From 152d2f7cbeb4e5ce3594ec1f91631d40dacae626 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: j <>
Date: Wed, 8 Sep 2010 14:06:28 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] indent
pandora/static/js/timeline.js | 2331 +++++++++++++++++----------------
1 file changed, 1166 insertions(+), 1165 deletions(-)
diff --git a/pandora/static/js/timeline.js b/pandora/static/js/timeline.js
index 9ae16b37..2865f8fa 100644
--- a/pandora/static/js/timeline.js
+++ b/pandora/static/js/timeline.js
@@ -22,7 +22,8 @@ $(function() {
pageWidth = $document.width() - 384 - 2,
posterFrame = 1515,
points = [2059, 2748],
- videoId = document.location.hash.substring(1);
+ videoId = document.location.hash.substring(1),
+ videoUrl = "/" + videoId + "/96p." + ($ ? "webm": "mp4");
$.getJSON("/" + videoId + "/data/video.json", function(video) {
var duration = video.duration,
@@ -31,1254 +32,1254 @@ $(function() {
videoWidth = parseInt(video.aspectRatio*videoHeight),
position = duration/2;
- videoWidth += videoWidth%2;
- //resizeVideoPlayers(pageWidth);
+ videoWidth += videoWidth%2;
+ //resizeVideoPlayers(pageWidth);
- Ox.Editor = function(options, self) {
+ Ox.Editor = function(options, self) {
- var self = self || {},
- that = new Ox.Element("div", self)
- .defaults({
- cuts: [],
- duration: 0,
- find: "",
- largeTimeline: true,
- matches: [],
- points: [0, 0],
- position: 0,
- posterFrame: 0,
- subtitles: [],
- videoHeight: 0,
- videoId: "",
- videoWidth: 0,
- videoSize: "large",
- width: 0
- })
- .options(options || {})
- .addClass("OxEditor");
+ var self = self || {},
+ that = new Ox.Element("div", self)
+ .defaults({
+ cuts: [],
+ duration: 0,
+ find: "",
+ largeTimeline: true,
+ matches: [],
+ points: [0, 0],
+ position: 0,
+ posterFrame: 0,
+ subtitles: [],
+ videoHeight: 0,
+ videoId: "",
+ videoWidth: 0,
+ videoSize: "large",
+ width: 0
+ })
+ .options(options || {})
+ .addClass("OxEditor");
- $.extend(self, {
- $player: [],
- $timeline: [],
- controlsHeight: 16,
- margin: 8,
- videoRatio: self.options.videoWidth / self.options.videoHeight
- });
- self.sizes = getSizes();
- $.each(["play", "in", "out"], function(i, type) {
- self.$player[i] = new Ox.VideoPlayer({
- duration: self.options.duration,
- find: self.options.find,
- height: self.sizes.player[i].height,
- id: "player" + Ox.toTitleCase(type),
- points: self.options.points,
- position: type == "play" ? self.options.position : self.options.points[type == "in" ? 0 : 1],
- posterFrame: self.options.posterFrame,
- subtitles: self.options.subtitles,
- type: type,
- url: "/" + videoId + "/96p." + ($ ? "webm": "mp4"),
- width: self.sizes.player[i].width
- })
- .css({
- left: self.sizes.player[i].left + "px",
- top: self.sizes.player[i].top + "px"
- })
- .appendTo(that);
- if (type == "in" || type == "out") {
- self.$player[i].bindEvent({
- change: function() {
- goToPoint(type);
- },
- set: function() {
- setPoint(type);
- }
- })
- }
- });
- self.$player[0].bindEvent("change", changePlayer);
- self.$timeline[0] = new Ox.LargeTimeline({
- cuts: self.options.cuts,
- duration: self.options.duration,
- find: self.options.find,
- id: "timelineLarge",
- matches: self.options.matches,
- points: self.options.points,
- position: self.options.position,
- subtitles: self.options.subtitles,
- videoId: self.options.videoId,
- width: self.sizes.timeline[0].width
- })
- .css({
- left: self.sizes.timeline[0].left + "px",
- top: self.sizes.timeline[0].top + "px"
- })
- .bindEvent("change", changeTimelineLarge)
- .bindEvent("changeEnd", changeTimelineLarge)
- .appendTo(that);
- self.$timeline[1] = new Ox.SmallTimeline({
- cuts: self.options.cuts,
- duration: self.options.duration,
- find: self.options.find,
- id: "timelineSmall",
- matches: self.options.matches,
- points: self.options.points,
- position: self.options.position,
- subtitles: self.options.subtitles,
- videoId: self.options.videoId,
- width: self.sizes.timeline[1].width
- })
- .css({
- left: self.sizes.timeline[1].left + "px",
- top: self.sizes.timeline[1].top + "px"
- })
- .bindEvent("change", changeTimelineSmall)
- .appendTo(that);
- that.addEvent({
- key_alt_left: function() {
- movePositionBy(-0.04);
- },
- key_alt_right: function() {
- movePositionBy(0.04);
- },
- key_alt_shift_left: function() {
- movePositionTo("cut", -1);
- },
- key_alt_shift_right: function() {
- movePositionTo("cut", 1);
- },
- key_closebracket: function() {
- goToPoint("out");
- },
- key_comma: function() {
- movePositionTo("subtitle", -1);
- },
- key_dot: function() {
- movePositionTo("subtitle", 1);
- },
- key_down: function() {
- movePositionBy(self.options.width - 2 * self.margin);
- },
- key_i: function() {
- setPoint("in");
- },
- key_left: function() {
- movePositionBy(-1);
- },
- key_m: toggleMute,
- key_o: function() {
- setPoint("out");
- },
- key_openbracket: function() {
- goToPoint("in");
- },
- key_p: playInToOut,
- key_right: function() {
- movePositionBy(1);
- },
- key_shift_comma: function() {
- movePositionTo("match", -1)
- },
- key_shift_dot: function() {
- movePositionTo("match", 1)
- },
- key_shift_down: function() {
- movePositionBy(self.options.duration);
- },
- key_shift_left: function() {
- movePositionBy(-60);
- },
- key_shift_right: function() {
- movePositionBy(60);
- },
- key_shift_up: function() {
- movePositionBy(-self.options.duration);
- },
- key_space: togglePlay,
- key_up: function() {
- movePositionBy(-(self.options.width - 2 * self.margin));
- }
- });
- that.gainFocus();
- function changePlayer(event, data) {
- self.options.position = data.position;
- self.$timeline[0].options({
- position: data.position
+ $.extend(self, {
+ $player: [],
+ $timeline: [],
+ controlsHeight: 16,
+ margin: 8,
+ videoRatio: self.options.videoWidth / self.options.videoHeight
- self.$timeline[1].options({
- position: data.position
- });
- }
+ self.sizes = getSizes();
- function changeTimelineLarge(event, data) {
- self.options.position = data.position;
- self.$player[0].options({
- position: data.position
- });
- self.$timeline[1].options({
- position: data.position
- });
- }
- function changeTimelineSmall(event, data) {
- self.options.position = data.position;
- self.$player[0].options({
- position: data.position
- });
- self.$timeline[0].options({
- position: data.position
- });
- }
- function getNextPosition(type, direction) {
- var found = false,
- position = 0,
- positions;
- if (type == "cut") {
- positions = self.options.cuts;
- } else if (type == "match") {
- positions = $.map(self.options.matches, function(v, i) {
- return self.options.subtitles[v]["in"];
- });
- } else if (type == "subtitle") {
- positions = $.map(self.options.subtitles, function(v, i) {
- return v["in"];
- });
- }
- direction == -1 && positions.reverse();
- $.each(positions, function(i, v) {
- if (direction == 1 ? v > self.options.position : v < self.options.position) {
- position = v;
- found = true;
- return false;
- }
- });
- direction == -1 && positions.reverse();
- if (!found) {
- position = positions[direction == 1 ? 0 : positions.length - 1];
- }
- return position;
- }
- function getSizes() {
- var size = {
- player: [],
- timeline: []
- };
- size.player[0] = {
- left: self.margin / 2,
- top: self.margin / 2,
- width: Math.round((self.options.width - 3 * self.margin + (self.controlsHeight + self.margin) / 2 * self.videoRatio) * 2/3),
- }
- size.player[0].height = Math.round(size.player[0].width / self.videoRatio);
- size.player[1] = {
- left: size.player[0].left + size.player[0].width + self.margin,
- top: size.player[0].top,
- width: self.options.width - 3 * self.margin - size.player[0].width
- }
- size.player[1].height = Math.ceil(size.player[1].width / self.videoRatio)
- size.player[2] = {
- left: size.player[1].left,
- top: size.player[0].top + size.player[1].height + self.controlsHeight + self.margin,
- width: size.player[1].width,
- height: size.player[0].height - size.player[1].height - self.controlsHeight - self.margin
- }
- size.timeline[0] = {
- left: self.margin / 2,
- top: size.player[0].height + self.controlsHeight + 1.5 * self.margin,
- width: self.options.width - 2 * self.margin,
- height: 64
- }
- size.timeline[1] = {
- left: size.timeline[0].left,
- top: size.timeline[0].top + size.timeline[0].height + self.margin,
- width: size.timeline[0].width
- }
- return size;
- }
- function goToPoint(point) {
- self.options.position = self.options.points[point == "in" ? 0 : 1];
- setPosition();
- that.triggerEvent("change", {
- position: self.options.position
- });
- }
- function movePositionBy(sec) {
- self.options.position = Ox.limit(self.options.position + sec, 0, self.options.duration);
- setPosition();
- that.triggerEvent("change", {
- position: self.options.position
- });
- }
- function movePositionTo(type, direction) {
- self.options.position = getNextPosition(type, direction);
- setPosition();
- that.triggerEvent("change", {
- position: self.options.position
- });
- }
- function playInToOut() {
- self.$player[0].playInToOut();
- }
- function resizeEditor(event, data) {
- var width = data - 2 * margin + 100;
- resizeVideoPlayers(width);
- $timelineLarge.options({
- width: width
- });
- $timelineSmall.options({
- width: width
- });
- }
- function resizePlayers() {
- $.each(self.$player, function(i, v) {
- v.options({
- width: size[i].width,
- height: size[i].height
- })
- .css({
- left: size[i].left + "px",
- top: size[i].top + "px",
- });
- });
- }
- function setPoint(point) {
- self.options.points[point == "in" ? 0 : 1] = self.options.position;
- self.$player[point == "in" ? 1 : 2].options({
- position: self.options.position
- });
- if (self.options.points[1] < self.options.points[0]) {
- self.options.points[point == "in" ? 1 : 0] = self.options.position;
- self.$player[point == "in" ? 2 : 1].options({
- position: self.options.position
- });
- }
- $.each(self.$player, function(i, v) {
- v.options({
- points: self.options.points
- });
- });
- $.each(self.$timeline, function(i, v) {
- v.options({
- points: self.options.points
- });
- });
- }
- function setPosition() {
- self.$player[0].options({
- position: self.options.position
- });
- $.each(self.$timeline, function(i, v) {
- v.options({
- position: self.options.position
- });
- });
- }
- function toggleMute() {
- self.$player[0].toggleMute();
- }
- function togglePlay() {
- self.$player[0].togglePlay();
- }
- self.onChange = function(key, value) {
- if (key == "width") {
- self.sizes = getSizes();
- $.each(self.$player, function(i, v) {
- v.options({
+ $.each(["play", "in", "out"], function(i, type) {
+ self.$player[i] = new Ox.VideoPlayer({
+ duration: self.options.duration,
+ find: self.options.find,
height: self.sizes.player[i].height,
+ id: "player" + Ox.toTitleCase(type),
+ points: self.options.points,
+ position: type == "play" ? self.options.position : self.options.points[type == "in" ? 0 : 1],
+ posterFrame: self.options.posterFrame,
+ subtitles: self.options.subtitles,
+ type: type,
+ url: videoUrl,
width: self.sizes.player[i].width
left: self.sizes.player[i].left + "px",
top: self.sizes.player[i].top + "px"
+ })
+ .appendTo(that);
+ if (type == "in" || type == "out") {
+ self.$player[i].bindEvent({
+ change: function() {
+ goToPoint(type);
+ },
+ set: function() {
+ setPoint(type);
+ }
+ })
+ }
+ });
+ self.$player[0].bindEvent("change", changePlayer);
+ self.$timeline[0] = new Ox.LargeTimeline({
+ cuts: self.options.cuts,
+ duration: self.options.duration,
+ find: self.options.find,
+ id: "timelineLarge",
+ matches: self.options.matches,
+ points: self.options.points,
+ position: self.options.position,
+ subtitles: self.options.subtitles,
+ videoId: self.options.videoId,
+ width: self.sizes.timeline[0].width
+ })
+ .css({
+ left: self.sizes.timeline[0].left + "px",
+ top: self.sizes.timeline[0].top + "px"
+ })
+ .bindEvent("change", changeTimelineLarge)
+ .bindEvent("changeEnd", changeTimelineLarge)
+ .appendTo(that);
+ self.$timeline[1] = new Ox.SmallTimeline({
+ cuts: self.options.cuts,
+ duration: self.options.duration,
+ find: self.options.find,
+ id: "timelineSmall",
+ matches: self.options.matches,
+ points: self.options.points,
+ position: self.options.position,
+ subtitles: self.options.subtitles,
+ videoId: self.options.videoId,
+ width: self.sizes.timeline[1].width
+ })
+ .css({
+ left: self.sizes.timeline[1].left + "px",
+ top: self.sizes.timeline[1].top + "px"
+ })
+ .bindEvent("change", changeTimelineSmall)
+ .appendTo(that);
+ that.addEvent({
+ key_alt_left: function() {
+ movePositionBy(-0.04);
+ },
+ key_alt_right: function() {
+ movePositionBy(0.04);
+ },
+ key_alt_shift_left: function() {
+ movePositionTo("cut", -1);
+ },
+ key_alt_shift_right: function() {
+ movePositionTo("cut", 1);
+ },
+ key_closebracket: function() {
+ goToPoint("out");
+ },
+ key_comma: function() {
+ movePositionTo("subtitle", -1);
+ },
+ key_dot: function() {
+ movePositionTo("subtitle", 1);
+ },
+ key_down: function() {
+ movePositionBy(self.options.width - 2 * self.margin);
+ },
+ key_i: function() {
+ setPoint("in");
+ },
+ key_left: function() {
+ movePositionBy(-1);
+ },
+ key_m: toggleMute,
+ key_o: function() {
+ setPoint("out");
+ },
+ key_openbracket: function() {
+ goToPoint("in");
+ },
+ key_p: playInToOut,
+ key_right: function() {
+ movePositionBy(1);
+ },
+ key_shift_comma: function() {
+ movePositionTo("match", -1)
+ },
+ key_shift_dot: function() {
+ movePositionTo("match", 1)
+ },
+ key_shift_down: function() {
+ movePositionBy(self.options.duration);
+ },
+ key_shift_left: function() {
+ movePositionBy(-60);
+ },
+ key_shift_right: function() {
+ movePositionBy(60);
+ },
+ key_shift_up: function() {
+ movePositionBy(-self.options.duration);
+ },
+ key_space: togglePlay,
+ key_up: function() {
+ movePositionBy(-(self.options.width - 2 * self.margin));
+ }
+ });
+ that.gainFocus();
+ function changePlayer(event, data) {
+ self.options.position = data.position;
+ self.$timeline[0].options({
+ position: data.position
+ });
+ self.$timeline[1].options({
+ position: data.position
+ });
+ }
+ function changeTimelineLarge(event, data) {
+ self.options.position = data.position;
+ self.$player[0].options({
+ position: data.position
+ });
+ self.$timeline[1].options({
+ position: data.position
+ });
+ }
+ function changeTimelineSmall(event, data) {
+ self.options.position = data.position;
+ self.$player[0].options({
+ position: data.position
+ });
+ self.$timeline[0].options({
+ position: data.position
+ });
+ }
+ function getNextPosition(type, direction) {
+ var found = false,
+ position = 0,
+ positions;
+ if (type == "cut") {
+ positions = self.options.cuts;
+ } else if (type == "match") {
+ positions = $.map(self.options.matches, function(v, i) {
+ return self.options.subtitles[v]["in"];
+ });
+ } else if (type == "subtitle") {
+ positions = $.map(self.options.subtitles, function(v, i) {
+ return v["in"];
+ });
+ }
+ direction == -1 && positions.reverse();
+ $.each(positions, function(i, v) {
+ if (direction == 1 ? v > self.options.position : v < self.options.position) {
+ position = v;
+ found = true;
+ return false;
+ }
+ });
+ direction == -1 && positions.reverse();
+ if (!found) {
+ position = positions[direction == 1 ? 0 : positions.length - 1];
+ }
+ return position;
+ }
+ function getSizes() {
+ var size = {
+ player: [],
+ timeline: []
+ };
+ size.player[0] = {
+ left: self.margin / 2,
+ top: self.margin / 2,
+ width: Math.round((self.options.width - 3 * self.margin + (self.controlsHeight + self.margin) / 2 * self.videoRatio) * 2/3),
+ }
+ size.player[0].height = Math.round(size.player[0].width / self.videoRatio);
+ size.player[1] = {
+ left: size.player[0].left + size.player[0].width + self.margin,
+ top: size.player[0].top,
+ width: self.options.width - 3 * self.margin - size.player[0].width
+ }
+ size.player[1].height = Math.ceil(size.player[1].width / self.videoRatio)
+ size.player[2] = {
+ left: size.player[1].left,
+ top: size.player[0].top + size.player[1].height + self.controlsHeight + self.margin,
+ width: size.player[1].width,
+ height: size.player[0].height - size.player[1].height - self.controlsHeight - self.margin
+ }
+ size.timeline[0] = {
+ left: self.margin / 2,
+ top: size.player[0].height + self.controlsHeight + 1.5 * self.margin,
+ width: self.options.width - 2 * self.margin,
+ height: 64
+ }
+ size.timeline[1] = {
+ left: size.timeline[0].left,
+ top: size.timeline[0].top + size.timeline[0].height + self.margin,
+ width: size.timeline[0].width
+ }
+ return size;
+ }
+ function goToPoint(point) {
+ self.options.position = self.options.points[point == "in" ? 0 : 1];
+ setPosition();
+ that.triggerEvent("change", {
+ position: self.options.position
+ });
+ }
+ function movePositionBy(sec) {
+ self.options.position = Ox.limit(self.options.position + sec, 0, self.options.duration);
+ setPosition();
+ that.triggerEvent("change", {
+ position: self.options.position
+ });
+ }
+ function movePositionTo(type, direction) {
+ self.options.position = getNextPosition(type, direction);
+ setPosition();
+ that.triggerEvent("change", {
+ position: self.options.position
+ });
+ }
+ function playInToOut() {
+ self.$player[0].playInToOut();
+ }
+ function resizeEditor(event, data) {
+ var width = data - 2 * margin + 100;
+ resizeVideoPlayers(width);
+ $timelineLarge.options({
+ width: width
+ });
+ $timelineSmall.options({
+ width: width
+ });
+ }
+ function resizePlayers() {
+ $.each(self.$player, function(i, v) {
+ v.options({
+ width: size[i].width,
+ height: size[i].height
+ })
+ .css({
+ left: size[i].left + "px",
+ top: size[i].top + "px",
+ });
+ });
+ }
+ function setPoint(point) {
+ self.options.points[point == "in" ? 0 : 1] = self.options.position;
+ self.$player[point == "in" ? 1 : 2].options({
+ position: self.options.position
+ });
+ if (self.options.points[1] < self.options.points[0]) {
+ self.options.points[point == "in" ? 1 : 0] = self.options.position;
+ self.$player[point == "in" ? 2 : 1].options({
+ position: self.options.position
+ });
+ }
+ $.each(self.$player, function(i, v) {
+ v.options({
+ points: self.options.points
$.each(self.$timeline, function(i, v) {
- width: self.sizes.timeline[i].width
- })
- .css({
- left: self.sizes.timeline[i].left + "px",
- top: self.sizes.timeline[i].top + "px"
+ points: self.options.points
- };
- return that;
- };
- Ox.LargeTimeline = function(options, self) {
- var self = self || {},
- that = new Ox.Element("div", self)
- .defaults({
- cuts: [],
- duration: 0,
- find: "",
- matches: [],
- points: [0, 0],
- position: 0,
- subtitles: [],
- videoId: "",
- width: 0
- })
- .options(options || {})
- .addClass("OxTimelineLarge")
- .mousedown(mousedown)
- .mouseleave(mouseleave)
- .mousemove(mousemove);
- $.extend(self, {
- $cuts: [],
- $markerPoint: [],
- $subtitles: [],
- $tiles: {},
- center: parseInt(self.options.width / 2),
- element: that.$element[0],
- fps: 25,
- height: 64,
- tileWidth: 1500
- });
- self.tiles = self.options.duration * self.fps / self.tileWidth;
- self.$timeline = $("
- .css({
- left: + "px"
- })
- .appendTo(that.$element)
- $.each(self.options.subtitles, function(i, v) {
- self.$subtitles[i] = $("
- .addClass("OxSubtitle" + (self.options.matches.indexOf(i) > -1 ? " OxHighlight" : ""))
- .css({
- left: (v["in"] * self.fps) + "px",
- width: (((v["out"] - v["in"]) * self.fps) - 4) + "px"
- })
- .html(highlight(v.text, self.options.find))
- .appendTo(self.$timeline)
- });
- $.each(self.options.cuts, function(i, v) {
- self.$cuts[i] = $("
- .addClass("OxCut")
- .attr({
- src: "/static/oxjs/build/png/ox.ui/videoMarkerCut.png"
- })
- .css({
- left: (v * self.fps) + "px"
- })
- .appendTo(self.$timeline)
- });
- self.$markerPosition = $("
- .addClass("OxMarkerPosition")
- .attr({
- src: "/static/oxjs/build/png/ox.ui/videoMarkerPlay.png"
- })
- .appendTo(that.$element);
- setMarker();
- $.each(["In", "Out"], function(i, v) {
- self.$markerPoint[i] = $("
- .addClass("OxMarkerPoint" + v)
- .attr({
- src: "/static/oxjs/build/png/ox.ui/videoMarker" + v + ".png"
- })
- .appendTo(self.$timeline);
- setMarkerPoint(i);
- });
- setWidth();
- setPosition();
- function mousedown(e) {
- var mousemove = false,
- x = e.clientX;
- $window.mousemove(function(e) {
- mousemove = true;
- self.options.position = Ox.limit(
- self.options.position + (x - e.clientX) / self.fps,
- 0, self.options.duration
- );
- x = e.clientX;
- setPosition();
- that.triggerEvent("change", {
+ function setPosition() {
+ self.$player[0].options({
position: self.options.position
- });
- $"mouseup", function() {
- $window.unbind("mousemove");
- if (!mousemove) {
- self.options.position = Ox.limit(
- self.options.position + (e.clientX - that.$element.offset().left - / self.fps,
- 0, self.options.duration
- );
- setPosition();
- }
- that.triggerEvent("change", {
- position: self.options.position
+ $.each(self.$timeline, function(i, v) {
+ v.options({
+ position: self.options.position
+ });
- });
- e.preventDefault();
- }
- function mouseleave(e) {
- self.$tooltip.hide();
- }
- function mousemove(e) {
- if (!self.$tooltip) {
- self.$tooltip = Ox.Tooltip();
- self.$tooltip
- .options({
- title: Ox.formatDuration(self.options.position + (e.clientX - that.offset().left - / self.fps, 3)
- })
- .show(e.clientX, e.clientY);
- }
- function setMarkerPoint(i) {
- self.$markerPoint[i].css({
- left: (self.options.points[i] * self.fps) + "px"
- });
- }
+ function toggleMute() {
+ self.$player[0].toggleMute();
+ }
- function setMarker() {
- self.$markerPosition.css({
- left: ( - 4) + "px",
- });
- }
+ function togglePlay() {
+ self.$player[0].togglePlay();
+ }
- function setPosition() {
- self.tile = parseInt(self.options.position * self.fps / self.tileWidth);
- self.$timeline.css({
- marginLeft: (-self.options.position * self.fps) + "px"
- });
- $.each(Ox.range(Math.max(self.tile - 1, 0), Math.min(self.tile + 2, self.tiles)), function(i, v) {
- if (!self.$tiles[v]) {
- self.$tiles[v] = $("
- .attr({
- src: "/" + self.options.videoId + "/timelines/" + (window.location.hash == "#strip" ? "strip" : "timeline") + ".64." + v + ".png"
+ self.onChange = function(key, value) {
+ if (key == "width") {
+ self.sizes = getSizes();
+ $.each(self.$player, function(i, v) {
+ v.options({
+ height: self.sizes.player[i].height,
+ width: self.sizes.player[i].width
- left: (v * self.tileWidth) + "px"
+ left: self.sizes.player[i].left + "px",
+ top: self.sizes.player[i].top + "px"
+ });
+ });
+ $.each(self.$timeline, function(i, v) {
+ v.options({
+ width: self.sizes.timeline[i].width
- .appendTo(self.$timeline);
+ .css({
+ left: self.sizes.timeline[i].left + "px",
+ top: self.sizes.timeline[i].top + "px"
+ });
+ });
- });
- }
+ };
- function setWidth() {
- = parseInt(self.options.width / 2);
- that.css({
- width: self.options.width + "px"
- });
- self.$timeline.css({
- left: + "px"
- });
- setMarker();
- }
+ return that;
- self.onChange = function(key, value) {
- if (key == "points") {
- setMarkerPoint(0);
- setMarkerPoint(1);
- } else if (key == "position") {
- setPosition();
- } else if (key == "width") {
- setWidth();
- }
- return that;
+ Ox.LargeTimeline = function(options, self) {
- };
+ var self = self || {},
+ that = new Ox.Element("div", self)
+ .defaults({
+ cuts: [],
+ duration: 0,
+ find: "",
+ matches: [],
+ points: [0, 0],
+ position: 0,
+ subtitles: [],
+ videoId: "",
+ width: 0
+ })
+ .options(options || {})
+ .addClass("OxTimelineLarge")
+ .mousedown(mousedown)
+ .mouseleave(mouseleave)
+ .mousemove(mousemove);
- Ox.SmallTimeline = function(options, self) {
+ $.extend(self, {
+ $cuts: [],
+ $markerPoint: [],
+ $subtitles: [],
+ $tiles: {},
+ center: parseInt(self.options.width / 2),
+ element: that.$element[0],
+ fps: 25,
+ height: 64,
+ tileWidth: 1500
+ });
+ self.tiles = self.options.duration * self.fps / self.tileWidth;
- var self = self || {},
- that = new Ox.Element("div", self)
- .defaults({
- cuts: [],
- duration: 0,
- find: "",
- matches: [],
- points: [0, 0],
- position: 0,
- subtitles: [],
- videoId: "",
- width: 0
+ self.$timeline = $("
+ .css({
+ left: + "px"
- .options(options || {})
- .addClass("OxTimelineSmall")
- .mousedown(mousedown)
- .mouseleave(mouseleave)
- .mousemove(mousemove);
+ .appendTo(that.$element)
- $.extend(self, {
- $images: [],
- $lines: [],
- $markerPoint: [],
- $subtitles: [],
- height: 16,
- lines: Math.ceil(self.options.duration / self.options.width),
- margin: 8,
- subtitlesImageURL: getSubtitlesImageURL()
- });
+ $.each(self.options.subtitles, function(i, v) {
+ self.$subtitles[i] = $("
+ .addClass("OxSubtitle" + (self.options.matches.indexOf(i) > -1 ? " OxHighlight" : ""))
+ .css({
+ left: (v["in"] * self.fps) + "px",
+ width: (((v["out"] - v["in"]) * self.fps) - 4) + "px"
+ })
+ .html(highlight(v.text, self.options.find))
+ .appendTo(self.$timeline)
+ });
- $.each(Ox.range(0, self.lines), function(i) {
- addLine(i);
- });
+ $.each(self.options.cuts, function(i, v) {
+ self.$cuts[i] = $("
+ .addClass("OxCut")
+ .attr({
+ src: "/static/oxjs/build/png/ox.ui/videoMarkerCut.png"
+ })
+ .css({
+ left: (v * self.fps) + "px"
+ })
+ .appendTo(self.$timeline)
+ });
- self.$markerPosition = $("
- .addClass("OxMarkerPosition")
- .attr({
- src: "/static/oxjs/build/png/ox.ui/videoMarkerPlay.png"
- })
- .css({
- position: "absolute",
- width: "9px",
- height: "5px",
- zIndex: 10
- })
- .appendTo(that.$element);
- setPosition();
- $.each(["in", "out"], function(i, v) {
- var titleCase = Ox.toTitleCase(v);
- self.$markerPoint[i] = $("
- .addClass("OxMarkerPoint" + titleCase)
+ self.$markerPosition = $("
+ .addClass("OxMarkerPosition")
- src: "/static/oxjs/build/png/ox.ui/videoMarker" + titleCase + ".png"
+ src: "/static/oxjs/build/png/ox.ui/videoMarkerPlay.png"
- setMarkerPoint(i);
- });
+ setMarker();
- function addLine(i) {
- self.$lines[i] = new Ox.Element("div")
- .css({
- top: i * (self.height + self.margin) + "px",
- width: self.options.width + "px"
- })
- .appendTo(that);
- self.$images[i] = $("
- .addClass("OxTimelineSmallImage")
- .attr({
- src: "/" + self.options.videoId + "/timelines/timeline.16." + 0 + ".png"
- })
- .css({
- marginLeft: (-i * self.options.width) + "px"
- })
- .appendTo(self.$lines[i].$element);
- self.$subtitles[i] = $("
- .attr({
- src: self.subtitlesImageURL
- })
- .css({
- marginLeft: (-i * self.options.width) + "px"
- })
- .appendTo(self.$lines[i].$element);
- }
- function getSubtitle(position) {
- var subtitle = null;
- $.each(self.options.subtitles, function(i, v) {
- if (v["in"] <= position && v["out"] >= position) {
- subtitle = v;
- return false;
- }
- });
- return subtitle;
- }
- function getSubtitlesImageURL() {
- var height = 18,
- width = Math.ceil(self.options.duration),
- $canvas = $("