141 lines
5.1 KiB
141 lines
5.1 KiB
'use strict';
Ox.SyntaxHighlighter <f:Ox.Element> Syntax Highlighter
(options[, self]) -> <o> Syntax Highlighter
options <o> Options
lineLength <n|0> If larger than zero, show edge of page
offset <n|1> First line number
replace <[[]]|[]> Array of replacements
Each array element is an array of two arguments to be passed to the
replace function, like [str, str], [regexp, str] or [regexp, fn]
showLinebreaks <b|false> If true, show linebreaks
showLineNumbers <b|false> If true, show line numbers
showWhitespace <b|false> If true, show whitespace
showTabs <b|false> If true, show tabs
source <s|[o]|''> JavaScript source, or array of tokens
stripComments <b|false> If true, strip comments
tabSize <n|4> Number of spaces per tab
self <o> Shared private variable
Ox.SyntaxHighlighter = function(options, self) {
self = self || {};
var that = Ox.Element({}, self)
lineLength: 0,
offset: 1,
replace: [],
showLinebreaks: false,
showLineNumbers: false,
showTabs: false,
showWhitespace: false,
source: '',
stripComments: false,
tabSize: 4,
.options(options || {})
function renderSource() {
var $lineNumbers, $line, $source, width,
lines, source = '', tokens,
linebreak = (
? '<span class="OxLinebreak">\u21A9</span>' : ''
) + '<br/>',
tab = (
self.options.showTabs ?
'<span class="OxTab">\u2192</span>' : ''
) + Ox.repeat(' ', self.options.tabSize - self.options.showTabs),
whitespace = self.options.showWhitespace ? '\u00B7' : ' ';
tokens = Ox.isArray(self.options.source)
? self.options.source
: Ox.tokenize(self.options.source);
tokens.forEach(function(token, i) {
var classNames,
type = token.type == 'identifier'
? Ox.identify(token.value) : token.type;
if (
!(self.options.stripComments && type == 'comment')
) {
classNames = 'Ox' + Ox.toTitleCase(type);
if (self.options.showWhitespace && type == 'whitespace') {
if (isAfterLinebreak() && hasIrregularSpaces()) {
classNames += ' OxLeading';
} else if (isBeforeLinebreak()) {
classNames += ' OxTrailing';
source += '<span class="' + classNames + '">' +
.replace(/ /g, whitespace)
.replace(/\t/g, tab)
.replace(/\n/g, linebreak) + '</span>';
function isAfterLinebreak() {
return i == 0 ||
tokens[i - 1].type == 'linebreak';
function isBeforeLinebreak() {
return i == tokens.length - 1 ||
tokens[i + 1].type == 'linebreak';
function hasIrregularSpaces() {
return token.value.split('').reduce(function(prev, curr) {
return prev + (curr == ' ' ? 1 : 0);
}, 0) % self.options.tabSize;
lines = source.split('<br/>');
if (self.options.showLineNumbers) {
$lineNumbers = Ox.Element()
Ox.range(lines.length).map(function(line) {
return (line + self.options.offset);
self.options.replace.forEach(function(replace) {
source = source.replace(replace[0], replace[1])
$source = Ox.Element()
if (self.options.lineLength) {
$line = Ox.Element()
position: 'absolute',
top: '-1000px'
.html(Ox.repeat(' ', self.options.lineLength))
width = $line.width() + 4; // add padding
['moz', 'webkit'].forEach(function(browser) {
background: '-' + browser +
'-linear-gradient(left, rgb(255, 255, 255) ' +
width + 'px, rgb(192, 192, 192) ' + width +
'px, rgb(255, 255, 255) ' + (width + 1) + 'px)'
self.setOption = function(key, value) {
return that;