# oxtimelines - create timeline from video This program takes one or more video files as input and outputs timeline images. If a cuts path is given, it also outputs a json file containing cuts. If in and out points are given, only that part of the video(s) will be rendered. The timeline modes can be any combination of 'antialias' (average color), 'slitscan' (center pixel), 'keyframes' (one or more frames per cut), 'audio' (waveform), 'cuts' (antialias with cut detection overlay, for debugging) and 'data' (each frame resized to 8x8 px). One or two timeline heights can be specified, larger height first. The timeline widths will be 1 px per frame for the first one, and 1 px per second for the second (smaller) one. If the wide option is set, large 'keyframeswide' tiles will be rendered. They can be used at a later point to render small 'keyframes' tiles without having to decode the video again. ## Usage usage: oxtimelines [options] video1 [video2] Options: -h, --help show this help message and exit -o TILES, --output=TILES path for combined timeline tiles -c CUTS, --cuts=CUTS path for combined cuts json file -p POINTS, --points=POINTS inpoint,outpoint (optional) -m MODES, --modes=MODES timeline mode(s) (antialias, slitscan, keyframes, audio, cuts, data) -s SIZES, --sizes=SIZES timeline size(s) (64 or 64,16) -w, --wide keep wide frames tiles -l, --log log performance ## Install pip3 install oxtimelines ## Python API import oxtimelines timeline = oxtimelines.Timelines(videos, output, cuts_json, in_out, modes, sizes, wide, log) timeline.render() ## Latest Code git clone https://code.0x2620.org/0x2620/oxtimelines ## Dependencies - python-imaging - python-ox - ffmpeg