'use strict'; pandora.ui.downloadVideoDialog = function(options) { var ui = pandora.user.ui, formats = { 'webm': 'WebM', 'mp4': 'MP4', }, $content = Ox.Element() .css({margin: '16px'}), $text = $('
') .html(( options.out ? Ox._( 'Download Selection ({0} - {1})
of {2}', [ Ox.formatDuration(options['in']), Ox.formatDuration(options.out), options.title ] ) : Ox._('Download {0}', [options.title]) )) .css({marginBottom: '16px'}) .appendTo($content), $form = window.$form = Ox.Form({ items: [ Ox.Select({ id: 'format', items: pandora.site.video.formats.map(function(format) { return { id: format, title: formats[format] }; }), label: Ox._('Format'), labelWidth: 120, value: pandora.site.video.downloadFormat, width: 240 }) .bindEvent({ change: function(data) { } }), Ox.Select({ id: 'resolution', items: pandora.site.video.resolutions.map(function(resolution) { return { id: resolution, title: resolution + 'p' }; }), label: Ox._('Resolution'), labelWidth: 120, value: ui.videoResolution, width: 240 }) .bindEvent({ change: function(data) { } }) ] }).appendTo($content), that = Ox.Dialog({ buttons: [ Ox.Button({ id: 'download', title: Ox._('Download') }).bindEvent({ click: function() { that.close(); var values = $form.values(), url if (options.out) { url = '/' + options.item + '/' + values.resolution + 'p.' + values.format + '?t=' + options['in'] + ',' + options.out; } else { url = '/' + options.item + '/download/' + values.resolution + 'p.' + values.format } document.location.href = url } }) ], closeButton: true, content: $content, removeOnClose: true, keys: {enter: 'download', escape: 'close'}, title: ( options.out ? Ox._('Download Video Selection') : Ox._('Download Video') ), width: 432 }); return that; };