This commit is contained in:
j 2018-09-09 14:09:55 +02:00
commit 00521c3dc4
5 changed files with 691 additions and 0 deletions

DejaVuSansCondensedBold.ttf Normal file

Binary file not shown.

201 Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,201 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
from __future__ import division
import lxml
import lxml.etree
import ox
import os
import json
import sys
import re
source = sys.argv[1]
data = []
tree = lxml.etree.parse(source)
api = ox.API('')
if os.path.exists('sot.json'):
sot = json.load(open('sot.json'))
sot = api.find({
'query': {
'conditions': [{'key': 'list', 'value': 'zi:SOT'}]
'keys': ['id', 'title', 'duration'],
'range': [0, 5000]
with open('sot.json', 'w') as f:
json.dump(sot, f, indent=2)
def get_item(id):
id = id.replace('_', ' ').replace('.MOV', '').replace('BT2C0662 3', 'BT2C0662')
for data in sot:
if id in data['title'].replace('/', ' '):
return data['id']
for k in ('STK', 'MNK', 'BT2C'):
id = id.replace(k, '').strip()
for data in sot:
if id in data['title'].replace('/', ' '):
return data['id']
print 'missing', id
durations = {data['id']: data['duration'] for data in sot}
def parse_fps(rate):
if rate.find('ntsc').text == 'TRUE':
rate = int(rate.find('timebase').text) * 1000 / 1001
rate = int(rate.find('timebase').text)
return rate
tracks = []
seq = tree.getroot()[0]
fps = parse_fps(seq.find('rate'))
v = seq.find('media').find('video')
for t in v.xpath('.//track'):
track = []
for clipitem in t.xpath('.//clipitem'):
_id = clipitem.attrib['id'].strip().split('-Apple')[0]
_id = _id.replace('Shampoo flask', '').replace(' HDR', '').replace(' hdr', '').replace('pro res 422', '').replace(' cool', '').strip()
_id = re.sub(' \d\d?$', '', _id)
#start/end - position on timeline
#in/out - in/out in clip
clip_fps = parse_fps(clipitem.find('rate'))
_in = int(clipitem.findall('in')[0].text)
_out = int(clipitem.findall('out')[0].text)
duration = _out - _in
_start = int(clipitem.findall('start')[0].text)
_end = int(clipitem.findall('end')[0].text)
if _start == -1 and _end == -1:
print 'strange', _start, _end, _in, _out, _id
if _start == -1:
_start = _end - duration
elif _end == -1:
_end = _start + duration
if filter(lambda x: x <0, [_start, _end, _in, _out]):
print 'why -?', _start, _end, _in, _out, _id
if _out - _in != _end - _start:
print '??', _in, _out, _out-_in, 'vs', _start, _end, _end-_start, _id
if _start > -1 and _end > -1:
'in': _in / fps,
'out': _out / fps,
'start': _start / fps,
'end': _end / fps,
'file': _id,
'id': get_item(_id),
'track': len(tracks)
if track:
with open('/tmp/tracks.json', 'w') as f:
json.dump(tracks, f, indent=2, sort_keys=True)
for i, track in enumerate(tracks):
with open('/tmp/tracks%s.json' % i, 'w') as f:
json.dump(track, f, indent=2, sort_keys=True)
def flatten_tracks(tracks):
def split_at_overlaps(clip):
offset_start = clip['start']
offset_clip = clip['in']
points = [clip['start'], clip['end']]
for track in tracks:
for c in track:
if c['track'] != clip['track'] and c['start'] > -1 and c['end'] > -1:
if c['start' ] > clip['start'] and c['start'] < clip['end']:
if c['end' ] > clip['start'] and c['end'] < clip['end']:
print clip['track'], points
clips = []
for i, point in enumerate(points[:-1]):
offset_in = point - offset_start
duration = points[i+1] - point
if duration > 0:
'in': offset_clip + offset_in,
'out': offset_clip + offset_in + duration,
'start': point,
'end': points[i+1],
'track': clip['track'],
'id': clip['id']
return clips
clips = []
for track in tracks:
for clip in track:
clips += split_at_overlaps(clip)
for clip in clips:
for c in clips:
if c['track'] > clip['track']:
if c['start'] <= clip['start'] and c['end'] >= clip['end']:
clip['delete'] = True
_clips = sorted([c for c in clips if not c.get('delete')], key=lambda a: a['start'])
clips = []
for c in _clips:
if clips and clips[-1]['out'] == c['in'] and clips[-1]['id'] == c['id']:
print 'join', clips[-1], c
clips[-1]['end'] = c['end']
clips[-1]['out'] = c['out']
position = None
for c in clips:
if position == None:
position = c['start']
if c['start'] != position:
print 'wrong start', c['start'], position, abs(position - c['start'])
position += c['out'] - c['in']
return clips
timeline = flatten_tracks(tracks)
pandora_edit = []
for c in timeline:
if c['id']:
if c['out'] > durations[c['id']] or c['in'] > durations[c['id']] or c['in'] < 0 or c['out'] <= c['in']:
print 'invalid in/out', c, durations[c['id']]
'in': c['in'],
'out': c['out'],
'item': c['id']
print len(pandora_edit)
#print json.dumps(timeline, indent=2, sort_keys=True)
print json.dumps(pandora_edit, indent=2, sort_keys=True)
with open(os.path.expanduser('~/.ox/client.padma.json')) as f:
settings = json.load(f)
r = api.signin(username=settings['username'], password=settings['password'])
assert(r['status']['code'] == 200)
print 'add clips', len(pandora_edit)
#print pandora_edit
#r = api.addEdit({
# 'name': 'Ship of Theseus',
# 'clips': pandora_edit
#print r['data'].get('id') or r
clips = [c['id'] for c in api.getEdit({'id': 'j:Ship of Theseus', 'keys': ['clips']})['data']['clips']]
if clips:
'edit': 'j:Ship of Theseus',
'ids': clips
step = 100
while pandora_edit:
clips = pandora_edit[:step]
pandora_edit = pandora_edit[step:]
print 'add', len(clips), 'todo', len(pandora_edit)
r = api.addClips({
'edit': 'j:Ship of Theseus',
'clips': clips
print 'total added', len(r and r.get('data', {}).get('clips') or 0)

91 Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
from __future__ import division
import lxml
import lxml.etree
import ox
import os
import json
import sys
fps = 25
tree = lxml.etree.parse(sys.argv[1])
source = sys.argv[1]
target = '%s.json' % os.path.splitext(source)[0]
data = {
'descriptions': [],
'transcripts': []
for g in tree.xpath('//generatoritem'):
#start/end = relative position of the clip in the parent sequence.
#in/out indicate the portion of the source media file to reference.
_in = int(g.findall('in')[0].text)
_out = int(g.findall('out')[0].text)
_start = int(g.findall('start')[0].text)
_end = int(g.findall('end')[0].text)
effect = g.findall('effect')
assert len(effect) == 1
for parameter in effect[0].findall('parameter'):
if parameter.findall('parameterid')[0].text == 'str':
value = parameter.findall('value')[0].text
if _start == -1 and _end == -1:
_start = _in
_end = _out
if _start == -1:
_start = 0
#print _in, _out, _start, _end, value
value = '<br>\n'.join([v.strip() for v in value.strip().split('\r')])
'in': _start/fps, 'out': (_end-1)/fps, 'value': value
_last = 0
for g in tree.xpath('//clipitem'):
#in/out indicate the portion of the source media file to reference.
#start/end = relative position of the clip in the parent sequence.
_in = int(g.findall('in')[0].text) / fps
_out = int(g.findall('out')[0].text) / fps
_start = int(g.findall('start')[0].text) / fps
_end = int(g.findall('end')[0].text) / fps
name= g.findall('name')[0].text.strip()
#print _in, _out, _start, _end, name
if _start == -0.04:
_start = _last
if _end == -0.04:
_end = _start + (_out - _in)
name = name.replace('.dv', '').replace('_ ', ': ')
id = name.replace(' ', '%20')
value = 'Source: <a href="/%s/%.3f,%.3f">%s/%s-%s</a>' % (id, _in, _out, name, ox.formatDuration(_in), ox.formatDuration(_out))
'in': _start, 'out': _end-0.04, 'value': value
_last = _end
with open(target, 'w') as f:
json.dump(data, f, indent=2)
import os
import ox
with open(os.path.expanduser('~/.ox/client.json')) as f:
config = json.load(f)
api = ox.API('')
r = api.signin(username=config['username'], password=config['password'])
assert(r['status']['code'] == 200)
assert(r['data']['user'] != '')
for s in data['descriptions']:
s['item'] = 'BHK'
s['layer'] = 'descriptions'
print s
r = api.addAnnotation(s)
assert(r['status']['code'] == 200)
for s in data['transcripts']:
s['item'] = 'BHK'
s['layer'] = 'transcripts'
print s
r = api.addAnnotation(s)
assert(r['status']['code'] == 200)

43 Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
from __future__ import division
import lxml
import lxml.etree
import ox
import os
import json
import sys
source = sys.argv[1]
target = '' % os.path.splitext(source)[0]
fps = 25
data = []
tree = lxml.etree.parse(source)
for g in tree.xpath('//generatoritem'):
#start/end = relative position of the clip in the parent sequence.
#in/out indicate the portion of the source media file to reference.
_in = int(g.findall('in')[0].text)
_out = int(g.findall('out')[0].text)
_start = int(g.findall('start')[0].text)
_end = int(g.findall('end')[0].text)
effect = g.findall('effect')
assert len(effect) == 1
for parameter in effect[0].findall('parameter'):
if parameter.findall('parameterid')[0].text == 'str':
value = parameter.findall('value')[0].text
if _start == -1 and _end == -1:
_start = _in
_end = _out
if _start == -1:
_start = 0
#print _in, _out, _start, _end, value
value = '\n'.join([v.strip() for v in value.strip().split('\r')])
value = value.replace('\n\n', '<br><br>\n')
'in': _start/fps, 'out': (_end-1)/fps, 'value': value
with open(target, 'w') as f:

356 Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,356 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
from __future__ import division
import sys
import os
from optparse import OptionParser
import tempfile
import shutil
import math
import time
import json
import urllib
import xml.sax.saxutils
import ox
import Image
base = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))
generator_template = u'''<generatoritem id="Text">
<value>Courier New</value>
<name>Font Color</name>
<name>Auto Kerning</name>
<name>Use Subpixel</name>
<name>Basic Motion</name>
fcp_header = u'''<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE xmeml>
<xmeml version="5">'''
fcp_footer = u'''</xmeml>'''
sequence_template = u'''
<sequence id="%(id)s ">
<name>Apple DV - PAL</name>
<appname>Final Cut Pro</appname>
<appmanufacturer>Apple Inc.</appmanufacturer>
<codecname>Apple DV - PAL</codecname>
<codectypename>DV - PAL</codectypename>
<appname>Final Cut Pro</appname>
<appmanufacturer>Apple Inc.</appmanufacturer>
def wrap_text(start, end, text, fontsize=30):
margin = 40
width = 640
#font = os.path.join(base, 'DejaVuSansCondensedBold.ttf')
font = '/usr/share/fonts/truetype/ttf-dejavu/DejaVuSansMono-Bold.ttf'
n = 10
alltxt = []
text = ox.strip_tags(ox.decode_html(text))
for t in text.strip().split('\n'):
lines = ox.wrapText(t, width - 2 * margin, 20, font, fontsize)
for line in lines:
pages = int(math.ceil(len(alltxt) / n))
lines_per_page = int(math.ceil(len(alltxt) / pages))
frames_per_page = int((end - start) / pages)
pos = start
r = []
for p in range(0, len(alltxt), lines_per_page):
txt = alltxt[p:p+lines_per_page]
r.append((pos, pos+frames_per_page, txt))
pos += frames_per_page
return r
class Fcp:
sequences = []
fps = 25
fontsize = 18
def __init__(self):
def add_srt(self, srt, wrap=True):
data =
#info = api.get(id=item_id, keys=['layers'])
subs = []
#for s in info['data']['layers']['transcripts']:
duration = -1
for s in data:
value = s['value'].replace('<br/>', '\n').replace('<br>', '\n')
value = ox.strip_tags(value)
start = int(s['in'] * fcp.fps)
end = int(s['out'] * fcp.fps)
if start < duration:
print "warning", start, '<', duration, value
start = duration
duration = end
if wrap:
for t in wrap_text(start, end, value, self.fontsize):
subs.append((start, end, value.split('\n')))
self.sequences.append(sequence_template % {
'id': os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(srt))[0],
'duration': duration,
'subs': '\n'.join([self.sub(*s) for s in subs])
def sub(self, start, end, text):
text = xml.sax.saxutils.escape('\n'.join(text).strip()).replace('\n', '&#13;&#10;')
return generator_template % {
'start': start,
'end': end,
'duration': end-start,
'text': text,
'fontsize': self.fontsize,
def save(self, output):
with open(output, 'w') as f:
for s in self.sequences:
if __name__ == '__main__':
usage = "usage: %prog srtfile"
parser = OptionParser(usage=usage)
parser.add_option('-w', '--wrap', dest='wrap', help='rewrap text', action="store_true")
(opts, args) = parser.parse_args()
if not args:
srt = args[0]
output = srt.replace('.srt', '') + '.xml'
fcp = Fcp()
fcp.add_srt(srt, opts.wrap)