a = stack.pop(); stack.push(Math.round(a)); break; case 'sin': a = stack.pop(); stack.push(Math.sin(a)); break; case 'sqrt': a = stack.pop(); stack.push(Math.sqrt(a)); break; case 'sub': b = stack.pop(); a = stack.pop(); stack.push(a - b); break; case 'true': stack.push(true); break; case 'truncate': a = stack.pop(); a = a < 0 ? Math.ceil(a) : Math.floor(a); stack.push(a); break; case 'xor': b = stack.pop(); a = stack.pop(); if (isBool(a) && isBool(b)) stack.push(a != b); else stack.push(a ^ b); break; default: error('Unknown operator ' + operator); break; } } return stack.stack; } }; return PostScriptEvaluator; })(); var PostScriptParser = (function PostScriptParserClosure() { function PostScriptParser(lexer) { this.lexer = lexer; this.operators = []; this.token = null; this.prev = null; } PostScriptParser.prototype = { nextToken: function PostScriptParser_nextToken() { this.prev = this.token; this.token = this.lexer.getToken(); }, accept: function PostScriptParser_accept(type) { if (this.token.type == type) { this.nextToken(); return true; } return false; }, expect: function PostScriptParser_expect(type) { if (this.accept(type)) return true; error('Unexpected symbol: found ' + this.token.type + ' expected ' + type + '.'); }, parse: function PostScriptParser_parse() { this.nextToken(); this.expect(PostScriptTokenTypes.LBRACE); this.parseBlock(); this.expect(PostScriptTokenTypes.RBRACE); return this.operators; }, parseBlock: function PostScriptParser_parseBlock() { while (true) { if (this.accept(PostScriptTokenTypes.NUMBER)) { this.operators.push(this.prev.value); } else if (this.accept(PostScriptTokenTypes.OPERATOR)) { this.operators.push(this.prev.value); } else if (this.accept(PostScriptTokenTypes.LBRACE)) { this.parseCondition(); } else { return; } } }, parseCondition: function PostScriptParser_parseCondition() { // Add two place holders that will be updated later var conditionLocation = this.operators.length; this.operators.push(null, null); this.parseBlock(); this.expect(PostScriptTokenTypes.RBRACE); if (this.accept(PostScriptTokenTypes.IF)) { // The true block is right after the 'if' so it just falls through on // true else it jumps and skips the true block. this.operators[conditionLocation] = this.operators.length; this.operators[conditionLocation + 1] = 'jz'; } else if (this.accept(PostScriptTokenTypes.LBRACE)) { var jumpLocation = this.operators.length; this.operators.push(null, null); var endOfTrue = this.operators.length; this.parseBlock(); this.expect(PostScriptTokenTypes.RBRACE); this.expect(PostScriptTokenTypes.IFELSE); // The jump is added at the end of the true block to skip the false // block. this.operators[jumpLocation] = this.operators.length; this.operators[jumpLocation + 1] = 'j'; this.operators[conditionLocation] = endOfTrue; this.operators[conditionLocation + 1] = 'jz'; } else { error('PS Function: error parsing conditional.'); } } }; return PostScriptParser; })(); var PostScriptTokenTypes = { LBRACE: 0, RBRACE: 1, NUMBER: 2, OPERATOR: 3, IF: 4, IFELSE: 5 }; var PostScriptToken = (function PostScriptTokenClosure() { function PostScriptToken(type, value) { this.type = type; this.value = value; } var opCache = {}; PostScriptToken.getOperator = function PostScriptToken_getOperator(op) { var opValue = opCache[op]; if (opValue) return opValue; return opCache[op] = new PostScriptToken(PostScriptTokenTypes.OPERATOR, op); }; PostScriptToken.LBRACE = new PostScriptToken(PostScriptTokenTypes.LBRACE, '{'); PostScriptToken.RBRACE = new PostScriptToken(PostScriptTokenTypes.RBRACE, '}'); PostScriptToken.IF = new PostScriptToken(PostScriptTokenTypes.IF, 'IF'); PostScriptToken.IFELSE = new PostScriptToken(PostScriptTokenTypes.IFELSE, 'IFELSE'); return PostScriptToken; })(); var PostScriptLexer = (function PostScriptLexerClosure() { function PostScriptLexer(stream) { this.stream = stream; } PostScriptLexer.prototype = { getToken: function PostScriptLexer_getToken() { var s = ''; var ch; var comment = false; var stream = this.stream; // skip comments while (true) { if (!(ch = stream.getChar())) return EOF; if (comment) { if (ch == '\x0a' || ch == '\x0d') comment = false; } else if (ch == '%') { comment = true; } else if (!Lexer.isSpace(ch)) { break; } } switch (ch) { case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9': case '+': case '-': case '.': return new PostScriptToken(PostScriptTokenTypes.NUMBER, this.getNumber(ch)); case '{': return PostScriptToken.LBRACE; case '}': return PostScriptToken.RBRACE; } // operator var str = ch.toLowerCase(); while (true) { ch = stream.lookChar(); if (ch === null) break; ch = ch.toLowerCase(); if (ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'z') str += ch; else break; stream.skip(); } switch (str) { case 'if': return PostScriptToken.IF; case 'ifelse': return PostScriptToken.IFELSE; default: return PostScriptToken.getOperator(str); } }, getNumber: function PostScriptLexer_getNumber(ch) { var str = ch; var stream = this.stream; while (true) { ch = stream.lookChar(); if ((ch >= '0' && ch <= '9') || ch == '-' || ch == '.') str += ch; else break; stream.skip(); } var value = parseFloat(str); if (isNaN(value)) error('Invalid floating point number: ' + value); return value; } }; return PostScriptLexer; })(); var ISOAdobeCharset = [ '.notdef', 'space', 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'ccedilla', 'eacute', 'ecircumflex', 'edieresis', 'egrave', 'iacute', 'icircumflex', 'idieresis', 'igrave', 'ntilde', 'oacute', 'ocircumflex', 'odieresis', 'ograve', 'otilde', 'scaron', 'uacute', 'ucircumflex', 'udieresis', 'ugrave', 'yacute', 'ydieresis', 'zcaron' ]; var ExpertCharset = [ '.notdef', 'space', 'exclamsmall', 'Hungarumlautsmall', 'dollaroldstyle', 'dollarsuperior', 'ampersandsmall', 'Acutesmall', 'parenleftsuperior', 'parenrightsuperior', 'twodotenleader', 'onedotenleader', 'comma', 'hyphen', 'period', 'fraction', 'zerooldstyle', 'oneoldstyle', 'twooldstyle', 'threeoldstyle', 'fouroldstyle', 'fiveoldstyle', 'sixoldstyle', 'sevenoldstyle', 'eightoldstyle', 'nineoldstyle', 'colon', 'semicolon', 'commasuperior', 'threequartersemdash', 'periodsuperior', 'questionsmall', 'asuperior', 'bsuperior', 'centsuperior', 'dsuperior', 'esuperior', 'isuperior', 'lsuperior', 'msuperior', 'nsuperior', 'osuperior', 'rsuperior', 'ssuperior', 'tsuperior', 'ff', 'fi', 'fl', 'ffi', 'ffl', 'parenleftinferior', 'parenrightinferior', 'Circumflexsmall', 'hyphensuperior', 'Gravesmall', 'Asmall', 'Bsmall', 'Csmall', 'Dsmall', 'Esmall', 'Fsmall', 'Gsmall', 'Hsmall', 'Ismall', 'Jsmall', 'Ksmall', 'Lsmall', 'Msmall', 'Nsmall', 'Osmall', 'Psmall', 'Qsmall', 'Rsmall', 'Ssmall', 'Tsmall', 'Usmall', 'Vsmall', 'Wsmall', 'Xsmall', 'Ysmall', 'Zsmall', 'colonmonetary', 'onefitted', 'rupiah', 'Tildesmall', 'exclamdownsmall', 'centoldstyle', 'Lslashsmall', 'Scaronsmall', 'Zcaronsmall', 'Dieresissmall', 'Brevesmall', 'Caronsmall', 'Dotaccentsmall', 'Macronsmall', 'figuredash', 'hypheninferior', 'Ogoneksmall', 'Ringsmall', 'Cedillasmall', 'onequarter', 'onehalf', 'threequarters', 'questiondownsmall', 'oneeighth', 'threeeighths', 'fiveeighths', 'seveneighths', 'onethird', 'twothirds', 'zerosuperior', 'onesuperior', 'twosuperior', 'threesuperior', 'foursuperior', 'fivesuperior', 'sixsuperior', 'sevensuperior', 'eightsuperior', 'ninesuperior', 'zeroinferior', 'oneinferior', 'twoinferior', 'threeinferior', 'fourinferior', 'fiveinferior', 'sixinferior', 'seveninferior', 'eightinferior', 'nineinferior', 'centinferior', 'dollarinferior', 'periodinferior', 'commainferior', 'Agravesmall', 'Aacutesmall', 'Acircumflexsmall', 'Atildesmall', 'Adieresissmall', 'Aringsmall', 'AEsmall', 'Ccedillasmall', 'Egravesmall', 'Eacutesmall', 'Ecircumflexsmall', 'Edieresissmall', 'Igravesmall', 'Iacutesmall', 'Icircumflexsmall', 'Idieresissmall', 'Ethsmall', 'Ntildesmall', 'Ogravesmall', 'Oacutesmall', 'Ocircumflexsmall', 'Otildesmall', 'Odieresissmall', 'OEsmall', 'Oslashsmall', 'Ugravesmall', 'Uacutesmall', 'Ucircumflexsmall', 'Udieresissmall', 'Yacutesmall', 'Thornsmall', 'Ydieresissmall' ]; var ExpertSubsetCharset = [ '.notdef', 'space', 'dollaroldstyle', 'dollarsuperior', 'parenleftsuperior', 'parenrightsuperior', 'twodotenleader', 'onedotenleader', 'comma', 'hyphen', 'period', 'fraction', 'zerooldstyle', 'oneoldstyle', 'twooldstyle', 'threeoldstyle', 'fouroldstyle', 'fiveoldstyle', 'sixoldstyle', 'sevenoldstyle', 'eightoldstyle', 'nineoldstyle', 'colon', 'semicolon', 'commasuperior', 'threequartersemdash', 'periodsuperior', 'asuperior', 'bsuperior', 'centsuperior', 'dsuperior', 'esuperior', 'isuperior', 'lsuperior', 'msuperior', 'nsuperior', 'osuperior', 'rsuperior', 'ssuperior', 'tsuperior', 'ff', 'fi', 'fl', 'ffi', 'ffl', 'parenleftinferior', 'parenrightinferior', 'hyphensuperior', 'colonmonetary', 'onefitted', 'rupiah', 'centoldstyle', 'figuredash', 'hypheninferior', 'onequarter', 'onehalf', 'threequarters', 'oneeighth', 'threeeighths', 'fiveeighths', 'seveneighths', 'onethird', 'twothirds', 'zerosuperior', 'onesuperior', 'twosuperior', 'threesuperior', 'foursuperior', 'fivesuperior', 'sixsuperior', 'sevensuperior', 'eightsuperior', 'ninesuperior', 'zeroinferior', 'oneinferior', 'twoinferior', 'threeinferior', 'fourinferior', 'fiveinferior', 'sixinferior', 'seveninferior', 'eightinferior', 'nineinferior', 'centinferior', 'dollarinferior', 'periodinferior', 'commainferior' ]; var CIDToUnicodeMaps = { 'Adobe-Japan1': [[32, 160], {f: 12, c: 33}, [45, 8209], {f: 46, c: 46}, 165, {f: 2, c: 93}, [95, 818], [96, 768], {f: 27, c: 97}, 166, 125, [732, 771], [700, 8217], 92, [699, 8216], 124, [126, 8764], {f: 3, c: 161}, 8260, 402, 0, 164, 8220, 171, {f: 2, c: 8249}, {f: 2, c: 64257}, [8210, 8211], 0, 0, [183, 8729], 0, 8226, 8218, 8222, 8221, 187, 0, 0, 191, {f: 2, c: 769}, [175, 772], {f: 3, c: 774}, 778, [184, 807], 779, 808, 780, [822, 8212], 198, 170, 321, 216, 338, 186, 230, 305, 322, 248, 339, 223, 173, 169, 172, 174, 0, 0, {f: 2, c: 178}, 181, 185, {f: 3, c: 188}, {f: 6, c: 192}, {f: 16, c: 199}, 0, {f: 6, c: 217}, {f: 6, c: 224}, {f: 16, c: 231}, 0, {f: 7, c: 249}, 352, 376, 381, [773, 8254], 353, 8482, 382, 0, 8194, {f: 59, c: 33}, 165, {f: 31, c: 93}, 65512, {f: 2, c: 125}, 0, {f: 63, c: 65377}, {s: 243}, [8195, 12288], {f: 2, c: 12289}, 65292, 65294, 12539, {f: 2, c: 65306}, 65311, 65281, {f: 2, c: 12443}, 180, 65344, 168, 65342, 65507, 65343, {f: 2, c: 12541}, {f: 2, c: 12445}, 12291, 20189, {f: 3, c: 12293}, 12540, 8213, 8208, 65295, 65340, [12316, 65374], 8214, 65372, 8230, 8229, {s: 4}, {f: 2, c: 65288}, {f: 2, c: 12308}, 65339, 65341, 65371, 65373, {f: 10, c: 12296}, 65291, [8722, 65293], 177, 215, 247, 65309, 8800, 65308, 65310, {f: 2, c: 8806}, 8734, 8756, 9794, 9792, 176, {f: 2, c: 8242}, 8451, 65509, 65284, {f: 2, c: 65504}, 65285, 65283, 65286, 65290, 65312, 167, 9734, 9733, 9675, 9679, 9678, 9671, 9670, 9633, 9632, 9651, 9650, 9661, 9660, 8251, 12306, 8594, {f: 2, c: 8592}, 8595, 12307, 8712, 8715, {f: 2, c: 8838}, {f: 2, c: 8834}, 8746, 8745, {f: 2, c: 8743}, 65506, 8658, 8660, 8704, 8707, 8736, 8869, 8978, 8706, 8711, 8801, 8786, {f: 2, c: 8810}, 8730, 8765, 8733, 8757, {f: 2, c: 8747}, 8491, 8240, 9839, 9837, 9834, {f: 2, c: 8224}, 182, 9711, {f: 10, c: 65296}, {f: 26, c: 65313}, {f: 26, c: 65345}, {f: 83, c: 12353}, {f: 86, c: 12449}, {f: 17, c: 913}, {f: 7, c: 931}, {f: 17, c: 945}, {f: 7, c: 963}, {f: 6, c: 1040}, 1025, {f: 32, c: 1046}, 1105, {f: 26, c: 1078}, 20124, 21782, 23043, 38463, 21696, 24859, 25384, 23030, 36898, 33909, 33564, 31312, 24746, 25569, 28197, 26093, 33894, 33446, 39925, 26771, 22311, 26017, 25201, 23451, 22992, 34427, 39156, 32098, 32190, 39822, 25110, 31903, 34999, 23433, 24245, 25353, 26263, 26696, 38343, 38797, 26447, 20197, 20234, 20301, 20381, 20553, 22258, 22839, 22996, 23041, 23561, 24799, 24847, 24944, 26131, 26885, 28858, 30031, 30064, 31227, 32173, 32239, 32963, 33806, [12176, 34915], 35586, 36949, 36986, 21307, 20117, 20133, 22495, 32946, 37057, 30959, [12032, 19968], 22769, 28322, 36920, 31282, 33576, 33419, 39983, 20801, 21360, 21693, 21729, 22240, 23035, 24341, 39154, 28139, 32996, 34093, 38498, 38512, 38560, 38907, 21515, 21491, 23431, 28879, [12155, 32701], 36802, [12204, 38632], 21359, 40284, 31418, 19985, 30867, [12165, 33276], 28198, 22040, 21764, 27421, 34074, 39995, 23013, 21417, 28006, [12128, 29916], 38287, 22082, 20113, 36939, 38642, 33615, 39180, 21473, 21942, 23344, 24433, 26144, 26355, 26628, 27704, 27891, 27945, 29787, 30408, 31310, 38964, 33521, 34907, 35424, 37613, 28082, 30123, 30410, 39365, 24742, 35585, 36234, 38322, 27022, 21421, 20870, 22290, 22576, 22852, 23476, 24310, 24616, 25513, 25588, 27839, 28436, 28814, 28948, 29017, 29141, 29503, 32257, 33398, 33489, 34199, 36960, 37467, 40219, 22633, 26044, 27738, 29989, 20985, 22830, 22885, 24448, 24540, 25276, 26106, 27178, 27431, 27572, 29579, 32705, 35158, 40236, 40206, [12009, 40644], 23713, 27798, 33659, 20740, 23627, 25014, 33222, 26742, 29281, [12036, 20057], 20474, 21368, 24681, 28201, 31311, [12211, 38899], 19979, 21270, 20206, 20309, 20285, 20385, 20339, 21152, 21487, 22025, 22799, 23233, 23478, 23521, 31185, 26247, 26524, 26550, 27468, 27827, [12117, 28779], 29634, 31117, [12146, 31166], 31292, 31623, 33457, 33499, 33540, 33655, 33775, 33747, 34662, 35506, 22057, 36008, 36838, 36942, 38686, 34442, 20420, 23784, 25105, [12123, 29273], 30011, 33253, 33469, 34558, 36032, 38597, 39187, 39381, 20171, 20250, 35299, 22238, 22602, 22730, 24315, 24555, 24618, 24724, 24674, 25040, 25106, 25296, 25913, 39745, 26214, 26800, 28023, 28784, 30028, 30342, 32117, 33445, 34809, 38283, 38542, [12185, 35997], 20977, 21182, 22806, 21683, 23475, 23830, 24936, 27010, 28079, 30861, 33995, 34903, 35442, 37799, 39608, 28012, 39336, 34521, 22435, 26623, 34510, 37390, 21123, 22151, 21508, 24275, 25313, 25785, 26684, 26680, 27579, 29554, 30906, 31339, 35226, [12179, 35282], 36203, 36611, 37101, 38307, 38548, [12208, 38761], 23398, 23731, 27005, {f: 2, c: 38989}, 25499, 31520, 27179, 27263, 26806, 39949, 28511, 21106, 21917, 24688, 25324, 27963, 28167, 28369, 33883, 35088, 36676, 19988, 39993, 21494, 26907, 27194, 38788, 26666, 20828, 31427, 33970, 37340, 37772, 22107, 40232, 26658, 33541, 33841, 31909, 21000, 33477, [12129, 29926], 20094, 20355, 20896, 23506, 21002, 21208, 21223, 24059, 21914, 22570, 23014, 23436, 23448, 23515, [12082, 24178], 24185, 24739, 24863, 24931, 25022, 25563, 25954, 26577, 26707, 26874, 27454, 27475, 27735, 28450, 28567, 28485, 29872, [12130, 29976], 30435, 30475, 31487, 31649, 31777, 32233, [12152, 32566], 32752, 32925, 33382, 33694, 35251, 35532, 36011, 36996, 37969, 38291, 38289, 38306, 38501, 38867, 39208, 33304, 20024, 21547, 23736, 24012, 29609, 30284, 30524, 23721, 32747, 36107, 38593, 38929, 38996, 39000, 20225, 20238, 21361, 21916, 22120, 22522, 22855, 23305, 23492, 23696, 24076, 24190, 24524, 25582, 26426, 26071, 26082, 26399, 26827, 26820, 27231, 24112, 27589, 27671, 27773, 30079, 31048, 23395, 31232, 32000, 24509, 35215, 35352, 36020, 36215, 36556, 36637, 39138, 39438, [12004, 12225, 39740], [12018, 20096], 20605, 20736, 22931, 23452, 25135, 25216, 25836, 27450, 29344, 30097, 31047, 32681, 34811, 35516, 35696, 25516, 33738, 38816, 21513, 21507, 21931, 26708, 27224, 35440, 30759, 26485, [12233, 40653], 21364, 23458, 33050, 34384, 36870, 19992, 20037, 20167, 20241, 21450, 21560, 23470, [12088, 24339], 24613, 25937, 26429, 27714, 27762, 27875, 28792, 29699, 31350, 31406, 31496, 32026, 31998, 32102, 26087, [12124, 29275], 21435, 23621, 24040, 25298, 25312, 25369, 28192, 34394, 35377, 36317, 37624, 28417, 31142, [12226, 39770], 20136, {f: 2, c: 20139}, 20379, 20384, 20689, 20807, 31478, 20849, 20982, 21332, 21281, 21375, 21483, 21932, 22659, 23777, 24375, 24394, 24623, 24656, 24685, 25375, 25945, 27211, 27841, 29378, 29421, 30703, 33016, 33029, 33288, 34126, 37111, 37857, 38911, 39255, 39514, 20208, 20957, 23597, 26241, 26989, 23616, 26354, 26997, [12127, 29577], 26704, 31873, 20677, 21220, 22343, [12081, 24062], 37670, [12100, 26020], 27427, 27453, 29748, 31105, 31165, 31563, 32202, 33465, 33740, 34943, 35167, 35641, 36817, [12198, 37329], 21535, 37504, 20061, 20534, 21477, 21306, 29399, 29590, 30697, 33510, 36527, 39366, 39368, 39378, 20855, 24858, 34398, 21936, 31354, 20598, 23507, 36935, 38533, 20018, 27355, 37351, 23633, 23624, 25496, 31391, 27795, 38772, 36705, 31402, 29066, 38536, 31874, 26647, 32368, 26705, 37740, 21234, 21531, 34219, 35347, 32676, 36557, 37089, 21350, 34952, 31041, 20418, 20670, 21009, 20804, 21843, 22317, 29674, 22411, 22865, 24418, 24452, 24693, 24950, 24935, 25001, 25522, 25658, 25964, 26223, 26690, 28179, 30054, 31293, 31995, 32076, 32153, 32331, 32619, 33550, 33610, 34509, 35336, 35427, 35686, 36605, 38938, 40335, 33464, 36814, 39912, 21127, 25119, 25731, 28608, 38553, 26689, 20625, [12107, 27424], 27770, 28500, [12147, 31348], 32080, [12174, 34880], 35363, [12105, 26376], 20214, 20537, 20518, 20581, 20860, 21048, 21091, 21927, 22287, 22533, 23244, 24314, 25010, 25080, 25331, 25458, 26908, 27177, 29309, [12125, 29356], 29486, 30740, 30831, 32121, 30476, 32937, [12178, 35211], 35609, 36066, 36562, 36963, 37749, 38522, 38997, 39443, 40568, 20803, 21407, 21427, 24187, 24358, 28187, 28304, [12126, 29572], 29694, 32067, 33335, [12180, 35328], 35578, 38480, 20046, 20491, 21476, 21628, 22266, 22993, 23396, [12080, 24049], 24235, 24359, [12094, 25144], 25925, 26543, 28246, 29392, 31946, 34996, 32929, 32993, 33776, [11969, 34382], 35463, 36328, 37431, 38599, 39015, [12238, 40723], 20116, 20114, 20237, 21320, 21577, 21566, 23087, 24460, 24481, 24735, 26791, 27278, 29786, 30849, 35486, 35492, 35703, 37264, 20062, 39881, 20132, 20348, 20399, 20505, 20502, 20809, 20844, 21151, 21177, 21246, 21402, [12061, 21475], 21521, 21518, 21897, 22353, 22434, 22909, 23380, 23389, 23439, [12079, 24037], 24039, 24055, 24184, 24195, 24218, 24247, 24344, 24658, 24908, 25239, 25304, 25511, 25915, 26114, 26179, 26356, 26477, 26657, 26775, 27083, 27743, 27946, 28009, 28207, 28317, 30002, 30343, 30828, 31295, 31968, 32005, 32024, 32094, 32177, 32789, 32771, 32943, 32945, 33108, 33167, 33322, 33618, [12175, 34892], 34913, 35611, 36002, 36092, 37066, 37237, 37489, 30783, 37628, 38308, 38477, 38917, [12217, 39321], [12220, 39640], 40251, 21083, 21163, 21495, 21512, 22741, 25335, 28640, 35946, 36703, 40633, 20811, 21051, 21578, 22269, 31296, 37239, 40288, [12234, 40658], 29508, 28425, 33136, 29969, 24573, 24794, [12219, 39592], 29403, 36796, 27492, 38915, 20170, 22256, 22372, 22718, 23130, 24680, 25031, 26127, 26118, 26681, 26801, 28151, 30165, 32058, [12169, 33390], 39746, 20123, 20304, 21449, 21766, 23919, 24038, 24046, 26619, 27801, 29811, 30722, 35408, 37782, 35039, 22352, 24231, 25387, 20661, 20652, 20877, 26368, 21705, 22622, 22971, 23472, 24425, 25165, 25505, 26685, 27507, 28168, 28797, 37319, 29312, 30741, 30758, 31085, 25998, 32048, 33756, 35009, 36617, 38555, 21092, 22312, 26448, 32618, 36001, 20916, 22338, 38442, 22586, 27018, 32948, 21682, 23822, 22524, 30869, 40442, 20316, 21066, 21643, 25662, 26152, 26388, 26613, 31364, 31574, 32034, 37679, 26716, 39853, 31545, 21273, 20874, 21047, 23519, 25334, 25774, 25830, 26413, 27578, 34217, 38609, 30352, 39894, 25420, 37638, 39851, [12139, 30399], 26194, 19977, 20632, 21442, [12077, 23665], 24808, 25746, 25955, 26719, 29158, 29642, 29987, 31639, 32386, 34453, 35715, 36059, 37240, 39184, 26028, 26283, 27531, 20181, 20180, 20282, 20351, 21050, 21496, 21490, 21987, 22235, [12064, 22763], 22987, 22985, 23039, [12070, 23376], 23629, 24066, 24107, 24535, 24605, 25351, [12096, 25903], 23388, 26031, 26045, 26088, 26525, [12108, 27490], 27515, [12114, 27663], 29509, 31049, 31169, [12151, 31992], 32025, 32043, 32930, 33026, [12164, 33267], 35222, 35422, 35433, 35430, 35468, 35566, 36039, 36060, 38604, 39164, [12013, 27503], 20107, 20284, 20365, 20816, 23383, 23546, 24904, 25345, 26178, 27425, 28363, 27835, 29246, 29885, 30164, 30913, [12144, 31034], [12157, 32780], [12159, 32819], [12163, 33258], 33940, 36766, 27728, [12229, 40575], 24335, 35672, 40235, 31482, 36600, 23437, 38635, 19971, 21489, 22519, 22833, 23241, 23460, 24713, 28287, 28422, 30142, 36074, 23455, 34048, 31712, 20594, 26612, 33437, 23649, 34122, 32286, 33294, 20889, 23556, 25448, 36198, 26012, 29038, 31038, 32023, 32773, 35613, [12190, 36554], 36974, 34503, 37034, 20511, 21242, 23610, 26451, 28796, 29237, 37196, 37320, 37675, 33509, 23490, 24369, 24825, 20027, 21462, 23432, [12095, 25163], 26417, 27530, 29417, 29664, 31278, 33131, 36259, 37202, [12216, 39318], 20754, 21463, 21610, 23551, 25480, 27193, 32172, 38656, 22234, 21454, 21608, 23447, 23601, 24030, 20462, 24833, 25342, 27954, 31168, 31179, 32066, 32333, 32722, 33261, [12168, 33311], 33936, 34886, 35186, 35728, 36468, 36655, 36913, 37195, 37228, 38598, 37276, 20160, 20303, 20805, [12055, 21313], 24467, 25102, 26580, 27713, 28171, 29539, 32294, 37325, 37507, 21460, 22809, 23487, 28113, 31069, 32302, 31899, 22654, 29087, 20986, 34899, 36848, 20426, 23803, 26149, 30636, 31459, 33308, 39423, 20934, 24490, 26092, 26991, 27529, 28147, 28310, 28516, 30462, 32020, 24033, 36981, 37255, 38918, 20966, 21021, 25152, 26257, 26329, 28186, 24246, 32210, 32626, 26360, 34223, 34295, 35576, 21161, 21465, [12069, 22899], 24207, 24464, 24661, 37604, 38500, 20663, 20767, 21213, 21280, 21319, 21484, 21736, 21830, 21809, 22039, 22888, 22974, 23100, 23477, 23558, [12073, 23567], 23569, 23578, 24196, 24202, 24288, 24432, 25215, 25220, 25307, 25484, 25463, 26119, 26124, 26157, 26230, 26494, 26786, 27167, 27189, 27836, 28040, 28169, 28248, 28988, 28966, 29031, 30151, 30465, 30813, 30977, 31077, 31216, 31456, 31505, 31911, 32057, 32918, 33750, 33931, 34121, 34909, 35059, 35359, 35388, 35412, 35443, 35937, 36062, 37284, 37478, 37758, 37912, 38556, 38808, 19978, 19976, 19998, 20055, 20887, 21104, 22478, 22580, 22732, 23330, 24120, 24773, 25854, 26465, 26454, 27972, 29366, 30067, 31331, 33976, 35698, 37304, 37664, 22065, 22516, 39166, 25325, 26893, 27542, 29165, 32340, 32887, [12170, 33394], 35302, [12215, 39135], 34645, 36785, 23611, 20280, 20449, 20405, 21767, 23072, 23517, 23529, [12092, 24515], 24910, 25391, 26032, 26187, 26862, 27035, 28024, 28145, 30003, 30137, 30495, 31070, 31206, 32051, [12162, 33251], 33455, 34218, 35242, 35386, [12189, 36523], [12191, 36763], 36914, 37341, 38663, [12040, 20154], 20161, 20995, 22645, 22764, 23563, 29978, 23613, 33102, 35338, 36805, 38499, 38765, 31525, 35535, 38920, 37218, 22259, 21416, 36887, 21561, 22402, 24101, 25512, [12116, 27700], 28810, 30561, 31883, 32736, 34928, 36930, 37204, 37648, 37656, 38543, 29790, 39620, 23815, 23913, 25968, 26530, 36264, 38619, 25454, 26441, 26905, 33733, 38935, 38592, 35070, 28548, 25722, [12072, 23544], 19990, 28716, 30045, 26159, 20932, 21046, 21218, 22995, 24449, 24615, 25104, 25919, 25972, 26143, 26228, 26866, 26646, 27491, 28165, 29298, [12131, 29983], 30427, 31934, 32854, 22768, 35069, [11972, 35199], 35488, 35475, 35531, 36893, 37266, [11992, 38738], 38745, [12011, 25993], 31246, 33030, 38587, 24109, 24796, 25114, 26021, 26132, 26512, [12143, 30707], 31309, 31821, 32318, 33034, 36012, [12186, 36196], 36321, 36447, 30889, 20999, 25305, 25509, 25666, 25240, 35373, 31363, 31680, 35500, 38634, 32118, [12166, 33292], 34633, 20185, 20808, 21315, 21344, 23459, 23554, 23574, 24029, 25126, 25159, 25776, 26643, 26676, 27849, 27973, 27927, 26579, 28508, 29006, 29053, 26059, 31359, 31661, 32218, 32330, 32680, 33146, [12167, 33307], 33337, 34214, 35438, 36046, 36341, 36984, 36983, 37549, 37521, 38275, 39854, 21069, 21892, 28472, 28982, 20840, 31109, 32341, 33203, 31950, 22092, 22609, 23720, 25514, 26366, 26365, 26970, 29401, 30095, 30094, 30990, 31062, 31199, 31895, 32032, 32068, 34311, 35380, 38459, 36961, [12239, 40736], 20711, 21109, 21452, 21474, 20489, 21930, 22766, 22863, 29245, 23435, 23652, 21277, 24803, 24819, 25436, 25475, 25407, 25531, 25805, 26089, 26361, 24035, 27085, 27133, 28437, 29157, 20105, 30185, 30456, 31379, 31967, 32207, 32156, 32865, 33609, 33624, 33900, 33980, 34299, 35013, [12187, 36208], 36865, 36973, 37783, 38684, 39442, 20687, 22679, 24974, 33235, 34101, 36104, 36896, 20419, 20596, 21063, 21363, 24687, 25417, 26463, 28204, [12188, 36275], 36895, 20439, 23646, 36042, 26063, 32154, 21330, 34966, 20854, 25539, 23384, 23403, 23562, 25613, 26449, 36956, 20182, 22810, 22826, 27760, 35409, 21822, 22549, 22949, 24816, 25171, 26561, 33333, 26965, 38464, 39364, 39464, 20307, 22534, 23550, 32784, 23729, 24111, 24453, 24608, 24907, 25140, 26367, 27888, 28382, 32974, 33151, 33492, 34955, 36024, 36864, 36910, 38538, 40667, 39899, 20195, 21488, [12068, 22823], 31532, 37261, 38988, 40441, 28381, 28711, 21331, 21828, 23429, 25176, 25246, 25299, 27810, 28655, 29730, 35351, 37944, 28609, 35582, 33592, 20967, 34552, 21482, 21481, 20294, 36948, [12192, 36784], 22890, 33073, 24061, 31466, 36799, 26842, [12181, 35895], 29432, 40008, 27197, 35504, 20025, 21336, 22022, 22374, 25285, 25506, 26086, 27470, 28129, 28251, 28845, 30701, 31471, 31658, 32187, 32829, 32966, 34507, 35477, 37723, 22243, 22727, 24382, 26029, 26262, 27264, 27573, 30007, 35527, 20516, 30693, 22320, 24347, 24677, 26234, 27744, 30196, 31258, 32622, 33268, 34584, 36933, 39347, 31689, 30044, [12149, 31481], 31569, 33988, 36880, 31209, 31378, 33590, 23265, 30528, 20013, 20210, 23449, 24544, 25277, 26172, 26609, 27880, [12173, 34411], 34935, 35387, 37198, 37619, 39376, 27159, 28710, 29482, 33511, 33879, 36015, 19969, 20806, 20939, 21899, 23541, 24086, 24115, 24193, 24340, 24373, 24427, 24500, 25074, 25361, 26274, 26397, 28526, 29266, 30010, 30522, 32884, 33081, 33144, 34678, 35519, 35548, 36229, 36339, 37530, [11985, 12199, 38263], 38914, [12227, 40165], 21189, 25431, 30452, 26389, 27784, 29645, 36035, 37806, 38515, 27941, 22684, 26894, 27084, 36861, 37786, 30171, 36890, 22618, 26626, 25524, 27131, 20291, 28460, 26584, 36795, 34086, 32180, 37716, 26943, 28528, 22378, 22775, 23340, 32044, [12118, 29226], 21514, 37347, 40372, 20141, 20302, 20572, 20597, 21059, 35998, 21576, 22564, 23450, 24093, 24213, 24237, 24311, 24351, 24716, 25269, 25402, 25552, 26799, 27712, 30855, 31118, 31243, 32224, 33351, 35330, 35558, 36420, 36883, 37048, 37165, 37336, [12237, 40718], 27877, 25688, 25826, 25973, 28404, 30340, 31515, 36969, 37841, 28346, 21746, 24505, 25764, 36685, 36845, 37444, 20856, 22635, 22825, 23637, 24215, 28155, 32399, 29980, 36028, 36578, 39003, 28857, 20253, 27583, 28593, [12133, 30000], 38651, 20814, 21520, 22581, 22615, 22956, 23648, 24466, [12099, 26007], 26460, 28193, 30331, 33759, 36077, 36884, 37117, 37709, 30757, 30778, 21162, 24230, [12063, 22303], 22900, 24594, 20498, 20826, 20908, 20941, [12049, 20992], 21776, 22612, 22616, 22871, 23445, 23798, 23947, 24764, 25237, 25645, 26481, 26691, 26812, 26847, 30423, 28120, 28271, 28059, 28783, 29128, 24403, 30168, 31095, 31561, 31572, 31570, 31958, 32113, 21040, 33891, 34153, 34276, 35342, 35588, [12182, 35910], 36367, 36867, 36879, 37913, 38518, 38957, 39472, 38360, 20685, 21205, 21516, 22530, 23566, 24999, 25758, 27934, 30643, 31461, 33012, 33796, 36947, 37509, 23776, 40199, 21311, 24471, 24499, 28060, 29305, 30563, 31167, 31716, 27602, 29420, 35501, 26627, 27233, 20984, 31361, 26932, 23626, 40182, 33515, 23493, [12195, 37193], 28702, 22136, 23663, 24775, 25958, 27788, 35930, 36929, 38931, 21585, 26311, 37389, 22856, 37027, 20869, 20045, 20970, 34201, 35598, 28760, 25466, 37707, 26978, 39348, 32260, 30071, 21335, 26976, 36575, 38627, 27741, [12038, 20108], 23612, 24336, 36841, 21250, 36049, [12161, 32905], 34425, 24319, [12103, 26085], 20083, [12042, 20837], 22914, 23615, 38894, 20219, 22922, 24525, 35469, 28641, 31152, 31074, 23527, 33905, 29483, 29105, 24180, 24565, 25467, 25754, 29123, 31896, 20035, 24316, 20043, 22492, 22178, 24745, 28611, 32013, 33021, 33075, 33215, 36786, 35223, 34468, 24052, 25226, 25773, 35207, 26487, 27874, 27966, 29750, 30772, 23110, 32629, 33453, [12218, 39340], 20467, 24259, 25309, 25490, 25943, 26479, 30403, 29260, 32972, 32954, 36649, 37197, 20493, 22521, 23186, 26757, 26995, 29028, 29437, 36023, 22770, 36064, 38506, 36889, 34687, 31204, 30695, 33833, 20271, 21093, 21338, 25293, 26575, 27850, [12137, 30333], 31636, 31893, 33334, 34180, 36843, 26333, 28448, 29190, 32283, 33707, 39361, [12008, 40614], 20989, 31665, 30834, 31672, 32903, 31560, 27368, 24161, 32908, 30033, 30048, [12043, 20843], 37474, 28300, 30330, 37271, 39658, 20240, 32624, 25244, 31567, 38309, 40169, 22138, 22617, 34532, 38588, 20276, 21028, 21322, 21453, 21467, 24070, 25644, 26001, 26495, 27710, 27726, 29256, 29359, 29677, 30036, 32321, 33324, 34281, 36009, 31684, [12196, 37318], 29033, 38930, 39151, 25405, 26217, 30058, 30436, 30928, 34115, 34542, 21290, 21329, 21542, 22915, 24199, 24444, 24754, 25161, 25209, 25259, 26000, [12112, 27604], 27852, 30130, [12138, 30382], 30865, 31192, 32203, 32631, 32933, 34987, 35513, 36027, 36991, [12206, 38750], [12214, 39131], 27147, 31800, 20633, 23614, 24494, 26503, 27608, 29749, 30473, 32654, [12240, 40763], 26570, 31255, 21305, [12134, 30091], 39661, 24422, 33181, 33777, 32920, 24380, 24517, 30050, 31558, 36924, 26727, 23019, 23195, 32016, 30334, 35628, 20469, 24426, 27161, 27703, 28418, 29922, 31080, 34920, 35413, 35961, 24287, 25551, 30149, 31186, 33495, 37672, 37618, 33948, 34541, 39981, 21697, 24428, 25996, 27996, 28693, 36007, 36051, 38971, 25935, 29942, 19981, 20184, 22496, 22827, 23142, 23500, 20904, 24067, 24220, 24598, 25206, 25975, 26023, 26222, 28014, [12119, 29238], 31526, 33104, 33178, 33433, 35676, 36000, 36070, 36212, [12201, 38428], 38468, 20398, 25771, 27494, 33310, 33889, 34154, 37096, 23553, 26963, [12213, 39080], 33914, 34135, 20239, 21103, 24489, 24133, 26381, 31119, 33145, 35079, 35206, 28149, 24343, 25173, 27832, 20175, 29289, 39826, 20998, 21563, 22132, 22707, 24996, 25198, 28954, 22894, 31881, 31966, 32027, 38640, [12098, 25991], 32862, 19993, 20341, 20853, 22592, 24163, 24179, 24330, 26564, 20006, 34109, 38281, 38491, [12150, 31859], [12212, 38913], 20731, 22721, 30294, 30887, 21029, 30629, 34065, 31622, 20559, 22793, [12122, 29255], 31687, 32232, 36794, 36820, 36941, 20415, 21193, 23081, 24321, 38829, 20445, 33303, 37610, 22275, 25429, 27497, 29995, 35036, 36628, 31298, 21215, 22675, 24917, 25098, 26286, [11935, 27597], 31807, 33769, 20515, 20472, 21253, 21574, 22577, 22857, 23453, 23792, 23791, 23849, 24214, 25265, 25447, 25918, [12101, 26041], 26379, 27861, 27873, 28921, 30770, 32299, 32990, 33459, 33804, 34028, 34562, 35090, 35370, 35914, 37030, 37586, 39165, 40179, 40300, 20047, 20129, 20621, 21078, 22346, 22952, 24125, {f: 2, c: 24536}, 25151, 26292, 26395, 26576, 26834, 20882, 32033, 32938, 33192, 35584, 35980, 36031, 37502, 38450, 21536, 38956, 21271, 20693, [12056, 21340], 22696, 25778, 26420, 29287, 30566, 31302, 37350, 21187, 27809, 27526, 22528, 24140, 22868, 26412, 32763, 20961, 30406, 25705, 30952, 39764, [12231, 40635], 22475, 22969, 26151, 26522, 27598, 21737, 27097, 24149, 33180, 26517, 39850, 26622, 40018, 26717, 20134, 20451, [12060, 21448], 25273, 26411, 27819, 36804, 20397, 32365, 40639, 19975, 24930, 28288, 28459, 34067, 21619, 26410, 39749, [11922, 24051], 31637, 23724, 23494, 34588, 28234, 34001, 31252, 33032, 22937, 31885, [11936, 27665], 30496, 21209, 22818, 28961, 29279, [12141, 30683], 38695, 40289, 26891, 23167, 23064, 20901, 21517, 21629, 26126, 30431, 36855, 37528, 40180, 23018, 29277, 28357, 20813, 26825, 32191, 32236, [12207, 38754], 40634, 25720, 27169, 33538, 22916, 23391, [12113, 27611], 29467, 30450, 32178, 32791, 33945, 20786, [12106, 26408], 40665, [12140, 30446], 26466, 21247, 39173, 23588, 25147, 31870, 36016, 21839, 24758, 32011, [12200, 38272], 21249, 20063, 20918, 22812, 29242, 32822, 37326, 24357, [12142, 30690], 21380, 24441, 32004, 34220, 35379, 36493, 38742, 26611, 34222, 37971, 24841, 24840, 27833, 30290, 35565, 36664, 21807, 20305, 20778, 21191, 21451, 23461, 24189, 24736, 24962, 25558, 26377, 26586, 28263, 28044, {f: 2, c: 29494}, 30001, 31056, 35029, 35480, 36938, [12194, 37009], 37109, 38596, 34701, [12067, 22805], 20104, 20313, 19982, 35465, 36671, 38928, 20653, 24188, 22934, 23481, 24248, 25562, 25594, 25793, 26332, 26954, 27096, 27915, 28342, 29076, [12132, 29992], 31407, [12154, 32650], 32768, 33865, 33993, 35201, 35617, 36362, 36965, 38525, 39178, 24958, 25233, 27442, 27779, 28020, 32716, 32764, 28096, 32645, 34746, 35064, 26469, 33713, 38972, 38647, 27931, 32097, 33853, 37226, 20081, 21365, 23888, 27396, 28651, 34253, 34349, 35239, 21033, 21519, 23653, 26446, 26792, 29702, 29827, 30178, 35023, 35041, [12197, 37324], 38626, 38520, 24459, 29575, [12148, 31435], 33870, 25504, 30053, 21129, 27969, 28316, 29705, 30041, 30827, 31890, 38534, [12015, 31452], [12243, 40845], 20406, 24942, 26053, 34396, 20102, 20142, 20698, 20001, 20940, 23534, 26009, 26753, 28092, 29471, 30274, 30637, 31260, 31975, 33391, 35538, 36988, 37327, 38517, 38936, [12050, 21147], 32209, 20523, 21400, 26519, 28107, 29136, 29747, 33256, 36650, 38563, 40023, 40607, 29792, 22593, 28057, 32047, 39006, 20196, 20278, 20363, 20919, 21169, 23994, 24604, 29618, 31036, 33491, 37428, 38583, 38646, 38666, 40599, 40802, 26278, 27508, 21015, 21155, 28872, 35010, 24265, 24651, 24976, 28451, 29001, 31806, 32244, 32879, 34030, 36899, 37676, 21570, 39791, 27347, 28809, 36034, 36335, 38706, 21172, 23105, 24266, 24324, 26391, 27004, 27028, 28010, 28431, 29282, 29436, 31725, [12156, 32769], 32894, 34635, 37070, 20845, 40595, 31108, 32907, 37682, 35542, 20525, 21644, 35441, 27498, 36036, 33031, 24785, 26528, 40434, 20121, 20120, 39952, 35435, 34241, 34152, 26880, 28286, 30871, 33109, 24332, 19984, 19989, 20010, 20017, [12034, 20022], 20028, [12035, 20031], 20034, 20054, 20056, 20098, [12037, 20101], 35947, 20106, 33298, 24333, 20110, {f: 2, c: 20126}, [12039, 20128], 20130, 20144, 20147, 20150, 20174, 20173, 20164, 20166, 20162, 20183, 20190, 20205, 20191, 20215, 20233, 20314, 20272, 20315, 20317, 20311, 20295, 20342, 20360, 20367, 20376, 20347, 20329, 20336, 20369, 20335, 20358, 20374, 20760, 20436, 20447, 20430, 20440, 20443, 20433, 20442, 20432, {f: 2, c: 20452}, 20506, 20520, 20500, 20522, 20517, 20485, 20252, 20470, 20513, 20521, 20524, 20478, 20463, 20497, 20486, 20547, 20551, 26371, 20565, 20560, 20552, 20570, 20566, 20588, 20600, 20608, 20634, 20613, 20660, 20658, {f: 2, c: 20681}, 20659, 20674, 20694, 20702, 20709, 20717, 20707, 20718, 20729, 20725, 20745, {f: 2, c: 20737}, 20758, 20757, 20756, 20762, 20769, 20794, 20791, 20796, 20795, [12041, 20799], [11918, 20800], 20818, 20812, 20820, 20834, 31480, {f: 2, c: 20841}, 20846, 20864, [12044, 20866], 22232, 20876, 20873, 20879, 20881, 20883, 20885, [12045, 20886], 20900, 20902, 20898, {f: 2, c: 20905}, [12046, 20907], 20915, {f: 2, c: 20913}, 20912, 20917, 20925, 20933, 20937, 20955, [12047, 20960], 34389, 20969, 20973, 20976, [12048, 20981], 20990, 20996, 21003, 21012, 21006, 21031, 21034, 21038, 21043, 21049, 21071, 21060, {f: 2, c: 21067}, 21086, 21076, 21098, 21108, 21097, 21107, 21119, 21117, 21133, 21140, 21138, 21105, 21128, 21137, 36776, 36775, {f: 2, c: 21164}, 21180, 21173, 21185, 21197, 21207, 21214, 21219, 21222, 39149, 21216, 21235, 21237, 21240, [12051, 21241], 21254, 21256, 30008, 21261, 21264, 21263, [12052, 21269], [12053, 21274], 21283, 21295, 21297, 21299, [12054, 21304], 21312, 21318, 21317, 19991, 21321, 21325, 20950, 21342, [12057, 21353], 21358, 22808, 21371, 21367, [12058, 21378], 21398, 21408, 21414, 21413, 21422, 21424, [12059, 21430], 21443, 31762, 38617, 21471, 26364, 29166, 21486, 21480, 21485, 21498, 21505, 21565, 21568, {f: 2, c: 21548}, 21564, 21550, 21558, 21545, 21533, 21582, 21647, 21621, 21646, 21599, 21617, 21623, 21616, 21650, 21627, 21632, 21622, 21636, 21648, 21638, 21703, 21666, 21688, 21669, 21676, 21700, 21704, 21672, 21675, 21698, 21668, 21694, 21692, 21720, {f: 2, c: 21733}, 21775, 21780, 21757, 21742, 21741, 21754, 21730, 21817, 21824, 21859, 21836, 21806, 21852, 21829, {f: 2, c: 21846}, 21816, 21811, 21853, 21913, 21888, 21679, 21898, 21919, 21883, 21886, 21912, 21918, 21934, 21884, 21891, 21929, 21895, 21928, 21978, 21957, 21983, 21956, 21980, 21988, 21972, 22036, 22007, 22038, 22014, 22013, 22043, 22009, 22094, 22096, 29151, 22068, 22070, 22066, 22072, 22123, 22116, 22063, 22124, 22122, 22150, 22144, 22154, 22176, 22164, 22159, 22181, 22190, 22198, 22196, 22210, 22204, 22209, 22211, 22208, 22216, 22222, 22225, 22227, [12062, 22231], 22254, 22265, 22272, 22271, 22276, 22281, 22280, 22283, 22285, 22291, 22296, 22294, 21959, 22300, 22310, {f: 2, c: 22327}, 22350, 22331, 22336, 22351, 22377, 22464, 22408, 22369, 22399, 22409, 22419, 22432, 22451, 22436, 22442, 22448, 22467, 22470, 22484, {f: 2, c: 22482}, 22538, 22486, 22499, 22539, 22553, 22557, 22642, 22561, 22626, 22603, 22640, 27584, 22610, 22589, 22649, 22661, 22713, 22687, 22699, 22714, 22750, 22715, 22712, 22702, 22725, 22739, 22737, 22743, 22745, 22744, 22757, 22748, 22756, 22751, 22767, 22778, 22777, {f: 3, c: 22779}, [12065, 22786], [12066, 22794], 22800, 22811, 26790, 22821, {f: 2, c: 22828}, 22834, 22840, 22846, 31442, 22869, 22864, 22862, 22874, 22872, 22882, 22880, 22887, 22892, 22889, 22904, 22913, 22941, 20318, 20395, 22947, 22962, 22982, 23016, 23004, 22925, {f: 2, c: 23001}, 23077, 23071, 23057, 23068, 23049, 23066, 23104, 23148, 23113, {f: 2, c: 23093}, 23138, 23146, 23194, 23228, 23230, 23243, 23234, 23229, 23267, 23255, 23270, 23273, 23254, {f: 2, c: 23290}, 23308, 23307, 23318, 23346, 23248, 23338, 23350, 23358, 23363, 23365, 23360, 23377, 23381, {f: 2, c: 23386}, 23397, 23401, 23408, 23411, 23413, 23416, 25992, 23418, [12071, 23424], 23427, 23462, 23480, 23491, 23495, 23497, 23508, 23504, 23524, 23526, 23522, 23518, 23525, 23531, 23536, 23542, 23539, 23557, {f: 2, c: 23559}, 23565, 23571, 23584, [11920, 12074, 23586], 23592, [12075, 23608], 23609, 23617, 23622, 23630, 23635, 23632, 23631, 23409, 23660, [12076, 23662], 20066, 23670, 23673, 23692, 23697, 23700, 22939, 23723, 23739, 23734, 23740, 23735, 23749, 23742, 23751, 23769, 23785, 23805, 23802, 23789, 23948, 23786, 23819, 23829, 23831, 23900, 23839, 23835, 23825, 23828, 23842, 23834, 23833, 23832, 23884, 23890, 23886, 23883, 23916, 23923, 23926, 23943, 23940, 23938, 23970, 23965, 23980, 23982, 23997, 23952, 23991, 23996, 24009, 24013, 24019, 24018, 24022, [12078, 24027], 24043, 24050, 24053, 24075, 24090, 24089, 24081, 24091, {f: 2, c: 24118}, 24132, 24131, 24128, 24142, 24151, 24148, 24159, 24162, 24164, 24135, {f: 2, c: 24181}, [11923, 12083, 24186], 40636, [12084, 24191], 24224, {f: 2, c: 24257}, 24264, 24272, 24271, 24278, 24291, 24285, {f: 2, c: 24282}, 24290, 24289, {f: 2, c: 24296}, 24300, 24305, 24307, 24304, [12085, 24308], 24312, [12086, 24318], 24323, 24329, 24413, 24412, [12087, 24331], 24337, 24342, 24361, 24365, 24376, 24385, 24392, 24396, 24398, 24367, [11924, 24401], {f: 2, c: 24406}, 24409, [12090, 24417], 24429, [12091, 24435], 24439, 24451, 24450, 24447, 24458, 24456, 24465, 24455, 24478, 24473, 24472, 24480, 24488, 24493, 24508, 24534, 24571, 24548, 24568, 24561, 24541, 24755, 24575, 24609, 24672, 24601, 24592, 24617, 24590, 24625, 24603, 24597, 24619, 24614, 24591, 24634, 24666, 24641, 24682, 24695, 24671, 24650, 24646, 24653, 24675, 24643, 24676, 24642, 24684, 24683, 24665, 24705, 24717, 24807, 24707, 24730, 24708, 24731, {f: 2, c: 24726}, 24722, 24743, 24715, 24801, 24760, 24800, 24787, 24756, 24560, 24765, 24774, 24757, 24792, 24909, 24853, 24838, {f: 2, c: 24822}, 24832, 24820, 24826, 24835, 24865, 24827, 24817, {f: 2, c: 24845}, 24903, 24894, 24872, 24871, 24906, 24895, 24892, 24876, 24884, 24893, 24898, 24900, 24947, 24951, {f: 3, c: 24920}, 24939, 24948, 24943, 24933, 24945, 24927, 24925, 24915, 24949, 24985, 24982, 24967, 25004, 24980, 24986, 24970, 24977, 25003, 25006, 25036, 25034, 25033, 25079, 25032, 25027, 25030, 25018, 25035, 32633, 25037, 25062, 25059, 25078, 25082, 25076, 25087, 25085, 25084, 25086, 25088, [12093, 25096], 25097, 25101, 25100, 25108, 25115, 25118, 25121, 25130, 25134, 25136, {f: 2, c: 25138}, 25153, 25166, 25182, 25187, 25179, 25184, 25192, 25212, 25218, 25225, 25214, {f: 2, c: 25234}, 25238, 25300, 25219, 25236, 25303, 25297, 25275, 25295, 25343, 25286, 25812, 25288, 25308, 25292, 25290, 25282, 25287, 25243, 25289, 25356, 25326, 25329, 25383, 25346, 25352, 25327, 25333, 25424, 25406, 25421, 25628, 25423, 25494, 25486, 25472, 25515, 25462, 25507, 25487, 25481, 25503, 25525, 25451, 25449, 25534, 25577, 25536, 25542, 25571, 25545, 25554, 25590, 25540, 25622, 25652, 25606, 25619, 25638, 25654, 25885, 25623, 25640, 25615, 25703, 25711, 25718, 25678, 25898, 25749, 25747, 25765, 25769, 25736, 25788, 25818, 25810, 25797, 25799, 25787, 25816, 25794, 25841, 25831, 33289, {f: 2, c: 25824}, 25260, 25827, 25839, 25900, 25846, 25844, 25842, 25850, 25856, 25853, 25880, 25884, 25861, 25892, 25891, 25899, [12097, 25908], [11929, 25909], 25911, 25910, 25912, 30027, 25928, 25942, 25941, 25933, 25944, 25950, 25949, 25970, 25976, {f: 2, c: 25986}, 35722, 26011, 26015, 26027, 26039, 26051, 26054, 26049, 26052, 26060, 26066, 26075, 26073, [12102, 26080], [11931, 26081], 26097, 26482, 26122, 26115, 26107, 26483, {f: 2, c: 26165}, 26164, 26140, 26191, 26180, 26185, 26177, 26206, 26205, 26212, {f: 2, c: 26215}, 26207, 26210, 26224, 26243, 26248, 26254, 26249, 26244, 26264, 26269, 26305, 26297, 26313, 26302, 26300, 26308, 26296, 26326, 26330, 26336, 26175, 26342, 26345, [12104, 26352], 26357, 26359, 26383, 26390, 26398, {f: 2, c: 26406}, 38712, 26414, 26431, 26422, 26433, 26424, 26423, 26438, 26462, 26464, 26457, {f: 2, c: 26467}, 26505, 26480, 26537, 26492, 26474, 26508, 26507, 26534, 26529, 26501, 26551, 26607, 26548, 26604, 26547, 26601, 26552, 26596, 26590, 26589, 26594, 26606, 26553, 26574, 26566, 26599, 27292, 26654, 26694, 26665, 26688, 26701, 26674, 26702, 26803, 26667, 26713, 26723, 26743, 26751, 26783, 26767, 26797, 26772, 26781, 26779, 26755, 27310, 26809, 26740, 26805, 26784, 26810, 26895, 26765, 26750, 26881, 26826, 26888, 26840, 26914, 26918, 26849, 26892, 26829, 26836, 26855, 26837, 26934, 26898, 26884, 26839, 26851, 26917, 26873, 26848, 26863, 26920, 26922, 26906, 26915, 26913, 26822, 27001, 26999, 26972, 27000, 26987, 26964, 27006, 26990, 26937, 26996, 26941, 26969, 26928, 26977, 26974, 26973, 27009, 26986, 27058, 27054, 27088, 27071, 27073, 27091, 27070, 27086, 23528, 27082, 27101, 27067, 27075, 27047, 27182, 27025, 27040, 27036, 27029, 27060, 27102, 27112, 27138, 27163, 27135, 27402, 27129, 27122, 27111, 27141, 27057, 27166, 27117, 27156, 27115, 27146, 27154, 27329, 27171, 27155, 27204, 27148, 27250, 27190, 27256, 27207, 27234, 27225, 27238, 27208, 27192, 27170, 27280, 27277, 27296, 27268, {f: 2, c: 27298}, 27287, 34327, 27323, 27331, 27330, 27320, 27315, 27308, 27358, 27345, 27359, 27306, 27354, 27370, 27387, 27397, 34326, 27386, 27410, 27414, 39729, 27423, 27448, 27447, 30428, 27449, 39150, 27463, 27459, 27465, 27472, 27481, 27476, 27483, 27487, 27489, 27512, [12109, 27513], {f: 2, c: 27519}, 27524, 27523, 27533, 27544, 27541, 27550, 27556, {f: 2, c: 27562}, 27567, 27570, 27569, [12110, 27571], 27575, 27580, 27590, [12111, 27595], 27603, 27615, 27628, 27627, 27635, 27631, 40638, 27656, 27667, [12115, 27668], 27675, 27684, 27683, 27742, 27733, 27746, 27754, 27778, 27789, 27802, 27777, 27803, 27774, 27752, 27763, 27794, 27792, 27844, 27889, 27859, 27837, 27863, 27845, 27869, 27822, 27825, 27838, 27834, 27867, 27887, 27865, 27882, 27935, 34893, 27958, 27947, 27965, 27960, 27929, 27957, 27955, 27922, 27916, 28003, 28051, 28004, 27994, 28025, 27993, 28046, 28053, 28644, 28037, 28153, 28181, 28170, 28085, 28103, 28134, 28088, 28102, 28140, 28126, 28108, 28136, 28114, 28101, 28154, 28121, 28132, 28117, 28138, 28142, 28205, 28270, 28206, 28185, 28274, 28255, 28222, 28195, 28267, 28203, 28278, 28237, 28191, 28227, 28218, 28238, 28196, 28415, 28189, 28216, 28290, 28330, 28312, 28361, 28343, 28371, 28349, 28335, 28356, 28338, {f: 2, c: 28372}, 28303, 28325, 28354, 28319, 28481, 28433, 28748, 28396, 28408, 28414, 28479, 28402, 28465, 28399, 28466, 28364, 28478, 28435, 28407, 28550, 28538, 28536, 28545, 28544, 28527, 28507, 28659, 28525, 28546, 28540, 28504, 28558, 28561, 28610, 28518, 28595, 28579, 28577, 28580, 28601, 28614, 28586, 28639, 28629, 28652, 28628, 28632, 28657, 28654, 28635, 28681, 28683, 28666, 28689, 28673, 28687, 28670, 28699, 28698, 28532, 28701, 28696, 28703, 28720, 28734, 28722, 28753, 28771, 28825, 28818, 28847, 28913, 28844, 28856, 28851, 28846, 28895, 28875, 28893, 28889, 28937, 28925, 28956, 28953, 29029, 29013, 29064, 29030, 29026, 29004, 29014, 29036, 29071, 29179, 29060, 29077, 29096, 29100, 29143, 29113, 29118, 29138, 29129, 29140, 29134, 29152, 29164, 29159, 29173, 29180, 29177, 29183, 29197, 29200, 29211, 29224, 29229, 29228, 29232, 29234, [12120, 29243], 29244, [12121, 29247], 29248, 29254, 29259, 29272, 29300, 29310, 29314, 29313, 29319, 29330, 29334, 29346, 29351, 29369, 29362, 29379, 29382, 29380, 29390, 29394, 29410, {f: 2, c: 29408}, 29433, 29431, 20495, 29463, 29450, 29468, 29462, 29469, 29492, 29487, 29481, 29477, 29502, {f: 2, c: 29518}, 40664, 29527, 29546, 29544, 29552, 29560, 29557, 29563, 29562, 29640, 29619, 29646, 29627, 29632, 29669, 29678, 29662, 29858, 29701, 29807, 29733, 29688, 29746, 29754, 29781, 29759, 29791, 29785, 29761, 29788, 29801, 29808, 29795, 29802, 29814, 29822, 29835, 29854, 29863, 29898, 29903, 29908, 29681, 29920, 29923, 29927, 29929, 29934, 29938, {f: 2, c: 29936}, 29944, 29943, 29956, 29955, 29957, 29964, 29966, 29965, 29973, 29971, 29982, 29990, 29996, 30012, 30020, 30029, 30026, 30025, 30043, 30022, 30042, 30057, 30052, 30055, 30059, 30061, 30072, 30070, {f: 2, c: 30086}, 30068, 30090, 30089, 30082, 30100, 30106, 30109, 30117, 30115, 30146, 30131, 30147, 30133, 30141, 30136, 30140, 30129, 30157, 30154, 30162, 30169, 30179, 30174, {f: 2, c: 30206}, 30204, 30209, 30192, 30202, {f: 2, c: 30194}, 30219, 30221, 30217, 30239, 30247, {f: 3, c: 30240}, 30244, 30260, 30256, 30267, {f: 2, c: 30279}, 30278, 30300, 30296, {f: 2, c: 30305}, {f: 3, c: 30312}, 30311, 30316, 30320, 30322, [12136, 30326], 30328, 30332, 30336, 30339, 30344, 30347, 30350, 30358, 30355, {f: 2, c: 30361}, 30384, 30388, {f: 3, c: 30392}, 30402, 30413, 30422, 30418, 30430, 30433, 30437, 30439, 30442, 34351, 30459, 30472, 30471, 30468, 30505, 30500, 30494, {f: 2, c: 30501}, 30491, {f: 2, c: 30519}, 30535, 30554, 30568, 30571, 30555, 30565, 30591, 30590, 30585, 30606, 30603, 30609, 30624, 30622, 30640, 30646, 30649, 30655, {f: 2, c: 30652}, 30651, 30663, 30669, 30679, 30682, 30684, 30691, 30702, 30716, 30732, 30738, 31014, 30752, 31018, 30789, 30862, 30836, 30854, 30844, 30874, 30860, 30883, 30901, 30890, 30895, 30929, 30918, 30923, 30932, 30910, 30908, 30917, 30922, 30956, 30951, 30938, 30973, 30964, 30983, 30994, 30993, 31001, 31020, 31019, 31040, 31072, 31063, 31071, 31066, 31061, 31059, 31098, 31103, 31114, 31133, 31143, 40779, 31146, 31150, 31155, {f: 2, c: 31161}, 31177, 31189, 31207, 31212, 31201, 31203, 31240, 31245, {f: 2, c: 31256}, 31264, 31263, 31104, 31281, 31291, 31294, 31287, 31299, 31319, 31305, {f: 2, c: 31329}, 31337, 40861, 31344, 31353, 31357, 31368, 31383, 31381, 31384, 31382, 31401, 31432, 31408, 31414, 31429, 31428, 31423, 36995, 31431, 31434, 31437, 31439, 31445, 31443, {f: 2, c: 31449}, 31453, {f: 2, c: 31457}, 31462, 31469, 31472, 31490, 31503, 31498, 31494, 31539, {f: 2, c: 31512}, 31518, 31541, 31528, 31542, 31568, 31610, 31492, 31565, 31499, 31564, 31557, 31605, 31589, 31604, 31591, {f: 2, c: 31600}, 31596, 31598, 31645, 31640, 31647, 31629, 31644, 31642, 31627, 31634, 31631, 31581, 31641, 31691, 31681, 31692, 31695, 31668, 31686, 31709, 31721, 31761, 31764, 31718, 31717, 31840, 31744, 31751, 31763, 31731, 31735, 31767, 31757, 31734, 31779, 31783, 31786, 31775, 31799, 31787, 31805, 31820, 31811, 31828, 31823, 31808, 31824, 31832, 31839, 31844, 31830, 31845, 31852, 31861, 31875, 31888, 31908, 31917, 31906, 31915, 31905, 31912, 31923, 31922, 31921, 31918, 31929, 31933, 31936, 31941, 31938, 31960, 31954, 31964, 31970, 39739, 31983, 31986, 31988, 31990, 31994, 32006, 32002, 32028, 32021, 32010, 32069, 32075, 32046, 32050, 32063, 32053, 32070, 32115, 32086, 32078, 32114, 32104, 32110, 32079, 32099, 32147, 32137, 32091, 32143, 32125, 32155, 32186, 32174, 32163, 32181, 32199, 32189, 32171, 32317, 32162, 32175, 32220, 32184, 32159, 32176, 32216, 32221, 32228, 32222, 32251, 32242, 32225, 32261, 32266, 32291, 32289, 32274, 32305, 32287, 32265, 32267, 32290, 32326, 32358, 32315, 32309, 32313, 32323, 32311, 32306, 32314, 32359, 32349, 32342, 32350, {f: 2, c: 32345}, 32377, 32362, 32361, 32380, 32379, 32387, 32213, 32381, 36782, 32383, {f: 2, c: 32392}, 32396, 32402, 32400, {f: 2, c: 32403}, 32406, 32398, {f: 2, c: 32411}, 32568, 32570, 32581, {f: 3, c: 32588}, 32592, [12153, 32593], 32597, 32596, 32600, {f: 2, c: 32607}, {f: 2, c: 32616}, 32615, 32632, 32642, 32646, 32643, 32648, 32647, 32652, 32660, 32670, 32669, 32666, 32675, 32687, 32690, 32697, 32686, 32694, 32696, 35697, {f: 2, c: 32709}, 32714, 32725, 32724, 32737, 32742, 32745, 32755, 32761, 39132, 32774, 32772, 32779, [12158, 32786], {f: 2, c: 32792}, 32796, 32801, 32808, 32831, 32827, 32842, 32838, 32850, 32856, 32858, 32863, 32866, 32872, 32883, 32882, 32880, 32886, 32889, 32893, [12160, 32895], 32900, 32902, 32901, 32923, 32915, 32922, 32941, 20880, 32940, 32987, 32997, 32985, 32989, 32964, 32986, 32982, 33033, 33007, 33009, 33051, 33065, 33059, 33071, 33099, 38539, 33094, 33086, 33107, 33105, 33020, 33137, 33134, {f: 2, c: 33125}, 33140, 33155, 33160, 33162, 33152, 33154, 33184, 33173, 33188, 33187, 33119, 33171, 33193, 33200, 33205, 33214, 33208, 33213, 33216, 33218, 33210, 33225, 33229, 33233, 33241, 33240, 33224, 33242, {f: 2, c: 33247}, 33255, {f: 2, c: 33274}, 33278, {f: 2, c: 33281}, 33285, 33287, 33290, 33293, 33296, 33302, 33321, 33323, 33336, 33331, 33344, 33369, 33368, 33373, 33370, 33375, 33380, 33378, 33384, {f: 2, c: 33386}, 33326, 33393, 33399, [12171, 33400], 33406, 33421, 33426, 33451, 33439, 33467, 33452, 33505, 33507, 33503, 33490, 33524, 33523, 33530, 33683, 33539, 33531, 33529, 33502, 33542, 33500, 33545, 33497, 33589, 33588, 33558, 33586, 33585, 33600, 33593, 33616, 33605, 33583, 33579, {f: 2, c: 33559}, 33669, 33690, 33706, 33695, 33698, 33686, 33571, 33678, 33671, 33674, 33660, 33717, 33651, 33653, 33696, 33673, 33704, 33780, 33811, 33771, 33742, 33789, 33795, 33752, 33803, 33729, 33783, 33799, 33760, 33778, 33805, 33826, 33824, 33725, 33848, 34054, 33787, 33901, 33834, 33852, 34138, 33924, 33911, 33899, 33965, 33902, 33922, 33897, 33862, 33836, 33903, 33913, 33845, 33994, 33890, 33977, 33983, 33951, 34009, 33997, 33979, 34010, 34000, 33985, 33990, 34006, 33953, 34081, 34047, 34036, {f: 2, c: 34071}, 34092, 34079, 34069, 34068, 34044, 34112, 34147, 34136, 34120, 34113, 34306, 34123, 34133, 34176, 34212, 34184, 34193, 34186, 34216, 34157, 34196, 34203, 34282, 34183, 34204, 34167, 34174, 34192, 34249, 34234, 34255, 34233, 34256, 34261, 34269, 34277, 34268, 34297, 34314, 34323, 34315, 34302, 34298, 34310, 34338, 34330, 34352, 34367, [12172, 34381], 20053, 34388, 34399, 34407, 34417, 34451, 34467, {f: 2, c: 34473}, {f: 2, c: 34443}, 34486, 34479, 34500, 34502, 34480, 34505, 34851, 34475, 34516, 34526, 34537, 34540, 34527, 34523, 34543, 34578, 34566, 34568, 34560, 34563, 34555, 34577, 34569, 34573, 34553, 34570, 34612, 34623, 34615, 34619, 34597, 34601, 34586, 34656, 34655, 34680, 34636, 34638, 34676, 34647, 34664, 34670, 34649, 34643, 34659, 34666, 34821, 34722, 34719, 34690, 34735, 34763, 34749, 34752, 34768, 38614, 34731, 34756, 34739, 34759, 34758, 34747, 34799, 34802, 34784, 34831, 34829, 34814, {f: 2, c: 34806}, 34830, 34770, 34833, 34838, 34837, 34850, 34849, 34865, 34870, 34873, 34855, 34875, 34884, 34882, 34898, 34905, 34910, 34914, 34923, 34945, 34942, 34974, 34933, 34941, 34997, 34930, 34946, 34967, 34962, 34990, 34969, 34978, 34957, 34980, 34992, 35007, 34993, {f: 2, c: 35011}, 35028, {f: 2, c: 35032}, 35037, 35065, 35074, 35068, 35060, 35048, 35058, 35076, 35084, 35082, 35091, 35139, 35102, 35109, {f: 2, c: 35114}, 35137, 35140, 35131, 35126, 35128, 35148, 35101, 35168, 35166, 35174, 35172, 35181, 35178, 35183, 35188, 35191, [12177, 35198], 35203, 35208, 35210, 35219, 35224, 35233, 35241, 35238, 35244, 35247, 35250, 35258, 35261, {f: 2, c: 35263}, 35290, {f: 2, c: 35292}, 35303, 35316, 35320, 35331, 35350, 35344, 35340, 35355, 35357, 35365, 35382, 35393, 35419, 35410, 35398, 35400, 35452, 35437, 35436, 35426, 35461, 35458, 35460, 35496, 35489, 35473, {f: 2, c: 35493}, 35482, 35491, 35524, 35533, 35522, 35546, 35563, 35571, 35559, 35556, 35569, 35604, 35552, 35554, 35575, 35550, 35547, 35596, 35591, 35610, 35553, 35606, 35600, 35607, 35616, 35635, 38827, 35622, 35627, 35646, 35624, 35649, 35660, 35663, 35662, 35657, 35670, 35675, 35674, 35691, 35679, 35692, 35695, 35700, 35709, 35712, 35724, 35726, {f: 2, c: 35730}, 35734, {f: 2, c: 35737}, 35898, 35905, 35903, 35912, 35916, 35918, 35920, [12183, 35925], 35938, 35948, [12184, 35960], 35962, 35970, 35977, 35973, 35978, {f: 2, c: 35981}, 35988, 35964, 35992, 25117, 36013, 36010, 36029, {f: 2, c: 36018}, 36014, 36022, 36040, 36033, 36068, 36067, 36058, 36093, {f: 2, c: 36090}, {f: 2, c: 36100}, 36106, 36103, 36111, 36109, 36112, 40782, 36115, 36045, 36116, 36118, 36199, 36205, 36209, 36211, 36225, 36249, 36290, 36286, 36282, 36303, 36314, 36310, 36300, 36315, 36299, {f: 2, c: 36330}, 36319, 36323, 36348, {f: 2, c: 36360}, 36351, {f: 2, c: 36381}, 36368, 36383, 36418, 36405, 36400, 36404, 36426, 36423, 36425, 36428, 36432, 36424, 36441, 36452, 36448, 36394, 36451, 36437, 36470, 36466, 36476, 36481, 36487, 36485, 36484, 36491, 36490, 36499, 36497, 36500, 36505, 36522, 36513, 36524, 36528, 36550, 36529, 36542, 36549, 36552, 36555, 36571, 36579, 36604, 36603, 36587, 36606, 36618, 36613, 36629, 36626, 36633, 36627, 36636, 36639, 36635, 36620, 36646, 36659, 36667, 36665, 36677, 36674, 36670, 36684, 36681, 36678, 36686, 36695, 36700, {f: 3, c: 36706}, 36764, 36767, 36771, 36781, 36783, 36791, 36826, 36837, 36834, 36842, 36847, 36999, 36852, 36869, {f: 2, c: 36857}, 36881, 36885, 36897, 36877, 36894, 36886, 36875, 36903, 36918, 36917, 36921, 36856, {f: 4, c: 36943}, 36878, 36937, 36926, 36950, 36952, 36958, 36968, 36975, 36982, 38568, 36978, 36994, 36989, 36993, 36992, 37002, 37001, 37007, 37032, 37039, 37041, 37045, 37090, 37092, 25160, 37083, 37122, 37138, 37145, 37170, 37168, 37194, 37206, 37208, 37219, 37221, 37225, 37235, 37234, 37259, 37257, 37250, 37282, 37291, 37295, 37290, 37301, 37300, 37306, {f: 2, c: 37312}, 37321, 37323, 37328, 37334, 37343, 37345, 37339, 37372, {f: 2, c: 37365}, 37406, 37375, 37396, 37420, 37397, 37393, 37470, 37463, 37445, 37449, 37476, 37448, 37525, 37439, 37451, 37456, 37532, 37526, 37523, 37531, 37466, 37583, 37561, 37559, 37609, 37647, 37626, 37700, 37678, 37657, 37666, 37658, 37667, 37690, 37685, 37691, 37724, 37728, 37756, 37742, 37718, 37808, {f: 2, c: 37804}, 37780, 37817, {f: 2, c: 37846}, 37864, 37861, 37848, 37827, 37853, 37840, 37832, 37860, 37914, 37908, 37907, 37891, 37895, 37904, 37942, 37931, 37941, 37921, 37946, 37953, 37970, 37956, 37979, 37984, 37986, 37982, 37994, 37417, 38000, 38005, 38007, 38013, 37978, 38012, 38014, 38017, 38015, 38274, 38279, 38282, 38292, 38294, {f: 2, c: 38296}, 38304, 38312, 38311, 38317, 38332, 38331, 38329, 38334, 38346, 28662, 38339, 38349, 38348, 38357, 38356, 38358, 38364, 38369, 38373, 38370, 38433, 38440, {f: 2, c: 38446}, 38466, 38476, 38479, 38475, 38519, 38492, 38494, 38493, 38495, 38502, 38514, 38508, 38541, 38552, 38549, 38551, 38570, 38567, {f: 2, c: 38577}, 38576, 38580, [12202, 38582], 38584, [12203, 38585], 38606, 38603, 38601, 38605, 35149, 38620, 38669, 38613, 38649, 38660, 38662, 38664, 38675, 38670, 38673, 38671, 38678, 38681, 38692, 38698, 38704, 38713, {f: 2, c: 38717}, 38724, 38726, 38728, 38722, 38729, 38748, 38752, 38756, 38758, 38760, 21202, 38763, 38769, 38777, 38789, 38780, 38785, 38778, 38790, 38795, {f: 2, c: 38799}, 38812, 38824, 38822, 38819, {f: 2, c: 38835}, 38851, 38854, 38856, [12209, 38859], 38876, [12210, 38893], 40783, 38898, 31455, 38902, 38901, 38927, 38924, 38968, 38948, 38945, 38967, 38973, 38982, 38991, 38987, 39019, {f: 3, c: 39023}, 39028, 39027, 39082, 39087, 39089, 39094, 39108, 39107, 39110, 39145, 39147, 39171, 39177, 39186, 39188, 39192, 39201, {f: 2, c: 39197}, 39204, 39200, 39212, 39214, {f: 2, c: 39229}, 39234, 39241, 39237, 39248, 39243, {f: 2, c: 39249}, 39244, 39253, {f: 2, c: 39319}, 39333, {f: 2, c: 39341}, 39356, 39391, 39387, 39389, 39384, 39377, {f: 2, c: 39405}, {f: 2, c: 39409}, 39419, 39416, 39425, 39439, 39429, 39394, 39449, 39467, 39479, 39493, 39490, 39488, 39491, 39486, 39509, 39501, 39515, 39511, 39519, 39522, 39525, 39524, 39529, 39531, 39530, 39597, 39600, 39612, 39616, 39631, 39633, {f: 2, c: 39635}, 39646, [12221, 39647], {f: 2, c: 39650}, 39654, 39663, 39659, 39662, 39668, 39665, 39671, 39675, 39686, 39704, 39706, 39711, {f: 2, c: 39714}, [12222, 39717], {f: 4, c: 39719}, 39726, [12223, 39727], [12224, 39730], 39748, 39747, 39759, {f: 2, c: 39757}, 39761, 39768, 39796, 39827, 39811, 39825, {f: 2, c: 39830}, {f: 2, c: 39839}, 39848, 39860, 39872, 39882, 39865, 39878, 39887, {f: 2, c: 39889}, 39907, 39906, 39908, 39892, 39905, 39994, 39922, 39921, 39920, 39957, 39956, 39945, 39955, 39948, 39942, 39944, 39954, 39946, 39940, 39982, 39963, 39973, 39972, 39969, 39984, 40007, 39986, 40006, 39998, 40026, 40032, 40039, 40054, 40056, 40167, 40172, 40176, 40201, 40200, 40171, 40195, 40198, 40234, 40230, 40367, 40227, 40223, 40260, 40213, 40210, 40257, 40255, 40254, 40262, 40264, {f: 2, c: 40285}, 40292, 40273, 40272, 40281, 40306, 40329, 40327, 40363, 40303, 40314, 40346, 40356, 40361, 40370, 40388, 40385, 40379, 40376, 40378, 40390, 40399, 40386, 40409, 40403, 40440, 40422, 40429, 40431, 40445, {f: 2, c: 40474}, 40478, [12228, 40565], 40569, 40573, 40577, 40584, {f: 2, c: 40587}, 40594, 40597, 40593, 40605, [12230, 40613], 40617, 40632, 40618, 40621, 38753, 40652, {f: 3, c: 40654}, 40660, 40668, 40670, 40669, 40672, 40677, 40680, 40687, 40692, {f: 2, c: 40694}, [12235, 40697], {f: 2, c: 40699}, [12236, 40701], {f: 2, c: 40711}, 30391, 40725, 40737, 40748, 40766, [12241, 40778], [12242, 40786], 40788, 40803, {f: 3, c: 40799}, {f: 2, c: 40806}, 40812, 40810, 40823, 40818, 40822, 40853, [12244, 40860], [12245, 40864], 22575, 27079, 36953, 29796, 0, {f: 76, c: 9472}, {f: 20, c: 9312}, {f: 10, c: 8544}, 13129, 13076, 0, 13133, 0, 13095, 0, 13110, 13137, 0, 13069, 13094, 0, 13099, 13130, 0, {f: 3, c: 13212}, {f: 2, c: 13198}, 13252, 13217, 12317, 12319, 8470, 13261, 0, {f: 5, c: 12964}, {f: 2, c: 12849}, 12857, 13182, 13181, 13180, 8750, 8721, {s: 3}, 8735, 8895, 0, 0, 21854, {s: 7}, 167133, 0, 0, 28976, 0, 40407, {s: 4}, 64054, 0, 0, 22169, 15694, {s: 4}, 20448, 0, 0, 36544, 0, 194797, {s: 4}, 153716, 32363, 33606, 167670, {s: 3}, 40572, 0, 0, 26171, 0, 40628, {s: 4}, 26629, {s: 5}, 23650, 0, 194780, 0, 32353, 0, 0, 64070, {s: 5}, 34083, 37292, {s: 7}, 34796, {s: 8}, 25620, 0, 0, 39506, {s: 4}, 64074, 0, 194692, {s: 4}, 31774, {s: 6}, 64016, 25681, 0, 0, 63980, 22625, 39002, 0, 194679, {s: 3}, 31153, 0, 28678, {s: 9}, 22218, {s: 3}, 21085, 0, 28497, 37297, {s: 10}, 64106, {s: 6}, 38960, 0, 40629, {s: 9}, 33802, 63939, {f: 2, c: 63890}, 63897, 0, 34847, 194575, 0, 194771, 194584, {s: 7}, 137754, 23643, {s: 4}, 25890, 0, 0, 26618, 0, 26766, 0, 148432, 194848, {s: 21}, 34110, {s: 15}, 30562, {s: 12}, 65075, 0, {f: 2, c: 65073}, {s: 4}, 65072, {f: 2, c: 65077}, {f: 2, c: 65081}, 0, 0, {f: 2, c: 65079}, {f: 2, c: 65087}, {f: 2, c: 65085}, {f: 4, c: 65089}, {f: 2, c: 65083}, {s: 41}, {f: 3, c: 12436}, 0, 0, 22099, {s: 41}, 65508, 65287, 65282, 0, 9665, 9655, 8681, 8679, 8678, 8680, 9634, 9831, 9825, 9828, 9826, 13216, 13218, {f: 2, c: 13220}, 13207, 8467, 13208, 13235, 13234, 13233, 13232, {f: 3, c: 13189}, 13259, 13200, 13268, 13206, 13090, 13078, 13080, 13077, 13059, 13091, 13143, 13122, 13113, 13115, 13056, 13105, 13127, 13086, 13098, 0, 13183, 8481, 9742, 12342, 12320, {s: 3}, {f: 9, c: 9352}, {f: 20, c: 9332}, 12881, {f: 10, c: 8560}, {f: 10, c: 12882}, {f: 26, c: 9372}, 12867, 12861, 12863, 12852, 12856, 12851, 12860, 12866, 12862, 12854, 12853, 12859, 12864, 12858, 12976, 12973, 12969, 12975, 12948, 12970, 12952, 12971, 12946, 12945, 12947, 12972, 12974, 12950, {s: 8}, {f: 3, c: 9131}, 0, {f: 3, c: 9127}, 0, 13260, 13061, 0, 0, 13215, 13219, 13222, 0, 0, 12958, {f: 2, c: 13192}, 13256, 8749, 0, 12848, {f: 6, c: 12842}, 12855, 12865, 10145, {s: 3}, 9673, 9824, 9829, 9827, 9830, {f: 4, c: 9728}, 9758, {f: 2, c: 9756}, 9759, 12953, 9450, {f: 2, c: 8554}, {s: 3}, {f: 8, c: 9601}, 9615, 9614, 9613, 9612, 9611, 9610, 9609, {f: 2, c: 9620}, {f: 2, c: 9581}, 9584, 9583, 9552, 9566, 9578, 9569, {f: 2, c: 9698}, 9701, 9700, 0, 0, {f: 3, c: 9585}, {s: 20}, 20956, 29081, {f: 9, c: 10102}, {s: 3}, {f: 2, c: 8570}, {s: 3}, 8575, 8458, 8457, 0, 0, 12292, 8646, {f: 2, c: 8644}, 0, {f: 4, c: 12535}, 0, 0, 12957, {s: 3}, 13179, {s: 3}, 13107, 13134, {s: 30}, 32394, 35100, 37704, 37512, 34012, 20425, 28859, 26161, 26824, 37625, 26363, 24389, [12033, 20008], 20193, 20220, 20224, 20227, 20281, 20310, 20370, 20362, 20378, 20372, 20429, 20544, 20514, 20479, 20510, 20550, 20592, 20546, 20628, 20724, 20696, 20810, 20836, 20893, 20926, 20972, 21013, 21148, 21158, 21184, 21211, 21248, 0, 21284, 21362, 21395, 21426, 21469, 64014, 21660, 21642, 21673, 21759, 21894, 22361, 22373, 22444, 22472, 22471, 64015, 0, 22686, 22706, 22795, 22867, 22875, 22877, 22883, 22948, 22970, 23382, 23488, 29999, 23512, 0, 23582, 23718, 23738, 23797, 23847, 23891, 0, 23874, 23917, {f: 2, c: 23992}, 24016, 24353, 24372, 24423, 24503, 24542, 24669, 24709, 24714, 24798, 24789, 24864, 24818, 24849, 24887, 24880, 24984, 25107, 25254, 25589, 25696, 25757, 25806, 25934, 26112, 26133, 26121, 26158, 0, 26148, 26213, 26199, 26201, 64018, 26227, 26265, 26272, 26290, 26303, 26362, 26382, 0, 26470, 26555, 26706, 26560, 0, 26692, 26831, 64019, 26984, 64020, 27032, 27106, 27184, 27243, 27206, 27251, 27262, 27362, 27364, 27606, 27711, 27740, 27782, 27759, 27866, 27908, 28039, 28015, 28054, 28076, 28111, 28152, 28146, 28156, 28217, 28252, 28199, 28220, 28351, 28552, 28597, 28661, 28677, 28679, 28712, 28805, 28843, 28943, 28932, 29020, {f: 2, c: 28998}, 0, 29121, 29182, 29361, 29374, 29476, 64022, 29559, 29629, 29641, 29654, 29667, 29650, 29703, 29685, 29734, 29738, 29737, 29742, 0, 29833, 29855, 29953, 30063, 30338, 30364, 30366, 30363, 30374, 64023, 30534, 21167, 30753, 30798, 30820, 30842, 31024, {f: 3, c: 64024}, 31124, 64027, 31131, 31441, 31463, 64028, 31467, 31646, 64029, 32072, 0, 32183, 32160, 32214, 32338, 32583, 32673, 64030, 33537, 33634, 33663, 33735, 33782, 33864, 33972, 34131, 34137, 34155, 64031, 34224, {f: 2, c: 64032}, 34823, 35061, 35346, 35383, 35449, 35495, 35518, 35551, 64034, 35574, 35667, 35711, 36080, 36084, 36114, 36214, 64035, 36559, 0, 64037, 36967, 37086, 64038, 37141, 37159, 37338, 37335, 37342, {f: 2, c: 37357}, {f: 2, c: 37348}, 37382, 37392, 37386, 37434, 37440, 37436, 37454, 37465, 37457, 37433, 37479, 37543, {f: 2, c: 37495}, 37607, 37591, 37593, 37584, 64039, 37589, 37600, 37587, 37669, 37665, 37627, 64040, 37662, 37631, 37661, 37634, 37744, 37719, 37796, 37830, 37854, 37880, 37937, 37957, 37960, 38290, 0, 64041, 38557, 38575, 38707, 38715, 38723, 38733, 38735, [12205, 38737], 0, 38999, 39013, {f: 2, c: 64042}, 39207, 64044, 39326, 39502, 39641, 39644, 39797, 39794, 39823, 39857, 39867, 39936, 40304, 40299, 64045, 40473, 40657, 0, 92, {s: 634}, 8364, 8486, 0, 0, 64256, {f: 2, c: 64259}, 257, 299, 363, 275, 333, 256, 298, 362, 274, 332, {f: 4, c: 8539}, {f: 2, c: 8531}, 8304, {f: 6, c: 8308}, {f: 10, c: 8320}, 461, 282, 0, 7868, 463, 0, 296, 465, 0, 467, 366, 360, 462, 283, 0, 7869, 464, 0, 297, 466, 0, 468, 367, 361, 593, 8049, 8048, 509, 0, 596, 0, 0, 601, 0, 0, 602, 0, 0, 603, 8051, 8050, 0, 331, 629, 652, 0, 0, 658, 643, 720, {s: 682}, {f: 10, c: 12832}, {s: 108}, {f: 4, c: 12892}, {f: 15, c: 12977}, {s: 50}, {f: 26, c: 9424}, {f: 26, c: 9398}, {s: 48}, {f: 47, c: 13008}, 0, {f: 10, c: 12928}, 12944, {f: 6, c: 12938}, 0, 12959, {s: 6}, {f: 2, c: 12960}, 12955, 12954, 12963, 12962, 12951, 0, 12956, 12949, {s: 6}, 9676, {s: 11}, 10111, {f: 10, c: 9451}, {s: 510}, 8414, {s: 815}, 13274, {s: 3}, 8448, 13250, 0, 0, 8453, 0, 13169, 0, 0, 13197, 13211, {s: 3}, {f: 2, c: 13271}, {s: 3}, {f: 2, c: 13057}, 13060, 13062, 0, 13064, 0, 13063, 13066, 0, 13065, 0, 13067, 0, 13068, {f: 6, c: 13070}, 0, 13079, 0, 13081, 0, {f: 4, c: 13082}, {f: 3, c: 13087}, 13092, 0, 13093, 0, 0, {f: 2, c: 13096}, 0, 13101, 0, 0, {f: 3, c: 13102}, 13106, 0, 0, {f: 2, c: 13108}, 13116, {s: 3}, 13111, 0, 13112, 13114, 13117, 13121, {f: 3, c: 13118}, {f: 4, c: 13123}, 13128, {f: 2, c: 13131}, {f: 2, c: 13135}, 0, 0, 13138, 13140, 0, 0, 13139, {f: 2, c: 13141}, {s: 132}, 8501, 976, 8714, 8463, 0, 981, 987, 977, 0, {f: 2, c: 9832}, 9836, {s: 5}, 12347, 0, {f: 3, c: 12339}, 8252, 8265, {s: 5}, 8723, 0, 8771, {f: 2, c: 8818}, {s: 6}, {f: 2, c: 12312}, {f: 2, c: 65375}, {s: 10}, 9115, {f: 2, c: 9117}, 9120, {s: 4}, 9121, {f: 2, c: 9123}, 9126, {s: 12}, [9116, 9119, 9122, 9125, 9130], {s: 8}, 9986, 0, 0, 12349, 0, 12447, 0, 0, 8709, 8864, 8854, 8856, 8853, 8855, {s: 4}, 9664, 9654, {s: 4}, 8656, 8596, {f: 2, c: 8600}, {f: 2, c: 8598}, 8652, 8651, {s: 10}, 12336, 8967, {s: 8}, 10048, 10047, {s: 7}, 9643, 0, 9642, 0, 10010, {s: 12}, 9702, {s: 4}, 10070, {s: 379}, {f: 2, c: 65093}, {s: 679}, 64103, 64098, 32227, [12232, 40643], 28331, 64082, 64061, 64069, 64062, 27114, 28212, 64096, 64071, 64056, 64066, 64078, 34395, 64105, 64052, 64099, 25581, 25802, 30799, 64084, 63856, 64077, 64097, 64072, 64076, {f: 2, c: 64091}, 64081, 64067, 64090, 28041, 29376, 0, 194885, 64086, 64080, 64049, 64059, 24034, 64063, 64101, 21373, 64055, 64095, 24501, 64064, 0, 64083, 0, 64085, 64104, 64068, 64089, 26202, 64053, 64075, 64100, 64065, 64048, 0, 64057, 64051, 27493, 64058, 27599, 64050, 25150, 64079, 63773, 63964, 63798, 28122, 63952, 26310, 27511, 64087, 37706, 0, 37636, {s: 120}, 133390, {s: 120}, 35999, 11991, [11965, 158033], {s: 5}, 37555, 38321, 0, 0, 194812, {s: 13}, 194965, {s: 8}, 194794, 0, 26478, 11974, 0, 194594, {s: 13}, 13314, 0, 0, 26083, {s: 4}, 134071, {s: 10}, 171339, 0, 194611, 24378, {s: 8}, 11945, 0, 20465, {s: 7}, 63753, {s: 7}, 11964, 0, 0, 194732, 26435, {s: 3}, 133732, 35329, 25142, 0, 0, 21555, 23067, {s: 3}, 25221, 0, 0, 194819, {s: 6}, 21567, {s: 9}, 27506, {s: 4}, 29986, 19256, 0, 0, 24063, {s: 6}, 194827, 29626, 134047, {s: 3}, 194600, 0, 194849, {s: 5}, 194623, {s: 16}, 194675, {f: 2, c: 11916}, 23577, {s: 3}, 131083, 23426, 194642, {s: 5}, 11997, [11999, 39136], [11998, 169599], 14221, 0, [11927, 14586], 0, 194887, 0, [11909, 20155], 131490, {s: 7}, 13599, 0, 194738, 0, 0, [11971, 35200], {s: 4}, 31237, {s: 4}, 35498, 0, 32085, 0, 28568, {s: 7}, 25591, 30246, {s: 4}, [11978, 163767], {s: 5}, 146686, {s: 5}, 13351, 0, 0, 33067, 0, 0, 194842, {s: 5}, 11950, {s: 5}, 194714, {s: 3}, 194831, {s: 19}, 22305, 135741, 194586, 0, 64003, {s: 7}, 21534, 15240, 20839, {s: 4}, 63839, {s: 9}, 20023, {s: 13}, [11946, 150804], 24421, 23020, 194658, 0, 24217, {s: 46}, 13416, {s: 8}, 21200, {s: 9}, 26625, 0, 195024, 195039, {s: 5}, 153215, 0, 0, 11959, {s: 4}, 36534, 63775, {s: 3}, 63875, {s: 5}, 31867, 63906, 0, 63898, 0, [11961, 32770], 157360, {s: 4}, [11911, 132648], 0, 0, 131210, 194604, [11915, 13630], {s: 4}, 21589, 0, 22841, 0, 0, 23414, 194669, 23572, 14306, 23782, 0, 20040, 0, 0, 194742, {s: 4}, 158105, 25371, 0, 0, 26211, 0, 194779, 0, 0, 27126, 27014, {s: 3}, 27596, 0, 28183, 0, 0, 27818, {s: 3}, [11942, 20012], 0, 0, 29935, 30069, 30188, 30286, 16305, 30570, 30633, {s: 6}, 31571, 0, 0, 16996, {s: 3}, 194924, 0, 0, 32328, {s: 5}, 11955, {s: 4}, 33089, 17491, 0, [11966, 33401], [11967, 64094], [11968, 64093], 0, 20857, 33626, {s: 3}, 17701, 0, 34292, 131248, {s: 4}, 34429, 0, 13358, 35014, {s: 6}, 18406, {s: 8}, 36808, {s: 19}, 166279, 0, 0, 167447, 0, 0, 38969, {s: 6}, 39432, {s: 4}, 39903, {s: 10}, 148206, {s: 5}, 21385, 0, 64017, 194785, 0, 146622, 132625, 0, {f: 2, c: 19972}, 19999, 20011, {f: 2, c: 20015}, {f: 2, c: 20032}, 20036, [11907, 20058], 20095, 20109, 20118, 20153, 20176, 20192, 20221, 20223, 20235, 20245, 20320, 20283, 20297, 20308, 20346, {f: 2, c: 20349}, 20375, 20414, 20431, 20477, {f: 2, c: 20480}, 20496, 20507, 20519, 20526, 20567, 20582, 20586, 20539, 20623, 20630, 20636, 20684, 20710, 20713, 20719, 20744, 20747, 20752, 20763, 20766, 20831, 20897, 20924, 0, 20974, 20980, 20993, [11913, 20994], 21011, 21065, 21089, 21094, 21139, 21192, 21232, {f: 2, c: 21258}, 21310, 21324, 21323, 21345, 21356, 21419, 21466, 21478, 21493, 21543, 21581, 21606, 21611, 21620, 21645, 21654, 21665, 21677, 21689, 21695, 21702, 21709, 21774, 21803, 21813, 21834, 21856, 0, 21896, 21902, 22024, {f: 2, c: 22030}, 22071, 22079, 22089, 22091, 22095, 22118, 22121, 22127, {f: 2, c: 22129}, 22165, 22170, {f: 2, c: 22188}, 22193, 22217, 22237, 22244, 22282, 22293, 22307, 22319, {f: 2, c: 22323}, 22348, 22384, 22412, 22428, 22456, 22502, 22509, {f: 2, c: 22517}, 22527, 22537, 22560, 22578, 22652, 22656, 22697, 22734, 22736, 22740, 22746, 22761, 22796, 22820, 22831, 22881, 22893, 22986, 22994, 23005, {f: 2, c: 23011}, 23044, 23052, 23075, 23111, 23125, 23139, 23149, 23166, 23198, 23207, 23212, 23219, 23264, 23296, 23321, 23333, 23341, 23361, 23420, {f: 2, c: 23422}, 23434, [11919, 23587], 23595, 23600, 23651, 23657, 23676, 23755, 23762, 23796, 23844, 23846, 23875, 23878, 23882, 23954, 23956, 23961, 23968, 24024, 24032, 24056, 24064, 24082, {f: 2, c: 24084}, 24088, 24110, 24152, {f: 2, c: 24171}, 24232, 24234, {f: 2, c: 24254}, 0, 24274, 24327, 24334, {f: 2, c: 24348}, 24354, 24360, 24374, 24379, 24384, [12089, 24400], 24408, 24420, 24457, 24476, 24487, 24484, 24495, 24504, [11926, 24516], 24521, 24545, 24553, 24557, 24572, 24599, 24602, 24627, 24673, 24703, 24734, 24740, 24752, 24779, 24795, 24824, {f: 3, c: 24850}, 24860, 24956, 24973, 24991, 25000, 25026, 25055, 25109, 25129, 25155, 25158, [11928, 25164], 25169, 25174, 25284, 25340, 25354, 25357, 25368, 25401, {f: 2, c: 25410}, 25445, 25460, 25469, 25476, 25479, 25488, 25502, 25553, 25564, 25609, 25616, 25634, 25684, 25691, 25709, 25723, {f: 2, c: 25790}, 25829, 25847, 25851, 25860, 25878, 25881, 25927, 25959, 25985, 25989, 26050, 26096, 26098, 26156, 26188, {f: 2, c: 26203}, 26209, 26219, 0, 26276, 26312, 26348, 26373, 26387, 26419, 26440, 26444, 26486, 26491, 26544, 26546, 26617, 26583, 26585, 26608, 26668, {f: 2, c: 26672}, 26715, 26738, 26741, 26746, 26756, 26789, 26802, 26832, 26838, 26856, 26861, {f: 2, c: 26864}, 26876, 26897, 26899, 26933, 26939, 26967, 26979, 26994, {f: 2, c: 27007}, 27046, 27053, 27063, {f: 2, c: 27094}, 27137, 27151, 27157, 27176, 27188, 27198, 27205, {f: 2, c: 27216}, 27222, 27227, 27267, 27273, 27281, {f: 3, c: 27293}, 27356, 27367, 27372, 27422, 27428, 27445, 27462, 27478, 27488, 27522, 27582, 27617, 27633, 27664, 27699, [11937, 27701], 11938, 27737, 27766, 27771, 27781, 27797, 27804, 27856, 27860, 27862, 27872, {f: 2, c: 27883}, 27886, 27914, 27918, 27921, 27950, 27991, 27998, 28005, 28034, 28095, 28100, 28106, 28118, 28137, 28194, 28241, 28359, 28362, 28366, 28413, 28442, 28458, 28463, 28467, 28506, 28510, 28514, 28541, 28555, 28557, 28562, 28564, 28570, {f: 2, c: 28583}, 28598, 28634, 28638, 0, 28729, 28732, 0, 28756, {f: 2, c: 28765}, 28772, [11939, 28780], 28798, 28801, 28821, 28855, {f: 2, c: 28883}, 28888, 28892, 28935, 28960, 28977, 29002, 29010, 29024, 29049, 29074, 0, 29131, 29139, 29142, 29184, 29213, 29227, 29240, 29249, 29267, {f: 2, c: 29269}, 29276, 29325, [11944, 29357], 29364, 29383, 29435, {f: 2, c: 29444}, 29480, 29489, 29507, 29548, 29564, 29571, {f: 2, c: 29573}, 29589, {f: 3, c: 29598}, 29606, 29611, 29621, 29623, 29628, 29647, 29657, 29673, 29684, 29693, 29700, 29706, {f: 2, c: 29722}, 29732, 29736, 29740, {f: 3, c: 29743}, 29753, 29764, 29767, 29771, 29773, 29777, 29783, 29798, 29803, 29809, 29824, {f: 3, c: 29829}, 29840, 29848, 29852, 29856, 29859, 29864, 29867, 29877, 29887, 29896, 29914, 29918, 30030, 30073, 30081, 30096, [12135, 30098], 30099, 30132, 30180, 30201, 30208, 30218, {f: 2, c: 30229}, 30233, 30238, 30253, 30261, 30275, 30283, 30309, 30317, 30319, 30321, 30324, {f: 2, c: 30372}, 30405, 30412, 30444, 30460, 30516, 30518, 30556, {f: 2, c: 30559}, 30578, 30589, 30613, 30634, 30694, 30704, 30708, 30726, 30754, {f: 2, c: 30765}, 30768, 30773, 30824, 30878, 30920, 30924, 30926, 30948, {f: 2, c: 30944}, 30962, 30967, 30971, 31025, 0, [11949, 31035], 31037, 31045, {f: 2, c: 31067}, 31115, 31126, 31128, [12145, 31160], 31163, 31178, 31194, 31235, 31241, 31249, 31262, 31277, 31289, 31301, 31308, 31325, 0, 31341, 31352, 31392, 31395, 31411, {f: 2, c: 31419}, 31430, 31495, 31508, 31527, 31537, 31559, 31566, 31584, 31593, 31597, 31602, 31633, 31663, 31703, 31705, 31755, 31759, 31776, 31782, 31793, 31798, 31825, 31833, 31847, 31854, 31856, 31932, 31935, {f: 2, c: 31944}, 31959, 31961, 31965, 31979, {f: 3, c: 32007}, 32019, 32029, 32035, 32065, 32083, 32089, 32093, 32122, 32134, {f: 2, c: 32139}, 32204, 32235, 32241, 32249, 32264, 32273, 32277, 32288, 32327, 32354, 32366, 32371, 32397, 32401, 32408, 32580, 32591, [11947, 11954, 32594], [11953, 32595], 32609, 32657, 32703, 32718, 32735, 32741, 32748, {f: 2, c: 32750}, 32762, 32782, 32785, 32788, 32804, 32806, 32826, 32828, 32864, 32881, 32885, 32926, 32934, 32939, {f: 2, c: 32983}, 33046, 33048, 33082, 33098, 33100, 33153, 33156, 33204, 33231, 33273, 33283, 33313, 33330, 33332, 33350, 33355, 33359, 33422, 33454, 33463, 33470, 33478, 33534, 33603, 33617, 33621, 33670, 33677, 33682, 33688, 33705, {f: 2, c: 33727}, 33770, 33807, 33809, 33866, 33910, 33960, 33967, 33984, 33986, 34032, 34045, 34060, 34100, 34142, 34191, 34231, 34254, 34221, 34322, 34345, 34386, 34403, 34412, 34415, 34426, 34445, 34449, 34456, {f: 2, c: 34471}, 34554, 34557, 34571, 34579, 34585, 34590, 34600, 34622, 34673, 34696, 34713, {f: 2, c: 34732}, 34741, 34774, 34795, 34797, 34817, 0, 34822, 34827, 34836, 34844, 34902, 34911, [11970, 34916], 34968, 34986, {f: 2, c: 35005}, 35018, 35026, 35035, {f: 2, c: 35056}, 35078, {f: 3, c: 35096}, 35111, 35120, 35134, 35195, 35284, 35286, 35301, 35313, 35335, 35343, 35349, 35362, 35406, 35455, 35572, 35615, 35639, {f: 2, c: 35651}, 35668, 35740, 35742, 35911, 35924, 35955, 36004, 36057, 36065, 36088, 36094, 36123, 36201, 36204, 36228, 36237, 36245, 36262, 36294, 36302, 36324, 36332, 36384, 36427, 36460, 36464, 36474, 36498, 36526, 36531, 36561, 36564, 36601, 36631, 36662, 36774, [12193, 36789], [11981, 36790], 0, 36832, 36836, 36854, 36866, 36908, 36932, 37000, 37013, 37017, 37019, 37026, 37044, 37079, 37085, 37108, 37143, 37148, 37169, 37178, 37181, 37192, 37211, 37217, 37220, 37262, 37278, 37288, {f: 2, c: 37293}, 37298, 37308, 37360, 37367, 37371, 37383, 37416, 37427, 37432, 37443, 37447, 37455, 37472, 37570, {f: 2, c: 37579}, 37599, 37645, 37653, 37663, 37671, 37703, 37714, 0, 37738, 37741, 37787, 37818, 37801, 37825, 37834, 37858, 37882, 37885, 37903, 37940, 37951, 37973, 37995, 38002, [11986, 38264], 38310, 38313, 0, 38324, 38333, 38362, [11983, 11990, 38429], 38465, 38488, 38532, 38564, 38569, 38610, 195060, 38622, 38633, 38641, 38658, 38665, 38746, 38755, 38766, 38771, 38810, 38818, {f: 2, c: 38837}, 38873, 38878, 38900, 38922, 38926, 38942, 38947, 38955, 38974, {f: 2, c: 38994}, 39001, 39020, 39096, 39098, 39103, 39112, 39141, {f: 2, c: 39218}, 39232, 39245, 39260, 39263, 39345, {f: 2, c: 39353}, 39369, 39426, 39446, 39460, 39463, {f: 2, c: 39469}, 39478, 39480, 39498, 39510, {f: 2, c: 39605}, 39673, 39683, 39712, {f: 2, c: 39731}, 39795, 39801, 39847, 39873, 39879, 39895, 39911, 39915, 39927, 39930, 39933, 39947, 39975, 39978, 39990, 40001, 40019, 40035, 40048, 40055, 40194, 40258, 40263, 40291, 40297, 40316, 40318, 40333, 40369, 40387, 40391, 40406, 40415, 40427, 40436, 40469, 40477, 40612, 40616, 40620, 40679, 40686, 40720, 40722, 40727, 40729, 40751, 40759, 40761, 40769, 40773, 40791, 40808, 40817, 40821, 40848, 40852, 40866, 0, 13317, 194564, 22048, 24267, 11925, 0, 144954, 0, 28665, 28390, 29107, [11940, 64073], {s: 4}, [11980, 64102], 0, 23986, 0, 20435, 20697, 20720, 20931, 22134, 27220, 27905, 28112, 28226, 28377, 29668, 29729, 30060, 30801, 34805, 144382, 29608, 15091, 13531, 17420, 16010, 0, 0, 19432, 0, 16090, 15138, 0, 17786, 16531, 0, 18021, 16643, 17043, 18094, 13448, 140809, {f: 3, c: 63584}, 63610, 63615, {s: 23}, {f: 2, c: 8836}, {f: 2, c: 8842}, 8713, 0, {f: 2, c: 8965}, {s: 9}, {f: 2, c: 8741}, {s: 14}, 8802, 0, 8773, 8776, {f: 2, c: 8822}, {s: 4}, 8487, {s: 209}, {f: 2, c: 8922}, 8533, 8984, {f: 2, c: 7742}, {f: 2, c: 504}, 470, 472, 474, 476, 260, 728, 317, 346, 350, 356, 377, 379, 261, 731, 318, 347, 711, 351, 357, 378, 733, 380, 340, 258, 313, 262, 268, 280, 270, 323, 327, 336, 344, 368, 354, 341, 259, 314, 263, 269, 281, 271, 273, 324, 328, 337, 345, 369, 355, 729, 264, 284, 292, 308, 348, 364, 265, 285, 293, 309, 349, 365, 625, 651, 638, 620, 622, 633, 648, 598, 627, 637, 642, 656, 635, 621, 607, 626, 669, 654, 609, 624, 641, 295, 661, 660, 614, 664, 450, 595, 599, 644, 608, 403, 616, 649, 600, 604, 606, 592, 623, 650, 612, 594, 653, 613, 674, 673, 597, 657, 634, 615, 865, 712, 716, 721, 8255, 783, {f: 5, c: 741}, 0, 0, 805, 812, 825, 796, {f: 2, c: 799}, 829, 809, 815, 734, 804, 816, 828, 820, {f: 2, c: 797}, {f: 2, c: 792}, 810, {f: 2, c: 826}, 794, {s: 3}, {f: 2, c: 610}, 618, 628, 630, 632, 640, 655, 665, 668, 671, 688, 690, 695, 704, {f: 2, c: 736}, {s: 6}, 8862, {s: 287}, 12348, 12543, 0, {f: 2, c: 12310}, 9838, 9835, {f: 2, c: 10548}, 10687, 0, 12448, 0, {f: 2, c: 10746}, {s: 13}, 962, {f: 10, c: 9461}, {f: 2, c: 9750}, 9649, {f: 10, c: 12784}, 0, {f: 6, c: 12794}, {f: 15, c: 9150}, 0, 0, 10003, 0, 9251, 9166, {f: 4, c: 9680}, {f: 2, c: 8263}, 0, 8273, 8258, {f: 16, c: 12688}, {s: 13}, {f: 2, c: 9136}, {f: 12, c: 9842}, {f: 2, c: 12441}, 8413, {s: 450}, 20296, 20319, 20330, 20332, 20494, 20504, 20545, 20722, 20688, 20742, 20739, 20789, 20821, 20823, 13493, 20938, 20962, 21079, 21196, 21206, 21243, 21276, 21347, 21405, 21522, 21631, 21640, 21840, 21889, 21933, 21966, 22075, 22174, 22185, 22195, 22391, 22396, 135963, 22479, 22500, 22628, 22665, 136302, 22738, 22752, 34369, 22923, 22930, 22979, 23059, 23143, 23159, 23172, 23236, 137405, 23421, 23443, 23570, 64060, 136884, 23674, 23695, 23711, 23715, 23722, 23760, 138804, 23821, 23879, 23937, 23972, 23975, 24011, 24158, 24313, 24320, 24322, 24355, 24381, 24404, 24445, 24589, 24596, 24600, 24629, 24647, 24733, 24788, 24797, 24875, 25020, 25017, 25122, 25178, 25199, 25302, 25468, 25573, 25721, 25796, 25808, 25897, 26013, 26170, 26146, 26155, 26160, 26163, 26184, 143812, {f: 2, c: 26231}, 26253, 26299, 26331, 26344, 26439, 26497, 26515, 26520, 26523, 26620, 26653, 26787, 26890, 26953, 144836, 26946, 26980, 27045, 27087, 15286, 15299, 27113, 27125, 145215, 27195, 145251, 27284, 27301, 15375, 27419, 27436, 27495, 27561, 27565, 27607, 27647, 27653, 27764, 27800, 27899, 27846, 27953, 27961, 27967, 27992, 28052, 28074, 28123, 28125, 28228, 28254, 28337, 28353, 28432, 28505, 28513, 28542, 28556, 28576, 28604, 28615, 28618, 28656, 28750, 28789, 28836, 28900, 28971, 28958, 28974, 29009, 29032, 29061, 29063, 29114, 29124, 29205, 15935, 29339, 149489, 29479, 29520, 29542, 29602, 29739, 29766, 29794, 29805, 29862, 29865, 29897, 29951, 29975, 16242, 30158, 30210, 30216, 30308, 30337, 30365, 30378, 30390, 30414, 30420, 30438, 30449, 30474, 30489, {f: 2, c: 30541}, 30586, 30592, 30612, 30688, 152718, 30787, 30830, 30896, 152846, 30893, 30976, 31004, 31022, 31028, 31046, 31097, 31176, 153457, 31188, 31198, 31211, 31213, 31365, 154052, 31438, 31485, 31506, 31533, 31547, 31599, 31745, 31795, 155041, 31853, 31865, 31887, 31892, 31904, 31957, 32049, 32092, 32131, 32166, 32194, 32296, 32663, 32731, 32821, 32823, 32970, 32992, 33011, 33120, {f: 2, c: 33127}, 33133, 33211, 33226, 33239, 17499, 33376, 33396, 158463, 33441, {f: 2, c: 33443}, 33449, 33471, 33493, 33533, 33536, 33570, 33581, 33594, 33607, 33661, 33703, 33743, 33745, 33761, 33793, 33798, 33887, 33904, 33907, 33925, 33950, 33978, 159296, 34098, 34078, 34095, 34148, 34170, 34188, 34210, 34251, 34285, 34303, {f: 2, c: 34308}, 34320, 159988, 34328, 34360, 34391, 34402, 17821, 34421, 34488, 34556, 34695, 17898, 34826, 34832, 35022, 161412, 35122, 35129, 35136, 35220, 35318, 35399, 35421, 35425, 35445, 35536, 35654, 35673, 35689, 35741, 35913, 35944, 36271, 36305, 36311, 36387, 36413, 36475, 164471, 18500, 36602, 36638, 36653, 36692, 164813, 36840, 36846, 36872, 36909, 37015, 37043, 37054, {f: 2, c: 37060}, 37063, 37103, 37140, 37142, {f: 2, c: 37154}, 37167, 37172, 37251, 37361, 37705, {f: 2, c: 37732}, 37795, 37855, 37892, 37939, 37962, 37987, 38001, 38286, 38303, 38316, 38326, 38347, 38352, 38355, 18864, 38366, 38565, 38639, 38734, 38805, 38830, 38842, 38849, 38857, 38875, 38998, 39143, 39256, 39427, 39617, 39619, 39630, 39638, 39682, 39688, 19479, 39725, 39774, 39782, 39812, 39818, 39838, 39886, 39909, 39928, 39971, {f: 2, c: 40015}, 40037, {f: 2, c: 40221}, 40259, 40274, 40330, 40342, 40384, 40364, 40380, 172432, 40423, 40455, 40606, 40623, 40855, 131209, 19970, 19983, 19986, 20009, 20014, 20039, 131234, 20049, 13318, 131236, 20073, 20125, 13356, 20156, 20163, 20168, 20203, 20186, 20209, 20213, 20246, 20324, 20279, 20286, 20312, 131603, {f: 2, c: 20343}, 20354, 20357, 20454, 20402, 20421, 20427, 20434, 13418, 20466, 20499, 20508, 20558, 20563, 20579, 20643, 20616, {f: 2, c: 20626}, 20629, 20650, 131883, 20657, {f: 2, c: 20666}, 20676, 20679, 20723, 131969, 20686, 131953, 20692, 20705, 13458, 132089, 20759, 132170, 20832, 132361, 20851, 20867, 20875, 13500, 20888, 20899, 20909, 13511, 132566, 20979, 21010, 21014, 132943, 21077, 21084, 21100, 21111, 21124, 21122, 133127, 21144, 133178, 21156, {f: 2, c: 21178}, 21194, 21201, 133305, 21239, 21301, 21314, 133500, 133533, 21351, 21370, 21412, 21428, 133843, 21431, 21440, 133917, {f: 2, c: 13661}, 21461, 13667, 21492, 21540, 21544, 13678, 21571, 21602, 21612, 21653, 21664, 21670, 21678, 21687, 21690, 21699, 134469, 21740, 21743, 21745, 21747, {f: 2, c: 21760}, 21769, 21820, 21825, 13734, 21831, 13736, 21860, 134625, 21885, 21890, 21905, 13765, 21970, 134805, 134765, 21951, 21961, 21964, 21969, 21981, 13786, 21986, 134756, 21993, 22056, 135007, 22023, 22032, 22064, 13812, 22077, 22080, 22087, 22110, 22112, 22125, 13829, 22152, 22156, 22173, 22184, 22194, 22213, 22221, 22239, 22248, {f: 2, c: 22262}, 135681, 135765, 22313, 135803, {f: 2, c: 22341}, 22349, 135796, 22376, 22383, {f: 3, c: 22387}, 22395, 135908, 135895, 22426, {f: 2, c: 22429}, 22440, 22487, 135933, 22476, 135990, 136004, 22494, 22512, 13898, 22520, 22523, 22525, 22532, 22558, 22567, 22585, 136132, 22601, 22604, 22631, {f: 2, c: 22666}, 22669, {f: 2, c: 22671}, 22676, 22685, 22698, 22705, 136301, 22723, 22733, 22754, {f: 2, c: 22771}, {f: 2, c: 22789}, 22797, 22804, 136663, 13969, 22845, 13977, 22854, 13974, 158761, 22879, 136775, {f: 2, c: 22901}, 22908, 22943, 22958, 22972, 22984, 22989, 23006, 23015, 23022, 136966, 137026, 14031, 23053, 23063, 23079, 23085, 23141, 23162, 23179, 23196, {f: 2, c: 23199}, 23202, 23217, 23221, 23226, 23231, 23258, 23260, 23269, 23280, 23278, 23285, 23304, 23319, 23348, 23372, 23378, 23400, 23407, 23425, 23428, 137667, 23446, 23468, {f: 2, c: 14177}, 23502, 23510, 14188, 14187, 23537, 23549, 14197, 23555, 23593, 138326, 23647, {f: 2, c: 23655}, 23664, 138541, 138565, 138616, 138594, 23688, 23690, 14273, 138657, 138652, 23712, 23714, 23719, 138642, 23725, 23733, 138679, 23753, 138720, 138803, 23814, 23824, 23851, 23837, 23840, 23857, 23865, 14312, 23905, 23914, 14324, 23920, 139038, 14333, 23944, 14336, 23959, 23984, 23988, 139126, 24017, 24023, 139258, 24036, 24041, 14383, 14390, 14400, 24095, 24126, 24137, 14428, 24150, 14433, {f: 2, c: 24173}, 139643, 24229, 24236, 24249, 24262, 24281, 140062, 24317, 24328, 140205, 24350, 24391, 24419, 24434, 24446, 24463, 24482, 24519, 24523, {f: 3, c: 24530}, 24546, {f: 2, c: 24558}, 24563, 14615, 24610, 24612, 14618, 24652, 24725, 24744, 141043, 24753, 24766, 24776, 24793, 24814, 24821, 24848, 24857, 24862, 24890, 14703, 24897, 24902, 24928, 141403, {f: 2, c: 24978}, 24983, 24997, 25005, 141483, 25045, 25053, 25077, 141711, 25123, 25170, 25185, 25188, 25211, 25197, 25203, 25241, 25301, 142008, 25341, 25347, 25360, {f: 2, c: 142159}, 25394, 25397, {f: 2, c: 25403}, 25409, 25412, 25422, 142150, 25433, 142365, 142246, 25452, 25497, 142372, 25492, 25533, {f: 2, c: 25556}, 25568, {f: 2, c: 25579}, 25586, 25630, 25637, 25641, 25647, 25690, 25693, 25715, 25725, 25735, 25745, 25759, {f: 2, c: 25803}, 25813, 25815, 142817, 25828, 25855, 14958, 25871, 25876, 14963, 25886, 25906, 25924, 25940, 25963, 25978, 25988, 25994, 26034, 26037, 26040, 26047, 26057, 26068, 15062, 26105, 26108, 26116, 26120, 26145, 26154, 26181, 26193, 26190, 15082, 143811, 143861, 143798, 26218, {f: 2, c: 26220}, 26235, 26240, 26256, 26258, 15118, 26285, 26289, 26293, 15130, 15132, 15063, 26369, 26386, 144242, 26393, 144339, 144338, 26445, 26452, 26461, 144336, 144356, 144341, 26484, 144346, 26514, 144351, 33635, 26640, 26563, 26568, 26578, 26587, 26615, 144458, 144465, 144459, 26648, 26655, 26669, 144485, 26675, 26683, 26686, 26693, 26697, 26700, 26709, 26711, 15223, 26731, 26734, 26748, 26754, 26768, 26774, 15213, {f: 3, c: 26776}, 26780, {f: 2, c: 26794}, 26804, 26811, 26875, 144612, 144730, 26819, 26821, 26828, 26841, {f: 2, c: 26852}, 26860, 26871, 26883, 26887, 15239, 144788, 15245, 26950, 26985, 26988, 27002, 27026, 15268, 27030, 27056, 27066, 27068, 27072, 27089, 144953, 144967, 144952, 27107, {f: 2, c: 27118}, 27123, 15309, 27124, 27134, 27153, 27162, 27165, 145180, {f: 2, c: 27186}, 27199, 27209, 27258, 27214, 27218, 27236, 145164, 27275, 15344, 27297, 145252, 27307, 27325, 27334, 27348, 27344, 27357, 145407, 145383, {f: 3, c: 27377}, 27389, 145444, 27403, {f: 3, c: 27407}, 145469, 27415, 15398, 27439, 27466, 27480, 27500, 27509, [11934, 27514], 27521, 27547, 27566, 146072, 27581, {f: 3, c: 27591}, 27610, {f: 2, c: 27622}, 27630, 27650, 27658, 27662, 27702, 146559, 27725, 27739, 27757, 27780, 27785, 15555, 27796, 27799, 27821, 27842, 15570, 27868, 27881, 27885, 146688, 27904, 27940, {f: 2, c: 27942}, 27751, 27951, 27964, 27995, 28000, 28016, {f: 2, c: 28032}, 28042, 28045, 28049, 28056, 146752, 146938, 146937, 146899, 28075, 28078, 28084, 28098, 27956, 28104, 28110, 28127, 28150, 28214, 28190, 15633, 28210, {f: 2, c: 28232}, {f: 2, c: 28235}, 28239, {f: 2, c: 28243}, 28247, 28259, 15646, 28307, 28327, 28340, 28355, 28469, 28395, 28409, 28411, 28426, 28428, 28440, 28453, 28470, 28476, 147326, 28498, 28503, 28512, 28520, 28560, 28566, 28606, 28575, 28581, 28591, 15716, {f: 2, c: 28616}, 28649, 147606, 28668, 28672, 28682, 28707, 147715, 28730, 28739, 28743, 28747, 15770, 28773, 28777, 28782, 28790, 28806, 28823, 147910, 28831, 28849, 147966, 28908, 28874, 28881, 28931, 28934, 28936, 28940, 15808, 28975, 29008, 29011, 29022, 15828, 29078, 29056, 29083, 29088, 29090, {f: 2, c: 29102}, 148412, 29145, 29148, 29191, 15877, 29236, 29241, 29250, 29271, 29283, 149033, {f: 2, c: 29294}, 29304, 29311, 29326, 149157, 29358, 29360, 29377, 15968, 29388, 15974, 15976, 29427, 29434, 29447, 29458, {f: 2, c: 29464}, 16003, 29497, 29484, 29491, 29501, 29522, 16020, 29547, 149654, {f: 2, c: 29550}, 29553, 29569, 29578, 29588, 29592, 29596, 29605, 29625, 29631, 29637, 29643, 29665, 29671, 29689, 29715, 29690, 29697, 29779, 29760, 29763, 29778, 29789, 29825, 29832, 150093, 29842, 29847, 29849, 29857, 29861, 29866, 29881, 29883, 29882, 29910, 29912, 29931, 150358, 29946, 150383, 29984, 29988, 29994, 16215, 150550, {f: 2, c: 30013}, 30016, 30024, 30032, 30034, 30066, 30065, 30074, {f: 2, c: 30077}, 30092, 16245, 30114, 16247, 30128, 30135, {f: 2, c: 30143}, 30150, 30159, 30163, 30173, {f: 2, c: 30175}, 30183, 30190, 30193, 30211, 30232, 30215, 30223, 16302, 151054, 30227, {f: 2, c: 30235}, 151095, 30245, 30248, 30268, 30259, 151146, 16329, 30273, 151179, 30281, 30293, 16343, 30318, 30357, 30369, 30368, {f: 2, c: 30375}, 30383, 151626, 30409, 151637, 30440, 151842, 30487, 30490, 30509, 30517, 151977, 16441, 152037, 152013, 30552, 152094, 30588, 152140, 16472, 30618, 30623, 30626, 30628, {f: 2, c: 30686}, 30692, 30698, 30700, 30715, 152622, 30725, 30729, 30733, 30745, 30764, 30791, 30826, 152793, 30858, 30868, 30884, 30877, 30879, 30907, 30933, 30950, {f: 2, c: 30969}, 30974, 152999, 30992, 31003, 31013, 31050, 31064, 16645, 31079, 31090, 31125, 31137, 31145, 31156, 31170, 31175, {f: 2, c: 31180}, 31190, 16712, 153513, 153524, 16719, 31242, 31253, 31259, 16739, 31288, 31303, 31318, 31321, 31324, 31327, 31335, 31338, 31349, 31362, 31370, 31376, 31404, 154068, 16820, 31417, 31422, 16831, 31436, 31464, 31476, 154340, 154339, 154353, 31549, 31530, {f: 2, c: 31534}, 16870, 16883, 31615, 31553, 16878, 31573, 31609, 31588, 31590, 31603, 154546, 16903, 31632, 31643, 16910, 31669, 31676, 31685, 31690, 154699, 154724, 31700, 31702, 31706, 31722, 31728, 31747, 31758, 31813, 31818, 31831, 31838, 31841, 31849, 31855, 155182, 155222, 155237, 31910, 155234, {f: 2, c: 31926}, 155352, 31940, 155330, 31949, 155368, 155427, 31974, 155484, 31989, 32003, 17094, 32018, 32030, 155616, 155604, {f: 2, c: 32061}, 32064, 32071, 155660, 155643, 17110, 32090, 32106, 32112, 17117, 32127, 155671, 32136, 32151, 155744, 32157, 32167, 32170, 32182, 32192, 32215, 32217, 32230, 17154, 155885, 64088, 32272, 32279, 32285, 32295, 32300, 32325, 32373, 32382, {f: 2, c: 32390}, 17195, 32410, 17219, 32572, 32571, 32574, 32579, 13505, 156272, 156294, {f: 2, c: 32611}, 32621, {f: 2, c: 32637}, 32656, 20859, 146702, 32662, 32668, 32685, 156674, 32707, 32719, 32739, 32754, 32778, 32776, 32790, 32812, 32816, 32835, 32870, 32891, 32921, 32924, 32932, 32935, 32952, 157310, 32965, 32981, 32998, 33037, 33013, 33019, 17390, 33077, 33054, 17392, 33060, 33063, 33068, 157469, 33085, 17416, 33129, 17431, 17436, 33157, 17442, 33176, 33202, 33217, 33219, 33238, 33243, 157917, 33252, 157930, 33260, 33277, 33279, 158063, 33284, 158173, 33305, 33314, 158238, 33340, 33353, 33349, 158296, 17526, 17530, 33367, 158348, 33372, 33379, 158391, 17553, 33405, 33407, 33411, 33418, 33427, {f: 2, c: 33447}, 33458, 33460, 33466, 33468, 33506, 33512, 33527, {f: 2, c: 33543}, 33548, 33620, 33563, 33565, 33584, 33596, 33604, 33623, 17598, 17620, 17587, {f: 2, c: 33684}, 33691, 33693, 33737, 33744, 33748, 33757, 33765, 33785, 33813, 158835, 33815, 33849, 33871, {f: 2, c: 33873}, {f: 2, c: 33881}, 33884, 158941, 33893, 33912, 33916, 33921, 17677, 33943, 33958, 33982, 17672, {f: 2, c: 33998}, 34003, 159333, 34023, 34026, 34031, 34033, 34042, 34075, {f: 2, c: 34084}, 34091, 34127, 34159, 17731, 34129, {f: 2, c: 34145}, 159636, 34171, 34173, 34175, 34177, 34182, 34195, 34205, 34207, 159736, {f: 2, c: 159734}, 34236, 34247, 34250, {f: 2, c: 34264}, 34271, 34273, 34278, 34294, 34304, 34321, 34334, 34337, 34340, 34343, 160013, 34361, 34364, 160057, 34368, 34387, 34390, 34423, 34439, 34441, {f: 2, c: 34460}, 34481, 34483, 34497, 34499, 34513, 34517, 34519, 34531, 34534, 17848, 34565, 34567, 34574, 34576, 34591, 34593, 34595, 34609, 34618, 34624, 34627, 34641, 34648, {f: 2, c: 34660}, 34674, 34684, 160731, 160730, 34727, 34697, 34699, 34707, 34720, 160766, 17893, 34750, 160784, 34753, 34766, 34783, 160841, 34787, {f: 2, c: 34789}, 34794, 34835, 34856, 34862, 34866, 34876, 17935, 34890, 34904, 161301, 161300, 34921, 161329, 34927, 34976, 35004, 35008, 161427, 35025, 35027, 17985, 35073, 161550, 35127, 161571, 35138, 35141, 35145, 161618, 35170, 35209, 35216, 35231, 35248, 35255, 35288, 35307, 18081, 35315, 35325, 35327, 18095, 35345, 35348, 162181, 35361, 35381, 35390, 35397, 35405, 35416, 35502, 35472, 35511, 35543, 35580, 162436, 35594, 35589, 35597, 35612, 35629, 18188, 35665, 35678, 35702, 35713, 35723, {f: 2, c: 35732}, 35897, 162739, 35901, 162750, 162759, 35909, 35919, 35927, 35945, 35949, 163000, 35987, 35986, 35993, 18276, 35995, 36054, 36053, 163232, 36081, 163344, 36105, 36110, 36296, 36313, 36364, 18429, 36349, 36358, 163978, 36372, 36374, {f: 2, c: 36385}, 36391, 164027, 18454, 36406, 36409, 36436, 36450, 36461, 36463, 36504, 36510, 36533, 36539, 164482, 18510, 164595, 36608, 36616, 36651, 36672, 36682, 36696, 164876, 36772, 36788, 164949, 36801, 36806, 64036, 36810, 36813, 36819, 36821, 36849, 36853, 36859, 36876, 36919, 165227, 36931, 36957, {f: 2, c: 165320}, 36997, 37004, 37008, 37025, 18613, 37040, 37046, 37059, 37064, 165591, 37084, 37087, 165626, 37110, 37106, 37120, 37099, {f: 2, c: 37118}, 37124, 37126, 37144, 37150, 37175, 37177, {f: 2, c: 37190}, 37207, 37209, 37236, 37241, 37253, 37299, 37302, {f: 2, c: 37315}, 166217, 166214, 37356, 37377, {f: 2, c: 37398}, 166251, 37442, 37450, 37462, 37473, 37477, 37480, 166280, {f: 2, c: 37500}, 37503, 37513, 37517, 37527, 37529, 37535, 37547, {f: 2, c: 166330}, 37554, {f: 2, c: 37567}, 37574, 37582, 37605, 37649, 166430, 166441, 37623, 37673, 166513, 166467, 37713, 37722, 37739, 37745, 37747, 37793, 166553, 166605, 37768, 37771, 37775, 37790, 37877, 166628, 166621, 37873, 37831, 37852, 37863, 37897, {f: 2, c: 37910}, 37883, 37938, 37947, 166849, 166895, 37997, 37999, 38265, 38278, {f: 2, c: 38284}, 167184, 167281, 38344, 167419, 167455, 38444, {f: 2, c: 38451}, 167478, 38460, 38497, 167561, 38530, 167659, 38554, 167730, 18919, 38579, 38586, 38589, 18938, 167928, 38616, 38618, 38621, 18948, 38676, 38691, 18985, 38710, 38721, 38727, 38743, 38747, 38762, 168608, 168625, 38806, 38814, {f: 2, c: 38833}, 38846, 38860, 38865, 38868, 38872, 38881, 38897, 38916, 38925, 38932, 38934, 19132, 169104, {f: 2, c: 38962}, 38949, 38983, 39014, 39083, 39085, 39088, 169423, 39095, {f: 2, c: 39099}, 39106, 39111, 39115, 39137, 39139, 39146, {f: 2, c: 39152}, 39155, 39176, 19259, 169712, {f: 2, c: 39190}, 169753, {f: 3, c: 39194}, 169808, 39217, {f: 3, c: 39226}, 39233, 39238, 39246, 39264, 39331, 39334, 39357, 39359, 39363, 39380, 39385, 39390, 170182, 39408, 39417, 39420, 39434, 39441, 39450, 39456, 39473, 39492, 39500, 39512, 19394, 39599, 19402, 39607, 19410, 39609, 170610, 39622, 39632, 39634, 39637, 39648, 39653, 39657, 39692, 39696, 39698, 39702, 39708, 39723, 39741, 19488, 39755, 39779, 39781, {f: 2, c: 39787}, {f: 2, c: 39798}, 39846, 39852, 171483, 39858, 39864, 39870, 39923, 39896, 39901, 39914, 39919, 39918, 171541, 171658, 171593, 39958, {f: 3, c: 39960}, 39965, 39970, 39977, 171716, 39985, 39991, 40005, 40028, 171753, {f: 2, c: 40009}, 171739, 40020, 40024, 40027, 40029, 40031, {f: 3, c: 40041}, {f: 2, c: 40045}, 40050, 40053, 40058, 40166, 40178, 40203, [171982, 171991], 40209, {f: 2, c: 40215}, 172079, 19652, 172058, 40242, 19665, 40266, 40287, 40290, 172281, 172162, 40307, {f: 2, c: 40310}, 40324, 40345, 40353, 40383, 40373, 40377, 40381, 40393, 40410, 40416, 40419, 19719, 40458, 40450, 40461, 40476, 40571, 139800, 40576, 40581, 40603, 172940, 40637, 173111, 40671, 40703, 40706, 19831, 40707, 40762, 40765, 40774, 40787, 40789, 40792, 173553, 40797, 173570, 40809, 40813, 40816, 173746, 11948, 13844, 14509, 15820, 16348, 17854, 17936, 19326, 19512, 19681, 19980, {f: 2, c: 20003}, 20089, 20211, 20236, 20249, 20267, 20270, 20273, 20356, 20382, 20407, 20484, 20492, 20556, 20575, 20578, 20599, 20622, 20638, 20642, 20675, 20712, 20721, 20734, 20743, {f: 3, c: 20748}, 20787, 20792, 20852, 20868, 20920, 20922, 20936, 20943, 20945, {f: 2, c: 20947}, 20952, 20959, 20997, 21030, 21032, 21035, {f: 2, c: 21041}, 21045, 21052, 21082, 21088, 21102, {f: 2, c: 21112}, 21130, 21132, 21217, 21225, 21233, 21251, 21265, 21279, 21293, 21298, 21309, 21349, 21357, 21369, 21374, 21396, 21401, 21418, 21423, 21434, 21441, {f: 2, c: 21444}, 21472, 21523, 21546, 21553, {f: 2, c: 21556}, 21580, 21671, 21674, 21681, 21691, 21710, 21738, 21756, 21765, 21768, 21781, 21799, 21802, 21814, 21841, 21862, 21903, 21906, 21908, 21924, 21938, 21955, 21958, 21971, 21979, 21996, 21998, 22001, 22006, 22008, 22021, 22029, {f: 2, c: 22033}, 22060, 22069, 22073, 22093, 22100, 22149, 22175, 22182, 22199, 22220, 22223, 22233, 22241, 22251, 22253, 22257, 22279, 22284, {f: 2, c: 22298}, 22301, 22316, 22318, {f: 2, c: 22333}, 22367, 22379, 22381, 22394, 22403, 22423, 22446, 22485, 22503, 22541, 22566, 22605, 22607, 22623, 22637, 22655, 22657, 22680, 22716, 22815, 22819, 22873, 22905, 22935, 22959, 22963, 23007, 23025, 23032, 23218, 23224, 23274, 23286, 23323, 23325, 23329, 23352, 23479, 23511, 23520, 23583, 23594, 23596, 23606, 23641, 23644, 23661, 23773, 23809, 23860, 23869, 23897, 23934, 23939, 24007, 24057, 24104, 24114, 24117, 24155, 24168, 24170, 24183, 24192, 24203, 24243, 24253, 24273, {f: 2, c: 24276}, 24397, 24492, 24554, 24583, 24649, 24660, 24679, 24763, 24772, 24829, 24842, 24854, 24874, 24886, 24926, 24932, 24955, 24957, 24959, 24989, 25016, 25052, 25058, 25061, 25064, 25092, 25095, 25137, 25145, 25149, 25210, 25232, 25256, 25306, 25332, 25366, 25386, 25398, 25414, 25419, 25427, 25457, 25461, 25471, 25474, 25482, {f: 2, c: 25518}, 25578, {f: 2, c: 25592}, 25618, 25624, 25632, 25636, 25642, 25653, 25661, 25663, 25682, 25695, 25716, 25744, {f: 2, c: 25752}, 25772, 25779, 25837, 25840, 25883, 25887, 25902, 25929, 25952, 26002, 26005, 26036, 26046, 26056, 26062, 26064, 26079, 26238, {f: 2, c: 26251}, 26291, 26304, 26319, 26405, 26421, 26453, 26496, 26511, 26513, 26532, 26545, 26549, 26558, 26664, 26758, 26859, 26869, 26903, 26931, 26936, 26971, 26981, 27048, 27051, 27055, 27109, 27121, 27210, 27221, 27239, 27249, 27311, {f: 2, c: 27336}, 27395, 27451, 27455, {f: 2, c: 27517}, 27568, 27639, 27641, 27652, 27657, 27661, 27692, 27722, 27730, 27732, 27769, 27820, 27828, 27858, 28001, 28028, 28089, 28144, 28229, 28275, 28283, 28285, 28297, 28348, {f: 2, c: 28378}, 28454, 28457, 28464, 28551, 28573, 28590, 28599, 28685, 28704, 28745, 28824, 28848, {f: 2, c: 28885}, 28997, 29106, 29172, 29207, 29215, 29251, {f: 2, c: 29263}, 29274, 29280, 29288, 29303, 29316, 29385, 29413, 29428, 29442, 29451, 29470, 29474, {f: 2, c: 29498}, 29517, 29528, 29543, 29810, 29871, 29919, 29924, 29940, 29947, 29974, 29985, 30015, 30046, 30105, 30116, 30145, 30148, 30156, 30167, 30172, 30177, 30191, 30212, 30220, 30237, 30258, 30264, 30277, 30282, 30303, 30381, 30397, 30425, 30443, 30448, 30457, 30464, 30478, 30498, 30504, 30511, 30521, 30526, 30533, 30538, 30543, 30558, 30564, 30567, 30572, 30596, {f: 2, c: 30604}, 30614, 30631, 30639, 30647, 30654, 30665, 30673, 30681, 30705, 30775, 30812, 30846, 30872, 30881, 30897, 30899, 30921, 30931, 30988, 31007, {f: 2, c: 31015}, 31039, 31042, 31060, 31083, 31100, 31147, 31172, 31210, 31234, 31244, 31280, 31290, 31300, 31360, 31366, 31380, 31413, 31421, 31486, 31531, 31607, 31648, 31660, 31664, 31720, 31730, 31736, 31740, 31742, 31753, 31784, 31791, 31810, {f: 2, c: 31826}, {f: 3, c: 31835}, 31858, 31869, 31879, 31902, 31930, 31943, 31955, 31962, 32060, 32077, 32130, 32133, 32141, 32145, 32158, 32179, 32185, 32208, 32229, {f: 2, c: 32245}, 32303, 32310, 32324, 32367, 32376, 32385, 32573, 32603, 32605, 32613, 32625, {f: 2, c: 32639}, 32651, 32674, {f: 3, c: 32765}, 32775, 32781, 32798, 32825, 32904, 32910, 32975, 32980, 33005, 33008, 33015, 33018, 33022, 33027, 33047, 33072, 33111, 33135, 33139, 33163, 33168, 33179, 33182, 33227, 33237, {f: 2, c: 33245}, 33249, 33263, 33270, 33280, 33291, {f: 2, c: 33299}, 33306, 33338, 33348, 33389, 33412, 33417, 33425, 33450, 33456, 33488, 33514, 33519, 33526, 33622, 33656, 33784, 33788, 33880, 33939, 33969, 33981, 34043, 34118, 34134, 34141, 34181, 34200, 34370, 34374, 34496, 34580, 34594, 34606, 34617, 34653, 34683, 34700, 34702, {f: 2, c: 34711}, 34718, 34723, 34734, 34751, 34761, 34778, 34840, 34843, 34861, 34874, 34885, 34891, 34894, 34901, 34906, 34926, {f: 3, c: 34970}, 35021, 35040, 35055, {f: 2, c: 35086}, 35110, 35125, 35162, 35164, 35179, 35184, 35196, 35237, 35253, 35260, 35285, 35401, 35415, 35431, 35454, 35462, 35478, 35510, 35529, 35537, 35549, 35564, 35573, 35590, 35599, 35601, 35653, 35666, 35693, 35704, 35708, 35710, 35717, 35743, 35915, 35923, 35963, 36026, 36037, 36041, 36050, 36076, 36085, 36087, 36097, 36099, 36119, 36124, 36206, 36241, 36255, 36267, 36274, 36309, 36327, {f: 2, c: 36337}, 36340, 36353, 36363, 36390, 36401, {f: 2, c: 36416}, 36429, 36431, 36444, 36449, 36457, 36465, 36469, 36471, 36489, 36496, 36501, 36506, 36519, 36521, 36525, 36584, 36592, 36615, 36632, 36645, 36647, 36652, 36661, 36666, 36675, 36679, 36689, 36693, {f: 3, c: 36768}, 36773, 36868, 36891, 36911, 36940, 36955, 36976, 36980, 36985, 37003, 37016, 37024, 37042, 37053, 37065, 37104, 37125, 37157, 37210, 37223, 37242, 37258, 37265, 37269, 37296, 37307, 37309, 37314, 37317, 37376, 37385, 37411, 37494, 37518, 37551, {f: 2, c: 37563}, 37569, 37571, 37573, 37576, 37652, 37683, 37686, 37720, 37759, 37762, 37770, 37819, 37836, 37862, 37881, 37890, {f: 2, c: 37901}, 37934, 37964, 38280, 38305, 38335, 38342, 38345, {f: 2, c: 38353}, 38368, 38372, 38374, 38436, 38449, 38456, 38461, 38484, 38516, 38523, 38527, 38529, 38531, 38537, 38550, 38574, 38659, 38683, {f: 2, c: 38689}, 38696, 38705, 38759, 38774, 38781, 38783, 38809, 38815, 38828, 38841, 38861, 38880, 38895, 38919, 38950, 38958, {f: 2, c: 39010}, 39092, 39109, 39170, 39185, 39189, 39221, 39240, 39252, 39262, 39393, 39436, 39440, 39459, 39489, 39505, {f: 2, c: 39613}, 39681, 39689, 39691, {f: 2, c: 39693}, 39705, 39733, 39752, 39765, 39784, 39808, 39814, 39824, 39837, 39856, 39871, 39880, 39935, 39938, 39964, 39989, 40004, 40022, 40033, 40040, 40240, 40253, 40298, 40315, 40421, 40425, 40435, 40570, {f: 3, c: 40578}, 40624, 40676, 40688, 40690, 40713, 40719, 40724, 40731, 40738, 40742, {f: 2, c: 40746}, 40756, 40794, 40815, 40862, 40869, 131317, 151044, 151538, 163187, 194581, 194630, 194713, 194726, 194789, 195038, 13790, {s: 4}, 172722, 0, 0, 131416, {s: 4}, 132529, 0, 0, 132844, {s: 6}, 134488, {s: 21}, 154060, {s: 9}, 14756, 14776, 142914, 0, 0, 14940, 0, 0, 143339, 0, 0, 162228, 0, 15044, 15051, {s: 5}, 14981, {s: 8}, 15347, 27384, {s: 5}, 15665, {s: 9}, 147531, 0, 15936, 14497, {s: 34}, 158878, {s: 12}, 18207, 162876, {s: 4}, 18462, {s: 71}, 39709, 39724, 20482, 20958, 21255, 23532, 63784, 26142, 63785, 28746, 64021, 21857, 27706, 31328, 156492, 34819, 38315, 38741, 171581, 173594], 'Adobe-Korea1': [{f: 95, c: 32}, 8361, 8208, 169, 0, 0, [12288, 12644], {f: 2, c: 12289}, 12539, 8229, [8230, 8943], 168, 12291, {f: 2, c: 8211}, 8214, 65340, 65374, {f: 2, c: 8216}, {f: 2, c: 8220}, {f: 2, c: 12308}, {f: 10, c: 12296}, 177, 215, 247, 8800, {f: 2, c: 8804}, 8734, 8756, 176, {f: 2, c: 8242}, 8451, 8491, {f: 2, c: 65504}, 65509, 9794, 9792, 8736, 8869, 8978, 8706, 8711, 8801, 8786, 167, 8251, 9734, 9733, 9675, 9679, 9678, 9671, 9670, 9633, 9632, 9651, 9650, 9661, 9660, 8594, {f: 2, c: 8592}, {f: 2, c: 8595}, 12307, 171, 187, 8730, 8765, 8733, 8757, {f: 2, c: 8747}, 8712, 8715, {f: 2, c: 8838}, {f: 2, c: 8834}, 8746, 8745, {f: 2, c: 8743}, 65506, 8658, 8660, 8704, 8707, 180, 732, 711, 728, 733, 730, 729, 184, 731, 161, 191, 8758, 8750, 8721, 8719, 164, 8457, 8240, 9665, 9664, 9655, 9654, 9828, {f: 2, c: 9824}, 9829, 9831, 9827, 9673, 9672, 9635, {f: 2, c: 9680}, 9618, {f: 2, c: 9636}, 9640, 9639, 9638, 9641, 9832, 9743, 9742, 9756, 9758, 182, {f: 2, c: 8224}, 8597, 8599, 8601, 8598, 8600, 9837, {f: 2, c: 9833}, 9836, 12927, 12828, 8470, 13255, 8482, 13250, 13272, 8481, {f: 59, c: 65281}, 65510, {f: 33, c: 65341}, 65507, {f: 51, c: 12593}, {f: 42, c: 12645}, {f: 10, c: 8560}, {f: 10, c: 8544}, {f: 17, c: 913}, {f: 7, c: 931}, {f: 17, c: 945}, {f: 7, c: 963}, 9472, 9474, 9484, 9488, 9496, 9492, 9500, 9516, 9508, 9524, 9532, 9473, 9475, 9487, 9491, 9499, 9495, 9507, 9523, 9515, 9531, 9547, 9504, 9519, 9512, 9527, 9535, 9501, 9520, 9509, 9528, 9538, 9490, 9489, 9498, 9497, 9494, 9493, 9486, 9485, {f: 2, c: 9502}, {f: 2, c: 9505}, {f: 2, c: 9510}, {f: 2, c: 9513}, {f: 2, c: 9517}, {f: 2, c: 9521}, {f: 2, c: 9525}, {f: 2, c: 9529}, {f: 2, c: 9533}, {f: 2, c: 9536}, {f: 8, c: 9539}, {f: 3, c: 13205}, 8467, 13208, 13252, {f: 4, c: 13219}, {f: 10, c: 13209}, 13258, {f: 3, c: 13197}, 13263, {f: 2, c: 13192}, 13256, {f: 2, c: 13223}, {f: 10, c: 13232}, {f: 5, c: 13184}, {f: 6, c: 13242}, {f: 5, c: 13200}, 8486, {f: 2, c: 13248}, {f: 3, c: 13194}, 13270, 13253, {f: 3, c: 13229}, 13275, {f: 4, c: 13225}, 13277, 13264, 13267, 13251, 13257, 13276, 13254, 198, 208, 170, 294, 306, 319, 321, 216, 338, 186, 222, 358, 330, {f: 28, c: 12896}, {f: 26, c: 9424}, {f: 15, c: 9312}, 189, {f: 2, c: 8531}, 188, 190, {f: 4, c: 8539}, 230, 273, 240, 295, 305, 307, 312, 320, 322, 248, 339, 223, 254, 359, 331, 329, {f: 28, c: 12800}, {f: 26, c: 9372}, {f: 15, c: 9332}, 185, {f: 2, c: 178}, 8308, 8319, {f: 4, c: 8321}, {f: 83, c: 12353}, {f: 86, c: 12449}, {f: 6, c: 1040}, 1025, {f: 32, c: 1046}, 1105, {f: 26, c: 1078}, {f: 2, c: 44032}, 44036, {f: 4, c: 44039}, {f: 8, c: 44048}, {f: 5, c: 44057}, 44064, 44068, {f: 2, c: 44076}, {f: 3, c: 44079}, {f: 2, c: 44088}, 44092, 44096, 44107, 44109, 44116, 44120, 44124, {f: 2, c: 44144}, 44148, {f: 2, c: 44151}, 44154, {f: 2, c: 44160}, {f: 4, c: 44163}, {f: 4, c: 44169}, 44176, 44180, {f: 2, c: 44188}, {f: 3, c: 44191}, {f: 3, c: 44200}, 44204, {f: 2, c: 44207}, {f: 2, c: 44216}, {f: 3, c: 44219}, 44225, 44228, 44232, 44236, 44245, 44247, {f: 2, c: 44256}, 44260, {f: 2, c: 44263}, 44266, 44268, {f: 3, c: 44271}, 44275, {f: 2, c: 44277}, {f: 2, c: 44284}, 44288, 44292, 44294, {f: 2, c: 44300}, 44303, 44305, 44312, 44316, 44320, 44329, {f: 2, c: 44332}, {f: 2, c: 44340}, 44344, 44348, {f: 2, c: 44356}, 44359, 44361, 44368, 44372, 44376, 44385, 44387, {f: 2, c: 44396}, 44400, {f: 4, c: 44403}, {f: 3, c: 44411}, 44415, {f: 2, c: 44417}, {f: 2, c: 44424}, 44428, 44432, {f: 2, c: 44444}, 44452, 44471, {f: 2, c: 44480}, 44484, 44488, {f: 2, c: 44496}, 44499, 44508, 44512, 44516, {f: 2, c: 44536}, 44540, {f: 3, c: 44543}, {f: 2, c: 44552}, 44555, 44557, 44564, {f: 2, c: 44592}, 44596, {f: 2, c: 44599}, 44602, {f: 2, c: 44608}, 44611, {f: 2, c: 44613}, 44618, {f: 3, c: 44620}, 44624, 44628, 44630, {f: 2, c: 44636}, {f: 3, c: 44639}, 44645, {f: 2, c: 44648}, 44652, 44656, {f: 2, c: 44664}, {f: 3, c: 44667}, {f: 2, c: 44676}, 44684, {f: 3, c: 44732}, 44736, 44740, {f: 2, c: 44748}, {f: 3, c: 44751}, {f: 2, c: 44760}, 44764, 44776, 44779, 44781, 44788, 44792, 44796, {f: 2, c: 44807}, 44813, 44816, {f: 2, c: 44844}, 44848, 44850, 44852, {f: 2, c: 44860}, 44863, {f: 3, c: 44865}, {f: 2, c: 44872}, 44880, {f: 2, c: 44892}, {f: 2, c: 44900}, 44921, 44928, 44932, 44936, {f: 2, c: 44944}, 44949, 44956, {f: 2, c: 44984}, 44988, 44992, {f: 3, c: 44999}, 45003, {f: 2, c: 45005}, 45012, 45020, {f: 2, c: 45032}, {f: 2, c: 45040}, 45044, 45048, {f: 2, c: 45056}, 45060, 45068, 45072, 45076, {f: 2, c: 45084}, 45096, {f: 2, c: 45124}, 45128, 45130, 45132, 45134, {f: 3, c: 45139}, 45143, 45145, 45149, {f: 2, c: 45180}, 45184, 45188, {f: 2, c: 45196}, 45199, 45201, {f: 3, c: 45208}, 45212, {f: 4, c: 45215}, {f: 2, c: 45224}, {f: 5, c: 45227}, 45233, {f: 3, c: 45235}, 45240, 45244, {f: 2, c: 45252}, {f: 3, c: 45255}, {f: 2, c: 45264}, 45268, 45272, 45280, 45285, {f: 2, c: 45320}, {f: 2, c: 45323}, 45328, {f: 2, c: 45330}, {f: 2, c: 45336}, {f: 3, c: 45339}, {f: 3, c: 45347}, 45352, 45356, {f: 2, c: 45364}, {f: 3, c: 45367}, {f: 2, c: 45376}, 45380, 45384, {f: 2, c: 45392}, {f: 2, c: 45396}, 45400, 45404, 45408, {f: 2, c: 45432}, 45436, 45440, 45442, {f: 2, c: 45448}, 45451, 45453, {f: 3, c: 45458}, 45464, 45468, 45480, 45516, 45520, 45524, {f: 2, c: 45532}, 45535, {f: 2, c: 45544}, 45548, 45552, 45561, 45563, 45565, {f: 2, c: 45572}, 45576, {f: 2, c: 45579}, {f: 2, c: 45588}, 45591, 45593, 45600, 45620, 45628, 45656, 45660, 45664, {f: 2, c: 45672}, {f: 2, c: 45684}, 45692, {f: 2, c: 45700}, 45705, {f: 2, c: 45712}, 45716, {f: 3, c: 45720}, {f: 2, c: 45728}, 45731, {f: 2, c: 45733}, 45738, 45740, 45744, 45748, {f: 2, c: 45768}, 45772, 45776, 45778, {f: 2, c: 45784}, 45787, 45789, 45794, {f: 3, c: 45796}, 45800, {f: 5, c: 45803}, {f: 3, c: 45811}, {f: 5, c: 45815}, {f: 3, c: 45823}, 45828, 45832, {f: 2, c: 45840}, {f: 3, c: 45843}, 45852, {f: 3, c: 45908}, 45912, {f: 2, c: 45915}, {f: 2, c: 45918}, {f: 2, c: 45924}, 45927, 45929, 45931, 45934, {f: 2, c: 45936}, 45940, 45944, {f: 2, c: 45952}, {f: 3, c: 45955}, 45964, 45968, 45972, {f: 2, c: 45984}, 45992, 45996, {f: 2, c: 46020}, 46024, {f: 2, c: 46027}, 46030, 46032, {f: 2, c: 46036}, 46039, 46041, 46043, 46045, 46048, 46052, 46056, 46076, 46096, 46104, 46108, 46112, {f: 2, c: 46120}, 46123, 46132, {f: 2, c: 46160}, 46164, 46168, {f: 2, c: 46176}, 46179, 46181, 46188, 46208, 46216, 46237, 46244, 46248, 46252, 46261, 46263, 46265, 46272, 46276, 46280, 46288, 46293, {f: 2, c: 46300}, 46304, {f: 2, c: 46307}, 46310, {f: 2, c: 46316}, 46319, 46321, 46328, {f: 2, c: 46356}, 46360, {f: 2, c: 46363}, {f: 2, c: 46372}, {f: 4, c: 46375}, {f: 2, c: 46384}, 46388, 46392, {f: 2, c: 46400}, {f: 3, c: 46403}, {f: 3, c: 46411}, 46416, 46420, {f: 2, c: 46428}, {f: 3, c: 46431}, {f: 2, c: 46496}, 46500, 46504, {f: 2, c: 46506}, {f: 2, c: 46512}, {f: 3, c: 46515}, {f: 3, c: 46523}, 46528, 46532, {f: 2, c: 46540}, {f: 3, c: 46543}, 46552, 46572, {f: 2, c: 46608}, 46612, 46616, 46629, 46636, 46644, 46664, 46692, 46696, {f: 2, c: 46748}, 46752, 46756, {f: 2, c: 46763}, 46769, 46804, 46832, 46836, 46840, {f: 2, c: 46848}, 46853, {f: 2, c: 46888}, 46892, {f: 2, c: 46895}, {f: 2, c: 46904}, 46907, 46916, 46920, 46924, {f: 2, c: 46932}, 46944, 46948, 46952, {f: 2, c: 46960}, 46963, 46965, {f: 2, c: 46972}, 46976, 46980, {f: 2, c: 46988}, {f: 4, c: 46991}, {f: 4, c: 46998}, 47004, 47008, {f: 2, c: 47016}, {f: 3, c: 47019}, {f: 2, c: 47028}, 47032, 47047, 47049, {f: 2, c: 47084}, 47088, 47092, {f: 2, c: 47100}, {f: 3, c: 47103}, {f: 3, c: 47111}, 47116, 47120, {f: 2, c: 47128}, 47131, 47133, {f: 2, c: 47140}, 47144, 47148, {f: 2, c: 47156}, {f: 3, c: 47159}, 47168, 47172, 47185, 47187, {f: 2, c: 47196}, 47200, 47204, {f: 2, c: 47212}, 47215, 47217, 47224, 47228, 47245, 47272, 47280, 47284, 47288, {f: 2, c: 47296}, 47299, 47301, 47308, 47312, 47316, 47325, 47327, 47329, {f: 2, c: 47336}, 47340, 47344, {f: 2, c: 47352}, 47355, 47357, 47364, 47384, 47392, {f: 2, c: 47420}, 47424, 47428, 47436, 47439, 47441, {f: 2, c: 47448}, 47452, 47456, {f: 2, c: 47464}, 47467, 47469, {f: 2, c: 47476}, 47480, 47484, {f: 2, c: 47492}, 47495, {f: 2, c: 47497}, {f: 2, c: 47501}, {f: 2, c: 47532}, 47536, 47540, {f: 2, c: 47548}, 47551, 47553, {f: 2, c: 47560}, 47564, {f: 5, c: 47566}, {f: 2, c: 47576}, 47579, {f: 2, c: 47581}, 47585, {f: 3, c: 47587}, 47592, 47596, {f: 2, c: 47604}, {f: 4, c: 47607}, {f: 2, c: 47616}, 47624, 47637, {f: 2, c: 47672}, 47676, 47680, 47682, {f: 2, c: 47688}, 47691, {f: 2, c: 47693}, {f: 3, c: 47699}, 47704, 47708, {f: 2, c: 47716}, {f: 3, c: 47719}, {f: 2, c: 47728}, 47732, 47736, {f: 3, c: 47747}, 47751, 47756, {f: 2, c: 47784}, {f: 2, c: 47787}, 47792, 47794, {f: 2, c: 47800}, 47803, 47805, 47812, 47816, {f: 2, c: 47832}, 47868, 47872, 47876, 47885, 47887, 47889, 47896, 47900, 47904, 47913, 47915, {f: 3, c: 47924}, 47928, {f: 4, c: 47931}, {f: 2, c: 47940}, 47943, 47945, 47949, {f: 2, c: 47951}, 47956, 47960, 47969, 47971, 47980, 48008, 48012, 48016, 48036, 48040, 48044, 48052, 48055, 48064, 48068, 48072, 48080, 48083, {f: 2, c: 48120}, 48124, {f: 2, c: 48127}, 48130, {f: 2, c: 48136}, {f: 3, c: 48139}, 48143, 48145, {f: 5, c: 48148}, {f: 5, c: 48155}, {f: 2, c: 48164}, 48167, 48169, 48173, {f: 2, c: 48176}, 48180, 48184, {f: 2, c: 48192}, {f: 3, c: 48195}, 48201, {f: 2, c: 48204}, 48208, 48221, {f: 2, c: 48260}, 48264, {f: 2, c: 48267}, 48270, {f: 2, c: 48276}, 48279, {f: 2, c: 48281}, {f: 2, c: 48288}, 48292, {f: 2, c: 48295}, {f: 2, c: 48304}, {f: 3, c: 48307}, {f: 2, c: 48316}, 48320, 48324, 48333, {f: 3, c: 48335}, 48341, 48344, 48348, {f: 3, c: 48372}, 48376, 48380, {f: 2, c: 48388}, 48391, 48393, 48400, 48404, 48420, 48428, 48448, {f: 2, c: 48456}, 48460, 48464, {f: 2, c: 48472}, 48484, 48488, {f: 2, c: 48512}, 48516, {f: 4, c: 48519}, {f: 2, c: 48528}, 48531, 48533, {f: 2, c: 48537}, 48540, 48548, 48560, 48568, {f: 2, c: 48596}, 48600, 48604, 48617, 48624, 48628, 48632, 48640, 48643, 48645, {f: 2, c: 48652}, 48656, 48660, {f: 2, c: 48668}, 48671, {f: 2, c: 48708}, 48712, 48716, 48718, {f: 2, c: 48724}, 48727, {f: 3, c: 48729}, {f: 2, c: 48736}, 48740, 48744, 48746, {f: 2, c: 48752}, {f: 3, c: 48755}, {f: 3, c: 48763}, 48768, 48772, {f: 2, c: 48780}, {f: 3, c: 48783}, {f: 2, c: 48792}, 48808, {f: 2, c: 48848}, 48852, {f: 2, c: 48855}, 48864, {f: 3, c: 48867}, 48876, 48897, {f: 2, c: 48904}, {f: 2, c: 48920}, {f: 3, c: 48923}, {f: 2, c: 48960}, 48964, 48968, {f: 2, c: 48976}, 48981, 49044, 49072, 49093, {f: 2, c: 49100}, 49104, 49108, 49116, 49119, 49121, 49212, 49233, 49240, 49244, 49248, {f: 2, c: 49256}, {f: 2, c: 49296}, 49300, 49304, {f: 2, c: 49312}, 49315, 49317, {f: 2, c: 49324}, {f: 2, c: 49327}, {f: 4, c: 49331}, {f: 2, c: 49340}, {f: 3, c: 49343}, 49349, {f: 2, c: 49352}, 49356, 49360, {f: 2, c: 49368}, {f: 3, c: 49371}, {f: 2, c: 49380}, 49384, 49388, {f: 2, c: 49396}, 49399, 49401, 49408, 49412, 49416, 49424, 49429, {f: 5, c: 49436}, {f: 2, c: 49443}, {f: 2, c: 49446}, {f: 2, c: 49452}, {f: 3, c: 49455}, 49462, {f: 2, c: 49464}, 49468, 49472, {f: 2, c: 49480}, {f: 3, c: 49483}, {f: 2, c: 49492}, 49496, 49500, {f: 2, c: 49508}, {f: 3, c: 49511}, 49520, 49524, 49528, 49541, {f: 3, c: 49548}, 49552, 49556, 49558, {f: 2, c: 49564}, 49567, 49569, 49573, {f: 2, c: 49576}, 49580, 49584, 49597, 49604, 49608, 49612, 49620, {f: 2, c: 49623}, 49632, 49636, 49640, {f: 2, c: 49648}, 49651, {f: 2, c: 49660}, 49664, 49668, {f: 2, c: 49676}, 49679, 49681, {f: 2, c: 49688}, 49692, {f: 2, c: 49695}, {f: 2, c: 49704}, 49707, 49709, 49711, {f: 2, c: 49713}, 49716, 49736, {f: 2, c: 49744}, 49748, 49752, 49760, 49765, {f: 2, c: 49772}, 49776, 49780, {f: 2, c: 49788}, 49791, 49793, {f: 2, c: 49800}, 49808, 49816, 49819, 49821, {f: 2, c: 49828}, 49832, {f: 2, c: 49836}, {f: 2, c: 49844}, 49847, 49849, {f: 2, c: 49884}, 49888, {f: 2, c: 49891}, {f: 3, c: 49899}, 49903, 49905, 49910, {f: 2, c: 49912}, {f: 2, c: 49915}, 49920, {f: 2, c: 49928}, {f: 2, c: 49932}, {f: 3, c: 49939}, 49944, 49948, {f: 2, c: 49956}, {f: 2, c: 49960}, 49989, {f: 2, c: 50024}, 50028, 50032, 50034, {f: 2, c: 50040}, {f: 2, c: 50044}, 50052, 50056, 50060, 50112, {f: 2, c: 50136}, 50140, {f: 2, c: 50143}, 50146, {f: 2, c: 50152}, 50157, {f: 2, c: 50164}, 50168, 50184, 50192, 50212, 50220, 50224, 50228, {f: 2, c: 50236}, 50248, {f: 2, c: 50276}, 50280, 50284, {f: 2, c: 50292}, 50297, 50304, 50324, 50332, 50360, 50364, 50409, {f: 2, c: 50416}, 50420, 50424, 50426, {f: 3, c: 50431}, 50444, 50448, 50452, 50460, {f: 2, c: 50472}, 50476, 50480, {f: 2, c: 50488}, 50491, 50493, {f: 2, c: 50500}, {f: 3, c: 50504}, {f: 3, c: 50508}, {f: 3, c: 50515}, {f: 3, c: 50519}, {f: 2, c: 50525}, {f: 2, c: 50528}, 50532, 50536, {f: 2, c: 50544}, {f: 3, c: 50547}, {f: 2, c: 50556}, 50560, 50564, 50567, {f: 2, c: 50572}, 50575, 50577, 50581, {f: 2, c: 50583}, 50588, 50592, 50601, {f: 2, c: 50612}, {f: 2, c: 50616}, {f: 4, c: 50619}, {f: 7, c: 50628}, 50636, 50638, {f: 2, c: 50640}, 50644, 50648, {f: 2, c: 50656}, 50659, 50661, {f: 3, c: 50668}, 50672, 50676, {f: 2, c: 50678}, {f: 6, c: 50684}, {f: 4, c: 50693}, 50700, 50704, {f: 2, c: 50712}, {f: 2, c: 50715}, {f: 2, c: 50724}, 50728, {f: 3, c: 50732}, 50736, {f: 3, c: 50739}, 50743, 50745, 50747, {f: 2, c: 50752}, 50756, 50760, {f: 2, c: 50768}, {f: 3, c: 50771}, {f: 2, c: 50780}, 50784, 50796, 50799, 50801, {f: 2, c: 50808}, 50812, 50816, {f: 2, c: 50824}, 50827, 50829, {f: 2, c: 50836}, 50840, 50844, {f: 2, c: 50852}, 50855, 50857, {f: 2, c: 50864}, 50868, {f: 3, c: 50872}, {f: 2, c: 50880}, 50883, 50885, {f: 2, c: 50892}, 50896, 50900, {f: 2, c: 50908}, {f: 2, c: 50912}, {f: 2, c: 50920}, 50924, 50928, {f: 2, c: 50936}, 50941, {f: 2, c: 50948}, 50952, 50956, {f: 2, c: 50964}, 50967, 50969, {f: 2, c: 50976}, 50980, 50984, {f: 2, c: 50992}, 50995, 50997, 50999, {f: 2, c: 51004}, 51008, 51012, 51018, {f: 2, c: 51020}, 51023, {f: 8, c: 51025}, 51036, 51040, 51048, 51051, {f: 2, c: 51060}, 51064, {f: 3, c: 51068}, {f: 3, c: 51075}, {f: 4, c: 51079}, 51086, {f: 2, c: 51088}, 51092, {f: 3, c: 51094}, 51098, {f: 2, c: 51104}, {f: 4, c: 51107}, {f: 2, c: 51116}, 51120, 51124, {f: 2, c: 51132}, {f: 3, c: 51135}, {f: 2, c: 51144}, 51148, 51150, 51152, 51160, 51165, 51172, 51176, 51180, {f: 2, c: 51200}, 51204, 51208, 51210, {f: 2, c: 51216}, 51219, {f: 2, c: 51221}, {f: 2, c: 51228}, 51232, 51236, {f: 2, c: 51244}, 51247, 51249, 51256, 51260, 51264, {f: 2, c: 51272}, {f: 2, c: 51276}, 51284, {f: 2, c: 51312}, 51316, 51320, 51322, {f: 2, c: 51328}, 51331, {f: 3, c: 51333}, {f: 3, c: 51339}, 51348, 51357, 51359, 51361, 51368, {f: 2, c: 51388}, 51396, 51400, 51404, {f: 2, c: 51412}, 51415, 51417, {f: 2, c: 51424}, 51428, 51445, {f: 2, c: 51452}, 51456, {f: 3, c: 51460}, {f: 2, c: 51468}, 51471, 51473, 51480, 51500, 51508, {f: 2, c: 51536}, 51540, 51544, {f: 2, c: 51552}, 51555, 51564, 51568, 51572, 51580, {f: 2, c: 51592}, 51596, 51600, {f: 2, c: 51608}, 51611, 51613, {f: 2, c: 51648}, 51652, {f: 2, c: 51655}, 51658, {f: 2, c: 51664}, 51667, {f: 2, c: 51669}, {f: 2, c: 51673}, {f: 2, c: 51676}, 51680, 51682, 51684, 51687, {f: 2, c: 51692}, {f: 3, c: 51695}, {f: 2, c: 51704}, 51708, 51712, {f: 2, c: 51720}, {f: 3, c: 51723}, 51732, 51736, 51753, {f: 2, c: 51788}, 51792, 51796, {f: 2, c: 51804}, {f: 3, c: 51807}, 51816, 51837, 51844, 51864, {f: 2, c: 51900}, 51904, 51908, {f: 2, c: 51916}, 51919, 51921, 51923, {f: 2, c: 51928}, 51936, 51948, 51956, 51976, 51984, 51988, 51992, {f: 2, c: 52000}, 52033, {f: 2, c: 52040}, 52044, 52048, {f: 2, c: 52056}, 52061, 52068, {f: 2, c: 52088}, 52124, 52152, 52180, 52196, 52199, 52201, {f: 2, c: 52236}, 52240, 52244, {f: 2, c: 52252}, {f: 2, c: 52257}, {f: 3, c: 52263}, 52268, 52270, 52272, {f: 2, c: 52280}, {f: 4, c: 52283}, {f: 2, c: 52292}, 52296, 52300, {f: 2, c: 52308}, {f: 3, c: 52311}, 52320, 52324, 52326, 52328, 52336, 52341, {f: 2, c: 52376}, 52380, 52384, {f: 2, c: 52392}, {f: 3, c: 52395}, {f: 2, c: 52404}, 52408, 52412, {f: 2, c: 52420}, 52423, 52425, 52432, 52436, 52452, 52460, 52464, 52481, {f: 2, c: 52488}, 52492, 52496, {f: 2, c: 52504}, 52507, 52509, 52516, 52520, 52524, 52537, 52572, 52576, 52580, {f: 2, c: 52588}, 52591, 52593, 52600, 52616, {f: 2, c: 52628}, 52632, 52636, {f: 2, c: 52644}, 52647, 52649, 52656, 52676, 52684, 52688, 52712, 52716, 52720, {f: 2, c: 52728}, 52731, 52733, 52740, 52744, 52748, 52756, 52761, {f: 2, c: 52768}, 52772, 52776, {f: 2, c: 52784}, 52787, 52789, {f: 2, c: 52824}, 52828, {f: 3, c: 52831}, {f: 2, c: 52840}, 52843, 52845, {f: 2, c: 52852}, 52856, 52860, {f: 2, c: 52868}, 52871, 52873, {f: 2, c: 52880}, 52884, 52888, {f: 2, c: 52896}, {f: 3, c: 52899}, {f: 2, c: 52908}, 52929, {f: 2, c: 52964}, 52968, {f: 2, c: 52971}, {f: 2, c: 52980}, {f: 3, c: 52983}, {f: 2, c: 52992}, 52996, 53000, {f: 2, c: 53008}, 53011, 53013, 53020, 53024, 53028, {f: 2, c: 53036}, {f: 3, c: 53039}, 53048, {f: 2, c: 53076}, 53080, 53084, {f: 2, c: 53092}, 53095, 53097, {f: 2, c: 53104}, 53108, 53112, 53120, 53125, 53132, 53153, 53160, 53168, 53188, {f: 2, c: 53216}, 53220, 53224, {f: 2, c: 53232}, 53235, 53237, 53244, 53248, 53252, 53265, 53272, 53293, {f: 2, c: 53300}, 53304, 53308, {f: 2, c: 53316}, 53319, 53321, 53328, 53332, 53336, 53344, {f: 2, c: 53356}, 53360, 53364, {f: 2, c: 53372}, 53377, {f: 2, c: 53412}, 53416, 53420, {f: 2, c: 53428}, 53431, 53433, {f: 2, c: 53440}, 53444, {f: 2, c: 53448}, {f: 2, c: 53456}, {f: 3, c: 53459}, {f: 2, c: 53468}, 53472, 53476, {f: 2, c: 53484}, {f: 3, c: 53487}, 53496, 53517, {f: 2, c: 53552}, 53556, 53560, 53562, {f: 2, c: 53568}, {f: 3, c: 53571}, {f: 2, c: 53580}, 53584, 53588, {f: 2, c: 53596}, 53599, 53601, 53608, 53612, 53628, 53636, 53640, {f: 2, c: 53664}, 53668, 53672, {f: 2, c: 53680}, 53683, 53685, 53690, 53692, 53696, 53720, 53748, 53752, 53767, 53769, 53776, {f: 2, c: 53804}, 53808, 53812, {f: 2, c: 53820}, 53823, 53825, 53832, 53852, 53860, {f: 2, c: 53888}, 53892, 53896, {f: 2, c: 53904}, 53909, 53916, 53920, 53924, 53932, 53937, {f: 2, c: 53944}, 53948, {f: 2, c: 53951}, 53954, {f: 2, c: 53960}, 53963, 53972, 53976, 53980, {f: 2, c: 53988}, {f: 2, c: 54000}, 54004, 54008, {f: 2, c: 54016}, 54019, 54021, {f: 3, c: 54028}, 54032, 54036, 54038, {f: 2, c: 54044}, {f: 3, c: 54047}, 54053, {f: 2, c: 54056}, 54060, 54064, {f: 2, c: 54072}, {f: 3, c: 54075}, {f: 2, c: 54084}, {f: 2, c: 54140}, 54144, 54148, {f: 2, c: 54156}, {f: 3, c: 54159}, {f: 2, c: 54168}, 54172, 54176, {f: 2, c: 54184}, 54187, 54189, 54196, 54200, 54204, {f: 2, c: 54212}, {f: 2, c: 54216}, 54224, 54232, 54241, 54243, {f: 2, c: 54252}, 54256, 54260, {f: 2, c: 54268}, 54271, 54273, 54280, 54301, 54336, 54340, 54364, 54368, 54372, 54381, 54383, {f: 2, c: 54392}, 54396, {f: 2, c: 54399}, 54402, {f: 2, c: 54408}, 54411, 54413, 54420, 54441, 54476, 54480, 54484, 54492, 54495, 54504, 54508, 54512, 54520, 54523, 54525, 54532, 54536, 54540, {f: 2, c: 54548}, 54551, {f: 2, c: 54588}, 54592, 54596, {f: 2, c: 54604}, 54607, 54609, {f: 2, c: 54616}, 54620, 54624, 54629, {f: 2, c: 54632}, 54635, 54637, {f: 2, c: 54644}, 54648, 54652, {f: 2, c: 54660}, {f: 3, c: 54663}, 54672, 54693, {f: 2, c: 54728}, 54732, 54736, 54738, {f: 2, c: 54744}, 54747, 54749, {f: 2, c: 54756}, 54760, 54764, {f: 2, c: 54772}, 54775, 54777, {f: 2, c: 54784}, 54788, 54792, {f: 2, c: 54800}, {f: 3, c: 54803}, 54812, 54816, 54820, 54829, {f: 2, c: 54840}, 54844, 54848, 54853, {f: 2, c: 54856}, 54859, 54861, 54865, {f: 2, c: 54868}, 54872, 54876, 54887, 54889, {f: 2, c: 54896}, 54900, 54915, 54917, {f: 2, c: 54924}, 54928, 54932, 54941, 54943, 54945, 54952, 54956, 54960, 54969, 54971, {f: 2, c: 54980}, 54984, 54988, 54993, 54996, 54999, 55001, 55008, 55012, 55016, 55024, 55029, {f: 2, c: 55036}, 55040, 55044, 55057, {f: 2, c: 55064}, 55068, 55072, {f: 2, c: 55080}, 55083, 55085, {f: 2, c: 55092}, 55096, 55100, 55108, 55111, 55113, {f: 2, c: 55120}, 55124, {f: 4, c: 55126}, {f: 2, c: 55136}, 55139, 55141, 55145, 55148, 55152, 55156, {f: 2, c: 55164}, 55169, {f: 2, c: 55176}, 55180, 55184, {f: 2, c: 55192}, 55195, 55197, 20285, 20339, 20551, 20729, 21152, 21487, 21621, 21733, 22025, 23233, 23478, 26247, {f: 2, c: 26550}, 26607, 27468, 29634, 30146, 31292, 33499, 33540, 34903, 34952, 35382, [36040, 63747], 36303, 36603, 36838, 39381, 21051, 21364, 21508, 24682, 24932, 27580, 29647, 33050, 35258, [12179, 35282], 38307, 20355, 21002, 22718, 22904, 23014, [12082, 24178], 24185, 25031, 25536, 26438, 26604, 26751, 28567, 30286, 30475, 30965, 31240, 31487, 31777, 32925, [12169, 33390], 33393, 35563, 38291, 20075, 21917, 26359, 28212, 30883, 31469, 33883, 35088, 34638, 38824, 21208, 22350, 22570, 23884, 24863, 25022, 25121, 25954, 26577, 27204, 28187, [12130, 29976], 30131, 30435, 30640, 32058, 37039, {f: 2, c: 37969}, 40853, 21283, 23724, 30002, 32987, 37440, 38296, 21083, 22536, 23004, 23713, 23831, 24247, 24378, 24394, 24951, 27743, 30074, 30086, 31968, 32115, 32177, 32652, 33108, 33313, 34193, 35137, 35611, 37628, [38477, 64009], 40007, 20171, 20215, 20491, 20977, 22607, 24887, 24894, 24936, 25913, 27114, 28433, 30117, 30342, 30422, 31623, 33445, 33995, 37799, 38283, 21888, 23458, 22353, 31923, 32697, 37301, 20520, 21435, 23621, 24040, 25298, 25454, 25818, 25831, 28192, 28844, 31067, 36317, 36382, 36989, 37445, 37624, 20094, 20214, 20581, [12081, 24062], 24314, 24838, 26967, 33137, 34388, 36423, 37749, 39467, 20062, 20625, 26480, 26688, 20745, 21133, 21138, 27298, 30652, 37392, 40660, 21163, 24623, 36850, 20552, 25001, 25581, 25802, 26684, 27268, 28608, 33160, 35233, 38548, 22533, 29309, [12125, 29356], 29956, 32121, 32365, 32937, [12178, 35211, 64010], 35700, 36963, 40273, 25225, 27770, 28500, 32080, 32570, 35363, 20860, 24906, 31645, 35609, 37463, 37772, 20140, 20435, 20510, 20670, 20742, 21185, 21197, 21375, 22384, 22659, 24218, 24465, 24950, 25004, 25806, 25964, 26223, 26299, [26356, 63745], 26775, 28039, 28805, 28913, 29855, 29861, 29898, 30169, 30828, 30956, 31455, 31478, 32069, 32147, 32789, 32831, 33051, 33686, 35686, 36629, 36885, 37857, 38915, 38968, 39514, 39912, 20418, 21843, 22586, [22865, 63753], 23395, 23622, 24760, 25106, 26690, 26800, 26856, 28330, 30028, 30328, 30926, 31293, 31995, 32363, 32380, 35336, 35489, 35903, 38542, 40388, 21476, 21481, 21578, 21617, 22266, 22993, 23396, 23611, 24235, 25335, 25911, 25925, 25970, 26272, 26543, 27073, 27837, 30204, 30352, 30590, 31295, 32660, 32771, 32929, 33167, 33510, 33533, 33776, 34241, 34865, 34996, 35493, 36764, 37678, 38599, 39015, [12220, 39640], [12238, 40723], 21741, 26011, 26354, 26767, 31296, [12181, 35895], 40288, 22256, 22372, 23825, 26118, 26801, 26829, 28414, 29736, 34974, 39908, 27752, [12219, 39592], 20379, 20844, 20849, 21151, 23380, [12079, 24037], 24656, 24685, 25329, 25511, 25915, 29657, 31354, 34467, 36002, 38799, [20018, 63749], 23521, [12093, 25096], 26524, [12128, 29916], 31185, 33747, 35463, 35506, 36328, 36942, 37707, 38982, [24275, 64011], 27112, 34303, 37101, 20896, 23448, 23532, 24931, 26874, 27454, 28748, 29743, 29912, 31649, 32592, 33733, 35264, 36011, 38364, 39208, 21038, 24669, 25324, 36866, 20362, 20809, 21281, 22745, 24291, 26336, 27960, 28826, 29378, 29654, 31568, 33009, 37979, 21350, 25499, 32619, 20054, 20608, 22602, 22750, 24618, 24871, 25296, 27088, 39745, 23439, 32024, 32945, 36703, 20132, 20689, 21676, 21932, 23308, 23968, 24039, 25898, 25934, 26657, 27211, 29409, 30350, 30703, 32094, 32761, 33184, 34126, 34527, 36611, 36686, 37066, 39171, 39509, 39851, 19992, 20037, 20061, 20167, 20465, 20855, 21246, 21312, [12061, 21475], [21477, 63750], 21646, 22036, 22389, 22434, 23495, 23943, 24272, 25084, 25304, 25937, 26552, 26601, 27083, 27472, 27590, 27628, 27714, 28317, 28792, 29399, 29590, 29699, 30655, 30697, 31350, 32127, 32777, [12165, 33276], 33285, 33290, 33503, 34914, 35635, 36092, 36544, 36881, 37041, 37476, 37558, 39378, 39493, 40169, 40407, [12244, 40860, 63751, 63752], 22283, 23616, 33738, 38816, 38827, 40628, 21531, 31384, 32676, 35033, 36557, 37089, 22528, 23624, 25496, 31391, 23470, [12088, 24339], 31353, 31406, 33422, 36524, 20518, 21048, 21240, 21367, 22280, 25331, 25458, 27402, 28099, 30519, 21413, 29527, 34152, 36470, 38357, 26426, 27331, 28528, 35437, 36556, 39243, 26231, 27512, 36020, [12225, 39740], 21483, 22317, 22862, 25542, 27131, 29674, 30789, 31418, 31429, 31998, 33909, 35215, 36211, 36917, 38312, 21243, 22343, 30023, 31584, 33740, 37406, 27224, 20811, 21067, 21127, 25119, 26840, 26997, 38553, 20677, 21156, 21220, 25027, [12100, 26020], 26681, 27135, 29822, 31563, 33465, 33771, 35250, 35641, 36817, 39241, 20170, 22935, 25810, 26129, 27278, 29748, 31105, 31165, 33449, {f: 2, c: 34942}, 35167, 37670, 20235, 21450, 24613, 25201, 27762, 32026, 32102, 20120, 20834, 30684, 32943, 20225, 20238, 20854, 20864, 21980, 22120, 22331, 22522, 22524, 22804, 22855, 22931, 23492, 23696, 23822, [12080, 24049], 24190, 24524, 25216, 26071, 26083, {f: 2, c: 26398}, 26462, 26827, 26820, 27231, 27450, 27683, 27773, 27778, 28103, 29592, 29734, 29738, 29826, 29859, 30072, 30079, 30849, 30959, 31041, {f: 2, c: 31047}, 31098, 31637, 32000, 32186, 32648, 32774, 32813, 32908, 35352, 35663, [35912, 63744], 36215, 37665, 37668, 39138, 39249, {f: 2, c: 39438}, 39525, 40594, 32202, 20342, 21513, 25326, 26708, [12198, 37329, 63754], 21931, 20794, 23068, 25062, [25295, 63835], 25343, 37027, [35582, 63837], 26262, 29014, 38627, 25423, 25466, 21335, 26511, 26976, 28275, 30007, 32013, 34930, 22218, 23064, 20035, 20839, [22856, 63756], 26608, 32784, [12069, 22899, 63873], [24180, 63886], [25754, 63889], [31178, 63893], [24565, 63907], 24684, 25288, [25467, 63908], [23527, 63839, 63914], 23511, 21162, 22900, 24361, [24594, 63840], 29785, 39377, 28611, 33215, 36786, 24817, 33126, [23615, 63933], 23273, 35365, [26491, 63944], [32016, 63951], 33021, 23612, [27877, 63971], [21311, 63979], [28346, 63980], 22810, [33590, 63998], [20025, 63838], 20150, 20294, 21934, 22296, 22727, 24406, 26039, 26086, 27264, 27573, 28237, 30701, 31471, 31774, 32222, 34507, 34962, 37170, 37723, 25787, 28606, 29562, 30136, 36948, 21846, 22349, 25018, 25812, 26311, 28129, 28251, 28525, 28601, 30192, 32835, 33213, 34113, 35203, 35527, 35674, 37663, 27795, 30035, 31572, 36367, 36957, 21776, 22530, 22616, 24162, 25095, 25758, 26848, 30070, [31958, 64003], 34739, 40680, 20195, 22408, 22382, [12068, 22823], 23565, 23729, 24118, 24453, 25140, 25825, 29619, 33274, 34955, 36024, 38538, 40667, [23429, 64004], 24503, 24755, 20498, [12049, 20992], 21040, 22294, 22581, 22615, 23566, 23648, 23798, 23947, [24230, 64001], 24466, 24764, 25361, 25481, 25623, 26691, 26873, 27330, 28120, 28193, 28372, 28644, 29182, 30428, 30585, 31153, 31291, 33796, 35241, 36077, 36339, 36424, 36867, 36884, 36947, 37117, 37709, 38518, 38876, 27602, 28678, 29272, 29346, 29544, 30563, 31167, 31716, 32411, [35712, 63834], 22697, 24775, 25958, 26109, 26302, 27788, 28958, 29129, 35930, 38931, 20077, 31361, 20189, 20908, 20941, 21205, 21516, 24999, 26481, 26704, 26847, [27934, 64005], 28540, 30140, 30643, 31461, 33012, 33891, 37509, 20828, [12099, 26007], 26460, 26515, 30168, 31431, 33651, [12182, 35910], 36887, 38957, 23663, 33216, 33434, 36929, 36975, 37389, 24471, 23965, 27225, 29128, 30331, 31561, 34276, 35588, 37159, 39472, [21895, 63755], [25078, 63757], [30313, 63758], [32645, 63759], [34367, 63760], [34746, 63761], [35064, 63762], [37007, 63763], [27931, 63765], [28889, 63766], [29662, 63767], 32097, [33853, 63768], [37226, 63769], [39409, 63770], [20098, 63771], [21365, 63772], [27396, 63773], 27410, 28734, [29211, 63774], [34349, 63775], [40478, 63776], 21068, 36771, [23888, 63777], 25829, 25900, 27414, [28651, 63778], 31811, 32412, [34253, 63779], [35172, 63780], 35261, [25289, 63781], [33240, 63782], [34847, 63783], [24266, 63784], [26391, 63785], [28010, 63786], [29436, 63787], 29701, 29807, 34690, [37086, 63788], [20358, 63789], 23821, 24480, 33802, [20919, 63790], [25504, 63861], [30053, 63862], [20142, 63863], 20486, [20841, 63864], [20937, 63865], [26753, 63866], 27153, 31918, 31921, [31975, 63867], [33391, 63868], [35538, 63869], 36635, [37327, 63870], 20406, 20791, [21237, 63871], [21570, 63872], [24300, 63874], 24942, 25150, [26053, 63875], 27354, [28670, 63876], [31018, 63877], 34268, 34851, [38317, 63878], 39522, [39530, 63879], [40599, 63880], [40654, 63881], [12050, 21147, 63882], [26310, 63883], [27511, 63884], 28701, 31019, [36706, 63885], 38722, [24976, 63887], [25088, 63888], 25891, [28451, 63890], [29001, 63891], [29833, 63892], [32244, 63894], [32879, 63895], [34030, 63897], [36646, 63896], [36899, 63898], [37706, 63899], 20925, [21015, 63900], [21155, 63901], 27916, [28872, 63903], [35010, 63904], [24265, 63906], 25986, [27566, 63909], 28610, [31806, 63910], [29557, 63911], [20196, 63912], 20278, [22265, 63913], 23738, [23994, 63915], [24604, 63916], [29618, 63917], 31533, [32666, 63919], 32718, [32838, 63920], 36894, [37428, 63921], [38646, 63922], [38728, 63923], [38936, 63924], 40801, [20363, 63925], 28583, [31150, 63926], [37300, 63927], [38583, 63928], [21214, 63791], 25736, [25796, 63792], [27347, 63793], 28510, 28696, [29200, 63794], [30439, 63795], [12156, 32769, 63796], [34310, 63797], [34396, 63798], [36335, 63799], 36613, [38706, 63800], [39791, 63801], [40442, 63802], [12228, 40565], [30860, 63803], [31103, 63804], [32160, 63805], [33737, 63806], [37636, 63807], [12229, 40575, 63808], 40595, [35542, 63809], [22751, 63810], [24324, 63811], 26407, 28711, 29903, [31840, 63812], [32894, 63813], 20769, 28712, [29282, 63814], [30922, 63815], [36034, 63816], 36058, 36084, [38647, 63817], [20102, 63930], [20698, 63931], [23534, 63932], 24278, [26009, 63934], [29134, 63936], [30274, 63937], 30637, 32842, [34044, 63938], [36988, 63939], 39719, [12243, 40845, 63940], [22744, 63818], 23105, [23650, 63819], [27155, 63820], [28122, 63821], [28431, 63822], 30267, [32047, 63823], [32311, 63824], 34078, 35128, 37860, [38475, 63825], [21129, 63943], 26066, [26611, 63945], 27060, [27969, 63946], [28316, 63947], 28687, [29705, 63948], 29792, [30041, 63949], 30244, [30827, 63950], 35628, [39006, 63952], [20845, 63953], [25134, 63954], [38520, 63955], 20374, [20523, 63956], [23833, 63957], [28138, 63958], 32184, [36650, 63959], [24459, 63960], [24900, 63961], [26647, 63962], [38534, 63964], [21202, 63826], [32907, 63827], [20956, 63828], [20940, 63829], 26974, [31260, 63830], [32190, 63831], [33777, 63832], [38517, 63833], 20442, [21033, 63965], 21400, [21519, 63966], 21774, [23653, 63967], 24743, [26446, 63969], [26792, 63970], 28012, 29313, 29432, [29702, 63972], 29827, [30178, 63973], 31852, [32633, 63974], 32696, 33673, [35023, 63975], [35041, 63976], [12197, 37324, 63977], 37328, [38626, 63978], 39881, [21533, 63981], 28542, [29136, 63982], [29848, 63983], [34298, 63984], 36522, [38563, 63985], [40023, 63986], [40607, 63987], [26519, 63988], [28107, 63989], 29747, [33256, 63990], 38678, 30764, [12148, 31435, 63991], [31520, 63992], [31890, 63993], 25705, 29802, 30194, 30908, 30952, [12218, 39340], 39764, [12231, 40635], 23518, 24149, 28448, 33180, 33707, 37000, 19975, 21325, 23081, 24018, 24398, 24930, 25405, 26217, 26364, 28415, 28459, 28771, 30622, 33836, 34067, 34875, 36627, 39237, 39995, 21788, 25273, 26411, 27819, 33545, 35178, 38778, 20129, 22916, {f: 2, c: 24536}, 26395, 32178, 32596, 33426, 33579, 33725, 36638, 37017, 22475, 22969, 23186, 23504, 26151, 26522, 26757, 27599, 29028, 32629, 36023, 36067, 36993, 39749, 33032, 35978, 38476, 39488, [12230, 40613], 23391, 27667, 29467, 30450, 30431, 33804, 20906, 35219, 20813, 20885, 21193, 26825, 27796, 30468, 30496, 32191, 32236, [12207, 38754], 40629, 28357, 34065, 20901, 21517, 21629, 26126, 26269, 26919, 28319, [12139, 30399], 30609, 33559, 33986, 34719, 37225, 37528, 40180, 34946, 20398, 20882, 21215, 22982, 24125, 24917, {f: 2, c: 25720}, 26286, 26576, 27169, 27597, [12113, 27611], 29279, 29281, 29761, 30520, [12141, 30683], 32791, 33468, 33541, 35584, 35624, 35980, [12106, 26408], 27792, 29287, [12140, 30446], 30566, 31302, 40361, 27519, 27794, 22818, 26406, 33945, 21359, 22675, 22937, 24287, 25551, 26164, 26483, 28218, 29483, 31447, 33495, 37672, 21209, 24043, 25006, 25035, 25098, 25287, 25771, [12102, 26080], 26969, 27494, [12111, 27595], 28961, 29687, 30045, 32326, 33310, 33538, 34154, 35491, 36031, 38695, 40289, 22696, 40664, 20497, 21006, 21563, 21839, [12098, 25991], 27766, {f: 2, c: 32010}, 32862, 34442, [12200, 38272], 38639, 21247, 27797, 29289, 21619, 23194, 23614, 23883, 24396, 24494, 26410, 26806, 26979, 28220, 28228, 30473, [12150, 31859], 32654, 34183, 35598, 36855, 38753, 40692, 23735, 24758, 24845, 25003, 25935, {f: 2, c: 26107}, 27665, 27887, 29599, 29641, 32225, 38292, 23494, 34588, 35600, 21085, 21338, 25293, 25615, 25778, 26420, 27192, 27850, 29632, 29854, 31636, 31893, 32283, 33162, 33334, 34180, 36843, 38649, 39361, 20276, 21322, 21453, 21467, 25292, 25644, 25856, 26001, 27075, 27886, 28504, 29677, 30036, 30242, 30436, 30460, 30928, [30971, 63844], 31020, 32070, 33324, 34784, 36820, 38930, 39151, 21187, 25300, 25765, 28196, 28497, 30332, 36299, 37297, 37474, 39662, 39747, 20515, 20621, 22346, 22952, 23592, 24135, 24439, 25151, 25918, [12101, 26041], 26049, 26121, 26507, 27036, 28354, 30917, 32033, 32938, 33152, 33323, 33459, 33953, 34444, 35370, 35607, 37030, 38450, 40848, 20493, 20467, 22521, 24472, 25308, 25490, 26479, 28227, 28953, 30403, 32972, 32986, {f: 2, c: 35060}, 35097, 36064, 36649, 37197, 38506, 20271, 20336, 24091, 26575, 26658, [12137, 30333], 30334, 39748, 24161, 27146, 29033, 29140, 30058, 32321, 34115, 34281, 39132, 20240, 31567, 32624, 38309, 20961, 24070, 26805, 27710, 27726, 27867, 29359, 31684, 33539, 27861, 29754, 20731, 21128, 22721, 25816, 27287, 29863, 30294, 30887, 34327, 38370, 38713, 21342, 24321, 35722, 36776, 36783, 37002, 21029, 30629, 40009, 40712, 19993, 20482, 20853, 23643, 24183, 26142, 26170, 26564, 26821, 28851, 29953, 30149, 31177, 31453, 36647, 39200, 39432, 20445, 22561, 22577, 23542, 26222, 27493, 27921, 28282, 28541, 29668, 29995, 33769, 35036, 35091, 35676, 36628, 20239, 20693, 21264, [12056, 21340], 23443, [24489, 63846], 26381, 31119, 33145, 33583, 34068, 35079, 35206, 36665, [36667, 64007], 39333, 39954, 26412, 20086, 20472, 22857, 23553, {f: 2, c: 23791}, 25447, 26834, 28925, 29090, 29739, 32299, 34028, 34562, 36898, 37586, 40179, [19981, 63847], 20184, 20463, 20613, 21078, 21103, 21542, 21648, 22496, 22827, 23142, 23386, 23413, 23500, 24220, 25206, 25975, 26023, 28014, 28325, [12119, 29238], 31526, 31807, [12152, 32566], {f: 2, c: 33104}, 33178, 33344, 33433, 33705, 35331, 36000, 36070, 36091, 36212, 36282, 37096, 37340, [12201, 38428], 38468, 39385, 40167, [21271, 63843], 20998, 21545, 22132, 22707, 22868, 22894, 24575, 24996, 25198, 26128, 27774, 28954, 30406, 31881, 31966, 32027, 33452, 36033, 38640, 20315, 24343, 24447, 25282, 23849, 26379, 26842, 30844, 32323, 40300, 19989, 20633, [12052, 21269], 21290, 21329, 22915, 23138, 24199, 24754, 24970, 25161, 25209, 26000, 26503, 27047, [12112, 27604], {f: 3, c: 27606}, 27832, 29749, 30202, 30738, 30865, 31189, 31192, 31875, 32203, 32737, 32933, 33086, 33218, 33778, 34586, 35048, 35513, 35692, 36027, 37145, [12206, 38750], [12214, 39131], [12240, 40763], 22188, 23338, 24428, 25996, 27315, 27567, 27996, 28657, 28693, 29277, 29613, 36007, 36051, 38971, 24977, 27703, 32856, 39425, 20045, 20107, 20123, 20181, 20282, 20284, 20351, 20447, 20735, 21490, 21496, 21766, 21987, 22235, [12064, 22763], 22882, 23057, 23531, 23546, 23556, 24051, 24107, 24473, 24605, 25448, 26012, 26031, 26614, 26619, 26797, 27515, 27801, 27863, 28195, 28681, 29509, 30722, 31038, 31040, 31072, 31169, 31721, 32023, 32114, 32902, 33293, 33678, 34001, 34503, 35039, 35408, 35422, 35613, 36060, 36198, 36781, 37034, 39164, 39391, 40605, 21066, 26388, 20632, 21034, [12077, 23665], 25955, 27733, 29642, 29987, 30109, 31639, 33948, 37240, 38704, 20087, 25746, [27578, 63856], 29022, 34217, 19977, 26441, 26862, 28183, 33439, 34072, 34923, 25591, 28545, 37394, 39087, 19978, 20663, 20687, 20767, 21830, 21930, 22039, 23360, 23577, 23776, 24120, 24202, 24224, 24258, 24819, 26705, 27233, 28248, 29245, 29248, [29376, 63994], 30456, 31077, 31665, 32724, 35059, 35316, 35443, 35937, 36062, 38684, [22622, 63852], 29885, 36093, 21959, 31329, [32034, 63850], [12170, 33394], 29298, [12131, 29983], 29989, 31513, 22661, 22779, 23996, 24207, 24246, 24464, 24661, 25234, 25471, 25933, 26257, 26329, 26360, 26646, 26866, 29312, 29790, 31598, 32110, 32214, 32626, 32997, 33298, 34223, 35199, 35475, 36893, 37604, [12233, 40653], [12239, 40736], [12067, 22805], 22893, 24109, 24796, 26132, 26227, 26512, 27728, 28101, 28511, [12143, 30707], 30889, 33990, 37323, 37675, 20185, 20682, 20808, 21892, 23307, 23459, 25159, 25982, 26059, 28210, 29053, 29697, 29764, 29831, 29887, 30316, 31146, 32218, 32341, 32680, 33146, 33203, 33337, 34330, 34796, 35445, 36323, 36984, 37521, 37925, 39245, 39854, 21352, 23633, 26964, 27844, 27945, 28203, [12166, 33292], 34203, 35131, 35373, [35498, 63855, 63905], 38634, 40807, 21089, 26297, 27570, 32406, 34814, 36109, 38275, 38493, 25885, 28041, 29166, 22478, 22995, 23468, 24615, 24826, 25104, 26143, 26207, 29481, 29689, 30427, [30465, 63853], 31596, 32854, 32882, 33125, 35488, 37266, 19990, 21218, 27506, 27927, 31237, 31545, 32048, 36016, 21484, 22063, 22609, 23477, [12073, 23567], 23569, 24034, 25152, 25475, 25620, 26157, 26803, 27836, 28040, 28335, 28703, 28836, 29138, 29990, 30095, 30094, 30233, 31505, 31712, 31787, 32032, 32057, 34092, 34157, 34311, 35380, 36877, 36961, 37045, 37559, 38902, 39479, 20439, 23660, 26463, 28049, 31903, 32396, 35606, 36118, 36895, 23403, 24061, 25613, 33984, 36956, 39137, [29575, 63841, 63963], 23435, 24730, 26494, 28126, 35359, 35494, 36865, 38924, 21047, 28753, 30862, 37782, 34928, 37335, 20462, 21463, 22013, 22234, 22402, 22781, 23234, 23432, 23723, 23744, 24101, 24833, 25101, [12095, 25163], 25480, 25628, 25910, [25976, 63849], 27193, 27530, [12116, 27700], 27929, 28465, 29159, 29417, 29560, 29703, 29874, 30246, 30561, 31168, 31319, 31466, 31929, 32143, 32172, 32353, 32670, 33065, 33585, 33936, 34010, 34282, 34966, 35504, 35728, 36664, 36930, 36995, 37228, 37526, 37561, 38539, {f: 2, c: 38567}, 38614, 38656, 38920, [12216, 39318], 39635, 39706, 21460, 22654, 22809, 23408, 23487, 28113, 28506, 29087, 29729, 29881, 32901, 33789, 24033, 24455, 24490, 24642, 26092, 26642, 26991, 27219, 27529, 27957, 28147, 29667, 30462, 30636, 31565, 32020, 33059, 33308, 33600, 34036, 34147, 35426, 35524, 37255, 37662, 38918, 39348, 25100, 34899, 36848, 37477, 23815, 23847, 23913, 29791, 33181, 34664, 28629, [25342, 63859], 32722, 35126, 35186, 19998, 20056, 20711, 21213, 21319, 25215, 26119, 32361, 34821, 38494, 20365, 21273, 22070, 22987, 23204, [12075, 23608], 23630, 23629, 24066, 24337, 24643, 26045, 26159, 26178, 26558, 26612, 29468, [12142, 30690], [12144, 31034], 32709, 33940, 33997, 35222, 35430, 35433, 35553, [12183, 35925], 35962, 22516, 23508, 24335, 24687, 25325, 26893, 27542, 28252, 29060, 31698, 34645, [35672, 63996], 36606, [12215, 39135], 39166, 20280, 20353, 20449, 21627, 23072, 23480, 24892, 26032, 26216, 29180, 30003, 31070, 32051, 33102, [12162, 33251], 33688, 34218, 34254, 34563, 35338, [12189, 36523], [12191, 36763], 36805, 22833, 23460, 23526, 24713, 23529, 23563, [12092, 24515], 27777, 28145, 28683, 29978, 33455, 35574, [20160, 63997], [12055, 21313], 38617, [12114, 27663], 20126, 20420, 20818, 21854, 23077, 23784, 25105, [12123, 29273], 33469, 33706, 34558, 34905, 35357, 38463, 38597, 39187, 40201, 40285, 22538, 23731, 23997, 24132, [24801, 63929], 24853, 25569, [27138, 63764, 63836, 63935], 28197, 37122, 37716, 38990, 39952, 40823, 23433, 23736, 25353, 26191, 26696, 30524, 38593, 38797, 38996, 39839, 26017, 35585, 36555, 38332, 21813, 23721, 24022, 24245, 26263, 30284, 33780, 38343, 22739, 25276, 29390, 40232, 20208, 22830, 24591, 26171, 27523, 31207, 40230, 21395, 21696, 22467, 23830, 24859, 26326, 28079, 30861, 33406, 38552, 38724, 21380, 25212, 25494, 28082, 32266, 33099, 38989, 27387, 32588, 40367, 40474, 20063, 20539, 20918, 22812, 24825, 25590, 26928, 29242, 32822, 37326, 24369, 32004, [33509, 63860], 33903, 33979, 34277, 36493, 20335, 22756, 23363, 24665, 25562, 25880, 25965, 26264, 26954, 27171, 27915, 28673, 29036, 30162, 30221, 31155, 31344, [12154, 32650], 35140, 35731, 37312, 38525, 39178, 22276, 24481, 26044, 28417, 30208, 31142, 35486, 39341, [12226, 39770], 40812, 20740, 25014, 25233, 27277, 33222, 20547, 22576, 24422, 28937, [12180, 35328], 35578, 23420, 34326, 20474, 20796, 22196, 22852, 25513, 28153, 23978, 26989, 20870, 20104, 20313, 22914, 27487, 27741, 29877, 30998, 33287, 33349, 33593, 36671, 36701, 39192, 20134, 22495, 24441, [26131, 63968], 30123, 32377, 35695, 36870, 39515, 22181, 22567, 23032, 23071, 23476, 24310, 25424, 25403, 26941, 27783, 27839, 28046, 28051, 28149, 28436, 28895, 28982, 29017, 29123, 29141, 30799, 30831, 31605, 32227, 32303, 34893, 36575, 37467, 40182, 24709, 28037, 29105, 38321, 21421, 26579, 28814, 28976, 29744, 33398, 33490, 38331, 39653, 40573, 26308, 29121, [33865, 63854], 22603, 23992, 24433, 26144, 26254, 27001, 27054, 27704, 27891, 28214, 28481, 28634, 28699, 28719, 29008, 29151, 29552, 29787, 29908, 30408, 31310, 32403, 33521, 35424, 36814, 37704, 38681, 20034, 20522, 21000, 21473, 26355, 27757, 28618, 29450, 30591, 31330, 33454, 34269, 34306, 35028, 35427, 35709, 35947, 37555, 38675, 38928, 20116, 20237, 20425, 20658, 21320, 21566, 21555, 21978, 22626, 22714, 22887, 23067, 23524, 24735, 25034, 25942, 26111, 26212, 26791, 27738, 28595, 28879, 29100, 29522, 31613, 34568, 35492, 39986, 40711, 23627, 27779, 29508, [12127, 29577], 37434, 28331, 29797, 30239, 31337, 32277, 34314, 20800, 22725, 25793, 29934, 29973, 30320, 32705, 37013, 38605, 39252, 28198, [12129, 29926], {f: 2, c: 31401}, 33253, 34521, 34680, 35355, 23113, 23436, 23451, 26785, 26880, 28003, 29609, 29715, 29740, 30871, 32233, 32747, 33048, 33109, 33694, 35916, [38446, 63942], 38929, [12104, 26352], 24448, 26106, 26505, 27754, 29579, 20525, 23043, 27498, 30702, 22806, 23916, 24013, 29477, 30031, 20709, 20985, 22575, 22829, 22934, 23002, 23525, 23970, 25303, 25622, 25747, 25854, 26332, 27208, 29183, 29796, 31368, 31407, 32327, 32350, 32768, 33136, 34799, 35201, 35616, 36953, 36992, 39250, 24958, 27442, 28020, 32287, 35109, 36785, 20433, 20653, 20887, 21191, 22471, 22665, 23481, 24248, 24898, 27029, 28044, 28263, 28342, 29076, 29794, [12132, 29992], 29996, 32883, 33592, 33993, 36362, 37780, 37854, 20110, 20305, 20598, 20778, [12060, 21448], 21451, 21491, 23431, 23507, 23588, 24858, 24962, 26100, [12124, 29275], 29591, 29760, 30402, 31056, 31121, 31161, 32006, [12155, 32701], 33419, 34261, 34398, 36802, 36935, 37109, 37354, 38533, [12204, 38632], 38633, 21206, 24423, 26093, 26161, 26671, 29020, 31286, 37057, 38922, 20113, 27218, 27550, 28560, 29065, 32792, 33464, 34131, 36939, 38549, 38642, 38907, 34074, 39729, 20112, 29066, 38596, 20803, 21407, 21729, 22291, 22290, 22435, 23195, 23236, 23491, 24616, 24895, 25588, 27781, 27961, 28274, 28304, 29232, 29503, 29783, 33489, 34945, 36677, 36960, 38498, 39000, 40219, [12105, 26376], 36234, 37470, 20301, 20553, 20702, 21361, 22285, 22996, 23041, 23561, 24944, 26256, 28205, 29234, 29771, 32239, 32963, 33806, 33894, 34111, 34655, 34907, 35096, 35586, 36949, [12209, 38859], 39759, 20083, 20369, 20754, 20842, 21807, 21929, 23418, 23461, {f: 2, c: 24188}, 24254, 24736, 24799, {f: 2, c: 24840}, 25540, 25912, 26377, 26580, 26586, {f: 2, c: 26977}, 27833, 27943, 28216, 28641, {f: 2, c: 29494}, 29788, 30001, 30290, 32173, 33278, 33848, 35029, 35480, 35547, 35565, 36400, 36418, 36938, 36926, 36986, [12195, 37193], 37321, 37742, 22537, 27603, [12161, 32905], 32946, 20801, 22891, 23609, 28516, 29607, 32996, 36103, 37399, 38287, [12160, 32895], 25102, 28700, 32104, 34701, 22432, 24681, 24903, 27575, 35518, 37504, 38577, [12036, 20057], 21535, 28139, 34093, 38512, [12211, 38899], 39150, 25558, 27875, [12194, 37009], 20957, 25033, 33210, 40441, 20381, 20506, 20736, 23452, 24847, 25087, 25836, 26885, 27589, 30097, 30691, 32681, 33380, 34191, 34811, [12176, 34915], 35516, 35696, 37291, [12038, 20108], 20197, 20234, 22839, 23016, 24050, 24347, 24411, 24609, 29246, 29669, [30064, 63842], 30157, 31227, [12157, 32780], [12159, 32819], 32900, 33505, 33617, 36029, 36019, 36999, 39156, 39180, 28727, 30410, 32714, 32716, 32764, 35610, [12040, 20154], 20161, 20995, 21360, [21693, 63902], 22240, 23035, 23493, 24341, 24525, 28270, 32106, 33589, 34451, 35469, 38765, 38775, [12032, 19968], 20314, 20350, 22777, [12103, 26085], 28322, 36920, 37808, 39353, 20219, 22764, 22922, 23001, 24641, 31252, 33615, 36035, [12042, 20837], 21316, 20173, 21097, 23381, 33471, 20180, [21050, 63999], 21672, 22985, 23039, [12070, 23376], 23383, 23388, 24675, 24904, 28363, [28825, 63995], 29038, 29574, 29943, 30133, 30913, 32043, 32773, [12163, 33258], 33576, 34071, 34249, 35566, 36039, 38604, 20316, 21242, 22204, 26027, 26152, 28796, 28856, 29237, 32189, 33421, 37196, 38592, 40306, 23409, 26855, 27544, 28538, 30430, 23697, 26283, 28507, 31668, 31786, 34870, 38620, 19976, 20183, 21280, 22580, 22715, 22767, 22892, 23559, 24115, 24196, 24373, 25484, 26290, 26454, 27167, 27299, 27404, 28479, 29254, 29520, 29835, 31456, 31911, 33144, 33247, 33255, 33674, 33900, 34083, 34196, 34255, 35037, 36115, 37292, [12199, 38263], 38556, 20877, 21705, 22312, 23472, 25165, 26448, 26685, 26771, 28221, 28371, 28797, 32289, 35009, 36001, 36617, 40779, 40782, 29229, 31631, 35533, 37658, 20295, 20302, 20786, 21632, 22992, 24213, 25269, 26485, 26990, 27159, 27822, 28186, 29401, 29482, 30141, 31672, 32053, 33511, 33785, 33879, 34295, 35419, 36015, 36487, 36889, 37048, 38606, 40799, 21219, 21514, 23265, 23490, 25688, 25973, 28404, 29380, 30340, 31309, 31515, 31821, 32318, 32735, 33659, 35627, 36042, [12186, 36196], 36321, 36447, 36842, 36857, 36969, 37841, 20291, 20346, 20659, 20840, 20856, 21069, 21098, 22625, 22652, 22880, 23560, 23637, 24283, 24731, 25136, 26643, 27583, 27656, 28593, 29006, 29728, [12133, 30000], 30008, 30033, 30322, 31564, 31627, 31661, 31686, 32399, 35438, 36670, 36681, 37439, 37523, 37666, 37931, 38651, 39002, 39019, 39198, [20999, 64000], 25130, 25240, 27993, 30308, 31434, 31680, 32118, 21344, 23742, 24215, 28472, 28857, 31896, 38673, 39822, 40670, 25509, 25722, 34678, 19969, 20117, 20141, 20572, 20597, 21576, 22979, 23450, 24128, 24237, 24311, 24449, 24773, 25402, 25919, 25972, 26060, 26230, 26232, 26622, 26984, 27273, 27491, 27712, 28096, 28136, 28191, 28254, 28702, 28833, 29582, 29693, 30010, 30555, 30855, 31118, 31243, 31357, 31934, 32142, 33351, 35330, 35562, 35998, 37165, 37194, 37336, 37478, 37580, 37664, 38662, 38742, 38748, 38914, [12237, 40718], 21046, 21137, 21884, 22564, 24093, 24351, 24716, 25552, 26799, 28639, 31085, 31532, 33229, 34234, 35069, 35576, 36420, 37261, 38500, 38555, 38717, 38988, [12241, 40778], 20430, 20806, 20939, 21161, 22066, 24340, 24427, 25514, 25805, 26089, 26177, 26362, 26361, 26397, 26781, 26839, 27133, 28437, 28526, 29031, 29157, [12118, 29226], 29866, 30522, 31062, 31066, 31199, 31264, 31381, 31895, 31967, 32068, 32368, 32903, 34299, 34468, 35412, 35519, 36249, 36481, 36896, 36973, 37347, 38459, 38613, [12227, 40165], 26063, 31751, [12188, 36275], 37827, 23384, 23562, 21330, 25305, 29469, 20519, 23447, 24478, 24752, 24939, 26837, 28121, 29742, 31278, 32066, 32156, 32305, 33131, 36394, 36405, 37758, 37912, 20304, 22352, 24038, 24231, 25387, 32618, 20027, 20303, 20367, 20570, 23005, 32964, 21610, 21608, 22014, 22863, 23449, 24030, 24282, 26205, 26417, 26609, 26666, 27880, 27954, 28234, 28557, 28855, 29664, 30087, 31820, 32002, 32044, 32162, [12168, 33311], 34523, 35387, 35461, [12187, 36208], 36490, 36659, 36913, 37198, 37202, 37956, 39376, [12149, 31481], 31909, 20426, 20737, 20934, 22472, 23535, 23803, 26201, 27197, 27994, 28310, 28652, 28940, 30063, 31459, 34850, 36897, 36981, 38603, 39423, 33537, 20013, 20210, 34886, 37325, 21373, 27355, 26987, 27713, 33914, 22686, 24974, 26366, 25327, 28893, 29969, 30151, 32338, 33976, 35657, 36104, 20043, 21482, 21675, 22320, 22336, 24535, 25345, 25351, 25711, [12096, 25903], 26088, 26234, 26525, 26547, [12108, 27490], 27744, 27802, 28460, 30693, 30757, 31049, 31063, 32025, 32930, 33026, [12164, 33267], 33437, 33463, 34584, 35468, 36100, 36286, 36978, 30452, 31257, 31287, 32340, 32887, 21767, 21972, 22645, 25391, 25634, 26185, 26187, 26733, 27035, 27524, 27941, 28337, 29645, 29800, 29857, 30043, 30137, 30433, 30494, 30603, 31206, 32265, 32285, 33275, 34095, 34967, 35386, 36049, 36587, [12192, 36784, 63857], 36914, 37805, 38499, 38515, 38663, 20356, 21489, 23018, 23241, 24089, 26702, 29894, 30142, 31209, 31378, 33187, 34541, 36074, 36300, 36845, 26015, 26389, 22519, 28503, 32221, 36655, 37878, 38598, 24501, 25074, 28548, 19988, 20376, 20511, 21449, 21983, 23919, 24046, 27425, 27492, 30923, 31642, 36425, [12190, 36554, 63746], 36974, 25417, 25662, 30528, 31364, 37679, 38015, 40810, 25776, 28591, 29158, 29864, 29914, 31428, 31762, 32386, 31922, 32408, 35738, 36106, 38013, 39184, 39244, 21049, 23519, 25830, 26413, 32046, 20717, [21443, 63851], 22649, {f: 2, c: 24920}, 25082, 26028, 31449, 35730, 35734, 20489, 20513, 21109, 21809, 23100, 24288, 24432, 24884, 25950, 26124, 26166, 26274, 27085, 28356, 28466, 29462, 30241, 31379, 33081, 33369, 33750, 33980, 20661, 22512, 23488, 23528, 24425, 25505, 30758, 32181, 33756, 34081, 37319, 37365, 20874, 26613, 31574, 36012, 20932, 22971, 24765, 34389, 20508, 21076, 23610, 24957, 25114, [25299, 64002], 25842, 26021, 28364, 30240, 33034, 36448, 38495, 38587, 20191, 21315, 21912, 22825, 24029, 25797, 27849, 28154, 29588, 31359, [12167, 33307], 34214, 36068, 36368, 36983, 37351, 38369, 38433, 38854, 20984, 21746, 21894, 24505, 25764, 28552, 32180, 36639, 36685, 37941, 20681, 23574, 27838, 28155, 29979, 30651, 31805, 31844, 35449, 35522, 22558, 22974, 24086, 25463, 29266, 30090, 30571, 35548, 36028, 36626, 24307, 26228, 28152, 32893, 33729, 35531, [12205, 38737], 39894, 21059, 26367, 28053, 28399, 32224, 35558, 36910, 36958, 39636, 21021, 21119, 21736, 24980, 25220, 25307, 26786, 26898, 26970, 27189, 28818, 28966, 30813, 30977, 30990, 31186, 31245, 32918, [12171, 33400], 33493, 33609, 34121, 35970, 36229, 37218, 37259, 37294, 20419, 22225, 29165, 30679, 34560, 35320, [12072, 23544], 24534, 26449, 37032, 21474, 22618, 23541, 24740, 24961, 25696, 32317, 32880, 34085, 37507, 25774, 20652, 23828, 26368, 22684, 25277, 25512, 26894, 27000, 27166, 28267, 30394, 31179, 33467, 33833, 35535, 36264, 36861, 37138, 37195, 37276, 37648, 37656, 37786, 38619, 39478, 39949, 19985, 30044, 31069, 31482, 31569, 31689, 32302, 33988, 36441, 36468, 36600, 36880, 26149, 26943, 29763, 20986, 26414, 40668, 20805, 24544, 27798, 34802, 34909, 34935, 24756, 33205, 33795, 36101, 21462, 21561, 22068, 23094, 23601, 28810, 32736, 32858, 33030, 33261, 36259, 37257, 39519, 40434, 20596, 20164, 21408, 24827, 28204, 23652, 20360, 20516, 21988, 23769, 24159, 24677, 26772, 27835, 28100, 29118, 30164, 30196, 30305, 31258, 31305, 32199, 32251, 32622, 33268, 34473, 36636, 38601, 39347, [12242, 40786], 21063, 21189, 39149, 35242, 19971, 26578, 28422, 20405, 23522, 26517, [27784, 63858], 28024, 29723, 30759, 37341, 37756, 34756, 31204, 31281, 24555, 20182, 21668, 21822, 22702, 22949, 24816, 25171, 25302, 26422, 26965, 33333, 38464, 39345, 39389, 20524, 21331, 21828, 22396, 25176, 25826, 26219, 26589, 28609, 28655, 29730, 29752, 35351, 37944, 21585, 22022, 22374, 24392, 24986, 27470, 28760, 28845, 32187, 35477, 22890, 33067, 25506, 30472, 32829, 36010, 22612, 25645, 27067, 23445, 24081, 28271, 34153, 20812, 21488, 22826, 24608, 24907, 27526, 27760, 27888, 31518, 32974, 33492, 36294, 37040, 39089, 25799, 28580, 25745, 25860, 20814, 21520, [12063, 22303], 35342, 24927, 26742, 30171, 31570, 32113, 36890, 22534, 27084, 33151, 35114, 36864, 38969, 20600, 22871, 22956, 25237, 36879, 39722, 24925, 29305, 38358, 22369, 23110, 24052, 25226, 25773, 25850, 26487, 27874, 27966, 29228, 29750, 30772, 32631, 33453, 36315, 38935, 21028, 22338, 26495, 29256, 29923, 36009, 36774, 37393, 38442, [12043, 20843], 21485, 25420, 20329, 21764, 24726, 25943, 27803, 28031, 29260, 29437, 31255, 35207, [12185, 35997], 24429, 28558, 28921, 33192, 24846, [20415, 63845], 20559, 25153, [12122, 29255], 31687, 32232, 32745, 36941, 38829, 39449, 36022, 22378, 24179, 26544, 33805, 35413, 21536, 23318, 24163, 24290, 24330, 25987, 32954, 34109, 38281, 38491, 20296, 21253, 21261, 21263, 21638, 21754, 22275, 24067, 24598, 25243, 25265, 25429, 27873, 28006, 30129, 30770, 32990, 33071, 33502, 33889, 33970, 34957, 35090, 36875, 37610, 39165, 39825, 24133, [26292, 64006], 26333, 28689, 29190, 20469, 21117, 24426, 24915, 26451, 27161, 28418, 29922, 31080, 34920, 35961, 39111, 39108, 39491, 21697, 31263, 26963, 35575, 35914, [12213, 39080], 39342, 24444, 25259, 30130, [12138, 30382], 34987, 36991, 38466, 21305, 24380, 24517, [27852, 63848], 29644, 30050, [12134, 30091], 31558, 33534, 39325, 20047, 36924, 19979, 20309, 21414, 22799, 24264, 26160, 27827, 29781, 33655, 34662, 36032, 36944, 38686, 39957, 22737, 23416, 34384, 35604, 40372, 23506, 24680, 24717, 26097, 27735, 28450, 28579, 28698, 32597, 32752, {f: 2, c: 38289}, 38480, 38867, 21106, 36676, 20989, 21547, 21688, 21859, 21898, 27323, 28085, 32216, 33382, 37532, 38519, 40569, 21512, 21704, 30418, 34532, 38308, 38356, 38492, 20130, 20233, 23022, 23270, 24055, 24658, 25239, 26477, 26689, 27782, 28207, 32568, 32923, 33322, 38917, 20133, 20565, 21683, 22419, 22874, 23401, 23475, 25032, 26999, 28023, 28707, 34809, 35299, 35442, 35559, 36994, 39405, 39608, 21182, 26680, 20502, 24184, 26447, 33607, [12175, 34892, 64008], 20139, 21521, 22190, 29670, 37141, 38911, 39177, 39255, [12217, 39321], 22099, 22687, 34395, 35377, 25010, 27382, 29563, 36562, 27463, 38570, 39511, 22869, 29184, 36203, [12208, 38761], 20436, 23796, 24358, 25080, 26203, 27883, 28843, [12126, 29572], 29625, 29694, 30505, 30541, 32067, 32098, 32291, 33335, 34898, 36066, 37449, 39023, 23377, [12147, 31348], [12174, 34880], [12212, 38913], 23244, 20448, 21332, 22846, 23805, 25406, 28025, 29433, 33029, 33031, 33698, 37583, 38960, 20136, 20804, 21009, 22411, 24418, 27842, 28366, 28677, 28752, 28847, 29074, 29673, [29801, 63918], 33610, 34722, 34913, 36872, 37026, 37795, 39336, 20846, 24407, 24800, 24935, 26291, 34137, 36426, 37295, 38795, 20046, 20114, 21628, 22741, 22778, 22909, 23733, 24359, [12094, 25142], 25160, 26122, 26215, 27627, 28009, 28111, 28246, 28408, 28564, 28640, 28649, 28765, 29392, 29733, 29786, 29920, 30355, 31068, 31946, 32286, 32993, 33446, 33899, 33983, 34382, 34399, 34676, 35703, 35946, 37804, 38912, 39013, 24785, 25110, 37239, 23130, 26127, 28151, 28222, 29759, 39746, 24573, 24794, 31503, 21700, 24344, 27742, 27859, 27946, 28888, 32005, 34425, 35340, 40251, 21270, 21644, 23301, 27194, [12117, 28779], 30069, 31117, [12146, 31166], 33457, 33775, 35441, 35649, 36008, 38772, 25844, 25899, {f: 2, c: 30906}, 31339, 20024, 21914, 22864, 23462, 24187, 24739, 25563, 27489, 26213, 26707, 28185, 29029, 29872, 32008, 36996, 39529, 39973, 27963, [28369, 63748], 29502, 35905, 38346, 20976, 24140, 24488, 24653, 24822, 24880, 24908, {f: 2, c: 26179}, 27045, 27841, 28255, 28361, 28514, 29004, 29852, 30343, 31681, 31783, 33618, 34647, 36945, 38541, [12232, 40643], 21295, 22238, 24315, 24458, 24674, 24724, 25079, 26214, 26371, 27292, 28142, 28590, 28784, 29546, 32362, 33214, 33588, 34516, 35496, 36036, 21123, 29554, 23446, 27243, 37892, 21742, 22150, 23389, 25928, 25989, 26313, 26783, 28045, 28102, [12120, 29243], 32948, 37237, 39501, 20399, 20505, 21402, 21518, 21564, 21897, 21957, 24127, 24460, 26429, 29030, 29661, 36869, 21211, 21235, 22628, 22734, 28932, 29071, 29179, 34224, 35347, [26248, 63941], 34216, 21927, 26244, 29002, 33841, 21321, 21913, 27585, 24409, 24509, 25582, 26249, 28999, 35569, 36637, 40638, 20241, 25658, 28875, 30054, 34407, 24676, 35662, 40440, 20807, 20982, 21256, 27958, 33016, [12234, 40657], 26133, 27427, 28824, 30165, 21507, 23673, 32007, 35350, [12107, 27424], 27453, 27462, 21560, 24688, 27965, 32725, 33288, 20694, 20958, 21916, 22123, 22221, 23020, 23305, 24076, 24985, 24984, 25137, 26206, 26342, 29081, {f: 2, c: 29113}, 29351, 31143, 31232, 32690, 35440, {s: 163}, {f: 4, c: 12310}, {s: 14}, 8223, 8219, {f: 2, c: 8314}, {s: 7}, 8316, 0, {f: 2, c: 8317}, {s: 23}, 700, {s: 44}, 8942, 8759, {s: 20}, {f: 10, c: 10122}, {s: 36}, {f: 26, c: 9398}, {s: 61}, {f: 2, c: 8826}, {f: 2, c: 8910}, {f: 2, c: 8832}, {f: 4, c: 8816}, 0, 8842, 0, 8843, {f: 2, c: 8822}, 8825, {f: 2, c: 8922}, {s: 5}, 8773, 8771, 8776, 0, 8868, {s: 78}, 8244, {s: 11}, 9839, {s: 4}, 8258, {s: 4}, 10045, 0, 0, 8226, {s: 4}, {f: 2, c: 8249}, {s: 16}, 10010, 10006, 0, 9711, {s: 3}, 10070, 0, 9676, {s: 24}, 9775, {s: 6}, 12320, 0, {f: 10, c: 10102}, {s: 17}, 12306, 12342, {s: 13}, 8710, 0, 8735, 0, {f: 2, c: 8741}, 0, 8787, 8785, {f: 2, c: 8806}, 8723, {f: 3, c: 8853}, 0, 8980, 0, 0, 8802, 0, 9649, 0, 8738, 8784, 0, 0, 8867, 0, 0, {f: 2, c: 8814}, 8837, 8836, 8713, 8716, {f: 2, c: 8891}, 8794, 8966, {s: 6}, 12958, 0, 8252, {s: 11}, 9702, {s: 3}, 9663, 9653, 9657, 9667, {s: 4}, 9674, 12849, 12857, 13259, {f: 5, c: 9327}, {s: 18}, 8656, 8655, 8653, {s: 37}, 8657, 8659, {s: 8}, 8626, 8625, 0, 8628, 8624, 8627, {s: 14}, 8636, 8640, {s: 10}, {f: 2, c: 8644}, {s: 144}, {f: 5, c: 9347}, {s: 33}, 12948, {s: 15}, 12965, {s: 93}, 8672, 8674, 8673, 8675, {s: 4}, 8678, 8680, 8679, 8681, {s: 20}, 9757, 9759, {s: 76}, 12944, {f: 6, c: 12938}, {s: 15}, {f: 2, c: 12318}, 8246, 0, 8245, {s: 3}, 12540, 0, 0, {f: 2, c: 44034}, {f: 2, c: 44037}, {f: 5, c: 44043}, 44056, {f: 2, c: 44062}, {f: 3, c: 44065}, {f: 7, c: 44069}, 44078, {f: 6, c: 44082}, {f: 2, c: 44090}, {f: 3, c: 44093}, {f: 10, c: 44097}, 44108, {f: 6, c: 44110}, {f: 3, c: 44117}, {f: 3, c: 44121}, {f: 19, c: 44125}, {f: 2, c: 44146}, {f: 2, c: 44149}, 44153, {f: 5, c: 44155}, 44162, {f: 2, c: 44167}, {f: 3, c: 44173}, {f: 3, c: 44177}, {f: 7, c: 44181}, 44190, {f: 6, c: 44194}, 44203, {f: 2, c: 44205}, {f: 7, c: 44209}, 44218, {f: 3, c: 44222}, {f: 2, c: 44226}, {f: 3, c: 44229}, {f: 3, c: 44233}, {f: 8, c: 44237}, 44246, {f: 8, c: 44248}, {f: 2, c: 44258}, {f: 2, c: 44261}, 44265, 44267, {f: 2, c: 44269}, 44274, 44276, {f: 5, c: 44279}, {f: 2, c: 44286}, {f: 3, c: 44289}, 44293, {f: 5, c: 44295}, 44302, 44304, {f: 6, c: 44306}, {f: 3, c: 44313}, {f: 3, c: 44317}, {f: 8, c: 44321}, {f: 2, c: 44330}, {f: 6, c: 44334}, {f: 2, c: 44342}, {f: 3, c: 44345}, {f: 7, c: 44349}, 44358, 44360, {f: 6, c: 44362}, {f: 3, c: 44369}, {f: 3, c: 44373}, {f: 8, c: 44377}, 44386, {f: 8, c: 44388}, {f: 2, c: 44398}, {f: 2, c: 44401}, {f: 4, c: 44407}, 44414, 44416, {f: 5, c: 44419}, {f: 2, c: 44426}, {f: 3, c: 44429}, {f: 11, c: 44433}, {f: 6, c: 44446}, {f: 18, c: 44453}, {f: 8, c: 44472}, {f: 2, c: 44482}, {f: 3, c: 44485}, {f: 7, c: 44489}, 44498, {f: 8, c: 44500}, {f: 3, c: 44509}, {f: 3, c: 44513}, {f: 19, c: 44517}, {f: 2, c: 44538}, {f: 2, c: 44541}, {f: 6, c: 44546}, 44554, 44556, {f: 6, c: 44558}, {f: 27, c: 44565}, {f: 2, c: 44594}, {f: 2, c: 44597}, 44601, {f: 5, c: 44603}, 44610, 44612, {f: 3, c: 44615}, 44619, 44623, {f: 3, c: 44625}, 44629, {f: 5, c: 44631}, 44638, {f: 3, c: 44642}, {f: 2, c: 44646}, {f: 2, c: 44650}, {f: 3, c: 44653}, {f: 7, c: 44657}, 44666, {f: 6, c: 44670}, {f: 6, c: 44678}, {f: 47, c: 44685}, 44735, {f: 3, c: 44737}, {f: 7, c: 44741}, 44750, {f: 6, c: 44754}, {f: 2, c: 44762}, {f: 11, c: 44765}, {f: 2, c: 44777}, 44780, {f: 6, c: 44782}, {f: 3, c: 44789}, {f: 3, c: 44793}, {f: 10, c: 44797}, {f: 4, c: 44809}, {f: 2, c: 44814}, {f: 27, c: 44817}, {f: 2, c: 44846}, 44849, 44851, {f: 7, c: 44853}, 44862, 44864, {f: 4, c: 44868}, {f: 6, c: 44874}, {f: 11, c: 44881}, {f: 6, c: 44894}, {f: 19, c: 44902}, {f: 6, c: 44922}, {f: 3, c: 44929}, {f: 3, c: 44933}, {f: 7, c: 44937}, {f: 3, c: 44946}, {f: 6, c: 44950}, {f: 27, c: 44957}, {f: 2, c: 44986}, {f: 3, c: 44989}, {f: 6, c: 44993}, 45002, 45004, {f: 5, c: 45007}, {f: 7, c: 45013}, {f: 11, c: 45021}, {f: 6, c: 45034}, {f: 2, c: 45042}, {f: 3, c: 45045}, {f: 7, c: 45049}, {f: 2, c: 45058}, {f: 7, c: 45061}, {f: 3, c: 45069}, {f: 3, c: 45073}, {f: 7, c: 45077}, {f: 10, c: 45086}, {f: 27, c: 45097}, {f: 2, c: 45126}, 45129, 45131, 45133, {f: 4, c: 45135}, 45142, 45144, {f: 3, c: 45146}, {f: 30, c: 45150}, {f: 2, c: 45182}, {f: 3, c: 45185}, {f: 7, c: 45189}, 45198, 45200, {f: 6, c: 45202}, 45211, {f: 2, c: 45213}, {f: 5, c: 45219}, 45226, 45232, 45234, {f: 2, c: 45238}, {f: 3, c: 45241}, {f: 7, c: 45245}, 45254, {f: 6, c: 45258}, {f: 2, c: 45266}, {f: 3, c: 45269}, {f: 7, c: 45273}, {f: 4, c: 45281}, {f: 34, c: 45286}, 45322, {f: 3, c: 45325}, 45329, {f: 4, c: 45332}, 45338, {f: 5, c: 45342}, {f: 2, c: 45350}, {f: 3, c: 45353}, {f: 7, c: 45357}, 45366, {f: 6, c: 45370}, {f: 2, c: 45378}, {f: 3, c: 45381}, {f: 7, c: 45385}, {f: 2, c: 45394}, {f: 2, c: 45398}, {f: 3, c: 45401}, {f: 3, c: 45405}, {f: 23, c: 45409}, {f: 2, c: 45434}, {f: 3, c: 45437}, 45441, {f: 5, c: 45443}, 45450, 45452, {f: 4, c: 45454}, {f: 3, c: 45461}, {f: 3, c: 45465}, {f: 11, c: 45469}, {f: 35, c: 45481}, {f: 3, c: 45517}, {f: 3, c: 45521}, {f: 7, c: 45525}, 45534, {f: 8, c: 45536}, {f: 2, c: 45546}, {f: 3, c: 45549}, {f: 8, c: 45553}, 45562, 45564, {f: 6, c: 45566}, {f: 2, c: 45574}, {f: 2, c: 45577}, {f: 7, c: 45581}, 45590, 45592, {f: 6, c: 45594}, {f: 19, c: 45601}, {f: 7, c: 45621}, {f: 27, c: 45629}, {f: 3, c: 45657}, {f: 3, c: 45661}, {f: 7, c: 45665}, {f: 10, c: 45674}, {f: 6, c: 45686}, {f: 7, c: 45693}, {f: 3, c: 45702}, {f: 6, c: 45706}, {f: 2, c: 45714}, {f: 3, c: 45717}, {f: 5, c: 45723}, 45730, 45732, {f: 3, c: 45735}, 45739, {f: 3, c: 45741}, {f: 3, c: 45745}, {f: 19, c: 45749}, {f: 2, c: 45770}, {f: 3, c: 45773}, 45777, {f: 5, c: 45779}, 45786, 45788, {f: 4, c: 45790}, 45795, 45799, {f: 2, c: 45801}, {f: 3, c: 45808}, 45814, {f: 3, c: 45820}, {f: 2, c: 45826}, {f: 3, c: 45829}, {f: 7, c: 45833}, 45842, {f: 6, c: 45846}, {f: 55, c: 45853}, 45911, {f: 2, c: 45913}, 45917, {f: 4, c: 45920}, 45926, 45928, 45930, {f: 2, c: 45932}, 45935, {f: 2, c: 45938}, {f: 3, c: 45941}, {f: 7, c: 45945}, 45954, {f: 6, c: 45958}, {f: 3, c: 45965}, {f: 3, c: 45969}, {f: 11, c: 45973}, {f: 6, c: 45986}, {f: 3, c: 45993}, {f: 23, c: 45997}, {f: 2, c: 46022}, {f: 2, c: 46025}, 46029, 46031, {f: 3, c: 46033}, 46038, 46040, 46042, 46044, {f: 2, c: 46046}, {f: 3, c: 46049}, {f: 3, c: 46053}, {f: 19, c: 46057}, {f: 19, c: 46077}, {f: 7, c: 46097}, {f: 3, c: 46105}, {f: 3, c: 46109}, {f: 7, c: 46113}, 46122, {f: 8, c: 46124}, {f: 27, c: 46133}, {f: 2, c: 46162}, {f: 3, c: 46165}, {f: 7, c: 46169}, 46178, 46180, {f: 6, c: 46182}, {f: 19, c: 46189}, {f: 7, c: 46209}, {f: 20, c: 46217}, {f: 6, c: 46238}, {f: 3, c: 46245}, {f: 3, c: 46249}, {f: 8, c: 46253}, 46262, 46264, {f: 6, c: 46266}, {f: 3, c: 46273}, {f: 3, c: 46277}, {f: 7, c: 46281}, {f: 4, c: 46289}, {f: 6, c: 46294}, {f: 2, c: 46302}, {f: 2, c: 46305}, 46309, {f: 5, c: 46311}, 46318, 46320, {f: 6, c: 46322}, {f: 27, c: 46329}, {f: 2, c: 46358}, {f: 2, c: 46361}, {f: 7, c: 46365}, 46374, {f: 5, c: 46379}, {f: 2, c: 46386}, {f: 3, c: 46389}, {f: 7, c: 46393}, 46402, {f: 5, c: 46406}, {f: 2, c: 46414}, {f: 3, c: 46417}, {f: 7, c: 46421}, 46430, {f: 62, c: 46434}, {f: 2, c: 46498}, {f: 3, c: 46501}, 46505, {f: 4, c: 46508}, 46514, {f: 5, c: 46518}, {f: 2, c: 46526}, {f: 3, c: 46529}, {f: 7, c: 46533}, 46542, {f: 6, c: 46546}, {f: 19, c: 46553}, {f: 35, c: 46573}, {f: 2, c: 46610}, {f: 3, c: 46613}, {f: 12, c: 46617}, {f: 6, c: 46630}, {f: 7, c: 46637}, {f: 19, c: 46645}, {f: 27, c: 46665}, {f: 3, c: 46693}, {f: 51, c: 46697}, {f: 2, c: 46750}, {f: 3, c: 46753}, {f: 6, c: 46757}, {f: 4, c: 46765}, {f: 34, c: 46770}, {f: 27, c: 46805}, {f: 3, c: 46833}, {f: 3, c: 46837}, {f: 7, c: 46841}, {f: 3, c: 46850}, {f: 34, c: 46854}, {f: 2, c: 46890}, {f: 2, c: 46893}, {f: 7, c: 46897}, 46906, {f: 8, c: 46908}, {f: 3, c: 46917}, {f: 3, c: 46921}, {f: 7, c: 46925}, {f: 10, c: 46934}, {f: 3, c: 46945}, {f: 3, c: 46949}, {f: 7, c: 46953}, 46962, 46964, {f: 6, c: 46966}, {f: 2, c: 46974}, {f: 3, c: 46977}, {f: 7, c: 46981}, 46990, {f: 3, c: 46995}, {f: 2, c: 47002}, {f: 3, c: 47005}, {f: 7, c: 47009}, 47018, {f: 6, c: 47022}, {f: 2, c: 47030}, {f: 14, c: 47033}, 47048, {f: 34, c: 47050}, {f: 2, c: 47086}, {f: 3, c: 47089}, {f: 7, c: 47093}, 47102, {f: 5, c: 47106}, {f: 2, c: 47114}, {f: 3, c: 47117}, {f: 7, c: 47121}, 47130, 47132, {f: 6, c: 47134}, {f: 2, c: 47142}, {f: 3, c: 47145}, {f: 7, c: 47149}, 47158, {f: 6, c: 47162}, {f: 3, c: 47169}, {f: 12, c: 47173}, 47186, {f: 8, c: 47188}, {f: 2, c: 47198}, {f: 3, c: 47201}, {f: 7, c: 47205}, 47214, 47216, {f: 6, c: 47218}, {f: 3, c: 47225}, {f: 16, c: 47229}, {f: 26, c: 47246}, {f: 7, c: 47273}, {f: 3, c: 47281}, {f: 3, c: 47285}, {f: 7, c: 47289}, 47298, 47300, {f: 6, c: 47302}, {f: 3, c: 47309}, {f: 3, c: 47313}, {f: 8, c: 47317}, 47326, 47328, {f: 6, c: 47330}, {f: 2, c: 47338}, {f: 3, c: 47341}, {f: 7, c: 47345}, 47354, 47356, {f: 6, c: 47358}, {f: 19, c: 47365}, {f: 7, c: 47385}, {f: 27, c: 47393}, {f: 2, c: 47422}, {f: 3, c: 47425}, {f: 7, c: 47429}, {f: 2, c: 47437}, 47440, {f: 6, c: 47442}, {f: 2, c: 47450}, {f: 3, c: 47453}, {f: 7, c: 47457}, 47466, 47468, {f: 6, c: 47470}, {f: 2, c: 47478}, {f: 3, c: 47481}, {f: 7, c: 47485}, 47494, 47496, {f: 2, c: 47499}, {f: 29, c: 47503}, {f: 2, c: 47534}, {f: 3, c: 47537}, {f: 7, c: 47541}, 47550, 47552, {f: 6, c: 47554}, {f: 2, c: 47562}, 47565, {f: 5, c: 47571}, 47578, 47580, {f: 2, c: 47583}, 47586, {f: 2, c: 47590}, {f: 3, c: 47593}, {f: 7, c: 47597}, 47606, {f: 5, c: 47611}, {f: 6, c: 47618}, {f: 12, c: 47625}, {f: 34, c: 47638}, {f: 2, c: 47674}, {f: 3, c: 47677}, 47681, {f: 5, c: 47683}, 47690, 47692, {f: 4, c: 47695}, {f: 2, c: 47702}, {f: 3, c: 47705}, {f: 7, c: 47709}, 47718, {f: 6, c: 47722}, {f: 2, c: 47730}, {f: 3, c: 47733}, {f: 10, c: 47737}, 47750, {f: 4, c: 47752}, {f: 27, c: 47757}, 47786, {f: 3, c: 47789}, 47793, {f: 5, c: 47795}, 47802, 47804, {f: 6, c: 47806}, {f: 3, c: 47813}, {f: 15, c: 47817}, {f: 34, c: 47834}, {f: 3, c: 47869}, {f: 3, c: 47873}, {f: 8, c: 47877}, 47886, 47888, {f: 6, c: 47890}, {f: 3, c: 47897}, {f: 3, c: 47901}, {f: 8, c: 47905}, 47914, {f: 8, c: 47916}, 47927, {f: 2, c: 47929}, {f: 5, c: 47935}, 47942, 47944, {f: 3, c: 47946}, 47950, {f: 3, c: 47953}, {f: 3, c: 47957}, {f: 8, c: 47961}, 47970, {f: 8, c: 47972}, {f: 27, c: 47981}, {f: 3, c: 48009}, {f: 3, c: 48013}, {f: 19, c: 48017}, {f: 3, c: 48037}, {f: 3, c: 48041}, {f: 7, c: 48045}, {f: 2, c: 48053}, {f: 8, c: 48056}, {f: 3, c: 48065}, {f: 3, c: 48069}, {f: 7, c: 48073}, {f: 2, c: 48081}, {f: 36, c: 48084}, {f: 2, c: 48122}, {f: 2, c: 48125}, 48129, {f: 5, c: 48131}, 48138, 48142, 48144, {f: 2, c: 48146}, {f: 2, c: 48153}, {f: 4, c: 48160}, 48166, 48168, {f: 3, c: 48170}, {f: 2, c: 48174}, {f: 2, c: 48178}, {f: 3, c: 48181}, {f: 7, c: 48185}, 48194, {f: 3, c: 48198}, {f: 2, c: 48202}, {f: 2, c: 48206}, {f: 12, c: 48209}, {f: 38, c: 48222}, {f: 2, c: 48262}, {f: 2, c: 48265}, 48269, {f: 5, c: 48271}, 48278, 48280, {f: 5, c: 48283}, {f: 2, c: 48290}, {f: 2, c: 48293}, {f: 7, c: 48297}, 48306, {f: 6, c: 48310}, {f: 2, c: 48318}, {f: 3, c: 48321}, {f: 8, c: 48325}, 48334, {f: 3, c: 48338}, {f: 2, c: 48342}, {f: 3, c: 48345}, {f: 23, c: 48349}, 48375, {f: 3, c: 48377}, {f: 7, c: 48381}, 48390, 48392, {f: 6, c: 48394}, {f: 3, c: 48401}, {f: 15, c: 48405}, {f: 7, c: 48421}, {f: 19, c: 48429}, {f: 7, c: 48449}, {f: 2, c: 48458}, {f: 3, c: 48461}, {f: 7, c: 48465}, {f: 10, c: 48474}, {f: 3, c: 48485}, {f: 23, c: 48489}, {f: 2, c: 48514}, {f: 2, c: 48517}, {f: 5, c: 48523}, 48530, 48532, {f: 3, c: 48534}, 48539, {f: 7, c: 48541}, {f: 11, c: 48549}, {f: 7, c: 48561}, {f: 27, c: 48569}, {f: 2, c: 48598}, {f: 3, c: 48601}, {f: 12, c: 48605}, {f: 6, c: 48618}, {f: 3, c: 48625}, {f: 3, c: 48629}, {f: 7, c: 48633}, {f: 2, c: 48641}, 48644, {f: 6, c: 48646}, {f: 2, c: 48654}, {f: 3, c: 48657}, {f: 7, c: 48661}, 48670, {f: 36, c: 48672}, {f: 2, c: 48710}, {f: 3, c: 48713}, 48717, {f: 5, c: 48719}, 48726, 48728, {f: 4, c: 48732}, {f: 2, c: 48738}, {f: 3, c: 48741}, 48745, {f: 5, c: 48747}, 48754, {f: 5, c: 48758}, {f: 2, c: 48766}, {f: 3, c: 48769}, {f: 7, c: 48773}, 48782, {f: 6, c: 48786}, {f: 14, c: 48794}, {f: 39, c: 48809}, {f: 2, c: 48850}, {f: 2, c: 48853}, {f: 7, c: 48857}, {f: 2, c: 48865}, {f: 6, c: 48870}, {f: 20, c: 48877}, {f: 6, c: 48898}, {f: 14, c: 48906}, 48922, {f: 34, c: 48926}, {f: 2, c: 48962}, {f: 3, c: 48965}, {f: 7, c: 48969}, {f: 3, c: 48978}, {f: 62, c: 48982}, {f: 27, c: 49045}, {f: 20, c: 49073}, {f: 6, c: 49094}, {f: 2, c: 49102}, {f: 3, c: 49105}, {f: 7, c: 49109}, {f: 2, c: 49117}, 49120, {f: 90, c: 49122}, {f: 20, c: 49213}, {f: 6, c: 49234}, {f: 3, c: 49241}, {f: 3, c: 49245}, {f: 7, c: 49249}, {f: 38, c: 49258}, {f: 2, c: 49298}, {f: 3, c: 49301}, {f: 7, c: 49305}, 49314, 49316, {f: 6, c: 49318}, 49326, {f: 2, c: 49329}, {f: 5, c: 49335}, 49342, {f: 3, c: 49346}, {f: 2, c: 49350}, {f: 2, c: 49354}, {f: 3, c: 49357}, {f: 7, c: 49361}, 49370, {f: 6, c: 49374}, {f: 2, c: 49382}, {f: 3, c: 49385}, {f: 7, c: 49389}, 49398, 49400, {f: 6, c: 49402}, {f: 3, c: 49409}, {f: 3, c: 49413}, {f: 7, c: 49417}, {f: 4, c: 49425}, {f: 6, c: 49430}, {f: 2, c: 49441}, 49445, {f: 4, c: 49448}, 49454, {f: 4, c: 49458}, 49463, {f: 2, c: 49466}, {f: 3, c: 49469}, {f: 7, c: 49473}, 49482, {f: 6, c: 49486}, {f: 2, c: 49494}, {f: 3, c: 49497}, {f: 7, c: 49501}, 49510, {f: 6, c: 49514}, {f: 3, c: 49521}, {f: 3, c: 49525}, {f: 12, c: 49529}, {f: 6, c: 49542}, 49551, {f: 3, c: 49553}, 49557, {f: 5, c: 49559}, 49566, 49568, {f: 3, c: 49570}, {f: 2, c: 49574}, {f: 2, c: 49578}, {f: 3, c: 49581}, {f: 12, c: 49585}, {f: 6, c: 49598}, {f: 3, c: 49605}, {f: 3, c: 49609}, {f: 7, c: 49613}, {f: 2, c: 49621}, {f: 7, c: 49625}, {f: 3, c: 49633}, {f: 3, c: 49637}, {f: 7, c: 49641}, 49650, {f: 8, c: 49652}, {f: 2, c: 49662}, {f: 3, c: 49665}, {f: 7, c: 49669}, 49678, 49680, {f: 6, c: 49682}, {f: 2, c: 49690}, {f: 2, c: 49693}, {f: 7, c: 49697}, 49706, 49708, 49710, 49712, 49715, {f: 19, c: 49717}, {f: 7, c: 49737}, {f: 2, c: 49746}, {f: 3, c: 49749}, {f: 7, c: 49753}, {f: 4, c: 49761}, {f: 6, c: 49766}, {f: 2, c: 49774}, {f: 3, c: 49777}, {f: 7, c: 49781}, 49790, 49792, {f: 6, c: 49794}, {f: 6, c: 49802}, {f: 7, c: 49809}, {f: 2, c: 49817}, 49820, {f: 6, c: 49822}, {f: 2, c: 49830}, {f: 3, c: 49833}, {f: 6, c: 49838}, 49846, 49848, {f: 34, c: 49850}, {f: 2, c: 49886}, {f: 2, c: 49889}, {f: 6, c: 49893}, 49902, 49904, {f: 4, c: 49906}, 49911, 49914, {f: 3, c: 49917}, {f: 7, c: 49921}, {f: 2, c: 49930}, {f: 5, c: 49934}, {f: 2, c: 49942}, {f: 3, c: 49945}, {f: 7, c: 49949}, {f: 2, c: 49958}, {f: 27, c: 49962}, {f: 34, c: 49990}, {f: 2, c: 50026}, {f: 3, c: 50029}, 50033, {f: 5, c: 50035}, {f: 2, c: 50042}, {f: 6, c: 50046}, {f: 3, c: 50053}, {f: 3, c: 50057}, {f: 51, c: 50061}, {f: 23, c: 50113}, {f: 2, c: 50138}, {f: 2, c: 50141}, 50145, {f: 5, c: 50147}, {f: 3, c: 50154}, {f: 6, c: 50158}, {f: 2, c: 50166}, {f: 15, c: 50169}, {f: 7, c: 50185}, {f: 19, c: 50193}, {f: 7, c: 50213}, {f: 3, c: 50221}, {f: 3, c: 50225}, {f: 7, c: 50229}, {f: 10, c: 50238}, {f: 27, c: 50249}, {f: 2, c: 50278}, {f: 3, c: 50281}, {f: 7, c: 50285}, {f: 3, c: 50294}, {f: 6, c: 50298}, {f: 19, c: 50305}, {f: 7, c: 50325}, {f: 27, c: 50333}, {f: 3, c: 50361}, {f: 44, c: 50365}, {f: 6, c: 50410}, {f: 2, c: 50418}, {f: 3, c: 50421}, 50425, {f: 4, c: 50427}, {f: 10, c: 50434}, {f: 3, c: 50445}, {f: 3, c: 50449}, {f: 7, c: 50453}, {f: 11, c: 50461}, {f: 2, c: 50474}, {f: 3, c: 50477}, {f: 7, c: 50481}, 50490, 50492, {f: 6, c: 50494}, {f: 2, c: 50502}, 50507, {f: 4, c: 50511}, 50518, {f: 3, c: 50522}, 50527, {f: 2, c: 50530}, {f: 3, c: 50533}, {f: 7, c: 50537}, 50546, {f: 6, c: 50550}, {f: 2, c: 50558}, {f: 3, c: 50561}, {f: 2, c: 50565}, {f: 4, c: 50568}, 50574, 50576, {f: 3, c: 50578}, 50582, {f: 3, c: 50585}, {f: 3, c: 50589}, {f: 8, c: 50593}, {f: 10, c: 50602}, {f: 2, c: 50614}, 50618, {f: 5, c: 50623}, 50635, 50637, 50639, {f: 2, c: 50642}, {f: 3, c: 50645}, {f: 7, c: 50649}, 50658, 50660, {f: 6, c: 50662}, 50671, {f: 3, c: 50673}, 50677, {f: 4, c: 50680}, {f: 3, c: 50690}, {f: 3, c: 50697}, {f: 3, c: 50701}, {f: 7, c: 50705}, 50714, {f: 7, c: 50717}, {f: 2, c: 50726}, {f: 3, c: 50729}, 50735, {f: 2, c: 50737}, 50742, 50744, 50746, {f: 4, c: 50748}, {f: 2, c: 50754}, {f: 3, c: 50757}, {f: 7, c: 50761}, 50770, {f: 6, c: 50774}, {f: 2, c: 50782}, {f: 11, c: 50785}, {f: 2, c: 50797}, 50800, {f: 6, c: 50802}, {f: 2, c: 50810}, {f: 3, c: 50813}, {f: 7, c: 50817}, 50826, 50828, {f: 6, c: 50830}, {f: 2, c: 50838}, {f: 3, c: 50841}, {f: 7, c: 50845}, 50854, 50856, {f: 6, c: 50858}, {f: 2, c: 50866}, {f: 3, c: 50869}, {f: 5, c: 50875}, 50882, 50884, {f: 6, c: 50886}, {f: 2, c: 50894}, {f: 3, c: 50897}, {f: 7, c: 50901}, {f: 2, c: 50910}, {f: 6, c: 50914}, {f: 2, c: 50922}, {f: 3, c: 50925}, {f: 7, c: 50929}, {f: 3, c: 50938}, {f: 6, c: 50942}, {f: 2, c: 50950}, {f: 3, c: 50953}, {f: 7, c: 50957}, 50966, 50968, {f: 6, c: 50970}, {f: 2, c: 50978}, {f: 3, c: 50981}, {f: 7, c: 50985}, 50994, 50996, 50998, {f: 4, c: 51000}, {f: 2, c: 51006}, {f: 3, c: 51009}, {f: 5, c: 51013}, 51019, 51022, 51024, {f: 3, c: 51033}, {f: 3, c: 51037}, {f: 7, c: 51041}, {f: 2, c: 51049}, {f: 8, c: 51052}, {f: 2, c: 51062}, {f: 3, c: 51065}, {f: 4, c: 51071}, 51078, {f: 3, c: 51083}, 51087, {f: 2, c: 51090}, 51093, 51097, {f: 5, c: 51099}, 51106, {f: 5, c: 51111}, {f: 2, c: 51118}, {f: 3, c: 51121}, {f: 7, c: 51125}, 51134, {f: 6, c: 51138}, {f: 2, c: 51146}, 51149, 51151, {f: 7, c: 51153}, {f: 4, c: 51161}, {f: 6, c: 51166}, {f: 3, c: 51173}, {f: 3, c: 51177}, {f: 19, c: 51181}, {f: 2, c: 51202}, {f: 3, c: 51205}, 51209, {f: 5, c: 51211}, 51218, 51220, {f: 5, c: 51223}, {f: 2, c: 51230}, {f: 3, c: 51233}, {f: 7, c: 51237}, 51246, 51248, {f: 6, c: 51250}, {f: 3, c: 51257}, {f: 3, c: 51261}, {f: 7, c: 51265}, {f: 2, c: 51274}, {f: 6, c: 51278}, {f: 27, c: 51285}, {f: 2, c: 51314}, {f: 3, c: 51317}, 51321, {f: 5, c: 51323}, 51330, 51332, {f: 3, c: 51336}, {f: 6, c: 51342}, {f: 8, c: 51349}, 51358, 51360, {f: 6, c: 51362}, {f: 19, c: 51369}, {f: 6, c: 51390}, {f: 3, c: 51397}, {f: 3, c: 51401}, {f: 7, c: 51405}, 51414, 51416, {f: 6, c: 51418}, {f: 2, c: 51426}, {f: 16, c: 51429}, {f: 6, c: 51446}, {f: 2, c: 51454}, {f: 3, c: 51457}, {f: 5, c: 51463}, 51470, 51472, {f: 6, c: 51474}, {f: 19, c: 51481}, {f: 7, c: 51501}, {f: 27, c: 51509}, {f: 2, c: 51538}, {f: 3, c: 51541}, {f: 7, c: 51545}, 51554, {f: 8, c: 51556}, {f: 3, c: 51565}, {f: 3, c: 51569}, {f: 7, c: 51573}, {f: 11, c: 51581}, {f: 2, c: 51594}, {f: 3, c: 51597}, {f: 7, c: 51601}, 51610, 51612, {f: 34, c: 51614}, {f: 2, c: 51650}, {f: 2, c: 51653}, 51657, {f: 5, c: 51659}, 51666, 51668, {f: 2, c: 51671}, 51675, {f: 2, c: 51678}, 51681, 51683, {f: 2, c: 51685}, {f: 4, c: 51688}, 51694, {f: 6, c: 51698}, {f: 2, c: 51706}, {f: 3, c: 51709}, {f: 7, c: 51713}, 51722, {f: 6, c: 51726}, {f: 3, c: 51733}, {f: 16, c: 51737}, {f: 34, c: 51754}, {f: 2, c: 51790}, {f: 3, c: 51793}, {f: 7, c: 51797}, 51806, {f: 6, c: 51810}, {f: 20, c: 51817}, {f: 6, c: 51838}, {f: 19, c: 51845}, {f: 35, c: 51865}, {f: 2, c: 51902}, {f: 3, c: 51905}, {f: 7, c: 51909}, 51918, 51920, 51922, {f: 4, c: 51924}, {f: 6, c: 51930}, {f: 11, c: 51937}, {f: 7, c: 51949}, {f: 19, c: 51957}, {f: 7, c: 51977}, {f: 3, c: 51985}, {f: 3, c: 51989}, {f: 7, c: 51993}, {f: 31, c: 52002}, {f: 6, c: 52034}, {f: 2, c: 52042}, {f: 3, c: 52045}, {f: 7, c: 52049}, {f: 3, c: 52058}, {f: 6, c: 52062}, {f: 19, c: 52069}, {f: 34, c: 52090}, {f: 27, c: 52125}, {f: 27, c: 52153}, {f: 15, c: 52181}, {f: 2, c: 52197}, 52200, {f: 34, c: 52202}, {f: 2, c: 52238}, {f: 3, c: 52241}, {f: 7, c: 52245}, {f: 3, c: 52254}, {f: 4, c: 52259}, {f: 2, c: 52266}, 52269, 52271, {f: 7, c: 52273}, 52282, {f: 5, c: 52287}, {f: 2, c: 52294}, {f: 3, c: 52297}, {f: 7, c: 52301}, 52310, {f: 6, c: 52314}, {f: 3, c: 52321}, 52325, 52327, {f: 7, c: 52329}, {f: 4, c: 52337}, {f: 34, c: 52342}, {f: 2, c: 52378}, {f: 3, c: 52381}, {f: 7, c: 52385}, 52394, {f: 6, c: 52398}, {f: 2, c: 52406}, {f: 3, c: 52409}, {f: 7, c: 52413}, 52422, 52424, {f: 6, c: 52426}, {f: 3, c: 52433}, {f: 15, c: 52437}, {f: 7, c: 52453}, {f: 3, c: 52461}, {f: 16, c: 52465}, {f: 6, c: 52482}, {f: 2, c: 52490}, {f: 3, c: 52493}, {f: 7, c: 52497}, 52506, 52508, {f: 6, c: 52510}, {f: 3, c: 52517}, {f: 3, c: 52521}, {f: 12, c: 52525}, {f: 34, c: 52538}, {f: 3, c: 52573}, {f: 3, c: 52577}, {f: 7, c: 52581}, 52590, 52592, {f: 6, c: 52594}, {f: 15, c: 52601}, {f: 11, c: 52617}, {f: 2, c: 52630}, {f: 3, c: 52633}, {f: 7, c: 52637}, 52646, 52648, {f: 6, c: 52650}, {f: 19, c: 52657}, {f: 7, c: 52677}, {f: 3, c: 52685}, {f: 23, c: 52689}, {f: 3, c: 52713}, {f: 3, c: 52717}, {f: 7, c: 52721}, 52730, 52732, {f: 6, c: 52734}, {f: 3, c: 52741}, {f: 3, c: 52745}, {f: 7, c: 52749}, {f: 4, c: 52757}, {f: 6, c: 52762}, {f: 2, c: 52770}, {f: 3, c: 52773}, {f: 7, c: 52777}, 52786, 52788, {f: 34, c: 52790}, {f: 2, c: 52826}, {f: 2, c: 52829}, {f: 6, c: 52834}, 52842, 52844, {f: 6, c: 52846}, {f: 2, c: 52854}, {f: 3, c: 52857}, {f: 7, c: 52861}, 52870, 52872, {f: 6, c: 52874}, {f: 2, c: 52882}, {f: 3, c: 52885}, {f: 7, c: 52889}, 52898, {f: 6, c: 52902}, {f: 19, c: 52910}, {f: 34, c: 52930}, {f: 2, c: 52966}, {f: 2, c: 52969}, {f: 7, c: 52973}, 52982, {f: 6, c: 52986}, {f: 2, c: 52994}, {f: 3, c: 52997}, {f: 7, c: 53001}, 53010, 53012, {f: 6, c: 53014}, {f: 3, c: 53021}, {f: 3, c: 53025}, {f: 7, c: 53029}, 53038, {f: 6, c: 53042}, {f: 27, c: 53049}, {f: 2, c: 53078}, {f: 3, c: 53081}, {f: 7, c: 53085}, 53094, 53096, {f: 6, c: 53098}, {f: 2, c: 53106}, {f: 3, c: 53109}, {f: 7, c: 53113}, {f: 4, c: 53121}, {f: 6, c: 53126}, {f: 20, c: 53133}, {f: 6, c: 53154}, {f: 7, c: 53161}, {f: 19, c: 53169}, {f: 27, c: 53189}, {f: 2, c: 53218}, {f: 3, c: 53221}, {f: 7, c: 53225}, 53234, 53236, {f: 6, c: 53238}, {f: 3, c: 53245}, {f: 3, c: 53249}, {f: 12, c: 53253}, {f: 6, c: 53266}, {f: 20, c: 53273}, {f: 6, c: 53294}, {f: 2, c: 53302}, {f: 3, c: 53305}, {f: 7, c: 53309}, 53318, 53320, {f: 6, c: 53322}, {f: 3, c: 53329}, {f: 3, c: 53333}, {f: 7, c: 53337}, {f: 11, c: 53345}, {f: 2, c: 53358}, {f: 3, c: 53361}, {f: 7, c: 53365}, {f: 3, c: 53374}, {f: 34, c: 53378}, {f: 2, c: 53414}, {f: 3, c: 53417}, {f: 7, c: 53421}, 53430, 53432, {f: 6, c: 53434}, {f: 2, c: 53442}, {f: 3, c: 53445}, {f: 6, c: 53450}, 53458, {f: 6, c: 53462}, {f: 2, c: 53470}, {f: 3, c: 53473}, {f: 7, c: 53477}, 53486, {f: 6, c: 53490}, {f: 20, c: 53497}, {f: 34, c: 53518}, {f: 2, c: 53554}, {f: 3, c: 53557}, 53561, {f: 5, c: 53563}, 53570, {f: 6, c: 53574}, {f: 2, c: 53582}, {f: 3, c: 53585}, {f: 7, c: 53589}, 53598, 53600, {f: 6, c: 53602}, {f: 3, c: 53609}, {f: 15, c: 53613}, {f: 7, c: 53629}, {f: 3, c: 53637}, {f: 23, c: 53641}, {f: 2, c: 53666}, {f: 3, c: 53669}, {f: 7, c: 53673}, 53682, 53684, {f: 4, c: 53686}, 53691, {f: 3, c: 53693}, {f: 23, c: 53697}, {f: 27, c: 53721}, {f: 3, c: 53749}, {f: 14, c: 53753}, 53768, {f: 6, c: 53770}, {f: 27, c: 53777}, {f: 2, c: 53806}, {f: 3, c: 53809}, {f: 7, c: 53813}, 53822, 53824, {f: 6, c: 53826}, {f: 19, c: 53833}, {f: 7, c: 53853}, {f: 27, c: 53861}, {f: 2, c: 53890}, {f: 3, c: 53893}, {f: 7, c: 53897}, {f: 3, c: 53906}, {f: 6, c: 53910}, {f: 3, c: 53917}, {f: 3, c: 53921}, {f: 7, c: 53925}, {f: 4, c: 53933}, {f: 6, c: 53938}, {f: 2, c: 53946}, {f: 2, c: 53949}, 53953, {f: 5, c: 53955}, 53962, {f: 8, c: 53964}, {f: 3, c: 53973}, {f: 3, c: 53977}, {f: 7, c: 53981}, {f: 10, c: 53990}, {f: 2, c: 54002}, {f: 3, c: 54005}, {f: 7, c: 54009}, 54018, 54020, {f: 6, c: 54022}, 54031, {f: 3, c: 54033}, 54037, {f: 5, c: 54039}, 54046, {f: 3, c: 54050}, {f: 2, c: 54054}, {f: 2, c: 54058}, {f: 3, c: 54061}, {f: 7, c: 54065}, 54074, {f: 6, c: 54078}, {f: 54, c: 54086}, {f: 2, c: 54142}, {f: 3, c: 54145}, {f: 7, c: 54149}, 54158, {f: 6, c: 54162}, {f: 2, c: 54170}, {f: 3, c: 54173}, {f: 7, c: 54177}, 54186, 54188, {f: 6, c: 54190}, {f: 3, c: 54197}, {f: 3, c: 54201}, {f: 7, c: 54205}, {f: 2, c: 54214}, {f: 6, c: 54218}, {f: 7, c: 54225}, {f: 8, c: 54233}, 54242, {f: 8, c: 54244}, {f: 2, c: 54254}, {f: 3, c: 54257}, {f: 7, c: 54261}, 54270, 54272, {f: 6, c: 54274}, {f: 20, c: 54281}, {f: 34, c: 54302}, {f: 3, c: 54337}, {f: 23, c: 54341}, {f: 3, c: 54365}, {f: 3, c: 54369}, {f: 8, c: 54373}, 54382, {f: 8, c: 54384}, {f: 2, c: 54394}, {f: 2, c: 54397}, 54401, {f: 5, c: 54403}, 54410, 54412, {f: 6, c: 54414}, {f: 20, c: 54421}, {f: 34, c: 54442}, {f: 3, c: 54477}, {f: 3, c: 54481}, {f: 7, c: 54485}, {f: 2, c: 54493}, {f: 8, c: 54496}, {f: 3, c: 54505}, {f: 3, c: 54509}, {f: 7, c: 54513}, {f: 2, c: 54521}, 54524, {f: 6, c: 54526}, {f: 3, c: 54533}, {f: 3, c: 54537}, {f: 7, c: 54541}, 54550, {f: 36, c: 54552}, {f: 2, c: 54590}, {f: 3, c: 54593}, {f: 7, c: 54597}, 54606, 54608, {f: 6, c: 54610}, {f: 2, c: 54618}, {f: 3, c: 54621}, {f: 4, c: 54625}, {f: 2, c: 54630}, 54634, 54636, {f: 6, c: 54638}, {f: 2, c: 54646}, {f: 3, c: 54649}, {f: 7, c: 54653}, 54662, {f: 6, c: 54666}, {f: 20, c: 54673}, {f: 34, c: 54694}, {f: 2, c: 54730}, {f: 3, c: 54733}, 54737, {f: 5, c: 54739}, 54746, 54748, {f: 6, c: 54750}, {f: 2, c: 54758}, {f: 3, c: 54761}, {f: 7, c: 54765}, 54774, 54776, {f: 6, c: 54778}, {f: 2, c: 54786}, {f: 3, c: 54789}, {f: 7, c: 54793}, 54802, {f: 6, c: 54806}, {f: 3, c: 54813}, {f: 3, c: 54817}, {f: 8, c: 54821}, {f: 10, c: 54830}, {f: 2, c: 54842}, {f: 3, c: 54845}, {f: 4, c: 54849}, {f: 2, c: 54854}, 54858, 54860, {f: 3, c: 54862}, {f: 2, c: 54866}, {f: 2, c: 54870}, {f: 3, c: 54873}, {f: 10, c: 54877}, 54888, {f: 6, c: 54890}, {f: 2, c: 54898}, {f: 14, c: 54901}, 54916, {f: 6, c: 54918}, {f: 2, c: 54926}, {f: 3, c: 54929}, {f: 8, c: 54933}, 54942, 54944, {f: 6, c: 54946}, {f: 3, c: 54953}, {f: 3, c: 54957}, {f: 8, c: 54961}, 54970, {f: 8, c: 54972}, {f: 2, c: 54982}, {f: 3, c: 54985}, {f: 4, c: 54989}, {f: 2, c: 54994}, {f: 2, c: 54997}, 55000, {f: 6, c: 55002}, {f: 3, c: 55009}, {f: 3, c: 55013}, {f: 7, c: 55017}, {f: 4, c: 55025}, {f: 6, c: 55030}, {f: 2, c: 55038}, {f: 3, c: 55041}, {f: 12, c: 55045}, {f: 6, c: 55058}, {f: 2, c: 55066}, {f: 3, c: 55069}, {f: 7, c: 55073}, 55082, 55084, {f: 6, c: 55086}, {f: 2, c: 55094}, {f: 3, c: 55097}, {f: 7, c: 55101}, {f: 2, c: 55109}, 55112, {f: 6, c: 55114}, {f: 2, c: 55122}, 55125, {f: 6, c: 55130}, 55138, 55140, {f: 3, c: 55142}, {f: 2, c: 55146}, {f: 3, c: 55149}, {f: 3, c: 55153}, {f: 7, c: 55157}, {f: 3, c: 55166}, {f: 6, c: 55170}, {f: 2, c: 55178}, {f: 3, c: 55181}, {f: 7, c: 55185}, 55194, 55196, {f: 6, c: 55198}], 'Adobe-CNS1': [{f: 95, c: 32}, {s: 3}, 12288, 65292, {f: 2, c: 12289}, 65294, 8226, 65307, 65306, 65311, 65281, 65072, 8230, 8229, 65104, 65380, 65106, 183, {f: 4, c: 65108}, 65372, 8211, 65073, 8212, {s: 4}, {f: 2, c: 65288}, {f: 2, c: 65077}, 65371, 65373, {f: 2, c: 65079}, {f: 2, c: 12308}, {f: 2, c: 65081}, {f: 2, c: 12304}, {f: 2, c: 65083}, {f: 2, c: 12298}, {f: 2, c: 65085}, {f: 2, c: 12296}, {f: 2, c: 65087}, {f: 2, c: 12300}, {f: 2, c: 65089}, {f: 2, c: 12302}, {f: 2, c: 65091}, {f: 6, c: 65113}, {f: 2, c: 8216}, {f: 2, c: 8220}, {f: 2, c: 12317}, 8245, 8242, 65283, 65286, 65290, 8251, 167, 12291, 9675, 9679, 9651, 9650, 9678, 9734, 9733, 9671, 9670, 9633, 9632, 9661, 9660, 12963, 8453, 8254, 0, 65343, 0, {f: 2, c: 65097}, {f: 2, c: 65101}, {f: 2, c: 65099}, {f: 3, c: 65119}, 65291, 65293, 215, 247, 177, 8730, 65308, 65310, 65309, {f: 2, c: 8806}, 8800, 8734, 8786, 8801, {f: 5, c: 65122}, 8764, {f: 2, c: 8745}, 8869, 8736, 8735, 8895, 13266, 13265, 8747, 8750, 8757, 8756, 9792, 9794, 9793, 9737, 8593, 8595, 8594, 8592, {f: 2, c: 8598}, 8601, 8600, 8741, 8739, 0, 0, 65295, 65340, 65284, 165, 12306, {f: 2, c: 162}, 65285, 65312, 8451, 8457, {f: 3, c: 65129}, 13269, {f: 3, c: 13212}, 13262, 13217, {f: 2, c: 13198}, 13252, 176, [20825, 58834], [20827, 58835], [20830, 58837], [20829, 58836], 20833, 20835, 21991, [29929, 58044], [31950, 58191], {f: 8, c: 9601}, 9615, 9614, 9613, 9612, 9611, 9610, 9609, 9532, 9524, 9516, 9508, 9500, 9620, 9472, 9474, 9621, 9484, 9488, 9492, 9496, {f: 2, c: 9581}, 9584, 9583, 9552, 9566, 9578, 9569, {f: 2, c: 9698}, 9701, 9700, {f: 3, c: 9585}, {f: 10, c: 65296}, {f: 10, c: 8544}, {f: 9, c: 12321}, 0, [21316, 57443], 0, {f: 26, c: 65313}, {f: 26, c: 65345}, {f: 17, c: 913}, {f: 7, c: 931}, {f: 17, c: 945}, {f: 7, c: 963}, {f: 37, c: 12549}, 729, 714, 711, 715, [9312, 63153], [9313, 63154], [9314, 63155], [9315, 63156], [9316, 63157], [9317, 63158], [9318, 63159], [9319, 63160], [9320, 63161], [9321, 63162], [9332, 63163], [9333, 63164], [9334, 63165], [9335, 63166], [9336, 63167], [9337, 63168], [9338, 63169], [9339, 63170], [9340, 63171], [9341, 63172], [8560, 63173], [8561, 63174], [8562, 63175], [8563, 63176], [8564, 63177], [8565, 63178], [8566, 63179], [8567, 63180], [8568, 63181], [8569, 63182], [12033, 20008], [12034, 20022, 63183], [12035, 20031, 63184], [12037, 20101, 63185], [12039, 20128, 63186], [12044, 20866, 63187], [12045, 20886, 63188], [12046, 20907, 63189], [12051, 21241, 63190], [12054, 21304, 63191], [12057, 21353, 63192], [12059, 21430, 63193], [12065, 12066, 22786, 22794, 63194], [12071, 23424, 63195], [12078, 24027, 63196], [12083, 24186, 63197], [12084, 24191, 63198], [12085, 24308], [12089, 24400, 63200], [12090, 24417, 63201], [12097, 25908, 63202], [12102, 26080], [12135, 30098, 63204], [12136, 30326], [12193, 36789, 63206], [12202, 38582], {f: 32, c: 9216}, 9249, [12032, 19968], [12036, 20057], 19969, 19971, 20035, 20061, 20102, [12038, 20108], [12040, 20154], [12041, 20799], [12042, 20837], [12043, 20843], [12047, 20960], [12049, 20992], 20993, [12050, 21147], [12052, 21269], [12055, 21313], [12056, 21340], [12060, 21448], 19977, 19979, 19976, 19978, 20011, 20024, 20961, 20037, 20040, 20063, 20062, 20110, 20129, [20800, 64012], 20995, 21242, 21315, 21449, [12061, 21475], [12063, 22303], [12064, 22763], [12067, 22805], [12068, 22823], [12069, 22899], [12070, 23376], 23377, 23379, [12072, 23544], [12073, 23567], [12074, 23586], [12075, 23608], [12077, 23665], 24029, [12079, 24037], [12080, 24049], {f: 2, c: 24050}, [12081, 24062], [12082, 24178], [12086, 24318], [12087, 24331], [12088, 24339], 25165, 19985, 19984, 19981, 20013, 20016, 20025, 20043, 23609, 20104, 20113, 20117, 20114, 20116, 20130, 20161, 20160, 20163, {f: 2, c: 20166}, 20173, {f: 2, c: 20170}, 20164, 20803, 20801, 20839, {f: 2, c: 20845}, 20844, 20887, 20982, {f: 3, c: 20998}, 21243, {f: 2, c: 21246}, 21270, 21305, 21320, 21319, 21317, 21342, 21380, 21451, 21450, 21453, 22764, 22825, 22827, 22826, 22829, 23380, 23569, 23588, 23610, 23663, 24052, 24187, 24319, {f: 2, c: 24340}, [12092, 24515], [12093, 25096], [12094, 25142], [12095, 25163], 25166, [12096, 25903], [12098, 25991], [12099, 26007], [12100, 26020], [12101, 26041], [12103, 26085], [12104, 26352], [12105, 26376], [12106, 26408], [12107, 27424], [12108, 27490], [12109, 27513], [12111, 27595], [12112, 27604], [12113, 27611], [12114, 27663], [12116, 27700], [12117, 28779], [12118, 29226], [12119, 29238], [12120, 29243], [12122, 29255], [12123, 29273], [12124, 29275], [12125, 29356], 29579, 19993, 19990, 19989, 19988, 19992, 20027, 20045, 20047, 20046, 20197, 20184, {f: 4, c: 20180}, {f: 2, c: 20195}, 20185, 20190, 20805, 20804, {f: 2, c: 20873}, 20908, {f: 2, c: 20985}, 20984, 21002, 21152, 21151, [21253, 57435], 21254, 21271, 21277, 20191, 21322, 21321, 21345, 21344, 21359, 21358, 21435, 21487, 21476, 21491, 21484, 21486, 21481, 21480, 21500, 21496, 21493, 21483, 21478, 21482, 21490, 21489, 21488, 21477, 21485, 21499, 22235, 22234, 22806, 22830, 22833, 22900, 22902, 23381, 23427, 23612, 24040, 24039, 24038, {f: 2, c: 24066}, 24179, 24188, 24321, 24344, 24343, 24517, 25098, {f: 2, c: 25171}, 25170, 25169, 26021, 26086, 26414, 26412, {f: 2, c: 26410}, 26413, 27491, 27597, 27665, 27664, 27704, 27713, 27712, 27710, 29359, [12126, 29572], [12127, 29577], [12128, 29916], [12129, 29926], [12130, 29976], [12131, 29983], [12132, 29992], 29993, [12133, 30000], {f: 3, c: 30001}, [12134, 30091], [12137, 30333], [12138, 30382], [12139, 30399], [12140, 30446], [12141, 30683], [12142, 30690], [12143, 30707], [12144, 31034], [12146, 31166], [12147, 31348], [12148, 31435], {f: 2, c: 19998}, {f: 2, c: 20050}, 20073, 20121, 20132, 20134, 20133, 20223, 20233, 20249, 20234, 20245, 20237, {f: 2, c: 20240}, 20239, 20210, 20214, 20219, 20208, 20211, 20221, 20225, 20235, 20809, 20807, 20806, 20808, 20840, 20849, 20877, 20912, 21015, {f: 2, c: 21009}, 21006, 21014, 21155, 21256, 21281, 21280, {f: 2, c: 21360}, 21513, 21519, 21516, 21514, 21520, 21505, 21515, 21508, 21521, 21517, 21512, 21507, 21518, 21510, 21522, 22240, 22238, 22237, 22323, 22320, 22312, 22317, 22316, 22319, 22313, {f: 2, c: 22809}, {f: 2, c: 22839}, 22916, 22904, 22915, 22909, 22905, 22914, 22913, {f: 2, c: 23383}, {f: 2, c: 23431}, 23429, 23433, 23546, 23574, 23673, 24030, 24070, 24182, 24180, 24335, 24347, 24537, 24534, 25102, {f: 2, c: 25100}, 25104, 25187, 25179, 25176, 25910, 26089, 26088, {f: 2, c: 26092}, {f: 2, c: 26354}, 26377, 26429, 26420, 26417, 26421, 27425, 27492, 27515, 27670, 27741, 27735, 27737, {f: 2, c: 27743}, 27728, 27733, 27745, 27739, {f: 2, c: 27725}, 28784, 29279, 29277, 30334, [12149, 31481], [12150, 31859], [12151, 31992], [12152, 32566], [12154, 32650], [12155, 32701], [12156, 32769], 32771, [12157, 32780], [12158, 32786], [12159, 32819], [12160, 32895], [12161, 32905], {f: 2, c: 32907}, [12162, 33251], [12163, 33258], [12164, 33267], [12165, 33276], [12166, 33292], [12167, 33307], [12168, 33311], [12169, 33390], [12170, 33394], 33406, [12173, 34411], [12174, 34880], [12175, 34892], [12176, 34915], 35199, 38433, 20018, 20136, 20301, 20303, 20295, 20311, 20318, 20276, 20315, 20309, 20272, {f: 2, c: 20304}, 20285, 20282, 20280, 20291, 20308, 20284, 20294, 20323, 20316, 20320, 20271, 20302, 20278, 20313, 20317, 20296, 20314, 20812, 20811, 20813, 20853, {f: 2, c: 20918}, 21029, 21028, {f: 2, c: 21033}, 21032, 21163, {f: 2, c: 21161}, 21164, 21283, 21363, 21365, 21533, 21549, 21534, 21566, 21542, 21582, 21543, 21574, 21571, 21555, 21576, 21570, 21531, 21545, 21578, 21561, 21563, 21560, 21550, {f: 2, c: 21557}, 21536, 21564, 21568, 21553, 21547, 21535, 21548, 22250, 22256, 22244, 22251, 22346, 22353, 22336, 22349, 22343, 22350, 22334, 22352, 22351, 22331, 22767, 22846, 22941, 22930, 22952, 22942, 22947, 22937, 22934, 22925, 22948, 22931, 22922, 22949, 23389, 23388, {f: 2, c: 23386}, 23436, 23435, 23439, 23596, {f: 2, c: 23616}, 23615, 23614, {f: 2, c: 23696}, 23700, 23692, 24043, 24076, 24207, 24199, 24202, 24311, 24324, 24351, 24420, 24418, 24439, 24441, 24536, 24524, 24535, 24525, 24561, 24555, 24568, 24554, 25106, 25105, 25220, 25239, 25238, 25216, 25206, 25225, 25197, 25226, 25212, 25214, 25209, 25203, 25234, 25199, 25240, 25198, 25237, 25235, 25233, 25222, 25913, 25915, 25912, 26097, 26356, 26463, {f: 4, c: 26446}, 26460, 26454, [26462, 57801], 26441, 26438, 26464, 26451, 26455, 27493, 27599, 27714, 27742, 27801, 27777, {f: 2, c: 27784}, 27781, 27803, 27754, 27770, 27792, 27760, 27788, 27752, 27798, 27794, 27773, 27779, 27762, 27774, 27764, 27782, 27766, 27789, 27796, 27800, 27778, 28790, {f: 2, c: 28796}, 28792, 29282, 29281, 29280, 29380, 29378, 29590, 29996, 29995, {f: 2, c: 30007}, 30338, 30447, 30691, 31169, 31168, 31167, 31350, 31995, 32597, 32918, 32915, 32925, 32920, 32923, 32922, 32946, 33391, 33426, 33419, 33421, [12178, 35211], [12179, 35282], [12180, 35328], [12181, 35895], [12182, 35910], [12183, 35925], [12185, 35997], [12186, 36196], [12187, 36208], [12188, 36275], [12189, 36523], [12190, 36554], [12191, 36763], [12192, 36784], 36802, 36806, 36805, 36804, 24033, [12194, 37009], 37026, 37034, 37030, 37027, [12195, 37193], [12196, 37318], [12197, 37324], 38450, 38446, 38449, 38442, 38444, 20006, 20054, 20083, 20107, 20123, 20126, {f: 2, c: 20139}, 20335, 20381, 20365, 20339, 20351, 20332, 20379, 20363, 20358, 20355, 20336, 20341, 20360, 20329, 20347, 20374, 20350, 20367, 20369, 20346, 20820, 20818, 20821, 20841, 20855, 20854, 20856, 20925, 20989, 21051, 21048, 21047, 21050, 21040, 21038, 21046, 21057, 21182, 21179, 21330, 21332, 21331, 21329, 21350, {f: 3, c: 21367}, 21462, 21460, 21463, 21619, 21621, 21654, 21624, 21653, 21632, 21627, 21623, 21636, 21650, 21638, 21628, 21648, 21617, 21622, 21644, 21658, 21602, 21608, 21643, 21629, 21646, 22266, 22403, 22391, 22378, 22377, 22369, 22374, 22372, 22396, 22812, 22857, {f: 2, c: 22855}, 22852, 22868, 22974, 22971, 22996, 22969, 22958, 22993, 22982, 22992, 22989, 22987, 22995, 22986, 22959, 22963, 22994, 22981, 23391, 23396, 23395, 23447, 23450, 23448, 23452, 23449, 23451, 23578, 23624, {f: 2, c: 23621}, 23735, 23713, 23736, 23721, 23723, 23729, 23731, 24088, 24090, 24086, 24085, 24091, 24081, 24184, 24218, 24215, 24220, {f: 2, c: 24213}, 24310, {f: 2, c: 24358}, 24361, {f: 2, c: 24448}, 24447, 24444, 24541, 24544, 24573, 24565, 24575, 24591, 24596, 24623, 24629, 24598, 24618, 24597, 24609, 24615, 24617, 24619, 24603, 25110, 25109, 25151, 25150, 25152, 25215, 25289, 25292, 25284, 25279, 25282, 25273, 25298, 25307, 25259, {f: 2, c: 25299}, 25291, 25288, 25256, 25277, 25276, [25296, 60582], 25305, 25287, 25293, 25269, 25306, 25265, 25304, {f: 2, c: 25302}, 25286, 25260, [25294, 61010], 25918, 26023, 26044, 26106, 26132, 26131, 26124, 26118, 26114, 26126, 26112, 26127, 26133, 26122, 26119, 26381, 26379, 26477, 26507, 26517, 26481, 26524, 26483, 26487, 26503, 26525, 26519, {f: 2, c: 26479}, 26495, 26505, 26494, 26512, 26485, 26522, 26515, 26492, 26474, 26482, 27427, {f: 2, c: 27494}, 27519, 27667, 27675, 27875, 27880, 27891, 27825, 27852, 27877, 27827, {f: 2, c: 27837}, 27836, 27874, 27819, 27861, 27859, 27832, 27844, 27833, 27841, 27822, 27863, 27845, 27889, 27839, 27835, 27873, 27867, 27850, 27820, 27887, 27868, 27862, 27872, 28821, 28814, 28818, 28810, 28825, {f: 2, c: 29228}, 29240, 29256, 29287, 29289, 29376, 29390, 29401, 29399, 29392, 29609, 29608, 29599, 29611, 29605, 30013, 30109, {f: 2, c: 30105}, 30340, 30402, 30450, 30452, 30693, 30717, 31038, {f: 2, c: 31040}, 31177, 31176, 31354, 31353, 31482, 31998, 32596, 32652, 32651, [32773, 58236], 32954, 32933, 32930, 32945, 32929, 32939, 32937, 32948, 32938, 32943, 33253, 33278, 33293, 33459, 33437, 33433, 33453, 33469, 33439, 33465, 33457, 33452, 33445, 33455, 33464, 33443, 33456, 33470, 33463, 34382, 34417, 21021, 34920, 36555, 36814, 36820, 36817, 37045, 37048, 37041, 37046, 37319, [12198, 37329], [12199, 38263], [12200, 38272], [12201, 38428], 38464, 38463, 38459, 38468, 38466, [12203, 38585], [12204, 38632], 38738, [12206, 38750], 20127, {f: 2, c: 20141}, 20449, 20405, 20399, 20415, 20448, 20433, 20431, 20445, 20419, 20406, 20440, 20447, 20426, 20439, 20398, 20432, 20420, 20418, 20442, 20430, 20446, 20407, 20823, 20882, 20881, 20896, 21070, 21059, 21066, 21069, 21068, 21067, 21063, 21191, 21193, 21187, 21185, 21261, 21335, 21371, 21402, 21467, 21676, 21696, 21672, 21710, 21705, 21688, 21670, 21683, 21703, 21698, 21693, 21674, 21697, 21700, 21704, 21679, 21675, 21681, 21691, 21673, 21671, 21695, 22271, 22402, 22411, 22432, 22435, 22434, 22478, 22446, 22419, 22869, 22865, 22863, 22862, 22864, 23004, 23000, 23039, 23011, 23016, 23043, 23013, 23018, 23002, 23014, 23041, 23035, 23401, 23459, 23462, 23460, 23458, 23461, 23553, {f: 2, c: 23630}, 23629, 23627, 23769, 23762, 24055, 24093, 24101, 24095, 24189, 24224, 24230, 24314, 24328, 24365, 24421, 24456, 24453, {f: 2, c: 24458}, 24455, 24460, 24457, 24594, 24605, 24608, 24613, 24590, 24616, 24653, 24688, 24680, [24674, 60712], 24646, 24643, 24684, 24683, 24682, 24676, 25153, 25308, 25366, 25353, 25340, 25325, 25345, 25326, 25341, 25351, 25329, 25335, 25327, 25324, 25342, 25332, 25361, 25346, 25919, 25925, 26027, 26045, 26082, 26149, 26157, 26144, 26151, 26159, 26143, 26152, 26161, 26148, 26359, 26623, 26579, 26609, 26580, 26576, 26604, 26550, 26543, 26613, 26601, 26607, 26564, 26577, 26548, 26586, 26597, 26552, 26575, 26590, 26611, 26544, 26585, 26594, 26589, 26578, 27498, 27523, 27526, 27573, 27602, 27607, 27679, 27849, 27915, 27954, 27946, 27969, 27941, 27916, 27953, 27934, 27927, 27963, {f: 2, c: 27965}, 27958, 27931, 27893, 27961, 27943, 27960, 27945, 27950, 27957, 27918, 27947, 28843, 28858, 28851, 28844, 28847, 28845, 28856, 28846, 28836, 29232, 29298, 29295, 29300, 29417, {f: 2, c: 29408}, 29623, 29642, 29627, 29618, 29645, 29632, 29619, 29978, 29997, 30031, 30028, 30030, 30027, 30123, {f: 2, c: 30116}, {f: 2, c: 30114}, 30328, {f: 3, c: 30342}, 30408, 30406, 30403, 30405, 30465, 30457, 30456, 30473, 30475, 30462, 30460, 30471, 30684, 30722, 30740, {f: 2, c: 30732}, 31046, 31049, 31048, 31047, {f: 2, c: 31161}, {f: 2, c: 31185}, 31179, 31359, 31361, 31487, 31485, 31869, 32002, 32005, 32000, 32009, 32007, 32004, 32006, 32568, 32654, 32703, 32784, 32781, 32785, 32822, 32982, 32997, 32986, {f: 2, c: 32963}, 32972, 32993, 32987, 32974, 32990, 32996, 32989, 33268, 33314, 33511, 33539, 33541, 33507, 33499, 33510, 33540, 33509, 33538, 33545, 33490, 33495, 33521, 33537, 33500, 33492, 33489, 33502, 33491, 33503, 33519, 33542, 34384, 34425, 34427, 34426, 34893, 34923, 35201, 35284, 35336, {f: 2, c: 35330}, 35998, 36000, 36212, 36211, 36276, 36557, 36556, 36848, 36838, 36834, 36842, 36837, 36845, 36843, 36836, 36840, 37066, 37070, 37057, 37059, 37195, 37194, 37325, 38274, 38480, {f: 3, c: 38475}, [12207, 38754], [12208, 38761], [12209, 38859], [12210, 38893], [12211, 38899], [12212, 38913], [12213, 39080], [12214, 39131], [12215, 39135], [12216, 39318], [12217, 39321], 20056, 20147, {f: 2, c: 20492}, 20515, 20463, 20518, 20517, 20472, [20521, 57375], 20502, 20486, 20540, 20511, 20506, 20498, 20497, 20474, 20480, 20500, 20520, 20465, 20513, 20491, 20505, 20504, 20467, 20462, 20525, 20522, 20478, 20523, 20489, 20860, {f: 2, c: 20900}, 20898, 20941, 20940, 20934, 20939, 21078, 21084, 21076, 21083, 21085, 21290, [21375, 57459], 21407, 21405, 21471, 21736, 21776, 21761, 21815, 21756, 21733, 21746, 21766, 21754, 21780, 21737, 21741, 21729, 21769, 21742, 21738, 21734, 21799, 21767, 21757, 21775, {f: 2, c: 22275}, 22466, 22484, 22475, 22467, 22537, 22799, {f: 2, c: 22871}, 22874, 23057, 23064, 23068, 23071, 23067, 23059, 23020, 23072, 23075, 23081, 23077, 23052, 23049, 23403, 23640, 23472, 23475, 23478, 23476, 23470, 23477, 23481, 23480, 23556, 23633, 23637, 23632, 23789, 23805, 23803, 23786, 23784, 23792, 23798, 23809, 23796, 24046, 24109, 24107, 24235, 24237, 24231, 24369, 24466, 24465, 24464, 24665, 24675, 24677, 24656, 24661, 24685, 24681, 24687, 24708, 24735, 24730, 24717, 24724, 24716, 24709, 24726, 25159, 25331, 25352, 25343, 25422, 25406, 25391, 25429, 25410, 25414, 25423, 25417, 25402, 25424, 25405, {f: 2, c: 25386}, 25384, 25421, 25420, {f: 2, c: 25928}, 26009, 26049, 26053, 26178, 26185, 26191, 26179, 26194, 26188, 26181, 26177, 26360, {f: 2, c: 26388}, 26391, 26657, 26680, 26696, 26694, 26707, 26681, 26690, 26708, 26665, 26803, 26647, 26700, 26705, 26685, 26612, 26704, 26688, 26684, 26691, 26666, 26693, 26643, 26648, 26689, 27530, 27529, 27575, 27683, {f: 2, c: 27687}, 27686, 27684, 27888, 28010, 28053, 28040, 28039, 28006, 28024, 28023, 27993, 28051, 28012, 28041, 28014, 27994, 28020, 28009, 28044, 28042, 28025, 28037, 28005, 28052, 28874, 28888, 28900, 28889, 28872, 28879, 29241, 29305, 29436, 29433, 29437, 29432, 29431, 29574, 29677, 29705, 29678, 29664, 29674, 29662, 30036, 30045, 30044, 30042, 30041, 30142, 30149, 30151, {f: 2, c: 30130}, 30141, 30140, 30137, 30146, 30136, 30347, 30384, 30410, {f: 2, c: 30413}, 30505, {f: 2, c: 30495}, 30504, 30697, 30768, 30759, 30776, 30749, 30772, 30775, 30757, 30765, 30752, 30751, 30770, 31061, 31056, 31072, 31071, 31062, 31070, 31069, 31063, 31066, 31204, [31203, 60418], 31207, 31199, 31206, 31209, 31192, 31364, 31368, 31449, 31494, 31505, 31881, 32033, 32023, 32011, 32010, 32032, 32034, 32020, 32016, 32021, 32026, 32028, 32013, 32025, 32027, 32570, 32607, 32660, 32709, 32705, 32774, 32772, 32792, 32789, 32793, 32791, 32829, 32831, 33009, 33026, 33008, 33029, 33005, 33012, 33030, 33016, 33011, 33032, 33021, 33034, 33020, 33007, 33261, 33260, 33280, 33296, {f: 2, c: 33322}, 33320, 33324, 33467, 33579, 33618, 33620, 33610, 33592, 33616, 33609, 33589, 33588, 33615, 33586, 33593, 33590, 33559, 33600, 33585, 33576, 33603, 34388, 34442, 34474, 34451, 34468, 34473, 34444, 34467, 34460, 34928, 34935, {f: 2, c: 34945}, 34941, 34937, 35352, 35344, 35342, 35340, 35349, 35338, 35351, 35347, 35350, 35343, 35345, 35912, 35962, 35961, {f: 2, c: 36001}, [36215, 58442], 36524, 36562, 36564, 36559, 36785, 36865, 36870, 36855, 36864, 36858, 36852, 36867, 36861, 36869, 36856, 37013, 37089, 37085, 37090, 37202, 37197, 37196, 37336, 37341, 37335, 37340, 37337, 38275, {f: 2, c: 38498}, 38497, 38491, 38493, 38500, 38488, 38494, 38587, 39138, [12218, 39340], [12219, 39592], [12220, 39640], [12222, 39717], [12224, 39730], [12225, 39740], 20094, 20602, [20605, 57382], 20572, 20551, 20547, 20556, 20570, 20553, 20581, 20598, 20558, 20565, 20597, 20596, 20599, 20559, 20495, 20591, 20589, 20828, 20885, 20976, 21098, 21103, 21202, 21209, 21208, 21205, 21264, 21263, 21273, {f: 2, c: 21311}, 21310, 21443, 26364, 21830, 21866, 21862, 21828, 21854, 21857, 21827, 21834, 21809, 21846, 21839, 21845, 21807, 21860, 21816, 21806, 21852, 21804, 21859, 21811, 21825, 21847, 22280, 22283, 22281, 22495, 22533, 22538, 22534, 22496, 22500, 22522, 22530, 22581, 22519, 22521, 22816, 22882, 23094, 23105, 23113, 23142, 23146, 23104, 23100, 23138, 23130, 23110, 23114, 23408, 23495, 23493, 23492, 23490, 23487, 23494, 23561, 23560, 23559, 23648, {f: 2, c: 23644}, 23815, 23814, 23822, 23835, 23830, 23842, 23825, 23849, 23828, 23833, 23844, 23847, 23831, 24034, 24120, 24118, 24115, 24119, {f: 2, c: 24247}, 24246, 24245, 24254, 24373, 24375, 24407, 24428, 24425, 24427, 24471, 24473, 24478, 24472, 24481, 24480, 24476, 24703, 24739, 24713, 24736, 24744, 24779, 24756, 24806, 24765, 24773, 24763, 24757, 24796, 24764, 24792, 24789, 24774, 24799, 24760, 24794, 24775, {f: 2, c: 25114}, 25160, 25504, 25511, 25458, 25494, 25506, 25509, 25463, 25447, 25496, 25514, 25457, 25513, 25481, 25475, 25499, 25451, 25512, 25476, 25480, 25497, 25505, 25516, 25490, 25487, 25472, 25467, 25449, 25448, 25466, 25949, 25942, 25937, 25945, 25943, 21855, 25935, 25944, 25941, 25940, 26012, 26011, 26028, 26063, {f: 2, c: 26059}, 26062, 26205, 26202, 26212, 26216, 26214, 26206, 26361, 21207, 26395, 26753, 26799, 26786, 26771, 26805, 26751, 26742, 26801, 26791, 26775, 26800, 26755, 26820, 26797, 26758, 26757, 26772, 26781, 26792, 26783, 26785, 26754, 27442, 27578, {f: 2, c: 27627}, 27691, 28046, 28092, 28147, 28121, 28082, 28129, 28108, 28132, 28155, 28154, 28165, 28103, 28107, 28079, 28113, 28078, 28126, 28153, 28088, 28151, 28149, 28101, 28114, 28186, 28085, 28122, 28139, 28120, 28138, 28145, 28142, 28136, 28102, 28100, 28074, 28140, 28095, 28134, 28921, {f: 2, c: 28937}, 28925, 28911, 29245, 29309, 29313, 29468, 29467, 29462, 29459, 29465, 29575, 29701, 29706, 29699, 29702, 29694, 29709, 29920, {f: 2, c: 29942}, 29980, 29986, {f: 2, c: 30053}, 30050, 30064, 30095, {f: 2, c: 30164}, 30133, 30154, 30157, 30350, 30420, 30418, 30427, 30519, 30526, 30524, 30518, 30520, 30522, 30827, 30787, 30798, 31077, 31080, 31085, 31227, 31378, 31381, 31520, 31528, 31515, 31532, 31526, 31513, 31518, 31534, 31890, 31895, 31893, 32070, 32067, 32113, 32046, 32057, 32060, 32064, 32048, 32051, 32068, 32047, 32066, 32050, 32049, 32573, 32670, 32666, 32716, 32718, 32722, 32796, 32842, 32838, 33071, 33046, 33059, 33067, 33065, 33072, 33060, 33282, 33333, 33335, 33334, 33337, 33678, 33694, 33688, 33656, 33698, 33686, 33725, 33707, 33682, 33674, 33683, 33673, 33696, 33655, {f: 2, c: 33659}, 33670, 33703, 34389, 24426, 34503, 34496, 34486, 34500, 34485, 34502, 34507, 34481, 34479, 34505, 34899, 34974, 34952, 34987, 34962, 34966, 34957, 34955, 35219, 35215, 35370, 35357, 35363, 35365, 35377, 35373, 35359, 35355, 35362, 35913, 35930, 36009, 36012, 36011, 36008, 36010, 36007, 36199, 36198, 36286, 36282, 36571, 36575, 36889, 36877, 36890, 36887, 36899, 36895, 36893, 36880, 36885, 36894, 36896, 36879, 36898, 36886, 36891, 36884, 37096, 37101, [37117, 58488], 37207, 37326, 37365, 37350, 37347, 37351, 37357, 37353, 38281, 38506, 38517, 38515, 38520, 38512, 38516, {f: 2, c: 38518}, 38508, 38592, 38634, 38633, 31456, 31455, {f: 2, c: 38914}, [12226, 39770], [12227, 40165], [12228, 40565], [12229, 40575], [12230, 40613], [12231, 40635], 20642, 20621, 20613, 20633, 20625, 20608, 20630, 20632, 20634, 26368, 20977, 21106, {f: 2, c: 21108}, 21097, 21214, 21213, 21211, 21338, 21413, 21883, 21888, 21927, 21884, 21898, 21917, 21912, 21890, 21916, 21930, 21908, 21895, 21899, 21891, 21939, 21934, 21919, 21822, 21938, 21914, 21947, 21932, 21937, 21886, 21897, 21931, 21913, 22285, 22575, 22570, 22580, 22564, {f: 2, c: 22576}, 22561, 22557, 22560, {f: 2, c: 22777}, 22880, [23159, 57587], 23194, 23167, 23186, 23195, 23207, 23411, 23409, 23506, 23500, 23507, 23504, {f: 2, c: 23562}, 23601, 23884, 23888, 23860, 23879, 24061, 24133, 24125, 24128, 24131, 24190, 24266, {f: 2, c: 24257}, 24260, 24380, 24429, {f: 2, c: 24489}, 24488, 24785, 24801, 24754, 24758, 24800, 24860, 24867, 24826, 24853, 24816, 24827, 24820, 24936, 24817, 24846, 24822, 24841, 24832, 24850, 25119, 25161, 25507, 25484, 25551, 25536, 25577, 25545, 25542, 25549, 25554, 25571, 25552, 25569, 25558, {f: 2, c: 25581}, 25462, 25588, 25578, 25563, 25682, 25562, 25593, 25950, 25958, {f: 2, c: 25954}, 26001, 26000, 26031, 26222, 26224, [26228, 57786], 26230, 26223, 26257, 26234, 26238, 26231, {f: 2, c: 26366}, 26399, 26397, 26874, 26837, 26848, 26840, 26839, 26885, 26847, 26869, 26862, 26855, 26873, 26834, 26866, 26851, 26827, 26829, 26893, 26898, 26894, 26825, 26842, 26990, 26875, 27454, 27450, 27453, 27544, 27542, 27580, 27631, {f: 2, c: 27694}, 27692, [28207, 57904], 28216, 28244, 28193, 28210, 28263, 28234, 28192, 28197, 28195, 28187, 28251, 28248, 28196, 28246, 28270, 28205, 28198, 28271, 28212, 28237, 28218, 28204, 28227, [28189, 57901], 28222, 28363, 28297, 28185, 28238, 28259, 28228, 28274, 28265, 28255, {f: 2, c: 28953}, 28966, 28976, 28961, 28982, [29038, 57958], 28956, 29260, 29316, 29312, 29494, 29477, 29492, 29481, 29754, 29738, 29747, 29730, 29733, {f: 2, c: 29749}, 29748, 29743, 29723, 29734, 29736, {f: 2, c: 29989}, 30059, 30058, 30178, 30171, 30179, 30169, 30168, 30174, 30176, {f: 2, c: 30331}, 30358, 30355, 30388, 30428, 30543, 30701, 30813, 30828, 30831, 31245, 31240, 31243, 31237, 31232, 31384, 31383, 31382, 31461, 31459, 31561, 31574, 31558, 31568, 31570, 31572, 31565, 31563, 31567, [31569, 60510], 31903, 31909, 32094, 32080, 32104, 32085, 32043, 32110, 32114, 32097, 32102, 32098, 32112, 32115, 21892, {f: 2, c: 32724}, 32779, 32850, 32901, 33109, 33108, 33099, 33105, 33102, 33081, 33094, 33086, 33100, 33107, 33140, 33298, 33308, 33769, 33795, 33784, 33805, 33760, 33733, 33803, [33729, 58309], 33775, 33777, 33780, 33879, 33802, 33776, 33804, 33740, 33789, 33778, 33738, 33848, 33806, 33796, 33756, 33799, 33748, 33759, 34395, 34527, 34521, 34541, 34516, 34523, 34532, 34512, 34526, 34903, {f: 2, c: 35009}, 34993, 35203, 35222, 35387, 35424, 35413, 35422, 35388, 35393, 35412, 35419, 35408, 35398, 35380, 35386, 35382, 35414, 35937, 35970, 36015, 36028, 36019, 36029, 36033, 36027, 36032, 36020, 36023, 36022, 36031, 36024, 36234, 36229, 36225, 36302, 36317, 36299, 36314, 36305, 36300, 36315, 36294, 36603, 36600, 36604, 36764, 36910, 36917, 36913, 36920, 36914, 36918, 37122, 37109, 37129, 37118, 37219, 37221, 37327, {f: 2, c: 37396}, 37411, 37385, 37406, 37389, 37392, 37383, 37393, 38292, 38287, 38283, 38289, 38291, 38290, 38286, 38538, 38542, 38539, 38525, {f: 2, c: 38533}, 38541, 38514, 38532, 38593, 38597, 38596, {f: 2, c: 38598}, 38639, 38642, 38860, {f: 2, c: 38917}, 38920, 39143, 39146, 39151, 39145, 39154, 39149, 39342, 39341, [12232, 40643], [12233, 40653], [12234, 40657], 20098, 20653, 20661, {f: 2, c: 20658}, 20677, 20670, 20652, 20663, 20667, 20655, 20679, 21119, 21111, 21117, 21215, 21222, 21220, {f: 2, c: 21218}, 21295, 21983, 21992, 21971, 21990, 21966, 21980, 21959, 21969, {f: 2, c: 21987}, 21999, 21978, 21985, {f: 2, c: 21957}, 21989, 21961, {f: 2, c: 22290}, 22622, 22609, 22616, 22615, 22618, 22612, 22635, 22604, 22637, 22602, 22626, 22610, 22603, 22887, 23233, 23241, 23244, 23230, 23229, 23228, 23219, 23234, 23218, 23913, 23919, 24140, 24185, 24265, 24264, 24338, 24409, 24492, 24494, 24858, 24847, 24904, 24863, 24819, 24859, 24825, 24833, 24840, 24910, 24908, 24900, 24909, 24894, 24884, 24871, 24845, 24838, 24887, {f: 2, c: 25121}, 25619, 25662, 25630, 25642, 25645, 25661, 25644, 25615, 25628, 25620, 25613, 25654, {f: 2, c: 25622}, 25606, 25964, 26015, 26032, 26263, 26249, {f: 2, c: 26247}, 26262, 26244, 26264, 26253, 26371, 27028, 26989, 26970, 26999, 26976, 26964, 26997, 26928, 27010, 26954, 26984, 26987, 26974, 26963, 27001, 27014, 26973, 26979, 26971, 27463, 27506, 27584, 27583, 27603, 27645, 28322, 28335, 28371, 28342, 28354, 28304, 28317, 28359, 28357, 28325, 28312, 28348, 28346, 28331, 28369, 28310, 28316, 28356, 28372, 28330, 28327, 28340, 29006, 29017, 29033, 29028, 29001, 29031, 29020, 29036, 29030, 29004, 29029, 29022, 28998, 29032, 29014, 29242, 29266, 29495, 29509, 29503, 29502, 29807, 29786, 29781, 29791, 29790, 29761, 29759, 29785, 29787, [29788, 58019], 30070, 30072, 30208, 30192, 30209, 30194, 30193, 30202, 30207, 30196, 30195, {f: 2, c: 30430}, 30555, 30571, 30566, 30558, 30563, 30585, 30570, 30572, 30556, 30565, 30568, 30562, 30702, 30862, 30896, {f: 2, c: 30871}, 30860, 30857, 30844, 30865, 30867, 30847, 31098, 31103, 31105, 33836, 31165, 31260, 31258, 31264, 31252, 31263, 31262, {f: 2, c: 31391}, 31607, 31680, 31584, 31598, 31591, 31921, 31923, 31925, 32147, 32121, 32145, 32129, 32143, 32091, 32622, {f: 2, c: 32617}, 32626, 32681, 32680, 32676, 32854, 32856, 32902, 32900, 33137, 33136, 33144, 33125, 33134, 33139, 33131, {f: 2, c: 33145}, 33126, 33285, 33351, 33922, 33911, 33853, 33841, 33909, 33894, 33899, 33865, 33900, 33883, 33852, 33845, 33889, 33891, 33897, 33901, 33862, 34398, 34396, 34399, 34553, 34579, 34568, 34567, 34560, 34558, 34555, {f: 2, c: 34562}, 34566, 34570, 34905, 35039, 35028, 35033, 35036, 35032, 35037, 35041, 35018, 35029, 35026, 35228, 35299, 35435, {f: 2, c: 35442}, 35430, 35433, 35440, 35463, 35452, 35427, 35488, 35441, 35461, 35437, 35426, 35438, 35436, 35449, 35451, 35390, 35432, 35938, 35978, 35977, 36042, {f: 2, c: 36039}, 36036, 36018, 36035, 36034, 36037, 36321, 36319, 36328, 36335, 36339, 36346, 36330, 36324, 36326, 36530, 36611, 36617, 36606, 36618, 36767, 36786, 36939, 36938, 36947, 36930, 36948, 36924, 36949, 36944, 36935, 36943, 36942, 36941, 36945, 36926, 36929, 37138, 37143, 37228, 37226, 37225, 37321, 37431, 37463, 37432, 37437, 37440, 37438, 37467, 37451, 37476, 37457, 37428, 37449, 37453, 37445, 37433, 37439, 37466, 38296, 38552, {f: 2, c: 38548}, 38605, 38603, {f: 2, c: 38601}, 38647, 38651, 38649, 38646, 38742, 38772, 38774, {f: 2, c: 38928}, 38931, 38922, 38930, 38924, 39164, 39156, {f: 2, c: 39165}, 39347, 39345, 39348, 39649, 40169, 40578, [12237, 40718], [12238, 40723], [12239, 40736], 20711, 20718, 20709, 20694, [20717, 60903], 20698, 20693, 20687, 20689, 20721, 20686, 20713, 20834, 20979, 21123, 21122, 21297, 21421, 22014, 22016, 22043, 22039, 22013, 22036, 22022, 22025, {f: 2, c: 22029}, 22007, 22038, 22047, 22024, 22032, 22006, 22296, 22294, 22645, 22654, 22659, 22675, 22666, 22649, 22661, 22653, 22781, 22821, 22818, 22820, 22890, 22889, 23265, 23270, 23273, 23255, 23254, 23256, 23267, 23413, 23518, 23527, 23521, {f: 2, c: 23525}, 23528, 23522, 23524, 23519, 23565, 23650, 23940, 23943, 24155, 24163, 24149, 24151, 24148, 24275, 24278, 24330, 24390, 24432, 24505, 24903, 24895, 24907, 24951, {f: 2, c: 24930}, 24927, 24922, 24920, 24949, 25130, 25735, 25688, 25684, 25764, 25720, 25695, 25722, 25681, 25703, 25652, 25709, 25723, 25970, 26017, 26071, 26070, 26274, 26280, 26269, 27036, 27048, 27029, 27073, 27054, 27091, 27083, 27035, 27063, 27067, 27051, 27060, 27088, 27085, 27053, 27084, 27046, 27075, 27043, 27465, 27468, 27699, 28467, 28436, 28414, 28435, 28404, 28457, 28478, 28448, 28460, 28431, 28418, 28450, 28415, 28399, 28422, 28465, 28472, 28466, 28451, 28437, 28459, 28463, 28552, 28458, 28396, 28417, 28402, 28364, 28407, 29076, 29081, 29053, 29066, 29060, 29074, 29246, 29330, 29334, 29508, 29520, 29796, 29795, 29802, 29808, 29805, 29956, 30097, 30247, 30221, 30219, 30217, 30227, 30433, 30435, 30596, 30589, 30591, 30561, 30913, 30879, 30887, 30899, 30889, 30883, {f: 2, c: 31118}, 31117, 31278, 31281, 31402, 31401, 31469, 31471, 31649, 31637, 31627, 31605, 31639, 31645, 31636, 31631, [31672, 58170], 31623, 31620, 31929, {f: 2, c: 31933}, 32187, 32176, 32156, {f: 2, c: 32189}, 32160, 32202, 32180, 32178, 32177, 32186, 32162, 32191, 32181, 32184, 32173, [32210, 58202], 32199, 32172, 32624, {f: 2, c: 32736}, 32735, 32862, 32858, 32903, 33104, 33152, 33167, 33160, 33162, 33151, 33154, 33255, 33274, 33287, 33300, 33310, 33355, 33993, 33983, 33990, 33988, 33945, 33950, 33970, 33948, 33995, 33976, 33984, 34003, 33936, 33980, 34001, 33994, 34623, 34588, 34619, 34594, 34597, 34612, 34584, 34645, 34615, 34601, 35059, 35074, 35060, 35065, 35064, 35069, 35048, 35098, 35055, 35494, 35468, 35486, 35491, 35469, 35489, 35475, 35492, 35498, 35493, 35496, 35480, 35473, 35482, 35495, 35946, 35981, 35980, 36051, {f: 2, c: 36049}, 36203, 36249, 36245, 36348, 36628, 36626, 36629, 36627, 36771, 36960, 36952, 36956, 36963, 36953, 36958, 36962, 36957, 36955, 37145, 37144, 37150, 37237, 37240, 37239, 37236, 37496, 37548, 37504, 37509, 37528, 37526, 37499, 37523, 37532, 37544, 37500, 37521, 38305, {f: 2, c: 38312}, 38307, 38309, 38308, 38553, 38556, 38555, 38604, 38610, 38656, 38780, 38789, 38902, {f: 2, c: 38935}, 39087, 39089, 39171, 39173, 39180, 39177, 39361, {f: 2, c: 39599}, 39654, {f: 2, c: 39745}, 40180, 40182, 40179, 40636, [12240, 40763], [12241, 40778], 20740, 20736, 20731, 20725, 20729, 20738, {f: 2, c: 20744}, 20741, 20956, {f: 3, c: 21127}, 21133, 21130, 21232, 21426, 22062, 22075, 22073, 22066, 22079, 22068, 22057, 22099, 22094, 22103, 22132, 22070, {f: 2, c: 22063}, 22656, 22687, 22686, 22707, 22684, 22702, 22697, 22694, 22893, 23305, 23291, 23307, 23285, 23308, 23304, 23534, 23532, 23529, 23531, {f: 2, c: 23652}, 23965, 23956, 24162, 24159, 24161, 24290, 24282, 24287, 24285, 24291, 24288, 24392, 24433, 24503, 24501, 24950, 24935, 24942, 24925, 24917, 24962, 24956, 24944, 24939, 24958, 24999, 24976, 25003, 24974, 25004, 24986, 24996, 24980, 25006, 25134, 25705, 25711, 25721, 25758, 25778, 25736, [25744, 57745], 25776, 25765, 25747, 25749, 25769, 25746, 25774, 25773, 25771, 25754, 25772, 25753, 25762, 25779, 25973, {f: 2, c: 25975}, 26286, 26283, 26292, 26289, 27171, 27167, 27112, 27137, 27166, 27161, 27133, 27169, 27155, 27146, 27123, 27138, 27141, 27117, 27153, 27472, 27470, 27556, {f: 2, c: 27589}, 28479, 28540, 28548, 28497, 28518, 28500, 28550, 28525, 28507, 28536, 28526, 28558, 28538, 28528, 28516, 28567, 28504, 28373, 28527, 28512, 28511, 29087, 29100, 29105, 29096, 29270, 29339, 29518, 29527, 29801, 29835, 29827, 29822, 29824, 30079, 30240, 30249, 30239, 30244, 30246, {f: 2, c: 30241}, 30362, 30394, 30436, 30606, 30599, 30604, 30609, 30603, 30923, 30917, 30906, 30922, 30910, 30933, 30908, 30928, 31295, 31292, 31296, 31293, 31287, 31291, 31407, 31406, 31661, 31665, 31684, 31668, {f: 2, c: 31686}, 31681, 31648, 31692, 31946, 32224, 32244, 32239, 32251, 32216, 32236, 32221, 32232, 32227, 32218, 32222, 32233, 32158, 32217, 32242, 32249, 32629, 32631, 32687, 32745, 32806, {f: 3, c: 33179}, 33184, 33178, 33176, 34071, 34109, 34074, 34030, {f: 2, c: 34092}, 34067, 34065, 34083, 34081, 34068, 34028, 34085, 34047, 34054, 34690, 34676, 34678, 34656, 34662, 34680, 34664, 34649, 34647, 34636, 34643, 34907, 34909, 35088, 35079, {f: 2, c: 35090}, 35093, 35082, 35516, 35538, 35527, 35524, 35477, 35531, 35576, 35506, 35529, 35522, 35519, 35504, 35542, 35533, 35510, 35513, 35547, 35916, 35918, 35948, 36064, 36062, 36070, 36068, {f: 2, c: 36076}, {f: 2, c: 36066}, 36060, 36074, 36065, 36205, 36255, 36259, 36395, 36368, 36381, 36386, 36367, 36393, 36383, 36385, 36382, 36538, 36637, 36635, 36639, 36649, 36646, 36650, 36636, 36638, 36645, 36969, 36974, 36968, 36973, 36983, 37168, 37165, 37159, 37169, 37255, 37257, 37259, 37251, 37573, 37563, 37559, 37610, 37604, 37569, 37555, 37564, 37586, 37575, 37616, 37554, 38317, 38321, 38660, {f: 2, c: 38662}, 38665, 38752, 38797, 38795, 38799, 38945, 38955, 38940, 39091, 39178, 39187, 39186, 39192, 39389, 39376, 39391, 39387, 39377, 39381, 39378, 39385, 39607, {f: 2, c: 39662}, 39719, 39749, 39748, 39799, 39791, 40198, 40201, 40195, 40617, 40638, 40654, 22696, [12242, 40786], 20754, 20760, 20756, 20752, 20757, 20864, 20906, 20957, 21137, 21139, 21235, 22105, 22123, 22137, 22121, 22116, 22136, 22122, 22120, 22117, 22129, 22127, 22124, 22114, 22134, 22721, 22718, 22727, 22725, 22894, 23325, 23348, 23416, 23536, 23566, 24394, 25010, 24977, 25001, 24970, 25037, 25014, 25022, 25034, 25032, 25136, 25797, 25793, 25803, {f: 2, c: 25787}, 25818, 25796, 25799, 25794, 25805, 25791, 25810, 25812, 25790, 25972, 26310, 26313, 26297, 26308, 26311, 26296, 27197, 27192, 27194, 27225, 27243, 27224, 27193, 27204, 27234, 27233, 27211, 27207, 27189, 27231, 27208, 27481, 27511, 27653, 28610, 28593, 28577, 28611, 28580, 28609, 28583, 28595, 28608, 28601, [28598, 60318], 28582, 28576, 28596, 29118, 29129, 29136, 29138, 29128, 29141, 29113, 29134, 29145, 29148, {f: 2, c: 29123}, 29544, 29852, 29859, 29848, 29855, 29854, 29922, {f: 2, c: 29964}, 30260, 30264, 30266, 30439, 30437, 30624, {f: 2, c: 30622}, 30629, 30952, 30938, 30956, 30951, 31142, {f: 2, c: 31309}, 31302, 31308, 31307, 31418, 31705, 31761, 31689, 31716, 31707, 31713, 31721, 31718, {f: 2, c: 31957}, 32266, 32273, 32264, 32283, 32291, 32286, [32285, 58211], 32265, 32272, 32633, 32690, {f: 2, c: 32752}, 32750, [32808, 58239], 33203, 33193, 33192, 33275, 33288, {f: 2, c: 33368}, 34122, 34137, 34120, {f: 2, c: 34152}, 34115, 34121, 34157, 34154, 34142, 34691, 34719, 34718, 34722, 34701, 34913, 35114, 35122, 35109, 35115, 35105, 35242, [35238, 58391], 35558, 35578, 35563, 35569, 35584, 35548, 35559, 35566, 35582, {f: 2, c: 35585}, 35575, 35565, 35571, 35574, 35580, 35947, 35949, 35987, 36084, 36420, 36401, 36404, 36418, 36409, 36405, 36667, 36655, 36664, 36659, 36776, 36774, 36981, 36980, 36984, 36978, 36988, 36986, 37172, 37266, 37664, 37686, 37624, 37683, 37679, 37666, 37628, 37675, 37636, 37658, 37648, 37670, 37665, 37653, 37678, 37657, 38331, {f: 2, c: 38567}, 38570, 38613, 38670, 38673, 38678, 38669, 38675, 38671, 38747, [38748, 58565], 38758, 38808, 38960, 38968, 38971, 38967, 38957, 38969, 38948, 39184, 39208, 39198, 39195, 39201, 39194, 39405, 39394, 39409, 39608, 39612, 39675, 39661, 39720, 39825, 40213, 40227, 40230, 40232, 40210, 40219, 40664, 40660, [12243, 40845], [12244, 40860], 20778, 20767, 20769, 20786, 21237, 22158, 22144, 22160, 22149, 22151, 22159, 22741, 22739, 22737, 22734, 23344, 23338, 23332, 23418, 23607, 23656, 23996, 23994, 23997, 23992, 24171, 24396, 24509, 25033, 25026, 25031, 25062, 25035, 25138, 25140, 25806, 25802, 25816, 25824, 25840, 25830, 25836, 25841, 25826, 25837, {f: 2, c: 25986}, 26329, 26326, 27264, 27284, 27268, 27298, 27292, 27355, 27299, 27262, 27287, 27280, 27296, 27484, 27566, 27610, 27656, 28632, 28657, {f: 2, c: 28639}, 28635, 28644, 28651, 28655, 28544, 28652, 28641, 28649, 28629, 28654, 28656, 29159, [29151, 60361], 29166, 29158, 29157, 29165, 29164, 29172, 29152, 29237, 29254, 29552, 29554, 29865, 29872, 29862, 29864, 30278, 30274, 30284, 30442, 30643, 30634, 30640, 30636, 30631, 30637, 30703, 30967, 30970, 30964, 30959, 30977, 31143, 31146, 31319, 31423, 31751, 31757, 31742, 31735, 31756, 31712, 31968, 31964, 31966, 31970, 31967, 31961, 31965, 32302, 32318, 32326, 32311, 32306, 32323, 32299, 32317, 32305, 32325, 32321, 32308, 32313, 32328, 32309, 32319, 32303, 32580, 32755, 32764, {f: 2, c: 32881}, 32880, 32879, 32883, 33222, 33219, 33210, 33218, 33216, 33215, 33213, 33225, 33214, 33256, 33289, 33393, 34218, 34180, 34174, 34204, 34193, 34196, 34223, 34203, 34183, 34216, 34186, 34214, 34407, 34752, 34769, 34739, 34770, 34758, 34731, 34747, 34746, 34760, 34763, 35131, 35126, 35140, 35128, 35133, 35244, 35598, 35607, 35609, 35611, 35594, 35616, 35613, 35588, 35600, 35905, 35903, 35955, 36090, 36093, 36092, 36088, 36091, 36264, 36425, 36427, 36424, 36426, 36676, 36670, 36674, 36677, 36671, 36991, 36989, 36996, {f: 2, c: 36993}, 36992, 37177, 37283, 37278, 37276, 37709, 37762, 37672, 37749, 37706, 37733, 37707, 37656, 37758, 37740, 37723, 37744, 37722, 37716, {f: 3, c: 38346}, 38344, 38342, 38577, 38584, 38614, 38684, 38686, 38816, 38867, 38982, 39094, 39221, 39425, 39423, 39854, 39851, 39850, 39853, 40251, 40255, 40587, 40655, 40670, {f: 2, c: 40668}, 40667, 40766, 40779, 21474, 22165, 22190, 22745, 22744, 23352, 24413, 25059, 25139, 25844, 25842, 25854, 25862, {f: 2, c: 25850}, 25847, 26039, 26332, 26406, 27315, 27308, 27331, 27323, 27320, 27330, {f: 2, c: 27310}, 27487, 27512, 27567, 28681, 28683, 28670, 28678, 28666, 28689, 28687, {f: 2, c: 29179}, 29182, 29176, 29559, 29557, 29863, 29887, 29973, 30294, 30296, 30290, 30653, 30655, {f: 2, c: 30651}, 30990, 31150, {f: 2, c: 31329}, 31328, {f: 2, c: 31428}, 31787, 31783, 31786, 31774, 31779, 31777, 31975, {f: 2, c: 32340}, 32350, 32346, 32353, 32338, 32345, 32584, 32761, 32763, 32887, 32886, 33229, 33231, 33290, 34255, 34217, 34253, 34256, 34249, 34224, 34234, 34233, 34799, 34796, 34802, 34784, 35206, 35250, 35316, 35624, 35641, 35628, 35627, 35920, 36101, 36441, 36451, 36454, 36452, 36447, 36437, 36544, 36681, 36685, 36999, 36995, 37000, {f: 2, c: 37291}, 37328, 37780, 37770, 37782, 37794, 37811, 37806, 37804, 37808, 37784, 37786, 37783, 38356, 38358, 38352, 38357, 38626, 38620, 38617, 38619, 38622, 38692, 38819, 38822, 38829, 38905, 38989, 38991, 38988, 38990, 38995, 39098, {f: 2, c: 39230}, 39229, 39214, 39333, 39438, 39617, 39683, 39686, 39759, 39758, 39757, 39882, 39881, 39933, 39880, 39872, 40273, 40285, 40288, 40672, 40725, 40748, 20787, 22181, 22184, {f: 2, c: 22750}, 22754, 23541, 40848, 24300, 25074, 25079, 25078, 25077, 25856, 25871, 26336, 26333, 27365, 27357, 27354, 27347, 28699, 28703, 28712, 28698, 28701, 28693, 28696, 29190, 29197, 29272, 29346, 29560, 29562, 29885, 29898, 29923, 30087, 30086, 30303, 30305, 30663, 31001, 31153, 31339, 31337, {f: 2, c: 31806}, 31800, 31805, 31799, 31808, 32363, 32365, 32377, {f: 2, c: 32361}, 32371, 32645, 32694, 32697, 32696, 33240, 34281, 34269, 34282, 34261, {f: 2, c: 34276}, 34295, 34811, 34821, 34829, 34809, 34814, 35168, 35167, 35158, 35166, 35649, 35676, 35672, 35657, 35674, {f: 2, c: 35662}, 35654, 35673, 36104, 36106, 36476, 36466, 36487, 36470, 36460, 36474, 36468, 36692, 36686, 36781, {f: 2, c: 37002}, 37297, 37294, 37857, 37841, 37855, 37827, 37832, {f: 2, c: 37852}, 37846, 37858, 37837, 37848, 37860, 37847, 37864, 38364, 38580, 38627, 38698, 38695, 38753, 38876, 38907, 39006, 39000, 39003, 39100, 39237, 39241, 39446, 39449, 39693, 39912, 39911, 39894, 39899, 40329, 40289, 40306, 40298, 40300, 40594, 40599, 40595, 40628, 21240, 22199, 22198, 22196, 22204, 22756, 23360, 23363, 23421, 23542, 24009, 25080, 25082, 25880, 25876, 25881, 26342, 26407, 27372, 28734, 28720, 28722, 29200, 29563, 29903, 30306, 30309, 31014, 31018, 31020, 31019, 31431, 31478, 31820, 31811, 31821, {f: 2, c: 31983}, 36782, 32381, 32380, 32386, 32588, 32768, 33242, 33382, 34299, 34297, 34321, 34298, 34310, 34315, 34311, 34314, {f: 2, c: 34836}, 35172, 35258, 35320, 35696, 35692, 35686, 35695, 35679, 35691, 36111, 36109, 36489, 36481, 36485, 36482, 37300, 37323, 37912, 37891, 37885, 38369, 38704, 39108, 39250, 39249, 39336, 39467, 39472, 39479, 39477, 39955, 39949, 40569, 40629, 40680, 40751, 40799, 40803, 40801, {f: 2, c: 20791}, 22209, 22208, 22210, 22804, 23660, 24013, 25084, 25086, 25885, 25884, 26005, 26345, 27387, 27396, 27386, 27570, 28748, 29211, 29351, 29910, 29908, 30313, 30675, 31824, 32399, 32396, 32700, 34327, 34349, 34330, 34851, 34850, 34849, 34847, 35178, 35180, 35261, 35700, 35703, 35709, 36115, 36490, 36493, 36491, 36703, 36783, 37306, 37934, 37939, 37941, 37946, 37944, 37938, 37931, 38370, {f: 2, c: 38712}, 38706, [38911, 58586], 39015, 39013, 39255, 39493, 39491, 39488, 39486, 39631, 39764, 39761, 39981, 39973, 40367, 40372, 40386, 40376, 40605, 40687, 40729, 40796, {f: 2, c: 40806}, 20796, 20795, 22216, 22218, 22217, 23423, 24020, 24018, 24398, 25087, 25892, 27402, 27489, 28753, 28760, 29568, 29924, 30090, 30318, 30316, 31155, 31840, 31839, 32894, 32893, 33247, 35186, 35183, 35324, 35712, {f: 2, c: 36118}, 36497, 36499, 36705, 37192, 37956, {f: 2, c: 37969}, {f: 2, c: 38717}, 38851, 38849, 39019, 39253, 39509, 39501, 39634, 39706, 40009, 39985, 39998, 39995, 40403, 40407, 40756, 40812, 40810, 40852, 22220, 24022, 25088, 25891, 25899, 25898, 26348, 27408, 29914, 31434, 31844, 31843, 31845, 32403, 32406, 32404, 33250, 34360, 34367, 34865, 35722, 37008, 37007, 37987, 37984, 37988, 38760, 39023, 39260, {f: 2, c: 39514}, 39511, {f: 2, c: 39635}, 39633, 40020, 40023, 40022, 40421, 40607, 40692, 22225, 22761, 25900, 28766, {f: 2, c: 30321}, [30679, 60226], 32592, 32648, 34870, 34873, 34914, 35731, 35730, 35734, 33399, 36123, 37312, 37994, 38722, 38728, 38724, 38854, 39024, 39519, 39714, 39768, 40031, {f: 2, c: 40441}, {f: 2, c: 40572}, 40711, 40823, 40818, 24307, 27414, 28771, 31852, 31854, 34875, 35264, 36513, 37313, 38002, 38000, 39025, 39262, 39638, 39715, 40652, 28772, 30682, 35738, 38007, 38857, 39522, 39525, 32412, 35740, 36522, 37317, {f: 2, c: 38013}, 38012, {f: 2, c: 40055}, 40695, 35924, 38015, 40474, 29224, 39530, 39729, 40475, 40478, 31858, 20034, 20060, [12048, 20981], [12053, 21274], [12058, 21378], 19975, 19980, 20039, 20109, [12062, 22231], [12076, 23662], [12091, 24435], 19983, 20871, 19982, 20014, 20115, 20162, 20169, 20168, 20888, 21244, 21356, 21433, 22304, 22787, 22828, [23568, 60417], 24063, 26081, [12110, 27571], 27596, [12115, 27668], [12121, 29247], 20017, 20028, 20200, 20188, 20201, 20193, 20189, 20186, 21004, 21001, 21276, 21324, {f: 2, c: 22306}, 22807, 22831, 23425, 23428, 23570, 23611, 23668, 23667, 24068, 24192, 24194, 24521, 25097, 25168, 27669, 27702, 27715, 27711, 27707, 29358, 29360, 29578, [12145, 31160], 32906, 38430, 20238, 20248, 20268, 20213, 20244, 20209, 20224, 20215, 20232, 20253, 20226, 20229, 20258, 20243, 20228, 20212, 20242, 20913, 21011, 21008, 21158, 21282, 21279, 21325, 21386, 21511, 22241, 22239, 22318, 22314, 22324, 22844, 22912, 22908, 22917, 22907, 22910, 22903, 22911, 23382, 23573, 23589, 23676, {f: 2, c: 23674}, 23678, 24031, [24181, 57646], 24196, 24322, 24346, 24436, 24533, 24532, 24527, 25180, 25182, 25188, 25185, 25190, 25186, 25177, 25184, 25178, 25189, 25911, 26095, 26094, 26430, 26425, 26424, 26427, 26426, 26431, 26428, 26419, 27672, 27718, 27730, 27740, 27727, [27722, 60796], 27732, {f: 2, c: 27723}, 28785, 29278, {f: 2, c: 29364}, 29582, 29994, 30335, 31349, [12153, 32593], [12171, 33400], 33404, 33408, 33405, 33407, [12172, 34381], [12177, 35198], 37017, [37015, 59347], 37016, 37019, 37012, 38434, 38436, 38432, 38435, 20310, 20283, 20322, 20297, 20307, 20324, 20286, 20327, 20306, 20319, 20289, 20312, 20269, 20275, 20287, 20321, 20879, 20921, 21020, 21022, 21025, {f: 2, c: 21165}, 21257, 21347, 21362, {f: 2, c: 21390}, 21552, 21559, 21546, 21588, 21573, 21529, 21532, 21541, 21528, 21565, 21583, 21569, 21544, 21540, 21575, 22254, 22247, 22245, 22337, 22341, 22348, 22345, 22347, 22354, 22790, 22848, 22950, 22936, 22944, 22935, 22926, 22946, 22928, 22927, 22951, 22945, 23438, 23442, 23592, 23594, 23693, 23695, 23688, 23691, 23689, 23698, 23690, 23686, 23699, 23701, 24032, 24074, 24078, 24203, 24201, 24204, 24200, 24205, 24325, 24349, 24440, 24438, 24530, 24529, 24528, 24557, 24552, 24558, 24563, 24545, 24548, 24547, 24570, 24559, 24567, 24571, 24576, 24564, 25146, 25219, 25228, {f: 2, c: 25230}, 25236, 25223, 25201, 25211, 25210, 25200, 25217, 25224, 25207, 25213, 25202, 25204, 26096, 26100, 26099, 26098, 26101, 26437, 26439, 26457, 26453, 26444, 26440, 26461, 26445, 26458, 26443, 27600, {f: 2, c: 27673}, 27768, 27751, 27755, 27780, 27787, 27791, 27761, 27759, 27753, 27802, 27757, 27783, 27797, [27804, 57900], 27750, 27763, 27749, 27771, 27790, 28788, 28794, 29283, 29375, 29373, 29379, 29382, 29377, 29370, 29381, 29589, 29591, {f: 2, c: 29587}, 29586, 30010, 30009, {f: 2, c: 30100}, 30337, 31037, 32820, 32917, 32921, 32912, 32914, 32924, 33424, 33423, 33413, 33422, 33425, 33427, 33418, {f: 2, c: 33411}, [12184, 35960], 36809, 36799, 37023, 37025, 37029, 37022, 37031, 37024, 38448, 38440, 38447, 38445, 20019, 20376, 20348, 20357, 20349, 20352, 20359, 20342, 20340, 20361, 20356, 20343, 20300, 20375, 20330, 20378, 20345, 20353, 20344, 20368, 20380, 20372, 20382, 20370, 20354, 20373, 20331, 20334, 20894, 20924, 20926, 21045, {f: 2, c: 21042}, 21062, 21041, 21180, {f: 2, c: 21258}, 21308, 21394, 21396, 21639, 21631, 21633, 21649, 21634, 21640, 21611, 21626, 21630, 21605, 21612, 21620, 21606, 21645, 21615, 21601, 21600, 21656, 21603, 21607, 21604, 22263, 22265, 22383, 22386, 22381, 22379, 22385, 22384, 22390, 22400, 22389, 22395, {f: 2, c: 22387}, 22370, 22376, 22397, 22796, 22853, 22965, 22970, 22991, 22990, 22962, 22988, 22977, 22966, 22972, 22979, 22998, 22961, 22973, 22976, 22984, 22964, 22983, 23394, 23397, 23443, 23445, 23620, 23623, 23726, 23716, 23712, 23733, 23727, 23720, 23724, 23711, 23715, 23725, 23714, 23722, 23719, 23709, 23717, 23734, 23728, 23718, 24087, 24084, 24089, 24360, {f: 3, c: 24354}, 24404, 24450, 24446, 24445, 24542, 24549, 24621, 24614, 24601, 24626, 24587, 24628, 24586, 24599, 24627, 24602, 24606, 24620, 24610, 24589, 24592, 24622, 24595, 24593, 24588, 24585, 24604, 25108, 25149, 25261, 25268, 25297, 25278, 25258, 25270, 25290, 25262, 25267, 25263, 25275, 25257, 25264, 25272, 25917, 26024, 26043, 26121, 26108, 26116, 26130, 26120, 26107, 26115, 26123, 26125, 26117, 26109, 26129, 26128, 26358, 26378, 26501, 26476, 26510, 26514, 26486, 26491, 26520, 26502, 26500, 26484, 26509, 26508, 26490, 26527, 26513, 26521, 26499, 26493, 26497, {f: 2, c: 26488}, 26516, 27429, 27520, 27518, 27614, 27677, 27795, 27884, 27883, 27886, 27865, 27830, 27860, 27821, 27879, 27831, 27856, 27842, 27834, 27843, 27846, 27885, 27890, 27858, 27869, 27828, 27786, 27805, 27776, 27870, 27840, 27952, 27853, 27847, 27824, 27897, 27855, 27881, 27857, 28820, 28824, 28805, 28819, 28806, 28804, 28817, 28822, 28802, 28826, 28803, 29290, 29398, 29387, 29400, 29385, 29404, 29394, 29396, 29402, 29388, 29393, 29604, 29601, 29613, 29606, 29602, 29600, 29612, 29597, 29917, 29928, {f: 2, c: 30015}, 30014, 30092, 30104, 30383, 30451, 30449, 30448, 30453, 30712, 30716, 30713, 30715, 30714, 30711, 31042, 31039, 31173, 31352, 31355, 31483, 31861, 31997, 32821, 32911, 32942, 32931, 32952, 32949, 32941, 33312, 33440, 33472, 33451, 33434, 33432, 33435, 33461, 33447, 33454, 33468, 33438, 33466, 33460, 33448, 33441, 33449, 33474, 33444, 33475, 33462, 33442, 34416, 34415, {f: 2, c: 34413}, 35926, 36818, 36811, 36819, 36813, 36822, 36821, 36823, 37042, 37044, 37039, 37043, 37040, 38457, 38461, 38460, 38458, 38467, 20429, 20421, 20435, 20402, 20425, 20427, 20417, 20436, 20444, 20441, [20411, 60346], 20403, 20443, 20423, 20438, 20410, 20416, 20409, 20460, 21060, 21065, 21184, 21186, 21309, 21372, 21399, 21398, 21401, 21400, 21690, 21665, 21677, 21669, 21711, 21699, 33549, 21687, 21678, 21718, 21686, {f: 2, c: 21701}, 21664, 21616, 21692, 21666, 21694, 21618, 21726, 21680, 22453, {f: 2, c: 22430}, 22436, 22412, 22423, 22429, 22427, 22420, 22424, 22415, 22425, 22437, 22426, 22421, 22772, 22797, 22867, 23009, 23006, 23022, 23040, 23025, 23005, 23034, 23037, 23036, 23030, 23012, 23026, 23031, 23003, 23017, 23027, 23029, 23008, 23038, 23028, 23021, 23464, 23628, 23760, 23768, 23756, 23767, 23755, 23771, 23774, 23770, 23753, 23751, 23754, 23766, {f: 2, c: 23763}, 23759, 23752, 23750, 23758, 23775, 23800, 24057, {f: 3, c: 24097}, 24096, 24100, 24240, 24228, 24226, 24219, 24227, 24229, 24327, 24366, 24406, 24454, 24631, 24633, 24660, 24690, 24670, 24645, 24659, 24647, 24649, 24667, 24652, 24640, 24642, 24671, 24612, 24644, 24664, 24678, 24686, {f: 2, c: 25154}, 25295, 25357, 25355, 25333, 25358, 25347, 25323, 25337, 25359, 25356, 25336, 25334, 25344, {f: 2, c: 25363}, 25338, 25365, 25339, 25328, 25921, 25923, 26026, 26047, 26166, 26145, 26162, 26165, 26140, 26150, 26146, 26163, 26155, 26170, 26141, 26164, 26169, 26158, {f: 2, c: 26383}, 26561, 26610, 26568, 26554, 26588, 26555, 26616, 26584, 26560, 26551, 26565, 26603, 26596, 26591, 26549, 26573, 26547, 26615, 26614, 26606, 26595, 26562, 26553, 26574, 26599, 26608, 26546, 26620, 26566, 26605, 26572, 26542, 26598, 26587, 26618, {f: 2, c: 26569}, 26563, 26602, 26571, 27432, 27522, 27524, 27574, 27606, 27608, 27616, {f: 2, c: 27680}, 27944, 27956, 27949, 27935, 27964, 27967, 27922, 27914, 27866, 27955, 27908, 27929, 27962, 27930, 27921, 27904, 27933, 27970, 27905, 27928, 27959, 27907, 27919, 27968, 27911, 27936, 27948, 27912, 27938, 27913, 27920, 28855, 28831, 28862, 28849, 28848, 28833, {f: 2, c: 28852}, 28841, 29249, {f: 2, c: 29257}, 29292, 29296, 29299, 29294, 29386, 29412, 29416, 29419, 29407, 29418, 29414, 29411, 29573, 29644, 29634, 29640, 29637, 29625, 29622, 29621, 29620, 29675, 29631, 29639, 29630, 29635, 29638, 29624, 29643, 29932, 29934, 29998, {f: 2, c: 30023}, 30119, 30122, 30329, 30404, 30472, {f: 3, c: 30467}, 30474, 30455, 30459, 30458, {f: 2, c: 30695}, 30726, {f: 2, c: 30737}, 30725, 30736, 30735, 30734, [30729, 58095], 30723, 30739, 31050, 31052, 31051, 31045, 31044, 31189, 31181, 31183, 31190, 31182, 31360, 31358, 31441, {f: 2, c: 31488}, 31866, {f: 2, c: 31864}, {f: 3, c: 31871}, 32003, 32008, 32001, 32600, 32657, 32653, 32702, 32775, {f: 2, c: 32782}, 32788, 32823, 32984, 32967, 32992, 32977, 32968, 32962, 32976, 32965, 32995, 32985, 32988, 32970, 32981, 32969, 32975, 32983, 32998, 32973, 33279, 33313, 33428, 33497, 33534, 33529, 33543, 33512, 33536, 33493, 33594, 33515, 33494, 33524, 33516, 33505, 33522, 33525, 33548, 33531, 33526, 33520, 33514, 33508, 33504, 33530, 33523, 33517, 34423, 34420, 34428, 34419, 34881, 34894, 34919, 34922, 34921, 35283, 35332, 35335, 36210, 36835, 36833, 36846, 36832, 37105, 37053, 37055, 37077, 37061, 37054, 37063, 37067, 37064, [37332, 60294], 37331, 38484, 38479, 38481, 38483, 38474, 38478, 20510, 20485, 20487, 20499, 20514, 20528, 20507, 20469, 20468, 20531, 20535, 20524, {f: 2, c: 20470}, 20503, 20508, 20512, 20519, 20533, 20527, 20529, 20494, 20826, 20884, 20883, 20938, {f: 2, c: 20932}, 20936, 20942, 21089, 21082, 21074, {f: 2, c: 21086}, 21077, 21090, 21197, 21262, 21406, 21798, 21730, 21783, 21778, 21735, 21747, 21732, 21786, 21759, 21764, 21768, 21739, 21777, 21765, 21745, 21770, 21755, {f: 2, c: 21751}, 21728, 21774, 21763, 21771, {f: 2, c: 22273}, 22476, 22578, 22485, 22482, 22458, 22470, 22461, 22460, 22456, 22454, 22463, 22471, 22480, 22457, 22465, 22798, 22858, 23065, 23062, {f: 2, c: 23085}, 23061, 23055, 23063, 23050, 23070, 23091, 23404, 23463, 23469, 23468, 23555, 23638, 23636, 23788, 23807, 23790, 23793, 23799, 23808, 23801, 24105, 24104, 24232, 24238, 24234, 24236, 24371, 24368, 24423, 24669, 24666, 24679, 24641, 24738, 24712, 24704, 24722, 24705, 24733, 24707, 24725, 24731, 24727, 24711, 24732, 24718, 25113, 25158, 25330, 25360, 25430, 25388, {f: 2, c: 25412}, 25398, 25411, 25572, 25401, 25419, 25418, 25404, 25385, 25409, 25396, 25432, 25428, 25433, 25389, 25415, 25395, 25434, 25425, 25400, 25431, 25408, 25416, 25930, 25926, 26054, {f: 2, c: 26051}, 26050, 26186, 26207, 26183, 26193, {f: 2, c: 26386}, 26655, 26650, 26697, {f: 2, c: 26674}, 26683, 26699, 26703, 26646, 26673, 26652, 26677, 26667, 26669, 26671, 26702, 26692, 26676, 26653, 26642, 26644, 26662, 26664, 26670, 26701, 26682, 26661, 26656, 27436, 27439, 27437, 27441, 27444, 27501, 32898, 27528, 27622, 27620, 27624, 27619, 27618, 27623, 27685, 28026, {f: 2, c: 28003}, 28022, 27917, 28001, 28050, 27992, 28002, 28013, 28015, 28049, 28045, 28143, 28031, 28038, 27998, [28007, 59078], 28000, 28055, 28016, 28028, 27999, 28034, 28056, 27951, 28008, 28043, 28030, 28032, 28036, 27926, 28035, 28027, 28029, 28021, 28048, 28892, 28883, 28881, 28893, 28875, 32569, 28898, 28887, 28882, 28894, 28896, 28884, 28877, {f: 3, c: 28869}, 28890, 28878, 28897, 29250, 29304, 29303, 29302, 29440, 29434, 29428, 29438, 29430, 29427, 29435, 29441, 29651, 29657, 29669, 29654, 29628, 29671, 29667, 29673, 29660, 29650, 29659, 29652, 29661, 29658, {f: 2, c: 29655}, 29672, {f: 2, c: 29918}, {f: 2, c: 29940}, 29985, 30043, 30047, 30128, 30145, 30139, 30148, 30144, 30143, 30134, 30138, 30346, 30409, 30493, 30491, 30480, 30483, 30482, 30499, 30481, 30485, {f: 2, c: 30489}, 30498, 30503, 30755, 30764, 30754, 30773, 30767, 30760, 30766, 30763, 30753, 30761, 30771, 30762, 30769, 31060, 31067, 31055, 31068, 31059, 31058, 31057, {f: 2, c: 31211}, 31200, 31214, 31213, 31210, 31196, 31198, 31197, 31366, 31369, 31365, {f: 2, c: 31371}, 31370, 31367, 31448, 31504, 31492, 31507, 31493, 31503, 31496, 31498, 31502, 31497, 31506, 31876, 31889, 31882, 31884, 31880, 31885, 31877, 32030, 32029, 32017, 32014, 32024, 32022, 32019, 32031, 32018, 32015, 32012, 32604, 32609, 32606, 32608, 32605, 32603, 32662, 32658, 32707, 32706, 32704, 32790, 32830, 32825, 33018, 33010, 33017, 33013, 33025, 33019, 33024, 33281, 33327, 33317, 33587, 33581, 33604, 33561, 33617, 33573, 33622, 33599, 33601, 33574, 33564, 33570, 33602, 33614, 33563, 33578, 33544, 33596, 33613, 33558, 33572, 33568, 33591, 33583, 33577, 33607, 33605, 33612, 33619, 33566, 33580, 33611, 33575, 33608, 34387, 34386, 34466, 34472, 34454, 34445, 34449, 34462, 34439, 34455, 34438, 34443, 34458, 34437, 34469, 34457, 34465, 34471, 34453, 34456, 34446, 34461, 34448, 34452, {f: 2, c: 34883}, 34925, {f: 2, c: 34933}, 34930, 34944, 34929, 34943, 34927, 34947, 34942, 34932, 34940, 35346, 35911, 35927, 35963, 36004, 36003, 36214, 36216, 36277, 36279, 36278, 36561, 36563, 36862, 36853, 36866, 36863, 36859, 36868, 36860, 36854, 37078, 37088, {f: 2, c: 37081}, 37091, 37087, 37093, 37080, 37083, 37079, 37084, 37092, 37200, {f: 2, c: 37198}, 37333, 37346, 37338, 38492, 38495, 38588, 39139, [12221, 39647], [12223, 39727], 20095, 20592, 20586, 20577, 20574, 20576, 20563, 20555, 20573, 20594, 20552, 20557, 20545, 20571, 20554, 20578, 20501, 20549, 20575, 20585, 20587, {f: 2, c: 20579}, 20550, 20544, 20590, 20595, 20567, 20561, 20944, 21099, 21101, 21100, 21102, 21206, 21203, 21293, 21404, {f: 2, c: 21877}, 21820, 21837, 21840, 21812, 21802, 21841, 21858, 21814, 21813, 21808, 21842, 21829, 21772, 21810, 21861, 21838, 21817, 21832, 21805, 21819, 21824, 21835, 22282, 22279, 22523, 22548, 22498, 22518, 22492, 22516, 22528, 22509, 22525, 22536, 22520, 22539, 22515, 22479, 22535, 22510, 22499, 22514, 22501, 22508, 22497, 22542, 22524, 22544, 22503, 22529, 22540, 22513, 22505, 22512, 22541, 22532, 22876, 23136, 23128, 23125, [23143, 60437], 23134, 23096, 23093, 23149, 23120, 23135, 23141, 23148, 23123, 23140, 23127, 23107, 23133, 23122, 23108, 23131, 23112, 23182, 23102, 23117, 23097, 23116, 23152, 23145, 23111, 23121, 23126, 23106, 23132, 23410, 23406, 23489, 23488, 23641, 23838, 23819, 23837, 23834, 23840, 23820, 23848, 23821, 23846, 23845, 23823, 23856, 23826, 23843, 23839, 23854, 24126, 24116, 24241, 24244, 24249, {f: 2, c: 24242}, 24374, 24376, 24475, 24470, 24479, 24714, 24720, 24710, 24766, 24752, 24762, {f: 2, c: 24787}, 24783, 24804, 24793, 24797, 24776, 24753, 24795, 24759, 24778, 24767, 24771, 24781, 24768, 25394, 25445, 25482, 25474, 25469, 25533, 25502, 25517, 25501, 25495, 25515, 25486, 25455, 25479, 25488, 25454, 25519, 25461, 25500, 25453, 25518, 25468, 25508, 25403, 25503, 25464, 25477, 25473, 25489, 25485, 25456, 25939, 26061, 26213, 26209, 26203, 26201, 26204, 26210, 26392, 26745, 26759, 26768, 26780, {f: 2, c: 26733}, 26798, 26795, 26966, 26735, 26787, 26796, 26793, 26741, 26740, 26802, 26767, 26743, 26770, 26748, 26731, 26738, 26794, 26752, 26737, 26750, 26779, 26774, 26763, 26784, 26761, 26788, 26744, 26747, 26769, 26764, 26762, 26749, 27446, 27443, {f: 2, c: 27447}, 27537, 27535, {f: 2, c: 27533}, 27532, 27690, 28096, 28075, 28084, 28083, 28276, 28076, 28137, 28130, 28087, 28150, 28116, 28160, 28104, 28128, 28127, 28118, 28094, 28133, {f: 2, c: 28124}, 28123, 28148, 28106, 28093, 28141, 28144, 28090, 28117, 28098, 28111, 28105, 28112, 28146, 28115, 28157, 28119, 28109, 28131, 28091, 28922, 28941, 28919, 28951, 28916, 28940, 28912, 28932, 28915, 28944, 28924, 28927, 28934, 28947, 28928, 28920, 28918, 28939, 28930, 28942, 29310, {f: 2, c: 29307}, 29311, 29469, 29463, 29447, 29457, 29464, 29450, 29448, 29439, 29455, 29470, 29576, 29686, 29688, 29685, 29700, 29697, 29693, 29703, 29696, 29690, 29692, 29695, 29708, 29707, 29684, 29704, 30052, 30051, 30158, 30162, 30159, {f: 2, c: 30155}, 30161, 30160, 30351, 30345, 30419, 30521, 30511, 30509, {f: 2, c: 30513}, 30516, 30515, 30525, 30501, 30523, 30517, 30792, 30802, 30793, 30797, 30794, 30796, 30758, 30789, 30800, 31076, 31079, {f: 2, c: 31081}, 31075, 31083, 31073, 31163, 31226, 31224, {f: 2, c: 31222}, 31375, 31380, 31376, 31541, 31547, 31540, 31525, 31536, 31522, 31524, 31539, 31512, 31530, 31517, 31537, 31531, 31533, 31535, 31538, 31544, 31514, 31523, 31892, 31896, 31894, 31907, 32053, 32061, 32056, 32054, 32058, 32069, 32044, 32041, 32065, 32071, {f: 2, c: 32062}, 32074, 32059, 32040, 32611, 32661, {f: 2, c: 32668}, 32667, {f: 2, c: 32714}, 32717, {f: 2, c: 32720}, 32711, 32719, 32713, 32799, 32798, 32795, 32839, 32835, 32840, 33048, 33061, 33049, 33051, 33069, 33055, 33068, 33054, 33057, 33045, 33063, 33053, 33058, 33297, 33336, 33331, 33338, 33332, 33330, 33396, 33680, 33699, 33704, 33677, 33658, 33651, 33700, 33652, 33679, 33665, 33685, 33689, 33653, 33684, 33705, 33661, 33667, 33676, 33693, 33691, 33706, 33675, 33662, 33701, 33711, 33672, 33687, 33712, 33663, 33702, 33671, 33710, 33654, 34393, 34390, 34495, 34487, 34498, 34497, 34501, 34490, 34480, 34504, 34489, 34483, 34488, 34508, 34484, {f: 2, c: 34491}, 34499, {f: 2, c: 34493}, 34898, 34953, 34965, 34984, 34978, 34986, 34970, 34961, 34977, 34975, 34968, 34983, 34969, 34971, 34967, 34980, 34988, 34956, 34963, 34958, 35202, 35286, 35289, 35285, 35376, 35367, 35372, 35358, 35897, 35899, {f: 2, c: 35932}, 35965, 36005, 36221, 36219, 36217, 36284, 36290, 36281, 36287, 36289, 36568, 36574, 36573, 36572, 36567, {f: 2, c: 36576}, 36900, 36875, 36881, 36892, 36876, 36897, 37103, 37098, 37104, 37108, {f: 2, c: 37106}, 37076, {f: 2, c: 37099}, 37097, 37206, 37208, 37210, 37203, 37205, 37356, 37364, 37361, 37363, 37368, 37348, 37369, {f: 2, c: 37354}, 37367, 37352, 37358, 38266, 38278, 38280, 38524, 38509, 38507, 38513, 38511, 38591, 38762, 38916, 39141, 39319, 20635, 20629, 20628, 20638, 20619, 20643, 20611, 20620, 20622, 20637, 20584, 20636, 20626, 20610, 20615, 20831, 20948, 21266, 21265, 21412, 21415, 21905, 21928, 21925, 21933, 21879, 22085, 21922, 21907, 21896, 21903, 21941, 21889, 21923, 21906, 21924, 21885, 21900, 21926, 21887, 21909, 21921, 21902, 22284, 22569, 22583, 22553, 22558, 22567, 22563, 22568, 22517, 22600, 22565, 22556, 22555, 22579, 22591, 22582, 22574, 22585, 22584, 22573, 22572, 22587, 22881, 23215, 23188, 23199, 23162, 23202, 23198, 23160, 23206, 23164, 23205, 23212, 23189, 23214, 23095, 23172, 23178, 23191, 23171, 23179, 23209, 23163, 23165, 23180, 23196, 23183, 23187, 23197, 23530, 23501, 23499, 23508, 23505, 23498, 23502, 23564, 23600, 23863, 23875, 23915, 23873, 23883, 23871, 23861, 23889, 23886, 23893, 23859, 23866, 23890, 23869, 23857, 23897, 23874, 23865, 23881, 23864, 23868, 23858, 23862, 23872, 23877, 24132, 24129, [24408, 57673], 24486, 24485, 24491, 24777, 24761, 24780, 24802, 24782, 24772, 24852, 24818, 24842, 24854, 24837, 24821, 24851, 24824, 24828, 24830, 24769, 24835, 24856, 24861, 24848, 24831, 24836, 24843, 25162, 25492, 25521, 25520, 25550, 25573, 25576, 25583, 25539, 25757, 25587, 25546, 25568, 25590, 25557, 25586, 25589, 25697, 25567, 25534, 25565, 25564, 25540, 25560, 25555, 25538, 25543, 25548, 25547, 25544, 25584, 25559, 25561, 25906, 25959, 25962, 25956, 25948, 25960, 25957, 25996, {f: 2, c: 26013}, 26030, 26064, 26066, 26236, 26220, 26235, 26240, 26225, 26233, 26218, 26226, 26369, 26892, 26835, 26884, 26844, 26922, 26860, 26858, 26865, 26895, 26838, 26871, 26859, 26852, 26870, 26899, 26896, 26867, 26849, 26887, 26828, 26888, 26992, 26804, 26897, 26863, 26822, 26900, 26872, 26832, 26877, 26876, 26856, 26891, 26890, 26903, 26830, 26824, {f: 2, c: 26845}, 26854, 26868, 26833, 26886, 26836, 26857, 26901, 26917, 26823, 27449, 27451, 27455, 27452, 27540, 27543, 27545, 27541, 27581, 27632, {f: 2, c: 27634}, 27696, 28156, {f: 2, c: 28230}, 28191, 28233, 28296, {f: 2, c: 28220}, 28229, 28258, 28203, 28223, 28225, 28253, 28275, 28188, 28211, 28235, 28224, 28241, 28219, 28163, 28206, 28254, 28264, 28252, 28257, 28209, 28200, 28256, 28273, 28267, 28217, 28194, 28208, 28243, 28261, 28199, 28280, 28260, 28279, 28245, 28281, 28242, 28262, {f: 2, c: 28213}, 28250, 28960, 28958, 28975, 28923, 28974, 28977, 28963, 28965, 28962, 28978, 28959, 28968, 28986, 28955, 29259, 29274, {f: 2, c: 29320}, 29318, 29317, 29323, 29458, 29451, 29488, 29474, 29489, 29491, 29479, 29490, 29485, 29478, 29475, 29493, 29452, 29742, 29740, 29744, 29739, 29718, 29722, 29729, 29741, 29745, 29732, 29731, 29725, 29737, 29728, 29746, 29947, 29999, 30063, 30060, 30183, 30170, 30177, 30182, 30173, 30175, 30180, 30167, 30357, 30354, 30426, {f: 2, c: 30534}, 30532, 30541, 30533, 30538, 30542, {f: 2, c: 30539}, 30686, 30700, 30816, {f: 2, c: 30820}, 30812, 30829, 30833, 30826, 30830, 30832, 30825, 30824, 30814, 30818, 31092, 31091, 31090, 31088, 31234, 31242, 31235, 31244, 31236, 31385, 31462, 31460, 31562, 31559, 31556, 31560, 31564, 31566, 31552, 31576, 31557, 31906, 31902, 31912, 31905, 32088, 32111, 32099, 32083, 32086, 32103, 32106, 32079, 32109, 32092, 32107, 32082, 32084, 32105, 32081, 32095, 32078, {f: 2, c: 32574}, {f: 2, c: 32613}, 32674, {f: 2, c: 32672}, 32727, 32849, {f: 2, c: 32847}, 33022, 32980, 33091, 33098, 33106, 33103, 33095, 33085, 33101, 33082, 33254, 33262, {f: 3, c: 33271}, 33284, {f: 2, c: 33340}, 33343, 33397, 33595, [33743, 60382], 33785, 33827, 33728, 33768, 33810, 33767, 33764, 33788, 33782, 33808, 33734, 33736, 33771, 33763, 33727, 33793, 33757, 33765, 33752, 33791, 33761, 33739, 33742, 33750, 33781, 33737, 33801, [33807, 58332], 33758, 33809, 33798, 33730, 33779, 33749, 33786, 33735, 33745, 33770, 33811, 33690, 33731, 33772, 33774, 33732, 33787, 33751, 33762, 33819, 33755, 33790, 34520, 34530, 34534, 34515, 34531, 34522, 34538, 34525, 34539, 34524, 34540, 34537, 34519, 34536, 34513, 34888, 34902, 34901, 35002, 35031, 35001, 35000, 35008, 35006, 34998, 35004, 34999, 35005, 34994, 35073, 35017, 35221, 35224, 35223, 35293, {f: 2, c: 35290}, 35406, 35405, 35385, 35417, 35392, {f: 2, c: 35415}, {f: 2, c: 35396}, 35410, 35400, 35409, 35402, 35404, 35407, 35935, 35969, 35968, 36026, 36030, 36016, 36025, 36021, 36228, 36224, 36233, 36312, 36307, 36301, 36295, 36310, 36316, 36303, 36309, 36313, 36296, 36311, 36293, 36591, 36599, 36602, 36601, 36582, 36590, 36581, 36597, {f: 2, c: 36583}, 36598, 36587, 36593, 36588, 36596, 36585, 36909, 36916, 36911, 37126, 37164, [37124, 60367], 37119, 37116, 37128, 37113, 37115, 37121, 37120, 37127, 37125, 37123, 37217, 37220, 37215, 37218, 37216, 37377, 37386, 37413, 37379, 37402, 37414, 37391, 37388, 37376, 37394, 37375, 37373, 37382, 37380, 37415, 37378, 37404, 37412, 37401, 37399, 37381, 37398, 38267, 38285, 38284, 38288, 38535, 38526, {f: 2, c: 38536}, 38531, 38528, 38594, 38600, 38595, 38641, 38640, 38764, 38768, 38766, 38919, 39081, 39147, 40166, [12235, 40697], {f: 2, c: 20099}, 20150, 20669, 20671, 20678, 20654, 20676, 20682, 20660, 20680, 20674, 20656, 20673, 20666, 20657, 20683, 20681, 20662, 20664, 20951, 21114, 21112, {f: 2, c: 21115}, 21955, 21979, 21964, 21968, 21963, 21962, 21981, [21952, 64013], 21972, 21956, 21993, 21951, 21970, 21901, 21967, 21973, 21986, 21974, 21960, 22002, 21965, 21977, 21954, 22292, 22611, 22632, 22628, 22607, 22605, 22601, 22639, 22613, 22606, 22621, 22617, 22629, 22619, 22589, 22627, 22641, 22780, 23239, 23236, 23243, 23226, 23224, 23217, 23221, 23216, 23231, 23240, 23227, 23238, 23223, 23232, 23242, 23220, 23222, 23245, 23225, 23184, 23510, {f: 2, c: 23512}, 23583, 23603, 23921, 23907, 23882, 23909, 23922, 23916, 23902, 23912, 23911, 23906, 24048, 24143, 24142, 24138, 24141, 24139, 24261, 24268, 24262, 24267, 24263, 24384, 24495, 24493, 24823, {f: 2, c: 24905}, 24875, 24901, 24886, 24882, 24878, 24902, 24879, 24911, 24873, 24896, 25120, 37224, 25123, 25125, 25124, 25541, 25585, 25579, 25616, 25618, 25609, 25632, 25636, 25651, 25667, 25631, 25621, 25624, 25657, 25655, {f: 2, c: 25634}, 25612, 25638, 25648, 25640, 25665, 25653, 25647, 25610, 25626, 25664, 25637, 25639, 25611, 25575, 25627, 25646, 25633, 25614, 25967, 26002, 26067, 26246, 26252, 26261, 26256, 26251, 26250, 26265, 26260, 26232, 26400, 26982, 26975, 26936, 26958, 26978, 26993, 26943, 26949, 26986, 26937, 26946, 26967, 26969, 27002, {f: 2, c: 26952}, 26933, 26988, 26931, 26941, 26981, 26864, 27000, 26932, 26985, 26944, 26991, 26948, 26998, 26968, 26945, 26996, 26956, 26939, 26955, 26935, 26972, 26959, 26961, 26930, 26962, 26927, 27003, 26940, 27462, 27461, 27459, 27458, 27464, 27457, 27547, {f: 2, c: 27643}, 27641, {f: 2, c: 27639}, 28315, 28374, 28360, 28303, 28352, 28319, {f: 2, c: 28307}, 28320, 28337, 28345, 28358, 28370, 28349, 28353, 28318, 28361, 28343, 28336, 28365, 28326, 28367, 28338, 28350, 28355, 28380, 28376, 28313, 28306, 28302, 28301, 28324, 28321, 28351, 28339, 28368, 28362, 28311, 28334, 28323, 28999, 29012, 29010, 29027, 29024, 28993, 29021, [29026, 61080], 29042, 29048, 29034, 29025, 28994, 29016, 28995, 29003, 29040, 29023, 29008, 29011, 28996, 29005, 29018, 29263, 29325, 29324, 29329, 29328, 29326, 29500, 29506, 29499, 29498, 29504, 29514, 29513, 29764, {f: 2, c: 29770}, 29778, 29777, 29783, 29760, {f: 2, c: 29775}, 29774, 29762, 29766, 29773, 29780, 29921, 29951, 29950, 29949, 29981, 30073, 30071, 27011, 30191, 30223, 30211, 30199, 30206, 30204, [30201, 60782], 30200, 30224, 30203, 30198, 30189, 30197, 30205, 30361, 30389, 30429, 30549, {f: 2, c: 30559}, 30546, 30550, 30554, 30569, 30567, 30548, 30553, 30573, 30688, 30855, 30874, 30868, 30863, 30852, 30869, {f: 2, c: 30853}, 30881, 30851, 30841, 30873, 30848, 30870, 30843, 31100, 31106, 31101, 31097, 31249, {f: 2, c: 31256}, 31250, 31255, 31253, 31266, 31251, 31259, 31248, 31395, 31394, 31390, 31467, 31590, 31588, 31597, 31604, 31593, 31602, 31589, 31603, 31601, 31600, 31585, 31608, 31606, 31587, 31922, 31924, 31919, 32136, 32134, 32128, 32141, 32127, 32133, 32122, 32142, 32123, 32131, 32124, 32140, 32148, 32132, 32125, 32146, 32621, 32619, {f: 2, c: 32615}, 32620, 32678, 32677, 32679, {f: 2, c: 32731}, 32801, 33124, 33120, 33143, 33116, 33129, 33115, 33122, 33138, 26401, 33118, 33142, 33127, 33135, 33092, 33121, 33309, 33353, 33348, 33344, 33346, 33349, 34033, 33855, 33878, 33910, 33913, 33935, 33933, 33893, 33873, 33856, 33926, 33895, 33840, 33869, 33917, 33882, 33881, 33908, 33907, 33885, 34055, 33886, 33847, 33850, 33844, 33914, 33859, 33912, 33842, 33861, 33833, 33753, 33867, 33839, 33858, 33837, 33887, 33904, 33849, 33870, 33868, 33874, 33903, 33989, 33934, 33851, 33863, 33846, 33843, 33896, 33918, 33860, 33835, 33888, 33876, 33902, 33872, 34571, 34564, 34551, 34572, 34554, 34518, 34549, 34637, 34552, 34574, 34569, 34561, 34550, 34573, 34565, 35030, 35019, {f: 2, c: 35021}, 35038, 35035, 35034, 35020, 35024, 35205, 35227, 35295, 35301, 35300, 35297, 35296, 35298, 35292, 35302, 35446, 35462, 35455, 35425, 35391, 35447, 35458, 35460, 35445, 35459, 35457, 35444, 35450, 35900, 35915, 35914, 35941, 35940, 35942, 35974, {f: 2, c: 35972}, 36044, {f: 2, c: 36200}, 36241, 36236, {f: 2, c: 36238}, 36237, {f: 2, c: 36243}, 36240, 36242, 36336, 36320, 36332, 36337, 36334, 36304, 36329, 36323, 36322, 36327, 36338, 36331, 36340, 36614, 36607, 36609, 36608, 36613, {f: 2, c: 36615}, 36610, [36619, 60507], 36946, 36927, 36932, 36937, 36925, 37136, 37133, 37135, 37137, 37142, 37140, 37131, 37134, {f: 2, c: 37230}, 37448, 37458, 37424, 37434, 37478, 37427, 37477, 37470, 37507, 37422, 37450, 37446, 37485, 37484, 37455, 37472, 37479, 37487, 37430, 37473, 37488, 37425, 37460, 37475, 37456, 37490, 37454, 37459, 37452, 37462, 37426, 38303, 38300, 38302, 38299, {f: 2, c: 38546}, 38545, 38551, 38606, 38650, 38653, 38648, 38645, 38771, {f: 2, c: 38775}, 38770, 38927, {f: 2, c: 38925}, 39084, 39158, 39161, 39343, 39346, 39344, 39349, 39597, 39595, 39771, 40170, 40173, 40167, 40576, [12236, 40701], 20710, 20692, 20695, 20712, 20723, 20699, 20714, 20701, 20708, 20691, 20716, 20720, 20719, 20707, 20704, 20952, {f: 2, c: 21120}, 21225, 21227, 21296, 21420, 22055, 22037, 22028, 22034, 22012, 22031, 22044, 22017, 22035, 22018, 22010, 22045, 22020, 22015, 22009, 22665, 22652, 22672, 22680, 22662, 22657, 22655, 22644, 22667, 22650, 22663, 22673, 22670, 22646, 22658, 22664, 22651, 22676, 22671, 22782, 22891, 23260, 23278, 23269, 23253, 23274, 23258, 23277, 23275, 23283, 23266, 23264, 23259, 23276, 23262, 23261, 23257, 23272, 23263, 23415, 23520, 23523, 23651, 23938, 23936, 23933, 23942, 23930, 23937, 23927, 23946, 23945, 23944, 23934, 23932, 23949, 23929, 23935, {f: 2, c: 24152}, 24147, 24280, 24273, 24279, 24270, 24284, 24277, 24281, 24274, 24276, 24388, 24387, 24431, 24502, 24876, 24872, 24897, 24926, 24945, 24947, {f: 2, c: 24914}, 24946, 24940, 24960, 24948, 24916, 24954, 24923, 24933, 24891, 24938, 24929, 24918, 25129, 25127, 25131, 25643, 25677, 25691, 25693, 25716, 25718, {f: 2, c: 25714}, 25725, 25717, 25702, 25766, 25678, 25730, 25694, 25692, 25675, 25683, 25696, 25680, 25727, 25663, 25708, 25707, 25689, 25701, 25719, 25971, 26016, 26273, 26272, 26271, 26373, 26372, 26402, 27057, 27062, 27081, 27040, 27086, 27030, 27056, 27052, 27068, 27025, 27033, 27022, 27047, 27021, 27049, 27070, 27055, 27071, 27076, 27069, 27044, 27092, 27065, 27082, 27034, 27087, 27059, 27027, 27050, 27041, 27038, 27097, 27031, 27024, 27074, 27061, 27045, 27078, 27466, 27469, 27467, {f: 3, c: 27550}, {f: 2, c: 27587}, 27646, 28366, 28405, 28401, 28419, 28453, 28408, 28471, 28411, 28462, 28425, 28494, {f: 2, c: 28441}, 28455, 28440, 28475, 28434, 28397, 28426, 28470, 28531, 28409, 28398, 28461, 28480, 28464, 28476, 28469, 28395, 28423, 28430, 28483, 28421, 28413, 28406, 28473, 28444, 28412, 28474, 28447, 28429, 28446, 28424, 28449, 29063, 29072, 29065, 29056, 29061, 29058, 29071, 29051, 29062, 29057, 29079, 29252, 29267, 29335, 29333, 29331, 29507, 29517, 29521, 29516, 29794, 29811, 29809, 29813, 29810, 29799, 29806, 29952, {f: 2, c: 29954}, 30077, 30096, 30230, 30216, 30220, 30229, 30225, 30218, 30228, 30392, 30593, 30588, 30597, 30594, 30574, 30592, 30575, 30590, 30595, 30898, 30890, 30900, 30893, 30888, 30846, 30891, 30878, 30885, 30880, 30892, 30882, 30884, 31128, {f: 2, c: 31114}, 31126, 31125, 31124, 31123, 31127, 31112, 31122, 31120, 31275, 31306, 31280, 31279, 31272, 31270, 31400, {f: 2, c: 31403}, 31470, 31624, 31644, 31626, 31633, 31632, 31638, 31629, 31628, 31643, 31630, 31621, 31640, 21124, 31641, 31652, 31618, 31931, 31935, 31932, 31930, 32167, 32183, 32194, 32163, 32170, 32193, 32192, 32197, 32157, 32206, 32196, 32198, {f: 2, c: 32203}, 32175, 32185, 32150, 32188, 32159, 32166, 32174, 32169, 32161, 32201, 32627, {f: 2, c: 32738}, 32741, 32734, 32804, 32861, 32860, 33161, 33158, 33155, 33159, 33165, 33164, 33163, 33301, 33943, 33956, 33953, 33951, 33978, 33998, 33986, 33964, 33966, 33963, 33977, 33972, 33985, 33997, 33962, 33946, 33969, 34000, 33949, 33959, 33979, 33954, 33940, 33991, 33996, 33947, 33961, 33967, [33960, 58327], 34006, 33944, 33974, 33999, 33952, 34007, 34004, 34002, 34011, 33968, 33937, 34401, 34611, 34595, 34600, 34667, 34624, 34606, 34590, 34593, 34585, 34587, 34627, 34604, 34625, 34622, 34630, 34592, 34610, 34602, 34605, 34620, 34578, 34618, 34609, 34613, 34626, {f: 2, c: 34598}, 34616, 34596, 34586, 34608, 34577, 35063, 35047, {f: 2, c: 35057}, 35066, 35070, 35054, 35068, 35062, 35067, 35056, 35052, 35051, 35229, 35233, 35231, 35230, 35305, 35307, 35304, 35499, 35481, 35467, 35474, 35471, 35478, 35901, {f: 2, c: 35944}, 36053, 36047, 36055, 36246, 36361, 36354, 36351, 36365, 36349, 36362, 36355, 36359, 36358, 36357, 36350, 36352, 36356, {f: 2, c: 36624}, 36622, 36621, 37155, 37148, 37152, 37154, 37151, 37149, 37146, 37156, 37153, 37147, 37242, 37234, 37241, 37235, 37541, 37540, 37494, 37531, 37498, 37536, 37524, 37546, 37517, 37542, 37530, 37547, 37497, 37527, 37503, 37539, 37614, 37518, 37506, 37525, 37538, 37501, 37512, 37537, 37514, 37510, 37516, 37529, 37543, 37502, 37511, 37545, 37533, 37515, 37421, 38558, 38561, 38655, 38744, 38781, 38778, 38782, 38787, 38784, 38786, 38779, 38788, 38785, 38783, 38862, 38861, 38934, {f: 2, c: 39085}, 39170, 39168, 39175, 39325, 39324, 39363, 39353, 39355, 39354, 39362, 39357, 39367, 39601, 39651, 39655, {f: 2, c: 39742}, {f: 2, c: 39776}, 39775, {f: 2, c: 40177}, 40181, 40615, 20735, 20739, 20784, 20728, {f: 2, c: 20742}, 20726, 20734, {f: 2, c: 20747}, 20733, 20746, {f: 2, c: 21131}, 21233, 21231, 22088, 22082, 22092, 22069, 22081, 22090, 22089, 22086, 22104, 22106, 22080, 22067, 22077, 22060, 22078, 22072, 22058, 22074, 22298, 22699, 22685, 22705, 22688, 22691, 22703, 22700, 22693, 22689, 22783, 23295, 23284, 23293, 23287, 23286, 23299, 23288, 23298, 23289, 23297, 23303, 23301, 23311, 23655, 23961, 23959, 23967, 23954, 23970, 23955, 23957, 23968, 23964, 23969, 23962, 23966, 24169, 24157, 24160, 24156, 32243, 24283, 24286, 24289, 24393, 24498, 24971, 24963, 24953, 25009, 25008, 24994, 24969, 24987, 24979, 25007, 25005, 24991, 24978, 25002, 24993, 24973, 24934, 25011, 25133, 25710, 25712, 25750, 25760, 25733, 25751, 25756, 25743, 25739, 25738, 25740, 25763, 25759, 25704, 25777, 25752, 25974, 25978, 25977, 25979, {f: 2, c: 26034}, 26293, 26288, 26281, 26290, 26295, 26282, 26287, 27136, 27142, 27159, 27109, 27128, 27157, 27121, 27108, 27168, 27135, 27116, 27106, 27163, 27165, 27134, 27175, 27122, 27118, 27156, 27127, 27111, 27200, 27144, 27110, 27131, 27149, 27132, 27115, 27145, 27140, 27160, 27173, 27151, 27126, 27174, 27143, 27124, 27158, 27473, 27557, 27555, 27554, 27558, 27649, 27648, 27647, 27650, 28481, 28454, 28542, 28551, 28614, 28562, 28557, 28553, 28556, 28514, 28495, 28549, 28506, 28566, 28534, 28524, 28546, 28501, 28530, 28498, 28496, 28503, 28564, 28563, 28509, 28416, 28513, 28523, 28541, 28519, 28560, 28499, 28555, 28521, 28543, 28565, 28515, 28535, 28522, 28539, 29106, 29103, 29083, 29104, 29088, 29082, 29097, 29109, 29085, 29093, 29086, 29092, 29089, 29098, 29084, 29095, 29107, 29336, 29338, 29528, 29522, {f: 3, c: 29534}, 29533, 29531, 29537, 29530, 29529, 29538, 29831, {f: 2, c: 29833}, 29830, 29825, 29821, 29829, 29832, 29820, [29817, 58868], 29960, 29959, 30078, 30245, 30238, 30233, 30237, 30236, 30243, 30234, 30248, 30235, {f: 3, c: 30364}, 30363, 30605, 30607, 30601, 30600, 30925, 30907, 30927, 30924, 30929, 30926, 30932, 30920, {f: 2, c: 30915}, 30921, 31130, 31137, 31136, 31132, 31138, [31131, 59175], 27510, 31289, 31410, 31412, 31411, 31671, 31691, 31678, 31660, 31694, 31663, 31673, 31690, 31669, 31941, 31944, 31948, 31947, 32247, 32219, 32234, 32231, 32215, 32225, 32259, 32250, 32230, 32246, 32241, 32240, 32238, 32223, 32630, 32684, 32688, 32685, 32749, 32747, 32746, 32748, 32742, 32744, 32868, 32871, 33187, 33183, 33182, 33173, 33186, 33177, 33175, 33302, 33359, 33363, 33362, 33360, 33358, 33361, 34084, 34107, 34063, 34048, 34089, 34062, 34057, 34061, 34079, 34058, 34087, 34076, 34043, 34091, 34042, 34056, 34060, 34036, 34090, 34034, 34069, 34039, 34027, 34035, 34044, 34066, 34026, 34025, 34070, 34046, 34088, 34077, 34094, 34050, 34045, 34078, 34038, 34097, 34086, {f: 2, c: 34023}, 34032, 34031, 34041, 34072, 34080, 34096, 34059, 34073, 34095, 34402, 34646, {f: 2, c: 34659}, 34679, 34785, 34675, 34648, 34644, 34651, 34642, 34657, 34650, 34641, 34654, 34669, 34666, 34640, 34638, 34655, 34653, 34671, 34668, 34682, 34670, 34652, 34661, 34639, 34683, 34677, 34658, 34663, 34665, 34906, 35077, 35084, 35092, 35083, {f: 3, c: 35095}, 35078, 35094, 35089, 35086, 35081, 35234, 35236, 35235, 35309, 35312, 35308, 35535, 35526, 35512, 35539, 35537, {f: 2, c: 35540}, 35515, 35543, 35518, 35520, 35525, 35544, 35523, 35514, 35517, 35545, 35902, 35917, 35983, 36069, 36063, 36057, 36072, 36058, 36061, 36071, 36256, 36252, 36257, 36251, 36384, 36387, 36389, 36388, 36398, 36373, 36379, 36374, 36369, 36377, {f: 2, c: 36390}, 36372, 36370, 36376, 36371, 36380, 36375, 36378, 36652, 36644, 36632, 36634, 36640, 36643, {f: 2, c: 36630}, 36979, 36976, 36975, 36967, 36971, 37167, 37163, {f: 2, c: 37161}, 37170, 37158, 37166, {f: 2, c: 37253}, 37258, {f: 2, c: 37249}, 37252, 37248, 37584, {f: 2, c: 37571}, 37568, 37593, 37558, 37583, 37617, 37599, 37592, 37609, 37591, 37597, 37580, 37615, 37570, 37608, 37578, 37576, 37582, 37606, 37581, 37589, 37577, 37600, 37598, 37607, 37585, 37587, 37557, 37601, 37669, 37574, 37556, 38268, 38316, 38315, 38318, 38320, 38564, 38562, 38611, 38661, 38664, 38658, 38746, 38794, 38798, 38792, 38864, 38863, 38942, 38941, 38950, 38953, 38952, 38944, 38939, 38951, 39090, 39176, 39162, 39185, 39188, {f: 2, c: 39190}, 39189, 39388, 39373, 39375, {f: 2, c: 39379}, 39374, 39369, [39382, 60270], 39384, 39371, 39383, 39372, 39603, 39660, 39659, 39667, 39666, 39665, 39750, 39747, 39783, 39796, 39793, 39782, 39798, 39797, 39792, 39784, 39780, 39788, 40188, 40186, 40189, 40191, 40183, 40199, 40192, 40185, 40187, 40200, 40197, 40196, 40579, 40659, {f: 2, c: 40719}, 20764, 20755, 20759, 20762, 20753, 20958, 21300, 21473, 22128, 22112, 22126, 22131, 22118, 22115, 22125, 22130, 22110, 22135, 22300, 22299, 22728, 22717, 22729, 22719, 22714, 22722, 22716, 22726, 23319, 23321, 23323, 23329, 23316, 23315, 23312, 23318, [23336, 59539], 23322, 23328, 23326, 23535, 23980, 23985, 23977, 23975, 23989, 23984, 23982, 23978, 23976, 23986, 23981, 23983, 23988, {f: 2, c: 24167}, 24166, 24175, 24297, 24295, 24294, 24296, 24293, 24395, 24508, 24507, 24989, 25000, 24982, 25029, 25012, 25030, 25025, 25036, 25018, 25023, 25016, 24972, 25815, 25814, 25808, 25807, 25801, 25789, 25737, 25795, 25819, 25843, 25817, 25907, 25983, 25980, 26018, 26312, 26302, 26304, {f: 2, c: 26314}, 26319, 26301, 26299, 26298, 26316, 26403, 27188, 27238, 27209, 27239, 27186, 27240, 27198, 27229, 27245, 27254, 27227, 27217, 27176, 27226, 27195, 27199, 27201, 27242, 27236, 27216, 27215, 27220, 27247, 27241, 27232, 27196, 27230, 27222, 27221, {f: 2, c: 27213}, 27206, 27477, 27476, 27478, 27559, {f: 2, c: 27562}, 27592, 27591, 27652, 27651, 27654, 28589, 28619, 28579, 28615, 28604, 28622, 28616, 28510, 28612, 28605, 28574, 28618, 28584, 28676, 28581, 28590, 28602, 28588, 28586, 28623, 28607, 28600, 28578, 28617, 28587, 28621, 28591, 28594, 28592, 29125, 29122, 29119, 29112, 29142, {f: 2, c: 29120}, 29131, 29140, 29130, 29127, 29135, 29117, 29144, 29116, 29126, {f: 2, c: 29146}, {f: 2, c: 29341}, 29545, {f: 2, c: 29542}, 29548, 29541, 29547, 29546, 29823, 29850, 29856, 29844, 29842, 29845, 29857, 29963, 30080, 30255, 30253, 30257, 30269, 30259, 30268, 30261, 30258, 30256, 30395, 30438, 30618, 30621, 30625, 30620, 30619, {f: 2, c: 30626}, 30613, 30617, 30615, 30941, 30953, 30949, 30954, 30942, 30947, 30939, {f: 2, c: 30945}, 30957, {f: 2, c: 30943}, 31140, 31300, 31304, 31303, 31414, 31416, 31413, 31409, 31415, 31710, 31715, 31719, 31709, 31701, 31717, 31706, 31720, 31737, 31700, 31722, 31714, 31708, 31723, 31704, 31711, 31954, 31956, 31959, {f: 2, c: 31952}, 32274, 32289, 32279, 32268, {f: 2, c: 32287}, 32275, 32270, 32284, 32277, 32282, 32290, 32267, 32271, 32278, 32269, 32276, 32293, 32292, 32579, {f: 2, c: 32635}, 32634, 32689, 32751, 32810, 32809, 32876, 33201, 33190, 33198, 33209, 33205, 33195, 33200, 33196, 33204, 33202, 33207, 33191, 33266, {f: 3, c: 33365}, 34134, 34117, 34155, 34125, 34131, 34145, 34136, 34112, 34118, 34148, 34113, 34146, 34116, 34129, 34119, 34147, 34110, 34139, 34161, 34126, 34158, 34165, 34133, 34151, 34144, 34188, 34150, 34141, 34132, 34149, 34156, 34403, 34405, 34404, 34724, 34715, 34703, 34711, 34707, 34706, 34696, 34689, 34710, 34712, 34681, 34695, 34723, 34693, {f: 2, c: 34704}, 34717, 34692, 34708, 34716, 34714, 34697, 35102, 35110, 35120, {f: 2, c: 35117}, 35111, 35121, 35106, 35113, 35107, 35119, 35116, 35103, 35313, 35552, 35554, 35570, {f: 2, c: 35572}, 35549, 35604, 35556, 35551, 35568, 35528, 35550, 35553, 35560, 35583, 35567, 35579, {f: 2, c: 35985}, 35984, 36085, 36078, 36081, 36080, 36083, 36204, 36206, 36261, 36263, 36403, 36414, 36408, 36416, 36421, 36406, {f: 2, c: 36412}, 36417, 36400, 36415, 36541, [36662, 60329], 36654, 36661, 36658, 36665, 36663, 36660, 36982, 36985, 36987, 36998, 37114, 37171, {f: 2, c: 37173}, 37267, {f: 2, c: 37264}, 37261, 37263, 37671, 37662, 37640, 37663, 37638, 37647, 37754, 37688, 37692, 37659, 37667, 37650, 37633, 37702, 37677, 37646, 37645, 37579, 37661, 37626, 37651, 37625, 37623, 37684, 37634, 37668, 37631, 37673, 37689, 37685, 37674, 37652, 37644, 37643, 37630, 37641, 37632, 37627, 37654, 38332, 38349, 38334, {f: 2, c: 38329}, 38326, 38335, 38325, 38333, 38569, 38612, 38667, 38674, 38672, 38809, 38807, 38804, 38896, 38904, 38965, 38959, 38962, 39204, 39199, 39207, 39209, 39326, 39406, 39404, 39397, 39396, 39408, 39395, 39402, 39401, 39399, 39609, 39615, 39604, 39611, 39670, 39674, 39673, 39671, 39731, 39808, 39813, 39815, 39804, 39806, 39803, 39810, 39827, 39826, 39824, 39802, 39829, 39805, 39816, 40229, 40215, 40224, 40222, 40212, 40233, 40221, 40216, 40226, 40208, 40217, 40223, 40584, {f: 2, c: 40582}, 40622, 40621, {f: 2, c: 40661}, 40698, 40722, 40765, 20774, 20773, 20770, 20772, 20768, 20777, 21236, 22163, {f: 2, c: 22156}, 22150, 22148, 22147, 22142, 22146, 22143, 22145, 22742, 22740, 22735, 22738, 23341, 23333, 23346, 23331, 23340, 23335, 23334, 23343, 23342, 23419, {f: 2, c: 23537}, 23991, 24172, 24170, 24510, 25027, 25013, 25020, 25063, 25056, 25061, 25060, 25064, 25054, 25839, 25833, 25827, 25835, 25828, 25832, 25985, 25984, 26038, 26074, 26322, 27277, 27286, 27265, 27301, 27273, 27295, 27291, 27297, 27294, 27271, 27283, 27278, 27285, 27267, 27304, 27300, 27281, 27263, 27302, 27290, 27269, 27276, 27282, 27483, 27565, 27657, 28620, 28585, 28660, 28628, 28643, 28636, 28653, 28647, 28646, 28638, 28658, 28637, 28642, 28648, 29153, 29169, 29160, 29170, 29156, 29168, 29154, 29555, {f: 2, c: 29550}, 29847, 29874, 29867, 29840, 29866, 29869, 29873, 29861, 29871, {f: 3, c: 29968}, 29967, 30084, 30275, {f: 2, c: 30280}, 30279, 30372, 30441, 30645, 30635, 30642, 30647, 30646, 30644, 30641, 30632, 30704, 30963, 30973, 30978, {f: 2, c: 30971}, 30975, 30962, 30981, 30969, 30974, 30980, 31147, 31144, 31324, 31323, 31318, 31320, 31316, 31322, 31422, {f: 2, c: 31424}, 31749, 31759, 31730, 31744, 31743, 31739, 31758, 31732, 31755, 31731, 31746, 31753, 31747, 31745, 31736, 31741, [31750, 58176], {f: 2, c: 31728}, 31760, 31754, 31976, 32301, 32316, 32322, 32307, 38984, 32312, 32298, 32329, 32320, 32327, 32297, 32332, 32304, 32315, 32310, 32324, 32314, 32581, 32639, 32638, 32637, 32756, 32754, 32812, 33211, 33220, 33228, 33226, 33221, 33223, 33212, 33257, 33371, 33370, 33372, 34179, 34176, 34191, 34215, 34197, 34208, 34187, 34211, 34171, 34212, 34202, 34206, 34167, 34172, 34185, 34209, 34170, 34168, 34135, 34190, 34198, 34182, 34189, 34201, 34205, 34177, 34210, 34178, 34184, 34181, 34169, 34166, 34200, 34192, 34207, 34408, 34750, 34730, 34733, 34757, 34736, 34732, 34745, 34741, 34748, 34734, 34761, 34755, 34754, 34764, 34743, 34735, 34756, 34762, 34740, 34742, 34751, 34744, 34749, 34782, 34738, 35125, 35123, 35132, 35134, 35137, 35154, 35127, 35138, 35245, 35247, 35246, {f: 2, c: 35314}, 35614, 35608, 35606, 35601, 35589, 35595, 35618, 35599, 35602, 35605, 35591, 35597, 35592, 35590, 35612, 35603, 35610, 35919, 35952, 35954, 35953, 35951, 35989, 35988, 36089, 36207, 36430, 36429, 36435, 36432, 36428, 36423, 36675, 36672, 36997, 36990, 37176, 37274, 37282, 37275, 37273, 37279, 37281, 37277, 37280, 37793, 37763, 37807, 37732, 37718, 37703, 37756, 37720, 37724, 37750, 37705, {f: 2, c: 37712}, 37728, 37741, 37775, 37708, 37738, 37753, 37719, 37717, 37714, 37711, 37745, 37751, 37755, 37729, 37726, 37731, 37735, 37710, 37721, 38343, 38336, 38345, 38339, 38341, 38327, 38574, 38576, 38572, 38688, 38687, 38680, 38685, 38681, 38810, 38817, 38812, 38814, 38813, 38869, 38868, 38897, 38977, 38980, 38986, 38985, 38981, 38979, 39205, {f: 2, c: 39211}, 39210, 39219, 39218, 39215, 39213, 39217, 39216, 39320, 39331, 39329, 39426, 39418, 39412, 39415, 39417, 39416, 39414, 39419, {f: 2, c: 39421}, 39420, 39427, 39614, 39678, 39677, 39681, 39676, 39752, 39834, 39848, 39838, 39835, 39846, 39841, 39845, 39844, 39814, 39842, 39840, 39855, 40243, 40257, 40295, 40246, {f: 2, c: 40238}, 40241, 40248, 40240, 40261, {f: 2, c: 40258}, 40254, 40247, 40256, 40253, 32757, 40237, 40586, 40585, 40589, 40624, 40648, 40666, 40699, 40703, 40740, 40739, 40738, 40788, [12245, 40864], 20785, {f: 2, c: 20781}, 22168, 22172, 22167, 22170, 22173, 22169, 22896, 23356, {f: 2, c: 23657}, 24000, {f: 2, c: 24173}, 25048, 25055, {f: 2, c: 25069}, 25073, 25066, 25072, 25067, 25046, 25065, 25855, 25860, 25853, 25848, 25857, 25859, 25852, 26004, 26075, {f: 2, c: 26330}, 26328, 27333, 27321, 27325, 27361, 27334, 27322, {f: 2, c: 27318}, 27335, 27316, 27309, 27486, 27593, 27659, 28679, {f: 2, c: 28684}, 28673, 28677, 28692, 28686, {f: 2, c: 28671}, 28667, 28710, 28668, 28663, 28682, [29185, 60224], 29183, 29177, 29187, 29181, 29558, 29880, 29888, 29877, 29889, 29886, 29878, 29883, 29890, 29972, 29971, 30300, 30308, 30297, 30288, 30291, 30295, 30298, 30374, 30397, 30444, 30658, 30650, 30988, {f: 2, c: 30995}, 30985, 30992, 30994, 30993, 31149, 31148, 31327, 31772, 31785, 31769, 31776, 31775, 31789, 31773, 31782, 31784, 31778, 31781, 31792, 32348, 32336, 32342, 32355, 32344, 32354, 32351, 32337, 32352, 32343, 32339, 32693, 32691, {f: 2, c: 32759}, 32885, {f: 2, c: 33233}, 33232, 33375, 33374, 34228, 34246, 34240, 34243, 34242, 34227, 34229, 34237, 34247, 34244, 34239, 34251, 34254, 34248, 34245, 34225, 34230, 34258, 34340, 34232, 34231, 34238, 34409, 34791, 34790, 34786, 34779, 34795, 34794, 34789, 34783, 34803, 34788, 34772, 34780, 34771, 34797, 34776, 34787, 34775, 34777, 34817, 34804, 34792, 34781, 35155, 35147, 35151, 35148, 35142, {f: 2, c: 35152}, 35145, 35626, 35623, 35619, 35635, 35632, 35637, 35655, 35631, 35644, 35646, 35633, 35621, 35639, 35622, 35638, 35630, 35620, 35643, 35645, 35642, 35906, 35957, 35993, 35992, 35991, 36094, 36100, 36098, 36096, 36444, 36450, 36448, 36439, 36438, 36446, 36453, 36455, 36443, 36442, 36449, 36445, 36457, 36436, {f: 3, c: 36678}, 36683, 37160, {f: 2, c: 37178}, 37182, 37288, 37285, 37287, 37295, 37290, 37813, 37772, 37778, 37815, 37787, 37789, 37769, 37799, 37774, 37802, 37790, 37798, 37781, 37768, 37785, 37791, 37760, 37773, 37809, 37777, 37810, 37796, 37800, 37812, 37795, {f: 2, c: 38354}, 38353, 38579, 38615, 38618, 24002, 38623, 38616, 38621, 38691, 38690, 38693, 38828, 38830, 38824, 38827, 38820, 38826, 38818, 38821, 38871, 38873, 38870, 38872, 38906, {f: 3, c: 38992}, 39096, 39233, 39228, 39226, 39439, 39435, 39433, 39437, 39428, 39441, 39434, 39429, 39431, 39430, 39616, 39644, 39688, {f: 2, c: 39684}, 39721, 39733, 39754, 39756, 39755, 39879, 39878, 39875, 39871, 39873, 39861, 39864, 39891, 39862, 39876, 39865, 39869, 40284, 40275, 40271, 40266, 40283, 40267, 40281, 40278, 40268, 40279, 40274, 40276, 40287, 40280, 40282, 40590, 40588, 40671, 40705, 40704, [40726, 58693], 40741, 40747, 40746, 40745, 40744, 40780, 40789, {f: 2, c: 20788}, 21142, 21239, 21428, 22187, 22189, {f: 2, c: 22182}, 22186, 22188, 22746, 22749, 22747, 22802, {f: 3, c: 23357}, 24003, 24176, 24511, 25083, 25863, 25872, 25869, 25865, 25868, 25870, 25988, 26078, 26077, 26334, 27367, 27360, 27340, 27345, 27353, 27339, 27359, 27356, 27344, 27371, 27343, 27341, 27358, 27488, 27568, 27660, 28697, 28711, 28704, 28694, 28715, {f: 3, c: 28705}, 28713, 28695, 28708, 28700, 29196, 29194, 29191, 29186, 29189, {f: 2, c: 29349}, 29348, 29347, 29345, 29899, 29893, 29879, 29891, 29974, 30304, {f: 2, c: 30665}, 30660, 30705, 31005, 31003, 31009, 31004, 30999, 31006, 31152, {f: 2, c: 31335}, 31795, 31804, 31801, 31788, 31803, 31980, 31978, 32374, 32373, 32376, 32368, 32375, 32367, 32378, 32370, 32372, 32360, 32587, 32586, 32643, 32646, 32695, {f: 2, c: 32765}, 32888, 33239, 33237, 33291, 33380, 33377, 33379, 34283, 34289, 34285, 34265, 34273, 34280, 34266, 34263, 34284, 34290, 34296, 34264, 34271, 34275, 34268, 34257, 34288, 34278, 34287, 34270, 34274, 34816, 34810, 34819, {f: 2, c: 34806}, 34825, 34828, 34827, 34822, 34812, 34824, 34815, 34826, 34818, 35170, {f: 2, c: 35162}, 35159, 35169, 35164, 35160, 35165, 35161, 35208, 35255, 35254, 35318, 35664, 35656, 35658, 35648, 35667, 35670, 35668, 35659, 35669, 35665, 35650, 35666, 35671, 35907, 35959, 35958, 35994, {f: 2, c: 36102}, 36105, 36268, 36266, 36269, 36267, 36461, 36472, 36467, 36458, 36463, 36475, 36546, 36690, 36689, {f: 2, c: 36687}, 36691, 36788, 37184, 37183, 37296, 37293, 37854, 37831, 37839, 37826, 37850, 37840, 37881, 37868, 37836, 37849, 37801, 37862, 37834, 37844, 37870, 37859, 37845, 37828, 37838, 37824, 37842, 37797, 37863, 38269, {f: 2, c: 38362}, 38625, 38697, {f: 2, c: 38699}, 38696, 38694, 38835, 38839, 38838, {f: 3, c: 38877}, 39004, 39001, 39005, 38999, 39103, 39101, 39099, 39102, 39240, 39239, 39235, {f: 2, c: 39334}, 39450, 39445, 39461, 39453, 39460, 39451, 39458, 39456, 39463, 39459, 39454, 39452, 39444, 39618, 39691, 39690, 39694, 39692, 39735, {f: 2, c: 39914}, 39904, 39902, 39908, 39910, 39906, 39920, 39892, 39895, 39916, 39900, 39897, 39909, 39893, 39905, 39898, 40311, 40321, 40330, 40324, 40328, 40305, 40320, 40312, 40326, {f: 2, c: 40331}, 40317, 40299, {f: 2, c: 40308}, 40304, 40297, 40325, 40307, 40315, 40322, 40303, 40313, 40319, 40327, 40296, 40596, 40593, 40640, 40700, 40749, {f: 2, c: 40768}, 40781, {f: 3, c: 40790}, 21303, 22194, 22197, 22195, 22755, 23365, {f: 2, c: 24006}, {f: 2, c: 24302}, {f: 2, c: 24512}, 25081, 25879, 25878, 25877, 25875, 26079, 26344, {f: 2, c: 26339}, 27379, 27376, 27370, 27368, 27385, 27377, {f: 2, c: 27374}, 28732, 28725, 28719, 28727, 28724, 28721, 28738, 28728, 28735, 28730, 28729, 28714, 28736, 28731, 28723, 28737, {f: 2, c: 29203}, 29352, 29565, 29564, 29882, 30379, 30378, 30398, 30445, 30668, {f: 2, c: 30670}, 30669, 30706, 31013, 31011, {f: 2, c: 31015}, 31012, 31017, 31154, 31342, {f: 2, c: 31340}, 31479, 31817, 31816, 31818, 31815, 31813, 31982, 32379, 32382, 32385, 32384, 32698, 32767, 32889, 33243, 33241, {f: 2, c: 33384}, 34338, 34303, 34305, 34302, 34331, 34304, 34294, 34308, 34313, 34309, 34316, 34301, 34841, {f: 2, c: 34832}, 34839, 34835, 34838, 35171, 35174, 35257, 35319, 35680, 35690, 35677, 35688, 35683, 35685, 35687, 35693, 36270, 36486, 36488, 36484, 36697, {f: 2, c: 36694}, 36693, 36696, 36698, 37005, 37187, 37185, 37303, 37301, {f: 2, c: 37298}, 37899, 37907, 37883, 37920, 37903, 37908, 37886, 37909, 37904, 37928, 37913, 37901, 37877, 37888, 37879, 37895, 37902, 37910, 37906, 37882, 37897, 37880, 37948, 37898, 37887, 37884, 37900, 37878, 37905, 37894, 38366, 38368, 38367, {f: 2, c: 38702}, 38841, 38843, {f: 2, c: 38909}, 39008, {f: 2, c: 39010}, 39007, {f: 2, c: 39105}, 39248, 39246, 39257, 39244, 39243, 39251, 39474, 39476, 39473, 39468, 39466, 39478, 39465, 39470, 39480, 39469, 39623, 39626, 39622, 39696, 39698, 39697, 39947, 39944, 39927, 39941, 39954, 39928, 40000, 39943, 39950, 39942, 39959, 39956, 39945, 40351, 40345, 40356, 40349, 40338, 40344, 40336, 40347, 40352, 40340, 40348, 40362, 40343, 40353, 40346, 40354, 40360, 40350, 40355, 40383, 40361, 40342, {f: 2, c: 40358}, 40601, 40603, 40602, 40677, 40676, 40679, 40678, 40752, 40750, 40795, 40800, 40798, 40797, 40793, 40849, 20794, 20793, 21144, 21143, 22211, {f: 2, c: 22205}, 23368, 23367, 24011, 24015, 24305, 25085, 25883, 27394, 27388, 27395, 27384, 27392, {f: 2, c: 28739}, 28746, {f: 2, c: 28744}, {f: 2, c: 28741}, 29213, 29210, 29209, 29566, 29975, 30314, 30672, 31021, 31025, 31023, 31828, 31827, 31986, 32394, [32391, 60229], 32392, 32395, 32390, 32397, 32589, 32699, 32816, 33245, 34328, 34346, 34342, 34335, 34339, 34332, 34329, 34343, 34350, 34337, 34336, 34345, 34334, 34341, 34857, 34845, 34843, 34848, 34852, 34844, 34859, 34890, 35181, 35177, 35182, 35179, 35322, 35705, 35704, 35653, {f: 2, c: 35706}, 36112, 36116, 36271, 36494, 36492, 36702, 36699, 36701, 37190, {f: 2, c: 37188}, 37305, 37951, 37947, 37942, 37929, 37949, 37936, 37945, 37930, 37943, 37932, 37952, 37937, 38373, 38372, 38371, 38709, 38714, 38847, 38881, 39012, 39113, 39110, 39104, 39256, 39254, 39481, 39485, 39494, 39492, 39490, 39489, 39482, 39487, 39629, 39701, {f: 2, c: 39703}, 39702, 39738, 39762, 39979, 39965, 39964, 39980, 39971, {f: 2, c: 39976}, 39972, 39969, 40375, 40374, 40380, 40385, 40391, 40394, 40399, 40382, 40389, 40387, 40379, 40373, 40398, {f: 2, c: 40377}, 40364, 40392, 40369, 40365, 40396, 40371, 40397, 40370, 40570, 40604, 40683, 40686, 40685, 40731, 40728, 40730, 40753, 40782, 40805, 40804, 40850, 20153, 22214, 22213, 22219, 22897, {f: 2, c: 23371}, 24021, 24017, 24306, 25889, 25888, 25894, 25890, 27403, {f: 2, c: 27400}, 27661, {f: 3, c: 28757}, 28754, {f: 2, c: 29214}, 29353, 29567, 29912, 29909, 29913, 29911, 30317, 30381, 31029, 31156, {f: 2, c: 31344}, 31831, 31836, 31833, 31835, 31834, 31988, 31985, 32401, 32591, 32647, 33246, 33387, {f: 2, c: 34356}, 34355, 34348, 34354, 34358, 34860, 34856, 34854, 34858, 34853, 35185, 35263, 35262, 35323, 35710, 35716, 35714, 35718, 35717, 35711, 36117, 36501, 36500, 36506, 36498, 36496, {f: 2, c: 36502}, 36704, 36706, 37191, 37964, 37968, {f: 2, c: 37962}, 37967, 37959, 37957, {f: 2, c: 37960}, 37958, 38719, 38883, 39018, 39017, 39115, 39252, 39259, 39502, {f: 2, c: 39507}, 39500, 39503, 39496, 39498, 39497, 39506, 39504, 39632, 39705, 39723, 39739, 39766, 39765, 40006, 40008, 39999, 40004, 39993, 39987, 40001, 39996, 39991, 39988, 39986, 39997, 39990, 40411, 40402, 40414, 40410, 40395, 40400, 40412, 40401, 40415, 40425, 40409, 40408, 40406, 40437, 40405, 40413, 40630, 40688, 40757, 40755, 40754, 40770, 40811, 40853, 40866, 20797, 21145, 22760, 22759, 22898, 23373, 24024, 34863, 24399, 25089, {f: 2, c: 25091}, 25897, 25893, 26006, 26347, {f: 2, c: 27409}, 27407, 27594, 28763, 28762, 29218, 29570, 29569, 29571, 30320, 30676, 31847, 31846, 32405, 33388, 34362, 34368, 34361, 34364, 34353, 34363, 34366, 34864, 34866, 34862, 34867, 35190, 35188, 35187, 35326, 35724, 35726, 35723, 35720, 35909, 36121, 36504, 36708, 36707, 37308, 37986, 37973, 37981, 37975, 37982, {f: 2, c: 38852}, 38912, 39510, 39513, {f: 3, c: 39710}, 40018, 40024, 40016, 40010, 40013, 40011, 40021, 40025, 40012, 40014, 40443, 40439, 40431, 40419, 40427, 40440, 40420, 40438, 40417, 40430, 40422, 40434, [40432, 60370], 40418, 40428, 40436, 40435, 40424, 40429, 40642, 40656, {f: 2, c: 40690}, 40710, 40732, 40760, 40759, 40758, 40771, 40783, 40817, 40816, {f: 2, c: 40814}, 22227, 22221, 23374, 23661, 25901, {f: 2, c: 26349}, 27411, 28767, 28769, 28765, 28768, 29219, 29915, 29925, 30677, 31032, 31159, 31158, 31850, 32407, 32649, 33389, 34371, 34872, 34871, 34869, 34891, {f: 2, c: 35732}, {f: 3, c: 36510}, 36509, 37310, 37309, 37314, 37995, {f: 2, c: 37992}, 38629, 38726, 38723, 38727, 38855, 38885, 39518, 39637, 39769, 40035, 40039, 40038, 40034, 40030, 40032, 40450, 40446, 40455, 40451, 40454, 40453, {f: 2, c: 40448}, 40457, 40447, 40445, 40452, 40608, 40734, 40774, {f: 3, c: 40820}, 22228, 25902, 26040, {f: 2, c: 27416}, 27415, 27418, 28770, 29222, 29354, {f: 2, c: 30680}, 31033, 31849, 31851, 31990, 32410, 32408, 32411, 32409, {f: 2, c: 33248}, {f: 3, c: 34374}, {f: 2, c: 35193}, 35196, 35195, 35327, {f: 2, c: 35736}, 36517, 36516, 36515, 37998, 37997, 37999, 38001, 38003, 38729, 39026, 39263, 40040, 40046, 40045, 40459, 40461, 40464, 40463, 40466, 40465, 40609, 40693, 40713, 40775, 40824, 40827, 40826, 40825, 22302, 28774, 31855, 34876, 36274, 36518, 37315, 38004, 38008, 38006, 38005, 39520, [39726, 60830], 40052, 40051, 40049, 40053, 40468, 40467, 40694, 40714, 40868, 28776, 28773, 31991, 34410, 34878, 34877, 34879, 35742, 35996, 36521, 36553, 38731, {f: 2, c: 39027}, 39116, 39265, 39339, 39524, {f: 2, c: 39526}, 39716, 40469, 40471, 40776, 25095, 27422, 29223, 34380, 36520, 38018, {f: 2, c: 38016}, 39529, 39528, 40473, 34379, 35743, 38019, 40057, 40631, 30325, 39531, 40058, 40477, {f: 2, c: 28777}, 29225, 40612, 40830, 40777, 40856, {s: 97}, 65075, 0, 65076, 65103, [168, 776, 63208], [710, 63209, 65342], [12541, 63210], [12542, 63211], [12445, 63212], [12446, 63213], 0, [12293, 63216], [12294, 63217], [12295, 63218], [12540, 63219], [63220, 65339], [63221, 65341], [10045, 63222], [12353, 63223], [12354, 63224], [12355, 63225], [12356, 63226], [12357, 63227], [12358, 63228], [12359, 63229], [12360, 63230], [12361, 63231], [12362, 63232], [12363, 63233], [12364, 63234], [12365, 63235], [12366, 63236], [12367, 63237], [12368, 63238], [12369, 63239], [12370, 63240], [12371, 63241], [12372, 63242], [12373, 63243], [12374, 63244], [12375, 63245], [12376, 63246], [12377, 63247], [12378, 63248], [12379, 63249], [12380, 63250], [12381, 63251], [12382, 63252], [12383, 63253], [12384, 63254], [12385, 63255], [12386, 63256], [12387, 63257], [12388, 63258], [12389, 63259], [12390, 63260], [12391, 63261], [12392, 63262], [12393, 63263], [12394, 63264], [12395, 63265], [12396, 63266], [12397, 63267], [12398, 63268], [12399, 63269], [12400, 63270], [12401, 63271], [12402, 63272], [12403, 63273], [12404, 63274], [12405, 63275], [12406, 63276], [12407, 63277], [12408, 63278], [12409, 63279], [12410, 63280], [12411, 63281], [12412, 63282], [12413, 63283], [12414, 63284], [12415, 63285], [12416, 63286], [12417, 63287], [12418, 63288], [12419, 63289], [12420, 63290], [12421, 63291], [12422, 63292], [12423, 63293], [12424, 63294], [12425, 63295], [12426, 63296], [12427, 63297], [12428, 63298], [12429, 63299], [12430, 63300], [12431, 63301], [12432, 63302], [12433, 63303], [12434, 63304], [12435, 63305], [12449, 63306], [12450, 63307], [12451, 63308], [12452, 63309], [12453, 63310], [12454, 63311], [12455, 63312], [12456, 63313], [12457, 63314], [12458, 63315], [12459, 63316], [12460, 63317], [12461, 63318], [12462, 63319], [12463, 63320], [12464, 63321], [12465, 63322], [12466, 63323], [12467, 63324], [12468, 63325], [12469, 63326], [12470, 63327], [12471, 63328], [12472, 63329], [12473, 63330], [12474, 63331], [12475, 63332], [12476, 63333], [12477, 63334], [12478, 63335], [12479, 63336], [12480, 63337], [12481, 63338], [12482, 63339], [12483, 63340], [12484, 63341], [12485, 63342], [12486, 63343], [12487, 63344], [12488, 63345], [12489, 63346], [12490, 63347], [12491, 63348], [12492, 63349], [12493, 63350], [12494, 63351], [12495, 63352], [12496, 63353], [12497, 63354], [12498, 63355], [12499, 63356], [12500, 63357], [12501, 63358], [12502, 63359], [12503, 63360], [12504, 63361], [12505, 63362], [12506, 63363], [12507, 63364], [12508, 63365], [12509, 63366], [12510, 63367], [12511, 63368], [12512, 63369], [12513, 63370], [12514, 63371], [12515, 63372], [12516, 63373], [12517, 63374], [12518, 63375], [12519, 63376], [12520, 63377], [12521, 63378], [12522, 63379], [12523, 63380], [12524, 63381], [12525, 63382], [12526, 63383], [12527, 63384], [12528, 63385], [12529, 63386], [12530, 63387], [12531, 63388], [12532, 63389], [12533, 63390], [12534, 63391], [1040, 63392], [1041, 63393], [1042, 63394], [1043, 63395], [1044, 63396], [1045, 63397], [1025, 63398], [1046, 63399], [1047, 63400], [1048, 63401], [1049, 63402], [1050, 63403], [1051, 63404], [1052, 63405], [1053, 63406], [1054, 63407], [1055, 63408], [1056, 63409], [1057, 63410], [1058, 63411], [1059, 63412], [1060, 63413], [1061, 63414], [1062, 63415], [1063, 63416], [1064, 63417], [1065, 63418], [1066, 63419], [1067, 63420], [1068, 63421], [1069, 63422], [1070, 63423], [1071, 63424], [1072, 63425], [1073, 63426], [1074, 63427], [1075, 63428], [1076, 63429], [1077, 63430], [1105, 63431], [1078, 63432], [1079, 63433], [1080, 63434], [1081, 63435], [1082, 63436], [1083, 63437], [1084, 63438], [1085, 63439], [1086, 63440], [1087, 63441], [1088, 63442], [1089, 63443], [1090, 63444], [1091, 63445], [1092, 63446], [1093, 63447], [1094, 63448], [1095, 63449], [1096, 63450], [1097, 63451], [1098, 63452], [1099, 63453], [1100, 63454], [1101, 63455], [1102, 63456], [1103, 63457], [8679, 63458], [8632, 63459], [8633, 63460], [20033, 63461], [63462, 131276], [20058, 63463], [63464, 131210], [20994, 63465], [17553, 63466], 63467, [20872, 63468], [13853, 63469], [63470, 161287], {s: 40}, [172, 63511, 65506], [63512, 65508], [63513, 65287], [63514, 65282], [12849, 63515], [8470, 63516], [8481, 63517], 30849, [37561, 58501], 35023, 22715, 24658, 31911, 23290, 9556, 9574, 9559, 9568, 9580, 9571, 9562, 9577, 9565, 9554, 9572, 9557, {s: 3}, 9560, 9575, 9563, 9555, 9573, 9558, 9567, 9579, 9570, 9561, 9576, 9564, 9553, {s: 5}, 9619, {s: 26}, [58129, 147159], [22462, 58130], [58131, 159443], [28990, 58132], [58133, 153568], [27042, 58135], [58136, 166889], [23412, 58137], [31305, 58138], [58139, 153825], [58140, 169177], [31333, 58141], [31357, 58142], [58143, 154028], [31419, 58144], [31408, 58145], [31426, 58146], [31427, 58147], [29137, 58148], [58149, 156813], [16842, 58150], [31450, 58151], [31453, 58152], [31466, 58153], [16879, 58154], [21682, 58155], [58156, 154625], [31499, 58157], [31573, 58158], [31529, 58159], [58160, 152334], [58161, 154878], [31650, 58162], [31599, 58163], [33692, 58164], [58165, 154548], [58166, 158847], [31696, 58167], [33825, 58168], [31634, 58169], 0, [58171, 154912], 0, [33938, 58174], [31738, 58175], 0, [31797, 58177], [58178, 154817], [31812, 58179], [31875, 58180], [58181, 149634], [31910, 58182], [58184, 148856], [31945, 58185], [31943, 58186], [31974, 58187], 0, [31987, 58189], [31989, 58190], [32359, 58192], [17693, 58193], [58194, 159300], [32093, 58195], [58196, 159446], [32137, 58198], [32171, 58199], [28981, 58200], [32179, 58201], 32214, [58203, 147543], [58204, 155689], [32228, 58205], [15635, 58206], [32245, 58207], [58208, 137209], [32229, 58209], [58210, 164717], 0, [58212, 155937], [58213, 155994], [32366, 58214], 0, [17195, 58216], [37996, 58217], [32295, 58218], [32576, 58219], [32577, 58220], [32583, 58221], [31030, 58222], [58223, 156368], [39393, 58224], [32663, 58225], [58226, 156497], [32675, 58227], [58228, 136801], [58229, 131176], [17756, 58230], [58231, 145254], [58233, 164666], [32762, 58234], [58235, 156809], 0, [32776, 58237], [32797, 58238], 0, [32815, 58240], [58241, 172167], [58242, 158915], [32827, 58243], [32828, 58244], [32865, 58245], [58246, 141076], [18825, 58247], [58248, 157222], [58249, 146915], [58250, 157416], [26405, 58251], [32935, 58252], [58253, 166472], [33031, 58254], [33050, 58255], [22704, 58256], [58257, 141046], [27775, 58258], [58259, 156824], [25831, 58261], [58262, 136330], [33304, 58263], [58264, 137310], [27219, 58265], [58266, 150117], [58267, 150165], [17530, 58268], [33321, 58269], [58271, 158290], [58272, 146814], [20473, 58273], [58274, 136445], [34018, 58275], [33634, 58276], 0, [58278, 149927], [58279, 144688], [58280, 137075], [58281, 146936], [33450, 58282], [26907, 58283], [58284, 194964], [16859, 58285], [34123, 58286], [33488, 58287], [33562, 58288], [58289, 134678], [58290, 137140], [14017, 58291], [58292, 143741], [58293, 144730], [33403, 58294], [33506, 58295], [33560, 58296], [58297, 147083], [58298, 159139], [58299, 158469], [58300, 158615], [58301, 144846], [15807, 58302], [33565, 58303], [21996, 58304], [33669, 58305], [17675, 58306], [58307, 159141], [33708, 58308], 0, [33747, 58310], [58312, 159444], [27223, 58313], [34138, 58314], [13462, 58315], [58316, 159298], [33880, 58318], [58319, 154596], [33905, 58320], [15827, 58321], [17636, 58322], [27303, 58323], [33866, 58324], [31064, 58326], 0, [58328, 158614], [58329, 159351], [58330, 159299], [34014, 58331], 0, [33681, 58333], [17568, 58334], [33939, 58335], [34020, 58336], [58337, 154769], [16960, 58338], [58339, 154816], [17731, 58340], [34100, 58341], [23282, 58342], 0, [17703, 58344], [34163, 58345], [17686, 58346], [26559, 58347], [34326, 58348], [58349, 165413], [58350, 165435], [34241, 58351], [58352, 159880], [34306, 58353], [58354, 136578], [58355, 159949], [58356, 194994], [17770, 58357], [34344, 58358], [13896, 58359], [58360, 137378], [21495, 58361], [58362, 160666], [34430, 58363], 0, [58365, 172280], [34798, 58366], [58367, 142375], [34737, 58368], [34778, 58369], [34831, 58370, 60990], [22113, 58371], [34412, 58372], [26710, 58373], [17935, 58374], [34885, 58375], [34886, 58376], [58377, 161248], [58378, 146873], [58379, 161252], [34910, 58380], [34972, 58381], [18011, 58382], [34996, 58383], [34997, 58384], [35013, 58386], [58388, 161551], [35207, 58389], {s: 3}, [35239, 58393], [35260, 58394], [58395, 166437], [35303, 58396], [58397, 162084], [58398, 162493], [35484, 58399], [30611, 58400], [37374, 58401], [35472, 58402], [58403, 162393], [31465, 58404], [58405, 162618], [18195, 58407], [58408, 162616], [29052, 58409], [35596, 58410], [35615, 58411], [58412, 152624], [58413, 152933], [35647, 58414], 0, [35661, 58416], [35497, 58417], [58418, 150138], [35728, 58419], [35739, 58420], [35503, 58421], [58422, 136927], [17941, 58423], [34895, 58424], [35995, 58425], [58426, 163156], [58427, 163215], [58428, 195028], [14117, 58429], [58430, 163155], [36054, 58431], [58432, 163224], [58433, 163261], [36114, 58434], [36099, 58435], [58436, 137488], [36059, 58437], [28764, 58438], [36113, 58439], [16080, 58441], 0, [36265, 58443], [58444, 163842], [58445, 135188], [58446, 149898], [15228, 58447], [58448, 164284], [58449, 160012], [31463, 58450], [36525, 58451], [36534, 58452], [36547, 58453], [37588, 58454], [36633, 58455], [36653, 58456], [58457, 164709], [58458, 164882], [36773, 58459], [37635, 58460], [58461, 172703], [58462, 133712], [36787, 58463], 0, [58465, 166366], [58466, 165181], [58467, 146875], [24312, 58468], [58469, 143970], [36857, 58470], 0, [58474, 140069], [14720, 58475], [58476, 159447], [36919, 58477], [58478, 165180], [58479, 162494], [36961, 58480], [58481, 165228], [58482, 165387], [37032, 58483], [58484, 165651], [37060, 58485], [58486, 165606], [37038, 58487], 0, [37223, 58489], [37289, 58491], [37316, 58492], [31916, 58493], [58494, 166195], [58495, 138889], [37390, 58496], [27807, 58497], [37441, 58498], [37474, 58499], [58500, 153017], [58502, 166598], [58503, 146587], [58504, 166668], [58505, 153051], [58506, 134449], [37676, 58507], [37739, 58508], [58509, 166625], [58510, 166891], [23235, 58512], [58513, 166626], [58514, 166629], [18789, 58515], [37444, 58516], [58517, 166892], [58518, 166969], [58519, 166911], [37747, 58520], [37979, 58521], [36540, 58522], [38277, 58523], [38310, 58524], [37926, 58525], [38304, 58526], [28662, 58527], [17081, 58528], [58530, 165592], [58531, 135804], [58532, 146990], [18911, 58533], [27676, 58534], [38523, 58535], [38550, 58536], [16748, 58537], [38563, 58538], [58539, 159445], [25050, 58540], 58541, [30965, 58542], [58543, 166624], [38589, 58544], [21452, 58545], [18849, 58546], [58547, 158904], [58548, 131700], [58549, 156688], [58550, 168111], [58551, 168165], [58552, 150225], [58553, 137493], [58554, 144138], [38705, 58555], [34370, 58556], [38710, 58557], [18959, 58558], [17725, 58559], [17797, 58560], [58561, 150249], [28789, 58562], [23361, 58563], [38683, 58564], 0, [58566, 168405], [38743, 58567], [23370, 58568], [58569, 168427], [38751, 58570], [37925, 58571], [20688, 58572], [58573, 143543], [58574, 143548], [38793, 58575], [38815, 58576], [38833, 58577], [38846, 58578], [38848, 58579], [38866, 58580], [38880, 58581], [58582, 152684], [38894, 58583], [29724, 58584], [58585, 169011], 0, [38901, 58587], [58588, 168989], [58589, 162170], [19153, 58590], [38964, 58591], [38963, 58592], [38987, 58593], [39014, 58594], [15118, 58595], [58596, 160117], [15697, 58597], [58598, 132656], [58599, 147804], [58600, 153350], [39114, 58601], [39095, 58602], [39112, 58603], [39111, 58604], [19199, 58605], [58606, 159015], [58607, 136915], [21936, 58608], [39137, 58609], [39142, 58610], [39148, 58611], [37752, 58612], [39225, 58613], [58614, 150057], [19314, 58615], [58616, 170071], [58617, 170245], [39413, 58618], [39436, 58619], [39483, 58620], [39440, 58621], [39512, 58622], [58623, 153381], [14020, 58624], [58625, 168113], [58626, 170965], [39648, 58627], [39650, 58628], [58629, 170757], [39668, 58630], [19470, 58631], [39700, 58632], [39725, 58633], [58634, 165376], [20532, 58635], [39732, 58636], [14531, 58638], [58639, 143485], [39760, 58640], [39744, 58641], [58642, 171326], [23109, 58643], [58644, 137315], [39822, 58645], [39938, 58647], [39935, 58648], [39948, 58649], [58650, 171624], [40404, 58651], [58652, 171959], [58653, 172434], [58654, 172459], [58655, 172257], [58656, 172323], [58657, 172511], [40318, 58658], [40323, 58659], [58660, 172340], [40462, 58661], [40388, 58663], [58665, 172435], [58666, 172576], [58667, 137531], [58668, 172595], [40249, 58669], [58670, 172217], [58671, 172724], [40592, 58672], [40597, 58673], [40606, 58674], [40610, 58675], [19764, 58676], [40618, 58677], [40623, 58678], [58679, 148324], [40641, 58680], [15200, 58681], [14821, 58682], [15645, 58683], [20274, 58684], [14270, 58685], [58686, 166955], [40706, 58687], [40712, 58688], [19350, 58689], [37924, 58690], [58691, 159138], [40727, 58692, 60836], 0, [40761, 58694], [22175, 58695], [22154, 58696], [40773, 58697], [39352, 58698], [58699, 168075], [38898, 58700], [33919, 58701], 0, [40809, 58703], [31452, 58704], [40846, 58705], [29206, 58706], [19390, 58707], [58708, 149877], [58709, 149947], [29047, 58710], [58711, 150008], [58712, 148296], [58713, 150097], [29598, 58714], [58715, 166874], [58716, 137466], [31135, 58717], [58718, 166270], [58719, 167478], [37737, 58720], [37875, 58721], [58722, 166468], [37612, 58723], [37761, 58724], [37835, 58725], [58726, 166252], [58727, 148665], [29207, 58728], [16107, 58729], [30578, 58730], [31299, 58731], [28880, 58732], [58733, 148595], [58734, 148472], [29054, 58735], [58736, 137199], [28835, 58737], [58738, 137406], [58739, 144793], [16071, 58740], [58741, 137349], [58742, 152623], [58743, 137208], [14114, 58744], [58745, 136955], [58746, 137273], [14049, 58747], [58748, 137076], [58749, 137425], [58750, 155467], [14115, 58751], [58752, 136896], [22363, 58753], [58754, 150053], [58755, 136190], [58756, 135848], [58757, 136134], [58758, 136374], [34051, 58759, 58761], [58760, 145062], 0, [33877, 58762], [58763, 149908], [58764, 160101], [58765, 146993], [58766, 152924], [58767, 147195], [58768, 159826], [17652, 58769], [58770, 145134], [58771, 170397], [58772, 159526], [26617, 58773], [14131, 58774], [15381, 58775], [15847, 58776], [22636, 58777], [58778, 137506], [26640, 58779], [16471, 58780], [58781, 145215], [58782, 147681], [58783, 147595], [58784, 147727], [58785, 158753], [21707, 58786], [22174, 58787], [58788, 157361], [22162, 58789], [58790, 135135], [58791, 134056], [58792, 134669], 0, [58794, 166675], [37788, 58795], [20216, 58796], [20779, 58797], [14361, 58798], [58799, 148534], [20156, 58800], [58801, 132197], 0, [20299, 58803], [20362, 58804], [58805, 153169], [23144, 58806], [58807, 131499], [58808, 132043], [14745, 58809], [58810, 131850], [58811, 132116], [13365, 58812], [20265, 58813], [58814, 131776], [58815, 167603], [58816, 131701], [35546, 58817], [58818, 131596], [20120, 58819], [20685, 58820], [20749, 58821], [20386, 58822], [20227, 58823], [58824, 150030], [58825, 147082], [20290, 58826], [20526, 58827], [20588, 58828], [20609, 58829], [20428, 58830], [20453, 58831], [20568, 58832], [20732, 58833], [28278, 58838], [58839, 144789], [58840, 147001], [58841, 147135], [28018, 58842], [58843, 137348], [58844, 147081], [20904, 58845], [20931, 58846], [58847, 132576], [17629, 58848], [58849, 132259], [58850, 132242], [58851, 132241], [36218, 58852], [58853, 166556], [58854, 132878], [21081, 58855], [21156, 58856], [58857, 133235], [21217, 58858], 0, [18042, 58860], [29068, 58861], [58862, 148364], [58863, 134176], [58864, 149932], [58865, 135396], [27089, 58866], [58867, 134685], 0, [16094, 58869], [29849, 58870], [29716, 58871], [29782, 58872], [29592, 58873], [19342, 58874], [58875, 150204], [58876, 147597], [21456, 58877], [13700, 58878], [29199, 58879], [58880, 147657], [21940, 58881], [58882, 131909], [21709, 58883], [58884, 134086], [22301, 58885], [37469, 58886], [38644, 58887], [22493, 58889], [22413, 58890], [22399, 58891], [13886, 58892], [22731, 58893], [23193, 58894], [58895, 166470], [58896, 136954], [58897, 137071], [58898, 136976], [23084, 58899], [22968, 58900], [23166, 58902], [23247, 58903], [23058, 58904], [58905, 153926], [58906, 137715], [58907, 137313], [58908, 148117], [14069, 58909], [27909, 58910], [29763, 58911], [23073, 58912], [58913, 155267], [23169, 58914], [58915, 166871], [58916, 132115], [37856, 58917], [29836, 58918], [58919, 135939], [28933, 58920], [18802, 58921], [37896, 58922], [58923, 166395], [37821, 58924], [14240, 58925], [23582, 58926], [23710, 58927], [24158, 58928], [24136, 58929], [58930, 137622], [58931, 137596], [58932, 146158], [24269, 58933], [23375, 58934], [58935, 137475], [58936, 137476], [14081, 58937], [58938, 137376], [14045, 58939], [58940, 136958], [14035, 58941], [33066, 58942], [58943, 166471], [58944, 138682], [58945, 144498], [58946, 166312], [24332, 58947, 60916], [24334, 58948], [58949, 137511], [58950, 137131], [23147, 58951], [58952, 137019], [23364, 58953], [58955, 161277], [34912, 58956], [24702, 58957], [58958, 141408], [58959, 140843], [24539, 58960], [16056, 58961], [58962, 140719], [58963, 140734], [58964, 168072], [58965, 159603], [25024, 58966], [58967, 131134], [58968, 131142], [58969, 140827], [24985, 58970], [24984, 58971], [24693, 58972], [58973, 142491], [58974, 142599], [58975, 149204], [58976, 168269], [25713, 58977], [58978, 149093], [58979, 142186], [14889, 58980], [58981, 142114], [58982, 144464], [58983, 170218], [58984, 142968], [25399, 58985], [25782, 58987], [25393, 58988], [25553, 58989], [58990, 149987], [58991, 142695], [25252, 58992], [58993, 142497], [25659, 58994], [25963, 58995], [26994, 58996], [15348, 58997], [58998, 143502], [58999, 144045], [59000, 149897], [59001, 144043], [21773, 59002], [59003, 144096], [59004, 137433], [59005, 169023], [26318, 59006], [59007, 144009], [59008, 143795], [15072, 59009], [59011, 152964], [59012, 166690], [59013, 152975], [59014, 136956], [59015, 152923], [59016, 152613], [30958, 59017], [59018, 143619], [59019, 137258], [59020, 143924], [13412, 59021], [59022, 143887], [59023, 143746], [59024, 148169], [26254, 59025], [59026, 159012], [26219, 59027], [19347, 59028], [26160, 59029], [59030, 161904], [59031, 138731], [26211, 59032], [59033, 144082], [59034, 144097], [26142, 59035], [59036, 153714], [14545, 59037], [59038, 145466], [59039, 145340], [15257, 59040], [59041, 145314], [59042, 144382], [29904, 59043], [15254, 59044], [59046, 149034], [26806, 59047], 0, [15300, 59049], [27326, 59050], [59052, 145365], [59053, 148615], [27187, 59054], [27218, 59055], [27337, 59056], [27397, 59057], [59058, 137490], [25873, 59059], [26776, 59060], [27212, 59061], [15319, 59062], [27258, 59063], [27479, 59064], [59065, 147392], [59066, 146586], [37792, 59067], [37618, 59068], [59069, 166890], [59070, 166603], [37513, 59071], [59072, 163870], [59073, 166364], [37991, 59074], [28069, 59075], [28427, 59076], 0, [59079, 147327], [15759, 59080], [28164, 59081], [59082, 147516], [23101, 59083], [28170, 59084], [22599, 59085], [27940, 59086], [30786, 59087], [28987, 59088], [59089, 148250], [59090, 148086], [28913, 59091], [29264, 59092, 61085], [29319, 59093], [29332, 59094], [59095, 149391], [59096, 149285], [20857, 59097], [59098, 150180], [59099, 132587], [29818, 59100], [59101, 147192], [59102, 144991], [59103, 150090], [59104, 149783], [59105, 155617], [16134, 59106], [16049, 59107], [59108, 150239], [59109, 166947], [59110, 147253], [24743, 59111], [16115, 59112], [29900, 59113], [29756, 59114], [37767, 59115], [29751, 59116], [17567, 59117], [59118, 159210], [17745, 59119], [30083, 59120], [16227, 59121], [59122, 150745], [59123, 150790], [16216, 59124], [30037, 59125], [30323, 59126], [59127, 173510], 0, [29800, 59129, 61070], [59130, 166604], [59131, 149931], [59132, 149902], [15099, 59133], [15821, 59134], [59135, 150094], [16127, 59136], [59137, 149957], [59138, 149747], [37370, 59139], [22322, 59140], [37698, 59141], [59142, 166627], [59143, 137316], [20703, 59144], [59145, 152097], [59146, 152039], [30584, 59147], [59148, 143922], [30478, 59149], [30479, 59150], [30587, 59151], [59152, 149143], [59153, 145281], [14942, 59154], [59155, 149744], [29752, 59156], [29851, 59157], [16063, 59158], [59159, 150202], [59160, 150215], [16584, 59161], [59162, 150166], [59163, 156078], [37639, 59164], [59165, 152961], [30750, 59166], [30861, 59167], [30856, 59168], [30930, 59169], [29648, 59170], [31065, 59171], [59172, 161601], [59173, 153315], [16654, 59174], 0, 0, [31141, 59177], [27181, 59178], [59179, 147194], [31290, 59180], [31220, 59181], [16750, 59182], [59183, 136934], [16690, 59184], [37429, 59185], [31217, 59186], [59187, 134476], [59188, 149900], [59189, 131737], [59190, 146874], [59191, 137070], [13719, 59192], [21867, 59193], [13680, 59194], [13994, 59195], [59196, 131540], [59197, 134157], [31458, 59198], [23129, 59199], [59200, 141045], [59201, 154287], [59202, 154268], [23053, 59203], [59204, 131675], [30960, 59205], [23082, 59206], [59207, 154566], [31486, 59208], [16889, 59209], [31837, 59210], [31853, 59211], [16913, 59212], [59213, 154547], [59214, 155324], [59215, 155302], [31949, 59216], [59217, 150009], [59218, 137136], [31886, 59219], [31868, 59220], [31918, 59221], [27314, 59222], [32220, 59223], [32263, 59224], [32211, 59225], [32590, 59226], [59227, 156257], [59228, 155996], [59229, 162632], [32151, 59230], [59231, 155266], [17002, 59232], [59233, 158581], [59234, 133398], [26582, 59235], [59236, 131150], [59237, 144847], [22468, 59238], [59239, 156690], [59240, 156664], [32733, 59242], [31527, 59243], [59244, 133164], [59245, 154345], [59246, 154947], [31500, 59247], [59248, 155150], [39398, 59249], [34373, 59250], [39523, 59251], [27164, 59252], [59253, 144447], [59255, 150007], [59256, 157101], [39455, 59257], [59258, 157088], 0, [59260, 160039], [59261, 158929], [17642, 59262], [33079, 59263], [17410, 59264], [32966, 59265], [33033, 59266], [33090, 59267], [59268, 157620], [39107, 59269], [59270, 158274], [33378, 59271], [33381, 59272], [59273, 158289], [33875, 59274], [59275, 159143], [34320, 59276], [59277, 160283], [23174, 59278], [16767, 59279], [59280, 137280], [23339, 59281], [59282, 137377], [23268, 59283], [59284, 137432], [34464, 59285], [59286, 195004], [59287, 146831], [34861, 59288], [59289, 160802], [23042, 59290], [34926, 59291], [20293, 59292], [34951, 59293], [35007, 59294], [35046, 59295], [35173, 59296], [35149, 59297], [59298, 153219], [35156, 59299], [59300, 161669], [59301, 161668], [59302, 166901], [59303, 166873], [59304, 166812], [59305, 166393], [16045, 59306], [33955, 59307], [18165, 59308], [18127, 59309], [14322, 59310], [35389, 59311], [35356, 59312], [59313, 169032], [24397, 59314], [37419, 59315], [59316, 148100], [26068, 59317], [28969, 59318], [28868, 59319], [59320, 137285], [40301, 59321], [35999, 59322], [36073, 59323], [59324, 163292], [22938, 59325], [30659, 59326], [23024, 59327], [14036, 59329], [36394, 59330], [36519, 59331], [59332, 150537], [36656, 59333], [36682, 59334], [17140, 59335], [27736, 59336], [28603, 59337], [59338, 140065], [18587, 59339], [28537, 59340], [28299, 59341], [59342, 137178], [39913, 59343], [14005, 59344], [59345, 149807], [37051, 59346], 0, [21873, 59348], [18694, 59349], [37307, 59350], [37892, 59351], [59352, 166475], [16482, 59353], [59354, 166652], [37927, 59355], [59356, 166941], [59357, 166971], [34021, 59358], [35371, 59359], [38297, 59360], [38311, 59361], [38295, 59362], [38294, 59363], [59364, 167220], [29765, 59365], [16066, 59366], [59367, 149759], [59368, 150082], [59369, 148458], [16103, 59370], [59371, 143909], [38543, 59372], [59373, 167655], [59374, 167526], [59375, 167525], [16076, 59376], [59377, 149997], [59378, 150136], [59379, 147438], [29714, 59380], [29803, 59381], [16124, 59382], [38721, 59383], [59384, 168112], [26695, 59385], [18973, 59386], [59387, 168083], [59388, 153567], 0, [37736, 59390], [59391, 166281], [59392, 166950], [59393, 166703], [59394, 156606], [37562, 59395], [23313, 59396], [35689, 59397], [18748, 59398], [29689, 59399], [59400, 147995], [38811, 59401], 0, [39224, 59403], [59404, 134950], [24001, 59405], [59406, 166853], [59407, 150194], [38943, 59408], [59409, 169178], [37622, 59410], [59411, 169431], [37349, 59412], [17600, 59413], [59414, 166736], [59415, 150119], [59416, 166756], [39132, 59417], [59418, 166469], [16128, 59419], [37418, 59420], [18725, 59421], [33812, 59422], [39227, 59423], [39245, 59424], [59425, 162566], [15869, 59426], 0, [19311, 59428], [39338, 59429], [39516, 59430], [59431, 166757], [59432, 153800], [27279, 59433], [39457, 59434], [23294, 59435], [39471, 59436], [59437, 170225], [19344, 59438], [59439, 170312], [39356, 59440], [19389, 59441], [19351, 59442], [37757, 59443], [22642, 59444], [59445, 135938], [22562, 59446], [59447, 149944], [59448, 136424], [30788, 59449], [59450, 141087], [59451, 146872], [26821, 59452], [15741, 59453], [37976, 59454], [14631, 59455], [24912, 59456], [59457, 141185], [59458, 141675], [24839, 59459], [40015, 59460], [40019, 59461], [40059, 59462], [39989, 59463], [39952, 59464], [39807, 59465], [39887, 59466], [59467, 171565], [39839, 59468], [59469, 172533], [59470, 172286], [40225, 59471], [19630, 59472], [59473, 147716], [40472, 59474], [19632, 59475], [40204, 59476], [59477, 172468], [59478, 172269], [59479, 172275], [59480, 170287], [40357, 59481], [33981, 59482], [59483, 159250], [59484, 159711], [59485, 158594], [34300, 59486], [17715, 59487], [59488, 159140], [59489, 159364], [59490, 159216], [33824, 59491], [34286, 59492], [59493, 159232], [59494, 145367], [59495, 155748], [31202, 59496], [59497, 144796], [59498, 144960], [59500, 149982], [15714, 59501], [37851, 59502], [37566, 59503], [37704, 59504], [59505, 131775], [30905, 59506], [37495, 59507], [37965, 59508], [20452, 59509], [13376, 59510], [36964, 59511], [59512, 152925], [30781, 59513], [30804, 59514], [30902, 59515], [30795, 59516], [59517, 137047], [59518, 143817], [59519, 149825], [13978, 59520], [20338, 59521], [28634, 59522], [28633, 59523], 0, [28702, 59524, 59525], [21524, 59526], [59527, 147893], [22459, 59528], [22771, 59529], [22410, 59530], [40214, 59531], [22487, 59532], [28980, 59533], [13487, 59534], [59535, 147884], [29163, 59536], [59537, 158784], [59538, 151447], 0, [59540, 137141], [59541, 166473], [24844, 59542], [23246, 59543], [23051, 59544], [17084, 59545], [59546, 148616], [14124, 59547], [19323, 59548], [59549, 166396], [37819, 59550], [37816, 59551], [59552, 137430], [59553, 134941], [33906, 59554], [59555, 158912], [59556, 136211], [59557, 148218], [59558, 142374], [59559, 148417], [22932, 59560], [59561, 146871], [59562, 157505], [32168, 59563], [59564, 155995], [59565, 155812], [59566, 149945], [59567, 149899], [59568, 166394], [37605, 59569], [29666, 59570], [16105, 59571], [29876, 59572], [59573, 166755], [59574, 137375], [16097, 59575], [59576, 150195], [27352, 59577], [29683, 59578], [29691, 59579], [16086, 59580], [59581, 150078], [59582, 150164], [59583, 137177], [59584, 150118], [59585, 132007], [59586, 136228], [59587, 149989], [29768, 59588], [59589, 149782], [28837, 59590], [59591, 149878], [37508, 59592], [29670, 59593], [37727, 59594], [59595, 132350], [37681, 59596], [59597, 166606], [59598, 166422], [37766, 59599], [59600, 166887], [59601, 153045], [18741, 59602], [59603, 166530], [29035, 59604], [59605, 149827], [59606, 134399], [22180, 59607], [59608, 132634], [59609, 134123], [59610, 134328], [21762, 59611], [31172, 59612], [59613, 137210], [32254, 59614], [59615, 136898], [59616, 150096], [59617, 137298], [17710, 59618], [37889, 59619], [14090, 59620], [59621, 166592], [59622, 149933], [22960, 59623], [59624, 137407], [59625, 137347], [59626, 160900], [23201, 59627], [14050, 59628], [59629, 146779], [14000, 59630], [37471, 59631], [23161, 59632], [59633, 166529], [59634, 137314], [37748, 59635], [15565, 59636], [59637, 133812], [19094, 59638], [14730, 59639], [20724, 59640], [15721, 59641], [15692, 59642], [59643, 136092], [29045, 59644], [17147, 59645], [59646, 164376], [28175, 59647], [59648, 168164], [17643, 59649], [27991, 59650], [59651, 163407], [28775, 59652], [27823, 59653], [15574, 59654], [59655, 147437], [59656, 146989], [28162, 59657], [28428, 59658], [15727, 59659], [59660, 132085], [30033, 59661], [14012, 59662], [13512, 59663], [18048, 59664], [16090, 59665], [18545, 59666], [22980, 59667], [37486, 59668], [18750, 59669], [36673, 59670], [59671, 166940], [59672, 158656], [22546, 59673], [22472, 59674], [14038, 59675], [59676, 136274], [28926, 59677], [59678, 148322], [59679, 150129], [59680, 143331], [59681, 135856], [59682, 140221], [26809, 59683], [26983, 59684], [59685, 136088], [59686, 144613], [59687, 162804], [59688, 145119], [59689, 166531], [59690, 145366], [59691, 144378], [59692, 150687], [27162, 59693], [59694, 145069], [59695, 158903], [33854, 59696], [17631, 59697], [17614, 59698], [59699, 159014], [59700, 159057], [59701, 158850], [59702, 159710], 0, 0, [33597, 59705], [59706, 137018], [33773, 59707], [59708, 158848], [59709, 159827], [59710, 137179], [22921, 59711], [23170, 59712], [59713, 137139], [23137, 59714], [23153, 59715], [59716, 137477], [59717, 147964], [14125, 59718], [23023, 59719], [59720, 137020], [14023, 59721], [29070, 59722], [37776, 59723], [26266, 59724], [59725, 148133], [23150, 59726], [23083, 59727], [59728, 148115], [27179, 59729], [59730, 147193], [59731, 161590], [59732, 148571], [59733, 148170], [28957, 59734], [59735, 148057], [59736, 166369], [20400, 59737], [59738, 159016], [23746, 59739], [59740, 148686], [59741, 163405], [59742, 148413], [27148, 59743], [59744, 148054], [59745, 135940], 0, [28979, 59747], [59748, 148457], [15781, 59749], [27871, 59750], [59751, 194597], [23019, 59754], [24412, 59757], [59764, 144128], [31955, 59776], [59783, 162548], [59786, 153334], [59790, 162584], [36972, 59791], [33270, 59795], [30476, 59797], [27810, 59799], [22269, 59800], [22633, 59828], [26465, 59832], [23646, 59838], [22770, 59841], [28857, 59843], [26627, 59853], [36795, 59859], [36796, 59861], [20001, 59871], [31545, 59898], [15820, 59902], [29482, 57990, 59909], [30048, 59912], [22586, 59920], [33446, 59932], [27018, 59940], [24803, 59944], [20206, 59984], [39364, 60002], [40639, 60023], [21249, 60025], [26528, 60038], [24808, 60046], [20916, 60053], [31363, 60064], [39994, 60075], [31432, 60093], [26906, 60098], [22956, 60100], [22592, 60102], [21610, 60114], [24807, 60123], [22138, 60125], [26965, 60132], [39983, 60133], [34725, 60134], [23584, 60141], [24075, 60143], [26398, 60147], [33965, 60157], [35713, 60161], [20088, 60166], [25283, 60176], [26709, 60180], 0, [33533, 60190], [35237, 60194], [36768, 60196], [38840, 60198], [38983, 60200], [39613, 60201], [24497, 60218], [26184, 60219], [26303, 60220], [60221, 162425], 0, [60225, 149946], 0, 0, [60230, 131910], [26382, 60232], [26904, 60233], [60235, 161367], [60236, 155618], [60239, 161278], [60240, 139418], [18640, 60241], [19128, 60242], [60244, 166554], [60247, 147515], [60250, 150085], [60251, 132554], [20946, 60252], [60253, 132625], [22943, 60254], [60255, 138920], [15294, 60256], [60257, 146687], [14747, 60262], [60264, 165352], [60265, 170441], [14178, 60266], [60267, 139715], [35678, 60268], [60269, 166734], 0, [29193, 60274], [60276, 134264], [60280, 132985], [36570, 60281], [21135, 60283], [29041, 60285], [60288, 147274], [60289, 150183], [21948, 60290], [60293, 158546], [13427, 60295], [60297, 161330], [18200, 60299], [60303, 149823], [20582, 60305], [13563, 60306], [60307, 144332], 0, [18300, 60310], [60311, 166216], [60315, 138640], 0, [60320, 162834], [36950, 60321], [60323, 151450], [35682, 60324], [23899, 60327], [60328, 158711], 0, [60331, 137500], [35562, 60332], [60333, 150006], [60335, 147439], [19392, 60337], [60340, 141083], [37989, 60341], [60342, 153569], [24981, 60343], [23079, 60344], [60345, 194765], 0, [60348, 148769], [20074, 60350], [60351, 149812], [38486, 60352], [28047, 60353], [60354, 158909], [35191, 60356], [60359, 156689], 0, [31554, 60363], [60364, 168128], [60365, 133649], 0, [31301, 60369], [39462, 60372], [13919, 60374], [60375, 156777], [60376, 131105], [31107, 60377], [23852, 60380], [60381, 144665], 0, [18128, 60384], [30011, 60386], [34917, 60387], [22710, 60389], [14108, 60390], [60391, 140685], [15444, 60394], [37505, 60397], [60398, 139642], [37680, 60400], [60402, 149968], [27705, 60403], [60406, 134904], [34855, 60407], [35061, 60408], [60409, 141606], [60410, 164979], [60411, 137137], [28344, 60412], [60413, 150058], [60414, 137248], [14756, 60415], 0, 0, [17727, 60419], [26294, 60420], [60421, 171181], [60422, 170148], [35139, 60423], [16607, 60427], [60428, 136714], [14753, 60429], [60430, 145199], [60431, 164072], [60432, 136133], [29101, 60433], [33638, 60434], [60436, 168360], 0, [19639, 60438], [60439, 159919], [60440, 166315], [60445, 147834], [31555, 60446], [31102, 60447], [28597, 60449], [60450, 172767], [27139, 60451], [60452, 164632], [21410, 60453], [60454, 159239], [37823, 60455], [26678, 60456], [38749, 59389, 60457], [60458, 164207], [60460, 158133], [60461, 136173], [60462, 143919], [23941, 60464], [60465, 166960], [22293, 60467], [38947, 60468], [60469, 166217], [23979, 60470], [60471, 149896], [26046, 60472], [27093, 60473], [21458, 60474], [60475, 150181], [60476, 147329], [15377, 60477], [26422, 60478], [60482, 139169], [13770, 60490], [18682, 60493], 0, [30728, 60496], [37461, 60497], [17394, 60499], [17375, 60501], [23032, 60505], 0, [22155, 60518], [60520, 169449], [36882, 60541], [21953, 60546], [17673, 60551], [32383, 60552], [28502, 60553], [27313, 60554], [13540, 60556], [60558, 161949], [14138, 60559], 0, [60562, 163876], [60565, 162366], [15851, 60567], [60569, 146615], [60574, 156248], [22207, 60575], [36366, 60577], [23405, 60578], [25566, 60581], 0, [25904, 60585], [22061, 60586], [21530, 60588], [60591, 171416], [19581, 60592], [22050, 60593], [22046, 60594], [32585, 60595], [22901, 60597], [60598, 146752], [34672, 60599], [33047, 60604], [40286, 60605], [36120, 60606], [30267, 60607], [40005, 60608], [30286, 60609], [30649, 60610], [37701, 60611], [21554, 60612], [33096, 60613], [33527, 60614], [22053, 60615], [33074, 60616], [33816, 60617], [32957, 60618], [21994, 60619], [31074, 60620], [22083, 60621], [21526, 60622], [60623, 134813], [13774, 60624], [22021, 57509, 60625], [22001, 60626], [26353, 60627], [60628, 164578], [13869, 60629], [30004, 60630], [22000, 60631], [21946, 60632], [21655, 60633], [21874, 60634], [60635, 134209], [60636, 134294], [24272, 57652, 60637], [60639, 134774], [60640, 142434], [60641, 134818], [40619, 60642], [32090, 60643], 0, [60645, 135285], [25245, 60646], [38765, 60647], [21652, 60648], [36045, 60649], [29174, 60650], [37238, 60651], [25596, 60652], [25529, 60653], [25598, 60654], [21865, 60655], [60656, 142147], [40050, 60657], [60658, 143027], [20890, 60659], [13535, 60660], [60661, 134567], [20903, 60662], [21581, 60663], [21790, 60664], [21779, 60665], [30310, 60666], [36397, 60667], [60668, 157834], [30129, 60669], [32950, 60670], [34820, 60671], 0, [35015, 60673], [33206, 60674], [33820, 60675], [17644, 60677], [29444, 60678], [33547, 60681], [22139, 60683], [37232, 60690], [37384, 60692], [60696, 134905], [29286, 60697], [18254, 60699], [60701, 163833], [16634, 60703], [40029, 60704], [25887, 60705], [18675, 60707], [60708, 149472], [60709, 171388], 0, [60713, 161187], 60715, [60716, 155720], [29091, 60718], [32398, 60719], [40272, 60720], [13687, 60723], [27826, 60725], [21351, 60726], [14812, 60728], [60731, 149016], [33325, 60734], [21579, 60735], 60739, [14930, 60740], [29556, 60742], [60743, 171692], [19721, 60744], [39917, 60745], 0, [19547, 60748], [60751, 171998], [33884, 60752], [60754, 160434], [25390, 60757], [32037, 60758], [14890, 60761], [36872, 60762], [21196, 60763], [15988, 60764], [13946, 60765], [17897, 60766], [60767, 132238], [30272, 60768], [23280, 60769], [60770, 134838], [30842, 60771], [18358, 60772], [22695, 60773], [16575, 60774], [22140, 60775], [39819, 60776], [23924, 60777], [30292, 60778], [60779, 173108], [40581, 60780], [19681, 60781], 0, [14331, 60783], [24857, 60784], [60786, 148466], 60787, [22109, 60788], [60792, 171526], [21044, 60793], [13741, 60795], 0, [40316, 60797], [31830, 60798], [39737, 60799], [22494, 60800], [23635, 60802], [25811, 60803], [60804, 169168], [60805, 156469], [34477, 60807], [60808, 134440], [60811, 134513], 60812, [20990, 60813], [60814, 139023], [23950, 60815], [38659, 60816], [60817, 138705], [40577, 60818], [36940, 60819], [31519, 60820], [39682, 60821], [23761, 60822], [31651, 60823], [25192, 60824], [25397, 60825], [39679, 60826], [31695, 60827], [39722, 60828], [31870, 60829], 0, [31810, 60831], [31878, 60832], [39957, 60833], [31740, 60834], [39689, 60835], 0, 39982, [40794, 60839], [21875, 60840], [23491, 60841], [20477, 60842], [40600, 60843], [20466, 60844], [21088, 60845], [21201, 60847], [22375, 60848], [20566, 60849], [22967, 60850], [24082, 60851], [38856, 60852], [40363, 60853], [36700, 60854], [21609, 60855], [38836, 60856], [39232, 60857], [38842, 60858], [21292, 60859], [24880, 60860], [26924, 60861], [21466, 60862], [39946, 60863], [40194, 60864], [19515, 60865], [38465, 60866], [27008, 60867], [20646, 60868], [30022, 60869], [60870, 137069], [39386, 60871], [21107, 60872], 60873, [37209, 60874], [38529, 60875], [37212, 60876], 60877, [37201, 60878], [60879, 167575], [25471, 60880], [27338, 60882], [22033, 60883], [37262, 60884], [30074, 60885], [25221, 60886], [29519, 60888], [31856, 60889], [60890, 154657], 60892, [30422, 60894], [39837, 60895], [20010, 60896], [60897, 134356], [33726, 60898], [34882, 60899], 60900, [23626, 60901], [27072, 60902], 0, 0, [21023, 60905], [24053, 60906], [20174, 60907], [27697, 60908], [60909, 131570], [20281, 60910], [21660, 60911], 0, [21146, 60913], [36226, 60914], [13822, 60915], 0, [13811, 60917], 60918, [27474, 60919], [37244, 60920], [40869, 60921], [39831, 60922], [38958, 60923], [39092, 60924], [39610, 60925], [40616, 60926], [40580, 60927], [31508, 60929], 60930, [27642, 60931], [34840, 60932], [32632, 60933], 60934, [22048, 60935], [60936, 173642], [36471, 60937], [40787, 60938], 60939, [36308, 60940], [36431, 60941], [40476, 60942], [36353, 60943], [25218, 60944], [60945, 164733], [36392, 60946], [36469, 60947], [31443, 60948], [31294, 60950], [30936, 60951], [27882, 60952], [35431, 60953], [30215, 60954], [40742, 60956], [27854, 60957], [34774, 60958], [30147, 60959], [60960, 172722], [30803, 60961], [36108, 60963], [29410, 60964], [29553, 60965], [35629, 60966], [29442, 60967], [29937, 60968], [36075, 60969], [60970, 150203], [34351, 60971], [24506, 60972], [34976, 60973], [17591, 60974], 60975, [60977, 159237], 60978, [35454, 60979], [60980, 140571], 60981, [24829, 60982], [30311, 60983], [39639, 60984], [40260, 60985], [37742, 58859, 60986], [39823, 60987], [34805, 60988], 60989, 0, [36087, 60991], [29484, 60992], [38689, 60993], [39856, 60994], [13782, 60995], [29362, 60996], [19463, 60997], [31825, 60998], [39242, 60999], [24921, 61001], [19460, 61002], [40598, 61003], [24957, 61004], 61005, [22367, 61006], [24943, 61007], [25254, 61008], [25145, 61009], 0, [14940, 61011], [25058, 61012], [21418, 61013], [25444, 61015], [26626, 61016], [13778, 61017], [23895, 61018], [36826, 61020], [61021, 167481], 61022, [20697, 61023], [30982, 61025], [21298, 61026], [38456, 61027], [61028, 134971], [16485, 61029], 61030, [30718, 61031], 61032, [31938, 61033], [61034, 155418], [31962, 61035], [31277, 61036], [32870, 61037], [32867, 61038], [32077, 61039], [29957, 61040], [29938, 61041], [35220, 61042], [33306, 61043], [26380, 61044], [32866, 61045], [61046, 160902], [32859, 61047], [29936, 61048], [33027, 61049], [30500, 61050], [35209, 61051], [61052, 157644], [30035, 61053], [34729, 61055], [34766, 61056], [33224, 61057], [34700, 61058], [35401, 61059], [36013, 61060], [35651, 61061], [30507, 61062], [29944, 61063], [34010, 61064], [27058, 61066], [36262, 61067], 61068, [35241, 58392, 61069], 0, [28089, 61071], [34753, 61072], [61073, 147473], [29927, 61074], [15835, 61075], [29046, 61076], [24740, 57702, 61077], [24988, 61078], [15569, 61079], 0, [24695, 61081], 61082, [32625, 61083], 0, [24809, 61086], [19326, 61087], [57344, 132423], [37595, 57345], [57346, 132575], [57347, 147397], [34124, 57348], [17077, 57349], [29679, 57350], [20917, 57351], [13897, 57352], [57353, 149826], [57354, 166372], [37700, 57355], [57356, 137691], [33518, 57357], [57358, 146632], [30780, 57359], [26436, 57360], [25311, 57361], [57362, 149811], [57363, 166314], [57364, 131744], [57365, 158643], [57366, 135941], [20395, 57367], [57368, 140525], [20488, 57369], [57370, 159017], [57371, 162436], [57372, 144896], [57373, 150193], [57374, 140563], 0, [57376, 131966], [24484, 57377], [57378, 131968], [57379, 131911], [28379, 57380], [57381, 132127], 20702, [20737, 57383], [13434, 57384], [20750, 57385], [39020, 57386], [14147, 57387], [33814, 57388], [57389, 149924], [57390, 132231], [20832, 57391], [57392, 144308], [20842, 57393], [57394, 134143], [57395, 139516], [57396, 131813], [57397, 140592], [57398, 132494], [57399, 143923], [57400, 137603], [23426, 57401], [34685, 57402], [57403, 132531], [57404, 146585], [20914, 57405], [20920, 57406], [40244, 57407], [20937, 57408], [20943, 57409], [20945, 57410], [15580, 57411], [20947, 57412], [57413, 150182], [20915, 57414], 0, 0, [20973, 57417], [33741, 57418], [26942, 57419], [57420, 145197], [24443, 57421], [21003, 57422], [21030, 57423], [21052, 57424], [21173, 57425], [21079, 57426], [21140, 57427], [21177, 57428], [21189, 57429], [31765, 57430], [34114, 57431], [21216, 57432], [34317, 57433], [57434, 158483], 0, [57436, 166622], [21833, 57437], [28377, 57438], [57439, 147328], [57440, 133460], [57441, 147436], [21299, 57442], 0, [57444, 134114], [27851, 57445], [57446, 136998], [26651, 57447], [29653, 57448], [24650, 57449], [16042, 57450], [14540, 57451], [57452, 136936], [29149, 57453], [17570, 57454], [21357, 57455], [21364, 57456], [57457, 165547], [21374, 57458], 0, [57460, 136598], [57461, 136723], [30694, 57462], [21395, 57463], [57464, 166555], [21408, 57465], [21419, 57466], [21422, 57467], [29607, 57468], [57469, 153458], [16217, 57470], [29596, 57471], [21441, 57472], [21445, 57473], [27721, 57474], [20041, 57475], [22526, 57476], [21465, 57477], [15019, 57478], [57479, 134031], [21472, 57480], [57481, 147435], [57482, 142755], [21494, 57483], [57484, 134263], [21523, 57485], [28793, 57486], [21803, 57487], [26199, 57488], [27995, 57489], [21613, 57490], [57491, 158547], [57492, 134516], [21853, 57493], [21647, 57494], [21668, 57495], [18342, 57496], [57497, 136973], [57498, 134877], [15796, 57499], [57500, 134477], [57501, 166332], [57502, 140952], [21831, 57503], [19693, 57504], [21551, 57505], [29719, 57506], [21894, 57507], [21929, 57508], 0, [57510, 137431], [57511, 147514], [17746, 57512], [57513, 148533], [26291, 57514], [57515, 135348], [22071, 57516], [26317, 57517], [57518, 144010], [26276, 57519], 0, [22093, 57521], [22095, 57522], [30961, 57523], [22257, 57524], [38791, 57525], [21502, 57526], [22272, 57527], [22255, 57528], [22253, 57529], [57530, 166758], [13859, 57531], [57532, 135759], [22342, 57533], [57534, 147877], [27758, 57535], [28811, 57536], [22338, 57537], [14001, 57538], [57539, 158846], [22502, 57540], [57541, 136214], [22531, 57542], [57543, 136276], [57544, 148323], [22566, 57545], [57546, 150517], 0, [22698, 57548], [13665, 57549], [22752, 57550], [22748, 57551], [57552, 135740], [22779, 57553], [23551, 57554], [22339, 57555], [57556, 172368], [57557, 148088], [37843, 57558], [13729, 57559], [22815, 57560], [26790, 57561], [14019, 57562], [28249, 57563], [57564, 136766], [23076, 57565], 0, [57567, 136850], [34053, 57568], [22985, 57569], [57570, 134478], [57571, 158849], [57572, 159018], [57573, 137180], [23001, 57574], [57575, 137211], [57576, 137138], [57577, 159142], [28017, 57578], [57579, 137256], [57580, 136917], [23033, 57581], [57582, 159301], [23211, 57583], [23139, 57584], [14054, 57585], [57586, 149929], 0, [14088, 57588], [23190, 57589], [29797, 57590], [23251, 57591], [57592, 159649], [57593, 140628], [57595, 137489], [14130, 57596], [57597, 136888], [24195, 57598], [21200, 57599], [23414, 57600], [25992, 57601], [23420, 57602], [57603, 162318], [16388, 57604], [18525, 57605], [57606, 131588], [23509, 57607], [57609, 137780], [57610, 154060], [57611, 132517], [23539, 57612], [23453, 57613], [19728, 57614], [23557, 57615], [57616, 138052], [23571, 57617], [29646, 57618], [23572, 57619], [57620, 138405], [57621, 158504], [23625, 57622], [18653, 57623], [23685, 57624], [23785, 57625], [23791, 57626], [23947, 57627], [57628, 138745], [57629, 138807], [23824, 57630], [23832, 57631], [23878, 57632], [57633, 138916], [23738, 57634], [24023, 57635], [33532, 57636], [14381, 57637], [57638, 149761], [57639, 139337], [57640, 139635], [33415, 57641], [14390, 57642], [15298, 57643], [24110, 57644], [27274, 57645], 0, 57647, [57648, 148668], [57649, 134355], [21414, 57650], [20151, 57651], 0, [21416, 57653], [57654, 137073], [24073, 57655], 57656, [57657, 164994], [24313, 57658], [24315, 57659], [14496, 57660], [24316, 57661], [26686, 57662], [37915, 57663], [24333, 57664], [57665, 131521], [57666, 194708], [15070, 57667], [57669, 135994], [24378, 57670], [57671, 157832], [57672, 140240], [57674, 140401], [24419, 57675], [57677, 159342], [24434, 57678], [37696, 57679], [57680, 166454], [24487, 57681], [23990, 57682], [15711, 57683], [57684, 152144], [57685, 139114], [57686, 159992], [57687, 140904], [37334, 57688], [57689, 131742], [57690, 166441], [24625, 57691], [26245, 57692], [14691, 57694], [15815, 57695], [13881, 57696], [22416, 57697], [57698, 141236], [31089, 57699], [15936, 57700], [24734, 57701], 0, 0, [57704, 149890], [57705, 149903], [57706, 162387], [29860, 57707], [20705, 57708], [23200, 57709], [24932, 57710], [24898, 57712], [57713, 194726], [57714, 159442], [24961, 57715], [20980, 57716], [57717, 132694], [24967, 57718], [23466, 57719], [57720, 147383], [57721, 141407], [25043, 57722], [57723, 166813], [57724, 170333], [25040, 57725], [14642, 57726], [57727, 141696], [57728, 141505], [24611, 57729], [24924, 57730], [25886, 57731], [25483, 57732], [57733, 131352], [25285, 57734], [57735, 137072], [25301, 57736], [57737, 142861], [25452, 57738], [57739, 149983], [14871, 57740], [25656, 57741], [25592, 57742], [57743, 136078], [57744, 137212], [28554, 57746], [57747, 142902], 0, [57750, 153373], [25825, 57751], [25829, 57752], [38011, 57753], [14950, 57754], [25658, 57755], [14935, 57756], [25933, 57757], [28438, 57758], [57759, 150056], [57760, 150051], [25989, 57761], [25965, 57762], [25951, 57763], 0, [26037, 57765], [57766, 149824], [19255, 57767], [26065, 57768], [16600, 57769], [57770, 137257], 57771, [26083, 57772], [24543, 57773], [57774, 144384], [26136, 57775], [57776, 143863], [57777, 143864], [26180, 57778], [57779, 143780], [57780, 143781], [26187, 57781], [57782, 134773], [26215, 57783], [57784, 152038], [26227, 57785], 0, [57788, 143921], [57789, 165364], [57790, 143816], [57791, 152339], [30661, 57792], [57793, 141559], [39332, 57794], [26370, 57795], [57796, 148380], [57797, 150049], [27130, 57799], [57800, 145346], 0, [26471, 57802], [26466, 57803], [57804, 147917], [57805, 168173], [26583, 57806], [17641, 57807], [26658, 57808], [28240, 57809], [37436, 57810], [26625, 57811], [57812, 144358], [57813, 159136], [26717, 57814], [57815, 144495], [27105, 57816], [27147, 57817], [57818, 166623], [26995, 57819], [26819, 57820], [57821, 144845], [26881, 57822], [26880, 57823], [14849, 57825], [57826, 144956], [15232, 57827], [26540, 57828], [26977, 57829], [57830, 166474], [17148, 57831], [26934, 57832], [27032, 57833], [15265, 57834], [57835, 132041], [33635, 57836], [20624, 57837], [27129, 57838], [57839, 144985], [57840, 139562], [27205, 57841], [57842, 145155], [27293, 57843], [15347, 57844], [26545, 57845], [27336, 57846], [57847, 168348], [15373, 57848], [27421, 57849], [57850, 133411], [24798, 57851, 60308], [27445, 57852], [27508, 57853], [57854, 141261], [28341, 57855], [57856, 146139], 0, [57858, 137560], [14144, 57859], [21537, 57860], [57861, 146266], [27617, 57862], [57863, 147196], [27612, 57864], [27703, 57865], [57866, 140427], [57867, 149745], [57868, 158545], [27738, 57869], [33318, 57870], [27769, 57871], [57872, 146876], [17605, 57873], [57874, 146877], [57875, 147876], [57876, 149772], [57877, 149760], [57878, 146633], [14053, 57879], [15595, 57880], [57881, 134450], [39811, 57882], [57883, 143865], [57884, 140433], [32655, 57885], [26679, 57886], [57887, 159013], [57888, 159137], [57889, 159211], [28054, 57890], [27996, 57891], [28284, 57892], [28420, 57893], [57894, 149887], [57895, 147589], [57896, 159346], [34099, 57897], [57898, 159604], [20935, 57899], 0, 0, [33838, 57902], [57903, 166689], 0, [57905, 146991], [29779, 57906], [57907, 147330], [31180, 57908], [28239, 57909], [23185, 57910], [57911, 143435], [28664, 57912], [14093, 57913], [28573, 57914], [57915, 146992], [28410, 57916], [57917, 136343], [57918, 147517], [17749, 57919], [37872, 57920], [28484, 57921], [28508, 57922], [15694, 57923], [28532, 57924], [57925, 168304], [15675, 57926], [28575, 57927], [57928, 147780], [28627, 57929], [57930, 147601], [57931, 147797], [57932, 147513], [57933, 147440], [57934, 147380], [57935, 147775], [20959, 57936], [57937, 147798], [57938, 147799], [57939, 147776], [57940, 156125], [28747, 57941], [28798, 57942], [28839, 57943], 0, [28876, 57945], [28885, 57946], [28886, 57947], [28895, 57948], [16644, 57949], [15848, 57950], [29108, 57951], [29078, 57952], [57953, 148087], [28971, 57954], [28997, 57955], [23176, 57956], [29002, 57957], 0, [57960, 148325], [29007, 57961], [37730, 57962], [57963, 148161], [28972, 57964], [57965, 148570], [57966, 150055], [57967, 150050], [29114, 57968], [57969, 166888], [28861, 57970], [29198, 57971], [37954, 57972], [29205, 57973], [22801, 57974], [37955, 57975], [29220, 57976], [37697, 57977], [57978, 153093], [29230, 57979], [29248, 57980], [57981, 149876], [26813, 57982], [29269, 57983], [29271, 57984], [15957, 57985], [57986, 143428], [26637, 57987], [28477, 57988], [29314, 57989], 0, [29483, 57991], [57992, 149539], [57993, 165931], [18669, 57994], [57995, 165892], [29480, 57996], [29486, 57997], [29647, 57998], [29610, 57999], [58000, 134202], [58001, 158254], [29641, 58002], [29769, 58003], [58004, 147938], [58005, 136935], [58006, 150052], [26147, 58007], [14021, 58008], [58009, 149943], [58010, 149901], [58011, 150011], [29687, 58012], [29717, 58013], [26883, 58014], [58015, 150054], [29753, 58016], [16087, 58018], 0, [58020, 141485], [29792, 58021], [58022, 167602], [29767, 58023], [29668, 58024], [29814, 58025], [33721, 58026], [29804, 58027], [29812, 58029], [37873, 58030], [27180, 58031], [29826, 58032], [18771, 58033], [58034, 150156], [58035, 147807], [58036, 150137], [58037, 166799], [23366, 58038], [58039, 166915], [58040, 137374], [29896, 58041], [58042, 137608], [29966, 58043], [29982, 58045], [58046, 167641], [58047, 137803], [23511, 58048], [58049, 167596], [37765, 58050], [30029, 58051], [30026, 58052], [30055, 58053], [30062, 58054], [58055, 151426], [16132, 58056], [58057, 150803], [30094, 58058], [29789, 58059], [30110, 58060], [30132, 58061], [30210, 58062], [30252, 58063], [30289, 58064], [30287, 58065], [30319, 58066], 58067, [58068, 156661], [30352, 58069], [33263, 58070], [14328, 58071], [58072, 157969], [58073, 157966], [30369, 58074], [30373, 58075], [30391, 58076], [30412, 58077], [58078, 159647], [33890, 58079], [58080, 151709], [58081, 151933], [58082, 138780], [30494, 58083], [30502, 58084], [30528, 58085], [25775, 58086], [58087, 152096], [30552, 58088], [58089, 144044], [30639, 58090], [58091, 166244], [58092, 166248], [58093, 136897], [30708, 58094], 0, [26826, 58098], [30895, 58099], [30919, 58100], [30931, 58101], [38565, 58102], [31022, 58103], [58104, 153056], [30935, 58105], [31028, 58106], [30897, 58107], [58108, 161292], [36792, 58109], [34948, 58110], [58113, 140828], [31110, 58114], [35072, 58115], [26882, 58116], [31104, 58117], [58118, 153687], [31133, 58119], [58120, 162617], [31036, 58121], [31145, 58122], [28202, 58123], [58124, 160038], [16040, 58125], [31174, 58126], [58127, 168205], [31188, 58128], 0, [21797, 62526], 0, [62528, 134210], [62529, 134421], [62530, 151851], [21904, 62531], [62532, 142534], [14828, 62533], [62534, 131905], [36422, 62535], [62536, 150968], [62537, 169189], 0, [62539, 164030], [30586, 62540], [62541, 142392], [14900, 62542], [18389, 62543], [62544, 164189], [62545, 158194], [62546, 151018], [25821, 62547], [62548, 134524], [62549, 135092], [62550, 134357], 0, [25741, 62552], [36478, 62553], [62554, 134806], 0, [62556, 135012], [62557, 142505], [62558, 164438], [62559, 148691], 0, [62561, 134470], [62562, 170573], [62563, 164073], [18420, 62564], [62565, 151207], [62566, 142530], [39602, 62567], [14951, 62568], [62569, 169460], [16365, 62570], [13574, 62571], [62572, 152263], [62573, 169940], 0, [62575, 142660], [40302, 62576], [38933, 62577], 0, [17369, 62579], 0, [25780, 62581], [21731, 62582], 0, [62584, 142282], 0, [14843, 62586], 0, [62588, 157402], [62589, 157462], [62590, 162208], [25834, 62591], [62592, 151634], [62593, 134211], [36456, 62594], 0, [62596, 166732], [62597, 132913], 0, [18443, 62599], [62600, 131497], [16378, 62601], [22643, 62602], [62603, 142733], 0, [62605, 148936], [62606, 132348], [62607, 155799], [62608, 134988], 0, [21881, 62610], 0, [17338, 62612], 0, [19124, 62614], [62615, 141926], [62616, 135325], [33194, 62617], [39157, 62618], [62619, 134556], [25465, 62620], [14846, 62621], [62622, 141173], [36288, 62623], [22177, 62624], [25724, 62625], [15939, 62626], 0, [62628, 173569], [62629, 134665], [62630, 142031], 0, 0, [62633, 135368], [62634, 145858], [14738, 62635], [14854, 62636], [62637, 164507], [13688, 62638], [62639, 155209], [62640, 139463], 0, 0, [62643, 142514], [62644, 169760], [13500, 62645], [27709, 62646], [62647, 151099], 0, 0, [62650, 161140], [62651, 142987], [62652, 139784], [62653, 173659], [62654, 167117], [62655, 134778], [62656, 134196], [62683, 161337], [62684, 142286], [62687, 142417], [14872, 62689], [62691, 135367], [62693, 173618], [62695, 167122], [62696, 167321], [62697, 167114], [38314, 62698], 0, [62706, 161630], [28992, 62708], 0, [20822, 62385], 0, [20616, 62487], 0, [13459, 62489], [20870, 62491], [24130, 63037], [20997, 62495], [21031, 62436], [21113, 62497], 0, [13651, 62504], [21442, 62505], [21343, 62715], 0, [21823, 62520], 0, [21976, 59986], [13789, 62722], [22049, 63067], 0, [22100, 60044], [60148, 135291], 0, [60153, 135379], 0, [61095, 135934], 0, 0, [14265, 60104], [23745, 61099], [23829, 63066], [23894, 63030], [14392, 63036], [20097, 62477], [24253, 63038], [14612, 63042], [25017, 63050], [25232, 63054], [25368, 63056], [25690, 63063], [25745, 62381], [33133, 62709], [33156, 59922], [33171, 59924], [26624, 63080], [15292, 63093], [29327, 60517], [29389, 59781], 0, [29497, 59785], [30018, 59811], [30172, 59817], [16320, 59818], [60278, 151205], [16343, 59820], 0, 30336, [30348, 59824, 151388], [16552, 59845], [30777, 59846], [16643, 59855], [31377, 59863], [31771, 59876], [31981, 59884], [32659, 62658], [32686, 59892], 0, [33535, 59936], [22623, 59981], [34482, 59960], 0, [34699, 59963], [35143, 59969], 0, [35369, 59972], 0, [36465, 59988], [60484, 164233], [36528, 59990], 0, [37214, 62443], [37260, 62441], [39182, 60051], [39196, 60054], 0, 0, [39809, 60066], [40384, 60080], [40339, 60078], [40620, 60085], [19857, 60540], 0, 37818, [40571, 60084], [28809, 63148], [29512, 59788], 0, [31129, 59858], [36791, 59997], 0, [39234, 60056], {s: 193}, 8364, {s: 4}, [12443, 63518], [12444, 63519], [11904, 63520], {f: 5, c: 62211}, [62216, 131340], 62217, [62218, 131281], [62219, 131277], {f: 2, c: 62220}, [62222, 131275], [62223, 139240], 62224, [62225, 131274], {f: 4, c: 62226}, [62230, 131342], {f: 2, c: 62231}, {f: 2, c: 62776}, [62778, 138177], [62779, 194680], [12205, 38737, 62780], [62781, 131206], [20059, 62782], [20155, 62783], [13630, 62784], [23587, 62785], [24401, 62786], [24516, 62787], [14586, 62788], [25164, 62789], [25909, 62790], [27514, 62791], [27701, 62792], [27706, 62793], [28780, 62794], [29227, 62795], [20012, 62796], [29357, 62797], [62798, 149737], [32594, 62799], [31035, 62800], [31993, 62801], [32595, 62802], [62803, 156266], [13505, 62804], [62806, 156491], [32770, 62807], [32896, 62808], [62809, 157202], [62810, 158033], [21341, 62811], [34916, 62812], [35265, 62813], [62814, 161970], [35744, 62815], [36125, 62816], [38021, 62817], [38264, 62818], [38271, 62819], [38376, 62820], [62821, 167439], [38886, 62822], [39029, 62823], [39118, 62824], [39134, 62825], [39267, 62826], [62827, 170000], [40060, 62828], [40479, 62829], [40644, 62830], [27503, 62831], [62832, 63751], [20023, 62833], [62834, 131207], [38429, 62835], [25143, 62836], [38050, 62837], [11908, 63521], [11910, 63522], [11911, 63523], [11912, 63524], [11914, 63525], [11916, 63526], [11917, 63527], [11925, 63528], [11932, 63529], [11941, 63531], [11943, 63532], [11946, 63533], [11948, 63534], [11950, 63535], [11958, 63536], [11964, 63537], [11966, 63538], [11978, 63540], [11980, 63541], [11981, 63542], [11983, 63543], [11990, 63544], [11991, 63545], [11998, 63546], [62368, 172969], [62369, 135493], [25866, 62371], [20029, 62374], [28381, 62375], [40270, 62376], [37343, 62377], [62380, 161589], [20250, 62382], [20264, 62383], [20392, 62384], [20852, 62386], [20892, 62387], [20964, 62388], [21153, 62389], [21160, 62390], [21307, 62391], [21326, 62392], [21457, 62393], [21464, 62394], [22242, 62395], [22768, 62396], [22788, 62397], [22791, 62398], [22834, 62399], [22836, 62400], [23398, 62401], [23454, 62402], [23455, 62403], [23706, 62404], [24198, 62405], [24635, 62406], [25993, 62407], [26622, 62408], [26628, 62409], [26725, 62410], [27982, 62411], [28860, 62412], [30005, 62413], [32420, 62414], [32428, 62415], [32442, 62416], [32455, 62417], [32463, 62418], [32479, 62419], [32518, 62420], [32567, 62421], [33402, 62422], [33487, 62423], [33647, 62424], [35270, 62425], [35774, 62426], [35810, 62427], [36710, 62428], [36711, 62429], [36718, 62430], [29713, 62431], [31996, 62432], [32205, 62433], [26950, 62434], [31433, 62435], [30904, 62442], [32956, 62444], [36107, 62446], [33014, 62447], [62448, 133607], [32927, 62451], [40647, 62452], [19661, 62453], [40393, 62454], [40460, 62455], [19518, 62456], [62457, 171510], [62458, 159758], [40458, 62459], [62460, 172339], [13761, 62461], [28314, 62463], [33342, 62464], [29977, 62465], [18705, 62467], [39532, 62468], [39567, 62469], [40857, 62470], [31111, 62471], [62472, 164972], [62473, 138698], [62474, 132560], [62475, 142054], [20004, 62476], [20096, 62478], [20103, 62479], [20159, 62480], [20203, 62481], [20279, 62482], [13388, 62483], [20413, 62484], [15944, 62485], [20483, 62486], [13437, 62488], [13477, 62490], [22789, 62492], [20955, 62493], [20988, 62494], [20105, 62496], [21136, 62498], [21287, 62499], [13767, 62500], [21417, 62501], [13649, 62502], [21424, 62503], [21539, 62506], [13677, 62507], [13682, 62508], [13953, 62509], [21651, 62510], [21667, 62511], [21684, 62512], [21689, 62513], [21712, 62514], [21743, 62515], [21784, 62516], [21795, 62517], [21800, 62518], [13720, 62519], [13733, 62521], [13759, 62522], [21975, 62523], [13765, 62524], [62525, 163204], [16467, 62538], [62551, 135412], [62555, 134155], [62574, 161992], [62580, 155813], [62583, 142668], [62585, 135287], [62587, 135279], [62595, 139681], [62609, 134550], [16571, 62611], [62631, 142537], [22098, 62641], [62642, 134961], [62657, 157724], [62659, 135375], [62660, 141315], [62661, 141625], [13819, 62662], [62663, 152035], [62664, 134796], [62665, 135053], [62666, 134826], [16275, 62667], [62668, 134960], [62669, 134471], [62670, 135503], [62671, 134732], [62673, 134827], [62674, 134057], [62675, 134472], [62676, 135360], [62677, 135485], [16377, 62678], [62679, 140950], [25650, 62680], [62681, 135085], [62682, 144372], [62685, 134526], [62686, 134527], [62688, 142421], [62690, 134808], [62692, 134958], [62694, 158544], [21708, 62699], [33476, 62700], [21945, 62701], [62703, 171715], [39974, 62704], [39606, 62705], [62707, 142830], [33004, 62710], [23580, 62711], [62712, 157042], [33076, 62713], [14231, 62714], [62716, 164029], [37302, 62717], [62718, 134906], [62719, 134671], [62720, 134775], [62721, 134907], [62723, 151019], [13833, 62724], [62725, 134358], [22191, 62726], [62727, 141237], [62728, 135369], [62729, 134672], [62730, 134776], [62731, 135288], [62732, 135496], [62733, 164359], [62734, 136277], [62735, 134777], [62736, 151120], [62737, 142756], [23124, 62738], [62739, 135197], [62740, 135198], [62741, 135413], [62742, 135414], [22428, 62743], [62744, 134673], [62745, 161428], [62746, 164557], [62747, 135093], [62748, 134779], [62749, 151934], [14083, 62750], [62751, 135094], [62752, 135552], [62753, 152280], [62754, 172733], [62755, 149978], [62756, 137274], [62757, 147831], [62758, 164476], [22681, 62759], [21096, 62760], [13850, 62761], [62762, 153405], [31666, 62763], [23400, 62764], [18432, 62765], [19244, 62766], [40743, 62767], [18919, 62768], [39967, 62769], [39821, 62770], [62771, 154484], [62772, 143677], [22011, 62773], [13810, 62774], [22153, 62775], [23870, 63028], [23880, 63029], [15868, 63031], [14351, 63032], [23972, 63033], [23993, 63034], [14368, 63035], [24357, 63039], [24451, 63040], [14600, 63041], [14655, 63043], [14669, 63044], [24791, 63045], [24893, 63046], [23781, 63047], [14729, 63048], [25015, 63049], [25039, 63051], [14776, 63052], [25132, 63053], [25317, 63055], [14840, 63057], [22193, 63058], [14851, 63059], [25570, 63060], [25595, 63061], [25607, 63062], [14923, 63064], [25792, 63065], [40863, 63068], [14999, 63069], [25990, 63070], [15037, 63071], [26111, 63072], [26195, 63073], [15090, 63074], [26258, 63075], [15138, 63076], [26390, 63077], [15170, 63078], [26532, 63079], [15192, 63081], [26698, 63082], [26756, 63083], [15218, 63084], [15217, 63085], [15227, 63086], [26889, 63087], [26947, 63088], [29276, 63089], [26980, 63090], [27039, 63091], [27013, 63092], [27094, 63094], [15325, 63095], [27237, 63096], [27252, 63097], [27249, 63098], [27266, 63099], [15340, 63100], [27289, 63101], [15346, 63102], [27307, 63103], [27317, 63104], [27348, 63105], [27382, 63106], [27521, 63107], [27585, 63108], [27626, 63109], [27765, 63110], [27818, 63111], [15563, 63112], [27906, 63113], [27910, 63114], [27942, 63115], [28033, 63116], [15599, 63117], [28068, 63118], [28081, 63119], [28181, 63120], [28184, 63121], [28201, 63122], [28294, 63123], [63124, 166336], [28347, 63125], [28386, 63126], [28378, 63127], [40831, 63128], [28392, 63129], [28393, 63130], [28452, 63131], [28468, 63132], [15686, 63133], [63134, 147265], [28545, 63135], [28606, 63136], [15722, 63137], [15733, 63138], [29111, 63139], [23705, 63140], [15754, 63141], [28716, 63142], [15761, 63143], [28752, 63144], [28756, 63145], [28783, 63146], [28799, 63147], [63149, 131877], [17345, 63150], [13809, 63151], [63152, 134872], [13902, 58134], [15789, 58172], [58173, 154725], [26237, 58183], [31860, 58188], [29837, 58197], [32402, 58215], [17667, 58232], [58260, 151480], [58270, 133901], [58277, 158474], [13438, 58311], [58317, 143087], [58325, 146613], [58343, 159385], [34673, 58364], [25537, 58385], [30583, 58387], [35210, 58390], [58406, 147343], [35660, 58415], [58440, 150729], [18730, 58464], [58471, 172052], [58472, 165564], [58473, 165121], [15088, 58490], [28815, 58511], [58529, 140922], [58637, 158120], [58646, 148043], [26760, 58662], [58664, 139611], [40802, 58702], [37830, 58793], [58802, 131967], [37734, 58888], [37519, 58901], [34324, 58954], [58986, 173147], [16784, 59010], [26511, 59045], [26654, 59048], [14435, 59051], [59077, 149996], [15129, 59128], [33942, 59176], [59241, 149858], [14818, 59254], [33920, 59259], [17262, 59328], [38769, 59402], [39323, 59427], [18733, 59499], [28439, 59703], [59704, 160009], [28838, 59746], [59752, 150095], [32357, 59753], [23855, 59755], [15859, 59756], [59758, 150109], [59759, 137183], [32164, 59760], [33830, 59761], [21637, 59762], [59763, 146170], [59765, 131604], [22398, 59766], [59767, 133333], [59768, 132633], [16357, 59769], [59770, 139166], [59771, 172726], [28675, 59772], [59773, 168283], [23920, 59774], [29583, 59775], [59777, 166489], [59778, 168992], [20424, 59779], [32743, 59780], [29456, 59782], [29496, 59784], [29505, 59787], [16041, 59789], [29173, 59792], [59793, 149746], [29665, 59794], [16074, 59796], [16081, 59798], [29721, 59801], [29726, 59802], [29727, 59803], [16098, 59804], [16112, 59805], [16116, 59806], [16122, 59807], [29907, 59808], [16142, 59809], [16211, 59810], [30061, 59812], [30066, 59813], [30093, 59814], [16252, 59815], [30152, 59816], [30285, 59819], [30324, 59821], [16348, 59822], [30330, 59823], [29064, 59825], [22051, 59826], [35200, 59827], [16413, 59829], [30531, 59830], [16441, 59831], [16453, 59833], [13787, 59834], [30616, 59835], [16490, 59836], [16495, 59837], [30654, 59839], [30667, 59840], [30744, 59842], [30748, 59844], [30791, 59847], [30801, 59848], [30822, 59849], [33864, 59850], [59851, 152885], [31027, 59852], [31026, 59854], [16649, 59856], [31121, 59857], [31238, 59860], [16743, 59862], [16818, 59864], [31420, 59865], [33401, 59866], [16836, 59867], [31439, 59868], [31451, 59869], [16847, 59870], [31586, 59872], [31596, 59873], [31611, 59874], [31762, 59875], [16992, 59877], [17018, 59878], [31867, 59879], [31900, 59880], [17036, 59881], [31928, 59882], [17044, 59883], [36755, 59885], [28864, 59886], [59887, 134351], [32207, 59888], [32212, 59889], [32208, 59890], [32253, 59891], [32692, 59893], [29343, 59894], [17303, 59895], [32800, 59896], [32805, 59897], [32814, 59899], [32817, 59900], [32852, 59901], [22452, 59903], [28832, 59904], [32951, 59905], [33001, 59906], [17389, 59907], [33036, 59908], [33038, 59910], [33042, 59911], [33044, 59913], [17409, 59914], [15161, 59915], [33110, 59916], [33113, 59917], [33114, 59918], [17427, 59919], [33148, 59921], [17445, 59923], [17453, 59925], [33189, 59926], [22511, 59927], [33217, 59928], [33252, 59929], [33364, 59930], [17551, 59931], [33398, 59933], [33482, 59934], [33496, 59935], [17584, 59937], [33623, 59938], [38505, 59939], [33797, 59941], [28917, 59942], [33892, 59943], [33928, 59945], [17668, 59946], [33982, 59947], [34017, 59948], [34040, 59949], [34064, 59950], [34104, 59951], [34130, 59952], [17723, 59953], [34159, 59954], [34160, 59955], [34272, 59956], [17783, 59957], [34418, 59958], [34450, 59959], [34543, 59961], [38469, 59962], [17926, 59964], [17943, 59965], [34990, 59966], [35071, 59967], [35108, 59968], [35217, 59970], [59971, 162151], [35384, 59973], [35476, 59974], [35508, 59975], [35921, 59976], [36052, 59977], [36082, 59978], [36124, 59979], [18328, 59980], [36291, 59982], [18413, 59983], [36410, 59985], [22356, 59987], [22005, 59989], [18487, 59991], [36558, 59992], [36578, 59993], [36580, 59994], [36589, 59995], [36594, 59996], [36801, 59998], [36810, 59999], [36812, 60000], [36915, 60001], [18605, 60003], [39136, 60004], [37395, 60005], [18718, 60006], [37416, 60007], [37464, 60008], [37483, 60009], [37553, 60010], [37550, 60011], [37567, 60012], [37603, 60013], [37611, 60014], [37619, 60015], [37620, 60016], [37629, 60017], [37699, 60018], [37764, 60019], [37805, 60020], [18757, 60021], [18769, 60022], [37911, 60024], [37917, 60026], [37933, 60027], [37950, 60028], [18794, 60029], [37972, 60030], [38009, 60031], [38189, 60032], [38306, 60033], [18855, 60034], [38388, 60035], [38451, 60036], [18917, 60037], [18980, 60039], [38720, 60040], [18997, 60041], [38834, 60042], [38850, 60043], [19172, 60045], [39097, 60047], [19225, 60048], [39153, 60049], [22596, 60050], [39193, 60052], [39223, 60055], [39261, 60057], [39266, 60058], [19312, 60059], [39365, 60060], [19357, 60061], [39484, 60062], [39695, 60063], [39785, 60065], [39901, 60067], [39921, 60068], [39924, 60069], [19565, 60070], [39968, 60071], [14191, 60072], [60073, 138178], [40265, 60074], [40702, 60076], [22096, 60077], [40381, 60079], [40444, 60081], [38134, 60082], [36790, 60083], [40625, 60086], [40637, 60087], [40646, 60088], [38108, 60089], [40674, 60090], [40689, 60091], [40696, 60092], [40772, 60094], [60095, 131220], [60096, 131767], [60097, 132000], [38083, 60099], [60101, 132311], [38081, 60103], [60105, 132565], [60106, 132629], [60107, 132726], [60108, 136890], [22359, 60109], [29043, 60110], [60111, 133826], [60112, 133837], [60113, 134079], [60115, 194619], [60116, 134091], [21662, 60117], [60118, 134139], [60119, 134203], [60120, 134227], [60121, 134245], [60122, 134268], [60124, 134285], [60126, 134325], [60127, 134365], [60128, 134381], [60129, 134511], [60130, 134578], [60131, 134600], [60135, 134660], [60136, 134670], [60137, 134871], [60138, 135056], [60139, 134957], [60140, 134771], [60142, 135100], [60144, 135260], [60145, 135247], [60146, 135286], [60149, 135304], [60150, 135318], [13895, 60151], [60152, 135359], [60154, 135471], [60155, 135483], [21348, 60156], [60158, 135907], [60159, 136053], [60160, 135990], [60162, 136567], [60163, 136729], [60164, 137155], [60165, 137159], [28859, 60167], [60168, 137261], [60169, 137578], [60170, 137773], [60171, 137797], [60172, 138282], [60173, 138352], [60174, 138412], [60175, 138952], [60177, 138965], [60178, 139029], [29080, 60179], [60181, 139333], [27113, 60182], [14024, 60183], [60184, 139900], [60185, 140247], [60186, 140282], [60187, 141098], [60188, 141425], [60189, 141647], [60191, 141671], [60192, 141715], [60193, 142037], [60195, 142056], [60197, 142094], [60199, 142143], [60202, 142412], [60204, 142472], [60205, 142519], [60206, 154600], [60207, 142600], [60208, 142610], [60209, 142775], [60210, 142741], [60211, 142914], [60212, 143220], [60213, 143308], [60214, 143411], [60215, 143462], [60216, 144159], [60217, 144350], [60222, 144743], [60223, 144883], [60227, 144922], [60228, 145174], [22709, 60231], [60234, 146087], [60237, 146961], [60238, 147129], [60243, 147737], [60245, 148206], [60246, 148237], [60248, 148276], [60249, 148374], [60258, 148484], [60259, 148694], [22408, 60260], [60261, 149108], [60263, 149295], [60271, 149522], [60272, 149755], [60273, 150037], [60275, 150208], [22885, 60277], [60279, 151430], [60282, 151596], [22335, 60284], [60286, 152217], [60287, 152601], [60291, 152646], [60292, 152686], [60296, 152895], [60298, 152926], [60300, 152930], [60301, 152934], [60302, 153543], [60304, 153693], [60309, 153859], [60312, 154286], [60313, 154505], [60314, 154630], [22433, 60316], [29009, 60317], [60319, 155906], [60322, 156082], [60325, 156674], [60326, 156746], [60330, 156804], [60334, 156808], [60336, 156946], [60338, 157119], [60339, 157365], [22201, 60347], [60349, 157436], [13848, 60355], [60357, 157593], [60358, 157806], [60360, 157790], [60362, 157895], [60366, 157990], [60368, 158009], [60371, 158202], [60373, 158253], [60378, 158260], [60379, 158555], [60383, 158621], [60385, 158884], [60388, 159150], [60392, 159819], [60393, 160205], [60395, 160384], [60396, 160389], [60399, 160395], [60401, 160486], [38047, 60404], [60405, 160848], [14009, 60416], [60424, 161740], [60425, 161880], [22230, 60426], [60435, 162269], [60441, 162301], [60442, 162314], [60443, 162571], [60444, 163174], [60448, 163849], [60459, 163875], [60463, 163912], [60466, 163971], [60479, 163984], [60480, 164084], [60481, 164142], [60483, 164175], [60485, 164271], [60486, 164378], [60487, 164614], [60488, 164655], [60489, 164746], [60491, 164968], [60492, 165546], [25574, 60494], [60495, 166230], [60498, 166328], [60500, 166375], [60502, 166376], [60503, 166726], [60504, 166868], [60506, 166921], [60508, 167877], [60509, 168172], [60511, 168208], [60512, 168252], [15863, 60513], [60514, 168286], [60515, 150218], [36816, 60516], [60519, 169191], [60521, 169392], [60522, 169400], [60523, 169778], [60524, 170193], [60525, 170313], [60526, 170346], [60527, 170435], [60528, 170536], [60529, 170766], [60530, 171354], [60531, 171419], [32415, 60532], [60533, 171768], [60534, 171811], [19620, 60535], [38215, 60536], [60537, 172691], [29090, 60538], [60539, 172799], [60542, 173515], [19868, 60543], [60544, 134300], [36798, 60545], [36794, 60547], [60548, 140464], [36793, 60549], [60550, 150163], [20202, 60555], [60557, 166700], [36480, 60560], [60561, 137205], [60563, 166764], [60564, 166809], [60566, 157359], [60568, 161365], [60570, 153141], [60571, 153942], [20122, 60572], [60573, 155265], [60576, 134765], [60579, 147080], [60580, 150686], [60583, 137206], [60584, 137339], [60587, 154698], [60589, 152337], [15814, 60590], [60596, 155352], [19996, 60600], [60601, 135146], [60602, 134473], [60603, 145082], [60638, 151880], [21982, 60644], [34694, 60672], [60676, 135361], [60679, 149254], [23440, 60680], [60682, 157843], [60684, 141044], [60685, 163119], [60686, 147875], [60687, 163187], [60688, 159440], [60689, 160438], [60691, 135641], [60693, 146684], [60694, 173737], [60695, 134828], [60698, 138402], [60700, 151490], [60702, 135147], [60706, 142752], [60710, 135148], [60711, 134666], [60714, 135149], [60717, 135559], [19994, 60721], [19972, 60722], [23309, 60724], [13996, 60727], [21373, 60729], [13989, 60730], [22682, 60732], [60733, 150382], [22442, 60736], [60737, 154261], [60738, 133497], [60741, 140389], [60746, 146686], [60747, 171824], [60749, 151465], [60750, 169374], [60753, 146870], [60755, 157619], [60756, 145184], [60759, 147191], [60760, 146988], [60785, 143578], [60789, 135849], [22439, 60790], [60791, 149859], [60794, 159918], [60801, 137068], [60806, 160100], [60809, 159010], [60810, 150242], [39963, 60837], [60838, 149822], [15878, 60846], [60881, 159011], [60887, 132092], [60891, 146685], [60893, 149785], [22394, 60904], [21722, 60912], [29050, 60928], [60949, 150135], [60955, 166490], [60962, 194624], [60976, 137275], [61000, 155993], [61014, 144373], [61019, 166850], [61024, 138566], [61054, 159441], [13877, 61065], [61084, 166701], [21024, 61088], [15384, 61089], [61090, 146631], [61091, 155351], [61092, 161366], [61093, 152881], [61094, 137540], [61096, 170243], [61097, 159196], [61098, 159917], [61100, 156077], [61101, 166415], [61102, 145015], [61103, 131310], [61104, 157766], [61105, 151310], [17762, 61106], [23327, 61107], [61108, 156492], [40784, 61109], [40614, 61110], [61111, 156267], [20962, 57415], [21314, 57416], [26285, 57520], [22620, 57547], [21843, 57566], [15749, 57594], [24928, 57608], [18606, 57668], [38845, 57676], [57693, 137335], [24755, 57703], [33828, 57711], [38932, 57748], [57749, 147596], [57764, 143486], [57787, 138813], [15147, 57798], [15666, 57824], [57857, 132021], [28801, 57944], [23708, 57959], [58017, 132547], [14128, 58028], [58096, 136054], [58097, 150034], [58111, 166699], [58112, 155779], [256, 62233], [193, 62234], [461, 62235], [192, 62236], [274, 62237], [201, 62238], [282, 62239], [200, 62240], [332, 62241], [211, 62242], [465, 62243], [210, 62244], 62245, [7870, 62246], 62247, [7872, 62248], [202, 62249], [257, 62250], [225, 62251], [462, 62252], [224, 62253], [593, 62254], [275, 62255], [233, 62256], [283, 62257], [232, 62258], [299, 62259], [237, 62260], [464, 62261], [236, 62262], [333, 62263], [243, 62264], [466, 62265], [242, 62266], [363, 62267], [250, 62268], [468, 62269], [249, 62270], [470, 62271], [472, 62272], [474, 62273], [476, 62274], [252, 62275], 62276, [7871, 62277], 62278, [7873, 62279], [234, 62280], [609, 62281], [643, 63551], [592, 63552], [603, 63553], [596, 63554], [629, 63555], [339, 63556], [248, 63557], [331, 63558], [650, 63559], [618, 63560], {f: 2, c: 62282}, [11933, 63530], [11974, 63539], [12003, 63547], 20539, 28158, [62841, 171123], 62842, [15817, 62843], 34959, [62845, 147790], 28791, 23797, [19232, 62848], [62849, 152013], [13657, 62850], [62851, 154928], 24866, [62853, 166450], 36775, 37366, 29073, 26393, 29626, [62859, 144001], [62860, 172295], [15499, 62861], [62862, 137600], [19216, 62863], 30948, 29698, 20910, [62867, 165647], [16393, 62868], 27235, [62870, 172730], [16931, 62871], 34319, 31274, [62875, 170311], [62876, 166634], 38741, 28749, 21284, [62880, 139390], 37876, 30425, [62883, 166371], 62884, 30685, 20131, 20464, 20668, 20015, 20247, 62891, 21556, 32139, 22674, 22736, [62896, 138678], 24210, 24217, 24514, [62900, 141074], 25995, [62902, 144377], 26905, 27203, [62905, 146531], 27903, 29184, [62909, 148741], 29580, [16091, 62911], [62912, 150035], 23317, 29881, 35715, [62916, 154788], [62917, 153237], 31379, 31724, 31939, 32364, 33528, 34199, 62924, 34960, 62926, 36537, 62928, 36815, 34143, 39392, 37409, 62933, [62934, 167353], [62935, 136255], [16497, 62936], [17058, 62937], 23066, 39016, 26475, [17014, 62944], 22333, 34262, [62948, 149883], 33471, [62950, 160013], [19585, 62951], [62952, 159092], 23931, [62954, 158485], [62955, 159678], {f: 2, c: 62956}, 23446, 62959, 32347], 'Adobe-GB1': [{f: 95, c: 32}, {f: 3, c: 12288}, [183, 12539], 713, 711, 168, 12291, 12293, 8212, 65374, 8214, [8230, 8943], {f: 2, c: 8216}, {f: 2, c: 8220}, {f: 2, c: 12308}, {f: 8, c: 12296}, {f: 2, c: 12310}, {f: 2, c: 12304}, 177, 215, 247, 8758, {f: 2, c: 8743}, 8721, 8719, 8746, 8745, 8712, 8759, 8730, 8869, 8741, 8736, 8978, 8857, 8747, 8750, 8801, 8780, 8776, 8765, 8733, 8800, {f: 2, c: 8814}, {f: 2, c: 8804}, 8734, 8757, 8756, 9794, 9792, 176, {f: 2, c: 8242}, 8451, 65284, 164, {f: 2, c: 65504}, 8240, 167, 8470, 9734, 9733, 9675, 9679, 9678, 9671, 9670, 9633, 9632, 9651, 9650, 8251, 8594, {f: 2, c: 8592}, 8595, 12307, {f: 20, c: 9352}, {f: 20, c: 9332}, {f: 10, c: 9312}, {f: 10, c: 12832}, {f: 12, c: 8544}, {f: 3, c: 65281}, 65509, {f: 89, c: 65285}, 65507, {f: 83, c: 12353}, {f: 86, c: 12449}, {f: 17, c: 913}, {f: 7, c: 931}, {f: 17, c: 945}, {f: 7, c: 963}, {f: 7, c: 59277}, {f: 2, c: 65077}, {f: 2, c: 65081}, {f: 2, c: 65087}, {f: 2, c: 65085}, {f: 4, c: 65089}, {f: 2, c: 59284}, {f: 2, c: 65083}, {f: 2, c: 65079}, 65073, 59286, {f: 2, c: 65075}, {f: 6, c: 1040}, 1025, {f: 32, c: 1046}, 1105, {f: 26, c: 1078}, 257, 225, 462, 224, 275, 233, 283, 232, 299, 237, 464, 236, 333, 243, 466, 242, 363, 250, 468, 249, 470, 472, 474, 476, 252, 234, 593, 7743, 324, 328, 505, 609, {f: 37, c: 12549}, 0, {f: 76, c: 9472}, {s: 126}, 21834, 38463, 22467, 25384, 21710, 21769, 21696, 30353, 30284, 34108, 30702, 33406, 30861, 29233, 38552, 38797, 27688, 23433, 20474, 25353, 26263, 23736, 33018, 26696, 32942, 26114, 30414, 20985, 25942, 29100, 32753, 34948, 20658, 22885, 25034, 28595, 33453, 25420, 25170, 21485, 21543, 31494, [12043, 20843], 30116, 24052, 25300, 36299, 38774, 25226, 32793, 22365, 38712, 32610, 29240, [12137, 30333], 26575, 30334, 25670, 20336, 36133, 25308, 31255, 26001, 29677, 25644, 25203, 33324, 39041, 26495, 29256, 25198, 25292, 20276, 29923, 21322, 21150, 32458, 37030, 24110, 26758, 27036, 33152, 32465, 26834, 30917, 34444, 38225, 20621, 35876, 33502, 32990, 21253, 35090, 21093, 34180, 38649, 20445, 22561, 39281, 23453, 25265, 25253, 26292, 35961, 40077, 29190, 26479, 30865, 24754, 21329, 21271, 36744, 32972, 36125, 38049, 20493, 29384, 22791, 24811, 28953, 34987, 22868, 33519, 26412, 31528, 23849, 32503, 29997, 27893, 36454, 36856, 36924, [12240, 40763], [12112, 27604], 37145, 31508, 24444, 30887, 34006, 34109, 27605, 27609, 27606, 24065, 24199, 30201, 38381, 25949, 24330, 24517, 36767, 22721, 33218, 36991, 38491, 38829, 36793, 32534, 36140, 25153, 20415, 21464, 21342, {f: 2, c: 36776}, 36779, 36941, 26631, 24426, 33176, 34920, 40150, 24971, 21035, 30250, 24428, 25996, 28626, 28392, 23486, 25672, 20853, 20912, 26564, 19993, 31177, 39292, 28851, 30149, 24182, 29627, 33760, 25773, 25320, 38069, 27874, 21338, 21187, 25615, 38082, 31636, 20271, 24091, 33334, 33046, 33162, 28196, 27850, 39539, 25429, [12056, 21340], 21754, 34917, 22496, 19981, 24067, 27493, 31807, 37096, 24598, 25830, 29468, 35009, 26448, 25165, 36130, 30572, 36393, 37319, 24425, 33756, 34081, 39184, 21442, 34453, 27531, 24813, 24808, 28799, 33485, 33329, 20179, 27815, 34255, 25805, 31961, 27133, 26361, 33609, 21397, 31574, 20391, 20876, 27979, 23618, 36461, 25554, 21449, 33580, 33590, 26597, 30900, 25661, 23519, 23700, 24046, 35815, 25286, 26612, 35962, 25600, 25530, 34633, 39307, 35863, 32544, 38130, 20135, 38416, 39076, 26124, 29462, 22330, 23581, 24120, 38271, 20607, 32928, [12058, 21378], 25950, 30021, 21809, 20513, 36229, 25220, 38046, 26397, 22066, 28526, 24034, 21557, 28818, 36710, 25199, 25764, 25507, 24443, 28552, 37108, [12162, 33251], [12192, 36784], 23576, 26216, 24561, 27785, 38472, 36225, 34924, 25745, 31216, 22478, 27225, 25104, 21576, 20056, 31243, 24809, 28548, 35802, 25215, 36894, 39563, 31204, 21507, 30196, 25345, 21273, 27744, 36831, 24347, 39536, 32827, 40831, 20360, 23610, [12186, 36196], 32709, 26021, 28861, 20805, 20914, [12173, 34411], 23815, 23456, 25277, 37228, 30068, 36364, 31264, 24833, 31609, 20167, 32504, 30597, 19985, 33261, 21021, 20986, 27249, 21416, 36487, 38148, 38607, 28353, 38500, 26970, 30784, 20648, 30679, 25616, 35302, 22788, 25571, 24029, 31359, 26941, 20256, 33337, 21912, 20018, 30126, 31383, 24162, 24202, 38383, 21019, 21561, 28810, 25462, 38180, 22402, 26149, 26943, 37255, 21767, 28147, 32431, 34850, 25139, 32496, 30133, 33576, 30913, 38604, 36766, 24904, 29943, 35789, 27492, 21050, 36176, 27425, 32874, 33905, 22257, 21254, 20174, 19995, 20945, 31895, 37259, 31751, 20419, 36479, 31713, 31388, 25703, 23828, 20652, 33030, 30209, 31929, 28140, 32736, 26449, 23384, [12072, 23544], 30923, 25774, 25619, 25514, 25387, 38169, 25645, 36798, 31572, 30249, 25171, [12068, 22823], 21574, [12109, 27513], 20643, 25140, 24102, 27526, 20195, 36151, 34955, 24453, 36910, 24608, 32829, 25285, 20025, 21333, 37112, 25528, 32966, 26086, 27694, 20294, 24814, 28129, 35806, 24377, 34507, 24403, 25377, 20826, 33633, 26723, [12049, 20992], 25443, 36424, 20498, 23707, 31095, 23548, 21040, 31291, 24764, 36947, 30423, 24503, 24471, 30340, 36460, 28783, 30331, 31561, 30634, 20979, 37011, 22564, 20302, 28404, 36842, 25932, 31515, 29380, 28068, 32735, 23265, 25269, 24213, 22320, 33922, 31532, 24093, 24351, 36882, 32532, 39072, 25474, 28359, 30872, 28857, 20856, 38747, 22443, 30005, 20291, 30008, 24215, 24806, 22880, 28096, 27583, 30857, 21500, 38613, 20939, 20993, 25481, 21514, 38035, 35843, 36300, 29241, 30879, 34678, 36845, 35853, 21472, 19969, 30447, 21486, 38025, 39030, [12237, 40718], 38189, 23450, 35746, 20002, 19996, 20908, 33891, 25026, 21160, 26635, 20375, 24683, 20923, 27934, 20828, 25238, [12099, 26007], 38497, [12182, 35910], 36887, 30168, 37117, 30563, 27602, 29322, 29420, 35835, 22581, 30585, 36172, 26460, 38208, 32922, 24230, 28193, 22930, 31471, 30701, 38203, 27573, 26029, 32526, 22534, 20817, 38431, 23545, 22697, 21544, 36466, 25958, 39039, 22244, 38045, 30462, 36929, 25479, 21702, 22810, 22842, 22427, 36530, 26421, 36346, 33333, 21057, 24816, 22549, 34558, 23784, 40517, 20420, 39069, 35769, 23077, 24694, 21380, 25212, 36943, 37122, 39295, 24681, [12157, 32780], [12041, 20799], [12159, 32819], 23572, 39285, 27953, [12038, 20108], 36144, 21457, 32602, 31567, 20240, 20047, 38400, 27861, 29648, 34281, 24070, 30058, 32763, 27146, 30718, 38034, 32321, 20961, 28902, 21453, 36820, 33539, 36137, 29359, 39277, 27867, 22346, 33459, [12101, 26041], 32938, 25151, 38450, 22952, 20223, 35775, 32442, 25918, 33778, [12206, 38750], 21857, 39134, 32933, 21290, 35837, 21536, 32954, 24223, 27832, 36153, 33452, 37210, 21545, 27675, 20998, 32439, 22367, 28954, 27774, 31881, 22859, 20221, 24575, 24868, 31914, 20016, 23553, 26539, 34562, 23792, 38155, 39118, 30127, 28925, 36898, 20911, 32541, 35773, 22857, 20964, 20315, 21542, 22827, 25975, 32932, 23413, 25206, 25282, 36752, 24133, 27679, 31526, 20239, 20440, 26381, 28014, 28074, 31119, 34993, 24343, 29995, 25242, 36741, 20463, 37340, 26023, 33071, 33105, 24220, 33104, 36212, 21103, 35206, 36171, 22797, 20613, 20184, [12201, 38428], [12119, 29238], 33145, 36127, 23500, 35747, 38468, 22919, 32538, 21648, 22134, 22030, 35813, 25913, 27010, 38041, 30422, 28297, [12082, 24178], [12130, 29976], 26438, 26577, 31487, 32925, 36214, 24863, 31174, 25954, 36195, 20872, 21018, 38050, 32568, 32923, 32434, 23703, 28207, 26464, 31705, 30347, [12220, 39640], 33167, 32660, 31957, 25630, 38224, 31295, 21578, 21733, 27468, 25601, [12093, 25096], 40509, 33011, 30105, 21106, [12208, 38761], 33883, 26684, 34532, 38401, 38548, 38124, 20010, 21508, 32473, 26681, 36319, 32789, 26356, 24218, 32697, 22466, 32831, 26775, [12079, 24037], 25915, 21151, 24685, 40858, 20379, 36524, 20844, 23467, [12088, 24339], 24041, 27742, 25329, 36129, 20849, 38057, 21246, 27807, 33503, 29399, 22434, 26500, 36141, 22815, 36764, 33735, 21653, 31629, 20272, 27837, 23396, 22993, [12238, 40723], 21476, 34506, [12219, 39592], [12181, 35895], 32929, 25925, 39038, 22266, 38599, 21038, [12128, 29916], 21072, 23521, 25346, 35074, 20054, 25296, 24618, 26874, 20851, 23448, 20896, 35266, 31649, 39302, 32592, 24815, 28748, 36143, 20809, [12084, 24191], 36891, 29808, 35268, 22317, 30789, 24402, 40863, 38394, 36712, [12225, 39740], 35809, 30328, 26690, 26588, 36330, 36149, 21053, 36746, 28378, 26829, 38149, 37101, 22269, 26524, 35065, 36807, 21704, 39608, 23401, 28023, 27686, 20133, 23475, 39559, 37219, 25000, 37039, 38889, 21547, 28085, 23506, 20989, 21898, 32597, 32752, 25788, 25421, 26097, 25022, 24717, 28938, 27735, 27721, 22831, 26477, 33322, 22741, 22158, 35946, 27627, 37085, 22909, 32791, 21495, 28009, 21621, 21917, 33655, 33743, 26680, [12146, 31166], 21644, 20309, 21512, 30418, 35977, 38402, 27827, 28088, 36203, 35088, 40548, 36154, 22079, [12234, 40657], 30165, 24456, 29408, 24680, 21756, 20136, 27178, 34913, 24658, 36720, 21700, 28888, 34425, 40511, 27946, 23439, 24344, 32418, 21897, 20399, 29492, 21564, 21402, 20505, 21518, 21628, 20046, 24573, 29786, 22774, 33899, 32993, 34676, 29392, 31946, 28246, 24359, 34382, 21804, 25252, 20114, 27818, 25143, 33457, 21719, 21326, 29502, 28369, 30011, 21010, 21270, 35805, 27088, 24458, 24576, 28142, 22351, 27426, 29615, 26707, 36824, 32531, 25442, 24739, 21796, 30186, 35938, 28949, 28067, 23462, 24187, 33618, 24908, 40644, 30970, 34647, 31783, 30343, 20976, 24822, 29004, 26179, 24140, 24653, 35854, 28784, 25381, 36745, 24509, 24674, 34516, 22238, 27585, 24724, 24935, 21321, 24800, 26214, 36159, 31229, 20250, 28905, 27719, 35763, 35826, 32472, 33636, 26127, 23130, 39746, 27985, 28151, 35905, 27963, 20249, [12117, 28779], 33719, 25110, 24785, 38669, 36135, 31096, 20987, 22334, 22522, 26426, 30072, 31293, 31215, 31637, 32908, 39269, 36857, 28608, 35749, 40481, 23020, 32489, 32521, 21513, 26497, 26840, 36753, 31821, 38598, 21450, 24613, 30142, 27762, 21363, 23241, 32423, 25380, [12047, 20960], 33034, [12080, 24049], 34015, 25216, 20864, 23395, 20238, 31085, 21058, 24760, 27982, 23492, 23490, 35745, 35760, 26082, 24524, 38469, 22931, 32487, 32426, 22025, 26551, 22841, 20339, 23478, 21152, 33626, 39050, 36158, 30002, 38078, 20551, 31292, 20215, 26550, 39550, 23233, 27516, 30417, 22362, 23574, 31546, 38388, 29006, 20860, 32937, 33392, 22904, 32516, 33575, 26816, 26604, 30897, 30839, 25315, 25441, 31616, 20461, 21098, 20943, 33616, 27099, 37492, 36341, 36145, 35265, 38190, 31661, 20214, 20581, 33328, 21073, 39279, 28176, 28293, 28071, 24314, 20725, 23004, 23558, 27974, 27743, 30086, 33931, 26728, 22870, 35762, 21280, 37233, 38477, 34121, 26898, 30977, 28966, 33014, 20132, 37066, 27975, 39556, 23047, 22204, 25605, 38128, 30699, 20389, 33050, 29409, [12179, 35282], 39290, 32564, 32478, 21119, 25945, 37237, 36735, 36739, 21483, 31382, 25581, 25509, 30342, 31224, 34903, 38454, 25130, 21163, 33410, 26708, 26480, 25463, 30571, 31469, 27905, 32467, 35299, 22992, 25106, 34249, 33445, 30028, 20511, 20171, 30117, 35819, 23626, [12081, 24062], 31563, [12100, 26020], [12198, 37329], 20170, 27941, 35167, 32039, 38182, 20165, 35880, 36827, 38771, 26187, 31105, 36817, 28908, 28024, 23613, 21170, 33606, 20834, 33550, 30555, 26230, 40120, 20140, 24778, 31934, 31923, 32463, 20117, 35686, 26223, 39048, 38745, 22659, 25964, 38236, 24452, 30153, 38742, 31455, 31454, 20928, 28847, 31384, 25578, 31350, 32416, 29590, [12210, 38893], 20037, 28792, 20061, 37202, 21417, 25937, 26087, [12165, 33276], 33285, 21646, 23601, 30106, 38816, 25304, 29401, 30141, 23621, 39545, 33738, 23616, 21632, 30697, 20030, 27822, 32858, 25298, 25454, 24040, 20855, 36317, 36382, 38191, 20465, 21477, 24807, 28844, 21095, 25424, 40515, 23071, 20518, 30519, 21367, 32482, 25733, 25899, 25225, 25496, 20500, 29237, 35273, 20915, 35776, 32477, 22343, 33740, 38055, 20891, 21531, 23803, 20426, 31459, 27994, 37089, 39567, 21888, 21654, 21345, 21679, 24320, 25577, 26999, 20975, 24936, 21002, 22570, 21208, 22350, 30733, 30475, 24247, 24951, 31968, 25179, 25239, 20130, 28821, 32771, 25335, 28900, 38752, 22391, 33499, 26607, 26869, 30933, 39063, 31185, 22771, 21683, 21487, 28212, 20811, 21051, 23458, 35838, 32943, 21827, 22438, 24691, 22353, 21549, 31354, 24656, 23380, 25511, 25248, [12061, 21475], 25187, 23495, 26543, 21741, 31391, 33510, 37239, 24211, 35044, 22840, 22446, 25358, 36328, 33007, 22359, 31607, 20393, 24555, 23485, 27454, 21281, 31568, 29378, 26694, 30719, 30518, 26103, 20917, 20111, 30420, 23743, 31397, 33909, 22862, 39745, 20608, 39304, 24871, 28291, 22372, 26118, 25414, 22256, 25324, 25193, 24275, 38420, 22403, 25289, 21895, 34593, 33098, 36771, 21862, 33713, 26469, 36182, 34013, 23146, 26639, 25318, 31726, 38417, 20848, 28572, 35888, 25597, 35272, 25042, 32518, 28866, 28389, 29701, 27028, 29436, 24266, 37070, 26391, 28010, 25438, 21171, 29282, [12156, 32769], 20332, 23013, 37226, 28889, 28061, 21202, 20048, 38647, 38253, 34174, 30922, 32047, 20769, 22418, 25794, 32907, 31867, 27882, 26865, 26974, 20919, 21400, 26792, 29313, 40654, 31729, 29432, 31163, 28435, 29702, 26446, [12197, 37324], 40100, 31036, 33673, 33620, 21519, 26647, 20029, 21385, 21169, 30782, 21382, 21033, 20616, 20363, 20432, 30178, [12148, 31435], 31890, 27813, [12202, 38582], [12050, 21147], 29827, 21737, 20457, 32852, 33714, 36830, 38256, 24265, 24604, 28063, 24088, 25947, 33080, 38142, 24651, 28860, 32451, 31918, 20937, 26753, 31921, 33391, 20004, 36742, 37327, 26238, 20142, 35845, 25769, 32842, 20698, 30103, 29134, 23525, 36797, 28518, 20102, 25730, 38243, 24278, 26009, 21015, 35010, 28872, 21155, 29454, 29747, 26519, 30967, 38678, 20020, 37051, 40158, 28107, 20955, 36161, 21533, 25294, 29618, 33777, 38646, 40836, 38083, 20278, 32666, 20940, 28789, 38517, 23725, 39046, 21478, 20196, 28316, 29705, 27060, 30827, 39311, 30041, 21016, 30244, 27969, 26611, 20845, 40857, 32843, 21657, 31548, 31423, 38534, 22404, 25314, 38471, 27004, 23044, 25602, 31699, 28431, 38475, 33446, 21346, 39045, 24208, 28809, 25523, 21348, 34383, 40065, 40595, 30860, 38706, 36335, 36162, [12229, 40575], 28510, 31108, 24405, 38470, 25134, 39540, 21525, 38109, 20387, 26053, 23653, 23649, 32533, 34385, 27695, 24459, 29575, 28388, 32511, 23782, 25371, 23402, 28390, 21365, 20081, 25504, 30053, 25249, 36718, 20262, 20177, 27814, 32438, 35770, 33821, 34746, 32599, 36923, 38179, 31657, 39585, 35064, 33853, 27931, 39558, 32476, 22920, [12231, 40635], 29595, 30721, 34434, 39532, 39554, 22043, 21527, 22475, 20080, 40614, 21334, 36808, 33033, 30610, 39314, 34542, 28385, 34067, 26364, 24930, 28459, 35881, 33426, 33579, 30450, 27667, 24537, 33725, 29483, 33541, 38170, [12113, 27611], [12141, 30683], 38086, 21359, 33538, 20882, 24125, 35980, 36152, 20040, 29611, 26522, 26757, 37238, 38665, 29028, 27809, 30473, 23186, 38209, 27599, 32654, 26151, 23504, 22969, 23194, 38376, 38391, 20204, 33804, 33945, 27308, 30431, 38192, 29467, 26790, 23391, 30511, 37274, 38753, 31964, 36855, 35868, 24357, [12150, 31859], 31192, 35269, 27852, 34588, 23494, 24130, 26825, 30496, 32501, 20885, 20813, 21193, 23081, 32517, [12207, 38754], 33495, 25551, 30596, 34256, 31186, 28218, 24217, 22937, 34065, 28781, 27665, 25279, [12139, 30399], 25935, 24751, 38397, 26126, 34719, 40483, 38125, 21517, 21629, 35884, {f: 2, c: 25720}, 34321, 27169, 33180, 30952, 25705, 39764, 25273, 26411, 33707, 22696, 40664, 27819, 28448, 23518, 38476, 35851, 29279, 26576, 25287, 29281, 20137, 22982, 27597, 22675, 26286, 24149, 21215, 24917, [12106, 26408], [12140, 30446], 30566, 29287, 31302, 25343, 21738, 21584, 38048, 37027, 23068, 32435, 27670, 20035, 22902, 32784, 22856, 21335, 30007, 38590, 22218, 25376, 33041, 24700, 38393, 28118, 21602, 39297, 20869, 23273, 33021, 22958, 38675, 20522, 27877, 23612, 25311, 20320, 21311, 33147, 36870, 28346, 34091, 25288, 24180, 30910, 25781, 25467, 24565, 23064, 37247, 40479, 23615, 25423, 32834, 23421, 21870, 38218, 38221, 28037, 24744, 26592, 29406, 20957, 23425, 25319, 27870, [12124, 29275], 25197, 38062, 32445, 33043, 27987, 20892, 24324, 22900, 21162, 24594, [12069, 22899], 26262, 34384, 30111, 25386, 25062, 31983, 35834, 21734, 27431, 40485, 27572, 34261, 21589, 20598, 27812, 21866, 36276, 29228, 24085, 24597, 29750, 25293, 25490, 29260, 24472, 28227, 27966, 25856, 28504, 30424, 30928, 30460, 30036, 21028, 21467, 20051, 24222, 26049, 32810, 32982, 25243, 21638, 21032, 28846, 34957, 36305, 27873, 21624, 32986, 22521, 35060, 36180, 38506, 37197, 20329, 27803, 21943, 30406, 30768, 25256, 28921, 28558, 24429, 34028, 26842, 30844, 31735, 33192, 26379, 40527, 25447, 30896, 22383, 30738, 38713, 25209, 25259, 21128, 29749, 27607, 21860, 33086, 30130, [12138, 30382], 21305, 30174, 20731, 23617, 35692, 31687, 20559, [12122, 29255], 39575, 39128, 28418, 29922, 31080, 25735, 30629, 25340, 39057, 36139, 21697, 32856, 20050, 22378, 33529, 33805, 24179, 20973, 29942, 35780, 23631, 22369, 27900, 39047, 23110, 30772, 39748, 36843, 31893, 21078, 25169, 38138, 20166, 33670, 33889, 33769, 33970, 22484, 26420, 22275, 26222, 28006, 35889, 26333, 28689, 26399, 27450, 26646, 25114, 22971, 19971, 20932, 28422, 26578, 27791, 20854, 26827, 22855, 27495, 30054, 23822, 33040, 40784, 26071, 31048, 31041, 39569, 36215, 23682, 20062, 20225, 21551, 22865, 30732, 22120, [12115, 27668], 36804, 24323, 27773, 27875, 35755, 25488, 24688, 27965, 29301, 25190, 38030, 38085, 21315, 36801, 31614, 20191, 35878, 20094, 40660, 38065, 38067, 21069, 28508, 36963, 27973, 35892, 22545, 23884, [12107, 27424], 27465, 26538, 21595, 33108, 32652, 22681, 34103, 24378, 25250, 27207, 38201, 25970, 24708, 26725, 30631, 20052, 20392, 24039, 38808, 25772, 32728, 23789, 20431, 31373, 20999, 33540, 19988, 24623, 31363, 38054, 20405, 20146, 31206, 29748, 21220, 33465, 25810, 31165, 23517, 27777, 38738, 36731, 27682, 20542, 21375, 28165, 25806, 26228, 27696, 24773, 39031, 35831, 24198, 29756, 31351, 31179, 19992, 37041, 29699, 27714, 22234, 37195, 27845, 36235, 21306, 34502, 26354, 36527, 23624, 39537, 28192, 21462, 23094, 40843, 36259, 21435, 22280, 39079, 26435, 37275, 27849, 20840, 30154, 25331, [12125, 29356], 21048, 21149, 32570, 28820, 30264, 21364, 40522, 27063, 30830, 38592, 35033, 32676, 28982, 29123, 20873, 26579, 29924, 22756, 25880, 22199, 35753, 39286, 25200, 32469, 24825, 28909, 22764, 20161, [12040, 20154], 24525, 38887, 20219, 35748, 20995, 22922, 32427, 25172, 20173, [12103, 26085], 25102, 33592, 33993, 33635, 34701, 29076, 28342, 23481, 32466, 20887, 25545, 26580, [12161, 32905], 33593, 34837, 20754, 23418, 22914, 36785, 20083, 27741, [12042, 20837], 35109, 36719, 38446, 34122, 29790, 38160, 38384, 28070, 33509, 24369, 25746, 27922, 33832, 33134, 40131, 22622, 36187, 19977, 21441, 20254, 25955, 26705, 21971, 20007, 25620, 39578, 25195, 23234, 29791, [12170, 33394], 28073, 26862, 20711, 33678, 30722, 26432, 21049, 27801, 32433, 20667, 21861, 29022, 31579, 26194, 29642, 33515, 26441, [12077, 23665], 21024, 29053, 34923, 38378, 38485, 25797, 36193, 33203, 21892, 27733, 25159, 32558, 22674, 20260, 21830, 36175, 26188, 19978, 23578, 35059, 26786, 25422, 31245, 28903, 33421, 21242, 38902, 23569, 21736, 37045, 32461, 22882, 36170, 34503, [12166, 33292], 33293, 36198, 25668, 23556, 24913, 28041, 31038, 35774, 30775, 30003, 21627, 20280, [12189, 36523], 28145, 23072, 32453, 31070, 27784, 23457, 23158, 29978, 32958, 24910, 28183, 22768, [12131, 29983], 29989, 29298, 21319, 32499, 30465, 30427, 21097, 32988, 22307, 24072, 22833, 29422, 26045, 28287, 35799, [12075, 23608], 34417, [12055, 21313], [12143, 30707], 25342, 26102, 20160, [12215, 39135], 34432, 23454, 35782, 21490, [12142, 30690], 20351, 23630, 39542, 22987, 24335, [12144, 31034], [12064, 22763], 19990, 26623, 20107, 25325, 35475, 36893, 21183, 26159, 21980, 22124, 36866, 20181, 20365, 37322, 39280, [12114, 27663], 24066, 24643, 23460, 35270, 35797, 25910, [12095, 25163], [12216, 39318], 23432, 23551, 25480, 21806, 21463, 30246, 20861, 34092, 26530, 26803, 27530, 25234, 36755, 21460, 33298, 28113, 30095, 20070, 36174, 23408, 29087, 34223, 26257, 26329, 32626, 34560, [12233, 40653], [12239, 40736], 23646, 26415, 36848, 26641, 26463, 25101, 31446, 22661, 24246, 25968, 28465, 24661, 21047, 32781, 25684, 34928, 29993, 24069, 26643, 25332, 38684, 21452, 29245, 35841, [12116, 27700], 30561, 31246, 21550, 30636, 39034, 33308, 35828, 30805, 26388, 28865, 26031, 25749, 22070, 24605, 31169, 21496, 19997, 27515, 32902, 23546, 21987, 22235, 20282, 20284, 39282, 24051, 26494, 32824, 24578, 39042, 36865, 23435, 35772, 35829, 25628, 33368, 25822, 22013, 33487, 37221, 20439, 32032, 36895, 31903, 20723, 22609, 28335, 23487, 35785, 32899, 37240, 33948, 31639, 34429, 38539, 38543, 32485, 39635, 30862, 23681, 31319, 36930, 38567, 31071, 23385, 25439, 31499, 34001, 26797, 21766, 32553, 29712, 32034, 38145, 25152, 22604, 20182, 23427, 22905, 22612, 29549, 25374, 36427, 36367, 32974, 33492, 25260, 21488, 27888, 37214, 22826, 24577, 27760, 22349, 25674, 36138, 30251, 28393, 22363, 27264, 30192, 28525, 35885, 35848, 22374, 27631, 34962, 30899, 25506, 21497, 28845, 27748, 22616, 25642, 22530, 26848, 33179, 21776, 31958, 20504, 36538, 28108, 36255, 28907, 25487, 28059, 28372, 32486, 33796, 26691, 36867, 28120, 38518, 35752, 22871, 29305, 34276, 33150, 30140, 35466, 26799, 21076, 36386, 38161, 25552, 39064, 36420, 21884, 20307, 26367, 22159, 24789, 28053, 21059, 23625, 22825, 28155, 22635, [12133, 30000], 29980, 24684, 33300, 33094, 25361, 26465, 36834, 30522, 36339, 36148, 38081, 24086, 21381, 21548, 28867, 27712, 24311, 20572, 20141, 24237, 25402, 33351, 36890, 26704, 37230, 30643, 21516, 38108, 24420, 31461, 26742, 25413, 31570, 32479, 30171, 20599, 25237, 22836, 36879, 20984, 31171, 31361, 22270, 24466, 36884, 28034, 23648, [12063, 22303], 21520, 20820, 28237, 22242, 25512, 39059, 33151, 34581, 35114, 36864, 21534, 23663, 33216, 25302, 25176, 33073, 40501, 38464, 39534, 39548, 26925, 22949, 25299, 21822, 25366, 21703, 34521, 27964, 23043, [12129, 29926], 34972, 27498, 22806, 35916, 24367, 28286, 29609, 39037, 20024, 28919, 23436, 30871, 25405, 26202, 30358, 24779, 23451, 23113, 19975, 33109, 27754, 29579, 20129, 26505, [12153, 32593], 24448, 26106, 26395, 24536, 22916, 23041, 24013, 24494, 21361, 38886, 36829, 26693, 22260, 21807, 24799, 20026, 28493, 32500, 33479, 33806, 22996, 20255, 20266, 23614, 32428, 26410, 34074, 21619, 30031, 32963, 21890, 39759, 20301, 28205, 35859, 23561, 24944, 21355, 30239, 28201, 34442, [12098, 25991], 38395, 32441, 21563, 31283, 32010, 38382, 21985, 32705, 29934, 25373, 34583, 28065, 31389, 25105, 26017, 21351, 25569, 27779, 24043, 21596, 38056, 20044, 27745, 35820, 23627, [12102, 26080], 33436, 26791, 21566, 21556, [12111, 27595], 27494, 20116, 25410, 21320, 33310, 20237, 20398, 22366, 25098, 38654, 26212, 29289, 21247, 21153, 24735, 35823, 26132, 29081, 26512, 35199, 30802, 30717, 26224, 22075, 21560, 38177, 29306, 31232, 24687, 24076, 24713, 33181, [12067, 22805], 24796, 29060, 28911, 28330, 27728, 29312, 27268, 34989, 24109, 20064, 23219, 21916, 38115, 27927, 31995, 38553, 25103, 32454, 30606, 34430, 21283, 38686, 36758, 26247, 23777, 20384, 29421, 19979, 21414, 22799, 21523, 25472, 38184, 20808, 20185, 40092, 32420, 21688, 36132, 34900, 33335, 38386, 28046, 24358, 23244, 26174, 38505, 29616, 29486, 21439, 33146, 39301, 32673, 23466, 38519, 38480, 32447, 30456, 21410, 38262, [12217, 39321], 31665, 35140, 28248, 20065, 32724, 31077, 35814, 24819, 21709, 20139, 39033, 24055, 27233, 20687, 21521, 35937, 33831, 30813, 38660, 21066, 21742, 22179, 38144, 28040, 23477, 28102, 26195, [12073, 23567], 23389, 26657, 32918, 21880, 31505, 25928, 26964, 20123, 27463, 34638, 38795, 21327, 25375, 25658, 37034, 26012, 32961, 35856, 20889, 26800, 21368, 34809, 25032, 27844, 27899, 35874, 23633, 34218, 33455, 38156, 27427, [12191, 36763], 26032, 24571, [12092, 24515], 20449, 34885, 26143, 33125, 29481, 24826, 20852, 21009, 22411, 24418, 37026, [12175, 34892], 37266, 24184, 26447, 24615, 22995, 20804, 20982, 33016, 21256, 27769, 38596, 29066, 20241, 20462, 32670, 26429, 21957, 38152, 31168, 34966, 32483, 22687, 25100, 38656, 34394, 22040, 39035, 24464, 35768, 33988, 37207, 21465, 26093, 24207, 30044, 24676, 32110, 23167, 32490, 32493, 36713, 21927, 23459, 24748, 26059, [12126, 29572], 36873, 30307, 30505, 32474, 38772, 34203, 23398, [12147, 31348], 38634, [12174, 34880], 21195, 29071, 24490, 26092, 35810, 23547, 39535, 24033, 27529, 27739, 35757, 35759, 36874, 36805, 21387, 25276, 40486, 40493, 21568, 20011, 33469, [12123, 29273], 34460, 23830, 34905, 28079, 38597, 21713, 20122, 35766, 28937, 21693, 38409, 28895, 28153, 30416, 20005, 30740, 34578, 23721, 24310, [12180, 35328], 39068, 38414, 28814, 27839, 22852, 25513, 30524, 34893, 28436, 33395, 22576, 29141, 21388, 30746, 38593, 21761, 24422, 28976, 23476, 35866, 39564, 27523, 22830, 40495, 31207, 26472, 25196, 20335, 30113, [12154, 32650], 27915, 38451, 27687, 20208, 30162, 20859, 26679, 28478, 36992, 33136, 22934, 29814, 25671, 23591, 36965, 31377, 35875, 23002, 21676, 33280, 33647, 35201, 32768, 26928, 22094, 32822, 29239, 37326, 20918, 20063, 39029, 25494, 19994, 21494, 26355, 33099, 22812, 28082, [12032, 19968], 22777, 21307, 25558, 38129, 20381, 20234, [12176, 34915], 39056, 22839, 36951, 31227, 20202, 33008, 30097, 27778, 23452, 23016, 24413, 26885, 34433, 20506, 24050, [12036, 20057], 30691, 20197, 33402, 25233, 26131, [12194, 37009], 23673, 20159, 24441, 33222, 36920, 32900, 30123, 20134, 35028, 24847, 27589, 24518, 20041, 30410, 28322, 35811, 35758, 35850, 35793, 24322, 32764, 32716, 32462, 33589, 33643, 22240, 27575, [12211, 38899], 38452, 23035, 21535, 38134, 28139, 23493, 39278, 23609, 24341, 38544, 21360, 33521, 27185, 23156, 40560, 24212, 32552, 33721, {f: 2, c: 33828}, 33639, 34631, 36814, 36194, 30408, 24433, 39062, 30828, 26144, 21727, 25317, 20323, 33219, 30152, 24248, 38605, 36362, 34553, 21647, 27891, 28044, 27704, 24703, 21191, [12132, 29992], 24189, 20248, 24736, 24551, 23588, 30001, 37038, 38080, 29369, 27833, 28216, [12195, 37193], 26377, 21451, 21491, 20305, 37321, 35825, [12060, 21448], 24188, 36802, 28132, 20110, 30402, 27014, 34398, 24858, 33286, 20313, 20446, 36926, 40060, 24841, 28189, 28180, 38533, 20104, 23089, [12204, 38632], 19982, 23679, 31161, 23431, 35821, [12155, 32701], [12127, 29577], 22495, 33419, 37057, 21505, 36935, 21947, 23786, 24481, 24840, 27442, 29425, 32946, 35465, 28020, 23507, 35029, 39044, 35947, 39533, 40499, 28170, 20900, 20803, 22435, 34945, 21407, 25588, 36757, 22253, 21592, 22278, 29503, 28304, 32536, 36828, 33489, 24895, 24616, 38498, [12104, 26352], 32422, 36234, 36291, 38053, 23731, 31908, [12105, 26376], 24742, 38405, 32792, 20113, 37095, 21248, 38504, 20801, 36816, 34164, 37213, 26197, 38901, 23381, 21277, 30776, 26434, 26685, 21705, 28798, 23472, 36733, 20877, 22312, 21681, 25874, 26242, 36190, 36163, 33039, 33900, 36973, 31967, 20991, 34299, 26531, 26089, 28577, 34468, 36481, 22122, 36896, 30338, 28790, 29157, 36131, 25321, 21017, 27901, 36156, 24590, 22686, 24974, 26366, 36192, 25166, 21939, 28195, 26413, 36711, 38113, 38392, 30504, 26629, 27048, 21643, 20045, 28856, 35784, 25688, 25995, 23429, 31364, 20538, 23528, 30651, 27617, 35449, 31896, 27838, 30415, 26025, 36759, 23853, 23637, 34360, 26632, 21344, 25112, 31449, 28251, 32509, 27167, 31456, 24432, 28467, 24352, 25484, 28072, 26454, 19976, 24080, 36134, 20183, 32960, 30260, 38556, 25307, 26157, 25214, 27836, 36213, 29031, 32617, 20806, 32903, 21484, 36974, 25240, 21746, 34544, 36761, 32773, 38167, 34071, 36825, 27993, 29645, 26015, 30495, 29956, 30759, 33275, 36126, 38024, 20390, 26517, 30137, 35786, 38663, 25391, 38215, 38453, 33976, 25379, 30529, 24449, 29424, 20105, 24596, 25972, 25327, 27491, 25919, 24103, 30151, 37073, 35777, 33437, 26525, [12096, 25903], 21553, 34584, 30693, 32930, 33026, 27713, 20043, 32455, 32844, 30452, 26893, 27542, 25191, 20540, 20356, 22336, 25351, [12108, 27490], 36286, 21482, 26088, 32440, 24535, 25370, 25527, [12164, 33267], 33268, 32622, 24092, 23769, 21046, 26234, 31209, 31258, 36136, 28825, 30164, 28382, 27835, 31378, 20013, 30405, 24544, 38047, 34935, 32456, 31181, 32959, 37325, 20210, 20247, [12168, 33311], 21608, 24030, 27954, 35788, 31909, 36724, 32920, 24090, 21650, 30385, 23449, 26172, 39588, 29664, 26666, 34523, 26417, 29482, 35832, 35803, 36880, [12149, 31481], 28891, 29038, 25284, 30633, 22065, 20027, 33879, 26609, 21161, 34496, 36142, 38136, 31569, 20303, 27880, 31069, 39547, 25235, [12118, 29226], 25341, 19987, 30742, 36716, 25776, 36186, 31686, 26729, 24196, 35013, 22918, 25758, 22766, 29366, 26894, 38181, 36861, 36184, 22368, 32512, 35846, 20934, 25417, 25305, 21331, 26700, 29730, 33537, 37196, 21828, 30528, 28796, 27978, 20857, 21672, 36164, 23039, 28363, 28100, 23388, 32043, 20180, 31869, 28371, [12070, 23376], [12163, 33258], 28173, 23383, 39683, 26837, 36394, 23447, 32508, 24635, 32437, 37049, [12187, 36208], 22863, 25549, 31199, [12188, 36275], 21330, 26063, 31062, 35781, 38459, 32452, 38075, 32386, 22068, 37257, 26368, 32618, 23562, 36981, 26152, 24038, 20304, 26590, 20570, 20316, 22352, 24231, 20109, 19980, 20800, 19984, 24319, 21317, 19989, 20120, 19998, [12224, 39730], 23404, 22121, [12033, 20008], 31162, [12035, 20031], [12052, 21269], 20039, 22829, [12120, 29243], 21358, 27664, 22239, 32996, 39319, 27603, 30590, 40727, [12034, 20022], 20127, 40720, 20060, 20073, 20115, 33416, 23387, 21868, 22031, 20164, 21389, 21405, 21411, 21413, 21422, 38757, 36189, [12053, 21274], 21493, 21286, 21294, 21310, 36188, 21350, 21347, 20994, 21000, 21006, 21037, 21043, {f: 2, c: 21055}, 21068, 21086, 21089, 21084, 33967, 21117, 21122, 21121, 21136, 21139, [12044, 20866], 32596, 20155, 20163, 20169, 20162, 20200, 20193, 20203, 20190, 20251, 20211, 20258, 20324, 20213, 20261, 20263, 20233, 20267, 20318, 20327, 25912, 20314, 20317, 20319, 20311, 20274, 20285, 20342, 20340, 20369, 20361, 20355, 20367, 20350, 20347, 20394, 20348, 20396, 20372, 20454, 20456, 20458, 20421, 20442, 20451, 20444, 20433, 20447, 20472, 20521, 20556, 20467, 20524, 20495, 20526, 20525, 20478, 20508, 20492, 20517, 20520, 20606, 20547, 20565, 20552, 20558, 20588, 20603, 20645, 20647, 20649, 20666, 20694, 20742, 20717, 20716, 20710, 20718, 20743, 20747, 20189, 27709, 20312, 20325, 20430, [12245, 40864], 27718, 31860, 20846, 24061, 40649, 39320, 20865, 22804, [12051, 21241], 21261, 35335, 21264, 20971, 22809, 20821, [12039, 20128], 20822, 20147, 34926, 34980, 20149, 33044, 35026, 31104, 23348, 34819, 32696, [12046, 20907], 20913, 20925, 20924, 20935, [12045, 20886], 20898, 20901, 35744, {f: 2, c: 35750}, 35754, {f: 2, c: 35764}, 35767, {f: 2, c: 35778}, 35787, 35791, 35790, {f: 3, c: 35794}, 35798, {f: 2, c: 35800}, 35804, {f: 2, c: 35807}, 35812, {f: 2, c: 35816}, 35822, 35824, 35827, 35830, 35833, 35836, {f: 2, c: 35839}, 35842, 35844, 35847, 35852, 35855, {f: 2, c: 35857}, {f: 3, c: 35860}, 35865, 35867, 35864, 35869, {f: 3, c: 35871}, 35877, 35879, {f: 2, c: 35882}, {f: 2, c: 35886}, {f: 2, c: 35890}, {f: 2, c: 35893}, [12057, 21353], 21370, 38429, 38434, 38433, 38449, 38442, 38461, 38460, 38466, 38473, 38484, 38495, 38503, 38508, 38514, 38516, 38536, 38541, 38551, 38576, 37015, 37019, 37021, 37017, 37036, 37025, 37044, 37043, 37046, 37050, 37048, 37040, 37071, 37061, 37054, 37072, 37060, 37063, 37075, 37094, 37090, 37084, 37079, 37083, 37099, 37103, 37118, 37124, 37154, 37150, 37155, 37169, 37167, 37177, 37187, 37190, 21005, 22850, 21154, {f: 2, c: 21164}, 21182, 21759, 21200, 21206, 21232, 21471, 29166, 30669, [12085, 24308], [12048, 20981], 20988, [12223, 39727], [12059, 21430], 24321, 30042, 24047, 22348, 22441, 22433, 22654, 22716, 22725, 22737, 22313, 22316, 22314, 22323, 22329, {f: 2, c: 22318}, 22364, 22331, 22338, 22377, 22405, 22379, 22406, 22396, 22395, 22376, 22381, 22390, 22387, 22445, 22436, 22412, 22450, 22479, 22439, 22452, 22419, 22432, 22485, 22488, 22490, 22489, 22482, 22456, 22516, 22511, 22520, 22500, 22493, 22539, 22541, 22525, 22509, 22528, 22558, 22553, 22596, 22560, 22629, 22636, 22657, 22665, 22682, 22656, 39336, 40729, 25087, 33401, 33405, 33407, 33423, 33418, 33448, 33412, 33422, 33425, 33431, 33433, 33451, 33464, 33470, 33456, 33480, 33482, 33507, 33432, 33463, 33454, {f: 2, c: 33483}, 33473, 33449, 33460, 33441, 33450, 33439, 33476, 33486, 33444, 33505, 33545, 33527, 33508, 33551, 33543, 33500, 33524, 33490, 33496, 33548, 33531, 33491, 33553, 33562, 33542, {f: 2, c: 33556}, 33504, 33493, 33564, 33617, {f: 2, c: 33627}, 33544, 33682, 33596, 33588, 33585, 33691, 33630, 33583, 33615, 33607, 33603, 33631, 33600, 33559, 33632, 33581, 33594, 33587, 33638, 33637, 33640, 33563, 33641, 33644, 33642, {f: 2, c: 33645}, 33712, 33656, {f: 2, c: 33715}, 33696, 33706, 33683, 33692, 33669, 33660, 33718, 33705, 33661, 33720, 33659, 33688, 33694, 33704, 33722, 33724, 33729, 33793, 33765, 33752, 22535, 33816, 33803, 33757, 33789, 33750, 33820, 33848, 33809, 33798, 33748, 33759, 33807, 33795, {f: 2, c: 33784}, 33770, 33733, 33728, 33830, 33776, 33761, 33884, 33873, 33882, 33881, 33907, {f: 2, c: 33927}, 33914, 33929, 33912, 33852, 33862, 33897, 33910, 33932, 33934, 33841, 33901, 33985, 33997, 34000, 34022, 33981, 34003, 33994, 33983, 33978, 34016, 33953, 33977, 33972, 33943, 34021, 34019, 34060, 29965, 34104, 34032, 34105, 34079, 34106, 34134, 34107, 34047, 34044, 34137, 34120, 34152, 34148, 34142, 34170, 30626, 34115, 34162, 34171, 34212, 34216, 34183, 34191, 34169, 34222, 34204, 34181, 34233, 34231, 34224, 34259, 34241, 34268, 34303, 34343, 34309, 34345, 34326, 34364, [12086, 24318], 24328, 22844, 22849, 32823, 22869, 22874, 22872, 21263, [12074, 23586], 23589, 23596, 23604, 25164, 25194, 25247, 25275, 25290, 25306, 25303, 25326, 25378, 25334, 25401, 25419, 25411, 25517, 25590, 25457, 25466, 25486, 25524, 25453, 25516, 25482, 25449, 25518, 25532, 25586, 25592, 25568, 25599, 25540, 25566, 25550, 25682, 25542, 25534, 25669, 25665, 25611, 25627, 25632, 25612, 25638, 25633, 25694, 25732, 25709, 25750, 25722, {f: 2, c: 25783}, 25753, 25786, 25792, 25808, 25815, 25828, 25826, 25865, 25893, 25902, [12087, 24331], 24530, 29977, 24337, 21343, 21489, 21501, 21481, 21480, 21499, 21522, 21526, 21510, 21579, {f: 3, c: 21586}, 21590, 21571, 21537, 21591, 21593, 21539, 21554, 21634, 21652, 21623, 21617, 21604, {f: 2, c: 21658}, 21636, 21622, 21606, 21661, 21712, 21677, 21698, 21684, 21714, 21671, 21670, {f: 2, c: 21715}, 21618, 21667, 21717, 21691, 21695, 21708, {f: 2, c: 21721}, 21724, {f: 2, c: 21673}, 21668, 21725, 21711, 21726, 21787, 21735, 21792, 21757, 21780, 21747, {f: 2, c: 21794}, 21775, 21777, 21799, 21802, 21863, 21903, 21941, 21833, 21869, 21825, 21845, 21823, 21840, 21820, 21815, 21846, {f: 3, c: 21877}, 21811, 21808, 21852, 21899, 21970, 21891, 21937, 21945, 21896, 21889, 21919, 21886, 21974, 21905, 21883, 21983, {f: 2, c: 21949}, 21908, 21913, 21994, 22007, 21961, 22047, 21969, {f: 2, c: 21995}, 21972, 21990, 21981, 21956, 21999, 21989, {f: 2, c: 22002}, {f: 2, c: 21964}, 21992, 22005, 21988, 36756, 22046, 22024, 22028, 22017, 22052, 22051, 22014, 22016, 22055, 22061, 22104, 22073, 22103, 22060, 22093, 22114, 22105, 22108, 22092, 22100, 22150, 22116, 22129, 22123, {f: 2, c: 22139}, 22149, 22163, 22191, 22228, [12062, 22231], 22237, 22241, 22261, 22251, 22265, 22271, 22276, 22282, 22281, 22300, 24079, 24089, 24084, 24081, 24113, {f: 2, c: 24123}, 24119, 24132, 24148, 24155, 24158, 24161, 23692, 23674, 23693, 23696, 23702, 23688, {f: 2, c: 23704}, 23697, 23706, 23708, 23733, 23714, 23741, 23724, 23723, 23729, 23715, 23745, 23735, 23748, 23762, 23780, 23755, 23781, {f: 2, c: 23810}, 23847, 23846, 23854, 23844, 23838, 23814, 23835, 23896, 23870, 23860, 23869, 23916, 23899, 23919, 23901, 23915, 23883, 23882, 23913, 23924, 23938, 23961, 23965, 35955, 23991, 24005, [12091, 24435], 24439, 24450, 24455, 24457, 24460, 24469, 24473, 24476, 24488, 24493, 24501, 24508, 34914, [12090, 24417], 29357, 29360, 29364, {f: 2, c: 29367}, 29379, 29377, 29390, 29389, 29394, 29416, 29423, 29417, 29426, 29428, 29431, 29441, 29427, 29443, {f: 2, c: 29434}, 29463, 29459, 29473, 29450, 29470, 29469, 29461, 29474, 29497, 29477, 29484, 29496, 29489, 29520, 29517, 29527, 29536, 29548, 29551, 29566, [12167, 33307], 22821, 39143, 22820, [12065, 22786], 39267, {f: 6, c: 39271}, 39284, 39287, 39293, 39296, 39300, 39303, 39306, 39309, {f: 2, c: 39312}, {f: 3, c: 39315}, 24192, 24209, 24203, 24214, 24229, 24224, 24249, 24245, 24254, 24243, 36179, 24274, 24273, 24283, 24296, 24298, 33210, 24516, 24521, 24534, 24527, 24579, 24558, 24580, 24545, 24548, 24574, {f: 2, c: 24581}, 24554, 24557, 24568, 24601, 24629, 24614, 24603, 24591, 24589, 24617, 24619, 24586, 24639, 24609, {f: 2, c: 24696}, 24699, 24698, 24642, 24682, 24701, 24726, 24730, 24749, 24733, 24707, 24722, 24716, 24731, 24812, 24763, 24753, 24797, 24792, 24774, 24794, 24756, 24864, 24870, 24853, 24867, 24820, 24832, 24846, 24875, 24906, 24949, 25004, 24980, 24999, 25015, 25044, 25077, 24541, 38579, 38377, 38379, 38385, 38387, {f: 2, c: 38389}, 38396, 38398, {f: 2, c: 38403}, 38406, 38408, {f: 4, c: 38410}, 38415, 38418, {f: 3, c: 38421}, {f: 2, c: 38425}, 20012, [12121, 29247], 25109, 27701, 27732, 27740, 27722, 27811, 27781, 27792, 27796, 27788, {f: 2, c: 27752}, 27764, 27766, 27782, 27817, 27856, 27860, 27821, {f: 2, c: 27895}, 27889, 27863, 27826, 27872, 27862, 27898, 27883, 27886, 27825, 27859, 27887, 27902, 27961, 27943, 27916, 27971, 27976, 27911, 27908, 27929, 27918, 27947, 27981, 27950, 27957, 27930, 27983, 27986, 27988, 27955, 28049, 28015, 28062, 28064, 27998, {f: 2, c: 28051}, 27996, 28000, 28028, 28003, 28186, 28103, 28101, 28126, 28174, 28095, 28128, 28177, 28134, 28125, 28121, 28182, 28075, 28172, 28078, 28203, 28270, 28238, 28267, 28338, 28255, 28294, {f: 2, c: 28243}, 28210, 28197, 28228, 28383, 28337, 28312, 28384, 28461, 28386, 28325, 28327, 28349, 28347, 28343, 28375, 28340, 28367, 28303, 28354, 28319, 28514, {f: 2, c: 28486}, 28452, 28437, 28409, 28463, 28470, 28491, 28532, 28458, 28425, 28457, 28553, 28557, 28556, 28536, 28530, 28540, 28538, 28625, 28617, 28583, 28601, 28598, 28610, 28641, 28654, 28638, 28640, 28655, 28698, 28707, 28699, 28729, 28725, 28751, 28766, [12071, 23424], 23428, 23445, 23443, 23461, 23480, 29999, 39582, 25652, 23524, 23534, 35120, 23536, 36423, 35591, 36790, 36819, 36821, 36837, 36846, 36836, 36841, 36838, 36851, 36840, 36869, 36868, 36875, 36902, 36881, 36877, 36886, 36897, {f: 2, c: 36917}, 36909, 36911, 36932, {f: 2, c: 36945}, 36944, 36968, 36952, 36962, 36955, 26297, 36980, 36989, 36994, 37000, 36995, 37003, [12089, 24400], 24407, 24406, 24408, 23611, 21675, 23632, 23641, 23409, 23651, 23654, 32700, 24362, 24361, 24365, 33396, 24380, 39739, [12076, 23662], 22913, 22915, 22925, {f: 2, c: 22953}, 22947, 22935, 22986, 22955, 22942, 22948, 22994, 22962, 22959, 22999, 22974, {f: 2, c: 23045}, 23005, 23048, 23011, 23000, 23033, 23052, 23049, 23090, 23092, 23057, 23075, 23059, 23104, 23143, 23114, 23125, 23100, 23138, 23157, 33004, 23210, 23195, 23159, 23162, 23230, 23275, 23218, 23250, 23252, 23224, 23264, 23267, 23281, 23254, 23270, 23256, 23260, 23305, 23319, 23318, 23346, 23351, 23360, 23573, 23580, 23386, 23397, 23411, 23377, 23379, 23394, 39541, {f: 2, c: 39543}, 39546, 39551, 39549, {f: 2, c: 39552}, 39557, 39560, 39562, 39568, {f: 2, c: 39570}, 39574, 39576, {f: 3, c: 39579}, {f: 2, c: 39583}, {f: 2, c: 39586}, 39589, 39591, 32415, 32417, 32419, 32421, {f: 2, c: 32424}, 32429, 32432, 32446, {f: 3, c: 32448}, 32457, {f: 2, c: 32459}, 32464, 32468, 32471, 32475, {f: 2, c: 32480}, 32488, 32491, {f: 2, c: 32494}, {f: 2, c: 32497}, 32525, 32502, {f: 2, c: 32506}, 32510, {f: 3, c: 32513}, {f: 2, c: 32519}, {f: 2, c: 32523}, 32527, {f: 2, c: 32529}, 32535, 32537, 32540, 32539, 32543, {f: 7, c: 32545}, {f: 4, c: 32554}, {f: 5, c: 32559}, 32565, [12083, 24186], 30079, [12078, 24027], 30014, 37013, 29582, 29585, 29614, 29602, 29599, 29647, 29634, 29649, 29623, 29619, 29632, 29641, 29640, 29669, 29657, 39036, 29706, 29673, 29671, 29662, 29626, 29682, 29711, 29738, 29787, 29734, 29733, 29736, 29744, 29742, 29740, 29723, 29722, 29761, 29788, 29783, 29781, 29785, 29815, 29805, 29822, 29852, 29838, {f: 2, c: 29824}, 29831, 29835, 29854, {f: 2, c: 29864}, 29840, 29863, 29906, 29882, {f: 3, c: 38890}, 26444, 26451, 26462, 26440, 26473, 26533, 26503, 26474, 26483, 26520, 26535, 26485, 26536, 26526, 26541, 26507, 26487, 26492, 26608, 26633, 26584, 26634, 26601, 26544, 26636, 26585, 26549, 26586, 26547, 26589, 26624, 26563, 26552, 26594, 26638, 26561, 26621, {f: 2, c: 26674}, {f: 2, c: 26720}, 26702, 26722, 26692, 26724, 26755, 26653, 26709, 26726, 26689, 26727, 26688, 26686, 26698, 26697, 26665, 26805, 26767, 26740, 26743, 26771, 26731, 26818, 26990, 26876, {f: 2, c: 26911}, 26873, 26916, 26864, 26891, 26881, 26967, 26851, 26896, 26993, 26937, 26976, 26946, 26973, 27012, 26987, 27008, 27032, 27000, 26932, 27084, {f: 2, c: 27015}, 27086, 27017, 26982, 26979, 27001, 27035, 27047, 27067, 27051, 27053, 27092, 27057, 27073, 27082, 27103, 27029, 27104, 27021, 27135, 27183, 27117, {f: 2, c: 27159}, 27237, 27122, 27204, 27198, 27296, 27216, 27227, 27189, 27278, 27257, 27197, 27176, 27224, 27260, 27281, 27280, 27305, 27287, 27307, 29495, 29522, {f: 2, c: 27521}, 27527, 27524, {f: 2, c: 27538}, 27533, {f: 2, c: 27546}, 27553, 27562, 36715, 36717, {f: 3, c: 36721}, {f: 2, c: 36725}, 36728, 36727, {f: 2, c: 36729}, 36732, 36734, {f: 2, c: 36737}, 36740, 36743, 36747, {f: 3, c: 36749}, 36760, 36762, 36558, 25099, 25111, 25115, 25119, 25122, 25121, 25125, 25124, 25132, 33255, 29935, 29940, 29951, 29967, 29969, 29971, [12097, 25908], {f: 3, c: 26094}, 26122, 26137, 26482, 26115, 26133, 26112, 28805, 26359, 26141, 26164, 26161, 26166, 26165, 32774, 26207, 26196, 26177, 26191, 26198, 26209, 26199, 26231, 26244, 26252, 26279, 26269, 26302, {f: 2, c: 26331}, 26342, 26345, {f: 2, c: 36146}, 36150, 36155, 36157, 36160, {f: 2, c: 36165}, {f: 2, c: 36168}, 36167, 36173, 36181, 36185, 35271, {f: 3, c: 35274}, {f: 4, c: 35278}, 29294, 29343, 29277, 29286, 29295, {f: 2, c: 29310}, 29316, 29323, 29325, 29327, 29330, 25352, 25394, 25520, 25663, 25816, 32772, 27626, 27635, 27645, 27637, 27641, 27653, 27655, 27654, 27661, 27669, {f: 3, c: 27672}, 27681, 27689, 27684, 27690, 27698, 25909, 25941, 25963, 29261, 29266, 29270, 29232, 34402, 21014, 32927, 32924, 32915, 32956, 26378, 32957, 32945, 32939, 32941, 32948, 32951, {f: 4, c: 32999}, 32987, 32962, 32964, 32985, 32973, 32983, 26384, 32989, 33003, 33009, 33012, 33005, {f: 2, c: 33037}, 33010, 33020, 26389, 33042, 35930, 33078, 33054, 33068, 33048, 33074, 33096, 33100, 33107, 33140, {f: 2, c: 33113}, 33137, 33120, 33129, {f: 2, c: 33148}, 33133, 33127, 22605, 23221, 33160, 33154, 33169, 28373, 33187, 33194, 33228, 26406, 33226, 33211, 33217, 33190, 27428, 27447, 27449, 27459, 27462, 27481, {f: 3, c: 39121}, 39125, {f: 2, c: 39129}, [12110, 27571], 24384, 27586, 35315, 26000, 40785, 26003, 26044, 26054, 26052, 26051, 26060, 26062, 26066, 26070, 28800, 28828, 28822, 28829, 28859, 28864, 28855, 28843, 28849, 28904, 28874, 28944, 28947, 28950, 28975, 28977, 29043, 29020, 29032, 28997, 29042, 29002, 29048, 29050, 29080, 29107, 29109, 29096, 29088, 29152, 29140, 29159, 29177, 29213, 29224, 28780, 28952, 29030, 29113, 25150, 25149, 25155, {f: 2, c: 25160}, 31035, 31040, 31046, 31049, {f: 2, c: 31067}, 31059, 31066, 31074, 31063, 31072, 31087, 31079, 31098, 31109, 31114, 31130, 31143, 31155, 24529, 24528, 24636, 24669, 24666, 24679, 24641, 24665, 24675, 24747, 24838, 24845, 24925, 25001, 24989, 25035, 25041, 25094, 32896, [12160, 32895], 27795, 27894, 28156, 30710, 30712, 30720, 30729, {f: 2, c: 30743}, 30737, 26027, 30765, {f: 2, c: 30748}, {f: 3, c: 30777}, 30751, 30780, 30757, 30764, 30755, 30761, 30798, 30829, {f: 2, c: 30806}, 30758, 30800, 30791, 30796, 30826, 30875, 30867, 30874, 30855, 30876, 30881, 30883, 30898, 30905, 30885, 30932, 30937, 30921, 30956, 30962, 30981, 30964, 30995, 31012, 31006, 31028, 40859, [12235, 40697], {f: 2, c: 40699}, 30449, 30468, 30477, 30457, {f: 2, c: 30471}, 30490, 30498, 30489, 30509, 30502, 30517, 30520, {f: 2, c: 30544}, 30535, 30531, 30554, 30568, 30562, 30565, 30591, 30605, 30589, 30592, 30604, 30609, {f: 2, c: 30623}, 30640, 30645, 30653, 30010, 30016, 30030, 30027, 30024, 30043, 30066, 30073, 30083, 32600, 32609, 32607, 35400, 32616, 32628, 32625, 32633, 32641, 32638, 30413, 30437, 34866, {f: 3, c: 38021}, 38027, 38026, {f: 2, c: 38028}, {f: 2, c: 38031}, 38036, 38039, 38037, {f: 3, c: 38042}, {f: 2, c: 38051}, 38059, 38058, 38061, 38060, {f: 2, c: 38063}, 38066, 38068, {f: 5, c: 38070}, {f: 2, c: 38076}, 38079, 38084, {f: 7, c: 38088}, {f: 3, c: 38096}, {f: 3, c: 38101}, 38105, 38104, 38107, {f: 3, c: 38110}, 38114, {f: 2, c: 38116}, {f: 2, c: 38119}, 38122, 38121, 38123, {f: 2, c: 38126}, {f: 3, c: 38131}, 38135, 38137, {f: 2, c: 38140}, 38143, 38147, 38146, {f: 2, c: 38150}, {f: 2, c: 38153}, {f: 3, c: 38157}, {f: 5, c: 38162}, 38168, 38171, {f: 3, c: 38173}, 38178, {f: 2, c: 38186}, 38185, 38188, {f: 2, c: 38193}, 38196, {f: 3, c: 38198}, 38204, {f: 2, c: 38206}, 38210, 38197, {f: 3, c: 38212}, 38217, 38220, {f: 2, c: 38222}, {f: 3, c: 38226}, {f: 4, c: 38230}, 38235, {f: 2, c: 38238}, 38237, {f: 2, c: 38241}, {f: 9, c: 38244}, 38255, {f: 3, c: 38257}, 38202, 30695, 30700, 38601, 31189, 31213, 31203, 31211, 31238, 23879, 31235, 31234, 31262, 31252, 31289, 31287, 31313, 40655, 39333, 31344, 30344, 30350, 30355, 30361, 30372, 29918, 29920, 29996, 40480, 40482, {f: 5, c: 40488}, 40498, 40497, 40502, 40504, 40503, {f: 2, c: 40505}, 40510, {f: 2, c: 40513}, 40516, {f: 4, c: 40518}, {f: 2, c: 40523}, 40526, 40529, 40533, 40535, {f: 3, c: 40538}, 40542, 40547, {f: 7, c: 40550}, 40561, 40557, 40563, [12135, 30098], 30100, 30102, 30112, 30109, 30124, 30115, {f: 2, c: 30131}, 30136, 30148, 30129, 30128, 30147, 30146, 30166, 30157, 30179, 30184, 30182, 30180, 30187, 30183, 30211, 30193, 30204, 30207, 30224, 30208, 30213, 30220, 30231, 30218, 30245, 30232, 30229, 30233, 30235, 30268, 30242, 30240, 30272, 30253, 30256, 30271, 30261, 30275, 30270, 30259, 30285, 30302, 30292, 30300, 30294, 30315, 30319, 32714, 31462, {f: 2, c: 31352}, 31360, 31366, 31368, 31381, 31398, 31392, 31404, 31400, 31405, 31411, 34916, 34921, 34930, 34941, 34943, 34946, 34978, 35014, 34999, 35004, 35017, 35042, 35022, 35043, 35045, 35057, 35098, 35068, 35048, 35070, 35056, 35105, 35097, 35091, 35099, 35082, 35124, 35115, 35126, 35137, 35174, 35195, [12134, 30091], 32997, 30386, 30388, 30684, [12158, 32786], 32788, 32790, 32796, 32800, 32802, {f: 3, c: 32805}, 32809, 32808, 32817, 32779, 32821, 32835, 32838, 32845, 32850, 32873, 32881, 35203, 39032, 39040, 39043, 39049, {f: 2, c: 39052}, 39055, 39060, {f: 2, c: 39066}, {f: 2, c: 39070}, {f: 2, c: 39073}, {f: 2, c: 39077}, [12172, 34381], 34388, 34412, 34414, 34431, 34426, 34428, 34427, 34472, 34445, 34443, 34476, 34461, 34471, 34467, 34474, 34451, 34473, 34486, 34500, 34485, 34510, 34480, 34490, 34481, 34479, 34505, 34511, 34484, 34537, {f: 2, c: 34545}, 34541, 34547, 34512, 34579, 34526, 34548, 34527, 34520, 34513, 34563, 34567, 34552, 34568, 34570, 34573, 34569, 34595, 34619, 34590, 34597, 34606, 34586, 34622, 34632, 34612, 34609, 34601, 34615, 34623, 34690, 34594, {f: 2, c: 34685}, 34683, 34656, 34672, 34636, 34670, 34699, 34643, 34659, 34684, 34660, 34649, 34661, 34707, 34735, 34728, 34770, 34758, 34696, 34693, 34733, 34711, 34691, 34731, 34789, 34732, 34741, 34739, 34763, 34771, 34749, 34769, 34752, 34762, 34779, 34794, 34784, 34798, 34838, 34835, 34814, 34826, 34843, 34849, 34873, 34876, [12152, 32566], 32578, {f: 2, c: 32580}, 33296, 31482, 31485, 31496, {f: 2, c: 31491}, 31509, 31498, 31531, 31503, 31559, 31544, 31530, 31513, 31534, 31537, 31520, 31525, 31524, 31539, 31550, 31518, 31576, 31578, 31557, 31605, 31564, 31581, 31584, 31598, 31611, 31586, 31602, 31601, 31632, {f: 2, c: 31654}, 31672, 31660, 31645, 31656, 31621, 31658, 31644, 31650, 31659, 31668, 31697, 31681, 31692, 31709, 31706, {f: 2, c: 31717}, 31722, 31756, 31742, 31740, 31759, 31766, 31755, 31775, 31786, 31782, 31800, 31809, 31808, 33278, {f: 2, c: 33281}, 33284, 33260, 34884, {f: 3, c: 33313}, 33325, 33327, 33320, 33323, 33336, 33339, {f: 2, c: 33331}, 33342, 33348, 33353, 33355, 33359, 33370, 33375, 33384, 34942, 34949, 34952, 35032, 35039, 35166, 32669, 32671, 32679, {f: 2, c: 32687}, 32690, 31868, 25929, 31889, 31901, 31900, 31902, 31906, 31922, {f: 2, c: 31932}, 31937, 31943, {f: 2, c: 31948}, 31944, 31941, 31959, 31976, [12169, 33390], 26280, 32703, 32718, 32725, 32741, 32737, 32742, 32745, 32750, 32755, [12151, 31992], 32119, 32166, 32174, 32327, 32411, 40632, 40628, 36211, 36228, 36244, 36241, 36273, 36199, 36205, 35911, 35913, 37194, 37200, {f: 2, c: 37198}, 37220, 37218, 37217, 37232, 37225, 37231, {f: 2, c: 37245}, 37234, 37236, 37241, 37260, 37253, 37264, 37261, 37265, {f: 2, c: 37282}, 37290, {f: 3, c: 37293}, 37301, 37300, 37306, [12183, 35925], 40574, 36280, 36331, 36357, 36441, 36457, 36277, 36287, 36284, 36282, 36292, {f: 2, c: 36310}, 36314, 36318, {f: 2, c: 36302}, 36315, 36294, 36332, {f: 2, c: 36343}, 36323, 36345, 36347, 36324, 36361, 36349, 36372, 36381, 36383, 36396, 36398, 36387, 36399, 36410, 36416, 36409, 36405, 36413, 36401, 36425, {f: 2, c: 36417}, {f: 2, c: 36433}, 36426, 36464, 36470, 36476, 36463, 36468, 36485, 36495, 36500, 36496, 36508, 36510, [12184, 35960], 35970, 35978, 35973, 35992, 35988, 26011, 35286, 35294, 35290, 35292, 35301, 35307, 35311, 35390, 35622, 38739, 38633, 38643, 38639, 38662, 38657, 38664, 38671, 38670, 38698, 38701, 38704, 38718, 40832, 40835, {f: 6, c: 40837}, 40844, 40702, 40715, 40717, [12203, 38585], {f: 2, c: 38588}, 38606, 38610, 30655, 38624, 37518, 37550, 37576, 37694, 37738, 37834, 37775, 37950, 37995, 40063, 40066, {f: 4, c: 40069}, 31267, 40075, 40078, {f: 3, c: 40080}, {f: 2, c: 40084}, {f: 2, c: 40090}, {f: 6, c: 40094}, {f: 5, c: 40101}, 40107, {f: 2, c: 40109}, {f: 8, c: 40112}, {f: 4, c: 40122}, {f: 4, c: 40132}, {f: 7, c: 40138}, {f: 3, c: 40147}, {f: 3, c: 40151}, {f: 2, c: 40156}, 40159, 40162, 38780, 38789, {f: 2, c: 38801}, 38804, 38831, 38827, 38819, 38834, 38836, 39601, 39600, 39607, 40536, 39606, 39610, 39612, 39617, 39616, 39621, 39618, {f: 2, c: 39627}, 39633, 39749, 39747, 39751, 39753, 39752, 39757, 39761, 39144, 39181, 39214, 39253, 39252, [12221, 39647], 39649, 39654, 39663, 39659, 39675, 39661, 39673, 39688, 39695, 39699, 39711, 39715, {f: 2, c: 40637}, 32315, 40578, {f: 2, c: 40583}, 40587, 40594, 37846, 40605, 40607, {f: 3, c: 40667}, 40672, 40671, 40674, 40681, 40679, 40677, 40682, 40687, 40738, 40748, 40751, 40761, 40759, {f: 2, c: 40765}, 40772, 12295, {s: 13}, 30362, 34297, 31001, 24859, 39599, 35158, 22761, 32631, 25850, 25943, 38930, 36774, 32070, 24171, 32129, 37770, 35607, 39165, 23542, 22577, 39825, 36649, [12185, 35997], 37575, 29437, 20633, 24970, 32179, 31558, 30050, 25987, 24163, 38281, 37002, 32232, 36022, 35722, 36783, 36782, 27161, 40009, 30303, 28693, 28657, 36051, 25839, 39173, 25765, 37474, 37457, 39361, 35036, 36001, 21443, 34870, 27544, 24922, 24920, 29158, 33980, 33369, 20489, 28356, 21408, 20596, 28204, 23652, 35435, 25881, 25723, 34796, 39262, 35730, 32399, 37855, 29987, 38369, 39019, 22580, 22039, [12199, 38263], 20767, 33144, 24288, 26274, 37396, [12190, 36554], 24505, 22645, 38515, 35183, 31281, 25074, 35488, 39425, 36978, 39347, [12242, 40786], 29118, 34909, 34802, 23541, 30087, 36490, 31820, 32162, 37276, 37604, 38619, 30990, 20786, 35320, 34389, 20659, 30241, 38358, 21109, 37656, 32020, 32189, 36781, 35422, 36060, 32880, 24478, 21474, 36517, 31428, 37679, 36948, 24118, 36024, 25812, 21934, 37170, 25763, 33213, 24986, 35477, 24392, 30070, 25803, 40680, 34153, 27284, 25623, 23798, 31153, 23566, 29128, 37159, 25973, 28364, 36958, 32224, 39003, 40670, 22666, 38651, 28593, 37347, 35519, 35548, 37336, 38914, 37664, 35330, 26481, 21205, 26847, 20941, [12222, 39717], 29346, 29544, 35712, 36077, 37709, 37723, 26039, 32222, 38538, 23565, 22136, 38931, 37389, 22890, 22702, 40285, 38989, 35355, 24801, 39187, 20818, 29246, 39180, 36019, 30332, 32624, 38309, 31020, 37353, 29033, 31684, 36009, 39151, 35370, 32033, [12214, 39131], 35513, 24290, 36027, 32027, 22707, 22894, 24996, 31966, 35920, 26963, 37586, [12213, 39080], 30219, 39342, 32299, 35575, 40179, 33178, 36667, 25771, 36628, 36070, 24489, 36000, 35331, 23142, 32283, 35442, 37411, 33995, 24185, 36245, 36123, 23713, 21083, 37628, 32177, 23831, 37804, 25841, 40255, 38307, 37499, 20491, 32102, 40852, 38799, 36002, 37390, 28317, 27083, 36092, 34865, 39015, 21102, 38364, 35264, 39208, 24931, 36011, 24291, 35215, 27512, [12244, 40860], 38312, 36556, 35437, 27331, 36020, 21130, 36645, 37707, 22283, 36942, 39405, 38867, 28450, 34399, 38305, 40372, 36032, 36703, 40251, 32005, 22778, 35703, 28396, 22057, 33775, 30059, 21123, 35441, 25079, 22750, 27489, 29872, 36996, 32233, 35594, 25582, 36637, 36036, 31330, 26371, 29172, 21295, 35569, 35496, 32362, 33911, 28222, 29554, 36008, 31117, 25802, 27231, 31309, 39249, 35663, 40388, 32318, 32221, 26997, 36655, 32026, 25824, 24190, 34186, 21137, 28639, 35336, 35352, 38555, 32380, 32000, 22846, 33698, 38960, 36040, 37440, 20729, 39381, 27570, 30435, 22533, 31627, 38291, 33393, 32216, 32365, 27298, 40572, 25536, 25791, 31777, 20745, 34214, 27323, 37970, 36368, 36068, [12178, 35211], 37749, 33382, 21133, 39198, 28472, 28666, 28567, 23559, 28479, 34083, 27123, 22892, 35611, 37292, 33184, 28550, 39509, 23308, 25898, 37496, 30703, 20709, 39171, 32371, 32094, 36686, 36611, 38542, 31680, 28500, 32080, 35489, 32202, 37670, 20677, 35641, 36914, 29180, 30433, 21185, 33686, 39912, 39514, 32147, 38968, 37857, 24465, 30169, 31478, 31998, 33290, 39378, 33289, 25818, 37624, 25084, 21127, 40273, 32121, 35258, 35363, 32118, 37406, 36557, 39423, 38283, 20977, 38982, 27579, 35506, 22718, 25031, 25715, 24235, 35122, 35463, 22602, 20744, 23532, 31014, 26336, 34407, 24011, 31418, 39243, 28528, 25844, 38346, 34847, 33240, 33802, 20358, 36084, 34253, 27396, 25876, 31811, 38348, 34349, 28734, 35733, 25900, 35261, 25078, 32412, 29211, 28651, 25736, 21214, 28551, 27138, 37939, 22744, 39006, 31852, 38626, 28757, 35023, 39881, 31150, 40599, 21426, 21237, 31019, 27511, 28701, 38584, 20486, 32879, 34030, 36899, 37934, 24976, 28451, 31806, 25986, 33225, 37832, 25088, 29001, 32244, 31975, 20841, 36635, 35538, 30274, 36988, 37904, 29557, 33256, 37168, 40023, 36035, 40801, 37428, 38728, 23994, 38936, 39230, 21129, [12243, 40845], 32894, 22184, 31840, 22751, 25871, 38580, 27155, 23105, 25695, 31757, 34310, 30439, 39025, 24300, 29200, 25796, 28407, 34396, 39791, 36034, 37682, 38520, 39522, 37569, 23650, 32311, 24942, 28670, 32209, 24018, 25891, 23423, 28772, 20098, 25476, 36650, 20523, 20374, 28138, 32184, 35542, 34367, 32645, 37007, 38012, 31854, 39486, 39409, 32097, 23229, 29802, 30908, 34718, [12218, 39340], 39393, 21966, 36023, [12230, 40613], 36067, 36993, 30622, 39237, 34875, 28415, 35646, 37672, 37466, 36031, 37762, [12200, 38272], 24758, 20497, 37683, 22818, 35598, 24396, 35219, 32191, 32236, 24287, 28357, 25003, 38313, 40180, 37528, 35628, 35584, 30045, 37385, 32013, 38627, 25747, 33126, 24817, 39719, 39186, 25836, 33193, 25862, 37312, [12227, 40165], 32886, 22169, 38007, 37811, 27320, 29552, 23527, 25840, 28632, 37397, 32016, 33215, 28611, 36786, 30247, 35582, 27472, 40407, 27590, 22036, 28442, 30436, 40848, 36064, 22132, 40300, 39449, 39108, 38971, 36007, 34315, 24977, 35413, 28497, 38935, 25778, 37610, 20693, 27192, 35676, 33229, [12241, 40778], 39438, 35912, 21843, 27683, 35350, 29309, 37370, 37467, 36983, 31805, 35609, 37666, 37463, 28154, 35700, 22649, 27085, 21958, 22715, 34196, 25654, 37740, 27211, 21932, 20689, 32761, 31429, 31434, 27453, 35242, 23522, 36629, 27691, 20670, 38915, 35531, 24950, 29898, 31406, 36264, 21312, 36544, 39493, 40818, 39028, 27402, 21240, 40306, 30906, 35731, 39250, 25854, 32350, 29105, 38860, 35469, 32009, 27054, 32104, 36575, 37613, 38287, 28516, 28753, 34217, 39955, 36093, 20632, 21930, 39479, 25475, 28544, 27578, 32023, 31721, 26348, 38275, 38493, 36109, 32341, 20663, 36062, 29138, 32057, 36050, 25448, 25885, 25086, 35373, 32051, 23529, 23352, 33102, 28402, 32882, 32361, 21213, 32854, 24107, 29509, 28629, 35433, 26178, 34645, 23526, 35672, 39387, 21218, 36969, 37323, 39166, 35222, 35430, 22781, 29560, 27166, 36664, 26360, 36118, 23660, 34899, 27193, 31466, 25976, 24101, 38617, 35504, 38918, 35500, 30889, 29197, 32114, 39164, 39686, 32883, 24939, 38924, 35359, 35494, 25851, 34311, 35380, 32901, 38614, 38568, 32143, 27506, 23403, 25613, 32302, 29795, 37782, 29562, 25787, 33274, 24907, 25892, 36010, 30321, 28760, 22727, 35674, 35527, 22022, 28271, 29145, 28644, 32295, 35342, 39472, 35588, 37563, 38988, 39636, 26781, 36028, 37941, 24307, 32893, 28916, 37509, 32113, 38957, 22294, 22615, 22296, 38973, 40213, 39345, 39389, 27234, 31402, 35178, 24398, 28771, 38929, 33836, 32178, [12209, 38859], 36949, 22285, 29234, 28656, 32173, 33894, 20553, 20702, 32239, 35586, 34907, 32862, 32011, 31337, 21839, 25790, 34680, 28198, 31401, 21978, 37794, 28879, 35491, 28961, 34154, 22626, 38695, 21209, 35492, 37675, 29351, 35186, 32722, 37521, 25138, 32048, 34662, 36676, 23805, 20448, 29433, 22151, 37697, 39854, 32406, 36066, 37532, 38289, 39023, 38570, 29694, 29563, 32291, 39201, 25010, 32171, 38002, 37129, 35443, 38911, 38917, 34157, 22210, 37559, 26313, 22063, 21332, 25406, 33029, 35559, 23531, 28681, 35613, 37573, 37313, 33288, 37561, 32137, 38920, 35377, 32210, 32396, 36562, 25080, 36984, 30316, 32098, 23416, 21211, 35426, 23563, 39348, 35347, 35338, 36956, 22739, 40201, 40232, 21854, 20126, 35357, 38329, 40573, 22196, 38996, 38331, 33399, 21421, 30831, 35578, 39511, 40230, 26954, 25562, 30221, 38525, 30306, 39178, 27171, 22575, 35617, 34277, 29242, [12212, 38913], 26989, 33865, 37291, 37541, 38948, 36986, 20736, 34811, 34269, 20740, 25014, 32681, 35427, 35696, 35516, 35695, 32377, 34093, 38512, 37504, 39154, 38577, 27387, 23344, 40441, 25033, 32403, 29801, 34722, 29151, 29074, 34821, 36111, 31310, 21938, 25793, 20653, 30320, 36404, 20778, 24962, 37109, 37438, 29494, 35480, 36671, 39192, [12226, 39770], 28417, 33287, 23996, 35486, 39729, 29508, 35709, 38928, 39341, 40219, 28149, 36677, 22290, 21729, 22291, 32227, 36960, 39000, 32004, 36493, 38000, 38322, 38642, 37142, 38549, 36939, 34292, 37270, 26248, 38620, 36617, 25890, 26283, 36106, 36124, 33247, 38015, 26839, 31432, 36012, 25799, 21063, 28580, 36042, 36104, 36555, 37720, 38296, 35408, 40779, 20661, 27656, 30430, 26028, 36670, 23940, 26855, 25136, 32187, 24373, 28466, 24115, 36076, 33081, 36249, 34756, 36685, 37754, 36889, 35998, 37341, 20597, 35386, 37806, 38499, 24128, 30309, 37165, 35657, 32340, 32887, 22519, 34937, 32025, 25711, 25842, 24159, 36074, 28399, 37912, 32066, 31278, 33131, 34886, 35589, 36600, 30394, 26205, 39519, 35576, 35461, 29165, 30682, 22225, 36015, 37956, 31689, 39376, 23560, 30938, 36681, 36090, 27137, 33674, 35037, 22941, 22767, 29376, 37648, 36101, 22684, 32180, 35524, 28310, 28609, 36039, 28460, 32156, 32317, 32305, 37138, 35419, 32068, 38013, 21959, 21401, 21428, 38760, 36107, 21293, 21297, 36094, 21060, 21132, 21108, 20660, 20480, 20630, 20757, 20738, 20756, 20796, 20791, 20712, 20674, 20795, 20752, 20794, 20681, 31988, 40652, 22213, 40172, 35131, 33248, 35329, 35344, 35340, 35349, 35635, 35406, 35365, 35393, 35382, 35398, 35412, 35416, 35410, 35462, 35460, 35455, 35440, 35452, 35445, 35436, 35438, 35533, 35554, 35425, 35482, 35493, {f: 2, c: 35473}, 35535, 35537, 35529, 35547, 35543, 35522, 35510, 35574, 35563, 35604, 35585, 35556, 35565, 35580, 35571, 35558, 35566, 35550, 35624, 35740, 35606, 35610, 35600, 35627, 35629, 35670, 35673, 35662, 35742, 35691, 35734, 38488, 37178, 37140, 37172, 37087, 37174, 37126, 37192, 33467, 21233, 24048, 22538, 22745, 22754, 22752, 22746, 22497, 22607, 22550, 22610, 22557, 22628, 34188, 34131, 34294, 33703, 33799, 34031, 33511, 34338, 34086, 22603, 29026, 34136, 34045, 34126, 34184, 34234, 29334, 28366, 34113, 34254, 34130, 33984, 33874, 33892, 33940, 33845, 34207, 34133, 40367, 33939, 32264, 34118, 34146, 34078, 39488, 34362, 37795, 34167, 34334, 34298, 34308, 34282, 34330, 22889, 23607, 25451, 25718, 25759, 25681, 25692, 25779, 25860, 25878, 25847, 25852, 25883, 22064, 22072, 22216, 22182, 21764, 21692, 22144, 22109, 22112, 22069, 22006, 22118, 22130, 22156, 22117, 22044, 22062, 21993, 22038, 22208, 22029, 22195, 22209, 22127, 36705, 22198, 22165, 22279, 24131, 24172, 24152, 24151, 23943, 23796, 23888, 23852, 23975, 23968, 23959, 23821, 23992, 23937, 24020, 24480, 29559, 29505, 29546, 29499, 29547, 29568, 29564, 39136, 39219, 39145, 39228, {f: 2, c: 39146}, 39149, 39156, 39177, 39185, 39195, 39223, 39231, 39235, {f: 3, c: 39240}, 39244, 39266, 24289, 36065, 25082, 25006, 24938, 24894, 24757, 24884, 25036, 24927, 25064, 24827, 24887, 24818, 24947, 24860, 24978, 38274, 38278, 38344, 38286, 38292, 38284, 38373, 38317, 38315, 39726, 38316, 38334, 38326, 39721, 38335, 38333, 38332, 38339, 38347, 38356, 38352, 38357, 38366, 28739, 28505, 28711, 28696, 28668, 28039, 28025, 28254, 28590, 28687, 28408, 28527, 28150, 28543, 28678, 28576, 28683, 28775, 28740, 28677, 28535, 28704, 28703, 28722, 28712, 28765, 39467, 36999, 36885, 37008, 23656, 24371, 23285, 23255, 23296, 23149, 23304, 23372, 23207, 23291, 23307, 23329, 23338, 23321, 39380, 39391, 39385, 39478, 39515, 39377, 39384, 39501, 39498, 39394, 39530, 39439, 39437, 39429, 39490, 39469, 39446, 39489, 39470, 39480, {f: 2, c: 39491}, 39503, 39525, 39524, 31993, 32006, 32002, {f: 2, c: 32007}, 32394, 32028, 32021, 32019, 32058, 32050, 32049, 32272, 32060, 32064, 32063, 32093, 32078, 32115, 32134, 32131, 32136, 32190, 32186, 32203, 32212, 32196, 32158, 32172, 32185, 32163, 32176, 32199, 32217, 32215, 32249, 32242, 32354, 32230, 32246, 32241, 32267, 32225, 32265, 32285, 32287, 32286, 32301, 32266, 32273, 32381, 32313, 32309, 32306, 32326, 32325, 32392, 32346, 32338, 32366, 32382, 32368, 32367, 32408, 29859, 29771, 29903, 38922, 29885, 29759, 29833, 29862, 29908, 29914, 38873, 38878, 38876, 27050, 27370, 26776, 26838, 27141, 26783, 27355, 27379, 27368, 27359, 27273, 26895, 27208, 26984, 27071, 27194, 27292, 27410, 27422, 27357, 27111, 27407, 27414, 27372, 27354, 27384, 27315, 27367, 27299, 27347, 27358, 27556, 27550, 27566, 27563, 27567, 36564, 36571, 36594, 36603, 36708, 36601, 36604, 36587, 36580, 36706, 36602, 36606, 36618, 36615, 36613, 36626, 36646, {f: 2, c: 36638}, 36636, 36659, 36678, 36692, 25108, 25127, 29964, 26311, 26308, 26249, 26326, 36033, 36016, 36026, 36029, 36100, 36018, 36037, 36112, 36049, 36058, 36053, 36075, 36071, 36091, 35224, 35244, 35233, 35263, 35238, 35247, 35250, 35255, 27647, 27660, 27692, 29272, 26407, 33110, 33242, 33051, 33214, 33121, 33231, 27487, {f: 2, c: 39086}, 39094, 39100, 39110, 39112, 36674, 40783, 26005, 29036, 29010, 29079, 29121, 29148, 29182, 31152, 31118, 31146, 25055, 24932, 25059, 25095, 28585, 30959, 30893, 30824, 30904, 31018, 31025, 30820, 30973, 30951, 30947, 40853, 30616, 30558, 30652, 32646, 32648, {f: 3, c: 37330}, 37337, 37335, 37333, 37367, 37351, 37348, 37702, 37365, 37369, 37384, 37414, 37445, 37393, 37392, 37377, 37415, 37380, 37413, 37376, 37434, 37478, 37431, 37427, 37461, 37437, 37432, 37470, {f: 2, c: 37484}, 37439, 37984, 37424, 37449, 37448, 37453, 37422, 37433, 37944, 37548, 37536, 37498, 37546, 37614, 37583, 37891, 37603, 37946, 37553, 37542, 37799, 37526, 37580, 37545, 37877, 37523, 37503, 37801, 37530, 37658, 37547, 37507, 37899, 37544, 37539, 37906, 37688, 37617, 37847, 37605, 37616, 37615, 37608, 37564, 37597, 37622, {f: 2, c: 37926}, 37571, 37599, 37606, 37650, 37638, 37737, 37659, 37696, 37633, 37653, 37678, 37699, {f: 2, c: 37639}, 37663, 37657, 37733, 37703, 37750, 37716, 37732, 37802, 37744, 37764, 37860, 37848, 37928, 37767, 37836, 37784, 37816, 37823, 37798, 37808, 37813, 37964, 37858, {f: 2, c: 37852}, 37837, 37854, 37827, 37831, 37841, 37908, 37917, 37879, 37989, 37907, 37997, 37920, 38009, 37881, 37913, 37962, 37938, 37951, 37972, 37987, 37758, 31329, 40169, 40182, 40199, 40198, 40227, 40327, 40469, 40221, 40223, 40421, 40239, 40409, 40240, 40258, 40478, 40275, 40477, 40288, 40274, 40435, 40284, 40289, 40339, 40298, 40303, 40329, 40344, 40346, 40384, 40357, 40361, 40386, 40380, 40474, 40403, 40410, 40431, 40422, 40434, 40440, 40460, 40442, 40475, 30308, 30296, 30311, 30210, {f: 2, c: 30278}, 30281, 30238, 30267, {f: 2, c: 30317}, 30313, 30322, 31431, 31414, 35168, 35123, 35165, 35143, 35128, 35172, 30392, 32814, 32812, 32889, 32885, 38919, {f: 2, c: 38926}, 38945, 38940, 28481, 38950, 38967, 38990, 38995, 39027, 39010, 39001, 39013, 39020, 39024, 34787, 34822, 34566, 34851, 34806, 34554, 34799, 34692, 34832, 34760, 34833, 34747, 34766, 32588, 31716, 31591, 31849, 31731, 31744, 31691, 31836, 31774, 31787, 31779, 31850, 31839, 33380, 33387, 35018, 32677, 31986, 31990, 31965, 32310, 40617, 36274, 37317, 37315, 40570, 36489, 36428, 36498, 36474, 36437, 36506, 36491, 36499, 36497, 36513, 36451, 36522, 36518, 35316, 35318, 38746, 38722, 38717, 38724, 40788, 40799, 40793, 40800, 40796, 40806, 40812, 40810, 40823, [12236, 40701], 40703, 40713, 35726, 38014, 37864, 39799, 39796, 39809, 39811, 39822, 40056, 31308, 39826, 40031, 39824, 39853, 39834, 39850, 39838, 40045, 39851, 39837, 40024, 39873, 40058, 39985, 39993, 39971, 39991, 39872, 39882, 39879, 39933, 39894, {f: 2, c: 39914}, 39905, 39908, 39911, 39901, 39906, 39920, 39899, 39924, 39892, 40029, 39944, 39952, 39949, 39954, 39945, 39935, 39968, 39986, 39981, 39976, 39973, 39977, 39987, 39998, 40008, 39995, 39989, 40005, 40022, 40020, 40018, 40039, 38851, 38845, 38857, 40379, 39631, 39638, 39637, 39768, 39758, 39255, 39260, 39714, 40695, 40690, 35180, 38342, 37686, 24390, 34068, 32404, 40803, 22137, 40725, 22081, 39662, 35079, 31296, 39091, 38308, 39693, 36852, 24409, 31339, 39138, 20642, 34193, 20760, 25458, 21067, 30543, 32397, 26310, 30637, [12228, 40565], 22217, 40692, 28635, 25054, 30663, 28720, 40629, 34890, 38370, 38854, 31844, 32308, 38822, 40623, 22220, 39089, 27311, 32590, 31984, 20418, 32363, 40569, 22190, 39706, 33903, 31142, 31858, 39634, 38587, 32251, 35069, 30787, {f: 10, c: 8560}, {f: 2, c: 714}, 729, 8211, 8213, 8229, 8245, 8453, 8457, {f: 4, c: 8598}, 8725, 8735, 8739, 8786, {f: 2, c: 8806}, 8895, {f: 36, c: 9552}, {f: 15, c: 9601}, {f: 3, c: 9619}, {f: 2, c: 9660}, {f: 4, c: 9698}, 9737, 8853, 12306, {f: 2, c: 12317}, {f: 9, c: 12321}, 12963, {f: 2, c: 13198}, {f: 3, c: 13212}, 13217, 13252, 13262, {f: 2, c: 13265}, 13269, 65072, 65506, 65508, 8481, 12849, 8208, 12540, {f: 2, c: 12443}, {f: 2, c: 12541}, 12294, {f: 2, c: 12445}, {f: 10, c: 65097}, {f: 4, c: 65108}, {f: 14, c: 65113}, {f: 4, c: 65128}, 12350, {f: 12, c: 12272}, 19970, {f: 3, c: 19972}, 19983, 19986, 19991, {f: 3, c: 19999}, 20003, 20006, 20009, {f: 2, c: 20014}, 20017, 20019, 20021, 20023, 20028, {f: 3, c: 20032}, 20036, 20038, 20042, 20049, 20053, 20055, {f: 2, c: 20058}, {f: 4, c: 20066}, {f: 2, c: 20071}, {f: 6, c: 20074}, 20082, {f: 10, c: 20084}, {f: 3, c: 20095}, {f: 2, c: 20099}, [12037, 20101], 20103, 20106, 20112, {f: 2, c: 20118}, 20121, {f: 2, c: 20124}, 20131, 20138, {f: 3, c: 20143}, 20148, {f: 4, c: 20150}, {f: 3, c: 20156}, 20168, 20172, {f: 2, c: 20175}, 20178, {f: 3, c: 20186}, 20192, 20194, {f: 2, c: 20198}, 20201, {f: 3, c: 20205}, 20209, 20212, {f: 3, c: 20216}, 20220, 20222, 20224, {f: 7, c: 20226}, {f: 2, c: 20235}, {f: 5, c: 20242}, {f: 2, c: 20252}, 20257, 20259, {f: 2, c: 20264}, {f: 3, c: 20268}, 20273, 20275, 20277, 20279, 20281, 20283, {f: 5, c: 20286}, {f: 2, c: 20292}, {f: 6, c: 20295}, 20306, 20308, 20310, {f: 2, c: 20321}, 20326, 20328, {f: 2, c: 20330}, {f: 2, c: 20333}, {f: 2, c: 20337}, 20341, {f: 4, c: 20343}, 20349, {f: 3, c: 20352}, 20357, 20359, 20362, 20364, 20366, 20368, {f: 2, c: 20370}, 20373, {f: 3, c: 20376}, 20380, {f: 2, c: 20382}, {f: 2, c: 20385}, 20388, 20395, 20397, {f: 5, c: 20400}, {f: 9, c: 20406}, {f: 2, c: 20416}, {f: 4, c: 20422}, {f: 3, c: 20427}, {f: 5, c: 20434}, 20441, 20443, 20450, {f: 2, c: 20452}, 20455, {f: 2, c: 20459}, 20464, 20466, {f: 4, c: 20468}, 20473, {f: 3, c: 20475}, 20479, {f: 5, c: 20481}, {f: 2, c: 20487}, 20490, 20494, 20496, 20499, {f: 3, c: 20501}, 20507, {f: 2, c: 20509}, 20512, {f: 3, c: 20514}, 20519, {f: 11, c: 20527}, 20539, 20541, {f: 4, c: 20543}, {f: 3, c: 20548}, {f: 2, c: 20554}, 20557, {f: 5, c: 20560}, {f: 4, c: 20566}, 20571, {f: 8, c: 20573}, {f: 6, c: 20582}, {f: 7, c: 20589}, {f: 3, c: 20600}, {f: 2, c: 20604}, {f: 4, c: 20609}, {f: 2, c: 20614}, {f: 4, c: 20617}, {f: 8, c: 20622}, 20631, {f: 8, c: 20634}, 20644, 20646, {f: 2, c: 20650}, {f: 4, c: 20654}, 20662, {f: 2, c: 20664}, {f: 2, c: 20668}, {f: 3, c: 20671}, {f: 2, c: 20675}, {f: 3, c: 20678}, {f: 5, c: 20682}, 20688, {f: 3, c: 20690}, {f: 3, c: 20695}, {f: 3, c: 20699}, {f: 6, c: 20703}, {f: 3, c: 20713}, {f: 4, c: 20719}, 20724, {f: 3, c: 20726}, 20730, {f: 4, c: 20732}, 20737, 20739, 20741, 20746, {f: 4, c: 20748}, 20753, 20755, {f: 2, c: 20758}, {f: 6, c: 20761}, 20768, {f: 8, c: 20770}, {f: 7, c: 20779}, {f: 4, c: 20787}, {f: 2, c: 20792}, {f: 2, c: 20797}, 20802, 20807, 20810, 20812, {f: 3, c: 20814}, 20819, {f: 3, c: 20823}, 20827, {f: 5, c: 20829}, {f: 2, c: 20835}, {f: 2, c: 20838}, 20842, 20847, 20850, 20858, {f: 2, c: 20862}, {f: 2, c: 20867}, {f: 2, c: 20870}, {f: 2, c: 20874}, {f: 4, c: 20878}, {f: 2, c: 20883}, 20888, 20890, {f: 3, c: 20893}, 20897, 20899, {f: 5, c: 20902}, {f: 2, c: 20909}, 20916, {f: 3, c: 20920}, {f: 2, c: 20926}, {f: 3, c: 20929}, 20933, 20936, 20938, 20942, 20944, {f: 9, c: 20946}, 20956, {f: 2, c: 20958}, {f: 2, c: 20962}, {f: 6, c: 20965}, 20972, 20974, 20978, 20980, 20983, 20990, {f: 2, c: 20996}, 21001, {f: 2, c: 21003}, {f: 2, c: 21007}, {f: 3, c: 21011}, 21020, {f: 2, c: 21022}, {f: 3, c: 21025}, {f: 3, c: 21029}, 21034, 21036, 21039, {f: 2, c: 21041}, {f: 2, c: 21044}, 21052, 21054, {f: 2, c: 21061}, {f: 2, c: 21064}, {f: 2, c: 21070}, {f: 2, c: 21074}, 21077, {f: 4, c: 21079}, 21085, {f: 2, c: 21087}, {f: 3, c: 21090}, 21094, 21096, {f: 3, c: 21099}, {f: 2, c: 21104}, 21107, {f: 7, c: 21110}, 21118, 21120, {f: 3, c: 21124}, 21131, {f: 2, c: 21134}, 21138, {f: 7, c: 21140}, 21148, {f: 4, c: 21156}, {f: 3, c: 21166}, {f: 10, c: 21172}, 21184, 21186, {f: 3, c: 21188}, 21192, 21194, {f: 4, c: 21196}, 21201, {f: 2, c: 21203}, 21207, 21210, 21212, {f: 2, c: 21216}, 21219, {f: 11, c: 21221}, {f: 3, c: 21234}, {f: 2, c: 21238}, {f: 3, c: 21243}, {f: 4, c: 21249}, 21255, {f: 4, c: 21257}, 21262, {f: 4, c: 21265}, 21272, {f: 2, c: 21275}, {f: 2, c: 21278}, 21282, {f: 2, c: 21284}, {f: 3, c: 21287}, {f: 2, c: 21291}, 21296, {f: 6, c: 21298}, [12054, 21304], {f: 2, c: 21308}, 21314, 21316, 21318, {f: 3, c: 21323}, 21328, {f: 2, c: 21336}, 21339, 21341, 21349, 21352, 21354, {f: 2, c: 21356}, 21362, 21366, 21369, {f: 4, c: 21371}, {f: 2, c: 21376}, 21379, {f: 2, c: 21383}, 21386, {f: 7, c: 21390}, {f: 2, c: 21398}, {f: 2, c: 21403}, 21406, 21409, 21412, 21415, {f: 3, c: 21418}, {f: 3, c: 21423}, 21427, 21429, {f: 4, c: 21431}, {f: 3, c: 21436}, 21440, {f: 4, c: 21444}, {f: 3, c: 21454}, {f: 2, c: 21458}, 21461, 21466, {f: 3, c: 21468}, 21473, 21479, 21492, 21498, {f: 3, c: 21502}, 21506, 21509, 21511, 21515, 21524, {f: 3, c: 21528}, 21532, 21538, {f: 2, c: 21540}, 21546, 21552, 21555, {f: 2, c: 21558}, 21562, 21565, 21567, {f: 2, c: 21569}, {f: 2, c: 21572}, 21575, 21577, {f: 4, c: 21580}, 21585, 21594, {f: 5, c: 21597}, 21603, 21605, 21607, {f: 8, c: 21609}, 21620, {f: 2, c: 21625}, {f: 2, c: 21630}, 21633, 21635, 21637, {f: 4, c: 21639}, 21645, 21649, 21651, {f: 2, c: 21655}, 21660, {f: 5, c: 21662}, 21669, 21678, 21680, 21682, {f: 3, c: 21685}, {f: 2, c: 21689}, 21694, 21699, 21701, {f: 2, c: 21706}, 21718, 21720, 21723, 21728, {f: 3, c: 21730}, {f: 2, c: 21739}, {f: 3, c: 21743}, {f: 6, c: 21748}, 21755, 21758, 21760, {f: 2, c: 21762}, 21765, 21768, {f: 5, c: 21770}, {f: 2, c: 21778}, {f: 6, c: 21781}, {f: 4, c: 21788}, 21793, {f: 2, c: 21797}, {f: 2, c: 21800}, 21803, 21805, 21810, {f: 3, c: 21812}, {f: 4, c: 21816}, 21821, 21824, 21826, 21829, {f: 2, c: 21831}, {f: 4, c: 21835}, {f: 2, c: 21841}, 21844, {f: 5, c: 21847}, 21853, {f: 2, c: 21855}, {f: 2, c: 21858}, {f: 2, c: 21864}, 21867, {f: 6, c: 21871}, {f: 2, c: 21881}, 21885, 21887, {f: 2, c: 21893}, {f: 3, c: 21900}, 21904, {f: 2, c: 21906}, {f: 3, c: 21909}, {f: 2, c: 21914}, 21918, {f: 7, c: 21920}, {f: 2, c: 21928}, 21931, 21933, {f: 2, c: 21935}, 21940, 21942, 21944, 21946, 21948, {f: 5, c: 21951}, 21960, {f: 2, c: 21962}, {f: 2, c: 21967}, 21973, {f: 3, c: 21975}, 21979, 21982, 21984, 21986, 21991, {f: 2, c: 21997}, {f: 2, c: 22000}, 22004, {f: 5, c: 22008}, 22015, {f: 4, c: 22018}, 22023, {f: 2, c: 22026}, {f: 4, c: 22032}, 22037, {f: 2, c: 22041}, 22045, {f: 3, c: 22048}, {f: 2, c: 22053}, 22056, {f: 2, c: 22058}, 22067, 22071, 22074, {f: 3, c: 22076}, 22080, {f: 10, c: 22082}, {f: 5, c: 22095}, {f: 2, c: 22101}, {f: 2, c: 22106}, {f: 2, c: 22110}, 22113, 22115, 22119, {f: 2, c: 22125}, 22128, 22131, 22133, 22135, 22138, {f: 3, c: 22141}, {f: 4, c: 22145}, {f: 4, c: 22152}, 22157, {f: 3, c: 22160}, 22164, {f: 3, c: 22166}, {f: 9, c: 22170}, {f: 2, c: 22180}, 22183, {f: 5, c: 22185}, {f: 3, c: 22192}, 22197, {f: 4, c: 22200}, {f: 3, c: 22205}, {f: 2, c: 22211}, {f: 2, c: 22214}, 22219, {f: 4, c: 22221}, {f: 2, c: 22226}, {f: 2, c: 22229}, {f: 2, c: 22232}, 22236, 22243, {f: 6, c: 22245}, 22252, {f: 2, c: 22254}, {f: 2, c: 22258}, {f: 3, c: 22262}, {f: 2, c: 22267}, {f: 3, c: 22272}, 22277, 22284, {f: 4, c: 22286}, {f: 2, c: 22292}, 22295, {f: 3, c: 22297}, {f: 2, c: 22301}, {f: 3, c: 22304}, {f: 4, c: 22308}, 22315, {f: 2, c: 22321}, {f: 5, c: 22324}, {f: 2, c: 22332}, 22335, 22337, {f: 4, c: 22339}, {f: 2, c: 22344}, 22347, {f: 5, c: 22354}, {f: 2, c: 22360}, {f: 2, c: 22370}, 22373, 22375, 22380, 22382, {f: 3, c: 22384}, {f: 2, c: 22388}, {f: 3, c: 22392}, {f: 5, c: 22397}, {f: 4, c: 22407}, {f: 5, c: 22413}, {f: 7, c: 22420}, {f: 4, c: 22428}, 22437, 22440, 22442, 22444, {f: 3, c: 22447}, 22451, {f: 3, c: 22453}, {f: 9, c: 22457}, {f: 7, c: 22468}, {f: 2, c: 22476}, {f: 2, c: 22480}, 22483, {f: 2, c: 22486}, {f: 2, c: 22491}, 22494, {f: 2, c: 22498}, {f: 8, c: 22501}, 22510, {f: 4, c: 22512}, {f: 2, c: 22517}, {f: 2, c: 22523}, {f: 2, c: 22526}, 22529, {f: 2, c: 22531}, {f: 2, c: 22536}, 22540, {f: 3, c: 22542}, {f: 3, c: 22546}, {f: 2, c: 22551}, {f: 3, c: 22554}, 22559, {f: 2, c: 22562}, {f: 5, c: 22565}, {f: 4, c: 22571}, {f: 2, c: 22578}, {f: 14, c: 22582}, {f: 5, c: 22597}, 22606, 22608, 22611, {f: 2, c: 22613}, {f: 5, c: 22617}, {f: 3, c: 22623}, 22627, {f: 5, c: 22630}, {f: 8, c: 22637}, {f: 3, c: 22646}, {f: 4, c: 22650}, 22655, 22658, 22660, {f: 3, c: 22662}, {f: 7, c: 22667}, {f: 5, c: 22676}, 22683, 22685, {f: 8, c: 22688}, {f: 4, c: 22698}, {f: 4, c: 22703}, {f: 7, c: 22708}, 22717, {f: 2, c: 22719}, {f: 3, c: 22722}, 22726, {f: 9, c: 22728}, 22738, 22740, {f: 2, c: 22742}, {f: 3, c: 22747}, 22753, 22755, {f: 4, c: 22757}, 22762, 22765, {f: 2, c: 22769}, {f: 2, c: 22772}, {f: 2, c: 22775}, {f: 2, c: 22779}, {f: 4, c: 22782}, 22787, {f: 2, c: 22789}, {f: 2, c: 22792}, [12066, 22794], {f: 2, c: 22795}, 22798, {f: 4, c: 22800}, {f: 2, c: 22807}, 22811, {f: 2, c: 22813}, {f: 2, c: 22816}, 22819, 22822, 22824, 22828, 22832, {f: 2, c: 22834}, {f: 2, c: 22837}, 22843, 22845, {f: 2, c: 22847}, 22851, {f: 2, c: 22853}, 22858, {f: 2, c: 22860}, 22864, {f: 2, c: 22866}, 22873, {f: 5, c: 22875}, 22881, {f: 2, c: 22883}, {f: 3, c: 22886}, 22891, 22893, {f: 4, c: 22895}, 22901, 22903, {f: 3, c: 22906}, {f: 3, c: 22910}, 22917, 22921, {f: 2, c: 22923}, {f: 4, c: 22926}, {f: 2, c: 22932}, 22936, {f: 3, c: 22938}, {f: 4, c: 22943}, {f: 2, c: 22950}, {f: 2, c: 22956}, {f: 2, c: 22960}, {f: 6, c: 22963}, 22970, {f: 2, c: 22972}, {f: 7, c: 22975}, {f: 3, c: 22983}, {f: 4, c: 22988}, {f: 2, c: 22997}, 23001, 23003, {f: 5, c: 23006}, 23012, {f: 2, c: 23014}, {f: 3, c: 23017}, {f: 12, c: 23021}, 23034, {f: 3, c: 23036}, 23040, 23042, {f: 2, c: 23050}, {f: 4, c: 23053}, 23058, {f: 4, c: 23060}, {f: 3, c: 23065}, {f: 2, c: 23069}, {f: 2, c: 23073}, 23076, {f: 3, c: 23078}, {f: 7, c: 23082}, 23091, 23093, {f: 5, c: 23095}, {f: 3, c: 23101}, {f: 4, c: 23106}, {f: 2, c: 23111}, {f: 10, c: 23115}, {f: 4, c: 23126}, {f: 7, c: 23131}, {f: 3, c: 23139}, {f: 2, c: 23144}, {f: 2, c: 23147}, {f: 6, c: 23150}, {f: 2, c: 23160}, {f: 4, c: 23163}, {f: 18, c: 23168}, {f: 7, c: 23187}, {f: 11, c: 23196}, {f: 2, c: 23208}, {f: 7, c: 23211}, 23220, {f: 2, c: 23222}, {f: 4, c: 23225}, {f: 2, c: 23231}, {f: 6, c: 23235}, {f: 2, c: 23242}, {f: 5, c: 23245}, 23251, 23253, {f: 3, c: 23257}, {f: 3, c: 23261}, 23266, {f: 2, c: 23268}, {f: 2, c: 23271}, 23274, {f: 5, c: 23276}, {f: 3, c: 23282}, {f: 5, c: 23286}, {f: 4, c: 23292}, {f: 7, c: 23297}, 23306, {f: 9, c: 23309}, 23320, {f: 7, c: 23322}, {f: 8, c: 23330}, {f: 5, c: 23339}, 23345, 23347, {f: 2, c: 23349}, {f: 7, c: 23353}, {f: 11, c: 23361}, {f: 3, c: 23373}, 23378, 23382, 23390, {f: 2, c: 23392}, {f: 2, c: 23399}, {f: 3, c: 23405}, 23410, 23412, {f: 2, c: 23414}, 23417, {f: 2, c: 23419}, 23422, 23426, 23430, 23434, {f: 2, c: 23437}, {f: 3, c: 23440}, 23444, 23446, 23455, {f: 3, c: 23463}, {f: 4, c: 23468}, {f: 2, c: 23473}, 23479, {f: 3, c: 23482}, {f: 2, c: 23488}, 23491, {f: 4, c: 23496}, {f: 3, c: 23501}, 23505, {f: 9, c: 23508}, 23520, 23523, 23530, 23533, 23535, {f: 4, c: 23537}, 23543, {f: 2, c: 23549}, 23552, {f: 2, c: 23554}, 23557, 23564, 23568, {f: 2, c: 23570}, 23575, 23577, 23579, {f: 4, c: 23582}, 23587, 23590, {f: 4, c: 23592}, {f: 4, c: 23597}, {f: 2, c: 23602}, {f: 2, c: 23605}, {f: 2, c: 23619}, {f: 2, c: 23622}, {f: 2, c: 23628}, {f: 3, c: 23634}, {f: 3, c: 23638}, {f: 4, c: 23642}, 23647, 23655, {f: 3, c: 23657}, 23661, 23664, {f: 7, c: 23666}, {f: 4, c: 23675}, 23680, {f: 5, c: 23683}, {f: 3, c: 23689}, {f: 2, c: 23694}, {f: 2, c: 23698}, 23701, {f: 4, c: 23709}, {f: 5, c: 23716}, 23722, {f: 3, c: 23726}, 23730, 23732, 23734, {f: 4, c: 23737}, 23742, 23744, {f: 2, c: 23746}, {f: 6, c: 23749}, {f: 6, c: 23756}, {f: 6, c: 23763}, {f: 7, c: 23770}, {f: 2, c: 23778}, 23783, 23785, {f: 2, c: 23787}, {f: 2, c: 23790}, {f: 3, c: 23793}, 23797, {f: 4, c: 23799}, 23804, {f: 4, c: 23806}, {f: 2, c: 23812}, {f: 5, c: 23816}, {f: 5, c: 23823}, 23829, {f: 3, c: 23832}, {f: 2, c: 23836}, {f: 5, c: 23839}, 23845, 23848, {f: 2, c: 23850}, {f: 5, c: 23855}, {f: 8, c: 23861}, {f: 8, c: 23871}, {f: 2, c: 23880}, {f: 3, c: 23885}, {f: 7, c: 23889}, {f: 2, c: 23897}, 23900, {f: 11, c: 23902}, 23914, {f: 2, c: 23917}, {f: 4, c: 23920}, {f: 12, c: 23925}, 23939, {f: 2, c: 23941}, {f: 15, c: 23944}, 23960, {f: 3, c: 23962}, {f: 2, c: 23966}, {f: 6, c: 23969}, {f: 15, c: 23976}, 23993, 23995, {f: 8, c: 23997}, {f: 5, c: 24006}, 24012, {f: 4, c: 24014}, 24019, {f: 6, c: 24021}, 24028, {f: 2, c: 24031}, {f: 2, c: 24035}, 24042, {f: 2, c: 24044}, {f: 2, c: 24053}, {f: 5, c: 24056}, {f: 2, c: 24063}, 24068, 24071, {f: 3, c: 24073}, {f: 2, c: 24077}, {f: 2, c: 24082}, 24087, {f: 7, c: 24094}, {f: 3, c: 24104}, 24108, {f: 2, c: 24111}, 24114, {f: 2, c: 24116}, {f: 2, c: 24121}, {f: 2, c: 24126}, 24129, {f: 6, c: 24134}, {f: 7, c: 24141}, 24150, {f: 2, c: 24153}, {f: 2, c: 24156}, 24160, {f: 7, c: 24164}, {f: 5, c: 24173}, 24181, 24183, {f: 3, c: 24193}, 24197, {f: 2, c: 24200}, {f: 3, c: 24204}, 24210, 24216, 24219, 24221, {f: 4, c: 24225}, {f: 3, c: 24232}, 24236, {f: 5, c: 24238}, 24244, {f: 4, c: 24250}, {f: 10, c: 24255}, {f: 6, c: 24267}, {f: 2, c: 24276}, {f: 4, c: 24279}, {f: 3, c: 24284}, {f: 4, c: 24292}, 24297, 24299, {f: 6, c: 24301}, 24309, {f: 2, c: 24312}, {f: 3, c: 24315}, {f: 3, c: 24325}, 24329, {f: 3, c: 24332}, 24336, 24338, 24340, 24342, {f: 2, c: 24345}, {f: 3, c: 24348}, {f: 4, c: 24353}, 24360, {f: 2, c: 24363}, 24366, 24368, 24370, 24372, {f: 3, c: 24374}, 24379, {f: 3, c: 24381}, {f: 5, c: 24385}, 24391, {f: 3, c: 24393}, 24397, 24399, 24401, 24404, {f: 3, c: 24410}, {f: 3, c: 24414}, 24419, 24421, {f: 2, c: 24423}, 24427, {f: 2, c: 24430}, 24434, {f: 3, c: 24436}, 24440, 24442, {f: 3, c: 24445}, 24451, 24454, {f: 3, c: 24461}, {f: 2, c: 24467}, 24470, {f: 2, c: 24474}, 24477, 24479, {f: 6, c: 24482}, {f: 2, c: 24491}, {f: 6, c: 24495}, 24502, 24504, {f: 2, c: 24506}, {f: 5, c: 24510}, {f: 2, c: 24519}, {f: 2, c: 24522}, 24526, {f: 3, c: 24531}, {f: 3, c: 24538}, {f: 2, c: 24542}, {f: 2, c: 24546}, {f: 2, c: 24549}, {f: 2, c: 24552}, 24556, {f: 2, c: 24559}, {f: 3, c: 24562}, {f: 2, c: 24566}, {f: 2, c: 24569}, 24572, {f: 3, c: 24583}, {f: 2, c: 24587}, {f: 2, c: 24592}, 24595, {f: 2, c: 24599}, 24602, {f: 2, c: 24606}, {f: 3, c: 24610}, {f: 3, c: 24620}, {f: 5, c: 24624}, {f: 5, c: 24630}, {f: 2, c: 24637}, 24640, {f: 7, c: 24644}, 24652, {f: 2, c: 24654}, 24657, {f: 2, c: 24659}, {f: 3, c: 24662}, {f: 2, c: 24667}, {f: 4, c: 24670}, {f: 2, c: 24677}, 24686, {f: 2, c: 24689}, {f: 2, c: 24692}, 24695, 24702, {f: 3, c: 24704}, {f: 4, c: 24709}, {f: 2, c: 24714}, {f: 4, c: 24718}, 24723, 24725, {f: 3, c: 24727}, 24732, 24734, {f: 2, c: 24737}, {f: 2, c: 24740}, 24743, {f: 2, c: 24745}, 24750, 24752, 24755, 24759, {f: 2, c: 24761}, {f: 8, c: 24765}, {f: 3, c: 24775}, {f: 5, c: 24780}, {f: 3, c: 24786}, {f: 2, c: 24790}, 24793, 24795, 24798, {f: 4, c: 24802}, 24810, 24821, {f: 2, c: 24823}, {f: 4, c: 24828}, {f: 4, c: 24834}, 24839, {f: 3, c: 24842}, {f: 5, c: 24848}, {f: 4, c: 24854}, {f: 2, c: 24861}, {f: 2, c: 24865}, 24869, {f: 3, c: 24872}, {f: 8, c: 24876}, {f: 2, c: 24885}, {f: 6, c: 24888}, {f: 8, c: 24896}, 24905, 24909, {f: 2, c: 24911}, {f: 3, c: 24914}, {f: 2, c: 24918}, 24921, {f: 2, c: 24923}, 24926, {f: 2, c: 24928}, {f: 2, c: 24933}, 24937, {f: 2, c: 24940}, 24943, {f: 2, c: 24945}, 24948, {f: 10, c: 24952}, {f: 7, c: 24963}, {f: 2, c: 24972}, 24975, 24979, {f: 5, c: 24981}, {f: 2, c: 24987}, {f: 6, c: 24990}, {f: 2, c: 24997}, 25002, 25005, {f: 3, c: 25007}, {f: 3, c: 25011}, {f: 6, c: 25016}, {f: 3, c: 25023}, {f: 4, c: 25027}, {f: 4, c: 25037}, 25043, {f: 9, c: 25045}, {f: 3, c: 25056}, {f: 2, c: 25060}, 25063, {f: 9, c: 25065}, {f: 2, c: 25075}, 25081, 25083, 25085, {f: 5, c: 25089}, 25097, 25107, 25113, {f: 3, c: 25116}, 25120, 25123, 25126, {f: 2, c: 25128}, 25131, 25133, 25135, 25137, 25141, [12094, 25142], {f: 5, c: 25144}, 25154, {f: 3, c: 25156}, 25162, {f: 2, c: 25167}, {f: 3, c: 25173}, {f: 2, c: 25177}, {f: 7, c: 25180}, {f: 2, c: 25188}, 25192, {f: 2, c: 25201}, {f: 2, c: 25204}, {f: 2, c: 25207}, {f: 2, c: 25210}, 25213, {f: 3, c: 25217}, {f: 4, c: 25221}, {f: 6, c: 25227}, 25236, 25241, {f: 3, c: 25244}, 25251, {f: 2, c: 25254}, {f: 2, c: 25257}, {f: 4, c: 25261}, {f: 3, c: 25266}, {f: 3, c: 25270}, 25274, 25278, {f: 2, c: 25280}, 25283, 25291, 25295, 25297, 25301, {f: 2, c: 25309}, {f: 2, c: 25312}, 25316, {f: 2, c: 25322}, 25328, 25330, 25333, {f: 4, c: 25336}, 25344, {f: 4, c: 25347}, {f: 4, c: 25354}, {f: 2, c: 25359}, {f: 4, c: 25362}, {f: 3, c: 25367}, 25372, {f: 2, c: 25382}, 25385, {f: 3, c: 25388}, {f: 2, c: 25392}, {f: 6, c: 25395}, {f: 2, c: 25403}, {f: 3, c: 25407}, 25412, {f: 2, c: 25415}, 25418, {f: 4, c: 25425}, {f: 8, c: 25430}, 25440, {f: 3, c: 25444}, 25450, 25452, {f: 2, c: 25455}, {f: 3, c: 25459}, {f: 2, c: 25464}, {f: 4, c: 25468}, 25473, {f: 2, c: 25477}, 25483, 25485, 25489, {f: 3, c: 25491}, 25495, {f: 7, c: 25497}, 25505, 25508, 25510, 25515, 25519, {f: 2, c: 25521}, {f: 2, c: 25525}, 25529, 25531, 25533, 25535, {f: 3, c: 25537}, 25541, {f: 2, c: 25543}, {f: 3, c: 25546}, 25553, {f: 3, c: 25555}, {f: 3, c: 25559}, {f: 3, c: 25563}, 25567, 25570, {f: 5, c: 25572}, {f: 2, c: 25579}, {f: 3, c: 25583}, 25587, 25589, 25591, {f: 4, c: 25593}, 25598, {f: 2, c: 25603}, {f: 5, c: 25606}, 25614, {f: 2, c: 25617}, {f: 2, c: 25621}, {f: 3, c: 25624}, 25629, 25631, {f: 4, c: 25634}, {f: 3, c: 25639}, 25643, {f: 6, c: 25646}, 25653, {f: 3, c: 25655}, {f: 2, c: 25659}, 25662, 25664, {f: 2, c: 25666}, 25673, {f: 6, c: 25675}, 25683, {f: 3, c: 25685}, {f: 3, c: 25689}, 25693, {f: 7, c: 25696}, 25704, {f: 3, c: 25706}, 25710, {f: 3, c: 25712}, {f: 2, c: 25716}, 25719, {f: 6, c: 25724}, 25731, 25734, {f: 8, c: 25737}, 25748, {f: 2, c: 25751}, {f: 4, c: 25754}, {f: 3, c: 25760}, {f: 3, c: 25766}, 25770, 25775, 25777, 25780, 25782, 25785, 25789, 25795, 25798, {f: 2, c: 25800}, 25804, 25807, 25809, 25811, {f: 2, c: 25813}, 25817, {f: 3, c: 25819}, 25823, 25825, 25827, 25829, {f: 5, c: 25831}, {f: 2, c: 25837}, 25843, {f: 2, c: 25845}, {f: 2, c: 25848}, 25853, 25855, {f: 3, c: 25857}, 25861, {f: 2, c: 25863}, {f: 5, c: 25866}, {f: 2, c: 25872}, 25875, 25877, 25879, 25882, 25884, {f: 4, c: 25886}, {f: 4, c: 25894}, 25901, {f: 4, c: 25904}, 25911, 25914, {f: 2, c: 25916}, {f: 5, c: 25920}, {f: 2, c: 25926}, {f: 2, c: 25930}, {f: 2, c: 25933}, 25936, {f: 3, c: 25938}, 25944, 25946, 25948, {f: 3, c: 25951}, {f: 2, c: 25956}, {f: 4, c: 25959}, {f: 3, c: 25965}, 25969, 25971, 25974, {f: 9, c: 25977}, {f: 3, c: 25988}, {f: 3, c: 25992}, {f: 3, c: 25997}, 26002, 26004, 26006, 26008, 26010, {f: 2, c: 26013}, 26016, {f: 2, c: 26018}, 26022, 26024, 26026, 26030, {f: 6, c: 26033}, 26040, {f: 2, c: 26042}, {f: 3, c: 26046}, 26050, {f: 4, c: 26055}, 26061, {f: 2, c: 26064}, {f: 3, c: 26067}, {f: 8, c: 26072}, 26081, {f: 2, c: 26083}, {f: 2, c: 26090}, {f: 4, c: 26098}, {f: 2, c: 26104}, {f: 5, c: 26107}, 26113, {f: 2, c: 26116}, {f: 3, c: 26119}, 26123, 26125, {f: 3, c: 26128}, {f: 3, c: 26134}, {f: 3, c: 26138}, 26142, {f: 4, c: 26145}, 26150, {f: 4, c: 26153}, 26158, 26160, {f: 2, c: 26162}, {f: 5, c: 26167}, 26173, {f: 2, c: 26175}, {f: 7, c: 26180}, {f: 2, c: 26189}, {f: 2, c: 26192}, {f: 2, c: 26200}, {f: 2, c: 26203}, 26206, 26208, {f: 2, c: 26210}, 26213, 26215, {f: 5, c: 26217}, {f: 3, c: 26225}, 26229, {f: 2, c: 26232}, {f: 3, c: 26235}, {f: 3, c: 26239}, 26243, {f: 2, c: 26245}, {f: 2, c: 26250}, {f: 4, c: 26253}, {f: 4, c: 26258}, {f: 5, c: 26264}, {f: 4, c: 26270}, {f: 4, c: 26275}, {f: 2, c: 26281}, {f: 2, c: 26284}, {f: 5, c: 26287}, {f: 4, c: 26293}, {f: 4, c: 26298}, {f: 5, c: 26303}, 26309, 26312, {f: 12, c: 26314}, {f: 2, c: 26327}, 26330, {f: 2, c: 26334}, {f: 5, c: 26337}, {f: 2, c: 26343}, {f: 2, c: 26346}, {f: 3, c: 26349}, 26353, {f: 2, c: 26357}, {f: 2, c: 26362}, 26365, {f: 2, c: 26369}, {f: 4, c: 26372}, 26380, {f: 2, c: 26382}, {f: 3, c: 26385}, 26390, {f: 3, c: 26392}, 26396, 26398, {f: 6, c: 26400}, 26409, 26414, 26416, {f: 2, c: 26418}, {f: 4, c: 26422}, {f: 2, c: 26427}, {f: 2, c: 26430}, 26433, {f: 2, c: 26436}, 26439, {f: 2, c: 26442}, 26445, 26450, {f: 2, c: 26452}, {f: 5, c: 26455}, 26461, {f: 3, c: 26466}, {f: 2, c: 26470}, {f: 2, c: 26475}, 26478, 26484, 26486, {f: 4, c: 26488}, 26493, 26496, {f: 2, c: 26498}, {f: 2, c: 26501}, 26504, 26506, {f: 4, c: 26508}, {f: 4, c: 26513}, 26518, 26521, 26523, {f: 3, c: 26527}, 26532, 26534, 26537, 26540, 26542, {f: 2, c: 26545}, 26548, {f: 8, c: 26553}, 26562, {f: 10, c: 26565}, {f: 3, c: 26581}, 26587, 26591, 26593, {f: 2, c: 26595}, {f: 3, c: 26598}, {f: 2, c: 26602}, {f: 2, c: 26605}, 26610, {f: 8, c: 26613}, 26622, {f: 4, c: 26625}, 26630, 26637, 26640, 26642, {f: 2, c: 26644}, {f: 5, c: 26648}, {f: 3, c: 26654}, {f: 7, c: 26658}, {f: 7, c: 26667}, {f: 3, c: 26676}, {f: 2, c: 26682}, 26687, 26695, 26699, 26701, 26703, 26706, {f: 10, c: 26710}, 26730, {f: 8, c: 26732}, 26741, {f: 9, c: 26744}, 26754, 26756, {f: 8, c: 26759}, {f: 3, c: 26768}, {f: 3, c: 26772}, {f: 4, c: 26777}, 26782, {f: 2, c: 26784}, {f: 3, c: 26787}, {f: 4, c: 26793}, 26798, {f: 2, c: 26801}, 26804, {f: 10, c: 26806}, 26817, {f: 6, c: 26819}, 26826, 26828, {f: 4, c: 26830}, {f: 2, c: 26835}, 26841, {f: 4, c: 26843}, {f: 2, c: 26849}, {f: 3, c: 26852}, {f: 6, c: 26856}, 26863, {f: 3, c: 26866}, {f: 3, c: 26870}, 26875, {f: 4, c: 26877}, {f: 3, c: 26882}, {f: 5, c: 26886}, 26892, 26897, {f: 12, c: 26899}, {f: 3, c: 26913}, {f: 8, c: 26917}, {f: 2, c: 26926}, {f: 3, c: 26929}, {f: 4, c: 26933}, {f: 3, c: 26938}, 26942, {f: 2, c: 26944}, {f: 7, c: 26947}, {f: 8, c: 26955}, {f: 2, c: 26965}, {f: 2, c: 26968}, {f: 2, c: 26971}, 26975, {f: 2, c: 26977}, {f: 2, c: 26980}, 26983, {f: 2, c: 26985}, 26988, {f: 2, c: 26991}, {f: 3, c: 26994}, 26998, {f: 2, c: 27002}, {f: 3, c: 27005}, 27009, 27011, 27013, {f: 3, c: 27018}, {f: 6, c: 27022}, {f: 2, c: 27030}, {f: 2, c: 27033}, {f: 10, c: 27037}, 27049, 27052, {f: 2, c: 27055}, {f: 2, c: 27058}, {f: 2, c: 27061}, {f: 3, c: 27064}, {f: 3, c: 27068}, 27072, {f: 8, c: 27074}, 27087, {f: 3, c: 27089}, {f: 6, c: 27093}, {f: 3, c: 27100}, {f: 6, c: 27105}, {f: 5, c: 27112}, {f: 4, c: 27118}, {f: 9, c: 27124}, 27134, 27136, {f: 2, c: 27139}, {f: 4, c: 27142}, {f: 8, c: 27147}, {f: 3, c: 27156}, {f: 4, c: 27162}, 27168, 27170, {f: 4, c: 27172}, 27177, {f: 4, c: 27179}, 27184, {f: 3, c: 27186}, {f: 2, c: 27190}, {f: 2, c: 27195}, {f: 5, c: 27199}, {f: 2, c: 27205}, {f: 2, c: 27209}, {f: 4, c: 27212}, {f: 7, c: 27217}, 27226, {f: 3, c: 27228}, 27232, {f: 2, c: 27235}, {f: 11, c: 27238}, {f: 7, c: 27250}, {f: 2, c: 27258}, {f: 3, c: 27261}, {f: 3, c: 27265}, {f: 4, c: 27269}, {f: 4, c: 27274}, 27279, {f: 2, c: 27282}, {f: 2, c: 27285}, {f: 4, c: 27288}, {f: 3, c: 27293}, 27297, {f: 5, c: 27300}, 27306, {f: 2, c: 27309}, {f: 3, c: 27312}, {f: 4, c: 27316}, {f: 2, c: 27321}, {f: 7, c: 27324}, {f: 15, c: 27332}, {f: 6, c: 27348}, 27356, {f: 7, c: 27360}, 27369, 27371, {f: 6, c: 27373}, {f: 4, c: 27380}, {f: 2, c: 27385}, {f: 8, c: 27388}, {f: 5, c: 27397}, {f: 4, c: 27403}, {f: 2, c: 27408}, {f: 3, c: 27411}, {f: 7, c: 27415}, 27423, {f: 2, c: 27429}, {f: 10, c: 27432}, {f: 4, c: 27443}, 27448, {f: 2, c: 27451}, {f: 4, c: 27455}, {f: 2, c: 27460}, 27464, {f: 2, c: 27466}, {f: 3, c: 27469}, {f: 8, c: 27473}, {f: 5, c: 27482}, 27488, {f: 2, c: 27496}, {f: 7, c: 27499}, {f: 4, c: 27507}, 27514, {f: 4, c: 27517}, 27525, 27528, 27532, {f: 4, c: 27534}, {f: 2, c: 27540}, 27543, 27545, {f: 2, c: 27548}, {f: 2, c: 27551}, {f: 2, c: 27554}, {f: 5, c: 27557}, {f: 2, c: 27564}, {f: 2, c: 27568}, 27574, {f: 2, c: 27576}, {f: 3, c: 27580}, 27584, {f: 2, c: 27587}, {f: 4, c: 27591}, 27596, 27598, {f: 2, c: 27600}, 27608, 27610, {f: 5, c: 27612}, {f: 8, c: 27618}, {f: 3, c: 27628}, {f: 3, c: 27632}, 27636, {f: 3, c: 27638}, {f: 3, c: 27642}, 27646, {f: 5, c: 27648}, {f: 3, c: 27657}, 27662, 27666, 27671, {f: 3, c: 27676}, 27680, 27685, 27693, 27697, 27699, {f: 2, c: 27702}, {f: 4, c: 27705}, {f: 2, c: 27710}, {f: 3, c: 27715}, 27720, {f: 5, c: 27723}, {f: 3, c: 27729}, 27734, {f: 3, c: 27736}, {f: 2, c: 27746}, {f: 3, c: 27749}, {f: 5, c: 27755}, 27761, 27763, 27765, {f: 2, c: 27767}, {f: 3, c: 27770}, {f: 2, c: 27775}, 27780, 27783, {f: 2, c: 27786}, {f: 2, c: 27789}, {f: 2, c: 27793}, {f: 4, c: 27797}, 27802, {f: 3, c: 27804}, 27808, 27810, 27816, 27820, {f: 2, c: 27823}, {f: 4, c: 27828}, 27834, {f: 4, c: 27840}, {f: 3, c: 27846}, 27851, {f: 3, c: 27853}, {f: 2, c: 27857}, {f: 3, c: 27864}, {f: 2, c: 27868}, 27871, 27876, {f: 2, c: 27878}, 27881, {f: 2, c: 27884}, 27890, 27892, 27897, {f: 2, c: 27903}, {f: 2, c: 27906}, {f: 2, c: 27909}, {f: 3, c: 27912}, 27917, {f: 3, c: 27919}, {f: 4, c: 27923}, 27928, {f: 2, c: 27932}, {f: 6, c: 27935}, 27942, {f: 2, c: 27944}, {f: 2, c: 27948}, {f: 2, c: 27951}, 27956, {f: 3, c: 27958}, 27962, {f: 2, c: 27967}, 27970, 27972, 27977, 27980, 27984, {f: 4, c: 27989}, 27995, 27997, 27999, {f: 2, c: 28001}, {f: 2, c: 28004}, {f: 2, c: 28007}, {f: 3, c: 28011}, {f: 4, c: 28016}, {f: 2, c: 28021}, {f: 2, c: 28026}, {f: 5, c: 28029}, {f: 2, c: 28035}, 28038, {f: 2, c: 28042}, 28045, {f: 2, c: 28047}, 28050, {f: 5, c: 28054}, 28060, 28066, 28069, {f: 2, c: 28076}, {f: 2, c: 28080}, {f: 2, c: 28083}, {f: 2, c: 28086}, {f: 6, c: 28089}, {f: 3, c: 28097}, {f: 3, c: 28104}, {f: 4, c: 28109}, {f: 4, c: 28114}, 28119, {f: 3, c: 28122}, 28127, {f: 2, c: 28130}, 28133, {f: 3, c: 28135}, 28141, {f: 2, c: 28143}, 28146, 28148, 28152, {f: 8, c: 28157}, {f: 4, c: 28166}, 28171, 28175, {f: 2, c: 28178}, 28181, {f: 2, c: 28184}, {f: 2, c: 28187}, {f: 2, c: 28190}, 28194, {f: 2, c: 28199}, 28202, 28206, {f: 2, c: 28208}, 28211, {f: 3, c: 28213}, 28217, {f: 3, c: 28219}, {f: 4, c: 28223}, {f: 8, c: 28229}, {f: 4, c: 28239}, 28245, 28247, {f: 2, c: 28249}, {f: 2, c: 28252}, {f: 11, c: 28256}, {f: 2, c: 28268}, {f: 14, c: 28272}, {f: 3, c: 28288}, 28292, {f: 2, c: 28295}, {f: 5, c: 28298}, {f: 5, c: 28305}, 28311, {f: 3, c: 28313}, 28318, {f: 2, c: 28320}, {f: 2, c: 28323}, 28326, {f: 2, c: 28328}, {f: 4, c: 28331}, 28336, 28339, 28341, {f: 2, c: 28344}, 28348, {f: 3, c: 28350}, 28355, 28358, {f: 3, c: 28360}, 28365, 28368, 28370, 28374, {f: 2, c: 28376}, {f: 3, c: 28379}, 28387, 28391, {f: 2, c: 28394}, {f: 2, c: 28397}, {f: 2, c: 28400}, 28403, {f: 2, c: 28405}, {f: 5, c: 28410}, 28416, {f: 3, c: 28419}, {f: 2, c: 28423}, {f: 5, c: 28426}, {f: 3, c: 28432}, {f: 4, c: 28438}, {f: 5, c: 28443}, 28449, {f: 4, c: 28453}, 28462, 28464, {f: 2, c: 28468}, 28471, {f: 5, c: 28473}, 28480, {f: 4, c: 28482}, {f: 3, c: 28488}, 28492, {f: 3, c: 28494}, {f: 2, c: 28498}, {f: 3, c: 28501}, {f: 2, c: 28506}, 28509, {f: 3, c: 28511}, 28515, 28517, {f: 6, c: 28519}, 28529, 28531, {f: 2, c: 28533}, 28537, 28539, {f: 2, c: 28541}, {f: 3, c: 28545}, 28549, {f: 2, c: 28554}, {f: 8, c: 28559}, {f: 4, c: 28568}, {f: 3, c: 28573}, {f: 2, c: 28578}, {f: 2, c: 28581}, 28584, {f: 4, c: 28586}, {f: 2, c: 28591}, 28594, {f: 2, c: 28596}, {f: 2, c: 28599}, {f: 6, c: 28602}, {f: 5, c: 28612}, {f: 7, c: 28618}, {f: 2, c: 28627}, {f: 2, c: 28630}, {f: 2, c: 28633}, {f: 2, c: 28636}, {f: 2, c: 28642}, {f: 6, c: 28645}, {f: 2, c: 28652}, {f: 8, c: 28658}, 28667, 28669, {f: 6, c: 28671}, {f: 2, c: 28679}, 28682, {f: 3, c: 28684}, 28688, {f: 3, c: 28690}, {f: 2, c: 28694}, 28697, 28700, 28702, {f: 2, c: 28705}, {f: 3, c: 28708}, {f: 7, c: 28713}, 28721, {f: 2, c: 28723}, {f: 3, c: 28726}, {f: 4, c: 28730}, {f: 4, c: 28735}, {f: 7, c: 28741}, {f: 2, c: 28749}, 28752, {f: 3, c: 28754}, {f: 2, c: 28758}, {f: 4, c: 28761}, {f: 4, c: 28767}, {f: 2, c: 28773}, {f: 3, c: 28776}, 28782, {f: 4, c: 28785}, 28791, {f: 3, c: 28793}, 28797, {f: 4, c: 28801}, {f: 3, c: 28806}, {f: 3, c: 28811}, {f: 3, c: 28815}, 28819, {f: 2, c: 28823}, {f: 2, c: 28826}, {f: 13, c: 28830}, 28848, 28850, {f: 3, c: 28852}, 28858, {f: 2, c: 28862}, {f: 4, c: 28868}, 28873, {f: 4, c: 28875}, {f: 8, c: 28880}, 28890, {f: 3, c: 28892}, {f: 4, c: 28896}, 28901, 28906, 28910, {f: 4, c: 28912}, {f: 2, c: 28917}, 28920, {f: 3, c: 28922}, {f: 11, c: 28926}, {f: 5, c: 28939}, {f: 2, c: 28945}, 28948, 28951, {f: 6, c: 28955}, {f: 4, c: 28962}, {f: 8, c: 28967}, {f: 4, c: 28978}, {f: 14, c: 28983}, {f: 3, c: 28998}, 29003, 29005, {f: 3, c: 29007}, {f: 9, c: 29011}, 29021, {f: 3, c: 29023}, 29027, 29029, {f: 2, c: 29034}, 29037, {f: 3, c: 29039}, {f: 4, c: 29044}, 29049, {f: 2, c: 29051}, {f: 6, c: 29054}, {f: 5, c: 29061}, {f: 4, c: 29067}, {f: 2, c: 29072}, 29075, {f: 2, c: 29077}, {f: 5, c: 29082}, {f: 7, c: 29089}, {f: 3, c: 29097}, {f: 4, c: 29101}, 29106, 29108, {f: 3, c: 29110}, {f: 4, c: 29114}, {f: 2, c: 29119}, 29122, {f: 4, c: 29124}, {f: 5, c: 29129}, {f: 3, c: 29135}, 29139, {f: 3, c: 29142}, {f: 2, c: 29146}, {f: 2, c: 29149}, {f: 4, c: 29153}, {f: 5, c: 29160}, {f: 5, c: 29167}, {f: 4, c: 29173}, {f: 2, c: 29178}, 29181, {f: 7, c: 29183}, {f: 6, c: 29191}, {f: 2, c: 29198}, {f: 10, c: 29201}, 29212, {f: 10, c: 29214}, 29225, 29227, {f: 3, c: 29229}, {f: 2, c: 29235}, 29244, {f: 7, c: 29248}, {f: 3, c: 29257}, {f: 4, c: 29262}, {f: 3, c: 29267}, 29271, 29274, 29276, 29278, 29280, {f: 3, c: 29283}, 29288, {f: 4, c: 29290}, {f: 2, c: 29296}, {f: 2, c: 29299}, {f: 3, c: 29302}, {f: 2, c: 29307}, {f: 2, c: 29314}, {f: 5, c: 29317}, 29324, 29326, {f: 2, c: 29328}, {f: 3, c: 29331}, {f: 8, c: 29335}, {f: 2, c: 29344}, {f: 4, c: 29347}, {f: 4, c: 29352}, 29358, {f: 3, c: 29361}, 29365, {f: 6, c: 29370}, {f: 3, c: 29381}, {f: 4, c: 29385}, 29391, 29393, {f: 4, c: 29395}, 29400, {f: 4, c: 29402}, 29407, {f: 6, c: 29410}, {f: 2, c: 29418}, {f: 2, c: 29429}, {f: 3, c: 29438}, 29442, {f: 6, c: 29444}, {f: 3, c: 29451}, {f: 4, c: 29455}, 29460, {f: 3, c: 29464}, {f: 2, c: 29471}, {f: 2, c: 29475}, {f: 3, c: 29478}, 29485, {f: 2, c: 29487}, {f: 2, c: 29490}, 29493, 29498, {f: 2, c: 29500}, 29504, {f: 2, c: 29506}, {f: 7, c: 29510}, {f: 2, c: 29518}, 29521, {f: 4, c: 29523}, {f: 8, c: 29528}, {f: 7, c: 29537}, 29545, 29550, 29553, {f: 2, c: 29555}, 29558, 29561, 29565, 29567, {f: 3, c: 29569}, {f: 2, c: 29573}, 29576, 29578, {f: 2, c: 29580}, {f: 2, c: 29583}, {f: 4, c: 29586}, {f: 4, c: 29591}, {f: 3, c: 29596}, {f: 2, c: 29600}, {f: 6, c: 29603}, 29610, {f: 2, c: 29612}, 29617, {f: 3, c: 29620}, {f: 2, c: 29624}, {f: 4, c: 29628}, 29633, {f: 5, c: 29635}, {f: 2, c: 29643}, 29646, {f: 7, c: 29650}, {f: 4, c: 29658}, 29663, {f: 4, c: 29665}, 29670, 29672, {f: 3, c: 29674}, {f: 4, c: 29678}, {f: 11, c: 29683}, {f: 4, c: 29695}, 29700, {f: 2, c: 29703}, {f: 4, c: 29707}, {f: 9, c: 29713}, {f: 6, c: 29724}, {f: 2, c: 29731}, 29735, 29737, 29739, 29741, 29743, {f: 2, c: 29745}, {f: 5, c: 29751}, {f: 2, c: 29757}, 29760, {f: 9, c: 29762}, {f: 9, c: 29772}, 29782, 29784, 29789, {f: 3, c: 29792}, {f: 5, c: 29796}, {f: 2, c: 29803}, {f: 2, c: 29806}, {f: 5, c: 29809}, {f: 6, c: 29816}, 29823, 29826, {f: 3, c: 29828}, 29832, 29834, {f: 2, c: 29836}, 29839, {f: 11, c: 29841}, 29853, {f: 4, c: 29855}, {f: 2, c: 29860}, {f: 6, c: 29866}, {f: 9, c: 29873}, {f: 2, c: 29883}, {f: 12, c: 29886}, {f: 4, c: 29899}, {f: 2, c: 29904}, 29907, {f: 5, c: 29909}, 29915, 29917, 29919, 29921, 29925, {f: 7, c: 29927}, {f: 4, c: 29936}, 29941, {f: 7, c: 29944}, {f: 4, c: 29952}, {f: 7, c: 29957}, 29966, 29968, 29970, {f: 4, c: 29972}, 29979, {f: 2, c: 29981}, {f: 3, c: 29984}, 29988, {f: 2, c: 29990}, 29994, 29998, 30004, 30006, 30009, {f: 2, c: 30012}, 30015, {f: 4, c: 30017}, {f: 2, c: 30022}, {f: 2, c: 30025}, 30029, {f: 4, c: 30032}, {f: 4, c: 30037}, {f: 4, c: 30046}, {f: 2, c: 30051}, {f: 3, c: 30055}, {f: 6, c: 30060}, 30067, 30069, 30071, {f: 5, c: 30074}, {f: 3, c: 30080}, {f: 2, c: 30084}, {f: 3, c: 30088}, {f: 3, c: 30092}, 30096, 30099, 30101, 30104, {f: 2, c: 30107}, 30110, 30114, {f: 5, c: 30118}, 30125, {f: 2, c: 30134}, {f: 2, c: 30138}, {f: 3, c: 30143}, 30150, {f: 2, c: 30155}, {f: 4, c: 30158}, 30163, 30167, 30170, {f: 2, c: 30172}, {f: 3, c: 30175}, 30181, 30185, {f: 4, c: 30188}, {f: 2, c: 30194}, {f: 4, c: 30197}, {f: 2, c: 30202}, {f: 2, c: 30205}, 30212, {f: 4, c: 30214}, {f: 2, c: 30222}, {f: 4, c: 30225}, 30230, 30234, {f: 2, c: 30236}, 30243, 30248, 30252, {f: 2, c: 30254}, {f: 2, c: 30257}, {f: 2, c: 30262}, {f: 2, c: 30265}, 30269, 30273, {f: 2, c: 30276}, 30280, {f: 2, c: 30282}, {f: 6, c: 30286}, 30293, 30295, {f: 3, c: 30297}, 30301, {f: 2, c: 30304}, 30310, 30312, 30314, {f: 3, c: 30323}, [12136, 30326], 30327, {f: 2, c: 30329}, {f: 3, c: 30335}, 30339, 30341, {f: 2, c: 30345}, {f: 2, c: 30348}, {f: 2, c: 30351}, 30354, {f: 2, c: 30356}, {f: 2, c: 30359}, {f: 9, c: 30363}, {f: 9, c: 30373}, {f: 2, c: 30383}, 30387, {f: 3, c: 30389}, 30393, {f: 4, c: 30395}, {f: 2, c: 30400}, {f: 2, c: 30403}, 30407, 30409, {f: 2, c: 30411}, 30419, 30421, {f: 2, c: 30425}, {f: 2, c: 30428}, 30432, 30434, 30438, {f: 6, c: 30440}, 30448, 30451, {f: 3, c: 30453}, {f: 2, c: 30458}, 30461, {f: 2, c: 30463}, {f: 2, c: 30466}, {f: 2, c: 30469}, 30474, 30476, {f: 11, c: 30478}, {f: 4, c: 30491}, 30497, {f: 3, c: 30499}, 30503, {f: 3, c: 30506}, 30510, {f: 5, c: 30512}, 30521, 30523, {f: 3, c: 30525}, 30530, {f: 3, c: 30532}, {f: 7, c: 30536}, {f: 8, c: 30546}, {f: 2, c: 30556}, {f: 2, c: 30559}, 30564, 30567, {f: 2, c: 30569}, {f: 12, c: 30573}, {f: 3, c: 30586}, {f: 3, c: 30593}, {f: 6, c: 30598}, {f: 2, c: 30607}, {f: 5, c: 30611}, {f: 5, c: 30617}, 30625, {f: 2, c: 30627}, 30630, 30632, 30635, {f: 2, c: 30638}, {f: 2, c: 30641}, 30644, {f: 5, c: 30646}, 30654, {f: 7, c: 30656}, {f: 5, c: 30664}, {f: 9, c: 30670}, {f: 2, c: 30680}, {f: 5, c: 30685}, 30692, 30694, 30696, 30698, {f: 3, c: 30704}, {f: 2, c: 30708}, 30711, {f: 4, c: 30713}, {f: 6, c: 30723}, {f: 2, c: 30730}, {f: 3, c: 30734}, 30739, 30741, 30745, 30747, 30750, {f: 3, c: 30752}, 30756, 30760, {f: 2, c: 30762}, {f: 2, c: 30766}, {f: 3, c: 30769}, {f: 2, c: 30773}, 30781, 30783, {f: 2, c: 30785}, 30788, 30790, {f: 4, c: 30792}, 30797, 30799, 30801, {f: 2, c: 30803}, {f: 5, c: 30808}, {f: 6, c: 30814}, {f: 3, c: 30821}, 30825, {f: 7, c: 30832}, {f: 4, c: 30840}, {f: 10, c: 30845}, 30856, {f: 2, c: 30858}, {f: 2, c: 30863}, 30866, {f: 3, c: 30868}, 30873, {f: 2, c: 30877}, 30880, 30882, 30884, 30886, 30888, {f: 3, c: 30890}, {f: 2, c: 30894}, {f: 3, c: 30901}, 30907, 30909, {f: 2, c: 30911}, {f: 3, c: 30914}, {f: 3, c: 30918}, {f: 4, c: 30924}, {f: 3, c: 30929}, {f: 3, c: 30934}, {f: 8, c: 30939}, {f: 3, c: 30948}, {f: 3, c: 30953}, {f: 2, c: 30957}, {f: 2, c: 30960}, 30963, {f: 2, c: 30965}, {f: 2, c: 30968}, {f: 2, c: 30971}, {f: 3, c: 30974}, {f: 3, c: 30978}, {f: 8, c: 30982}, {f: 4, c: 30991}, {f: 5, c: 30996}, {f: 4, c: 31002}, {f: 5, c: 31007}, 31013, {f: 3, c: 31015}, {f: 4, c: 31021}, {f: 2, c: 31026}, {f: 5, c: 31029}, 31037, 31039, {f: 4, c: 31042}, 31047, {f: 9, c: 31050}, {f: 2, c: 31060}, {f: 2, c: 31064}, 31073, {f: 2, c: 31075}, 31078, {f: 4, c: 31081}, 31086, {f: 7, c: 31088}, 31097, {f: 5, c: 31099}, {f: 2, c: 31106}, {f: 4, c: 31110}, {f: 2, c: 31115}, {f: 10, c: 31120}, {f: 11, c: 31131}, {f: 2, c: 31144}, {f: 3, c: 31147}, 31151, 31154, {f: 4, c: 31156}, [12145, 31160], 31164, 31167, 31170, {f: 2, c: 31172}, {f: 2, c: 31175}, 31178, 31180, {f: 3, c: 31182}, {f: 2, c: 31187}, {f: 2, c: 31190}, {f: 6, c: 31193}, {f: 3, c: 31200}, 31205, 31208, 31210, 31212, 31214, {f: 7, c: 31217}, {f: 2, c: 31225}, 31228, {f: 2, c: 31230}, 31233, {f: 2, c: 31236}, {f: 4, c: 31239}, 31244, {f: 5, c: 31247}, {f: 2, c: 31253}, {f: 2, c: 31256}, {f: 3, c: 31259}, 31263, {f: 2, c: 31265}, {f: 10, c: 31268}, {f: 2, c: 31279}, 31282, {f: 3, c: 31284}, 31288, 31290, 31294, {f: 5, c: 31297}, {f: 5, c: 31303}, {f: 2, c: 31311}, {f: 5, c: 31314}, {f: 9, c: 31320}, {f: 6, c: 31331}, 31338, {f: 4, c: 31340}, {f: 3, c: 31345}, 31349, {f: 4, c: 31355}, 31362, 31365, 31367, {f: 4, c: 31369}, {f: 3, c: 31374}, {f: 2, c: 31379}, {f: 3, c: 31385}, 31390, {f: 4, c: 31393}, 31399, 31403, {f: 4, c: 31407}, {f: 2, c: 31412}, {f: 3, c: 31415}, {f: 4, c: 31419}, {f: 4, c: 31424}, 31430, 31433, {f: 10, c: 31436}, {f: 2, c: 31447}, {f: 4, c: 31450}, {f: 2, c: 31457}, 31460, {f: 3, c: 31463}, {f: 2, c: 31467}, 31470, {f: 6, c: 31472}, {f: 2, c: 31479}, {f: 2, c: 31483}, 31486, {f: 3, c: 31488}, 31493, 31495, 31497, {f: 3, c: 31500}, 31504, {f: 2, c: 31506}, {f: 3, c: 31510}, 31514, {f: 2, c: 31516}, 31519, {f: 3, c: 31521}, 31527, 31529, 31533, {f: 2, c: 31535}, 31538, {f: 4, c: 31540}, 31545, 31547, 31549, {f: 6, c: 31551}, 31560, 31562, {f: 2, c: 31565}, 31571, 31573, 31575, 31577, 31580, {f: 2, c: 31582}, 31585, {f: 4, c: 31587}, {f: 6, c: 31592}, {f: 2, c: 31599}, {f: 2, c: 31603}, 31606, 31608, 31610, {f: 2, c: 31612}, 31615, {f: 4, c: 31617}, {f: 5, c: 31622}, 31628, {f: 2, c: 31630}, {f: 3, c: 31633}, 31638, {f: 4, c: 31640}, {f: 3, c: 31646}, {f: 3, c: 31651}, {f: 3, c: 31662}, {f: 2, c: 31666}, {f: 3, c: 31669}, {f: 7, c: 31673}, {f: 2, c: 31682}, 31685, 31688, 31690, {f: 4, c: 31693}, 31698, {f: 5, c: 31700}, {f: 2, c: 31707}, {f: 3, c: 31710}, {f: 2, c: 31714}, {f: 2, c: 31719}, {f: 3, c: 31723}, {f: 2, c: 31727}, 31730, {f: 3, c: 31732}, {f: 4, c: 31736}, 31741, 31743, {f: 6, c: 31745}, {f: 3, c: 31752}, 31758, {f: 6, c: 31760}, {f: 7, c: 31767}, 31776, 31778, {f: 2, c: 31780}, {f: 2, c: 31784}, {f: 12, c: 31788}, {f: 4, c: 31801}, 31810, {f: 8, c: 31812}, {f: 14, c: 31822}, {f: 2, c: 31837}, {f: 3, c: 31841}, {f: 4, c: 31845}, 31851, 31853, {f: 3, c: 31855}, {f: 6, c: 31861}, {f: 11, c: 31870}, {f: 7, c: 31882}, {f: 2, c: 31891}, 31894, {f: 3, c: 31897}, {f: 2, c: 31904}, 31907, {f: 4, c: 31910}, {f: 3, c: 31915}, {f: 2, c: 31919}, {f: 5, c: 31924}, {f: 2, c: 31930}, {f: 2, c: 31935}, {f: 3, c: 31938}, 31942, 31945, 31947, {f: 7, c: 31950}, 31960, {f: 2, c: 31962}, {f: 6, c: 31969}, {f: 6, c: 31977}, 31985, 31987, 31989, 31991, 31994, {f: 2, c: 31996}, 31999, 32001, 32003, 32012, {f: 2, c: 32014}, {f: 2, c: 32017}, 32022, 32024, {f: 3, c: 32029}, {f: 4, c: 32035}, {f: 3, c: 32040}, {f: 3, c: 32044}, {f: 5, c: 32052}, 32059, {f: 2, c: 32061}, 32065, 32067, 32069, {f: 7, c: 32071}, 32079, {f: 12, c: 32081}, {f: 2, c: 32095}, {f: 3, c: 32099}, 32103, {f: 5, c: 32105}, {f: 2, c: 32111}, {f: 2, c: 32116}, 32120, {f: 7, c: 32122}, 32130, {f: 2, c: 32132}, 32135, {f: 5, c: 32138}, {f: 3, c: 32144}, {f: 8, c: 32148}, 32157, {f: 3, c: 32159}, {f: 2, c: 32164}, {f: 4, c: 32167}, 32175, {f: 3, c: 32181}, 32188, {f: 4, c: 32192}, {f: 2, c: 32197}, {f: 2, c: 32200}, {f: 5, c: 32204}, 32211, {f: 2, c: 32213}, {f: 3, c: 32218}, 32223, 32226, {f: 2, c: 32228}, 32231, {f: 2, c: 32234}, {f: 2, c: 32237}, 32240, 32243, 32245, {f: 2, c: 32247}, 32250, {f: 12, c: 32252}, {f: 4, c: 32268}, {f: 9, c: 32274}, 32284, {f: 3, c: 32288}, {f: 3, c: 32292}, {f: 3, c: 32296}, 32300, {f: 2, c: 32303}, 32307, 32312, 32314, 32316, {f: 2, c: 32319}, {f: 3, c: 32322}, {f: 10, c: 32328}, 32339, {f: 4, c: 32342}, {f: 3, c: 32347}, {f: 3, c: 32351}, {f: 6, c: 32355}, 32364, {f: 2, c: 32369}, {f: 5, c: 32372}, {f: 2, c: 32378}, {f: 3, c: 32383}, {f: 5, c: 32387}, 32393, 32395, 32398, {f: 3, c: 32400}, 32405, 32407, {f: 2, c: 32409}, {f: 2, c: 32413}, 32430, 32436, {f: 2, c: 32443}, 32470, 32484, 32492, 32505, 32522, 32528, 32542, 32567, 32569, {f: 7, c: 32571}, 32579, {f: 6, c: 32582}, 32589, 32591, {f: 2, c: 32594}, 32598, 32601, {f: 4, c: 32603}, 32608, {f: 5, c: 32611}, {f: 3, c: 32619}, 32623, 32627, {f: 2, c: 32629}, 32632, {f: 4, c: 32634}, {f: 2, c: 32639}, {f: 3, c: 32642}, 32647, 32649, 32651, 32653, {f: 5, c: 32655}, {f: 5, c: 32661}, {f: 2, c: 32667}, 32672, {f: 2, c: 32674}, 32678, 32680, {f: 5, c: 32682}, 32689, {f: 5, c: 32691}, {f: 2, c: 32698}, 32702, 32704, {f: 3, c: 32706}, {f: 4, c: 32710}, 32715, 32717, {f: 3, c: 32719}, 32723, {f: 2, c: 32726}, {f: 6, c: 32729}, {f: 3, c: 32738}, {f: 2, c: 32743}, {f: 4, c: 32746}, 32751, 32754, {f: 5, c: 32756}, 32762, {f: 3, c: 32765}, 32770, {f: 4, c: 32775}, {f: 2, c: 32782}, 32785, 32787, {f: 2, c: 32794}, {f: 3, c: 32797}, 32801, {f: 2, c: 32803}, 32811, 32813, {f: 2, c: 32815}, 32818, 32820, {f: 2, c: 32825}, 32828, 32830, {f: 2, c: 32832}, {f: 2, c: 32836}, {f: 3, c: 32839}, {f: 4, c: 32846}, 32851, 32853, 32855, 32857, {f: 3, c: 32859}, {f: 10, c: 32863}, {f: 4, c: 32875}, 32884, 32888, {f: 3, c: 32890}, {f: 2, c: 32897}, 32904, 32906, {f: 6, c: 32909}, {f: 2, c: 32916}, 32919, 32921, 32926, 32931, {f: 3, c: 32934}, 32940, 32944, 32947, {f: 2, c: 32949}, {f: 2, c: 32952}, 32955, 32965, {f: 5, c: 32967}, {f: 7, c: 32975}, 32984, {f: 2, c: 32991}, {f: 2, c: 32994}, 32998, 33006, 33013, 33015, 33017, 33019, {f: 4, c: 33022}, {f: 2, c: 33027}, {f: 2, c: 33031}, {f: 2, c: 33035}, 33045, 33047, 33049, {f: 2, c: 33052}, {f: 13, c: 33055}, {f: 2, c: 33069}, 33072, {f: 3, c: 33075}, 33079, {f: 4, c: 33082}, {f: 7, c: 33087}, 33095, 33097, 33101, 33103, 33106, {f: 2, c: 33111}, {f: 5, c: 33115}, {f: 3, c: 33122}, 33128, 33130, 33132, 33135, {f: 2, c: 33138}, {f: 3, c: 33141}, 33153, {f: 5, c: 33155}, 33161, {f: 4, c: 33163}, 33168, {f: 6, c: 33170}, 33177, {f: 2, c: 33182}, {f: 2, c: 33185}, {f: 2, c: 33188}, 33191, {f: 8, c: 33195}, {f: 6, c: 33204}, 33212, {f: 2, c: 33220}, {f: 2, c: 33223}, 33227, 33230, {f: 8, c: 33232}, 33241, {f: 4, c: 33243}, {f: 2, c: 33249}, {f: 3, c: 33252}, 33257, 33259, {f: 5, c: 33262}, {f: 5, c: 33269}, 33277, 33279, 33283, 33291, {f: 2, c: 33294}, 33297, 33299, {f: 6, c: 33301}, 33309, 33312, {f: 4, c: 33316}, 33321, 33326, 33330, 33338, {f: 2, c: 33340}, {f: 5, c: 33343}, {f: 2, c: 33349}, 33352, 33354, {f: 3, c: 33356}, {f: 8, c: 33360}, {f: 4, c: 33371}, {f: 4, c: 33376}, 33381, 33383, {f: 2, c: 33385}, {f: 2, c: 33388}, {f: 2, c: 33397}, [12171, 33400], {f: 2, c: 33403}, {f: 2, c: 33408}, 33411, {f: 3, c: 33413}, 33417, 33420, 33424, {f: 4, c: 33427}, {f: 2, c: 33434}, 33438, 33440, {f: 2, c: 33442}, 33447, 33458, {f: 2, c: 33461}, 33466, 33468, {f: 2, c: 33471}, {f: 2, c: 33474}, {f: 2, c: 33477}, 33481, 33488, 33494, {f: 2, c: 33497}, 33501, 33506, {f: 3, c: 33512}, {f: 3, c: 33516}, 33520, {f: 2, c: 33522}, {f: 2, c: 33525}, 33528, 33530, {f: 5, c: 33532}, {f: 2, c: 33546}, 33549, 33552, {f: 2, c: 33554}, 33558, {f: 2, c: 33560}, {f: 10, c: 33565}, {f: 2, c: 33577}, 33582, 33584, 33586, 33591, 33595, {f: 3, c: 33597}, {f: 2, c: 33601}, {f: 2, c: 33604}, 33608, {f: 5, c: 33610}, 33619, {f: 5, c: 33621}, 33629, 33634, {f: 7, c: 33648}, {f: 2, c: 33657}, {f: 7, c: 33662}, {f: 2, c: 33671}, {f: 3, c: 33675}, {f: 3, c: 33679}, {f: 2, c: 33684}, 33687, {f: 2, c: 33689}, 33693, 33695, 33697, {f: 4, c: 33699}, {f: 4, c: 33708}, 33717, 33723, {f: 2, c: 33726}, {f: 3, c: 33730}, 33734, {f: 2, c: 33736}, 33739, {f: 2, c: 33741}, {f: 4, c: 33744}, 33749, 33751, {f: 3, c: 33753}, 33758, {f: 3, c: 33762}, {f: 3, c: 33766}, {f: 4, c: 33771}, {f: 5, c: 33779}, {f: 3, c: 33786}, {f: 3, c: 33790}, 33794, 33797, {f: 2, c: 33800}, 33808, {f: 6, c: 33810}, {f: 3, c: 33817}, {f: 6, c: 33822}, {f: 3, c: 33833}, {f: 4, c: 33837}, {f: 3, c: 33842}, {f: 2, c: 33846}, {f: 3, c: 33849}, {f: 8, c: 33854}, {f: 2, c: 33863}, {f: 7, c: 33866}, {f: 4, c: 33875}, 33880, {f: 4, c: 33885}, 33890, 33893, {f: 2, c: 33895}, 33898, 33902, 33904, 33906, 33908, 33913, {f: 7, c: 33915}, {f: 4, c: 33923}, 33930, 33933, {f: 4, c: 33935}, {f: 2, c: 33941}, 33944, {f: 2, c: 33946}, {f: 4, c: 33949}, {f: 13, c: 33954}, {f: 2, c: 33968}, 33971, {f: 3, c: 33973}, 33979, 33982, {f: 2, c: 33986}, {f: 4, c: 33989}, 33996, {f: 2, c: 33998}, 34002, {f: 2, c: 34004}, {f: 6, c: 34007}, 34014, {f: 2, c: 34017}, 34020, {f: 5, c: 34023}, 34029, {f: 11, c: 34033}, 34046, {f: 12, c: 34048}, {f: 4, c: 34061}, 34066, {f: 2, c: 34069}, {f: 2, c: 34072}, {f: 3, c: 34075}, 34080, 34082, {f: 2, c: 34084}, {f: 4, c: 34087}, {f: 9, c: 34094}, {f: 3, c: 34110}, 34114, {f: 2, c: 34116}, 34119, {f: 3, c: 34123}, {f: 3, c: 34127}, 34132, 34135, {f: 4, c: 34138}, {f: 3, c: 34143}, 34147, {f: 3, c: 34149}, {f: 2, c: 34155}, {f: 4, c: 34158}, 34163, {f: 2, c: 34165}, 34168, {f: 2, c: 34172}, {f: 5, c: 34175}, 34182, 34185, 34187, {f: 2, c: 34189}, 34192, {f: 2, c: 34194}, {f: 6, c: 34197}, {f: 2, c: 34205}, {f: 4, c: 34208}, 34213, 34215, {f: 3, c: 34219}, {f: 6, c: 34225}, 34232, {f: 6, c: 34235}, {f: 7, c: 34242}, {f: 3, c: 34250}, {f: 2, c: 34257}, 34260, {f: 6, c: 34262}, {f: 6, c: 34270}, {f: 3, c: 34278}, {f: 9, c: 34283}, 34293, {f: 2, c: 34295}, {f: 3, c: 34300}, {f: 4, c: 34304}, {f: 3, c: 34312}, {f: 5, c: 34316}, {f: 4, c: 34322}, {f: 3, c: 34327}, {f: 3, c: 34331}, {f: 3, c: 34335}, {f: 4, c: 34339}, 34344, {f: 3, c: 34346}, {f: 10, c: 34350}, 34361, 34363, {f: 2, c: 34365}, {f: 13, c: 34368}, {f: 2, c: 34386}, {f: 4, c: 34390}, 34395, 34397, {f: 2, c: 34400}, {f: 4, c: 34403}, {f: 3, c: 34408}, 34413, {f: 2, c: 34415}, {f: 7, c: 34418}, {f: 7, c: 34435}, {f: 5, c: 34446}, 34452, {f: 6, c: 34454}, {f: 5, c: 34462}, {f: 2, c: 34469}, 34475, {f: 2, c: 34477}, {f: 2, c: 34482}, {f: 3, c: 34487}, {f: 5, c: 34491}, {f: 3, c: 34497}, 34501, 34504, {f: 2, c: 34508}, {f: 2, c: 34514}, {f: 3, c: 34517}, 34522, {f: 2, c: 34524}, {f: 4, c: 34528}, {f: 4, c: 34533}, {f: 3, c: 34538}, 34543, {f: 3, c: 34549}, {f: 3, c: 34555}, 34559, 34561, {f: 2, c: 34564}, {f: 2, c: 34571}, {f: 4, c: 34574}, 34580, 34582, 34585, 34587, 34589, {f: 2, c: 34591}, 34596, {f: 3, c: 34598}, {f: 4, c: 34602}, {f: 2, c: 34607}, {f: 2, c: 34610}, {f: 2, c: 34613}, {f: 3, c: 34616}, {f: 2, c: 34620}, {f: 7, c: 34624}, {f: 2, c: 34634}, 34637, {f: 4, c: 34639}, 34644, 34646, 34648, {f: 6, c: 34650}, {f: 2, c: 34657}, {f: 7, c: 34663}, 34671, {f: 3, c: 34673}, 34677, 34679, {f: 2, c: 34681}, {f: 3, c: 34687}, {f: 2, c: 34694}, {f: 2, c: 34697}, 34700, {f: 5, c: 34702}, {f: 3, c: 34708}, {f: 6, c: 34712}, {f: 2, c: 34720}, {f: 5, c: 34723}, {f: 2, c: 34729}, 34734, {f: 3, c: 34736}, 34740, {f: 4, c: 34742}, 34748, {f: 2, c: 34750}, {f: 3, c: 34753}, 34757, 34759, 34761, {f: 2, c: 34764}, {f: 2, c: 34767}, {f: 7, c: 34772}, {f: 4, c: 34780}, {f: 2, c: 34785}, 34788, {f: 4, c: 34790}, 34795, 34797, {f: 2, c: 34800}, {f: 3, c: 34803}, {f: 2, c: 34807}, 34810, {f: 2, c: 34812}, {f: 4, c: 34815}, 34820, {f: 3, c: 34823}, {f: 5, c: 34827}, 34834, 34836, {f: 4, c: 34839}, {f: 3, c: 34844}, 34848, {f: 13, c: 34852}, {f: 3, c: 34867}, {f: 2, c: 34871}, 34874, {f: 3, c: 34877}, {f: 3, c: 34881}, {f: 3, c: 34887}, 34891, {f: 5, c: 34894}, {f: 2, c: 34901}, 34904, 34906, 34908, {f: 3, c: 34910}, {f: 2, c: 34918}, 34922, 34925, 34927, 34929, {f: 4, c: 34931}, 34936, {f: 3, c: 34938}, 34944, 34947, {f: 2, c: 34950}, {f: 2, c: 34953}, 34956, {f: 4, c: 34958}, {f: 3, c: 34963}, {f: 5, c: 34967}, {f: 5, c: 34973}, 34979, {f: 6, c: 34981}, 34988, {f: 3, c: 34990}, {f: 5, c: 34994}, {f: 4, c: 35000}, {f: 4, c: 35005}, {f: 2, c: 35011}, {f: 2, c: 35015}, {f: 3, c: 35019}, {f: 2, c: 35024}, 35027, {f: 2, c: 35030}, {f: 2, c: 35034}, 35038, {f: 2, c: 35040}, {f: 2, c: 35046}, {f: 7, c: 35049}, 35058, {f: 3, c: 35061}, {f: 2, c: 35066}, {f: 3, c: 35071}, {f: 4, c: 35075}, {f: 2, c: 35080}, {f: 5, c: 35083}, 35089, {f: 5, c: 35092}, {f: 5, c: 35100}, {f: 3, c: 35106}, {f: 4, c: 35110}, {f: 4, c: 35116}, 35121, 35125, 35127, {f: 2, c: 35129}, {f: 5, c: 35132}, {f: 2, c: 35138}, {f: 2, c: 35141}, {f: 14, c: 35144}, {f: 6, c: 35159}, {f: 3, c: 35169}, 35173, {f: 3, c: 35175}, 35179, {f: 2, c: 35181}, {f: 2, c: 35184}, {f: 8, c: 35187}, {f: 2, c: 35196}, [12177, 35198], 35200, 35202, {f: 2, c: 35204}, {f: 4, c: 35207}, {f: 3, c: 35212}, {f: 3, c: 35216}, {f: 2, c: 35220}, 35223, {f: 8, c: 35225}, {f: 4, c: 35234}, {f: 3, c: 35239}, 35243, {f: 2, c: 35245}, {f: 2, c: 35248}, {f: 4, c: 35251}, {f: 2, c: 35256}, {f: 2, c: 35259}, 35262, 35267, 35277, {f: 3, c: 35283}, {f: 3, c: 35287}, 35291, 35293, {f: 4, c: 35295}, 35300, {f: 4, c: 35303}, {f: 3, c: 35308}, {f: 3, c: 35312}, 35317, 35319, {f: 7, c: 35321}, {f: 3, c: 35332}, 35337, 35339, 35341, 35343, {f: 2, c: 35345}, 35348, 35351, {f: 2, c: 35353}, 35356, 35358, {f: 3, c: 35360}, 35364, {f: 4, c: 35366}, {f: 2, c: 35371}, {f: 3, c: 35374}, {f: 2, c: 35378}, 35381, {f: 3, c: 35383}, {f: 3, c: 35387}, {f: 2, c: 35391}, {f: 4, c: 35394}, 35399, {f: 5, c: 35401}, 35407, 35409, 35411, {f: 2, c: 35414}, {f: 2, c: 35417}, {f: 2, c: 35420}, {f: 2, c: 35423}, {f: 2, c: 35428}, {f: 2, c: 35431}, 35434, 35439, 35444, {f: 3, c: 35446}, {f: 2, c: 35450}, {f: 2, c: 35453}, {f: 4, c: 35456}, 35464, {f: 2, c: 35467}, {f: 3, c: 35470}, 35476, {f: 2, c: 35478}, 35481, {f: 3, c: 35483}, 35487, 35490, 35495, {f: 3, c: 35497}, {f: 3, c: 35501}, 35505, {f: 3, c: 35507}, {f: 2, c: 35511}, {f: 2, c: 35514}, {f: 2, c: 35517}, {f: 2, c: 35520}, 35523, {f: 2, c: 35525}, 35528, 35530, 35532, 35534, 35536, {f: 3, c: 35539}, {f: 3, c: 35544}, 35549, {f: 3, c: 35551}, 35555, 35557, {f: 3, c: 35560}, 35564, {f: 2, c: 35567}, 35570, {f: 2, c: 35572}, 35577, 35579, 35581, 35583, 35587, 35590, {f: 2, c: 35592}, {f: 3, c: 35595}, 35599, {f: 3, c: 35601}, 35605, 35608, 35612, {f: 3, c: 35614}, {f: 4, c: 35618}, 35623, {f: 2, c: 35625}, {f: 5, c: 35630}, {f: 5, c: 35636}, {f: 4, c: 35642}, {f: 10, c: 35647}, {f: 4, c: 35658}, {f: 6, c: 35664}, 35671, 35675, {f: 9, c: 35677}, {f: 4, c: 35687}, {f: 2, c: 35693}, {f: 3, c: 35697}, {f: 2, c: 35701}, {f: 5, c: 35704}, {f: 2, c: 35710}, {f: 9, c: 35713}, {f: 3, c: 35723}, {f: 3, c: 35727}, 35732, {f: 5, c: 35735}, 35741, 35743, 35756, 35761, 35771, 35783, 35792, 35818, 35849, 35870, {f: 9, c: 35896}, {f: 4, c: 35906}, {f: 2, c: 35914}, {f: 3, c: 35917}, {f: 4, c: 35921}, {f: 4, c: 35926}, {f: 6, c: 35931}, {f: 7, c: 35939}, {f: 7, c: 35948}, {f: 4, c: 35956}, {f: 7, c: 35963}, {f: 2, c: 35971}, {f: 3, c: 35974}, 35979, {f: 7, c: 35981}, {f: 3, c: 35989}, {f: 4, c: 35993}, 35999, {f: 4, c: 36003}, {f: 2, c: 36013}, 36017, 36021, 36025, 36030, 36038, 36041, {f: 6, c: 36043}, 36052, {f: 4, c: 36054}, 36059, 36061, 36063, 36069, {f: 2, c: 36072}, {f: 6, c: 36078}, {f: 5, c: 36085}, {f: 5, c: 36095}, {f: 2, c: 36102}, 36105, 36108, 36110, {f: 5, c: 36113}, {f: 4, c: 36119}, 36128, {f: 2, c: 36177}, 36183, 36191, 36197, {f: 3, c: 36200}, 36204, {f: 2, c: 36206}, {f: 2, c: 36209}, {f: 9, c: 36216}, {f: 2, c: 36226}, {f: 4, c: 36230}, {f: 5, c: 36236}, {f: 2, c: 36242}, {f: 3, c: 36246}, {f: 5, c: 36250}, {f: 3, c: 36256}, {f: 4, c: 36260}, {f: 8, c: 36265}, {f: 2, c: 36278}, 36281, 36283, 36285, {f: 3, c: 36288}, 36293, {f: 4, c: 36295}, 36301, 36304, {f: 4, c: 36306}, {f: 2, c: 36312}, 36316, {f: 3, c: 36320}, {f: 3, c: 36325}, 36329, {f: 2, c: 36333}, {f: 3, c: 36336}, 36340, 36342, 36348, {f: 7, c: 36350}, {f: 3, c: 36358}, 36363, {f: 2, c: 36365}, {f: 3, c: 36369}, {f: 8, c: 36373}, {f: 2, c: 36384}, {f: 5, c: 36388}, 36395, 36397, 36400, {f: 2, c: 36402}, {f: 3, c: 36406}, {f: 2, c: 36411}, {f: 2, c: 36414}, 36419, {f: 2, c: 36421}, {f: 4, c: 36429}, {f: 2, c: 36435}, {f: 3, c: 36438}, {f: 9, c: 36442}, {f: 2, c: 36452}, {f: 2, c: 36455}, {f: 2, c: 36458}, 36462, 36465, 36467, 36469, {f: 3, c: 36471}, 36475, {f: 2, c: 36477}, 36480, {f: 3, c: 36482}, 36486, 36488, 36492, 36494, {f: 5, c: 36501}, 36507, 36509, {f: 2, c: 36511}, {f: 3, c: 36514}, {f: 3, c: 36519}, {f: 2, c: 36525}, {f: 2, c: 36528}, {f: 7, c: 36531}, {f: 5, c: 36539}, {f: 9, c: 36545}, {f: 3, c: 36559}, 36563, {f: 6, c: 36565}, {f: 3, c: 36572}, {f: 4, c: 36576}, {f: 6, c: 36581}, {f: 6, c: 36588}, {f: 5, c: 36595}, 36605, {f: 4, c: 36607}, 36612, 36614, 36616, {f: 7, c: 36619}, 36627, {f: 5, c: 36630}, {f: 5, c: 36640}, {f: 2, c: 36647}, {f: 4, c: 36651}, {f: 3, c: 36656}, {f: 4, c: 36660}, {f: 2, c: 36665}, {f: 2, c: 36668}, {f: 2, c: 36672}, 36675, {f: 2, c: 36679}, {f: 3, c: 36682}, {f: 5, c: 36687}, {f: 10, c: 36693}, 36704, 36707, 36709, 36714, 36736, 36748, 36754, 36765, {f: 3, c: 36768}, {f: 2, c: 36772}, 36775, 36778, 36780, {f: 2, c: 36787}, [12193, 36789], {f: 2, c: 36791}, {f: 3, c: 36794}, {f: 2, c: 36799}, 36803, 36806, {f: 5, c: 36809}, 36815, 36818, {f: 2, c: 36822}, 36826, {f: 2, c: 36832}, 36835, 36839, 36844, 36847, {f: 2, c: 36849}, {f: 2, c: 36853}, {f: 3, c: 36858}, {f: 2, c: 36862}, {f: 2, c: 36871}, 36876, 36878, 36883, 36888, 36892, {f: 2, c: 36900}, {f: 6, c: 36903}, {f: 2, c: 36912}, {f: 2, c: 36915}, 36919, {f: 2, c: 36921}, 36925, {f: 2, c: 36927}, 36931, {f: 2, c: 36933}, {f: 3, c: 36936}, 36940, 36950, {f: 2, c: 36953}, 36957, 36959, 36961, 36964, {f: 2, c: 36966}, {f: 3, c: 36970}, {f: 3, c: 36975}, 36979, 36982, 36985, 36987, 36990, {f: 2, c: 36997}, 37001, {f: 3, c: 37004}, 37010, 37012, 37014, 37016, 37018, 37020, {f: 3, c: 37022}, {f: 2, c: 37028}, {f: 3, c: 37031}, 37035, 37037, 37042, 37047, {f: 2, c: 37052}, {f: 2, c: 37055}, {f: 2, c: 37058}, 37062, {f: 2, c: 37064}, {f: 3, c: 37067}, 37074, {f: 3, c: 37076}, {f: 3, c: 37080}, 37086, 37088, {f: 3, c: 37091}, {f: 2, c: 37097}, 37100, 37102, {f: 4, c: 37104}, {f: 2, c: 37110}, {f: 4, c: 37113}, {f: 3, c: 37119}, 37123, 37125, {f: 2, c: 37127}, {f: 8, c: 37130}, 37139, 37141, {f: 2, c: 37143}, {f: 4, c: 37146}, {f: 3, c: 37151}, {f: 3, c: 37156}, {f: 5, c: 37160}, 37166, 37171, 37173, {f: 2, c: 37175}, {f: 8, c: 37179}, {f: 2, c: 37188}, 37191, 37201, {f: 4, c: 37203}, {f: 2, c: 37208}, {f: 2, c: 37211}, {f: 2, c: 37215}, {f: 3, c: 37222}, 37227, 37229, 37235, {f: 3, c: 37242}, {f: 5, c: 37248}, 37254, 37256, 37258, {f: 2, c: 37262}, {f: 3, c: 37267}, {f: 3, c: 37271}, {f: 5, c: 37277}, {f: 6, c: 37284}, {f: 4, c: 37296}, {f: 4, c: 37302}, {f: 5, c: 37307}, 37314, 37316, [12196, 37318], 37320, 37328, 37334, {f: 2, c: 37338}, {f: 5, c: 37342}, {f: 2, c: 37349}, 37352, {f: 11, c: 37354}, 37366, 37368, {f: 5, c: 37371}, {f: 2, c: 37378}, {f: 3, c: 37381}, {f: 3, c: 37386}, 37391, {f: 2, c: 37394}, {f: 8, c: 37398}, {f: 4, c: 37407}, 37412, {f: 6, c: 37416}, 37423, {f: 2, c: 37425}, {f: 2, c: 37429}, {f: 2, c: 37435}, {f: 4, c: 37441}, {f: 2, c: 37446}, {f: 3, c: 37450}, {f: 3, c: 37454}, {f: 3, c: 37458}, 37462, {f: 2, c: 37464}, {f: 2, c: 37468}, {f: 3, c: 37471}, {f: 3, c: 37475}, {f: 5, c: 37479}, {f: 6, c: 37486}, {f: 3, c: 37493}, 37497, {f: 3, c: 37500}, {f: 2, c: 37505}, 37508, {f: 8, c: 37510}, {f: 2, c: 37519}, 37522, {f: 2, c: 37524}, 37527, 37529, 37531, {f: 3, c: 37533}, {f: 2, c: 37537}, 37540, 37543, 37549, {f: 2, c: 37551}, {f: 5, c: 37554}, 37560, 37562, {f: 4, c: 37565}, 37570, 37572, 37574, {f: 3, c: 37577}, {f: 2, c: 37581}, {f: 2, c: 37584}, {f: 10, c: 37587}, 37598, {f: 3, c: 37600}, 37607, 37609, {f: 2, c: 37611}, {f: 4, c: 37618}, 37623, {f: 3, c: 37625}, {f: 4, c: 37629}, {f: 4, c: 37634}, {f: 7, c: 37641}, 37649, {f: 2, c: 37651}, {f: 2, c: 37654}, {f: 3, c: 37660}, 37665, {f: 3, c: 37667}, 37671, {f: 2, c: 37673}, {f: 2, c: 37676}, {f: 2, c: 37680}, {f: 2, c: 37684}, 37687, {f: 5, c: 37689}, 37695, 37698, {f: 2, c: 37700}, {f: 3, c: 37704}, 37708, {f: 6, c: 37710}, {f: 3, c: 37717}, {f: 2, c: 37721}, {f: 8, c: 37724}, {f: 3, c: 37734}, 37739, {f: 3, c: 37741}, {f: 4, c: 37745}, {f: 3, c: 37751}, {f: 3, c: 37755}, {f: 3, c: 37759}, 37763, {f: 2, c: 37765}, {f: 2, c: 37768}, {f: 4, c: 37771}, {f: 6, c: 37776}, 37783, {f: 9, c: 37785}, {f: 2, c: 37796}, 37800, 37803, 37805, 37807, {f: 2, c: 37809}, 37812, {f: 2, c: 37814}, {f: 6, c: 37817}, {f: 3, c: 37824}, {f: 3, c: 37828}, 37833, 37835, {f: 3, c: 37838}, {f: 4, c: 37842}, {f: 3, c: 37849}, 37856, 37859, {f: 3, c: 37861}, {f: 12, c: 37865}, 37878, 37880, {f: 9, c: 37882}, {f: 7, c: 37892}, {f: 4, c: 37900}, 37905, {f: 3, c: 37909}, {f: 3, c: 37914}, {f: 2, c: 37918}, {f: 5, c: 37921}, {f: 5, c: 37929}, {f: 3, c: 37935}, 37940, {f: 2, c: 37942}, 37945, {f: 3, c: 37947}, {f: 4, c: 37952}, {f: 5, c: 37957}, 37963, {f: 5, c: 37965}, 37971, {f: 11, c: 37973}, {f: 2, c: 37985}, 37988, {f: 5, c: 37990}, 37996, {f: 2, c: 37998}, 38001, {f: 4, c: 38003}, 38008, {f: 2, c: 38010}, {f: 5, c: 38016}, 38033, 38038, 38040, 38087, 38095, {f: 2, c: 38099}, 38106, 38118, 38139, 38172, 38176, 38183, 38195, 38205, 38211, 38216, 38219, 38229, 38234, 38240, 38254, {f: 2, c: 38260}, {f: 7, c: 38264}, 38273, {f: 2, c: 38276}, {f: 2, c: 38279}, 38282, 38285, 38288, 38290, {f: 3, c: 38293}, {f: 8, c: 38297}, 38306, {f: 2, c: 38310}, 38314, {f: 4, c: 38318}, {f: 3, c: 38323}, {f: 2, c: 38327}, 38330, {f: 3, c: 38336}, {f: 2, c: 38340}, 38343, 38345, {f: 3, c: 38349}, {f: 3, c: 38353}, {f: 5, c: 38359}, 38365, {f: 2, c: 38367}, {f: 2, c: 38371}, {f: 2, c: 38374}, 38380, 38399, 38407, 38419, 38424, 38427, 38430, 38432, {f: 7, c: 38435}, {f: 3, c: 38443}, {f: 2, c: 38447}, {f: 4, c: 38455}, 38462, 38465, 38467, 38474, {f: 2, c: 38478}, {f: 3, c: 38481}, {f: 2, c: 38486}, {f: 2, c: 38489}, 38492, 38494, 38496, {f: 2, c: 38501}, 38507, {f: 3, c: 38509}, 38513, {f: 4, c: 38521}, {f: 7, c: 38526}, 38535, 38537, 38540, {f: 3, c: 38545}, 38550, 38554, {f: 10, c: 38557}, 38569, {f: 5, c: 38571}, 38578, 38581, 38583, 38586, 38591, {f: 2, c: 38594}, 38600, {f: 2, c: 38602}, {f: 2, c: 38608}, {f: 2, c: 38611}, {f: 2, c: 38615}, 38618, {f: 3, c: 38621}, 38625, {f: 4, c: 38628}, {f: 4, c: 38635}, {f: 2, c: 38640}, {f: 2, c: 38644}, 38648, 38650, {f: 2, c: 38652}, 38655, {f: 2, c: 38658}, 38661, {f: 3, c: 38666}, {f: 3, c: 38672}, {f: 2, c: 38676}, {f: 5, c: 38679}, 38685, {f: 8, c: 38687}, {f: 2, c: 38696}, {f: 2, c: 38699}, {f: 2, c: 38702}, 38705, {f: 5, c: 38707}, {f: 3, c: 38714}, {f: 3, c: 38719}, 38723, {f: 3, c: 38725}, {f: 8, c: 38729}, [12205, 38737], {f: 2, c: 38740}, {f: 2, c: 38743}, {f: 2, c: 38748}, 38751, {f: 2, c: 38755}, {f: 2, c: 38758}, {f: 9, c: 38762}, 38773, {f: 5, c: 38775}, {f: 8, c: 38781}, {f: 5, c: 38790}, 38796, 38798, 38800, 38803, {f: 3, c: 38805}, {f: 7, c: 38809}, {f: 2, c: 38817}, {f: 2, c: 38820}, {f: 4, c: 38823}, 38828, 38830, {f: 2, c: 38832}, 38835, {f: 8, c: 38837}, {f: 5, c: 38846}, {f: 2, c: 38852}, {f: 2, c: 38855}, 38858, {f: 6, c: 38861}, {f: 5, c: 38868}, {f: 2, c: 38874}, 38877, {f: 7, c: 38879}, 38888, {f: 5, c: 38894}, 38900, {f: 8, c: 38903}, 38912, 38916, 38921, 38923, 38925, {f: 3, c: 38932}, {f: 3, c: 38937}, {f: 4, c: 38941}, {f: 2, c: 38946}, 38949, {f: 6, c: 38951}, {f: 2, c: 38958}, {f: 6, c: 38961}, {f: 2, c: 38969}, 38972, {f: 8, c: 38974}, {f: 5, c: 38983}, {f: 4, c: 38991}, {f: 3, c: 38997}, 39002, {f: 2, c: 39004}, {f: 3, c: 39007}, {f: 2, c: 39011}, 39014, {f: 3, c: 39016}, {f: 2, c: 39021}, 39026, 39051, 39054, 39058, 39061, 39065, 39075, {f: 5, c: 39081}, 39088, 39090, {f: 2, c: 39092}, {f: 5, c: 39095}, {f: 7, c: 39101}, 39109, 39111, {f: 5, c: 39113}, {f: 2, c: 39119}, 39124, {f: 2, c: 39126}, {f: 2, c: 39132}, 39137, {f: 4, c: 39139}, 39148, 39150, {f: 2, c: 39152}, 39155, {f: 7, c: 39157}, {f: 4, c: 39167}, 39172, {f: 3, c: 39174}, 39179, {f: 2, c: 39182}, {f: 4, c: 39188}, {f: 2, c: 39193}, {f: 2, c: 39196}, {f: 2, c: 39199}, {f: 6, c: 39202}, {f: 5, c: 39209}, {f: 4, c: 39215}, {f: 3, c: 39220}, {f: 4, c: 39224}, 39229, {f: 3, c: 39232}, 39236, {f: 2, c: 39238}, {f: 4, c: 39245}, 39251, 39254, {f: 4, c: 39256}, 39261, {f: 3, c: 39263}, 39268, 39270, 39283, {f: 2, c: 39288}, 39291, 39294, {f: 2, c: 39298}, 39305, 39308, 39310, {f: 11, c: 39322}, {f: 2, c: 39334}, {f: 3, c: 39337}, {f: 2, c: 39343}, 39346, {f: 12, c: 39349}, {f: 14, c: 39362}, 39379, {f: 2, c: 39382}, 39386, 39388, 39390, 39392, {f: 10, c: 39395}, {f: 3, c: 39406}, {f: 13, c: 39410}, 39424, {f: 3, c: 39426}, {f: 7, c: 39430}, {f: 6, c: 39440}, {f: 2, c: 39447}, {f: 17, c: 39450}, 39468, 39471, {f: 5, c: 39473}, {f: 5, c: 39481}, 39487, {f: 4, c: 39494}, {f: 2, c: 39499}, 39502, {f: 5, c: 39504}, 39510, {f: 2, c: 39512}, {f: 3, c: 39516}, {f: 2, c: 39520}, 39523, {f: 4, c: 39526}, 39531, 39538, 39555, 39561, {f: 2, c: 39565}, {f: 2, c: 39572}, 39577, 39590, {f: 6, c: 39593}, {f: 4, c: 39602}, 39609, 39611, {f: 3, c: 39613}, {f: 2, c: 39619}, {f: 5, c: 39622}, {f: 2, c: 39629}, 39632, 39639, {f: 6, c: 39641}, 39648, {f: 4, c: 39650}, {f: 4, c: 39655}, 39660, {f: 9, c: 39664}, 39674, {f: 7, c: 39676}, {f: 2, c: 39684}, 39687, {f: 4, c: 39689}, 39694, {f: 3, c: 39696}, {f: 6, c: 39700}, {f: 4, c: 39707}, {f: 2, c: 39712}, 39716, 39718, 39720, {f: 4, c: 39722}, 39728, {f: 8, c: 39731}, {f: 4, c: 39741}, 39750, {f: 3, c: 39754}, 39760, {f: 2, c: 39762}, {f: 3, c: 39765}, 39769, {f: 20, c: 39771}, {f: 4, c: 39792}, {f: 2, c: 39797}, {f: 9, c: 39800}, 39810, {f: 10, c: 39812}, 39823, {f: 7, c: 39827}, {f: 2, c: 39835}, {f: 11, c: 39839}, 39852, {f: 17, c: 39855}, {f: 5, c: 39874}, 39880, {f: 9, c: 39883}, 39893, {f: 4, c: 39895}, 39900, {f: 3, c: 39902}, 39907, {f: 2, c: 39909}, 39913, {f: 4, c: 39916}, {f: 3, c: 39921}, {f: 8, c: 39925}, 39934, {f: 8, c: 39936}, {f: 3, c: 39946}, {f: 2, c: 39950}, 39953, {f: 12, c: 39956}, {f: 2, c: 39969}, 39972, {f: 2, c: 39974}, {f: 3, c: 39978}, {f: 3, c: 39982}, 39988, 39990, 39992, 39994, {f: 2, c: 39996}, {f: 6, c: 39999}, {f: 2, c: 40006}, {f: 8, c: 40010}, 40019, 40021, {f: 4, c: 40025}, 40030, {f: 7, c: 40032}, {f: 5, c: 40040}, {f: 10, c: 40046}, 40057, 40059, {f: 2, c: 40061}, 40064, {f: 2, c: 40067}, {f: 2, c: 40073}, 40076, 40079, 40083, {f: 4, c: 40086}, 40093, 40106, 40108, 40111, 40121, {f: 5, c: 40126}, {f: 2, c: 40136}, {f: 2, c: 40145}, {f: 2, c: 40154}, {f: 2, c: 40160}, {f: 2, c: 40163}, {f: 3, c: 40166}, {f: 2, c: 40170}, {f: 6, c: 40173}, 40181, {f: 15, c: 40183}, 40200, {f: 11, c: 40202}, {f: 5, c: 40214}, 40220, 40222, {f: 3, c: 40224}, {f: 2, c: 40228}, 40231, {f: 6, c: 40233}, {f: 10, c: 40241}, {f: 3, c: 40252}, {f: 2, c: 40256}, {f: 14, c: 40259}, {f: 8, c: 40276}, {f: 2, c: 40286}, {f: 8, c: 40290}, 40299, {f: 2, c: 40301}, {f: 2, c: 40304}, {f: 20, c: 40307}, 40328, {f: 9, c: 40330}, {f: 4, c: 40340}, 40345, {f: 10, c: 40347}, {f: 3, c: 40358}, {f: 5, c: 40362}, {f: 4, c: 40368}, {f: 6, c: 40373}, {f: 3, c: 40381}, 40385, 40387, {f: 14, c: 40389}, {f: 3, c: 40404}, 40408, {f: 10, c: 40411}, {f: 8, c: 40423}, {f: 2, c: 40432}, {f: 4, c: 40436}, {f: 17, c: 40443}, {f: 8, c: 40461}, {f: 4, c: 40470}, 40476, 40484, 40487, 40494, 40496, 40500, {f: 2, c: 40507}, 40512, 40525, 40528, {f: 3, c: 40530}, 40534, 40537, 40541, {f: 4, c: 40543}, 40549, {f: 2, c: 40558}, 40562, 40564, {f: 3, c: 40566}, 40571, {f: 2, c: 40576}, {f: 4, c: 40579}, {f: 2, c: 40585}, {f: 6, c: 40588}, {f: 3, c: 40596}, {f: 5, c: 40600}, 40606, {f: 5, c: 40608}, {f: 2, c: 40615}, {f: 5, c: 40618}, {f: 4, c: 40624}, {f: 2, c: 40630}, {f: 2, c: 40633}, 40636, {f: 4, c: 40639}, [12232, 40643], {f: 4, c: 40645}, {f: 2, c: 40650}, 40656, {f: 2, c: 40658}, {f: 3, c: 40661}, {f: 2, c: 40665}, 40673, {f: 2, c: 40675}, 40678, {f: 4, c: 40683}, {f: 2, c: 40688}, 40691, {f: 2, c: 40693}, 40696, 40698, {f: 9, c: 40704}, 40714, 40716, 40719, {f: 2, c: 40721}, 40724, 40726, 40728, {f: 6, c: 40730}, 40737, {f: 9, c: 40739}, {f: 2, c: 40749}, {f: 7, c: 40752}, 40760, 40762, 40764, {f: 5, c: 40767}, {f: 5, c: 40773}, {f: 3, c: 40780}, 40787, {f: 4, c: 40789}, {f: 2, c: 40794}, {f: 2, c: 40797}, 40802, {f: 2, c: 40804}, {f: 3, c: 40807}, 40811, {f: 5, c: 40813}, {f: 4, c: 40819}, {f: 7, c: 40824}, {f: 2, c: 40833}, {f: 2, c: 40846}, {f: 3, c: 40849}, {f: 3, c: 40854}, {f: 2, c: 40861}, {f: 5, c: 40865}, 63788, {f: 3, c: 64013}, 64017, {f: 2, c: 64019}, 64024, {f: 3, c: 64031}, {f: 2, c: 64035}, {f: 3, c: 64039}, 11905, [59414, 131207], [59415, 131209], [59416, 131276], 11908, 13427, 13383, 11912, 11915, 59422, 13726, 13850, 13838, 11916, 11927, 14702, 14616, 59430, 14799, 14815, 14963, 14800, {f: 2, c: 59435}, 15182, 15470, 15584, 11943, [59441, 136663], 59442, 11946, 16470, 16735, 11950, 17207, 11955, {f: 2, c: 11958}, [59451, 141711], 17329, 17324, 11963, 17373, 17622, 18017, 17996, [59459, 132361], 18211, 18217, 18300, 18317, 11978, 18759, 18810, 18813, {f: 2, c: 18818}, {f: 2, c: 18821}, 18847, 18843, 18871, 18870, [59476, 133533], [59477, 147966], 19619, {f: 3, c: 19615}, 19575, 19618, {f: 7, c: 19731}, 19886, 59492, {s: 226}, 8364, 165, 0, 0, 12351, {s: 17}, 12436, {s: 14}, 12535, 12537, 12536, 12538, 0, {f: 3, c: 12339}, {f: 3, c: 12344}, {f: 3, c: 12586}, {f: 24, c: 12704}, 11904, {f: 2, c: 11906}, {f: 3, c: 11909}, {f: 2, c: 11913}, {f: 10, c: 11917}, {f: 2, c: 11928}, {f: 12, c: 11931}, {f: 2, c: 11944}, {f: 3, c: 11947}, {f: 4, c: 11951}, {f: 2, c: 11956}, {f: 3, c: 11960}, {f: 14, c: 11964}, {f: 41, c: 11979}, {f: 71, c: 13312}, {f: 43, c: 13384}, {f: 298, c: 13428}, {f: 111, c: 13727}, {f: 11, c: 13839}, {f: 765, c: 13851}, {f: 85, c: 14617}, {f: 96, c: 14703}, {f: 14, c: 14801}, {f: 147, c: 14816}, {f: 218, c: 14964}, {f: 287, c: 15183}, {f: 113, c: 15471}, {f: 885, c: 15585}, {f: 264, c: 16471}, {f: 471, c: 16736}, {f: 116, c: 17208}, {f: 4, c: 17325}, {f: 43, c: 17330}, {f: 248, c: 17374}, {f: 373, c: 17623}, {f: 20, c: 17997}, {f: 193, c: 18018}, {f: 5, c: 18212}, {f: 82, c: 18218}, {f: 16, c: 18301}, {f: 441, c: 18318}, {f: 50, c: 18760}, {f: 2, c: 18811}, {f: 4, c: 18814}, 18820, {f: 20, c: 18823}, {f: 3, c: 18844}, {f: 22, c: 18848}, {f: 703, c: 18872}, {f: 39, c: 19576}, {f: 111, c: 19620}, {f: 148, c: 19738}, {f: 7, c: 19887}] }; var ColorSpace = (function ColorSpaceClosure() { // Constructor should define this.numComps, this.defaultColor, this.name function ColorSpace() { error('should not call ColorSpace constructor'); } ColorSpace.prototype = { /** * Converts the color value to the RGB color. The color components are * located in the src array starting from the srcOffset. Returns the array * of the rgb components, each value ranging from [0,255]. */ getRgb: function ColorSpace_getRgb(src, srcOffset) { error('Should not call ColorSpace.getRgb'); }, /** * Converts the color value to the RGB color, similar to the getRgb method. * The result placed into the dest array starting from the destOffset. */ getRgbItem: function ColorSpace_getRgb(src, srcOffset, dest, destOffset) { error('Should not call ColorSpace.getRgbItem'); }, /** * Converts the specified number of the color values to the RGB colors. * The colors are located in the src array starting from the srcOffset. * The result is placed into the dest array starting from the destOffset. * The src array items shall be in [0,2^bits) range, the dest array items * will be in [0,255] range. */ getRgbBuffer: function ColorSpace_getRgbBuffer(src, srcOffset, count, dest, destOffset, bits) { error('Should not call ColorSpace.getRgbBuffer'); }, /** * Determines amount of the bytes is required to store the reslut of the * conversion that done by the getRgbBuffer method. */ getOutputLength: function ColorSpace_getOutputLength(inputLength) { error('Should not call ColorSpace.getOutputLength'); }, /** * Returns true if source data will be equal the result/output data. */ isPassthrough: function ColorSpace_isPassthrough(bits) { return false; }, /** * Creates the output buffer and converts the specified number of the color * values to the RGB colors, similar to the getRgbBuffer. */ createRgbBuffer: function ColorSpace_createRgbBuffer(src, srcOffset, count, bits) { if (this.isPassthrough(bits)) { return src.subarray(srcOffset); } var destLength = this.getOutputLength(count * this.numComps); var dest = new Uint8Array(destLength); this.getRgbBuffer(src, srcOffset, count, dest, 0, bits); return dest; } }; ColorSpace.parse = function ColorSpace_parse(cs, xref, res) { var IR = ColorSpace.parseToIR(cs, xref, res); if (IR instanceof AlternateCS) return IR; return ColorSpace.fromIR(IR); }; ColorSpace.fromIR = function ColorSpace_fromIR(IR) { var name = isArray(IR) ? IR[0] : IR; switch (name) { case 'DeviceGrayCS': return new DeviceGrayCS(); case 'DeviceRgbCS': return new DeviceRgbCS(); case 'DeviceCmykCS': return new DeviceCmykCS(); case 'PatternCS': var basePatternCS = IR[1]; if (basePatternCS) basePatternCS = ColorSpace.fromIR(basePatternCS); return new PatternCS(basePatternCS); case 'IndexedCS': var baseIndexedCS = IR[1]; var hiVal = IR[2]; var lookup = IR[3]; return new IndexedCS(ColorSpace.fromIR(baseIndexedCS), hiVal, lookup); case 'AlternateCS': var numComps = IR[1]; var alt = IR[2]; var tintFnIR = IR[3]; return new AlternateCS(numComps, ColorSpace.fromIR(alt), PDFFunction.fromIR(tintFnIR)); case 'LabCS': var whitePoint = IR[1].WhitePoint; var blackPoint = IR[1].BlackPoint; var range = IR[1].Range; return new LabCS(whitePoint, blackPoint, range); default: error('Unkown name ' + name); } return null; }; ColorSpace.parseToIR = function ColorSpace_parseToIR(cs, xref, res) { if (isName(cs)) { var colorSpaces = res.get('ColorSpace'); if (isDict(colorSpaces)) { var refcs = colorSpaces.get(cs.name); if (refcs) cs = refcs; } } cs = xref.fetchIfRef(cs); var mode; if (isName(cs)) { mode = cs.name; this.mode = mode; switch (mode) { case 'DeviceGray': case 'G': return 'DeviceGrayCS'; case 'DeviceRGB': case 'RGB': return 'DeviceRgbCS'; case 'DeviceCMYK': case 'CMYK': return 'DeviceCmykCS'; case 'Pattern': return ['PatternCS', null]; default: error('unrecognized colorspace ' + mode); } } else if (isArray(cs)) { mode = cs[0].name; this.mode = mode; switch (mode) { case 'DeviceGray': case 'G': return 'DeviceGrayCS'; case 'DeviceRGB': case 'RGB': return 'DeviceRgbCS'; case 'DeviceCMYK': case 'CMYK': return 'DeviceCmykCS'; case 'CalGray': return 'DeviceGrayCS'; case 'CalRGB': return 'DeviceRgbCS'; case 'ICCBased': var stream = xref.fetchIfRef(cs[1]); var dict = stream.dict; var numComps = dict.get('N'); if (numComps == 1) return 'DeviceGrayCS'; if (numComps == 3) return 'DeviceRgbCS'; if (numComps == 4) return 'DeviceCmykCS'; break; case 'Pattern': var basePatternCS = cs[1]; if (basePatternCS) basePatternCS = ColorSpace.parseToIR(basePatternCS, xref, res); return ['PatternCS', basePatternCS]; case 'Indexed': case 'I': var baseIndexedCS = ColorSpace.parseToIR(cs[1], xref, res); var hiVal = cs[2] + 1; var lookup = xref.fetchIfRef(cs[3]); if (isStream(lookup)) { lookup = lookup.getBytes(); } return ['IndexedCS', baseIndexedCS, hiVal, lookup]; case 'Separation': case 'DeviceN': var name = cs[1]; var numComps = 1; if (isName(name)) numComps = 1; else if (isArray(name)) numComps = name.length; var alt = ColorSpace.parseToIR(cs[2], xref, res); var tintFnIR = PDFFunction.getIR(xref, xref.fetchIfRef(cs[3])); return ['AlternateCS', numComps, alt, tintFnIR]; case 'Lab': var params = cs[1].getAll(); return ['LabCS', params]; default: error('unimplemented color space object "' + mode + '"'); } } else { error('unrecognized color space object: "' + cs + '"'); } return null; }; /** * Checks if a decode map matches the default decode map for a color space. * This handles the general decode maps where there are two values per * component. e.g. [0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1] for a RGB color. * This does not handle Lab, Indexed, or Pattern decode maps since they are * slightly different. * @param {Array} decode Decode map (usually from an image). * @param {Number} n Number of components the color space has. */ ColorSpace.isDefaultDecode = function ColorSpace_isDefaultDecode(decode, n) { if (!decode) return true; if (n * 2 !== decode.length) { warn('The decode map is not the correct length'); return true; } for (var i = 0, ii = decode.length; i < ii; i += 2) { if (decode[i] !== 0 || decode[i + 1] != 1) return false; } return true; }; return ColorSpace; })(); /** * Alternate color space handles both Separation and DeviceN color spaces. A * Separation color space is actually just a DeviceN with one color component. * Both color spaces use a tinting function to convert colors to a base color * space. */ var AlternateCS = (function AlternateCSClosure() { function AlternateCS(numComps, base, tintFn) { this.name = 'Alternate'; this.numComps = numComps; this.defaultColor = new Float32Array(numComps); for (var i = 0; i < numComps; ++i) { this.defaultColor[i] = 1; } this.base = base; this.tintFn = tintFn; } AlternateCS.prototype = { getRgb: function AlternateCS_getRgb(src, srcOffset) { var rgb = new Uint8Array(3); this.getRgbItem(src, srcOffset, rgb, 0); return rgb; }, getRgbItem: function AlternateCS_getRgbItem(src, srcOffset, dest, destOffset) { var baseNumComps = this.base.numComps; var input = 'subarray' in src ? src.subarray(srcOffset, srcOffset + this.numComps) : Array.prototype.slice.call(src, srcOffset, srcOffset + this.numComps); var tinted = this.tintFn(input); this.base.getRgbItem(tinted, 0, dest, destOffset); }, getRgbBuffer: function AlternateCS_getRgbBuffer(src, srcOffset, count, dest, destOffset, bits) { var tintFn = this.tintFn; var base = this.base; var scale = 1 / ((1 << bits) - 1); var baseNumComps = base.numComps; var isGetRgbBufferSupported = 'getRgbBuffer' in base; var isPassthrough = base.isPassthrough(8) || !isGetRgbBufferSupported; var pos = isPassthrough ? destOffset : 0; var baseBuf = isPassthrough ? dest : new Uint8Array(baseNumComps * count); var numComps = this.numComps; var scaled = new Float32Array(numComps); for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) { for (var j = 0; j < numComps; j++) { scaled[j] = src[srcOffset++] * scale; } var tinted = tintFn(scaled); if (isGetRgbBufferSupported) { for (var j = 0; j < baseNumComps; j++) { baseBuf[pos++] = tinted[j] * 255; } } else { base.getRgbItem(tinted, 0, baseBuf, pos); pos += baseNumComps; } } if (!isPassthrough) { base.getRgbBuffer(baseBuf, 0, count, dest, destOffset, 8); } }, getOutputLength: function AlternateCS_getOutputLength(inputLength) { return this.base.getOutputLength(inputLength * this.base.numComps / this.numComps); }, isPassthrough: ColorSpace.prototype.isPassthrough, createRgbBuffer: ColorSpace.prototype.createRgbBuffer, isDefaultDecode: function AlternateCS_isDefaultDecode(decodeMap) { return ColorSpace.isDefaultDecode(decodeMap, this.numComps); } }; return AlternateCS; })(); var PatternCS = (function PatternCSClosure() { function PatternCS(baseCS) { this.name = 'Pattern'; this.base = baseCS; } PatternCS.prototype = {}; return PatternCS; })(); var IndexedCS = (function IndexedCSClosure() { function IndexedCS(base, highVal, lookup) { this.name = 'Indexed'; this.numComps = 1; this.defaultColor = new Uint8Array([0]); this.base = base; this.highVal = highVal; var baseNumComps = base.numComps; var length = baseNumComps * highVal; var lookupArray; if (isStream(lookup)) { lookupArray = new Uint8Array(length); var bytes = lookup.getBytes(length); lookupArray.set(bytes); } else if (isString(lookup)) { lookupArray = new Uint8Array(length); for (var i = 0; i < length; ++i) lookupArray[i] = lookup.charCodeAt(i); } else if (lookup instanceof Uint8Array) { lookupArray = lookup; } else { error('Unrecognized lookup table: ' + lookup); } this.lookup = lookupArray; } IndexedCS.prototype = { getRgb: function IndexedCS_getRgb(src, srcOffset) { var numComps = this.base.numComps; var start = src[srcOffset] * numComps; return this.base.getRgb(this.lookup, start); }, getRgbItem: function IndexedCS_getRgbItem(src, srcOffset, dest, destOffset) { var numComps = this.base.numComps; var start = src[srcOffset] * numComps; this.base.getRgbItem(this.lookup, start, dest, destOffset); }, getRgbBuffer: function IndexedCS_getRgbBuffer(src, srcOffset, count, dest, destOffset) { var base = this.base; var numComps = base.numComps; var outputDelta = base.getOutputLength(numComps); var lookup = this.lookup; for (var i = 0; i < count; ++i) { var lookupPos = src[srcOffset++] * numComps; base.getRgbBuffer(lookup, lookupPos, 1, dest, destOffset, 8); destOffset += outputDelta; } }, getOutputLength: function IndexedCS_getOutputLength(inputLength) { return this.base.getOutputLength(inputLength * this.base.numComps); }, isPassthrough: ColorSpace.prototype.isPassthrough, createRgbBuffer: ColorSpace.prototype.createRgbBuffer, isDefaultDecode: function IndexedCS_isDefaultDecode(decodeMap) { // indexed color maps shouldn't be changed return true; } }; return IndexedCS; })(); var DeviceGrayCS = (function DeviceGrayCSClosure() { function DeviceGrayCS() { this.name = 'DeviceGray'; this.numComps = 1; this.defaultColor = new Float32Array([0]); } DeviceGrayCS.prototype = { getRgb: function DeviceGrayCS_getRgb(src, srcOffset) { var rgb = new Uint8Array(3); this.getRgbItem(src, srcOffset, rgb, 0); return rgb; }, getRgbItem: function DeviceGrayCS_getRgbItem(src, srcOffset, dest, destOffset) { var c = (src[srcOffset] * 255) | 0; c = c < 0 ? 0 : c > 255 ? 255 : c; dest[destOffset] = dest[destOffset + 1] = dest[destOffset + 2] = c; }, getRgbBuffer: function DeviceGrayCS_getRgbBuffer(src, srcOffset, count, dest, destOffset, bits) { var scale = 255 / ((1 << bits) - 1); var j = srcOffset, q = destOffset; for (var i = 0; i < count; ++i) { var c = (scale * src[j++]) | 0; dest[q++] = c; dest[q++] = c; dest[q++] = c; } }, getOutputLength: function DeviceGrayCS_getOutputLength(inputLength) { return inputLength * 3; }, isPassthrough: ColorSpace.prototype.isPassthrough, createRgbBuffer: ColorSpace.prototype.createRgbBuffer, isDefaultDecode: function DeviceGrayCS_isDefaultDecode(decodeMap) { return ColorSpace.isDefaultDecode(decodeMap, this.numComps); } }; return DeviceGrayCS; })(); var DeviceRgbCS = (function DeviceRgbCSClosure() { function DeviceRgbCS() { this.name = 'DeviceRGB'; this.numComps = 3; this.defaultColor = new Float32Array([0, 0, 0]); } DeviceRgbCS.prototype = { getRgb: function DeviceRgbCS_getRgb(src, srcOffset) { var rgb = new Uint8Array(3); this.getRgbItem(src, srcOffset, rgb, 0); return rgb; }, getRgbItem: function DeviceRgbCS_getRgbItem(src, srcOffset, dest, destOffset) { var r = src[srcOffset] * 255; var g = src[srcOffset + 1] * 255; var b = src[srcOffset + 2] * 255; dest[destOffset] = r < 0 ? 0 : r > 255 ? 255 : r; dest[destOffset + 1] = g < 0 ? 0 : g > 255 ? 255 : g; dest[destOffset + 2] = b < 0 ? 0 : b > 255 ? 255 : b; }, getRgbBuffer: function DeviceRgbCS_getRgbBuffer(src, srcOffset, count, dest, destOffset, bits) { var length = count * 3; if (bits == 8) { dest.set(src.subarray(srcOffset, srcOffset + length), destOffset); return; } var scale = 255 / ((1 << bits) - 1); var j = srcOffset, q = destOffset; for (var i = 0; i < length; ++i) { dest[q++] = (scale * input[j++]) | 0; } }, getOutputLength: function DeviceRgbCS_getOutputLength(inputLength) { return inputLength; }, isPassthrough: function DeviceRgbCS_isPassthrough(bits) { return bits == 8; }, createRgbBuffer: ColorSpace.prototype.createRgbBuffer, isDefaultDecode: function DeviceRgbCS_isDefaultDecode(decodeMap) { return ColorSpace.isDefaultDecode(decodeMap, this.numComps); } }; return DeviceRgbCS; })(); var DeviceCmykCS = (function DeviceCmykCSClosure() { // Sampled RGB colors from CMYK US Web Coated (SWOP) colorspace var lut = new Uint8Array([ 255, 255, 254, 221, 222, 223, 191, 193, 195, 161, 163, 166, 133, 136, 138, 105, 107, 109, 75, 75, 77, 35, 31, 32, 255, 252, 224, 226, 220, 198, 195, 191, 173, 164, 162, 147, 136, 134, 122, 107, 106, 96, 75, 74, 66, 33, 29, 24, 255, 249, 197, 229, 218, 174, 198, 190, 153, 166, 160, 129, 138, 133, 107, 108, 104, 83, 76, 73, 56, 33, 28, 15, 255, 247, 168, 232, 216, 149, 200, 188, 130, 168, 158, 110, 139, 131, 90, 110, 103, 70, 77, 72, 45, 32, 27, 4, 255, 245, 140, 234, 214, 124, 202, 186, 108, 170, 157, 91, 140, 130, 74, 110, 102, 56, 77, 71, 33, 31, 27, 0, 255, 243, 107, 235, 212, 95, 203, 184, 83, 171, 155, 69, 141, 129, 55, 111, 101, 40, 77, 70, 19, 29, 26, 0, 255, 241, 64, 237, 211, 59, 204, 183, 52, 171, 154, 42, 142, 128, 31, 111, 100, 16, 77, 69, 0, 27, 26, 0, 255, 240, 0, 238, 209, 0, 205, 182, 3, 172, 153, 0, 142, 127, 0, 112, 100, 0, 77, 69, 0, 26, 25, 0, 251, 225, 236, 218, 196, 207, 189, 171, 181, 160, 144, 154, 133, 120, 128, 105, 94, 101, 74, 64, 70, 35, 21, 25, 255, 222, 208, 222, 195, 184, 192, 169, 161, 162, 143, 136, 135, 118, 113, 106, 92, 88, 75, 63, 60, 34, 20, 17, 255, 220, 184, 225, 193, 162, 195, 168, 142, 164, 142, 120, 136, 117, 99, 107, 91, 77, 75, 62, 50, 33, 20, 8, 255, 218, 157, 227, 191, 139, 197, 166, 121, 165, 140, 102, 137, 116, 84, 108, 90, 64, 76, 61, 40, 32, 19, 0, 255, 216, 132, 229, 189, 116, 198, 165, 101, 167, 139, 85, 138, 115, 69, 109, 89, 51, 76, 61, 28, 31, 18, 0, 255, 214, 102, 230, 188, 90, 199, 163, 78, 167, 138, 65, 139, 114, 51, 109, 89, 35, 76, 60, 14, 29, 18, 0, 255, 213, 65, 232, 186, 58, 200, 162, 50, 168, 136, 39, 139, 113, 28, 110, 88, 12, 76, 60, 0, 27, 18, 0, 255, 212, 8, 232, 185, 13, 201, 161, 11, 169, 136, 3, 139, 112, 0, 110, 87, 0, 76, 59, 0, 26, 18, 0, 248, 197, 219, 216, 172, 192, 187, 150, 168, 158, 126, 143, 132, 104, 119, 104, 81, 93, 74, 54, 64, 35, 10, 19, 251, 195, 193, 219, 171, 171, 190, 149, 150, 161, 125, 127, 133, 103, 105, 106, 80, 81, 75, 53, 54, 34, 10, 10, 254, 193, 171, 221, 169, 151, 192, 148, 132, 162, 124, 112, 134, 102, 92, 106, 79, 70, 75, 52, 45, 34, 9, 1, 255, 191, 147, 223, 168, 130, 193, 146, 113, 163, 123, 95, 135, 101, 77, 107, 78, 58, 75, 52, 35, 32, 9, 0, 255, 190, 124, 225, 166, 109, 195, 145, 95, 164, 122, 79, 136, 100, 63, 107, 77, 46, 76, 51, 24, 31, 9, 0, 255, 188, 97, 226, 165, 85, 196, 143, 74, 165, 121, 60, 137, 99, 47, 108, 77, 31, 75, 51, 10, 29, 9, 0, 255, 187, 64, 227, 164, 56, 196, 142, 48, 165, 120, 37, 137, 98, 25, 108, 76, 9, 75, 50, 0, 28, 9, 0, 255, 186, 23, 228, 163, 21, 197, 142, 15, 166, 119, 5, 137, 98, 0, 108, 76, 0, 75, 50, 0, 27, 8, 0, 245, 168, 201, 214, 147, 177, 186, 128, 155, 157, 107, 131, 131, 88, 109, 104, 67, 85, 74, 42, 57, 35, 0, 12, 248, 166, 178, 216, 146, 157, 188, 127, 138, 159, 107, 116, 132, 87, 96, 105, 66, 74, 74, 41, 48, 35, 0, 3, 250, 165, 158, 218, 145, 139, 189, 126, 122, 160, 106, 103, 133, 86, 84, 105, 66, 64, 75, 41, 39, 33, 0, 0, 252, 164, 136, 220, 144, 120, 190, 125, 104, 161, 105, 87, 134, 86, 71, 106, 65, 52, 75, 41, 29, 32, 0, 0, 253, 162, 115, 221, 142, 101, 191, 124, 88, 161, 104, 72, 134, 85, 58, 106, 64, 41, 75, 40, 19, 31, 0, 0, 254, 161, 91, 222, 141, 80, 192, 123, 68, 162, 103, 55, 134, 84, 42, 106, 64, 26, 75, 40, 6, 29, 0, 0, 255, 160, 62, 223, 140, 54, 193, 122, 45, 162, 102, 34, 135, 83, 22, 106, 63, 5, 74, 40, 0, 28, 0, 0, 255, 159, 29, 223, 140, 25, 193, 121, 18, 163, 101, 7, 135, 83, 0, 107, 63, 0, 74, 40, 0, 28, 0, 0, 243, 142, 185, 212, 123, 163, 184, 107, 142, 156, 89, 120, 130, 72, 100, 104, 53, 77, 74, 29, 51, 35, 0, 4, 245, 140, 164, 214, 123, 145, 186, 106, 127, 157, 89, 107, 131, 72, 88, 104, 53, 67, 74, 29, 42, 34, 0, 0, 247, 139, 146, 215, 122, 129, 187, 106, 112, 158, 88, 94, 132, 71, 77, 104, 53, 57, 74, 29, 33, 33, 0, 0, 248, 138, 126, 217, 121, 111, 188, 105, 96, 159, 87, 80, 132, 70, 64, 105, 52, 47, 74, 29, 24, 31, 0, 0, 249, 137, 107, 218, 120, 94, 189, 104, 81, 159, 86, 66, 132, 70, 52, 105, 52, 36, 74, 29, 15, 30, 0, 0, 250, 136, 85, 218, 119, 74, 189, 103, 63, 160, 86, 51, 133, 69, 38, 105, 51, 22, 74, 29, 2, 29, 0, 0, 251, 135, 59, 219, 118, 51, 190, 102, 42, 160, 85, 31, 133, 69, 19, 105, 51, 3, 74, 29, 0, 29, 0, 0, 252, 134, 31, 219, 118, 26, 190, 102, 19, 160, 85, 7, 133, 69, 0, 105, 51, 0, 73, 29, 0, 28, 0, 0, 240, 113, 169, 210, 98, 149, 183, 84, 130, 155, 69, 110, 129, 54, 90, 103, 37, 70, 74, 11, 44, 32, 0, 1, 242, 111, 150, 212, 97, 132, 184, 84, 116, 156, 69, 97, 130, 54, 79, 103, 37, 60, 74, 12, 36, 31, 0, 0, 244, 111, 134, 213, 97, 118, 185, 83, 102, 157, 68, 86, 130, 54, 69, 104, 37, 51, 74, 13, 28, 30, 0, 0, 245, 110, 116, 214, 96, 102, 186, 83, 88, 157, 68, 73, 131, 53, 58, 104, 37, 41, 74, 14, 19, 29, 0, 0, 246, 110, 98, 215, 96, 86, 186, 82, 74, 157, 67, 60, 131, 53, 46, 104, 37, 30, 73, 14, 10, 28, 0, 0, 247, 109, 79, 215, 95, 69, 187, 82, 58, 158, 67, 46, 131, 53, 33, 104, 37, 18, 73, 15, 1, 28, 0, 0, 247, 108, 56, 216, 95, 48, 187, 82, 40, 158, 67, 29, 131, 53, 16, 104, 37, 0, 73, 15, 0, 27, 0, 0, 248, 108, 32, 216, 94, 27, 187, 81, 20, 158, 67, 8, 131, 53, 0, 104, 37, 0, 72, 16, 0, 27, 0, 0, 238, 78, 154, 208, 66, 135, 181, 55, 118, 154, 43, 99, 129, 30, 81, 103, 12, 62, 74, 0, 38, 27, 0, 0, 240, 77, 136, 210, 66, 120, 183, 56, 105, 155, 43, 88, 129, 30, 71, 103, 13, 53, 73, 0, 29, 26, 0, 0, 241, 77, 122, 211, 66, 107, 183, 56, 93, 155, 44, 77, 129, 31, 62, 103, 14, 44, 73, 0, 23, 26, 0, 0, 242, 77, 106, 211, 66, 92, 184, 56, 80, 155, 44, 65, 129, 31, 51, 103, 15, 35, 73, 0, 14, 25, 0, 0, 243, 77, 90, 212, 66, 79, 184, 56, 67, 156, 44, 54, 129, 32, 41, 103, 16, 25, 73, 0, 6, 25, 0, 0, 243, 77, 73, 213, 66, 63, 184, 56, 53, 156, 44, 41, 130, 32, 28, 103, 17, 13, 72, 0, 0, 25, 0, 0, 244, 77, 53, 213, 67, 45, 185, 56, 37, 156, 45, 26, 130, 33, 13, 103, 18, 0, 72, 0, 0, 25, 0, 0, 244, 77, 33, 213, 67, 28, 185, 57, 21, 156, 45, 9, 130, 33, 0, 103, 19, 0, 72, 0, 0, 24, 0, 0, 237, 13, 138, 207, 4, 122, 180, 0, 106, 153, 0, 89, 128, 0, 72, 102, 0, 54, 73, 0, 31, 21, 0, 0, 238, 16, 123, 208, 6, 108, 181, 0, 94, 154, 0, 78, 128, 0, 63, 102, 0, 46, 72, 0, 24, 21, 0, 0, 239, 20, 110, 209, 11, 96, 181, 1, 83, 154, 0, 69, 128, 0, 54, 102, 0, 38, 72, 0, 17, 22, 0, 0, 239, 23, 96, 209, 15, 84, 182, 5, 72, 154, 0, 58, 128, 0, 45, 102, 0, 29, 72, 0, 9, 22, 0, 0, 240, 26, 82, 210, 19, 71, 182, 10, 60, 154, 0, 48, 128, 0, 35, 102, 0, 20, 72, 0, 3, 22, 0, 0, 241, 27, 67, 210, 21, 58, 182, 14, 48, 154, 3, 37, 128, 0, 24, 102, 0, 8, 71, 0, 0, 22, 0, 0, 241, 29, 50, 210, 23, 42, 183, 17, 34, 154, 6, 23, 129, 0, 10, 102, 0, 0, 71, 0, 0, 22, 0, 0, 241, 30, 34, 211, 25, 28, 183, 19, 21, 155, 9, 10, 129, 0, 0, 102, 0, 0, 71, 0, 0, 22, 0, 0, 211, 239, 252, 184, 210, 221, 160, 183, 194, 135, 155, 164, 111, 128, 137, 87, 101, 109, 59, 70, 76, 22, 28, 32, 218, 237, 223, 190, 208, 196, 165, 181, 172, 139, 153, 146, 114, 127, 121, 89, 100, 95, 61, 69, 66, 21, 27, 25, 223, 235, 196, 195, 206, 174, 169, 179, 152, 142, 151, 129, 117, 126, 107, 91, 99, 83, 62, 68, 56, 20, 26, 17, 227, 232, 168, 198, 204, 149, 171, 177, 130, 144, 150, 110, 119, 124, 91, 93, 98, 70, 63, 68, 46, 20, 25, 6, 231, 230, 142, 201, 202, 125, 174, 176, 109, 146, 148, 92, 120, 123, 75, 94, 97, 57, 63, 67, 35, 19, 25, 0, 234, 229, 112, 203, 200, 98, 176, 174, 86, 147, 147, 71, 121, 122, 57, 94, 96, 42, 64, 66, 21, 17, 24, 0, 236, 227, 75, 205, 199, 66, 177, 173, 57, 148, 146, 47, 122, 121, 35, 95, 95, 21, 64, 65, 2, 14, 24, 0, 238, 226, 32, 207, 198, 30, 178, 172, 25, 149, 145, 17, 123, 120, 6, 95, 94, 0, 64, 65, 0, 11, 24, 0, 211, 211, 233, 184, 186, 206, 160, 162, 180, 135, 137, 153, 112, 113, 127, 88, 89, 100, 61, 60, 70, 23, 18, 26, 217, 209, 207, 190, 184, 183, 165, 161, 160, 139, 136, 136, 115, 112, 113, 90, 88, 88, 62, 59, 60, 23, 17, 19, 221, 208, 183, 193, 183, 162, 167, 159, 142, 141, 134, 120, 116, 111, 99, 91, 87, 77, 62, 59, 51, 22, 17, 10, 224, 206, 158, 196, 181, 139, 170, 157, 122, 143, 133, 103, 118, 110, 84, 92, 86, 64, 63, 58, 40, 22, 16, 0, 227, 204, 133, 198, 179, 118, 172, 156, 102, 144, 132, 86, 119, 109, 70, 93, 85, 52, 64, 57, 30, 20, 16, 0, 230, 203, 106, 200, 178, 93, 173, 155, 81, 145, 130, 67, 120, 108, 53, 94, 84, 37, 64, 57, 17, 17, 16, 0, 232, 201, 73, 202, 177, 64, 175, 154, 55, 146, 129, 44, 121, 107, 33, 94, 83, 18, 64, 56, 0, 15, 16, 0, 233, 201, 38, 203, 176, 32, 175, 153, 27, 147, 129, 18, 121, 106, 6, 94, 83, 0, 64, 56, 0, 13, 16, 0, 210, 186, 216, 184, 163, 191, 160, 143, 167, 136, 120, 142, 112, 99, 118, 88, 77, 93, 61, 50, 64, 24, 6, 21, 215, 184, 192, 189, 162, 170, 164, 141, 149, 138, 119, 126, 115, 98, 104, 90, 76, 81, 62, 50, 54, 24, 6, 12, 219, 183, 171, 192, 161, 151, 166, 140, 132, 140, 118, 112, 116, 97, 92, 91, 75, 71, 63, 49, 46, 23, 6, 3, 222, 181, 148, 194, 159, 130, 168, 139, 114, 142, 117, 95, 117, 96, 78, 92, 74, 59, 63, 49, 36, 22, 6, 0, 224, 180, 125, 196, 158, 110, 170, 138, 96, 143, 116, 80, 118, 95, 64, 92, 74, 47, 64, 48, 25, 20, 6, 0, 226, 178, 100, 197, 157, 88, 171, 136, 76, 144, 115, 62, 119, 94, 49, 93, 73, 33, 64, 48, 13, 18, 6, 0, 228, 177, 71, 199, 156, 62, 172, 135, 52, 144, 114, 41, 119, 94, 30, 93, 72, 14, 64, 47, 0, 16, 6, 0, 229, 177, 40, 200, 155, 34, 173, 135, 27, 145, 113, 18, 120, 93, 5, 93, 72, 0, 63, 47, 0, 15, 6, 0, 210, 159, 199, 184, 140, 176, 160, 122, 154, 136, 102, 131, 113, 84, 108, 89, 64, 85, 62, 39, 57, 25, 0, 14, 214, 158, 177, 188, 139, 157, 163, 121, 137, 138, 102, 116, 114, 83, 96, 90, 63, 74, 63, 38, 48, 25, 0, 5, 217, 157, 158, 190, 138, 139, 165, 120, 122, 139, 101, 103, 115, 82, 84, 91, 62, 64, 63, 38, 40, 23, 0, 0, 219, 156, 137, 192, 137, 120, 167, 119, 105, 140, 100, 88, 116, 82, 71, 91, 62, 53, 63, 38, 30, 22, 0, 0, 221, 155, 116, 193, 136, 102, 168, 118, 89, 141, 99, 73, 117, 81, 59, 92, 61, 42, 63, 38, 21, 20, 0, 0, 223, 153, 94, 195, 135, 82, 169, 117, 70, 142, 98, 57, 117, 80, 44, 92, 61, 29, 63, 37, 8, 18, 0, 0, 224, 153, 68, 196, 134, 58, 170, 116, 49, 143, 97, 38, 118, 80, 26, 92, 60, 11, 63, 37, 0, 17, 0, 0, 225, 152, 41, 197, 133, 34, 170, 116, 27, 143, 97, 17, 118, 79, 4, 92, 60, 0, 63, 37, 0, 16, 0, 0, 209, 134, 183, 183, 118, 162, 160, 102, 142, 136, 85, 120, 113, 69, 100, 89, 50, 77, 62, 26, 51, 23, 0, 6, 213, 133, 163, 187, 117, 144, 163, 102, 126, 137, 85, 107, 114, 68, 88, 90, 50, 67, 63, 26, 43, 22, 0, 1, 215, 133, 146, 188, 116, 129, 164, 101, 112, 139, 84, 94, 115, 68, 77, 91, 50, 58, 63, 27, 34, 20, 0, 0, 217, 132, 127, 190, 116, 111, 165, 100, 97, 139, 84, 81, 116, 67, 65, 91, 49, 48, 63, 27, 25, 19, 0, 0, 219, 131, 108, 191, 115, 95, 166, 100, 82, 140, 83, 68, 116, 67, 53, 91, 49, 37, 63, 27, 17, 17, 0, 0, 220, 130, 88, 192, 114, 76, 167, 99, 65, 141, 82, 53, 116, 66, 40, 91, 49, 24, 63, 27, 5, 16, 0, 0, 221, 129, 64, 193, 113, 55, 168, 98, 46, 141, 82, 35, 117, 66, 23, 91, 49, 7, 63, 27, 0, 14, 0, 0, 222, 129, 41, 194, 113, 34, 168, 98, 26, 141, 81, 16, 117, 66, 3, 92, 48, 0, 62, 27, 0, 13, 0, 0, 209, 108, 168, 183, 94, 148, 160, 81, 130, 135, 66, 110, 113, 51, 91, 89, 35, 70, 63, 8, 45, 18, 0, 1, 212, 107, 150, 186, 94, 132, 162, 81, 116, 137, 66, 97, 114, 52, 80, 90, 35, 60, 63, 9, 37, 16, 0, 0, 214, 107, 134, 187, 93, 118, 163, 80, 103, 138, 66, 86, 114, 51, 70, 90, 35, 52, 63, 10, 29, 15, 0, 0, 215, 106, 117, 188, 93, 103, 164, 80, 89, 138, 66, 74, 115, 51, 59, 90, 35, 42, 63, 11, 21, 13, 0, 0, 216, 106, 100, 189, 92, 88, 164, 79, 75, 139, 65, 62, 115, 51, 48, 91, 35, 32, 63, 12, 12, 12, 0, 0, 217, 105, 82, 190, 92, 71, 165, 79, 60, 139, 65, 48, 115, 51, 35, 91, 35, 20, 62, 13, 3, 11, 0, 0, 218, 105, 61, 191, 92, 52, 166, 79, 43, 140, 65, 32, 116, 51, 20, 91, 35, 3, 62, 14, 0, 10, 0, 0, 219, 104, 41, 192, 91, 34, 166, 78, 26, 140, 65, 15, 116, 51, 2, 91, 35, 0, 62, 14, 0, 10, 0, 0, 208, 76, 153, 183, 65, 135, 159, 54, 118, 135, 42, 99, 113, 29, 82, 89, 10, 62, 62, 0, 38, 10, 0, 0, 211, 76, 137, 185, 65, 121, 161, 55, 105, 136, 43, 88, 114, 30, 72, 90, 12, 54, 63, 0, 31, 9, 0, 0, 212, 76, 122, 186, 66, 108, 162, 55, 94, 137, 43, 78, 114, 30, 63, 90, 13, 45, 62, 0, 24, 9, 0, 0, 213, 76, 107, 187, 66, 94, 162, 55, 81, 137, 43, 67, 114, 31, 52, 90, 15, 36, 62, 0, 16, 8, 0, 0, 214, 76, 92, 188, 66, 80, 163, 55, 69, 138, 44, 56, 114, 31, 42, 90, 16, 27, 62, 0, 8, 8, 0, 0, 215, 76, 76, 188, 66, 65, 164, 55, 55, 138, 44, 43, 114, 32, 31, 90, 16, 16, 62, 0, 1, 7, 0, 0, 216, 76, 57, 189, 66, 49, 164, 56, 40, 138, 44, 29, 115, 32, 16, 90, 17, 1, 61, 0, 0, 7, 0, 0, 217, 76, 40, 190, 66, 33, 164, 56, 25, 138, 44, 14, 114, 33, 1, 90, 18, 0, 61, 0, 0, 7, 0, 0, 207, 26, 139, 182, 16, 122, 159, 3, 106, 135, 0, 89, 113, 0, 73, 89, 0, 55, 62, 0, 32, 4, 0, 0, 210, 27, 124, 184, 18, 109, 160, 7, 95, 136, 0, 79, 113, 0, 64, 90, 0, 47, 62, 0, 25, 4, 0, 0, 211, 30, 111, 185, 21, 98, 161, 11, 84, 136, 0, 70, 113, 0, 55, 90, 0, 39, 62, 0, 18, 4, 0, 0, 212, 32, 98, 185, 24, 85, 161, 15, 73, 136, 2, 60, 113, 0, 46, 90, 0, 30, 61, 0, 11, 4, 0, 0, 213, 34, 85, 186, 26, 73, 162, 17, 62, 137, 5, 50, 113, 0, 37, 89, 0, 22, 61, 0, 5, 4, 0, 0, 213, 35, 70, 187, 27, 60, 162, 19, 50, 137, 8, 39, 114, 0, 26, 89, 0, 11, 61, 0, 0, 4, 0, 0, 214, 35, 54, 187, 29, 45, 163, 21, 37, 137, 11, 26, 114, 0, 13, 89, 0, 0, 60, 0, 0, 4, 0, 0, 214, 35, 40, 188, 29, 32, 163, 22, 24, 137, 12, 13, 114, 0, 0, 89, 0, 0, 60, 0, 0, 4, 0, 0, 169, 226, 249, 148, 199, 219, 129, 173, 192, 108, 147, 163, 88, 122, 136, 68, 96, 108, 43, 66, 76, 4, 25, 33, 178, 224, 221, 156, 197, 195, 136, 172, 171, 114, 145, 145, 93, 121, 120, 71, 95, 95, 46, 65, 66, 4, 24, 25, 185, 222, 196, 162, 195, 173, 140, 170, 151, 117, 144, 128, 96, 119, 106, 74, 94, 83, 47, 65, 57, 4, 24, 18, 190, 220, 169, 166, 193, 149, 144, 168, 130, 120, 142, 110, 99, 118, 91, 76, 93, 70, 49, 64, 46, 3, 23, 8, 195, 218, 143, 170, 191, 126, 147, 167, 110, 123, 141, 93, 100, 117, 76, 77, 92, 58, 50, 63, 36, 3, 23, 0, 199, 216, 115, 173, 190, 101, 149, 165, 88, 125, 140, 74, 102, 116, 59, 78, 91, 43, 51, 63, 23, 0, 23, 0, 202, 215, 83, 176, 189, 72, 152, 164, 62, 126, 138, 51, 103, 115, 39, 79, 90, 25, 51, 62, 6, 0, 22, 0, 204, 214, 50, 178, 188, 43, 153, 163, 37, 127, 138, 28, 104, 114, 18, 80, 89, 3, 51, 62, 0, 0, 22, 0, 172, 200, 231, 152, 176, 204, 132, 154, 178, 111, 130, 152, 91, 108, 126, 70, 84, 100, 46, 57, 70, 9, 15, 27, 180, 198, 205, 158, 175, 182, 138, 153, 159, 116, 129, 135, 95, 107, 112, 73, 83, 88, 48, 56, 60, 8, 15, 20, 186, 197, 182, 163, 173, 161, 141, 151, 141, 119, 128, 119, 97, 106, 99, 75, 82, 77, 49, 55, 51, 8, 14, 11, 190, 195, 158, 166, 172, 139, 144, 150, 122, 121, 127, 103, 99, 105, 84, 77, 81, 65, 50, 55, 41, 8, 14, 2, 194, 193, 135, 169, 170, 119, 147, 148, 103, 123, 125, 87, 101, 104, 70, 78, 81, 53, 51, 54, 31, 5, 14, 0, 197, 192, 109, 172, 169, 96, 149, 147, 83, 124, 124, 69, 102, 103, 55, 79, 80, 39, 51, 54, 19, 2, 14, 0, 200, 191, 80, 174, 168, 69, 150, 146, 59, 126, 123, 48, 103, 102, 36, 79, 79, 22, 52, 53, 2, 0, 14, 0, 202, 190, 51, 176, 167, 43, 152, 145, 36, 127, 123, 27, 103, 101, 16, 80, 79, 1, 52, 53, 0, 0, 14, 0, 175, 176, 215, 154, 156, 190, 134, 136, 166, 113, 115, 141, 93, 94, 118, 72, 73, 93, 48, 47, 64, 12, 2, 22, 182, 175, 191, 160, 154, 169, 139, 135, 148, 117, 114, 126, 96, 94, 104, 75, 72, 81, 50, 47, 55, 12, 3, 14, 186, 174, 170, 163, 153, 151, 142, 134, 132, 119, 113, 111, 98, 93, 92, 76, 71, 71, 51, 46, 46, 11, 3, 5, 190, 172, 148, 166, 152, 130, 144, 132, 114, 121, 112, 96, 100, 92, 78, 77, 71, 59, 51, 46, 36, 9, 4, 0, 192, 171, 127, 169, 151, 111, 146, 131, 97, 123, 111, 81, 101, 91, 65, 78, 70, 48, 52, 45, 26, 6, 4, 0, 195, 170, 103, 171, 150, 90, 148, 130, 78, 124, 110, 64, 102, 90, 51, 79, 70, 35, 52, 45, 15, 3, 5, 0, 198, 169, 76, 173, 149, 66, 149, 129, 56, 125, 109, 45, 103, 89, 33, 79, 69, 18, 52, 45, 0, 1, 5, 0, 199, 168, 51, 174, 148, 43, 150, 129, 35, 126, 108, 26, 103, 89, 14, 80, 69, 0, 52, 45, 0, 0, 5, 0, 177, 151, 198, 156, 134, 175, 136, 117, 153, 115, 98, 130, 95, 80, 108, 74, 60, 85, 50, 36, 58, 11, 0, 15, 183, 150, 176, 161, 133, 156, 140, 116, 137, 118, 97, 116, 97, 79, 96, 76, 60, 74, 51, 36, 49, 11, 0, 6, 186, 150, 158, 163, 132, 139, 142, 115, 122, 120, 97, 103, 99, 79, 84, 77, 59, 64, 52, 36, 41, 9, 0, 1, 189, 148, 137, 166, 131, 121, 144, 114, 105, 121, 96, 88, 100, 78, 72, 78, 59, 54, 52, 36, 31, 7, 0, 0, 191, 147, 118, 168, 130, 103, 145, 113, 90, 122, 95, 75, 101, 77, 60, 78, 59, 43, 52, 35, 22, 5, 0, 0, 193, 147, 97, 169, 129, 84, 147, 112, 72, 123, 94, 59, 101, 77, 46, 79, 58, 31, 52, 35, 11, 4, 0, 0, 195, 146, 73, 171, 128, 62, 148, 111, 53, 124, 93, 41, 102, 76, 30, 79, 58, 15, 52, 35, 0, 3, 0, 0, 197, 145, 50, 172, 128, 42, 149, 111, 34, 125, 93, 24, 102, 76, 12, 79, 57, 0, 52, 35, 0, 2, 0, 0, 179, 128, 183, 157, 113, 162, 137, 98, 142, 116, 82, 120, 96, 66, 100, 75, 48, 78, 51, 24, 52, 5, 0, 8, 183, 128, 163, 161, 113, 144, 140, 98, 126, 119, 81, 107, 98, 65, 88, 76, 48, 68, 52, 24, 43, 6, 0, 1, 186, 127, 146, 163, 112, 129, 142, 97, 112, 120, 81, 95, 99, 65, 77, 77, 47, 58, 52, 24, 35, 4, 0, 0, 188, 126, 128, 165, 111, 112, 144, 96, 97, 121, 80, 81, 100, 65, 66, 78, 47, 48, 53, 24, 26, 3, 0, 0, 190, 126, 110, 167, 110, 96, 145, 96, 83, 122, 80, 69, 101, 64, 54, 78, 47, 38, 52, 25, 18, 2, 0, 0, 192, 125, 90, 168, 110, 79, 146, 95, 67, 123, 79, 54, 101, 64, 42, 79, 47, 26, 52, 25, 7, 2, 0, 0, 194, 124, 69, 170, 109, 59, 147, 95, 49, 123, 79, 38, 101, 63, 26, 79, 47, 11, 52, 25, 0, 1, 0, 0, 195, 124, 49, 171, 109, 40, 148, 94, 32, 124, 78, 22, 102, 63, 9, 79, 46, 0, 52, 25, 0, 1, 0, 0, 180, 104, 168, 158, 91, 148, 138, 78, 130, 117, 64, 110, 97, 49, 91, 76, 33, 70, 52, 7, 46, 2, 0, 1, 184, 103, 150, 162, 91, 133, 141, 78, 116, 119, 64, 98, 99, 50, 80, 77, 33, 61, 52, 8, 37, 2, 0, 0, 186, 103, 135, 163, 90, 119, 142, 78, 103, 120, 64, 87, 99, 50, 70, 78, 33, 52, 52, 10, 30, 1, 0, 0, 188, 103, 118, 165, 90, 103, 143, 77, 90, 121, 63, 75, 100, 49, 60, 78, 33, 43, 52, 11, 22, 1, 0, 0, 189, 102, 102, 166, 89, 89, 144, 77, 76, 121, 63, 63, 100, 49, 49, 78, 34, 33, 52, 12, 14, 0, 0, 0, 191, 102, 84, 167, 89, 73, 145, 77, 62, 122, 63, 50, 101, 49, 37, 78, 34, 22, 52, 13, 4, 0, 0, 0, 192, 101, 65, 168, 89, 55, 146, 76, 46, 123, 63, 35, 101, 49, 23, 78, 34, 7, 51, 13, 0, 0, 0, 0, 193, 101, 48, 169, 88, 39, 146, 76, 31, 123, 63, 20, 101, 49, 8, 78, 34, 0, 51, 14, 0, 0, 0, 0, 181, 75, 154, 159, 64, 136, 139, 54, 118, 118, 41, 100, 98, 28, 82, 77, 8, 63, 51, 0, 39, 0, 0, 0, 184, 75, 137, 162, 65, 121, 141, 54, 106, 119, 42, 89, 99, 29, 72, 77, 11, 54, 52, 0, 32, 0, 0, 0, 186, 75, 123, 163, 65, 109, 142, 54, 94, 120, 43, 79, 99, 30, 63, 78, 12, 46, 52, 0, 25, 0, 0, 0, 187, 76, 108, 164, 65, 95, 143, 55, 82, 121, 43, 68, 100, 31, 54, 78, 14, 37, 52, 0, 17, 0, 0, 0, 188, 76, 94, 165, 65, 82, 144, 55, 70, 121, 43, 57, 100, 31, 44, 78, 15, 28, 51, 0, 9, 0, 0, 0, 189, 75, 78, 166, 65, 68, 144, 55, 57, 121, 43, 45, 100, 31, 33, 78, 16, 18, 51, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 190, 75, 61, 167, 65, 52, 145, 55, 42, 122, 44, 31, 100, 32, 19, 78, 16, 4, 51, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 191, 75, 46, 168, 65, 37, 145, 55, 29, 122, 44, 18, 100, 32, 5, 78, 17, 0, 50, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 181, 35, 140, 160, 24, 123, 140, 12, 107, 118, 0, 90, 98, 0, 74, 77, 0, 56, 51, 0, 33, 0, 0, 0, 184, 34, 125, 162, 26, 110, 141, 15, 96, 120, 1, 80, 99, 0, 65, 78, 0, 48, 51, 0, 26, 0, 0, 0, 186, 36, 113, 163, 27, 99, 142, 18, 86, 120, 5, 71, 99, 0, 57, 78, 0, 40, 51, 0, 20, 0, 0, 0, 187, 38, 99, 164, 30, 87, 142, 21, 74, 120, 8, 61, 99, 0, 48, 78, 0, 32, 51, 0, 12, 0, 0, 0, 187, 39, 87, 164, 31, 75, 143, 22, 64, 120, 11, 51, 100, 0, 39, 78, 0, 24, 51, 0, 6, 0, 0, 0, 188, 40, 73, 165, 32, 62, 143, 24, 52, 121, 13, 40, 100, 0, 28, 78, 0, 14, 51, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 189, 40, 58, 166, 33, 48, 144, 25, 39, 121, 15, 28, 100, 1, 16, 78, 0, 2, 50, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 190, 40, 45, 166, 34, 36, 144, 26, 27, 121, 16, 17, 100, 3, 3, 77, 0, 0, 49, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 120, 213, 247, 106, 188, 217, 92, 164, 190, 76, 139, 162, 60, 115, 135, 43, 91, 107, 21, 62, 76, 0, 22, 34, 134, 211, 219, 118, 186, 193, 102, 162, 169, 84, 138, 144, 67, 114, 120, 49, 90, 95, 26, 62, 66, 0, 22, 26, 143, 209, 195, 125, 184, 172, 108, 161, 151, 90, 136, 128, 72, 113, 106, 53, 89, 83, 29, 61, 57, 0, 22, 19, 150, 207, 169, 131, 182, 149, 113, 159, 130, 94, 135, 110, 76, 112, 91, 56, 88, 71, 31, 60, 47, 0, 21, 9, 156, 205, 145, 136, 181, 127, 117, 158, 111, 97, 133, 94, 78, 111, 77, 58, 87, 59, 33, 60, 37, 0, 21, 0, 161, 204, 118, 141, 179, 104, 121, 156, 90, 100, 132, 75, 81, 110, 61, 60, 86, 45, 35, 59, 25, 0, 21, 0, 165, 203, 89, 144, 178, 77, 124, 155, 67, 102, 131, 55, 82, 109, 43, 62, 85, 29, 36, 59, 10, 0, 21, 0, 169, 202, 62, 147, 178, 53, 126, 155, 45, 104, 131, 36, 84, 108, 25, 62, 85, 11, 36, 58, 0, 0, 21, 0, 129, 189, 229, 114, 167, 202, 99, 146, 177, 83, 124, 151, 67, 102, 126, 49, 79, 99, 28, 53, 70, 0, 12, 28, 140, 188, 204, 124, 166, 180, 107, 145, 158, 89, 123, 134, 72, 101, 111, 54, 79, 88, 31, 53, 60, 0, 12, 21, 148, 186, 182, 130, 164, 161, 112, 144, 141, 93, 121, 119, 76, 100, 99, 56, 78, 77, 33, 52, 51, 0, 12, 13, 153, 184, 158, 134, 163, 140, 116, 142, 122, 97, 120, 103, 78, 99, 85, 59, 77, 65, 35, 52, 42, 0, 12, 3, 158, 183, 136, 138, 161, 120, 119, 141, 104, 99, 119, 87, 80, 98, 71, 60, 77, 54, 36, 51, 32, 0, 12, 0, 162, 182, 112, 142, 160, 98, 122, 140, 85, 102, 118, 70, 82, 97, 56, 62, 76, 41, 37, 51, 21, 0, 11, 0, 166, 181, 85, 145, 159, 74, 125, 139, 63, 103, 117, 51, 84, 97, 39, 63, 75, 25, 37, 51, 6, 0, 11, 0, 168, 180, 60, 147, 158, 51, 126, 138, 43, 105, 116, 34, 85, 96, 23, 64, 75, 8, 38, 50, 0, 0, 11, 0, 136, 167, 213, 120, 148, 188, 105, 129, 165, 88, 109, 140, 71, 90, 117, 54, 69, 92, 32, 44, 64, 0, 2, 23, 145, 166, 190, 128, 147, 168, 111, 128, 147, 93, 108, 125, 75, 89, 104, 57, 68, 81, 34, 44, 55, 0, 2, 15, 151, 165, 170, 133, 146, 150, 115, 127, 131, 96, 107, 111, 78, 88, 92, 59, 68, 71, 36, 43, 46, 0, 2, 6, 155, 163, 148, 136, 144, 131, 118, 126, 114, 99, 106, 96, 80, 87, 79, 61, 67, 60, 37, 43, 37, 0, 2, 0, 159, 162, 128, 140, 143, 112, 121, 125, 97, 101, 105, 82, 82, 87, 66, 62, 67, 49, 38, 43, 27, 0, 2, 0, 163, 161, 105, 142, 142, 92, 123, 124, 80, 103, 104, 66, 83, 86, 52, 63, 66, 37, 39, 43, 17, 0, 2, 0, 166, 160, 81, 145, 141, 70, 125, 123, 59, 104, 104, 48, 84, 85, 36, 64, 66, 21, 39, 42, 2, 0, 1, 0, 168, 160, 59, 147, 141, 50, 126, 122, 41, 105, 103, 32, 85, 85, 20, 64, 65, 6, 39, 42, 0, 0, 1, 0, 142, 144, 197, 125, 128, 174, 109, 111, 153, 92, 93, 130, 75, 76, 108, 57, 57, 85, 36, 33, 58, 0, 0, 16, 149, 143, 176, 131, 127, 156, 114, 110, 136, 96, 93, 116, 78, 75, 96, 60, 57, 74, 37, 33, 49, 0, 0, 7, 153, 142, 157, 135, 126, 139, 117, 110, 122, 98, 92, 103, 80, 75, 84, 61, 56, 65, 38, 33, 41, 0, 0, 1, 157, 142, 138, 138, 125, 121, 120, 109, 106, 100, 91, 89, 82, 74, 72, 62, 56, 54, 39, 33, 32, 0, 0, 0, 160, 141, 119, 140, 124, 105, 122, 108, 91, 102, 91, 76, 83, 74, 61, 63, 56, 44, 40, 33, 23, 0, 0, 0, 163, 140, 99, 143, 123, 86, 124, 107, 74, 103, 90, 61, 84, 73, 48, 64, 55, 32, 40, 33, 13, 0, 0, 0, 165, 139, 77, 145, 122, 66, 125, 107, 56, 104, 89, 44, 85, 73, 33, 65, 55, 18, 40, 33, 1, 0, 0, 0, 167, 139, 57, 146, 122, 48, 126, 106, 39, 105, 89, 29, 86, 72, 18, 65, 55, 3, 40, 33, 0, 0, 0, 0, 146, 123, 182, 129, 108, 161, 113, 94, 141, 95, 78, 120, 78, 62, 99, 60, 45, 78, 38, 21, 52, 0, 0, 9, 152, 122, 163, 134, 108, 144, 117, 94, 126, 98, 78, 107, 80, 62, 88, 61, 45, 68, 39, 22, 44, 0, 0, 1, 156, 122, 146, 137, 107, 129, 119, 93, 113, 100, 77, 95, 82, 62, 78, 63, 45, 59, 40, 22, 36, 0, 0, 0, 158, 121, 128, 139, 107, 113, 121, 92, 98, 101, 77, 82, 83, 62, 66, 64, 45, 49, 40, 23, 27, 0, 0, 0, 161, 120, 111, 141, 106, 97, 122, 92, 84, 103, 77, 70, 84, 62, 56, 64, 45, 40, 40, 23, 19, 0, 0, 0, 163, 120, 93, 143, 105, 81, 124, 91, 69, 104, 76, 56, 85, 61, 43, 65, 45, 28, 40, 24, 9, 0, 0, 0, 165, 119, 73, 145, 105, 62, 125, 91, 52, 105, 76, 41, 85, 61, 29, 65, 44, 15, 40, 24, 0, 0, 0, 0, 166, 119, 55, 146, 104, 46, 126, 90, 37, 105, 75, 27, 86, 61, 15, 65, 44, 0, 40, 24, 0, 0, 0, 0, 150, 100, 168, 132, 88, 148, 115, 75, 130, 97, 61, 110, 80, 47, 91, 62, 30, 71, 39, 7, 46, 0, 0, 2, 154, 100, 150, 136, 88, 133, 119, 75, 116, 100, 61, 98, 82, 47, 81, 63, 31, 62, 40, 9, 38, 0, 0, 0, 157, 100, 135, 138, 87, 119, 120, 75, 104, 101, 61, 87, 83, 48, 71, 64, 31, 53, 40, 10, 31, 0, 0, 0, 159, 99, 119, 140, 87, 104, 122, 75, 91, 102, 61, 75, 84, 48, 61, 64, 32, 44, 40, 11, 23, 0, 0, 0, 161, 99, 104, 141, 87, 90, 123, 74, 78, 103, 61, 64, 84, 48, 50, 65, 32, 35, 40, 12, 15, 0, 0, 0, 163, 99, 87, 143, 86, 75, 124, 74, 64, 104, 61, 52, 85, 47, 39, 65, 32, 24, 40, 13, 6, 0, 0, 0, 164, 98, 69, 144, 86, 58, 125, 74, 49, 104, 61, 38, 85, 47, 26, 65, 32, 11, 40, 13, 0, 0, 0, 0, 166, 98, 53, 145, 86, 44, 126, 74, 35, 105, 60, 25, 86, 47, 13, 65, 32, 0, 40, 14, 0, 0, 0, 0, 152, 75, 154, 134, 64, 136, 117, 53, 119, 99, 41, 101, 82, 27, 83, 63, 7, 64, 39, 0, 40, 0, 0, 0, 156, 74, 138, 138, 64, 122, 120, 53, 106, 101, 41, 90, 83, 28, 73, 64, 10, 55, 40, 0, 33, 0, 0, 0, 158, 74, 124, 139, 64, 110, 121, 54, 95, 102, 42, 80, 84, 29, 64, 65, 12, 47, 41, 0, 26, 0, 0, 0, 160, 75, 110, 140, 64, 96, 122, 54, 83, 103, 42, 69, 84, 30, 55, 65, 13, 39, 41, 0, 18, 0, 0, 0, 161, 75, 96, 142, 64, 83, 123, 54, 71, 103, 43, 58, 85, 30, 45, 65, 14, 30, 41, 0, 11, 0, 0, 0, 163, 75, 81, 143, 64, 70, 124, 54, 59, 104, 43, 47, 85, 31, 35, 65, 15, 20, 41, 0, 3, 0, 0, 0, 164, 74, 65, 144, 64, 55, 125, 54, 45, 104, 43, 34, 85, 31, 22, 66, 16, 7, 41, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 165, 74, 51, 145, 64, 42, 125, 54, 33, 105, 43, 22, 86, 32, 10, 65, 17, 0, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 154, 41, 142, 136, 30, 124, 119, 19, 108, 101, 3, 91, 83, 0, 75, 64, 0, 57, 39, 0, 34, 0, 0, 0, 158, 40, 127, 139, 31, 112, 121, 21, 97, 102, 7, 81, 84, 0, 66, 65, 0, 49, 40, 0, 27, 0, 0, 0, 159, 41, 114, 140, 32, 100, 122, 23, 87, 103, 10, 72, 85, 0, 58, 65, 0, 42, 40, 0, 21, 0, 0, 0, 160, 43, 101, 141, 34, 88, 123, 25, 76, 103, 13, 62, 85, 0, 49, 65, 0, 33, 41, 0, 14, 0, 0, 0, 161, 44, 89, 142, 35, 77, 123, 26, 65, 103, 15, 53, 85, 1, 40, 65, 0, 25, 41, 0, 7, 0, 0, 0, 162, 44, 75, 143, 36, 64, 124, 28, 54, 104, 17, 42, 85, 3, 30, 65, 0, 16, 40, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 164, 45, 61, 144, 37, 51, 124, 29, 42, 104, 18, 31, 85, 4, 19, 65, 0, 4, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 164, 45, 49, 144, 37, 40, 125, 29, 31, 105, 19, 20, 86, 6, 7, 65, 0, 0, 39, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 49, 202, 244, 45, 178, 215, 38, 156, 188, 28, 132, 160, 14, 110, 134, 0, 86, 107, 0, 59, 76, 0, 20, 34, 80, 200, 217, 70, 176, 192, 60, 154, 168, 47, 131, 143, 34, 109, 119, 16, 85, 94, 0, 58, 66, 0, 20, 27, 95, 198, 194, 84, 175, 171, 71, 153, 150, 57, 130, 127, 42, 108, 106, 25, 84, 83, 0, 58, 57, 0, 20, 19, 107, 196, 169, 93, 173, 149, 79, 151, 130, 64, 128, 110, 49, 106, 91, 32, 84, 71, 3, 57, 47, 0, 19, 10, 115, 195, 145, 100, 171, 128, 86, 150, 112, 69, 127, 94, 53, 105, 78, 36, 83, 59, 8, 57, 37, 0, 19, 1, 122, 193, 120, 107, 170, 106, 91, 149, 92, 74, 126, 77, 57, 104, 62, 39, 82, 46, 13, 56, 26, 0, 18, 0, 128, 192, 93, 112, 169, 81, 95, 148, 70, 77, 125, 58, 60, 104, 46, 42, 81, 31, 15, 56, 13, 0, 17, 0, 132, 191, 69, 115, 168, 60, 98, 147, 51, 79, 124, 41, 62, 103, 30, 43, 81, 17, 16, 56, 0, 0, 17, 0, 77, 180, 227, 69, 159, 200, 60, 139, 176, 48, 118, 150, 35, 97, 125, 20, 75, 99, 0, 50, 70, 0, 9, 29, 96, 178, 203, 85, 158, 179, 73, 138, 157, 59, 117, 133, 45, 96, 111, 29, 75, 87, 3, 50, 60, 0, 9, 21, 107, 177, 181, 94, 156, 160, 80, 137, 140, 65, 116, 119, 51, 96, 98, 34, 74, 77, 9, 49, 52, 0, 8, 14, 115, 175, 158, 101, 155, 140, 86, 135, 122, 71, 114, 103, 55, 95, 85, 38, 73, 65, 14, 49, 42, 0, 7, 4, 121, 174, 137, 106, 153, 120, 91, 134, 105, 74, 113, 88, 58, 94, 72, 41, 73, 54, 17, 49, 33, 0, 6, 0, 127, 173, 114, 111, 152, 100, 95, 133, 86, 78, 112, 72, 61, 93, 58, 43, 72, 42, 19, 48, 22, 0, 6, 0, 132, 172, 88, 115, 151, 77, 98, 132, 66, 80, 112, 54, 63, 92, 42, 45, 72, 28, 20, 48, 9, 0, 5, 0, 135, 171, 67, 118, 151, 57, 100, 131, 49, 82, 111, 39, 65, 92, 28, 46, 71, 13, 21, 48, 0, 0, 5, 0, 93, 159, 211, 83, 141, 187, 72, 123, 164, 59, 104, 140, 46, 85, 116, 31, 65, 92, 8, 41, 64, 0, 1, 23, 106, 158, 189, 94, 140, 167, 81, 122, 147, 67, 103, 124, 52, 85, 103, 36, 65, 81, 14, 41, 55, 0, 0, 15, 114, 157, 169, 100, 139, 150, 87, 121, 131, 71, 102, 111, 56, 84, 92, 40, 64, 71, 17, 41, 47, 0, 0, 7, 121, 156, 148, 106, 138, 131, 91, 120, 114, 75, 101, 96, 60, 83, 79, 43, 64, 60, 20, 40, 37, 0, 0, 1, 126, 155, 129, 110, 136, 113, 95, 119, 98, 78, 101, 82, 62, 83, 67, 45, 63, 50, 22, 40, 28, 0, 0, 0, 130, 154, 107, 114, 135, 94, 98, 118, 81, 81, 100, 67, 64, 82, 54, 46, 63, 38, 23, 40, 18, 0, 0, 0, 134, 153, 84, 117, 135, 73, 101, 117, 62, 83, 99, 51, 66, 81, 39, 48, 62, 24, 24, 40, 5, 0, 0, 0, 137, 152, 65, 119, 134, 55, 102, 117, 46, 84, 99, 36, 67, 81, 25, 48, 62, 11, 24, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0, 105, 138, 196, 93, 122, 173, 81, 106, 152, 67, 89, 129, 53, 72, 107, 38, 54, 84, 17, 30, 58, 0, 0, 17, 115, 137, 175, 101, 121, 155, 88, 106, 136, 73, 89, 115, 58, 72, 95, 42, 54, 74, 21, 31, 49, 0, 0, 8, 120, 136, 157, 106, 120, 139, 92, 105, 121, 76, 88, 103, 61, 71, 84, 44, 53, 65, 23, 31, 41, 0, 0, 1, 125, 135, 138, 110, 119, 122, 95, 104, 106, 79, 87, 89, 63, 71, 73, 46, 53, 55, 25, 31, 33, 0, 0, 0, 129, 134, 120, 113, 119, 105, 98, 103, 91, 81, 87, 76, 65, 71, 61, 48, 53, 45, 26, 31, 24, 0, 0, 0, 133, 134, 101, 116, 118, 88, 100, 103, 76, 83, 86, 62, 67, 70, 49, 49, 53, 34, 27, 31, 14, 0, 0, 0, 136, 133, 80, 119, 117, 69, 102, 102, 58, 85, 86, 47, 68, 70, 35, 50, 52, 20, 27, 31, 3, 0, 0, 0, 138, 133, 62, 121, 117, 52, 104, 102, 43, 86, 85, 33, 69, 69, 22, 50, 52, 7, 27, 31, 0, 0, 0, 0, 114, 118, 182, 100, 104, 161, 87, 90, 141, 73, 75, 120, 59, 59, 99, 43, 42, 78, 22, 20, 52, 0, 0, 10, 121, 117, 163, 106, 104, 144, 92, 90, 126, 77, 75, 107, 62, 59, 88, 46, 42, 68, 24, 21, 44, 0, 0, 2, 125, 117, 146, 110, 103, 129, 95, 89, 113, 79, 74, 95, 64, 59, 78, 47, 42, 59, 26, 21, 36, 0, 0, 0, 129, 116, 129, 113, 102, 113, 98, 89, 99, 82, 74, 83, 66, 59, 67, 49, 42, 50, 27, 22, 28, 0, 0, 0, 132, 116, 112, 116, 102, 98, 100, 88, 85, 83, 73, 71, 67, 59, 57, 50, 43, 41, 28, 22, 20, 0, 0, 0, 134, 115, 95, 118, 101, 82, 102, 88, 71, 85, 73, 58, 68, 59, 45, 51, 43, 30, 29, 22, 11, 0, 0, 0, 137, 115, 76, 120, 101, 65, 104, 87, 55, 86, 73, 44, 69, 58, 32, 51, 42, 18, 29, 22, 1, 0, 0, 0, 139, 114, 60, 122, 100, 50, 105, 87, 41, 87, 72, 31, 70, 58, 19, 51, 42, 4, 29, 22, 0, 0, 0, 0, 120, 97, 168, 106, 85, 149, 92, 73, 130, 77, 59, 110, 63, 45, 91, 47, 28, 71, 25, 6, 47, 0, 0, 3, 126, 97, 151, 111, 85, 133, 96, 73, 117, 80, 59, 98, 65, 46, 81, 48, 29, 62, 27, 7, 39, 0, 0, 0, 129, 97, 136, 113, 85, 120, 98, 73, 104, 82, 59, 88, 67, 46, 72, 50, 30, 54, 29, 8, 32, 0, 0, 0, 132, 96, 120, 116, 84, 105, 100, 72, 91, 84, 59, 76, 68, 46, 61, 51, 30, 45, 29, 9, 24, 0, 0, 0, 134, 96, 105, 117, 84, 92, 102, 72, 79, 85, 59, 65, 69, 46, 52, 51, 30, 36, 30, 10, 16, 0, 0, 0, 136, 96, 89, 119, 84, 77, 103, 72, 66, 86, 59, 53, 69, 46, 41, 52, 31, 26, 30, 11, 7, 0, 0, 0, 138, 95, 71, 121, 83, 61, 105, 72, 51, 87, 59, 40, 70, 46, 28, 52, 31, 14, 30, 11, 0, 0, 0, 0, 139, 95, 57, 122, 83, 47, 106, 71, 38, 88, 59, 28, 71, 46, 17, 52, 31, 2, 29, 12, 0, 0, 0, 0, 125, 74, 155, 110, 63, 137, 96, 52, 120, 81, 40, 101, 66, 27, 83, 49, 7, 64, 27, 0, 41, 0, 0, 0, 129, 73, 139, 114, 63, 123, 99, 53, 107, 83, 41, 90, 68, 28, 74, 51, 10, 56, 29, 0, 33, 0, 0, 0, 132, 74, 125, 116, 63, 110, 101, 53, 96, 84, 41, 80, 69, 29, 65, 51, 12, 48, 30, 0, 27, 0, 0, 0, 134, 74, 111, 118, 64, 97, 102, 53, 84, 85, 42, 70, 69, 29, 56, 52, 13, 40, 30, 0, 19, 0, 0, 0, 136, 74, 97, 119, 64, 85, 103, 53, 73, 86, 42, 60, 70, 30, 47, 52, 14, 31, 30, 0, 12, 0, 0, 0, 137, 74, 83, 121, 64, 71, 104, 54, 61, 87, 42, 49, 71, 30, 36, 53, 15, 22, 30, 0, 5, 0, 0, 0, 139, 74, 67, 122, 64, 57, 105, 54, 47, 88, 42, 36, 71, 31, 25, 53, 16, 9, 30, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 140, 73, 54, 123, 64, 45, 106, 54, 36, 88, 43, 26, 71, 31, 14, 53, 17, 1, 29, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 129, 44, 143, 114, 34, 126, 99, 24, 110, 84, 9, 92, 68, 0, 76, 51, 0, 58, 28, 0, 35, 0, 0, 0, 132, 44, 128, 117, 35, 113, 102, 25, 98, 85, 12, 82, 69, 0, 67, 52, 0, 50, 29, 0, 28, 0, 0, 0, 134, 45, 116, 118, 36, 102, 103, 27, 88, 86, 14, 73, 70, 0, 59, 52, 0, 43, 29, 0, 22, 0, 0, 0, 136, 46, 103, 119, 37, 90, 103, 28, 77, 87, 17, 64, 71, 1, 50, 53, 0, 35, 30, 0, 15, 0, 0, 0, 137, 47, 90, 120, 38, 78, 104, 29, 67, 87, 18, 54, 71, 3, 42, 53, 0, 27, 29, 0, 8, 0, 0, 0, 138, 47, 77, 121, 39, 66, 105, 30, 56, 88, 19, 44, 71, 5, 32, 53, 0, 18, 29, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 139, 48, 63, 122, 39, 53, 106, 31, 44, 88, 20, 33, 71, 7, 21, 53, 0, 6, 28, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 140, 48, 52, 123, 40, 42, 107, 31, 33, 89, 21, 23, 72, 8, 10, 53, 0, 0, 27, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 192, 242, 0, 169, 213, 0, 148, 187, 0, 125, 159, 0, 104, 133, 0, 82, 106, 0, 56, 76, 0, 18, 34, 0, 189, 216, 0, 167, 190, 0, 147, 167, 0, 124, 142, 0, 103, 119, 0, 81, 94, 0, 55, 66, 0, 16, 27, 0, 188, 193, 0, 166, 170, 0, 145, 149, 0, 123, 127, 0, 102, 105, 0, 80, 83, 0, 55, 57, 0, 15, 20, 32, 186, 168, 27, 164, 149, 17, 144, 130, 0, 122, 110, 0, 101, 91, 0, 79, 71, 0, 55, 47, 0, 14, 11, 56, 184, 146, 47, 163, 129, 37, 142, 113, 23, 121, 95, 5, 100, 78, 0, 79, 60, 0, 54, 38, 0, 14, 2, 70, 183, 122, 60, 161, 107, 49, 141, 94, 35, 120, 79, 20, 100, 64, 0, 78, 48, 0, 54, 27, 0, 13, 0, 80, 182, 96, 69, 160, 84, 57, 140, 73, 43, 119, 61, 28, 99, 48, 6, 78, 34, 0, 53, 15, 0, 13, 0, 87, 181, 74, 75, 160, 65, 62, 140, 56, 47, 119, 46, 32, 98, 35, 12, 77, 21, 0, 53, 2, 0, 13, 0, 0, 171, 225, 0, 151, 199, 0, 132, 174, 0, 112, 149, 0, 92, 124, 0, 71, 98, 0, 47, 69, 0, 4, 29, 0, 169, 201, 0, 150, 178, 0, 131, 156, 0, 111, 133, 0, 92, 111, 0, 71, 87, 0, 47, 60, 0, 3, 22, 41, 168, 180, 36, 148, 159, 28, 130, 140, 15, 110, 118, 0, 91, 98, 0, 70, 77, 0, 46, 52, 0, 2, 14, 61, 166, 158, 53, 147, 139, 43, 129, 122, 31, 109, 103, 17, 90, 85, 0, 70, 66, 0, 46, 43, 0, 2, 5, 73, 165, 137, 64, 146, 121, 53, 128, 106, 40, 108, 89, 26, 89, 73, 6, 69, 55, 0, 46, 33, 0, 1, 0, 83, 164, 115, 72, 145, 101, 60, 127, 88, 46, 107, 73, 32, 89, 59, 14, 69, 43, 0, 46, 23, 0, 1, 0, 90, 163, 91, 78, 144, 80, 65, 126, 69, 51, 106, 57, 37, 88, 44, 19, 68, 30, 0, 45, 11, 0, 1, 0, 95, 163, 72, 82, 143, 62, 69, 125, 53, 54, 106, 43, 39, 88, 32, 22, 68, 18, 0, 45, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 152, 210, 0, 134, 186, 0, 117, 163, 0, 99, 139, 0, 81, 116, 0, 62, 92, 0, 38, 64, 0, 1, 24, 47, 151, 188, 42, 133, 167, 35, 117, 146, 24, 98, 124, 10, 81, 103, 0, 61, 81, 0, 38, 55, 0, 0, 16, 65, 150, 169, 57, 132, 149, 47, 116, 131, 36, 98, 111, 23, 80, 92, 4, 61, 71, 0, 38, 47, 0, 0, 7, 76, 148, 148, 67, 131, 131, 56, 115, 114, 44, 97, 96, 31, 79, 79, 14, 61, 61, 0, 38, 38, 0, 0, 1, 84, 147, 129, 74, 130, 114, 62, 114, 99, 49, 96, 83, 35, 79, 68, 19, 60, 50, 0, 37, 29, 0, 0, 0, 91, 146, 109, 80, 129, 95, 67, 113, 83, 53, 95, 69, 39, 78, 55, 23, 60, 39, 1, 37, 20, 0, 0, 0, 97, 146, 87, 84, 128, 76, 71, 112, 65, 57, 95, 53, 42, 78, 41, 26, 60, 26, 4, 37, 7, 0, 0, 0, 101, 145, 69, 88, 128, 59, 74, 112, 50, 59, 94, 40, 44, 77, 29, 27, 59, 15, 4, 37, 0, 0, 0, 0, 52, 132, 195, 47, 117, 172, 40, 102, 151, 30, 85, 129, 19, 69, 107, 2, 51, 84, 0, 28, 58, 0, 0, 18, 70, 131, 175, 61, 116, 155, 52, 101, 135, 41, 85, 115, 29, 68, 95, 13, 51, 74, 0, 28, 49, 0, 0, 9, 80, 130, 157, 70, 115, 139, 59, 100, 121, 47, 84, 103, 35, 68, 85, 19, 51, 65, 0, 28, 42, 0, 0, 1, 87, 130, 138, 76, 114, 122, 65, 100, 106, 52, 84, 89, 39, 68, 73, 24, 50, 55, 4, 28, 33, 0, 0, 0, 93, 129, 121, 81, 114, 106, 69, 99, 92, 56, 83, 77, 42, 67, 62, 27, 50, 46, 7, 29, 25, 0, 0, 0, 98, 128, 102, 86, 113, 89, 73, 98, 77, 59, 82, 64, 45, 67, 50, 29, 50, 35, 9, 29, 16, 0, 0, 0, 102, 127, 82, 89, 112, 71, 76, 98, 61, 61, 82, 49, 47, 66, 37, 31, 50, 23, 11, 29, 4, 0, 0, 0, 105, 127, 66, 92, 112, 56, 78, 97, 47, 63, 82, 37, 48, 66, 25, 32, 50, 11, 10, 29, 0, 0, 0, 0, 72, 114, 181, 63, 100, 160, 54, 87, 140, 44, 72, 119, 32, 57, 99, 18, 39, 78, 0, 18, 52, 0, 0, 11, 83, 113, 163, 73, 100, 144, 62, 86, 126, 50, 71, 107, 38, 57, 88, 24, 40, 68, 3, 19, 44, 0, 0, 3, 89, 113, 147, 78, 99, 129, 67, 86, 113, 55, 71, 95, 42, 57, 78, 27, 40, 60, 8, 19, 37, 0, 0, 0, 95, 112, 129, 83, 98, 114, 71, 85, 99, 58, 71, 83, 45, 56, 67, 30, 40, 50, 11, 20, 29, 0, 0, 0, 99, 111, 113, 86, 98, 99, 74, 85, 86, 60, 70, 72, 47, 56, 57, 31, 40, 41, 12, 20, 21, 0, 0, 0, 103, 111, 96, 90, 97, 84, 77, 84, 72, 63, 70, 59, 49, 56, 46, 33, 40, 31, 13, 21, 12, 0, 0, 0, 106, 110, 78, 93, 97, 67, 79, 84, 57, 64, 70, 46, 50, 56, 34, 34, 40, 19, 13, 21, 2, 0, 0, 0, 108, 110, 63, 95, 97, 53, 81, 84, 44, 66, 69, 34, 51, 56, 22, 35, 40, 7, 13, 21, 0, 0, 0, 0, 85, 94, 168, 74, 82, 149, 64, 70, 130, 53, 57, 110, 41, 43, 91, 27, 26, 71, 5, 5, 47, 0, 0, 4, 92, 94, 151, 81, 82, 134, 70, 70, 117, 57, 57, 99, 45, 44, 81, 30, 27, 62, 10, 7, 39, 0, 0, 0, 97, 94, 136, 85, 82, 120, 73, 70, 105, 60, 57, 88, 47, 44, 72, 32, 28, 54, 13, 8, 32, 0, 0, 0, 101, 94, 121, 88, 82, 106, 76, 70, 92, 62, 57, 77, 49, 44, 62, 34, 28, 45, 14, 9, 25, 0, 0, 0, 104, 93, 106, 91, 81, 93, 78, 70, 80, 64, 57, 66, 50, 44, 52, 35, 29, 37, 14, 10, 17, 0, 0, 0, 106, 93, 90, 93, 81, 78, 80, 69, 67, 66, 57, 55, 52, 44, 42, 36, 29, 27, 15, 11, 8, 0, 0, 0, 109, 92, 74, 96, 81, 63, 82, 69, 53, 67, 57, 42, 53, 44, 30, 36, 29, 16, 15, 11, 1, 0, 0, 0, 111, 92, 60, 97, 80, 50, 83, 69, 41, 68, 57, 31, 53, 44, 20, 37, 30, 5, 15, 11, 0, 0, 0, 0, 94, 73, 155, 82, 63, 137, 72, 52, 120, 59, 40, 102, 47, 26, 84, 32, 8, 65, 9, 0, 42, 0, 0, 0, 99, 73, 140, 87, 63, 124, 76, 52, 108, 62, 40, 91, 49, 27, 75, 34, 11, 57, 12, 0, 34, 0, 0, 0, 103, 73, 126, 90, 63, 111, 78, 53, 97, 64, 41, 81, 51, 28, 66, 35, 13, 49, 13, 0, 27, 0, 0, 0, 105, 73, 112, 92, 63, 98, 80, 53, 85, 66, 41, 71, 52, 29, 57, 36, 14, 41, 15, 0, 20, 0, 0, 0, 107, 73, 99, 94, 63, 86, 81, 53, 74, 67, 41, 61, 53, 29, 48, 37, 15, 32, 16, 0, 13, 0, 0, 0, 110, 73, 85, 96, 63, 73, 83, 53, 62, 68, 42, 50, 54, 30, 38, 38, 16, 23, 16, 1, 5, 0, 0, 0, 112, 73, 69, 98, 63, 59, 84, 53, 49, 69, 42, 38, 55, 30, 27, 38, 16, 12, 17, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 113, 73, 57, 99, 63, 47, 85, 53, 38, 70, 42, 28, 55, 30, 17, 38, 17, 3, 16, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 101, 47, 144, 88, 38, 127, 77, 27, 111, 64, 14, 94, 51, 0, 77, 35, 0, 59, 9, 0, 36, 0, 0, 0, 105, 47, 129, 92, 38, 114, 80, 28, 99, 66, 16, 83, 53, 0, 68, 37, 0, 51, 13, 0, 29, 0, 0, 0, 107, 48, 117, 94, 39, 103, 81, 29, 89, 67, 18, 74, 54, 2, 60, 38, 0, 44, 15, 0, 23, 0, 0, 0, 109, 49, 104, 95, 40, 91, 82, 31, 79, 68, 19, 65, 54, 5, 51, 39, 0, 36, 17, 0, 16, 0, 0, 0, 110, 50, 92, 97, 40, 80, 84, 31, 68, 69, 20, 56, 55, 7, 43, 39, 0, 28, 17, 0, 9, 0, 0, 0, 112, 50, 79, 98, 41, 68, 85, 32, 57, 70, 21, 46, 56, 8, 34, 40, 0, 20, 18, 0, 3, 0, 0, 0, 113, 50, 65, 100, 41, 55, 86, 33, 46, 71, 22, 35, 56, 10, 23, 40, 0, 8, 17, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 115, 50, 54, 101, 41, 44, 87, 33, 36, 71, 23, 25, 56, 11, 14, 40, 0, 1, 16, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 182, 240, 0, 161, 212, 0, 141, 185, 0, 120, 158, 0, 99, 132, 0, 78, 106, 0, 53, 75, 0, 12, 35, 0, 180, 214, 0, 159, 189, 0, 140, 166, 0, 119, 141, 0, 99, 118, 0, 77, 94, 0, 53, 66, 0, 11, 28, 0, 179, 192, 0, 158, 169, 0, 138, 149, 0, 118, 126, 0, 98, 105, 0, 77, 83, 0, 52, 57, 0, 10, 21, 0, 177, 168, 0, 156, 149, 0, 137, 130, 0, 116, 110, 0, 97, 91, 0, 76, 71, 0, 52, 48, 0, 9, 12, 0, 175, 146, 0, 155, 129, 0, 136, 113, 0, 115, 96, 0, 96, 79, 0, 75, 60, 0, 51, 39, 0, 9, 3, 0, 174, 123, 0, 154, 109, 0, 135, 95, 0, 115, 80, 0, 95, 65, 0, 75, 49, 0, 51, 28, 0, 8, 0, 0, 173, 98, 0, 153, 87, 0, 134, 76, 0, 114, 63, 0, 95, 50, 0, 74, 35, 0, 51, 17, 0, 8, 0, 0, 172, 78, 0, 152, 70, 0, 134, 60, 0, 114, 49, 0, 94, 38, 0, 74, 24, 0, 51, 5, 0, 8, 0, 0, 163, 224, 0, 144, 198, 0, 126, 173, 0, 107, 148, 0, 88, 123, 0, 68, 98, 0, 44, 69, 0, 1, 29, 0, 162, 200, 0, 143, 177, 0, 125, 155, 0, 106, 132, 0, 88, 110, 0, 68, 87, 0, 44, 60, 0, 1, 22, 0, 160, 180, 0, 142, 159, 0, 124, 139, 0, 105, 118, 0, 87, 98, 0, 67, 77, 0, 44, 52, 0, 0, 15, 0, 159, 158, 0, 140, 139, 0, 123, 122, 0, 104, 103, 0, 86, 85, 0, 67, 66, 0, 43, 43, 0, 0, 5, 0, 157, 138, 0, 139, 121, 0, 122, 106, 0, 103, 89, 0, 85, 73, 0, 66, 56, 0, 43, 34, 0, 0, 0, 0, 156, 116, 0, 138, 102, 0, 121, 89, 0, 103, 75, 0, 85, 60, 0, 66, 44, 0, 43, 24, 0, 0, 0, 6, 155, 94, 2, 137, 82, 0, 120, 71, 0, 102, 59, 0, 84, 46, 0, 65, 32, 0, 43, 13, 0, 0, 0, 30, 155, 75, 23, 137, 66, 11, 120, 57, 0, 102, 46, 0, 84, 35, 0, 65, 20, 0, 43, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 145, 209, 0, 129, 185, 0, 112, 162, 0, 95, 138, 0, 77, 115, 0, 59, 91, 0, 35, 64, 0, 1, 24, 0, 144, 188, 0, 128, 166, 0, 112, 145, 0, 94, 124, 0, 77, 103, 0, 58, 81, 0, 35, 55, 0, 0, 16, 0, 143, 168, 0, 127, 149, 0, 111, 130, 0, 93, 111, 0, 77, 92, 0, 58, 71, 0, 35, 47, 0, 0, 8, 0, 142, 148, 0, 126, 131, 0, 110, 114, 0, 93, 97, 0, 76, 79, 0, 58, 61, 0, 35, 38, 0, 0, 1, 0, 141, 130, 0, 125, 114, 0, 109, 100, 0, 92, 84, 0, 75, 68, 0, 58, 51, 0, 35, 30, 0, 0, 0, 27, 140, 110, 22, 124, 97, 12, 108, 84, 0, 91, 70, 0, 75, 56, 0, 57, 40, 0, 35, 21, 0, 0, 0, 43, 139, 89, 36, 123, 78, 26, 108, 67, 12, 91, 55, 0, 74, 43, 0, 57, 28, 0, 35, 9, 0, 0, 0, 51, 139, 72, 43, 123, 63, 33, 107, 53, 20, 90, 43, 3, 74, 31, 0, 57, 18, 0, 35, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 127, 194, 0, 112, 172, 0, 98, 151, 0, 81, 128, 0, 66, 107, 0, 48, 84, 0, 26, 58, 0, 0, 18, 0, 126, 174, 0, 111, 154, 0, 97, 135, 0, 81, 115, 0, 65, 95, 0, 48, 74, 0, 26, 50, 0, 0, 9, 0, 125, 157, 0, 111, 139, 0, 96, 121, 0, 81, 103, 0, 65, 85, 0, 48, 65, 0, 27, 42, 0, 0, 2, 20, 125, 139, 17, 110, 122, 9, 96, 107, 0, 80, 90, 0, 65, 73, 0, 48, 56, 0, 27, 34, 0, 0, 0, 39, 124, 122, 33, 109, 107, 25, 95, 93, 13, 80, 78, 0, 65, 63, 0, 48, 46, 0, 27, 26, 0, 0, 0, 51, 123, 103, 43, 108, 90, 34, 94, 78, 23, 79, 65, 8, 64, 51, 0, 48, 36, 0, 27, 17, 0, 0, 0, 59, 122, 84, 51, 108, 73, 41, 94, 63, 29, 79, 51, 15, 64, 39, 0, 47, 24, 0, 27, 6, 0, 0, 0, 64, 122, 69, 55, 107, 59, 45, 94, 50, 32, 78, 39, 19, 64, 28, 0, 47, 14, 0, 27, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 110, 181, 0, 97, 160, 0, 83, 140, 0, 69, 119, 0, 54, 99, 0, 37, 78, 0, 16, 53, 0, 0, 12, 7, 109, 163, 8, 96, 144, 3, 83, 126, 0, 69, 107, 0, 54, 88, 0, 38, 68, 0, 17, 45, 0, 0, 3, 34, 109, 147, 30, 96, 129, 23, 83, 113, 13, 69, 95, 0, 54, 78, 0, 38, 60, 0, 18, 37, 0, 0, 0, 48, 108, 130, 41, 95, 114, 33, 82, 99, 23, 68, 84, 10, 54, 68, 0, 38, 51, 0, 18, 29, 0, 0, 0, 56, 108, 114, 49, 94, 100, 40, 82, 87, 29, 68, 72, 16, 54, 58, 0, 38, 42, 0, 18, 22, 0, 0, 0, 63, 107, 97, 55, 94, 85, 45, 81, 73, 34, 68, 60, 21, 54, 47, 5, 38, 32, 0, 18, 13, 0, 0, 0, 68, 106, 80, 59, 93, 69, 49, 81, 59, 37, 67, 47, 25, 54, 35, 9, 38, 21, 0, 18, 4, 0, 0, 0, 72, 106, 66, 63, 93, 56, 52, 81, 47, 40, 67, 36, 27, 53, 25, 11, 38, 11, 0, 18, 0, 0, 0, 0, 28, 92, 168, 24, 80, 149, 19, 68, 130, 11, 55, 111, 0, 41, 92, 0, 25, 71, 0, 6, 47, 0, 0, 5, 46, 92, 151, 40, 80, 134, 33, 68, 117, 24, 55, 99, 12, 42, 81, 0, 26, 63, 0, 7, 40, 0, 0, 0, 55, 91, 137, 48, 80, 121, 40, 68, 105, 30, 55, 89, 18, 42, 72, 2, 27, 55, 0, 8, 32, 0, 0, 0, 62, 91, 121, 54, 79, 107, 45, 68, 93, 34, 55, 77, 23, 42, 62, 7, 27, 46, 0, 8, 25, 0, 0, 0, 67, 91, 107, 58, 79, 93, 49, 68, 81, 38, 55, 67, 26, 42, 53, 12, 27, 37, 0, 8, 18, 0, 0, 0, 72, 90, 91, 62, 79, 79, 52, 67, 68, 41, 55, 56, 29, 42, 43, 15, 28, 28, 1, 9, 9, 0, 0, 0, 76, 90, 75, 66, 78, 65, 56, 67, 55, 43, 55, 44, 31, 42, 32, 17, 28, 18, 2, 9, 2, 0, 0, 0, 78, 90, 62, 68, 78, 52, 58, 67, 43, 45, 55, 33, 32, 42, 22, 19, 28, 7, 2, 9, 0, 0, 0, 0, 53, 72, 156, 46, 62, 138, 39, 51, 121, 30, 39, 102, 20, 25, 84, 2, 9, 65, 0, 0, 42, 0, 0, 0, 62, 72, 140, 55, 62, 124, 46, 52, 108, 36, 40, 91, 25, 27, 75, 9, 11, 57, 0, 0, 34, 0, 0, 0, 68, 72, 127, 59, 62, 112, 50, 52, 97, 39, 40, 82, 28, 27, 66, 13, 12, 49, 0, 0, 28, 0, 0, 0, 72, 73, 113, 63, 62, 99, 53, 52, 86, 42, 40, 71, 30, 28, 57, 17, 13, 41, 0, 0, 21, 0, 0, 0, 76, 72, 100, 66, 62, 87, 56, 52, 75, 44, 41, 62, 32, 29, 48, 19, 14, 33, 3, 0, 13, 0, 0, 0, 79, 72, 86, 69, 62, 74, 58, 52, 63, 46, 41, 51, 34, 29, 39, 21, 15, 24, 4, 1, 6, 0, 0, 0, 81, 72, 71, 71, 62, 61, 60, 52, 51, 48, 41, 40, 35, 29, 28, 22, 15, 13, 5, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 83, 72, 59, 73, 62, 49, 62, 52, 41, 49, 41, 31, 36, 30, 20, 22, 16, 5, 4, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 67, 49, 144, 59, 40, 128, 50, 30, 112, 40, 18, 95, 29, 2, 78, 13, 0, 60, 0, 0, 37, 0, 0, 0, 73, 50, 130, 64, 40, 115, 55, 31, 100, 44, 19, 84, 32, 4, 69, 18, 0, 52, 0, 0, 30, 0, 0, 0, 76, 50, 118, 67, 41, 104, 57, 32, 90, 46, 20, 75, 34, 7, 61, 20, 0, 45, 0, 0, 24, 0, 0, 0, 79, 51, 105, 69, 42, 92, 59, 33, 80, 47, 21, 66, 35, 9, 52, 22, 0, 37, 1, 0, 16, 0, 0, 0, 81, 52, 93, 71, 42, 81, 61, 33, 70, 49, 22, 57, 36, 11, 44, 23, 0, 29, 2, 0, 9, 0, 0, 0, 83, 52, 80, 73, 43, 69, 62, 34, 59, 50, 23, 47, 37, 12, 35, 23, 0, 21, 3, 0, 3, 0, 0, 0, 85, 52, 67, 75, 43, 57, 64, 34, 47, 51, 24, 36, 38, 13, 25, 24, 0, 10, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 87, 52, 56, 76, 43, 46, 65, 34, 37, 52, 24, 27, 39, 14, 16, 24, 0, 2, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 174, 238, 0, 154, 210, 0, 135, 184, 0, 115, 157, 0, 95, 132, 0, 75, 105, 0, 50, 75, 0, 6, 35, 0, 172, 213, 0, 153, 188, 0, 134, 165, 0, 114, 141, 0, 94, 118, 0, 74, 93, 0, 50, 66, 0, 5, 28, 0, 171, 191, 0, 151, 169, 0, 133, 148, 0, 113, 126, 0, 94, 105, 0, 73, 83, 0, 50, 57, 0, 5, 21, 0, 169, 168, 0, 150, 148, 0, 131, 130, 0, 112, 110, 0, 93, 92, 0, 73, 71, 0, 49, 48, 0, 5, 13, 0, 167, 146, 0, 148, 130, 0, 130, 113, 0, 111, 96, 0, 92, 79, 0, 72, 61, 0, 49, 39, 0, 4, 3, 0, 166, 124, 0, 147, 110, 0, 129, 96, 0, 110, 81, 0, 92, 66, 0, 72, 49, 0, 49, 29, 0, 4, 0, 0, 165, 100, 0, 146, 89, 0, 129, 78, 0, 110, 65, 0, 91, 52, 0, 72, 37, 0, 49, 18, 0, 4, 0, 0, 164, 82, 0, 146, 73, 0, 128, 64, 0, 109, 52, 0, 91, 41, 0, 72, 26, 0, 49, 8, 0, 4, 0, 0, 157, 223, 0, 138, 197, 0, 121, 172, 0, 102, 147, 0, 84, 123, 0, 65, 98, 0, 41, 69, 0, 1, 30, 0, 155, 199, 0, 137, 176, 0, 120, 155, 0, 102, 132, 0, 84, 110, 0, 65, 87, 0, 41, 60, 0, 1, 22, 0, 154, 179, 0, 136, 158, 0, 119, 139, 0, 101, 118, 0, 83, 98, 0, 64, 77, 0, 41, 52, 0, 0, 15, 0, 152, 158, 0, 135, 139, 0, 118, 122, 0, 100, 103, 0, 83, 85, 0, 64, 66, 0, 41, 43, 0, 0, 6, 0, 151, 138, 0, 133, 122, 0, 117, 106, 0, 99, 90, 0, 82, 74, 0, 64, 56, 0, 41, 35, 0, 0, 0, 0, 150, 117, 0, 133, 103, 0, 116, 90, 0, 99, 76, 0, 82, 61, 0, 63, 45, 0, 41, 25, 0, 0, 0, 0, 149, 95, 0, 132, 84, 0, 116, 73, 0, 98, 61, 0, 81, 48, 0, 63, 33, 0, 41, 15, 0, 0, 0, 0, 148, 78, 0, 131, 69, 0, 115, 59, 0, 98, 49, 0, 81, 37, 0, 63, 23, 0, 40, 4, 0, 0, 0, 0, 140, 208, 0, 124, 184, 0, 108, 161, 0, 91, 137, 0, 74, 115, 0, 56, 91, 0, 33, 64, 0, 1, 24, 0, 139, 187, 0, 123, 165, 0, 107, 145, 0, 90, 123, 0, 74, 102, 0, 56, 80, 0, 33, 55, 0, 0, 17, 0, 138, 168, 0, 122, 149, 0, 106, 130, 0, 90, 110, 0, 73, 91, 0, 56, 71, 0, 33, 47, 0, 0, 8, 0, 136, 148, 0, 121, 131, 0, 105, 115, 0, 89, 97, 0, 73, 80, 0, 55, 61, 0, 33, 39, 0, 0, 1, 0, 135, 130, 0, 120, 115, 0, 105, 100, 0, 88, 84, 0, 72, 69, 0, 55, 52, 0, 33, 30, 0, 0, 0, 0, 135, 111, 0, 119, 98, 0, 104, 85, 0, 88, 71, 0, 72, 57, 0, 55, 41, 0, 33, 22, 0, 0, 0, 0, 134, 91, 0, 118, 80, 0, 103, 69, 0, 87, 57, 0, 72, 44, 0, 54, 30, 0, 33, 11, 0, 0, 0, 0, 133, 75, 0, 118, 65, 0, 103, 56, 0, 87, 45, 0, 71, 34, 0, 54, 20, 0, 33, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 123, 194, 0, 108, 171, 0, 94, 150, 0, 78, 128, 0, 63, 106, 0, 46, 84, 0, 24, 58, 0, 0, 19, 0, 122, 174, 0, 107, 154, 0, 93, 135, 0, 78, 114, 0, 63, 95, 0, 46, 74, 0, 25, 50, 0, 0, 10, 0, 121, 157, 0, 107, 139, 0, 93, 121, 0, 78, 103, 0, 63, 85, 0, 46, 65, 0, 25, 42, 0, 0, 2, 0, 120, 139, 0, 106, 122, 0, 92, 107, 0, 77, 90, 0, 62, 74, 0, 46, 56, 0, 25, 34, 0, 0, 0, 0, 119, 122, 0, 105, 107, 0, 91, 93, 0, 77, 78, 0, 62, 63, 0, 45, 47, 0, 25, 26, 0, 0, 0, 0, 119, 104, 0, 104, 91, 0, 91, 79, 0, 76, 66, 0, 62, 52, 0, 45, 37, 0, 25, 18, 0, 0, 0, 0, 118, 86, 0, 104, 75, 0, 90, 64, 0, 76, 52, 0, 61, 40, 0, 45, 26, 0, 25, 7, 0, 0, 0, 0, 118, 71, 0, 104, 61, 0, 90, 52, 0, 75, 42, 0, 61, 30, 0, 45, 17, 0, 24, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 107, 181, 0, 94, 160, 0, 81, 140, 0, 66, 119, 0, 52, 99, 0, 35, 78, 0, 15, 53, 0, 0, 13, 0, 106, 163, 0, 93, 144, 0, 80, 126, 0, 66, 107, 0, 52, 88, 0, 36, 68, 0, 15, 45, 0, 0, 4, 0, 106, 147, 0, 93, 130, 0, 80, 113, 0, 66, 96, 0, 52, 79, 0, 36, 60, 0, 16, 37, 0, 0, 0, 0, 105, 130, 0, 92, 115, 0, 79, 100, 0, 66, 84, 0, 52, 68, 0, 36, 51, 0, 16, 30, 0, 0, 0, 0, 104, 115, 0, 91, 101, 0, 79, 87, 0, 65, 73, 0, 52, 59, 0, 36, 43, 0, 16, 22, 0, 0, 0, 0, 104, 98, 0, 91, 86, 0, 79, 74, 0, 65, 61, 0, 52, 48, 0, 36, 33, 0, 16, 14, 0, 0, 0, 0, 103, 81, 0, 90, 70, 0, 78, 60, 0, 65, 49, 0, 52, 37, 0, 36, 22, 0, 16, 5, 0, 0, 0, 0, 103, 68, 0, 90, 58, 0, 78, 49, 0, 65, 38, 0, 51, 27, 0, 36, 13, 0, 16, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 90, 168, 0, 78, 149, 0, 67, 130, 0, 54, 111, 0, 40, 92, 0, 24, 72, 0, 6, 47, 0, 0, 6, 0, 90, 152, 0, 78, 134, 0, 67, 117, 0, 54, 99, 0, 40, 82, 0, 25, 63, 0, 6, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0, 89, 137, 0, 78, 121, 0, 66, 106, 0, 54, 89, 0, 41, 73, 0, 26, 55, 0, 7, 33, 0, 0, 0, 0, 89, 122, 0, 77, 107, 0, 66, 93, 0, 54, 78, 0, 41, 63, 0, 26, 46, 0, 7, 25, 0, 0, 0, 0, 89, 108, 0, 77, 94, 0, 66, 81, 0, 53, 68, 0, 41, 54, 0, 26, 38, 0, 8, 18, 0, 0, 0, 7, 88, 92, 4, 77, 80, 0, 66, 69, 0, 53, 57, 0, 41, 44, 0, 27, 29, 0, 8, 10, 0, 0, 0, 23, 88, 77, 19, 76, 66, 11, 65, 56, 0, 53, 45, 0, 41, 33, 0, 27, 19, 0, 8, 3, 0, 0, 0, 30, 88, 64, 26, 76, 54, 18, 65, 45, 4, 53, 35, 0, 41, 24, 0, 27, 9, 0, 8, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 72, 156, 0, 62, 138, 0, 51, 121, 0, 39, 103, 0, 26, 85, 0, 9, 66, 0, 0, 42, 0, 0, 0, 0, 72, 141, 0, 62, 125, 0, 51, 109, 0, 39, 92, 0, 27, 75, 0, 11, 57, 0, 0, 35, 0, 0, 0, 0, 72, 128, 0, 62, 113, 0, 51, 98, 0, 40, 82, 0, 27, 67, 0, 12, 50, 0, 1, 28, 0, 0, 0, 17, 72, 114, 13, 62, 100, 6, 51, 87, 0, 40, 72, 0, 28, 58, 0, 13, 42, 0, 1, 21, 0, 0, 0, 28, 72, 101, 23, 61, 88, 16, 51, 76, 4, 40, 62, 0, 28, 49, 0, 14, 34, 0, 1, 14, 0, 0, 0, 36, 72, 87, 30, 61, 75, 23, 51, 64, 12, 40, 52, 1, 28, 40, 0, 14, 25, 0, 1, 7, 0, 0, 0, 41, 71, 72, 35, 61, 62, 28, 51, 52, 17, 40, 41, 5, 28, 29, 0, 14, 15, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 45, 71, 60, 39, 61, 51, 31, 51, 42, 20, 40, 32, 8, 29, 21, 0, 15, 6, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 51, 145, 0, 42, 129, 0, 33, 113, 0, 20, 96, 0, 5, 79, 0, 0, 60, 0, 0, 37, 0, 0, 0, 24, 52, 131, 21, 42, 116, 15, 33, 101, 5, 21, 85, 0, 7, 69, 0, 0, 52, 0, 1, 30, 0, 0, 0, 34, 52, 119, 29, 43, 105, 22, 33, 91, 12, 22, 76, 0, 8, 61, 0, 0, 45, 0, 1, 24, 0, 0, 0, 40, 53, 106, 34, 43, 93, 27, 34, 80, 17, 23, 67, 5, 9, 53, 0, 0, 37, 0, 0, 16, 0, 0, 0, 45, 53, 94, 38, 44, 82, 31, 34, 70, 20, 24, 58, 10, 11, 45, 0, 0, 29, 0, 0, 9, 0, 0, 0, 48, 53, 81, 42, 44, 70, 34, 35, 60, 24, 24, 48, 13, 12, 36, 0, 0, 21, 0, 0, 3, 0, 0, 0, 51, 53, 68, 45, 44, 58, 37, 35, 48, 26, 25, 37, 15, 13, 26, 2, 1, 11, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 54, 54, 57, 47, 44, 47, 39, 35, 39, 28, 25, 29, 17, 13, 17, 4, 1, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]); function convertToRgb(src, srcOffset, srcScale, dest, destOffset) { // using lut as in spline interpolation (see function.js) var cubeVertices = 16; // 1 << number of colors var cubeN = new Float32Array(cubeVertices); var cubeVertex = new Uint32Array(cubeVertices); for (var j = 0; j < cubeVertices; j++) cubeN[j] = 1; var k = 3, pos = 1; var lutDomain = 7, lutStep = 8; for (var i = 3; i >= 0; i--) { var e = src[srcOffset + i] * srcScale * lutDomain; var e0 = e < lutDomain ? Math.floor(e) : e - 1; // e1 = e0 + 1; var n0 = e0 + 1 - e; // (e1 - e) / (e1 - e0); var n1 = e - e0; // (e - e0) / (e1 - e0); var offset0 = e0 * k; var offset1 = offset0 + k; // e1 * k for (var j = 0; j < cubeVertices; j++) { if (j & pos) { cubeN[j] *= n1; cubeVertex[j] += offset1; } else { cubeN[j] *= n0; cubeVertex[j] += offset0; } } k *= lutStep; pos <<= 1; } var y0 = 0, y1 = 0, y2 = 0; for (var i = 0; i < cubeVertices; i++) y0 += lut[cubeVertex[i]] * cubeN[i]; for (var i = 0; i < cubeVertices; i++) y1 += lut[cubeVertex[i] + 1] * cubeN[i]; for (var i = 0; i < cubeVertices; i++) y2 += lut[cubeVertex[i] + 2] * cubeN[i]; dest[destOffset] = y0 > 255 ? 255 : y0; dest[destOffset + 1] = y1 > 255 ? 255 : y1; dest[destOffset + 2] = y2 > 255 ? 255 : y2; } function DeviceCmykCS() { this.name = 'DeviceCMYK'; this.numComps = 4; this.defaultColor = new Float32Array([0, 0, 0, 1]); } DeviceCmykCS.prototype = { getRgb: function DeviceCmykCS_getRgb(src, srcOffset) { var rgb = new Uint8Array(3); convertToRgb(src, srcOffset, 1, rgb, 0); return rgb; }, getRgbItem: function DeviceCmykCS_getRgbItem(src, srcOffset, dest, destOffset) { convertToRgb(src, srcOffset, 1, dest, destOffset); }, getRgbBuffer: function DeviceCmykCS_getRgbBuffer(src, srcOffset, count, dest, destOffset, bits) { var scale = 1 / ((1 << bits) - 1); for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) { convertToRgb(src, srcOffset, scale, dest, destOffset); srcOffset += 4; destOffset += 3; } }, getOutputLength: function DeviceCmykCS_getOutputLength(inputLength) { return (inputLength >> 2) * 3; }, isPassthrough: ColorSpace.prototype.isPassthrough, createRgbBuffer: ColorSpace.prototype.createRgbBuffer, isDefaultDecode: function DeviceCmykCS_isDefaultDecode(decodeMap) { return ColorSpace.isDefaultDecode(decodeMap, this.numComps); } }; return DeviceCmykCS; })(); // // LabCS: Based on "PDF Reference, Sixth Ed", p.250 // var LabCS = (function LabCSClosure() { function LabCS(whitePoint, blackPoint, range) { this.name = 'Lab'; this.numComps = 3; this.defaultColor = new Float32Array([0, 0, 0]); if (!whitePoint) error('WhitePoint missing - required for color space Lab'); blackPoint = blackPoint || [0, 0, 0]; range = range || [-100, 100, -100, 100]; // Translate args to spec variables this.XW = whitePoint[0]; this.YW = whitePoint[1]; this.ZW = whitePoint[2]; this.amin = range[0]; this.amax = range[1]; this.bmin = range[2]; this.bmax = range[3]; // These are here just for completeness - the spec doesn't offer any // formulas that use BlackPoint in Lab this.XB = blackPoint[0]; this.YB = blackPoint[1]; this.ZB = blackPoint[2]; // Validate vars as per spec if (this.XW < 0 || this.ZW < 0 || this.YW !== 1) error('Invalid WhitePoint components, no fallback available'); if (this.XB < 0 || this.YB < 0 || this.ZB < 0) { info('Invalid BlackPoint, falling back to default'); this.XB = this.YB = this.ZB = 0; } if (this.amin > this.amax || this.bmin > this.bmax) { info('Invalid Range, falling back to defaults'); this.amin = -100; this.amax = 100; this.bmin = -100; this.bmax = 100; } } // Function g(x) from spec function fn_g(x) { if (x >= 6 / 29) return x * x * x; else return (108 / 841) * (x - 4 / 29); } function convertToRgb(cs, src, srcOffset, dest, destOffset) { // Ls,as,bs <---> L*,a*,b* in the spec var Ls = src[srcOffset]; var as = src[srcOffset + 1]; var bs = src[srcOffset + 2]; // Adjust limits of 'as' and 'bs' as = as > cs.amax ? cs.amax : as < cs.amin ? cs.amin : as; bs = bs > cs.bmax ? cs.bmax : bs < cs.bmin ? cs.bmin : bs; // Computes intermediate variables X,Y,Z as per spec var M = (Ls + 16) / 116; var L = M + (as / 500); var N = M - (bs / 200); var X = cs.XW * fn_g(L); var Y = cs.YW * fn_g(M); var Z = cs.ZW * fn_g(N); var r, g, b; // Using different conversions for D50 and D65 white points, // per http://www.color.org/srgb.pdf if (cs.ZW < 1) { // Assuming D50 (X=0.9642, Y=1.00, Z=0.8249) r = X * 3.1339 + Y * -1.6170 + Z * -0.4906; g = X * -0.9785 + Y * 1.9160 + Z * 0.0333; b = X * 0.0720 + Y * -0.2290 + Z * 1.4057; } else { // Assuming D65 (X=0.9505, Y=1.00, Z=1.0888) r = X * 3.2406 + Y * -1.5372 + Z * -0.4986; g = X * -0.9689 + Y * 1.8758 + Z * 0.0415; b = X * 0.0557 + Y * -0.2040 + Z * 1.0570; } // clamp color values to [0,255] range dest[destOffset] = r < 0 ? 0 : r > 1 ? 255 : r * 255; dest[destOffset + 1] = g < 0 ? 0 : g > 1 ? 255 : g * 255; dest[destOffset + 2] = b < 0 ? 0 : b > 1 ? 255 : b * 255; } LabCS.prototype = { getRgb: function LabCS_getRgb(src, srcOffset) { var rgb = new Uint8Array(3); convertToRgb(this, src, srcOffset, rgb, 0); return rgb; }, getRgbItem: function LabCS_getRgbItem(src, srcOffset, dest, destOffset) { convertToRgb(this, src, srcOffset, dest, destOffset); }, getOutputLength: function LabCS_getOutputLength(inputLength) { return inputLength; }, isPassthrough: ColorSpace.prototype.isPassthrough, isDefaultDecode: function LabCS_isDefaultDecode(decodeMap) { // From Table 90 in Adobe's: // "Document management - Portable document format", 1st ed, 2008 if (decodeMap[0] === 0 && decodeMap[1] === 100 && decodeMap[2] === this.amin && decodeMap[3] === this.amax && decodeMap[4] === this.bmin && decodeMap[5] === this.bmax) return true; else return false; } }; return LabCS; })(); var ARCFourCipher = (function ARCFourCipherClosure() { function ARCFourCipher(key) { this.a = 0; this.b = 0; var s = new Uint8Array(256); var i, j = 0, tmp, keyLength = key.length; for (i = 0; i < 256; ++i) s[i] = i; for (i = 0; i < 256; ++i) { tmp = s[i]; j = (j + tmp + key[i % keyLength]) & 0xFF; s[i] = s[j]; s[j] = tmp; } this.s = s; } ARCFourCipher.prototype = { encryptBlock: function ARCFourCipher_encryptBlock(data) { var i, n = data.length, tmp, tmp2; var a = this.a, b = this.b, s = this.s; var output = new Uint8Array(n); for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) { a = (a + 1) & 0xFF; tmp = s[a]; b = (b + tmp) & 0xFF; tmp2 = s[b]; s[a] = tmp2; s[b] = tmp; output[i] = data[i] ^ s[(tmp + tmp2) & 0xFF]; } this.a = a; this.b = b; return output; } }; ARCFourCipher.prototype.decryptBlock = ARCFourCipher.prototype.encryptBlock; return ARCFourCipher; })(); var calculateMD5 = (function calculateMD5Closure() { var r = new Uint8Array([ 7, 12, 17, 22, 7, 12, 17, 22, 7, 12, 17, 22, 7, 12, 17, 22, 5, 9, 14, 20, 5, 9, 14, 20, 5, 9, 14, 20, 5, 9, 14, 20, 4, 11, 16, 23, 4, 11, 16, 23, 4, 11, 16, 23, 4, 11, 16, 23, 6, 10, 15, 21, 6, 10, 15, 21, 6, 10, 15, 21, 6, 10, 15, 21]); var k = new Int32Array([ -680876936, -389564586, 606105819, -1044525330, -176418897, 1200080426, -1473231341, -45705983, 1770035416, -1958414417, -42063, -1990404162, 1804603682, -40341101, -1502002290, 1236535329, -165796510, -1069501632, 643717713, -373897302, -701558691, 38016083, -660478335, -405537848, 568446438, -1019803690, -187363961, 1163531501, -1444681467, -51403784, 1735328473, -1926607734, -378558, -2022574463, 1839030562, -35309556, -1530992060, 1272893353, -155497632, -1094730640, 681279174, -358537222, -722521979, 76029189, -640364487, -421815835, 530742520, -995338651, -198630844, 1126891415, -1416354905, -57434055, 1700485571, -1894986606, -1051523, -2054922799, 1873313359, -30611744, -1560198380, 1309151649, -145523070, -1120210379, 718787259, -343485551]); function hash(data, offset, length) { var h0 = 1732584193, h1 = -271733879, h2 = -1732584194, h3 = 271733878; // pre-processing var paddedLength = (length + 72) & ~63; // data + 9 extra bytes var padded = new Uint8Array(paddedLength); var i, j, n; for (i = 0; i < length; ++i) padded[i] = data[offset++]; padded[i++] = 0x80; n = paddedLength - 8; while (i < n) padded[i++] = 0; padded[i++] = (length << 3) & 0xFF; padded[i++] = (length >> 5) & 0xFF; padded[i++] = (length >> 13) & 0xFF; padded[i++] = (length >> 21) & 0xFF; padded[i++] = (length >>> 29) & 0xFF; padded[i++] = 0; padded[i++] = 0; padded[i++] = 0; // chunking // TODO ArrayBuffer ? var w = new Int32Array(16); for (i = 0; i < paddedLength;) { for (j = 0; j < 16; ++j, i += 4) { w[j] = (padded[i] | (padded[i + 1] << 8) | (padded[i + 2] << 16) | (padded[i + 3] << 24)); } var a = h0, b = h1, c = h2, d = h3, f, g; for (j = 0; j < 64; ++j) { if (j < 16) { f = (b & c) | ((~b) & d); g = j; } else if (j < 32) { f = (d & b) | ((~d) & c); g = (5 * j + 1) & 15; } else if (j < 48) { f = b ^ c ^ d; g = (3 * j + 5) & 15; } else { f = c ^ (b | (~d)); g = (7 * j) & 15; } var tmp = d, rotateArg = (a + f + k[j] + w[g]) | 0, rotate = r[j]; d = c; c = b; b = (b + ((rotateArg << rotate) | (rotateArg >>> (32 - rotate)))) | 0; a = tmp; } h0 = (h0 + a) | 0; h1 = (h1 + b) | 0; h2 = (h2 + c) | 0; h3 = (h3 + d) | 0; } return new Uint8Array([ h0 & 0xFF, (h0 >> 8) & 0xFF, (h0 >> 16) & 0xFF, (h0 >>> 24) & 0xFF, h1 & 0xFF, (h1 >> 8) & 0xFF, (h1 >> 16) & 0xFF, (h1 >>> 24) & 0xFF, h2 & 0xFF, (h2 >> 8) & 0xFF, (h2 >> 16) & 0xFF, (h2 >>> 24) & 0xFF, h3 & 0xFF, (h3 >> 8) & 0xFF, (h3 >> 16) & 0xFF, (h3 >>> 24) & 0xFF ]); } return hash; })(); var NullCipher = (function NullCipherClosure() { function NullCipher() { } NullCipher.prototype = { decryptBlock: function NullCipher_decryptBlock(data) { return data; } }; return NullCipher; })(); var AES128Cipher = (function AES128CipherClosure() { var rcon = new Uint8Array([ 0x8d, 0x01, 0x02, 0x04, 0x08, 0x10, 0x20, 0x40, 0x80, 0x1b, 0x36, 0x6c, 0xd8, 0xab, 0x4d, 0x9a, 0x2f, 0x5e, 0xbc, 0x63, 0xc6, 0x97, 0x35, 0x6a, 0xd4, 0xb3, 0x7d, 0xfa, 0xef, 0xc5, 0x91, 0x39, 0x72, 0xe4, 0xd3, 0xbd, 0x61, 0xc2, 0x9f, 0x25, 0x4a, 0x94, 0x33, 0x66, 0xcc, 0x83, 0x1d, 0x3a, 0x74, 0xe8, 0xcb, 0x8d, 0x01, 0x02, 0x04, 0x08, 0x10, 0x20, 0x40, 0x80, 0x1b, 0x36, 0x6c, 0xd8, 0xab, 0x4d, 0x9a, 0x2f, 0x5e, 0xbc, 0x63, 0xc6, 0x97, 0x35, 0x6a, 0xd4, 0xb3, 0x7d, 0xfa, 0xef, 0xc5, 0x91, 0x39, 0x72, 0xe4, 0xd3, 0xbd, 0x61, 0xc2, 0x9f, 0x25, 0x4a, 0x94, 0x33, 0x66, 0xcc, 0x83, 0x1d, 0x3a, 0x74, 0xe8, 0xcb, 0x8d, 0x01, 0x02, 0x04, 0x08, 0x10, 0x20, 0x40, 0x80, 0x1b, 0x36, 0x6c, 0xd8, 0xab, 0x4d, 0x9a, 0x2f, 0x5e, 0xbc, 0x63, 0xc6, 0x97, 0x35, 0x6a, 0xd4, 0xb3, 0x7d, 0xfa, 0xef, 0xc5, 0x91, 0x39, 0x72, 0xe4, 0xd3, 0xbd, 0x61, 0xc2, 0x9f, 0x25, 0x4a, 0x94, 0x33, 0x66, 0xcc, 0x83, 0x1d, 0x3a, 0x74, 0xe8, 0xcb, 0x8d, 0x01, 0x02, 0x04, 0x08, 0x10, 0x20, 0x40, 0x80, 0x1b, 0x36, 0x6c, 0xd8, 0xab, 0x4d, 0x9a, 0x2f, 0x5e, 0xbc, 0x63, 0xc6, 0x97, 0x35, 0x6a, 0xd4, 0xb3, 0x7d, 0xfa, 0xef, 0xc5, 0x91, 0x39, 0x72, 0xe4, 0xd3, 0xbd, 0x61, 0xc2, 0x9f, 0x25, 0x4a, 0x94, 0x33, 0x66, 0xcc, 0x83, 0x1d, 0x3a, 0x74, 0xe8, 0xcb, 0x8d, 0x01, 0x02, 0x04, 0x08, 0x10, 0x20, 0x40, 0x80, 0x1b, 0x36, 0x6c, 0xd8, 0xab, 0x4d, 0x9a, 0x2f, 0x5e, 0xbc, 0x63, 0xc6, 0x97, 0x35, 0x6a, 0xd4, 0xb3, 0x7d, 0xfa, 0xef, 0xc5, 0x91, 0x39, 0x72, 0xe4, 0xd3, 0xbd, 0x61, 0xc2, 0x9f, 0x25, 0x4a, 0x94, 0x33, 0x66, 0xcc, 0x83, 0x1d, 0x3a, 0x74, 0xe8, 0xcb, 0x8d]); var s = new Uint8Array([ 0x63, 0x7c, 0x77, 0x7b, 0xf2, 0x6b, 0x6f, 0xc5, 0x30, 0x01, 0x67, 0x2b, 0xfe, 0xd7, 0xab, 0x76, 0xca, 0x82, 0xc9, 0x7d, 0xfa, 0x59, 0x47, 0xf0, 0xad, 0xd4, 0xa2, 0xaf, 0x9c, 0xa4, 0x72, 0xc0, 0xb7, 0xfd, 0x93, 0x26, 0x36, 0x3f, 0xf7, 0xcc, 0x34, 0xa5, 0xe5, 0xf1, 0x71, 0xd8, 0x31, 0x15, 0x04, 0xc7, 0x23, 0xc3, 0x18, 0x96, 0x05, 0x9a, 0x07, 0x12, 0x80, 0xe2, 0xeb, 0x27, 0xb2, 0x75, 0x09, 0x83, 0x2c, 0x1a, 0x1b, 0x6e, 0x5a, 0xa0, 0x52, 0x3b, 0xd6, 0xb3, 0x29, 0xe3, 0x2f, 0x84, 0x53, 0xd1, 0x00, 0xed, 0x20, 0xfc, 0xb1, 0x5b, 0x6a, 0xcb, 0xbe, 0x39, 0x4a, 0x4c, 0x58, 0xcf, 0xd0, 0xef, 0xaa, 0xfb, 0x43, 0x4d, 0x33, 0x85, 0x45, 0xf9, 0x02, 0x7f, 0x50, 0x3c, 0x9f, 0xa8, 0x51, 0xa3, 0x40, 0x8f, 0x92, 0x9d, 0x38, 0xf5, 0xbc, 0xb6, 0xda, 0x21, 0x10, 0xff, 0xf3, 0xd2, 0xcd, 0x0c, 0x13, 0xec, 0x5f, 0x97, 0x44, 0x17, 0xc4, 0xa7, 0x7e, 0x3d, 0x64, 0x5d, 0x19, 0x73, 0x60, 0x81, 0x4f, 0xdc, 0x22, 0x2a, 0x90, 0x88, 0x46, 0xee, 0xb8, 0x14, 0xde, 0x5e, 0x0b, 0xdb, 0xe0, 0x32, 0x3a, 0x0a, 0x49, 0x06, 0x24, 0x5c, 0xc2, 0xd3, 0xac, 0x62, 0x91, 0x95, 0xe4, 0x79, 0xe7, 0xc8, 0x37, 0x6d, 0x8d, 0xd5, 0x4e, 0xa9, 0x6c, 0x56, 0xf4, 0xea, 0x65, 0x7a, 0xae, 0x08, 0xba, 0x78, 0x25, 0x2e, 0x1c, 0xa6, 0xb4, 0xc6, 0xe8, 0xdd, 0x74, 0x1f, 0x4b, 0xbd, 0x8b, 0x8a, 0x70, 0x3e, 0xb5, 0x66, 0x48, 0x03, 0xf6, 0x0e, 0x61, 0x35, 0x57, 0xb9, 0x86, 0xc1, 0x1d, 0x9e, 0xe1, 0xf8, 0x98, 0x11, 0x69, 0xd9, 0x8e, 0x94, 0x9b, 0x1e, 0x87, 0xe9, 0xce, 0x55, 0x28, 0xdf, 0x8c, 0xa1, 0x89, 0x0d, 0xbf, 0xe6, 0x42, 0x68, 0x41, 0x99, 0x2d, 0x0f, 0xb0, 0x54, 0xbb, 0x16]); var inv_s = new Uint8Array([ 0x52, 0x09, 0x6a, 0xd5, 0x30, 0x36, 0xa5, 0x38, 0xbf, 0x40, 0xa3, 0x9e, 0x81, 0xf3, 0xd7, 0xfb, 0x7c, 0xe3, 0x39, 0x82, 0x9b, 0x2f, 0xff, 0x87, 0x34, 0x8e, 0x43, 0x44, 0xc4, 0xde, 0xe9, 0xcb, 0x54, 0x7b, 0x94, 0x32, 0xa6, 0xc2, 0x23, 0x3d, 0xee, 0x4c, 0x95, 0x0b, 0x42, 0xfa, 0xc3, 0x4e, 0x08, 0x2e, 0xa1, 0x66, 0x28, 0xd9, 0x24, 0xb2, 0x76, 0x5b, 0xa2, 0x49, 0x6d, 0x8b, 0xd1, 0x25, 0x72, 0xf8, 0xf6, 0x64, 0x86, 0x68, 0x98, 0x16, 0xd4, 0xa4, 0x5c, 0xcc, 0x5d, 0x65, 0xb6, 0x92, 0x6c, 0x70, 0x48, 0x50, 0xfd, 0xed, 0xb9, 0xda, 0x5e, 0x15, 0x46, 0x57, 0xa7, 0x8d, 0x9d, 0x84, 0x90, 0xd8, 0xab, 0x00, 0x8c, 0xbc, 0xd3, 0x0a, 0xf7, 0xe4, 0x58, 0x05, 0xb8, 0xb3, 0x45, 0x06, 0xd0, 0x2c, 0x1e, 0x8f, 0xca, 0x3f, 0x0f, 0x02, 0xc1, 0xaf, 0xbd, 0x03, 0x01, 0x13, 0x8a, 0x6b, 0x3a, 0x91, 0x11, 0x41, 0x4f, 0x67, 0xdc, 0xea, 0x97, 0xf2, 0xcf, 0xce, 0xf0, 0xb4, 0xe6, 0x73, 0x96, 0xac, 0x74, 0x22, 0xe7, 0xad, 0x35, 0x85, 0xe2, 0xf9, 0x37, 0xe8, 0x1c, 0x75, 0xdf, 0x6e, 0x47, 0xf1, 0x1a, 0x71, 0x1d, 0x29, 0xc5, 0x89, 0x6f, 0xb7, 0x62, 0x0e, 0xaa, 0x18, 0xbe, 0x1b, 0xfc, 0x56, 0x3e, 0x4b, 0xc6, 0xd2, 0x79, 0x20, 0x9a, 0xdb, 0xc0, 0xfe, 0x78, 0xcd, 0x5a, 0xf4, 0x1f, 0xdd, 0xa8, 0x33, 0x88, 0x07, 0xc7, 0x31, 0xb1, 0x12, 0x10, 0x59, 0x27, 0x80, 0xec, 0x5f, 0x60, 0x51, 0x7f, 0xa9, 0x19, 0xb5, 0x4a, 0x0d, 0x2d, 0xe5, 0x7a, 0x9f, 0x93, 0xc9, 0x9c, 0xef, 0xa0, 0xe0, 0x3b, 0x4d, 0xae, 0x2a, 0xf5, 0xb0, 0xc8, 0xeb, 0xbb, 0x3c, 0x83, 0x53, 0x99, 0x61, 0x17, 0x2b, 0x04, 0x7e, 0xba, 0x77, 0xd6, 0x26, 0xe1, 0x69, 0x14, 0x63, 0x55, 0x21, 0x0c, 0x7d]); var mix = new Uint32Array([ 0x00000000, 0x0e090d0b, 0x1c121a16, 0x121b171d, 0x3824342c, 0x362d3927, 0x24362e3a, 0x2a3f2331, 0x70486858, 0x7e416553, 0x6c5a724e, 0x62537f45, 0x486c5c74, 0x4665517f, 0x547e4662, 0x5a774b69, 0xe090d0b0, 0xee99ddbb, 0xfc82caa6, 0xf28bc7ad, 0xd8b4e49c, 0xd6bde997, 0xc4a6fe8a, 0xcaaff381, 0x90d8b8e8, 0x9ed1b5e3, 0x8ccaa2fe, 0x82c3aff5, 0xa8fc8cc4, 0xa6f581cf, 0xb4ee96d2, 0xbae79bd9, 0xdb3bbb7b, 0xd532b670, 0xc729a16d, 0xc920ac66, 0xe31f8f57, 0xed16825c, 0xff0d9541, 0xf104984a, 0xab73d323, 0xa57ade28, 0xb761c935, 0xb968c43e, 0x9357e70f, 0x9d5eea04, 0x8f45fd19, 0x814cf012, 0x3bab6bcb, 0x35a266c0, 0x27b971dd, 0x29b07cd6, 0x038f5fe7, 0x0d8652ec, 0x1f9d45f1, 0x119448fa, 0x4be30393, 0x45ea0e98, 0x57f11985, 0x59f8148e, 0x73c737bf, 0x7dce3ab4, 0x6fd52da9, 0x61dc20a2, 0xad766df6, 0xa37f60fd, 0xb16477e0, 0xbf6d7aeb, 0x955259da, 0x9b5b54d1, 0x894043cc, 0x87494ec7, 0xdd3e05ae, 0xd33708a5, 0xc12c1fb8, 0xcf2512b3, 0xe51a3182, 0xeb133c89, 0xf9082b94, 0xf701269f, 0x4de6bd46, 0x43efb04d, 0x51f4a750, 0x5ffdaa5b, 0x75c2896a, 0x7bcb8461, 0x69d0937c, 0x67d99e77, 0x3daed51e, 0x33a7d815, 0x21bccf08, 0x2fb5c203, 0x058ae132, 0x0b83ec39, 0x1998fb24, 0x1791f62f, 0x764dd68d, 0x7844db86, 0x6a5fcc9b, 0x6456c190, 0x4e69e2a1, 0x4060efaa, 0x527bf8b7, 0x5c72f5bc, 0x0605bed5, 0x080cb3de, 0x1a17a4c3, 0x141ea9c8, 0x3e218af9, 0x302887f2, 0x223390ef, 0x2c3a9de4, 0x96dd063d, 0x98d40b36, 0x8acf1c2b, 0x84c61120, 0xaef93211, 0xa0f03f1a, 0xb2eb2807, 0xbce2250c, 0xe6956e65, 0xe89c636e, 0xfa877473, 0xf48e7978, 0xdeb15a49, 0xd0b85742, 0xc2a3405f, 0xccaa4d54, 0x41ecdaf7, 0x4fe5d7fc, 0x5dfec0e1, 0x53f7cdea, 0x79c8eedb, 0x77c1e3d0, 0x65daf4cd, 0x6bd3f9c6, 0x31a4b2af, 0x3fadbfa4, 0x2db6a8b9, 0x23bfa5b2, 0x09808683, 0x07898b88, 0x15929c95, 0x1b9b919e, 0xa17c0a47, 0xaf75074c, 0xbd6e1051, 0xb3671d5a, 0x99583e6b, 0x97513360, 0x854a247d, 0x8b432976, 0xd134621f, 0xdf3d6f14, 0xcd267809, 0xc32f7502, 0xe9105633, 0xe7195b38, 0xf5024c25, 0xfb0b412e, 0x9ad7618c, 0x94de6c87, 0x86c57b9a, 0x88cc7691, 0xa2f355a0, 0xacfa58ab, 0xbee14fb6, 0xb0e842bd, 0xea9f09d4, 0xe49604df, 0xf68d13c2, 0xf8841ec9, 0xd2bb3df8, 0xdcb230f3, 0xcea927ee, 0xc0a02ae5, 0x7a47b13c, 0x744ebc37, 0x6655ab2a, 0x685ca621, 0x42638510, 0x4c6a881b, 0x5e719f06, 0x5078920d, 0x0a0fd964, 0x0406d46f, 0x161dc372, 0x1814ce79, 0x322bed48, 0x3c22e043, 0x2e39f75e, 0x2030fa55, 0xec9ab701, 0xe293ba0a, 0xf088ad17, 0xfe81a01c, 0xd4be832d, 0xdab78e26, 0xc8ac993b, 0xc6a59430, 0x9cd2df59, 0x92dbd252, 0x80c0c54f, 0x8ec9c844, 0xa4f6eb75, 0xaaffe67e, 0xb8e4f163, 0xb6edfc68, 0x0c0a67b1, 0x02036aba, 0x10187da7, 0x1e1170ac, 0x342e539d, 0x3a275e96, 0x283c498b, 0x26354480, 0x7c420fe9, 0x724b02e2, 0x605015ff, 0x6e5918f4, 0x44663bc5, 0x4a6f36ce, 0x587421d3, 0x567d2cd8, 0x37a10c7a, 0x39a80171, 0x2bb3166c, 0x25ba1b67, 0x0f853856, 0x018c355d, 0x13972240, 0x1d9e2f4b, 0x47e96422, 0x49e06929, 0x5bfb7e34, 0x55f2733f, 0x7fcd500e, 0x71c45d05, 0x63df4a18, 0x6dd64713, 0xd731dcca, 0xd938d1c1, 0xcb23c6dc, 0xc52acbd7, 0xef15e8e6, 0xe11ce5ed, 0xf307f2f0, 0xfd0efffb, 0xa779b492, 0xa970b999, 0xbb6bae84, 0xb562a38f, 0x9f5d80be, 0x91548db5, 0x834f9aa8, 0x8d4697a3]); function expandKey128(cipherKey) { var b = 176, result = new Uint8Array(b); result.set(cipherKey); for (var j = 16, i = 1; j < b; ++i) { // RotWord var t1 = result[j - 3], t2 = result[j - 2], t3 = result[j - 1], t4 = result[j - 4]; // SubWord t1 = s[t1]; t2 = s[t2]; t3 = s[t3]; t4 = s[t4]; // Rcon t1 = t1 ^ rcon[i]; for (var n = 0; n < 4; ++n) { result[j] = (t1 ^= result[j - 16]); j++; result[j] = (t2 ^= result[j - 16]); j++; result[j] = (t3 ^= result[j - 16]); j++; result[j] = (t4 ^= result[j - 16]); j++; } } return result; } function decrypt128(input, key) { var state = new Uint8Array(16); state.set(input); var i, j, k; var t, u, v; // AddRoundKey for (j = 0, k = 160; j < 16; ++j, ++k) state[j] ^= key[k]; for (i = 9; i >= 1; --i) { // InvShiftRows t = state[13]; state[13] = state[9]; state[9] = state[5]; state[5] = state[1]; state[1] = t; t = state[14]; u = state[10]; state[14] = state[6]; state[10] = state[2]; state[6] = t; state[2] = u; t = state[15]; u = state[11]; v = state[7]; state[15] = state[3]; state[11] = t; state[7] = u; state[3] = v; // InvSubBytes for (j = 0; j < 16; ++j) state[j] = inv_s[state[j]]; // AddRoundKey for (j = 0, k = i * 16; j < 16; ++j, ++k) state[j] ^= key[k]; // InvMixColumns for (j = 0; j < 16; j += 4) { var s0 = mix[state[j]], s1 = mix[state[j + 1]], s2 = mix[state[j + 2]], s3 = mix[state[j + 3]]; t = (s0 ^ (s1 >>> 8) ^ (s1 << 24) ^ (s2 >>> 16) ^ (s2 << 16) ^ (s3 >>> 24) ^ (s3 << 8)); state[j] = (t >>> 24) & 0xFF; state[j + 1] = (t >> 16) & 0xFF; state[j + 2] = (t >> 8) & 0xFF; state[j + 3] = t & 0xFF; } } // InvShiftRows t = state[13]; state[13] = state[9]; state[9] = state[5]; state[5] = state[1]; state[1] = t; t = state[14]; u = state[10]; state[14] = state[6]; state[10] = state[2]; state[6] = t; state[2] = u; t = state[15]; u = state[11]; v = state[7]; state[15] = state[3]; state[11] = t; state[7] = u; state[3] = v; for (j = 0; j < 16; ++j) { // InvSubBytes state[j] = inv_s[state[j]]; // AddRoundKey state[j] ^= key[j]; } return state; } function AES128Cipher(key) { this.key = expandKey128(key); this.buffer = new Uint8Array(16); this.bufferPosition = 0; } function decryptBlock2(data) { var i, j, ii, sourceLength = data.length, buffer = this.buffer, bufferLength = this.bufferPosition, result = [], iv = this.iv; for (i = 0; i < sourceLength; ++i) { buffer[bufferLength] = data[i]; ++bufferLength; if (bufferLength < 16) continue; // buffer is full, decrypting var plain = decrypt128(buffer, this.key); // xor-ing the IV vector to get plain text for (j = 0; j < 16; ++j) plain[j] ^= iv[j]; iv = buffer; result.push(plain); buffer = new Uint8Array(16); bufferLength = 0; } // saving incomplete buffer this.buffer = buffer; this.bufferLength = bufferLength; this.iv = iv; if (result.length === 0) return new Uint8Array([]); if (result.length == 1) return result[0]; // combining plain text blocks into one var output = new Uint8Array(16 * result.length); for (i = 0, j = 0, ii = result.length; i < ii; ++i, j += 16) output.set(result[i], j); return output; } AES128Cipher.prototype = { decryptBlock: function AES128Cipher_decryptBlock(data) { var i, sourceLength = data.length; var buffer = this.buffer, bufferLength = this.bufferPosition; // waiting for IV values -- they are at the start of the stream for (i = 0; bufferLength < 16 && i < sourceLength; ++i, ++bufferLength) buffer[bufferLength] = data[i]; if (bufferLength < 16) { // need more data this.bufferLength = bufferLength; return new Uint8Array([]); } this.iv = buffer; this.buffer = new Uint8Array(16); this.bufferLength = 0; // starting decryption this.decryptBlock = decryptBlock2; return this.decryptBlock(data.subarray(16)); } }; return AES128Cipher; })(); var CipherTransform = (function CipherTransformClosure() { function CipherTransform(stringCipherConstructor, streamCipherConstructor) { this.stringCipherConstructor = stringCipherConstructor; this.streamCipherConstructor = streamCipherConstructor; } CipherTransform.prototype = { createStream: function CipherTransform_createStream(stream) { var cipher = new this.streamCipherConstructor(); return new DecryptStream(stream, function cipherTransformDecryptStream(data) { return cipher.decryptBlock(data); } ); }, decryptString: function CipherTransform_decryptString(s) { var cipher = new this.stringCipherConstructor(); var data = stringToBytes(s); data = cipher.decryptBlock(data); return bytesToString(data); } }; return CipherTransform; })(); var CipherTransformFactory = (function CipherTransformFactoryClosure() { var defaultPasswordBytes = new Uint8Array([ 0x28, 0xBF, 0x4E, 0x5E, 0x4E, 0x75, 0x8A, 0x41, 0x64, 0x00, 0x4E, 0x56, 0xFF, 0xFA, 0x01, 0x08, 0x2E, 0x2E, 0x00, 0xB6, 0xD0, 0x68, 0x3E, 0x80, 0x2F, 0x0C, 0xA9, 0xFE, 0x64, 0x53, 0x69, 0x7A]); function prepareKeyData(fileId, password, ownerPassword, userPassword, flags, revision, keyLength, encryptMetadata) { var hashData = new Uint8Array(100), i = 0, j, n; if (password) { n = Math.min(32, password.length); for (; i < n; ++i) hashData[i] = password[i]; } j = 0; while (i < 32) { hashData[i++] = defaultPasswordBytes[j++]; } // as now the padded password in the hashData[0..i] for (j = 0, n = ownerPassword.length; j < n; ++j) hashData[i++] = ownerPassword[j]; hashData[i++] = flags & 0xFF; hashData[i++] = (flags >> 8) & 0xFF; hashData[i++] = (flags >> 16) & 0xFF; hashData[i++] = (flags >>> 24) & 0xFF; for (j = 0, n = fileId.length; j < n; ++j) hashData[i++] = fileId[j]; if (revision >= 4 && !encryptMetadata) { hashData[i++] = 0xFF; hashData[i++] = 0xFF; hashData[i++] = 0xFF; hashData[i++] = 0xFF; } var hash = calculateMD5(hashData, 0, i); var keyLengthInBytes = keyLength >> 3; if (revision >= 3) { for (j = 0; j < 50; ++j) { hash = calculateMD5(hash, 0, keyLengthInBytes); } } var encryptionKey = hash.subarray(0, keyLengthInBytes); var cipher, checkData; if (revision >= 3) { for (i = 0; i < 32; ++i) hashData[i] = defaultPasswordBytes[i]; for (j = 0, n = fileId.length; j < n; ++j) hashData[i++] = fileId[j]; cipher = new ARCFourCipher(encryptionKey); var checkData = cipher.encryptBlock(calculateMD5(hashData, 0, i)); n = encryptionKey.length; var derivedKey = new Uint8Array(n), k; for (j = 1; j <= 19; ++j) { for (k = 0; k < n; ++k) derivedKey[k] = encryptionKey[k] ^ j; cipher = new ARCFourCipher(derivedKey); checkData = cipher.encryptBlock(checkData); } for (j = 0, n = checkData.length; j < n; ++j) { if (userPassword[j] != checkData[j]) return null; } } else { cipher = new ARCFourCipher(encryptionKey); checkData = cipher.encryptBlock(defaultPasswordBytes); for (j = 0, n = checkData.length; j < n; ++j) { if (userPassword[j] != checkData[j]) return null; } } return encryptionKey; } function decodeUserPassword(password, ownerPassword, revision, keyLength) { var hashData = new Uint8Array(32), i = 0, j, n; n = Math.min(32, password.length); for (; i < n; ++i) hashData[i] = password[i]; j = 0; while (i < 32) { hashData[i++] = defaultPasswordBytes[j++]; } var hash = calculateMD5(hashData, 0, i); var keyLengthInBytes = keyLength >> 3; if (revision >= 3) { for (j = 0; j < 50; ++j) { hash = calculateMD5(hash, 0, hash.length); } } var cipher, userPassword; if (revision >= 3) { userPassword = ownerPassword; var derivedKey = new Uint8Array(keyLengthInBytes), k; for (j = 19; j >= 0; j--) { for (k = 0; k < keyLengthInBytes; ++k) derivedKey[k] = hash[k] ^ j; cipher = new ARCFourCipher(derivedKey); userPassword = cipher.encryptBlock(userPassword); } } else { cipher = new ARCFourCipher(hash.subarray(0, keyLengthInBytes)); userPassword = cipher.encryptBlock(ownerPassword); } return userPassword; } var identityName = new Name('Identity'); function CipherTransformFactory(dict, fileId, password) { var filter = dict.get('Filter'); if (!isName(filter) || filter.name != 'Standard') error('unknown encryption method'); this.dict = dict; var algorithm = dict.get('V'); if (!isInt(algorithm) || (algorithm != 1 && algorithm != 2 && algorithm != 4)) error('unsupported encryption algorithm'); this.algorithm = algorithm; var keyLength = dict.get('Length') || 40; if (!isInt(keyLength) || keyLength < 40 || (keyLength % 8) !== 0) error('invalid key length'); // prepare keys var ownerPassword = stringToBytes(dict.get('O')); var userPassword = stringToBytes(dict.get('U')); var flags = dict.get('P'); this.disableTextLayer = !(flags & 16); var revision = dict.get('R'); var encryptMetadata = algorithm == 4 && // meaningful when V is 4 dict.get('EncryptMetadata') !== false; // makes true as default value this.encryptMetadata = encryptMetadata; var fileIdBytes = stringToBytes(fileId); var passwordBytes; if (password) passwordBytes = stringToBytes(password); var encryptionKey = prepareKeyData(fileIdBytes, passwordBytes, ownerPassword, userPassword, flags, revision, keyLength, encryptMetadata); if (!encryptionKey && !password) { throw new PasswordException('No password given', 'needpassword'); } else if (!encryptionKey && password) { // Attempting use the password as an owner password var decodedPassword = decodeUserPassword(passwordBytes, ownerPassword, revision, keyLength); encryptionKey = prepareKeyData(fileIdBytes, decodedPassword, ownerPassword, userPassword, flags, revision, keyLength, encryptMetadata); } if (!encryptionKey) throw new PasswordException('Incorrect Password', 'incorrectpassword'); this.encryptionKey = encryptionKey; if (algorithm == 4) { this.cf = dict.get('CF'); this.stmf = dict.get('StmF') || identityName; this.strf = dict.get('StrF') || identityName; this.eff = dict.get('EFF') || this.strf; } } function buildObjectKey(num, gen, encryptionKey, isAes) { var key = new Uint8Array(encryptionKey.length + 9), i, n; for (i = 0, n = encryptionKey.length; i < n; ++i) key[i] = encryptionKey[i]; key[i++] = num & 0xFF; key[i++] = (num >> 8) & 0xFF; key[i++] = (num >> 16) & 0xFF; key[i++] = gen & 0xFF; key[i++] = (gen >> 8) & 0xFF; if (isAes) { key[i++] = 0x73; key[i++] = 0x41; key[i++] = 0x6C; key[i++] = 0x54; } var hash = calculateMD5(key, 0, i); return hash.subarray(0, Math.min(encryptionKey.length + 5, 16)); } function buildCipherConstructor(cf, name, num, gen, key) { var cryptFilter = cf.get(name.name); var cfm; if (cryptFilter !== null && cryptFilter !== undefined) cfm = cryptFilter.get('CFM'); if (!cfm || cfm.name == 'None') { return function cipherTransformFactoryBuildCipherConstructorNone() { return new NullCipher(); }; } if ('V2' == cfm.name) { return function cipherTransformFactoryBuildCipherConstructorV2() { return new ARCFourCipher( buildObjectKey(num, gen, key, false)); }; } if ('AESV2' == cfm.name) { return function cipherTransformFactoryBuildCipherConstructorAESV2() { return new AES128Cipher( buildObjectKey(num, gen, key, true)); }; } error('Unknown crypto method'); } CipherTransformFactory.prototype = { createCipherTransform: function CipherTransformFactory_createCipherTransform(num, gen) { if (this.algorithm == 4) { return new CipherTransform( buildCipherConstructor(this.cf, this.stmf, num, gen, this.encryptionKey), buildCipherConstructor(this.cf, this.strf, num, gen, this.encryptionKey)); } // algorithms 1 and 2 var key = buildObjectKey(num, gen, this.encryptionKey, false); var cipherConstructor = function buildCipherCipherConstructor() { return new ARCFourCipher(key); }; return new CipherTransform(cipherConstructor, cipherConstructor); } }; return CipherTransformFactory; })(); var PartialEvaluator = (function PartialEvaluatorClosure() { function PartialEvaluator(xref, handler, pageIndex, uniquePrefix) { this.state = new EvalState(); this.stateStack = []; this.xref = xref; this.handler = handler; this.pageIndex = pageIndex; this.uniquePrefix = uniquePrefix; this.objIdCounter = 0; this.fontIdCounter = 0; } // Specifies properties for each command // // If variableArgs === true: [0, `numArgs`] expected // If variableArgs === false: exactly `numArgs` expected var OP_MAP = { // Graphic state w: { fnName: 'setLineWidth', numArgs: 1, variableArgs: false }, J: { fnName: 'setLineCap', numArgs: 1, variableArgs: false }, j: { fnName: 'setLineJoin', numArgs: 1, variableArgs: false }, M: { fnName: 'setMiterLimit', numArgs: 1, variableArgs: false }, d: { fnName: 'setDash', numArgs: 2, variableArgs: false }, ri: { fnName: 'setRenderingIntent', numArgs: 1, variableArgs: false }, i: { fnName: 'setFlatness', numArgs: 1, variableArgs: false }, gs: { fnName: 'setGState', numArgs: 1, variableArgs: false }, q: { fnName: 'save', numArgs: 0, variableArgs: false }, Q: { fnName: 'restore', numArgs: 0, variableArgs: false }, cm: { fnName: 'transform', numArgs: 6, variableArgs: false }, // Path m: { fnName: 'moveTo', numArgs: 2, variableArgs: false }, l: { fnName: 'lineTo', numArgs: 2, variableArgs: false }, c: { fnName: 'curveTo', numArgs: 6, variableArgs: false }, v: { fnName: 'curveTo2', numArgs: 4, variableArgs: false }, y: { fnName: 'curveTo3', numArgs: 4, variableArgs: false }, h: { fnName: 'closePath', numArgs: 0, variableArgs: false }, re: { fnName: 'rectangle', numArgs: 4, variableArgs: false }, S: { fnName: 'stroke', numArgs: 0, variableArgs: false }, s: { fnName: 'closeStroke', numArgs: 0, variableArgs: false }, f: { fnName: 'fill', numArgs: 0, variableArgs: false }, F: { fnName: 'fill', numArgs: 0, variableArgs: false }, 'f*': { fnName: 'eoFill', numArgs: 0, variableArgs: false }, B: { fnName: 'fillStroke', numArgs: 0, variableArgs: false }, 'B*': { fnName: 'eoFillStroke', numArgs: 0, variableArgs: false }, b: { fnName: 'closeFillStroke', numArgs: 0, variableArgs: false }, 'b*': { fnName: 'closeEOFillStroke', numArgs: 0, variableArgs: false }, n: { fnName: 'endPath', numArgs: 0, variableArgs: false }, // Clipping W: { fnName: 'clip', numArgs: 0, variableArgs: false }, 'W*': { fnName: 'eoClip', numArgs: 0, variableArgs: false }, // Text BT: { fnName: 'beginText', numArgs: 0, variableArgs: false }, ET: { fnName: 'endText', numArgs: 0, variableArgs: false }, Tc: { fnName: 'setCharSpacing', numArgs: 1, variableArgs: false }, Tw: { fnName: 'setWordSpacing', numArgs: 1, variableArgs: false }, Tz: { fnName: 'setHScale', numArgs: 1, variableArgs: false }, TL: { fnName: 'setLeading', numArgs: 1, variableArgs: false }, Tf: { fnName: 'setFont', numArgs: 2, variableArgs: false }, Tr: { fnName: 'setTextRenderingMode', numArgs: 1, variableArgs: false }, Ts: { fnName: 'setTextRise', numArgs: 1, variableArgs: false }, Td: { fnName: 'moveText', numArgs: 2, variableArgs: false }, TD: { fnName: 'setLeadingMoveText', numArgs: 2, variableArgs: false }, Tm: { fnName: 'setTextMatrix', numArgs: 6, variableArgs: false }, 'T*': { fnName: 'nextLine', numArgs: 0, variableArgs: false }, Tj: { fnName: 'showText', numArgs: 1, variableArgs: false }, TJ: { fnName: 'showSpacedText', numArgs: 1, variableArgs: false }, '\'': { fnName: 'nextLineShowText', numArgs: 1, variableArgs: false }, '"': { fnName: 'nextLineSetSpacingShowText', numArgs: 3, variableArgs: false }, // Type3 fonts d0: { fnName: 'setCharWidth', numArgs: 2, variableArgs: false }, d1: { fnName: 'setCharWidthAndBounds', numArgs: 6, variableArgs: false }, // Color CS: { fnName: 'setStrokeColorSpace', numArgs: 1, variableArgs: false }, cs: { fnName: 'setFillColorSpace', numArgs: 1, variableArgs: false }, SC: { fnName: 'setStrokeColor', numArgs: 4, variableArgs: true }, SCN: { fnName: 'setStrokeColorN', numArgs: 33, variableArgs: true }, sc: { fnName: 'setFillColor', numArgs: 4, variableArgs: true }, scn: { fnName: 'setFillColorN', numArgs: 33, variableArgs: true }, G: { fnName: 'setStrokeGray', numArgs: 1, variableArgs: false }, g: { fnName: 'setFillGray', numArgs: 1, variableArgs: false }, RG: { fnName: 'setStrokeRGBColor', numArgs: 3, variableArgs: false }, rg: { fnName: 'setFillRGBColor', numArgs: 3, variableArgs: false }, K: { fnName: 'setStrokeCMYKColor', numArgs: 4, variableArgs: false }, k: { fnName: 'setFillCMYKColor', numArgs: 4, variableArgs: false }, // Shading sh: { fnName: 'shadingFill', numArgs: 1, variableArgs: false }, // Images BI: { fnName: 'beginInlineImage', numArgs: 0, variableArgs: false }, ID: { fnName: 'beginImageData', numArgs: 0, variableArgs: false }, EI: { fnName: 'endInlineImage', numArgs: 0, variableArgs: false }, // XObjects Do: { fnName: 'paintXObject', numArgs: 1, variableArgs: false }, MP: { fnName: 'markPoint', numArgs: 1, variableArgs: false }, DP: { fnName: 'markPointProps', numArgs: 2, variableArgs: false }, BMC: { fnName: 'beginMarkedContent', numArgs: 1, variableArgs: false }, BDC: { fnName: 'beginMarkedContentProps', numArgs: 2, variableArgs: false }, EMC: { fnName: 'endMarkedContent', numArgs: 0, variableArgs: false }, // Compatibility BX: { fnName: 'beginCompat', numArgs: 0, variableArgs: false }, EX: { fnName: 'endCompat', numArgs: 0, variableArgs: false }, // (reserved partial commands for the lexer) BM: null, BD: null, 'true': null, fa: null, fal: null, fals: null, 'false': null, nu: null, nul: null, 'null': null }; PartialEvaluator.prototype = { loadFont: function PartialEvaluator_loadFont(fontName, font, xref, resources, dependency) { var fontRes = resources.get('Font'); assert(fontRes, 'fontRes not available'); ++this.fontIdCounter; font = xref.fetchIfRef(font) || fontRes.get(fontName); if (!isDict(font)) { return { translated: new ErrorFont('Font ' + fontName + ' is not available'), loadedName: 'g_font_' + this.uniquePrefix + this.fontIdCounter }; } var loadedName = font.loadedName; if (!loadedName) { // keep track of each font we translated so the caller can // load them asynchronously before calling display on a page loadedName = 'g_font_' + this.uniquePrefix + this.fontIdCounter; font.loadedName = loadedName; var translated; try { translated = this.translateFont(font, xref, resources, dependency); } catch (e) { if (e instanceof MissingDataException) { font.loadedName = undefined; throw e; } translated = new ErrorFont(e instanceof Error ? e.message : e); } font.translated = translated; var data = translated; if (data.loadCharProcs) { delete data.loadCharProcs; var charProcs = font.get('CharProcs').getAll(); var fontResources = font.get('Resources') || resources; var charProcOperatorList = {}; for (var key in charProcs) { var glyphStream = charProcs[key]; charProcOperatorList[key] = this.getOperatorList(glyphStream, fontResources, dependency); } data.charProcOperatorList = charProcOperatorList; } } return font; }, getOperatorList: function PartialEvaluator_getOperatorList(stream, resources, dependency, queue) { var self = this; var xref = this.xref; var handler = this.handler; var pageIndex = this.pageIndex; var uniquePrefix = this.uniquePrefix || ''; function insertDependency(depList) { fnArray.push('dependency'); argsArray.push(depList); for (var i = 0, ii = depList.length; i < ii; i++) { var dep = depList[i]; if (dependency.indexOf(dep) == -1) { dependency.push(depList[i]); } } } function handleSetFont(fontName, font) { font = self.loadFont(fontName, font, xref, resources, dependency); var loadedName = font.loadedName; if (!font.sent) { var data = font.translated.exportData(); handler.send('commonobj', [ loadedName, 'Font', data ]); font.sent = true; } // Ensure the font is ready before the font is set // and later on used for drawing. // OPTIMIZE: This should get insert to the operatorList only once per // page. insertDependency([loadedName]); return loadedName; } function buildPaintImageXObject(image, inline) { var dict = image.dict; var w = dict.get('Width', 'W'); var h = dict.get('Height', 'H'); var imageMask = dict.get('ImageMask', 'IM') || false; if (imageMask) { // This depends on a tmpCanvas beeing filled with the // current fillStyle, such that processing the pixel // data can't be done here. Instead of creating a // complete PDFImage, only read the information needed // for later. var width = dict.get('Width', 'W'); var height = dict.get('Height', 'H'); var bitStrideLength = (width + 7) >> 3; var imgArray = image.getBytes(bitStrideLength * height); var decode = dict.get('Decode', 'D'); var inverseDecode = !!decode && decode[0] > 0; fn = 'paintImageMaskXObject'; args = [imgArray, inverseDecode, width, height]; return; } var softMask = dict.get('SMask', 'SM') || false; var mask = dict.get('Mask') || false; var SMALL_IMAGE_DIMENSIONS = 200; // Inlining small images into the queue as RGB data if (inline && !softMask && !mask && !(image instanceof JpegStream) && (w + h) < SMALL_IMAGE_DIMENSIONS) { var imageObj = new PDFImage(xref, resources, image, inline, null, null); var imgData = imageObj.getImageData(); fn = 'paintInlineImageXObject'; args = [imgData]; return; } // If there is no imageMask, create the PDFImage and a lot // of image processing can be done here. var objId = 'img_' + uniquePrefix + (++self.objIdCounter); insertDependency([objId]); args = [objId, w, h]; if (!softMask && !mask && image instanceof JpegStream && image.isNativelySupported(xref, resources)) { // These JPEGs don't need any more processing so we can just send it. fn = 'paintJpegXObject'; handler.send('obj', [objId, pageIndex, 'JpegStream', image.getIR()]); return; } fn = 'paintImageXObject'; PDFImage.buildImage(function(imageObj) { var imgData = imageObj.getImageData(); handler.send('obj', [objId, pageIndex, 'Image', imgData]); }, handler, xref, resources, image, inline); } if (!queue) queue = {}; if (!queue.argsArray) { queue.argsArray = []; } if (!queue.fnArray) { queue.fnArray = []; } var fnArray = queue.fnArray, argsArray = queue.argsArray; var dependencyArray = dependency || []; resources = resources || new Dict(); var xobjs = resources.get('XObject') || new Dict(); var patterns = resources.get('Pattern') || new Dict(); // TODO(mduan): pass array of knownCommands rather than OP_MAP // dictionary var parser = new Parser(new Lexer(stream, OP_MAP), false, xref); var res = resources; var args = [], obj; var TILING_PATTERN = 1, SHADING_PATTERN = 2; while (true) { obj = parser.getObj(); if (isEOF(obj)) { break; } if (isCmd(obj)) { var cmd = obj.cmd; // Check that the command is valid var opSpec = OP_MAP[cmd]; if (!opSpec) { warn('Unknown command "' + cmd + '"'); continue; } var fn = opSpec.fnName; // Validate the number of arguments for the command if (opSpec.variableArgs) { if (args.length > opSpec.numArgs) { info('Command ' + fn + ': expected [0,' + opSpec.numArgs + '] args, but received ' + args.length + ' args'); } } else { if (args.length < opSpec.numArgs) { // If we receive too few args, it's not possible to possible // to execute the command, so skip the command info('Command ' + fn + ': because expected ' + opSpec.numArgs + ' args, but received ' + args.length + ' args; skipping'); args = []; continue; } else if (args.length > opSpec.numArgs) { info('Command ' + fn + ': expected ' + opSpec.numArgs + ' args, but received ' + args.length + ' args'); } } // TODO figure out how to type-check vararg functions if ((cmd == 'SCN' || cmd == 'scn') && !args[args.length - 1].code) { // compile tiling patterns var patternName = args[args.length - 1]; // SCN/scn applies patterns along with normal colors if (isName(patternName)) { var pattern = patterns.get(patternName.name); if (pattern) { var dict = isStream(pattern) ? pattern.dict : pattern; var typeNum = dict.get('PatternType'); if (typeNum == TILING_PATTERN) { // Create an IR of the pattern code. var depIdx = dependencyArray.length; var operatorList = this.getOperatorList(pattern, dict.get('Resources') || resources, dependencyArray); // Add the dependencies that are required to execute the // operatorList. insertDependency(dependencyArray.slice(depIdx)); args = TilingPattern.getIR(operatorList, dict, args); } else if (typeNum == SHADING_PATTERN) { var shading = dict.get('Shading'); var matrix = dict.get('Matrix'); var pattern = Pattern.parseShading(shading, matrix, xref, res); args = pattern.getIR(); } else { error('Unkown PatternType ' + typeNum); } } } } else if (cmd == 'Do' && !args[0].code) { // eagerly compile XForm objects var name = args[0].name; var xobj = xobjs.get(name); if (xobj) { assertWellFormed(isStream(xobj), 'XObject should be a stream'); var type = xobj.dict.get('Subtype'); assertWellFormed( isName(type), 'XObject should have a Name subtype' ); if ('Form' == type.name) { var matrix = xobj.dict.get('Matrix'); var bbox = xobj.dict.get('BBox'); fnArray.push('paintFormXObjectBegin'); argsArray.push([matrix, bbox]); // This adds the operatorList of the xObj to the current queue. var depIdx = dependencyArray.length; // Pass in the current `queue` object. That means the `fnArray` // and the `argsArray` in this scope is reused and new commands // are added to them. this.getOperatorList(xobj, xobj.dict.get('Resources') || resources, dependencyArray, queue); // Add the dependencies that are required to execute the // operatorList. insertDependency(dependencyArray.slice(depIdx)); fn = 'paintFormXObjectEnd'; args = []; } else if ('Image' == type.name) { buildPaintImageXObject(xobj, false); } else { error('Unhandled XObject subtype ' + type.name); } } } else if (cmd == 'Tf') { // eagerly collect all fonts args[0] = handleSetFont(args[0].name); } else if (cmd == 'EI') { buildPaintImageXObject(args[0], true); } switch (fn) { // Parse the ColorSpace data to a raw format. case 'setFillColorSpace': case 'setStrokeColorSpace': args = [ColorSpace.parseToIR(args[0], xref, resources)]; break; case 'shadingFill': var shadingRes = res.get('Shading'); if (!shadingRes) error('No shading resource found'); var shading = shadingRes.get(args[0].name); if (!shading) error('No shading object found'); var shadingFill = Pattern.parseShading(shading, null, xref, res); var patternIR = shadingFill.getIR(); args = [patternIR]; fn = 'shadingFill'; break; case 'setGState': var dictName = args[0]; var extGState = resources.get('ExtGState'); if (!isDict(extGState) || !extGState.has(dictName.name)) break; var gsState = extGState.get(dictName.name); // This array holds the converted/processed state data. var gsStateObj = []; gsState.forEach( function canvasGraphicsSetGStateForEach(key, value) { switch (key) { case 'Type': break; case 'LW': case 'LC': case 'LJ': case 'ML': case 'D': case 'RI': case 'FL': case 'CA': case 'ca': gsStateObj.push([key, value]); break; case 'Font': gsStateObj.push([ 'Font', handleSetFont(null, value[0]), value[1] ]); break; case 'BM': // We support the default so don't trigger the TODO. if (!isName(value) || value.name != 'Normal') TODO('graphic state operator ' + key); break; case 'SMask': // We support the default so don't trigger the TODO. if (!isName(value) || value.name != 'None') TODO('graphic state operator ' + key); break; // Only generate info log messages for the following since // they are unlikey to have a big impact on the rendering. case 'OP': case 'op': case 'OPM': case 'BG': case 'BG2': case 'UCR': case 'UCR2': case 'TR': case 'TR2': case 'HT': case 'SM': case 'SA': case 'AIS': case 'TK': // TODO implement these operators. info('graphic state operator ' + key); break; default: info('Unknown graphic state operator ' + key); break; } } ); args = [gsStateObj]; break; } // switch fnArray.push(fn); argsArray.push(args); args = []; } else if (obj !== null && obj !== undefined) { args.push(obj instanceof Dict ? obj.getAll() : obj); assertWellFormed(args.length <= 33, 'Too many arguments'); } } return queue; }, optimizeQueue: function PartialEvaluator_optimizeQueue(queue) { var fnArray = queue.fnArray, argsArray = queue.argsArray; // grouping paintInlineImageXObject's into paintInlineImageXObjectGroup // searching for (save, transform, paintInlineImageXObject, restore)+ var MIN_IMAGES_IN_INLINE_IMAGES_BLOCK = 10; var MAX_IMAGES_IN_INLINE_IMAGES_BLOCK = 200; var MAX_WIDTH = 1000; var IMAGE_PADDING = 1; for (var i = 0, ii = fnArray.length; i < ii; i++) { if (fnArray[i] === 'paintInlineImageXObject' && fnArray[i - 2] === 'save' && fnArray[i - 1] === 'transform' && fnArray[i + 1] === 'restore') { var j = i - 2; for (i += 2; i < ii && fnArray[i - 4] === fnArray[i]; i++) { } var count = Math.min((i - j) >> 2, MAX_IMAGES_IN_INLINE_IMAGES_BLOCK); if (count < MIN_IMAGES_IN_INLINE_IMAGES_BLOCK) { continue; } // assuming that heights of those image is too small (~1 pixel) // packing as much as possible by lines var maxX = 0; var map = [], maxLineHeight = 0; var currentX = IMAGE_PADDING, currentY = IMAGE_PADDING; for (var q = 0; q < count; q++) { var transform = argsArray[j + (q << 2) + 1]; var img = argsArray[j + (q << 2) + 2][0]; if (currentX + img.width > MAX_WIDTH) { // starting new line maxX = Math.max(maxX, currentX); currentY += maxLineHeight + 2 * IMAGE_PADDING; currentX = 0; maxLineHeight = 0; } map.push({ transform: transform, x: currentX, y: currentY, w: img.width, h: img.height }); currentX += img.width + 2 * IMAGE_PADDING; maxLineHeight = Math.max(maxLineHeight, img.height); } var imgWidth = Math.max(maxX, currentX) + IMAGE_PADDING; var imgHeight = currentY + maxLineHeight + IMAGE_PADDING; var imgData = new Uint8Array(imgWidth * imgHeight * 4); var imgRowSize = imgWidth << 2; for (var q = 0; q < count; q++) { var data = argsArray[j + (q << 2) + 2][0].data; // copy image by lines and extends pixels into padding var rowSize = map[q].w << 2; var dataOffset = 0; var offset = (map[q].x + map[q].y * imgWidth) << 2; imgData.set( data.subarray(0, rowSize), offset - imgRowSize); for (var k = 0, kk = map[q].h; k < kk; k++) { imgData.set( data.subarray(dataOffset, dataOffset + rowSize), offset); dataOffset += rowSize; offset += imgRowSize; } imgData.set( data.subarray(dataOffset - rowSize, dataOffset), offset); while (offset >= 0) { data[offset - 4] = data[offset]; data[offset - 3] = data[offset + 1]; data[offset - 2] = data[offset + 2]; data[offset - 1] = data[offset + 3]; data[offset + rowSize] = data[offset + rowSize - 4]; data[offset + rowSize + 1] = data[offset + rowSize - 3]; data[offset + rowSize + 2] = data[offset + rowSize - 2]; data[offset + rowSize + 3] = data[offset + rowSize - 1]; offset -= imgRowSize; } } // replacing queue items fnArray.splice(j, count * 4, ['paintInlineImageXObjectGroup']); argsArray.splice(j, count * 4, [{width: imgWidth, height: imgHeight, data: imgData}, map]); i = j; ii = fnArray.length; } } // grouping paintImageMaskXObject's into paintImageMaskXObjectGroup // searching for (save, transform, paintImageMaskXObject, restore)+ var MIN_IMAGES_IN_MASKS_BLOCK = 10; var MAX_IMAGES_IN_MASKS_BLOCK = 100; for (var i = 0, ii = fnArray.length; i < ii; i++) { if (fnArray[i] === 'paintImageMaskXObject' && fnArray[i - 2] === 'save' && fnArray[i - 1] === 'transform' && fnArray[i + 1] === 'restore') { var j = i - 2; for (i += 2; i < ii && fnArray[i - 4] === fnArray[i]; i++) { } var count = Math.min((i - j) >> 2, MAX_IMAGES_IN_MASKS_BLOCK); if (count < MIN_IMAGES_IN_MASKS_BLOCK) { continue; } var images = []; for (var q = 0; q < count; q++) { var transform = argsArray[j + (q << 2) + 1]; var maskParams = argsArray[j + (q << 2) + 2]; images.push({data: maskParams[0], width: maskParams[2], height: maskParams[3], transform: transform, inverseDecode: maskParams[1]}); } // replacing queue items fnArray.splice(j, count * 4, ['paintImageMaskXObjectGroup']); argsArray.splice(j, count * 4, [images]); i = j; ii = fnArray.length; } } }, getTextContent: function PartialEvaluator_getTextContent( stream, resources, state) { var bidiTexts; var SPACE_FACTOR = 0.35; var MULTI_SPACE_FACTOR = 1.5; if (!state) { bidiTexts = []; state = { bidiTexts: bidiTexts }; } else { bidiTexts = state.bidiTexts; } var self = this; var xref = this.xref; function handleSetFont(fontName, fontRef) { return self.loadFont(fontName, fontRef, xref, resources, null); } resources = xref.fetchIfRef(resources) || new Dict(); // The xobj is parsed iff it's needed, e.g. if there is a `DO` cmd. var xobjs = null; var parser = new Parser(new Lexer(stream), false); var res = resources; var args = [], obj; var chunk = ''; var font = null; while (!isEOF(obj = parser.getObj())) { if (isCmd(obj)) { var cmd = obj.cmd; switch (cmd) { // TODO: Add support for SAVE/RESTORE and XFORM here. case 'Tf': font = handleSetFont(args[0].name).translated; break; case 'TJ': var items = args[0]; for (var j = 0, jj = items.length; j < jj; j++) { if (typeof items[j] === 'string') { chunk += fontCharsToUnicode(items[j], font); } else if (items[j] < 0 && font.spaceWidth > 0) { var fakeSpaces = -items[j] / font.spaceWidth; if (fakeSpaces > MULTI_SPACE_FACTOR) { fakeSpaces = Math.round(fakeSpaces); while (fakeSpaces--) { chunk += ' '; } } else if (fakeSpaces > SPACE_FACTOR) { chunk += ' '; } } } break; case 'Tj': chunk += fontCharsToUnicode(args[0], font); break; case '\'': // For search, adding a extra white space for line breaks would be // better here, but that causes too much spaces in the // text-selection divs. chunk += fontCharsToUnicode(args[0], font); break; case '"': // Note comment in "'" chunk += fontCharsToUnicode(args[2], font); break; case 'Do': // Set the chunk such that the following if won't add something // to the state. chunk = ''; if (args[0].code) { break; } if (!xobjs) { xobjs = resources.get('XObject') || new Dict(); } var name = args[0].name; var xobj = xobjs.get(name); if (!xobj) break; assertWellFormed(isStream(xobj), 'XObject should be a stream'); var type = xobj.dict.get('Subtype'); assertWellFormed( isName(type), 'XObject should have a Name subtype' ); if ('Form' !== type.name) break; state = this.getTextContent( xobj, xobj.dict.get('Resources') || resources, state ); break; case 'gs': var dictName = args[0]; var extGState = resources.get('ExtGState'); if (!isDict(extGState) || !extGState.has(dictName.name)) break; var gsState = extGState.get(dictName.name); for (var i = 0; i < gsState.length; i++) { if (gsState[i] === 'Font') { font = handleSetFont(args[0].name).translated; } } break; } // switch if (chunk !== '') { bidiTexts.push(PDFJS.bidi(chunk, -1)); chunk = ''; } args = []; } else if (obj !== null && obj !== undefined) { assertWellFormed(args.length <= 33, 'Too many arguments'); args.push(obj); } } // while return state; }, extractDataStructures: function partialEvaluatorExtractDataStructures(dict, baseDict, xref, properties) { // 9.10.2 var toUnicode = dict.get('ToUnicode') || baseDict.get('ToUnicode'); if (toUnicode) properties.toUnicode = this.readToUnicode(toUnicode, xref, properties); if (properties.composite) { // CIDSystemInfo helps to match CID to glyphs var cidSystemInfo = dict.get('CIDSystemInfo'); if (isDict(cidSystemInfo)) { properties.cidSystemInfo = { registry: cidSystemInfo.get('Registry'), ordering: cidSystemInfo.get('Ordering'), supplement: cidSystemInfo.get('Supplement') }; } var cidEncoding = baseDict.get('Encoding'); if (isName(cidEncoding)) properties.cidEncoding = cidEncoding.name; var cidToGidMap = dict.get('CIDToGIDMap'); if (isStream(cidToGidMap)) properties.cidToGidMap = this.readCidToGidMap(cidToGidMap); } var flags = properties.flags; var differences = []; var baseEncoding = Encodings.StandardEncoding; // The Symbolic attribute can be misused for regular fonts // Heuristic: we have to check if the font is a standard one also if (!!(flags & FontFlags.Symbolic)) { baseEncoding = !properties.file ? Encodings.symbolsEncoding : Encodings.MacRomanEncoding; } var hasEncoding = dict.has('Encoding'); if (hasEncoding) { var encoding = dict.get('Encoding'); if (isDict(encoding)) { var baseName = encoding.get('BaseEncoding'); if (baseName) baseEncoding = Encodings[baseName.name]; else hasEncoding = false; // base encoding was not provided // Load the differences between the base and original if (encoding.has('Differences')) { var diffEncoding = encoding.get('Differences'); var index = 0; for (var j = 0, jj = diffEncoding.length; j < jj; j++) { var data = diffEncoding[j]; if (isNum(data)) index = data; else differences[index++] = data.name; } } } else if (isName(encoding)) { baseEncoding = Encodings[encoding.name]; } else { error('Encoding is not a Name nor a Dict'); } } properties.differences = differences; properties.baseEncoding = baseEncoding; properties.hasEncoding = hasEncoding; }, readToUnicode: function PartialEvaluator_readToUnicode(toUnicode, xref, properties) { var cmapObj = toUnicode; var charToUnicode = []; if (isName(cmapObj)) { var isIdentityMap = cmapObj.name.substr(0, 9) == 'Identity-'; if (!isIdentityMap) error('ToUnicode file cmap translation not implemented'); } else if (isStream(cmapObj)) { var tokens = []; var token = ''; var beginArrayToken = {}; var cmap = cmapObj.getBytes(cmapObj.length); for (var i = 0, ii = cmap.length; i < ii; i++) { var octet = cmap[i]; if (octet == 0x20 || octet == 0x0D || octet == 0x0A || octet == 0x3C || octet == 0x5B || octet == 0x5D) { switch (token) { case 'usecmap': error('usecmap is not implemented'); break; case 'beginbfchar': case 'beginbfrange': case 'begincidchar': case 'begincidrange': token = ''; tokens = []; break; case 'endcidrange': case 'endbfrange': for (var j = 0, jj = tokens.length; j < jj; j += 3) { var startRange = tokens[j]; var endRange = tokens[j + 1]; var code = tokens[j + 2]; if (code == 0xFFFF) { // CMap is broken, assuming code == startRange code = startRange; } if (isArray(code)) { var codeindex = 0; while (startRange <= endRange) { charToUnicode[startRange] = code[codeindex++]; ++startRange; } } else { while (startRange <= endRange) { charToUnicode[startRange] = code++; ++startRange; } } } break; case 'endcidchar': case 'endbfchar': for (var j = 0, jj = tokens.length; j < jj; j += 2) { var index = tokens[j]; var code = tokens[j + 1]; charToUnicode[index] = code; } break; case '': break; default: if (token[0] >= '0' && token[0] <= '9') token = parseInt(token, 10); // a number tokens.push(token); token = ''; } switch (octet) { case 0x5B: // begin list parsing tokens.push(beginArrayToken); break; case 0x5D: // collect array items var items = [], item; while (tokens.length && (item = tokens.pop()) != beginArrayToken) items.unshift(item); tokens.push(items); break; } } else if (octet == 0x3E) { if (token.length) { // Heuristic: guessing chars size by checking numbers sizes // in the CMap entries. if (token.length == 2 && properties.composite) properties.wideChars = false; if (token.length <= 4) { // parsing hex number tokens.push(parseInt(token, 16)); token = ''; } else { // parsing hex UTF-16BE numbers var str = []; for (var k = 0, kk = token.length; k < kk; k += 4) { var b = parseInt(token.substr(k, 4), 16); if (b <= 0x10) { k += 4; b = (b << 16) | parseInt(token.substr(k, 4), 16); b -= 0x10000; str.push(0xD800 | (b >> 10)); str.push(0xDC00 | (b & 0x3FF)); break; } str.push(b); } tokens.push(String.fromCharCode.apply(String, str)); token = ''; } } } else { token += String.fromCharCode(octet); } } } return charToUnicode; }, readCidToGidMap: function PartialEvaluator_readCidToGidMap(cidToGidStream) { // Extract the encoding from the CIDToGIDMap var glyphsData = cidToGidStream.getBytes(); // Set encoding 0 to later verify the font has an encoding var result = []; for (var j = 0, jj = glyphsData.length; j < jj; j++) { var glyphID = (glyphsData[j++] << 8) | glyphsData[j]; if (glyphID === 0) continue; var code = j >> 1; result[code] = glyphID; } return result; }, extractWidths: function PartialEvaluator_extractWidths(dict, xref, descriptor, properties) { var glyphsWidths = []; var defaultWidth = 0; if (properties.composite) { defaultWidth = dict.get('DW') || 1000; var widths = dict.get('W'); if (widths) { for (var i = 0, ii = widths.length; i < ii; i++) { var start = widths[i++]; var code = xref.fetchIfRef(widths[i]); if (isArray(code)) { for (var j = 0, jj = code.length; j < jj; j++) glyphsWidths[start++] = code[j]; } else { var width = widths[++i]; for (var j = start; j <= code; j++) glyphsWidths[j] = width; } } } } else { var firstChar = properties.firstChar; var widths = dict.get('Widths'); if (widths) { var j = firstChar; for (var i = 0, ii = widths.length; i < ii; i++) glyphsWidths[j++] = widths[i]; defaultWidth = parseFloat(descriptor.get('MissingWidth')) || 0; } else { // Trying get the BaseFont metrics (see comment above). var baseFontName = dict.get('BaseFont'); if (isName(baseFontName)) { var metrics = this.getBaseFontMetrics(baseFontName.name); glyphsWidths = metrics.widths; defaultWidth = metrics.defaultWidth; } } } // Heuristic: detection of monospace font by checking all non-zero widths var isMonospace = true, firstWidth = defaultWidth; for (var glyph in glyphsWidths) { var glyphWidth = glyphsWidths[glyph]; if (!glyphWidth) continue; if (!firstWidth) { firstWidth = glyphWidth; continue; } if (firstWidth != glyphWidth) { isMonospace = false; break; } } if (isMonospace) properties.flags |= FontFlags.FixedPitch; properties.defaultWidth = defaultWidth; properties.widths = glyphsWidths; }, isSerifFont: function PartialEvaluator_isSerifFont(baseFontName) { // Simulating descriptor flags attribute var fontNameWoStyle = baseFontName.split('-')[0]; return (fontNameWoStyle in serifFonts) || (fontNameWoStyle.search(/serif/gi) !== -1); }, getBaseFontMetrics: function PartialEvaluator_getBaseFontMetrics(name) { var defaultWidth = 0, widths = [], monospace = false; var lookupName = stdFontMap[name] || name; if (!(lookupName in Metrics)) { // Use default fonts for looking up font metrics if the passed // font is not a base font if (this.isSerifFont(name)) { lookupName = 'Times-Roman'; } else { lookupName = 'Helvetica'; } } var glyphWidths = Metrics[lookupName]; if (isNum(glyphWidths)) { defaultWidth = glyphWidths; monospace = true; } else { widths = glyphWidths; } return { defaultWidth: defaultWidth, monospace: monospace, widths: widths }; }, translateFont: function PartialEvaluator_translateFont(dict, xref, resources, dependency) { var baseDict = dict; var type = dict.get('Subtype'); assertWellFormed(isName(type), 'invalid font Subtype'); var composite = false; if (type.name == 'Type0') { // If font is a composite // - get the descendant font // - set the type according to the descendant font // - get the FontDescriptor from the descendant font var df = dict.get('DescendantFonts'); if (!df) error('Descendant fonts are not specified'); dict = isArray(df) ? xref.fetchIfRef(df[0]) : df; type = dict.get('Subtype'); assertWellFormed(isName(type), 'invalid font Subtype'); composite = true; } var maxCharIndex = composite ? 0xFFFF : 0xFF; var descriptor = dict.get('FontDescriptor'); if (!descriptor) { if (type.name == 'Type3') { // FontDescriptor is only required for Type3 fonts when the document // is a tagged pdf. Create a barbebones one to get by. descriptor = new Dict(); descriptor.set('FontName', new Name(type.name)); } else { // Before PDF 1.5 if the font was one of the base 14 fonts, having a // FontDescriptor was not required. // This case is here for compatibility. var baseFontName = dict.get('BaseFont'); if (!isName(baseFontName)) error('Base font is not specified'); // Using base font name as a font name. baseFontName = baseFontName.name.replace(/[,_]/g, '-'); var metrics = this.getBaseFontMetrics(baseFontName); // Simulating descriptor flags attribute var fontNameWoStyle = baseFontName.split('-')[0]; var flags = ( this.isSerifFont(fontNameWoStyle) ? FontFlags.Serif : 0) | (metrics.monospace ? FontFlags.FixedPitch : 0) | (symbolsFonts[fontNameWoStyle] ? FontFlags.Symbolic : FontFlags.Nonsymbolic); var properties = { type: type.name, widths: metrics.widths, defaultWidth: metrics.defaultWidth, flags: flags, firstChar: 0, lastChar: maxCharIndex }; this.extractDataStructures(dict, dict, xref, properties); return new Font(baseFontName, null, properties); } } // According to the spec if 'FontDescriptor' is declared, 'FirstChar', // 'LastChar' and 'Widths' should exist too, but some PDF encoders seem // to ignore this rule when a variant of a standart font is used. // TODO Fill the width array depending on which of the base font this is // a variant. var firstChar = dict.get('FirstChar') || 0; var lastChar = dict.get('LastChar') || maxCharIndex; var fontName = descriptor.get('FontName'); var baseFont = baseDict.get('BaseFont'); // Some bad pdf's have a string as the font name. if (isString(fontName)) { fontName = new Name(fontName); } if (isString(baseFont)) { baseFont = new Name(baseFont); } var fontNameStr = fontName && fontName.name; // if (type.name == 'CIDFontType0') { var cidEncoding = baseDict.get('Encoding'); if (isName(cidEncoding)) { fontNameStr = fontNameStr + '-' + cidEncoding.name; } } var baseFontStr = baseFont && baseFont.name; if (fontNameStr !== baseFontStr) { warn('The FontDescriptor\'s FontName is "' + fontNameStr + '" but should be the same as the Font\'s BaseFont "' + baseFontStr + '"'); } fontName = fontName || baseFont; assertWellFormed(isName(fontName), 'invalid font name'); var fontFile = descriptor.get('FontFile', 'FontFile2', 'FontFile3'); if (fontFile) { if (fontFile.dict) { var subtype = fontFile.dict.get('Subtype'); if (subtype) subtype = subtype.name; var length1 = fontFile.dict.get('Length1'); var length2 = fontFile.dict.get('Length2'); } } var properties = { type: type.name, subtype: subtype, file: fontFile, length1: length1, length2: length2, loadedName: baseDict.loadedName, composite: composite, wideChars: composite, fixedPitch: false, fontMatrix: dict.get('FontMatrix') || FONT_IDENTITY_MATRIX, firstChar: firstChar || 0, lastChar: lastChar || maxCharIndex, bbox: descriptor.get('FontBBox'), ascent: descriptor.get('Ascent'), descent: descriptor.get('Descent'), xHeight: descriptor.get('XHeight'), capHeight: descriptor.get('CapHeight'), flags: descriptor.get('Flags'), italicAngle: descriptor.get('ItalicAngle'), coded: false }; this.extractWidths(dict, xref, descriptor, properties); this.extractDataStructures(dict, baseDict, xref, properties); if (type.name === 'Type3') { properties.coded = true; } return new Font(fontName.name, fontFile, properties); } }; return PartialEvaluator; })(); var EvalState = (function EvalStateClosure() { function EvalState() { // Are soft masks and alpha values shapes or opacities? this.alphaIsShape = false; this.fontSize = 0; this.textMatrix = IDENTITY_MATRIX; this.leading = 0; // Start of text line (in text coordinates) this.lineX = 0; this.lineY = 0; // Character and word spacing this.charSpacing = 0; this.wordSpacing = 0; this.textHScale = 1; // Color spaces this.fillColorSpace = null; this.strokeColorSpace = null; } EvalState.prototype = { }; return EvalState; })(); // Unicode Private Use Area var CMAP_GLYPH_OFFSET = 0xE000; var GLYPH_AREA_SIZE = 0x1900; var SYMBOLIC_FONT_GLYPH_OFFSET = 0xF000; // PDF Glyph Space Units are one Thousandth of a TextSpace Unit // except for Type 3 fonts var PDF_GLYPH_SPACE_UNITS = 1000; // Hinting is currently disabled due to unknown problems on windows // in tracemonkey and various other pdfs with type1 fonts. var HINTING_ENABLED = false; var FONT_IDENTITY_MATRIX = [0.001, 0, 0, 0.001, 0, 0]; var FontFlags = { FixedPitch: 1, Serif: 2, Symbolic: 4, Script: 8, Nonsymbolic: 32, Italic: 64, AllCap: 65536, SmallCap: 131072, ForceBold: 262144 }; var Encodings = { ExpertEncoding: ['', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', 'space', 'exclamsmall', 'Hungarumlautsmall', '', 'dollaroldstyle', 'dollarsuperior', 'ampersandsmall', 'Acutesmall', 'parenleftsuperior', 'parenrightsuperior', 'twodotenleader', 'onedotenleader', 'comma', 'hyphen', 'period', 'fraction', 'zerooldstyle', 'oneoldstyle', 'twooldstyle', 'threeoldstyle', 'fouroldstyle', 'fiveoldstyle', 'sixoldstyle', 'sevenoldstyle', 'eightoldstyle', 'nineoldstyle', 'colon', 'semicolon', 'commasuperior', 'threequartersemdash', 'periodsuperior', 'questionsmall', '', 'asuperior', 'bsuperior', 'centsuperior', 'dsuperior', 'esuperior', '', '', 'isuperior', '', '', 'lsuperior', 'msuperior', 'nsuperior', 'osuperior', '', '', 'rsuperior', 'ssuperior', 'tsuperior', '', 'ff', 'fi', 'fl', 'ffi', 'ffl', 'parenleftinferior', '', 'parenrightinferior', 'Circumflexsmall', 'hyphensuperior', 'Gravesmall', 'Asmall', 'Bsmall', 'Csmall', 'Dsmall', 'Esmall', 'Fsmall', 'Gsmall', 'Hsmall', 'Ismall', 'Jsmall', 'Ksmall', 'Lsmall', 'Msmall', 'Nsmall', 'Osmall', 'Psmall', 'Qsmall', 'Rsmall', 'Ssmall', 'Tsmall', 'Usmall', 'Vsmall', 'Wsmall', 'Xsmall', 'Ysmall', 'Zsmall', 'colonmonetary', 'onefitted', 'rupiah', 'Tildesmall', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', 'exclamdownsmall', 'centoldstyle', 'Lslashsmall', '', '', 'Scaronsmall', 'Zcaronsmall', 'Dieresissmall', 'Brevesmall', 'Caronsmall', '', 'Dotaccentsmall', '', '', 'Macronsmall', '', '', 'figuredash', 'hypheninferior', '', '', 'Ogoneksmall', 'Ringsmall', 'Cedillasmall', '', '', '', 'onequarter', 'onehalf', 'threequarters', 'questiondownsmall', 'oneeighth', 'threeeighths', 'fiveeighths', 'seveneighths', 'onethird', 'twothirds', '', '', 'zerosuperior', 'onesuperior', 'twosuperior', 'threesuperior', 'foursuperior', 'fivesuperior', 'sixsuperior', 'sevensuperior', 'eightsuperior', 'ninesuperior', 'zeroinferior', 'oneinferior', 'twoinferior', 'threeinferior', 'fourinferior', 'fiveinferior', 'sixinferior', 'seveninferior', 'eightinferior', 'nineinferior', 'centinferior', 'dollarinferior', 'periodinferior', 'commainferior', 'Agravesmall', 'Aacutesmall', 'Acircumflexsmall', 'Atildesmall', 'Adieresissmall', 'Aringsmall', 'AEsmall', 'Ccedillasmall', 'Egravesmall', 'Eacutesmall', 'Ecircumflexsmall', 'Edieresissmall', 'Igravesmall', 'Iacutesmall', 'Icircumflexsmall', 'Idieresissmall', 'Ethsmall', 'Ntildesmall', 'Ogravesmall', 'Oacutesmall', 'Ocircumflexsmall', 'Otildesmall', 'Odieresissmall', 'OEsmall', 'Oslashsmall', 'Ugravesmall', 'Uacutesmall', 'Ucircumflexsmall', 'Udieresissmall', 'Yacutesmall', 'Thornsmall', 'Ydieresissmall'], MacExpertEncoding: ['', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', 'space', 'exclamsmall', 'Hungarumlautsmall', 'centoldstyle', 'dollaroldstyle', 'dollarsuperior', 'ampersandsmall', 'Acutesmall', 'parenleftsuperior', 'parenrightsuperior', 'twodotenleader', 'onedotenleader', 'comma', 'hyphen', 'period', 'fraction', 'zerooldstyle', 'oneoldstyle', 'twooldstyle', 'threeoldstyle', 'fouroldstyle', 'fiveoldstyle', 'sixoldstyle', 'sevenoldstyle', 'eightoldstyle', 'nineoldstyle', 'colon', 'semicolon', '', 'threequartersemdash', '', 'questionsmall', '', '', '', '', 'Ethsmall', '', '', 'onequarter', 'onehalf', 'threequarters', 'oneeighth', 'threeeighths', 'fiveeighths', 'seveneighths', 'onethird', 'twothirds', '', '', '', '', '', '', 'ff', 'fi', 'fl', 'ffi', 'ffl', 'parenleftinferior', '', 'parenrightinferior', 'Circumflexsmall', 'hypheninferior', 'Gravesmall', 'Asmall', 'Bsmall', 'Csmall', 'Dsmall', 'Esmall', 'Fsmall', 'Gsmall', 'Hsmall', 'Ismall', 'Jsmall', 'Ksmall', 'Lsmall', 'Msmall', 'Nsmall', 'Osmall', 'Psmall', 'Qsmall', 'Rsmall', 'Ssmall', 'Tsmall', 'Usmall', 'Vsmall', 'Wsmall', 'Xsmall', 'Ysmall', 'Zsmall', 'colonmonetary', 'onefitted', 'rupiah', 'Tildesmall', '', '', 'asuperior', 'centsuperior', '', '', '', '', 'Aacutesmall', 'Agravesmall', 'Acircumflexsmall', 'Adieresissmall', 'Atildesmall', 'Aringsmall', 'Ccedillasmall', 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'TimesNewRomanPSMT-BoldItalic': 'Times-BoldItalic', 'TimesNewRomanPSMT-Italic': 'Times-Italic' }; /** * Holds the map of the non-standard fonts that might be included as a standard * fonts without glyph data. */ var nonStdFontMap = { 'ComicSansMS': 'Comic Sans MS', 'ComicSansMS-Bold': 'Comic Sans MS-Bold', 'ComicSansMS-BoldItalic': 'Comic Sans MS-BoldItalic', 'ComicSansMS-Italic': 'Comic Sans MS-Italic', 'LucidaConsole': 'Courier', 'LucidaConsole-Bold': 'Courier-Bold', 'LucidaConsole-BoldItalic': 'Courier-BoldOblique', 'LucidaConsole-Italic': 'Courier-Oblique' }; var serifFonts = { 'Adobe Jenson': true, 'Adobe Text': true, 'Albertus': true, 'Aldus': true, 'Alexandria': true, 'Algerian': true, 'American Typewriter': true, 'Antiqua': true, 'Apex': true, 'Arno': true, 'Aster': true, 'Aurora': true, 'Baskerville': true, 'Bell': true, 'Bembo': true, 'Bembo Schoolbook': true, 'Benguiat': true, 'Berkeley Old Style': true, 'Bernhard Modern': true, 'Berthold City': true, 'Bodoni': true, 'Bauer Bodoni': true, 'Book Antiqua': true, 'Bookman': true, 'Bordeaux Roman': true, 'Californian FB': true, 'Calisto': true, 'Calvert': true, 'Capitals': true, 'Cambria': true, 'Cartier': true, 'Caslon': true, 'Catull': true, 'Centaur': true, 'Century Old Style': true, 'Century Schoolbook': true, 'Chaparral': true, 'Charis SIL': true, 'Cheltenham': true, 'Cholla Slab': true, 'Clarendon': true, 'Clearface': true, 'Cochin': true, 'Colonna': true, 'Computer Modern': true, 'Concrete Roman': true, 'Constantia': true, 'Cooper Black': true, 'Corona': true, 'Ecotype': true, 'Egyptienne': true, 'Elephant': true, 'Excelsior': true, 'Fairfield': true, 'FF Scala': true, 'Folkard': true, 'Footlight': true, 'FreeSerif': true, 'Friz Quadrata': true, 'Garamond': true, 'Gentium': true, 'Georgia': true, 'Gloucester': true, 'Goudy Old Style': true, 'Goudy Schoolbook': true, 'Goudy Pro Font': true, 'Granjon': true, 'Guardian Egyptian': true, 'Heather': true, 'Hercules': true, 'High Tower Text': true, 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Type': true, 'Bitstream Vera': true, 'Vera Serif': true, 'Versailles': true, 'Wanted': true, 'Weiss': true, 'Wide Latin': true, 'Windsor': true, 'XITS': true }; var symbolsFonts = { 'Dingbats': true, 'Symbol': true, 'ZapfDingbats': true }; var CMapConverterList = { 'H': jis7ToUnicode, 'V': jis7ToUnicode, 'EUC-H': eucjpToUnicode, 'EUC-V': eucjpToUnicode, '90ms-RKSJ-H': sjisToUnicode, '90ms-RKSJ-V': sjisToUnicode, '90msp-RKSJ-H': sjisToUnicode, '90msp-RKSJ-V': sjisToUnicode, 'GBK-EUC-H': gbkToUnicode }; // CMaps using Hankaku (Halfwidth) Latin glyphs instead of proportional one. // We need to distinguish them to get correct widths from CIDFont dicts. var HalfwidthCMaps = { 'H': true, 'V': true, 'EUC-H': true, 'EUC-V': true, '90ms-RKSJ-H': true, '90ms-RKSJ-V': true, 'UniJIS-UCS2-HW-H': true, 'UniJIS-UCS2-HW-V': true }; var decodeBytes; if (typeof TextDecoder !== 'undefined') { // The encodings supported by TextDecoder can be found at: // http://encoding.spec.whatwg.org/#concept-encoding-get decodeBytes = function(bytes, encoding) { return new TextDecoder(encoding).decode(bytes); }; } else if (typeof FileReaderSync !== 'undefined') { decodeBytes = function(bytes, encoding) { return new FileReaderSync().readAsText(new Blob([bytes]), encoding); }; } else { // Clear the list so that decodeBytes will never be called. CMapConverterList = {}; } function jis7ToUnicode(str) { var bytes = stringToBytes(str); var length = bytes.length; for (var i = 0; i < length; ++i) { bytes[i] |= 0x80; } return decodeBytes(bytes, 'euc-jp'); } function eucjpToUnicode(str) { return decodeBytes(stringToBytes(str), 'euc-jp'); } function sjisToUnicode(str) { return decodeBytes(stringToBytes(str), 'shift_jis'); } function gbkToUnicode(str) { return decodeBytes(stringToBytes(str), 'gbk'); } // Some characters, e.g. copyrightserif, mapped to the private use area and // might not be displayed using standard fonts. Mapping/hacking well-known chars // to the similar equivalents in the normal characters range. function mapPrivateUseChars(code) { switch (code) { case 0xF8E9: // copyrightsans case 0xF6D9: // copyrightserif return 0x00A9; // copyright default: return code; } } var FontLoader = { loadingContext: { requests: [], nextRequestId: 0 }, isSyncFontLoadingSupported: (function detectSyncFontLoadingSupport() { if (isWorker) return false; // User agent string sniffing is bad, but there is no reliable way to tell // if font is fully loaded and ready to be used with canvas. var userAgent = window.navigator.userAgent; var m = /Mozilla\/5.0.*?rv:(\d+).*? Gecko/.exec(userAgent); if (m && m[1] >= 14) return true; // TODO other browsers return false; })(), bind: function fontLoaderBind(fonts, callback) { assert(!isWorker, 'bind() shall be called from main thread'); var rules = [], fontsToLoad = []; for (var i = 0, ii = fonts.length; i < ii; i++) { var font = fonts[i]; // Add the font to the DOM only once or skip if the font // is already loaded. if (font.attached || font.loading === false) { continue; } font.attached = true; var rule = font.bindDOM(); if (rule) { rules.push(rule); fontsToLoad.push(font); } } var request = FontLoader.queueLoadingCallback(callback); if (rules.length > 0 && !this.isSyncFontLoadingSupported) { FontLoader.prepareFontLoadEvent(rules, fontsToLoad, request); } else { request.complete(); } }, queueLoadingCallback: function FontLoader_queueLoadingCallback(callback) { function LoadLoader_completeRequest() { assert(!request.end, 'completeRequest() cannot be called twice'); request.end = Date.now(); // sending all completed requests in order how they were queued while (context.requests.length > 0 && context.requests[0].end) { var otherRequest = context.requests.shift(); setTimeout(otherRequest.callback, 0); } } var context = FontLoader.loadingContext; var requestId = 'pdfjs-font-loading-' + (context.nextRequestId++); var request = { id: requestId, complete: LoadLoader_completeRequest, callback: callback, started: Date.now() }; context.requests.push(request); return request; }, // Set things up so that at least one pdfjsFontLoad event is // dispatched when all the @font-face |rules| for |fonts| have been // loaded in a subdocument. It's expected that the load of |rules| // has already started in this (outer) document, so that they should // be ordered before the load in the subdocument. prepareFontLoadEvent: function fontLoaderPrepareFontLoadEvent(rules, fonts, request) { /** Hack begin */ // There's no event when a font has finished downloading so the // following code is a dirty hack to 'guess' when a font is // ready. This code will be obsoleted by Mozilla bug 471915. // // The only reliable way to know if a font is loaded in Gecko // (at the moment) is document.onload in a document with // a @font-face rule defined in a "static" stylesheet. We use a // subdocument in an