update api docs
This commit is contained in:
6 changed files with 299 additions and 277 deletions
@ -45,8 +45,9 @@ def addClips(request, data):
returns {}
notes: Clips are either {item, in, out} or {annotation}. If index is
missing, clips will be inserted at the end of the edit.
notes: Clips are either {item, in, out} (by value) or {annotation} (by
reference). If `index` is missing, clips will be inserted at the end of the
see: editClip, orderClips, removeClips, sortClips
response = json_response()
@ -31,14 +31,14 @@ def get_entity_or_404_json(id):
def addEntity(request, data):
add entity
takes {
returns {
Adds an entity
takes {
type: string,
name: string,
alternativeNames: [string]
returns {}
see: editEntity, findEntities, getEntity, removeEntity
existing_names = []
exists = False
@ -97,6 +97,7 @@ def autocompleteEntities(request, data):
returns {
items: [{id, name,...}, ...] // array of matching entities
see: autocomplete
if not 'range' in data:
data['range'] = [0, 10]
@ -144,16 +145,18 @@ actions.register(autocompleteEntities)
def editEntity(request, data):
takes {
id: string
name: string
description: string
item(optional): edit descriptoin per item
returns {
Edits an entity
takes {
id: string
name: string
description: string
item(optional): edit descriptoin per item
returns {
see: addEntity, findEntities, getEntity, removeEntity
response = json_response()
entity = get_entity_or_404_json(data['id'])
@ -197,32 +200,25 @@ def parse_query(data, user):
def findEntities(request, data):
takes {
query: {
conditions: [
key: 'name',
value: 'something',
operator: '='
operator: ","
sort: [{key: 'name', operator: '+'}],
range: [0, 100]
keys: []
Finds entities for a given query
takes {
query: object, // query object, see `find`
sort: [object], // list of sort objects, see `find`
range: [int, int], // range of results
keys: [string] // list of properties to return
possible query keys:
name, type
possible query keys:
name, type
possible keys:
name, type, alternativeNames
possible keys:
name, type, alternativeNames
returns {
items: [object]
returns {
items: [object]
see: addEntity, editEntity, getEntity, removeEntity
query = parse_query(data, request.user)
@ -246,13 +242,15 @@ actions.register(findEntities)
def getEntity(request, data):
takes {
id: string,
keys: [string]
returns {
key: value
Gets an entity by id
takes {
id: string,
keys: [string]
returns {
key: value
see: addEntity, editEntity, findEntities, removeEntity
response = json_response({})
data['keys'] = data.get('keys', [])
@ -264,13 +262,15 @@ actions.register(getEntity)
def removeEntity(request, data):
takes {
id: string,
ids: [string]
returns {
Removes an entity
takes {
id: string,
ids: [string]
returns {
see: addEntity, editEntity, findEntities, getEntity
response = json_response()
@ -19,14 +19,16 @@ import models
def addEvent(request, data):
takes {
name: string,
start: string,
end: string
returns {
id: string
Adds a calendar event
takes {
name: string,
start: string,
end: string
returns {
id: string
see: editEvent, findEvents, removeEvents
existing_names = []
exists = False
@ -69,16 +71,18 @@ actions.register(addEvent, cache=False)
def editEvent(request, data):
takes {
id: string,
name: string,
start: string,
end: string
returns {
id: string,
Edits a calendar event
takes {
id: string,
name: string,
start: string,
end: string
returns {
id: string,
see: addEvent, findEvents, removeEvent
event = get_object_or_404_json(models.Event, pk=ox.fromAZ(data['id']))
if event.editable(request.user):
@ -123,11 +127,12 @@ actions.register(editEvent, cache=False)
def removeEvent(request, data):
remove Event with given id
takes {
id: event id
returns {}
Removes a calendar event
takes {
id: event id
returns {}
see: addEvent, editEvent, findEvents
event = get_object_or_404_json(models.Event, pk=ox.fromAZ(data['id']))
if event.editable(request.user):
@ -169,11 +174,12 @@ def order_query(qs, sort):
def findEvents(request, data):
takes {
query: object,
sort: array
range': [int, int]
Finds calendar events
takes {
query: object,
sort: array
range': [int, int]
query: query object, more on query syntax at
@ -238,11 +244,12 @@ actions.register(findEvents)
def getEventNames(request, data):
takes {
returns {
items: [{name: string, matches: int}]
takes {
returns {
items: [{name: string, matches: int}]
response = json_response({})
layers = [l['id'] for l in filter(lambda l: l['type'] == 'event',
@ -160,6 +160,10 @@ def find(request, data):
notes: Comparison operators are '=' (contains) '==' (is), '^' (starts with),
'$' (ends with), '<', '<=', '>', or '>=', each optionally prefixed with '!'
Leaving out `keys` or passing `positions` can be useful when building a
responsive GUI: First leave out `keys` to get totals as fast as possible,
then pass `positions` to get the positions of previously selected items,
finally make the query with `keys` and an appropriate range.
see: add, edit, get, lookup, remove, upload
if settings.JSON_DEBUG:
@ -58,32 +58,24 @@ def parse_query(data, user):
def findLists(request, data):
takes {
query: {
conditions: [
key: 'user',
value: 'something',
operator: '='
operator: ","
sort: [{key: 'name', operator: '+'}],
range: [0, 100]
keys: []
takes {
query: object, // query object, see `find`
sort: [], // list of sort objects, see `find`
range: [int, int], // range of results
keys: [string] // properties to return
possible query keys:
name, user, featured, subscribed
possible query keys:
name, user, featured, subscribed
possible keys:
name, user, featured, subscribed, query
possible keys:
name, user, featured, subscribed, query
returns {
items: [{name: string, user: string, featured: bool, public...}]
returns {
items: [{name: string, user: string, featured: bool, public...}]
see: addList, editList, getList, removeList, sortLists
query = parse_query(data, request.user)
@ -121,14 +113,16 @@ actions.register(findLists)
def getList(request, data):
takes {
id: listid
returns {
Gets a list by id
takes {
id: listid
returns {
see: addList, editList, findLists, removeList, sortLists
if 'id' in data:
response = json_response()
@ -145,13 +139,14 @@ actions.register(getList)
def addListItems(request, data):
takes {
list: listId,
items: [itemId],
query: ...
returns {
Adds one or more items to a list
takes {
list: listId,
items: [itemId],
query: ...
returns {
list = get_list_or_404_json(data['list'])
if 'items' in data:
@ -174,13 +169,14 @@ actions.register(addListItems, cache=False)
def removeListItems(request, data):
takes {
list: listId,
items: [itemId],
quert: ...
returns {
Removes one or more items from a list
takes {
list: listId,
items: [itemId],
quert: ...
returns {
list = get_list_or_404_json(data['list'])
if 'items' in data:
@ -201,12 +197,14 @@ actions.register(removeListItems, cache=False)
def orderListItems(request, data):
takes {
list: string
ids: [string]
returns {
Sets the manual order of items in a given list
takes {
list: string
ids: [string]
returns {
notes: There is no UI for this yet.
list = get_list_or_404_json(data['list'])
response = json_response()
@ -225,23 +223,25 @@ actions.register(orderListItems, cache=False)
def addList(request, data):
takes {
name: value,
possible keys to create list:
Adds a new list
takes {
name: value,
possible keys to create list:
returns {
id: string,
name: string,
returns {
id: string,
name: string,
see: editList, findLists, getList, removeList, sortLists
data['name'] = re.sub(' \[\d+\]$', '', data.get('name', 'Untitled')).strip()
name = data['name']
@ -285,19 +285,21 @@ actions.register(addList, cache=False)
def editList(request, data):
takes {
id: listId,
key: value,
keys: name, status, query, position, posterFrames
if you change status you have to provide position of list
Edits a list
takes {
id: listId,
key: value,
keys: name, status, query, position, posterFrames
if you change status you have to provide position of list
array with objects that have item/position
returns {
id: string,
array with objects that have item/position
returns {
id: string,
see: addList, findLists, getList, removeList, sortLists
list = get_list_or_404_json(data['id'])
if list.editable(request.user):
@ -313,11 +315,12 @@ actions.register(editList, cache=False)
def removeList(request, data):
takes {
id: listId,
returns {
Removes a list
takes {
id: string // list id
returns {}
see: addList, editList, findLists, getList, sortLists
list = get_list_or_404_json(data['id'])
response = json_response()
@ -334,11 +337,12 @@ actions.register(removeList, cache=False)
def subscribeToList(request, data):
takes {
id: listId,
returns {
Adds a list to favorites
takes {
id: listId,
returns {}
see: unsubscribeFromList
list = get_list_or_404_json(data['id'])
user = request.user
@ -359,12 +363,13 @@ actions.register(subscribeToList, cache=False)
def unsubscribeFromList(request, data):
takes {
id: listId,
user: username(only admins)
returns {
Removes a list from favorites
takes {
id: listId,
user: username(only admins)
returns {}
see: subscribeToList
list = get_list_or_404_json(data['id'])
user = request.user
@ -379,14 +384,14 @@ actions.register(unsubscribeFromList, cache=False)
def sortLists(request, data):
takes {
section: 'personal',
ids: [1,2,4,3]
known sections: 'personal', 'public', 'featured'
featured can only be edited by admins
returns {
Set order of lists
takes {
section: 'personal',
ids: [1,2,4,3]
known sections: 'personal', 'public', 'featured'
featured can only be edited by admins
returns {}
position = 0
section = data['section']
@ -20,23 +20,24 @@ import models
def addPlace(request, data):
takes {
name: "",
alternativeNames: [],
geoname: "",
countryCode: '',
south: float,
west: float,
north: float,
east: float,
lat: float,
lng: float,
area: float,
type: ""
returns {
id: string
Adds a place
takes {
name: "",
alternativeNames: [],
geoname: "",
countryCode: '',
south: float,
west: float,
north: float,
east: float,
lat: float,
lng: float,
area: float,
type: ""
returns {
id: string
#FIXME: check permissions
exists = False
@ -102,14 +103,15 @@ actions.register(addPlace, cache=False)
def editPlace(request, data):
takes {
id: string,
name: string
north: int
returns {
names: []
Edits a place
takes {
id: string,
name: string
north: int
returns {
names: []
place = get_object_or_404_json(models.Place, pk=ox.fromAZ(data['id']))
names = data.get('name', [])
@ -167,10 +169,12 @@ actions.register(editPlace, cache=False)
def removePlace(request, data):
takes {
id: string,
returns {}
Removes a place
takes {
id: string,
returns {}
see: addPlace, editPlace, findPlaces
if isinstance(data, dict):
data = data['id']
@ -215,61 +219,61 @@ def order_query(qs, sort):
def findPlaces(request, data):
takes {
query: {
conditions: [
key: 'user',
value: 'something',
operator: '='
operator: ","
itemsQuery: {
//see find request
sort: [{key: 'name', operator: '+'}],
range: [int, int]
keys: [string]
takes {
query: {
conditions: [
key: 'user',
value: 'something',
operator: '='
operator: ","
itemsQuery: {
//see find request
sort: [{key: 'name', operator: '+'}],
range: [int, int]
keys: [string]
possible query keys:
name, geoname, user
possible query keys:
name, geoname, user
itemsQuery can be used to limit the resuts to matches in those items.
Uses the same query syntax as used in the find request.
itemsQuery can be used to limit the resuts to matches in those items.
Uses the same query syntax as used in the find request.
possible keys:
name, geoname, user
returns {
items: [object]
takes {
query: object,
sort: [object]
range: [int, int]
query: query object, more on query syntax at
sort: array of key, operator dics
key: "year",
operator: "-"
key: "director",
operator: ""
range: result range, array [from, to]
possible keys:
name, geoname, user
returns {
items: [object]
takes {
query: object,
sort: [object]
range: [int, int]
query: query object, more on query syntax at
sort: array of key, operator dics
key: "year",
operator: "-"
key: "director",
operator: ""
range: result range, array [from, to]
with keys, items is list of dicts with requested properties:
returns {
items: [string]
with keys, items is list of dicts with requested properties:
returns {
items: [string]
takes {
@ -316,10 +320,11 @@ actions.register(findPlaces)
def getPlaceNames(request, data):
takes {}
returns {
items: [{name: string, matches: int}]
takes {}
returns {
items: [{name: string, matches: int}]
response = json_response({})
layers = [l['id'] for l in filter(lambda l: l['type'] == 'place',
Add table
Reference in a new issue