// vim: et:ts=4:sw=4:sts=4:ft=javascript 'use strict'; pandora.ui.uploadVideoDialog = function(data) { var cancelled = false, file, hasFirefogg = !(Ox.isUndefined(window.Firefogg)) && ( $.browser.version < '35' || Firefogg().version >= 334 ), infoContent = Ox._('Please select the video file that you want to upload.'), itemView = pandora.site.capabilities.canSeeExtraItemViews[ pandora.user.level ] ? 'media' : 'info', selectFile, $actionButton, $closeButton, $content = Ox.Element().css({margin: '16px'}), $info = $('<div>') .css({padding: '4px'}) .html(infoContent), $progress, $status = $('<div>').css({padding: '4px', paddingTop: '8px'}), that = Ox.Dialog({ buttons: [ $closeButton = Ox.Button({ id: 'close', title: Ox._('Close') }).css({ float: 'left' }).bindEvent({ click: function() { if ($closeButton.options('title') == Ox._('Cancel')) { cancelled = true; $info.html(infoContent); $status.html(''); pandora.firefogg && pandora.firefogg.cancel(); pandora.$ui.upload && pandora.$ui.upload.abort(); $closeButton.options('title', Ox._('Close')); if ($actionButton.options('title') == Ox._('Upload')) { $closeButton.options('title', Ox._('Close')); $actionButton.replaceWith($actionButton = hasFirefogg ? getFirefoggButton() : getSelectVideoButton() ); } $actionButton.show(); } else { that.triggerEvent('close'); } } }), $actionButton = hasFirefogg ? getFirefoggButton() : getSelectVideoButton() ], content: $content, height: 128, removeOnClose: true, width: 368, title: Ox._('Upload Video'), }) .bindEvent({ close: function(data) { if (pandora.firefogg) { pandora.firefogg.cancel(); delete pandora.firefogg; } that.close(); } }); if (!pandora.site.itemRequiresVideo && !pandora.user.ui.item) { $info.html(Ox._( 'You can only upload a video to an existing {0}.' + ' Please check if an entry for the {0}' + ' you want to upload exists, and create one otherwise.', [pandora.site.itemName.singular.toLowerCase()] )); $actionButton.hide(); } $content.append($info); $content.append($status); function aspectratio(ratio) { var denominator, numerator; ratio = ratio.split(':'); numerator = ratio[0]; if (ratio.length == 2) { denominator = ratio[1]; } if (Math.abs(numerator / denominator - 4/3) < 0.03) { numerator = 4; denominator = 3; } else if (Math.abs(numerator / denominator - 16/9) < 0.02) { numerator = 16; denominator = 9; } return { denominator: denominator, 'float': numerator / denominator, numerator: numerator, ratio: numerator + ':' + denominator }; } function resetProgress(status) { $progress = Ox.Progressbar({ progress: 0, showPercent: true, showTime: true, width: 304 }); $status.html(status || '').append($progress); } function directUpload(file, info) { resetProgress(); pandora.api.addMedia({ filename: info.name, id: info.oshash, item: pandora.site.itemRequiresVideo ? undefined : pandora.user.ui.item }, function(result) { uploadStream(result.data.item, info, file); }); } function encode() { var filename = pandora.firefogg.sourceFilename, info = JSON.parse(pandora.firefogg.sourceInfo), item, oshash = info.oshash; $info.html('<b>' + filename + '</b><br>' + Ox._('encoding...')); resetProgress(); pandora.api.addMedia({ filename: filename, id: oshash, info: info, item: pandora.site.itemRequiresVideo ? undefined : pandora.user.ui.item }, function(result) { item = result.data.item; pandora.firefogg.encode( getEncodingOptions(info), function(result, file) { result = JSON.parse(result); if (result.progress != 1) { $status.html( cancelled ? Ox._('Encoding cancelled.') : Ox._('Encoding failed.') ); delete pandora.firefogg; return; } setTimeout(function() { $info.html( '<b>' + filename + '</b><br>' + Ox._('uploading...') ); uploadStream(item, info, file); }); }, Ox.throttle(function(progress) { progress = JSON.parse(progress).progress || 0; $progress.options({progress: progress}); }, 1000) ); }); } function getInfo(file, callback) { Ox.oshash(file, function(oshash) { var $video = $('<video>'), url = URL.createObjectURL(file), info = { audio: [], direct: false, oshash: oshash, name: file.name, size: file.size, video: [] }; $video.one('error', function(event) { callback(info); }); $video.one('loadedmetadata', function(event) { info.duration = $video[0].duration; if ($video[0].videoHeight > 0) { info.video.push({ height: $video[0].videoHeight, width: $video[0].videoWidth }); } if (info.duration) { info.bitrate = info.size * 8 / info.duration / 1000; } var format = pandora.site.video.formats[0], resolution = getResolution(info); info.direct = Ox.endsWith(info.name, format) && info.video.length > 0 && info.video[0].height <= resolution; callback(info); }); $video[0].src = url; }); } function getResolution(info) { var height = info.video && info.video.length ? info.video[0].height : Ox.max(pandora.site.video.resolutions), resolution = Ox.sort(pandora.site.video.resolutions) .filter(function(resolution) { return height <= resolution; })[0] || Ox.max(pandora.site.video.resolutions); return resolution; } function getFirefoggButton() { return Ox.Button({ id: 'action', title: Ox._('Select Video') }).bindEvent({ click: function() { if ($actionButton.options('title') == Ox._('Select Video')) { if (selectVideo()) { $closeButton.options('title', Ox._('Cancel')); $actionButton.options('title', Ox._('Upload')); } } else if ($actionButton.options('title') == Ox._('Cancel')) { cancelled = true; pandora.firefogg && pandora.firefogg.cancel(); pandora.$ui.upload && pandora.$ui.upload.abort(); $actionButton.options('title', Ox._('Select Video')); $closeButton.show(); } else { $closeButton.options('title', Ox._('Cancel')); $actionButton.hide().options('title', Ox._('Select Video')); encode(); } } }) } function getSelectVideoButton() { return Ox.FileButton({ id: 'action', title: Ox._('Select Video'), maxFiles: 1, width: 96 }).css({ float: 'left' }).bindEvent({ click: function(data) { if (data.files.length) { cancelled = false; $actionButton.replaceWith($actionButton = Ox.Button({ id: 'action', title: 'Upload', disabled: true }).css({ float: 'left' })); getInfo(data.files[0], function(info) { $actionButton.options({ disabled: false }).bindEvent({ click: function() { $actionButton.replaceWith($actionButton = getSelectVideoButton().hide()); info.direct ? directUpload(data.files[0], info) : upload(data.files[0]); } }); $info.html(formatVideoInfo(info)); $status.html( info.direct ? Ox._( 'Your video will be used directly.' ) : Ox._( 'Your video will be transcoded on the server.' ) ); }); $closeButton.options('title', Ox._('Cancel')); } } }); } function uploadStream(item, info, file) { var oshash = info.oshash, format = pandora.site.video.formats[0], resolution = getResolution(info); pandora.$ui.upload = pandora.chunkupload({ file: file, url: '/api/upload/?profile=' + resolution + 'p.' + format + '&id=' + oshash, data: {} }).bindEvent({ done: function(data) { if (data.progress == 1) { Ox.Request.clearCache(); if ( pandora.user.ui.item == item && pandora.user.ui.itemView == itemView ) { pandora.$ui.item.reload(); } else { pandora.UI.set({ item: item, itemView: itemView }); } delete pandora.firefogg; that.close(); } else { $status.html(Ox._('Upload failed.')); pandora.api.logError({ text: data.responseText, url: '/' + item, line: 1 }); } }, progress: function(data) { $progress.options({progress: data.progress || 0}); }, }); } function upload(file) { resetProgress(); $info.html(Ox._('Uploading {0}', [file.name])); Ox.oshash(file, function(oshash) { pandora.api.findMedia({ query: { conditions: [{key: 'oshash', value: oshash}] }, keys: ['id', 'item', 'available'] }, function(result) { if ( result.data.items.length === 0 || !result.data.items[0].available ) { pandora.api.addMedia({ filename: file.name, id: oshash, item: pandora.site.itemRequiresVideo ? undefined : pandora.user.ui.item }, function(result) { var item = result.data.item; pandora.$ui.upload = pandora.chunkupload({ file: file, url: '/api/upload/direct/', data: { id: oshash } }).bindEvent({ done: function(data) { if (data.progress == 1) { Ox.Request.clearCache(); if ( pandora.user.ui.item == item && pandora.user.ui.itemView == itemView ) { pandora.$ui.item.reload(); } else { pandora.UI.set({ item: item, itemView: itemView }); } that.close(); } else { $status.html( cancelled ? Ox._('Upload cancelled.') : Ox._('Upload failed.') ); !cancelled && pandora.api.logError({ text: data.responseText, url: '/' + item, line: 1 }); } }, progress: function(data) { $progress.options({ progress: data.progress || 0 }); } }); }); } else { pandora.UI.set({ item: result.data.items[0].item, itemView: itemView }); that.close(); } }); }); } function getEncodingOptions(info) { var bpp = 0.17, dar, format = pandora.site.video.formats[0], fps, options = {}, resolution = getResolution(info); if (format == 'webm') { options.videoCodec = 'vp8'; options.audioCodec = 'vorbis'; } else if (format == 'ogv') { options.videoCodec = 'theora'; options.audioCodec = 'vorbis'; } if (resolution == 720) { options.height = 720; options.samplerate = 48000; options.audioQuality = 5; } else if (resolution == 480) { options.height = 480; options.samplerate = 44100; options.audioQuality = 3; options.channels = 2; } else if (resolution == 432) { options.height = 432; options.samplerate = 44100; options.audioQuality = 3; options.channels = 2; } else if (resolution == 360) { options.height = 320; options.samplerate = 44100; options.audioQuality = 1; options.channels = 1; } else if (resolution == 288) { options.height = 288; options.samplerate = 44100; options.audioQuality = 0; options.channels = 1; } else if (resolution == 240) { options.height = 240; options.samplerate = 44100; options.audioQuality = 0; options.channels = 1; } else if (resolution == 144) { options.height = 144; options.samplerate = 22050; options.audioQuality = -1; options.audioBitrate = 22; options.channels = 1; } else if (resolution == 96) { options.height = 96; options.samplerate = 22050; options.audioQuality = -1; options.audioBitrate = 22; options.channels = 1; } if (info.video && info.video.length) { info.video.forEach(function(video) { if (!video.display_aspect_ratio) { video.display_aspect_ratio = video.width + ':' + video.height; video.pixel_aspect_ratio = '1:1'; } }); dar = aspectratio(info.video[0].display_aspect_ratio); fps = aspectratio(info.video[0].framerate).float; options.width = parseInt(dar.float * options.height, 10); options.width += options.width % 2; // interlaced hdv material is detected with double framerates if (fps == 50) { fps = options.framerate = 25; } else if (fps == 60) { fps = options.framerate = 30; } if (Math.abs(options.width/options.height - dar.float) < 0.02) { options.aspect = options.width + ':' + options.height; } else { options.aspect = dar.ratio; } options.videoBitrate = Math.round( options.height * options.width * fps * bpp / 1000 ); options.denoise = true; options.deinterlace = true; } else { options.noVideo = true; } if (info.audio) { if (options.cannels && info.audio[0].channels < options.channels) { delete options.channels; } } else { options.noAudio = true; delete options.samplerate; delete options.audioQuality; delete options.channels; } options.noUpscaling = true; if ( (!info.video.length || ( info.video[0].codec == options.videoCodec && info.video[0].height <= options.height )) && (!info.audio.length || info.audio[0].codec == options.audioCodec) ) { options = {passthrough: true}; } return JSON.stringify(options); } function formatInfo(info) { var html = '<b>' + info.path + '</b><br>'; if (info.video && info.video.length > 0) { var video = info.video[0]; html += video.width + '×' + video.height + ' (' + video.codec + ')'; } if ( info.video && info.video.length > 0 && info.audio && info.audio.length > 0 ) { html += ' / '; } if (info.audio && info.audio.length > 0) { var audio = info.audio[0]; html += {1: 'mono', 2: 'stereo', 6: '5.1'}[audio.channels] + ' ' + audio.samplerate / 1000 + ' kHz (' + audio.codec + ')'; } html += '<br>' + Ox.formatValue(info.size, 'B') + ' / ' + Ox.formatDuration(info.duration); return html; } function formatVideoInfo(info) { var html = '<b>' + info.name + '</b><br>'; if (info.video && info.video.length > 0) { html += info.video[0].width + '×' + info.video[0].height; } html += '<br>' + Ox.formatValue(info.size, 'B'); if(info.duration) { html += ' / ' + Ox.formatDuration(info.duration); } return html; } function selectVideo() { cancelled = false; pandora.firefogg = new Firefogg(); pandora.firefogg.setFormat(pandora.site.video.formats[0]); if (pandora.firefogg.selectVideo()) { var info = JSON.parse(pandora.firefogg.sourceInfo), options = JSON.parse(getEncodingOptions(info)), oshash = info.oshash, filename = pandora.firefogg.sourceFilename, item; pandora.api.findMedia({ query: { conditions: [{key: 'oshash', value: oshash}] }, keys: ['id', 'available'] }, function(result) { if ( result.data.items.length === 0 || !result.data.items[0].available ) { $info.html(formatInfo(info)); $status.html( options.passthrough ? Ox._('Your video will be uploaded directly.') : Ox._('Your video will be transcoded before upload.') ); } else { pandora.api.find({ query: { conditions: [{key: 'oshash', value: oshash}] }, keys: ['id'] }, function(result) { pandora.UI.set({ item: result.data.items[0].id, itemView: itemView }); delete pandora.firefogg; that.close(); }); } }); return true; } return false; } return that; };