better mapping between find query string and lists, find input, groups
This commit is contained in:
9 changed files with 347 additions and 329 deletions
@ -513,17 +513,14 @@
"preferences": {},
"ui": {
"annotationsSize": 256,
"findKey": "",
"findQuery": {"conditions": [], "operator": ""},
"find": {"index": -1, "key": "", "value": ""},
"groups": ["director", "country", "year", "language", "genre"],
"groupsQuery": {"conditions": [], "operator": "|"},
"groupsSize": 176,
"icons": "posters",
"infoIconSize": 256,
"item": "",
"itemView": "info",
"list": "",
"listQuery": {"conditions": [], "operator": ""},
"lists": {
"": {
"columns": ["title", "director", "country", "year", "language", "runtime", "genre"],
@ -535,6 +532,7 @@
"query": {"conditions": [], "operator": ""},
"section": "items",
"showAnnotations": true,
"showControls": true,
@ -1,16 +1,100 @@
// vim: et:ts=4:sw=4:sts=4:ft=javascript
pandora.Query = (function() {
function parseFind2(str) {
function constructFind(query) {
return /*encodeURI(*/ {
var ret;
if (condition.conditions) {
ret = '[' + constructFind(condition) + ']';
} else {
ret = condition.value !== ''
? condition.key + (condition.key ? ':' : '')
+ constructValue(condition.value, condition.operator)
: null;
return ret;
}).join(query.operator == '&' ? ',' : '|')/*)*/;
function constructValue(value, operator) {
operator = operator.replace('=', '^$');
if (operator.indexOf('$') > -1) {
value = operator.substr(0, operator.length - 1) + value + '$';
} else {
value = operator + value;
return value;
function everyCondition(conditions, key, operator) {
// if every condition has the given key and operator
// (excluding conditions where all subconditions match)
// returns true, otherwise false
return Ox.every(conditions, function(condition) {
return condition.key == key && condition.operator == operator;
function getGroupsData() {
// a group is selected if exactly one condition in an & query
// or every condition in an | query
// has the group id as key and "=" as operator
return {
var index = -1,
query = Ox.clone(pandora.user.ui.query, true),
selected = [];
if (query.operator == '|') {
if (everyCondition(query.conditions, key, '=')) {
index = Ox.range(query.conditions.length);
selected = {
return condition.value;
} else {
index = oneCondition(query.conditions, key, '=');
if (index > -1) {
selected = query.conditions[index].conditions
? query.conditions[index] {
return condition.value;
: [query.conditions[index].value];
if (selected.length) {
if (Ox.isArray(index)) {
query = {conditions: [], operator: ''};
} else {
query.conditions.splice(index, 1);
if (query.conditions.length == 1) {
if (query.conditions[0].conditions) {
// unwrap single remaining bracketed query
query = {
conditions: query.conditions[0].conditions,
operator: query.conditions[0].operator
} else {
query.operator = '';
return {
index: index,
query: query,
selected: selected
function parseFind(str) {
// takes a find query string, returns useful information about the application's state
// (selected lists, find input key/value, group queries and selection, query object)
Ox.print('parseFind2', str)
// (selected lists, find input key/value (and index of the corresponding condition), query object)
str = str || '';
var conditions,
index, indices,
ret = {
find: {key: '', value: ''},
groups: [],
lists: [],
find: {index: -1, key: '', value: ''},
list: '',
query: {conditions: [], operator: ''}
subconditions = str.match(/\[.*?\]/g) || [];
@ -31,161 +115,61 @@ pandora.Query = (function() {
var kv, ret;
if (condition[0] == '[') {
// re-insert subcondition
ret = parseFind2(subconditions[parseInt(condition.substr(1, condition.length - 2))]).query;
ret = parseFind(subconditions[parseInt(condition.substr(1, condition.length - 2))]).query;
} else {
kv = ((condition.indexOf(':') > -1 ? '' : ':') + condition).split(':');
ret = Ox.extend({key: kv[0]}, parseValue(kv[1]));
return ret;
// lists are selected if exactly one condition in an & query
// or every condition in an | query
// a list is selected if exactly one condition in an & query
// has "list" as key and "" as operator
ret.lists = ret.query.operator == '|'
? everyCondition(ret.query.conditions, 'list', '')
: oneCondition(ret.query.conditions, 'list', '');
if (ret.query.operator != '|') {
index = oneCondition(ret.query.conditions, 'list', '');
if (index > -1 && !ret.query.conditions[index].conditions) {
ret.list = ret.query.conditions[index].value;
// find is populated if exactly one condition in an & query
// has a findKey as key and "" as operator
// or if all conditions in an | query have the same group id as key
if (ret.query.operator == '|') {
ret.find = {key: 'advanced', value: ''};
} else {
conditions =, function(findKey) {
var values = oneCondition(ret.query.conditions,, '');
return values.length ? {key:, values: values} : null;
ret.find = conditions.length == 0 ? {key: '', value: ''}
: conditions.length == 1 && conditions[0].values.length == 1
? {key: conditions[0].key, value: conditions[0].values[0]}
: {key: 'advanced', value: ''}
// a group is selected if exactly one condition in an & query
// or every condition in an | query
// has the group id as key and "=" as operator
ret.groups = {
var selected = ret.query.operator == '|'
? everyCondition(ret.query.conditions, key, '=')
: oneCondition(ret.query.conditions, key, '='),
query = ret.query;
if (selected.length) {
query = {
conditions:, function(condition) {
var ret;
if (condition.conditions) {
ret = condition.conditions[0].key != key ? condition : null; // fixme: correct? see below...
} else {
ret = condition.key != key ? condition : null;
return ret;
operator: ''
if (query.conditions.length == 1) {
if (query.conditions[0].conditions) {
// unwrap single remaining bracketed query
query = {
conditions: query.conditions[0].conditions,
operator: query.conditions[0].operator
} else {
query.operator = '';
return {
query: query,
selected: selected
function oneCondition(conditions, key, operator) {
// if exactly one condition has the given key and operator
// (including conditions where all subconditions match)
// returns the corresponding value(s), otherwise returns []
var values =, function(condition) {
var ret, same;
if (condition.conditions) {
var every = everyCondition(condition.conditions, key, operator); // fixme: what if [key|key],[key|other]?
ret = every.length ? every : null;
} else {
ret = condition.key == key && condition.operator == operator ? [condition.value] : null
ret.find = {index: -1, key: 'advanced', value: ''};
||||, function(key) {
if (everyCondition(ret.query.conditions, key, '=')) {
ret.find.key = '';
return false;
return ret;
return values.length == 1 ? values[0] : [];
function everyCondition(conditions, key, operator) {
// if every condition has the given key and operator
// (excluding conditions where all subconditions match)
// returns the corresponding value(s), otherwise returns []
var values =, function(condition) {
return condition.key == key && condition.operator == operator ? condition.value : null
} else {
indices =, function(findKey) {
var key = == 'all' ? '' :,
index = oneCondition(ret.query.conditions, key, '');
return index > -1 ? index : null;
return values.length == conditions.length ? values : [];
if (indices.length) {
ret.find = indices.length == 1 && !ret.query.conditions[indices[0]].conditions ? {
index: indices[0],
key: ret.query.conditions[indices[0]].key,
value: ret.query.conditions[indices[0]].value
} : {index: -1, key: 'advanced', value: ''}
return ret;
function constructFind(query) {
//Ox.print('cF', query)
return /*encodeURI(*/$.map(query.conditions, function(v, i) {
if (!Ox.isUndefined(v.conditions)) {
return '[' + constructFind(v) + ']';
} else {
return v.value !== '' ? v.key + (v.key ? ':' : '') + constructValue(v.value, v.operator) : null;
function constructValue(value, operator) {
operator = operator.replace('=', '^$');
if (operator.indexOf('$') > -1) {
value = operator.substr(0, operator.length - 1) + value + '$';
} else {
value = operator + value;
return value;
function mergeFind() {
function parseFind(str) {
str = str || '';
var find = {
conditions: [],
operator: ''
subconditions = str.match(/\[.*?\]/g) || [];
$.each(subconditions, function(i, v) {
subconditions[i] = v.substr(1, v.length - 2);
str = str.replace(v, '[' + i + ']');
function oneCondition(conditions, key, operator) {
// if exactly one condition has the given key and operator
// (including conditions where all subconditions match)
// returns the corresponding index, otherwise returns -1
var indices =, function(condition, i) {
return (
? everyCondition(condition.conditions, key, operator)
: condition.key == key && condition.operator == operator
) ? i : null;
if (str.indexOf(',') > -1) {
find.operator = '&';
} else if (str.indexOf('|') > -1) {
find.operator = '|';
//Ox.print('pF', str, find.operator)
find.conditions = $.map(find.operator === '' ? [str] : str.split(find.operator == '&' ? ',' : '|'), function(v, i) {
//Ox.print('v', v)
var ret, kv;
if (v[0] == '[') {
//Ox.print('recursion', subconditions)
ret = parseFind(subconditions[parseInt(v.substr(1, v.length - 2))]);
} else {
kv = ((v.indexOf(':') > - 1 ? '' : ':') + v).split(':');
if (kv[0] == 'list') { // fixme: this is just a hack
pandora.user.ui.listQuery = {conditions: [$.extend({
key: kv[0]
}, parseValue(kv[1]))], operator: ''};
} else {
ret = $.extend({
key: kv[0]
}, parseValue(kv[1]));
return ret;
return find;
return indices.length == 1 ? indices[0] : -1;
function parseValue(str) {
@ -212,23 +196,21 @@ pandora.Query = (function() {
return {
fromString: function(str) {
var list = '',
var data
query = Ox.unserialize(str.substr(1)),
sort = [];
sort = []
if ('find' in query) {
Ox.print(Ox.repeat('-', 80));
Ox.print('parseFind2', parseFind2(query.find));
Ox.print(Ox.repeat('-', 80));
pandora.user.ui.listQuery = {conditions: [], operator: ''}; // fixme: hackish
pandora.user.ui.findQuery = parseFind(query.find);
if (pandora.user.ui.listQuery.conditions.length) {
list = pandora.user.ui.listQuery.conditions[0].value;
!pandora.user.ui.lists[list] && pandora.UI.set(
['lists', list].join('|'),['']
pandora.UI.set({list: list});
//Ox.print('user.ui.findQuery', pandora.user.ui.findQuery)
data = parseFind(query.find);
Ox.print(Ox.repeat('-', 120));
Ox.print('STATE', data);
Ox.print(Ox.repeat('-', 120));
!pandora.user.ui.lists[data.list] && pandora.UI.set(
['lists', data.list].join('|'),['']
pandora.UI.set({list: data.list});
pandora.user.ui.find = data.find;
pandora.user.ui.query = data.query;
pandora.user.ui.groupsData = getGroupsData();
if ('sort' in query) {
sort = query.sort.split(',');
@ -247,6 +229,7 @@ pandora.Query = (function() {
toObject: function(groupId) {
//Ox.print('tO', pandora.user.ui.findQuery.conditions)
// the inner $.merge() creates a clone
@ -268,6 +251,7 @@ pandora.Query = (function() {
operator: operator
toString: function() {
//Ox.print('tS', pandora.user.ui.find)
@ -275,10 +259,14 @@ pandora.Query = (function() {
key = sort.key,
operator = sort.operator;
return '?' + Ox.serialize({
find: constructFind(pandora.Query.toObject()),
find: constructFind(pandora.user.ui.query),
sort: (operator == pandora.getSortOperator(key) ? '' : operator) + key,
view: pandora.user.ui.lists[pandora.user.ui.list].listView
updateGroups: function() {
pandora.user.ui.groupsData = getGroupsData();
@ -54,83 +54,10 @@ pandora.getFoldersWidth = function() {
return width;
pandora.getGroupWidth = function(pos, panelWidth) { // fixme: don't pass panelWidth
var width = {};
width.list = Math.floor(panelWidth / 5) + (panelWidth % 5 > pos);
width.column = width.list - 40 - Ox.UI.SCROLLBAR_SIZE;
return width;
pandora.getSortOperator = function(key) { // fixme: make static
var type = Ox.getObjectById(, key).type;
return ['hue', 'string', 'text'].indexOf(
Ox.isArray(type) ? type[0] : type
) > -1 ? '+' : '-';
pandora.login = function(data) {
pandora.user = data.user;
pandora.logout = function(data) {
pandora.user = data.user;
pandora.reloadGroups = function(i) {
var query = pandora.Query.toObject(),
view = pandora.user.ui.lists[pandora.user.ui.list].listView;
if(view == 'clip') {
items: function(data, callback) {
return pandora.api.findAnnotations($.extend(data, {
itemQuery: query
}), callback);
} else if (view == 'map') {
places: function(data, callback) {
return pandora.api.findPlaces($.extend(data, {
itemQuery: query
}), callback);
} else if (view == 'calendar') {
items: function(data, callback) {
return pandora.api.findEvents($.extend(data, {
itemQuery: query
}), callback);
} else {
items: function(data, callback) {
return pandora.api.find($.extend(data, {
query: query
}), callback);
$.each(pandora.user.queryGroups, function(i_, group_) {
if (i_ != i) {
//Ox.print('setting groups request', i, i_)
items: function(data, callback) {
delete data.keys;
return pandora.api.find($.extend(data, {
query: pandora.Query.toObject(
}), callback);
pandora.getGroupsSizes = function() {
return Ox.divideInt(
window.innerWidth - pandora.user.ui.showSidebar * pandora.user.ui.sidebarSize - 1, 5
pandora.getListData = function() {
@ -144,6 +71,13 @@ pandora.getListData = function() {
return data;
pandora.getSortOperator = function(key) { // fixme: make static
var type = Ox.getObjectById(, key).type;
return ['hue', 'string', 'text'].indexOf(
Ox.isArray(type) ? type[0] : type
) > -1 ? '+' : '-';
pandora.getVideoPartsAndPoints = function(durations, points) {
var parts = durations.length,
offsets = Ox.range(parts).map(function(i) {
@ -168,6 +102,70 @@ pandora.getVideoPartsAndPoints = function(durations, points) {
return ret;
pandora.login = function(data) {
pandora.user = data.user;
pandora.logout = function(data) {
pandora.user = data.user;
pandora.reloadGroups = function(i) {
var query = pandora.user.ui.query,
view = pandora.user.ui.lists[pandora.user.ui.list].listView;
if (view == 'clip') {
items: function(data, callback) {
return pandora.api.findAnnotations(Ox.extend(data, {
itemQuery: query
}), callback);
} else if (view == 'map') {
places: function(data, callback) {
return pandora.api.findPlaces(Ox.extend(data, {
itemQuery: query
}), callback);
} else if (view == 'calendar') {
items: function(data, callback) {
return pandora.api.findEvents(Ox.extend(data, {
itemQuery: query
}), callback);
} else {
items: function(data, callback) {
return pandora.api.find(Ox.extend(data, {
query: query
}), callback);
$.each(pandora.user.ui.groups, function(i_, id) {
if (i_ != i) {
//Ox.print('setting groups request', i, i_)
items: function(data, callback) {
delete data.keys;
return pandora.api.find(Ox.extend(data, {
group: id,
query: pandora.user.ui.groupsData[i_].query
}), callback);
pandora.reloadList = function() {
var listData = pandora.getListData();
@ -191,14 +189,16 @@ pandora.reloadList = function() {
pandora.resizeGroups = function(width) {
var widths = $.map(pandora.user.queryGroups, function(v, i) {
return pandora.getGroupWidth(i, width);
//Ox.print('widths', widths);
pandora.$ui.browser.size(0, widths[0].list).size(2, widths[4].list);
pandora.$ui.groupsInnerPanel.size(0, widths[1].list).size(2, widths[3].list);
$.each(pandora.$ui.groups, function(i, list) {
list.resizeColumn('name', widths[i].column);
pandora.user.ui.groupsSizes = pandora.getGroupsSizes();
Ox.print('{}{}{}', window.innerWidth, window.innerWidth - pandora.user.ui.showSidebar * pandora.user.ui.sidebarSize - 1, pandora.user.ui.groupsSizes)
.size(0, pandora.user.ui.groupsSizes[0])
.size(2, pandora.user.ui.groupsSizes[4]);
.size(0, pandora.user.ui.groupsSizes[1])
.size(2, pandora.user.ui.groupsSizes[3]);
pandora.$ui.groups.forEach(function(list, i) {
list.resizeColumn('name', pandora.user.ui.groupsSizes[i] - 40 - Ox.UI.SCROLLBAR_SIZE);
@ -1,20 +1,21 @@
// vim: et:ts=4:sw=4:sts=4:ft=javascript
pandora.ui.browser = function() {
var that;
var sizes, that;
if (!pandora.user.ui.item) {
pandora.user.ui.groupsSizes = pandora.getGroupsSizes();
pandora.$ui.groups = pandora.ui.groups();
that = Ox.SplitPanel({
elements: [
element: pandora.$ui.groups[0],
size: pandora.user.queryGroups[0].size
size: pandora.user.ui.groupsSizes[0]
element: pandora.$ui.groupsInnerPanel = pandora.ui.groupsInnerPanel()
element: pandora.$ui.groups[4],
size: pandora.user.queryGroups[4].size
size: pandora.user.ui.groupsSizes[4]
id: 'browser',
@ -1,17 +1,14 @@
// vim: et:ts=4:sw=4:sts=4:ft=javascript
pandora.ui.findElement = function() {
var findKey = '',
findValue = '';
if (pandora.user.ui.findQuery.conditions.length == 1) {
findKey = pandora.user.ui.findQuery.conditions[0].key;
findValue = pandora.user.ui.findQuery.conditions[0].value;
var findIndex = pandora.user.ui.find.index,
findKey = pandora.user.ui.find.key,
findValue = pandora.user.ui.find.value;
var that = Ox.FormElementGroup({
elements: $.merge(pandora.user.ui.list ? [
pandora.$ui.findListSelect = Ox.Select({
items: [
{id: 'all', title: 'Find: All ' +},
{id: 'list', title: 'Find: This List'}
{id: 'list', title: 'Find: This List', checked: true}
overlap: 'right',
type: 'image'
@ -27,17 +24,20 @@ pandora.ui.findElement = function() {
] : [], [
pandora.$ui.findSelect = Ox.Select({
id: 'select',
items: $.merge($.map(,
function(key, i) {
return {
checked: == findKey,
title: 'Find: ' + key.title
}), [{}, {
id: 'advanced',
title: 'Find: Advanced'
items: Ox.merge(
||||, i) {
return {
title: 'Find: ' + key.title,
checked: findKey ==
[{}, {
id: 'advanced',
title: 'Find: Advanced',
checked: findKey == 'advanced'
overlap: 'right',
width: 112
@ -47,11 +47,6 @@ pandora.ui.findElement = function() {
if (key == 'advanced') {
pandora.$ui.filterDialog = pandora.ui.filterDialog().open();
} else {
if (!pandora.user.ui.findQuery.conditions.length) { // fixme: can this case happen at all?
pandora.user.ui.findQuery.conditions = [{key: key, value: '', operator: ''}];
} else {
pandora.user.ui.findQuery.conditions[0].key = key;
pandora.$ui.mainMenu.checkItem('findMenu_find_' + key);
autocomplete: autocompleteFunction()
@ -66,25 +61,47 @@ pandora.ui.findElement = function() {
autocompleteSelectSubmit: true,
clear: true,
id: 'input',
placeholder: findKey == 'advanced' ? 'Edit...' : '',
value: findValue,
width: 192
submit: function(event, data) {
var key = pandora.user.ui.findQuery.conditions.length ?
pandora.user.ui.findQuery.conditions[0].key : '';
if (pandora.user.ui.list && that.value()[0].id == 'all') {
$.each(pandora.$ui.folderList, function(k, $list) {
$list.options({selected: []});
pandora.UI.set({list: ''});
pandora.user.ui.listQuery = {conditions: [], operator: ''};
focus: function(data) {
if (findKey == 'advanced') {
pandora.$ui.filterDialog = pandora.ui.filterDialog().open();
submit: function(data) {
var findInList = pandora.user.ui.list
&& pandora.$ui.findListSelect.value() == 'list',
key = pandora.$ui.findSelect.value(),
condition = {
key: key == 'all' ? '' : key,
value: data.value,
operator: ''
if (findInList) {
pandora.user.ui.query = {
conditions: [{
key: 'list',
value: pandora.user.ui.list,
operator: ''
}, condition],
operator: '&'
findIndex == 0 && pandora.user.ui.query.conditions.reverse();
} else {
if (pandora.user.ui.list) {
Ox.forEach(pandora.$ui.folderList, function($list) {
$list.options({selected: []});
pandora.UI.set({list: ''});
pandora.user.ui.query = {
conditions: [condition],
operator: ''
pandora.user.ui.findQuery.conditions = [{
key: key == 'all' ? '' : key,
value: data.value,
operator: ''
@ -96,7 +113,7 @@ pandora.ui.findElement = function() {
margin: '4px'
function autocompleteFunction() {
return pandora.user.ui.findQuery.conditions.length ? function(value, callback) {
return pandora.user.ui.query.conditions.length ? function(value, callback) {
var elementValue = that.value(),
key = elementValue[pandora.user.ui.list ? 1 : 0],
findKey = Ox.getObjectById(, key);
@ -1,16 +1,9 @@
// vim: et:ts=4:sw=4:sts=4:ft=javascript
|||| = function(id, query) {
//Ox.print('group', id, query);
query && query.conditions.length && alert($.map(query.conditions, function(v) {
return v.value;
//alert(id + ' ' + JSON.stringify(pandora.Query.toObject(id)))
|||| = function(id) {
var i = pandora.user.ui.groups.indexOf(id),
panelWidth = pandora.$ui.document.width() - (pandora.user.ui.showSidebar * pandora.user.ui.sidebarSize) - 1,
title = Ox.getObjectById(, id).title,
width = pandora.getGroupWidth(i, panelWidth),
//width = pandora.getGroupWidth(i, panelWidth),
that = Ox.TextList({
columns: [
@ -20,7 +13,7 @@ = function(id, query) {
title: title,
unique: true,
visible: true,
width: width.column
width: pandora.user.ui.groupsSizes[i] - 40 - Ox.UI.SCROLLBAR_SIZE
align: 'right',
@ -36,40 +29,61 @@ = function(id, query) {
items: function(data, callback) {
//if (pandora.user.ui.showGroups) {
delete data.keys;
//alert(id + " pandora.Query.toObject " + JSON.stringify(pandora.Query.toObject(id)) + ' ' + JSON.stringify(data))
return pandora.api.find($.extend(data, {
group: id,
query: pandora.Query.toObject(id)
query: pandora.user.ui.groupsData[i].query
}), callback);
//} else {
// callback({data: {items: data.keys ? [] : 0}});
scrollbarVisible: true,
selected: query ? $.map(query.conditions, function(v) {
return v.value;
}) : [],
sort: [
key: id == 'year' ? 'name' : 'items',
operator: '-'
selected: pandora.user.ui.groupsData[i].selected,
sort: [{
key: id == 'year' ? 'name' : 'items',
operator: '-'
paste: function(event, data) {
pandora.$ui.list.triggerEvent('paste', data);
select: function(event, data) {
var group = pandora.user.queryGroups[i],
pandora.user.queryGroups[i].query.conditions = $.map(data.ids, function(v) {
return {
key: id,
value: v,
operator: '='
var conditions = {
return {
key: id,
value: value,
operator: '='
index = pandora.user.ui.groupsData[i].index;
if (Ox.isArray(index)) {
pandora.user.ui.query = {
conditions: conditions,
operator: conditions.length > 1 ? '|' : ''
} else {
if (index == -1) {
index = pandora.user.ui.query.conditions.length;
pandora.user.ui.query.operator = '&'
if (conditions.length == 0) {
pandora.user.ui.query.conditions.splice(index, 1);
if (pandora.user.ui.query.conditions.length == 1) {
pandora.user.ui.query.operator = '';
} else if (conditions.length == 1) {
pandora.user.ui.query.conditions[index] = conditions[0];
} else {
pandora.user.ui.query.conditions[index].conditions = conditions;
pandora.user.ui.query.conditions[index].operator = '|';
delete pandora.user.ui.query.conditions[index].key;
delete pandora.user.ui.query.conditions[index].value;
Ox.print('---------', pandora.user.ui.query, pandora.user.ui.groupsData)
@ -156,14 +170,14 @@ pandora.ui.groupsInnerPanel = function() {
elements: [
element: pandora.$ui.groups[1],
size: pandora.user.queryGroups[1].size
size: pandora.user.ui.groupsSizes[1]
element: pandora.$ui.groups[2],
element: pandora.$ui.groups[3],
size: pandora.user.queryGroups[3].size
size: pandora.user.ui.groupsSizes[3]
orientation: 'horizontal'
@ -89,20 +89,20 @@ pandora.ui.list = function() { // fixme: remove view argument
ratio = icons == 'posters' ? data.posterRatio : 1;
size = size || 128;
return {
height: ratio <= 1 ? size : size / ratio,
height: Math.round(ratio <= 1 ? size : size / ratio),
info: data[['title', 'director'].indexOf(sort[0].key) > -1 ? 'year' : sort[0].key],
title: data.title + (data.director.length ? ' (' + data.director.join(', ') + ')' : ''),
url: icons == 'posters'
? '/' + + '/poster' + size + '.jpg'
: '/' + + '/icon' + size + '.jpg',
width: ratio >= 1 ? size : size * ratio
width: Math.round(ratio >= 1 ? size : size * ratio)
items: function(data, callback) {
//Ox.print('data, pandora.Query.toObject', data, pandora.Query.toObject())
pandora.api.find($.extend(data, {
query: pandora.Query.toObject()
query: pandora.user.ui.query
}), callback);
keys: ['director', 'id', 'posterRatio', 'title', 'year'],
@ -120,11 +120,11 @@ pandora.ui.mainMenu = function() {
{ id: 'findMenu', title: 'Find', items: [
{ id: 'find', title: 'Find', items: [
{ group: 'find', min: 1, max: 1, items:, i) {
var index = pandora.user.ui.find.index;
return Ox.extend({
checked: pandora.user.ui.findQuery.conditions.length ? (
pandora.user.ui.findQuery.conditions[0].key == ||
(pandora.user.ui.findQuery.conditions[0].key === '' && == 'all')
) : == 'all',
checked: index > -1 && pandora.user.ui.query.conditions[index].key
? pandora.user.ui.query.conditions[index].key ==
: == 'all'
}, key);
}) }
] },
@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ pandora.ui.rightPanel = function() {
resize: function(event, data) {
if (!pandora.user.ui.item) {
if (pandora.user.ui.lists[pandora.user.ui.list].listView == 'timelines') {
Add table
Reference in a new issue