2012-05-22 16:08:09 +02:00

37 lines
1.2 KiB

'use strict';
Ox.JQueryElement <f> Wrapper for jQuery
($element) -> <object> Wrapped jQuery DOM element
$element <object> jQuery DOM Element
Ox.JQueryElement = function($element) {
var that = this;
//@ id <number> Unique id
that.oxid = Ox.uid();
//@ $element <object> The jQuery-wrapped DOM element
that.$element = $element.data({
oxid: that.oxid
//@ 0 <element> The DOM element
that[0] = that.$element[0];
//@ length <number> 1 (for compatibility with jQuery)
that.length = 1;
Ox.UI.elements[that.oxid] = that;
return that;
// add all jQuery functions to the prototype of Ox.JQueryElement
Ox.methods($('<div>'), true).forEach(function(method) {
Ox.JQueryElement.prototype[method] = function() {
var args = arguments, oxid, ret, that = this;
ret = that.$element[method].apply(that.$element, args);
// if exactly one $element of an ox object was returned
// then return the ox object instead
// so that we can do oxObj.jqFn().oxFn()
return ret && ret.jquery
&& ret.length == 1
&& Ox.UI.elements[oxid = ret.data('oxid')]
? Ox.UI.elements[oxid] : ret;