'use strict'; /*@ Ox.SmallVideoTimeline <f> Small video timeline ([options[, self]]) -> <o:Ox.Element> Small video timeline @*/ Ox.SmallVideoTimeline = function(options, self) { self = self || {}; var that = Ox.Element({}, self) .defaults({ // _offset is a hack for cases where all these position: absolute // elements have to go into a float: left // FIXME: possible unused and unneeded _offset: 0, disabled: false, duration: 0, find: '', imageURL: '', 'in': 0, mode: 'player', out: 0, paused: false, results: [], showMilliseconds: 0, state: 'default', subtitles: [], width: 256 }) .options(options || {}) .update({ duration: function() { self.$image.options({duration: self.options.duration}); }, 'in': function() { self.$image.options({'in': self.options['in']}); self.options.mode == 'editor' && setPointMarker('in'); }, out: function() { self.$image.options({out: self.options.out}); self.options.mode == 'editor' && setPointMarker('out'); }, paused: function() { self.$positionMarker[ self.options.paused ? 'addClass' : 'removeClass' ]('OxPaused'); }, position: function() { setPositionMarker(); }, results: function() { self.$image.options({results: self.options.results}); }, state: function() { self.$image.options({state: self.options.state}); }, subtitles: function() { self.$image.options({subtitles: self.options.subtitles}); }, width: function() { setWidth(); } }) .addClass('OxSmallVideoTimeline') .css(Ox.extend({ width: self.options.width + 'px' }, self.options.mode == 'player' ? { background: 'rgb(0, 0, 0)', borderRadius: '8px' } : {})); self.height = self.options.mode == 'player' ? 16 : 24; self.imageLeft = self.options.mode == 'player' ? 8 : 4; self.imageWidth = self.options.width - (self.options.mode == 'player' ? 16 : 8) self.imageHeight = self.options.mode == 'player' ? 16 : 18; self.interfaceLeft = self.options.mode == 'player' ? 0 : 4; self.interfaceTop = self.options.mode == 'player' ? 0 : 2; self.interfaceWidth = self.options.mode == 'player' ? self.options.width : self.imageWidth; that.css({ height: self.height + 'px' }); self.$image = getTimelineImage().appendTo(that); self.$interface = Ox.Element({ tooltip: getTooltip }) .addClass('OxInterface') .css({ left: self.interfaceLeft + 'px', top: self.interfaceTop + 'px', width: self.interfaceWidth + 'px', height: '20px' }) .bindEvent({ drag: function(data) { mousedown(data); }, dragend: function(data) { self.triggered = false; mousedown(data); }, mousedown: mousedown }) .appendTo(that); self.$interface.$tooltip.css({ textAlign: 'center' }); if (self.options.mode == 'player') { self.$positionMarker = $('<div>') .addClass('OxMarkerPlay' + (self.options.paused ? ' OxPaused' : '')) .append($('<div>').append($('<div>'))) .appendTo(that.$element); } else { self.$positionMarker = $('<img>') .addClass('OxMarkerPosition') .attr({ src: Ox.UI.getImageURL('markerPosition') }) .appendTo(that.$element); } setPositionMarker(); if (self.options.mode == 'editor') { self.$pointMarker = {}; ['in', 'out'].forEach(function(point) { var titlecase = Ox.toTitleCase(point); self.$pointMarker[point] = $('<img>') .addClass('OxMarkerPoint' + titlecase) .attr({ src: Ox.UI.getImageURL('marker' + titlecase) }) .appendTo(that.$element); setPointMarker(point); }); } function getPosition(e) { var position = ( (e.offsetX ? e.offsetX : e.clientX - $(e.target).offset().left) - (self.options.mode == 'player' ? 8 : 0) ) * self.options.duration / self.imageWidth; return Ox.limit(position, 0, self.options.duration); } function getSubtitle(position) { var subtitle = ''; Ox.forEach(self.options.subtitles, function(v) { if (v['in'] <= position && v.out > position) { subtitle = v; Ox.Break(); } }); return subtitle; } function getTimelineImage() { return Ox.SmallVideoTimelineImage({ duration: self.options.duration, imageURL: self.options.imageURL, 'in': self.options['in'], mode: self.options.mode, out: self.options.out, results: self.options.results, subtitles: self.options.subtitles, state: self.options.state, type: self.options.type, width: self.imageWidth }) .css({ position: 'absolute', left: self.imageLeft + 'px', width: self.imageWidth + 'px' }); } function getTooltip(e) { var position = getPosition(e), subtitle = getSubtitle(position); return subtitle ? '<span class=\'OxBright\'>' + Ox.highlight( subtitle.text, self.options.find, 'OxHighlight' ).replace(/\n/g, '<br/>') + '</span><br/>' + Ox.formatDuration( subtitle['in'], self.options.showMilliseconds ) + ' - ' + Ox.formatDuration( subtitle['out'], self.options.showMilliseconds ) : Ox.formatDuration(position, self.options.showMilliseconds); } function mousedown(e) { if (!self.options.disabled && $(e.target).is('.OxInterface')) { self.options.position = getPosition(e); setPositionMarker(); if (!self.triggered) { that.triggerEvent('position', { position: self.options.position }); self.triggered = true; setTimeout(function() { self.triggered = false; }, 250); } } } function setPointMarker(point) { self.$pointMarker[point].css({ left: self.imageLeft + Math.round( self.options[point] * self.imageWidth / self.options.duration ) + 'px' }); } function setPositionMarker() { self.$positionMarker.css({ left: self.interfaceLeft + Math.round( self.options.position * self.imageWidth / self.options.duration ) - (self.options.mode == 'editor' ? 5 : 0) + self.options._offset + 'px' }); } function setWidth() { self.imageWidth = self.options.width - (self.options.mode == 'player' ? 16 : 8); self.interfaceWidth = self.options.mode == 'player' ? self.options.width : self.imageWidth; that.css({ width: self.options.width + 'px' }); self.$image.options({ width: self.imageWidth }).css({ width: self.imageWidth + 'px' }); self.$interface.css({ width: self.interfaceWidth + 'px' }); setPositionMarker(); if (self.options.mode == 'editor') { setPointMarker('in'); setPointMarker('out'); } } return that; };