// vim: et:ts=4:sw=4:sts=4:ft=javascript 'use strict'; /* ---- UI Tree ---- appPanel mainMenu mainPanel leftPanel sectionbar folders info rightPanel toolbar contentPanel browser <-- should be filters or browser list or item statusbar <-- make part of content panel */ (function() { window.onerror = function(error, url, line) { try { !isMSIE && pandora.api.log({ text: error, url: url, line: line }); } catch(e) {} }; // handle old embed and print URLs document.location.hash = document.location.hash.replace( /^#(embed|print)=true(&)?/, function() { return '#' + arguments[1] + (arguments[2] ? '?' : ''); } ); var animationInterval, enableDebugMode = getLocalStorage('pandora.enableDebugMode'), enableEventLogging = getLocalStorage('pandora.enableEventLogging'), isEmbed = /^#embed(\?.*?)?$/.test(document.location.hash), isMSIE = /MSIE/.test(navigator.userAgent), isPrint = /^#print(\?.*?)?$/.test(document.location.hash), legacyThemes = {classic: 'oxlight', modern: 'oxdark'}, theme = getLocalStorage('Ox.theme') && JSON.parse(localStorage['Ox.theme']) || 'oxmedium'; theme = legacyThemes[theme] || theme; loadImages(function(images) { loadScreen(images); loadOxJS(function() { loadOxUI(loadPandora); }); }); function getLocalStorage(key) { // fails if localStorage does not exist or if third party cookies are // disabled try { return localStorage[key]; } catch(e) {} } function getPandoraVersion() { var i, path, scripts = document.getElementsByTagName('script'); for (i = 0;i < scripts.length; i++) { if(/pandora.js/.test(scripts[i].src)) { return scripts[1].src.replace(/.*\?/, ''); } } } function loadImages(callback) { // Opera doesn't fire onload for SVGs, // so we only wait for the PNG to load. var images = {}; images.logo = document.createElement('img'); images.logo.onload = function() { var ratio = images.logo.width / images.logo.height, width = isEmbed || isPrint ? 96 : 320, height = width / ratio; images.logo.style.position = 'absolute'; images.logo.style.left = 0; images.logo.style.top = 0; images.logo.style.right = 0; images.logo.style.bottom = height + 'px'; images.logo.style.width = width + 'px'; images.logo.style.height = height + 'px'; images.logo.style.margin = 'auto'; if (!isMSIE) { images.reflection = document.createElement('img'); images.reflection.style.position = 'absolute'; images.reflection.style.left = 0; images.reflection.style.top = height + 'px'; images.reflection.style.right = 0; images.reflection.style.bottom = 0; images.reflection.style.width = width + 'px'; images.reflection.style.height = height + 'px'; images.reflection.style.margin = 'auto'; images.reflection.style.MozTransform = 'scaleY(-1)'; images.reflection.style.MSTransform = 'scaleY(-1)'; images.reflection.style.OTransform = 'scaleY(-1)'; images.reflection.style.WebkitTransform = 'scaleY(-1)'; images.reflection.src = '/static/png/logo.png'; } images.loadingIcon = document.createElement('img'); images.loadingIcon.setAttribute('id', 'loadingIcon'); images.loadingIcon.style.position = 'absolute'; images.loadingIcon.style.left = 0; images.loadingIcon.style.top = isEmbed || isPrint ? '32px' : '80px'; images.loadingIcon.style.right = 0; images.loadingIcon.style.bottom = 0; images.loadingIcon.style.width = isEmbed || isPrint ? '16px' : '32px'; images.loadingIcon.style.height = isEmbed || isPrint ? '16px' : '32px'; images.loadingIcon.style.margin = 'auto'; images.loadingIcon.src = '/static/oxjs/' + (enableDebugMode ? 'dev' : 'build') + '/Ox.UI/themes/' + theme + '/svg/symbolLoading.svg'; callback(images); }; images.logo.src = '/static/png/logo.png'; } function loadScreen(images) { if (!isMSIE) { var gradient = document.createElement('div'); gradient.style.position = 'absolute'; gradient.style.left = 0; gradient.style.top = isEmbed || isPrint ? '48px' : '160px'; gradient.style.right = 0; gradient.style.bottom = 0; // FIXME: should be 320 and 160 - the values below are temporary fixes for Chrome 26 gradient.style.width = isEmbed || isPrint ? '98px' : '322px'; gradient.style.height = isEmbed || isPrint ? '50px' : '162px'; gradient.style.margin = 'auto'; gradient.style.background = theme == 'oxlight' ? '-moz-linear-gradient(top, rgba(224, 224, 224, 0.75), rgba(224, 224, 224, 1), rgba(224, 224, 224, 1))' : theme == 'oxmedium' ? '-moz-linear-gradient(top, rgba(144, 144, 144, 0.75), rgba(144, 144, 144, 1), rgba(144, 144, 144, 1))' : '-moz-linear-gradient(top, rgba(32, 32, 32, 0.75), rgba(32, 32, 32, 1), rgba(32, 32, 32, 1))'; gradient.style.background = theme == 'oxlight' ? '-o-linear-gradient(top, rgba(224, 224, 224, 0.75), rgba(224, 224, 224, 1), rgba(224, 224, 224, 1))' : theme == 'oxmedium' ? '-o-linear-gradient(top, rgba(144, 144, 144, 0.75), rgba(144, 144, 144, 1), rgba(144, 144, 144, 1))' : '-o-linear-gradient(top, rgba(32, 32, 32, 0.75), rgba(32, 32, 32, 1), rgba(32, 32, 32, 1))'; gradient.style.background = theme == 'oxlight' ? '-webkit-linear-gradient(top, rgba(224, 224, 224, 0.75), rgba(224, 224, 224, 1), rgba(224, 224, 224, 1))' : theme == 'oxmedium' ? '-webkit-linear-gradient(top, rgba(144, 144, 144, 0.75), rgba(144, 144, 144, 1), rgba(144, 144, 144, 1))' : '-webkit-linear-gradient(top, rgba(32, 32, 32, 0.75), rgba(32, 32, 32, 1), rgba(32, 32, 32, 1))'; } var loadingScreen = document.createElement('div'); loadingScreen.setAttribute('id', 'loadingScreen'); loadingScreen.className = 'OxScreen'; loadingScreen.style.position = 'absolute'; loadingScreen.style.width = '100%'; loadingScreen.style.height = '100%'; loadingScreen.style.backgroundColor = theme == 'oxlight' ? 'rgb(224, 224, 224)' : theme == 'oxmedium' ? 'rgb(144, 144, 144)' : 'rgb(32, 32, 32)'; loadingScreen.style.zIndex = '1002'; loadingScreen.appendChild(images.logo); images.reflection && loadingScreen.appendChild(images.reflection); gradient && loadingScreen.appendChild(gradient); loadingScreen.appendChild(images.loadingIcon); // FF3.6 document.body can be undefined here window.onload = function() { document.body.style.margin = 0; document.body.appendChild(loadingScreen); startAnimation(); }; // IE8 does not call onload if already loaded before set document.body && window.onload(); } function loadOxJS(callback) { var head = document.head || document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0] || document.documentElement, script = document.createElement('script'); if (isMSIE) { // fixme: find a way to check if css/js have loaded in msie setTimeout(callback, 2500); } else { script.onload = callback; } script.src = '/static/oxjs/' + (enableDebugMode ? 'dev' : 'build') + '/Ox.js?' + getPandoraVersion(); script.type = 'text/javascript'; head.appendChild(script); } function loadOxUI(callback) { Ox.load({ UI: {theme: theme}, Geo: {} }, callback); } function loadPandora(browserSupported) { window.pandora = Ox.App({ name: 'pandora', url: '/api/' }).bindEvent({ load: function(data) { data.browserSupported = browserSupported; Ox.extend(pandora, { requests: {}, ui: {} }); loadPandoraFiles(function() { enableEventLogging && Ox.Event.bind(pandora.logEvent); initPandora(data); if (pandora.localStorage('local')) { var url = pandora.localStorage('local'); window.pandora.local = Ox.API({ url: url + '/api/' }, function() { pandora.site.site.videoprefix = url; }); } }); } }); } function loadPandoraFiles(callback) { var prefix = '/static/'; if (enableDebugMode) { Ox.getJSON(prefix + 'json/pandora.json?' + Ox.random(1000), function(files) { Ox.getFile(files.map(function(file) { return prefix + file; }), callback); }); } else { Ox.getFile(prefix + 'js/pandora.min.js', callback); } } function initPandora(data) { Ox.Log('', 'Ox.App load', data); Ox.extend(pandora, { $ui: { body: $('body'), document: $(document), window: $(window) .on({ beforeunload: pandora.beforeUnloadWindow, resize: pandora.resizeWindow, unload: pandora.unloadWindow }) }, site: data.site, user: data.user }); // make sure all valid ui settings are present pandora.user.ui = Ox.extend( Ox.clone(pandora.site.user.ui), pandora.user.ui ); // make sure no invalid ui settings are present Object.keys(pandora.user.ui).forEach(function(key) { if (Ox.isUndefined(pandora.site.user.ui[key])) { delete pandora.user.ui[key]; } }); // patch theme ... this can be removed at a later point pandora.user.ui.theme = legacyThemes[pandora.user.ui.theme] || pandora.user.ui.theme; // make sure theme is valid if (!Ox.contains(pandora.site.themes, pandora.user.ui.theme)) { pandora.user.ui.theme = pandora.site.user.ui.theme; } // patch itemView ... this can be removed at a later point if (pandora.user.ui.itemView == 'video') { pandora.user.ui.itemView = 'player'; } Ox.extend(pandora.site, { calendar: data.site.layers.some(function(layer) { return layer.type == 'event' }) ? 'manual' : data.site.layers.some(function(layer) { return layer.hasEvents; }) ? 'auto' : 'none', clipKeys: data.site.clipKeys.map(function(key) { return Ox.extend(key, { operator: pandora.getSortOperator(key.id) }); }), findKeys: data.site.itemKeys.filter(function(key) { return key.find; }), itemsSection: pandora.site.itemName.plural.toLowerCase(), map: data.site.layers.some(function(layer) { return layer.type == 'place' }) ? 'manual' : data.site.layers.some(function(layer) { return layer.hasPlaces; }) ? 'auto' : 'none', sectionFolders: { items: [ {id: 'personal', title: 'Personal Lists'}, {id: 'favorite', title: 'Favorite Lists', showBrowser: false}, {id: 'featured', title: 'Featured Lists', showBrowser: false}, {id: 'volumes', title: 'Local Volumes'} ], edits: [ {id: 'personal', title: 'Personal Edits'}, {id: 'favorite', title: 'Favorite Edits', showBrowser: false}, {id: 'featured', title: 'Featured Edits', showBrowser: false} ], texts: [ {id: 'personal', title: 'Personal Texts'}, {id: 'favorite', title: 'Favorite Texts', showBrowser: false}, {id: 'featured', title: 'Featured Texts', showBrowser: false} ] }, sortKeys: pandora.getSortKeys() }); pandora.site.listSettings = {}; Ox.forEach(pandora.site.user.ui, function(val, key) { if (/^list[A-Z]/.test(key)) { pandora.site.listSettings[key] = key[4].toLowerCase() + key.slice(5); } }); Ox.extend(pandora.user, { sectionElement: 'buttons', videoFormat: Ox.getVideoFormat(pandora.site.video.formats) }); // set locale and initialize url controller pandora.setLocale(pandora.user.ui.locale, function() { pandora.URL.init().parse(function() { var isHome = Ox.contains(['/', '/home'], document.location.pathname); if (data.browserSupported) { stopAnimation(); $('#loadingScreen').remove(); } else { loadBrowserMessage(); } Ox.Theme(pandora.user.ui.theme); if (isEmbed) { pandora.$ui.embedPanel = pandora.ui.embedPanel().display(); Ox.$parent.onMessage({ settheme: function(data) { if (Ox.contains(pandora.site.themes, data.theme)) { Ox.Theme(data.theme); } }, seturl: function(data) { if (pandora.isEmbedURL(data.url)) { pandora.URL.push(data.url); } } }); } else if (isPrint) { pandora.$ui.printView = pandora.ui.printView().display(); } else if (isHome) { pandora.$ui.home = pandora.ui.home().showScreen(initPandoraApp); } else { initPandoraApp(); } }); }); } function initPandoraApp() { pandora.$ui.appPanel = pandora.ui.appPanel().display(); Ox.Request.requests() && pandora.$ui.loadingIcon.start(); pandora.$ui.body.ajaxStart(pandora.$ui.loadingIcon.start); pandora.$ui.body.ajaxStop(pandora.$ui.loadingIcon.stop); Ox.Request.bindEvent({ error: pandora.ui.errorDialog, request: function(data) { pandora.$ui.loadingIcon.options({ tooltip: (data.requests || 'No') + ' request' + (data.requests == 1 ? '' : 's') }); } }); pandora.site.sectionButtonsWidth = pandora.$ui.sectionButtons.width() + 8; if (getLocalStorage('pandora.onload')) { try { eval(localStorage['pandora.onload']) } catch(e) {} } } function loadBrowserMessage() { var browsers = [].concat( isMSIE ? [{name: 'Chrome Frame', url: 'http://google.com/chromeframe/'}] : [], [ {name: 'Chrome', url: 'http://google.com/chrome/'}, {name: 'Firefox', url: 'http://mozilla.org/firefox/'}, {name: 'Safari', url: 'http://apple.com/safari/'} ] ), images = browsers.map(function(browser) { return Ox.PATH + 'Ox.UI/png/browser' + browser.name.replace(' ', '') + '128.png'; }), $loadingScreen = $('#loadingScreen'); Ox.getFile(images, function() { var html = pandora.site.site.name + ' requires an up-to-date web browser. Please take a moment to ' + ( isMSIE ? 'install <a href="' + browsers[0].url + '">' + browsers[0].name + '</a> or ' : '' ) + 'download ' + browsers.filter(function(browser) { return browser.name != 'Chrome Frame'; }).map(function(browser, i) { return '<a href="' + browser.url + '">' + browser.name + '</a>' + (i == 0 ? ', ' : i == 1 ? ' or ' : ''); }).join('') + '. Otherwise, <a href="javascript:pandora.proceed()">proceed</a> at your own risk.', $message = $('<div>') .css({ position: 'absolute', left: 0, top: '160px', right: 0, bottom: 0, width: '320px', height: '160px', margin: 'auto' }), $images = $('<div>') .css({ margin: '12px', textAlign: 'center' }) .appendTo($message); stopAnimation(); $('#loadingIcon').remove(); $message.appendTo($loadingScreen); browsers.forEach(function(browser) { $('<a>') .attr({ href: browser.url, title: browser.name }) .append( $('<img>') .attr({ src: Ox.PATH + 'Ox.UI/png/browser' + browser.name.replace(' ', '') + '128.png' }) .css({width: '32px', height: '32px', border: 0, margin: '4px'}) ) .appendTo($images); }); $('<div>') .css({ textAlign: 'center' }) .html(html) .appendTo($message); }); pandora.proceed = function() { $loadingScreen.animate({ opacity: 0 }, 1000, function() { $loadingScreen.remove(); }); } } function startAnimation() { var css, deg = 0, loadingIcon = document.getElementById('loadingIcon'), previousTime = +new Date(); animationInterval = setInterval(function() { var currentTime = +new Date(), delta = (currentTime - previousTime) / 1000; previousTime = currentTime; deg = Math.round((deg + delta * 360) % 360 / 30) * 30; css = 'rotate(' + deg + 'deg)'; loadingIcon.style.MozTransform = css; loadingIcon.style.MSTransform = css; loadingIcon.style.OTransform = css; loadingIcon.style.WebkitTransform = css; }, 83); } function stopAnimation() { clearInterval(animationInterval); } }());