// vim: et:ts=4:sw=4:sts=4:ft=javascript
'use strict';
pandora.ui.folders = function(section) {
    section = section || pandora.user.ui.section;
    var ui = pandora.user.ui,
        counter = 0,
        that = Ox.Element()
            .css({overflowX: 'hidden', overflowY: 'auto'})
                resize: pandora.resizeFolders
        folderItems = section == 'items' ? 'Lists' : Ox.toTitleCase(section),
        folderItem = folderItems.slice(0, -1);
    pandora.$ui.allItems = pandora.ui.allItems(section).appendTo(that);
    pandora.$ui.folder = [];
    pandora.$ui.folderBrowser = {};
    pandora.$ui.folderList = {};
    pandora.$ui.findListElement = {};
    pandora.$ui.findListSelect = {};
    pandora.$ui.findListInput = {};
    pandora.$ui.manageListsButton = {};
    pandora.site.sectionFolders[section].forEach(function(folder, i) {
        var extras, $select;
        if (folder.id == 'personal') {
            if (pandora.user.level == 'guest') {
                extras = [
                    infoButton(Ox._('Personal ' + folderItems),
                        Ox._('To create and share your own list of {0} please sign up or sign in.', [Ox._(pandora.site.itemName.plural.toLowerCase())]),
                        Ox._('To create and share your own {0} please sign up or sign in.', [section]))
            } else {
                if (section == 'items') {
                    extras = [
                        pandora.$ui.personalListsMenu = Ox.MenuButton({
                            items: [
                                { id: 'newlist', title: Ox._('New List') },
                                { id: 'newlistfromselection', title: Ox._('New List from Selection'), disabled: ui.listSelection.length == 0 },
                                { id: 'newsmartlist', title: Ox._('New Smart List') },
                                { id: 'newsmartlistfromresults', title: Ox._('New Smart List from Results') },
                                { id: 'duplicatelist', title: Ox._('Duplicate Selected List'), disabled: !pandora.user.ui._list },
                                { id: 'editlist', title: Ox._('Edit Selected List...'), disabled: !pandora.user.ui._list },
                                { id: 'deletelist', title: Ox._('Delete Selected List...'), disabled: !pandora.user.ui._list }
                            title: 'edit',
                            tooltip: Ox._('Manage Personal Lists'),
                            type: 'image'
                            click: function(data) {
                                var $list = pandora.$ui.folderList[folder.id];
                                // fixme: duplicated
                                if ([
                                    'newlist', 'newlistfromselection', 'newsmartlist', 'newsmartlistfromresults'
                                ].indexOf(data.id) > -1) {
                                    pandora.addList(data.id.indexOf('smart') > -1, data.id.indexOf('from') > -1);
                                } else if (data.id == 'duplicatelist') {
                                } else if (data.id == 'editlist') {
                                } else if (data.id == 'deletelist') {
                            pandora_find: function() {
                                var action = ui._list
                                    && pandora.getListData(ui._list).user == pandora.user.username
                                    ? 'enableItem' : 'disableItem';
                                // fixme: duplicated
                                    ui.listSelection.length ? 'enableItem' : 'disableItem'
                            pandora_listselection: function(data) {
                                    data.value.length ? 'enableItem' : 'disableItem'
                } else if (section == 'texts') {
                    extras = [
                        pandora.$ui.personalListsMenu = Ox.MenuButton({
                            items: [
                                { id: 'newtext', title: Ox._('New Text') },
                                { id: 'newpdf', title: Ox._('New  PDF') },
                                { id: 'deletetext', title: Ox._('Delete Selected Text...'), disabled: !ui.text }
                            title: 'edit',
                            tooltip: Ox._('Manage Personal Texts'),
                            type: 'image'
                            click: function(data) {
                                var $list = pandora.$ui.folderList[folder.id];
                                if (data.id == 'newtext') {
                                    pandora.addText({type: 'text'});
                                } else if (data.id == 'newpdf') {
                                    pandora.addText({type: 'pdf'});
                                } else if (data.id == 'deletetext') {
                        .bindEvent('pandora_text', function(data) {
                                data.value && data.value.length ? 'enableItem' : 'disableItem'
                } else if (section == 'edits') {
                    extras = [
                        pandora.$ui.personalListsMenu = Ox.MenuButton({
                            items: [
                                { id: 'newedit', title: Ox._('New Edit') },
                                { id: 'deleteedit', title: Ox._('Delete Selected Edit...'), disabled: !ui.text }
                            title: 'edit',
                            tooltip: Ox._('Manage Personal Edits'),
                            type: 'image'
                            click: function(data) {
                                var $list = pandora.$ui.folderList[folder.id];
                                if (data.id == 'newedit') {
                                } else if (data.id == 'deleteedit') {
                        .bindEvent('pandora_edit', function(data) {
                                data.value && data.value.length ? 'enableItem' : 'disableItem'
                } else {
                    extras = [];
        } else if (folder.id == 'favorite') {
            if (pandora.user.level == 'guest') {
                extras = [infoButton(Ox._('Favorite ' + folderItems),
                    Ox._('To browse and subscribe to shared {0} from other users, please sign up or sign in.', [Ox._(folderItems.toLowerCase())]))];
            } else {
                extras = [pandora.$ui.manageListsButton['favorite'] = Ox.Button({
                    selectable: true,
                    style: 'symbol',
                    title: 'edit',
                    tooltip: Ox._('Manage Favorite {0}', [Ox._(folderItems)]),
                    type: 'image'
                    change: function(data) {
                        var listData;
                        Ox.Request.clearCache(); // fixme: remove
                        pandora.site.sectionFolders[section][i].showBrowser = !pandora.site.sectionFolders[section][i].showBrowser;
                        this.options({tooltip: data.value ? Ox._('Done') : Ox._('Manage Favorite {0}', [Ox._(folderItems)])});
                        if (pandora.site.sectionFolders[section][i].showBrowser) {
                                pandora.$ui.folderBrowser.favorite = pandora.ui.folderBrowser('favorite', section)
                        } else {
                            listData = pandora.getListData();
                            if (
                                && !listData.subscribed
                            ) {
                                // the selected list in the favorites browser is not in the favorites folder
                                pandora.$ui.folderList.favorite.options({selected: []});
                                if (Ox.getObjectById(pandora.site.sectionFolders[section], 'featured').showBrowser) {
                                    // but in the featured browser
                                    pandora.$ui.folderList.featured.options({selected: [listData.id]});
                                } else {
                                    // and nowhere else
                                        find: pandora.site.user.ui.find
                                pandora.$ui.folderList.favorite = pandora.ui.folderList('favorite', section)
        } else if (folder.id == 'featured') {
            if (pandora.user.level != 'admin') {
                extras = [infoButton(Ox._('Featured ' + folderItems),
                    Ox._('Featured {0} are selected public {0}, picked by the {1} staff.',
                        [Ox._(folderItems.toLowerCase()), pandora.site.site.name]))];
            } else {
                extras = [pandora.$ui.manageListsButton['featured'] = Ox.Button({
                    selectable: true,
                    style: 'symbol',
                    title: 'edit',
                    tooltip: Ox._('Manage Featured {0}', [Ox._(folderItems)]),
                    type: 'image'
                    change: function(data) {
                        var listData;
                        Ox.Request.clearCache(); // fixme: remove
                        pandora.site.sectionFolders[section][i].showBrowser = !pandora.site.sectionFolders[section][i].showBrowser;
                        this.options({tooltip: data.value ? Ox._('Done') : Ox._('Manage Favorite {0}', [Ox._(folderItems)])});
                        if (pandora.site.sectionFolders[section][i].showBrowser) {
                                pandora.$ui.folderBrowser.featured = pandora.ui.folderBrowser('featured', section)
                        } else {
                            listData = pandora.getListData();
                            Ox.Log('', 'FEATURED', listData)
                            if (
                                && listData.status != 'featured'
                            ) {
                                // the selected list in the featured browser is not in the featured folder
                                pandora.$ui.folderList.featured.options({selected: []});
                                if (listData.user == pandora.user.username) {
                                    // but in the personal folder
                                    pandora.$ui.folderList.personal.options({selected: [listData.id]});
                                } else if (
                                    || Ox.getObjectById(pandora.site.sectionFolders[section], 'favorite').showBrowser
                                ) {
                                    // but in the favorites folder or browser
                                    pandora.$ui.folderList.favorite.options({selected: [listData.id]});
                                } else {
                                    // and nowhere else
                                        find: pandora.site.user.ui.find
                                pandora.$ui.folderList.featured = pandora.ui.folderList('featured', section)
        } else if (folder.id == 'volumes') {
            if (pandora.user.level == 'guest') {
                extras = [infoButton(Ox._('Local Volumes'), Ox._('To import {0} from a local disk, please sign up or sign in.',
            } else {
                extras = [Ox.MenuButton({
                    items: [
                        { id: 'add', title: Ox._('Add Volume...'), disabled: true },
                        { id: 'scan', title: Ox._('Scan Selected Volume...'), disabled: true },
                        { id: 'remove', title: Ox._('Remove Selected Volume...'), disabled: true },
                        { id: 'import', title: Ox._('Import {0}...',
                            [Ox._(pandora.site.itemName.plural.toLocaleLowerCase())]), disabled: true }
                    title: 'edit',
                    tooltip: Ox._('Manage Volumes'),
                    type: 'image'
                    click: function(data) {
        pandora.$ui.folder[i] = Ox.CollapsePanel({
                id: folder.id,
                collapsed: !ui.showFolder.items[folder.id],
                extras: extras,
                size: 16,
                title: Ox._(folder.title)
                // fixme: duplicated
                click: function(data) {
                    var $list = pandora.$ui.folderList[i],
                        hasFocus, id;
                    if (data.id == 'new' || data.id == 'newsmart') {
                            name: Ox._('Untitled'),
                            status: 'private',
                            type: data.id == 'new' ? 'static' : 'smart'
                        }, function(result) {
                            id = result.data.id;
                            pandora.URL.set('?find=list:' + id)
                            Ox.Request.clearCache(); // fixme: remove
                                load: function(data) {
                                        .options({selected: [id]})
                                        .editCell(id, 'name');
                    } else if (data.id == 'browse') {
                        // alert('??')
                        pandora.$sectionList[1].replaceWith(pandora.$ui.publicLists = pandora.ui.publicLists());
                        pandora.site.showAllPublicLists = true;
                toggle: function(data) {
                    data.collapsed && pandora.$ui.folderList[folder.id].loseFocus();
                    pandora.UI.set('showFolder.items.' + folder.id, !data.collapsed);
        pandora.$ui.folderList[folder.id] = pandora.ui.folderList(folder.id, section)
                selectnext: function() {
                    // ...
                selectprevious: function() {
                    // ...
                init: function(data) {
                    if (++counter == pandora.site.sectionFolders[section].length) {
                        pandora.$ui.folder.forEach(function($folder) {
    function infoButton(title, text) {
        return Ox.Button({
            style: 'symbol',
            title: 'info',
            type: 'image'
            click: function() {
                var $dialog = pandora.ui.iconDialog({
                    buttons: title != Ox._('Featured Lists') ? [
                        Ox.Button({title: Ox._('Sign Up...')}).bindEvent({
                            click: function() {
                                pandora.$ui.accountDialog = pandora.ui.accountDialog('signup').open();
                        Ox.Button({title: Ox._('Sign In...')}).bindEvent({
                            click: function() {
                                pandora.$ui.accountDialog = pandora.ui.accountDialog('signin').open();
                        Ox.Button({title: Ox._('Not Now')}).bindEvent({
                            click: function() {
                    ] : [
                        Ox.Button({title: Ox._('Close')}).bindEvent({
                            click: function() {
                    content: text,
                    title: title
        pandora_edit: function() {
            if (!pandora.user.ui.edit) {
                Ox.forEach(pandora.$ui.folderList, function($list, id) {
                    $list.options('selected', []);
        pandora_find: function() {
            var folder = pandora.getListData().folder,
                list = pandora.user.ui._list,
                previousList = pandora.UI.getPrevious()._list;
            if (list != previousList) {
                Ox.forEach(pandora.$ui.folderList, function($list, id) {
                    id != folder && $list.options('selected', []);
                folder && pandora.$ui.folderList[folder].options({selected: [list]});
            if (!pandora.user.ui._list && previousUI._list) {
                Ox.forEach(pandora.$ui.folderList, function($list) {
                    $list.options({selected: []});
        pandora_text: function() {
            if (!pandora.user.ui.text) {
                Ox.forEach(pandora.$ui.folderList, function($list, id) {
                    $list.options('selected', []);
    return that;