// vi:si:et:sw=4:sts=4:ts=4 // GPL2+/MIT 2012 'use strict'; /* Usage: pandora.chunkupload({ file: file, url: '/add', data: {'name': file.name} }).bindEvent({ progress: function(data) { console.log(data.progress); }, done: function(result) { if (result.progress == 1) { var response = JSON.parse(result.responseText); if (response.resultUrl) { document.location.href = response.resultUrl; } else { alert(response.status; } } else { alert('!!!'); } } }); */ pandora.chunkupload = function(options) { var aborted = false, chunkSize = options.size || 1024 * 1024, chunkURL, file = options.file, bytesAvailable = file.size, maxRetry = -1, nextChunkId, paused = false, retries = 0, request, that = Ox.Element(); if (Ox.typeOf(file) != 'file') { Ox.print('Invalid arguments, options.file must be file', options); return; } options.data = options.data || {}; initUpload(); function done() { var response; try { response = JSON.parse(that.responseText); } catch(e) {} that.triggerEvent('done', { status: that.status, progress: that.progress, response: response, responseText: that.responseText }); options.file = null; options = null; file = null; request = null; // cleanup events that.remove(); } function initUpload() { // request upload slot from server that.status = 'requesting chunk upload'; that.progress = 0; request = new XMLHttpRequest(); request.addEventListener('load', function (evt) { var response = {}; that.responseText = '' + evt.target.responseText; try { response = JSON.parse(evt.target.responseText); } catch(e) { response = {}; that.status = 'failed to parse response'; that.progress = -1; done(); } if (response.maxRetry) { maxRetry = response.maxRetry; } chunkURL = response.uploadUrl; if (chunkURL) { // only take local part of url var url = Ox.parseURL(chunkURL); chunkURL = url.pathname + url.search; that.status = 'uploading'; that.progress = 0.0; // start upload uploadChunk(0); } else { that.status = 'upload failed, no upload url provided'; that.progress = -1; done(); } }, false); request.addEventListener('error', function (evt) { that.status = 'upload failed'; that.progress = -1; that.responseText = '' + evt.target.responseText; done(); }, false); request.addEventListener('abort', function (evt) { that.status = 'aborted'; that.progress = -1; done(); }, false); var formData = new FormData(); Object.keys(options.data).forEach(function(key) { formData.append(key, options.data[key]); }); request.open('POST', options.url); request.send(formData); } function progress(p) { that.progress = p; that.triggerEvent('progress', { progress: that.progress, status: that.status }); } function uploadChunk(chunkId) { var chunk, chunkOffset = chunkId * chunkSize; if (aborted) { return; } if (file.mozSlice) { chunk = file.mozSlice(chunkOffset, chunkOffset+chunkSize, file.type); } else if (file.webkitSlice) { chunk = file.webkitSlice(chunkOffset, chunkOffset+chunkSize, file.type); } else if (file.slice) { chunk = file.slice(chunkOffset, chunkOffset+chunkSize, file.type); } else { that.status = Ox._('Sorry, your browser is currently not supported.'); done(); return; } progress(Math.min(parseFloat(chunkOffset) / bytesAvailable, 1)); request = new XMLHttpRequest(); request.addEventListener('load', function (evt) { var response; that.responseText = '' + evt.target.responseText; try { response = JSON.parse(evt.target.responseText); } catch(e) { response = {}; } if (response.done == 1) { //upload finished that.resultUrl = response.resultUrl; // set progress to -1 if overall upload failed that.progress = response.result; that.status = 'done'; done(); } else if (response.result == 1) { // reset retry counter retries = 0; // start uploading next chunk if (paused) { nextChunkId = chunkId + 1; that.triggerEvent('paused', {next: nextChunkId}); } else { if (Ox.isUndefined(response.offset) || response.offset == (chunkId +1) * chunkSize) { uploadChunk(chunkId + 1); } else { // continue at chunk closest to offset from server console.log('server offset', response.offset, 'next chunk', Math.floor(response.offset / chunkSize)); uploadChunk(Math.floor(response.offset / chunkSize)); } } } else { // failed to upload, try again in 5 second retries++; if (maxRetry > 0 && retries > maxRetry) { that.status = 'upload failed'; that.progress = -1; done(); } else { setTimeout(function() { if (paused) { nextChunkId = chunkId; that.triggerEvent('paused', {next: nextChunkId}); } else { uploadChunk(chunkId); } }, 5000); } } }, false); request.addEventListener('error', function (evt) { // failed to upload, try again in 3 second retries++; if (maxRetry > 0 && retries > maxRetry) { that.status = 'upload failed'; that.progress = -1; done(); } else { setTimeout(function() { if (paused) { nextChunkId = chunkId; that.triggerEvent('paused', {next: nextChunkId}); } else { uploadChunk(chunkId); } }, 3000); } }, false); request.upload.addEventListener('progress', function (evt) { if (evt.lengthComputable) { progress(Math.min(parseFloat(chunkOffset + evt.loaded) / bytesAvailable, 1)); } }, false); request.addEventListener('abort', function (evt) { that.status = 'aborted'; that.progress = -1; done(); }, false); var formData = new FormData(); Object.keys(options.data).forEach(function(key) { formData.append(key, options.data[key]); }); formData.append('offset', chunkOffset); if (bytesAvailable <= chunkOffset + chunkSize) { formData.append('done', 1); } formData.append('chunk', chunk); request.open('POST', chunkURL, true); request.send(formData); } that.abort = function() { aborted = true; if (request) { request.abort(); request = null; } else { that.progress = -1; done(); } return that; }; that.pause = function() { paused = true; return that; }; that.resume = function() { if (paused) { paused = false; if (nextChunkId) { uploadChunk(nextChunkId); nextChunkId = null; } } return that; }; return that; };