'use strict'; /*@ Ox.TableList TableList Widget options Options object clearButton If true and columns are visible, show clear button clearButtonTooltip Clear button tooltip columns <[o]|[]> Columns # Fixme: There's probably more... addable ... align ... editable ... format ... id ... operator default sort operator removable ... resizable ... sort function(value, object) that maps values to sort values title ... titleImage ... unformat Applied before editing unique If true, this column acts as unique id (deprecated) visible ... width ... columnsMovable If true, columns can be re-ordered columnsRemovable If true, columns are removable columnsResizable If true, columns are resizable columnsVisible If true, columns are visible columnWidth <[n]|[40, 800]> Minimum and maximum column width disableHorizontalScrolling If true, disable scrolling draggable If true, items can be dragged droppable If true, items can be dropped id Id items function() {} {sort, range, keys, callback} or array keys <[s]|[]> Additional keys (apart from keys of visible columns) max Maximum number of items that can be selected (-1 for all) min Minimum number of items that must be selected pageLength Number of items per page query Query scrollbarVisible If true, the scrollbar is always visible selectAsYouType If set to a key, enables select-as-you-type selected <[s]|[]> Array of selected ids sort <[o]|[s]|[]> ['+foo', ...] or [{key: 'foo', operator: '+'}, ...] sortable If true, elements can be re-ordered sums <[s]|[]> Sums to be included in totals unique Key of the unique id This has precedence over a unique id specified via columns (which is deprecated). columnresize columnresize columnchange columnchange self Shared private variable ([options[, self]]) -> TableList Object @*/ // fixme: options.columnsMovable, but options.sortable ... pick one. Ox.TableList = function(options, self) { // fixme: in columns, "operator" should be "sortOperator" self = self || {}; var that = Ox.Element({}, self) .defaults({ clearButton: false, clearButtonTooltip: '', columns: [], columnsMovable: false, columnsRemovable: false, columnsResizable: false, columnsVisible: false, columnWidth: [40, 800], disableHorizontalScrolling: false, draggable: false, droppable: false, id: '', items: null, keys: [], max: -1, min: 0, pageLength: 100, query: {conditions: [], operator: '&'}, scrollbarVisible: false, selected: [], sort: [], sortable: false, sums: [], unique: '' }) .options(options || {}) .update({ disableHorizontalScrolling: function() { self.options.disableHorizontalScrolling ? disableHorizontalScrolling() : enableHorizontalScrolling(); }, draggable: function() { that.$body.options({sortable: self.options.draggable}); }, items: function() { that.$body.options({items: self.options.items}); }, paste: function() { that.$body.options({paste: self.options.paste}); }, query: function() { that.$body.options({query: self.options.query}); }, selected: function() { that.$body.options({selected: self.options.selected}); // updateImages(); updateClearButton(); }, sort: function() { updateColumn(); that.$body.options({sort: self.options.sort}); }, sortable: function() { that.$body.options({sortable: self.options.sortable}); } }) .addClass('OxTableList'); self.options.columns.forEach(function(column) { // fixme: can this go into a generic ox.js function? // fixme: and can't these just remain undefined? if (Ox.isUndefined(column.align)) { column.align = 'left'; } if (Ox.isUndefined(column.clickable)) { column.clickable = false; } if (Ox.isUndefined(column.editable)) { column.editable = false; } if (Ox.isUndefined(column.unique)) { column.unique = false; } if (Ox.isUndefined(column.visible)) { column.visible = false; } if (column.unique && !self.options.unique) { self.options.unique = column.id; } }); if (Ox.isEmpty(self.options.sort)) { self.options.sort = [{ key: self.options.unique, operator: Ox.getObjectById(self.options.columns, self.options.unique).operator }]; } else { self.options.sort = self.options.sort.map(function(sort) { return Ox.isString(sort) ? { key: sort.replace(/^[\+\-]/, ''), operator: sort[0] == '-' ? '-' : '+' } : sort; }); } Ox.extend(self, { columnPositions: [], defaultColumnWidths: self.options.columns.map(function(column) { return column.defaultWidth || column.width; }), hasItemsArray: Ox.isArray(self.options.items), itemHeight: 16, page: 0, pageLength: 100, scrollLeft: 0, selectedColumn: getColumnIndexById(self.options.sort[0].key), visibleColumns: self.options.columns.filter(function(column) { return column.visible; }) }); // fixme: there might be a better way than passing both visible and position self.options.columns.forEach(function(column) { if (!Ox.isUndefined(column.position)) { self.visibleColumns[column.position] = column; } }); Ox.extend(self, { columnWidths: self.visibleColumns.map(function(column) { return column.width; }), pageHeight: self.options.pageLength * self.itemHeight }); self.format = {}; self.map = {}; self.options.columns.forEach(function(column) { if (column.format) { self.format[column.id] = column.format; } if (column.sort) { self.map[column.id] = column.sort; } }); // Head if (self.options.columnsVisible) { that.$bar = Ox.Bar({ orientation: 'horizontal', size: 16 }).appendTo(that); that.$head = Ox.Container() .addClass('OxHead') .css({ right: self.options.scrollbarVisible ? Ox.UI.SCROLLBAR_SIZE + 'px' : 0 }) .appendTo(that.$bar); that.$head.$content.addClass('OxTitles'); constructHead(); if (self.options.columnsRemovable) { that.$select = Ox.Select({ id: self.options.id + 'SelectColumns', items: self.options.columns.filter(function(column){ return column.addable !== false; }).map(function(column) { return { disabled: column.removable === false, id: column.id, title: column.title }; }), max: -1, min: 1, type: 'image', value: Ox.filter(self.options.columns, function(column) { return column.visible; }).map(function(column) { return column.id; }) }) .css(Ox.UI.SCROLLBAR_SIZE == 16 ? { right: 0, width: '14px' } : { right: '-1px', width: '8px', }) .bindEvent('change', changeColumns) .appendTo(that.$bar); Ox.UI.SCROLLBAR_SIZE < 16 && $(that.$select.find('input')[0]).css({ marginRight: '-3px', marginTop: '1px', width: '8px', height: '8px' }); } else if (self.options.clearButton) { self.$clearButton = Ox.Element({ element: '', tooltip: self.options.clearButtonTooltip }) .addClass('OxClear') .attr({src: Ox.UI.getImageURL('symbolClose')}) .css(Ox.UI.SCROLLBAR_SIZE == 16 ? { paddingLeft: '4px', paddingRight: '2px', marginRight: 0 } : { paddingRight: '1px', marginRight: '-2px' }) [self.options.selected.length ? 'show' : 'hide']() .bindEvent({ anyclick: function() { self.$clearButton.hide(); self.options.selected = []; that.$body.options({selected: self.options.selected}); that.triggerEvent('select', {ids: []}); } }) .appendTo(that.$bar); } } // Body that.$body = Ox.List({ construct: constructItem, disableHorizontalScrolling: self.options.disableHorizontalScrolling, draggable: self.options.draggable, id: self.options.id, itemHeight: 16, items: self.options.items, itemWidth: getItemWidth(), format: self.format, // fixme: not needed, happens in TableList keys: Ox.unique( ( self.hasItemsArray ? self.options.columns : self.visibleColumns ).map(function(column) { return column.id; }) .concat(self.options.unique) .concat(self.options.keys) ), map: self.map, max: self.options.max, min: self.options.min, orientation: 'vertical', pageLength: self.options.pageLength, paste: self.options.paste, query: self.options.query, selectAsYouType: self.options.selectAsYouType, selected: self.options.selected, sort: self.options.sort, sortable: self.options.sortable, sums: self.options.sums, type: 'text', unique: self.options.unique }) .addClass('OxBody') .css({ top: (self.options.columnsVisible ? 16 : 0) + 'px', overflowY: (self.options.scrollbarVisible ? 'scroll' : 'hidden') }) .on({ scroll: function() { var scrollLeft = $(this).scrollLeft(); if (scrollLeft != self.scrollLeft) { self.scrollLeft = scrollLeft; that.$head && that.$head.scrollLeft(scrollLeft); } } }) .bindEvent(function(data, event) { if (event == 'cancel') { Ox.Log('List', 'cancel edit', data); } else if (event == 'edit') { that.editCell(data.id, data.key); } else if (event == 'select') { self.options.selected = data.ids; // updateImages(); updateClearButton(); } that.triggerEvent(event, data); }) .appendTo(that); that.$body.$content.css({ width: getItemWidth() + 'px' }); self.options.disableHorizontalScrolling ? disableHorizontalScrolling() : enableHorizontalScrolling(); //Ox.Log('List', 's.vC', self.visibleColumns) function addColumn(id) { //Ox.Log('List', 'addColumn', id); var column, ids, index = 0; Ox.forEach(self.options.columns, function(v) { if (v.visible) { index++; } else if (v.id == id) { column = v; return false; // break } }); column.visible = true; self.visibleColumns.splice(index, 0, column); self.columnWidths.splice(index, 0, column.width); that.$head.$content.empty(); constructHead(); !self.hasItemsArray && that.$body.options({ keys: self.visibleColumns.map(function(column) { return column.id; }).concat(self.options.keys) }); that.$body.reloadPages(); } function changeColumns(data) { var add, ids = []; Ox.forEach(data.value, function(id) { var index = getColumnIndexById(id); if (!self.options.columns[index].visible) { addColumn(id); add = true; return false; // break } ids.push(id); }); if (!add) { Ox.forEach(self.visibleColumns, function(column) { if (ids.indexOf(column.id) == -1) { removeColumn(column.id); return false; // break } }); } triggerColumnChangeEvent(); } function clickColumn(id) { Ox.Log('List', 'clickColumn', id); var i = getColumnIndexById(id), isSelected = self.options.sort[0].key == self.options.columns[i].id; self.options.sort = [{ key: self.options.columns[i].id, operator: isSelected ? (self.options.sort[0].operator == '+' ? '-' : '+') : self.options.columns[i].operator }]; updateColumn(); // fixme: strangely, sorting the list blocks updating the column, // so we use a timeout for now setTimeout(function() { that.$body.options({sort: self.options.sort}); that.gainFocus().triggerEvent('sort', { key: self.options.sort[0].key, operator: self.options.sort[0].operator }); }, 10); } function constructHead() { var pos; self.$heads = []; self.$titles = []; self.$titleImages = []; self.$orderImages = []; self.visibleColumns.forEach(function(column, i) { var $resize; self.$heads[i] = Ox.Element() .addClass('OxHeadCell ' + getColumnClassName(column.id)) .css({width: self.columnWidths[i] - 5 + 'px'}) .appendTo(that.$head.$content); // if sort operator is set, bind click event if (column.operator) { self.$heads[i].bindEvent({ anyclick: function() { clickColumn(column.id); } }); } // if columns are movable, bind drag events if (self.options.columnsMovable) { self.$heads[i].bindEvent({ dragstart: function(data) { dragstartColumn(column.id, data); }, drag: function(data) { dragColumn(column.id, data); }, dragpause: function(data) { dragpauseColumn(column.id, data); }, dragend: function(data) { dragendColumn(column.id, data); } }); } self.$titles[i] = Ox.Element() .addClass('OxTitle') .css({ width: self.columnWidths[i] - 9 + 'px', textAlign: column.align }) .appendTo(self.$heads[i]); if (column.titleImage) { self.$titleImages[i] = $(''). attr({ src: Ox.UI.getImageURL( 'symbol' + Ox.toTitleCase(column.titleImage) ) }) .appendTo(self.$titles[i]); } else { self.$titles[i].html(column.title); } if (column.operator) { self.$orderImages[i] = $('') .attr({ src: Ox.UI.getImageURL( 'symbol' + (column.operator == '+' ? 'Up' : 'Down'), 'selected' ) }) .addClass('OxOrder') .css({marginTop: (column.operator == '+' ? 3 : 2) + 'px'}) .click(function() { $(this).parent().trigger('click'); }) .appendTo(self.$heads[i]); } $resize = Ox.Element() .addClass('OxResize') .appendTo(that.$head.$content); $('
').appendTo($resize); $('
').addClass('OxCenter').appendTo($resize); $('
').appendTo($resize); // if columns are resizable, bind doubleclick and drag events if (self.options.columnsResizable && column.resizable !== false) { $resize.addClass('OxResizable') .bindEvent({ doubleclick: function(data) { resetColumn(column.id, data); }, dragstart: function(data) { dragstartResize(column.id, data); }, drag: function(data) { dragResize(column.id, data); }, dragend: function(data) { dragendResize(column.id, data); } }); } }); that.$head.$content.css({ width: (Ox.sum(self.columnWidths) + 2) + 'px' }); pos = getColumnPositionById(self.options.columns[self.selectedColumn].id); if (pos > -1) { toggleSelected(self.options.columns[self.selectedColumn].id); self.$titles[pos].css({ width: (self.options.columns[self.selectedColumn].width - 25) + 'px' }); } } function constructItem(data) { var $item = $('
') .addClass('OxTarget') .css({ width: getItemWidth(true) + 'px' }); self.visibleColumns.forEach(function(v, i) { var clickable = Ox.isBoolean(v.clickable) ? v.clickable : v.clickable(data), editable = Ox.isBoolean(v.editable) ? v.editable : v.editable(data), // if the column id is not in data, we're constructing an empty cell value = v.id in data ? formatValue(v.id, data[v.id], data) : '', $cell; if (v.tooltip) { $cell = Ox.Element({ tooltip: function() { return self.options.selected.indexOf(data[self.options.unique]) > -1 ? (Ox.isString(v.tooltip) ? v.tooltip : v.tooltip(data)) : ''; } }); } else if (self.options.droppable) { $cell = Ox.Element(); } else { // this is faster $cell = $('
'); } $cell.addClass( 'OxCell ' + getColumnClassName(v.id) + (clickable ? ' OxClickable' : '') + (editable ? ' OxEditable' : '') ) .css({ width: (self.columnWidths[i] - (self.options.columnsVisible ? 9 : 8)) + 'px', borderRightWidth: (self.options.columnsVisible ? 1 : 0) + 'px', textAlign: v.align }) [Ox.isString(value) ? 'html' : 'append'](value) .appendTo($item); }); return $item; } function disableHorizontalScrolling() { that.$body.options({ disableHorizontalScrolling: true }) .css({overflowX: 'hidden'}); // fixme: is there a way to pass an array? that.unbindEvent('key_left').unbindEvent('key_right'); } function dragstartColumn(id, e) { Ox.$body.addClass('OxDragging'); self.drag = { columnOffsets: getColumnOffsets(), listOffset: that.offset().left - that.$body.scrollLeft(), startPos: getColumnPositionById(id) } self.drag.stopPos = self.drag.startPos; $('.' + getColumnClassName(id)).css({opacity: 0.5}); self.drag.startPos > 0 && self.$heads[self.drag.startPos].prev().children().eq(2).css({opacity: 0.5}); self.$heads[self.drag.startPos].next().children().eq(0).css({opacity: 0.5}); self.$heads[self.drag.startPos].addClass('OxDrag').css({ // fixme: why does the class not work? cursor: 'ew-resize' }); } function dragColumn(id, e) { var listLeft = that.offset().left, listRight = listLeft + that.width(), pos = self.drag.stopPos; Ox.forEach(self.drag.columnOffsets, function(offset, i) { var x = self.drag.listOffset + offset + self.columnWidths[i] / 2; if (i < self.drag.startPos && e.clientX < x) { self.drag.stopPos = i; return false; // break } else if (i > self.drag.startPos && e.clientX > x) { self.drag.stopPos = i; } }); if (self.drag.stopPos != pos) { moveColumn(id, self.drag.stopPos); self.drag.columnOffsets = getColumnOffsets(); self.drag.startPos = self.drag.stopPos; ///* var left = self.drag.columnOffsets[self.drag.startPos], right = left + self.columnWidths[self.drag.startPos]; if (left < that.$body.scrollLeft() || right > that.width()) { that.$body.scrollLeft( left < that.$body.scrollLeft() ? left : right - that.width() ); self.drag.listOffset = that.offset().left - that.$body.scrollLeft(); } //*/ } if (e.clientX < listLeft + 16 || e.clientX > listRight - 16) { if (!self.scrollInterval) { self.scrollInterval = setInterval(function() { that.$body.scrollLeft( that.$body.scrollLeft() + (e.clientX < listLeft + 16 ? -16 : 16) ); self.drag.listOffset = that.offset().left - that.$body.scrollLeft(); }, 100); } } else if (self.scrollInterval) { clearInterval(self.scrollInterval); self.scrollInterval = 0; } } function dragpauseColumn(id, e) { } function dragendColumn(id, e) { var column = self.visibleColumns.splice(self.drag.stopPos, 1)[0], width = self.columnWidths.splice(self.drag.stopPos, 1)[0]; Ox.$body.removeClass('OxDragging'); self.visibleColumns.splice(self.drag.stopPos, 0, column); self.columnWidths.splice(self.drag.stopPos, 0, width); that.$head.$content.empty(); constructHead(); $('.' + getColumnClassName(id)).css({opacity: 1}); self.$heads[self.drag.stopPos].removeClass('OxDrag').css({ cursor: 'default' }); that.$body.clearCache(); triggerColumnChangeEvent(); } function dragstartResize(id, e) { var pos = getColumnPositionById(id); Ox.$body.addClass('OxDragging'); self.drag = { startWidth: self.columnWidths[pos] }; } function dragResize(id, e) { var width = Ox.limit( self.drag.startWidth + e.clientDX, self.options.columnWidth[0], self.options.columnWidth[1] ); resizeColumn(id, width); } function dragendResize(id, e) { var pos = getColumnPositionById(id); // fixme: shouldn't this be resizecolumn? Ox.$body.removeClass('OxDragging'); that.triggerEvent('columnresize', { id: id, width: self.columnWidths[pos] }); } function enableHorizontalScrolling() { that.$body.options({ disableHorizontalScrolling: false }) .css({overflowX: 'auto'}); that.bindEvent({ key_left: function () { that.$body.animate({ scrollLeft: that.$body[0].scrollLeft - that.$body.width() }, 250); }, key_right: function() { that.$body.animate({ scrollLeft: that.$body[0].scrollLeft + that.$body.width() }, 250); } }); } function formatValue(key, value, data) { // fixme: this may be obscure... // since the format of a value may depend on another value, // we pass all data as a second parameter to the supplied format function var format = self.format[key]; // FIXME: this keeps null from ever reaching a format function! if (value === null) { value = ''; } else if (format) { if (Ox.isObject(format)) { value = ( /^color/.test(format.type.toLowerCase()) ? Ox.Theme : Ox )['format' + Ox.toTitleCase(format.type)].apply( this, [value].concat(format.args || []) ); } else { value = format(value, data); } } else if (Ox.isArray(value)) { value = value.join(', '); } return value; } function getCell(id, key) { var $item = getItem(id); key = key || ''; // fixme: what is this? return $($item.find('.OxCell.' + getColumnClassName(key))[0]); } function getColumnClassName(id) { return 'OxColumn' + id[0].toUpperCase() + id.slice(1); } function getColumnOffsets() { return self.visibleColumns.map(function(column, i) { return Ox.sum(self.visibleColumns.map(function(column_, i_) { return i_ < i ? self.columnWidths[i_] : 0; })); }); } function getColumnIndexById(id) { return Ox.getIndexById(self.options.columns, id); } function getColumnPositionById(id) { return Ox.getIndexById(self.visibleColumns, id); } function getItem(id) { var $item = null; that.find('.OxItem').each(function() { var $this = $(this); if ($this.data('id') == id) { $item = $this; return false; // break } }); return $item; } function getItemWidth(cached) { // fixme: this gets called for every constructItem and is slooow // the proper way to fix this would be to find out how and when // that.width() might change... which would probably mean binding to // every SplitPanel and window resize... for now, use a cached value if (!cached) { self.cachedWidth = that.width(); } else if (!self.cachedWidth || self.cachedWidthTime < +new Date() - 5000) { self.cachedWidth = that.width(); self.cachedWidthTime = +new Date(); } return Math.max( Ox.sum(self.columnWidths), self.cachedWidth - (self.options.scrollbarVisible ? Ox.UI.SCROLLBAR_SIZE : 0) ); } function moveColumn(id, pos) { //Ox.Log('List', 'moveColumn', id, pos) var startPos = getColumnPositionById(id), stopPos = pos, startSelector = '.' + getColumnClassName(id), stopSelector = '.' + getColumnClassName(self.visibleColumns[stopPos].id), insert = startPos < stopPos ? 'insertAfter' : 'insertBefore', $column = $('.OxHeadCell' + startSelector), $resize = $column.next(); //Ox.Log('List', startSelector, insert, stopSelector) $column.detach()[insert](insert == 'insertAfter' ? $('.OxHeadCell' + stopSelector).next() : $('.OxHeadCell' + stopSelector)); $resize.detach().insertAfter($column); that.$body.find('.OxItem').each(function() { var $this = $(this); $this.children(startSelector).detach()[insert]( $this.children(stopSelector) ); }); var $head = self.$heads.splice(startPos, 1)[0], columnWidth = self.columnWidths.splice(startPos, 1)[0], visibleColumn = self.visibleColumns.splice(startPos, 1)[0]; self.$heads.splice(stopPos, 0, $head); self.columnWidths.splice(stopPos, 0, columnWidth); self.visibleColumns.splice(stopPos, 0, visibleColumn); var pos = getColumnPositionById(self.options.columns[self.selectedColumn].id); if (pos > -1) { that.find('.OxResize .OxSelected').removeClass('OxSelected'); pos > 0 && self.$heads[pos].prev().children().eq(2).addClass('OxSelected'); self.$heads[pos].next().children().eq(0).addClass('OxSelected'); if (pos == stopPos) { pos > 0 && self.$heads[pos].prev().children().eq(2).css({opacity: 0.5}); self.$heads[pos].next().children().eq(0).css({opacity: 0.5}); } } } function removeColumn(id) { //Ox.Log('List', 'removeColumn', id); var index = getColumnIndexById(id), itemWidth, position = getColumnPositionById(id), selector = '.' + getColumnClassName(id), $column = $('.OxHeadCell ' + selector), $order = $column.next(), $resize = $order.next(); self.options.columns[index].visible = false; self.visibleColumns.splice(position, 1); self.columnWidths.splice(position, 1); that.$head.$content.empty(); constructHead(); itemWidth = getItemWidth(); that.$body.find('.OxItem').each(function() { var $this = $(this); $this.children(selector).remove(); $this.css({width: itemWidth + 'px'}); }); that.$body.$content.css({ width: itemWidth + 'px' }); !self.hasItemsArray && that.$body.options({ keys: self.visibleColumns.map(function(column) { return column.id; }).concat(self.options.keys) }); //that.$body.clearCache(); } function resetColumn(id) { var width = self.defaultColumnWidths[getColumnIndexById(id)]; resizeColumn(id, width); that.triggerEvent('columnresize', { id: id, width: width }); } function resizeColumn(id, width) { var i = getColumnIndexById(id), pos = getColumnPositionById(id); self.options.columns[i].width = width; self.columnWidths[pos] = width; if (self.options.columnsVisible) { that.$head.$content.css({ width: (Ox.sum(self.columnWidths) + 2) + 'px' }); self.$heads[pos].css({ width: width - 5 + 'px' }); self.$titles[pos].css({ width: width - 9 - (i == self.selectedColumn ? 16 : 0) + 'px' }); } that.find( '.OxCell.' + getColumnClassName(self.options.columns[i].id) ).css({ width: width - (self.options.columnsVisible ? 9 : 8) + 'px' }); setWidth(); } function setWidth() { var width = getItemWidth(); that.$body.find('.OxItem').css({ // fixme: can we avoid this lookup? width: width + 'px' }); that.$body.$content.css({ width: width + 'px' // fixme: check if scrollbar visible, and listen to resize/toggle event }); } function toggleSelected(id) { var isSelected, pos = getColumnPositionById(id); if (pos > -1) { updateOrder(id); pos > 0 && self.$heads[pos].prev().children().eq(2).toggleClass('OxSelected'); self.$heads[pos].toggleClass('OxSelected'); self.$heads[pos].next().children().eq(0).toggleClass('OxSelected'); isSelected = self.$heads[pos].hasClass('OxSelected'); self.$titles[pos].css({ width: self.$titles[pos].width() + (isSelected ? -16 : 16) + 'px' }); if (self.visibleColumns[pos].titleImage) { self.$titleImages[pos].attr({ src: Ox.UI.getImageURL( 'symbol' + Ox.toTitleCase(self.visibleColumns[pos].titleImage), isSelected ? 'selected' : '' ) }); } } } function triggerColumnChangeEvent() { that.triggerEvent('columnchange', { ids: self.visibleColumns.map(function(column) { return column.id; }) }); } function updateClearButton() { if (self.options.clearButton) { self.$clearButton[self.options.selected.length ? 'show' : 'hide'](); } } function updateColumn() { var columnId = self.options.columns[self.selectedColumn].id, isSelected = columnId == self.options.sort[0].key; if (self.options.columnsVisible) { if (isSelected) { updateOrder(columnId); } else { toggleSelected(columnId); self.selectedColumn = getColumnIndexById(self.options.sort[0].key); toggleSelected(self.options.columns[self.selectedColumn].id); } } } function updateImages() { // FIXME: not yet used that.$body.find('img').each(function(i, element) { var $element = $(element), data = Ox.UI.getImageData($element.attr('src')); if (data && data.color == 'selected') { $element.attr({src: Ox.UI.getImageURL(data.name, 'default')}); } }); that.$body.find('.OxSelected img').each(function(i, element) { var $element = $(element), data = Ox.UI.getImageData($element.attr('src')); if (data && data.color == 'default') { $element.attr({src: Ox.UI.getImageURL(data.name, 'selected')}); } }); } function updateOrder(id) { var operator = self.options.sort[0].operator, pos = getColumnPositionById(id); if (pos > -1) { self.$orderImages[pos].attr({ src: Ox.UI.getImageURL( 'symbol' + (operator == '+' ? 'Up' : 'Down'), 'selected' ) }).css({ marginTop: (operator == '+' ? 3 : 2) + 'px' }); } } that.addColumn = function(id) { addColumn(id); }; that.addItems = function(items) { that.$body.addItems(items); }; that.api = that.$body.options('items'); /*@ closePreivew closePreview @*/ that.closePreview = function() { that.$body.closePreview(); return that; }; /*@ editCell editCell (id, key, select) -> edit cell @*/ that.editCell = function(id, key, select) { Ox.Log('List', 'editCell', id, key) var $item = getItem(id), $cell = getCell(id, key), $input, html = $cell.html(), clickableCells = $item.find('.OxClickable').removeClass('OxClickable'), editableCells = $item.find('.OxEditable').removeClass('OxEditable'), index = getColumnIndexById(key), column = self.options.columns[index], width = column.width - self.options.columnsVisible; $cell.empty() .addClass('OxEdit') .css({width: width + 'px'}); $input = Ox.Input({ autovalidate: column.input ? column.input.autovalidate : null, style: 'square', textAlign: column.align || 'left', value: column.unformat ? column.unformat(html) : html, width: width - 2 }) .css({padding: '0 1px'}) .on({ mousedown: function(e) { // keep mousedown from reaching list e.stopPropagation(); } }) .bindEvent({ blur: submit, cancel: submit, submit: submit }) .appendTo($cell); // use timeout to prevent key to be inserted // into $input if triggered via keyboard shortcut setTimeout(function() { $input.focusInput(select); }); function submit() { var value = $input.value(); $input.remove(); $cell.removeClass('OxEdit') .css({ // account for padding width: (width - 8) + 'px' }) .html(value); setTimeout(function() { clickableCells.addClass('OxClickable'); editableCells.addClass('OxEditable'); }, 250); that.triggerEvent('submit', { id: id, key: key, value: value }); } }; /*@ gainFocus gainFocus @*/ that.gainFocus = function() { that.$body.gainFocus(); return that; }; that.getColumnWidth = function(id) { var pos = getColumnPositionById(id); return self.columnWidths[pos]; }; that.getPasteIndex = function() { return that.$body.getPasteIndex(); }; // FIXME: needed? that.getVisibleColumns = function() { return self.visibleColumns.map(function(column) { return column.id; }); }; /*@ hasFocus hasFocus @*/ that.hasFocus = function() { return that.$body.hasFocus(); }; that.invertSelection = function() { that.$body.invertSelection(); return that; }; /*@ loseFocus loseFocus @*/ that.loseFocus = function() { that.$body.loseFocus(); return that; }; /*@ openPreview openPreview @*/ that.openPreview = function() { that.$body.openPreview(); return that; }; /*@ reloadList reloadList (stayAtPosition) -> reload list @*/ that.reloadList = function(stayAtPosition) { that.$body.reloadList(stayAtPosition); return that; }; that.removeColumn = function(id) { removeColumn(id); return that; }; that.selectAll = function() { that.$body.selectAll(); return that; }; that.selectPosition = function(pos) { that.$body.selectPosition(pos); return that; }; that.selectSelected = function(offset) { that.$body.selectSelected(offset); return that; }; that.setColumnTitle = function(id, title) { var index = getColumnIndexById(id); self.options.columns[index].title = title; if (self.options.columns[index].visible) { self.$titles[getColumnPositionById(id)].html(title); } return that; }; /*@ resizeColumn resizeColumn (id, width) -> resize column id to width @*/ that.setColumnWidth = that.resizeColumn = function(id, width) { resizeColumn(id, width); return that; }; // FIXME: needed? that.setVisibleColumns = function(ids) { Ox.forEach(ids, function(id) { var index = getColumnIndexById(id); if (!self.options.columns[index].visible) { addColumn(id); } }); Ox.forEach(self.visibleColumns, function(column) { if (ids.indexOf(column.id) == -1) { removeColumn(column.id); } }); triggerColumnChangeEvent(); return that; }; /*@ size size @*/ that.size = function() { setWidth(); that.$body.size(); return that; }; // fixme: deprecated that.sortList = function(key, operator) { Ox.Log('List', '$$$$ DEPRECATED $$$$') var isSelected = key == self.options.sort[0].key; self.options.sort = [{ key: key, operator: operator, map: self.options.columns[self.selectedColumn].sort }]; if (self.options.columnsVisible) { if (isSelected) { updateOrder(self.options.columns[self.selectedColumn].id); } else { toggleSelected(self.options.columns[self.selectedColumn].id); self.selectedColumn = getColumnIndexById(key); toggleSelected(self.options.columns[self.selectedColumn].id); } } // fixme: strangely, sorting the list blocks toggling the selection, // so we use a timeout for now setTimeout(function() { that.$body.options({sort: self.options.sort}); /* that.$body.sortList( self.options.sort[0].key, self.options.sort[0].operator, self.options.sort[0].map ); */ }, 10); return that; }; /*@ value value (id) -> get values of row id (id, key) -> get value of cell id, key (id, key, value) -> set id, key to value (id, {key: value, ...}) -> set id, keys to values @*/ that.value = function() { var $cell, args = Ox.slice(arguments), id = args.shift(), sort = false; if (arguments.length == 1) { return that.$body.value(id); } else if (arguments.length == 2 && Ox.isString(arguments[1])) { return that.$body.value(id, arguments[1]); } else { that.$body.value(id, Ox.makeObject(args)); Ox.forEach(Ox.makeObject(args), function(value, key) { if (key == self.options.unique) { // unique id has changed self.options.selected = self.options.selected.map(function(id_) { return id_ == id ? value : id_ }); id = value; } $cell = getCell(id, key); if ($cell && !$cell.is('.OxEdit')) { $cell.html(formatValue(key, value, that.$body.value(id))); } if (!self.options.sortable && key == self.options.sort[0].key) { // sort key has changed sort = true; } }); sort && that.$body.sort(); return that; } }; return that; };