2014-01-16 05:15:01 +00:00

173 lines
5.5 KiB

'use strict';
Ox.MenuItem <f> MenuItem Object
options <o> Options object
bind <a|[]> fixme: what's this?
checked <f|null> If true, the item is checked
disabled <b|false> If true, the item is disabled
file <o|null> File selection options
group <s|''>
icon <s|''> icon
id <s|''> id
items <a|[]> items
keyboard <s|''> keyboard
menu <o|null> menu
position <n|0> position
title <a|[]> title
self <o> Shared private variable
([options[, self]]) -> <o:Ox.Element> MenuItem Object
Ox.MenuItem = function(options, self) {
self = self || {};
var that = Ox.Element('<tr>', self)
bind: [], // fixme: what's this?
checked: null,
disabled: false,
file: null,
group: '',
icon: '',
id: '',
items: [],
keyboard: '',
maxWidth: 0,
menu: null, // fixme: is passing the menu to 100s of menu items really memory-neutral?
position: 0,
title: [],
type: ''
.options(Ox.extend(Ox.clone(options), {
keyboard: parseKeyboard(options.keyboard || self.defaults.keyboard),
title: Ox.makeArray(options.title || self.defaults.title)
checked: function() {
that.$status.html(self.options.checked ? Ox.UI.symbols.check : '')
disabled: function() {
self.options.file && that.$button.options({
disabled: self.options.disabled
title: function() {
self.options.title = Ox.makeArray(self.options.title);
.addClass('OxItem' + (self.options.disabled ? ' OxDisabled' : ''))
id: Ox.toCamelCase(self.options.menu.options('id') + '/' + self.options.id)
.data('group', self.options.group); // fixme: why?
if (self.options.group && self.options.checked === null) {
self.options.checked = false;
that.$status = Ox.$('<td>')
.addClass('OxCell OxStatus')
.html(self.options.checked ? Ox.UI.symbols.check : '')
that.$icon = $('<td>')
.addClass('OxCell OxIcon')
? Ox.$('<img>').attr({src: self.options.icon})
: null
that.$title = $('<td>')
.addClass('OxCell OxTitle')
? {
maxWidth: self.options.maxWidth - 46,
textOverflow: 'ellipsis',
overflow: 'hidden'
: {}
? that.$button = Ox.FileButton(Ox.extend({
disabled: self.options.disabled,
title: self.options.title[0]
}, self.options.file)).bindEvent({
click: function(data) {
self.options.menu.clickItem(self.options.position, data.files);
: (
? self.options.title[0]
: Ox.$('<div>').html(self.options.title[0]).html()
that.$modifiers = Ox.$('<td>')
.addClass('OxCell OxModifiers')
self.options.keyboard.modifiers.map(function(modifier) {
return Ox.UI.symbols[modifier];
that.$key = Ox.$('<td>')
'OxCell Ox' + (self.options.items.length ? 'Submenu' : 'Key')
? Ox.UI.symbols.triangle_right
: Ox.UI.symbols[self.options.keyboard.key]
|| self.options.keyboard.key.toUpperCase()
function parseKeyboard(str) {
var modifiers = str.split(' '),
key = modifiers.pop();
return {
modifiers: modifiers,
key: key
that.toggle = function() {
// toggle id and title
toggleChecked <f> toggleChecked
that.toggleChecked = function() {
that.options({checked: !self.options.checked});
return that;
that.toggleDisabled = function() {
toggleTitle <f> toggleTitle
that.toggleTitle = function() {
that.options({title: Ox.clone(self.options.title).reverse()});
return that;
return that;