
1361 lines
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// vim: et:ts=4:sw=4:sts=4:ft=javascript
Ox.Map <function> Basic map object
# DESCRIPTION --------------------------------------------------------------
<code>Ox.Map</code> is a wrapper around the
<a href="http://code.google.com/apis/maps/documentation/javascript/">Google
Maps API</a>.
# USAGE --------------------------------------------------------------------
() -> <f> Map object
(options) -> <f> Map object
(options, self) -> <f> Map object
# ARGUMENTS ----------------------------------------------------------------
options <o|{}> options
clickable <b|false> If true, clicking on the map finds a place
editable <b|false> If true, places are editable
find <s|""> Initial query
findPlaceholder <s|"Find"> Placeholder text for the find input element
maxMarkers <n|100> Maximum number of markers to be displayed
places <[o]|f|null> Array of, or function that returns, place objects
countryCode <s> ISO 3166 country code
east <n> Longitude of the eastern boundary in degrees
editable <b|false> If true, the place is editable
geoname <s> Geoname (like "Paris, Île-de-France, France")
lat <n> Latitude in degrees
lng <n> Longitude in degrees
markerColor <s|"red"> CSS color of the place marker
markerSize <n|16> size of the place marker in px
name <s> Name (like "Paris")
north <n> Latitude of the northern boundary in degrees
south <n> Latitude of the southern boundary in degrees
type <s> Type (like "city" or "country")
west <n> Longitude of the western boundary in degrees
selected <s|""> Id of the selected place
showControls <b|false> If true, show controls
showLabels <b|false> If true, show labels on the map
showTypes <b|false> If true, color markers according to place type
statusbar <b|false> If true, the map has a statusbar
toolbar <b|false> If true, the map has a toolbar
zoombar <b|false> If true, the map has a zoombar
self <o|{}> Shared private variable
# EVENTS -------------------------------------------------------------------
addplace <!> Fires when a place has been added
place <o> Place object
editplace <!> Fires when a place has been edited
place <o> Place object
geocode <!> Fires when a google geocode request returns
latLng <o|u> Query coordinates, or undefined
lat <n> latitude
lng <n> longitude
address <s|u> Query string, or undefined
results <[o]> Google Maps geocode results
address_components <[o]> Address components
long_name <s> Long name
short_name <s> Short name
types <[s]> Types (like "country" or "political")
formatted_address <s> Formatted address
geometry <o> Geometry
bounds <o> Bounds
northEast <o> North-east corner
lat <n> Latitude
lng <n> Longitude
southWest <o> South-west corner
lat <n> Latitude
lng <n> Longitude
location <o> Location
lat <n> Latitude
lng <n> Longitude
location_type <s> Location type (like "APPROXIMATE")
viewport <o> Viewport
northEast <o> North-east corner
lat <n> Latitude
lng <n> Longitude
southWest <o> South-west corner
lat <n> Latitude
lng <n> Longitude
types <[s]> Types (like "country" or "political")
selectplace <!> Fires when a place has been selected or deselected
place <o> Place object
# EXAMPLES -----------------------------------------------------------------
// simple
Ox.load('UI', function() {
> Ox.Map() === true
> Ox.Map() === false
Ox.Map = function(options, self) {
self = self || {};
var that = Ox.Element({}, self)
// fixme: isClickable? hasZoombar?
clickable: false,
editable: false,
find: '',
findPlaceholder: 'Find',
maxMarkers: 100,
places: null,
selected: null,
showControls: false,
showLabels: false,
showTypes: false,
statusbar: false,
toolbar: false,
zoombar: false
// fixme: width, height
.options(options || {})
.click(function(e) {
!$(e.target).is('input') && that.gainFocus();
key_0: function() {
key_down: function() {
pan(0, 1);
key_enter: pressEnter,
key_escape: pressEscape,
key_equal: function() {
key_l: toggleLabels,
key_left: function() {
pan(-1, 0);
key_meta: function() {
self.metaKey = true;
keyup: function() {
self.metaKey = false;
key_minus: function() {
key_right: function() {
pan(1, 0);
key_shift: function() {
self.shiftKey = true;
keyup: function() {
self.shiftKey = false;
key_shift_down: function() {
pan(0, 2);
key_shift_0: function() {
key_shift_equal: function() {
key_shift_left: function() {
pan(-2, 0);
key_shift_minus: function() {
key_shift_right: function() {
pan(2, 0);
key_shift_up: function() {
pan(0, -2);
key_up: function() {
pan(0, -1);
key_z: undo
self.isAsync = Ox.isFunction(self.options.places);
self.mapHeight = getMapHeight();
self.minZoom = getMinZoom();
self.placeKeys = [
'id', 'name', 'alternativeNames', 'geoname', 'countryCode', 'type',
'lat', 'lng', 'south', 'west', 'north', 'east', 'area',
self.scaleMeters = [
50000000, 20000000, 10000000,
5000000, 2000000, 1000000,
500000, 200000, 100000,
50000, 20000, 10000,
5000, 2000, 1000,
500, 200, 100,
50, 20, 10
Ox.extend(self, {
metaKey: false,
resultPlace: null,
shiftKey: false
if (self.options.toolbar) {
self.$toolbar = Ox.Bar({
size: 24
self.$select = Ox.Select({
items: [
{id: 'new Place', title: 'New Place...', keyboard: 'n'},
{id: 'toggleLabels', title: 'Show Labels', keyboard: 'l', checked: self.options.showLabels},
{id: 'toggleControls', title: 'Show Controls', keyboard: 'c', checked: self.options.showControls},
min: 0,
max: 2,
title: 'Options...',
width: 96
.css({float: 'left', margin: '4px'})
self.$labelsButton = Ox.Checkbox({
title: 'Labels',
width: 64
.css({float: 'left', margin: '4px'})
change: toggleLabels
self.$findInput = Ox.Input({
clear: true,
placeholder: self.options.findPlaceholder,
width: 192
.css({float: 'right', margin: '4px'})
submit: submitFind
self.$map = Ox.Element()
left: 0,
top: self.options.toolbar * 24 + 'px',
right: 0,
bottom: self.options.zoombar * 16 + self.options.statusbar * 24 + 'px'
if (self.options.zoombar) {
self.$zoombar = Ox.Bar({
size: 16
bottom: self.options.statusbar * 24 + 'px'
if (self.options.statusbar) {
self.$statusbar = Ox.Bar({
size: 24
bottom: 0
self.$placeFlag = $('<img>')
src: Ox.PATH + 'Ox.Geo/png/icons/16/NTHH.png'
.css({float: 'left', margin: '4px 2px 4px 4px'})
self.$placeNameInput = Ox.Input({
placeholder: 'Name',
width: 96
//.css({position: 'absolute', left: 4, top: 4})
.css({float: 'left', margin: '4px 2px 4px 2px'})
self.$placeGeonameInput = Ox.Input({
placeholder: 'Geoname',
width: 96
//.css({position: 'absolute', left: 104, top: 4})
.css({float: 'left', margin: '4px 2px 4px 2px'})
self.$placeButton = Ox.Button({
title: 'New Place',
width: 96
.css({float: 'right', margin: '4px 4px 4px 2px'})
click: clickPlaceButton
self.$navigationButtons = {
'center': Ox.Button({
title: 'close',
type: 'image'
left: '24px',
top: '24px'
'east': Ox.Button({
title: 'right',
type: 'image'
left: '44px',
top: '24px',
'north': Ox.Button({
title: 'up',
type: 'image'
left: '24px',
top: '4px',
'south': Ox.Button({
title: 'down',
type: 'image'
left: '24px',
top: '44px',
'west': Ox.Button({
title: 'left',
type: 'image'
left: '4px',
top: '24px',
Ox.forEach(self.$navigationButtons, function($button) {
src: $button.attr('src').replace('/classic/', '/modern/')
self.$scaleLabel = Ox.Label({
textAlign: 'center',
title: '...' // fixme ???
.css({right: '4px', top: '4px'});
if (!self.isAsync) {
self.options.places.forEach(function(place) {
if (Ox.isUndefined(place.id)) {
place.id = Ox.encodeBase32(Ox.uid());
if (!window.googleCallback) {
window.googleCallback = function() {
delete window.googleCallback;
} else {
(function interval() {
window.google ? initMap() : setTimeout(interval, 100);
function addPlaceToMap(place) {
// via find, click, shift-click, or new place button
Ox.print('addPlaceToMap', place)
var exists = false;
if (!place) {
var bounds = self.map.getBounds(),
center = self.map.getCenter(),
southwest = new google.maps.LatLngBounds(
bounds.getSouthWest(), center
northeast = new google.maps.LatLngBounds(
center, bounds.getNorthEast()
place = new Ox.MapPlace({
alternativeNames: [],
countryCode: '',
editable: true,
geoname: '',
id: '_' + Ox.encodeBase32(Ox.uid()), // fixme: stupid
map: that,
name: '',
type: 'feature',
south: southwest.lat(),
west: southwest.lng(),
north: northeast.lat(),
east: northeast.lng()
Ox.forEach(self.places, function(p, i) {
if (place.bounds.equals(p.bounds)) {
place = p;
exists = true;
return false;
if (!exists) {
self.resultPlace && self.resultPlace.remove();
self.resultPlace = place;
function addPlaceToPlaces(data) {
var place = getSelectedPlace(),
country = Ox.getCountryByGeoname(place.geoname);
Ox.extend(place, data);
self.options.selected = place.id;
place.countryCode = country ? country.code : '';
Ox.print('addP2P', data, place);
self.resultPlace = null;
that.triggerEvent('addplace', place)
//Ox.print('SSSS', self.options.selected)
function boundsChanged() {
self.boundsChanged = true;
function canContain(outerBounds, innerBounds) {
// checks if outerBounds _can_ contain innerBounds
var outerSpan = outerBounds.toSpan(),
innerSpan = innerBounds.toSpan();
return outerSpan.lat() > innerSpan.lat() &&
outerSpan.lng() > innerSpan.lng();
function centerChanged() {
self.center = self.map.getCenter();
self.centerChanged = true;
function changeZoom(data) {
function clickMap(event) {
if (self.options.clickable/* && !editing()*/) {
getPlaceByLatLng(event.latLng, self.map.getBounds(), function(place) {
if (place) {
} else {
function clickPlaceButton() {
var place = getSelectedPlace(),
title = self.$placeButton.options('title');
if (title == 'New Place') {
} else if (title == 'Add Place') {
} else if (title == 'Remove Place') {
function constructZoomInput() {
//Ox.print('constructZoomInput', self.minZoom, self.maxZoom)
if (self.options.zoombar) {
self.$zoomInput && self.$zoomInput.removeElement();
self.$zoomInput = Ox.Range({
arrows: true,
max: self.maxZoom,
min: self.minZoom,
size: that.width(),
thumbSize: 32,
thumbValue: true,
value: self.map.getZoom()
change: changeZoom
function editing() {
var place = getSelectedPlace();
return place && place.editing;
function getElevation(point, callback) {
// fixme: unused
if (arguments.length == 1) {
callback = point;
point = self.map.getCenter();
locations: [point]
}, function(data) {
function getMapBounds(callback) {
// get initial map bounds
var mapBounds;
if (!self.isAsync) {
self.options.places.forEach(function(place, i) {
var bounds = getBounds(place);
mapBounds = i == 0 ? bounds : mapBounds.union(bounds);
} else {
self.options.places({}, function(result) {
function getBounds(place) {
return new google.maps.LatLngBounds(
new google.maps.LatLng(place.south, place.west),
new google.maps.LatLng(place.north, place.east)
function getMapHeight() {
return self.options.height
- self.options.statusbar * 24
- self.options.toolbar * 24
- self.options.zoombar * 16;
function getMapType() {
return self.options.showLabels ? 'HYBRID' : 'SATELLITE'
function getMaxZoom(point, callback) {
if (arguments.length == 1) {
callback = point;
point = self.map.getCenter();
self.maxZoomService.getMaxZoomAtLatLng(point, function(data) {
callback(data.status == 'OK' ? data.zoom : null);
function getMetersPerPixel() {
// m/px = m/deg * deg/px
var degreesPerPixel = 360 / (Ox.MAP_TILE_SIZE * Math.pow(2, self.map.getZoom()));
return Ox.getMetersPerDegree(self.map.getCenter().lat()) * degreesPerPixel;
function getMinZoom() {
return self.mapHeight > 1024 ? 3
: self.mapHeight > 512 ? 2
: self.mapHeight > 256 ? 1
: 0;
// fixme: there must be a function for this...
return Math.ceil(
Ox.log(self.mapHeight / Ox.MAP_TILE_SIZE, 2)
function getPlaceById(id) {
var place = Ox.getObjectById(self.places, id);
if (!place && self.resultPlace && self.resultPlace.id == id) {
place = self.resultPlace;
//Ox.print('getPlaceById', id, place)
return place;
function getPlaceByLatLng(latlng, bounds, callback) {
// gets the largest place at latlng that would fit in bounds
//Ox.print('ll b', latlng, bounds)
var callback = arguments.length == 3 ? callback : bounds,
bounds = arguments.length == 3 ? bounds : null;
latLng: latlng
}, function(results, status) {
//Ox.print('results', results)
var length = results.length;
if (status == google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK) {
if (bounds) {
Ox.forEach(results.reverse(), function(result, i) {
if (
i == length - 1 ||
canContain(bounds, result.geometry.bounds || result.geometry.viewport)
) {
callback(new Ox.MapPlace(parseGeodata(results[i])));
return false;
} else {
callback(new Ox.MapPlace(parseGeodata(results[0])));
if (
status == google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK ||
status == google.maps.GeocoderStatus.ZERO_RESULTS
) {
latLng: latlng,
results: results
} else {
Ox.print('geocode failed:', status);
function getPlaceByName(name, callback) {
address: name
}, function(results, status) {
if (status == google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK) {
callback(new Ox.MapPlace(parseGeodata(results[0])));
if (
status == google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK
&& status != google.maps.GeocoderStatus.ZERO_RESULTS
) {
address: name,
results: results
} else {
Ox.print('geocode failed:', status);
function getPositionByName(name) {
var position = -1;
Ox.forEach(self.options.places, function(place, i) {
if (place.name == name) {
position = i;
return false;
return position;
function getSelectedMarker() {
// needed in case self.options.selected
// is changed from outside
var id = null;
if (self.resultPlace && self.resultPlace.selected) {
id = self.resultPlace.id;
} else {
Ox.forEach(self.places, function(place) {
if (place.selected) {
id = place.id;
return false;
return id;
function getSelectedPlace() {
return self.options.selected ?
getPlaceById(self.options.selected) : null;
function initMap() {
getMapBounds(function(mapBounds) {
Ox.print('init', mapBounds.getSouthWest(), mapBounds.getNorthEast(), mapBounds.getCenter())
self.elevationService = new google.maps.ElevationService();
self.geocoder = new google.maps.Geocoder();
self.maxZoomService = new google.maps.MaxZoomService();
self.center = mapBounds ? mapBounds.getCenter() : new google.maps.LatLng(0, 0);
self.zoom = 1; // fixme: should depend on height
that.map = self.map = new google.maps.Map(self.$map.$element[0], {
center: self.center,
disableDefaultUI: true,
disableDoubleClickZoom: true,
mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId[getMapType()],
zoom: self.zoom
google.maps.event.addListener(self.map, 'bounds_changed', boundsChanged);
google.maps.event.addListener(self.map, 'center_changed', centerChanged);
google.maps.event.addListener(self.map, 'click', clickMap);
google.maps.event.addListener(self.map, 'idle', mapChanged);
google.maps.event.addListener(self.map, 'zoom_changed', zoomChanged);
google.maps.event.addListenerOnce(self.map, 'tilesloaded', tilesLoaded);
if (self.options.find) {
self.$findInput.options({value: self.options.find})
.triggerEvent('submit', {value: self.options.find});
} else if (self.options.selected) {
} else {
mapBounds && self.map.fitBounds(mapBounds);
if (self.map.getZoom() < self.minZoom) {
self.places = [];
if (!self.isAsync) {
self.options.places.forEach(function(place, i) {
self.places[i] = new Ox.MapPlace(Ox.extend({
map: that
}, place));
google.maps.event.trigger(self.map, 'resize');
function tilesLoaded() {
// fixme: can add earlier, use don't replace map contents option
Ox.forEach(self.$navigationButtons, function(button) {
function crossesDateline() {
var bounds = self.map.getBounds();
return bounds.getSouthWest().lng() > bounds.getNorthEast().lng();
function mapChanged() {
// gets called after panning or zooming
var bounds;
if (self.boundsChanged) {
var bounds = self.map.getBounds(),
southWest = bounds.getSouthWest(),
northEast = bounds.getNorthEast(),
south = southWest.lat(),
west = southWest.lng(),
north = northEast.lat(),
east = northEast.lng();
if (!self.isAsync) {
self.places.sort(function(a, b) {
var sort = {
a: a.selected ? Infinity :
bounds.contains(a.center) ? a.area : -Infinity,
b: b.selected ? Infinity :
bounds.contains(b.center) ? b.area : -Infinity,
return sort.b - sort.a;
}).forEach(function(place, i) {
if (i < self.options.maxMarkers && !place.visible) {
} else if (i >= self.options.maxMarkers && place.visible) {
} else {
Ox.print ('sG cD', spansGlobe(), crossesDateline())
keys: self.placeKeys,
query: {
conditions: Ox.merge([
{key: 'lat', value: [south, north], operator: '-'}
], spansGlobe() ? [
{key: 'lng', value: [-180, 180], operator: '-'}
] : crossesDateline() ? [
{key: 'lng', value: [east, west], operator: '!-'}
] : [
{key: 'lng', value: [west, east], operator: '-'}
operator: '&'
range: [0, self.options.maxMarkers],
sort: [{key: 'area', operator: '-'}]
}, function(result) {
Ox.print('RESULT', result)
var ids = [];
result.data.items.forEach(function(item, i) {
var place = getPlaceById(item.id);
if (!place) {
new Ox.MapPlace(Ox.extend({
map: that
}, item)).add()
} else if (!place.visible) {
self.places.forEach(function(place) {
if (
!place.selected && place.visible
&& ids.indexOf(place.id) == -1
) {
self.boundsChanged = false;
if (self.centerChanged) {
getMaxZoom(function(zoom) {
if (zoom && zoom != self.maxZoom) {
self.maxZoom = zoom;
if (self.map.getZoom() > zoom) {
self.centerChanged = false;
if (self.zoomChanged) {
self.zoomChanged = false;
function pan(x, y) {
self.map.panBy(x * self.$map.width() / 2, y * self.$map.height() / 2);
function parseGeodata(data) {
var bounds = data.geometry.bounds || data.geometry.viewport,
northEast = bounds.getNorthEast(),
southWest = bounds.getSouthWest(),
place = {
alternativeNames: [],
components: data.address_components,
countryCode: getCountryCode(data.address_components),
east: northEast.lng(),
editable: self.options.editable,
fullGeoname: getFullGeoname(data.address_components),
id: '_' + Ox.encodeBase32(Ox.uid()),
map: that,
north: northEast.lat(),
south: southWest.lat(),
type: getType(data.address_components[0].types),
west: southWest.lng()
place.geoname = data.formatted_address || place.fullGeoname;
place.name = (place.geoname || place.fullGeoname).split(', ')[0];
if (Math.abs(place.west) == 180 && Math.abs(place.east) == 180) {
place.west = -179.99999999;
place.east = 179.99999999;
place.south = Ox.limit(place.south, Ox.MIN_LATITUDE, Ox.MAX_LATITUDE - 0.00000001);
place.north = Ox.limit(place.north, Ox.MIN_LATITUDE + 0.00000001, Ox.MAX_LATITUDE);
function getCountryCode(components) {
countryCode = '';
Ox.forEach(components, function(component) {
if (component.types.indexOf('country') > -1) {
countryCode = component.short_name;
return false;
return countryCode;
function getFullGeoname(components) {
var country = false;
return components.map(function(component, i) {
var name = component.long_name;
if (i && components[i - 1].types.indexOf('country') > -1) {
country = true;
return !country && (
i == 0 || name != components[i - 1].long_name
) ? name : null;
}).join(', ');
function getType(types) {
Ox.print('getType', types)
// see http://code.google.com/apis/maps/documentation/javascript/services.html#GeocodingAddressTypes
var strings = {
'country': ['country'],
'region': ['administrative_area', 'colloquial_area'],
'city': ['locality'],
'borough': ['neighborhood', 'postal_code', 'sublocality'],
'street': [
'intersection', 'route',
'street_address', 'street_number'
'building': [
'airport', 'establishment', 'floor',
'premise', 'room', 'subpremise'
type = 'feature';
Ox.forEach(strings, function(values, key) {
Ox.forEach(values, function(value) {
if (find(value)) {
type = key;
return false;
return type == 'feature';
return type;
function find(type) {
var ret;
Ox.forEach(types, function(v) {
ret = Ox.startsWith(v, type);
return !ret;
return ret;
return place;
function pressEnter() {
var place = getSelectedPlace();
if (place) {
if (place.editing) {
} else {
} else if (self.resultPlace) {
function pressEscape() {
var place = getSelectedPlace();
if (place) {
if (place.editing) {
} else {
} else if (self.resultPlace) {
self.resultPlace = null;
function removePlace() {
var place = getSelectedPlace();
place.id = '_' + place.id;
self.options.selected = place.id;
//Ox.print('removePlace', Ox.getObjectById(self.places, place.id))
self.places.splice(Ox.getPositionById(self.places, place.id), 1);
self.resultPlace && self.resultPlace.remove();
self.resultPlace = place;
function reset() {
//Ox.print(self.map.getZoom(), self.zoom);
self.map.getZoom() == self.zoom ?
self.map.panTo(self.center) :
function resizeMap() {
Ox.print('resizeMap', self.options.width, self.options.height);
var center = self.map.getCenter();
self.mapHeight = getMapHeight();
self.minZoom = getMinZoom();
height: self.options.height + 'px',
width: self.options.width + 'px'
height: self.mapHeight + 'px',
width: self.options.width + 'px'
google.maps.event.trigger(self.map, 'resize');
function selectPlace(id) {
// id can be null (deselect)
var place,
selected = getSelectedMarker();
Ox.print('Ox.Map selectPlace()', id, selected);
if (id != selected) {
place = getPlaceById(selected);
place && place.deselect();
if (id !== null) {
place = getPlaceById(id);
if (place) {
} else {
// async && place doesn't exist yet
keys: self.placeKeys,
query: {
conditions: [
{key: 'id', value: id, operator: '=='}
operator: '&'
}, function(result) {
if (result.data.items.length) {
place = new Ox.MapPlace(Ox.extend({
map: that
}, result.data.items[0])).add();
} else {
place = null;
function select() {
place && place.select();
self.options.selected = id;
that.triggerEvent('selectplace', place);
// FIXME: all these events should rather pass {place: place}
function setScale() {
var metersPerPixel = getMetersPerPixel();
Ox.forEach(self.scaleMeters, function(meters) {
var scaleWidth = Math.round(meters / metersPerPixel);
if (scaleWidth <= self.options.width / 2 - 4) {
title: '\u2190 ' + (
meters > 1000 ? Ox.formatNumber(meters / 1000) + ' k' : meters + ' '
) + 'm \u2192'
width: (scaleWidth - 16) + 'px'
return false;
function setStatus() {
//Ox.print('setStatus()', self.options.selected)
var code, country, disabled, place, title;
if (self.options.statusbar) {
place = getSelectedPlace();
country = place ? Ox.getCountryByGeoname(place.geoname) : '';
code = country ? country.code : 'NTHH';
disabled = place && !place.editable;
if (place) {
title = place.id[0] == '_' ? 'Add Place' : 'Remove Place';
} else {
title = 'New Place';
src: Ox.PATH + 'Ox.Geo/png/icons/16/' + code + '.png'
disabled: disabled,
value: place ? place.name : ''
disabled: disabled,
value: place ? place.geoname : ''
disabled: disabled,
title: title
//Ox.print('STATUS DONE');
function spansGlobe() {
// fixme: or self.options.width ??
return self.$map.width() > Ox.MAP_TILE_SIZE * Math.pow(2, self.map.getZoom());
function submitFind(data) {
that.findPlace(data.value, function(place) {
function toggleLabels() {
self.options.showLabels = !self.options.showLabels
//Ox.print('toggle', getMapType())
title: self.$labelsButton.options('title') == 'Show Labels' ?
'Hide Labels' : 'Show Labels'
function triggerGeocodeEvent(data) {
// someone may want to cache google geocode data, so we fire an event.
// google puts functions like lat or lng on the objects' prototypes,
// so we create properly named properties, for json encoding
if (data.latLng) {
data.latLng = {
lat: data.latLng.lat(),
lng: data.latLng.lng()
data.results.forEach(function(result) {
['bounds', 'viewport'].forEach(function(key) {
if (result.geometry[key]) {
result.geometry[key] = {
northEast: {
lat: result.geometry[key].getNorthEast().lat(),
lng: result.geometry[key].getNorthEast().lng()
southWest: {
lat: result.geometry[key].getSouthWest().lat(),
lng: result.geometry[key].getSouthWest().lng()
if (result.geometry.location) {
result.geometry.location = {
lat: result.geometry.location.lat(),
lng: result.geometry.location.lng()
that.triggerEvent('geocode', data);
function undo() {
Ox.print('Map undo')
var place = getSelectedPlace();
place.editing && place.undo();
function updateFormElements() {
var width = that.width();
self.$zoomInput && constructZoomInput();
if (self.options.statusbar) {
width: Math.floor((width - 132) / 2)
width: Math.ceil((width - 132) / 2)
function zoom(z) {
self.map.setZoom(self.map.getZoom() + z);
function zoomChanged() {
var zoom = self.map.getZoom();
if (zoom < self.minZoom) {
} else if (self.maxZoom && zoom > self.maxZoom) {
} else {
self.zoomChanged = true;
self.$zoomInput && self.$zoomInput.options({value: zoom});
that.triggerEvent('zoom', {
value: zoom
function zoomToPlace() {
if (self.options.selected !== null) {
self.setOption = function(key, value) {
/*if (key == 'height' || key == 'width') {
} else */if (key == 'places') {
//fixme: should zoom to new bounds
} else if (key == 'selected') {
} else if (key == 'type') {
that.addPlace = function(data) {
that.getKey = function() {
var key = null;
if (self.shiftKey) {
key = 'shift'
} else if (self.metaKey) {
key = 'meta'
return key;
that.getSelectedPlace = function() {
return getSelectedPlace();
that.editPlace = function() {
return that;
that.editPlace = function(data) {
var place = getPlaceById(self.options.selected);
return that;
that.findPlace = function(name, callback) {
getPlaceByName(name, function(place) {
if (place) {
} else {
name && self.$findInput.addClass('OxError');
that.newPlace = function(place) {
that.panToPlace = function() {
Ox.print('panToPlace:', self.options.selected)
var place = getSelectedPlace();
place && self.map.panTo(place.center);
return that;
that.removePlace = function() {
// fixme: removePlaceFromPlaces() ?
return that;
that.resizeMap = function() {
Ox.print('resizeMap', self.options.width, self.options.height);
var center = self.map.getCenter();
self.mapHeight = getMapHeight();
self.minZoom = getMinZoom();
height: self.options.height + 'px',
width: self.options.width + 'px'
height: self.mapHeight + 'px',
width: self.options.width + 'px'
google.maps.event.trigger(self.map, 'resize');
var center = self.map.getCenter();
self.options.height = that.$element.height();
self.options.width = that.$element.width();
Ox.print(self.options.width, self.options.height)
height: self.mapHeight + 'px',
width: self.options.width + 'px'
google.maps.event.trigger(self.map, 'resize');
self.options.zoombar && self.$zoomInput.options({
size: self.options.width
self.options.height = that.$element.height();
self.options.width = that.$element.width();
self.mapHeight = getMapHeight();
self.minZoom = getMinZoom();
Ox.print('map w/h', self.options.width, self.options.height)
height: self.mapHeight + 'px',
width: self.options.width + 'px'
self.options.zoombar && self.$zoomInput.options({
size: self.options.width
google.maps.event.trigger(self.map, 'resize');
return that;
that.value = function(id, key, value) {
// fixme: should be like the corresponding List/TextList/etc value function
Ox.print('Map.value', id, key, value)
getPlaceById(id).options(key, value);
that.zoomToPlace = function() {
var place = getSelectedPlace();
place && self.map.fitBounds(place.bounds);
return that;
that.zoom = function(value) {
return that;
return that;