#!/usr/bin/env python3 import json import os import shutil import subprocess import sys try: from urllib.request import urlopen except: from urllib2 import urlopen from os.path import join, exists repos = { "pandora": { "url": "https://code.0x2620.org/0x2620/pandora.git", "path": ".", }, "oxjs": { "url": "https://code.0x2620.org/0x2620/oxjs.git", "path": "./static/oxjs", }, "oxtimelines": { "url": "https://code.0x2620.org/0x2620/oxtimelines.git", "path": "./src/oxtimelines", }, "python-ox": { "url": "https://code.0x2620.org/0x2620/python-ox.git", "path": "./src/python-ox", } } def activate_venv(base): if os.path.exists(base): old_os_path = os.environ.get('PATH', '') bin_path = os.path.join(base, 'bin') if bin_path not in old_os_path: os.environ['PATH'] = os.path.join(base, 'bin') + os.pathsep + old_os_path site_packages = os.path.join(base, 'lib', 'python%s' % sys.version[:3], 'site-packages') prev_sys_path = list(sys.path) import site site.addsitedir(site_packages) sys.real_prefix = sys.prefix sys.prefix = base # Move the added items to the front of the path: new_sys_path = [] for item in list(sys.path): if item not in prev_sys_path: new_sys_path.append(item) sys.path.remove(item) sys.path[:0] = new_sys_path def run(*cmd): p = subprocess.Popen(cmd) p.wait() return p.returncode def get(*cmd): p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) stdout, error = p.communicate() return stdout.decode() def get_json(url): return json.loads(urlopen(url).read().decode()) def get_release(): if os.path.exists('.release'): url = open('.release').read().strip() else: url = 'https://pan.do/json/release-stable.json' try: return get_json(url) except: print("Failed to load %s check your internet connection." % url) sys.exit(1) def reload_notice(base): print('\nPlease restart pan.do/ra to finish the update:\n\tsudo pandoractl reload\n') def check_services(base): services = "pandora pandora-tasks pandora-encoding pandora-cron pandora-websocketd".split() for service in services: cmd = ['service', service, 'status'] p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) p.wait() if p.returncode != 0: print('Please install init script for "%s" service:' % service) if os.path.exists('/etc/init') and not os.path.exists('/bin/systemctl'): print('\tsudo cp %s/etc/init/%s.conf /etc/init/' % (base, service)) if os.path.exists('/bin/systemctl'): print('\tsudo cp %s/etc/systemd/system/%s.service /etc/systemd/system/' % (base, service)) print('\tsudo systemctl daemon-reload') print('\tsudo service %s start' % service) print('') def update_service(service): print('Please install new init script for "%s" service:' % service) if os.path.exists('/etc/init/%s.conf' % service): print('\tsudo cp %s/etc/init/%s.conf /etc/init/' % (base, service)) if os.path.exists('/bin/systemctl'): print('\tsudo cp %s/etc/systemd/system/%s.service /etc/systemd/system/' % (base, service)) print('\tsudo systemctl daemon-reload') print('\tsudo service %s restart' % service) def run_git(path, *args): cmd = ['git'] + list(args) env = {'GIT_DIR': '%s/.git' % path} return subprocess.check_output(cmd, env=env).decode().strip() def run_sql(sql): cmd = [join(base, 'pandora/manage.py'), 'dbshell'] p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, stdin=subprocess.PIPE) stdout, error = p.communicate(input=sql.encode()) return stdout.decode() def get_version(path): return run_git(path, 'rev-list', 'HEAD', '--count') def get_branch(path=None): if not path: path = '.' return get('cat', os.path.join(path, '.git/HEAD')).strip().split('/')[-1] if __name__ == "__main__": if os.stat(__file__).st_uid != os.getuid() or os.getuid() == 0: print('you must run update.py as the pandora user') sys.exit(1) base = os.path.normpath(os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))) os.chdir(base) activate_venv(base) if len(sys.argv) == 2 and sys.argv[1] in ('database', 'db'): os.chdir(join(base, 'pandora')) print('\nRunning "./manage.py migrate"\n') r = get('./manage.py', 'migrate', '--noinput') r = r.replace("Your models have changes that are not yet reflected in a migration, and so won't be applied.", '') r = r.replace("Run 'manage.py makemigrations' to make new migrations, and then re-run 'manage.py migrate' to apply them.", '') print(r) run('./manage.py', 'sqlfindindex') run('./manage.py', 'sync_itemsort') run('./manage.py', 'sync_documentsort') reload_notice(base) elif len(sys.argv) == 2 and sys.argv[1] == 'static': os.chdir(join(base, 'pandora')) run('./manage.py', 'update_static') elif len(sys.argv) == 4 and sys.argv[1] == 'postupdate': os.chdir(base) old = sys.argv[2].strip() new = sys.argv[3].strip() if old.isdigit(): old = int(old) if new.isdigit(): new = int(new) print('Post Update from %s to %s' % (old, new)) if old < 3111: run('bzr', 'resolved', 'pandora/monkey_patch', 'pandora/monkey_patch/migrations') if os.path.exists('pandora/monkey_patch'): run('rm', '-r', 'pandora/monkey_patch') if old < 3448: if os.path.exists('static/pandora'): run('bzr', 'resolved', 'static/pandora') if old < 3651: if os.path.exists('src/django/.git'): os.chdir(os.path.join(base, 'src/django')) run('git', 'checkout', 'stable/1.4.x') run('git', 'pull') os.chdir(base) if old < 3666: run('./bin/pip', 'install', '-r', 'requirements.txt') if old < 3770: run('./bin/pip', 'install', '-r', 'requirements.txt') if old < 4379: run('./bin/pip', 'install', '-r', 'requirements.txt') if old < 4549: import pandora.settings with open('pandora/local_settings.py', 'r') as f: local_settings = f.read() if 'BROKER_URL' not in local_settings: broker_url = 'amqp://%s:%s@%s:%s/%s' % ( getattr(pandora.settings, 'BROKER_USER', 'pandora'), getattr(pandora.settings, 'BROKER_PASSWORD', 'box'), getattr(pandora.settings, 'BROKER_HOST', ''), getattr(pandora.settings, 'BROKER_PORT', 5672), getattr(pandora.settings, 'BROKER_VHOST', '/pandora'), ) local_settings = [ l for l in local_settings.split('\n') if not l.startswith('BROKER_') ] + [ 'BROKER_URL = "%s"' % broker_url, '' ] with open('pandora/local_settings.py', 'w') as f: f.write('\n'.join(local_settings)) if old < 4947: run('./bin/pip', 'install', 'tornado==4.1') check_services(base) if old < 5074: for component in ('oxtimelines', 'python-ox'): if not os.path.exists('./src/%s/.git' % component): run('./bin/pip', 'install', '-e', 'git+https://code.0x2620.org/0x2620/%s.git#egg=%s' % (component, component), '--exists-action', 'w') if not os.path.exists('./static/oxjs/.git'): if os.path.exists('static/oxjs'): shutil.move('static/oxjs', 'static/oxjs_bzr') run('git', 'clone', '--depth', '1', 'https://code.0x2620.org/0x2620/oxjs.git', 'static/oxjs') run('./pandora/manage.py', 'update_static') if os.path.exists('static/oxjs_bzr'): shutil.rmtree('static/oxjs_bzr') if os.path.exists('REPOSITORY_MOVED_TO_GIT'): os.unlink('REPOSITORY_MOVED_TO_GIT') if os.path.exists('.bzr'): shutil.rmtree('.bzr') run('git', 'checkout', 'update.py') if old <= 5389: for path in ( 'lib/python2.7/site-packages/Django.egg-link', 'lib/python2.7/site-packages/django-extensions.egg-link', 'lib/python2.7/site-packages/django-devserver.egg-link' ): if os.path.exists(path): os.unlink(path) for path in ( 'src/django', 'src/django-devserver', 'src/django-extensions', ): if os.path.exists(path): shutil.rmtree(path) if os.path.exists('contrib'): shutil.rmtree('contrib') run('./bin/pip', 'install', '-r', 'requirements.txt') run('./pandora/manage.py', 'migrate', '--fake-initial', '--noinput') update_service('pandora') if old <= 5432: import pandora.settings run('./bin/pip', 'install', '-r', 'requirements.txt') path = os.path.join(pandora.settings.GEOIP_PATH, 'GeoLite2-City.mmdb') if not os.path.exists(path): run('./pandora/manage.py', 'update_geoip') if old <= 5443: gunicorn_config = 'pandora/gunicorn_config.py' if not os.path.exists(gunicorn_config): shutil.copy('%s.in' % gunicorn_config, gunicorn_config) if os.path.exists('/etc/init/pandora.conf'): with open('/etc/init/pandora.conf') as fd: data = fd.read() if '' in data: run('sed', '-i', 's/', gunicorn_config) if old > 5389: update_service('pandora') if old <= 5452: run('./bin/pip', 'install', '-r', 'requirements.txt') update_service('pandora-encoding') update_service('pandora-tasks') if old < 5975: run('./bin/pip', 'install', '-r', 'requirements.txt') if old <= 6064: run('./bin/pip', 'install', '-r', 'requirements.txt') run('./pandora/manage.py', 'createcachetable') if old <= 6108: run('./bin/pip', 'install', '-r', 'requirements.txt') if old <= 6160: run('./bin/pip', 'install', '-r', 'requirements.txt') with open('pandora/local_settings.py', 'r') as f: local_settings = f.read() if 'BROKER_URL' in local_settings and 'CELERY_BROKER_URL' not in local_settings: local_settings = [ 'CELERY_' + l if l.startswith('BROKER_URL') else l for l in local_settings.split('\n') ] with open('pandora/local_settings.py', 'w') as f: f.write('\n'.join(local_settings)) if old <= 6313: if sys.version_info[0:2] < (3, 6): print('Python 3.6 or late is required now, upgrade your system and run:') print('') print('./update.py postupdate %s %s' % (6313, new)) print('') sys.exit(1) run('./bin/pip', 'uninstall', 'django-celery', '-y') run('./bin/pip', 'install', '-r', 'requirements.txt') if old <= 6315: for sql in [ "INSERT INTO django_migrations (app, name, applied) VALUES ('system', '0001_initial', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP)", "UPDATE django_content_type SET app_label = 'system' WHERE app_label = 'auth' and model = 'user'", ]: run_sql(sql) run(join(base, 'pandora/manage.py'), 'migrate', 'system') run(join(base, 'pandora/manage.py'), 'update_geoip') if old < 6442: run('./bin/pip', 'install', 'yt-dlp>=2022.3.8.2') if old <= 6581: run('./bin/pip', 'install', '-U', 'pip') run('./bin/pip', 'install', '-r', 'requirements.txt') else: if len(sys.argv) == 1: branch = get_branch() development = branch == 'master' elif len(sys.argv) == 3 and sys.argv[1] == 'switch': branch = sys.argv[2] development = branch == 'master' else: branch = 'master' development = True os.chdir(base) current = '' new = '' for repo in sorted(repos, key=lambda r: repos[r]['path']): path = os.path.join(base, repos[repo]['path']) if exists(path): os.chdir(path) current_branch = get_branch(path) revno = get_version(path) if repo == 'pandora': pandora_old_revno = revno current += revno if current_branch != branch: run('git', 'remote', 'set-branches', 'origin', '*') run('git', 'fetch', 'origin') run('git', 'checkout', branch) url = repos[repo]['url'] print('Checking', repo) run('git', 'pull') revno = get_version(path) new += revno if repo == 'pandora': pandora_new_revno = revno else: os.chdir(os.path.dirname(path)) run('git', 'clone', '--depth', '1', repos[repo]['url']) setup = os.path.join(base, repos[repo]['path'], 'setup.py') if repo in ('python-ox', 'oxtimelines') and os.path.exists(setup): os.chdir(os.path.dirname(setup)) run(os.path.join(base, 'bin', 'python'), 'setup.py', 'develop') new += '+' os.chdir(join(base, 'pandora')) if pandora_old_revno != pandora_new_revno: os.chdir(base) run('./update.py', 'postupdate', pandora_old_revno, pandora_new_revno) os.chdir(join(base, 'pandora')) if current != new: run('./manage.py', 'update_static') run('./manage.py', 'compile_pyc', '-p', '.') os.chdir(join(base, 'pandora')) diff = get('./manage.py', 'sqldiff', '-a').strip().split('\n') diff = [ row for row in diff if not row.strip().startswith('ALTER "id" TYPE') and not row.startswith('--') and not row.startswith('ALTER TABLE') and row not in ['BEGIN;', 'COMMIT;'] ] if diff: print('Database has changed, please make a backup and run %s db' % sys.argv[0]) elif branch != 'master': print('pan.do/ra is at the latest release,\nyou can run "%s switch master" to switch to the development version' % sys.argv[0]) elif current != new: reload_notice(base)