'use strict'; /*@ Ox.FileButton <f> File Button options <o> Options disabled <b|false> If true, the button is disabled image <s|'file'> Symbol name (if type is 'image') The default value will be 'files' if maxFiles is not 1 maxFiles <n|-1> Maximum number of files (or -1 for unlimited) maxSize <n|-1> Maximum total file size in bytes (or -1 for unlimited) title <s|''> Title of the button (and its tooltip) type <s|'text'> Type of the button ('text' or 'image') width <n|256> Width of the button in px self <o> Shared private variable ([options[, self]]) -> <o:Ox.Element> File Button click <!> click @*/ Ox.FileButton = function(options, self) { self = self || {}; var that = Ox.Element({}, self) .defaults({ disabled: false, image: options && options.maxFiles == 1 ? 'file' : 'files', maxFiles: -1, maxSize: -1, style: 'default', title: '', type: 'text', width: options.type == 'image' ? 16 : 256 }) .options(options || {}) .update({ disabled: function() { self.$button.options({disabled: self.options.disabled}); self.$input[self.options.disabled ? 'hide' : 'show'](); }, title: function() { self.$button.options({title: self.options.title}); } }) .addClass('OxFileButton') .css({overflow: 'hidden'}); self.files = []; self.multiple = self.options.maxFiles != 1; self.$button = Ox.Button({ disabled: self.options.disabled, style: self.options.style, title: self.options.type == 'image' ? self.options.image : self.options.title, type: self.options.type, width: self.options.type == 'image' ? 'auto' : self.options.width }) .css({ float: 'left' }) .appendTo(that); self.$input = renderInput(); self.options.disabled && self.$input.hide(); function selectFiles(e) { var filelist = e.target.files, files = []; self.files = []; Ox.loop(filelist.length, function(i) { files.push(filelist.item(i)); }); files.sort(self.options.maxSize == -1 ? function(a, b) { a = a.name.toLowerCase(); b = b.name.toLowerCase(); return a < b ? -1 : a > b ? 1 : 0; } : function(a, b) { // if there's a max size, // try to add small files first return a.size - b.size; }).forEach(function(file) { if (( self.options.maxFiles == -1 || self.files.length < self.options.maxFiles ) && ( self.options.maxSize == -1 || self.size + file.size < self.options.maxSize )) { self.files.push(file); self.size += file.size; } }); self.$input = renderInput(); if (self.files.length) { that.triggerEvent('click', {files: self.files}); } } function renderInput() { self.$input && self.$input.remove(); return $('<input>') .attr( Ox.extend({ title: self.options.title, type: 'file' }, self.multiple ? { multiple: true } : {}) ) .css({ float: 'left', width: self.options.width + 'px', height: '16px', marginLeft: -self.options.width + 'px', opacity: 0 }) .on({ change: selectFiles }) .appendTo(that); } /*@ blurButton <f> blurButton @*/ that.blurButton = function() { self.$input.blur(); }; /*@ focusButton <f> focusButton @*/ that.focusButton = function() { self.$input.focus(); }; return that; }