'use strict'; pandora.ui.documentFilterForm = function(options) { // mode can be find, collection, embed var collection = options.list, mode = options.mode, that = Ox.Element(); if (mode == 'list') { mode = 'collection'; } pandora.api.findCollections({ query: { conditions: [{key: 'type', value: 'static', operator: '='}], operator: '&' }, keys: ['id'], range: [0, 1000], sort: [{key: 'user', operator: '+'}, {key: 'name', operator: '+'}] }, function(result) { that.append( that.$filter = Ox.Filter({ findKeys: pandora.site.documentKeys.map(function(documentKey) { var key = Ox.clone(documentKey, true); key.title = Ox._(key.title); if (key.format && key.format.type == 'ColorPercent') { key.format.type = 'percent'; } Ox.print(key); return key; }).concat([{ id: 'collection', title: Ox._('Collection'), type: 'list', values: result.data.items.map(function(item) { return item.id; }) }]), list: mode == 'find' ? { sort: pandora.user.ui.collectionSort, view: pandora.user.ui.collectionView } : null, sortKeys: pandora.site.documentSortKeys, value: Ox.clone(mode == 'collection' ? collection.query : pandora.user.ui.findDocuments, true), viewKeys: pandora.site.collectionViews }) .css(mode == 'embed' ? {} : {padding: '16px'}) .bindEvent({ change: function(data) { if (mode == 'find') { if (pandora.user.ui.updateAdvancedFindResults) { that.updateResults(); } } else if (mode == 'collection') { pandora.api.editCollection({ id: collection.id, query: data.value }, function(result) { if (pandora.user.ui.updateAdvancedFindResults) { that.updateResults(); } }); } that.triggerEvent('change', data); } }) ); that.getList = that.$filter.getList; that.value = that.$filter.value; }); that.updateResults = function() { if (mode == 'collection') { Ox.Request.clearCache(collection.id); pandora.$ui.list && pandora.$ui.list .bindEventOnce({ init: function(data) { pandora.$ui.folderList[ pandora.getListData().folder ].value(collection.id, 'query', that.$filter.options('value')); } }) .reloadList(); /* pandora.$ui.filters && pandora.$ui.filters.forEach(function($filter) { $filter.reloadList(); }); */ } else { pandora.UI.set({findDocuments: Ox.clone(that.$filter.options('value'), true)}); pandora.$ui.findElement.updateElement(); } }; return that; };