2014-09-23 23:58:53 +02:00

724 lines
27 KiB

'use strict';
(function(_) {
Ox.Element <f> Basic UI element object
# Arguments -----------------------------------------------------------
options <o|s> Options of the element, or just the `element` option
element <s> Tagname or CSS selector
tooltip <s|f> Tooltip title, or a function that returns one
(e) -> <s> Tooltip title
e <o> Mouse event
self <o> Shared private variable
# Usage ---------------------------------------------------------------
([options[, self]]) -> <o> Element object
# Events ----------------------------------------------------------
anyclick <!> anyclick
Fires on mouseup, but not on any subsequent mouseup within 250
ms (this is useful if one wants to listen for singleclicks, but
not doubleclicks, since it will fire immediately, and won't
fire again in case of a doubleclick)
* <*> Original event properties
doubleclick <!> doubleclick
Fires on the second mousedown within 250 ms (this is useful if
one wants to listen for both singleclicks and doubleclicks,
since it will not trigger a singleclick event)
* <*> Original event properties
drag <!> drag
Fires on mousemove after dragstart, stops firing on mouseup
clientDX <n> Horizontal drag delta in px
clientDY <n> Vertical drag delta in px
* <*> Original event properties
dragend <!> dragpause
Fires on mouseup after dragstart
clientDX <n> Horizontal drag delta in px
clientDY <n> Vertical drag delta in px
* <*> Original event properties
dragenter <!> dragenter
Fires when entering an element during drag (this fires on the
element being dragged -- the target element is the event's
target property)
clientDX <n> Horizontal drag delta in px
clientDY <n> Vertical drag delta in px
* <*> Original event properties
dragleave <!> dragleave
Fires when leaving an element during drag (this fires on the
element being dragged -- the target element is the event's
target property)
clientDX <n> Horizontal drag delta in px
clientDY <n> Vertical drag delta in px
* <*> Original event properties
dragpause <!> dragpause
Fires once when the mouse doesn't move for 250 ms during drag
(this is useful in order to execute operations that are too
expensive to be attached to the drag event)
clientDX <n> Horizontal drag delta in px
clientDY <n> Vertical drag delta in px
* <*> Original event properties
dragstart <!> dragstart
Fires when the mouse is down for 250 ms
* <*> Original event properties
mousedown <!> mousedown
Fires on mousedown (this is useful if one wants to listen for
singleclicks, but not doubleclicks or drag events, and wants
the event to fire as early as possible)
* <*> Original event properties
mouserepeat <!> mouserepeat
Fires every 50 ms after the mouse was down for 250 ms, stops
firing on mouseleave or mouseup (this fires like a key that is
being pressed and held, and is useful for buttons like
scrollbar arrows that need to react to both clicking and
mousewheel <!> mousewheel
Fires on mousewheel scroll or trackpad swipe
deltaFactor <n> Original delta = normalized delta * delta factor
deltaX <n> Normalized horizontal scroll delta in px
deltaY <n> Normalized vertical scroll delta in px
* <*> Original event properties
singleclick <!> singleclick
Fires 250 ms after mouseup, if there was no subsequent
mousedown (this is useful if one wants to listen for both
singleclicks and doubleclicks, since it will not fire for
* <*> Original event properties
Ox.Element = function Element(options, self) {
// create private object
self = self || {};
self.boundTooltipEvents = {}; // FIXME?
self.defaults = {};
self.eventCallbacks = self.eventCallbacks || {};
// allow for Ox.Element('<tagname>') or Ox.Element('cssSelector')
self.options = Ox.isString(options) ? {element: options} : options || {};
self.unbindKeyboard = function unbindKeyboard() {
Object.keys(self.eventCallbacks).filter(function(event) {
return /^key([\._][\w\.]+)?$/.test(event);
}).forEach(function(event) {
self.update = function update(key, value) {
// update is called whenever an option is modified or added
Ox.loop(self.updateCallbacks.length - 1, -1, -1, function(index) {
// break if the callback returns false
return self.updateCallbacks[index](key, value) !== false;
self.updateCallbacks = self.updateCallbacks || [];
// create public object
var that = Object.create(Ox.Element.prototype);
that.oxid = Ox.uid();
that.$element = $(self.options.element || '<div>')
.data({oxid: that.oxid})
mousedown: onMousedown,
mousewheel: onMousewheel
that[0] = that.$element[0];
that.length = 1;
that.self = function _self() {
return arguments[0] === _ ? self : {};
Ox.elements[that.oxid] = that;
if (self.options.element == '<iframe>') {
self.messageCallbacks = self.messageCallbacks || {};
load: function init() {
if (that.attr('src')) {
// send oxid to iframe
that.postMessage({init: {oxid: that.oxid}});
self.initTimeout = setTimeout(init, 250);
init: function() {
// iframe has received oxid
function bindTooltipEvents(events) {
that.off(Ox.filter(self.boundTooltipEvents, function(value, key) {
return !events[key];
})).on(self.boundTooltipEvents = Ox.filter(events, function(value, key) {
return !self.boundTooltipEvents[key];
function onMousedown(e) {
better mouse events
trigger mousedown
within 250 msec:
mouseup: trigger anyclick
mouseup + mousedown: trigger doubleclick
after 250 msec:
mouseup + no mousedown within 250 msec: trigger singleclick
no mouseup within 250 msec:
trigger mouserepeat every 50 msec
trigger dragstart
mousemove: trigger drag
no mousemove for 250 msec:
trigger dragpause
mouseup: trigger dragend
"anyclick" is not called "click" since this would collide with the click
events of some widgets
var clientX, clientY,
dragTimeout = 0,
mouseInterval = 0;
that.triggerEvent('mousedown', e);
if (!self._mouseTimeout) {
// first mousedown
self._drag = false;
self._mouseup = false;
self._mouseTimeout = setTimeout(function() {
// 250 ms later, no subsequent click
self._mouseTimeout = 0;
if (self._mouseup) {
// mouse went up, trigger singleclick
that.triggerEvent('singleclick', e);
} else {
// mouse is still down, trigger mouserepeat
// every 50 ms until mouseleave or mouseup
mouseInterval = setInterval(mouserepeat, 50);
that.one('mouseleave', function() {
// trigger dragstart, set up drag events
that.triggerEvent('dragstart', e);
mouseenter: dragenter,
mouseleave: dragleave
clientX = e.clientX;
clientY = e.clientY;
.off('mouseup', mouseup)
.on({mousemove: mousemove})
.one('mouseup', function(e) {
// stop checking for mouserepeat
// stop checking for dragpause
// stop checking for drag
Ox.$window.off({mousemove: mousemove});
// stop checking for dragenter and dragleave
mouseenter: dragenter,
mouseleave: dragleave
// trigger dragend
that.triggerEvent('dragend', extend(e));
self._drag = true;
}, 250);
} else {
// second mousedown within 250 ms, trigger doubleclick
self._mouseTimeout = 0;
that.triggerEvent('doubleclick', e);
Ox.$window.one({mouseup: mouseup});
function dragenter(e) {
that.triggerEvent('dragenter', extend(e));
function dragleave(e) {
that.triggerEvent('dragleave', extend(e));
function extend(e) {
return Ox.extend({
clientDX: e.clientX - clientX,
clientDY: e.clientY - clientY
}, e);
function mousemove(e) {
e = extend(e);
dragTimeout = setTimeout(function() {
// mouse did not move for 250 ms, trigger dragpause
that.triggerEvent('dragpause', e);
}, 250);
that.triggerEvent('drag', e);
function mouserepeat(e) {
that.triggerEvent('mouserepeat', e);
function mouseup(e) {
if (!self._mouseup && !self._drag) {
// mouse went up for the first time, trigger anyclick
that.triggerEvent('anyclick', e);
self._mouseup = true;
function onMouseenter(e) {
if (!that.$tooltip) {
that.$tooltip = Ox.Tooltip({title: self.options.tooltip});
function onMouseleave(e) {
that.$tooltip && that.$tooltip.hide();
function onMousemove(e) {
that.$tooltip.options({title: self.options.tooltip(e)}).show(e);
function onMousewheel(e) {
// see https://github.com/brandonaaron/jquery-mousewheel/blob/master/jquery.mousewheel.js
e = e.originalEvent;
var absDelta,
deltaX = 'deltaX' in e ? e.deltaX
: 'wheelDeltaX' in e ? -e.wheelDeltaX
: 0,
deltaY = 'deltaY' in e ? -e.deltaY
: 'wheelDeltaY' in e ? e.wheelDeltaY
: 'wheelDelta' in e ? e.wheelDelta
: 0;
// Firefox < 17
if ('axis' in e && e.axis === e.HORIZONTAL_AXIS) {
deltaX = -deltaY;
deltaY = 0;
if (deltaX || deltaY) {
absDelta = Math.max(Math.abs(deltaY), Math.abs(deltaX));
if (!self._deltaFactor || self._deltaFactor > absDelta) {
self._deltaFactor = absDelta;
that.triggerEvent('mousewheel', Ox.extend(e, {
deltaFactor: self._deltaFactor,
deltaX: Ox.trunc(deltaX / self._deltaFactor),
deltaY: Ox.trunc(deltaY / self._deltaFactor)
self._deltaTimeout = setTimeout(function() {
self._deltaFactor = null;
}, 200);
// TODO: in other widgets, use this,
// rather than some self.$tooltip that
// will not get garbage collected
function setTooltip() {
if (self.options.tooltip) {
if (Ox.isString(self.options.tooltip)) {
mouseenter: onMouseenter,
mouseleave: onMouseleave
that.$tooltip && that.$tooltip.options({
title: self.options.tooltip,
animate: true
} else {
that.$tooltip = Ox.Tooltip({animate: false});
mousemove: onMousemove,
mouseleave: onMouseleave
} else {
if (that.$tooltip) {
that.update({tooltip: setTooltip});
return that;
// add all jQuery methods to the prototype of Ox.Element
Ox.methods($('<div>'), true).forEach(function(method) {
Ox.Element.prototype[method] = function() {
var ret = this.$element[method].apply(this.$element, arguments),
// If exactly one $element of an Ox Element was returned, then
// return the Ox Element instead, so that we can do
// oxObj.jqFn().oxFn()
return ret && ret.jquery && ret.length == 1
&& Ox.elements[oxid = ret.data('oxid')]
? Ox.elements[oxid] : ret;
bindEvent <f> Adds event handler(s)
(callback) -> <o> This element
Adds a catch-all handler
(event, callback) -> <o> This element
Adds a handler for a single event
({event: callback, ...}) -> <o> This element
Adds handlers for one or more events
callback <f> Callback function
data <o> event data (key/value pairs)
event <s> Event name
Event names can be namespaced, like `'click.foo'`
Ox.Element.prototype.bindEvent = function bindEvent() {
Ox.Event.bind.apply(this, [this.self(_)].concat(Ox.slice(arguments)));
return this;
bindEventOnce <f> Adds event handler(s) that run(s) only once
(callback) -> <o> This element
Adds a catch-all handler
(event, callback) -> <o> This element
Adds a handler for a single event
({event: callback, ...}) -> <o> This element
Adds handlers for one or more events
callback <f> Callback function
data <o> event data (key/value pairs)
event <s> Event name
Event names can be namespaced, like `'click.foo'`
Ox.Element.prototype.bindEventOnce = function bindEventOnce() {
this, [this.self(_)].concat(Ox.slice(arguments))
return this;
bindMessage <f> Adds message handlers (if the element is an iframe)
(callback) -> <o> This element
Adds a catch-all handler
(event, callback) -> <o> This element
Adds a handler for a single event
({event: callback, ...}) -> <o> This element
Adds handlers for on or more events
callback <f> Callback function
data <o> event data (key/value pairs)
event <s> Event name
Ox.Element.prototype.bindMessage = Ox.Element.prototype.onMessage = function bindMessage() {
var self = this.self(_);
if (self.options.element == '<iframe>') {
Ox.Message.bind.apply(this, [self].concat(Ox.slice(arguments)));
return this;
Ox.Element.prototype.bindMessageOnce = Ox.Element.prototype.onMessageOnce = function bindMessageOnce() {
var self = this.self(_);
if (self.options.element == '<iframe>') {
this, [self].concat(Ox.slice(arguments))
return this;
Ox.Element.prototype.childrenElements = function childrenElements() {
return Ox.slice(this.children())
defaults <function> Gets or sets the default options for an element object
({key: value, ...}) -> <obj> This element object
key <str> The name of the default option
value <*> The value of the default option
Ox.Element.prototype.defaults = function defaults() {
var self = this.self(_);
var ret;
if (arguments.length == 0) {
ret = self.defaults;
} else if (Ox.isString(arguments[0])) {
ret = self.defaults[arguments[0]];
} else {
self.defaults = Ox.makeObject(arguments);
self.options = Ox.clone(self.defaults);
ret = this;
return ret;
Ox.Element.prototype.empty = function empty() {
this.childrenElements().forEach(function($element) {
this.$element.empty.apply(this, arguments);
return this;
Ox.Element.prototype.findElements = function findElements() {
return Ox.map(this.find('.OxElement'), Ox.getOxElement);
gainFocus <function> Makes an element object gain focus
() -> <obj> This element object
Ox.Element.prototype.gainFocus = function gainFocus() {
return this;
hasFocus <function> Returns true if an element object has focus
() -> <boolean> True if the element has focus
Ox.Element.prototype.hasFocus = function hasFocus() {
return Ox.Focus.focusedElement() === this;
Ox.Element.prototype.html = function html() {
var ret;
this.childrenElements().forEach(function($element) {
ret = this.$element.html.apply(this, arguments);
return arguments.length == 0 ? ret : this;
loseFocus <function> Makes an element object lose focus
() -> <object> This element object
Ox.Element.prototype.loseFocus = function loseFocus() {
return this;
Ox.Element.prototype.nextElement = function nextElement() {
return this.nextElements()[0];
Ox.Element.prototype.nextElements = function nextElements() {
return this.nextAll().filter(Ox.isOxElement).map(Ox.getOxElement);
options <f> Gets or sets the options of an element object
() -> <o> All options
(key) -> <*> The value of option[key]
(key, value) -> <o> This element
Sets options[key] to value and calls update(key, value)
if the key/value pair was added or modified
({key: value, ...}) -> <o> This element
Sets one or more options and calls update(key, value)
for every key/value pair that was added or modified
key <s> The name of the option
value <*> The value of the option
Ox.Element.prototype.options = function options() {
var self = this.self(_);
return Ox.getset(self.options, arguments, self.update, this);
Ox.Element.prototype.parentElement = function parentElement() {
return Ox.last(this.parentElements());
Ox.Element.prototype.parentElements = function parentElements() {
return Ox.slice(this.parents())
postMessage <f> Sends a message (if the element is an iframe)
(event, data) -> This element
event <s> Event name
data <o> Event data
Ox.Element.prototype.postMessage = function postMessage(event, data) {
if (this.self(_).options.element == '<iframe>') {
Ox.Message.post.apply(this, Ox.slice(arguments));
return this;
Ox.Element.prototype.prevElement = function prevElement() {
return Ox.last(this.prevElements());
Ox.Element.prototype.prevElements = function prevElements() {
return this.prevAll().filter(Ox.isOxElement).map(Ox.getOxElement);
Ox.Element.prototype.remove = function remove() {
var parent = this[0].parentNode;
parent && parent.removeChild(this[0]);
return this;
Ox.Element.prototype.removeElement = function removeElement(includeChildren) {
if (includeChildren !== false) {
this.find('.OxElement').each(function() {
var $element = Ox.getElement(this);
$element && $element.removeElement(false);
this.$tooltip && this.$tooltip.remove();
delete Ox.elements[this.oxid];
// If setElement($element) was used, delete $element too
delete Ox.elements[this.$element.oxid];
return this;
Ox.Element.prototype.replace = function replace() {
this.$element.replace.apply(this.$element, arguments);
return this;
Ox.Element.prototype.replaceWith = function replaceWith() {
this.$element.replaceWith.apply(this.$element, arguments);
return this;
setElement <f> set $element
($element) -> <o> This element
Ox.Element.prototype.setElement = function setElement($element) {
$element.addClass('OxElement').data({oxid: this.oxid});
this.$element = $element;
this[0] = $element[0];
Ox.elements[this.oxid] = this;
return this;
Ox.Element.prototype.siblingElements = function siblingElements() {
return Ox.slice(this.siblings())
Ox.Element.prototype.text = function text() {
var ret;
this.childrenElements().forEach(function($element) {
ret = this.$element.text.apply(this, arguments);
return arguments.length == 0 ? ret : this;
toggleOption <f> Toggle boolean option(s)
(key[, key[, ...]]) -> <o> This element
Ox.Element.prototype.toggleOption = function toggleOption() {
var options = {}, self = this.self(_);
Ox.slice(arguments).forEach(function(key) {
options[key] == !self.options[key];
return this.options(options);
triggerEvent <f> Triggers one or more events
(event) -> <o> This element object
Triggers an event
(event, data) -> <o> This element object
Triggers an event with data
({event: data, ...}) -> <o> This element object
Triggers one or more events with data
event <string> Event name
data <object> Event data (key/value pairs)
Ox.Element.prototype.triggerEvent = function triggerEvent() {
this, [this.self(_)].concat(Ox.slice(arguments))
return this;
Ox.Element.prototype.triggerMessage = function triggerMessage() {
var self = this.self(_);
if (self.options.element == '<iframe>') {
Ox.Message.trigger.apply(this, [self].concat(Ox.slice(arguments)));
return this;
unbindEvent <f> Removes event handler(s)
() -> <o> This element
Removes all handlers.
(callback) -> <o> This element
Removes a specific catch-all handler
(event) -> <o> This element
Removes all handlers for a single event (to remove all catch-all
handlers, pass '*' as event)
(event, callback) -> <o> This element
Removes a specific handler for a single event
({event: callback}, ...) -> <o> This element
Removes specific handlers for one or more events
event <string> Event name
Ox.Element.prototype.unbindEvent = function unbindEvent() {
Ox.Event.unbind.apply(this, [this.self(_)].concat(Ox.slice(arguments)));
return this;
Ox.Element.prototype.unbindMessage = function unbindMessage() {
var self = this.self(_);
if (self.options.element == '<iframe>') {
Ox.Message.unbind.apply(this, [self].concat(Ox.slice(arguments)));
return this;
update <f> Adds one or more handlers for options updates
(callback) -> <o> that
(key, callback) -> <o> that
({key: callback, ...}) -> <o> that
Ox.Element.prototype.update = function update() {
var callbacks, self = this.self(_);
if (Ox.isFunction(arguments[0])) {
} else {
callbacks = Ox.makeObject(arguments);
self.updateCallbacks.push(function(key, value) {
if (callbacks[key]) {
return callbacks[key](value);
return this;
value <f> Shortcut to get or set self.options.value
Ox.Element.prototype.value = function value() {
return this.options(
arguments.length == 0 ? 'value' : {value: arguments[0]}