# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import os from os.path import exists import fractions import math import re import shutil import subprocess import tempfile import time from distutils.spawn import find_executable from glob import glob import numpy as np import ox import ox.image from ox.utils import json from django.conf import settings from PIL import Image from .chop import Chop, make_keyframe_index img_extension = 'jpg' MAX_DISTANCE = math.sqrt(3 * pow(255, 2)) class AspectRatio(fractions.Fraction): def __new__(cls, numerator, denominator=None): if not denominator: ratio = list(map(int, numerator.split(':'))) if len(ratio) == 1: ratio.append(1) numerator = ratio[0] denominator = ratio[1] # if its close enough to the common aspect ratios rather use that if abs(numerator/denominator - 4/3) < 0.03: numerator = 4 denominator = 3 elif abs(numerator/denominator - 16/9) < 0.02: numerator = 16 denominator = 9 return super(AspectRatio, cls).__new__(cls, numerator, denominator) @property def ratio(self): return "%d:%d" % (self.numerator, self.denominator) def supported_formats(): if not find_executable(settings.FFMPEG): return None p = subprocess.Popen([settings.FFMPEG, '-codecs'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, close_fds=True) stdout, stderr = p.communicate() stdout = stdout.decode('utf-8') stderr = stderr.decode('utf-8') version = stderr.split('\n')[0].split(' ')[2] return { 'version': version.split('.'), 'ogg': 'libtheora' in stdout and 'libvorbis' in stdout, 'webm': 'libvpx' in stdout and 'libvorbis' in stdout, 'vp8': 'libvpx' in stdout and 'libvorbis' in stdout, 'vp9': 'libvpx-vp9' in stdout and 'libopus' in stdout, 'mp4': 'libx264' in stdout and bool(re.compile('DEA.L. aac').findall(stdout)), 'h264': 'libx264' in stdout and bool(re.compile('DEA.L. aac').findall(stdout)), } def stream(video, target, profile, info, audio_track=0, flags={}): if not os.path.exists(target): ox.makedirs(os.path.dirname(target)) ''' WebM look into lag mb_static_threshold qmax/qmin rc_buf_aggressivity=0.95 token_partitions=4 level / speedlevel bt? H264, should bitrates be a bit lower? other stuff possible? ''' profile, format = profile.split('.') bpp = 0.17 video_codec = 'libvpx' audio_codec = 'libvorbis' if 'error' in info: return False, "Unsupported Format" if profile == '1080p': height = 1080 audiorate = 48000 audioquality = 6 audiobitrate = None audiochannels = None elif profile == '720p': height = 720 audiorate = 48000 audioquality = 5 audiobitrate = None audiochannels = None elif profile == '480p': height = 480 audiorate = 44100 audioquality = 3 audiobitrate = None audiochannels = 2 elif profile == '432p': height = 432 audiorate = 44100 audioquality = 3 audiobitrate = None audiochannels = 2 elif profile == '360p': height = 360 audiorate = 44100 audioquality = 1 audiobitrate = None audiochannels = 1 elif profile == '288p': height = 288 audiorate = 44100 audioquality = 0 audiobitrate = None audiochannels = 1 elif profile == '240p': height = 240 audiorate = 44100 audioquality = 0 audiobitrate = None audiochannels = 1 elif profile == '144p': height = 144 audiorate = 22050 audioquality = -1 audiobitrate = '22k' audiochannels = 1 else: height = 96 if settings.FFMPEG_SUPPORTS_VP9: audio_codec = 'libopus' video_codec = 'libvpx-vp9' audiorate = 22050 audioquality = -1 audiobitrate = '22k' audiochannels = 1 if format == 'webm' and audio_codec == 'libopus': audiorate = 48000 if not audiobitrate: audiobitrate = '%sk' % { -1: 32, 0: 48, 1: 64, 2: 96, 3: 112, 4: 128, 5: 144, 6: 160, 7: 192, 8: 256, 9: 320, 10: 512, }[audioquality] if format == 'webm' and video_codec == 'libvpx-vp9': bpp = 0.15 if info['video'] and 'display_aspect_ratio' in info['video'][0]: # dont make video bigger height = min(height, info['video'][0]['height']) fps = AspectRatio(info['video'][0]['framerate']) fps = min(30, float(fps)) dar = AspectRatio(info['video'][0]['display_aspect_ratio']) width = int(dar * height) width += width % 2 aspect = dar.ratio # use 1:1 pixel aspect ratio if dar is close to that if abs(width/height - dar) < 0.02: aspect = '%s:%s' % (width, height) # parse extra falgs if 'crop' in flags: h = info['video'][0]['height'] - flags['crop']['top'] - flags['crop']['bottom'] w = info['video'][0]['width'] - flags['crop']['left'] - flags['crop']['right'] x = flags['crop']['left'] y = flags['crop']['top'] crop = ',crop=w=%s:h=%s:x=%s:y=%s' % (w, h, x, y) aspect = dar * (info['video'][0]['width'] / info['video'][0]['height']) * (w/h) if abs(w/h - aspect) < 0.02: aspect = '%s:%s' % (w, h) else: crop = '' if 'trim' in flags: trim = [] if 'in' in flags['trim']: start = flags['trim']['in'] trim += ['-ss', str(start)] if 'out' in flags['trim']: t = info['duration'] - flags['trim'].get('in', 0) - flags['trim']['out'] trim += ['-t', str(t)] else: trim = [] if 'aspect' in flags: aspect = flags['aspect'] bitrate = height*width*fps*bpp/1000 video_settings = trim + [ '-vb', '%dk' % bitrate, '-aspect', aspect, # '-vf', 'yadif', '-max_muxing_queue_size', '512', '-vf', 'hqdn3d%s,scale=%s:%s' % (crop, width, height), '-g', '%d' % int(fps*5), ] if format == 'webm': video_settings += [ '-c:v', video_codec, '-deadline', 'good', '-cpu-used', '1' if video_codec == 'libvpx-vp9' else '0', '-lag-in-frames', '25', '-auto-alt-ref', '1', ] if video_codec == 'libvpx-vp9': video_settings += [ '-tile-columns', '6', '-frame-parallel', '1', ] if format == 'mp4': video_settings += [ '-c:v', 'libx264', '-preset:v', 'medium', '-profile:v', 'high', '-level', '4.0', '-pix_fmt', 'yuv420p', ] video_settings += ['-map', '0:%s,0:0' % info['video'][0]['id']] audio_only = False else: video_settings = ['-vn'] audio_only = True # ignore some unsupported audio codecs if info['audio'] and info['audio'][0].get('codec') in ('qdmc', ): audio_settings = ['-an'] elif info['audio']: if video_settings == ['-vn'] or not info['video']: n = 0 else: n = 1 audio_settings = [] # mix 2 mono channels into stereo(common for fcp dv mov files) if audio_track == 0 and len(info['audio']) == 2 \ and len(list(filter(None, [a['channels'] == 1 or None for a in info['audio']]))) == 2: audio_settings += [ '-filter_complex', '[0:%s][0:%s] amerge' % (info['audio'][0]['id'], info['audio'][1]['id']) ] mono_mix = True else: mono_mix = False audio_settings += ['-map', '0:%s,0:%s' % (info['audio'][audio_track]['id'], n)] audio_settings += ['-ar', str(audiorate)] if audio_codec != 'libopus': audio_settings += ['-aq', str(audioquality)] if mono_mix: ac = 2 else: ac = info['audio'][0].get('channels') if not ac: ac = audiochannels if audiochannels: ac = min(ac, audiochannels) audio_settings += ['-ac', str(ac)] if audiobitrate: audio_settings += ['-ab', audiobitrate] if format == 'mp4': audio_settings += ['-c:a', 'aac', '-strict', '-2'] elif audio_codec == 'libopus': audio_settings += ['-c:a', 'libopus', '-frame_duration', '60'] else: audio_settings += ['-c:a', audio_codec] else: audio_settings = ['-an'] cmds = [] base = [settings.FFMPEG, '-nostats', '-loglevel', 'error', '-y', '-i', video, '-threads', '4', '-map_metadata', '-1', '-sn'] if format == 'webm': enc_target = target + '.tmp.webm' elif format == 'mp4': enc_target = target + '.tmp.mp4' else: enc_target = target if format == 'webm': post = ['-f', 'webm', enc_target] elif format == 'mp4': post = ['-movflags', '+faststart', '-f', 'mp4', enc_target] else: post = [target] if video_settings != ['-vn']: pass1_post = post[:] pass1_post[-1] = '/dev/null' if format == 'webm': pass1_post = ['-speed', '4'] + pass1_post post = ['-speed', '1'] + post cmds.append(base + ['-an', '-pass', '1', '-passlogfile', '%s.log' % target] + video_settings + pass1_post) cmds.append(base + ['-pass', '2', '-passlogfile', '%s.log' % target] + audio_settings + video_settings + post) else: cmds.append(base + audio_settings + video_settings + post) if settings.FFMPEG_DEBUG: print('\n'.join([' '.join(cmd) for cmd in cmds])) n = 0 for cmd in cmds: n += 1 p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, close_fds=True) stdout, stderr = p.communicate() if p.returncode != 0: if os.path.exists(enc_target): os.unlink(enc_target) if os.path.exists(target): os.unlink(target) stdout = stdout.decode('utf-8').replace('\r\n', '\n').replace('\r', '\n') return False, stdout if format == 'webm' and audio_only: cmd = ['mkvmerge', '-w', '-o', target, '--cues', '-1:all', enc_target] p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, close_fds=True) p.communicate() os.unlink(enc_target) enc_target = target if p.returncode == 0 and enc_target != target: shutil.move(enc_target, target) for f in glob('%s.log*' % target): os.unlink(f) if info['video']: make_keyframe_index(target) return True, None def run_command(cmd, timeout=10): # print(cmd) p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=open('/dev/null', 'w'), stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, close_fds=True) while timeout > 0: time.sleep(0.2) timeout -= 0.2 if p.poll() is not None: return p.returncode if p.poll() is None: os.kill(p.pid, 9) killedpid, stat = os.waitpid(p.pid, os.WNOHANG) return p.returncode def frame(video, frame, position, height=128, redo=False, info=None): ''' params: video input frame output position as float in seconds height of frame redo boolean to extract file even if it exists ''' if exists(video): folder = os.path.dirname(frame) if redo or not exists(frame): ox.makedirs(folder) if video.endswith('.mp4'): cmd = ffmpeg_frame_cmd(video, frame, position, height) else: cmd = ['oxframe', '-i', video, '-o', frame, '-p', str(position), '-y', str(height)] run_command(cmd) def ffmpeg_frame_cmd(video, frame, position, height=128): cmd = [ settings.FFMPEG, '-y', '-ss', str(position), '-i', video, '-an', '-frames:v', '1', '-vf', 'scale=-1:%s' % height if height else 'scale=iw*sar:ih', frame ] return cmd def ffmpeg_version(): p = subprocess.Popen([settings.FFMPEG], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, close_fds=True) stdout, stderr = p.communicate() version = stderr.split(' ')[2].split('-')[0] try: version = tuple(map(int, version.split('.'))) except: pass return version def frame_direct(video, target, position): fdir = os.path.dirname(target) if fdir and not os.path.exists(fdir): os.makedirs(fdir) cmd = ffmpeg_frame_cmd(video, target, position, None) r = run_command(cmd) return r == 0 def resize_image(image_source, image_output, width=None, size=None): if exists(image_source): source = Image.open(image_source).convert('RGB') source_width = source.size[0] source_height = source.size[1] if size: if source_width > source_height: width = size height = int(width / (float(source_width) / source_height)) height = height - height % 2 else: height = size width = int(height * (float(source_width) / source_height)) width = width - width % 2 else: height = int(width / (float(source_width) / source_height)) height = height - height % 2 width = max(width, 1) height = max(height, 1) if width < source_width: resize_method = Image.ANTIALIAS else: resize_method = Image.BICUBIC output = source.resize((width, height), resize_method) output.save(image_output) def timeline(video, prefix, modes=None, size=None): if modes is None: modes = ['antialias', 'slitscan', 'keyframes', 'audio', 'data'] if size is None: size = [64, 16] if isinstance(video, str): video = [video] cmd = ['../bin/oxtimelines', '-s', ','.join(map(str, reversed(sorted(size)))), '-m', ','.join(modes), '-o', prefix, '-c', os.path.join(prefix, 'cuts.json'), ] + video # print(cmd) p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, close_fds=True) p.wait() def average_color(prefix, start=0, end=0, mode='antialias'): height = 64 frames = 0 pixels = [] color = np.asarray([0, 0, 0], dtype=np.float32) if end: start = int(start * 25) end = int(end * 25) mode = 'timeline' + mode timelines = ox.sorted_strings(list(filter(lambda t: t != '%s%s%sp.jpg' % (prefix, mode, height), glob("%s%s%sp*.jpg" % (prefix, mode, height))))) for image in timelines: start_offset = 0 if start and frames + 1500 <= start: frames += 1500 continue timeline = Image.open(image) frames += timeline.size[0] if start and frames > start > frames-timeline.size[0]: start_offset = start - (frames-timeline.size[0]) box = (start_offset, 0, timeline.size[0], height) timeline = timeline.crop(box) if end and frames > end: end_offset = timeline.size[0] - (frames - end) box = (0, 0, end_offset, height) timeline = timeline.crop(box) p = np.asarray(timeline.convert('RGB'), dtype=np.float32) p = np.sum(p, axis=0) / height # average color per frame pixels.append(p) if end and frames >= end: break if end: frames = end - start if frames: for i in range(0, len(pixels)): p = np.sum(pixels[i], axis=0) / frames color += p color = list(map(float, color)) return ox.image.getHSL(color) def average_volume(prefix, start=0, end=0): return average_color(prefix, start, end, 'audio')[2] def get_distance(rgb0, rgb1): # rgb distance, normalized so that black/white equals 1 dst = math.sqrt(pow(rgb0[0] - rgb1[0], 2) + pow(rgb0[1] - rgb1[1], 2) + pow(rgb0[2] - rgb1[2], 2)) return dst / MAX_DISTANCE def cuts(prefix): fname = os.path.join(prefix, 'cuts.json') if not os.path.exists(fname): return [] with open(fname) as f: cuts = json.load(f) return cuts def divide(num, by): # >>> divide(100, 3) # [33, 33, 34] arr = [] div = int(num / by) mod = num % by for i in range(int(by)): arr.append(div + (i > by - 1 - mod)) return arr def timeline_strip(item, cuts, info, prefix): _debug = False duration = info['duration'] video_height = info['video'][0]['height'] video_width = info['video'][0]['width'] video_ratio = video_width / video_height line_image = [] timeline_height = 64 timeline_width = 1500 fps = 25 frames = int(duration * fps) if cuts[0] != 0: cuts.insert(0, 0) cuts = list(map(lambda x: int(round(x * fps)), cuts)) for frame in range(frames): i = int(frame / timeline_width) x = frame % timeline_width if x == 0: timeline_width = min(timeline_width, frames - frame) timeline_image = Image.new('RGB', (timeline_width, timeline_height)) if frame in cuts: c = cuts.index(frame) if c + 1 < len(cuts): duration = cuts[c + 1] - cuts[c] frames = math.ceil(duration / (video_width * timeline_height / video_height)) widths = divide(duration, frames) frame = frame if _debug: print(widths, duration, frames, cuts[c], cuts[c + 1]) for s in range(int(frames)): frame_ratio = widths[s] / timeline_height if video_ratio > frame_ratio: width = int(round(video_height * frame_ratio)) left = int((video_width - width) / 2) box = (left, 0, left + width, video_height) else: height = int(round(video_width / frame_ratio)) top = int((video_height - height) / 2) box = (0, top, video_width, top + height) if _debug: print(frame, 'cut', c, 'frame', s, frame, 'width', widths[s], box) # FIXME: why does this have to be frame+1? frame_image = Image.open(item.frame((frame+1)/fps)) frame_image = frame_image.crop(box).resize((widths[s], timeline_height), Image.ANTIALIAS) for x_ in range(widths[s]): line_image.append(frame_image.crop((x_, 0, x_ + 1, timeline_height))) frame += widths[s] if len(line_image) > frame: timeline_image.paste(line_image[frame], (x, 0)) if x == timeline_width - 1: timeline_file = '%sStrip64p%04d.png' % (prefix, i) if _debug: print('writing', timeline_file) timeline_image.save(timeline_file) def chop(video, start, end, subtitles=None, dest=None, encode=False): t = end - start ext = os.path.splitext(video)[1] if dest is None: tmp = tempfile.mkdtemp() choped_video = '%s/tmp%s' % (tmp, ext) else: choped_video = dest if subtitles and ext == '.mp4': subtitles_f = choped_video + '.full.srt' with open(subtitles_f, 'wb') as fd: fd.write(subtitles) else: subtitles_f = None if False and ext == '.mp4' and settings.CHOP_SUPPORT: Chop(video, choped_video, start, end, subtitles_f) if subtitles_f: os.unlink(subtitles_f) else: if encode: bpp = 0.17 if ext == '.mp4': vcodec = [ '-c:v', 'libx264', '-preset:v', 'medium', '-profile:v', 'high', '-level', '4.0', ] acodec = [ '-c:a', 'aac', '-aq', '6', '-strict', '-2' ] else: vcodec = [ '-c:v', 'libvpx', '-deadline', 'good', '-cpu-used', '0', '-lag-in-frames', '25', '-auto-alt-ref', '1', ] acodec = [ '-c:a', 'libvorbis', '-aq', '6', ] info = ox.avinfo(video) if not info['audio']: acodec = [] if not info['video']: vcodec = [] else: height = info['video'][0]['height'] width = info['video'][0]['width'] fps = 30 bitrate = height*width*fps*bpp/1000 vcodec += ['-vb', '%dk' % bitrate] encoding = vcodec + acodec else: encoding = [ '-c:v', 'copy', '-c:a', 'copy', ] cmd = [ settings.FFMPEG, '-y', '-i', video, '-ss', '%.3f' % start, '-t', '%.3f' % t, ] + encoding + [ '-f', ext[1:], choped_video ] print(cmd) p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=open('/dev/null', 'w'), stderr=open('/dev/null', 'w'), close_fds=True) p.wait() if subtitles_f and os.path.exists(subtitles_f): os.unlink(subtitles_f) if dest is None: f = open(choped_video, 'rb') os.unlink(choped_video) os.rmdir(tmp) return f else: return None def has_faststart(path): cmd = [settings.FFPROBE, '-v', 'trace', '-i', path] p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, close_fds=True) stdout, stderr = p.communicate() moov = "type:'moov'" mdat = "type:'mdat'" blocks = [b for b in stdout.decode().split('\n') if moov in b or mdat in b] if blocks and moov in blocks[0]: return True return False def remux_stream(src, dst): info = ox.avinfo(src) if info.get('audio'): audio = ['-c:a', 'copy'] else: audio = [] if info.get('video'): video = ['-c:v', 'copy'] else: video = [] cmd = [ settings.FFMPEG, '-nostats', '-loglevel', 'error', '-map_metadata', '-1', '-sn', '-i', src, ] + video + [ ] + audio + [ '-movflags', '+faststart', dst ] p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=open('/dev/null', 'w'), stderr=open('/dev/null', 'w'), close_fds=True) p.wait() return True, None def ffprobe(path, *args): cmd = [settings.FFPROBE, '-loglevel', 'error', '-print_format', 'json', '-i', path] + list(args) p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, close_fds=True) stdout, stderr = p.communicate() return json.loads(stdout.decode()) def get_chapters(path): info = ffprobe(path, '-show_chapters') chapters = [] n = 0 for chapter in info.get('chapters', []): n += 1 chapters.append({ 'in': chapter['start_time'], 'out': chapter['end_time'], 'value': chapter.get('tags', {}).get('title', 'Chapter %s' % n) }) return chapters def get_text_subtitles(path): subtitles = [] for stream in ffprobe(path, '-show_streams')['streams']: if stream.get('codec_name') in ('subrip', 'aas', 'text'): subtitles.append({ 'index': stream['index'], 'language': stream['tags']['language'], }) return subtitles def has_img_subtitles(path): subtitles = [] for stream in ffprobe(path, '-show_streams')['streams']: if stream.get('codec_type') == 'subtitle' and stream.get('codec_name') in ('dvbsub', 'pgssub'): subtitles.append({ 'index': stream['index'], 'language': stream['tags']['language'], }) return subtitles def extract_subtitles(path, language=None): extra = [] if language: tracks = get_text_subtitles(path) track = [t for t in tracks if t['language'] == language] if track: extra = ['-map', '0:%s' % track[0]['index']] else: raise Exception("unknown language: %s" % language) cmd = ['ffmpeg', '-loglevel', 'error', '-i', path] + extra + ['-f', 'srt', '-'] p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, close_fds=True) stdout, stderr = p.communicate() return ox.srt.loads(stdout.decode())