2011-05-18 09:38:11 +02:00

2060 lines
73 KiB

// vim: et:ts=4:sw=4:sts=4:ft=js
Ox.VideoPlayer <f> Generic Video Player
(options, self) -> <o> Video Player
options <o> Options
annotation <[o]> Array of annotation tracks
name <s> Name of the annotation track
data <[o]> Annotation data
in <n> In point (sec)
out <n> Out point (sec)
text <s> Text
controls <[[s]]|[[][]]> Controls, first top, then bottom, from left to right
Can be 'fullscreen', 'scale', 'title', 'find', 'menu',
'play', 'playInToOut', 'mute', 'volume', 'size', 'timeline', 'space',
'position', 'resolution', 'settings'. The 'space' control is just
empty space that separates left-aligned from right-aligned controls.
duration <n|-1> Duration (sec)
enableFind <b|false> If true, enable find
enableFullscreen <b|false> If true, enable fullscreen
enableKeyboard <b|false> If true, enable keyboard controls
externalControls <b|false> If true, controls are outside the video
find <s|''> Query string
focus <s|'click'> focus on 'click', 'load' or 'mouseover'
fps <n|25> Frames per second
fullscreen <b|false> If true, video is in fullscreen
height <n|144> Height in px (excluding external controls)
in <n> In point (sec)
keepIconVisible <b|false> If true, play icon stays visible after mouseleave
keepLargeTimelineVisible <b|false> If true, large timeline stays visible after mouseleave
keepLogoVisible <b|false> If true, logo stays visible after mouseleave
logo <s|''> Logo image URL
logoLink <s|''> Logo link URL
logoTitle <s|''> Text for tooltip
muted <b|false> If true, video is muted
paused <b|false> If true, video is paused
playInToOut <b|false> If true, video plays only from in to out
position <n|0> Initial position (sec)
poster <s|''> Poster URL
posterFrame <n|-1> Position of poster frame (sec)
preload <s|'auto'> 'auto', 'metadata' or 'none'
out <n|-1> Out point (sec)
resolution <n|0> resolution
scaleToFill <b|false> If true, scale to fill (otherwise, scale to fit)
showFind <b|false> If true, show find input
showHours <b|false> If true, don't show hours for videos shorter than one hour
showIcon <b|false> If true, show play icon
showIconOnLoad <b|false> If true, show icon on load
showInterfaceOnLoad <b|false> If true, show controls and title on load
showLargeTimeline <b|false> If true, show large timeline
showMilliseconds <n|0> Number of decimals to show
showPointMarkers <b|false> If true, show in/out markers
showProgress <|false> If true, show buffering progress
sizeIsLarge <b|false> If true, initial state of the size control is large
subtitles <s|[o]|[]> URL or SRT or array of subtitles
in <n> In point (sec)
out <n> Out point (sec)
text <s> Text
timeline <s> Timeline image URL
title <s|''> Video title
type <s|'play'> 'play', 'in' or 'out'
video <s|o|''> Video URL
String or object ({resolution: url, resolution: url, ...})
volume <n|1> Volume (0-1)
width <n|256> Width in px
Ox.VideoPlayer = function(options, self) {
self = self || {};
var that = Ox.Element({}, self)
annotations: [],
controlsBottom: [],
controlsTop: [],
duration: 0,
enableFind: false,
enableFullscreen: false,
enableKeyboard: false,
externalControls: false,
find: '',
focus: 'click',
fps: 25,
fullscreen: false,
height: 144,
'in': 0,
keepIconVisible: false,
keepLargeTimelineVisible: false,
keepLogoVisible: false,
largeTimeline: false,
logo: '',
logoLink: '',
logoTitle: '',
muted: false,
paused: false,
playInToOut: false,
position: 0,
poster: '',
posterFrame: -1,
preload: 'auto',
out: 0,
resolution: 0,
scaleToFill: false,
showFind: false,
showHours: false,
showIcon: false,
showIconOnLoad: false,
showInterfaceOnLoad: false,
showLargeTimeline: false,
showMilliseconds: 0,
showPointMarkers: false,
showProgress: false,
subtitles: [],
timeline: '',
title: '',
type: 'play',
video: '',
volume: 1,
width: 256
.options(options || {})
position: 'absolute'
resize: function() {
self.options.fullscreen && setSizes();
if (Ox.isString(self.options.video)) {
self.video = self.options.video;
} else {
self.resolutions = Ox.sort(Object.keys(self.options.video));
if (!(self.options.resolution in self.options.video)) {
self.options.resolution = self.resolutions[0];
Ox.print('resolutions', self.resolutions)
self.video = self.options.video[self.options.resolution];
self['in'] = self.options.playInToOut ? self.options['in'] : 0,
self.out = self.options.playInToOut ? self.options.out : self.options.duration;
self.options.duration = self.out - self['in'];
self.options.position = Ox.limit(self.options.position, self['in'], self.out);
self.millisecondsPerFrame = 1000 / self.options.fps;
self.secondsPerFrame = 1 / self.options.fps;
self.barHeight = 16;
self.width = self.options.fullscreen ? window.innerWidth : self.options.width;
self.height = self.options.fullscreen ? window.innerHeight : self.options.height;
if (self.options.enableKeyboard) {
key_0: toggleMuted,
key_1: toggleScale,
key_equal: function() {
key_escape: hideControls,
key_f: focusFind,
key_g: function() {
key_left: function() {
setPosition(self.options.position - self.secondsPerFrame);
key_minus: function() {
key_p: function() {
key_right: function() {
setPosition(self.options.position + self.secondsPerFrame);
key_shift_f: function() {
self.options.enableFullscreen && toggleFullscreen();
key_shift_g: function() {
key_shift_left: function() {
setPosition(self.options.position - 1);
key_shift_right: function() {
setPosition(self.options.position + 1);
key_space: togglePaused
if (self.options.enableKeyboard) {
if (self.options.focus == 'mouseenter') {
mouseenter: function() {
if (!self.inputHasFocus) {
mouseleave: function() {
} else {
click: that.gainFocus
if (
(!self.options.externalControls &&
(self.options.controlsTop.length || self.options.controlsBottom.length)) ||
) {
mouseenter: function() {
self.mouseHasLeft = false;
mouseleave: function() {
self.mouseHasLeft = true;
Ox.print('MOUSE HAS LEFT')
if (Ox.isString(self.options.subtitles)) {
if (self.options.subtitles.indexOf('\n') > -1) {
self.options.subtitles = Ox.parseSRT(self.options.subtitles);
} else {
Ox.get(self.options.subtitles, function(data) {
self.options.subtitles = Ox.parseSRT(data);
self.results = find(self.options.find);
Ox.print('--setting results--', self.$timeline)
if (self.options.duration) {
// video has loaded
self.$timeline && self.$timeline.options({
results: self.results,
subtitles: self.options.subtitles
self.$largeTimeline && self.$largeTimeline.options({
subtitles: self.options.subtitles
self.options.subtitles = [];
self.results = find(self.options.find);
self.buffered = [];
self.$videoContainer = $('<div>')
position: 'absolute',
top: self.options.externalControls && self.options.controlsTop ? '16px' : 0,
background: 'rgb(0, 0, 0)',
overflow: 'hidden'
click: function() {
self.$video = $('<video>')
preload: self.options.preload,
src: self.video
}, !self.options.paused ? {
autoplay: 'autoplay'
} : {}/*, self.options.poster ? {
poster: self.options.poster
} : {}*/))
position: 'absolute'
ended: ended,
loadedmetadata: loadedmetadata,
seeked: seeked,
seeking: seeking
}, self.options.progress ? {
progress: progress
} : {}))
self.video = self.$video[0];
if (self.options.poster) {
self.$poster = $('<img>')
src: self.options.poster
position: 'absolute'
self.posterIsVisible = true;
if (self.options.logo) {
self.$logo = $('<img>')
src: self.options.logo
position: 'absolute',
cursor: self.options.logoLink ? 'pointer' : 'default',
opacity: 0.25,
if (self.options.logoTitle) {
self.$logoTooltip = Ox.Tooltip({
title: self.options.logoTitle
self.$loadingIcon = $('<img>')
src: Ox.UI.getImagePath('symbolLoadingAnimated.svg')
.replace('/classic/', '/modern/')
position: 'absolute'
if (self.options.showIcon || self.options.showIconOnLoad) {
self.$playIcon = $('<img>')
src: Ox.UI.getImagePath(
'symbol' + (self.options.paused ? 'Play' : 'Pause') + '.svg'
).replace('/classic/', '/modern/')
position: 'absolute',
border: '2px solid rgb(255, 255, 255)',
background: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)',
opacity: 0
if (self.options.showIcon) {
if (self.options.showIconOnLoad) {
self.iconIsVisible = true;
self.$posterMarker = $('<div>')
position: 'absolute',
left: 0,
top: 0,
right: 0,
bottom: 0,
self.$posterMarkerLeft = $('<div>')
float: 'left',
background: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)'
width: Math.floor((self.options.width - self.options.height) / 2) + 'px',
height: self.options.height + 'px'
self.$posterMarkerCenter = $('<div>')
border: '1px solid rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.1)'
float: 'left',
width: (self.options.height - 2) + 'px',
height: (self.options.height - 2) + 'px'
self.$posterMarkerRight = $('<div>')
background: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)'
float: 'left',
width: Math.ceil((self.options.width - self.options.height) / 2) + 'px',
height: self.options.height + 'px'
self.$pointMarker = {};
['in', 'out'].forEach(function(point) {
self.$pointMarker[point] = {};
['top', 'bottom'].forEach(function(edge) {
var titleCase = Ox.toTitleCase(point) + Ox.toTitleCase(edge);
self.$pointMarker[point][edge] = $('<img>')
.addClass('OxMarkerPoint OxMarker' + titleCase)
src: Ox.UI.PATH + 'png/videoMarker' + titleCase + '.png'
if (self.options.points[i] == self.options.position) {
if (self.options.subtitles.length || true) { // fixme
self.$subtitle = $('<div>')
position: 'absolute',
left: 0,
right: 0,
textAlign: 'center',
textShadow: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 1) 0 0 4px',
color: 'rgb(255, 255, 255)'
if (self.options.enableFind) {
self.$find = $('<div>')
position: 'absolute',
right: 0,
top: self.options.controlsTop.length ? '16px' : 0,
borderBottomLeftRadius: '8px',
borderBottomRightRadius: '8px'
backgroundImage: '-moz-linear-gradient(top, rgba(64, 64, 64, 0.5), rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5))'
backgroundImage: '-webkit-linear-gradient(top, rgba(64, 64, 64, 0.5), rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5))'
self.$results = $('<div>')
float: 'left',
width: '24px',
paddingTop: '2px',
fontSize: '9px',
textAlign: 'center'
self.$previousButton = Ox.Button({
style: 'symbol',
title: 'arrowLeft',
tooltip: 'Previous [Shift+G]',
type: 'image'
.css({float: 'left'})
click: function() {
self.$nextButton = Ox.Button({
style: 'symbol',
title: 'arrowRight',
tooltip: 'Next [G]',
type: 'image'
.css({float: 'left'})
click: function() {
self.$findInput = Ox.Input({
changeOnKeypress: true,
value: self.options.find
float: 'left',
background: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)',
MozBoxShadow: '0 0 0',
WebkitBoxShadow: '0 0 0'
blur: function() {
self.inputHasFocus = false;
focus: function() {
self.inputHasFocus = true;
change: function(data) {
submitFindInput(data.value, false);
submit: function(data) {
self.inputHasFocus = false;
submitFindInput(data.value, true);
width: (self.positionWidth - 6) + 'px',
height: '16px',
padding: '0 3px 0 3px',
border: '0px',
borderRadius: '8px',
fontSize: '11px',
color: 'rgb(255, 255, 255)'
background: '-moz-linear-gradient(top, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5), rgba(64, 64, 64, 0.5))'
background: '-webkit-linear-gradient(top, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5), rgba(64, 64, 64, 0.5))'
self.$clearButton = Ox.Button({
style: 'symbol',
title: 'delete',
tooltip: 'Clear',
type: 'image'
.css({float: 'left'})
click: function() {
self.options.find = '';
self.results = [];
self.subtitle && setSubtitleText();
self.$timeline && self.$timeline.options({
find: self.options.find,
results: self.results
//setTimeout(self.$findInput.focusInput, 10);
self.$hideFindButton = Ox.Button({
style: 'symbol',
title: 'close',
tooltip: 'Hide',
type: 'image'
.css({float: 'left'})
click: toggleFind
['top', 'bottom'].forEach(function(edge) {
var titlecase = Ox.toTitleCase(edge);
if (self.options['controls' + titlecase].length) {
self['$controls' + titlecase] = Ox.Bar({
size: self.barHeight
.addClass('OxControls OxInterface')
position: 'absolute',
opacity: self.options.externalControls ? 1 : 0
.css(edge, 0)
if (!self.options.externalControls) {
self['$controls' + titlecase].css({
backgroundImage: '-moz-linear-gradient(top, rgba(64, 64, 64, 0.5), rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5))'
backgroundImage: '-webkit-linear-gradient(top, rgba(64, 64, 64, 0.5), rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5))'
self.options['controls' + titlecase].forEach(function(control) {
if (control == 'find') {
self.$findButton = Ox.Button({
style: 'symbol',
title: 'find',
tooltip: 'Find',
type: 'image'
.css({float: 'left'})
.bindEvent('click', toggleFind)
.appendTo(self['$controls' + titlecase]);
} else if (control == 'fullscreen') {
self.$fullscreenButton = Ox.Button({
style: 'symbol',
title: [
{id: 'grow', title: 'grow', selected: !self.options.fullscreen},
{id: 'shrink', title: 'shrink', selected: self.options.fullscreen}
tooltip: ['Enter Fullscreen', 'Exit Fullscreen'],
type: 'image'
.css({float: 'left'})
.bindEvent('click', function() {
.appendTo(self['$controls' + titlecase]);
} else if (control == 'mute') {
self.$muteButton = Ox.Button({
style: 'symbol',
title: [
{id: 'mute', title: 'mute', selected: !self.options.muted},
{id: 'unmute', title: 'unmute', selected: self.options.muted}
tooltip: ['Mute', 'Unmute'],
type: 'image'
.css({float: 'left'})
.bindEvent('click', function() {
.appendTo(self['$controls' + titlecase]);
} else if (control == 'play') {
self.$playButton = Ox.Button({
style: 'symbol',
// FIXME: this is retarded, fix Ox.Button
title: [
{id: 'play', title: 'play', selected: self.options.paused},
{id: 'pause', title: 'pause', selected: !self.options.paused}
tooltip: ['Play', 'Pause'],
type: 'image'
.css({float: 'left'})
.bindEvent('click', function() {
.appendTo(self['$controls' + titlecase]);
} else if (control == 'playInToOut') {
self.$playInToOutButton = Ox.Button({
style: 'symbol',
title: 'playInToOut',
tooltip: 'Play In to Out',
type: 'image'
.css({float: 'left'})
.bindEvent('click', playInToOut)
.appendTo(self['$controls' + titlecase]);
} else if (control == 'position') {
self.positionWidth = 48 +
!!self.options.showMilliseconds * 2
+ self.options.showMilliseconds * 6;
self.$position = $('<div>')
float: 'left',
width: (self.positionWidth - 4) + 'px',
height: '12px',
padding: '2px',
fontSize: '9px',
textAlign: 'center',
color: 'rgb(255, 255, 255)'
click: function() {
if (!self.options.paused) {
self.playOnSubmit = true;
} else if (self.playOnLoad) {
// if clicked during resolution switch,
// don't play on load
self.playOnLoad = false;
self.playOnSubmit = true;
value: formatPosition()
.appendTo(self['$controls' + titlecase].$element);
self.$positionInput = Ox.Input({
value: formatPosition(),
width: self.positionWidth
float: 'left',
background: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)',
MozBoxShadow: '0 0 0',
WebkitBoxShadow: '0 0 0'
focus: function() {
self.inputHasFocus = true;
blur: function() {
self.inputHasFocus = false;
.appendTo(self['$controls' + titlecase].$element);
width: (self.positionWidth - 6) + 'px',
height: '16px',
padding: '0 3px 0 3px',
border: '0px',
borderRadius: '8px',
fontSize: '9px',
color: 'rgb(255, 255, 255)'
background: '-moz-linear-gradient(top, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5), rgba(64, 64, 64, 0.5))'
background: '-webkit-linear-gradient(top, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5), rgba(64, 64, 64, 0.5))'
} else if (control == 'resolution') {
self.$resolutionButton = Ox.Element({
tooltip: 'Resolution'
float: 'left',
width: '32px',
height: '12px',
padding: '2px',
fontSize: '9px',
textAlign: 'center',
color: 'rgb(255, 255, 255)',
cursor: 'default'
.html(self.options.resolution + 'p')
click: function() {
.appendTo(self['$controls' + titlecase]);
self.$resolution = $('<div>')
position: 'absolute',
right: 0,
bottom: '16px',
height: (self.resolutions.length * 16) + 'px',
background: 'transparent'
click: function(e) {
var resolution = $(e.target).parent().data('resolution');
if (resolution != self.options.resolution) {
self.$resolution.children().each(function() {
var $this = $(this);
$this.children()[1].src =
$this.data('resolution') == resolution ?
Ox.UI.getImagePath('symbolCheck.svg') :
Ox.UI.PATH + 'png/transparent.png'
self.$resolutionButton.html(resolution + 'p');
self.options.resolution = resolution
self.resolutions.forEach(function(resolution, i) {
var $item = $('<div>')
width: '52px',
height: '16px',
background: 'rgba(32, 32, 32, 0.5)'
resolution: resolution
mouseenter: function() {
backgroundImage: '-moz-linear-gradient(top, rgba(48, 48, 48, 0.5), rgba(16, 16, 16, 0.5))'
backgroundImage: '-webkit-linear-gradient(top, rgba(48, 48, 48, 0.5), rgba(16, 16, 16, 0.5))'
mouseleave: function() {
background: 'rgba(32, 32, 32, 0.5)'
if (i == 0) {
borderTopLeftRadius: '8px',
borderTopRightRadius: '8px'
float: 'left',
width: '36px',
height: '14px',
paddingTop: '2px',
fontSize: '9px',
textAlign: 'right',
cursor: 'default'
.html(resolution + 'p')
src: resolution == self.options.resolution ?
Ox.UI.getImagePath('symbolCheck.svg') :
Ox.UI.PATH + 'png/transparent.png'
float: 'left',
width: '9px',
height: '9px',
padding: '3px 3px 4px 4px'
} else if (control == 'scale') {
self.$scaleButton = Ox.Button({
style: 'symbol',
title: [
{id: 'fill', title: 'fill', selected: !self.options.scaleToFill},
{id: 'fit', title: 'fit', selected: self.options.scaleToFill}
tooltip: ['Scale to Fill', 'Scale to Fit'],
type: 'image'
.css({float: 'left'})
.bindEvent('click', function() {
.appendTo(self['$controls' + titlecase]);
} else if (control == 'size') {
self.$sizeButton = Ox.Button({
style: 'symbol',
title: [
{id: 'grow', title: 'grow', selected: !self.options.sizeIsLarge},
{id: 'shrink', title: 'shrink', selected: self.options.sizeIsLarge}
tooltip: ['Larger', 'Smaller'],
type: 'image'
.css({float: 'left'})
.bindEvent('click', toggleSize)
.appendTo(self['$controls' + titlecase]);
} else if (control == 'space') {
self['$space' + titlecase] = $('<div>')
.css({float: 'left'})
.html('&nbsp;') // fixme: ??
.appendTo(self['$controls' + titlecase].$element);
} else if (control == 'timeline') {
if (self.options.showProgress) {
self.$progress = $('<img>')
src: getProgressImageURL()
float: 'left',
height: self.barHeight + 'px',
if (self.options.duration) {
self.$timeline = getTimeline()
} else {
self.$timeline = Ox.Element()
float: 'left'
self.$timeline.appendTo(self['$controls' + titlecase]);
} else if (control == 'title') {
self.$title = $('<div>')
float: 'left',
paddingTop: '1px',
textAlign: 'center',
color: 'rgb(255, 255, 255)',
overflow: 'hidden',
textOverflow: 'ellipsis'
.appendTo(self['$controls' + titlecase].$element);
} else if (control == 'volume') {
self.$volumeButton = Ox.Button({
style: 'symbol',
title: 'mute',
tooltip: 'Volume',
type: 'image'
.css({float: 'left'})
click: toggleVolume
.appendTo(self['$controls' + titlecase]);
if (self.options.enableVolume) {
self.$volume = $('<div>')
position: 'absolute',
left: 0,
bottom: self.options.controlsBottom.length ? '16px' : 0,
height: '16px',
borderTopLeftRadius: '8px',
borderTopRightRadius: '8px'
backgroundImage: '-moz-linear-gradient(top, rgba(64, 64, 64, 0.5), rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5))'
backgroundImage: '-webkit-linear-gradient(top, rgba(64, 64, 64, 0.5), rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5))'
self.$hideVolumeButton = Ox.Button({
style: 'symbol',
title: 'close',
tooltip: 'Hide',
type: 'image'
.css({float: 'left'})
click: toggleVolume
self.$muteButton = Ox.Button({
style: 'symbol',
title: [
{id: 'mute', title: 'mute', selected: !self.options.muted},
{id: 'unmute', title: 'unmute', selected: self.options.muted}
tooltip: ['Mute', 'Unmute'],
type: 'image'
.css({float: 'left'})
click: function() {
self.$volumeInput = Ox.Range({
max: 1,
min: 0,
step: 0.001,
value: self.options.muted ? 0 : self.options.volume
float: 'left'
change: function(data) {
//border: '1px solid rgba(64, 64, 64, 1)'
padding: '1px',
border: 0
background: '-moz-linear-gradient(top, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5), rgba(64, 64, 64, 0.5))'
background: '-webkit-linear-gradient(top, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5), rgba(64, 64, 64, 0.5))'
//border: '1px solid rgba(64, 64, 64, 1)'
padding: '1px 7px 1px 7px',
border: 0
backgroundImage: '-moz-linear-gradient(top, rgba(64, 64, 64, 0.5), rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5))'
backgroundImage: '-webkit-linear-gradient(top, rgba(64, 64, 64, 0.5), rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5))'
self.$volumeValue = $('<div>')
float: 'left',
width: '24px',
paddingTop: '2px',
fontSize: '9px',
textAlign: 'center'
.html(self.options.muted ? 0 : Math.round(self.options.volume * 100))
if (self.options.largeTimeline) {
if (self.options.duration) {
self.$largeTimeline = getLargeTimeline()
} else {
self.$largeTimeline = Ox.Element()
float: 'left'
function clearInterfaceTimeout() {
self.interfaceTimeout = 0;
function ended() {
if (!self.options.paused) {
if (self.options.poster) {
opacity: 1
}, 250);
self.posterIsVisible = true;
if (self.options.showIconOnLoad) {
opacity: 1
}, 250);
self.iconIsVisible = true;
function find(query, hasPressedEnter) {
var results = [];
if (query.length) {
query = query.toLowerCase();
results = Ox.map(self.options.subtitles, function(subtitle) {
return subtitle.text.toLowerCase().indexOf(query) > -1 ? {
'in': subtitle['in'],
out: subtitle.out
} : null;
if (results.length == 0 && hasPressedEnter) {
return results;
function focusFind() {
if (!self.interfaceIsVisible) {
// need timeout so the "f" doesn't appear in the input field
setTimeout(function() {
if (self.$find.is(':hidden')) {
} else {
}, 0);
function formatPosition(position) {
position = Ox.isUndefined(position) ? self.options.position : position;
return Ox.formatDuration(position, self.options.showMilliseconds);
function getCSS(element) {
var css;
if (element == 'controlsTop' || element == 'controlsBottom') {
css = {
width: self.width + 'px'
} else if (element == 'find') {
css = {
width: Math.min(208, self.width) + 'px'
} else if (element == 'loadingIcon') {
css = {
left: self.iconLeft + 'px',
top: self.iconTop + 'px',
width: self.iconSize + 'px',
height: self.iconSize + 'px'
} else if (element == 'logo') {
var logoHeight = Math.round(self.height / 10),
logoMargin = Math.round(self.height / 20);
css = {
left: logoMargin + 'px',
top: logoMargin + (self.controlsTopAreVisible ? 16 : 0) + 'px',
height: logoHeight + 'px',
} else if (element == 'player') {
var height = self.options.fullscreen ? window.innerHeight : self.height;
if (self.options.externalControls) {
height += (
!!self.options.controlsTop.length +
) * self.barHeight;
if (self.options.largeTimeline) {
height += 64;
css = Ox.extend({
width: self.width + 'px',
height: height + 'px'
}, self.options.fullscreen ? {
left: 0,
top: 0
} : {}, self.exitFullscreen ? {
left: self.absoluteOffset.left,
top: self.absoluteOffset.top
} : {});
} else if (element == 'playIcon') {
var playIconPadding = Math.round(self.iconSize * 1/8),
playIconSize = self.iconSize - 2 * playIconPadding - 4;
css = {
left: self.iconLeft + 'px',
top: self.iconTop + 'px',
width: playIconSize + 'px',
height: playIconSize + 'px',
padding: playIconPadding + 'px',
borderRadius: Math.round(self.iconSize / 2) + 'px'
} else if (element == 'poster' || element == 'video') {
var playerWidth = self.width,
playerHeight = self.height,
playerRatio = playerWidth / playerHeight,
videoWidth = self.video.videoWidth,
videoHeight = self.video.videoHeight,
videoRatio = videoWidth / videoHeight,
videoIsWider = videoRatio > playerRatio,
width, height;
if (self.options.scaleToFill) {
width = videoIsWider ? playerHeight * videoRatio : playerWidth;
height = videoIsWider ? playerHeight : playerWidth / videoRatio;
} else {
width = videoIsWider ? playerWidth : playerHeight * videoRatio;
height = videoIsWider ? playerWidth / videoRatio : playerHeight;
width = Math.round(width);
height = Math.round(height);
css = {
width: width + 'px',
height: height + 'px',
marginLeft: parseInt((playerWidth - width) / 2),
marginTop: parseInt((playerHeight - height) / 2)
} else if (element == 'progress') {
css = {
width: self.timelineImageWidth + 'px',
marginLeft: -self.timelineImageWidth + 'px'
} else if (element == 'subtitle') {
css = {
bottom: (parseInt(self.height / 16) + !!self.controlsBottomAreVisible * 16) + 'px',
width: self.width + 'px',
fontSize: parseInt(self.height / 20) + 'px',
WebkitTextStroke: (self.height / 1000) + 'px rgb(0, 0, 0)'
} else if (element == 'spaceBottom' || element == 'timeline') {
css = {
width: self.timelineWidth + 'px'
} else if (element == 'spaceTop' || element == 'title') {
css = {
width: getTitleWidth() + 'px'
} else if (element == 'videoContainer') {
css = {
width: self.width + 'px',
height: self.height + 'px'
} else if (element == 'volume') {
css = {
width: Math.min(184, self.width)
return css;
function getPosition(e) {
// fixme: no offsetX in firefox???
if ($.browser.mozilla) {
//Ox.print(e, e.layerX - 56)
return Ox.limit(
(e.layerX - 48 - self.barHeight / 2) / self.timelineImageWidth * self.video.duration,
0, self.video.duration
} else {
/*Ox.print(e.offsetX, Ox.limit(
(e.offsetX - self.barHeight / 2) / self.timelineImageWidth * self.video.duration,
0, self.video.duration
return Ox.limit(
(e.offsetX - self.barHeight / 2) / self.timelineImageWidth * self.video.duration,
0, self.video.duration
function getProgressImageURL() {
Ox.print('---', self.timelineImageWidth)
if (!self.timelineImageWidth) return;
var width = self.timelineImageWidth,
height = self.barHeight,
canvas = $('<canvas>')
width: width,
height: height
context = canvas.getContext('2d'),
imageData, data;
context.fillStyle = 'rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.5)';
context.fillRect(0, 0, width, height);
imageData = context.getImageData(0, 0, width, height),
data = imageData.data;
self.buffered.forEach(function(range) {
var left = Math.round(range[0] * width / self.video.duration),
right = Math.round(range[1] * width / self.video.duration);
Ox.loop(left, right, function(x) {
Ox.loop(height, function(y) {
index = x * 4 + y * 4 * width;
data[index + 3] = 0;
context.putImageData(imageData, 0, 0);
return canvas.toDataURL();
function getSubtitle() {
var subtitle = '';
Ox.forEach(self.options.subtitles, function(v) {
if (
v['in'] <= self.options.position &&
v.out > self.options.position
) {
subtitle = v.text;
return false;
return subtitle;
function getLargeTimeline() {
var $timeline = Ox.LargeVideoTimeline({
duration: self.options.duration,
find: self.options.find,
getImageURL: self.options.largeTimeline,
'in': self.options['in'],
out: self.options.out,
position: self.options.position,
subtitles: self.options.subtitles,
type: 'player',
width: self.options.width
position: 'absolute',
bottom: '12px',
marginLeft: 0,
position: function(data) {
setPosition(data.position, 'largeTimeline');
return $timeline;
function getTimeline() {
var $timeline = Ox.SmallVideoTimeline({
_offset: getTimelineLeft(),
duration: self.options.duration,
find: self.options.find,
'in': self.options['in'],
out: self.options.out,
paused: self.options.paused,
results: self.results,
showMilliseconds: self.options.showMilliseconds,
subtitles: self.options.subtitles,
timeline: self.options.timeline,
type: 'player',
width: getTimelineWidth()
float: 'left'
background: '-moz-linear-gradient(top, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5), rgba(64, 64, 64, 0.5))'
background: '-webkit-linear-gradient(top, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5), rgba(64, 64, 64, 0.5))'
position: function(data) {
setPosition(data.position, 'timeline');
//Ox.print('??', $timeline.find('.OxInterface'))
marginLeft: getTimelineLeft() + 'px'
marginLeft: getTimelineLeft() + 'px'
return $timeline;
function getTimelineLeft() {
var left = 0;
Ox.forEach(self.options.controlsBottom, function(control) {
if (control == 'timeline') {
return false;
left += control == 'position' ? self.positionWidth : 16
return left;
function getTimelineWidth() {
return (self.options.fullscreen ? window.innerWidth : self.options.width) -
self.options.controlsBottom.reduce(function(prev, curr) {
return prev + (
curr == 'timeline' || curr == 'space' ? 0 :
curr == 'position' ? self.positionWidth :
curr == 'resolution' ? 36 : 16
}, 0);
function getTitleWidth() {
return (self.options.fullscreen ? window.innerWidth : self.options.width) -
self.options.controlsTop.reduce(function(prev, curr) {
return prev + (
curr == 'title' || curr == 'space' ? 0 : 16
}, 0);
function getVolumeImageURL() {
var symbol;
if (self.options.muted || self.options.volume == 0) {
symbol = 'unmute';
} else if (self.options.volume < 1/3) {
symbol = 'VolumeUp';
} else if (self.options.volume < 2/3) {
symbol = 'VolumeDown';
} else {
symbol = 'mute';
return Ox.UI.getImagePath('symbol' + symbol + '.svg').replace('/classic/', '/modern/');
function hideControls() {
// fixme: slightly wrong name, this is about secondary controls
['find', 'volume', 'resolution'].forEach(function(element) {
var $element = self['$' + element];
$element && $element.is(':visible') && $element.animate({
opacity: 0
}, 250, function() {
$element.hide().css({opacity: 1});
self.options.fullscreen && hideInterface();
function hideInterface() {
self.interfaceTimeout = setTimeout(function() {
if (!self.exitFullscreen && !self.inputHasFocus && !self.mouseIsInControls) {
self.interfaceIsVisible = false;
self.controlsTopAreVisible = false;
self.controlsBottomAreVisible = false;
self.$controlsTop && self.$controlsTop.animate({
opacity: 0
}, 250);
self.$controlsBottom && self.$controlsBottom.animate({
opacity: 0
}, 250);
self.$find && self.$find.is(':visible') && self.$find.animate({
opacity: 0
}, 250);
self.$volume && self.$volume.is(':visible') && self.$volume.animate({
opacity: 0
}, 250);
self.$resolution && self.$resolution.is(':visible') && self.$resolution.animate({
opacity: 0
}, 250);
self.$logo && self.$logo.animate({
top: getCSS('logo').top,
opacity: 0.25
}, 250, function() {
self.options.logoLink && self.$logo.unbind('click');
self.options.logoTitle &&
self.$subtitle && self.$subtitle.animate({
bottom: getCSS('subtitle').bottom,
}, 250);
}, self.options.fullscreen ? 2500 : 1000);
function hideLoadingIcon() {
src: Ox.UI.getImagePath('symbolLoading.svg')
.replace('/classic/', '/modern/')
function loadedmetadata() {
var hadDuration = !!self.options.duration;
self.loaded = true;
self.out = self.options.playInToOut &&
self.options.out < self.video.duration ?
self.options.out : self.video.duration;
self.options.duration = self.out - self['in'];
self.video.currentTime = self.options.position;
self.playOnLoad && self.options.paused && togglePaused();
//self.$poster && self.$poster.css(getCSS('poster'));
if (self.options.showIcon || self.options.showIconOnLoad) {
//!self.options.keepIconVisible && self.$playIcon.addClass('OxInterface');
if (self.options.showIconOnLoad) {
opacity: 1
}, 250);
if (!hadDuration) {
self.$timeline && self.$timeline.replaceWith(
self.$timeline = getTimeline()
self.$largeTimeline && self.$largeTimeline.replaceWith(
self.$largeTimeline = getLargeTimeline()
if (self.options.enableKeyboard && self.options.focus == 'load') {
function parsePositionInput(str) {
var split = str.split(':').reverse();
while (split.length > 3) {
return split.reduce(function(prev, curr, i) {
return prev + (parseFloat(curr) || 0) * Math.pow(60, i);
}, 0);
function playing() {
self.options.position = self.video.currentTime;
if (
(self.options.playInToOut || self.playInToOut) &&
self.options.position >= self.options.out
) {
setPosition(self.options.out, 'video');
self.playInToOut = false;
} else {
setPosition(self.options.position, 'video');
that.triggerEvent('position', {
position: self.options.position
function playInToOut() {
if (self.options.out > self.options['in']) {
self.playInToOut = true;
if (self.options.paused) {
function progress() {
var buffered = self.video.buffered;
for (var i = 0; i < buffered.length; i++) {
self.buffered[i] = [buffered.start(i), buffered.end(i)];
// fixme: firefox weirdness
if (self.buffered[i][0] > self.buffered[i][1]) {
self.buffered[i][0] = 0;
src: getProgressImageURL()
function seeked() {
Ox.print('XX seeked')
self.seekTimeout = 0;
Ox.print('XX hide')
self.$playIcon && self.$playIcon.show();
function seeking() {
Ox.print('XX seeking')
if (!self.seekTimeout) {
self.seekTimeout = setTimeout(function() {
self.$playIcon && self.$playIcon.hide();
Ox.print('XX show')
}, 250);
function setMarkers() {
self.options.position == self.options.posterFrame ?
self.$posterMarker.show() : self.$posterMarker.hide();
Ox.forEach(self.$pointMarker, function(markers, point) {
Ox.forEach(markers, function(marker) {
self.options.position == self.options[point] ?
marker.show() : marker.hide();
function hideMarkers() {
Ox.forEach(self.$pointMarker, function(markers) {
Ox.forEach(markers, function(marker) {
function setPosition(position, from) {
position = Ox.limit(position, self['in'], self['out']);
self.options.position = Math.round(
position * self.options.fps
) / self.options.fps;
if (self.loaded && from != 'video') {
self.video.currentTime = self.options.position;
if (self.iconIsVisible) {
opacity: 0
}, 250);
self.iconIsVisible = false;
if (self.posterIsVisible) {
opacity: 0
}, 250);
self.posterIsVisible = false;
self.options.paused && setMarkers();
self.$subtitle && setSubtitle();
self.$timeline /*&& from != 'timeline'*/ && self.$timeline.options({
position: self.options.position
self.$largeTimeline && from != 'largeTimeline' && self.$largeTimeline.options({
position: self.options.position
self.$position && self.$position.html(formatPosition());
function setResolution() {
if (!self.options.paused) {
self.playOnLoad = true;
self.loaded = false;
self.video.src = self.options.video[self.options.resolution];
function setSizes(callback) {
var ms = callback ? 250 : 0;
self.width = self.options.fullscreen ? window.innerWidth : self.options.width;
self.height = self.options.fullscreen ? window.innerHeight : self.options.height;
self.iconSize = Math.max(Math.round(self.height / 10), 16),
self.iconLeft = parseInt((self.width - self.iconSize) / 2),
self.iconTop = parseInt((self.height - self.iconSize) / 2);
if (self.$timeline || self.$spaceBottom) {
self.timelineWidth = getTimelineWidth();
if (self.$timeline) {
self.timelineImageWidth = self.timelineWidth - self.barHeight;
that.animate(getCSS('player'), ms, callback);
self.$videoContainer.animate(getCSS('videoContainer'), ms);
self.loaded && self.$video.animate(getCSS('video'), ms);
self.$poster && self.$poster.animate(getCSS('poster'), ms);
self.$logo && self.$logo.animate(getCSS('logo'), ms);
self.$loadingIcon.animate(getCSS('loadingIcon'), ms);
self.$playIcon && self.$playIcon.animate(getCSS('playIcon'), ms);
self.$subtitle && self.$subtitle.animate(getCSS('subtitle'), ms);
self.$controlsTop && self.$controlsTop.animate(getCSS('controlsTop'), ms);
self.$title && self.$title.animate(getCSS('title'), ms);
self.$spaceTop && self.$spaceTop.animate(getCSS('spaceTop'), ms);
self.$controlsBottom && self.$controlsBottom.animate(getCSS('controlsBottom'), ms);
if (self.$timeline) {
self.$timeline.animate(getCSS('timeline'), ms, function() {
width: self.timelineWidth
self.$spaceBottom && self.$spaceBottom.animate(getCSS('spaceBottom'), ms);
if (self.$find) {
self.$find.animate(getCSS('find'), ms);
width: Math.min(128, self.width - 80)
if (self.$volume) {
self.$volume.animate(getCSS('volume'), ms);
size: Math.min(128, self.width - 56) // fixme: should be width in Ox.Range
self.$largeTimeline && self.$largeTimeline.options({
width: self.width
function setSubtitle() {
var subtitle = getSubtitle();
if (subtitle != self.subtitle) {
self.subtitle = subtitle;
function setSubtitleText() {
Ox.print('setSubTx', self.subtitle, self.options.find)
self.subtitle ?
Ox.highlight(self.subtitle, self.options.find, 'OxHighlight')
.replace(/\n/g, '<br/>') : '&nbsp;<br/>&nbsp;'
// FIXME: weird bug, only in fullscreen, only in chrome
Ox.print('?!?', self.$subtitle.css('bottom'), self.$subtitle.height())
function changeVolumeBy(num) {
self.options.volume = Ox.limit(self.options.volume + num, 0, 1);
self.$volumeInput && self.$volumeInput.options({
value: self.options.volume
function setVolume(volume) {
self.options.volume = volume;
if (!!self.options.volume == self.options.muted) {
self.options.muted = !self.options.muted;
self.video.muted = self.options.muted;
self.video.volume = self.options.volume;
src: getVolumeImageURL()
self.$volumeValue.html(self.options.muted ? 0 : Math.round(self.options.volume * 100));
function showInterface() {
if (!self.interfaceIsVisible) {
self.interfaceIsVisible = true;
if (self.$controlsTop) {
self.controlsTopAreVisible = true;
if (self.$controlsBottom) {
self.controlsBottomAreVisible = true;
self.$controlsTop && self.$controlsTop.animate({
opacity: 1
}, 250);
self.$controlsBottom && self.$controlsBottom.animate({
opacity: 1
}, 250);
self.$find && self.$find.is(':visible') && self.$find.animate({
opacity: 1
}, 250);
self.$volume && self.$volume.is(':visible') && self.$volume.animate({
opacity: 1
}, 250);
self.$resolution && self.$resolution.is(':visible') && self.$resolution.animate({
opacity: 1
}, 250);
self.$logo && self.$logo.animate({
top: getCSS('logo').top,
opacity: 0.5
}, 250, function() {
self.options.logoLink && self.$logo
click: function() {
document.location.href = self.options.logoLink;
self.options.logoTitle && self.$logo
mouseenter: function(e) {
mouseleave: self.$logoTooltip.hide
self.$subtitle && self.$subtitle.animate({
bottom: getCSS('subtitle').bottom,
}, 250);
function showLoadingIcon() {
src: Ox.UI.getImagePath('symbolLoadingAnimated.svg')
.replace('/classic/', '/modern/')
function showVolume() {
!self.interfaceIsVisible && showInterface();
self.$volume && self.$volume.is(':hidden') && toggleVolume();
function submitFindInput(value, hasPressedEnter) {
self.options.find = value;
self.results = find(self.options.find, hasPressedEnter);
self.subtitle && setSubtitleText();
self.$timeline && self.$timeline.options({
find: self.options.find,
results: self.results
if (hasPressedEnter && self.results.length) {
function goToNextResult(direction) {
var found = false,
position = 0;
direction == -1 && self.results.reverse();
Ox.forEach(self.results, function(v) {
if (direction == 1 ? v['in'] > self.options.position : v['out'] < self.options.position) {
position = v['in'];
found = true;
return false;
direction == -1 && self.results.reverse();
if (!found) {
position = self.results[direction == 1 ? 0 : self.results.length - 1]['in'];
setPosition(position + self.secondsPerFrame);
function submitPositionInput() {
if (self.playOnSubmit) {
self.playOnSubmit = false;
if (self.focus == 'mouseenter' && !self.mouseHasLeft) {
self.mouseHasLeft && hideInterface();
function toggleFind() {
var show = self.$find.is(':hidden');
!show && self.$findInput.blurInput();
show && self.$findInput.focusInput(false);
function toggleFullscreen(from) {
var parentOffset, playOnFullscreen;
self.options.fullscreen = !self.options.fullscreen;
if (!self.options.paused) {
// video won't keep playing accross detach/append
playOnFullscreen = true;
if (self.options.fullscreen) {
self.$parent = that.parent();
parentOffset = self.$parent.offset();
self.absoluteOffset = that.offset();
self.relativeOffset = {
left: self.absoluteOffset.left - parentOffset.left,
top: self.absoluteOffset.top - parentOffset.top
left: self.absoluteOffset.left + 'px',
top: self.absoluteOffset.top + 'px',
zIndex: 1000
setSizes(function() {
playOnFullscreen && self.video.play();
mousemove: function() {
mouseenter: function() {
self.mouseIsInControls = true;
mouseleave: function() {
self.mouseIsInControls = false;
} else {
// flag makes the animation end on absolute position
self.exitFullscreen = true;
setSizes(function() {
self.exitFullscreen = false;
left: self.relativeOffset.left + 'px',
top: self.relativeOffset.top + 'px',
zIndex: 1
playOnFullscreen && self.video.play();
self.options.enableKeyboard && that.gainFocus();
if (self.$fullscreenButton && from != 'button') {
function toggleMuted(from) {
self.options.muted = !self.options.muted;
self.video.muted = self.options.muted;
if (!self.options.muted && !self.options.volume) {
self.options.volume = 1;
self.video.volume = 1;
if (self.$muteButton && from != 'button') {
self.$volumeButton && self.$volumeButton.attr({
src: getVolumeImageURL()
self.$volumeInput && self.$volumeInput.options({
value: self.options.muted ? 0 : self.options.volume
self.$volumeValue && self.$volumeValue.html(
self.options.muted ? 0 : Math.round(self.options.volume * 100)
function togglePaused(from) {
self.options.paused = !self.options.paused;
self.$timeline && self.$timeline.options({
paused: self.options.paused
if (self.options.paused) {
if (self.options.showIcon) {
self.options.showIcon && self.$playIcon.animate({
opacity: 1
}, 250);
} else {
if (self.options.playInToOut && self.options.position > self.options.out - self.secondsPerFrame) {
self.playInterval = setInterval(playing, self.millisecondsPerFrame);
if (self.options.showIcon) {
self.options.showIcon && self.$playIcon.animate({
opacity: 0
}, 250, togglePlayIcon);
if (self.$playButton && from != 'button') {
function togglePlayIcon() {
src: Ox.UI.getImagePath(
'symbol' + (self.options.paused ? 'Play' : 'Pause'
)+ '.svg').replace('/classic/', '/modern/')
function toggleScale(from) {
self.options.scaleToFill = !self.options.scaleToFill;
self.$video.animate(getCSS('video'), 250);
self.$poster && self.$poster.animate(getCSS('poster'), 250);
if (self.$scaleButton && from != 'button') {
function toggleSize() {
self.options.sizeIsLarge = !self.options.sizeIsLarge;
that.triggerEvent('size', {
size: self.options.sizeIsLarge ? 'large' : 'small'
function toggleVolume() {
self.setOption = function(key, value) {
if (key == 'fullscreen') {
} else if (key == 'height' || key == 'width') {
} else if (key == 'muted') {
} else if (key == 'paused') {
} else if (key == 'position') {
} else if (key == 'scaleToFill') {
that.playInToOut = function() {
return that;
return that;